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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 805 KB, 1440x1566, Screenshot_20190328-222353_mh1553812010833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10136572 No.10136572 [Reply] [Original]

>bad shoop allowed too
>discuss how you'd fix the look

Previous thread >>10118513

>> No.10136574
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>> No.10136575
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>> No.10136576
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>> No.10136579
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>> No.10136582
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>> No.10136587
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>> No.10136601

why do these disgusting bitches always have to stick their tongue out? It physically repulses me

>> No.10136609

The amount of plaque on that tongue makes me want to die.

>> No.10136621

Technique on the right one is acceptable but still just cringey choice

>> No.10136656

Frank N Furter-kei

I'm having nightmares tonight

Dreamworks face isn't cute irl

Is that oatmeal on her face?

>> No.10136775

i like this one. my only problem with it is her chapped lips. which is a problem i have too so i understand the situation. i like the choice of colors and they look like tears unlike a lot of shit i've seen
she should shoop under her eyes too

>> No.10136778

I want to explore shironuri but I’m sure I’d come out looking like this.
Ah well.

>> No.10136779

what was she going for?

>> No.10136870 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 1080x1112, Screenshot_20190329_055740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This freak works at a mac counter

>> No.10136872


>> No.10136876

Oh yes. They're at work in that picture

>> No.10136904

This was a fucking casual Deku cosplay wasn't it? Lazy fucking bitches throw on an unstyled, non-poofy green wig with freckles and call it a day. It ruffles my petti something fierce.

>> No.10136907

This is a Sally Face cosplay. The character has a lot of facial scars. Not amazing, but by its nature, its not going to look particularly good.

>> No.10136911 [DELETED] 

Ban trannies from women’s spaces

>> No.10136931

they can't even apply lipstick.

>> No.10136940

yikes imagine using the same shade for your blush, contouring, and eyeshadow

>> No.10137037 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, begone terf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10137038

It's okay as an artsy thing, not like they're wearing that to work or whatever

>> No.10137153
File: 73 KB, 729x616, Screenshot_20190329-170741__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unblended eyeshadow, a weird colour choice, strange brows, all that jazz

>> No.10137156 [DELETED] 

wrong website for your virtue signaling

>> No.10137188 [DELETED] 

Please choke on some chunks of a neo-pussy going through necrosis, nobody cares.

If mac want to be more diverse, there really isn't a shortage of men who are actually talented makeup artists who probably lost the job over this troon.

>> No.10137196
File: 916 KB, 1440x1643, Screenshot_20190328-222017_mh1553812058787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10137197

It's always kinda sad when someone who's not even ugly still makes bad makeup choices.

>> No.10137200

Come off it, she looks fine

>> No.10137267 [DELETED] 

Mac isn't a "women's space" lmao

That isn't what virtue signalling means

TERFs are dumb

>> No.10137341 [DELETED] 

Kys faggot

>> No.10137349 [DELETED] 

how come trannies are so bad at makeup that they look like 5 year old girls who are playing dressup? multiple ones i've known wear blue eyeshadow and smear it all over the fucking place til it's a mess

>> No.10137363 [DELETED] 

Was mac the company that ran the events for trans people where they taught them how to do makeup? Also they made a documentary on trans women. They've been known to actively hire trans women as well, so I wouldn't call mac stores a woman's space. I find it really fascinating how many acceptance campaigns run for mtf people but there's almost nothing that's specifically for ftm people.

>> No.10137368 [DELETED] 

Because the (actual) FTMs don't want to stand out.

>> No.10137373 [DELETED] 


>> No.10137377 [DELETED] 

Maybe, but hear me out.
Companies are typically the ones who organise, sponsor, or profit (typically indirectly) off of events like LGBT events and BLM. there's a lot of money to be made in progressive-ism. Typically companies latch onto things like that because people will see that they support things that they support, which boosts their image and helps them profit (companies like pepsi and shit).
Companies that profit directly off transgenders make a decent deal of money off them. Plastic surgery is super expensive and trans people actively seek it out to appear more like the gender they wish to be. A lot of trans women buy makeup (likely why mac does their events), and a lot of trans people are in a privileged place in regards to income. It's a huge privilege to be able to pass and afford gender reassignment surgery as well as afford to seek counselling and hormones. almost everything functions under capitalism, and so does the trans movement. Also, drag queens are hugely profitable in the media and to the average consumer they may as well be the same thing.
So are trans men just not profitable to companies? When companies are providing to trans men, are they not received as well? Is it just easier to see trans men as the backdrop to trans women? or is it because men are seen as more important than women so their decision to transition is more significant?
I don't wanna go offtopic, though i guess i already have, but that shit really makes me think.

>> No.10137383 [DELETED] 

As I said, actual FTMs avoid shit that targets them directly because they don't want special treatment. They just want to be treated as men.

Hence "actual", the Tumblr trenders don't count.

