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File: 135 KB, 468x297, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 3.50.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9968741 No.9968741 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever noticed a Lolita within the community that, despite having a full coordinate, does simply not suit it? Why did it not look good?
>Not necessarily to do with the person being ugly or fat
I've met several Lolitas that seemed almost completely detached from their outfit and the community. It didn't seem like their outfit, it looked like they were dressed up for the day.

>> No.9968753

The hell do you even mean?
It's not like it's just clothes and they're different people with different personalities.
>completely detached from their outfit and the community
Some people don't have the need to be attached to a comm, that's why lonelitas exist. The point about clothing is just stupid. They are wearing it, they are not detached. Or do you mean that they don't talk about it all the time and treat it like a normal outfit? Like normal people do?
>but all lolitas should be lovelies uwu

>> No.9968758

It's not up to you to decide.

>> No.9968796

Wew, only two replies and it's already getting defensive.
I know what you mean, OP. I often get those vibes from people who aren't into the usual japan related interest of lolitas. They often seem like they're wearing a costume for attention, efame or because they want to dress up as a princess. Like those reporters in lolita documentaries who usually only wear normie fast fashion and then get transformated into lolita. They're wearing the fashion but still don't look the part.

>> No.9968804

Yeah that was my point

>> No.9968817

Not OP, but that's basically it.
Obviously you don't have to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of every brand release ever to wear the fashion, but to me the culture and history that comes with the clothes is what makes lolita even more enjoyable than just wearing a cute dress.
It's just clothes, sure, but it's also a hobby and whilst it should't define you, knowing the background and sharing inside jokes with other lolitas is also a pretty nice social aspect, which is good for making friends. I'd personally find it very strange to go up to someone in lolita, and talk to her about general lolita things, like Facebook groups, and youtube channels for her to have zero idea of what I was on about. I guess that's what OP meant when they said 'detached from the community'.

>> No.9968821

You mean people with unfortunate faces right? I see one everyday in the mirror.

>> No.9968825

>not suiting lolita
Desu I feel like half of that is just not having bangs, alone.

>> No.9968826

Don’t we all

>> No.9968832

Honestly agreed, that and shoehorning too many normie items into a coord. Those are the things that make it look like someone's just putting on a dress to me.

>> No.9968841

>the usual japan related interest of lolitas
like what? i haven't been to a meet for over 5 years but i remember most lolitas being interested in jane austen and fairytales, not anime and other weeb stuff

>> No.9968844

bangs look bad with some faces. alice bows are names after alice in wonderland and she didn't have bangs.

>> No.9968849
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I think because it's so uncommon to see lolitas without bangs, people instinctively think there is something wrong with the look

>> No.9968852
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I have a cute face so I'm okay without bangs

>> No.9968861

>like what?
Like an interest in Japan.
> i remember most lolitas being interested in jane austen and fairytales, not anime and other weeb stuff
Then you remember it wrong. They aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9968864

Sorry not all people got interested in lolita because they were weebs first

>> No.9968874

>most lolitas
>interest in Japan
Stop taking everything so personal and read properly before you get triggered jfc.

>> No.9968879

I can't speak for anyone else but I only became a raging weeb after my initial interest in lolita. Im an oldfag and was introduced to it through other alt fashions and being on the internet in the mid-late 2000s. It seems to be the other way around these days, what with the popularity of anime and ~quirky harajookoo fashun~

>> No.9968914

I think it has a lot to do with knowing how to dress for body and face type. Makeup plays a pretty big role too.

If your makeup doesn't match your coord, it can look off. I don't mean matching face jewels or eyeshadow, but you wouldn't do big insta brows and contour for a traditional sweet lolita look, for example. Similarly, a very cutesy and natural look can go either way with a more gothic coord, depending on how much of a trad goth influence you're going for.

Some substyles just don't suit some people. I know a girl who looks absolutely stunning in gothic/classic, probably the most beautiful person I know in real life, but she's tried on sweet and it looks like the clothes are wearing her. It's hard to describe. It doesn't look bad, but it definitely doesn't look as natural.

I have something similar. I have a very long face, and it definitely sticks out if I wear very pastel colors. Darker sweet colorways and classic definitely suit me better by far. I also adore aristocrat and boystyle, but my legs are short and stubby so it just doesn't look as natural or as elegant.

I firmly believe Lolita can suit anybody, it's just a matter of trial and error.

>> No.9968943

Most lolitas I know did not have an interest in Japan before becoming a lolita

>> No.9968954 [DELETED] 

k voldie

>> No.9968964

>before becoming a lolita
And that's not what I said. I said lolitas tend to be interested in japan.

