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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9594552 No.9594552 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9590288

>> No.9594554
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I don't know where the best place to post this is, but I need help and I thought other Lolitas might know, even though Ank Rouge isn't a Lolita brand.

I have tried several times to buy from the Ailand online shop using Tenso, and my order will not go through. It takes me back to the second page of the cart process and the red text in pic related pops up.

Everything is correct. I even called my credit card company, they are not refusing it.

I swear I have seen people say they used Tenso for Ank Rouge before, so what's going on? Can someone help me?

>> No.9594592
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Does anyone have any sort of pre-meet ritual they like to follow before a big comm meet up/event?

>inb4 "no bc I wear it daily"
The extra stuff you do to look or feel cute/elegant while you're getting ready before a meet.

I like to have a hot bath and listen to Malice Mizer or ballet music, have a coffee, and take my time getting ready. It's soothing.

>> No.9594595

Can we start doing thread recaps again? I hate reading through 300+ posts to see if anything interesting came up, and it ends up being nothing.

>> No.9594599

Ailand stopped accepting foreign cards in March.

>> No.9594604

I always try to make time to go listen to music and relax at a coffee shop prior to a meet. It allows me to gear up being around people and wear my frills out to more than just the meet.

>> No.9594606


>> No.9594621

I have a playlist of really over-the-top, tacky pop music about fashion and money (stuff like "Pretty Girl Rock" and "Fuck Boys Get Money") that I love blasting while I get ready. I wear lolita reguarly, and I'm usually really chill and lowkey, but there's something so fun about being really garish and obnoxious while putting on my best brand

>> No.9594623

why do people always ask the same shit?

>> No.9594625

Sick of people randomly posting auction links with no context.

>> No.9594630

The red message basically says your account has been flagged because there has been an excessive number of returned or not picked up packages/cancellations/etc and you have been deemed to not actually want to buy the things you order. Now, especially if the account is new this could just be a standard message that is displayed when there is any problem at all and the actual reason is because of your foreign card like the other anon said or maybe it's because of the tenso address, I'm not familiar with Ailand and their policies.

>> No.9594636

When does CC do their winter coat sale? I forget if it's September or October.

>> No.9594639

I figured that might be the case.. that's so disappointing. I wanted to consolidate with other stuff I have at tenso.

>> No.9594641

It's a new account, so I guess they just don't want foreigners buying their clothes. I'll have to use FJ or something.

>> No.9594644

istg this exact question was a conversation starter a few weeks ago and my answer is the same. Shower, shave, tweeze my eyebrows, exfoliate, charge my phone, maybe trim my fringe and do a dry run of the coord I plan to wear the night before. I have a playlist of goth music I put on while I get ready if I'm not in a rush.

>> No.9594661

Not true. Foreign cc's are okay. Tenso addresses are not. I'm not sure why so many people are spreading the opposite info. Someone just asked this is the Larme thread too.

>> No.9594678
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I want to make a big style change which means selling the majority of my wardrobe. Most of the stuff I want to keep is in storage (student) and I won't be able to get it back until September, most of the dresses I have to hand are ones I want to sell. There are two swap meets coming up in the next month so it'd probably be easier to sell sooner rather than later (which would also help me fund the change), but if I do I won't really be able to wear lolita until either stuff I go back to collect my stuff from storage or my Tenso/FJ stuff arrives in a few weeks. I can't wear lolita for my major and am super busy during term time (final year), so the summer is pretty much the only time I can wear lolita regularly. What do, /cgl/?

>> No.9594693

Wear each piece you want to sell in one last coord and take pictures, save 2 coords to wear on the days of the swap meets so you still have lolita stuff to wear even if everything else sells (you can sell those pieces on lacemarket/Facebook later). Realistically September is like 3 weeks away, you'll be able to get your things out of storage soon.

>> No.9594694

Are there any specific articles in an outfit that you think ought to match or prefer to match in your own coords? Like purse and shoes, hat and coat, etc?

>> No.9594695
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Well, as silly as it sounds I listen to cute/calming playlist to help with my anxiety and when I dress up I put on Sailor Moon or another magical girl's transformation theme and I imagine getting changed in a really cool way as I casually dress up. I'm lame.
I treat myself to a bath and facemask to feel extra fresh and relaxed before going.

>> No.9594698

I feel you! I listen to fuck boys get money and stuff like that sometimes to feel kool and edgy. Even though I'm usually very calm and respectful of boys and everyone in general.

>> No.9594705

I don't think they always should match, but I noticed I usually match my bag to my shoes and my blouse to my legwear. I'm careful not to have it look like I'm wearing a onesie under my main piece, though.
Usually when I introduce a new colour by way of a cardigan or bolero, I match my shoes to that and have my bag be a different colour. I don't like having my bag be the same colour as something on my upper body, it blends together too much.

>> No.9594718

Oh, really? I wonder what they have against Tenso. Either way, I can't use my credit card if they can't ship to tenso. I put in a FJ request for the stuff I want.

>> No.9594719

A lot of my coords are all one colour, and I'd say for about 90% of the rest I match my legwear to my blouse and my shoes to my main piece to my headwear, then match my bag to either a colour in the main piece or my shoes. Sometimes I go slightly more oldschool and match shoes to bag, legwear to blouse, and headwear to either shoes/bag or main piece, or really oldschool and match everything to the colour of the lace on the dress.

I've been getting into otome and trying to find new ways to have a coord look harmonious without being so matchy but I'm fundamentally just a pretty formulaic person (plus a wear a lot of solids, which are much harder to experiment with without looking unevenly blocky than prints are). I also enjoy the challenge of making coords that don't have their balance completely thrown off as you add/remove layers or if you're not holding your bag (e.g. shoes match bag match cardigan looks pretty cute in a coord shot but extremely weird if you take your cardigan and bag off indoors).

>> No.9594775

Otome can look very matchy too, it's just different brands

>> No.9594781

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?

>> No.9594796


Preferred necklines are something I can show off a short necklace/choker with, so square, V, and round, and to a lesser extent some sailor collars allow it too.

My wardrobe is not very seasonal. I have a couple summery chiffon dresses, other than that I just add a coat and swap straw hats for wool if it's cold.

Minimal poof, I'm tall and don't want to look like an open umbrella. I wear classic.

I wear a girdle with some skirts so that the waistband sits smoother or so that multiple pairs of tights don't dig into my waist. I bind with some blouses. Pettis I don't coordinate more than black petti/dark skirt white petti/everything else.

Openwork crochet stockings are what get me after a full day of them pressing in the bottom of my feet. I wear short matching socks underneath the stockings and it helps some, but they usually show outside my shoe

>> No.9594803

same answer as last time, i cry in the shower

>> No.9594814


I like peter pan style collars if they're not too big and square neck with crossed neckties. For the sleeves I like 3/4 hime style sleeves,bell sleeves and cuff sleeves with little buttons. I never wear a blouse under OPs and some of my OPs have detachable sleeves already. For JSKs I wear blouse-like cutsews with them only but I like cardis and boleros a lot tho.

I would say it's ok. I got chiffon boleros,boater hats,lace tights for summer and little boots,berets and a coat for winter. My dresses vary from chiffon to velvet so even though I have a small wardrobe I'm good.

I rarely ever go to meetups, I'm more of a lone lolita and really anxious. But I usually just watch the FB group from afar and if I saw someone I don't like coming I would either not go or ignore them.

I like my poof not too big but not just the bare minimum either. I mainly wear old school sweet and gothic.

I never wear any shapewear and my pettis are all white or have a little pink in them.

Definitely the pettis my poofiest is very tight and it can hurt (and my waist is not big at all, it's just tight). Also shoes sometimes. I can't do much about it but it's alright.

Never, but if I saw another lolita I would be excited and maybe daring enough to speak to her. I wouldn't want to bother her though.

>> No.9594828

I got a question for you all: Is there any Japanese brand you outright hate?

>> No.9594832

"hate" is a strong word but there aren't any, thinking about it. Even Juliette and Justine that I think are really tacky. They made nice things back in 2008 or so.

>> No.9594833
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I like long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves. I never wear short sleeves, as I have old scars on my upper arms that I'd rather not show. I've never worn a blouse under an OP, and I doubt I would in the future. I wear a lot of cutsews because they generally require less maintenance than blouses.

My wardrobe is mainly autumn/winter clothes, with a small amount of spring/summer clothes.

Generally in scoping the quality of a meetup I look to see the location. If it's at a bowling alley or mall I may be less inclined to go, whereas if it was at a cafe or museum or something. However, I've had fun at mall meets and such.

My comm is actually really nice, I don't think there's anyone in it that I avoid or find uncomfortable. There are a couple younger members who are in high school who are a bit immature or annoying at times, but even then they're nice.

My poof is usually small or medium. I wear classic, mainly Innocent World.

I don't wear any shapewear, but I wear a slip under my petticoat. Both of my petticoats are white, so I don't color coordinate.

Probably the heels become the most uncomfortable. I wear gel insoles in the toe/ball of the foot area, but even then it still hurts.

At a con I saw a really cute lolita and stopped her to ask for a picture, and said I liked her coord. I was also wearing lolita at the time, and we ended up swapping Instagrams.

>> No.9594835

Agreed on J et J, their old non-prints were okay but I hate their new stuff.
Mam, Naoto Frill, and Pina Sweet Collection. So ugly. To Alice if you include taobao

>> No.9594839

personally, no. there are some brands that i don't pay attention to or wear because they often don't suit my style. but the idea of hating an entire brand (unless they have some kind of awful business practices or their stuff is notoriously poor quality) seems kind of silly to me.

