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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9961727 No.9961727 [Reply] [Original]

A lil less than four weeks. Who is PSYCHED!!!!!!!!

>> No.9961728

>not crying into my piles of fabric

>> No.9961749

Oh shit I gotta get on that

>> No.9961844

Marriott was stupid packed last year, can't imagine how much worse it will be this year. I love Pulse but considering avoiding entirely in favor of the Hilton.

>> No.9961877

ya know, I thought Marriott was less packed than usual last year
But we we're keeping odd hours than normal.

Skipping rushing our big costume (again) because we're moving and there's just not enough time to get everything the way we want it.

but doing some pretty fun group stuffs, so I'm hype bout that


>> No.9962031

i'd say the Hilton took a bit of the crowd because of the music stations they had set up

>> No.9962197

Haven't been since 2013. In particular, haven't been since joining the 501st and MMCC. Doing two goofy costumes with scout armor. Also likely to wear Saitama/One Punch Man for the first time.

I might die, but good god, I can't wait.

>> No.9962337

I"m so excited for this con I'm bringing like five cosplays with me. It's my second year and I know a lot of people don't really like the crowds, especially in the Marriott, but I have to admit... I kinda like how crowded it is.

>> No.9962346

Last year was my first year and I already saw how packed it could be, but this year I'm coming with a cosplay that might obstruct my vision wherever I go. How do you people deal without being able to constantly remove it when you want to?

>> No.9962400

>wore a cosplay with a zentai suit base last year
>had to take the entire thing off anytime I needed the restroom
>could only see human shaped blurs around me
It was actually pretty fun, but I didn't wander too far from the lobby level.

>> No.9962408

Just about to make this thread. I always get anxious this close to the con. Need to try harder to make panels or just be more spontaneous. Stuck in the middle the past few years and it makes it feel like going to a party and standing in a corner.

>> No.9962427


I know what you mean. I volunteered last year and truthfully only went for one day, hit up maybe one dance thing but hung around a fellow volunteer and people watched. I want to cosplay more and join meet ups and take pictures with other people

>> No.9962429

Would anyone be interested in a /cgl/ meetup? I've found Dragoncon to be almost uniquely suited to meeting other cosplayers and making new friends. Last year I met 3 of my cosplay idols there and they were all super friendly and sweet.

>> No.9962461

I'm staying at the Hotel Indigo again because catching an elevator is pure hell in the host hotels. That and the Indigo is the most convenient non host hotel.

>> No.9962468

You bet. Tried last year and never could catch anyone. I’ll bring the chunky backpack boombox again this year and we can bump some music if anyone is interested. Not bringing a ton of costume stuff this year, so should be able to move around a bit easier.

>> No.9962469

People watching is a lot of fun. I do find it hard to just let go and have fun, though. Bit jealous of everyone at max power level in public.

>> No.9962496


That was me being jelly of everyone else. I wanted to be out in costume as well but the whole volunteer thing was last minute so I didn't have jack on. However I was wearing Bullet Club apparel so for every costume I was gaping at there was someone else passing me a "too sweet", so there's that at least. Gonna do it again this year and see what happens.

>> No.9962620

>not having to book a hotel

feels good gulls, college is coming in handy for once

Anyways, con crunch is going smoothly surprisingly. I have three costumes to make and they're all simple or are almost done. The Georgia heat is still as terrible as usual, oh joy.

>> No.9962724

Sure thing, I remember having a cgl meetup last yr. basically it was some dude with a purple bodysuit and a mlp fan. However I managed to find him a corner of my eye while walking the Marriott and had a nice chat with him. Pretty decent fella and he said only one other person from cgl came up to him despite there being numerous request and promises that they’ll meet up.

Anyway ill be down to join and post my cosplay (professor frink from the simpsons) when i am nearing the con.

Btw has anyone ever fucked with bald caps before? If so did you reuse it afterword?

>> No.9963083
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Also this

But I'm still psyched! I should have 3 if not 4 functional cosplays this year if all goes according to plan!

>> No.9963094

There was a guy doing multiple displays thru the weekend and one of them was K Dash from King of Fighters but I never ran into dude. I wonder if he'll be making another appearance this year.

>> No.9964387

I do other Atlanta cons, but I've never done Dragon Con before. Should I buy my badge now or just wait to get there? I usually buy at the door for Momo & Awa, but I know DC is way bigger and I don't know how bad the lines are.

>> No.9964429

Buy ASAP. Dont go get yer shit right after the parade since it is crowded then. Last year I managed to get my badge Friday at 2200 with no problem. Being a cuck that I am, I managed to lose the badge and had to go back there on Saturday and pay around $120 for the whole thing (all rest of convention).

>> No.9964480

Any ATL or metro locals??

