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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 747 KB, 1024x1024, lolitagens2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8699107 No.8699107 [Reply] [Original]

old thread a kill >>8695446

>> No.8699118

I don't think I've ever been this excited for secrets. Are there any anons who are friends with Kate on fb? I'd love to have an inside look when she finds out the Japanese lolitas are trash talking her.

>> No.8699125

Any tips on using Buyee for Y!A? Just had a seller cancel my bids and it was pretty crushing

>> No.8699135

There's really nothing you can do to prevent that. Using a lesser known SS might lower the chances but it's never 100%, and you forgo the convenience of Buyee. A lot of Japanese sellers don't like selling to shopping services.

>> No.8699142

oh shit!!! deets?
I'm friends with Kate on FB but I haven't logged in to FB in a while

>> No.8699154

LACE is kill

>> No.8699158

Does this happen now often than not? Just trying to figure out if it's even worth continuing to use Buyee

>> No.8699162

Ive only had it happen once when i was trying to score a cheap Vampire Requiem jsk, and i buy a lot, so its not a big deal desu

>> No.8699176

That's not so bad then if it only happened to you once. Just salty about it right now but I'll be okay

>> No.8699178

I am loving this new filter. Desu is to preferable to t b h.

>> No.8699200

If you had to sum up "how to lolita" in two sentences, what would they be?

>> No.8699225

Dont think you can make some shitty homemade lolita-ish hack at home. Buy proper lolita from a reputable source and a petticoat.

>> No.8699232

Never happened to me. Only thing I don't like about Buyee is how it won't let you buy from someone with a "low rating" even if that person has only positives.

>> No.8699234

What is it filtering? I know you can't write it but is it Curse words, ita, hurt feelings words or what?

>> No.8699243

re-read the post. anon literally spells it out.

>> No.8699244

t b h goes to desu
f a m goes to sempai

there's one more but I forget

>> No.8699251

sm h to baka
c uck to kek

>> No.8699256

>spoonfeeding newfags

come on, don't take away the fun for the rest of us. i love seeing who the gulls totally ignorant of the rest of 4chan are.

>> No.8699260

It happened to me only once, and I have bought using buyee about 20-30 times, I don't keep track.

>> No.8699261

Can anyone explain why this is? They get their money and then it's out of their hands, it's not as if the transaction itself is any more difficult or complicated for the seller.

>> No.8699277

What if I want to be Super Mario lolita?

>> No.8699292 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1022x370, 23998238934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update on the cat's well being

>> No.8699295

can you gossip queens at least try to contain this tedium to one thread

>> No.8699300 [DELETED] 

I'll bet money that she didn't know or consider any of this shit until people brought it up.

Because there's no way she saw this cat and went "Yes, I'll need to get paperwork and schedule an exam for importation of my new pet, I'd better at least google importation/transportation laws for bringing foreign animals into the country"

That cat was 100% impulse buy and she probably assumed she could just show up at the airport with it and check it like the rest of her luggage and that would be it.

>> No.8699301

well last night this is the thread it was mostly in

>> No.8699303 [DELETED] 

>flying with me in the cabin
Enjoy 12+ hours of people giving you the evil eye because of your constantly mewling/wheezing cat who has no choice but to piss and shit in its tiny cage and then get covered in it because it's got no where to go to get away from it.

>> No.8699304

Maybe they want to keep the item in the country? I know sometimes bids will get cancelled if they think it's a guy, also.

Yeah, but.... that's clearly only because of all the backlash. She still impulsively bought an inbred cat from a disreputable source. What matters is that it gets home safe, though, so I guess the outcry worked.

>> No.8699307 [DELETED] 


I know someone who did that before. She had the cats travel two fucking countries to Australia. I can't imagine the trauma they went through with two quarantines.

Shit like this makes my blood boil. Cabin is better, but cats do not take well to air travel at all (or travel, period). Has she even figured out quarantine yet?

>> No.8699311 [DELETED] 

Ok I seriously dislike Kate and all her shit but taking a cat on an airplane is not that fucking bad, especially when making precautions, and having the cat flying with you instead of in the luggage like the poor dogs.

>> No.8699313

dis desu sempai

>> No.8699316 [DELETED] 

Probably not. At least she paid so much for the cat that she's not bound to 'forget' it's being held somewhere and actually show up to get it.

>> No.8699320 [DELETED] 

I think the part people are mad about is that the cat was an impulse by and now she's covering her ass about "Yeah I had everything figured out from the beginning, honest!" even when she admitted she had to get help from other people just to know how to get the cat onboard. Plus it's like what, an 18 hours flight? Most young children can't even handle a flight that long, why would you expect a baby animal to deal with it?

>> No.8699322 [DELETED] 

She's not just taking a cat though, she's taking a very young kitten who is predisposed to a myriad of health complications because of selective breeding for "cute" traits. These health complications, when pushed to the limit by a very traumatic and unnatural experience for even healthy adult cats, put this particular kitten at a much higher risk for permanent damage or death than other animals. I seriously doubt she's going to go so far as to pay for the tests that will gauge her kitten's risk for stroke or inner-ear disruption, or to even voice a concern about these issues because of her severely-limited Japanese.

>> No.8699360

ugh. I used to sew but I was never good... I just altered normalfag clothes back when I was like 18. Then I didn't have a sewing machine for years.

I'm fucking 28 now, and my boyfriend has a sewing machine he uses for cosplay. He keeps telling me to learn how to sew to make homemade lolita. I keep trying to explain to him that it's actually very hard to make lolita dresses and the quality of fabric they use is expensive as fuck.

but he just wants me to sew things I think.

>> No.8699365

>c uck to kek

>> No.8699394

desu senpai I'm baka you kek

>> No.8699402

You need to leave then

>> No.8699415 [DELETED] 

I hope to god she has the sense to bring extra towels and plastic bags to put soiled ones in.
I've transported a rescue three hours by car and I made frequent trips to rest stops to change towels, clean him up with pet wipes and give him water and food.
She'll have to do all that in the bathroom of the plane.

>> No.8699454 [DELETED] 

>but cats do not take well to air travel at all
honestly, i actually researched about it and it really seems to depend on the cat in question. i saw posts about how cats were perfectly fine with air travel but couldn't stand car travel (in comparison). how do you think people travel with their pets/cats? it's obviously a thing that happens and many of them definitely do turn out perfectly fine, IF they're well taken care of and necessary precautions are taken.

>> No.8699463 [DELETED] 

even if she takes the necessary precautions (doubtful) the poor thing will have to spend a few months in quarantine, by itself
even if it isn't physically harmed by the travel, it will definitely have physochological/behavioral problems afterward

also someone noted in the comments of one of the secrets about this that the particular breed of cat she bought is available in the U.S.

kate confirmed for horrible person

>> No.8699465 [DELETED] 

this is mostly true, also if you buy a kitten or puppy from a breeder, they're usually flown to you too. so it's not an uncommon practice, except 18+ hour flights sound rough.

the worst of it is the 3+ months of quarantine it will have to endure once it's imported (really rough on a young kitten)

>> No.8699476

>it's actually very hard to make lolita dresses and the quality of fabric they use is expensive as fuck.

Neither of these things are the least bit true. Lolita dresses patterns are extremely simplistic and the fabrics are no more expensive than any other decent quality garment fabric. The problem is the hobby is full of people with really shitty taste and zero sewing skills. Any moderately proficient sewist with a modicum of taste can make a nice JSK.

>> No.8699481 [DELETED] 

is 3+ months of quarantine something that actually happens that often or are we just assuming shit? because i can't imagine people taking kindly to their pets being kept for 3+ months and again, flying pets across countries happens all the fucking time.

