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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 252 KB, 1280x960, 1oG4Fj4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10031869 No.10031869 [Reply] [Original]

I need motivation to get my shit together and these threads motivate me to get my stuff clean.

>> No.10031870
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>> No.10031874
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>> No.10031879
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>> No.10031883
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>> No.10031895
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>> No.10031934
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>> No.10032003
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>> No.10032012

These rooms are all so cute. Now that I'm married I feel bad making my room girly and cute...

>> No.10032019
File: 661 KB, 1200x815, U2m7392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, you're an adult, you're in control of your life so if you wanna make your room cute and girly, do it.
you got one life, don't waste it regretting not doing cutesy things.

>> No.10032022

Shit this is inspirational, i need this printed on my wall or somethin

>> No.10032025

I don't feel bad liking cute things as an adult, I don't care what others think. I feel bad having an ultra girly room and then my husband has like, one poster on the wall and he's buried under all my cute stuff.

>> No.10032036
File: 105 KB, 608x404, lolita+bedroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make his room girly too, fuck it

>> No.10032143


Just treat it like everything else in your marriage -- negotiate. Divvy up what parts of the house you can go full girly on and what parts are his bastions of manliness.

Who knows, apparently some dudes like cute stuff and are totally into letting their SO's kawaii take over everything so they don't have to look gay to their friends (just whipped). Or at worst he lets you know he would like the living room to match his xbox better and then the two of you can figure out how to both be happy in that shared space.

>> No.10032170
File: 230 KB, 1136x848, IMG_3443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selfposting because I'm excessively proud of my old rooms

>> No.10037165
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>> No.10037243

I'm married too anon. Most of our house is our normal tastes, I dont want to be controlling and I want him to enjoy the space too. But I have one seperate room that i go full ham in. Its my dressing room. It doesn't have a bed but it has a vanity and closet for lolita. I put all my girly cute stuff in there.

I want to post it in these threads one day but its still WIP but finally getting close to done

>> No.10037532
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>> No.10037535
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>> No.10037537
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>> No.10037540
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>> No.10037541
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>> No.10037544
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>> No.10037548
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>> No.10037550
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>> No.10037551
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>> No.10037553
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>> No.10037554
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>> No.10037555
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>> No.10037558
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>> No.10037559
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>> No.10037560
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>> No.10037561
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>> No.10037562
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>> No.10037563
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also going to post some kitchen and bathroom inspo

>> No.10037564
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>> No.10037565
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>> No.10037567
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>> No.10037568
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>> No.10037569
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>> No.10037571
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>> No.10037572
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>> No.10037574
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>> No.10037576
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>> No.10037580

>when you see your own room
All taobao goods.

>> No.10037622


I didn't know how much I needed that mushroom poster until now. That is so fricking cute!

>> No.10037627

We had those kind of Mushroom classifications posters in about every class in my rural elementary school... That made me feel nostalgic, thank you anon

>> No.10037845
File: 62 KB, 500x605, B95A630B-7AA8-459F-9551-77273FF90B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining in the kitchen inspo posting

>> No.10037846
File: 25 KB, 208x242, 4F9BAD58-2CF6-4A3A-8E1F-24114DEABE7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10037850
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>> No.10037852
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Whoops didn’t mean to tag other anon

I’ll drop some living room and maybe a bathroom or two

>> No.10037854
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>> No.10037856
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>> No.10037858
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>> No.10037863
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My taste runs towards cool toned colors, both pastel and deep. Hope some anon out there enjoys this dump

>> No.10037881 [DELETED] 

Anyone got any kitchen inspo?

Maybe this is a long shot, but I'm currently renovating my kitchen so I figured I could give it some personality as well once it's done

>> No.10037883

Anon you're a hero, I only scrolled halfway through and I didn't expect to actually see some kitchen inspo.

>> No.10037887

This is Dita Von Teese's kitchen, I love her whole house.

>> No.10037892


these are favs. thanks so much for sharing.

>> No.10044606
File: 2.00 MB, 2077x1020, yard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a yard

>> No.10044696
File: 339 KB, 614x819, 2052a4e4-12ba-4135-b776-a658f6732f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend of 5+ years ideal room is a white box with a desk, his computer, and maybe one large mural painting. No clutter. No nothing.

I'm the complete opposite.

I love over decorating and like cute things. Our last apartment was decorated in pink and blue hue lights, my action figures, and cute things like animal pillows and such. He doesn't care as long as I'm paying for it and he doesn't have to help / clean up. Only rule was I don't touch his desk aside from to clean it.

Just talk to your SO and see how he feels, yeah? It helps to have different rooms with different styles too, you can make a cute girly room without going straight pink and flowery. Our den/office space is teal, gold, white, and decorated with things like ferns and hanging plants. On and around my desk I have a lot of my stationary and small pictures on the wall which keeps where I am most of the time feeling comfy.