>> No.9964520

Any Jurassic Park cosplayers planning to go? I went in 2015 when the first JW came out and it was amazing to see so many people cosplaying it! I'm planning on doing Claire from the first movie, not sure which day

>> No.9964539


>> No.9964551

Local to downtown.

>> No.9964674
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Go to buy your badge on Thursday if possible, it's pretty easy and the line moves quickly. Thursday is generally a pretty good day to chill and just take in the scene before the storm really starts.

Smyrna here!

Iunno what someone tried last year but in previous years people try to do it in some place that requires elevators or unclear stairs where people would easily get lost.

If we're going to do a meetup we just need to be clear on directions and imagine a time that's not busy for a lot of people.

>> No.9965383

I'm curious to know, why is it you miss out on the biggest ATL con? Is it cause you're more anime focused? Like, I wud 'kill' to be local just for D*C

>> No.9965520

None of my friends do DC and I'm not local, which is why I've never been. All of my friends do Momo and AWA so it's super easy to split hotels and carpool for travel. That's all.

Thank you! I went ahead and bought it and I'll go pick it up Thursday.

>> No.9965804

Start checking for openings at the host hotels. This is when they start running the final charges for rooms and a lot get their cards declined and they kick the room out.

>> No.9965825

F'ville/PTC ... wondering how bad the parking situation will be

>> No.9966188
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Eh depends on how much you're willing to pay it's really not bad.

IDGAF and I just pay $20/day for the parking lot next to Pacific Rim right near the Marriott. I don't know about overnights, I just drive in every day and leave at night.

>> No.9966195

Oh that's not bad at all. Thanks for the suggestion! I used to live near public transportation but there's nothing out here in the sticks

>> No.9966211

You can also park at a marta station and ride in on the train to the peachtree station, most parking there is free IIRC

>> No.9966250

I go to Chambodia Station... There is not any gate there where you have to get a ticket and then when you are ready to leave you have to return such ticket (like D'ville).

I just make sure I move my shit once every 24 hrs. Though I did have my car there for 36 hrs and had no problem. It is a risk though that I wouldn't gamble on too much but wtf

>> No.9966399

Last MARTA is at like 11:30 which sucked ass, I end up buying 1 month parking for the parking deck next to Sheraton which overall it's cheaper - the same parking deck charges $40 a day for parking so 5 days (Thursday to pick up pass) that's $200 and if you leave you have to pay again, IIRC the monthly parking was like $130 which I can come and go as I please.

It's something worth considering.

>> No.9966513

Last train is at 1am

>> No.9966591

never been to DragonCon and looking to put it in a bucket list

hows the con for a person not into the partying/drinking life

>> No.9966594
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I'm not into partying/drinking and I've been going every year for the past 4, but I'm also local.

It's just a massive event compared to the medium sized cons. A lot of fun energy.

>> No.9966968

I only started drinking this year, which will be my tenth. There's so much to do and it's a blast, just be prepared for the crowds. If you go into it accepting that there will be times where you will be almost shoulder to shoulder with people moving through areas or in elevators, your experience should be excellent.

Also make sure you eat at Aviva in the Peachtree Center. It's the number 3 restaurant in the country despite being in a food court. The line is worth it.

>> No.9967028

My friend, this OP (different anon than you were replying too).

Thank you for your recommendation to eat at Aviva. Ill be sure to eat there than the standard CFA and papa johns pizza at the con (though desu Domino's is cheaper with only $4 per slice and is at americasmart compared to the various Papa Johns youll find scattered throughout the convention).

Im also a health nut so even better.

>> No.9968013
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I'm coming up from Orlando with a couple friends, they have been before but this will be my first time. We are all definitely down to party, especially after a long day of driving. If you see a guy walking around as Freddie Mercury, Captain Pike, a Sith, or a Tusken Raider feel free to walk up and say hi

>> No.9968569


Orlando/ucf we out here

>> No.9968714

Awesome, have y'all been before? and also what do you plan on doing while you're there?

>> No.9969208

Like this anon >>9964387 I've never been to DC but attend other cons, except I'm local. I'm a complete weeb and don't really consume much western media besides some vidya. Is it still worth the $$$ to attend (especially if I'm budgeting for AWA too)?

>> No.9969256

Who is ready to blame normies for throwing chairs off the balconies again!?

>> No.9969454

It feels more like a party with silly events and higher quality costumes whereas awa/Momo con are more like the traditional con experience which is hit or miss. I'm super bias though since I came to realize I don't have fun at anime cons or things like pax despite being a gigantic week that like vidya. Maybe I like it because it doesn't give off the feel like you have to be part of any fandom to have a good time.

>> No.9970545


Its actually gonna be our first con out-of-state, we've been to the big traditional conventions but heard dragon was a lot more party vibe oriented.

