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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10114002 No.10114002 [Reply] [Original]

A-kon is 4 months out and there's still no venue announcement.

What's your next con and what is your backup con if/when A-Kon cancels?

>> No.10114082

A-kon and hotels for hope cancelled my hotel reservations, I still had to pay a large penalty because they cancelled "according to my hotels cancellation policy" A-kon burned me, and I won't be going back, even if they do manage to get their shit together. I'm going to AM, because of the Vocaloid concert, and it's close to the same date. (yes, I know, no I don't care.)

>> No.10114114

I'll be going to AX probably. It's expensive, but I at least know where it is and that the guests will be good and I'll have fun.

>> No.10114123

I suggest fighting it out with your bank since the cancellation was out of your hands.

>> No.10114125

So far ghosting A-Kon is still on my list, but I’m not holding out any hope. Just planning for Afest more instead and booked the hotel for that. Has it just been a while since I’ve stayed at the Sheraton or has it always been super cheap for the weekend?

>> No.10114177

I think the lowest prices on the block were actually cheaper before. Something like $135/night

>> No.10114433

San Japan I guess, which I already go to every year, but now I might splurge on some extra costumes or something. I only go to a few cons a year and don’t really care to go to new ones at this point (old).
Maybe I’ll return to A-Kon if it doesn’t just fucking implode after this clusterfuck and everything evens out, but who the fuck knows at this point.
Not looking promising

>> No.10114827

It's official: A-Kon will be at Fair Park this year

>> No.10115008

Next con: Trader's Village (Houston). Super cheap, kinda fun, and if you like flea markets and garage sales and borderline safe carnival rides, that's a bonus.

>> No.10115076

i've never heard of this and i've gone to houston area (well, texas in general) cons my whole life! got anymore info?

>> No.10115080

Is that actually a once a year thing in houston?

>> No.10115180

I think he's trolling
Traders Village is a market, not a convention
Old people go there to buy stuff

>> No.10115184

actually, looking it up, he might be talking about how traders village does a "comicon" weekend in april
It's just a themed weekend for the market though

>> No.10115314

I'm interested in the animeink con in VA this year since it's the first one. As for in-state, probably Okashi and SJ. I wish Akon hadn't gotten several guests that I'm actually interested in to come, otherwise I wouldn't go. But I really want to meet them, so guess I'll suck it up

>> No.10115367

It takes place under one of the pavilions at the location. It's more like a mini con--they have guests and vendors and artists and a cosplay contest. So for your $4/car, you get to do this plus have access to everything else there. Not a bad deal.

Facebook and Google exist, you walnut

>> No.10117240

Did AFest ever open panel submissions? I looked on their site and it said "TBD" under February for them even though February is about to be over

>> No.10117243

Not yet

>> No.10117361

Anime matsuri looking pretty good right about now

>> No.10117471

Anime Matsuri is never looking good you shill.

>> No.10117665

Anyone going to Aselia Con in a couple weeks?

>> No.10117679
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>> No.10117867

Anime North Texas is changing their location (Really close to Six Flags in Arlington) and are trying to clean up their act. I'm not sure if I can trust them again after two years of just the worst experiences, but I wanna be hopeful. The venue was one of my main gripes last time.


>> No.10117879

ANT is terrible. Between the owner being horrible at organization and all of the things that have came from the last two years of that convention, I’ll avoid it like a plague like AM- even if it’s like 15 mins from me.

>> No.10117903

chaos mode: a-kon during texas ou weekend at fair park

>> No.10117922

I’m extremely hopeful. I liked ANT a lot when it was in Fort Worth and this airport hotel thing has been godawful. I just hope this is their final resting place because I’m getting tired of them moving around the entire metroplex.

>> No.10117932

I feel you on that. ANT was at its best at the Fort Worth venue, the staff was really kind, it was close to my house, the hotel was pretty. Kind of all the perks of A-kon's previous venue, really. Ironically enough, it's where I stayed last year.

This venue seems promising. There seems to be a lot more space than the previous venue, which really was a downsize from the Fort Worth one for some reason. So, it's split between two nice-looking buildings and right next to Six Flags in case it sucks.

Probably the bunny suit thing was the nail in the coffin for Ikkicon to realize they weren't putting enough effort into running this con. I know someone mentioned that from 2016-2017, the entire staff changed and they lost a lot of people. I'm just glad that ANT is communicating with us now, when the previous years have been radio silence on both the website and email front til damn near October...

>> No.10118323

I liked Anime Dallas, so hoping that turns into one of the few non-shit cons we have.

>> No.10119052

Who even goes to Aselia con? Its the same 200 people every year.

I doubt it. The staff heads painted a pretty picture of just wanting people to fawn over them because they're English VAs, they are terrible at running anything.

>> No.10119160


What was the bunny suit thing? I went to Ikkicon last year and it was pretty awful but I missed out on that. Every event was late and they seemed super hard into pushing whatever the Texas Idol thing is.

I'm hoping A-kon isn't as awful as it seems like it will be, but it's looking pretty bad. I recommend Anime Fest. I always have a good time there.

>> No.10119215

Bunnysuit fiasco was ANT, not Ikkicon. Long and short of it was there was a group of Batman Villans as bunnies, a variety of sizes of women. Some staff member went on a power Trip about some of the girls being inappropriately dressed. The girls took it as body shaming. They made a huge stink about it all over social media for months. ANT recently made some kind of statement. The whole thing was ridiculously overblown mostly by the girls acting like anyone gives a shit who they are, trying to coordinate a boycott or something.

>> No.10119266

What I think was kinda funny is that in A-kon's venue announcement video, those girls were featured, kind of like a fuck you to ANT, and that's maybe what prompted them to finally respond.

>> No.10119467
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Looks like artists are skipping A-Kon and going straight to Animefest.

>> No.10119526

I'm not surprised at all. It takes a lot of time to order things like keychains, pencil bags- anything that isn't prints really. A-Kon's AA this year is going to be a mix of mediocre artists they had to let in because no one else wanted to do this and your good artists will just be locals who happen to have leftover stock to sell. Since the move to Fort Worth, A-Kon I swear just tried to make the artists' lives as difficult as possible and now this year they've pulled...all of this. If you have any friends who were too scared to try out for the Artist Alley before, this is the perfect year to get in guaranteed!

>> No.10119531

Maybe if the tables were half the cost. I'm not paying almost $300 for a table at a con that's going to have only half the attendees.

>> No.10119545

I personally don't entirely trust the convention to not put the AA outside.

>> No.10119547

They have plenty of space to not do that and I’m 97% certain they won’t but I’ve been proven wrong by them before, so. It would just be a horrific choice but I’m sure they’d be able to tell us.

>> No.10120204

This is such an uninformed statement. Afest has always had a huge and we'll received AA and local artist sell at both Akon and Afest. Afest having a normal amount of submissions doesn't point at evidence toward anything

>> No.10120246

I am looking to go to a con for the first time and live near Dallas, so I figured I would start here. What do you recommend?

>> No.10120308

Anybody heard of Dreamcon?
It’s in Waco in May
I’ve never been but I’m booked to be in a wrestling event there
Any details?

>> No.10120362

AnimeFest August 16-19 (yes, the 19th is a Monday)

>> No.10120397

>ignoring where it says the tables sold out in a record breaking 10 minutes

You keep telling yourself that. I know several artists who table at both normally that are skipping a-kon altogether.