Picture attached is our "entryway" into the den area, not saying it's anything impressive or to write home about, but I think it's girly enough without being in your face (coat rack and Polaroid board are both from Ikea).

>> No.10045006

I like Lulu Sapphire's rooms and diys. A bit tacky at times, but pretty cohesive.

>> No.10045119

>Who knows, apparently some dudes like cute stuff and are totally into letting their SO's kawaii take over everything so they don't have to look gay to their friends (just whipped).
Oh, I thought this was a secret.

>> No.10045520
File: 58 KB, 368x512, room inspo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna drop a couple pics i have here, pardon the file names

>> No.10045521
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>> No.10045522
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For anyone who doesn't know. this is the Moitie store.

>> No.10045524
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>> No.10045527
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>> No.10045529
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>> No.10045530
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>> No.10045533
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>> No.10046930
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>not marrying a man who appreciates the inherent aesthetic superiority of feminine cute shit for decorating living spaces


>> No.10054655
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>> No.10055084

God this is so fucking cute.

>> No.10055209

How do you gulls deal with dust? I’m a collector, very attached to everything I own and want to have it on display 24/7. My room used to be like a cute comfort cocoon filled with my favorite things floor to ceiling. I recently purchased an apartment with my SO and moved to a large city - now everything gets covered in dust on the second (third if I’m lucky) day after a major clean. I’ve since put everything away in boxes/containers and now my bedroom feels so barren and doesn’t bring me joy like it used to.

>> No.10055323
File: 3.34 MB, 2445x2479, 20181212_211903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming selfpost. I just wanna show off the lights, they really give my room a very nice pinkish glow at night. Totally reccomend swooping in on some since it's the holiday season and some might possibly go in sale sometime after Christmas. Still need to do some improvements, though... like finding a better place for the random stuff hanging on the wall.

Glass display cases, air filter, and/or just a routine to clean once a week?

I live in the exact opposite of a large city (for now) and my stuff barely gets dirty even after months. The air here in general is cleaner, but I also do my best to keep my room fairly "contained", rarely have the vents open and keep my door closed. I can kind of get away with it because I'm in a pretty chilly basement and my room is a reasonable temperature when it's closed off in such a way... at least when it's wintertime. I have a desk fan to cool me off if I need it and a warm bathrobe/blanket if I get cold.

Hopefully you find a good solution, I'm kinda the same way; I'd probably curl up and die if anything happened to a lot of my stuff and my room is the sanctuary that I know I'm going to miss a whole lot when the time comes for me to move in with my s/o.

>> No.10055340

I love this too, colors are so nice.

>> No.10055568

Wow, where do you get lights in that colour? They're so cute!

>> No.10055571

Where is that desk thing from/what is it called? Ty

>> No.10055789

Ugh, I love the vintage apothecary aesthetic. Any more like this?

>> No.10055796

Based kot is based.

>> No.10055815

I agree with the glass cases idea. Plus you can stack them up and show more if you do it correctly.

Also, Lilligant, fuck yea. Gen5 has such nice pokemon and you picked my #4 fav of the gen. Plus it looks perfect in your room.

>> No.10055830

Any inspo for rentals where you have to have most of your life in one room and don't have the freedom to alter much? I'm lucky to have a 180sqft/16.8sqm bedroom, but it's in a shared apartment with no communal areas except a tiny bathroom and a galley kitchen. I have to eat, iron, have guests over and hang laundry to dry in my room and I always feel like things are cluttered even though my furniture is pretty nice and I don't have any collectibles or many non-essentials apart from my lolita wardrobe.

I used to think I'd just be living like that for university but I've slowly come to accept I'll probably be in similar places all through my twenties. I considered switching to a single bed and using the extra space for a sofa to make more of a living area out of it, but my partner sleeps over a lot and they want me to keep the double.

>> No.10055928
File: 28 KB, 600x600, Templemore-Metal-and-Leather-Contemporary-Queen-Size-Bed-dee31f6f-34eb-412a-b1fc-1be226fc8105_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually just generic Christmas lights my mom got ages ago and I thought they were a good alternative to having the actual room light on at night. I think just searching "multi color white chord christmas lights" will get you what you're looking for. They're also not quite that bright irl but they're still very cute nonetheless.

The desk itself is the Axess Computer Desk by South Shore. I got it from Wayfair, it also comes in black, brown, even grey surprisingly. The top part is a part that comes with it (you can just take it off if you don't like it) and I actually decorated it with washi tape (the width was just right!) I probably wouldn't know what the attachment itself is called or if it's avaliable anywhere seperately.

Thank you! Lilligant has been in the top 10 faves for me ever since it was first revealed, and imo a lot of Gen 5 Pokemon are some of the most solid designs in the series.

Have you maybe considered one of these beds? They're big enough for two people and you can put things inside of it. Maybe just having a bed in general that has storage space underneath (drawers, for instance).