Definitely gonna have to feel it out when we get there but bringing tons of alc and a mindset to do anything :^)

>> No.9970686
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Yeah this is going to be my first out-of-state con. My one friend went last year to DragonCon, and my other buddy went a few years ago. I'm definitely no stranger to tying one on, you meet the best people that way. Someone that knows more about this Con should organize a meet up.

>> No.9970698


Nigga I'm hype as fuck for Bohemian this November so if I see you as Freddie I'm singing out "Ayyyyo" and I BET hear something back!

>> No.9970721
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Yeah let's party !!!! I believe I'm going to dress up as him on Friday. I just think it would be such a blast to be running around getting drunk and trying to sing Freddie Mercury songs.

>> No.9970763


That's gonna be killer. I'm trying to do mkore this year myself so I certainly hope you all enjoy yourself, especially for your first year

>> No.9971210

Not a health nut, but someone who has some GI medical troubles. Aviva is a godsend. And as if the food isn't reason enough to be there, Kameel the owner is amazing. He runs up and down the line handing out baklava and watermelon and falafel and thanking you for supporting his family <3

>> No.9971211

My crew of six is also from Orlando! Leaving on Wednesday

>> No.9971214

True that, I have GI issues too from all the hot shit I ate when I was younger (despite being warned not too but I didnt listen cuz it was from adults). He sounds like a hard worker and this gets him my respect even more. I know some owners of restraunts who complained of working hard yet the ony thing they did was paperwork. Not saying that is not a bitch, but when the customers actively see your service it speaks loads.

>> No.9971533
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That's great, sounds like we'll have a convoy!!! we're all going to be on the road heading to the same place at the same time. I'm hoping to be pulling out of the Union Park area around 8:30 Wednesday, then heading somewhere to get some breakfast before we hop on the highway.

>> No.9971781

Last year I lived close enough to drive down. Had a great time with friends. Now my friend group split up and I moved too far away to drive :(((. Desperate for good cons by pittsburgh.

>> No.9971912

Leaving around 8 from northern Orlando! We're stopping in Gainesvilla to acquire Tampa friends along the way too.

I was out to eat the other day and saw a person with the dragon decal on their car. 12 days! I'm getting so hyped, but so much left to do!

>> No.9972634


UCF starts monday so our group is unfortunately gonna be there friday~sunday. Neat thats theres so many Orlando people though! We'll post pics so we can get a meetup going for florida peeps

>> No.9972966
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Here's one of my cosplays, still a work in progress. Great idea, We should all post our cosplays.

>> No.9973704

Got a text last night saying two people couldn’t make it this year. The other person I go with every year might can make one, maybe two days. My whole group just imploded. Save me you guys

>> No.9973864

Damn, I feel your pain. Your welcome to hang out with my group and I.

>> No.9974031

Thanks! Debating on whether to get tickets for the night at the aquarium or not. Been there twice before, but never during the con. Or dressed as a pirate.

>> No.9974160

Do it. It's pretty fun. Honestly my favorite part of the con.

>> No.9974366
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I've only ever went to small cons before, georgia is hot and I'm in a full suit with mask.
I installed some little fans into the back of my coat so I don't die and am going to cut most my hair but other survival tips?

They sent me one of the little pamphlet things after I bought my tickets but it's kinda shit for giving out good info...
I know there are 5 hotels where people will be gathering but they don't really explain what is going on in any of them?
I'd like to walk around as little as possible while seeing the most stuff so any explanations from vets is appreciated.

>> No.9974468

I’ll see if o can get tickets when I get home today. I’m slacking and haven’t gotten my badge early this year, how does it work? They just take your name down and you show if atbthe door? Figured it’d be a bit late to mail something.

>> No.9974470

You’ll get a program book. Get the free app, it lets you add things to a list with times and location. We usually put a ton on there and if tomes conflict gonto whatever is closest or available at the time.

>> No.9974513

It sounds like you're a furry/mascot costume if so there is a headless lounge in the Hilton, room 308.

There is no convention center, the 5 hotels and Amerismart act like one.

Definitely scroll through the app to see what interests you! There's pretty much something going on at all times. If you do find yourself liking something from one track, sticking to that hotel will help you not having to move around a lot. If you just want to chill, setting up camp in the Marriott, Hilton or Hyatt is going to get you the most bang for your buck people watching wise.

I highly suggest going in normal cloths and doing the newbie walking tour if you're doing the whole con. It's super helpful to get to know the general layout that is dragoncon

>> No.9974707

If there are still tickets available you print it yourself

>> No.9974908

i understand the annoyance of sometimes dealing with a pre-reg line.

but if you know you're going to go, you're giving away your money if you don't pre-reg for the better $$rate.