>> No.8699489 [DELETED] 

No, someone pulled that number out of their ass and no one has bothered to do any fact-checking.

>> No.8699495 [DELETED] 

Adding to this, there is a mandatory inspection that is required to take a cat or dog out of Japan.

>> No.8699496

sorry, i was the one who said 3 months- i'm not in the usa and it's 3 months to bring an animal into my country (i had to do this when i moved here). i mistakenly made the assumption most countries share a similar timeframe.

>> No.8699511

Where can I get gold mini crowns that aren't ita? There's one on LM right now but I don't like it. If someone has one or a reasonably priced baby scepter, I really want one. The b/s/t is saggin and I've never made my own thread before

>> No.8699517

and now your misinformation is being spread like fact, thanks

>> No.8699519

I was hype to see a Japanese lolita thread but couldn't understand anything with shitty translate.

Mostly couldn't understand this but this made me laugh: "Do not because potato's a potato in Pretty and wearing Tsukema be dry in a flashy wig".

I also found a lot of people discussing public reactions to them wearing lolita here, which was quite interesting:
Translation is shit but someone's being surprised at being complimented by a kogal, and other people are saying they've got a lot of compliments from high-schoolers, little kids and grandmas. Sounds just like the west to be honest, apart from the high school girls part.

There's something here about people being compared to maids but I don't understand it:

And finally this bit really made me laugh, otaku drawing pics of semi-naked anime characters (e.g. Konata) in that Metamorphose sailor/girl scout suspender skirt. Lolita are complaining saying it perverts the fashion, or complaining that meta should have known better than to display the skirt on a torso without a blouse:

Not that much to see here, just Japanese lolitas criticizing a girl's/the stock pic's shit Bodyline coordinate (picture won't load for me though) and saying she should save up for Baby if she likes it so much. Some slightly more positive opinions on Bodyline having certain uses, but the translation is garbled as heck so I'm not sure.

>> No.8699521

>reasonably priced baby scepter
lmao get in line

>> No.8699525

Seems like an ita thread here. Pretty bitchy, usual stuff of calling girls fat/ugly, some of whom aren't even fat, and then other people saying it's just an unflattering photo.

>Japanese opinions on muslim lolitas.
This is a much more positive thread for the most part (more positive than discussions on /cgl/), but a few people do start derailing with talk of terrorism etc halfway down, and from then on it's a lot less "so cute!" and a lot more serious discussion of discrimination against women, comparisons of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia, etc. For some reason a lot of people think strict Muslims *have* to wear black?

>Japanese ita threads (slightly outdated though)
These two are old, not gonna bother commenting since I've seen them before.

>> No.8699539

My japanese is shitty but I could read enough in the muslim lolita one to read
>she looks like a pikmin

>> No.8699541

It's really bothering me that Sugary Carnival girl's socks don't match the sax of the dress...

>> No.8699555

Sewist? Seamstress or sewer. Not sewist.

>> No.8699566

I can't cap since I am on mobile but the owner of Wig Lockshop just wrote on the RC:U thread about Lace that she has been unfriended by hoot

>> No.8699574

on the contrary i only posted that once, and my post was after >>8699463, who had already said "few months". so no, i'm not really the one who started this idea.

either way, importing animals is a stressful process, and that's the primary point we're trying to make.

>> No.8699578

This, basically. It's fine if you can't/won't make your own lolita clothes, but it's really not haute couture.

>> No.8699604

Why can I never find this group?

>> No.8699635
File: 1.58 MB, 3888x2592, sewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why "sewist" is becoming popular.

>> No.8699636

fb dot com slash groups slash lolitadebate

>> No.8699675

Choke got unfriended? Why is that important? Were they like good buddies or something? Or did Choke post the stuff here and on pt?

>> No.8699723


>> No.8699731

>Can you not come secondary fast Lantern

kek. looks like Holy Lantern rerelease discussion in latest thread?

>> No.8699732

I thought Choke had thrown shade at her before in statuses? I think about Kate's trailer and the indiegogo.

>> No.8699735

seems pretty tame and boring honestly
i dont think japanese comms are open with their drama, it's kept generally within the circle.

>> No.8699738

Pretty sure Choke never had time for Kate's shit.

>> No.8699744

Rosie is a Flight attendant? With who?

>> No.8699749

Thank you, anon! Hopefully someone will translate some of these. Google translate just butchers most of the text.

>> No.8699751

mods are watching the thread, can we keep the feline drama and comm drama out before lolita gen gets deleted? Go on lolcow if you need that fix.

back to topic, have people been invoiced for horror garden yet? i've yet to see mine but i think i heard one anon already got invoiced?

>> No.8699755

>they want to keep the item in the country
I'm not sure I quite get that either - wanting to keep items for Japanese people only?

>> No.8699763

Nothing has happened with my Horror Garden order yet either. I ordered an unrelated accessory separate to that order the same night and it's already been shipped. Maybe they're just working on HG right now?

>> No.8699775

I think the fact that if it's a SS it's not necessarily even a lolita but could be some creepy dude puts people off too.

>> No.8699787

I just remembered what happened in the Korean comm, when I think Haenuli bought clothes from Korean lolitas and sold them on the Western market, they were pissed as hell and she was banned from the community?

>> No.8699790

speaking of horror garden, can someone please add it to lolibrary already?

>> No.8699821

Same, I got the coffin bag and nothing has moved. Nothing from Tenso either. Are they still overwhelmed by the HL MTO?

>> No.8699839

Basically, from what I've heard from friends living in Japan, the reason they want to keep it within their own country is that the likelihood of being able to buy that item again later decreases if the item goes abroad. So if they have seller's remorse, they're screwed. But more than that, they dislike dealing with shopping services because they often don't follow the listing restrictions (example: a lot of listings say "self-introduction" as one of their terms, meaning that if you've not bought from a seller, you should message them first; shopping services often skip that step), and if they get into a dispute, the SS will almost always win because they have more resources at hand. The statement about not selling to accounts held by men also is one excuse I've heard, but I'm not sure how true it is, since I've had a friend buy things for me on auction before without issue. Of the three theories, the fact that SS are inconvenient to sell to and cause trouble for small sellers seems the most likely reason that they prefer not to deal with them.

In the case of the Korean comm, apparently, they were trying to make things more egalitarian. Prices are kept low for friends, and they try to keep nice pieces within the comm. By "scalping" to the Western Market, Haenuli broke their unspoken rules.

>> No.8699862


I joined Korean comm after Haenuli banned so I don't know much about the drama. However, the official announcement is that she made second account or more to purchase from sale comm. Since it's only lolita sales comm, it's kinda strict on rule and sale feedback. I personally think they have more feeling banning her. I want to know if there's more back story than what I heard.

>> No.8699899

That makes me really sad since she was really sweet in person and a highlight of Rufflecon. Alternately she swooped in and grabbed something I was about to purchase on Lacemarket so at least she's still buying haha.

>> No.8699983

Do creepy old dudes buy used lolita clothing? I mean, is that a common thing that happens? The idea creeps me out too, honestly.

>> No.8700020

i think it's directed more at the idea of fetishists buying used clothes (not uncommon in japan).

>> No.8700080

What are these Korean indie brands she bought from? I'd actually like to see some of their stuff. Lower prices for friends are all well and good, but it's strange to me some businesses do not like the idea of expanding abroad.

>> No.8700111

Is anyone else concerned at the post just put up on EGL about staying warm in Lolita on a budget? If you can buy Lolita but can't afford to heat your house, it sounds like priorities are mixed up!

>> No.8700115

i'm more concerned someone posted anything on EGL, i forgot LJ existed for a while.