>> No.9968966

Most lolitas I know are not interested in Japan unless it's related to the fashion, and that's because they're interested in lolita and not in Japan

>> No.9968982

>Most lolitas I know are only interested in Japan if it's related to the fashion, and that's because they're interested in lolita and not in Japan
Did I understand that right? What are you trying to say?
An interest in what people wear in japan is still an interest in a part of the japanese subculture. If that interest isn't there, for example if someone just copies what they see on efamous people without any research, we often get what OP is talking about.

>> No.9968987

Hun, they're just hiding their power level
No one wants to come off as a cringey shitlord even if they are one, especially with how much we tend to talk about each other, it being such a small community.

>> No.9968994

So you say that all lolitas have the same interests, some just hide them? Sorry, not everyone is interested in Japanese culture. Are you a weab searching for approbation? It seams like you are a type of person who would say stuff like "superior japanese ...." unironically.

>> No.9969003

So what are ''the usual japan related interest of lolitas''?

>> No.9969010

Japanese lolitas wearing lolita is a Japan-related interest of lolitas

>> No.9969016

The only people that can pull off a no bangs look are those with small foreheads and those that contour the shit out of the faces. I need bangs because I have a fivehead desu

>> No.9969025

>all lolitas
Literally no one said that except you, who keeps putting words anons mouths to find something you can argue against.

Like an interest in Japan related things. Traveling there, brands, street fashion, traditional clothing, music, anime/manga/art and related things like itabags, language, cosplay, games, magazines, japan's definition of "kawaii".
I have no idea where you live to claim most lolitas don't have an interest in any of that.

>> No.9969171
File: 35 KB, 719x719, 1527111339023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing you're not in charge of anything you judgmental cunt.

>> No.9969175

I got into this fashion through egl and my historical costuming background, not through weeb shit.
Are you saying that if you're not into weeb shit you shouldn't wear lolita? Because it sounds like that's what you're trying to say.

>> No.9969184

Read the thread. No one talked about the way you got into the fashion, that anon >>9968864 just randomly implied it.
>Are you saying that if you're not into weeb shit you shouldn't wear lolita?
No, read the thread.

>> No.9969199

Op you sound like one of those annoyingly passive aggressive girls who posts to lolitahumor/rufflechat/WRMP often bitching about other Lolitas and stuff relating to them

>> No.9969227 [DELETED] 

I didn't claim lolitas don't have an interest in any of that. I said most lolitas I know are only interested in Japan if it directly relates to lolita fashion. It's ridiculous to say you're not suited for the fashion if you're not interested in traveling, anime/manga/art, itabags, language, cosplay, games, magazines, etc. nor is that the ''definiton of kawaii''.

>> No.9969229

Maybe you forgot but the thread is about people who don't suit lolita

>> No.9969230

I didn't claim lolitas don't have an interest in any of that. I said most lolitas I know are only interested in Japan if it directly relates to lolita fashion. It's ridiculous to say you're not suited for the fashion if you're not interested in traveling, anime/manga/art, itabags, language, cosplay, games, magazines, etc.

>> No.9969240

>I said most lolitas I know are only interested in Japan if it directly relates to lolita fashion.
Which is a japan related interest.
>It's ridiculous to say you're not suited for the fashion if you're not interested in traveling, anime/manga/art, itabags, language, cosplay, games, magazines
Where did I say that? You asked what "the usual japan related interest of lolitas" are and I gave you examples. Also, why did you leave out brands, street fashion and traditional clothing?
>etc. nor is that the ''definiton of kawaii''
Where did I say that? I gave it as another example.


>> No.9969243

Read what people replied to before you reply to them next time, maybe then they'll make sense to you

>> No.9969244

nayrt but for example how half the people on rufflechat claim Malice Mizer and/or Strawberry Switchblade are their favourite bands, even though they have zero interest in (or awareness of) similar music... or even any of Kozi's or Rose McDowall's or whomever's later/other projects.

>> No.9969246

>why did you leave out brands, street fashion and traditional clothing
have you ever met a lolita who is not interested in the brands and clothing??? did you forget this convo started with
>people who aren't into the usual japan related interest of lolitas
maybe i'm dumb af but i don't understand what other interests are necessary besides the actual fashion which happens to be from japan?

>> No.9969247

I'm not interested in random street fashions or traditional Japanese clothing, I'm interested in lolita fashion

>> No.9969249

Some people just aren't interested in music period. They are interested in lolita fashion and that's why they like those bands.

>> No.9969251
File: 25 KB, 640x428, 13221520_727697613999214_4055081760232887340_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's the same girl from your pic (Anna Tsuchiya) modelling for Baby. Obviously the modeling pics are styled in a way that suits her more than when she was acting as Ichigo.

It's the same with most other girls. Just like with any type of clothes, it's all about styling and dressing to suit your face and body.

