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10002854 No.10002854 [Reply] [Original]

> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
> Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?

>> No.10002868
File: 324 KB, 500x600, 516322-1085-2015-11-17433981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an atheist but I've always loved Christian imagery for gothic, and also when it's part of European architecture. I have no interest in any other type of religious symbolism, and don't think I would buy any pieces related to that (not because I uncomfortable wearing it, but because I just don't find it nearly as aesthetically pleasing). The specifically Japanese fixation on crosses as being "cool" instead of sacred is kind of charming to me, too.

As for pieces I actually own, it's only a handful of stained glass prints, since they're one of my favorite motifs. I think I'd like to own some of the iconic Moitie screenprints one day, but I'm still on the fence because there's some design elements I don't like (Bampire). I do love them on other people, though. I'm also tempted by dresses like Cherry Marguerite, just because it's such a weird combo.

Since the religious pieces I own aren't as in your face as dresses with crosses everywhere like Nameless Poem, I haven't gotten any shit for it. Any negative reactions have just been related to lolita in general.

I like these types of discussion threads, hope they don't die too fast.

>> No.10002877
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I'm not super religious but I am christian. I love religious imagery and find it aesthetically pleasing. I haven't had much negativity wearing it other than a friend or two saying that they personally couldn't wear crosses. I'll dump some religious coords to get the ball running

>> No.10002879
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>> No.10002880
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>> No.10002883
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>> No.10002884
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I also have saved pictures from the Heavenly Bodies Met Gala but I don't want to get us too far from the topic so I can hold off on posting those

>> No.10002891
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>How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
I'm agnostic, and I like this theme a lot aesthetically. AP's trend of slapping crosses in sweet prints oddly appeals to me as well, though unfortunately I don't feel comfortable wearing crosses myself.
>Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
Yes, I own quite a few solid, cross-less nun OPs. Pic related is one of my absolute favorite OPs.
>Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?
No because nuns aren't a common sight where I live so people don't usually associate my dresses with them; if anything they just think I'm a goth, haha.

>> No.10002926
File: 44 KB, 473x308, morefuninhellanyways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike religion. That said, it depends on the garment on how noticeable the imagery is, if it's one little cross, i'm not too bothered. But if it's in yo face jesus christ on his cross or whatever. I'll hate it.
In fact, i wish there were more "devil" inspired dresses, like Grove deer the lost continent it has the baphomet print.

>> No.10002957

Came here to post this. I dont like the virgin mary or a bleeding corpse in my clothes. Crosses is a yes from me.

>> No.10002959

This might be unpopular opinion but I absolutely love crosses, especially in sweet prints. I currently own Luminous Sanctuary in pink and think that the crosses are a nice touch. I am quite religious so they also have a meaning to me, but I don't mind if people wear them just for the aesthetic.

>> No.10002960

I do not like religions at all. I come from non religious home and country so I do not recognize all religious prints as one, for example I did not even know the blue print is religious, i think that is why Asian brands did many religious prints, becouse in their culture those symbols mean nothing.

>> No.10002964
File: 48 KB, 555x645, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love religious themes on my clothing. I'd even be willing to buy that Jesus cringy dress from JetJ if it was available.

That said, I'd also love to have more pieces with different religions motifs printed on it. It's a shame we don't have more pagan stuff on the gothic side of the cuts. I'd also vow for a Hinduist print, with Shiva or Brama depicted.

I'm not exactly a religious person, although I do love to read and study about it. Nowadays I own a bunch of gothic dresses with crosses and whatever. Never had to deal with negativity, people just assume I'm some kind of religious girl when they spot me with dresses like Nameless Poem.

>> No.10002965

I’m an atheist who grew up in a catholic home. love religious themes in Lolita, especially in gothic Lolita, because despite not following the religion anymore I adore catholic aesthetics such as crosses, nuns, rosaries, churches, and stained glass. I want to collect a couple of nun dresses and I wish there were more dresses that would showcase architectural aspects of gothic churches besides the usual stained glass (not that those are bad, I love stained glass prints) or cemeteries too. I guess you could say I appreciate these aesthetics in a much more artistic light rather than in a religious, spiritual way. I love visiting churches and cemeteries and getting inspiration from their architectural designs and religious paintings too. So far I haven’t had any issues wearing catholic themes with Lolita in a predominently catholic country.