>> No.10137391 [DELETED] 

I think a big part of it is public perception. Trans women are often the ones who become represented on TV and become actors. I'm sure many trans men would also love to get acting work too, but they don't get those same representation roles.
Plus like i said, there's a huge demand for the glam sassy trans women and drag queens.
So why aren't trans men getting representation and cast off into the shadows in regards to media? Does the public not perceive them as interesting?

>> No.10137406 [DELETED] 

You are being biased. In reality, many men who transition no matter how hard they try can never pass as a women. mtf who don't pass cannot overcome male bone structure and likely don't have the money to get facial feminisation surgery or facial feminisation surgery makes them look even more masculine. The media sells to many dreams showing people like Carmen Carrera who pass very well, but not everyone can be like that.

Women make good looking men no matter what. The latter is incredibly hard. Also there are more mtf then there are ftm.

>> No.10137483 [DELETED] 

>how come these girls who only recently started getting into makeup are bad at it compared to girls who have been doing this for years

>> No.10137487

The thumbnail made me think of a frozen corpse.

>> No.10137490 [DELETED] 

Because autogynophilic trannies are gay men and media + corporations love gay men. They’re trendy.

>> No.10137922
File: 44 KB, 400x569, F6B74923-695E-4EB5-882B-1F70F7E4D0BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyways how bout that bad makeup

>> No.10137925 [DELETED] 

Because MTF trannies don't pass well and stick out like a sore thumb for asspats. FTM ones actually look like men.

>> No.10137928

you have to be a complete retard to think smearing your eye makeup and wearing blue shadow like a 5 year old is a good idea. trannies are delusional

>> No.10138332

Her make up is not bad, it's just very light/natural looking. I think she looks lovely.

>> No.10138339

definitely a vendetta; post actual bad makeup. not light makeup of someone you don't like

>> No.10138343 [DELETED] 

Lolwut, autogynephiles are the straight MtFs. They're the more obnoxious ones who harass women, the gay ones are the more innocent ones.

>> No.10138395
File: 84 KB, 640x800, A092978F-F534-483D-BC81-BD79E18303BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, that bad makeup tho

>> No.10138624

Is it bad that I kind of like it? It reminds me of roccocco baby angel statues. I just hope she only intended it to be art and not normal makeup.

>> No.10138660 [DELETED] 

Damn even this Carmen person is clockable. Men can’t tell but a woman can’t be fooled.
Is this new? We’re doing this in 2019?

>> No.10138812

There's like 30 looks going on here and none of them are good.

>> No.10138837
File: 487 KB, 1080x1069, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10138838

This is fine. Smells like vendettaposting to me.

>> No.10138839
File: 456 KB, 1076x1068, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10138883

Her eyeliner seems a bit wonky and smudged, but all the rest looks fine in my opinion

>> No.10138889


>discuss how you'd fix the look

burn them all.

>> No.10138890

nah thats bad feet smell

she has no nice shoes just smelly trainers

>> No.10138894

>obvious vendettaposting

>> No.10138899

It's messy, but it's far from a disaster.

>> No.10139026

this post reeks of vendetta

Is this the bad feet thread or the bad makeup thread, dumbass?

>> No.10139077

very skilful but kinda gimmicky and doesn’t look good.

>> No.10139090

I thought this was vendetta until I clicked it. That is some scary dead-eyed shoop there

>> No.10139132

I think the problem here is the lower half of her face is very textured, a lighter coat of white might’ve been better, I think it comes off as unpolished because of the texture/heavy layers of white

This one has potential but I think it’s just too much going on, if they eased up a bit I think it wouldn’t look as crazy

Oh my god anon I didn’t even notice that at first now I’m going to puke forever

>> No.10139232

This girl sucks but her makeup is fine.

>> No.10139246

I can't help but feel like 90% of these come from tumblrs with massive followings..

>> No.10139302

Yeah I thought so too?
I think this is just something that people like as a drawing but not as a makeup look oof

>> No.10139308

Nice makeup sister, you go!

>> No.10139346

They're mostly from Instagram tags like "cosplaymua" and "shironuri"

>> No.10139388

The dress is more question worthy than the makeup.

>> No.10139463

Dress looks horrible, lol. Why would you want your meat hanging out like that. This shit genuinely only looks good on very thin people. Her body ain't bad but jesus christ why that dress

>> No.10139505
File: 579 KB, 483x596, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10139528

Anon, she is very new to makeup and I see you there posting the worse pic of two she posted. Find people who truly suck rather than newbies who are just learning, and learn to crop while you're at it.

>> No.10139531
File: 343 KB, 1080x1360, Screenshot_20190401-150832__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10139537

Your makeup looks like shit and using "new" as an excuse is stupid.

>> No.10139540

When I was a noob at makeup, I didn’t try drastic looks and post them online when I failed. Bad is bad.