>> No.9969253

>traditional clothing
Anon, have you ever seen a kimono? Does it look similar to lolita in any sort of way? I know people who were primary interested in historical EUROPEAN fashion, and they discovered lolita this way. It just happened to be Japanese.
You are just a weab in denial. Not everyone likes the same things as you. Accept it and grow up, you sound like an insecure kid.

>> No.9969260
File: 179 KB, 500x366, D85C70D0-3F35-439E-B6A8-2A4DCDD601F0-8533-0000090BD85E8A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like when celebs awkwardly wear lolita dresses?

>> No.9969261
File: 142 KB, 652x463, E0175D71-BED9-4708-8FF2-2561C111F96F-8533-0000090CED1427AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9969262

They both could have looked cute if they had been styled right though. Lil Mama especially, she has a great figure.

>> No.9969264

>no YOU read the thread!
Seriously now?
I said people who have no japan related interests - yes, the fashion japanese people wear is meant with that too - seem out of place in lolita.

>have you ever met a lolita who is not interested in the brands and clothing???
YES. That's what I'm talking about you dense motherfucker.
>for example if someone just copies what they see on efamous people without any research, we often get what OP is talking about.
I hate to use that word, but in simplified terms I'm talking about posers. The interest in the clothing and general knowledge is only superficial and most of the time, you can see that.

>aren't interested in music
>they like those bands
Do bands not make music?

I'm really tired of repeating myself. That was one possible japan-related interest I named. I didn't say it looks similar to lolita, I didn't say you have to like kimonos to suit lolita, I didn't say you have to have a japan-related interest beforehand to get into lolita. I said lolitas usually have a japan related interest.
>You are just a weab in denial. Not everyone likes the same things as you. Accept it and grow up, you sound like an insecure kid.
Stop with the bullshit namecalling and bring some real arguments. Weeb is written with double ee by the way.

>> No.9969265

This looks like the cover of a really awful JAV

>> No.9969267

Did anyone ever find fuller pics of her in this dress?

>> No.9969274

What the hell are you even arguing about? The OP is so convoluted and doesn't talk about anything specific, everyone can make shit up. People talk about looks, even when there's a line about it having nothing to do with looks.
>>have you ever met a lolita who is not interested in the brands and clothing???
YES. That's what I'm talking about you dense motherfucker.
People who wear lolita once for a photoshoot aren't lolita. Period. If someone wears it often and doesn't seem interested in clothing then big chances are that she is, but just doesn't show it. Does this supposed "lolita" even wear it?
>I said lolitas usually have a japan related interest.
And people said that some don't. "Usually" isn't "always", but you seem to forget it.

>> No.9969284

You can shorten weeaboo to weab too

>> No.9969286

So lolitas who don't have an interest in lolita.
Can't say I've ever noticed one, no.

>> No.9969327

I am the cliché unfortunately. I loved anime which heavily referenced their cultural nuances and pop culture. Before l knew it I became a Japanophile. I first saw GLB at anime con in UK in 2002, why was it even there, it wasnt even about fashion. Then I turned the pages. It ticked all my aesthetic appreciation. The rest was history.

Look guys, I didn't suddenly knew about lolita fashion because Mana Sama sent me his angelic messenger of good taste in clothing. I found it surrounded by a mass of Final Fantasy 8 cosplayers.

I didn't grow up on a prairie stitching rose embroideries drinking earl grey and watching The Secret Garden (but I soon ticked all that when I realised living in the UK offers enough historical indulgences).

Does it really matter how or why you do lolita fashion?

Ps. My face is androgynous, sometimes I can pull off cute, sometimes I don't care.

>> No.9969332

does anyone remember that one lolita who bought a skirt a celebrity wore and altered to be shorter? I think it may have been the lil mamma one.

>> No.9969339
File: 36 KB, 400x600, 1237c45b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a skirt a celebrity wore and altered to be shorter? I think it may have been the lil mamma one.
same anon-it may have been this one, but my mind thinks it may have been a gwen stefani one. God. I can't remember.

>> No.9969364

It was a ... Mexican girl band? And one of them had a shortened honeycake and everyone was like oh my word heaven forfend

>> No.9969375
File: 36 KB, 480x720, 376799_431538066884762_537213254_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eme15, the girl band from the telenovela MissXV. It was such a clusterfuck. The girls claimed they invented the fashion too, they called it "cupcake style". They actually had quite a few dresses, all painfully shortened. I'll dump some pics.

>> No.9969377
File: 30 KB, 300x350, 1377958223425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9969378

Lord, I remember this shitstorm. A shame, too, this girl would look adorable in proper lolita.

>> No.9969380
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>> No.9969384
File: 103 KB, 400x600, 143927925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last cursed image I have saved. I think they ditched the lolita like halfway through the telenovela or something.