>> No.10002985

I feel like you and I would get along well. Keep up the good aesthetic taste

>> No.10002991

> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita?
I love the religious (especially catholic) aesthetic but can't stand coords that overuse a single motif from it.

Cathedral print with a cross rosary, stained glass tights, nun headdress, and a Mary bow? Sure, whatever. A cross dress with cross shoe clips and cross tights and cross headbow and cross rosary and cross cuffs and cross collar and cross purse? Please stop.

> Are you religious yourself?
No. I think supernatural phenomena warrants further research but don't believe in any supreme higher being.

> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
I have a lot of vintage religious jewelry and accessories (rosaries, veils, habits, collars, wings, etc.) and some religion-inspired dresses. I don't have anything with a blatantly religious print.

> Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?
No negativity, just very confused old ladies trying to understand why Satan's child is wearing a rosary, veil, and christening gown.

>> No.10002993

I'd love to try gothic some time but I would feel very uncomfortable wearing christian imagery. My parents raised me atheist but I have a very catholic grandmother and I'm personally a non-practicing pagan, so wearing a cross just feels wrong to me. If I could do gothic with pagan imagery I would, but all too often that comes off as cringey.

>> No.10003000

>If I could do gothic with pagan imagery I would, but all too often that comes off as cringey.
Cringy how? Pagan or "occult" symbols are used in western goth all the time, they should be fine with gothic lolita too unless you wear them with prints obviously inspired by Christianity, I agree that wouldn't look good.

>> No.10003003

What was the name of that gull's shop that did the religious accessories?

>> No.10003095 [DELETED] 

>> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
I do love the imagery of crosses, churches and cathedrals, stained glass, and so on, and Catholic imagery is particularly beautiful. I just appriciate it as art however, and try to understand the symbolism as I personally am very agnostic.

>> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
I'm a Moitiefag so… yes. I tried avoiding cross-centric pieces for awhile since I grew up in a somewhat religous region of the US, but I decided it wasn't worth the trouble. So I have a number of dresses with crosses, stained glass, nun collars and the like. I draw the line at pieces like JetJ's Crusifiction or Moitie's Divine Cross however.

>> Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?

If you can't stand the text on Moitie prints there a few that don't use it: Chandelier, Cathedral, Gothic Arch, Church Gate, and Ritual just off the top of my head all leave off the text.

Dreamcathedral maybe? She made all sorts of stained glass accessories.

>> No.10003100

>>10002854 (OP) #
>> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
I do love the imagery of crosses, churches and cathedrals, stained glass, and so on, and Catholic imagery is particularly beautiful. I just appriciate it as art however, and try to understand the symbolism as I personally am very agnostic.

>> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
I'm a Moitiefag so… yes. I tried avoiding cross-centric pieces for awhile since I grew up in a somewhat religous region of the US, but I decided it wasn't worth the trouble. So I have a number of dresses with crosses, stained glass, nun collars and the like. I draw the line at pieces like JetJ's Crucifiction or Moitie's Divine Cross however.

>> Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?

>>10002868 #
If you can't stand the text on Moitie prints there a few that don't use it: Chandelier, Cathedral, Gothic Arch, Church Gate, and Ritual just off the top of my head all leave off the text.

>>10003003 #
Dreamcathedral maybe? She made all sorts of stained glass accessories.

>> No.10003110

>wasn't worth the trouble
What kind of trouble were you expecting to get? Where I'm from no one is really religious at all, so I'm curious about people's reactions.

>> No.10003112

I'm interested in the history of a lot of religions and I also love the art that religions (mainly Catholicism) has produced so I love religious prints in both gothic and sweet

>> No.10003119
File: 93 KB, 850x850, Grove Deer City of Devils 3Way High Wayst One Piece 4-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
I'm an atheist with some occult tendencies, but I like religious themes in lolita, especially for gothic and classic. A lot of Christian artwork, architecture, etc. is elegant and beautiful. I wish there were more occult/satanic/esoteric themed pieces.

I'm also a goth so I'm pretty ok with the whole ironically wearing religious symbols thing.

>Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
My closet is 99% Moitie, so pretty much everything has crosses or cathedrals or something Catholic on it.

>Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?
Not much aside from a few crazy people. Most people leave me well enough alone.

Gothic Arch has the text along the bottom, but it's within the print so it's not as noticeable. At least the old one does. I haven't looked at the new one closely enough.

>> No.10003120

This is easier than you think to do, especially if you opt for non print items. I’m also of a pagan leaning. Classic brands’ pieces in black colour ways can work well to avoid the crosses issue entirely, or looking at brands such as Boz or Mille Noirs etc. Moitie is harder to avoid crosses with, but still doable. I’ve even gone as far as wearing Boz nun dresses, albeit avoiding black x white colourways, with pagan related jewellery. It’s a look that can look really good, especially if you downplay the nun-aspect to the dresses.

>> No.10003125
File: 68 KB, 690x690, 007kaTlQgy1fvrxorry6wj32c02c01kx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran across this on weibo earlier, if I translated it correctly the OP is called "Our Lady of Money" and the mens set is "Pope of Purchasing Power". Maybe not super practical for daily wearing, but very entertaining.

>> No.10003131

Same, I don't mind small crosses (I mostly wear gothic so it's hard to avoid) and religious motifs (nuns, cathedrals, stained glass etc.) but heavy religious iconography or figures are where I draw the line. Sucks because I really like the green colourway of sleeping garden but the whole Jesus Christ on the cross in the centre of the print was a deal breaker for me. I wear lolita on an almost daily basis and I wouldn't be comfortable just going about my day with that on my dress (as much as I do love the colour). Maybe for events or something it'd be okay but I don't really go to lolita events.
I guess I just lean more towards the side of vampire gothic than religious gothic. Architecture is fine though.

>> No.10003138

This topic has been discussed so many times zzzZzz if you don’t like it don’t wear it /end

>> No.10003176

oooh i need the sauce on those tights

>> No.10003189

I thought so. I have it in my bookmarks but the shop doesn't seem to exist anymore

>> No.10003193

I'm a Christian but not extremely religious. I love dresses with religious themes. I especially love Catholic art, even though I wasn't raised Catholic, and gothic architecture and artwork.

I'm more into solids and Moitie prints, though; can't say I like JetJ or Jesus painting prints, and I don't think I'd feel comfortable wearing Sleeping Garden with the giant Jesus on the cross in the middle.

I think it all comes down to what meaning a symbol holds for you. Like I said, I wear dresses with religious images like crosses, but I don't feel particularly "religious" when wearing them, and I'm not actively thinking about Christianity when I do. I just think they're cool gothic dresses. I can definitely understand why people would be uncomfortable wearing them, though, as they probably relate to the symbol differently.

Like, for instance, I know a lot of anons here have said how they want more dresses with pagan imagery or pentagrams. Personally, I don't think I could ever wear those symbols comfortably as I have friends that have had negative demonic experiences. In my mind, those symbols just have negative energy.

I have Moitie with upside-down cross lace, though, but I think of it as the originally Christian symbol of St. Peter's cross.

>> No.10003333

Why people go all nuts when the print spots animals wearing Native American war bonnets, but still go all chill about crosses and nun dresses? Isn’t it the same?

>> No.10003347

I'm Christian but I also draw the line at figures and an actual crucifixion on prints, not because I'm Catholic but because it feels weird. Angels, churches, crosses, and stained glass prints are my absolute fav. I like being able to incorporate my religion into some of my fashion (not overbearingly so).

>> No.10003353

Is any of this for sale on Taobao or anywhere? If you could post a link I'd be eternally grateful. This is so over the top and I need the full set

>> No.10003379

I really love Catholic motifs and Halloween prints although I feel really bad for wearing them, even pieces with smallest crosses along print. It comes OP was my dream dress for so many years, sometimes I think about buying it and butchering the cross lace off to replace it with floral one. I know it will destroy the market value of piece, but I guess I won’t like to part with it anyways.

>> No.10003386

It's because, outside that time someone dunked the crucifix in a vat of shit, Christians aren't ever in the news decrying people for appropriation. On the contrary, there's been a lot in the news over the war bonnet. Christian symbolism isn't "sacred" because that would be wrong. The meaning is special, but the object itself is not.

