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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10011896 No.10011896 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly makes a cosplay 'bad'?

>> No.10011900

whenever you wear it

>> No.10011901

poor construction (bought cosplays that are wrinkled and shiny, loose threads, unhemmed skirts, uneven paintjobs), shitty wigs (no wig for anything other than a buzzcut, shiny, uncut or unstyled, cut or styled in a way that looks bad, frizzy, thin), and bad makeup (no makeup at all, instathot makeup on characters who are natural looking in canon, uneven lines, patchy facepaint)

>> No.10011915

The person wearing it isn't attractive

>> No.10011984

>no wig for anything other than a buzzcut
what did he mean by this? Agree with everything else though
also if you can't tell who the character is meant to be even if you know of the character

>> No.10012172

I think he just meant that it's ok to use your real hair for characters that have a buzz cut or super short hair.
I think it can look fine to use your real hair for some costumes, just depends on the character

>> No.10012174

wigs for all hairstyles other than buzzcuts. if you have a buzzcut, it will look better than a buzzcut wig, and it's not going to get greasy or fall out of place throughout the day like longer hair

>> No.10012278


>> No.10012313

Your face

>> No.10020192
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One that no one remembers,

>> No.10020395

fat chicks

>> No.10020480

belle delphine

>> No.10027323
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When its just a wig.

>> No.10027528

I am deeply uncomfortable with how young she looks

>> No.10028348

She's 20 already.

>> No.10028384

Fatass doing a skinny or fit character.

>> No.10028389

"Anyone doing something or looking a way me and my clique don't like."

>> No.10028789

>easy on the eyes cosplayer
>good construction
>decent accuracy
If you miss 2 of those 3 points, it's a bad cosplay.

>> No.10028812


You basically described Momokun in a nutshell.

>> No.10028866

who dis

>> No.10028875
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I draw the line when I know the character but can't identify it without the person telling me.

>> No.10029382

Adding boobs to something that doesn't have boobs

Like Ana from overwatch

>> No.10029387

KAnna kamui

>> No.10029394

Ana has boobs though??????????????????????????

>> No.10029407
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Yeah she does

>> No.10029409

I think anon meant making it slutty by showing cleavage or something

>> No.10029514

>what makes a cosplay bad?
define cosplay. I like short and sweet: Being as accurate to the idea of a character.
You want to fit the looks and personality of the character, bring that character to life. So bad cosplay is being inaccurate to that.
Personal pet peeves:
>most closet cosplay (some are valid, most are lazy)
>unnecessarily sexualized costumes -- no, Peach wouldn't wear just a white pushup bra. this seems to be much more a girl problem than for guys but this does apply to both. Deadpool with only a mask and a red banana hammock, you know who you are.
>un-ironed clothes. this one's minor but we can tell when you just pulled it out of your suitcase!
>no wigs. 90% of characters require a wig because anime hair. In a few cases you can really stretch and make natural hair work, but by and large even a meh wig is better than natural hair. especially if youre not matching hair color!
>body type. I'm not going to call you a fat fuck but if you're cosplaying something like Yoko from TTGL and your fupa hangs down over your booty shorts, youre not being accurate to character. Also it probably smells like stale cheese under there.

>> No.10038643


These and posture. Posture before looks though, unless we're talking circus levels of obesity.
Also if it's just lewd near naked dress-up for internet points and attention whoring

>> No.10043121
File: 127 KB, 736x981, 53fd490b03b104be7e2c4ed207a216dc--anzujaamu-harajuku-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being Anzu doll like = Bad
If you look like Anzu = good

>> No.10043137


>> No.10048279

>nayo cosplay
thats a guy right ?

>> No.10048294

good lord, sucking anzu’s fat dick on an anonymous image board isn’t going to get you any closer to her

>> No.10048708


>> No.10048768

Poor choice of character (Narutard)
Poor deguisement (Shitty Hair)
Poor body (Fatass)

>> No.10048778

>implying anzu isn’t a cute girl (boy)

>> No.10048802

Google nuns, then google sexy nuns. there you go

>> No.10048810

When the costume is actually made badly unironically or when anyone and their mother think they can cosplay Dva just because that bought a spandex suit.

>> No.10050003
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Piercings/tattoos. Why are piercingfags like this in general? Like, if you're going to stab your face full of holes at least take them out for cosplay or cover them up with tattoos, but most of the time they're too desperate to show them off and look 'quirky kawaii punky desu!'

>> No.10050522

When people wear 0 make up with cosplays, it takes like a minute to put some foundation on and your entire look will look so much better

>> No.10050764

that's so shopped, it hurts
and she looks like shes 12. gross.