Agreed, Paulina Goto is seriously adorable. It's a shame they bought the dresses and butchered them and didn't partner with actual brands because then we may have seen her in real lolita.

>> No.9969386

ugly as sin but... imagine something like this with three actual lolitas. one classic one gothic one sweet. i would watch

>> No.9969388

When I first read the thread I wanted to say that anyone can make lolita suit them, and most of the time they just suck at hair, makeup, or have the wrong cut but its possible to look good.

But then I remembered seeing very overweight 40-something, speak to a manager looking types and realized that wow not everyone can. They always gravitate towards sweet too, but the best they can hope is looking ok in historical fashion....

That and people like Andrea. Otherwise, if they are young I think the only problems are styling, and can be fixed if they try.

>> No.9969390

>tfw going to hit menopause in 20 years and become become that overweight 40-something, speak to a manager looking type
I hope I die before it happens.

>> No.9969396

i remember this. they stole the designs, cut them short, and tried to pass it off as their own design called cupcake fashion.
beat me to it!
No, it was an altered dress that was sold on ebay in a big package with a bunch of celebrities old stuff, I actually think it was the little mama dress here>>9969260 . A lolita bought the package.
I just found the thread:

>> No.9969398

These dresses are making me highly uncomfortable.

>> No.9969400

This is my life.

>> No.9969401

Aw that's kinda sad. Someone sold/maybe stole Lil Mama's Fruits Parlor... I wonder if she misses it or wonders where it went

>> No.9969405

Goth girl is low key hot tho

>> No.9969414
File: 269 KB, 981x673, 1534293908784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I thought of when I saw this thread.

>> No.9969415

Why did you have to remind me of this

>> No.9969416


>> No.9969417

Post full coord

>> No.9969420
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It is hard to find a good pic.

>> No.9969423
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Then she changes it??

>> No.9969426
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>> No.9969466

>>aren't interested in music
>>they like those bands
>Do bands not make music?
Not the anon you replied to but I would consider myself as someone who doesn't really like music but there are some bands that I tolerate.

It's not really the same thing.

People are not 2 dimensional like you are making them out to be.

>> No.9969470

Why do you think it was stolen?

Do you know anything about rappers girl? They sell their shit off all the time. Hell, sometimes they'll a grand on a plain white shirt and then throw it away to buy a new one when they're done wearing it.

>> No.9969605
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>> No.9969610

It was in a storage locker and she stopped paying the rent

>> No.9969705

Sunglasses aside, Lil Mama looks cute in the second pic, fite me

>> No.9969708
File: 212 KB, 345x432, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Lady Gaga, and she's got badly done ganguro makeup underneath.

>> No.9969712

I respectfully request to retract my former statement.

>> No.9969747

I don't even like most weeb stuff. I have nothing against it but it's not my thing. In fact, I like a lot of Asian stuff, but rarely the weeb stuff. It's one of those parts that makes me think "why does this have to be here" and I wish people wouldn't continuously assume I like it because I like frilly dresses.

That being said, I get what OP is saying and I was quite surprised to only see 2 replies that where defensive yesterday. Sometimes, people just look like their personality doesn't match their dress at all, like they aren't expressing themselves, but something they are not. Whatever the reasons is (efame, attention, escapism), if it doesn't fit a persons personality you can often notice. The way they look, the way they stand, the way they talk about it, everything is just off because it's not who they really are.
>Like those reporters in lolita documentaries who usually only wear normie fast fashion and then get transformated into lolita.
Exactly, they aren't really into those clothes and it's no expression of themselves, so there is always something off. Something that just doesn't fit. Even when they are positive about it as a whole, you can notice it's not fitting their personality.

>> No.9969752

I'm interested in a lot of Japanese stuff, and a lot of Korean stuff, and Chinese stuff, and historical European stuff, some Arabic stuff, some Tibetan stuff. I also like cultures and their differences, which makes me interested in almost any countries cultural views and histories behind them. My interest in a country doesn't have anything to do with how I dress and if it fits me as a person.
>An interest in what people wear in japan is still an interest in a part of the japanese subculture.
This is stretching it far just to not be wrong. That's just an interest in the history of the fashion which just happens to be Japanese. It doesn't matter shit if it's Japanese or not in that context, if the history was French they would suddenly have a interest in France?