>> No.10056067

>Maybe just having a bed in general that has storage space underneath (drawers, for instance).
I already do, I've got a metal frame bed and keep stuff like suitcases, petticoats, packing materials, out-of-season clothing, etc. in plastic storage boxes underneath .

>> No.10056679

I've never seen a room that screamed pedophile this loudly before

>> No.10056814
File: 53 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1544858681159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post but I adore my room

>> No.10056815
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>> No.10056822

liking stuffed animals = pedophile...? pretty sure pedophiles like children, not that

>> No.10057192
File: 669 KB, 944x704, 20181215_130713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i love your paintings! i found mine at a yard sale...

>> No.10057204
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>> No.10057206
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>> No.10057208

Ouch I was thinking about getting this wallpaper but now I see it looks kinda cheap I'll think of something else.

>> No.10057211

that shelf is so cute where is it from?

>> No.10057277

it's a vintage homco shelf painted over in blue, found at another yard sale. there's some very nice homco stuff on ebay and amazon right now.

>> No.10057786

I found mine as a set at the thrift store, I love your paintings and your shelf!

>> No.10059992
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x4032, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finished re-orging my studio, at least until Christmas when I have some more equipment to stash somewhere.

>> No.10059995

Ugh, don't do this to your poor husband, choose another room to make pretty and girly. I don't understand why some married women want to make the shared sleeping room into their poofy she-shack when you both sleep there. Do the dining room, maybe, or make the kitchen cute.

>> No.10059996

The bed frame and couch are nice, the rest of this stuff looks tacky af

>> No.10059998

This looks like my Nan's guest bedroom. Kind of cute but also very cat lady auntie vibe.

>> No.10059999

Seal the windows and doors with weatherstripping, get a good air filter, get the vents and airway ducts cleaned if you have a ducted heating cooling system, keep the filters changed.

>> No.10060006

dont like the new mlp figures? post the studio part of the room

>> No.10060515

wow sexism with the kitchen!

>> No.10060778

Unless hubs is the cook ofc. But that’s not the case in most marriages even today. This is the Chan, not tumblr...we say it like it is. Still, frilly-fying the bedroom isn’t always the smartest idea unless hubs is into it. I won’t do that to my hubs but I’m decorating our kitchen pretty for myself, which is why I suggested that.

Judging from most of the posts I usually see in this thread though it’s girls still living at home so they make their bedroom cute.
Bit different when you are married.

>> No.10060780

Another G1 collector! Wish I had space to display all of mine, I'm renting a very small room right now. How many do you have on that shelf?

>> No.10062292

man whats up with people giving away these awesome little paintings? theres such an interesting story behind them too. by the way, i am completely into how you have your walls painted, what a dream. the pink sofa made me super jelly lmao.

i'm married and my husband adores the cute stuff everywhere. it makes him feel cute and he doesn't know how to decorate a living space, anyway. i bought him a plush corgi for his birthday once and he just went nuts over it, now his collection of plush dogs has taken over the bed.

>> No.10063042

Always wondered how the fuck she got dressed in a room that cluttered, the accessories look like an indistinct mass

>> No.10063045
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>> No.10063046
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>> No.10065508
File: 247 KB, 750x1125, c2bf7ff881e1aeb4d81e17b623eeba31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the white / green plant room pics that an anon posted here a while back? They were gorgeous.

>> No.10065556

that cake clock is to die for

>> No.10065760
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, gothic-bedroom-fresh-best-25-gothic-bedroom-decor-ideas-on-pinterest-of-gothic-bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10065761
File: 107 KB, 900x600, Opulent-Victorian-bedroom-in-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10065762
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>> No.10065764
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>> No.10065767
File: 67 KB, 1280x1024, wonderful-best-girls-bedrooms-within-amazing-innovation-teenage-room-ideas-girl-bedroom-unique-dma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10065769
File: 76 KB, 640x517, Golden-Elegance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bedposts in this one remind me of unicorn horns, I think it's adorable.

>> No.10068611

How do you make sure your ponies don't get dusty? I want to display my G1s eventually (I collect the Twinkle Eye ones exclusively) but I don't want them getting too dirty.

>> No.10068814

She's trash but goddamn her kitchen is kawaii af

>> No.10068847

you should post it anyway! seeing wip turn into the final product is always interesting.

>> No.10068994 [DELETED] 

Why do girls who are absolute whores have such childish rooms?

>> No.10069014 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1369x1183, 13b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute whore with a childish room
>bf happens to love it, probably because it makes the sex more depraved

>> No.10069023 [DELETED] 


Don’t come at me like this.

>> No.10069024

My wife and I are about to close on a house that will have a spare bedroom that I’ll be using as a dressing room. I would love to see your wip for some inspo!

>> No.10069054 [DELETED] 

why do you ask really retarded questions?

>> No.10069060

Dumb bait but a kernel of truth in the childish room observation. I’m guessing 1/3 of girls here probably underage/still live with parents, 1/3 probably re-creating some weeb shit they couldn’t have as teen,
Actually decent taste but just for inspiration because it’s not their room.

