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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8095110 No.8095110 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to this fine "lady"?

>> No.8095144

They just moved to a new tumblr shock-tress.tumblr.com
and it looks like they still cosplay

>> No.8095171

Dug around. "She" seems to get buthurt when she is called a man now. I thought SephyGoth was open with their gender?

>> No.8095174

Tank you.

>> No.8095315

After poking around his tumblr, it looks like he's fully committed to his character(s) and thus likes to be called a girl while in costume? That's what I'm assuming.

>> No.8095355
File: 683 KB, 500x885, tumblr_nh9v92oOuG1tar9obo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he get such a seamless look? I know how he does his seamless boobs.

>> No.8098723

wait this cosplayer is a man?! someone has photos of his male self?

>> No.8098738
File: 489 KB, 900x1200, PAX_East__Sephiroth_Morrigan_by_SANE_INTOLERANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8098742

It's so painfully obvious that's a man's face. But guys always fall for fake boobs.

>> No.8099525

And he had such a hot girlfriend...I feel bad for her

>> No.8102918

she is still hot those bewbs yo

>> No.8102940

Except that's not his face? He wears heavy prosthetics. It looks okay in pictures, but it's a little terrifying up close.

Why's that, exactly? You feel bad because she's not available and it ruins your fap fantasy?

>> No.8103008

I haven't heard anything about this dude in years. Is he still being an asshole for no reason at all?

>> No.8103031

from his tumblr it looks like it.
all those "copyright" on his photos lol
bitch, no one reblogs you

>> No.8103868

is this dude mentally ok? and im not even asking in a hurdur what a retard way but like? i was curious so i checked out his blog and he seems not all there.

also yes >>8095355 how does it seem like he only has a seam on the back????

>> No.8103905

Those hips can't be real!

>read comments

Crap, I was right :(

>> No.8106114

Yeah shocktress is a bit of a nutter. Is my inspiration to lose weight though! If a same person could pull this off, it'd be great!

He gets grumpy when his maleness is mentioned cause he looses followers who don't know. Lol.

>> No.8106122

Can someone link this thread to him on twitter?

>> No.8106144


>> No.8106438

Saw him at Katsu last year and it made my life.

>> No.8107936

Amusement? He hates 4chan like its the plague for imagined slights.

>> No.8107964

....transitioning possibly?

>> No.8107968

He could be Sarah Jessica Parker's stunt double then!

>> No.8107988

Wonder how he feels about a bunch of men fapping to him (/v/ posts him quite a lot)

>> No.8108066

this is terrifying what the fuck

his tumblr has pics of him in all these creepy furry costumes

>> No.8112779

while in character, he wants to be referred to as the character. For male characters this means "he", for female characters this means "she". Pretty much "method cosplaying".