>Traveling there, brands, street fashion, traditional clothing, music, anime/manga/art and related things like itabags, language, cosplay, games, magazines, japan's definition of "kawaii".
>Most lolitas I know are not interested in Japan unless it's related to the fashion, and that's because they're interested in lolita and not in Japan
I think both are partly true. I think it's somewhere in between these two. I don't particularly care about over half the stuff from the first mention, and of the left over half, some are indeed just because it's related to the fashion and I couldn't care less what the country of origin is. The other half I am particularly interested in and it has nothing to do with the fashion and I got in touch with it completely unrelated to the fashion. I think lolita's aren't really black and white enough to say being a lolita is related to those interests in itself, in some cases it is, in some cases it isn't, in some cases those interests don't exist at all. There is a bigger interest, that could be caused by the bigger exposure to Japanese stuff, but to say it's a fact that it's always connected for everyone seems too simplified to be true.

>> No.9969753

This was a sad day for Atelier Pierrot

>> No.9969847

I often feel like I don't suit lolita, especially not my preferred substyle. I tend to feel like my makeup is wrong, my hair is off, or that I'm too ABC and not enough XYZ. But I also recognize that is a fault of my lack of self confidence and inner perfectionist. So even if I don't feel 100% perfect I just strap on my shoes and get on with it.

>Sorry for feels post.

>> No.9969853

Newfag question, but what was the deal with this?

>> No.9969869

They seemed pretty happy about it, actually. Exposure is good for them

>> No.9969994

She wrote a childrens book, went to the AP shop to pick up an outfit to wear for press, called it her Squickerwonkers costume on TV, lolitas rage.

>> No.9969997
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dropped my image....

>> No.9970004

But there was no styling at all, she just popped it on and claimed it was, like, her own thing even though it's an established style. Also her coord may have been brand but it was brand ita.

>> No.9970007

Also she was wearing AtePi on tv

>> No.9970021

That is what I said.

>> No.9970054

Wasnt there some mexican group that wore and butchered honey cake?

>> No.9970057

Look at the thread, they were posted and discussed.

>> No.9970149

Does anyone know what brand she's wearing in this one? Looks like AP to me


>> No.9970150

Yeah it's AP, I'm pretty sure it's this blouse:

>> No.9970153

attention all lolita crossdressers i know your here and if you are reading this do not do lolita if you are the following

>Man face

>Sissy fetishist

>Age range 39-55

>5 o clock shadow

> Tranny Hon

>> No.9970372

>Age range 39-55
stop me whippersnapper

>> No.9970380

I don't think anyone here is trying to defend her shitshow of an outfit. I already didn't like her as an actress. I'm so glad when celebrities do stupid shit like this and confirm my hatred for them.

>> No.9970381
File: 61 KB, 573x322, C42A8BF2-7FB4-44BA-8CF2-E9EBE4C4AC33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man face
alright then

>> No.9970390

found the uggos

for real, if you can't find a way to flatter yourself in the fashion, you should consider making some changes or taking some classes in makeup or even understanding the basics of normie fashion (fit, color combination, what colors look good on you etc) before you jump into something like lolita

>> No.9970391

in what way was her make up bad other than in your opinion?

She had professionals doing her make up during that era, that wasn't like before she got any amount of fame. Maybe you don't like how it looks or her take on it but I doubt it's poorly done.

>> No.9970393

I remember there was some twitter rage, but I don't recall the aftermath of it all

>> No.9970395

Because it's not accurate to what she was trying to emulate.

>> No.9970424

Neither is her lolita coord. It was just her take on it.

>> No.9970460

attention all lolita crossdressers i know your here and if you are reading this do not do lolita if you are the following
a man

>> No.9970462

Nah, at least you already know how to style yourself well I hope. If you start out taking care of your looks, you can't possibly look that bad.

I'm talking about those people that look like they belong in Walmart in an over sized tshirt and those loose calf length pants, and just one day decided to put on a dress without doing anything else.

>> No.9970463

Nayrt, but you wouldn't say that if she had poorly done maiko/geisha makeup.

>> No.9970465
File: 166 KB, 634x951, 23C4429C00000578-0-Check_it_out_The_35_year_old_put_on_a_good_show_for_those_who_tu-a-54_1417785476948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She spent some money for sure.

>> No.9970477


Oh, fuck her.

>> No.9970487
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Next time I wear lolita out I'll think about you, salty anon-chan

>> No.9970493

seriously though, if you're 56 or over it's okay? asking for a friend

>> No.9970517

ok funk

>> No.9970521

I think at that point its kind of moe honestly

>> No.9970522


56 is oddly specific.

Ngl I'd love to see older lolitas.

>> No.9970524


oh my god i didn't look at the context.

Sorry, I'll stop posting for a bit.

>> No.9970525
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>> No.9970538

I bet that blouse went to goodwill

>> No.9970546
File: 27 KB, 437x679, DkrFqlqWwAEpgth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is just this image

>> No.9970568

i believe wonderfinch owns this piece of history now

>> No.9970644

Ov coarse yew khan.

If you don't mind spelling shit wrong.