>> No.10139541

Tell your friend to go thinner on her jowells and to google baking if she’s gonna slather herself with clown paint

>> No.10139542

Ntayrt but that’s obviously not someone who looks bad because they aren’t great at blending, or their eyeliner is a little shakey, she looks like shit because the whole idea of the look she was going for is a pile of steaming shit

>> No.10139543

Genuinely not her. Not that you'll believe it.

>> No.10139562

I saw this and both of the images are just as bad.

>> No.10139565

If you are going to do experimental, alternative makeup styles, know that not everyone is going to like it. If you like it, great, you do you, but being cringy because someone doesn't like it is immature and insecure. If you're fine enough going out in public and wearing an alternative makeup style regularly (this isn't the first time, or the second that I have seen this style on her, making your "new" excuse retarded) then you shouldn't give a fuck what some people on a random forum think.

>> No.10140521
File: 100 KB, 1052x1207, 54446561_273911883500337_2985282520897403167_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be Deku and I hate it so much

>> No.10140531
File: 17 KB, 300x250, 563856C6-403C-4596-AC7D-B22B8AB2BA65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a psycho is holding her hostage. Or pic related

>> No.10140721
File: 73 KB, 1080x1350, 53435623_157207541892663_1447620189486251316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10140722

Eyeliner browns??
Looks like shit sprayed on her face with the way she did those faux freckles.

>> No.10140854
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 55764316_2091168747585208_8546915551023202304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10140862

This is fine though

Sweet jesus what

>> No.10141220
File: 159 KB, 621x621, ipbRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>images you can smell

>> No.10141227

Oh damn, that's me. Weird to see myself posted here.
That was after a full day of wear so it definitely looked pretty bad. Was melting off my face at that point, and the black had completely transferred to my bottom lip. But yeah, I concede it's not great. Will find a way to seal it better for next time.

>> No.10141239

It looks like someone sharted on her face.

>> No.10141242

It doesn't look bad, don't listen to vendetta-chan. You applied your facepaint cleanly with no obvious blotches and your brows, eyes, and lips look good too. I like the stylization. I'm sorry that you got posted, you genuinely don't belong here.

>> No.10141244

It literally looks fine. Probably vendetta-kun.

>> No.10141318
File: 131 KB, 1024x1064, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just drop this off here

>> No.10141329

Come on. The scars are done really badly.

>> No.10141330

Yeah no, this is horrid. When i was in highschool with extremely limited skill and supplies, even i was able to do better.

>> No.10141332


>> No.10141412

Thanks, though I do admit that it's def not great. I posted pics of when it was clean tho so idk why they singled out this one? Weird, bc I didn't realise anyone had a vendetta against me, i have like 0 followers.

>> No.10141419
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>> No.10142146
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>> No.10142170

These are next fucking level

>> No.10142182

I actually don't hate it. She needs to improve her execution, but it was a cute idea.

>> No.10142198
File: 565 KB, 456x570, deku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scariest Deku makeup I've seen yet.

>> No.10142219

Looks like circle lenses to me

>> No.10142402


There’s a great way for guys to do makeup for cosplay to enhance features, then there is turning yourself into a Ken Doll.

>> No.10142406

this looks like a kid

>> No.10142678


I actually really like this one!

>> No.10142689

What in the fuck is going on here??? The eyelashes are what I don’t wven understand

>> No.10142697

she looks like she's got rosacea

>> No.10142788

You know, I actually don’t mind this guy’s makeup, because I like that he goes further with it than most male cosplayers are willing to (and it’s normally not this bad). But I refuse to follow him bc he has “I check unfollowers” in his BIO and that makes him seem crazy to me.

>> No.10142855

I never understood that mentality. What do you even gain from knowing who unfollows you? I've unfollowed people because I get tired of seeing their face or they don't like cats or something, it's not that serious.

>> No.10142932

I follow this dude on Facebook and he is always bitching about something. He’s very insecure about his age (he’s like in his 30-50s? Really hard to tell because he hides it so well)

>> No.10142937

The dress looks like a bad aliexpress replica of something that was probably flattering on some Chinese celeb

>> No.10143039

Oof. Sounds like he's a whole package to deal with.

>> No.10143043

It’s so weird to me because out of cosplay, this guy actually has a pretty attractive face? I think makeup in male cosplay is good, he just needs to apply it differently, chiseling out his features more instead of going for kawaii, which just makes it creepy. For example, going for someone like Aizawa instead of this knightmare-inducing Deku.

>> No.10143046

Something about 30+ year olds always hanging around late teenagers at cons always irks the fuck outta me, also he high key looks like a sex doll with that makeup lol

>> No.10143436
File: 137 KB, 750x729, BC9DD05A-E046-4CCE-8818-87CF21EA03F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teenagers in anime wear whore makeup, apparently. To be fair I only stopped wearing massive false eyelashes for teen characters recently but I barely touch anything else.