>> No.10120448

I think it's kind of weird that nobody is pointing out that Akon is blatantly putting profits above the well-being of their attendees. Frank has made it crystal clear that the only reason that they moved the venue is because the profit margin was not favorable. Akon's fix? Find a cheap outdoor venue in a bad neighborhood in the middle of a scorching hot Texas summer. Does Akon's new power structure really care more about cash flow than people's health and safety? It certainly appears that way..

>> No.10120514

Everybody is pointing that out. Where have you been? It's been a hot topic on Facebook and /cgl/ in the previous and current A-Kon threads.

>> No.10120527

Ok, can someone please explain to me why everyone thinks it's outside? Is it people not familiar with Dallas that see park and equate that with being outdoors? Is it people not familiar with fair park that think the distance between buildings is so great they'll be walking for a long time? I don't understand why everyone is complaining about it being "outside" when last year a ton of people were at the water gardens all day and you had to walk between 3 buildings.

>> No.10120532

It's not about the profit margin. They would have to increase the ticket price so much just to break even, which is awful for investing in further years, and who knows what other costs were or weren't included in that number. From what I've seen, maybe he could be trying to profit, but A-kon was doing pretty badly every year before, not mailing badges, ridiculous lines, horrible panel scheduling, and Frank is trying to fix all that. Fair Park isn't even an 'outdoor venue' there's a lot of indoor places, and most of the crime is well outside of the park so there's really nothing to worry about there. If you wanna pay $150 just to keep a-kon in fort worth for one more year and then immediately have it die after that, then that's on you.

>> No.10120536

I've given up on trying to explain this part to people. What happened to all of those free State Fair tickets we got as kids? Did ya'll never go?

>> No.10120545 [DELETED] 

Neat, so instead of answering the question you just make a snide remark implying I'm an idiot. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything from gulls.

I've been to the fair, yes. I've also been as an adult so the distance didn't seem as enormous as it would to a 6 year old.

>> No.10120585


I generally don't call out Akon staff, but this really sounds like you're staff anon.

>> No.10120598

Frank has been part of, if not completely in charge of, the registration problems, lack of mailed badges, and ridiculous waits and lines stemming from reg in the past. Just google him and A-kon and you'll find his Youtube channel where he uploaded video of him doing registration planning at the Anatole years ago. He's not fresh and innocent from A-kon's past woes.

>> No.10120663 [DELETED] 

Personally I also think it's because of >10087644 if he already had pending legal issues with hotels.

>> No.10120678
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I think it's also because of his legal issues with prior hotels.

>> No.10120684

It's run (or at least being pimped out) by the chick that kept calling all the whiners about A-kon racists simply because they don't like the area it moved to.

>> No.10120706

Not staff. Been going to A-kon for the past ten years, so it's kind of a big deal to me, and I was worried sick when there wasn't a venue announcement just to finally get relief when it was announced- and now everyday it's just 'shankcon' memes and i'm so tired. It takes like the barest amount of knowledge on business to see why they can't afford fort worth but people really think it's so simple for them to stay there.

I just find it strange that every year people would complain about wanting mailed badges, and we never got them until it changed management. I haven't seen that video, though. Are you sure he would've had the authority to decide to mail badges before owning the con?

>> No.10120717

is that a particular one? can you tell me why you would recommend it?`

>> No.10120829

Not them but it was actually my first con and I can tell you the gist. It's a nice-ish area (plaza of the americas is not bad at least, save for finding which street to go down, which is a Dallas thing) so it has a decent amount of internal food, external food, has a pretty good layout and is a nice medium sized con to not get lost in.

Pretty much checks all the boxes without being overwhelming.

>> No.10120832

I am actually on the fence, gull, I have a hotel that I can refund and I wouldn't mind/refunding the badge for A-kon.

I don't mind about the Dallas area because it's a DART ride away and plan to go to downtown Dallas at 7-8 anyways to eat before night life, but I guess the question away from 'lol shan-kon' and final fight anime adaption is - we all know it'll be sub-par this year. It can't not be. Less people(or younger crowd) might be a plus but what will draw us to A-kon? Not everyone likes downtown Dallas, and I am going to do a bar crawl regardless of others with me in costume so I might be covered, but for others?

>> No.10120846
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maybe i'm in a bad mood but can we keep all the a-kon talk to the a-kon thread? texas threads are always sub-matsuri threads, now a-kon is the new guinea pig

>> No.10120897

A bit embarrassing, but do you think that would be a good place to meet friends?

>> No.10120907
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Depends on age. If 15-23~ likely. If 24~30, possibly, if 30+ like myself, better wear a costume to do so.

>> No.10120913

I'm 20, but I would be 21 by then.
I don't even know how a 15 year old could manage to make that work, more drive for me that's for sure. certainly going places.

>> No.10120927
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Well I know exactly 1 due to friend groups overlapping 2-3 levels, so they sure as heck exist.

Honestly, I learned this pretty fast from my first time but you have to get involved if not with a friend. Maybe do a costume you like, in a popular group and see if you can hang out. Going to panels is helpful but there should be games and such there also. Panels are sort of like a movie if you're not at a gameshow, or a weird 18+ one where they call up audience. Notably though, costumed members get generally first dibs because you would remember Goku and Naruto talking about the finer points of gunpla or some stuff.

If I survive A-kon (original I know, it'll be a genocide of 15-20k weebs am i rite) I'll be at A-fest, and I can say I look forwards to it. So far I like San Japan most, though.

>> No.10120929

Those are the next 2 cons coming up worth paying any attention to. Get over yourself. If you want to talk about something else post about it.

>> No.10120931

OH, forgot, it's Texas so be ready for it to be 100+~ inside the skybridge (YOU WILL COOK), be unable to wear a mask/head covering in the plaza of americas, and later be freezing as the AC desperately tries to make up for lost time and it's previous failure, keeping the weebs cool. Costumes that will feel 'bearable' in bridge and outside will be like upstate new york in winter at 10~pm inside the convention.

>> No.10120940

>Well I know exactly 1 due to friend groups overlapping 2-3 levels, so they sure as heck exist.
exactly one what? 15 year old? I wasn't questioning if they could really manage to do it, just wondering how. seems like a titanic feat when I am nervous myself.

>> No.10120958
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sorry i don't want to read constant bitching and a bit of a jerk circle going on

>> No.10120978

They haven't finished announcing guests yet, and I'm sure they'll have some decent ones if the hype is real. It's like- what is the draw for any con? Fucking around in cosplay. Most people don't even go for guests anymore. Every con in the area is in downtown Dallas so what's the difference between A-kon and everything else? I don't know why you think it will be subpar just because it's in Dallas again. I also think the location is gonna be really nice for photos with stuff like swan rides, butterfly garden, and aquarium. It's like any other A-kon really, if they do it right.

>> No.10121000

NAYRT but you seem like a bit of a nervous wreck in general. Most people aren't afraid of making friends and things like public transit and carpooling with parents do exist.

