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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 640x768, Maura Monti1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10124241 No.10124241 [Reply] [Original]

What is your best cosplay photo you have had taken of you or you've taken? Pro or not, just share your favorite photo and say why you like it!

You can also share your favorite cosplay photo, just say why, who they are, and who took it!

>> No.10124271
File: 236 KB, 750x1257, 88833B2F-AAAE-4208-AF6A-6EC27A55E249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite of me in my Peter yazawa cosplay

>> No.10130819

My favorite photo is one of all my friends cosplaying as batfamily characters.
It's not really good and the costumes are cheap or badly done, but it was the last time we did something nerdy together so, I love it.

>> No.10130894
File: 52 KB, 405x405, 54516763_373868559884049_6378552812866895872_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right photo was taken by Ben_play_2
It's not my best photo or even favorite cosplay but just the progression when I compared the two photos hit me because these look like two completely different people physically and mentally.

>> No.10130900

You look the same to me, just hair down and different pose/outfit/angle. Maybe a bit more muscle definition too, but it's hard to tell from the angle/clothing.

>> No.10130950

Nah you can really see the difference in the arms and shoulders I think, before he had soft chubby shoulders and skinny forearms, now there's real muscle there

>> No.10130970

not that anon but they also mentioned possibly more muscle def.

>> No.10130971

damn.. u rly dint even look did u

>> No.10131314
File: 60 KB, 646x431, Sanosuke vs Kenshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the best photos I've taken.

>> No.10131759

>A bit more
Thats not just a bit, thats an entirely different arm dude.
Congrats op, i love the hair too!

>> No.10131770

Is this proof that people will never make it as a natty?

>> No.10132043

Yeah, you need to just not on that logo.

>> No.10132055


>> No.10132366
File: 3.62 MB, 2514x1672, DSC02725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely my favorite picture I have taken of my friend.

>> No.10132371

Too bad her coord is bad.

>> No.10132377

Its fine.

>> No.10132428
File: 22 KB, 465x411, 93E52473-4AEF-4336-9B34-D1BD2B1467A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what...is on her hands...is she wearing winter gloves?

>> No.10132437

The background is more interesting than your subject. You should have directed her a bit more and let her know her underskirt was messed up.

>> No.10132465

I would be ashamed if I had to wear that coord

>> No.10132478

I thought it looked nice :/
i guess. it was around freezing outside.

>> No.10132482

It's a risky move exposing your friend to 4chan. Self-posting can lead to very rude responses.

>> No.10132497

It really, really isn't, unless you're a cosplayer who thinks that lolita is also cosplay.

>> No.10132540
File: 146 KB, 1000x1498, 8E2E8893-D27E-4209-BB49-25C281295D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really love this photo of me as Android 21. This isn’t a studio photo, it was actually taken in a darkened corner of the hall at a convention. I think the photographer did a great job with the lighting, and the overall pose and atmosphere captures the character’s cutesy but evil nature really well.

>> No.10132547
File: 886 KB, 702x1024, WIDOWWID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture taken of my widow. I didn't get many photos taken so I was super happy with this one

>> No.10132601

Actually a good photo for once in this thread, the hard light works well for the character, and the pose/look screams seduction.

It could stand to have a little bit more detail in the shadows, especially down by your glove (I think it's a glove)
It's a pity your eyes aren't in focus and it at least looks like your not looking at the camera.

The lighting is alright

>> No.10132612

Yeah the eyes do look off, but I think that might actually be due to the contacts. A lot of pictures of me wearing those contacts look like I'm not looking at the camera even though I am.

This picture is absolutely amazing! I really love how there seems to be extra illumination on your face which just draws the viewer into your eyes. It's extremely seductive.

>> No.10132667

Thanks so much both! I usually do cuter cosplays so I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull it off. I'll definitely work on my prop details more. It could definitely use a lot more shading/definition. Thanks for the tip!
This photo is so cute! It puts across the personality of the character well too

>> No.10132708

When I say more detail.... I don't mean physically more detail, I meant to say there's not a lot of light there so it's hard to make out what details are there.

>> No.10132719

Is this body type considered fat?

>> No.10132727

Time to become an ana-chan

>> No.10132731

I was just shocked she seems very fat to be in a bikini that small

>> No.10132732

Nah his face is thinner and his jaw is much more defined. His eyes look a little more clear and open too. Possibly do to a more healthy diet. I see the difference for sure.

>> No.10132734

No that's no where near fat.

>> No.10132744

OP is a completely healthy body weight. Supermodels are photoshopped to look fuller bodied in the right places and so you can't see their bones sticking out of their joints. Most of them look like skeletons when they're wearing bikinis. Don't use them as a standard.

>> No.10134070

You're fucked in the head

>> No.10135646
File: 1.69 MB, 2208x1474, Lili_2B_Madman19_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment this is the best photo, I've taken.
I like how the weather helped in telling a story.

Yishiun and taken by yours truly.