>> No.10143449

Stylized makeup can be cool, but not always a good choice on characters like Ochaco :/ not a fan of block brows and excessive blush

>> No.10143471

the nose, lips and eyeshadow are the worst. Not fond of the eyebrows either, but I guess they'd work without all the other shiny shit everywhere.

>> No.10143552

i saw some homeless looking guy at a con cosplay as deku
thats how you know everyone be cosplaying as deku when homeless people do it too

>> No.10143590

I don't actually hate this. I think if everything was a little bit "less", it'd look really good. Ochako does have those short round brows, they just need to be softened here, and excessive blush & highlight suit her character. The lips are really pretty too, and don't stand out too much to me. If the eye makeup was brought WAY down, I'd actually like this look a lot.

>> No.10143594

Is this like before/after fillers or what

>> No.10143613

>whore makeup

I’m not a fan of this makeup either, but you sound like either a Mormon or an incel anon

>> No.10143616

You sound autistic. The word whore offends you that much? Leave 4chan

>> No.10143618

You're the autistic one if you think that constitutes as "whore makeup"

>> No.10143622
File: 683 KB, 635x899, thot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as i saw her on instagram i knew i had to post it
obvious shopp and its horrendous

>> No.10143626

it doesnt even look bad. its clearly a vendetta post

>> No.10143646

They just need to go for a more younger looking cuter makeup instead of Instagram makeup. Also, she should make her eyes look more round

>> No.10143673

Fix: form and colour the prosthetics BEFORE they go on your face. This way you can use your shitty loo roll + latex combo and still come out looking decent. Once it's on, shade around the prosthetic so it looks natural.

>> No.10143676

It's really annoying when people follow you just so you follow them back, and then unfollow in like a day. I always unfollow people I catch doing this, 'cause fuck 'em.

>> No.10143686

>what is hyperbole for humor

>> No.10143688

True, I take note of that too since I also find it really annoying. Doesn't mean I'm about to announce in my bio that I track unfollowers.

>> No.10143727

It doesn’t offend me, it just makes you sound like you’re an incel. Why, does being called an incel offend you?

>> No.10143734
File: 9 KB, 300x168, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, I bet it does.

>> No.10143740
File: 212 KB, 750x722, D4CDD0A9-3D56-441A-AF92-921930922F25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t start shitting up the thread

>> No.10143741

I disagree. The lash shape is too pointed and extravagant, she'd need natural looking lashes. The purple eyeshadow and eyeliner is so left field and ill-fitting for the bare-faced Ochako. It makes her eyes almond shaped and pointy instead of round. The shape of the brows aren't horrible, but the angle, width, and darkness of them are. The metallic lipstick might've worked for her hero costume, but a pale pink would've best suited her school look. Nose blush in general is idiotic, but that's subjective so take that as you will. Nothing about this look fits.

>> No.10143745

Has to be unless she used that lip plumpling gloss in between takes and then reapplied her gloss. Also her nose grows like three sizes.

>> No.10143746

Is that supposed to be James from Team Rocket?! Shit, you could double post this in the bad wig thread.

>> No.10143747

Objectively, this makeup isn’t *that* bad. It’s definitley better than most of the makeup on this thread as far as application goes.

Does it suit the character? Probably not.

This is a bad makeup thread, not a “I don’t like how she did it for this character” thread.

>> No.10143748

This person also does drag performances. And yes, this is supposed to be James

>> No.10143754

Bad choice in makeup = bad makeup
Probably not more like definitely not.

>> No.10143759

Meh, this is okay, I call vendetta

>> No.10143762

Her makeup is fine. We have a photoshop thread now

>> No.10143767
File: 12 KB, 236x261, F4F27912-5440-4C47-97EF-B43350081F82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What logic is that?

Your eyeshadow can be blended
perfectly but if you’re not in the right clothes that immediately means your eyeshadow is shit? Is that what you’re saying?

>> No.10143768

You’re retarded, you’re trying to match an existing character, not make an original look where parts are separate.

>> No.10143773

Nice job avoiding my question

Everyone can interperet the character differently. Her makeup isn’t bad itself.

You’re just mad because it doesn’t fit your version of the character

>> No.10143777

Because it’s a false equivalency, walnut. Would you cosplay Jolyne Kujo with just nude eyeshadow and no contouring?

>> No.10143779

Sure lol

>> No.10143785

Nooooooo a lacefront doesn't deserve this

>> No.10144100

Shit cosplayer detected

>> No.10144109

uh do you not see her obviously shopped 3 inch waist? its not vendetta, I dont even know the person
i saw them on instagram in my recommendations, theyre europeon or some shit

>> No.10144120
File: 448 KB, 750x928, 7B40C927-E7DC-4A7C-9A24-F5BFFEFE9CFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people like this over the top style

>> No.10144132

thats horrifying

>> No.10144424

Pissbaby detected

>> No.10144812

Do you realize you’re in the bad makeup thread?