>> No.10121069

>you seem like a bit of a nervous wreck in general.
>Most people aren't afraid of making friends
really? maybe I am a bit extreme but it seems like claiming social anxiety is all the rage with hip teens.
>things like public transit and carpooling with parents do exist.
I don't think my parents would have allowed me to do anything like that when I was 15

>> No.10121108

So quit being a whiny faggot and talk about what you want to discuss. People can't read your damn mind to magically start talking about whatever thing you're so hot on so just fucking get the ball rolling.

Not the person you were talking to but you're so optimistic anon. It's almost sweet and I'm not trying to be an ass here but with how much ground the new Akon staff has to cover to get everything done plus the venue change and all the hassle that goes along with it- this year absolutely will be subpar. That doesn't even factor in all the people freaking out about the venue, those that lost money from the hotel switching debacle, those that can no longer go because of the date change and those that are gonna sit this one out to see how it goes.

>> No.10121233

>I don't think my parents would have allowed me to do anything like that when I was 15
Then you were super sheltered, which explains a lot.

>> No.10121236

Well, it's not like totally new staff, but it is a lot of new staff. I have faith, but I wish the communication was a little better, you know? This con has been through a lot and I can't say I've ever had a completely bad time here lol. Worst has been bad hotel staff or long lines and we won't have any of those problems this time.

>> No.10121298


As someone who works cons, A-Kon is going to have a lot of issues this year simply because of two major factors:

1. Brand new location. This is a bitch for any con. You can't prepare for the unexpected as easily when you have no idea what issues may occur at a new location.

2. Staff Changes. Some of new location issues can be handled when you have staff heads who have experience. There might be some hiccups, but generally they can find a solution. HOWEVER, as we have learned A-Kon has fired a lot of experienced staff/or the experienced staff got tired of the management and quit. This means brand new staff with little experience running one if the largest cons in North America AND at a new location.

It's going to be a hot mess behind the scenes, and it will likely bleed into what attendees see/experience. That doesn't mean you can't have fun, but don't expect the con to be smooth sailing at all.

(This doesn't even tackle the hotels being a mile away, which will be another problem for attendees and staff)

>> No.10121306

I would also like to add that one of the staff members who stepped down was the head of programming so yeah this is going to be interesting at least.

>> No.10121485

I'm going with the intention of popcorn and lawn chairs, so either way, moneys worth.

>> No.10121540

>Then you were super sheltered
man I really don't think not being allowed to meet up with adult strangers to for multiple day road trips while you are still in high school counts as being super sheltered.

>> No.10121544

Not everyone who knows how a business operates, investing, and finances isn't con staff. A basic business class is enough to hypothesize what really went into these decisions.

>> No.10124415
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Something weird is up with ANT's registration since it went live...

Are they really doing a free membership? That doesn't seem right. Not to mention the difference between that and the $40 pass is simply getting to enter the drawing...

>> No.10124444

Fuck if I know, but you rock anon. I just signed up. It doesn't ask you for any credit card information if you do the free badge. Just your name, email, and age. No idea what it's all about but I guess I'm stopping by ANT come November.

>> No.10124584

Oh, wow. No idea what's up with that but I'll go ahead and grab one. Wasn't even planning on going to ANT this year, but now I probably will (if nothing changes I guess).

>> No.10124803
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dunno what the hell this is about but i snagged me one, doing god's work anon

>> No.10124945

I'm going to try this again
how should I maximize my chances of making friends at a con? I have heard about people having a real awkward time and just going home.

>> No.10124951

Cosplay. Go up to others from your same series and strike up conversation, or take photos and make small talk with those who cosplay from series you like.
Join in on panels that are interactive, pay attention and see if you have any banter with others, pick up after the panel with a friendly hello.
Make friendly chatter about merchandise if you and someone else are looking at the same product - it's an icebreaker if they also look bored.
Pay attention so you can tell the difference between someone who is enthusiastically talking to you or just stopping to chat and needs to be on their way.
A good segue is to have something you plan to do after talking to someone. If you fill up your own schedule with things like panels and checking out photoshoots and stops to eat, you can invite someone you click with along.
Don't intend to hang out with someone for the entire con, unless it just happens. You'll probably organically pick up a few friends/acquaintances, exchange social media, talk online from time to time, and then the next con you run into them at you'll have far more to talk about/hang out and bond over!
You might have a flub and be awkward here and there, and that's okay! But just try again, and more importantly, think about what you didn't like if something went poorly and how you'd handle it next time. For example I'm always still learning when I've gone on about a subject too long, but getting better at cues from people so I'm definitely not as awkward about it as I used to be!

>> No.10124968

First and foremost, do not let your good time depend on whether or not other people enjoy your presence. You should be comfortable being alone with yourself. If you're finding it difficult to make friends, one reason might be that you while not necessarily being clingy are the type of person to sort of latch onto someone else for happiness.

>>10124951 has great advice. One thing to remember at a con is that you all already have one thing in common: you're a bunch of fucking nerds. Embrace it. Start a conversation with the guy wearing your favorite obscure 90s anime on a shirt. Say hi to cosplayers from series you like. Panels are a really great place to make friends. Even for the non-interactive panels, you can make friends in lines. You're both there for the same panel, so you've got that much in common at least. Don't be afraid to make the first move. Texas cons are big. Even if you make a total autist out of yourself, you can easily go to the whole weekend without ever seeing that person again. Put yourself out there.

>> No.10125923

So who runs the Twitter? Is it Dave?

>> No.10125925
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fuck me dropped the photo

>> No.10125932

Dave isnt a trump supporter though. He hates the dude. Cant find the tweet anymore anyways.

>> No.10126178

This picture is stupid, my kettle goes from 20° to 100° in under 2 minutes

>> No.10126374

I have a Japan Fest Houston question:
One of my artist buddies, who's done JFest for at least a few years now, and who has co-opted a booth with other artists in the past (my understanding is that they're expensive), had her application denied this year. Did the criteria change? Is there a new committee? She does anime buttons and whatnot; were there too many applications for that this year? And if that's the case, do they not go by seniority? I'm a vendor at other Houston cons, not this one, but almost every other event in Houston goes by seniority.

>> No.10126596

Yeah. Whoever is running the twitter page is liking a bunch of right-wing shit, including Vic stan posts. Get your shit together San Japan twitter person.

>> No.10126747

Lol someone should tell Dave and then watch how fast the tone of the twitter changes.

>> No.10127234
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This shit show just keeps growing. I'm in awe

>> No.10127235
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>> No.10127335
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Anyone know anything about this shit show? It just popped up one day with very vague information on facebook of all places, promising to be some big event despite being a first year con in some shit venue, and now all of a sudden they're saying they've got confirmed out of state voice actors. I'm calling bullshit. Is it even legal to have an unofficial kingdom hearts convention?

>> No.10127360

Where is this supposed to be? I might go just to see if it's legit.

>> No.10127417

North Richland Hills. Apparently this con is run by the same people responsible for Fanboys Comic Con which apparently has some drama behind it but I've never even heard of it. I'm seeing allegations like the owner is homophobic, they don't pay guests, they yell at guests. I think I've even seen a post where they threatened to sue someone for giving them a bad review.

>> No.10127503

Sounds an awful lot like the dude who used to put on Texas Comicon in San Antonio, he's slap together a con with some actually fairly big name guests but then not pay them at the end of the con. No idea if its the same guy but it does remind me of him.