Most lolitas don’t care beyond the outer layer of their lolita clothes, and that’s where they spend their money so their rooms are actually basic and nothing special unless they are somewhat the lifestyle lolita type.
It’s a shame too because all the so-called ‘taste’ is just about their fashion aesthetic and sometimes where they go wearing it, nothing further.

Most lolitas are 29 days sweatpants and 1 day frilly per month.

>> No.10069061

Anyone have pics of cute modern stuff or pics of cute computer set ups?

>> No.10069064
File: 45 KB, 580x435, 01E4B19184124926A2B4DA618E2F409D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw hell yeah

>> No.10069065

Good shit. I'm enamored with the fish scale shower.

>> No.10069586

This, basically. Especially once you have a disposable income, you can live the cute life 24/7.

>> No.10069630
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, 1479931036940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the Chan, not tumblr...we say it like it is.

>> No.10069688


Display case or commit to frequent dusting.

>> No.10069762


>> No.10069798 [DELETED] 


my bf doesn't give a shit so long as the room is clean. Fuck off and go fuck your husband who is clearly insecure about his masculinity.

>> No.10069800

>implying Jill has any amount of taste at all

Don't insult other gulls

>> No.10069813

I have the worlds ugliest navy blue carpet and magnolia walls but I cannot change it because I rent. Kind of annoying when I adore pastels and hate navy.

>> No.10069830

I was being serious, although mixed up her collection of peeps I think with carebears. She legit has that couch and a stripey wall.

>> No.10069855

>Not forcing your SO to provide you with your own room for all your girly collectibles and clothing


>> No.10069960

get a really large rug? Just lay it on top of the carpet and get used to the feeling if it's an absolute downer.

>> No.10071525
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1393454614642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have inspo for achievable gothic decor when you're renting somewhere with strict rules? Everyone on youtube or instagram that I see has their own house or landlords who let them do whatever the fuck they like, and meanwhile I have hideous brown industrial carpet and yellow walls that I can't even put pins in. I understand that obviously the rooms where you can go all out are going to be the most popular, but I want to make this space look reasonable for the rest of the time I'm here and not like "here's 3 skull shaped things lined up on a fugly dresser and a sad mosquito net draped over my bed"

>> No.10071735
File: 203 KB, 640x960, 6ccd769670741afcdd10ef0f58908887ad2f9a70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's the option of using liquid starch to stick fabric to your walls like wallpaper, then when it's time to move out you wet the fabric until the starch dissolves and the fabric comes off. It's pretty time-consuming and labour-intensive, though, so if you're not really renting for a particularly "worthy" period of time it really is easier to just put 3 skull-shaped things and a mosquito net in your room.

Similarly, curtains, if it can be taken down (plus some blinds can also be taken down for washing), then you can commission replacement ones in gothic fabric of your choice. But you gotta consider that it's not cheap, and likely to be a sunk cost, as you'll likely need to custom size it to your rental and won't be able to reuse it when you move.

For the walls you can't put a pin in, there's Command hooks, although be warned it can have its problems -- my older hooks took the paint off with them when I removed them (ironically I needed to remove them to paint the wall, lol).

There are also vinyl wall decals that are removable, but they come with the same issue as the command hooks.

Lastly, maybe you can discuss things with your landlord. If you agree to repair and repaint the walls for them for free when you move out, they might let you paint it another colour and put pins in it now. Yes, it costs double money to get things the way you like it, and then costs money again to put things back the way the landlord wants it when you move out, that's why most people stick with 3 skull-shaped things and mosquito net over their bed.

Brown carpet and yellow walls don't really seem that bad anyway, you can go the whole death bleached-bones theme and do white skulls with white furniture instead of gothic arches.

>> No.10071763

funny how well the neutral milk hotel album fits so well. such a cute room!

those heart pillows are adorable, i'd like to make some like that

those bonnets! my heart...

country lolitas rise up

>> No.10071781

That idea of going with white and like...desert graveyard? is pretty much exactly what I was looking for - it's just hard to think of that sort of stuff when everything is like...white walls and black carpet or black/red/silver everywhere. They definitely won't let me repaint but that has given me some ideas to work with, thanks!

>> No.10071786
File: 86 KB, 428x570, tumblr_nh5y6k6qVV1u4gz83o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might have been me! Or anyway I posted the one you shared at least once before. not sure if you're thinking of one specifically but here's a few~

>> No.10071787
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>> No.10071788
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>> No.10071789
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>> No.10071792
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>> No.10071794
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>> No.10071795
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>> No.10071796
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>> No.10071797
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>> No.10071799
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Hope you enjoy those anon :) I could probably fill a whole thread on my own with plant-inspired mori-esque rooms

>> No.10072396

Anyone got cutesy desk space inspo?