>> No.10144813
File: 1.38 MB, 1125x1907, 108C354E-9CB6-4B7B-93AC-15EA9FDF8AA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl. Bonus for whatever’s going on with her friend

>> No.10144823

Do you realize you’re illiterate?

>> No.10144869

it looks more like she edited her chest bigger imo. the sides under her armpit look a little swollen. gonna have to call vendetta on this one too

>> No.10144870

Just because you don’t like the proportions she created doesn’t mean it’s a technically bad shoop

>> No.10144891

It’s definitely vendetta, they posted the same pic in like 3 threads

>> No.10144917

This shoop nonsense is like going onto a thread on /ck/ and complaining about someones cutlery.

>> No.10144931

What? Read the OP

>> No.10145003

nayrt but are...are you joking? that looks so obviously shopped

>> No.10145060
File: 125 KB, 960x960, 00E2A3BF-E1CF-4970-AE7F-2E83486855C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10145101

Execution's a little messy, but I do like this idea.

>> No.10145104 [DELETED] 

>that hanging crotch tho

>> No.10145108


>> No.10145114

Aside from the eyeshadow i like this look

>> No.10145150

looks incomplete

>> No.10145157

Y....you want MORE?

>> No.10145180

when you can only draw tumblr art on a tablet you get makeup attempts that look like this

>> No.10145186

Yeah one with the complete look

>> No.10145633
File: 307 KB, 1080x927, 20190409_220612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how she can be so cosfamous but have absolutely no makeup talent.

>> No.10145678

Why would you do this to your brows

>> No.10145704

This must be the most unflattering photo ive ever seen

>> No.10145822
File: 104 KB, 1080x1213, glitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10145825

literally who

>> No.10145854

This doesn’t look like a cosplay, shouldn’t be in a bad cosplay makeup thread

Her makeup does suck though

>> No.10145856

This isn't just for cosplay though. Theres plenty of regular makeup in here too.

>> No.10145883

google sukumizu or even just watch a damn anime
they wear sukumizu swimsuits and they look like that

>> No.10145885

its like she just grabbed a 6 pack of eyelashes and felt the need to use all of them for this cosplay
also people need to stop cosplaying as this character
i see this chick on my instagram by 40 different cosplayers to the point where even guys are doing genderbents of her
shes the cockroach of waifus

>> No.10146093
File: 1.05 MB, 630x799, szechuansauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hashtag for you: #joindazed100

It's full of wannabe club kids doing the most ridiculous shit to their face.

>> No.10146096

... show us the drag anon

>> No.10146102
File: 648 KB, 716x778, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10146126

Is that supposed to be bruises or shit

>> No.10146127

Those don’t belong either? Unless it’s jfash or cosplay it doesn’t belong on cgl

>> No.10146217
File: 899 KB, 750x1334, 92FA89E1-7038-48F4-8988-7F67DC139D82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looked vaguely j fash so..... here you go
The Sephora looks tab on the app is a goldmine of bad makeup

>> No.10146223

lmao this looks exactly like how pixielocks does her makeup

>> No.10146297
File: 142 KB, 750x945, 282B4989-4BAB-42F1-B9A6-D5DA09FE4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10146304

Example A of why you should wear a cup

>> No.10146358
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>> No.10146360
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>> No.10146363
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>> No.10146364
File: 534 KB, 750x901, 8F6CC041-8781-47DF-B0F0-FD4BAC61242F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they shop their mouth out??

>> No.10146375

>doing the most ridiculous shit to their face.
theres literally shit on her face

>> No.10146377

>cant tell the difference between literal shit and meh tier bruises

>> No.10146386

>Use makeup because you think it will make you prettier/quote whatever.

>It actually makes you look like some high ranked nurgle champion.

I dont understand this. I mean if you want to spread the sacred humming of father fly and gift the world with his putrid bequest of rot its all cool! You go girl! But I don't think that is what they aimed for.

Seriously some of those looked like gore to me on the thumbnail.

>> No.10146395

>high ranked nurgle champion
freaking goals.

>> No.10146397
File: 88 KB, 801x591, khorne-berzerker-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no warhammer bf

>> No.10146426

Did she actually huff some paint?

>> No.10146725
File: 248 KB, 1241x1227, D85F8567-B8DD-4E85-A4A5-0AF3D4F65504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10146794

I'd cry and accept death if I saw her looking at my from a dark corner of my bedroom. She looks like absolute garbage for Toga, but she does qualify for a schoolgirl hell demon.

>> No.10146801

i made the mistake of following one art hoe photographer on instagram and now shit like this the only thing i ever see on my explore page.

>> No.10146814

I mean if she was trying to look like the personification of a horror movie then she did it...

>> No.10146822
File: 227 KB, 750x734, BB64D50A-7297-4BB7-B9F1-CAC1DFC2CE29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before and after

Gotta be depressing when they both look equally bad

>> No.10146826

coke nose again.