>> No.8700141

maybe they're trying to conserve electricity?
they did say it was a "goal" so... doesn't seem unintentional.

>> No.8700144

So I just want some opinions, because this really irritates me.

I see a lot of dresses sitting at the same price for months on end, where the seller may reduce the price for like "$10" or something. The dress isn't selling for them for that price, but they keep it at that price. If you offer them a lower price, they will tell you that it would be effecting what they paid for it.

That really bothers me because if a dress isn't selling at a price, I lower it until I find a buyer. I'm also pretty reasonable on haggling. I'm not concerned about making my money back on a used product, especially if it's not that popular.

Am I the only one feeling this way anons?

>> No.8700150

not everyone is desperate for money, and they don't need to lower their prices so they can sell their dresses right now
a lot of things do eventually sell, you just have to be patient. if you like to lower your prices in order to sell your pieces quicker, that's good for you if you value time over money

i don't think you need to be so bothered over what other people are doing with their items

>> No.8700159


It makes me roll my eyes especially when it's over retail and not especially in demand.

Just because it's Lolita doesn't mean it's worth $300. Most items depreciate in value.

>> No.8700188

혹시 실례되지 않다면 한국 comm 어디서 찾을수있을지 알려줄수있나요?
내년의 한국갈거같은데 거기에있는 로리타들 한번 뵙고싶었어요 ^^

>> No.8700195
File: 269 KB, 450x600, nekuchin_v-img450x600-1446527763wqdxoj20362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is going for 1,000,000 Yen (8,300.00 USD) on Yahoo auctions.


>> No.8700200

wtf man did misako jizz on it? damn!

>> No.8700209 [DELETED] 


all femanons report to this thread
not a drill!

>> No.8700210

The last time it popped up, the same happened. It was one of Baby's super expensive MTO releases from not too long ago. It was a collab with Pullip, I think?

>> No.8700211

baby sceptrs are released every fucking year just figure out when they get posted and get an in store ss to go get you one there are always plenty

>> No.8700215

Uhhh, pretty sure it's seamstress. I know someone who is a costume designer, and she prefers seamstress....

Pretty sure she'd agree with me on the fabric being expensive. You either spend more to get quality fabric or you buy the cheap stuff for lesser quality.

I'd much rather just buy a dress than spend a fuck ton on tulle and such.
The fuck out of here.

>> No.8700216

That dress is rare as fuck. There used to be an Anon on the B/S/T threads who has been trying to find it for ages.

>> No.8700224

I think I found an archive of all the 2ch threads tagged as lolita. Careful though, some of them lead to the pervy kind of loli http://itest.2ch.net/find/ロリータ

>> No.8700229

I'm sorry but it's so fucking weird that they care that much about who is buying what, why not just take the consumers money?

America is dumb as shit but at least we know how to market and let people buy things.

>> No.8700234

I'd rather buy a $200 dress than $10 an hour for heat. I can take a warm shower for less and then put on a sweater.
Heat is stupid and I live in the NW where it goes below 0 degrees sometimes.
Unless you're fucking snowed in I see no reason to waste power like that.

>> No.8700235

Cause being a woman in japan is straight up bullshit.

>> No.8700240


헐... 네이버 카페에 lake Land 였나? 제가 아는건 그것 뿐이네요. 로리타 모임이면 바로크나 리프에서 정기적으로 하는 것 같지만 저도 해외서 살아서 잘 모르겠습니다. 제 메일이 gu_sdk_gus12@hotmail.com 인데 혹시 도움이 필요하시다면 메일 해 주세요

>> No.8700241

Do they not mean while outside?

>> No.8700243

Not businesses, the community. She was buying items from regular comm members, then selling them to western lolitas at a big price hike.

Though, according to rumour, she also bought leftover stock of Sacred Night that was set aside during the Lief x Mew mess, and sold those abroad as well. I have no idea if THAT is true, however. I don't know where to look for records of the sale, since it would have been EGL ages ago, and I don't know if she used the same LJ handle.

>> No.8700266

I've seen some of her old EGL posts from searching her PayPal email before

>> No.8700270

I saw one at the baby in yokohama like two weeks ago, they are around anon!

>> No.8700272

>"going for"
>no bids

Doesn't count if no one buys it, anon

>> No.8700280

No, with a super dollfie from VOLKS, so even more expensive.

>> No.8700303

Thank you! I always get bugged about this. Just because it is listed at that price doesn't mean it will sell/is worth it.

>> No.8700311

It was released the same time as Marionette In My Closet Room wasn't it?

>> No.8700314
File: 228 KB, 720x509, nightcarnivalset-pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have night carnival special set puff sleeve OP and can tell me what the max bust is? meta never lists max measurements so lolibrary has nothing.

>> No.8700317

IIRC it was from the same series. Nakamura Asumiko's designs from one of her manga for GLB was adapted into a print and a dress.

>> No.8700320

Yep, there's a doll wearing the set in the illustration

>> No.8700325

True, true.

>> No.8700346

still that's a pretty high starting amount, even if no one bids for it.

>> No.8700366
File: 64 KB, 480x641, sweet-dreamer-gold-silver-rose-little-crown-lolita-headdress-cic-18_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your feelings on pic related? The roses and ribbons come in different colours.

>> No.8700376

What are the chances that APUSA will release Horror Garden this weekend??

>> No.8700395

mfw only the wealthy have central heating in my country and her money saving tips are basically standard procedure.

>> No.8700397

You can open the crowns and change up whats inside btw.
You can also get different roses from ciciworks

>> No.8700401

I called them and they said they should be getting it in sometime later this week. It's possible they might release it before the weekend.

>> No.8700414

Hmmm.... I really hope so! Thank you Anon! APUSA is my last hope!

>> No.8700418

I love it, I just don't use taobao. I guess I'll have to try it, that is pretty cute

>> No.8700422
File: 1003 KB, 1280x1788, tumblr_nesq2irhhM1tihmwfo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's still curious.

It's not a collab with one other brand, it's a three-way collab between Btssb, Volks and Nakamura Asumiko. So, three really popular names in lolita, doll and manga, respectively. They really amped up the release, too. Volks released the dress sets only on two very popular dolls (Charlotte and Liselotte). Seriously the dolls alone would have sold out even if naked. Btssb released Ginger Doll and Milk Tea sets together with Marionette in the Closet, the print for Marionette featured the dress sets and was drawn by Asumiko Nakamura. There was a comic that came with some of the products, I forgot which, though. Also gorgeous photoshoots in GLB, but I guess that's a given.

The rabid fans of one name or another were probably fighting each other to get their hands on everything. iirc both ginger doll set and milk tea (btssb, human size version) had a second round of reservations (at least) because the first round completely filled out within the first day.

As for the pricing, just about everything from the set was trading at retail or above retail even for secondhand pieces. I don't think I've seen the jsk set exceed 100k yen though, one million yen really is pushing things.

>> No.8700425

I bought mine here http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/sweet-dreamer-gold-silver-rose-little-crown-lolita-headdress-cic-18

>> No.8700450

I have the skirt, and the manga, and I REALLY want the JSK and the doll dress set but these are yet to come into my collection. I love this release for basically all the reasons you have stated but unfortunately when it was released I was a poor student so now that I am an employed adult I have been able to be on the lookout for everything in this print.

I have definitely seen the jsk itself listed for 100k yen not even a set though I didn't follow through to see if it sold as it was a colourway I didn't care for.

>> No.8700454

>Everyone who sews has a vagina
>One person's preference means nobody prefers otherwise

I'm not even the anon you're replying to but modern sewing vernacular in terms of magazines and blogs is definitely moving towards sewist as the preferred term, especially for someone who is not female/doesn't sew professionally (hobbyists etc.)