>> No.10135648

That shoop though, lol

>> No.10135663
File: 421 KB, 1444x1024, acivildiscussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are trash photos but they are my favorites because they remind me of how much fun I had

>> No.10137110

> Not knowing what what white balance is
> not knowing how exposure or iso works
> not knowing how to frame a shot in the most basic sense
> not knowing how to light a shot
> logo circa 2009 WordArt

>> No.10137147

>What is your best cosplay photo you have had taken of you or you've taken?
>Pro or not, just share your favorite photo
This is suppose to be a fun thread. Take the camera out of your ass.

>> No.10137155

>This is suppose to be a fun thread.
no joke. I don't understand some of these replies. some seagulls are just obsessed over nit-picking.

>> No.10137161
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1365, IMG_9221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best at showing off the costume, but I just love the atmosphere of it.

>> No.10137178

Is that guy going to murder me now? Sure looks like it

>> No.10137181

i hate you cause your skin looks so clear
> very cute cosplay though

>> No.10137260

This is incredible.

>> No.10137264

That's me :(

>> No.10137436

Please don't murder her.

>> No.10137493
File: 1.14 MB, 1067x1600, Senua 23_20190329173447696_20190329173533139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this one back of my Senua and I can't stop looking at it. I love the emotion captured so much!!!

>> No.10137548

He didn't murder me. I just thought it was a funny photo

>> No.10139051


>> No.10139313
File: 403 KB, 480x800, Cbp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cubone pyramid head
Easiest cosplay I ever made
No idea who the man who had taken the photo was just found myself on Google one day

>> No.10139315


>> No.10139412

I've told her she looks like a brolita. She's female but tries to look male.

>> No.10139449

Oh my god I love this SO MUCH! This image captures the desperation and heartbreak perfectly. And props on having such a well done cosplay and prop!

>> No.10139524

I like it<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/15.gif"></div>

>> No.10140361

I like your hair.

>> No.10140457

it's a girl(male), right?

>> No.10140468


>> No.10140472

Happy for you anon, you got beautiful hair

>> No.10144080


People like to show of their costume, but memorable photos, they stick in peoples heads.

Stick with your gut and go with memorable.

>> No.10144646
File: 414 KB, 787x1024, MYXJ_20190407194221_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been posting this everywhere cause it's my new fave. Didn't think I'd be able to get cool city night shots with lots of lights because my photog and I are quite inexperienced.

Ended up taking them with a Pixel 2 with night sight and I'm pretty happy with the results after editing

>> No.10144651

wew holy shit was this really taken with a Pixel 2?
Great shot anon!

>> No.10144657
File: 472 KB, 2048x1365, _MG_5048-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really had fun with this shoot, i would love to cosplay lum again once i'm in better shape and have more sewing experience :-)

>> No.10152940

Damn, well done. Keep us updated with moar.

>> No.10152955

I would love it, if I'm gonna have some fun with you in the future

>> No.10152959

Man, after reading the OP I thought this could become such a great thread. But of course the salty elitist gulls around here just have to screw it all up by relentlessly criticising everything.

>> No.10156398

Man I really miss that atmospheric cosplay photo thread.
Some great shots in there with little negativity.

>> No.10156783
File: 178 KB, 817x817, IMG_20180901_233419_408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this picture of my Sinon!

>> No.10157672
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x1800, IMG_20190411_184649_403igedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you asked so nicely~

I feel like the blurring is distracting at large resolutions but on ig it looks sick so its relatively popular there

>> No.10157715

>tfw I don't think I have the pro tier craftsmanship to warrant a photog
>all my shots have no filter or editing because I'm a """"naturalist"""" and think it's "cheating" even though I know everyone does it
>people compliment me hard on my craftsmanship so it's not that I look terrible, it's all my mental state being fucked
>I see people (not any of you) that have absolutely terrible craftsmanship commissioning photogs and editing that doesn't fix the terrible seams and sewing so it still looks like pure shit at the end

just fucking end me, I just want shots that look like they can be on a major studio's insta page and my (shoddy to me) craftsmanship makes me apprehensive

>> No.10157722

Looking into the scope with one eye but looks at the camera with the other...

>> No.10157725

I love the colors.

>> No.10157732

I'm not sure if you meant this as a photog, but it comes off creepy

>> No.10157997

>Just fucking end me, I just want shots that look like they can be on a major studio's insta page and my (shoddy to me) craftsmanship makes me apprehensive
If you go with a decent photog the pictures themselves will look good
People shoot in bought shit with minimal/shit makeup all the time, if you're this hard on yourself I can only assume you put a lot of hard work into your stuff, it'll look good with a decent photog. You don't have to be a pro to get pretty shots of yourself.

>no filter or editing because naturalist
Pls get out of this mindset. Any decent shot, epecially things that end up in a magazine, is going to be edited and retouched.

>> No.10158057

Good shot considering the cesspit YDSq is

>> No.10158406
File: 675 KB, 929x960, FB_IMG_1556345061400_mh1556345144034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love JJBA and cheesy editing.

>> No.10158407
File: 67 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1556345390844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love putting together dumb shit like this. I'm not good at photography and my camera is a cheap lump of shit, but cosplayers always like my ideas so i keep getting asked back which is nice.

>> No.10158777
File: 22 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1556410807403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from my first shoot ever, I'm pretty happy with it