>> No.10146832

The glitter all over the face and body just makes you look dirty.

>> No.10146836
File: 263 KB, 750x1091, 9F9EE22E-0543-41F5-9BEB-6BFA32F3395B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caption was too good to leave out

>> No.10146846

This is absolutely horrifying, no doubt about it, but you shouldn't post minors.

>> No.10146851

This girl makes really good cosplays but her makeup is just...

>> No.10146876

I thought this was a bad cosplay, but once I read the caption I was mighty surprised. Oof lad

>> No.10146877

Her cosplays are constructed well, but much like the glitter, she always puts extra shit on that ruins it.

>> No.10146881

I’ve had that same thought. She’s very knowledgeable on sewing and props and she even sells cheap patterns which is nice however she adds way too many embellishments to her cosplays and makeup.

Just like in drawing or painting, sometimes less is more

>> No.10146890

Oh hey, one of my mutuals. I think when you follow her you have to know what you're getting into. She purposefully makes characters "horror-esque" like this and makes her photos all grainy and dark and doesn't do pretty makeup, & I think it's pretty cool. But I see how it's not for everybody.

>> No.10146893

postig club kids is cheating bc club wear is all OTT Tacky

>> No.10146903

Her eyebrows and lips look like shit but I like her eye look and desu I’m honestly into the crystal holo stuff or whatever it is.
And her top is cute.
What character is this?

>> No.10146905

The flea market old lady wig is what’s got me wincin

>> No.10146909

Is this the same photo before and after it’s been shopped, or two separate attempts at one makeup look??
I don’t have meitu or anything so I don’t know how extensive changes can be...

>> No.10146923

Her family struggles a lot financially, and she's also physically disabled, so she tends to stick with what she can get, usually super cheap wigs. But again, it's all part of her "creepy gremlin" look so it doesn't stand out to me

>> No.10146936

This is the makeup the first time she tried it versus recent new makeup for the same character. I actually really like this look, it matches the extra-ness and texture details of her take on the costume well.

>> No.10146949

is that star

>> No.10147115

This. I'd love to see her mature and learn to fix her mistakes. She'd really go places.

>> No.10147117

DA, but there's a couple of methods that she can use to eliminate the shine from cheap wigs. I say that as a suggestion to how she can improve, not to imply that she'll never get better. She certainly succeeded at making herself look horrifying.

>> No.10147119

I'm willing to bet its an original for a ren faire or something. There aren't any identifying characteristics for an existing character.

>> No.10147221

she looks pretty so its ok

>> No.10147318

Who is star

>> No.10147372
File: 215 KB, 750x922, B4C0078A-E73A-4EEB-B152-177A795A7305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10147440

I want to scream at her while ripping every single piercing from her face the wrong way.

>> No.10147449

She turned her face into a pin cushion

>> No.10147575

Did she list where she got her lashes from?

>> No.10147580

I don't have a problem with this. It's not paid-professional tier, but it's not bad and it looks like it was fun to do.

>> No.10147582

Gross pose, but the make up is pretty good.

>> No.10147585

The only thing that could make this worse would be him having an erection.

>> No.10147587

I like this.

>> No.10147623

I think this is really cute. the eyeshadow is a bit muddy but everything seems applied well and I like how coordinated she is

>> No.10147674

The piercings are the least of the worries here honestly

>> No.10148943

Her make-up is fine, she's just ugly.

>> No.10150257
File: 277 KB, 750x927, 64A0C58C-DBAA-4AF9-9B66-AC504BB6FB75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit just looks dirty

>> No.10150543
File: 232 KB, 749x882, 79F3BDAB-169B-4FA6-A12E-CF0A52812CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150570

What is this supposed to look like? It looks like horribly dry skin. Is this a cosplay of someone?

>> No.10150577

Probably Taako from The Adventure Zone.

>> No.10150689
File: 527 KB, 750x932, FEE2C50A-442C-47D2-862E-1EE07BDD58D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150786
File: 41 KB, 800x450, ungabunga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious talk.

If I'm olive skinned (not tanned, definitely not brown, but not fair either) should I just embrace it and use makeup for my skin tone?

I'm kind of getting michael jackson vibes using a lighter shade, and this absolutely doesn't do me any favors when I have exposed skin showing in my cosplay(Ie anything more than my hands) which will show the color disconnect between my face and arms or something.

dont want to show up in these threads

>> No.10150816

Matching your natural skin tone is always going to look the best unless it's a face paint situation, I would embrace it

>> No.10150817

That does not explain the white, it's like they were at the end of a can of whipped cream and stuck their face too close to the nozzle

>> No.10151068
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>> No.10151158
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>> No.10151578

bro he's FUCKIN ORANGE COLORED how can you not "not mind" his makeup?