>> No.8700489

Well, she was selling them off on EGL Sasles Comm despite some people not receiving them at all, so I believe it.

>> No.8700511

that's so sketch, idk i rather pay for heating than buy brand

>> No.8700513

Was watching you two(?) argue about this and thought it was dumb, then this shows up in my fb feed http://mellysews.com/2015/07/9-things-sewists-do-that-no-one-understands.html

>> No.8700526

I was so stupid a few months ago, I had a seller selling that damn JSK for like 70k and I didn't buy it...

>> No.8700568


Wait, so we're talking 100k without the bonnet? I've seen sets at 150k yen, but they were complete with bonnet. Holy moly, the prices for this release keeps going out of my reach.

I only have the milk tea doll dress (sans shoes), if you and I combine we'd have one decent set together, lol. We have the same history, it was release at a time when I could not afford it. I'm starting to think I should have been looking for the human dresses rather than the doll dresses first, if the prices keep climbing like this.


This is more the prices I'm used to seeing the jsk/dresses trade at. Though admittedly it doesn't come up for sale often anymore, so it's hard to guess what the current price would be.

>> No.8700593

I remember this and the regret for not ordering it is real now. How is Baby about releasing things that are collabs? I'd like it even if they did it in different colors like they sometimes do. I'm sure a lot of people feel similar.

>> No.8700607

Ever since one anon posted that it's from an air freshener, lol no

>> No.8700619

Why the fuck you here complaining if you don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about? Yes, sewing requires materials too but it's not a fuck ton and it's very likely not tulle. Yes, obviously quality is more expensive but most lolita dresses are polyester. It's not silk and cutting edge engineered synthetics.

>> No.8700630

What do you mean?

>> No.8700664

>thinking that all polyester is low quality

I don't think you know what you're talking about either

>> No.8700676
File: 466 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamy Jewel this weekend, I know a few gulls were wanting it!

>> No.8700680 [DELETED] 

Wasn't there an ivory colorway too?
This print would have stood out so much better in ivory or black. I don't know why they went with that weird brown/redvcombo.

>> No.8700681

There is a black though.

They did choose some strange colours for this release...

>> No.8700685

Just noticed that and deleted my original post!
I could have sworn I had seen an ivory colorway somewhere too! But yeah, that brown/red is just odd...

>> No.8700686

Maybe you saw a washed out picture of that super light pink?

>> No.8700688

Possibly! I was thinking that the picture I had seen had the model standing by a window so its possible that I just saw weird lighting on the pink.

>> No.8700701
File: 37 KB, 364x500, teaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully I can get a bit of advice. I'm struggling with making a decision on a purchase. I have about 220 to spend on my first real lolita dress and I've been browsing LM and Closet Child restlessly for days. I've seen some things I really like - but I am totally enjoying one dress in particular (pic related). As you can see, it's not BURANDO. On one hand, I think it's a lovely dress that suits my tastes and with as cheap as it is - I can get nicer accessories and put money towards another dress, sooner. However, I'm going to be wearing this dress to my first meetup at the comm in a state I just moved to. I don't really know anybody here and I'm bad at socializing in the wild - so I'd love to make friends in the Lolita comm. I don't want the other Lolitas to think I'm cheap or distasteful. Also - it seems the only thing people take seriously is BURANDO. Is it worth it to spend a bit more on getting brand to earn the respect of my fellow Lolitas - or should I just b myself? Sorry for the angst/blog post.

P.S. The comm is the MN Rufflebutts.

>> No.8700706

This looks a bit messy and busy to me. The pink also reminds me of some other busy as shit print they did not too long ago, but I can't remember the name.

>> No.8700709

>it seems the only thing people take seriously is BURANDO

Have you lurked? Like, at all? Next to nobody gives a shit as long as you're coorded well. Buy the fuckin dress, it's cute.

>> No.8700714

Thanks for the advice. I was more concerned since when people talk about their comms the lolis seem kind of mean/stuck up. But internet does not equal reality...I should probably leave my apartment more.

>> No.8700718

Don't worry about it anon, I wasn't much different when I was starting out. Don't overthink stuff too much.
Also if you're worried about being ita, don't be. I was ita as fuck for my first few meets and I eventually improved and went on to be the group admin. I sort of wish I could go back and change my first meets, but I did learn a LOT by being surrounded by people who knew what they were doing, so don't be scared off!

Unless you shut yourself out by not engaging or waiting to be spoonfed conversation, or if the comm is excessively tightly-knit, everything should be okay.

>> No.8700719

enjoy your mold infested home and clothes

>> No.8700727

I didnt mean to say people cant sew themselves a nice lolita item, its not that hard. I meant not to delude yourself that grabbing grandmas muumuu, belting it, stuffing it with a petti = lolita

>> No.8700734

Diff anon, but that doesn't even make sense

>> No.8700735

Be careful of Magic Tea Party, anon. Their quality can be iffy.

>> No.8700736

If a house isn't heated properly in a climate that gets that cold, you're really risking getting damp and mold in your house.
I'm not sure what part of that doesn't make sense.

>> No.8700741

Any ways to get yellowing stains off a white bag? Bag is that synthetic Ap stuff, bag has just been sitting in a closet.

>> No.8700742

How iffy? The proof photo looks well-made and true to the stock, but I do note there is a loose thread. Not about to lose it over one or two small loose threads - but if this brand has a reputation of falling apart...

On another note, can I get recommendations for really full cupcake/bell shape pettis? Nothing looks more unappealing to me than a flat dress and I'd like a very full shape. Which are some of the best?

>> No.8700744


Translated some chatter on AP Dreamy Jewel announcement, the latest thing in the thread

. Jewelry huh?
. Jewelry's here
. Yep Jewelry
. That jewelry is obnoxious
. It looks like garbage
. Not cute at all
. Jewelry looked ok when I saw it on the model but i was surprised at how crappy it looks on their announcement page
. do not want
. it looks all jumbled up
. The bordeaux is especially gross. The design by itself is pretty nice, what a waste
. It would've been nice as a border print. Oh well, I guess I get to sleep in on Saturday for once
. It looks like scales
. I personally like the katchusha and jsk cut
. The motif is cute, like sebon (short for sebon suta-/seven stars girls anime), feels like a waste
. The print itself is cute but too much as an all over print, and yeah, looks like scales, especially wine, i'll wait for for bears next week maybe

>> No.8700745

I made an order on aetherlund's store envy about a month ago. how long does she usually take with orders? I figured I should wait a bit since she may be held up with orders from people trying to get stuff for Halloween but I'm also feeling a bit ansty. I'm just wondering if since it's been a bit of time I should message her or wait a little longer?

>> No.8700747

220 usd is enough to buy at least two brand dresses if you're so worried about that. I would go for something more simple just because it is your first lolita dress. I bought something OTT for my first dress and felt very weird wearing it and also got a wtf reaction from my family.

>> No.8700752

No part of me likes this. Nope.

>> No.8700753

Plus the health issues you run the risk of as a result of serious mold problems. I've seen it happen. Black mold is nasty, it destroys stuff, and it stinks. You're also leaving yourself open to getting sick from the cold itself before the mold sets in.
If you genuinely can't afford to heat a house, yet are dropping money on Lolita, which isn't cheap, your priorities are messed up. Buy actually warm clothing instead of 'luxury' items.

>> No.8700755

The red colorway really is gross.