>> No.9975009

How's everyone's cosplays going and what's everyone's lineups like? Ended up dropping 3 costumes from my lineup to not be stressed. But hey, there's always next time.

>> No.9975172

Great, thanks.

Might take the Jedi outfit but it’s a huge pain in the neck to put on straight by myself. Probably walk around and sweat in my pirate costume for three days.

>> No.9975187

So where's everybody staying for the con? Host hotel or off site?

>> No.9975282

Don't pre-reg. People drop badges. Better $$rate.

>> No.9975338

>can't even get into a the marriot without flashing a badge or room key at night
Better have damn good luck finding that hypothetical dropped badge.

>> No.9975490
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me and a buddy are flying in for the first time and as such going casual on the cosplay(hence masks and themed shirts). Not going to impress but fun to meet people in. any suggestions for more masks? hoping to add one more pair,

>> No.9975502
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You should make a Space Dandy mask. he's a dandy guy, in space lol. Here's my mask I just finished, now I'm busting my ass trying to finish my gaffi stick and gloves.

>> No.9975566

> Not going to impress
You'd be surprised, my waifu made some Brain Slugs from Futurama for us to wear and to see each other easier in the sea of people, random people stops us and as for photo and ask for info etc.

>> No.9975668

Buy Friday pass, find weekend badge on the ground on Friday. Only pay 40.00 bucks for whole weekend. Better $$rate. I have done this past two years bud. Also, Marriot is not only place to find dropped badges. Also, also, friends who are staying in host hotel loan you room key card, you have to stay in that hotel, but find weekend badge on floor in that hotel. Whole weekend free. Best $$rate.

>> No.9975745

Not going to lie, if I saw anyone wearing a Vegeta mask I would walk behind them and say Vegeeeeeeeta...Vegetaaaaaaaaa


>> No.9975855

Thanks, of the 5 hotels which is usually the most active in terms of people? I want to explore as much as I can but would still like to know what the most popular one usually is.

>> No.9975860

The Marriot by far, but it has elevated walkways to two other hotels so they also get a large crowd.

>> No.9975862

Sure you did. And I bet you stole a hottie cosplayer from her boyfriend during one of the parties and banged her before he even noticed too.

>> No.9975867

Yep, sure did. Would take your "hottie" to sucka. Just know you drop your badge, don't go to the lost and found. It will be in my pocket.

>> No.9975877

I miss the old carpet

>> No.9975878

What year did the chair throwing happen?

>> No.9975880

Host hotel, Hyatt, stayed there last time, got a roomshare there this year as the con suite is there.

First year stayed off site

>> No.9975884

last year.

>> No.9975991
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What's everyone working on? Just finished this for a buddy of mine.

>> No.9976013

>but it has elevated walkways to two other hotels so they also get a large crowd.
Hey that's pretty sweet.

>> No.9976163
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That looks awesome! Everything is very clean and the cutout on the blade is top tier.

A few weeks ago an anon recommended I do Griffith so I went nuts just to see if I could crank it out on time. Here’s the breastplate primed for painting!

>> No.9976220
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Thanks for the kind words anon, I 3D printed it on a shitty Chinese printer, I had to modify it a lot due to the tolerance is not being as tight as they should be. Is that made out of craft foam? I'm kind of new to the cosplay fabrication scene. Your armor looks like the beginning of somewhere awesome, I would love to hear how you made it. Here's the lightsaber I built for the jedi vs sith shoot.

>> No.9976290

Nice lightsaber too! I’ve never 3d printed before, but I’m keen to try it at some point.

The breastplate is just foam of varying thickness. I took a dremel to make the edges nearer and a leatherworking heat tool for carved designs. It’s white from the gesso I used to prime!

>> No.9976293

That looks so nice anon! Currently I'm sewing the bodysuit/jumpsuit thing for LoZ Saria, and finishing up my harp for Medli.

Good luck anon, it already looks fabulous! I'm bringing Schierke since I had another costume fall through haha.

>> No.9976672
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Oh that sounds fun, I'd love to see how that turns out. Do you have an Ocarina to go with it? Here's something I'm working on for my Tusken Raider, I'm doing something alittle different for his Gaffi stick.

>> No.9976695

Marriott here! Super crowded but also very convenient to everything. Getting the room is a hassle but to me it's worth it.

Crunch time is upon us! Still finishing up but:

Hero Rey from TLJ
Brigitte from Overwatch (overalls version from the short)
Summer uniform Uraraka from BNHA
Alderaan Senator Gown Leia

So excited! Not likely to win any awards lol but I learned a lot from making these :)

>> No.9976718

I do have an ocarina! Well.... it's on it's way. Thank goodness I live nearby since it's coming in Wednesday!

>> No.9976859

We should definitely get some pictures together since I'm doing a Tusken Raider and a random Sith I came up with.