>> No.10050992

Both of you have a deeply skewed perspective of what a child looks like. Please go outside or look at some actual photos of children in swimsuit catalogues for reference.

>> No.10051018

>un-ironed clothes

>> No.10051036

Honestly the one sock that's rolled down is triggering me more than anything else.

>they admit it's because they're lazy
Hey, that's the easiest route to making a shitty cosplay.

>> No.10051229

>ebay bought spandex/lycra/zentai mass-produced bodysuits
>bad wigs
>oversexualizing characters for no reason other than attention
>not actually knowing the source material (not playing the game/watching the anime/reading the book)
>wearing lingerie and a wig then calling a photoset "Boudoir", passing it off as cosplay

>> No.10051239

Also, tattoos and piercings on characters that don't have them

>> No.10051248

>look at some actual photos of children in swimsuit
ewwwwwww no

>> No.10051251

Children are disgusting?

>> No.10051404

Cheaply made costume/closet cosplay
Unstyled wig
No makeup
Wrinkled, generally messy
Shitty shoes
These are the most common offenders.

>> No.10051481

She doesn't look that young to me at all, children don't have wide hips and don't wear lipstick.

>> No.10053879

Be fat.

>> No.10054250

There's nothing sexual about children in a swimsuit.

Right, anon? Right?

Same, but it was only the face that read "kid" to me.

>> No.10057254

Best girl vanilla

>> No.10060808


This in a general nutshell

After that, everyone has their definition of good/bad and has their own peeves.

Mine are
Hygiene: costume and person must be clean, no exceptions.

Construction - uneven sewing, Bad fit, cheap fabric that don’t match the spirit of the original.
No wig or makeup - 95% of cosplays require these.
Overall appearance - can I instantly recognize the character?

If I’m a judge, I do not take away points for unattractiveness or fatness but I have to honestly admit that I have a bias about both.

>> No.10060809

Why can’t they wear retainers and tattoo cover?
At least make the attempt.

>> No.10060886

to be fair, this one needs some boobs or it's a trap

>> No.10061859

Small tits

>> No.10062655

are you jealous to post people you know lol

>> No.10062903

An iron is like 10-15 bucks at Family Dollar for a one that will work and adjust. Even if you buy that will make it 1000% better.

>> No.10068195

>didn't make their cosplay
>"it's a joke" cosplay
>men dressing as female characters
>being loud at cons
>people who aren't in character with the cosplay
>people who become "buff" for the cosplay when the character isn't

I could go on, but bro dudes ruined cosplay.

>> No.10068208
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people who don't make their cosplays shouldn't be there, considering if they're devoted enough to have something commissioned and obviously give credit when/where due. just because not everyone can sew or make proper armor doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to cosplay, just do it right whatever way you do it

>> No.10068229

I have several pet peeves but these two are above of them all: not bothering to trim wig and not ironing your costume. Both are very simple thing to do and anyone can do it (if you don't own a pair of scissors or an iron then I'm sorry), it's pure laziness if you don't do them.

>> No.10068244
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>> No.10070305

Poor media analysis, leading to stuff like overly literal interpretations of visuals that translates poorly or not at all to real life.
Lazy choices in construction and materials (obvious polyester in period costumes, fake corsets, etc.)
Reliance on flashy details like props, light up costume pieces, more or less explicit sex appeal, extravagant make up, heavily manipulated images, gimmicky jokes (assuming you don't actually commit to them).

>> No.10073001

How much of your cosplay has to be made by yourself?
For example if the character wears a certain Item that can be bought in normal stores, is it ok to buy it?

>> No.10073010

absolutely none of it has to be made by yourself as long as you don't claim it to be. people have this weird stigma that if you buy/borrow/commission a cosplay, somehow you're not cosplaying. but the reality is that not everyone has the raw time and/or dedication to truly devote all their time into a single outfit for maybe a few times use, especially those of us in school, working full-time in a demanding industry, etc.

do it the easiest way for you, as long as it looks good, and if you're hesitant, get a second opinion from someone/somewhere you can trust anon. lots of people go thrifting for cheap stuff to make altercations or changes here and there, especially those going for comfort cosplay rather than purely on presentation.

>> No.10073933

she fine

>> No.10073980

yeah anorexia is really good

>> No.10074476

Semi-related to this, but how accurate should I try to be for a first-time cosplay?

I'm still a bit terrified of cutting/styling my wig once it comes in and part of the attire won't be 100% spot on, if I can't get lucky at a thrift store/make the alteration myself and risk screwing it up.

>> No.10074649

Are you implying the OP pic is Ram?