>> No.9594849

I don't really hate the brand itself, but I really dislike 90% of AP releases and how hyped they are. Like if AP disappeared tomorrow and I never had to see another one of their pieces I'd be glad of it. I used to block their tag on tumblr but idk if there's a way to do that on FB and IG.
>inb4 rage from AP fans
>it's just like, my opinion, man

>> No.9594853

I don't hate any brands or shops but I've seen some really ugly shit come out of taobao and etsy

>> No.9594859

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses?
I nearly always wear long sleeves, usually gathered at the wrist as princess sleeves look beautiful but are super impractical. I like square necklines but it's a bitch finding necklaces to suit each so I usually end up wearing more subtle/classic peter pan collars.

>How often do you wear a blouse under an op?
Quite often since I wear oldschool, but I also do it in modern gothic and some other styles where I can perfectly match the colour and style of the blouse and OP so it looks like it's just one dress that was always intended that way.

>How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
Very rarely, since jersey knit doesn't suit most of my dresses. The one I wear most often I basically only use when most of it will be hidden by a JSK and bolero, so I'm just getting the lace and cross tie detailing at the neckline.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
Not much. I have like one strawberry print and two lightweight OPs but the rest is usable year-round IMO. Like a quarter of my wardrobe is velveteen but I live quite far north and have no shame about wearing velvet for nine months of the year, so unless it's literally August (like now, sigh) I don't feel restricted.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
Not really, but I have felt my heart sink when the first person waiting at the train station was super ita and I had to make polite conversation while they caught a lot of attention from passers-by. I don't have any special techniques for avoiding people - I usually try to be subtle when I am to avoid hurting people's feelings (or pissing off the girls who end up sat next to the ita instead).

>> No.9594860

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
I used to think super poofy was the most kawaii style even in oldschool, but the older I get the more I like things toned down. I think a perfect silhouette makes a big impact in a monochrome look like gothic though, so I tend to vary my poof levels a lot.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind?
If I'm going to have a lot of things digging into my waist I sometimes wear a steel-boned corset to protect myself, and I just bought a binder to fit some high-waisted pieces better. Usually I wear no shapewear and just vary the bra style and padding to suit the dress.

>Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
Black pettis for dark colours, white pettis for light colours, unless I don't have a matching one in the right length.

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
To avoid discomfort when elastic waistbands are digging in I use the corset trick above, for shoes I still don't have anything really helpful. I sometimes wear insoles and always keep plasters on me and I'm trying to invest in more quality and well-fitting shoes.

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
I don't stop people because I don't want to inconvenience them but I've said "Hey, I like your outfit/skirt/whatever!" to people before, especially when I see alt styles like goths, and it seems to brighten people's day. I've had women point out a piece of my normie outfit they liked or ask where I got it before, so I don't think it's a rude thing to do where I live.

>> No.9594868
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I like 3/4 sleeves the most because they often have the cutest shape. I wear cutsews under my JSKs all the time, but i only choose ones with really cute sleeves since that's the part that shows.

My wardrobe isn't really seasonal at all. I mostly have JSKs that can be styled for any season. It's just a matter of smart layering.

I've been part of the local comm's FB group for a while but I still don't go to anything or talk to anyone. So I guess you could say that's my method for avoiding people that make me uncomfortable.

I do a medium poof if I'm just going to be around the house/running simple unexciting errands, and a big poof if I'm going somewhere for fun. I wear sweet.

I have to wear padded bras when I wear OPs if that counts. OPs are typically too big for me. I also tend to layer pettis more often when I'm wearing OPs so that there's extra bulk at my waist. All of my pettis are white so I don't coordinate them, but I like to choose ones with cute details such as ribbons and extra lace and stuff.

Definitely my petticoat, it has a tendency to slip down throughout the day so I sometimes have to excuse myself somewhere and adjust.

I have not and probably never will stop a stranger because I like their outfit, mostly because I don't want to bother them. But if we were, say, standing in line together for some reason, dropping a quick "I like your outfit" wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9594869

I kind of dislike AP's entire aesthetic. It aggravates me this is the "big brand" of lolita. If it were something like JetJ or IW or MmM who was the king, I'd love to see what the fashion as a whole would look like. I feel like it'd be far more elegant and wearable.

As for quality or anything, I don't hate them there, I think it's okay. It's just how they design their stupid baby looking cuts and prints and endless, shapeless sack designs.

>> No.9594878

Royal Princess Alice. The quality is so shitty and worse than many taobao brands, yet people suck their dick because they're Japan based.

>> No.9594889

Panic because I have "nothing to wear", mostly. At least, that's what I'm doing right now. Half my stuff is on the other side of the country and everything else is either
>too OTT for the meet
>too casual for the meet
>for sale
>set aside to debut at a big event coming up
>doesn't work with my natural (weather makes a wig impractical tomorrow)
>only matches platform heels (going to be a lot of walking at the meet)
>matches enough to make a mediocre outfit but would look *perfect* with stuff I have in the mail so my perfectionist ass would rather wait
>versatile and easy to coord but I've worn it to multiple meets with the same comm before and istg they think I only have five dresses because I keep repeating the same few

>> No.9594900

If you asked this 2 years ago, 50% of the answers would be Metamorphose kek

>> No.9594905

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? a cutsew under a jsk/op?
I wear gothic and classic and generally prefer standing collars. I don't layer under OP and prefer wearing cutsews with casual coords.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
Same colors year round but varied fabric types.

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
A-line, mainly for the practicality. And no.

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
If I'm wearing a skirt (on top of a petti and bloomers and tights), then definitely my waist. I usually forgo bloomers and underskirts when I can.

>> No.9594920


A lot of Meta's stuff is taobao tier, if not worse.
Link related

>> No.9594922

It's just because of weird Meta designs, right? Their quality seems like it's always been good, though. I gotta admit they've swayed me recently with their design changes.

>> No.9594927

It's mostly the weird designs, but they have also always used certain materials and fabrics other brands didn't, like raschel lace (a lot of nicer-quality raschel than cheap brands, but they have also used shit-tier raschel, there was even translated Japanese lolita BBS chat from ten years ago where a girl was complaining that she had a friend who worked as a wholesaler or something and the lace Meta was using was one of the cheapest a yard, which she didn't think fitted the luxurious concept of lolita). Their construction is really solid though and the amount of attention to detail in their stock photos and showing their sketches for each design is something other brands could learn from.

>> No.9594933

that's... my five year old brother could have made a better headbow

>> No.9595018

Does anyone have the copypasta about how concrit is bad because you meanies don't appreciate all the money we spend on dresses

Thanks in advance

>> No.9595019

I bathe with lush products, do my nails. Might put some fresh flowers in the kitchen and set up some fruit platters. I also like having my parrot keep me company as I go about it, even if he does just want to eat my earrings.

>> No.9595030

I'm another Malice Mizer pregamer. Also, I pick a fragrance to wear for the occasion, and pack a roller version if I have one.

>> No.9595208

They also stuff their lucky packs with really shitty accessories, they look like what you'd get from an off brand mall accessory shop. I have several I can't give away at swap meets.

>> No.9595209

Forgot the main point of that. But that means there's a bunch of really really shitty meta floating around.

>> No.9595215

I have a hate of Royal Princess Alice because I don't think the brand has it's own aesthetic like Meta, Baby and AP. Those brands can follow trends but put their own spin on it when they do.

RPA just copies other brands, hops on all kinds of trends, and just doesn't even have a cohesive style. Most of their releases look like they would come from other brands.

>> No.9595359


This sounds like a few clueless foreigners clicked COD instead of credit card when checking out, Ailand sends Tenso the package and the package got refused so now Ailand simply blocks Tenso's address. Kinda makes sense, I suppose. Fuck those clueless idiots for ruining it for everyone else, though.

>> No.9595387
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It's not just their lucky packs either, their regular accessories are quite often just barely above shit-tier. And you thought Haenuli pulling this shit was bad, Meta was probably her inspiration.

They're very solid with their construction otherwise, and it isn't a brand I hate, but if they can just quit peddling these flea-market accessories I'd probably love them a whole lot more. As of right now they're a name I say with a sigh and an eye roll even while I'm clicking "buy" on one of their prettier dresses.

>> No.9595491

Were all the resources from avantgauche.co.uk saved anywhere?

>> No.9595519

I'm pretty sure Meta as pulling Haenuli with accessories long before Haenuli was even in the game. I know some brand name accessory quite a few years ago was actually something someone found on taobao/aliexpress, so it was from a wholesaler. I think it was an hourglass necklace or something.

>> No.9595523

There's a difference between selling accessories from a wholesaler and claiming that you designed them yourself like Haenuli did.

>> No.9595529

Especially when the brooch you claim to have made yourself then turns out to be a replica of a different brand. That whole thing was such a clusterfuck.

>> No.9595549
File: 63 KB, 563x563, 20766442_270060230176877_6759782085814124544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Holy Queen based on? I thought it was a religious print but it doesn't look that way up close.

>> No.9595587

where the hell has the local comm thread gone? has nobody just made one in forever?

>> No.9595590

just realised i posted in the dead thread

how do you suggest? I'm writing an email now, but something tells me it's not going to work. I'll just add that there's multiple people who would like this shoe back in stock?

>> No.9595607

No, because no one bothered to archive them properly and the same will happen to the livejournal comms.

>> No.9595608

She says if you want something from the site to email her but I dont know if she still checks that email and I dont know what to ask for since I dont know what was on the site

>> No.9595618

you can use wayback machine to get to some stuff, but it's not 100% archived.

>> No.9595628

>>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
I hate high neck blouses or peter pan. I neet to show off my collarbones or I feel frumpy, fat and un-sexy. Square neck are my favorite. Also, princesslseeves and 3/4. Short sleeved blouses usually have very tught elastic that I have to loosen up. No, I'm not a fatty, I'm just tall and a bit bigger.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
It's not.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
Yes, in my city there is the main comm and I don't get along with most members, so I usually avoid their meetups unless it's a bigger event. I usually check who organizes a meet and that's enough to find out if it's gonna be an all itas meeup or a decent one. usually it's the latter tho :(

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
Although I wear Classic, I like big poof. I wear a big Classical Puppets Petty that I separated into two layers, so I can wear only one for dreesses that don't allow too much poof, for example I can't fit the two layers under my Cadre du Chat.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
No, sometimed I think I would like to, but i live in South America, it's generally too hot for that and I think I would bfeel uncomfortable. I have a weird thing with my waist, I can stand no pressure on it or it makes me feel sick. It's very inconvenient.