I remember a long time ago when the Ocarina of Time first came out, a few weeks later I went to a Renaissance fair and they had ocarinas so I bought one. I really wish I could find that thing I used to know how to play it pretty good.

>> No.9976995


not person you responded to but fucking damn right it is. I did it last year for my first time and you can't believe how this place looks. Fucking hell man.

>> No.9977412

How am I goin to meet up with you guys? Look for thread on here? GPS implants?

>> No.9977495
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Imma nightowl so you can catch me down there when all the shit happens. Ill be there Thurs thru Mon. Except on thurs I wont be dressed up since I will come down straight from work to catch DC Rasslin’.

Ill be at the Marriot 3rd floor near the elevator at 22:30 on Friday. Yeah this will be my costume only difference is they will have a little more thicker hair. This was a practice run pic from yesterday

>> No.9977518

whats the secret to having fun at these events without hooking up with randos and getting plastered.

>> No.9977663
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Oh shit, Judge Doom? I'll come have a drink with ya. Anyone else want to make that the /cgl/ meet up?

>> No.9977758

Ran out of thread to outline the "flame" and the store that carries the color doesn't reopen until tomorrow. In the meanwhile, desperately trying to get sweat smell out of a costume that's really hard to wash. Then it's time for packing Tetris...

Staying in a host hotel this year for the first time so I'm really excited for that!

>> No.9977759
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Forgot my image

>> No.9977822

Fabric softener and water 50/50 in a spray bottle works for me.

>> No.9977846

Kek not a bad guess! I do see the resemblance but I am pulling a Professor Frink.

Also my bad for the horozontal pic, the ipad made it seem the correct orientation.

>> No.9977850

That's even better! My pics always come out side ways, gotta tilt the noggin to make sense of it.

>> No.9977862

Hah, nice. I’ll probably have on my pirate stuff most of the time when I’m costume. No picture at the moment but I’ve got a golden yellow sash and bandana. If you see someone with a black boombox backpack it’s probably me.

>> No.9977881

what is this? looks awesome

>> No.9978050

I'll try that next once the vodka spray has evaporated, thanks! (And I already have a bottle around for wigs).

Thank you! I'll be an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah (wheel of Time). I'll be giving out badge ribbons as I "bond" warders, this year.

>> No.9978979

ooof... so I forgot to buy a ticket ahead of time, does anyone know approx how long I'll be waiting in line for Saturday? I'm going to try to get there for 8am.

>> No.9979246

I'll be on the lookout with my bifocals!

What I heard is that DURING the parade is the best time to go. Make sure it is DURING, like at the start it is the best. Do not wait till the very end. I've always been an early bird and purchase nect yrs as soon as they go on sale (right after the con). 08:00 shouldnt be that bad but then again idk. During the parade is the best time I've heard (again DURING, not after!!!)

>> No.9979250

Thanks so much

>> No.9979252

>The high all weekend is 90 degrees
Anons I don't wanna die at 23, are the hotels a decent temperature?
(talking about the big 3 mainly)

>> No.9979255

Yeah they usually have air on at full blast! You won't die but you might suffer depending on the fabric you're wearing.

>> No.9979302
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The past couple weekends has been mild. Oh Joy Ren!

Beware that the hotels can get a little bit crowded but then again they have AC

>> No.9979310

Just bring a big ass water bottle and stay hydrated. All of the host hotels and the Americas Mart will have water stations everywhere.

>> No.9979321
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I've been going for years, heat is never an issue as long as you respect your limits.

There are a ton of free water coolers/cups everywhere.

If you need to take a break just go inside a building, etc

>> No.9979330

Just have a sturdy water bottle, there are ice cold water dispenser through out all the hotel conference/panel room hall way. All 3 hotel has AC on full blast and if you find a less traffic area you can usually sit down and chill/cool down.

>> No.9979537

All I have left to do is style and untangle wigs and finish up a small headpiece and I'm done. Praise the con gods con crunch wasn't too bad this year.

Everyone finished up their costumes?

>> No.9979654

Remember guys, please do not come to this convention without any alcohol, weed, uppers or psychedelic drugs. Dragoncon is a party, not really a convention. Also, please do not complain if you smell weed smoke or are harassed by someone under the influence. This is normal, accept it or do not attend. I'm sick of the whiners. If you can't hang then fall. You might get robbed of your badge or other personal belongings as well. This is normal. Once again, Dragoncon is a party, watch your shit, or you deserved to be robbed. No exceptions, no excuses.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

>> No.9979685

> You might get robbed of your badge or other personal belongings as well.

Good lord, what kind of crowd are you hanging out with?