>> No.10075467

As much effort as you are willing / capable of putting into it. You need be realistic with yourself and accept that not everything has to be perfect the first time around. Do what you can do and be proud of what you have done. If you manage to get into a conversation about your cosplay then congrats, you have a great conversation starter. Talk about what could improve and slowly work towards that goal.

>> No.10075575
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Why don't you go and tell all females to cover themselves up with garbage bags?
Either something's acceptable or its not. Grow up and stop trying to censor on the basis of "it's okay only if I like it."

>> No.10081521

Most Asians and Japanese don't make their own cosplay though, many in Japan especially just touch it up but usally order it made. No one cares you made your cosplay, just have fun. I actually can't fucking stand those people who come up to me
>"Uhm did you make that cosplay yourself? looks nice"
"oh uh nah just got it off aliexpress was way easier"
>"Oh.... I see... *sigh*"

Bitch what the fuck

>> No.10083526

Overbearing assholes who try to make everything a competition.

Not everyone who cosplays is trying to look perfect and become cos-famous. The flip side of the coin is if you are cosplaying to get people's attention, then you might want to work on improving things. Everyone's first cosplay was a mess. You have to learn as you go and for me that's part of the fun for me. Others may just want to buy something and look okay and that's fine too.

>> No.10083537 [DELETED] 

>shes 12. gross
wut? this only makes it hotter.

>> No.10083828

Dudes who cosplay as some female character, worse if they are husky or some thirsty anon from fit

>> No.10083837

if you're worried about wig styling, just take it to a beauty school and have a student cut it for you. $8 well spent and a lot cheaper than trying to get some overpriced booth at the con to do it for you

>> No.10083876

I'm finally trying to get back into cosplaying after a long hiatus, I've got about 6 months to lose the weight I've gained and I've finally gotten sewing lessons from my seamstress grandma, so I'm aiming to look like I give a fuck. Reading all of your pet peeves has really filled me with determination to get rid of everything that you guys mention, so thanks!

>> No.10084314


>> No.10090755

For me it's usually when i look at someone in their costume or pictures of them on the internet and i feel second hand embarassment.

>> No.10090824

>Overbearing assholes who try to make everything a competition.
>Not everyone who cosplays is trying to look perfect and become cos-famous. The flip

Most people who cosplay are trying to be cos famous anon, sorry to break it to you. But the perfection part is almost always coming in last place as priorities go.

>> No.10092777

Not being at a healthy weight.

>> No.10093197


using body paint and not sealing it. frizzy, uncombed wigs. ill-fitting costumes that are either vacuum-sealed to the person's body in the worst ways or just hanging off of them. wrinkled costumes that could've been fixed with like five minutes of ironing. fat people wearing corsets cinched all the fucking way in so they can pretend they have a waist.

yes i have seen that last one and yes it was awful. momocon 2018 was a wild ride.

>> No.10097269

Devil's advocate:
Maybe anon meant adding a boob window or cutout when the original design doesn't have it.

Double Devil's Advocate:
I am impressed when I see a Hakurei Reimu cosplay with sarashi, or sarashi in general when it isn't mandatory.

>> No.10097275

>not actually knowing the source material (not playing the game/watching the anime/reading the book)
This. Let's Plays exist. It's acceptable if you're in a group and the rest of the group are the big fans. Then it's just camaraderie and no one should receive shit for supporting their pals.

Cosplaying characters you don't know is very commercial. It's absolutely for photoshoots, e-fame, and other not-good anti-fun reasons. Commercial cosplay is honestly dangerous for the community.

>> No.10097278

>children don't wear lipstick
Not if they have good parents they don't, but if we're talking possible CP then use of lipstick is actually another red flag.

>> No.10097285

>men who dress as female characters
Can we add women who dress as traps?
Can we add traps in general?

I see it as something distinctly different from crossplay, which is fine if committed to, and a key distinction is the sexual side of it and in recent years also the meme credit for going as a trap. Especially blatant traps. Awful.

>> No.10097746

Would highly NOT recommend taking it to a beauty school unless it is a super simple hairstyle like a bob or something. Wigs are not like real hair and a lot of hairsylists use an "artistic vision" which ends up looking nothing like the character even if you show them. If you're nervous try going on insta or tumblr and typing in #[entercharacterhere]cosplay and looking at pics of people and following what they did. Or ask them if you feel up to it. Also ask any friends or acquaintances you have who have experience. Its scary your first time but go slow and you'll find its pretty hard to mess up.

>> No.10098065
File: 63 KB, 1080x1080, remdidntdeservethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by cinecosu

>> No.10098121

What I did the first couple of times was get a shitty looking wig in the same style for $5-10 and practice on it first