>> No.8700761

So I went to check this out and just happened to click on a thread discussing my one pet peeve - peeking bloomers baka

>> No.8700762

>i'll wait for for bears next week maybe

o shit is british bear next week? AP really knows how to empty my bloody wallet

>> No.8700763
File: 322 KB, 600x800, 317483-1175-2015-04-14088596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this JSK could work in lolita? Why or why not?

>> No.8700764

MTP often uses cheap materials and their construction is Bodyline-tier. Their stock photos generally look better than the actual items.

>> No.8700767

Bless you anon

>> No.8700769

Having owned that dress in particular I'd say pass. The colors were nice in person but the materials were just disappointing.

>> No.8700774

ooh thanks

>> No.8700781

Yes but idk why you'd want to force it
i'd say you'd have to hide the top portion, it's too plain for lolita, cover it with a frilly white bolero
also bottom looks plain, so maybe add a slight peek of lacy underskirt
don't coord it in an otome way (dont use too much green, go for cream/white/brown for your blouse/bag/shoes)
i think BABY stuff would be most compatible
poof wont be quite right, will work better if dress is a little long on you

>> No.8700793

It's more otome, maybe mori.

>> No.8700811

It's Jane Marple which is not a lolita brand so...
some of their dresses have a Lolita silhouette but this dress does not

>> No.8700833


>> No.8700843

I think you are on the right track with your first dress being a Taobao brand. Nobody looks down on them. Plus, using up all your money on just the dress will be a waste. You will end up an ita with no coord. IMO get cheaper dress, blouse, shoes, etc, everything for a perfect coord on Taobao and make your lolita debut stunningly.

>> No.8700928

Not that anon but those crowns are literally fancy car air scent holders.

>> No.8700967

They're right you know


>> No.8700969

Yeah really depends on where in the NW anon lives.
Living in the Seattle area, I was scared shitless of mold getting on my clothes.
But if they are more eastern NW it is more of a dry cold. Not much of a mold problem.
I dont turn on the heat much either.

>> No.8701011

It looks disgusting.

>> No.8701015

Maybe in Florida. Not where I live now.

>> No.8701023

>in Florida
>never got mold
I think it really depends on your exact location, yeah.

>> No.8701037

Thank you for translating, anon!

>> No.8701046

I just found out from a friend that it's a VK board with the bangyas (VK fans) so take it with a grain of salt, since they're on the more extreme end of the jp lolita side. Also the slang is hilarious so check out fuckyeahtanuki if you need something to distract you for a while

>> No.8701053

>Bears next week

Holy crap please. I've been waiting for this.

Anyone know any good SS you'd recommend? I've never ordered straight from a brand on release and I really don't want this to be my first time in case I cock it up and miss out.

>> No.8701068

does anyone have good recommendations for loliable shoes good for a lot of walking/standing or light outdoor use? i already own normal outdoor shoes, but i figure something cuter would be nice too.

>> No.8701073

Chibitenshi or tokyo pirates

>> No.8701101

I never thought about how silly the word "seamster" is before just now. If I were a male who sewed, I'd probably prefer "sewist" too.

>> No.8701105

I actually love to talk to girls about what indie brands they're wearing/liking at meets. I've discovered a ton of things I wouldn't have heard about that way. I wouldn't worry about it. For one thing, that dress you have posted is very beautiful and also really unique/distinct looking, so as long as you coord it right you're going to stand out in a good way compared to if you had a cookie cutter AP or Baby coord. Plus I think Taobao beats out getting babby's first coord from Bodyline, at the very least.

>> No.8701107

Anyone know of a shopping service they can recommend that is willing to purchase "lucky packs"? Tried to get Japonica to bid on a lot auction of a couple of dresses/blouses/accessories a seller had just lumped together for like $100 but it's against their policy to bid on auctions like that. This would be specifically for mbok.

>> No.8701108


Damn I know exactly which pic you're talking about, I really liked that deceptive white

>> No.8701109

what is a lolita silhouette to you? I'm sure lolita brands have released babydoll cuts before

>> No.8701114

that's because those things are usually a scam. Have you read through their feedback?

>> No.8701152

When I lived in Florida almost everyone had water damage. Where I live now, it flooded recently, but no mold where I live. Definitely not on my clothes.

The other anon is just wishful thinking.

>> No.8701159

japonica doesn't bid on some random's lucky packs and if you're not stupid you should understand why you shouldn't either/

>> No.8701168

Could someone post the magazine scans of the bear dress? I remember it being adorable and now I can't seem to find it.

>> No.8701171

They seem pretty legit. Got my friend to translate the item description and feedback and it seems legit. The seller has sold lucky packs before and the feedback seems like everything has gone smoothly. I know I am taking a risk in it being a scam but I just want to be irresponsible with my money damnit.

>> No.8701189

The skirt isn't full enough and the cut simply isn't lolita.

>> No.8701255
File: 47 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1446671863436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called British Bear. I know I'm trying to decide if I want it or not. Just the fact that I'm deciding means I shouldn't get it

>> No.8701258

When will IW get off the UK's dick

>> No.8701261

It's by AP

>> No.8701263

That's AP bro.

>> No.8701264

When will any of them get off the UK's dick. It's too awkward to wear when you're actually in the UK.

>> No.8701266

Lol this is an AP print dumbass
Also IW will never get off europe's dick, their designer loves Europe.

>> No.8701274

IW needs to stay on Europe's dick man. Cesky Krumlov was sweet.

>> No.8701277

wtf this looks so bad, which is really disappointing because a jewel print could've looked really pretty. the blue/sax colorway looks pretty decent though.

>> No.8701278

>Be Scottish
>Scottish Referendum debates still going on
>Union Jack prints

Yeah... no.

>> No.8701301

Do you even lolita?

>> No.8701324
File: 97 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mzj12bozlb1qcxmepo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the easiest way to order from h.Naoto if I'm in the EU?

>> No.8701341

I'm not sure if From Japan will do it, but if not maybe a personal SS?

>> No.8701348

I wanted to wear my Union Jack jsk and take some really touristy pictures when I visited London
But on a scale of 1-10 how much of a bad idea is this?

>> No.8701351

Hey! I'm looking to get into lolita, I'm a dude , but I make a pretty cute crossdresser, done a lot of crossplay. I'm 6'0 and 120 pounds, super slim. I have basically unlimited funds, and I'm looking for brands in the sweet lolita style that may fit me, or styles of dress that will work better for someone of my build.

Any tall thin lolita's out there have any tips?

>> No.8701357

>I have basically unlimited funds
how the fuck though

>> No.8701359


I'm a software engineer living alone.

>> No.8701363

It's pretty cringey. Londoners probably won't bother you, but they will think you're mildly insane or just a really anglophiliac tourist.

>> No.8701365

god I was so determined to get the OP but when I saw pics of misako wearing the red jsk.. had to swap.

>> No.8701368

Innocent World makes long versions of their dresses, but it's more classic or semi-sweet, dunno if that's what you like, but you could check it out? If you're 6' you're gonna have a hard time with normal AP or something. Some people use underskirts, but I don't personally like the look of them...

>> No.8701369
File: 46 KB, 345x437, 143203-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of sweet dresses are going to be too short for you. Some things can be worn with an underskirt but it doesn't work with everything). Classic or gothic would be easier than sweet, but if sweet is what you have your heart set on, then you'll have an easier time with the more classic influenced sweet from Innocent World or some of BTSSB's styles rather than most Angelic Pretty styles.

>> No.8701398


this. since you're so tall, tea length (or "medium length") dresses will probably be of interested to you as well. for sweet lolita, metamorphose sometimes releases medium length dresses.

>> No.8701404

If I become a software engineer - I can have unlimited lolita? Darn, I shouldn't have screwed around so much in programming classes.

