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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 478 KB, 800x613, 1443717371194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9959214 No.9959214 [Reply] [Original]

Let's celebrate our forbidden love with oniichan /fa/ by dumping every fa-tan x cgl-tan pic we can.

Join the Fashion x CGL discord here: https://discord.gg/kHxyfVM
The /fa/gs there are only a little thirsty and the gulls are cool.

>> No.9959215
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>> No.9959216
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>> No.9959218
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>> No.9959221
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>> No.9959222
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>> No.9959226
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>> No.9959227
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>> No.9959229
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>> No.9959233
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>> No.9959236
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>> No.9959238
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>> No.9959243
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>> No.9959246
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>> No.9959247
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>> No.9959248
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>> No.9959307

>The /fa/gs there are only a little thirsty and the gulls are cool.
Lmao you're all cringe as fuck.

>> No.9959317
File: 218 KB, 500x773, 1443717634754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some, commencing small dump

>> No.9959319
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>> No.9959320
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>> No.9959323
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If anyone has the pic on the right alone, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.9959324
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>> No.9959329
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>> No.9959332
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>> No.9959334
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>> No.9959336
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>> No.9959339
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>> No.9959340
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>> No.9959342
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>> No.9959346

If only this dress were real *sigh*

>> No.9959349
File: 201 KB, 615x816, 1497892873825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the last one of both /fa/ and /cgl/ together. I have a few of both tans separate if anyone wants me to post them.

>> No.9959352
File: 885 KB, 1000x1582, 1479008546268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, that was a lie. This is the last one.

>> No.9959371

Don't bully /fit/ we've done nothing wrong

>> No.9959490


>> No.9959495

Agreed, the discords that get posted here of thirsty edgelords looking for idk what are pretty cringeworthy

>> No.9959497

I hear if you chant "view all baby" 3x in the mirror, a taobao shop will make a dress with whatever print you want.

>> No.9959502

dhak dhak dhak

>> No.9959507

I would ship /cgl/ with /fit/ but not fa. I would love a tough man to hold and protect me...

>> No.9959510


Didn't someone try to make a seagull print? I thought I remember someone posting a rather detailed digital art of a seagull (I want to say posed with bottles of salt, but I don't know if I'm remembering that right). I didn't save it and now I can't remember the keywords to search for it.

>> No.9959513

True, half the server chugs onions like there’s no tomorrow

>> No.9959520


I'd love a built, tall man, who smells like cherries but looks really scary, no one would harass me on the street anymore, or stare- he'd be the perfect accessory...Plus i'd snuggle his rock hard abs all night. The dream.

>> No.9959527

/fa/ isn't homolusting after /fit/, this image is broken

>> No.9959528

God yes

Everyone who’s effay on the server has noodle arms and wears platform geos to enhance their height

>> No.9959615


>> No.9959629

lol someone hasnt been in the server for long

>> No.9959816

So is fit accepted there then?

>> No.9959819

Why ARENT we part of /fa/ when Lolita is literally a fashion movement? Just curious.

>> No.9959842

we dont want to be
culturally very different than fa
>majority of lolitas treat it like a costume anyways

>> No.9959843

It's mostly seen at cons and fa doesn't have very many alt fashions anymore now that techwear is mostly dead

>> No.9959848

Nice try, Voldie. You're banned for a reason.

>> No.9959879

the server name is facgl, what do you think you cretin

>> No.9959881

you're either voldie or funk either way ur bannu

>> No.9959916

Some of this art is really nice. Would love the artists to sign but most of this is probably anonymous :(

>> No.9959941

Well I joined up and everyone seems chill with it so yeah

>> No.9960268 [DELETED] 

I'm banned cause accel got mad I didn't meet up with him when I was in nyc for new years lol. Also I didn't make the post you're replying to, I really liked everyone but disco stu and ppl banned from my local comm

>> No.9960312

Someone should post the link to /fa/ They do not have a thread for this and I am certain, that most of the new people who joined like myself are from here and not from /fa/. We need more people from /fa/ in the server by the looks of it.