>> No.10078547

This looks like a hospital

>> No.10078557

Oh my goodness I did! They are all so cute and comfy. Thanks for sharing!!

>> No.10079507
File: 62 KB, 748x421, F55E65BA-5D74-4BB1-A7F9-15C021588370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a pic of my bedroom, these are my favourite threads. I get a lot of inspo here. Target has really cute bedding from shabby chic collection and aliexpress also has really great room accessories.

>> No.10079526

that's just adorabe. rooms on the smaller side are always so perfect looking.

>> No.10079528

I love the my melody plush peeking out from underneath the bed

>> No.10079555
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>> No.10079558
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>> No.10079640
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>> No.10079641
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>> No.10079646
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>> No.10079648
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>> No.10079649
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>> No.10079651
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>> No.10079658

I want something like this so much. Mature but still very feminine and cute.

>> No.10079778
File: 209 KB, 720x516, tumblr_odgpf8Vl3x1r31v2no3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for a place to dump my room/house folder. Mostly mori. Incoming dump.

>> No.10079784
File: 171 KB, 960x666, tumblr_odgpf8Vl3x1r31v2no5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wHy Do GiRls WhO ArE AbsOlUtE WhOrEs HaVe SuCh ChIldIsH rOoMs?

as apposed to "gamer guy" culture with the same ugly ass walmart posters, semen stained desks and saaaddd boiii 'aesthetics'

Shut up and get some self confidence please.

>> No.10079786
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>> No.10079788
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>> No.10079790
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>> No.10079792
File: 58 KB, 540x540, 49200020_2507306332618097_2585531614536663040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these are more like specific, house ideas.

>> No.10079793
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 48403740_810458685963906_4749512764496543744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10079794
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>> No.10079796
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>> No.10079812

You sound very biased. You should know the lolitas you see at meets and cons are not the majority of lolitas.

>> No.10079876

This house is in the outskirts of my town, the fence much longer and cuter in person

>> No.10081705
File: 17 KB, 284x282, tumblr_pktlxfk4HV1swkuqr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carpet in the kitchen
>a very soft bright pink carpet at that
are you trying to give me a stroke anon?

>> No.10081758


Do you have anything else? I love what you've posted so far and I'm living for the mori inspo.

>> No.10081794
File: 82 KB, 960x720, 51120181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be very sad when I leave my room cocoon. Bf and I are planning to have a separate hobby room for figures and stuff, but I'l miss having it in my space all the time.

The plus side is, his gaming stuff will all go in the hobby room so I'm going to make our sitting room a gloriously frilly parlour.

>> No.10081798
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>> No.10081799
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>> No.10082037

the sight of both your combined hobbies adds to the sweetness.

>> No.10085423

Late response, but I'd suggest getting a man cave sorts. My bf and I have a two bedroom apartment, the second room being all mine to decorate as I want and he gets the bedroom. Living room is a combination of our interests.

>> No.10085437

Vintage toy collectors are pedos? wow, you learn something new every day huh.

>> No.10088112
File: 46 KB, 736x552, DF6ADE22-BD10-42D3-A18A-159593DECF22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to konmari my room and hope it comes out okay

>> No.10088175

i want to simplify my room but i have too much shit

>> No.10089366
File: 1.29 MB, 2339x3327, IMG_20190126_085605730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with my nerd den. I need to put up the display lights and I'm super excited that I finally have room to get more things with out having to get rid of something else

>> No.10089369
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>> No.10089372
File: 995 KB, 2338x2970, IMG_20190126_085629902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at that empty shelf space. I already have a few new figures coming in the mai

>> No.10089373
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>> No.10089377
File: 1.30 MB, 2340x3127, IMG_20190126_085315831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one, I have more wall space, but never bought art before because didn't have the funds. Hoping to get a dress form so I can display my favorite Lolita pieces and actually see what a cord looks like with out a mirror. Sorry for poor image quality, my phone is old

>> No.10090879
File: 393 KB, 1500x1000, smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wants to play some smash?

>> No.10091069
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>> No.10091125


This is beautiful, anon.
You must be a decently serious FPS player with that mousepad size and positioning though.

>> No.10091126

Can we get more of cute ways to hang wall art and postcards etc up? Having difficulty finding the inspo to redo mine...

>> No.10091131

These pictures look like my room in 2006. All money going to stuff and no money going to the display space. It's a mess.

>> No.10091210

I want to spend all day in that fluffy bed

>> No.10091213

That shelf is adorable!

>> No.10091216

That corner desk is a really nice use of a small space

>> No.10091351

your room is ugly

>> No.10091368

I used to but I'm pretty burned out on Overwatch.

>> No.10091371

Eww are you a guy?

>> No.10091408

A cute standing clothing rail would look really nice here. Maybe even something upcyled from a vintage curtain rod?

>> No.10091410

That chandelier is divine

>> No.10091411

I bet this bathroom would smell like lavender or other aromatherapy oils from luxurious bubble baths.