>> No.9595633


>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
I don't know what it is but a have loads of problems with comfort when I wear clothes, this also happens outside Lolita. Most fabrics and materials irritate me, I feel them to be scratchy and annoying. I also can't stand to have preassure put on my waist (No, I'm not a fatty. I fit into unshirred brand). I also can't tolerate heavy accesories or painful clips and stuff on my hair.

My squeeshed waistline. This is a big problem for me outside Lolita too. I do loads of things to prevent it:
1. ALtered all my pettis to have looser elastic, and I also choose a wide flat elastic so it won't dig in
2. I wear a soft cotton underdress so I can layer my pettis and it won't be scratchy
3. I can't for the life of me wear thigths. I wear a garter belt positioned at my hips. If I need to wear patterned tights or floral lace tights, I alter them. I cut the leg part and wear them with my garterbelt

Short sleeved blouses:
I tend to alter them because the elastic gets scratchy and squeezes my arms

Stopped wearing them because I can't stand the scratchyness. And no, it's not because they are cheap wigs, I used to buy quality wigs

False lashes:
ugh, so heavy and scratchy too. I just pull them off inmediatly after the meetup.

Clip in extensions:
These are so painful for me to wear, they are heavy and give me a headache.

I usually bring a carry on with me, with some cute and comfortable clothes like a cute jersey dress and comfy shoes to change after a meetup. I also tend to remove falsies and heavy hair extensions.

>> No.9595638

ngl but this sounds like you have autism sensory issues
>am autist and have suffered from very similar since I was a kid with all kinds of fabrics/pressures/etc.

>> No.9595641

I think Rainedragon might gave run a spider on it to pull the images off when it first went down, but I'm not sure if she got round to it. It's 99% scans that are archived elsewhere anyway.

>> No.9595642

Queen Guinevere?

>> No.9595693
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For the anons who were wondering about Aatp's Halloween print, someone just posted this on lolita updates

>> No.9595697

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
Neckline: I do actually like high neckline. The only thing I dislike is it interferes with chokers. I'm fine with almost all lolita necklines, though.
Sleeve length: Almost always long. I burn easily, get cold easily, and have really thin arms I tend to cover up. I hate 3/4 sleeves the most. I'd always prefer it be long sleeve or short sleeve.
Blouse under OP: Only if I need extra sleeve length or my arms are showing. If it clashes, I won't bother.
Cutsews: I like them. They feel more casual, so I don't tend to wear them at meets or for really non-casual things.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
It tends heavily towards winter and fall, but I thankfully live in a climate that supports that. I just love velvets, jacquards, etc. Prints, colors, and materials I like just happen to come out around then. The only seasonal themed prints I'll accept is wintery or icey ones for winter or Halloween themes that can be seen as gothic. I'm not a fan of prints that look like they're meant for one Holiday season out of the year.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
Scoping out: I have. It was pretty Bodyline/Taobao/mostly AP and some Baby for brands. Seems to be the case for most comms.
Avoidance: My method of showing disinterest is just having a cool demeanor towards them. Engage with someone else if someone doesn't get the hint. Chillyness has always kept itas away from me.

>> No.9595700

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
I'm a gothic lolita that has some sweet. It really depends on the piece, but "medium" is generally good. I think a lot of puff only looks good on mostly OTT sweet, OTT classic, etc.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
Shapewear: No, I'm pretty thin and bony. It's more about filling out a bustline properly and making sure OPs aren't huge on me.
Petti's to match the dress: Yes, absolutely. I think it's most fun in sweet, but the petti will usually be seen at a glance so it needs to be coordinated too.

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
I just hate wigs, but I tend to wear them. Adjusting the wigcap provides only so much comfort. You really just have to have a cap and wig that's not too tight.

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
I have. I'd say lolitas are sheepish. I guess I understand because I'm shy myself and would probably respond similarly.

>> No.9595706
File: 94 KB, 540x960, 20708205_10210746900051012_9217009004910789521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9595714

I'm in love. This is just the right amount of medical influence without looking costumey.
Hoping for some cute cuts.

>> No.9595779

Too much rule breaking happens

>> No.9595780

Really? I get a dark-weeb vibe from them.

>> No.9595792

Which year did AP stop being made in Japan?

>> No.9595809

Wish I could get this but you know it'll be a huge bloodbath... I hate staying up late only to have the dress I want sell out

>> No.9595815

Get a shopping service to buy it for you?

>> No.9595827

Yeah I might. I never tried before since I assumed the ss's filled all their slots as soon as popular new prints were announced

>> No.9595857

Is this an artist collaboration?

>> No.9595875

Oh fuck is that Nakamura Asumiko's art? God I hope there'll be a nice skirt version.

>> No.9595936

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
High-collared/standing collar for life. I also never wear short sleeves because tattoos and long sleeves are more flattering on me. Never, and never.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
my wardrobe is pretty much 100% for winter and fall because long sleeves and high collars. also, I wear gothic so that's not exactly summery or spring-ey, plus the pieces are made with black and heavy materials like velvet.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
I've unfortunately only been to 2 meets (due to scheduling issues and work), so I don't have a lot of experience.

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
I like maximum poof and feeling like a UFO with legs, but I often wear only just wear one petti because I wear gothic.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
I try to wear these highwaisted compression panties, and occasionally a binder. even though my boobs are small, but sometimes they're not small enough. also no, its not like anyone really sees them anyways

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
my waist, because i've usually got on a fitted blouse, a fitted bodice, 2 pettis, bloomers, and sometimes tights.... the only way i can minimize is if I only wear one petti

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
Nope, only weird stares

>> No.9595938

their prints are seriously godawful, but damn I love that solid nurse OP they had. their nurse print, however, was a train wreck.

>> No.9595939

jesus, that seriously looks like a maxi-pad

>> No.9595940

>Peter pan or square neck. Full lenght or regular short sleeves. I hate mid-lenght sleeves. Blouse under op: often. Cutsew under jsk: never.

>Not at all. I try to keep it versatile.

>Never been to a meetup.

>Depends on the skirt, I don't have a preferred poof. I even go pettiless if it looks okay with the dress.

>No, not a fattychan. Yes, both are mainly black.

>None of it because I don't wear uncomfortable clothing.

>No but I wish I could, Im too shy for it.

>> No.9595950

This is so underwhelming. I'm so tired of menhera/nurse/cutesy guro kind of shit. Last year's release was leagues better.

>> No.9595951

Is Momoko supposed to be autistic?

>> No.9595958

I thought this dress was up for reservation?

>> No.9595961


>> No.9595967

Nah, I'm an HSP. I also have a very low pain threshold, which is common in HSP's.

>> No.9596017

>I'm so tired of menhera/nurse/cutesy guro kind of shit.
Fancy Hospital is literally the only print in that category this year.

>> No.9596027

There's still plenty other dresses that fit the trend. RPA anyone?

>> No.9596159


lol reservations sell out pretty easily. There's a limit on how many dresses the factory can produce and still deliver them on time.

>> No.9596184
File: 104 KB, 720x1080, th_marin_-jsk_nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nayrt, but I think they blundered when they tried to make AP rip-offs. And by "AP rip-offs" I don't mean "their own dark twist on common themes", I mean it really looks like RPA straight up asked themselves, "how can we copy Dream Marine and
Celestial, two best-selling AP releases, without getting sued for copyright infringement" and then went out and did it.

I'm okay with dresses like Dead Marie looking a lot like tackier JetJ or the Necorn dress looking like they slapped a necorn on Grimoire's Astrology dress, the AP copies were way too close with no twist of their own, though.

And, with their pastel releases, their too-close-to-other-burando releases being all mixed up with their actually original releases, I don't even see how you get "dark-weeb" vibes. I mean, look at this. It's just a copy of Dream Marine. What is so dark about that? So they seem to have no brand identity of their own, copy other brands, and then the other issues with looking like taboao level prints just don't really work in their favour.

>> No.9596206


>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
I like a round neckline or something collared. I also prefer full-length or 3/4 sleeves. I've never worn a cutsew under a jsk before but I'd like to try it some day for more toned down looks.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
Somewhat - I have a lot of sweet prints and chiffon dresses that I tend to only wear in the summer. Heavier dresses and more mature prints or my gothic wardrobe I tend to keep to autumn and winter. Otherwise I just wear thicker tights or coats/jackets, hats, etc. or lighter blouses, straw hats, no wigs, etc. depending on the weather.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
I usually keep an eye out on the event page. My comm has a solid group of regulars and we all pretty much know or are friends with each other, so I will also take a look at who is going and also the location of the meet to try and gauge the quality, but usually my comm has pretty nice quality meets. The dingiest meets typically are created by the members who are new or haven't gone to any meets. As for avoiding people, I'll be brief and curt with them when speaking, try to just interact with friends/the people I know and leave little room for interacting with people I don't want to see, and will try to sit away from them. Hasn't happened to me yet but if there was someone I REALLY didn't want to see I'd probably just avoid the meet entirely unless it was something I really wanted to go to.

>> No.9596207

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
The bigger the poof the closer to Mana. Obviously I try to wear an appropriate amount of poof for the dress I'm wearing but I love biiiig poof, especially for cupcake/bell shapes. A-line I usually don't mind a modest amount of poof, just something enough to distinguish that sharp A shape.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
I'll wear a corset to accentuate my waist which will in turn accentuate poof if I'm trying to go for something really OTT. I don't really color coordinate pettis since they're never seen - because of that, I enjoy getting pettis in fun colors. I have one white, one turquoise, and two lavender pettis.