>> No.9960337
File: 187 KB, 500x625, manasama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got you anon.

this is my favourite thing that happened possibly in all of the history of cgl, to the point of having ripped several of the images to use as profile pics
too bad mods/jans seem to be super opposed to board culture stuff being shared on here, last winterball threads were being constantly removed

>> No.9960350
File: 1 KB, 100x100, IntegralLifeLogo-100-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board culture is the masturbatory inner-circle bullshit for which I exist.
Thank you all for the best thread I've read in days if not months

>> No.9960380

The majority of the members are /fa/ actually but there's little discussion when it's not a runway or sales season.

>> No.9960693
File: 79 KB, 640x917, 444279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-/fit/ is justice!!!!!

>> No.9964704

/fit/ sucks

the server isn't really a serious place for discussion anymore. as seen in #sticky:
>A comfy server for friends with a common interest in designer fashion, jfashion, lolita, and cosplay.

>> No.9964716

>tfw you will never have a seagull purse
>tfw you will never have a rhinestone seagull necklace with gold french fries

>> No.9964975

Dude we need a cgl etsy store. Every time i see some seagulls when i go to the beach i think of cgl and i cant help but browse it again.

>> No.9966696

give me a prompt i might contribute

>> No.9966703

DreamCathedral on Etsy does seagull pins, at least. She also seems to do custom work, so you you can get some seagull jewelry from her I bet

>> No.9966710
File: 26 KB, 546x331, IMG_20180214_140030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why even bother living

>> No.9966763

does anyone have that selfie of a couple that looks like /cgl/ and /fa/? Not sure if it was a cosplay or just a coincidence, but i've been looking for it forever

>> No.9966779

Because of conlitas

>> No.9966802

Fa and clg comparing fragrances.

/Clg/ looking through all the fancy dark brown bottles: "why would you want to smell like a weird spicy tree?"

/fa/ looking through a wall of pink bottles: "I dunno, why do you want to smell like an onahole?"

>> No.9967955

i think if you know what an onahole is you're already uneffay

>> No.9968126
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1532589134300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ in nutshell

>> No.9968157

is this some sort of gay board

>> No.9968170

Extremely so.

>> No.9969988
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>> No.9969992
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>> No.9972032
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bonus round

>> No.9972034
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>> No.9972036
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>> No.9972040
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>> No.9972042

>Let's celebrate our forbidden love with oniichan /fa/

>> No.9972051

well, isn't /cgl/ with /k/ common tough?

>> No.9972079

it's just an excuse for some borderline r9k incels to plug their discord

>> No.9972094
File: 409 KB, 1080x1860, IMG_20180818_144702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally in their sticky.

>> No.9973085

WTF is going on in this picture?

>> No.9973230

/k/ is married to /an/.

>> No.9973616

I thought that /k/ was more into /x/.
However, considering how many of them are deerfuc/k/ers, i'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.9973649
File: 78 KB, 700x680, 786a1bff1274b679fc3b413c29797e24[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rick Owens innit

>> No.9973807

...people take this shit seriously?

>> No.9973823
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>> No.9973824
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cgl x fa fanfiction here:

>> No.9973825
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>> No.9973828
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>> No.9973830
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>> No.9973832
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>> No.9973834
File: 117 KB, 991x742, 1506644799051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't participate in the winter ball last year, did we?

>> No.9973836
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>> No.9973840
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>> No.9973842

Stop bullying /fit/ :(

>> No.9973843

It seemed like a nice discord to me. Neat people but a pretty dead cosplay channel.

>> No.9973845
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1920, 1479075222278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nvm, we did. I had a memory lapse.

>> No.9973846
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>> No.9973848
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>> No.9973996

Where's part 2?

>> No.9973999

basically every discord that gets posted here is some friend group or other board that tacks on a cosplay channel and posts here to try to get girls to join.
it's annoying because there isn't an actual discord to discuss crafting and cosplay without other politics or bullshit taking over.

>> No.9974022

Maybe it's just me but it didn't really seem like that.

>> No.9977359
File: 1.72 MB, 900x1600, Pt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found part 2, apparently part 3 was never made/no one could found it.

