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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 304x680, 59404707208508a17618842756bf8bc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10085390 No.10085390 [Reply] [Original]

Post your or your favorite casual Lolita coords. Casual doesn't seem to be appreciated enough.

>> No.10085394
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>> No.10085399
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>> No.10085400

There's already a thread for this >>10084425

>> No.10085444

That's not casual lolita, that's just non-OTT lolita

>> No.10085451
File: 488 KB, 750x763, 82D278B3-F786-41F0-BB22-27FCD95D4939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you suggesting you have to wear a cutsew/t-shirt to be “casual”?

Honestly, I like both threads and I’m fine with this.

>> No.10085473

I personally have always (jokingly) maintained that the difference between lolita and casual lolita is a cardigan

>> No.10085500
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>> No.10085534
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>> No.10085561
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>> No.10085567
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Im going to post a couple.

>> No.10085568
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>> No.10085571
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>> No.10085583
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>> No.10085586
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>> No.10085587
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>> No.10085590
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>> No.10085593
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>> No.10085596
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>> No.10085597
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>> No.10085600
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>> No.10085601

Two different socks. This is fucking genius

>> No.10085602
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>> No.10085604
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>> No.10085606
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>> No.10085607
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>> No.10085609
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>> No.10085611
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>> No.10085613
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>> No.10085703

Does anyone have any casual gothic or classic coords? Casual sweet seems to be the most common.

>> No.10085728

That's dumb

>> No.10085743

oh I wish I could find me some tartan stockings like that

>> No.10085749

I feel like the thing with gothic/casual is that coordinates already tend to look really simple, so taking it into more casual territory with cutsews/less poof like you would with sweet just makes it look like it's not lolita anymore.

>> No.10085760

What is the difference between this and otome? Serious question, I don't want to shit on this thread, actually I'm glad someone made one, it's very nice so far.

>> No.10085765

Otome doesn't exist as a fashion style and lolita does

>> No.10085766

maroonsparrow!!! i loved her back in the day

>> No.10085769

"otome" is like "bittersweet" in that westerners made it up, it is not a specific japanese fashion, but has been used enough to refer to a certain look and most jfashion fans will know what you're referring to when you say "otome kei"

it may not be "real" but it's a useful term especially for hashtagging

>> No.10085773

you and me both. I also had a bit of a crush on her ngl

>> No.10085788

ia, it's only useful to people who want to be efamous in their local comm

>> No.10085831

I think it's very easy to wear casual gothic lolita. I just wear my gothic lolita skirts with 1 petticoat and a cutsew from h.naoto or aatp.

>> No.10085836

Miho Matsuda also has a lot of casual stuff

>> No.10085849
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Because this is where they overlap.

Otome kei isn't lolita, it's basically normcore, but Japanese and feminine. And just like even H&M will sometimes have pretty dresses that you can almost dress up as lolita, otome brands put out pretty dresses that you can do the same with. It's just that most Asian brands tend to skew girlier than western brands, so with otome brands it's easier to find a girly, pretty dress you can loliable with than with H&M.

The difference is that this is the "highest" level of lolita that you can put together with an otome brand, whereas it's the "lowest" level of lolita that you can put together with a lolita brand. The two styles are actually coming from opposite directions, soft/casual lolita is just the exact sweet spot where one style is almost another style, and the other style almost isn't.

Actually it's a frequent topic around lucky pack time, people seem to forget that threads like these have been selectively curated to lean towards pretty dresses, so they think they'll end up with some random sundress that can double as a jsk. Then they get really disappointed when they look up lucky pack reveals and it's all t-shirts and non-lolita normcore clothing.

>> No.10085856

JM has the same origins as lolita brands

>> No.10085859
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 50618733_703475850048965_5581939427644511008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some darker casual lolita coords. I'm sorry there's a lot of the same persons, I don't know many who post casual.

>> No.10085861
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>> No.10085862
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>> No.10085863
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>> No.10085864
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>> No.10085865
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>> No.10085868
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>> No.10085870 [DELETED] 


>> No.10085872
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>> No.10085873
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>> No.10085874
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>> No.10085875
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>> No.10085876
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>> No.10085878
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>> No.10085881
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>> No.10085882
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>> No.10085884
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>> No.10085886
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>> No.10085889
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>> No.10085894
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>> No.10085896
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>> No.10085898
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>> No.10085899
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>> No.10085900
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>> No.10085998
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>> No.10086000
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>> No.10086141

I feel you missed the word 'jokingly'

>> No.10086295
File: 48 KB, 564x997, 7c59affdec02b133a445a05fb46df83f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really liking sweaters with Lolita lately.

>> No.10086468 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10086469
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>> No.10086470
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>> No.10086474
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>> No.10086476
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>> No.10086505

Does anyone know who this is? I like her look.

>> No.10086529


>> No.10086553
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>> No.10086554
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>> No.10086556
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>> No.10086557
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>> No.10086559
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>> No.10086563
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>> No.10086582

what's generally refered to as otome fashion on here is called casual lolita in japan, so they are the same thing more or less

>> No.10086588 [DELETED] 

otome fashion isn't even a thing in japan, nobody has been calling it that since the 80s

>> No.10086596

>"otome" is like "bittersweet" in that westerners made it up
Not true tho, it did exist in Japan and coined by the magazine Olive but nobody's been calling it that since the 80s as it's dead.

>> No.10086609
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>> No.10086612
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>> No.10086614
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>> No.10086616
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>> No.10086618
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>> No.10086621
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>> No.10086623
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>> No.10086628
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>> No.10086630
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>> No.10086632
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>> No.10086634
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>> No.10086734

what in the world are those t-shirts

>> No.10086761


>> No.10086801
File: 64 KB, 240x320, aatp_tshirt_eldorado-104P709_add2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best AatP cutsew of all time

>> No.10086825


They went their merry own way a long time ago.