>> No.10127679

"We'Re WoRkInG oN iT gUyS"

>> No.10127803

Oh, shit, is George Comits getting around Texas again?

>> No.10128131
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>28 to 80 in the same week
That's cute. Temperature regularly makes that kind of change on a day to day basis here in Kansas.

>> No.10128268

You just sound buttmad that you're stuck in Bumfuck Nowhere, Kansas.

>> No.10131538

Shit con
just go to Anime Matsuri®

>> No.10131553

Too bad nobody gives a fuck about Kansas, huh?

>> No.10131564

Anyone else see that kawaiibro guy shit on the front page? I heard he gets minors drunk at partys lmao. Nasty.

>> No.10131945
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>go to San Japan's site
>Panel Submissions for 2019 have not opened yet. They will open on March 20th.
>it is now the 21st

where's the cake, eggman

>> No.10131983

Hes prime grade A Texas trash. I cant wait for the shit to drop and watch all the costhots who hang out with him be forced to turn against him to maintain their SJW "QWWEEEEN" image ha ha ha ha

>> No.10132386

Ii had to purge most of my cos friends because they were obsessed with him.

Didn't he get arrested at Anime Matsuri?

>> No.10132388
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Ikkicon iirc

>> No.10132499

No you dumbass thats Oni-con. The carpet, hallways, and aa give it away.

>> No.10132621

Whole thing is on lolcow now where he belongs

>> No.10134044

kawaiibro got arrested at a con? what for

>> No.10134045

Huh. He's a lot less muscular looking irl. Chicken legs

>> No.10134047

Good, I hate thots like him
He’s trash

>> No.10134100

yeah they have a little comiccon there in SA too. its not bad but traders village is meh. its nothing but beanie babies and peoples mcdonalds toys. they have overpriced figurines and video games that you can get on ebay for much cheaper.

>> No.10134101

whats aselia con lol

>> No.10134103

I went and had a good time last year and got some SU merch for cheap. You either got there late or you didn't walk around the whole thing. Or you weren't really there.

>> No.10134106

San Japan staff act the same way though. Some chubby girls get a lot of shit and are told to wear pants when theyre wearing leotards or bunny suits. yet theres skinny girls in thongs and half naked the entire time.
shit, even i was wearing a bunny suit and i wasn't told anything but my friends who are chubby got a warning for dressing in one.

>> No.10134108

Texas Idol Festival/Project has a partnership with Ikkicon and probably even San Japan.
That's why they get the same 20 idol and wotagei panels ran by them.
one of the members was crying wolf on facebook about someone bothering her and her friends were saying they were going to beat the shit out of the person bothering her.
San Japan staff were informed with a screenshot and Dave or whoever was replying to the email said that they didnt know any of the people who were commenting the threats. even though the staff have taken selfies or hang out with the idols :^)
i'm also sure that idol crying wolf is a janitor here because she doxxes people and 5 minutes later the pics and names are gone. passed the 40 second limit. its very fishy.

>> No.10134109

texas' weather fluctuates like crazy.
in an hour, it was clear and no clouds, then suddenly its raining (without a single cloud in the sky) then the temp dropped and it was freezing

>> No.10134111

ill be heating up my tea for dashcon 2

>> No.10134128

>I doubt it. The staff heads painted a pretty picture of just wanting people to fawn over them because they're English VAs, they are terrible at running anything.

Can you confirm if you went to Anime Dallas?

I went and it seemed pretty okay. Nothing was late and there wasn't a lot of hot garbage going on like I've seen at other local small shows.

>> No.10134438

Is this actually true? I'm planning on a kill la kill cosplay this year and was concerned about the dress code.

>> No.10134518

Nayrt but the presented con was pretty decent, I agree, but the behind the scenes shit was laughable. Half the staff dropped or didn’t happen the week of the con and they were begging panelists and others to fill in, people were dropping the ball on their duties, and I’m not sure who it was but one of the heads was wandering around in like sweatpants and a dirty hoodie with the hood on under a SnapBack. Doesn’t exactly exude a professional air imo.

>> No.10134599

Public intoxication. After something was posted on twitter, some fellow thots came to his aid and cried that he was an innocent victim. Heard from a staffer that the idiot had multiple chances to fuck off but instead kept acting like a belligerent asshole.

>> No.10134601

Clearly skips leg day

>> No.10134607
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>> No.10134641 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1512x2016, received_571480970025352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. She's wrong. This pic came from a staff head that was there to personally witness it up close. PI and bragging about sneaking alcohol into the rave got his thotty ass busted.

>> No.10134643
File: 217 KB, 1512x2016, received_571480970025352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. She's wrong. This pic and info came from staff that was there to personally witness it up close. PI and bragging about sneaking alcohol into the rave got his thotty ass busted.

>> No.10134681

Oh yeah, just a casual, friendly walk back to the hotel.

>> No.10134700

Tales-of video game convention. It's small but I find it a lot of fun.

>> No.10134749

its true. i was wearing a bunny suit and my friend wearing a leotard right next to me was told to put pants on or leave.
yet theres tons of skinny girls wearing thongs and bikini cosplays (not forbidden but with their cheeks showing and they dont get in trouble?)
really im tired of san japan and their double standards.

>> No.10134798

Not just San Japan. That happened at ANT as well. The bigger girls were told to change while the smaller weren’t.

It’s a really annoying double standard in Texas conventions desu

>> No.10134818

yeah i read above about the bunny suit problem at ANT.
i just dont even want to go to texas cons anymore because of AM and ANT and Ikkicon is shit. what is left really

>> No.10135068

I feel like Afest is the only redeemable one now and even that is the epicenter of 13 year old weebs and their odd iPhone generation culture. It’s a very specific audience at any TX con and none of them overlap.

>> No.10135117

Wait, can you explain this further? I'm really confused. I'm going to AFest for the first time this year. I don't really have a problem with kids at cons (hell, we all did cringey shit when we were teens). Is there something specific about AFest?

>> No.10135142

Half thr staff of AD dropped because the con heads wouldn't answer anyone's questions. A friend of mine volunteered and just vented about it for hours so here's the dirt I remember.

They didn't really feed the staff. They had a day where they just bought pizza and you were lucky if you got 2 slices. The chairs kept saying "be patient, we will have info" until a few days before the convention. They weren't clear about crash space or staff attire (which is why a lot of them just wore normie clothes, they were told they weren't allowed to cosplay but then told they could the night before). The heads didn't have an in person meeting for even their higher staffers until Thursday, so a lot of people dropped out. You can't run a con without making your programming and security guy (same person) not know the venue until the day before.
So they were short staffed because they didn't want to listen to anyone with con experience and all of those people quit. And a few volunteers stayed to be nice and to see how it went.

One night (Saturday?) a lot of stuff was going wrong but John and Chuck ran off to have a VA dinner ans nobody could reach them, and they were mad their convention was having issues when they shouls have stayed to take care of stuff.

They picked random cosplay judges and only maybe 2 or 3 out of 6 had craft experience. The rules were on the website but not posted online until Friday because they forgot to link it. The sign ups were done on paper and you had a 2 or 3 hour window on Friday for prejudging because they had the contest on Saturday, if you only went on Saturday you couldn't sign up to compete.