>> No.10151639

God I need the trend of darkening the corners of your mouth to die asap

>> No.10151641

Fucking Taako fujos can't do anything right

>> No.10151642

I've seen some really good Taakos, this is not one of them

>> No.10151931
File: 955 KB, 1242x1217, 2DF10594-02DF-4028-8837-418D21223257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10151964

as someone who cosplays taako, this is exactly why i do very simple makeup for him. i saw so many other taakos at a con i went to and there was no in-between with shit makeup or really nice looking makeup. people need to learn to stay within their skill level. personally i blame tumblr and their tendency to do weird fantastical versions of characters and immediately adopt shit as canon.

>> No.10152005

when you spend all your money on skincare so you use glitter and lashes from the dollar store

>> No.10152297

Bon Clay, is that you?

>> No.10152343

I used to do this to my barbie dolls lmao

>> No.10152428
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>> No.10152430
File: 199 KB, 1369x853, 17C797CE-0444-48C4-B3AB-D1BAA3FEA2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10152447

the fucks up with that nose?
Yagen ran into a screen door

>> No.10152622

If that’s indeed eyeliner, I pray that she figures out to use face paint instead of wasting it!!

>> No.10152721

It looks like she smeared Elmer's on her face and then dove straight into the lint trap

>> No.10152722

I was so distracted by the white shit that I didn't notice her foundation butthole lips

>> No.10152724

It wouldn't make sense for Lup either. Could it be a OC for Ren Faire or something?

>> No.10152725

Her nose looks like a fat grape

>> No.10152807

I think this is either Lup or Taako from taz. Looks rad as fuck to me.

>> No.10153301

cleaner lips and brows, and maybe changing the weight of the eyeliner (so it suits her lid a bit better) and this would be rad. Probably the best use of the glitter/flakes cheek i've seen in a while (it usually looks so fucking dirty)

>> No.10153321

Is that the klaxosaur princess? Not blue enough.

>> No.10153397


I've seen this person all over IG, Probably because she's local to my area / cons... I still have yet to figure out what the fuck their make-up is supposed to be achieving.

>> No.10153401


Ugh. This guy. I've heard both good and bad (Mostly bad) about him. His postings on Social media is always bitching / being insecure... and his whole unfollow thing is just abit childish to me? Idk.

>> No.10153620

Totally agreed, I get weird vibes from him so he squicks me out real bad, but I know he’s at least pleasant irl, at least when you just kind of run into him, I’ve never hung out with him or anything. He has a superiority complex that just makes him seem like he thinks he’s more popular than he is, though.

>> No.10153634


That's basically the same vibe I've got from him... "Holier than thou" attitude. He's /ok/ for the most part, but he isn't someone I'd recommend befriending unless you want it for the "popularity" or drama. He was also kind of... trash talking a friend of mine who was also cosplaying 9s from NieR Automata. So that kind of did it in for me.

>> No.10154712
File: 146 KB, 1080x1080, 53243917_2221984684797787_6557519400916741147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10154798

She’s going for the bratz challenge. This doesn’t belong in this thread.
Her application is fine and so are her color choices and blending.

It’s supposed to look exaggerated, it’s a trend

>> No.10154984

I hate the way she does her makeup like 80% of the time. Especially her Jinx cosplay. I'm not sure what she's trying to accomplish but she's failed and she looks like some weird blocky 40 year old disaster.

>> No.10157752
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>> No.10157763

its a dream daddy cosplay. im pretty sure the caption is playing on that too.

>> No.10157913

This is actually well done.

>> No.10158166

This isn't bad makeup wtf. You can barely even see any.

>> No.10158168

the awful color match on deku's face is enough to tell

>> No.10158200
File: 79 KB, 500x573, 2zk0k7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10158387

Deku looks like he's about to sing a song about Veruca Salt

>> No.10158398

Her makeup looks like shit but man you really ruined the joke with this forced format, newfag

>> No.10158721
File: 178 KB, 828x1027, B76CE073-B757-4DE0-A549-D4FBB4D88F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10158979

Oh my god agreed

Her mushroom fairy makeup is so crusty looking and makes her look awful...

>> No.10159289

Totes vendetta, especially after a day of full wear. The blending is even and there are no splotches. You did fine.

>> No.10159291

This reeks of tumbler, over red nose, super thick brows, the under eyeliner a good two centimeters below their eye.

>> No.10159294

Can you stop vendetta-ing into every post? you've posted like 4 times make it less obvious.

>> No.10159295

I didn't realize who it was until I read your post. It honestly makes me sad.

I hate this so much, the eyeliner style that really hit us hard with AOT. I wish it would just go away one and for all.

This is mildly bad, I'll give it that. What's worse than that is how pathetic you seem by trying to get strangers on the internet to say bad things about someone. You have some clear jealousy issues here gull. Seek some help desu

>> No.10159300

Clean those dirty as fingernails child please.