>> No.8701406

You'll fit in with all the Asian tourists carrying Harrods bags.

If you were a local though, it would be very weird. We don't really display our flag like Americans. It tends to be something right wingers do. If you go outside of England, definitely avoid.

>> No.8701415

What the fuck is up with rufflechat lately?

>> No.8701436


Thanks for the all tips! The classic-sweet style of some of Innocent World's stuff definitely fits with my taste.

I'll have to do some digging, and see what's currently available from their website and second hand, the sizing of the long sizes seems about right for me. Hoping to have something together by March.

I'd be open to the idea of some more gothic style lolita, but definitely had my sights set on some of the sweeter stuff for my first coord.

Yeah, pretty much. At the moment, I could be getting a full none off-brand coord a month, and still pay all my bills and eat a totally healthy amount of food. West coast tech jobs pay a lot of the dosh. I dropped out of high school, and college though. So if the tech industry ever crashes, I'm kind of useless.

>> No.8701437

You may be able to get away with some dresses from Angelic Pretty but you need to keep an eye on the length. They sometimes have "Long" versions of dresses like link underneath. I also heard that the Holy Lantern rerelease is longer than the original dress but not sure of the length. You may also want to alter these dresses, especially the straps.

Another route to go down is indie brands and choose tea length dresses or ask for custom sized dresses. With no limits on budget, you have a ton of options.

>> No.8701445


Didn't know that about AP dresses, thanks. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out.

I'll have to look into altering straps, could help with length for sure.

By Indie brands, do you mean taobao type stuff?

>> No.8701446

Summer never ended

>> No.8701453

Could be taobao, could be Korean (Lief, Haenuli, Baroque etc) or western indie brands (Elegy, Ergi, Rouge Aerie etc).

>> No.8701467

the OP is supposed to be +10 cm longer than the original release but I think that just makes it more of a normal length - the original release was a bit short, plus the OP is made for really dainty framed people in mind. (though if he's 120 pounds maybe it could work, idk, i still think it would be a bit short though even for him just because he's so tall)

>> No.8701471

One word for a guy who sews/makes stuff - tailor, traditionally. Do people forget these words?

>> No.8701472

Google KINCS world shop. I tried to link, but it says it's spam.

>> No.8701483


I am extremely dainty, I can fit into my 5'2 90 pound friend's dresses just fine, length really being the only limiting factor.

>> No.8701512

As someone who sews as a career and isn't always necessarily in a 'costume designer' position, I always use tailor or dressmaker.

>'Tailor' is a professional, unisex term and despite common belief does not purely refer to alterations.

>'Dressmaker' is also a professional, unisex term and does not purely refer to dresses. In this case 'dress' is an older term for general clothing in the West.

>'Seamstress' is typically a term for hobbyists and is female-specific.

Sewist/Sewer just sounds dumb.

>> No.8701527

Do yourself a favor and get your stuff custom made. Just because you are thin and can possibly get into some doesn't mean it'll be a good fit. You'll have to go through indie sellers most likely, but it'll be tailored to your male body.

Also, kudos to you for not lying and saying you're some 6 foot amazoness girl. Those posts always make me squint.

>> No.8701539

Will IW allow orders from shopping services? I want some things from them but I have an FJ order open already so I figured I'd toss it in with that rather than pay shipping from Japan twice.

>> No.8701542

>insinuating that it's weird for girls to be over 6'

Clearly you've never see the Tall Lolitas group on FB

>> No.8701545

Isn't choke like 6ft tall?

>> No.8701555

I have a friend who is an engineer, works 90 hours a week and goes to china every two months.

Think of all the Taobao you could have.

>> No.8701556

I hate cutesy animal/toy prints but I love this.

>> No.8701560


>> No.8701561

You could have tons and also no time to wear it.

>> No.8701577

I'm a 5'10 male and all of my main pieces are brand. You just need to find the longer length dresses and know what cuts do and don't work on your body.

Honestly apart from height, the only other thing you need to be worried about is shoulder width with blouses and some OPs. As long as total lengths are around the 100cm mark and you invest in a couple good underskirts, you should be fine. Apart from the more recent AP releases, most bust cuts won't have enough space for boobs to be a major fit concern.

>> No.8701579


Am I sick for liking the Bordeaux OP for Christmas?

>> No.8701591

naw, you can make bank if you sell yourself to most corporate management position really. just don't expect to feel good about what you do lol

>tfw paid to boss people around all day

>> No.8701596


>> No.8701601

Have you thought about joining Rufflechat, Tall Lolitas - Worldwide, and CoF to find advice and inspiration? This place is not a good for resources.

Also consider investing money in stocks if you have unlimited funds. Get a brokerage account linked to a checking account so you can receive passive income from dividends. This is how I pay for lolita.

>> No.8701606

Underskirts will probably be your friend then, especially if you want to buy brand.

>> No.8701612

Nah, I thought the same thing. I mean, AP isn't my style, but I don't think it's as bad as other anons are saying.

>> No.8701639


Hah, I've got stocks in the tech companies I've worked for, because they're cheap/free. So it's all good. And not really -unlimited- money, but definitely enough to buy any coord you could imagine.

That sounds pretty bad. I work less than 40 hours a week, generally(30-35), and have unlimited PTO. It all depends on the company and industry.

I'd love to see some of your coords.

I'm in rufflechat, but mostly for the drama. Never heard of the other two groups.

>> No.8701667

eh we've all lolified worse and we know it.

>> No.8701670

Yeah I'm also a software engineer and make about 100k a year in the southern US. I only use like 20k a year in food and living, so I have so much money to waste on brand and other hobbys.

>> No.8701750

Anyone in here know when Haenuli is gonna re-release enchanted fawn?

>> No.8701760

he has time to do all sorts of things though... he works remote a lot of the time..

>> No.8701835

I've bought lucky packs from Y! Japan before using FromJapan, nothing happened and I got mine just fine!

>> No.8701879

just need to confirm that a spider label sewn next to an alice and the pirates label means that the item is mens' sized?

thanks in advance

>> No.8701980


>> No.8702017

Union jack on everything is really popular in europe though. In Germany nobody would bat an eye if you wear the union jack.

>> No.8702064

That anon was talking specifically about the UK though.
I'm German and if someone made a dress with a German flag on it I'd think it's awkward as shit, not to mention people would probably think you're some weird frilly nazi.

>> No.8702077

>frilly nazi is the best nazi

>> No.8702132

Isn't Asumiko really popular for her boy love/yaoi mangas and storylines?

Also I would kill for this print now but I would face a bloodbath if a pink colorway would ever be released.

>> No.8702151

Nakamura Asumiko has/had been a regular contributor to the GLB, there's been a couple anthologies published of her short comics there. But yeah, outside of that she's also pretty established in the BL sphere, just got a series made into an anime and all that.

I have a couple of her art books and the illustrations are super nice.

>> No.8702154

Thats how I know her, there is nothing like gay erotica that leaves you sort of disturbed and reflective for days.

>> No.8702155

They'd think you're on the way to some sports event with the national team playing is my guess.

>> No.8702166

Is that one different from this one?
Cause I made an account and want to pay now and see no way to put in international orders.

>> No.8702169

I only knew her for her BL before I found her art in the GLB. Either way, she's great.

>> No.8702170
File: 1.11 MB, 983x579, deerstalkerscantact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's stupid to complain that "deerstalkers can't act" as they are just a bunch of hobbyists but the constant smiling really annoys me and ruins their videos for me.
In every clip of their I've watched over the years, whenever a character is meant to be sad or angry they still seem to be smiling.

I get that they are hanging out with friends and making dumb videos so it must be hard not to smile, but seriously I'm getting aussie smile ptsd.