Con only went okay because it was small and there weren't a lot of things that could go wrong. The venue was paid for, they had enough people to check badges, it was small so lines weren't awful, and a lot of people had their New Con blinders on. Only half the ones who stayed want to come back to help, and that's not a lot at all.

>> No.10135721

If you don’t mind kids at cons then Afest is great, I’m just saying this as someone who is too old to deal with seeing twelve year olds running around as underage characters in booty shorts and fishnets. Afest always has pretty good guests and the venue is large enough that you aren’t on top of people the whole time (if it matters and you didn’t know it’s the Sheraton where Akon used to be), and there’s plenty of food options and plenty of parking.

Just to clarify, they just didn’t open contest signups until Friday and were letting people sign up up until prejudging opened on Saturday. There were a handful of people who just walked in and wrote their names down and then were judged while they were standing there.

If the heads get theirs out of their asses and do stuff better this time around I think AD could be a really good con.

>> No.10135746

You sound like you're 55 yelling at people to get off your con lawn.

>> No.10136246

Where can I find a list of cons in texas? don't really know any resources for it.

>> No.10136324


>> No.10136946

never heard of afest. ill check the next date and see about attending. thanks, anon

>> No.10139162

So uh are you guys ready for Comicpalooza?

>> No.10139163


>> No.10139495

I think the fabric was stretched so much you could see though it on the larger girls. Tights are so annoying to deal with in general.

>> No.10140003

Nice joke anon

>> No.10140020

In the meantime, MGD's guest list gets more and more awesome. This little gathering might actually surpass Delta-H in coolness this year, and maybe in a few years actually do some damage to AM. That would be nice.

>> No.10140204

An apple rotting on the side of the road could surpass Delta h in coolness. Lol.

>> No.10140526

are you guys saying there are basically no good cons in dallas this year?

>> No.10140538

there's no good cons in Texas period

>> No.10140663

Then get the fuck out of Texas.

>> No.10140941

Only reason I'm still here is because of Anime Matsuri

>> No.10141119

So your taste is shit to begin with.

>> No.10141190

No you. What I said about Texas cons are what people say here all the time, I guess it's okay if I shit on them one at a time in a thread about a specific con.

>> No.10141257

Animefest is good. A-kon may be salvageable. Anime Dallas has been decent. If nothing else, you can count on animefest to be good.

>> No.10141315

Hey John. Don't worry, once we start pressing the mayor about your shenanigans and make the local news aware, the mother of shit cons in Texas will die.

>> No.10141346

Yes I'm John, suck my cock, use this as evidence towards me, an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.10141596

Bc the bigger girls had bigger and less perky asses in a small ass bunnysuit. They had to adjust a lot and it was very unappealing. Just go wear something that actually covers your ass. Skinny people too, I got kids going to these cons and don't like the thottery from any of you guys before 9pm.

>> No.10141605

Anyone notice how most of Booker and her friends try to be SJW keemstar on Twitter? Even after the bans from telling people to kill themselves.

>> No.10141683

Anime matsuri just announced fucking Nervo for their rave..wtf is life RN? This is in addition to made monster and Yunomi. Why are they at an anime convention?? Where is AM getting all this cash from?? Even IF AMs attendance numbers are legit (unlikely) I can't imagine NERVO being inexpensive...Some LEGITIMATE edm festivals can't even get Nervo. Nervo has their own show on SiriusXM FFS. I backed out of A-kon because of reasons. AM is quite the drive for me, but it definitely looks worth it. (Yes I know about the controversy. no I don't care.)

>> No.10141697

You know those guests aren’t going to get paid anyway. They’ll go and do their thing, be treated like shit, and then you’ll never see them at a con again. AM isn’t known for having great loyal guests that come back every single year.

>> No.10141698

Or just don't bring kids to cons. You decided to procreate, your fun is over.

>> No.10141746

Is not paying guests a common shitty con practice? Like, some really bad cons have gotten really good guests before, and I can only imagine that they're just giving them a high quote for guesting, telling them they'll pay after the con, and then ghosting them. Is that how it happens?

>> No.10141752

Its a common practice for Anime Matsuri and the Leighs.

>> No.10141791

I don't know why people don't understand, I keep saying AM is THE BEST, like in the entire world. At the end of the day haters are gonna hate, especially shit they don't know about but think they do >>10141697 >>10141752
Ain't no other cons that run perfectly.

>> No.10141803

Omg I'm ded

>> No.10141813

You’re really laying it on thick, roleplayer, thank you for the good kek.

>> No.10141862

Stefan? That you?

>> No.10141880

Kill yourself, please. I'm not a shit parent and if my kids wanna meet some voice actors I'm gunna help them do that

>> No.10142058

Hate to break it to you but cons stand to make way more off of a parent bringing their kids than your sorry ass.

>> No.10142061

oh no. god forbid your kid see an asscheek. it might fall into a coma

>> No.10142123

Then get used to costhots showing their tits and ass everywhere. Most anime has a female character wearing next to nothing in it anyways, you should assume it'll be at a con too.

>> No.10142537

Oh wow, I thought it was an April fool's joke that Nervo was coming. Turns out it was a legit announcement.... Color me suprised! Good job Houston, enjoy the show! Wish I could go...

>> No.10142831

wow, that's a lot more than I found at another resource. and is that only for anime? there a good list for conventions of more types?

>> No.10143004

This one is pretty much just anime, but there's one for gaming cons too

>> No.10143712

anons right
shit groups like texas idol fest ruined it
just wait for milky kitty the janitor to start posting pics of some chick, she always does it kek

>> No.10143855

It at least it keeps those shitty love live groups from blocking the hallways with their dancing

>> No.10143928

Who else is doing Anime Dallas

>> No.10143985

thats so true omfg
seriously though that group needs to disband
the members are obese, dead as fuck looking, or untalented
looks like MK isnt coming to scream vendetta and pretend shes other people either kek

>> No.10144121
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think you could hook me up?

>> No.10144124

This is incredibly off-topic, and you're not even specifying what you're trying to say. "That group". What group??? Who was even ever talking about idols in this thread until you somehow equated Texas cons being bad with one panel that isn't even at all or most Texas conventions?

>> No.10144129

No ya fucktard shill shithead.

>> No.10144130

eh not really
someone said there arent any good cons in texas and i shared why i think they have gone to shit
were talking about texas cons here and you call it off topic kek

>> No.10144161

where is this hostility coming from?

>> No.10144180

they think its a shill because no one goes

>> No.10144189

is that true? is it pretty much dead/

>> No.10144226

considering most of my friends havent even heard of it, i havent either and i rarely see it here, yeah it seems pretty forgotten

>> No.10144234

Google works wonders, Anon.

>> No.10144739

I am, I had fun last year. I signed up to run the swap meet again because we had a pretty decent turnout last year. It's fun to cosplay at, though the setting sucks, I made some friends.

>> No.10144851
File: 163 KB, 875x300, 1334664430-akon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairpark.org shows such a beautiful banner to showcase A-kon

>> No.10144857

What the fuck is this Myspace quality shit

>> No.10144863

Holy shit I checked and it's real. God who thought that was a good idea?

>> No.10144883

Sweet baby Jesus.