Please go to a professional and fix that wig. It's been chopped to hell and back the poor thing.

All those piercings just look so gross, at least take them out for photos. It makes me feel like I have Trypophobia or some shit.

>> No.10159303
File: 587 KB, 390x610, Saggybaggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From some co-hos page I stumbled upon a while back. They're worth more than a laugh.

>> No.10159305
File: 307 KB, 413x628, thereisnogod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10159306
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>> No.10159308
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>> No.10159310

Nothing like bad makeup and lewds

>> No.10159311

This is almost a cheat. Most co hos don't have good cosplays or makeup. They push out content fast to keep interest up.
So basically quantity over quality.

>> No.10159315

I think I would like this if they didn't do the makeup at the hair line. It just looks messy.

>> No.10159326

Is that the mega autist "lolita" who has the creepy voice? Naturally Kyute or something?

>> No.10159330

The Sonico (I think?) looks absolutely mad hatter, the Ryuko is bored af. But the bottom right has that one expression all 'sexy' women try to do. The thousand yard stare with pouty lips. It's really not attractive, it just makes you look retarded.
I think so, but don't source me.

>> No.10159346

The names of your files anon. You made my year here.

>> No.10159419
File: 236 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_oy7j74iFeh1rdfj1oo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipping the camera and getting some good concealer would be a start instead of neglecting everything to focus on the burn scar.

>> No.10159422

I'm sorry is this SUPPOSED to Midoriya from Boku no Hero Academia?

>> No.10159435

Yep. Casual clothing cosplays hardly work out unless you wear something specific like Izuku's gimmick shirts that say "shirt" in Katakana or some shit like that.

>> No.10159489

This feels like babies first cosplay so I can't rag on it TO much.
This shit is straight up disgusting.

>> No.10159504

Hate to break it to you anon, but he did this with nine years of cosplay experience under his belt, so it's far from baby's first cosplay.

>> No.10159857

Well that's utter garbage then.

>> No.10159883

i'm old greggggg!

>> No.10159887

her lips are completely different in the second pic, you can't tell me that's 'just' makeup

>> No.10159890

just do it, find something with green undertones. i'm olive too and traditionally warm and cool stuff looks like shit on me. netural is better, but still to warm/yellow for me.

>> No.10159955


I've noticed this too and have no idea why women find that expression attractive. Honestly none of these girls are very attractive in general.

>> No.10159958

This literally looks like drag makeup, and that's not a compliment I assure you.
I noticed that too, some excessive shopping at work there.
I can't really tell but this costume also looks store bought. Even more points off.

>> No.10160086

Could use some improvements (take away the black eyeliner? cartoon line under the lip, also liner, lashes, and brows could be neater) but definitely should not be posted here. Imo makeup should only be here If it is literally unsalvagable. Yours is still probably a lot better than what the average person could do. You have a really nice facial structure too.

>> No.10160087

nayrt but you need eyeliner in facepaint, otherwise pink will show up in your waterline

>> No.10160089

I actually think the makeup on the right is unironically really cute as an 'arsty doll' look. But now I'm scared I'd get posted here if I tried something like that lol

>> No.10160509
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>> No.10160558
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anyone knows what happened to her?

>> No.10160570

Why is she wearing half-used packets of birth control as fucking earrings?

>> No.10160573
File: 104 KB, 749x1050, DjX1B0RVAAAi27u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These eyebrows haunt me.

>> No.10160583

something happened ?

>> No.10160585

She can't live without drama, she'll be back on her bullshit soon enough.

>> No.10160602

yeah i figured she would be back with all those fake tears from her 'i was raped!!!' stories but why is she pulling off this time?

>> No.10160639

Nit pick. They're not great, but it's an easy fix with some practice. She's hardly wearing any makeup and surely undeserving of being on a board with truly awful makeup looks. Your average Jane has a flaw like this.

>> No.10160668

Well that doesn’t look too...
*opens thumbnail*

>> No.10160670

Is this a blood on the dancefloor thing?

>> No.10160677
File: 116 KB, 639x642, 766D3C44-5338-4A26-892E-27341DCB3583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10160681

The makeup isn't so bad asides from her eyes, it gives me a sorta weird invader zim fanart vibe. But her edgy choice of jewelry ruins it.

>> No.10160687

It’s a METAPHOR anon, it’s art, you wouldn’t understand!

>> No.10160750

God please tell me that's not a Hitler swastika

>> No.10160789

I'm afraid it is, given the rest of this person's appearance. It might be mirrored because it's a selfie but either way it's pretty yikes

>> No.10160903

>swastikas, razorblades and crosses
so much edge
is this girl 15?

>> No.10161631 [DELETED] 


>> No.10162914

She literally would look better with bare brows.

>> No.10163788
File: 502 KB, 1044x1062, Screenshot_20190505-223409_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10165263 [DELETED] 

She went kind of heavy on the blush but other than that her makeup is fine