>> No.10003394

I think the crown is Cirith Ninniach

>> No.10003395

Are you sure? Are you aware of the surge of movies such as God is not dead that popularise the Christian persecurion complex?

>> No.10003404

I wonder if people are even aware off that the cross symbol itself is way older than Christianity? As many other symbols it has just been stolen and turned into something different by the Christians. Hence why especially with crosses I don’t see any problem at all wearing them. And every time someone asks if I’m even Christian that I’m wearing a cross I give them the weirdest faces

>> No.10003417

I don't know about other people but I live in a country that was "converted" (by force) to Christianity from our original pagan religion so I feel like if christians didn't want me wearing their symbols maybe they shouldn't have bullied my ancestors into doing so

>> No.10003422

OT but...I'm interested in these negative demonic experiences, anon! Can you share?

>> No.10003430

Ayrt I'm exactly the same. I said no to sleeping garden because of the same reasons!

>> No.10003433

I'm surprised but glad to hear I'm not the only one. I never looked twice at sleeping garden because of it until I saw the latest rerelease in green. Boy was I disappointed to realise why I had blocked the print out of my mind for so long. I guess all I can do is hope it sells well and moitie makes more green pieces to fit the demand.

>> No.10003452
File: 163 KB, 720x1018, 1538039487644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reading through this thread, I feel like it's kind of rare to dislike all religious imagery in lolita? I can't stand anything with crosses, church themes etc.- I hate the aesthetic and i'll be completely turned off a dress if it has anything along those lines on it.

For example on pic related- I don't mind the dress but I hate the cross on the bodice. I would actually remove it and replace it with a different charm if I owned it and vice versa for anything similiar. Does anyone else feel the same way, or are most people inclined to the religious/cross aesthetic?

>> No.10003520

It says they are still registering a business and setting up a taobao store, but here is the weibo link https://www.weibo.com/u/6711052598

>> No.10003521
File: 269 KB, 690x920, 007kaTlQgy1fvlwkd9fawj32c0340qv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the print is over the top

>> No.10003550
File: 51 KB, 361x581, 54FC46A3-8097-4D9D-B012-E06772561491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m raised Catholic, my closet is mostly religious themed. Taobao has really delivered in this area. I have less of a brand allegiance and more of an aesthetic allegiance so i don’t mind collecting both brand and taobao.

>> No.10003567

I lile the dress but if you don't mind me asking, where do you can wear this print ? I can Imagine wearing it only to a meat or con. I myself could not wear this outside a lolitameat.

>> No.10003568

Legit question. Are you autistic?

>> No.10003585

.... I wear it wherever I wear lolita. Which is, anytime I feel like it?

>> No.10003586

I love the aesthetic and find it fun to play with the artistic sense Christianity has spent hundreds of years creating. I am atheist but was raised Christian, so i grew up looking at this kind of imagery.

Anyways I own several stuff that has overt religious themes, the cruxifucion dress and the Jesus on boob dress from jetj, as well as nameless poem, Gloria, and dumb Ap prints like milky cross and magic amulet.

Never had a negative reaction to the religious elements specifically, most people aren’t going to harass you more for wearing a cross. I did get called a costume wearing nameless poem but it looked nun like so I get it.

>> No.10003595


>> No.10003601


>> No.10003602

>> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself?
I'm not religious and not completely comfortable in it all the time. I love the iconography, though. As long as the dress isn't overly religious I'll wear it. I'm with >>10003131 on this one.

>> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
A couple but nothing extravagant or overt.

>> Have you ever been dealing with negativity wearing those?
I actually get more hassle when I'm not in religious themed clothing. People have a tendency to come up to me and try to tell me The Good News when im not in lolita.

>Dreamcathedral maybe? She made all sorts of stained glass accessories.
Her shop dissapeared off of etsy. Does anyone know if she moved or just quit? I wanted to buy a Cainhurst brooch.

>> No.10003684
File: 24 KB, 250x333, IW Gargoyles JSK Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore Gothic architecture too, anon! I was so happy to find IW's Gargoyles of Notre-Dame JSK, and I can't wait to wear it to the actual Notre-Dame next week!

Also I imprinted on Angel Sanctuary as a teen and now find all cross and religious imagery cool to a ridiculous degree. Tragically my boyfriend is Catholic and I'm really not. I try not to buy anything too overtly religious out of consideration for his feelings, but it's hard...