>> No.9979768

Finished at 3 AM last night and leaving in 2 hours! I'm a fucking idiot and started a new cosplay on Saturday but hey, I'm all done and ready to go, so time to get hype

>> No.9979772

You sound like a normie that only comes to dcon to party. Yeah, it's a lot more crazy than your normal con, but being robbed or harassed by drunk people, and telling people not to come without any booze/drugs is definitely a massive exaggeration.

>> No.9979777

Been going to the con for 11 years, so you're probably more of a normie than me. As an experienced Dcon goer I am laying down ground rules because I'm sick of whiny lame asses such as yourself. You will be harassed. You might get robbed. Bring drugs and alcohol and if ya don't get ready to get shat on. Period.

>> No.9979807

Bruh, its a damn con, not the fucking Blue Flame Lounge. Stop hyping shit up slim.

>> No.9979852

You have never been to the blue flame, stop hyping yourself up.

>> No.9979856

>please do not complain if you are harassed by someone under the influence.

They will get their ass kicked. I'm not the one to complain about petty shit like smelling purp or hearing loud drunks.

Also about the robbing part, same mindset is always on. Street smarts and don't flash money around and shit and it will be allright. I'll see yall at 22:30 Friday, 3rd floor Marriot by the elevators.

>> No.9980066

Imma be looking for that Freddie goddammit

>> No.9980077

How do i enter into any of the contests ? I have a vidya related costume and I've never entered an event before

>> No.9980081

>wreck day before con
well, at least i'm local i guess

I'm still banged up and exhausted but I'll be headed in kinda late tomorrow (2 if that's considered late). Con gods you have not been kind.

>> No.9980300

Ask DragonCon's staff they will tell you where to go and how to enter.

>> No.9980359

>got to Alabama, car broke down
Rip me

>> No.9980424

God I haven’t been to cgl in ages. Is there a meet up this year?

Also does anyone have a reaper mask I can borrow tonight? I don’t need it for my other version of him but for a retool tonight it would be better.

>> No.9980446

This is why I always do a car check before road trips.

RIP indeed friend, I wish I could help

>> No.9980496

How does everyone get there if you're staying at a hotel a little ways away? Me and some friends are staying about 15mins away driving but I have no idea where we'd park. It's way too far to walk.

>> No.9980531

It isn't my car, thankfully it wasn't anything major

>> No.9980578

Going to try and make it to the 8bit ball at ten if I don’t oversleep. I’ll be the guy in the corner with sore feet.

>> No.9980610
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I'll be there Saturday night to get absolute crumb blasted and hammer smashed. See y'all there.

>> No.9980651


>> No.9980662
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20180830_214044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who 8bit bash here

>> No.9980694

We reserved a parking spot ahead of time when we bought our tickets.

>> No.9980695

At a parking deck I should add, not the hotels or something.

>> No.9980728

Lenox marta station, its only $5 a day to park. Then all you have to do is take the train north to mid town.

>> No.9980963


About 30 minutes away. I said "fuck this shit" and walked. Yeah I gotta go through the shanty town that is five points but I'll deal

>> No.9981072
File: 1.66 MB, 2592x1944, 20180830_211508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I wore my Freddie last night. Maybe I will wear it again tonight? Either that or my captain Kirk

>> No.9981157

Anybody else going to the vidya cosplay today?

>> No.9981182

What time?

>> No.9981282

Pre judging starts at 4pm today, they said to just show up to enter

>> No.9981303

Cool. Sheraton I'm assuming?

>> No.9981332


>> No.9981335

Nevermind I found it on the schedule. Westin.

>> No.9981336

Thanks :^)

>> No.9981439

My hotel was evacuated for like two hours due to a gas leak. We just got back in. They set up a tab at the Chinese place next door, which was nice.

>> No.9981536

Anyone hosting a party in their hotel or something?

>> No.9981542

going tomorrow as voyd from the incredibles, its my first dragoncon and my dad hasn’t been in ~20+ years so im pumped

>> No.9981594

Everything fit and stayed in place, by the time I made it back to my room it was all over the place. Feels bad man

>> No.9981598

I'm not anon. I do have to drink like two dozen beers before sunday night though

>> No.9981621

How the fuck do people make such strong drinks where you cant even taste the alcohol? This girl was selling adult capri suns that put me on my ass within minutes. That shit was refreshing and strong as fuck.

>> No.9981643

Any idea what won best in show, etc? Can't find any updates on social media, I love the vidya contest.

>> No.9981649

Where was she?

>> No.9981694

Monhun bone set guy won best i think

>> No.9981702
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What highschool did you go to....

>> No.9981717

She was rolling through the hilton last I saw of her.

>> No.9981729

Anybody wanna hang out around the Hilton?

>> No.9981853

This aient colorado you fucking liberal hippie

>> No.9981881

It’s like I’m really reading a comment thread on Facebook.