>> No.10091415

Same here! I've been meaning to replace my gross carpet for years, so I wanted to do a little room make over while all my shit was moved out anyway. I have a small room like pic related (and a light purple theme with white furniture oddly enough!), so I'm praying to the goddess KonMari that her method actually helps me free up some space that I desperately need.

>> No.10091467
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>> No.10091491

>tfw wanted to post your room but forgot it's a complete mess
even when clean my room sucks

>> No.10091536
File: 91 KB, 640x476, b22c970dc52b27a04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is really stunning. I already have three aquariums and I'm quite happy with how they look, I just need to add more house plants and work on an overall cleaner look.

Any tips for layout ideas and plant care anon? - I feel like I've got keeping aquarium plants healthy down, but I have very little experience with house plants.

>> No.10091540

>That fucking „lamp”
>worst shade of blue I’ve ever seen
Anon, Please love yourself

>> No.10091545
File: 60 KB, 800x533, OUqha68P2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I think it's cool you've surrounded yourself with things that you love and hell, if you like your room then that's ultimately all the matters. From an interior design point of view however, it's a little muddled.

In my opinion the shade of blue makes it look a lot like a child's room, also the display of all your items looks kinda haphazard. I think a pale wall shade would look so much better, even a soft white - when you have so much stuff to display, keeping the wall colour clean and simple can really help.

I would recommend looking up some stylish 'otaku' rooms to see how they have tackled displaying their items. Also if you really love your blue walls, then consider how others have used that same shade and made it work.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.10091546
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>> No.10091548
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>> No.10091550
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>> No.10091557

This makes me never want to get married. No thanks lol.

>> No.10091707
File: 934 KB, 1571x3000, plant-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really depends on your room when it comes to layout ideas. If you are familiar with aquatic plants I'm sure you know that some are easy to keep and others are pretty hard. Same goes for houseplants. The plants on this list are almost anubias tier level of easy.

Just make sure they get some light and you don't over water them. Actually with a fishtank it's almost like cheating since you can water if your waterchange water which is a free fertilizer.

>> No.10091715
File: 309 KB, 1500x1000, _MG_8796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also something fun you can do is grow houseplants out of the tank. They improve your water quality by a lot and you never have to water them.
I also have a fish bowl going with a Monstera (same plants as in the picture) and aquarium plants.That houses some shrimp without a filter super easy to take care of.

I really believe that the incorporation with houseplants and aquariums is gonna be the next big thing for the hobby. It only has benefits if you can deal with a semi open top and quite excessive root growth.

I hope that wasn't too ramble. I'm curious about your tanks tho. What do you keep?

>> No.10091775

You both have excellent taste

>> No.10092363

Many of the indoor orchids are actually really freaking easy, they don't need direct sunlight (just a little light from time to time). You just pour a crapload of water in them about once a week and don't water them if the soil is still wet when you check, and you get pretty flowers. They're also a really nice pop of colour, but they do hate being cold (i.e. don't put them in the window on a frosty morning).

>> No.10092731
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Dump incoming, surprised this hasn't been posted yet

>> No.10092733
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>> No.10092734
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>> No.10092735
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>> No.10092736
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>> No.10092737
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>> No.10092738

/end dump

enjoy desu

>> No.10092891

Damnit this is my dream room

>> No.10092962

It's nice and all but how does anyone keep that shit dusted?

>> No.10093508

This room is amazing. It looks like a museum!

>> No.10095227
File: 627 KB, 850x556, 76876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I love that plant guide, it's a great starting point. I've been considering Monstera deliciosa and Kentia palm so it's nice to see them on there - I wanted something big and bold to start with and they seem perfect for that.

I'd like to try growing houseplants out of the tank, my larger tank has a small sump at the back so it's something I could experiment with. Also kudos for keeping plants with your axolotls, they make such a difference to water quality (plus a canopy to hide from the light), I don't know why more people don't try it.

I have two small (25l) cube aquariums that I set up using the Walstad Method - one with a male betta and very bright light, and the other with a female betta and bare minimum led light. The larger cube aquarium (55l) isn't Walstad style and requires basic ferts - there's only ember tetra and a zebra snail in there right now, my old betta of 5 years used to be in there and passed recently.

>> No.10095236
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>> No.10095244
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Orchids are a great option for beautiful flowering plants, I've added them to my list! I also love Schlumbergera for being beautiful but almost indestructible.

So this doesn't venture too far off topic, here are some more plant filled rooms that could work well for natural / mori fashion enthusiasts.

>> No.10095245
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>> No.10095383

that's what I initially wondered too. I saw a thread in a collectors group though about dust and a lot of people suggested air filters + constant change of filters, keeping vents closed up etc. so I guess that's one way of doing it.

>> No.10095456

I think it depends where you live - it's not super dusty where I live, so it's like a once a week wipe down job that you do along with hoovering, which I think is a reasonable amount of cleaning to do.