>> No.10145010

why does the guy in the middle look like toby from the office omfg

>> No.10145054

I mean to give them at least a little credit, last year was it’s first year and this thread pretty much shut down anyone trying to talk about it bc whoever WAS shilling it was trying way too hard. It has potential but the con heads and higher staff need to get their heads out of their asses before their bodies fold in on themselves. For an airport con that comped parking it wasn’t horrible.

>> No.10145073

It got pretty annoying being flagged down by volunteers to show my badge to them while wearing a wristband the whole time. Hopefully they have some kind of training or at least communication so it doesn't happen again.

>> No.10146362

Is this going to be hanging up in places in the park? This can't be real.

>> No.10146379

eh its in dallas so then again i dont care
ikkicon does that too its so annoying

>> No.10146928
File: 1.69 MB, 201x166, 1415849084120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the devil chick with her bare ass hanging out
>the little girl thats all bundled up staring right at it

Who the FUCK made this shit and actually thought "yeah this looks professional and like something I want everyone to see".

>> No.10147111

ANT still has that Member badge listed for free if anyone still wants to pre-reg. Not sure if they’ll backtrack or if this is legit and not just like a collectors badge, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

>> No.10147295

I found that little chibi character on a shitty android sticker app for 'anime' characters (it had like 20 stickers, none of these others were on it, but it was bad). I feel like they went and downloaded the worst clipart they could find and just threw it all together and called it a day.

>> No.10147339

It's very strange to me. Like, I think they might be trying to win back some trust from the community after two really bad years? But how are they going to make up the costs. All I can imagine is they think everyone people will want to join the giveaways to buy a badge, or they're trying to run ANT like Anime Dallas where theres enough sponsors to basically run the con for free. I'm not sure.

>> No.10147540

A-Kon BTSSB tea party tickets, single day tickets, tickets with the option to have them mailed to you after 30 long years now available.

How is ANT anyway? I’m only going because it’s free. I figured I’d just stop by the AA and dealer’s. I’ve never been and honestly did not know it existed.

>> No.10147863

$35 to mail your badge A-Kon? Really?

>> No.10147932

ANT isn’t horrible in general but the last two years in irving have been godawful because the lack of space and parking just makes your entire day shitty. It was doing very well in Fort Worth so I think having even more space and local options for hotels, food, parking, etc now that they’re in Arlington will do them very well.

Is it seriously that much extra to mail it? Jfc I don’t fucking care about “early access” or whatever shit tier extras they’re tacking on to this stupid plus membership, just fucking slap a Forever stamp on an envelope and put it in the mail.

>> No.10148002


Yep that's the price. The swag bag will just be garbage as it has been for many years. It's basically advertising other cons or anime. You might get a furry comic, or they used to. And 30 minutes early in the dealers room? With everyone else who also has that "perk"?

Mailing doesn't cost that much for a badge that weighs very little. They are just getting profit from that price.

>> No.10148012

Oh sweet Jesus....

>> No.10148015

Oh honey.....
You really believe that?

>> No.10148020

It's okay, anon. With how little attendees they'll have this year the lines shouldn't be bad at all

>> No.10148362

Yes I sure do babycakes.

>> No.10148705

Theres hentai anime out there, doesn’t mean you need to cosplay a nude girl or guy. Thats some retarded logic there buddy.

>> No.10148714

as much as people boycott AM, they still have way more attendance than SJ

>> No.10148723

>Kill yourself, please. I'm not a shit parent
that has to be the most backwards shit ive read today

>> No.10148728

>I feel like they went and downloaded the worst clipart they could find and just threw it all together and called it a day
Maybe they intentionally did this considering how much of the old staff was jumping ship

Maybe Frank made the banner himself

>> No.10148794

>If you are in the south, I'd check out anime matsuri. The facility is huge, so it doesn't feel too crowded. And the programming is usually pretty good.


>> No.10150952
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Would you guys be interested in Anime Bar Trivia?
I feel like with Akon's weird after hours stuff it might be cool. I don't know if any bars in the area would be super interested in hosting it on a busy night, but maybe on Thursday.
My main concern is if I picked stuff too obscure and maybe young people showed up it might not go well. Do people even know much anime history?
I would love to meet an older crowd of people since I am on the bad end of my 20's so it was just a thought.

>> No.10151746

I like learning about stuff but i probably don't know a lot lol. i'd be down even though i'm in my early 20s. I am really curious about this after hour stuff I hope they release more info soon. They promised getting all the panel and scheduling stuff announced a month and a half before the con but i've never seen any con do that before so I'm skeptical.

>> No.10151897
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190414_125322566_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Texas friends!
I haven't posted in the thread for a long time (last year) and I just wanted to say I've really enjoyed Dallas! It took me a while to fully settle into the city, even though I'm out in the suburbs, but I've done it, and I really like it here!
I managed to take some visiting family on a tour of the aquarium and they really liked it, I realized that was my first time really in downtown though, and I was wondering if there was anything for cosplay down there that's more popular than the suburbs in the surrounding areas. There's a bunch of bars that have "nerd" events, but are any actually good?
Are there any places super geared toward cosplay?

>> No.10151959

Not...really. Your best bet is to try to meet people through the very active cosplay scene at cons and branch out from there. Akon is coming up, won't be too long!

>> No.10152001

I like to just map crawl on Google maps with keywords of shit I'd like to explore and take photos at. It's how I found museums and landmarks and shit to take photos at.

>> No.10152011

Anyone going to Dallas Fan Expo?

>> No.10152066

I’m considering going for a day! But honestly I’ve gone for the past three years and don’t find it to be worth the full weekend price unless there’s guests you’re dying to meet. I’ve had much more fun at the smaller Fan Days in October.

>> No.10152375

Do you mean that there's no good events for cosplay or no good geeky events in general (at least that you know of)?

Any places you'd recommend?

>> No.10152410

>not 85 to 30 in the same hour
Whoever made this clearly hasn't lived in Texas very long.

>> No.10152411

When you say geeky what do you mean? I thought you were talking about cosplay events.
There is Nerdvana in Plano(?) and thos Geeks who Drink boardgame events.
I think Round One ends up having cosplay events sometimes if you check Facebook events.

>> No.10152419

I was talking about both. Thanks for the recommendations!

>> No.10152758

So anyone is going to South Texas Comic Con? I still wonder if to go or not.

>> No.10153591

their comic con is meh

>> No.10155098

Does anyone know what happened to omnicon ? The website vanished and haven't heard a thing about it since 2017. Afaik its the only anime convention south of san antonio

>> No.10155110

It's bland and not worth traveling unless you are local

>> No.10155242

It's deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Stop hoping it'll come back. They lost a lot of money in 2017 when no one showed up. STCC has taken over the area. You have to pay them all the money to meet anime people. No one cares if you're too broke.

>> No.10155396

How are /cgl/ meet ups in Texas these days?
I used to visit this area during the reign of tripfags and had a pretty good time, but have had really bad experiences at other cons.
Do people even do them at cons anymore here?

>> No.10155503

I mean I'd be down. Most cons have chan meetups.

>> No.10156081

Stcc prices are absolutely ridiculous

>> No.10156339

Welcome to your typical comic con anywhere in the US. Open wide on your ass while they suck all of your cash through your ass.

>> No.10156523

$40 for a photo with a guest I can see for free at san japan? No thanks

>> No.10156562

Not everyone has the means to drive over 2 hours and back.