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
I would say waistbands - if you're wearing a skirt, bloomers, a petti, and tights, for example - there's a lot of bands pressing into your waist and that can def get uncomfy after like 8 hours. Corset can start to be a little too much by the end of the day if I happen to be wearing one. Shoes too. The first two are a little hard to adjust but for shoes, if I know I'm wearing a pair that will become uncomfortable I'll try to bring an extra pair of shoes with me to change into.

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
I've done so at cons. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a random lolita out in public before, but if I ever do in the future I might want to stop to compliment them.

>> No.9596215

>>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
I like longer sleeve lengths, and oddly enough I split between low cut necklines and high necked blouses. I wear cutsews a lot under JSKs rather than blouses, especially if it's cold outside.

>>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
Eh, I mean, is my entire wardrobe an unoriginal derivation of spring? Probably according to Miranda Priestly. But florals all the time, even during winter (otherwise why would VM release corduroy floral dresses?)

>>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
I've only ever been in one comm but it's hard to tell the quality of company simply from the quality of the coordinates. People with not so great coordinates may be in fact really friendly and fun to talk to, and vice versa. I usually try to go with a friend so we can make our own conversation if people get really annoying.

>>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
Mid poof. Classic lolita, of course

>>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
Don't wear shapewear because I don't need to. I don't color coordinate petticoats

>>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
The damned waistband of the petti for sure! Unfortunately I can't do much about it because if I loosen the waistband, the petti will fall on me. I sort of get through it but it does affect how I eat and enjoy my afternoon teas.

>>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
No, because I'm too shy.

>> No.9596265

I think what annoys me most is Kimura has always sort of copied AP. Certain Kokokim pieces seemed a little close to casual AP, which is why I think it didn't do well. It was pricey for being low quality while already copying AP. When Kokokim didn't work out, she learned lolitas had all the money, then started making taobao quality dresses for brand prices.

I really don't want her brand to get any more popular than it already has. It's seriously the taobao tier japanese brand. At least AP and Baby have quality to their name at that price. Hell, taobao isn't quality but is at least cheap.

>> No.9596274

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
High collared and long sleeved. On the rare occasion that it's not, I'll wear a high collared 3/4 sleeve blouse.

>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
I never wear lolita in the summer.

>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
I don't attend meets.

>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
I love max poof, but it does depend on the dress/skirt.

>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
Not really. I will occasionally wear a sports bra if I am PMSing. And no, I do not color coordinate pettis.

>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
Shoes. Take the shoes off as soon as I can get to my car or home.

>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?

>> No.9596334

I'm not a fan of AP so I can't tell if she copies their style and I'll just take your word for it. But what I don't understand is why she still seems to be friendly with AP designers/staff?? That shows they condone it. If someone I know irl copied the style of my brand I would cut ties with them. Hell, a friend of mine is in a fight with her friend because he did a promotional drink for his brand after she did.

>> No.9596360

>Do you have a preferred neckline and sleeve length for your blouses? How often do you wear a blouse under an op? How often do you wear a cutsew under a jsk/op?
I like high necks the best and don't really have a sleeve length preference, it really just depends on the dress. I don't wear cutsews.
>To what extent is your wardrobe seasonal?
Not really. I have a few lolita coats but that's it. Where I live it gets very very cold.
>Have you ever tried to scope out the quality of a meetup from a distance? What are your methods for avoiding people that make you uncomfortable at meetups?
There isn't that much cringe or anything in our comm, because it's very small. If someone is being annoying I just don't talk to them.
>How big do you like your poof to be and what style do you wear?
I like big poof. Poof is nice.I mostly wear sweet but also dabble in gothic.
>Do you wear shapewear under your coords, and if so, what kind? Do you color coordinate pettis to the dress?
I sometimes wear shapewear to hide my violin hips if I'm wearing a dropped waist dress. I don't coordinate my petti, white works with anything.
>What part of your coord becomes most uncomfortable after a full day out? How do you minimize discomfort?
Coords can get a little hot in the summer, in which case I try to stay in air-conditioned areas and bring a fan.
>Have you stopped strangers because you liked their outfit? How did it turn out?
Got invited to another city's comm meetup a few weeks afterward. Felt good.

>> No.9596374

Does anyone know where to watch the girlyhoot interview with rinrin?

>> No.9596382

>wear a Korean sheetmask before doing my make up.
>listen to Fleetwood Mac
>take my time applying makeup

That's about it. I'm usually about to make a 2+ hour drive to another state for the meet up so I don't have the time for extra stuff.

>> No.9596398


AP is a company, anon. Their designers/staff have higher-ups to answer to, company lines to toe and a public image to maintain. And Kimura Yu is an alt jfash idol and model with her own following, there's no benefit to picking a fight with her. There's more politics at play here than two individuals yelling at each other over branded drinks.

None of which makes much of a difference. The original critique was that her brand lacks its own identity and appears to copy other brands. Being friendsies with actual designers doesn't make all your copycat designs suddenly original. If you sucked before, you still suck now; you just happen to be friends with people who don't.

>> No.9596422

AP is not that big anon. They have like 2-3 designers, 1 developer, shop staff that also does social media, a few people who do weborders, stock management and shit? Anyway it's not like they have a boardroom full of higher ups. If another brand is copying them it's in their best interest not to support that person. I'm not saying they should make a public statement against her, I just don't see why they would keep her around either.

>> No.9596438
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x1080, 20688551_481642852200594_3948669176754733056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Physical Drop always done original prints? I hope they start doing more and maybe eventually do what Meta used to do.

>> No.9596439


Yes, and those 2-3 designers and the brand owner still have to decide as a group whether it's really worth it to actually do anything that the buying public (you) can actually see. It's not like she's the official face of Angelic Pretty either, so I don't see how you think they're actively supporting her instead of plain old not making a fuss.

>> No.9596444

Like I said I don't expect them to make a fuss, I just don't think they would still hire her as a model or sponsor her in any way if they thought she was copying their brand.

>> No.9596457


Read the comment again, anon. I never said "RPA is copying AP, that is a fact". I said "it LOOKS LIKE they set out to copy AP". That's why I said it's a blunder. RPA looks like they were intentionally riffing off other brands as well since I also named two other brands that RPA looks similar to, but unlike the other two releases, when it came to these two AP prints, they just look way too close to the original, without any of the "Dark weeb" vibes the other anon claims she sees in RPA.

Whatever her connections with the original designers or whoever else is, the blunder isn't that she actually copied. The blunder is that she LOOKS LIKE she copied.

So now half the girls out there are going "wtf did she just --?" and find it hard to respect her brand because they can't see a "designer", they only see a second-rate copycat.

btw, this stuff was pointed out by other anons in previous lolita generals and indie brand discussion threads, I'm not the one that originally called her a copycat or named all the brands she is said to have copied from. The one that made the case for me just happens to be those two prints she made the least changes to, and they happen to be AP.

>> No.9596458


Who knows, maybe they figure the amount of publicity her followers can give them is still worth it.

>> No.9596465

I also didn't mean they are making replicas or something but if they looked so similar you noticed, the designers definitely noticed

>> No.9596474


To be honest, there's a lot of stuff about Japanese brands I don't understand either, like AP and Baby, despite both catering to sweet lolitas, don't seem to be actively at each other's throats. Or maybe they are, and we're just too far removed from their culture and the source to actually notice it.

Or maybe they really do want to keep her around so she can help sell AP to her followers, idk.

>> No.9596552

>To be honest, there's a lot of stuff about Japanese brands I don't understand either, like AP and Baby, despite both catering to sweet lolitas, don't seem to be actively at each other's throats.
What's hard to understand about that? They have different aesthetics within sweet lolita and would gain nothing from drama except damaging their reputation.

>> No.9596559
File: 848 KB, 2550x3300, noideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPA and Kimura U's other brand do the same thing

>> No.9596563

I wonder what Japanese lolitas say about it

>> No.9596566

Wait--I thought Kimura U was just a model for RPA

>> No.9596567
File: 325 KB, 1515x963, stopscopiesme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we have the latest of RPA's AP ripoffs.

Ofc everyone is drooling over it.

>> No.9596569

I wouldn't buy either dress but quality aside, the design of the right one just looks way better. Hate left's bodice, collar and overlay. Besides the giant coffins, it's more different than the other ripoffs at least?

>> No.9596574
File: 14 KB, 300x403, f8d04a6d067a4cea92e8eeeb1f4bcae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Maxicimam worth buying? Saw this dress popping in pretty decent condition on mercari for 20$ but i'm not sure if i should get it (kinda put off by the babydoll cut, i love it otherwise)

>> No.9596578


>> No.9596582


Seeing them ripping off of popular AP prints, I wonder when the Misty Sky rip off comes around

>> No.9596592
File: 105 KB, 738x550, need a name at least.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so retarded but I can't find any pictures of any other cuts, colorways or any info on this release at all. Horror Garden is my favorite OP of all time so I need more info before I pass judgement. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

>> No.9596594
File: 70 KB, 358x499, physicaldrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical Drop has definitely done some prints in the past. Here's is a collab print they did with Lief that's very in the spirit of old Meta.

>> No.9596604
File: 1.02 MB, 1480x2093, fnnr_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misty Sky rip off
You rang? It already happened.

What gets me about this release, and I noticed some others, is the absolute bare minimum in lace. There's absolutely none on the OP, then the bare minimum on the straps of the JSK.

>> No.9596610

I thought this one was fairly recent

>> No.9596617

It was late last year, so yes, it's not very old. They could possibly be doing more prints. I'd buy them if you'd want to see them take this direction. The designer seems to be wanting to know what people would like.

>> No.9596633

Does anyone else feel tired of the "meta" way a lot of newbies treat the fashion? I don't mean brand new summer-fresh itas, more anyone who has come along in the last couple of years really. I don't really know if "meta" is the way to describe it, it's hard to put into words, but I'll try.