>> No.10096931
File: 1.21 MB, 3072x1419, E70F7C06-93DA-4227-A8F7-91A36E3316D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce: https://instagram.com/frauleinpolylina

>> No.10097604
File: 194 KB, 1280x960, photo_2019-02-06_00-56-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks really nice anon! No idea why people don't use plants with Axolotls, probably just american's being american and refusing to use life plants. I've been planning on setting up a 60l cube myself and using my 30l as a pea puffer tank. Here is the shrimp bowl I guess you can call it Walstad style.

>> No.10097606
File: 162 KB, 960x1280, photo_2019-02-06_00-56-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the Monstera growing out of it. The entire bowl is 50% monstera roots by now.

>> No.10097743
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I fucking love this omg

>> No.10098773
File: 123 KB, 1251x938, 20180822_204125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actively working on making my room more gyaru. Aside from wanting to add zebraprint curtains and buying even more animalprint bedsheets/pillows, how can I make my room even more "gyaru?

>> No.10098800

Maybe gyaru posters/magazines on the wall, or bands, pictures, ect.

>> No.10098807 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 750x745, 4B73E30E-4BDB-4994-90D2-1AF0327287FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always “room thread” and not “home decor thread”... are you people really all NEET hikikomori like the stereotype? And these little kid bedrooms with Hello Kitty sheets and cartoon posters all over the walls... I try to convince myself that it’s possible to be a mature adult with a jfashion hobby, but this board makes me question it.

>> No.10098809

Why is it always “room thread” and not “home decor thread”... are you people really all NEET hikikomori like the stereotype? And these little kid bedrooms with Hello Kitty sheets and cartoon posters all over the walls... I try to convince myself that it’s possible to be a mature adult with a jfashion hobby, but this board makes me question it

>> No.10098820

How can anyone be a neet and have enough money to have a Lolita wardrobe? The reality is that most people in our generation don’t own a home, and shared common areas is going to limit decorating outside of your own room.

>> No.10098824

How can you afford a lolita wardrobe and not be able to afford your own apartment, or at least split one with a partner?

>> No.10098838

Because a dress is like 250$ new and apartments are a few thousand a month. Even if you are with a partner that doesn’t mean you have a free for all on the way the whole place is.

>> No.10098848

I live in the most expensive region of the US (albeit not the most expensive neighborhood) and my 1-bedroom is only $1200. I actually went on a lolita hiatus after graduating college and only restarted when I got a good job and moving into my own place, after a couple of years scrimping with roommates. I still feel like I’m wasting money sometimes but seriously, some people need to get life priorities straight before they blow all their money on designer clothes

>> No.10098860

Because I'm still chasing the homeowner dream. Currently sharing a house means I get a much nicer kitchen, living room and entertaining space compared to if I had my own place, plus I can save up for things that aren't just frills. A small, well-located single-person apartment isn't super expensive, around $950 a month (a large one where you could actually have people over to entertain etc is more like $1300-1600), but my double room in a townhouse in the same area with an actual back yard and my own bathroom is $600 a month. So I can save for an actual house more easily but still have money to enjoy myself.

>> No.10098866
File: 594 KB, 750x940, 2C3D8C0C-7454-478C-9649-EF703D4DEED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s fair, since you’re saving intentionally and have a goal in mind. I just don’t understand people who live with their parents as adults when they could afford to move out if they managed their time and money better. But I guess it’s more common in other cultures
Anyway, here’s some home/flat inspo from blogs I follow

>> No.10098869
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>> No.10098870
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>> No.10098872
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>> No.10098874
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>> No.10098875
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>> No.10098952

I don't get it if you're just being a lazy shit and not learning to adult but I have seen some (Asian) parents make it impossible for their children to the point of ridiculousness. I had an ex who was still expected to live at home until he moved cities for work, and even then he was still putting "his" money into his parents' account. His rebellion was to buy himself expensive hobby things like a nice car, taking flying lessons etc. as that was the only way he didn't have to give them money, and I suspect he only got away with this because he was a boy. Even if he showed reasonable financial acumen e.g. researching into property or investments, the parents would use "family money" and take all the credit for the idea "they" had to invest, or blame him if it didn't go well. He would have lost the money that they had in "savings" for him had he rebelled and set up independent finances, which was in the tens of thousands, and obviously probably would have been disinherited from all the property and things they had acquired....I presume now that he's getting married they are going to let him have access to that, but big yikes.

>> No.10098954
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The kikirarashoten shop is like a creepy gothic circus changing room

>> No.10098957
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>> No.10098971 [DELETED] 


Wow this kind of gave me flashbacks to my parents arguing about that.

My dad was the exact same way. When he married my mother, instead of moving into their own house despite him having a good career, they lived in his parents' place for years where his mother treated my mom like shit. Eventually she made him move out, and he finally got his own bank account.