>> No.10156807

If you can't afford to drive 2 hours how on earth are you supposed to afford 40-60 per 1 photo PER guest? Skip STCC and go to san japan. It's much better. STCC has shitty owners.

>> No.10156916

san japan is shit this year

>> No.10156917

san japan had a touhou meetup that turned into a /jp/ meetup since

>> No.10156929


>> No.10156932

San Japan has Dan Salvato this year....

>> No.10156945

No it isnt you fag

>> No.10156948

Fuck off STCC shill nobody likes your shit overpriced con

>> No.10157617

When is realmscon this year?

>> No.10157642

Never at this point. They look to be dead too.

>> No.10157645

Damn that sucks. Guess I'm going to have to travel upstate this year. There's nothing else around south texas ?

>> No.10157738

Your options are comic cons. Every thing else is drying up.

>> No.10157825

Why does anime matsuri suck?

>> No.10157834

Because John has made so many highly publicized blunders that he's lost (and is still losing) guests, vendors, artists, brands, etc. AM this year will be the worst. Go to Retropalooza the weekend before and blow your wad on gaming stuff.

>> No.10158409

A-kon schedule is technically supposed to be released next week. I'm guessing this means they either won't announce any cool guests or are saving the best for last? Hoping for the latter but I have to be realistic.

>> No.10158513

>coming in May 2019
>Thinks that means May 1

>> No.10158571
File: 901 KB, 2560x1920, 20190427_112504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of u all are going to comic con say hi if u see me there boiz

>> No.10158578


>> No.10158705

That's probably it on who has been announced.

>> No.10158859


>> No.10158860

It probably won’t be released until the end of May.

>> No.10158861

>next week
A-Kon schedules have historically been released the week before the con if not the day before, it probably still says May on the site because they forgot to update it from when the con got delayed

>> No.10159373


That's because the old owners wouldn't let it be released even though it had been ready for weeks.

>> No.10159385

I'm not betting on many big guests this year for A-Kon. Except local VAs and a few cheap ones. They announced a band. Looks like they are going back to the vkei bullshit even though most attendees don't care about or know vkei bands.

Sorry but A-Kon hasn't gotten better. Frank made promises, but it's not looking so good.

>> No.10159682

What guests do you want?

>> No.10159691

Anybody know anything about that a-kon afterhours party? Looks like an individually run event and they're charging extra to even go. Has a-kon officially mentioned anything about their afterhours events yet?

>> No.10159866

I got really excited last year when they had the voices from One Piece, but of course the lines for tickets were ridiculous and unorganized and that didn't work out. More Japanese voice actors would be nice if you ask me, though.

>> No.10159933

Every single thing I have heard about Akon so far this year has been bad. I'm almost impressed.

>> No.10160095


Bands people have heard of is a good start. Stay away from vkei. It's 2019 not 1999. Bands that actually music used in anime.

Japanese VAs that are bigger names would be nice.

A-Kon also tends to cater to male fans. Again, it's 2019. Bring in programming and guests that appeal to women or all genders in general. (Not talking about fashion or cosplay guests)

>> No.10160506

Panel acceptances were supposed to go out today but nothing yet...

>> No.10160525

They brought Bradio last year and it was great. OxT was great the year before. This year has nothing for me band wise, which is disappointing.

>> No.10160533

Were they?

>> No.10160572

In franks interview, he said there’d be 3 bands in total. So that’s only one band announced so far.

>> No.10160694

Does the solo singer not count toward the total?

>> No.10160813 [DELETED] 
File: 504 KB, 2048x1151, 8350F6B0-C2CE-4B75-B1E3-0A58E604E236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the photo dump
Being a mobilefag is suffering.

>> No.10160814
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>> No.10160817
File: 504 KB, 2048x1151, B9D4AC98-3A46-45DB-A631-22EECE80BD97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From their fb page:
Hey everyone! We're back with another information dump for you!

- - FAIR PARK - -

We've had a lot of questions about how access will work! We will not be requiring a badge for people to enter Fair Park, but everyone will have to pass through security and weapon’s check at the gate as they come in. There will be a security fence that surrounds the area of Fair Park where the con will be held to restrict access to these points of entry and badges will be required to enter all of the buildings.

We have dedicated the entire Tower Building to Cosplay. This includes dressing rooms, lockers, and Cosplay HQ all in one convenient location! More information will be posted to the website about rules and access over the next few weeks!

Fair Park will be open each day from 9:00am - 12:00am. A closing time is something new for A-Kon, but we love late night programming so we’ve connected with some late night venues to keep the party alive!

We are very excited to announce that South Side Ballroom and the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema will be hosting A-Kon After Hours programming from 10:00pm - 4:00am.

Concerts and dances will be held at South Side Ballroom Friday & Saturday, and Alamo Drafthouse Cinema will host the rest of the A-Kon late night activities Thursday-Saturday! These two venues are about a 2 minute walk from each other.

But what about transportation, you ask? Parking at Fair Park is available on-site, and will cost $10 a day for the dedicated A-Kon lots.

The DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) rail will be under construction A-Kon weekend, but will still be open to transport people around the city.

A full guide of how to navigate each of the DART lines for A-Kon will be posted on the website soon, as well as information about some supplemental transportation we are arranging to help you get around!

>> No.10160819

For A-Kon After Hours we will also be providing supplemental transportation from Fair Park, full schedule and stop details will be published on the website soon.

We can't wait to see you at the con! Stay tuned for more information and announcements on their way!

>> No.10160852

Everyone just got a panel accepted email by accident. A-Kon, how could you fuck this up?

>> No.10160956


It's new staff without training since a lot of people got fired or quit. It's not a suprise at all. You can expect more fuck ups at the con itself.

>> No.10161096

you click the wrong button

>> No.10163181

Did anyone go to that bnha otaku overload thing in dallas yesterday?

>> No.10163605


I had planned to, but forgot about it last minute.

>> No.10163717


>> No.10163719

Then put blinders on your shitty kids, your brats arent anyone elses problem but yours.

>> No.10163900

where can I find somebody to go with me? Considering I am male I don't have the guaranteed fallback of finding a schmuck.

>> No.10163942

I'll be there as Luigi, because I'm a basic bitch.

>> No.10164053

To Akon? Maybe their event Facebook. Or host a /cgl/ meet up if you are not a creep.

>> No.10164213

Am I missing something? Since the DART to Fair Park will be down and the after hours events aren’t even in hotels, what is the point of booking through A-Kon’s hotel portal? Those hotels are all priced higher than average too. I can just get a hotel elsewhere and Uber to Fair Park, right?

>> No.10164215

Wow. Someone with a brain actually uses it.

>> No.10164283

Ok so I’m not crazy right? There is no way those shuttles are prepared for the madness that is A-Kon and there will be surge pricing from downtown to Fair Park because of it.

>> No.10164554

How do I host a meetup and also not be a creep?

>> No.10164660

>don’t be a creep
>host a meetup

The shuttles are going to be a nightmare not worth struggling with. It’s only $10 to park at Fair Park, just drive in and then you get the added bonus of leaving whenever the hell you want without paying out the ass for an Uber every time you wanna go back to your hotel or get food.