I see Lolitas nowadays treat the fashion, not so much as a costume, but less and less as something they fully experience and embrace. It seems to be a trend among the much newer generation, but I could be wrong on that. I don't even mean that people aren't being "lifestyle" enough or any rubbish like that, but just that people who wear the fashion are viewing it almost like a curiosity. There's some sort of disconnect. Every joke is self-referential. People are forever talking about the same things, defending the fashion's legitimacy at every criticism (instead of just wearing it), preoccupying themselves with shit that doesn't matter if you just really appreciate the fashion and subculture.

I guess I'm talking rubbish myself. I've been off cgl for a few months and I realised that my thinking regarding the fashion sort of shifted back into the natural enjoyment I'd had before I started overdoing it here (entirely my own fault).

>> No.9596637

I think you've just spent too much time on /cgl/. None of this makes any sense anywhere else, contextually.

Of course, your post is a jumble of vague so I could just be missing what you're getting at

>> No.9596642

I agree, it seems like a lot of lolitas approach it in a very analytical way in stead of as a natural expression.

>> No.9596647

This is exactly what I was trying to articulate (sorry >>9596637 it honestly is a jumble). It feels like every single style, every trend, everything has to be broken down and analysed and put back together again. It's like taking all the layers of a sponge cake apart to see what fillings make it taste that way. It's great, it's interesting, but not when so many people are doing it. So few people seem to just bite into the slice and enjoy it.

>> No.9596678

Who's the dude in the cat ears? Japan has sissy itas too?

>> No.9596680

I'm 100% guilty of this, but I've been into lolita for five years not just the last couple. I'm an over-analytical autist in general though and I've never noticed other people in comms doing it.

>> No.9596710

I completely agree and was just thinking of this, with all the RPA things. I feel like any actual lolita would get really angry at a brand riding the "Japanese brands are best" reputation when it's taobao quality, but people just buy it.

A lot of lolitas I've met in my comm are content with cheap sweet lolita from taobao and Bodyline and could care less about the industry or quality, as long as the print is cute. It's absolutely not something they love and know anything about and is like a side hobby. Most have never bought brand, if any brand, and wear it when it's in the safest bubble possible for a day. It just isn't clothing to these people.

>> No.9596728

RPA is by the manager(?) of Kera Shop Osaka. Kimura U is friends with her so often she models. U also just started her own actual lolita brand that looks similar - probably same manufacturer as RPA.

AP & Baby are bitter rivals, but they'd never let something untoward show in public

>> No.9596737

To be honest i used to think brand wasn't worth the price until i got an angelic pretty dress. Now i'm addicted to 2015ish AP releases. I still enjoy some cheaper taobao/bodyline dresses i have but it's just not the same!

>> No.9596749

I think most Americans are raised with the idea that expensive brand isn't necessary plus a lot of lolitas tell newbies to buy from bodyline and taobao. Japanese people are much more loyal to brand.

>> No.9596762

>that filename
Metalocalypse reference?

>> No.9596767

even though it being a rip off makes me mad because a lot of time an effort goes into designing prints, I have to admit I like the RPA rip off design better

>> No.9596857

speaking of which is MAM considered burando? since they're based in japan

>> No.9596985

Does anyone with sensitive ears/ a nickel allergy have experience with Alice and the pirates earrings? I really want the Lock the Pandora's memories ones they still have on their New York sight but don't want my earlobes to swell and ooze puss

>> No.9597017

>taobao tier
but the fabric and lace are of good quality, and the bow has wire in it so you can change the shape/angle...Meta's odd but still kicks ass in the quality and adjustability departments.

>> No.9597038

don't buy this if you can't pull off babydolls
MAM is very durable. that op in particular is made of a kind of soft flannel-y material. great for fall

>> No.9597081
File: 1.93 MB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20170813-202228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else seen this yet? Raffle opportunity to preorder Träumerei of bright stars long frill jsk in navy!

>> No.9597085

I went to their shop in 2013 or 2014 and their chiffon blouses thenwere f21 quality. They're just a little more hit or miss than most brands.

>> No.9597093

>buy a single pair of 2000 socks and pay 2500 for shipping
>buy extra shit you don't really need, and waste more money, just so you don't feel like the shipping cost is worth it.
wat do?

>> No.9597096

so you feel the shipping cost is worth it*

>> No.9597117

There's gotta be more than one thing you need, with some focused shopping you might be able to knock some necessary items off.

Or use a SS and bundle it in with a bunch of stuff from other Japanese shops.

>> No.9597131

We're getting a new member in our Comm soon and she's a tad "problematic". She has a past of stirring her own drama.

>> No.9597137
File: 125 KB, 480x640, P13OJ222-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How suss do you think it would look to make a fb account just to join comms and sales groups?

I do not have a fb and have no desire to get one, but sometimes I wonder what I am missing out on?

Also there does not seem to be a skirt version for Secret Hospital, damn!

>> No.9597140

Just have your name be "Lolita McLolitaface" and utilize a Rilakkuma avatar.

Stay away from RC and RC:U. There can be shitstorms from time to time in the former while the latter is a shitstorm 24/7.

>> No.9597142

Local comms may be wary of adding you but you shouldn't have too much trouble joining other lolita groups if you have a relevant profile photo and send admins a message.

>> No.9597147

Okay that made me laugh a lot, thanks haha

>> No.9597149

there are a couple of things I need, but recently i've been trying to limit shopping only to my wishlist.
I hadn't thought of the SS thing, that would give me a month or so incase anything else I want comes up. Thanks, I'll probably do that

>> No.9597158

I'm relatively slim and look alright in babydoll cuts, I have two similar dresses and they fit me well but I really prefer normal waist cuts. Thanks for letting me know! I bought it like two hours ago (along with a navy IW headbow for dirt cheap, i love fril and mercari way too much).

>> No.9597164

My SS asked me to cancel an item from mercari because "seller ID is sleeping"
What does that mean???

>> No.9597166

Might be that the seller hasn't been online for ages, and the account got suspended? Same as when you don't log into Depop for too long.

>> No.9597168

Why are the cuts for this so ugly? What's with those random mid arm ribbons?

>> No.9597178

Does that happen on Depop? I'm wondering because I was browsing recently and saw several items that the site said had been listed 1-2 YEARS ago. Surely the site should delete them when it's that long? Knowing what sellers on there are like I doubt they're still hanging on to them and don't trust that they haven't been wearing them since.

>> No.9597186

I asked an intl professor about this and he basically said that Japanese culture doesn't exactly foster the same kind of hyper competitive business culture that American capitalism produces. Some businesses even help each other out in spite of filling the same niche market.
It seems to me that everyone is focusing on doing their own thing. If there's any animosity, it's mostly between an established Japanese brand and outside competition, such as AP versus Chinese replica makers or indie "DC" brands and Western brands/Japanese fast fashion brands like Uniqlo (which are hiking space rental prices rn).

>> No.9597188

I always choose option 2

In the past, when I've shipped out just a single item, I find something else I want like a week later that I could have combined on

>> No.9597189

Intl business**

Oh man, good luck. If I were mod, I'd want to be aware and have rules ready to be enforced, but also to be able to keep an eye out. I wouldn't want the members to feel like they have to panic.

>> No.9597216

That flat background looks really bad.

>> No.9597218
File: 131 KB, 480x640, P13OJ222_model-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.. I feel like if I bought this I would have to get rid of those arm ribbons. Either tuck them in or cut them off. Even the bow on the bodice is bleh.

I really wish there was a simple JSK or even an elasticated skirt or something, I would have bought that.

>> No.9597222

In San Francisco, Baby has a contract with the New People building that doesn't allow for AP to be in the same space. And Harajuku Hearts is only allowed to have AP as their sole sweet lolita brand, every thing else they have is gothic for this reason

>> No.9597251

>fb account just to join comms
This is what I do t b h and i just respond to the posts via email so I never actually have to log in. Makes it quite nice. Just set it up to email you on new group posts. If you log in, fb tracks you on other websites you visit, so I prefer to avoid it.

>> No.9597302


Kind of depends on the seller, really. I have a seperate box set aside for sales items, and I haven't moved in the last 5 years. So it's entirely possible for me to put something up for sale and put it in the box, and kind of forget it's there for a couple of years since the box is in a room we usually don't use.

I'd probably message the seller and ask them for more recent photos, and a discount, though. Things can yellow and degrade over time. And you're right about lacemarket sellers, I'd take down my own items if I'm going to wear it, and put it back up with an updated description, but honestly I don't know if many other sellers take the trouble to do that.

>> No.9597339

With the ugly cuts and unfortunate background, I think I'll sit this one out. The leaked print pictures looked so promising, too.

>> No.9597380

can they mark down a package or is it better to SS?
>extreme customs fees anon

>> No.9597385
File: 125 KB, 480x640, P13OJ223-sepia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That particular shade of brown of the sleeves and bow looks downright unhealthy.

I'm really curious as to how well this will sell. The dolls are pretty cute, and the background of the purple and brown colourways has enough contrast to show them off.

>> No.9597395

just get them. if theyre hooks you can put new hooks and if theyre flat back get some hypoallergenic earring bases, use wire clippers on the backs of the aatp studs, e6000 them together.
you gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.9597396

spill the beans

>> No.9597419


> I prefer high-necklines and collars, or square necklines just below the collarbone. I feel they are comfortable and flattering.

> I definitely have outfits I only wear in winter (woollens and velvets), so there is that. Anything else I can wear with a coat while outdoors.

> I always suss it a little first, but I give everyone a chance by talking with them. Some people aren’t good at making first impressions, but turn out to be pretty great.

> Big and loud. I wear sweet and classic.

> No. I think I’d find that hot and I can hide my foodbaby under my poof anyway.

> Headwear. Bands give me a headache, I won’t wear them constantly, I’ll stash them in my purse most of the time but put it on when required.