>> No.9970646

>it's my INTERPRETATION, fashion shouldn't have RULES, it's my STYLE

>> No.9970649

Ba-ba-ba dook-dook-dook

>> No.9970657

But the character on the front cover actually looks kinda lolita and doesn't have a hideous hat... What's with her and ugly top hats? And why the open mouthed cuckface

>> No.9970659

Yeah like Erica on instagram

>> No.9970749

The way it looks and was represented was kinda goofy. Considering I, and most Atelier Pierrot fans I know, don't see it as goofy clothes, it kinda leaves and odd images. I get it's named after a clown, but we're not dressing up as goofy clowns.

I've never seen Japanese be negative about any kind of exposure that wasn't intended to be negative, no matter how it came of or how others reacted to it, unless it really hurt the business. I don't know if it is because they are more open on other ways to use the fashion, or if they are just being nice. I guess I'm just a bit disappointing the one time my favourite brand got bigger expose it's on a goofy way.

Although I think they also collabed with Japanese Vogue on some event. That seemed a lot better.

>> No.9970836

am i the only one that finds it funny when people shorten atelier pierrot to AtePi

why you talking bout eating pie

>> No.9970925

>When people don't suit lolita
So you mean every lolita on Instagram except models, Naawie, and Spiro

>> No.9974420

alas bangs do not suit my oddly shaped head ;A;

>> No.9974429

There are more people that look good without bangs than people who look good with them

>> No.9974478

>And why the open mouthed cuckface
She's insecure about not wearing normie clothes, so she's trying to make a joke out of it.

>> No.9974604

Her fillings look gross

>> No.9974631
File: 2.29 MB, 536x562, anigif_enhanced-25695-1453851158-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is me. I know that bangs are essential to the lolita look. I have had short hair with bangs my whole life, and though I think it looked cute, I never had never had long hair so in the last five years I have grown my hair out past my shoulders. I've really fallen in love with it, and I have no bangs. I want to show off my hair when I wear lolita sometimes, but I don't feel the look is quite right without bangs. I don't want to cut five years of hair, and I can't help but feel it may be a mistake that will take years to fix. I'm such a wimp, so I'll wear a wig. But I wonder why I grew it out in the first place if not to show it off.

TLDR: I'm scared of cutting my hair into bangs

>> No.9974637

My favourite lolitas are Herajika and Fanny Rosie and both look better without bangs.

>> No.9974640

Why not try clip in bangs? There are some really high quality ones and you can style them to make them look more natural if need be.

>> No.9974652

good idea! I'm going to go order some! Thanks!

>> No.9974653

>Sometimes, people just look like their personality doesn't match their dress at all, like they aren't expressing themselves, but something they are not. Whatever the reasons is (efame, attention, escapism), if it doesn't fit a persons personality you can often notice. The way they look, the way they stand, the way they talk about it, everything is just off because it's not who they really are.

This describes a big chunk of my comm. So many of them act like hyperactive fourteen year old boys, don't know how to sit in a skirt, stuff themselves into clothes and bras that don’t fit, don't groom themselves well, apply makeup like a little girl playing pretend and don't know how to properly put a wig on. For newbies most of these things probably have more to do with experience than personality but many of these women have been into lolita for a while and still look like awkward teenage boys who lost a bet. I get the impression that for them lolita isn’t a fashion but anime princess dressup for a day, and whenever they’re not at a convention or meetup they’re in sweatpants and a t-shirt with their nonbinary pronouns on it or whatever. Usually they can’t participate in any discussions about lolita beyond whining that AP is too expensive or that they missed the latest Taobao meme print preorder. These people would never have gotten into lolita as it was ten or maybe even five years ago and I kind of hope they’ll move on to the next hype soon.

>> No.9974660

Jesus, if this is really the state of your comm I feel sorry for you.

>> No.9974717

>Spiro and Natalie
>two of the biggest ana-chans in the community
Sure Jan

>> No.9974738

The boobloaf on those shop girls...
>be Asian
>ruin body with SAD

>> No.9974739

thank god for apps and filters.

>> No.9974748

I have fillings too because my mom was a fat, lazy whore who never got us dental care, and that's why I don't do that soiboi expression in pics. Disgusting.

>> No.9974749

I didn't mean it as in you absolutely need bangs in all cases, because obviously girls like Fanny look great. It's just that in cases where people don't seem to suit lolita, it's often because they don't have bangs. It's of course possible to look 100% "lolita" without bangs, but it's just rarer.

>> No.9974750

By then your titty skittles will hopefully have ended your liver and kidneys.

Older lolitas are fine, older sissy perverts need to be culled.

>> No.9974763

Celebrities with professional stylists out here looking like weeby high school itas. Wild.