>> No.8702175

They aren't doing this as professional videos and more of just a hobby. I like knowing that the acting is bad in that sense you pointed out because it just makes it look funnier I guess? I don't know but in general, Deerstalkers know how to make jokes of things fairly easily.

>> No.8702212


I think the sewist/sewer/seamster debate is supposed to address what's missing from the list: a non professional, male (or at least non female ) person who sews as a hobby.

>> No.8702276

Can someone here help me decide what coord to wear in front of my coworkers?
I have to go to my coworkers show on Saturday night after attending a meet. I don't think I'll have time to go home and change so I'll be stuck wearing either a bodyline dress that looks rather old school or an off brand handmade military dress. They're both OPs.
Some of my coworkers are aware of my dressing up and my interest in j-fash, but I don't think they'd expect what it actually looks like.

I can self post if it helps but I'd rather not.

>> No.8702294

Do you have a small suitcase? You can always bring a change of clothes with you, if you think wearing lolita around your coworkers will cause hassles at work later on.

Otherwise, military will probably look less odd to your coworkers than old school, although both are going to get some odd questions and looks.

>> No.8702299

Ugh, I have to take a bus to get there, and then an uber... I really don't want to lug around an extra bag. I did think about it though. Also I'd have to change in public like in a bathroom or something cause the meet is for an event in a theater.

Also my make up is gonna raise some questions I'm sure. I've gotten the "how come you're all dressed up?" From friends of friends. I was able to brush it off because my friends know all about jfash and can explain it better than I can.

I'm gonna ask about it at work and hopefully they won't have a problem. They've seen me in a pastel bear hoodie before. I don't think they'd be too surprised.

I'm nervous as fuck tho.

>> No.8702301

Any pharmacy/medical lolitas have blogs/groups/FB's etc I can follow? Kinda tired of seeing NEET lolitas who starve and dont pay attention to responsibility for brand they cant afford.

>> No.8702310

Different anon but an extra case/bag isn't that much of a hassle. Get out of lolita is quick and easy, even in a public restroom.

>> No.8702349

But it still just sounds so tumblrina special snowflake.

>> No.8702356

>Different anon but an extra case/bag isn't that much of a hassle.
On public transportation it is. One bag is hassle enough, especially if it's crowded, and on a Saturday night, it is definitely going to be crowded.

>> No.8702398


I know. But I also realise they have a point. There's not really a good word for "dude who sews but not in a professional way". Heck, even seamstress sounds too professional for me, I can sew for myself, but I don't want to rehash the "do you take commissions and why not" conversation everytime I try to say I sew things for myself solely non professionally as a hobby.

>> No.8702411


Normally when I have a meetup and other things planned for the same day, I choose a dress I can "transform" from nearly-normal to full-on lolita by swapping things around, for eg:
- wear a cardi/jacket over it, swap it out for a lolita bolero for the meet
- wear a plain OP, put on a lacey underskirt and a dickey for the meet
- for an outfit that's fairly streamlined on top, throw on a shawl, scarf, t-shirt, sweater, etc
- Keep the hair accessories, jewellery and socks until it's time for the meetup. For socks, you can wear plain ones then change into lolita ones later.
- do hair at home and bring only some items to touch up/repair
- same with makeup, bring items to touch up/repair (or the darker/brighter stuff to help you go from normal to lolita), minimise what you're carrying

You will need to go through your wardrobe and see which dress you can change the most easiest from normal to lolita, wear that dress.

You will also need to carry a larger bag, but I've found these doable with either the Milk heart bag, the btssb rose cherry bag, the aatp briar rabbit paysage bag. Maybe a nice shopping tote with a few charms/brooches added can work with your outfit?

Hope that helps. 4chan ate my longer comment.

>> No.8702484

I'm not the kind of person who care how I usually look, but every time I try to dress up nicely or cosplay it ends with me realizing how fucking stupid I look and me putting on my regular clothes instead.
I have friends who aren't afraid of dressing up and I envy them so much.
When I tried dressing up for halloween my friends complimented me and even though I know they meant well I just felt worse.
At this point, I just don't know what to do anymore.

tl;dr have issues, can't handle compliments which makes me seem like an ungrateful bitch.

>> No.8702494

i watched a Globe production of Twelfth Night and in the credits they listed (separately) Tailors, Seamstresses, and Sewers. i don't know what's what anymore.

>> No.8702523

So I just bought something on LM but the seller has tacked on paypal fees now that they have invoiced me. Is this something that I should even bring up or is it not worth the trouble?

>> No.8702533

For me, yes it is something I bring up. It is against the rules and it's just unfair to the buyer.

>> No.8702543

Can't believe I posted this in the wrong thread. I can't do anything right. Sorry guys!

>> No.8702547

Is classical puppet's petticoat quality still bad? I really need a new petti...
might just get malco modes if CP's on the decline

>> No.8702548
File: 9 KB, 259x175, lm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it up. If they refuse to sell it to you, they can be warranted negative feedback. The LM mods will side in your favor

>> No.8702560

Thanks guys :)

>> No.8702569

Was anyone able to snag Baby's La Belle et la secret de la rose dress? I tried to reserve it, but the yellow colorway sold out as I was checking out. It got re released a few days later but I missed it.

>> No.8702581

>In every clip of their I've watched over the years, whenever a character is meant to be sad or angry they still seem to be smiling.

This wouldn't happen if lolitas weren't forced to be ~lovelies~ all the time. This is what happens when the community pressures individuals to conform to a standard of ~nice~ behavior. No one can show an honest fucking emotion anymore, and I'm so sick of it.

I'm thinking of leaving lolita to join a group where a full range emotional expression is allowed. Do emos exist anymore?

>> No.8702632

Exactly the same happened to me. It was gone SO quickly, was it just super popular or were there very few slots, I can't tell? And then for the second round there wasn't even a full days notice, I completely missed it. I'm kind of heartbroken, I've always had good luck with reserves but this dress was for something really special. I wanted it as my wedding dress. Hopefully when it gets released some will make their way to the secondhand markets.

>> No.8702724

Hey thanks, I just remembered I have a coat that will go with one of my dresses which will suffice if it's an outside event... but I bet it's gonna be inside cause it'd be silly to have an outdoor show when it's this cold.

>> No.8702738

holy fuck i was not expecting that one to go that fast
>tfw was going to save up for it
i should have known better

>> No.8702744
File: 51 KB, 540x351, tumblr_nrjxdsDNre1sz39j8o6_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay nevermind. I'm dumb. Thanks.

>> No.8702765

Their act is better than most Lolita youtubers

>> No.8702801
File: 31 KB, 463x609, 496482-3222-2015-10-23823083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the sizing is like on this dress? What's the bust like? I'm a bit too close to the higher measurement.

>> No.8702807

would like to know too. based off past releases, I think she opens stuff like 1-2 weeks after she announces it?

>> No.8702830

Just keep an eye on her FB, the date should be announced there. If you really want it, you can always start saving up now if you need to.

>> No.8702852

not too much of an issue for me, I'm just antsy and want to know! I mostly just want to see clearer photos of all the cuts haha. this is a dress that's been on my wishlist for sometime so I'm just being impatient.

>> No.8702865

I got a blouse from them because I thought the stock photo looked wonderful, but I was very disappointed after a while.
The buttons didn't hold and kept slipping through the holes even though the blouse isn't tight at all, as well as the waist ties buttons being inconveniently placed. The edges were rough and the ruffles were bulky.