> Yes, it usually goes down really well. My city is full of eccentric people, so I don’t think they feel offended when I compliment them in Lolita.

>> No.9597429
File: 101 KB, 480x640, P13OP334-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pic related! What is your favourite halloween release so far? Last time I got a Halloween print it was ETC and I almost never wear it, but I'm going to reserve this as well.

>> No.9597430

The print just looks too 'anime' in my opinion. I liked Rosy Night's Masquerade a lot better.

>> No.9597441

Sooo has anyone else had Buyee weigh an item in at way more than it should? I bought a purse that the seller listed as 700g and now buyee is saying it weighs 2100g. Did they really tack on more than 1kg in packing supplies? Is it rude to ask them to check it before I pay $50 for shipping?

>> No.9597444

>Downright unhealthy
Kek. But really.

Same. I know a lot of itas scooped it up and a lot of bad coords are floating around, but that dress is quality and the print is beautiful. So many fun details, too. I love the concept of this new print, but the execution is underwhelming.

I love this. Nurse and nun dresses are my weakness.

>> No.9597449

In general, which colorways do you usually see for higher prices, pink or lavender?
I'm trying to decide what colors to build my wardrobe with, and I can't decide between the two

>> No.9597450

I just got my first brand piece and idk... It's kinda disappointing? It's Holy Lantern and I don't see "incredible brand quality" everyone drools over. It's not like something is wrong with it but it's just clothes. I still like the design but I kinda regret dropping that much money on it.

>> No.9597453

Well in the end it's just clothes, yes.

Dress up in a nice coord and treat yourself to something that gets you in a better mood.

>> No.9597455


Pink tends to not be the most popular colourway, but is usually popular enough that it gets released quite often, if that makes sense. Meaning a lot of releases will quite often come in pink, but it'll be the less coveted colourway, so if you're looking to buy secondhand it'll quite often be less expensive. I guess if you're looking to impress others that wouldn't work out so well, though, not a lot of girls seem to like pink. Plus if you're looking to buy firsthand that means pink will take quite a hit in secondhand value.

Lavender is the mother of all mismatched undertones. The biggest thing is that it can come in either cold blue-ish lavender or warm pinkish lavender, and the two don't play well together. Honestly I'd suggest not starting your wardrobe with lavender, right off the bat you'll need to check each item if it's blue-lavender or pink-lavender. At least start with mint or blue, the two of them do mix well together so it's less stressful if you bought mint and a blue dress shows up on your doorstep.

>> No.9597457

Honestly, "incredible brand quality" is just something that gulls tote around because they're bitter that taobao dresses are gaining popularity and have good quality. I own tons of brand and I'm not blown away by the quality either; most of the decent indie brand or taobao I have matches up in quality. Gulls just really love to tote around the names and promote the idea of exclusivity I suppose.

>> No.9597458

Does anyone know why baby's Isobe and AP's Honda hate each other? I've heard they had a big fight and hated each other ever since but nobody wants to speak about it? What's that all about?

>> No.9597461

You are right, Night's Masquerade works much better on a dress. That Doll Hospital print possibly should have gone on stationery items.

>> No.9597462

I've never bought taobao because it looks lower quality on the pictures desu. That being said, I've never bought AP either. I'd like to see some details of those brand-tier taobao pieces.

>> No.9597465

I think it could've worked if the print was smaller and if the buildings in the back were drawn with detail rather than just silhouettes. It just looks so amateur right now.

>> No.9597469


Do you feel like doing a review dump on all the taobao brands you have? I'd love to see what taobao pieces actually match up to brand, and what taobao brands put out good quality pieces.

>> No.9597475

Same, but personally I've never had reason to trust taobao, maybe besides krad lanrete and even they have issues. I've heard complaints about signs of wear after washing once, uncomfortable fabric/no breathability, massive amount of mistakes and defects which tells me the manufacturer is no good, agressieve sellers... Anyway we have a taobao thread for reviews and I mostly see shit in it even if the review is positive because it was so cheap.

>> No.9597487


We've actually had "quality review" threads in the past, where gulls would post lolita dresses (taobao, burando, western/korean/vietnamese indie are all included) and comment on the quality (or lack thereof) of each release/dress.

I wouldn't mind starting the thread, but I'd like to know that other gulls actually want to contribute, otherwise it'll just be an empty thread, or the burando girls will fill it up with burando reviews.

And I really want to hear which taobao brands are actually worth buying, because whoever is on here always seems to say taobao is better, but never seems to name actual brands or releases.

>> No.9597488

I don't think anyone has said that Taobao is better, just that there are some brands that are on par or that it isn't as shitty and horrible as brandwhore gulls try to make it out to be

>> No.9597490

The last taobao vs brand argument thread did have someone listing off a few brands though.

>> No.9597493

I have baby dresses that are 12 years old that look as new. I very very very much doubt my taobao dresses will hold up the same & overlook a lot; fabric/construction/durability as I bought them for the prints, do you buy solids anon? I often wondered if the plainer taobao was better quality/closer to brand.

>> No.9597497

Is it okay to post first coord plans here for advice?

>> No.9597508


It was immediately countered by couple of anons saying every brand they listed is terrible. Which is why I think a quality review thread would be useful


Here, I made the thread. Feel free to post reviews of your taobao/burando


>> No.9597510

What Taobao brands would you say are good quality and which Japanese brands are you comparing them to? I've bought from many different brands and imo it's a mixed bag. I'd say AatP is the most disappointing Japanese brand I've bought from, and highest quality is a tie between IW and VM. So far all my Taobao brand purchased have been very underwhelming although I guess I shouldn't really expect much for those prices. Nothing I've bought from Taobao has ever been above H&M/F21 quality. I've got a Dear Celine piece in the mail and that brand is supposed to be significantly nicer than brands like SouffleSong and MTP so we'll see. So far though, I do agree with most gulls that Japanese burando > Taobao quality.

>> No.9597512

Whoops just saw >>9597508

>> No.9597523

First of all, it's just clothes and not gold, so idk what >>9597450 expected to be so dissppointed. Also, they bought Holy fucking Lantern, which definitely isn't the AP piece to hold as a standard.
My friend owns a lot Taobao and offbrand and while it is still nice, compared to normal clothes, you can see where they use cheap materials and ugly prints.

>> No.9597524

There's a coord help thread in the catalog.

>> No.9597526

we have athread for that >>9572858

>> No.9597527

RPA isnt Kimura's brand, shes just their model

>> No.9597540

It's the LA Comm. I know a lot of gulls on here dislike her with a passion.

>> No.9597541

Do you own any expensive clothing apartment from Lolita? What did you expect brand to be? It's still mass produced stuff.

>> No.9597546

I don't trust those threads because people review 10 year old dresses as if they bought them new, like it might've said it was NWOT when you bought it but you know in your heart it had 5 owners and your taobao dress only 1 owner.

>> No.9597547

>It's still mass produced stuff.
Actually the majority of Japanese lolita brands aren't. Even well-known lolita brands like Millefleurs has a lot of releases that they only make 1-2 dresses for.

>> No.9597567

Was there a re-release of Iron Gate?

Can't believe I missed it

>> No.9597568

I owned expensive clothes (they were mostly gifts though, I wouldn't buy them myself) but people talk about lolita brands as if they are something else entirely. I don't have Taobao but compared to a couple good Bodyline dresses I have only big difference is HL is lined. Of course I don't know maybe HL is shitty compared to other AP dresses but if they are all like this I wouldn't prefer brand unless I'm crazy about the design/print.

>> No.9597605

No there was not. Royal gate is a different dress, had different cuts too.

Imo if you can't tell the difference between bodyline and Ap besides lining you aren't a good judge of quality. Bodyline is barely acceptable trash, so there is worlds of a difference.

>> No.9597622

Are you sure you haven't accidentally picked up a replica?
I haven't even owned bodyline but i could tell straight away that burando is nice quality, and there's always a tonne of detail to gush over. This was later confirmed when I touched and looked bodyline dresses in the physical store, and decided i would only wear them to a paintball or cooking meet. Cant speak for taobao just yet though.

>> No.9597641

I'd be happy to contribute. I don't buy much taobao, but I have a few pieces of varied quality. I'm also happy to say when I've got good brand and trash.

>> No.9597645

AP's quality has decreased in the past years, they're honestly taobao tier at this point. If you want real quality I highly recommend Mary Magdalen.

>> No.9597649


I feel the same about BTSSB/AATP. I bought one of their pieces new. The print was blurry, the construction kind of shoddy (gathering was uneven and made the skirt look uneven) and they used two differently colored laces (cream and off white) on the same piece. If one gave it to me and told me it was taobao I'd believe it.

Currently I'd recommend Victorian maiden, innocent world, and Mary Magdalene for consistent quality. I have no idea for AP to be perfectly honest, since I have only one piece (bookmark JSK) and think it's fantastic.

>> No.9597657

I own L348, L379, L445 and L527
All 3 dresses are made of nice thick fabric and has soft crotchet lace. Their seams are strong and nothing is falling apart. L379 had a detachable bow with plastic flower on it but I removed the flower so it's okay now and that's the only low quality thing I encountered. Both blouse and HL has quite similar feeling chiffon.

Holy Lantern has flocking and lining as a plus and it's nice but is it $100 nice? Ehhhh.

>> No.9597659

You bought it for 100$? Probably a replica, lol

>> No.9597661

Can you please post pics of your holy lantern and bodyline?

>> No.9597663

I bought it for $200, my most expensive Bodyline dress is $100. Do the math.

Ofc. Anything spesific?

>> No.9597667

The other side of the fabric and the lace. Probably better to post it here >>9597507

>> No.9597673

>Spend a $100 on one BL piece
You aren't very bright, are you...

>> No.9597682

Tenso/buyee and Japonica both do this. In my experience, asking them to lessen the materials does nothing, they ignore your request and say that they did it. I avoid using them for this reason if I can. I'm pretty sure their reasoning is because international requires better packaging, but they definitely over do it because their commission is based on weight.

