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File: 383 KB, 728x758, Screenshot at 2019-02-28 13-22-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10116693 No.10116693 [Reply] [Original]

why are lolitas such sjws?

not even a polfag but having randoms calling your job to get you fired cause you dare to question a black woman making everything about race seems pretty annoying

>> No.10116694

If only most people were SJWs, maybe we wouldn't have such a shitty president

>> No.10116697

not american but i kinda agree , what i dont get is why people focus on ""problematic"" e celebs instead of actual racists with power

>> No.10116701

Lmao, sorry you lost your "super hard to get into" job at hot topic, rottingdoll.

>> No.10116707

t. i don"t care about cancerous behavior cause its happening to a cow
(for now )

>> No.10116721

Fuck off, Rottingd0ll. We know you're still mad about this, especially since your popularity dried out after it blew over and the documentary didn't take you where you thought it would, but this is old news.
M is a fat, ugly cow like you, but she was 100% right in that instance. You were just too stupid to get it, then doubled down when you were politely corrected, then handed your boyfriend your phone to shitpost Ben Shapiro videos in some cheap bid to save face. Most embarrassing behavior. You fucked up, just live and learn.

>> No.10116725

fucking karma. if she wasn't such a piece of shit in the first place this wouldn't be happening to her.

>> No.10116726

>dat autistic screeching

couldn't care less about your lolcow i am criticizing the coms sjew autismo

ps if you are having a meltdown about this you are a literal flake

>> No.10116727

>projecting this hard
Hope you find a new job soon, rottie

>> No.10116728
File: 107 KB, 499x822, 1545270908662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh everyone who disagrees is self posting

>> No.10116729

shocking, people on the internet try to doxx people. Not just an sjw thing.
Can't believe brainlets still whine about sjws. Aren't you guys tired of it? People have different political ideals, get over it
>But we mean the bad sjws!!!
People who whine about sjws/feminism whine about everyone who's even slightly about it. Keep consuming your politics through internet memes, feminist cringe compilations, and shoeonhead, like the majority of america. tired of the reactionaries.

>> No.10116730

The only one who would care about this old, stale news enough to make an entire thread to whine to us is the person who was subject to it.

>> No.10116731

>The com
WE ARENT A HIVE MIND if you spent a little time lurking youd probably find the the lolita presence here isn't as sjw as fb.

>> No.10116733
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i see your point but forcing politics in the fashion is pretty common thats my complaint

>> No.10116734
File: 136 KB, 546x700, 1526997038984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10116738

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2627760