>> No.9974764

To be fair, they were playing 14 year olds in the telenovela this is from

>> No.9974788

I tried lolita plenty of times bc I absolutely adore how it looks on other girls but every time I felt so uncomfortable myself in those laces and frills and everyone around me catched this as well. I think it's because I felt uncomfortable people around felt the same.

>> No.9974975

>because I felt uncomfortable people around felt the same
This is often true, you could be dressed absolutely beautifully but if you're uncomfortable, it'll be obvious to see and people will react to that. Faking confidence can help a lot with this, or maybe changing your lolita style of choice... or simply accepting the fact that you just like it on other people, that's okay too.
I feel this with sweet lolita - I love the colors, the motifs, the design choices, the super girly aesthetic, but I'm just not as comfortable in it as I am in classic, so I just appreciate it on other girls instead.

>> No.9975004

They’re not the majority but they sure are loud, and of course always the first to jump on inquisitive normies asking us why we’re dressed up.

>> No.9975007

I couldn't disagree more

>> No.9978936

I know that Gothic is the only style that suits me, I have high cheek planes and a roman nose so going for a darker look just sort of works. I love wearing sweet, but I'd never go outside in it. My face isn't cute enough

>> No.9978976

I think a lot of very conventionally attractive women look out of place in lolita. Not to say lolitas are ugly, of course, but it takes a different kind of look. Conventionally beautiful women look like they're dressed up for a sorority function or something.

>> No.9978978
File: 437 KB, 1242x1490, IMG_5270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu both of these girls are examples of faces that don't suit lolita imo

>> No.9978990

Tall girl is pretty and you know it. Other, she is whatever, needs better styling.

>> No.9978997

Both look okay to me? First one looks really pretty, second one just need a better angle and styling.

You could try getting into a more "mature" sweet. You know, darker tones, but still cute.

>> No.9978998

This photo is an example of being a bad friend. If you're going to shoop yourself that much you just don't leave your friend ugly or everyone will know you're a narcissistic shit

>> No.9979005

>you're going to shoop yourself that much you just don't leave your friend ugly
Is it really acceptable? I wouldn't know since i'm a lonelita, but I feel kinda wrong for shooping another person.

>> No.9979010

If you're only shooping a little like eyebags or acne, just do yourself. If you're using snow or an anime-style filter or (like this pic) physically squishing the pic to make yourself look like an alien-faced noodle, you should do the other person too. Basically it's all about how much you're changing. Subtle changes? You only. Unsubtle? Do both or risk looking like an evil bitch

>> No.9979019

sorry you got posted

>> No.9979020

I'm sorry, I have to disagree. the one on the left has a mature face that only really suits gothic.

>> No.9979162

sorry YOU got posted

>> No.9979185

The one on the right would look so much better with a bit of makeup, blush and a natural lipstick at the least. It's so baffling when people will wear lolita and not do any kind of makeup.

>> No.9979209

Really? I know the left girl shoops, but the right girl suits classic lolita and gothic. She needs more makeup to bring some colour to ger face and shes good.

>> No.9979373

Who is this? Right looks familiar...

>> No.9979640

Seriously. I know bangs don't suit everyone, but I tried for years to make bang-less hairstyles work and the minute I switched to bangs, my coords went from looking half assed to full fledged. It makes a world of difference.

>> No.9979668

In the case of my comm, more than few people seem more interested in using lolita as a spinoff of other styles like goth, vintage, steampunk, etc. Which is fine and all, but their coords often end up looking more normie/vintage than lolita, especially in silhouette. None of them ever really discuss non-taobao brands because it doesn't apply to their style or interests. Sometimes I wonder if they even like lolita to begin with.

>> No.9980033

I just realized.... people think she is shooping because she is uploading photos incorrectly.. you can tell the whole photo is somewhat smooshed and everything looks longer than what it should be.

>> No.9980038

I dont think naawie's face suits lolita desu

>> No.9980061

No, she shoops for sure. You can see obvious signs in it in this pic and her other pics.

>> No.9980101

>it's likee someone's jus putting on a dress to me

You've just described lolita my friend.

>> No.9984227

>titty skittles
had to look this up. don't need 'em. I'll probably need a boob lift by then though.

agreed. she could maybe also experiment with some other eyebrow shapes. you could say that about a lot of people though.

>> No.9984230
File: 2.95 MB, 1200x1202, nomakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is almost pet peeve tier, but I hate when people don't wear makeup with lolita. Foundation + brows + mascara + lipcolor is necessary even for the most simple of coords. A bare or bare-looking face just looks weird with lolita, especially more dressed up coords like pic related.

>> No.9984254

I don't think make up is the main problem of that clusterfuck.