>> No.9597685

My country is shit and I have to pay terrible shipping-tax for everything. You are trying too hard.

>> No.9597694

But that's not the price of the item, then? Comparing prices between companies and factoring in tax and shipping on one and not the other makes no sense. Unless you bough HL second hand, and BL new. But even then, that price has nothing to do with how much the company can/should have spent on it.

>> No.9597700

Lol you are working against yourself?
Let's say I bought HL for $200 then, and Bodyline $50, excluding tax.

Then difference is $150 and it's not doing HL any favors?

>> No.9597760

Thanks! Don't care much about impressing people desu though so that's not a problem for me
Also, I'm going also going with white and black (but mostly black and pink/lav) so I could start with those and then incorporate pieces with both black and pink/lav (like holy lantern or cinema doll)
Then if something is extremely mismatched, I could just pair it with black accessories

>> No.9597775

But why should we care for the opinion of a dumb ita who's paying 100 bucks for Bodyline. It seems like you know shit about lolita and quality alike.

>> No.9597810

Have you ever checked what the actual weight (incl packaging) was when it arrived?

>> No.9597812

>It was immediately countered by couple of anons saying every brand they listed is terrible
Why lie anon? It was one of the last replies in the thread with no replies on the quality of the brands stated. You can find the thread in the archives and see for yourself.

>> No.9597826

I just went to CoF for the first time in a while and some girls from my comm so obviously go to cgl, I can tell from how they give concrit passive aggressively or downright mean,sometimes using exact sentences that were used in the CoF thread here. Why do they do that? What's annoying me most is that it's girls who have maybe 1-3 coords themselves that are nitpicking others.

>> No.9597832

Out of the dresses you mentioned, L348 is the only one that isn't noticeably cheap as fuck and even then it depends on the colorway. Maybe HL is crappy quality, idk I don't own it, but if you're seriously claiming those BL dresses are good quality then I'm not able to take your judgement seriously.

>> No.9597845

unpopular opinion race bait threads are allowed to go on thread after thread, but lynda's thread gets deleted in an instant.

>> No.9597847

That's cus no one censored their names in the pics.

>> No.9597850

because /cgl/'s mods are white supremacists

>> No.9597852

damn I didn't notice
anon pls no

>> No.9597854

Aww someone shat on your burando?

>> No.9597866

Do you own any the dresses? Can you point out the quality flaws you mentioned?

>> No.9597868


Yes I got hit with an absurd amount at the second charge because of them. Several times more than the actual items.

>> No.9597869

Anon, all of the dresses OP mentions use more or less same materials...

>> No.9597873

Somehow this looks like cosplay to me. Like I wouldn't be surprised if I was wearing that and someone asked me what character I was.

>> No.9597877

The big brand stuff that everyone buys is. Only the more unpopular brands aren't mass produced because they don't have enough customers to do so.

>> No.9597880

Overcompensating maybe.

I don't really agree with >>9597455 that not a lot of girls like pink, a lot of girls build their wardrobes about it and it's consistently popular online. It's just that it's so popular that it becomes boring and rarer colourways like lav will get more attention. If you're going with black rather than another pastel like sax I think lavender is a better option, but that's my personal bias showing because I hate black and pink together.

Ntayrt but I own l348 and have seen l379 and l527 in person. I don't think the fabric of l379 is that nice and I think it looks cheap. It's all right but definitely nowhere near burando tier. L527 is all right but the plainness of the design makes it look obviously cheap from a distance (like how a lot of indie and Taobao don't use lace or complicated design details to cut costs), but it has no glaring flaws with the material quality or anything. As for l348, it's pretty nice but the quality and lace variety of (a lot of) real oldschool is nicer (some oldschool brand pieces are poor quality as they were ironing out production kinks, especially lucky pack pieces), but I'd still recommend l348 to newbies because the quality's still fine and I'd rather they make tester coords with Bodyline than muh precious oldschool burando.

My personal favourite Bodyline piece is l362, it looks crap in the stock photos but has been far and away the best out of the 7 or 8 Bodyline pieces I've owned over the years and has a nice design with no weird/off details or proportions. I sold nearly every other Bodyline item I owned but still kept that one as my token cheap dress because the design and quality compare so favourably.

>> No.9597889

I'd love to see the other colourways which have more dramatic gradiated backgrounds--like the orange/purple.
looks like the black one's really flat. would look good with an overskirt/overlay though

>> No.9597894

Yeah, big brands' quality decreased in general these years. Their older stuff is still nice I got pieces from them ranging from 2006 to 2011 and it's really neat

>> No.9597898

I'm not american. I think it's good for newbies to try out this extravagant fashion with cheaper pieces first, because let's be honest, it won't be worth the price to buy a 400$ coord if you barely wear it. It can be for different reasons, mostly because of other people stares etc.

For most young women used to buy 50$ dresses usually, it's pretty easy to understand that you'll be reluctant to spend 100+ $$ on a dress at first.
Brand is only worth it if you actually like the fashion (or you're dirty rich).

>> No.9597918

They are extremely sensitive about names. I asked if an efamous lolita was a lesbian once (she posted a picture of a lesbian bar) and got banned 3 days because I mentioned her username

>> No.9597920 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 639x985, IMG_0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else watching this shit show?

>> No.9597929
File: 76 KB, 480x640, P13OP334-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a nurse dress for Halloween...

>> No.9597931


>> No.9597942

I don't think you know what mass produced means, or maybe I don't know what it means as a non native speaker. but I think aside from how they make the actual fabric, buttons, zippers and how it's printed, they are handmade. I find it hard to imagine even BtssB is mass produced.

>> No.9597992

first question: is the print velvet flocking on the piece, or is it dyed in?
if you run your hand along the fabric and don't feel the difference between the black raised velvet and the dyed chiffon in whatever colourway you bought it's for sure a replica.

if it is the real deal, perhaps you're just not that into clothes? I have a few flocked chiffon pieces by Meta and I'm a fucking nerd for that design. compare the hems and finishing between your best Taobao and HL. The quality really comes into the little things that come from a long time spent designing and planning: like weight, placement, and thickness of straps, ties, etc.

I love some good TB stuff, because in the end TB is just a platform for small indie shops. Dear Celine is my absolute fav TB brand, for example.

>> No.9597999

The more I'm reading it seems like you're not a fan of chiffon. If sturdy cotton is more your thing you should really look into getting some non-print brand. Baby's cotton plain pieces are wonderful.

>> No.9598014

Everything is handmade, clothing is one of the most labour intensive industries out there. It all depends on the scale. Some factories will do smaller production runs.

>> No.9598020

I thought mass produced means it's a big amount made mostly with machinery though. Maybe it's just my opinion but I wouldn't call a clothing brand with a handful of shops and far smaller collections than a normal brand mass produced.

>> No.9598025

Did you think fast fashion is made by robots? Everything is made by humans with sewing machines, from f21 to Chanel.

>> No.9598028

This could've been great but they had to use that shitty silk material again.

>> No.9598029 [DELETED] 
File: 806 KB, 914x809, forfuckssake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently this happened

>> No.9598032

The only difference in machinery is that a bigger factory may have more specialised sewing machines. But ultimately humans have to sew everything.
It's big enough for them to find a Chinese factory the clothes can be sewn in, so it's big enough to be mass produced.

>> No.9598036

Remove the names if you want to talk about this, jfc

>> No.9598037

You don't have to be big to find a Chinese manufacturer lol

>> No.9598044

Besides removing the names, can someone also explain what is going on there? Is the AP retailer the one who is commenting?

>> No.9598045

AP's 200-300 print runs are not "mass produced." Lolita is a niche fashion, even the "big" brands are still in limited quantity territory.

>> No.9598051

thread where the names are removed are also deleted, i think because of the whole singling out thing

>> No.9598057 [DELETED] 
File: 637 KB, 914x809, forfuckssake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot to upload the one with the names blackened:

and yes, apparently the ap retailer is the one commenting

>> No.9598063

well fuck guess you can't post anything on the chans anymore. deleted it again (reuploaded it with blackened names). that's absolutely ridiculous desu it's not "singling out" especially if everything is blackened

>> No.9598067

Damn I wonder if she's a mod

>> No.9598071

you didn't block out all of the names in this one either anon. we probably don't need an entire thread dedicated to it either.

but anyway enough people know about it already that it's worth discussing here. what do you all think of some people's insistence that we stop buying AP/stop wearing AP entirely? i personally think it's silly and ineffective, since the USA is only one branch of many. americans thinking we're the center of the world again.

>> No.9598077

oh my god i really need to sleep.
yeah, i think the same it's dumb honestly, even if what she says is shitty and all it's just not gonna change anything?

>> No.9598083

That's stupid, it's not like AP endorses this person's opinion. If people want to boycott they should stop buying from AP USA and get their frills directly from Japan instead.

>> No.9598088


well, I know that I personally won't be anymore. Supporting actual naizis is wayyyy too far over the line for me. And for most of the world actually. If AP is willing to let this person be connected to the brand, then I can't give them my money. (this IS what we are talking about right? the pics were deleted before I got here)

>> No.9598090

I'll be honest and say I could really care less. I'm so numb to political witch hunts and everyone these days seem to have a political opinion I really don't want to hear. I've learned to just be apathetic.

>> No.9598095

So she cut the comment off on purpose to make it seem worse. Did she think nobody would notice?

>> No.9598098

If you're not in support of political witch hunts, you are literally Hitler.

>> No.9598102

I think it's not an over-reaction to boycot AP USA considering everything else she's done. How much shit does she have to spew before they hire someone else? I don't think someone like her is a smart business woman.

>> No.9598107

Sorry for OT but what's wrong with the people using a group's name that's an entire sentence and tagging it? Is this a thing normal young people do that I was never aware of?