>> No.9977455

Try https://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/index.php?q=/post/list/cgl/1

>> No.9980707


>> No.9983042

Why do you guys always make fun of /fit/ :^( We just want to channel our self hatred into lifting heavier things
+ Getting /fit/ helps me pull of superhero cosplays better

>> No.9983086

do you remember that bodybuilding.com forum where the two guys argue about how many days are in a week? That's my impression of /fit/.

>> No.9983204
File: 30 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled copy 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9983252
File: 144 KB, 812x965, 1399387419277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would assume because its on an anime imageboard, the typical /fit/izen is a weeb shit trying to self improve, rather than a chad at heart. If you were anywhere else, it wouldn't be like this.

>> No.9983260

Nyart, but no I don't. Please share screenshots or the link!

>> No.9983271


probably the best of all time.

>> No.9983306

it's infinitely easier to put on a set of new clothes and get a haircut then try to belittle people who actually attempt real change in themselves than it is to actually attempt real change yourself

any of these comics that try to snidely snap at /fit/ are just an /fa/ or /cgl/ nerd being sour grapes

>> No.9983310
File: 25 KB, 351x347, 1525415934039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost in tears, this is the best thing i've seen in weeks, anon.

>> No.9983328
File: 86 KB, 663x619, C747BE6A-E56B-45F0-B531-39D9B31171AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are people this stupid

>> No.9983455

I like this one.

>> No.9983458

or...it's people just having fun because these are fictional comics of anthropomorphised board stereotypes and you shouldn't take it too seriously...

>> No.9990949


>> No.9991364

>You simple carb
Just noticed that hahahaha

>> No.9991448

imagine being those models, so happy that you finally managed to land a contract after catching the eye of a designer from among hundreds of candidates. Your career is finally about to take off, your dreams suddenly feel that much closer...

then the guy paying you walks in and tells you to do this shit and get out on the runway with a straight face, and you better look good doing it too.

>> No.9993317

Why does /cgl/ ignore /u/ even though your board is 85% lesbians? :(

>> No.9993396

>board is 85% lesbian
you know I keep hearing that, along with the board being 90% female, but after hanging around for years, the meetups, the discords, everything, it's closer to 80% male, and of those maybe 60% crossdressers/trans. There is a very high rate of corssdressers pretending to be women on here.

>> No.9993566

/fit/ is just unappealing, usually in personality and looks

>> No.9993582

Historically, not much interaction (crossposting). /u/ and /cgl/ don't really have common topics.

>> No.9994023

Girls are far more timid when it comes to meetups. Would actually help if more went, cause the more timid would be even more willing to come out. Is a vicious cycle.

>> No.9994027

>implying girls would be comfortable attending 4chan meetups full of thirsty normie randos

>> No.9994030

We went to the play with /u/ once, didn't we? But honestly, /u/ is mostly male from the polls they've done if I remember right.

>> No.9996354

/fa/ is mostly young high school kids now.

Think of "bsneak" on YouTube. Supreme and alyx, off-white nonsense.

I'm the only one left from the start and I mostly just lurk /k/ for the guns I can't buy in California due to assault weapons laws and the handgun roster. Stuck with bolt action rifles and handguns from the 90's

>> No.9996357

You mean the Winter Ball? And polls show its half and half.

>> No.10001873

/x/ tried to seduce /k/ one year for the ball, but /k/ is still married to /an/

>> No.10001954

has anyone here ever had an /fa/ bf? is it worth it?

>> No.10006609

I was wondering why there was so much /pol/ shitposting, JJBA autism, and douchetuber worship going on there. It reeks of 13 y/o zoomer boys now.

>> No.10007312

With that attitude, you'll never make it brah.

>> No.10007322

fuck off keto breath

>> No.10007765
File: 50 KB, 639x639, Dc0YFC8U8AEPHgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.10007767

did this drawanon ever post their blog? fucking love their style

>> No.10009753
File: 115 KB, 656x893, 1537550529019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to server
>All the guys are literally and unironically gay

Hm....guess I'll have to look elsewhere for a fashionable bf.

>> No.10009758

She's taking a hiatus for health and deleted/archived all her stuff.