>> No.10164682

Hold it in an open area, maybe have a basic plan that lets people drink and hang out.
A lot of girls on here are afraid to come out if it is mostly guys so if you are a girl bonus points.
I'm a girl and normally stop by /cgl/ meetups and check them out at least so unless someone real creepy shows up you got a group with me.
Just don't jump straight into hitting on girls and you should be fine. If you actually cosplay or do something board related that is also a big plus. It shows you are not just a crossboarder looking to get with "con thots".

>> No.10164728

I'd park at Fair Park if I didn't drive an Escalade. Sorry not sorry to be that person but I'm not getting my car broken over an anime convention. I always pack lunch for A-Kon and the hotel I got has free breakfast so really it's just dinner I'll have to worry about. I think surge pricing will really start up around when the big night events start and people have to leave the venue and again around midnight when Fair Park closes. I probably will not be sticking around that late to begin with so it shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.10164880

well I did say I was male, otherwise I would just find some desperate guy to go with, probably could get one to pay for it too...

>> No.10164885

Sorry, it has been days since I read your original post.
Being a guy is okay, just know girls will be skeptical at first. Also, girls don't always just have orbiters willing to pay for their shit, dude.
/cgl/ meets tend to get over run with people from other boards who don't have any interest in the board topics, you know?
If you cosplay you should be okay. Even if you don't if you have booze people will probably hang out till you meet people worth hanging out with for the rest of it.

>> No.10164896

>Also, girls don't always just have orbiters willing to pay for their shit, dude.
of course not, but it has to be pretty easy to find one.

>> No.10164910

I'd be super interested in going to a cgl meet-up! For some reason, I always forget about cgl whenever I get to a con so I've always missed out on them.

>> No.10164911

Right, except most girls have enough self respect not to do that. Maybe it's best if you just sit your autistic ass at home.

>> No.10164913

I know they choose not to, why exactly are you upset at me? I'm just saying I don't have any companionship on tap like girls do.

>> No.10164915

I guess, but that seems worse than going alone, honestly.
I will set one up if no one does closer to the con. I figure we can head to a bar near the after hours stuff or something.

>> No.10164921 [DELETED] 

Anyone interested in making/reviving the old Texas discord for Akon?
M-maybe a Line Chat?

>> No.10164927

>I guess, but that seems worse than going alone, honestly.
not to me, but that might just be a difference between men and women.
then again, if there were as many female orbiters as there are male ones, there need not be any.

>> No.10164930

Not to sound rude, but you're attitude toward girls is really off-putting. You just sound really salty about not having any "female orbiters"

>> No.10165030

This probably isn't the right place for this, but I'm looking for roommates for Anime Matsuri, is there a website out there with a community for that sort of thing?

>> No.10165034

Assuming this is someone who made a choice to support a shit con and not a troll check their Facebook page and leave us be.

>> No.10165036

yes all girls are hot costhots and ugly ones don't exist. god you're delusional and, clearly, desperate

>> No.10165109

You sound like a real pleasant person to hang out with asshole. Adjust you attitude before you try to hold a meetup.

Also as someone who has gone to /cgl/ meetups before, what all the others said about male crossboarders showing up just looking for "easy cosplay girls" is true. It's to the point now where most gulls I know will drop by the meeting area and observe from a distance and if it's a bunch of dudes just standing around in plain clothes (no costumes) and there's no other girls there most of us just straight up won't even come over. So yeah, something to think about, come in costume and try to stay on /cgl/ topics and don't immediately hit on any girl that walks up. This should all be common sense.

>> No.10165129

I haven't made much of a statement other than stating reality
but yes it would be nice if it was extremely easy to find someone to go with.
are you suggesting there is a girl posting on here who could not get a guy to go with them if they tried?
I would be happy with some other guys to go with.

>> No.10165207

Yeah, there absolutely are women who are unfuckable. They just don’t post themselves here because they know they’ll be called ugly or whales. Stop acting like a retard who’s never seen women beyond the internet

>> No.10165215

any non-disfigured woman can get a man to keep them company.
all I was stating is that it isn't so easy for men, and it is actually pretty difficult to get people, especially women, to spend time with you, if you don't start with some social capital.

>> No.10165241
File: 478 KB, 1152x2048, B12D987D-6FDF-4A4A-906B-0ADD1FE4FDCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Dreamcon in Waco this past weekend
It was p good
It seemed more like an event for youtubers to meet up but I didn’t see much else because I was in the wrestling show
It seems like it could be a good one if it keeps growing

>> No.10165407

Stop replying to the autist.

Where is everyone staying for this A-Kon shitshow? Who was waitlisted and actually got a reply back about whether it's a yes or no? I can take a rejection. I just wish they wouldn't string along panelists like this.

>> No.10165408

We are staying at some hotel on the edge of Deep Ellum. I don't think it is associated with the con.
I really hope the after hours stuff doesn't suck ass.

>> No.10165412

Non-convention block hotel people unite! I'll be in Uptown. I'm so glad I waited to book a hotel. A-Kon said the late night stuff would be in hotels and I almost booked at the Marriott since that's where most people on Facebook guessed the after hours stuff would be before A-Kon decided not to have anything in any of the hotels.

I hope so too but it seems so half assed.

>> No.10165413

I still hate it though. The best part of hotel cons are you can take a break and go back out on the floor. Plus bringing my own alcohol into a bar feels way more tacky than having some on the con floor so it is going to get expensive fast.
I can't even really roam for room parties when I am drunk which is a bummer.

>> No.10165424

No I totally understand what you mean. I'm going this year just to give the con a chance but we'll see how this actually ends up. I personally think they should have tried to get some of the State Fair food vendors back for the weekend because that alone would have fixed everything for me.

>> No.10165437

That is a cool idea! I am sure some of them would be into it too.

>> No.10165692

>Stop replying to the autist.
do I not deserve attention? I really just want somebody to go with.

>> No.10165712

Awesome! I'll be sure to look out for any meetup info closer to the con!
>anime convention + tx state fair food
That sounds amazing

>> No.10165820

>I still hate it though. The best part of hotel cons are you can take a break and go back out on the floor.
This is my biggest problem with this whole mess.

>> No.10166248

Honestly? You don't.

>> No.10166309

This fucking weather in Houston.

>> No.10166408

Just about a month and a half away. What is everyone planning on cosplaying for A-Kon? I can imagine lists are pretty light because of the venue.

I booked a cheapo Marriott about 10mins away from Fair Park! With the lower rate + rewards points I’m only spending about $50 for the weekend, so if it ends up being a shitshow I’m not out hundreds of dollars on the room at least. We plan on driving up to the con each day since it’s not too far and we can leave when we want.

Not too put out by the lack of night life since we tend to leave cons pretty early anyway but I’m crossing my fingers for everyone who is doing late night stuff; regardless of their dumb little walking video between the Drafthouse, everything is still insanely out of the way and I wouldn’t want to be anyone walking on the street at night anywhere.

>> No.10166474

I assume you mean I do not deserve attention. why exactly?

>> No.10166518

Trying to plan for tomorrow but idk if the grb will be underwater.

>> No.10166614

My friends bought me a ticket to comicpalooza and Im beyond nervous, they didn't give me any preptime what do you do at conventions what do I do?

>> No.10166655

Go to panels
Look at stuff/people
Have fun

>> No.10166689

it's a pretty slow day so far. just chill at the con

>> No.10166694

New Thread: >>10166692