>> No.9598125

I wish there was a ''your fave is problematic'' page about her and that other dude who don't even wear lolita, just because I can't keep track of all the dumb shit they do on my own.

>> No.9598128

First anon I feel you, I guess we can be literally Hitler together.

>> No.9598131

Idk but being anti-nazi is not really considered a political opinion in my country any more than being anti-murder or anti-cannibalism is.

>> No.9598144
File: 3.21 MB, 500x281, H2m1mvd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lynda leung drama hitting the fan in RC: uncensored

>> No.9598148

I think it's ridiculous to blame AP for this. Yeah they should look into their overseas affiliates better but there's no reason to believe they themselves are Nazi sympathisers, most likely they don't know much about her personally and are content with her professional conduct. If people want to get AP to boot her, emphasise (lack of) professionalism, not politics. If people bring up politics they're more likely to go into Japanese polite neutrality mode.

I agree with this. She seems like a piece of work so boycott her, not AP in general.

ugh fuck as an actual Euro-chan it's my bedtime right now
>beauty sleep or dramu
>what do

>> No.9598152

I think that not supporting political witch hunts and supporting Nazis are very different things.

Unless someone specifically says, "I like Nazis and I think they have the right idea about exterminating POC, the Jewish people and the disabled," I'm not going to call them a Nazi.

>> No.9598153

I read in the RC:U comments that she has a ~special relationship~ with Tohru from AP whatever that means.. I think it's pretty weird we don't even know for a fact if she is a regular employee, retailer, agent or distributor?

>> No.9598157

Just a little sad being anti-communist doesn't get the same treatment

>> No.9598160

Nobody specifically said she a nazi or hitler as far as I can see (though she is a known sympathizer with people who met her irl, we just don't have proof of all the things she has done and said before facebook got so popular with lolitas and it was hard to tell if she was trying to get attention or really supports them)

>> No.9598164

Wasn't that Melissa sissy a Nazi sympathizer, too? Wtf, SanFran.

>> No.9598167 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'm not talking about Lynda. She actually does have some pretty far-right views that I don't agree with.

I'm just talking about the girls in the comment thread of that RC:U post being called Nazis for not immediately burning all their AP dresses in protest.

>> No.9598175

How did she even get that job in the first place? I want her job.

>> No.9598216

It's not a replica, you can see the photos in >>9597675
I have non-lolita flocked clothing too, it's not something new. Maybe that's why I wasn't that impressed with it.

Not really, I like them both. Nothing against chiffon. I also like velvet, jacquard etc. If it fits the design, not scratchy, not wrinkle-prone or anything I'm okay with it.

>> No.9598225

She's somewhere between employee and manager. She isn't the owner of the franchise however she is the main point of contact for most people with AP USA and I believe she's also responsible for shipping orders out.

>> No.9598228

I own skirt version of l379 and I disagree. It's made of thick cotton and has really cute details. Probably one of my favorite lolita pieces ever.

OT but l362 design is ugly as sin imo. Can't comment on quality though.

>> No.9598229

Oh man, I like all of those colorways. I'd be happy with whatever I could snag.

>> No.9598237

I picked up L379 JSK after seeing it in good bodyline threads, it's really underwhelming. The fabric is basically cheap broadcloth. The bodice and bust are really poor construction, the skirt is the only redeeming thing.

The corset skirts (L325 corset bustle skirt and L418 floral skirts) are good, I'm in love with my black L325.

L329 JSK is also good once modded imo.

>> No.9598254

I really like l329 after you take off all the bows. The fabric and lace are nice and soft.

>> No.9598255

Will Closet Child still combine shipping for items that are held in different physical stores? Are the rules for this different on their Yahoo! Auctions account to their webshop?

I couldn't find any information on this in their FAQ.

>> No.9598259

Ah fuck ignore me, I gave the wrong item number! L362 is pretty shitty, it's made of polyester and the polka dot tulle lace is scratchy and looks especially bad on the colourways it contrasts with. L362 is one of the ones I sold, L087 is the one I kept.

I'm surprised you rate the l325 corset skirt though, I owned it but didn't really like the polyester-y material. It's fine but not amazing, I gave it away to a friend in the end.

>> No.9598262

I just checked my last CC order, which all arrived at Tenso in one parcel, and it had items from the Yokohama store, Shinjuku store and Osaka store. I ordered directly though their site though so IDK if it'd be different for auctions, where buyers/SS often have to specifically request combined shipping.

>> No.9598270

L325 in black is great, desu. It's not masterpiece or anything, but coorded right it doesn't scream BL

>> No.9598282

Except everyone knows it's Bodyline because it's a well known design.

>> No.9598292

Does Lief require a SS to shop from the US?

>> No.9598317


Indeed. Why lie when it's so easy to verify.

For everyone else searching the archives, the reply mentions Infanta and Magic Tea Party. That might help you find it quicker.

>> No.9598325


Don't they have an international FB page in English? I ordered from that and it ships international. This was a couple of years ago, though.

>> No.9598332

No, you can order directly from them. Feel free to dm them on facebook, they speak good English:)

>> No.9598378

>all these people in RC:U throwing a hissy fit and boycotting everything AP
more for me i guess

>> No.9598443

It's not EVERYTHING AP. It's just AP USA which is a separate entity from AP itself.

>> No.9598467

Tbh most of those screenshots aren't even that bad. She just seems to be pretty right wing. Who gives a shit.

>> No.9598470

>tfw you closed your fb account weeks ago and are missing all of the good drama

>> No.9598476

It's the same people who will be whining that AP hates westerners when they have to shut down the US branch, and won't open another because they don't think there's enough interest.

>> No.9598480

Does being longwaisted affect how skirts fit? Is there a way round it to correct fit issues? I'm 5'3.5" and I'd always wondered why some stuff looked lewder on me than other people of the same height, and I realised lately that it's probably my proportions making it so most of the length of the skirt ends up covering my upper body and there's less left to cover my butt (esp. because long torso = short legs so my knees are also quite low down and it's easy to end up with thigh showing). I'd been sort of hiding it with looser pieces by just wearing them a couple inches lower than the actual narrowest point of my waist, but some skirts won't fit otherwise and then they look really short on me. Is there no way round it except using stuff like underskirts tall lolitas use, or sticking to JSKs and OPs?

>> No.9598497

This stupidity has NOTHING to do with AP as a brand, it's about that woman from the US store, which has little connection to the brand itself.

People should not even think of blaming AP. Without AP, there is no Lolita. Without AP, there is no LIFE. AP is one of the few genuinely divine things on this sjw scum infested Earth.

Of course, people who would think negatively of the brand itself because of this don't deserve to wear AP anyway.

And to be honest, even if Maki or Asuka said those things, I would still wholeheartedly support AP. Burando > sjw crybaby issues that don't concern me

>> No.9598511

>Burando > sjw crybaby issues that don't concern me
This. I still have a feeling that SJWs will still get so fucking triggered they'll demand the woman be fired and start "boycotting" (attacking, really, none of them buy AP) the brand.
I can see this getting ugly from the sjw side.

Isn't it funny how we're more worried about SJW than nazis?

>> No.9598518

I'm so ready for this. It's not hard to know who is this

>> No.9598522

Dom? Batty? Kate?

>> No.9598525

>Isn't it funny how we're more worried about SJW than nazis?

Not really, it's mostly just pathetic and shows your personal bizarrely misplaced priorities.

>> No.9598528

It's generally they put the item in a box excessively large for the item when an envelope would have worked.

>> No.9598531

Why not all 3?
I already see them worming their way in through the more insta-famous girls including some of my friends. It's embarrassing to see them interact all smiles and jokes with people they've talked shit on.

>> No.9598532

I think it says something that you're more worried about sjws than nazis lol. Dont worry ppl no ones forcing you to abandon your precious burando- ap usa has shitty customer service and mark up so idk why you wouldnt just buy from japan in the first place.

>> No.9598574

No, the reply mentions Lost tree and Dear Celine. No one ever called Infanta and Magic Tea Party the top of taobao brands, because they're barely even mid tier. Stop letting your taobao hatred blind you from being able to read.

>> No.9598578


Long dresses and skirts, tea length dresses and skirts. If you're slender, you could make IW your favorite brand, they make a point of releasing at least one long dress for every print.

If you already own a dress that's already too short, there's not much help for that. Check if the shoulder straps can be lengthened, and do your best to find an underskirt that actually matches.

>> No.9598598

I'm not sure if I wasn't clear or you misunderstood my post. I'm 5'3". I don't need long dresses at all, they'd swamp me. The issue's with skirts only because of my wacky proportions.

>> No.9598600

>(attacking, really, none of them buy AP)
Plenty of the people that I've seen post about it on my friends list are regular AP customers who'll now be sticking to Japan, I don't know what went down in RC:U but it's not just non-lolitas that care.

>> No.9598693

But they can't make extra money from that since they have to pay more to the shipping company too and buy a more expensive box. Actually, maybe they do it because they don't have many box sizes.

>> No.9598710


I missed the part where you said you don't like longer dresses.

The rest still stands, though. If you've worked out that the skirts are too short for you, there's only so many ways to work around that.

>> No.9599021

Yes, they can. Their commission is based on weight.

>> No.9599232

I feel like all of the US brand stores overcharge for shipping. I was charged $12 shipping for one stupid hair barrette from BtSSB that was put in the smallest $5 flat rate postage box when you could have fit the thing in a letter sized padded envelope.

>> No.9599246

thread is dead but I still don't think you're getting my point. I said that skirts as a main piece specifically were too short on me because I have to place the waistband higher than a normal person of the same height would because my waist is proportionally higher on my body. I said in my post that JSKs and OPs are fine - they come down from the shoulder so where my waist is doesn't affect the length. Regular-length JSKs and OPs work on me, it's unnecessary to wear longer dresses. Longer skirts might be a nice idea but they're harder to find than longer dresses, as skirts are usually shorter than the JSK and OP cut of the same series.