>> No.10086970

One day it will be mine. One day.

>> No.10086996

It was an existing term before olive used it. That's what magazines do, they use different words sometimes instead of calling everything feminine on every page. Otome wasn't associated with 1 specific style, just as how feminine or girly isn't 1 specific style. Novala Takemoto for example used otome for lolitas.

>> No.10086999

Thank you and all the other anons who answered my question <3

>> No.10087007

It's not a very good cutsew. Just some edgy Americans want it because it says fuck on it.

>> No.10087011

Maybe one day all the secondhand lolita shops who still sell ETC and JM will notice

>> No.10087024


Anon most of them already stock goth, punk, gyaru, dolls, music CDs, VW and random clothes. What is yet more random clothes on top of that.

The music CDs even have some roots with lolita, but that doesn't make them lolita either.

>> No.10087042

I hope not. I love JMs prints so much, and even some of their solid color dresses. They're perfect for work.

They're definitely trying to move towards a more high fashion/couture image but I hope they never stop releasing print series.

>> No.10087200
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>> No.10087261

I'm literally saying people only want it because it's ~fun~
But saying it's "the best cutsew" is dumb

>> No.10087363
File: 468 KB, 892x622, 435435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of calling everything feminine on every page
>implying feminine=otome
Otome girls of the 60-80 would disagree with you, even the jp wiki page on it describe's it as a very specific style coined by Olive that even came with a lifestyle.

>> No.10087364
File: 249 KB, 1080x1350, 19622910_148273215733826_8293721185905016832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10087369

>stack of hairbows

>> No.10087372

I'm not even into sweet but I love this. Wrong thread tho, this clearly is not casual.

>> No.10087403

That's olive girl, not otome kei

>> No.10087405

That looks completely different from what Westerners call otome kei

The main-piece is casual. I'd love to see more salopettes.

>> No.10087419

It being the best cutsew is a subjective opinion, you hating it is what's dumb.

>> No.10087425

I don't hate it at all, I hate edgelords

>> No.10087430

>not otome
>the example is literally called otome in the text

>> No.10087434 [DELETED] 

...Olive Girl was the name of a collection by Pinkhouse, you might as well call lolitas Sugary Carnival next.

>> No.10087438

Wasn't Olive a magazine? The girls depicted in it/lived by it were called "olive girls", afaik.

>> No.10087443

>characterized by voluminous clothes with details like large collars, frills, and ribbons, and red, pink and white colours
so sweet lolita used be be called otome?

>> No.10087463

Definitely not. I talked with a Leur Getter staff and she referred to the style carried by the brand as "otome", so the term is still in use.

>> No.10087477

Leur Getter was a guess at Omnia Vanitas and she was very confused when someone asked her about otome kei during the Q&A. She didn't know what it was, and just said Leur Getter is a bit more mature than most lolita brands.

>> No.10087484

Maybe she said otona

>> No.10087710

Nyart, but you don't have to be an edgelord to think that the El Dorado cutsew is funny as hell. Calm down and let people enjoy things.

>> No.10091353
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dump incoming

>> No.10091354
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>> No.10091392

Dont stress yourself out with that massive dump

>> No.10091416
File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170523_163639_488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, my laptop had BCOD and I had to deal with that. Continuing on from where I left off (it's not massive btw)

>> No.10091417
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>> No.10091418
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>> No.10091420
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>> No.10091422
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>> No.10091427
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closer look at the other dreamy pony skirt looks

>> No.10091428
File: 411 KB, 1080x1075, IMG_20190129_192444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I love my dreamy pony ribbon and I own the whole collection except the pink OP

>> No.10091434
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>> No.10091435
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That's all I can do for y'all for now.

>> No.10091764

Is soft lolita the same as casual lolita?

>> No.10091906
File: 42 KB, 500x600, 634a2cefa0861250c8b532537043109d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have worn pictures of cutsew dresses? I only have a couple

>> No.10091908
File: 465 KB, 848x848, 20837688_865616420286646_8616120436373061632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is from btssb

>> No.10091909
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>> No.10091910
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>> No.10091919
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>> No.10091920
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>> No.10091921
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>> No.10091923
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>> No.10091928
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>> No.10091931
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>> No.10091933
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>> No.10091936
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>> No.10091937
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>> No.10091940
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>> No.10091942
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>> No.10091944
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>> No.10091945
File: 86 KB, 564x705, e243bc15cf619a2eb8d0a21b9af5acf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092031

This is really cute!

>> No.10092040

This is really cute
She has better casual coords, I love her

A lot of these are honestly pretty ita with randomly mismatched items. The gothic ones are especially bad. Casual can be great if you balance colors despite using casual items

>> No.10097480

Why do we have so many ita threads

>> No.10097520

I really like this print. What's it called?

>> No.10097742

Are there any people on ig who post ootds like this? I’d like more daily inspo

>> No.10098059

I know it's causal, but casual is no excuse to have your skirt look like you picked it up off the floor after it was wadded in a corner for a week.

>> No.10098077

This looks so bad

>> No.10098115

anon you got shit taste sorry

>> No.10098542

to be fair this seems to be a picture taken during a music festival

>> No.10098546

I don't know the name but it's a bag of macarons or sweets and it's by Emily Temple Cute

>> No.10099116

>ugly removable collar
>mismatching socks
>mismatching shoes

Oh anon, it's time to get your eyes checked hmm. Did you miss your yearly check up?

>> No.10099125 [DELETED] 

Nayrt but >>10098077 does look like shite even for casual lolita

>> No.10099128

Nayrt but >>10086634# does look pretty shite.