I haven't really heard of too many asian parents among my peers doing it today though. Even my most coddled Asian friends (and I, I suppose), have had to figure ourselves out financially after we graduated. Idk if your boyfriend just has extremely old school parents. For the record, my parents married in 1985.

>> No.10098983

I think it's his father who is very traditional (which means,of course, that it's irrelevant what his mother thinks) and they are first-generation migrants who came here when he was a toddler in the early 90s. I suspect the people whose parents are like that probably don't get as much chance to socialise or make friends, so it is probably more common than we realise, those would be like...the quiet/weird ones who keep to themselves. I only met him after he'd moved cities for work and he was definitely a bit socially awkward still. I do agree that it's mostly more the generation before this one though.

>> No.10099262

Bowl looks great anon. I love how jungly it is, plus there's just something really appealing about an illuminated orb type shape. I'd like to try a large bowl myself, as well as set up a larger 120l+ aquarium for a small community.

Pea puffers are amazing - the most pet-like fish I've ever owed, plus they are incredibly smart as well. I had a pea puffer for a few years, sadly it was electrocuted in a faulty heater incident that I won't go into, but I'm genuinely still not over it(!). I probably won't get another until I can find somewhere that's captive breeding - I know their decline in the wild isn't entirely due to the aquarium trade, but I feel like the little guys need a chance to recover.

Anyway thanks anon, been good to share aquarium stuff on here and best of luck with future projects!

>> No.10100656

Needs more rhinestones, glitter and crystals
maybe a really pretty floor vase with bright, colorful fake hibiscus and other tropical plants? Lots of ruffly pillows with flowers and makeup. Get some Betsey Johnson up in there idfk


>> No.10100660

you could also look into decorating things like a mirror or the frame of your doors with marabou craft boas. Gyarus love soft fluffy things.

>> No.10102492

I really need to know what Kallax they're using to hold up those detolfs. I absolutely hate having mine on the ground. It makes the bottom level look like a dungeon and makes me put less effort into elegant arrangement.

I had always read that other kallaxs couldn't support a detolf, but this looks amazing

>> No.10102497

Really wish I could find kitchens like these as rentable filming sets.

>> No.10102575

I know the image limit is already reached, but I still hope I can get some help or suggestions.

I am dissatisfied with my apatment's decoration.
It's my husbands and my first appartment and to find a compromise for both of our tastes we decided to decorate it in a baroque/vintage aesthetic, but everything being black/grey/white. It's a really nice apartment for gothic lolita so to say.
But I love pastels so so much and I obviously bought quite a few pastel things (like plushies, figures, flowers and stuff) to put on shelves. But I feel like it's really clashing.
Can anyone suggest me how to bring in colors in this black/grey/white apartment?

All our walls are white, which I regret doing. They look really empty, because I don't even know what to put up. The only thing that's on my walls currently are shelves or black picture frames with colorful pictures in them.

>> No.10102814

I actually think you have a lot of options anon. Greys, black and white and pastels can actually look fantastic together, especially pastel and dusty-pastel pink. If you were to say, just put up shelves with your plushies on one wall it wouldn't look right, but if you start to bring in pops of pastel into your décor it will start to tie in. Think fabrics (especially cushions and bedding), mirrors, wall art, ceramics and lamps. You could even break up your white walls with a pastel feature wall or use thick bands of colour in stripe form. You needn't do this throughout your home either, even if it was restricted to one room, if you stuck to the aforementioned formula it wouldn't look too out of place.

Some ideas >>10102806

>> No.10102829

carpet in the kitchen just seems like a nightmare

>> No.10108109

Looks like Barbie's house. Sheesh.

>> No.10108132

Houseplants go a long way in making your house look like a home, I love the succulents that are in little suspended pots and hang down, they don't require much care and they're really cute. Cute bunting is also cheap and instantly dresses up the room! To keep the baroque aesthetic, I really like botanical prints and framed butterfly collections, you can get fake butterflies if you're not comfortable with real ones.

>> No.10108875

Image limit reached.

New thread

>> No.10108938

god i hate that word

>> No.10109087

Your room is comfy as fuark. I'm so jealous of your Sakura Stars Bless You figure! I debated preordering it for months and eventually decided I wasn't "into the series" enough to drop so much cash on it but ughhh, it's a nice one lads.

lmao this desu. I'm 29, working, studying, living with parents and idgaf. I couldn't get a graduate job with my choice of degree (which I accept is completely on me; illustration: not even once) so I've switched to engineering to improve my chances. One thing I've learned from observing people I grew up with is that no one's truly as in control of their own destiny as self-help culture/successful people make life out to be. It's important to stay determined and make good choices, but beating yourself up is counterproductive when being in the right place at the right time is such a huge component of how things pan out. I was completely shit upon for the first 25 years of life and I blamed myself, but I didn't give up and eventually things turned around for the better very suddenly.

>Move out and throw money away into some random landlord's fat pension fund
>Stay at home and buy bonds; profit
Pick one