>> No.10003776
File: 112 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-180507152607-634.linda-carter-met-gala-2018-arrivals.ct.050718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I agree. I find overt religious imagery very tacky and I think I only liked 3-4 looks from the MET gala.
> they didnt even have pure religious images on them
> just a whole lotta gold and sparkle
I was a little charmed by Lynda Carter wearing a jewish imagery inspired outfit though since she was in a sea of christian iconography.

>> No.10003815

Aye. We aren't allowed to have sacred symbols and items. There's no divination, seals, amulets, sacred knots, and so on and so forth because we aren't allowed to claim supernatural power to an object like a cross or rosary. That's why I worded it that what the item represents is special, but the item itself is not. The issue with the cruxifix in a vat of shit wasn't the issue of using some sacred item the wrong way as in the case of the headdress, it was just the fact people were offended because they felt compared to shit. It was the message that offended them.

Pretty much, nothing in lolita would be offensive so there's no issue.

>> No.10003818

I am actually surprised occult/esoteric prints don't make more of an appearance in lolita. There's a lot of material that would work nicely in prints. It's funny because other J-fashions, barring stuff like fairy kei and larme, often have that sort of stuff, but not lolita.

>> No.10003940
File: 208 KB, 600x600, menhera_chan_sweet_cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A personal story though, I have alot of old pastel goth accessories, including a pastel cross which I wear out sometimes. It's often not given a second thought when I wear it, but one day whilst out with a friend I was stopped by a guy with a camera. We were both in jfash so expected him to ask for an outfit pic, instead he asked for a picture of my necklaces with the cross, explaining he was doing a project on people wearing religious imagery in daily life. I agreed to a photo and have no clue if he was writing about it as I didn't ask for any info but it just remains as an odd story whilst out in jfash.

>> No.10003943

cut the first part of my post, ugh.
What I meant to post is alot of religious imagery appears in yume/yamikawaii thats not christian like the star of david and the star and crescent. Whilst their bother attributed to other meanings, I've seen people bring it up before once or twice.

>> No.10003957

> How do you feel about religious-themed pieces in lolita? Are you religious yourself? I think they look extremely tacky and gaudy, but I’m a huge fan of anything gaudy. I’m an anti-theist but grew up Roman Catholic. I think religion is bullshit, yet I love religious iconography, especially Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.
> Do you own any religious-themed pieces?
Nope. I do plan to eventually own Holy Lantern though.

>> No.10003959

Well fuck I formatted that wrong lol

Sage because I’m a dumbass

>> No.10004010

What looks like the Star of David is more often the Kagome crest, a symbol prominent in Japanese religion. Little to no relation to Judaism.

>> No.10004369

The shop has been neglected a bit due to some personal stuff and several instances of "customers" getting me invested in custom order ideas, and then disappearing before any of it can come to fruition. From outright ghosting, to telling me they're inspired to try making it themselves, I'm just sort of creatively exhausted by that. The shop isn't wiped for good, I'll just bring it back online when I return from a much needed vacation. You can still reach me on instagram, I have a lot of leftover stock and don't mind letting go of some at a bargain. Cainhurst included.

>> No.10004559
File: 203 KB, 500x600, 09251842_5baa02e969f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> see Milky Cross in navy
> such a deep color, I want it so bad
> so many crosses, I would totally feel uncomfortiable wearing this
> AP releases this

idk gulls, the color doesn't seem as cute and I guess it looked better with all the cameos

>> No.10004619

I hate that star

>> No.10004713

Sorry to hear things have been rough for you. Glad that you are not perma deleting your shop, though. NGL I don't have or want an instagram account. If you have an email I can reach you at I'd love to take a Cainhurst brooch off your hands. I'm also a bit interested in your arch windows if you have any left, btw.

>> No.10004721

>Isn’t it the same?
No, crosses and nun dresses are largely a white people thing so they're free for anyone to use however they please. Remember, white people are evil if they complain about double standards.

If brands had some real balls they'd do something really offensive but muslim-themed. Then again I can understand the desire not to get lynched by an angry mob so they'll stick to easy targets that cannot fight back.

>> No.10004811

how fucking high are you?