>> No.9981930

The announcers for the parade stream are so fucking awful, as are the camera men. If I have to see these damn kids again.

>> No.9981943

>saw a Crystal Maiden yesterday but could never catch up to her to take pictures
I'm still mad

>> No.9982020

Where at friendo

>> No.9982071

^ this

>> No.9982161

How many days do people normally wear their costume? This is my first time cosplaying and I've been wearing it every day.

>> No.9982265

Moonshine, vodka and everclear are known as neutral spirits. Given that we're in the middle of the South you most likely had some moonshine punch that snuck up on you.

>> No.9982286

I've only got two outfits, one is casual and another is kind of bulky so I've been doing day casual night bulky

>> No.9982328

Since I’m alone this year I’m trying to convince myself to at least walk the Marriott tonight. Anyone want to hang out? I can take the boombox for a few hours if anyone wants to dance / chill. It’s pretty heavy and will play an hour or so before I need to plug it in the wall to charge a bit. I can’t jack the bass with the Bluetooth but it bumps pretty well. Anyone?

>> No.9982352

Im running around mariott wearing dark souls crimson set, say hi if you see.me

>> No.9982353

Already there? Trying to get stuff downloaded on iPod now. Might show up around 10

>> No.9982393


Damn so I missed ya. I was hoping the guy I sang to was you but that's alright

>> No.9982456

I was there till about 9 before i got too drunk and sweaty and went back to the room to take my costume off

>> No.9982479

I made one lap and went into the hotel next door. It’s a clusterfuck as usual and a dj in every lobby kind of kills the spontaneous dance party thing. The future beat group was showing up as I left and those dudes are a dance hall by themselves

>> No.9982486

Any of y'all wanna hang tomorrow?

>> No.9982494


>> No.9982503

What's more intense, Heroes & Villains or Last Party on Alderaan?

>> No.9982515

Line for last party was long as hell, that's for sure
Sure, how about Hilton 5th floor lounge area?

>> No.9982522

I'm probably going to have to get rid of some beers tomorrow

>> No.9982539

Sure, when?

>> No.9982540

I want to do a panel at 10 but I don't really wanna do any from 11 to like 2 or 3

>> No.9982557
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Found Crystal Maiden, no longer mad.

>> No.9982618

Did anyone take any good pictures of cosplayers? What was the best costume you saw?

>> No.9982646

Anyone here that makes thier way to us artists on the 4 th floor today, I <3 you.

>> No.9982678

Hilton 4th floor? I'll head by here in a bit

>> No.9982953

Did anyone take any pictures of the Snow White that was in the parade? I was so mad that I kept missing her.

>> No.9983017

I took some last night but I'll have to upload them when i ge thome

>> No.9983021

I see dc volunteer photographers everywhere, but I don't see where they post pictures. Does anyone know?

>> No.9983045

Anyone wanna hangout in the hilton 4th floor little lounge spot?

>> No.9983055

Actually I'm going to the hyatt instead

>> No.9983102

I'll be giving out the rest of my beers there around probably 11 or whenever the last space panel ends. I'm not gonna drink 7 beers tonight, that's for sure

>> No.9983221

They’d usually have cards or post in Facebook groups

>> No.9983272 [DELETED] 

I have six beers left and am going to drink two. Does anybody want the remaining 4 or should i give them to randos?

>> No.9984145

4th year was great. I usually have a few days alone but I was solo the whole time this year. Got my usual host hotel spot in the Marriott. Took photos, cosplayed a few hours per day, went to two panels, got lit and high every night. Made new friends, and got to know some old ones. Finally had a threesome at a con so I can mark that off my bucket list. Ate like a king at panberry. Parked in my magic spot on wed and never touched my car and got free parking when I left.

>> No.9984789

Any pictures?
How about chair-over-balcony action this year?

>> No.9984894
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The Pulse Loft was actually the tightest shit ever on Sunday.

>> No.9984934
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-09-02 14.44.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a lot of pictures.
Someone proposed on the pulse loft, don't know if that counts as "chair-over-balcony" action.
Did anyone see any mtf crossplayers? I'm interested in knowing how they obscure the face for characters that don't wear masks.

>> No.9984935

man, uploaded these to my computer from phone. Thought they wouldn't rotate, anyone know how to fix that?

>> No.9984941
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-09-02 15.15.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robot BB8

>> No.9984967

Nah, a proposal's much better. I'm glad it seems this year was less of a cluster.

>> No.9984969
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-09-01 21.03.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some crowd shots too. Sadly, don't have the proposal shot. There was a really good photo of that on facebook iirc, and it happened on Sunday.

>> No.9984970
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>> No.9984972
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guess i'll just post some cosplay, even rotated. Some don't have poses.