>> No.8702866

I've got this dress and like a 90cm bust and it fits fine with lots of room to spare. I'd guess that it can go up to 105cm at least, but I can try to measure when I get home if you'd like

>> No.8702874

Nooo I was hoping it would come out on december so I'd have money. Fuckit.

>> No.8702883

There's a doll on the dress wearing the same dress?
Does that mean that there's a doll on that doll dress wearing the same dress too?

>> No.8702892

>that white and beige at the bottom
oh dear

>> No.8702918

swear I remember her saying she was either 5"9 or something....

>> No.8702926

Any tall lolis out there who own a Roland Jacket? I'm 177cm and I am afraid the lady's version would be too short on me but I am unsure whether the men's version would fit properly? My bust is around 90cm for reference

>> No.8702936

You are dangerously underweight, seriously. Especially as a male. Holy shit.

>> No.8702938

The lady's version won't even fit your bust, and will definitely be too short in the sleeve unless you have t rex arms. It only goes to 86 cm on most release, 88 if you're lucky and that's without wearing anything underneath. I find it fits me maybe a little tightly with a frilly blouse on on 84cm bust, and I'm 160cm with regular length arms and find the sleeve length good.

>> No.8702941

>2 bids
Well, apparently it is actually going for 1,000,000 yen now. Possibly even higher.

>> No.8702944

FFS, of all things to spend 10k on?

>> No.8702949

Yep. And the original price was like 34k I think? inb4 'demand and supply you're dumb' I know but holy shit, talk about a price hike.

>> No.8702970

I can kind of justify 1k for a popular dress, but Fuck that, that's my rent for over a year.
>inb4 you're poor and jealous!!

>> No.8702985

I've been lucky enough with my wishlist dresses as they usually don't go for much more than retail but I do understand why a person would want to pay 1~2k dollars for their holy grail dress but this? This is way too much.
>inb4 poor jealous fatty ect.
Honestly, no. Just find it weird.

>> No.8702999

Like ya'll, I do find the price way too excessive but after reading what the anon said above about the whole little history about Marionette in my closet, I feel like the dress is more as a collectors item for someone who would want a complete set of that three way collab.

>> No.8703003

Actual, pre-packed lucky packs? Or the shady "Increasing" lucky packs that sellers assemble, with a vague "I'll add more items once the price reaches the right point!" description in the listing? Because anon is talking about the latter, not the former, and a lot of SS won't bid on those kinds of listings because they're scams.

>> No.8703012

Glad you were able to get it to work. Enjoy your h.naoto.

>> No.8703013

Hey, seaguls, can you post that pic of that brand fighting game parody. I think it was Motie vs Angelic Pretty.
Google doesn't seem to cooperate.

>> No.8703039
File: 28 KB, 450x400, beart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I didn't know this existed but now I'm just imagining the Beart sisters. Seconding the request?

>> No.8703047

I want to order an echarpe from pizzicato kei but there's nothing in stock and also nothing in her FAQ that talks about messaging her about comissions/custom orders. can I just drop her line? I don't want to bother her if she doesn't do that/only puts stuff up when she has time.

>> No.8703051

I currently live in Florida and to avoid the moisture problem, I get those closet dehumidifier things. They can eith be a little bucket you set in the corner or a bag you hang on the door. I've never had any mold or water damage problems while using those.

>> No.8703061

I would like to join that if it exists. I can't stand reading about someone crying poor about rent/meds/being unemployed/etc and then somehow buying more lolita. Where the responsible lolitas at?

>> No.8703067

The tailors are probably the people they paud and then the seamstresses amd sewers were probably volunteers or employees who volunteered extra time and weren't originally employed to sew.

>> No.8703091

I don't think she really details her personal life too much, but I know octavekitten (tumblr and IG) has some sort of pharmaceutical job. kinda jelly desu. i hope when i get done with school and enter the workforce i can get a nice job and be able to afford all the lolita and swanky events i want to go to :'(

>> No.8703104

We should start a Lolita professionals group. It would be a fun way to network.

>> No.8703127

This, but please not facebook.

>> No.8703146

I own a Roland jacket. I'm 172 at 88 bust and with a blouse + dress it's a little tight. Sleeves aren't too bad, tad short, but nothing compared to long sleeve brand blouses.

>> No.8703150

LinkedIn and give it a code name?

>> No.8703187

What's wrong with FB?

>> No.8703194

Vet technician lolita seconding this.

>> No.8703198

Where do you live? That's my rent for 2 months.

>> No.8703199

No, professional theater productions don't have volunteers. Tailors, seamstresses and sewers all have different responsibilities/specialities. This is another reason why "sewist" is gaining ground for hobby sewing enthusiasts, since other words have specific meanings. Please google things you don't understand rather than spouting off incorrect assumptions.

>> No.8703230


I'm a medical resident, but I don't like blogging about it on my lolita blog because I'm mildly paranoid about other people in small-ish town I work in finding out.

It'd be really awesome to meet other pharmacy/medical lolitas though. >>8703104 seems like a pretty good idea.

>> No.8703236

she's so not 5'9 i've seen her in person lol

>> No.8703239

Seconding this. I'm fed up with whiny babys clogging my dashboard about how they can barely afford rent but want to buy new releases. If someone creates a group for non-plebs, please post the link.

>> No.8703244

Yes please! Software developer lolita sans Facebook here. Would really like to connect with other grown-up lolitas

>> No.8703246

I'm sorry I should have Googled. I was extrapolating from definitions that others have given. Clearly the terms aren't as cut and dry as to whether they indicate profession or hobby.

>> No.8703267

unless you're around or at least 5 cm below the max baby dresses look like ass on large busts.
>source: me and my sad boobloaf in even fully back shirred BABY

>> No.8703272

*around the min bust
my mistake.

>> No.8703274

Law school anon, also interested

>> No.8703286

Ditto. I would love to have a place to go to avoid whiners.

>> No.8703313

You can use the "delete" button at the bottom of the page to delete your comments. It'll still show in the archive tho

>> No.8703317

your rent is 34k for two months?

>> No.8703325

I think anon meant their rent is 1k for 2 months

>> No.8703328

Horror Garden will be available at AP USA tomorrow

>> No.8703333

right, but the previous anon wasn't saying that their rent was 1k for over a year, i think it was in reference to the 34k.


>> No.8703350

Linked in might be too far on the professional side. How is privacy on the groups?

Facebook has way to many privacy concerns.

What would people like to use it for? Being able to talk freely about buying and what you've bought?

>> No.8703359

Oh I bought the pre-packed ones, those sound really shady and I probably wouldn't trust those...

>> No.8703395

i wish got lolita was still a thing, i want a place to celebrate my shopping gets without butthurt judgement.

>> No.8703397

Aw it would be very pretty worn as a wedding dress. I'm sad too, I'm expecting it will be very difficult to find secondhand since it was not only a MTO but a limited MTO.

>> No.8703560

Augh, Those prices.... I just bought one off Y!J for less. I hate APUSA's pricing. It's really bad that I can buy a scalped dress for less than what they sell them for.

>> No.8703576

I'd like to connect with other lolitas that are more mature or have professional jobs tbqh. The childish poorfags are a dime a dozen and it's so hard to form meaningful friendships with 90% of them.

>> No.8703590

I completely agree anon.
Thoughts on where we could make such a group? The only one that I can think of that has decent privacy is google+, but every social network has it's own issues. I don't really trust the small networks either, we really need a separate network like lacebook could have been.

>> No.8703627

Its a shame Facebook is the only not dead place a group like this could survive.

What would we call it? Pro-litas?

>> No.8703652

New thread >>8703648

Thought I'd try out a new format for the general. Let me know what you think.

>> No.8703916

Me too, I love seeing what people have bought and for what reason