>> No.9984976
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-09-02 12.34.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinkerbell, was in parade. Glad I caught up to her.

>> No.9984979
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ghibli group

>> No.9984982
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-09-02 13.31.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 and Nightmare Before Christmas

>> No.9984983
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kind of bad angle

>> No.9984985
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>> No.9984986
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Do the shoes ruin it?

>> No.9984987
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another group

>> No.9984988
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>> No.9984989
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>> No.9984992
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Last one, couldn't take that many since I had to volunteer almost all day Saturday and I had only Sunday to shop and go around. I mostly stayed in the Marriot where most of the cosplayers migrate anyway. Could someone post some more after me? I guess I can find the proposal shot on Sunday.

>> No.9984995
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 40678005_10100412439021346_5553779046036275200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it

>> No.9984999
File: 123 KB, 640x426, 2018-09-01 09.11.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another I didn't take. Last one I swear.

>> No.9985000

These are mostly from Sunday afternoon, so maybe that's why it seems less crowded.

>> No.9985003

>Did anyone see any mtf crossplayers?
What kind of question is this, lol

>> No.9985017

There were more crossdressers/trannies this year by a huge margin. If the last 2-3 years were marked by shitty Harley Quinn cosplay, this year was marked by very unconvincing traps.

>> No.9985033

I saw a faye Valentine that was a boy that looked great.

>> No.9985051

I'm interested in going next year, but how the fuck do you trawl the schedules without going to a bunch of different sub-sites?

>> No.9985067
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Sailor Scout Troopers. Officer Luna, then Tatooine, That's No Moon, Kamino, Endor, Mustafar, and officer Artemis. Unfortunately That's No Moon was having issues with heat and bowed out early, but the group was fun.

>> No.9985125

dude, how much extra did you have to pay for ultra saber to stick one so far up your ass?

this was my 7th year and I barely drank most years but I've always had a great time even late at night. sounds like you just have shit friends

>> No.9985131
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>> No.9985212
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>those puns
Good job.

>> No.9985285

That was actually my friends!

>> No.9985353

are those selfmade scout-trooper armors, or official bought replica?
cause an official replica cost at least something around 1000 bucks

>> No.9985550

>Only really took selfies with friends this year
>Wore most of my cosplays for very short periods of time simply because I wasn't feeling well.
>Stupidly didn't wear my best cosplay to the meetup for the fandom.
>Got concrud HARD on sunday night
>Still sick

Overall it was a very nice and very chill dragon for me. Got to hang out with a bunch of friends I only ever really seem to hang out with online. Just wish I wore the cosplays I worked hard on more.

>> No.9985723

Jesus christ this tranny shit is such a meme.. When will it end

>> No.9985758


>> No.9985780

When you get sick after a con, usually from lack of sleep+food, and being around thousands of unwashed nerds.

>> No.9985839

Not even trolling, but seriously. You couldn't turn around without seeing some dude poorly dressed as a female. I get that sometimes they do it as a joke, like Sailor Moon with a beard, but these weren't even that. It was just fucking weird and we got sick of it really fast.

>> No.9985888

Not just crossplayers either, but literal trannies. There were a shitton of disgusting neckbearded dudes trying to pass as women. I understand that DC wants to create a "welcoming" environment but I think its just dangerous self-serving virtue signaling when you're encouraging mental disorders.

>> No.9985905

Ah, is there any way to prevent that?

>> No.9986149

eat, sleep, stay hydrated, wash your hands after handling money and before eating in addition to your normal handwashing.

>> No.9986164

Had a great time this year doing cid, smoking weed and drinking every night with my buds. Also robbed some fuck boys like yourself. Look forward to doing it all again next year. Post a pic of yourself. Would love to beat the shit out of ya and then rob ya pussy boy, my pussy boy.

>> No.9986483

Any pics?

>> No.9986486

I couldn't tell which male d.vas were sarcastic and which weren't.

>> No.9986801

Really? How long did it take him to make that?

>> No.9986818

Usually 1 week prior the con I start taking some vitamin C to boost my immune system, even with proper hand washing you are still breathing in germy air, knock on wood, I usually get a little sick but not full on concrud like some of my friends.

Also stay hydrated and try to have at least 1 full/good meal a day during the con.

>> No.9987711

What did everyone think of the con this year?

>> No.9987776
File: 885 KB, 1782x3168, 20180901_204759 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude same thing happened to me. In fact I bet ya the pic I am uploading will be rotated too even though it is correctly angled in the file I am selecting. Here is some updated costume from >>9977495 that was absolutely ready for DC. Difference is the hair, this time it is real hair I got it from a beauty supply shop.

Calmer this year compared to years past. I only went during the night to see shenanigans.

>> No.9988753

I loved it

>> No.9994314

There's an app