>> No.9984264


Are you a boy or something, she's wearing makeup. At least mascara on her lashes, looks like she's got eyeliner on as well. Lips are too even and "coloured", so probably lipstick. I'm betting she had a full face on, but the eyeshadow might have worn off, or the camera didn't pick it up.

Worse problem is that atrocious coord though. I don't think I've ever seen RRL look that cheap. The dichromatic choker manages to look like cheap tacky plastic, the fake pearl necklace does actually look fake. Wtf is that underskirt, it needs to be taken out back and put out of its misery.

Girl herself is fine. She suits lolita, she just needs to learn better coording skills.

>> No.9984265

Are those circle lenses? People should always balance circle lenses out with heavier eye makeup because you just end up looking like a creepy alien otherwise.

>> No.9984285

Normal daytime makeup can look shit in photos though. And makeup that looks good for photos can make you look like a drag queen in real life.

>> No.9984301

She is wearing make-up, it's her coord that's shit.

>> No.9984320

Hey, it's shoop-chan!

>> No.9984382

I'll agree to mascara/lipcolor, but some people actually have eyebrows and good skin.

>> No.9984384

All I see are shitty stretched images. Can you show me? I seriously don't see it.

>> No.9984388

Yes, that person would be myself. I stopped wearing lolita when I realized my face and overall personality just fit other styles better.

>> No.9985112


Bumps on her forehead, anon. What's more likely, she has pimples and covers up with decent makeup, or she's one of the tiny exceptional people with flawless skin that has not one but two skin bumps that isn't a mole somewhere on their face?

And what kind of human doesn't have eyebrows? You're supposed to tweeze them to maintain a nice shape, what the fuck are you are doing with your eyebrows??

>> No.9989063

I can really relate to this. I love sweet lolita and light colors, but I feel it doesn't suit me at all.
In general, I feel like overly girly/feminine styles don't work for me. I bought a vintage Gunne Sxa dress today I love, and it fits, but I'm not sure it looks right. I feel I'm better suited to wear black, leather jackets, studs, that sort of style if you know what I mean.
It's too bad because I am always picking up very girly items and then it just looks like someone put me in a random dress. it doesn't look or feel natural. I just hope I can make the gunne sax dress work. For lolita, I find I feel a little better wearing dark jewel tones and black. But fuck, that's my normie wardrobe, I like lolita because it's pastel and different.

>> No.9989261

>I like lolita because it's pastel
That's a pretty narrow view to have of the fashion. Not all of it is sweet and pastel, and if darker colors suit you better, why not wear them in lolita too? Forcing yourself into something you're not comfortable in just because it's different than what you normally wear is pretty silly and in most cases guarantees that you'll be uncomfortable.

>> No.9989266
File: 30 KB, 330x436, IMG_20180901_141729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a pretty good gothic lolita
>super confident in coords, feel good, been teasingly called dracula by normies but it simply fueled me and my aristocrat bampire romance mood
>also like sweet and own a few sweeter dresses
>wear sweet coord to meet or out and about
>feeling cute but a little uncomfortable since ive been goth and a gothic lolita for years
>tons of compliments from family, strangers or comm members
>Anon, you look so adorable! That suits you so well.
I'll never stop wearing what makes me happy but it did make me insecure for a small amount of time that in sweet people gushed over me while in gothic I only got a few compliments. It's like people are secretly telling me to switch

>> No.9989320
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1202, MAKEUP_20180910210751_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hun if you're in the thread just get yourself some meitu and jazz that shit right up

>> No.9989406

Could be just a general thing. Sweet and Classic seem to draw much more positive attention than Gothic.

>> No.9992503

I'm was never remotely interested in crossdressing until now. Give me all your salt

>> No.9992507

I think to normies, when they see a gothlolita they just assume you're a (western) goth. Where as sweet is so "different".

I wear mainly oldschool sweet, and while normally that's either black and white or kuro, when I wear anything not black I get so many more compliments.

>> No.9992596

This is me, too. I've only tried sweet, maybe gothic or ouji would be a better choice for me. I feel like I'm trying to fit into my tastes when I was younger, and I still like cute things, but I certainly have had a personality shift over time and even dress less girly in normie clothes. But I love how sweet looks... It just doesn't love me.

>> No.9992606

I know it's a meme to say 'EVERY LOLITA NEEDS BANGS' but she would really benefit from some sort of bangs to cover her forehead a little.

>> No.9992612
File: 592 KB, 604x597, shoop2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst one I've seen. I thought it was a joke when I saw it at first.

>> No.9992678

Do you mean her waist? It looks insane in that one.

But >>9978978 still just looks stretched out.

>> No.9992705

God, this is so bad. I used to kinda like her coords occasionally, but now she just seems delusional.

>> No.10000557

I'd watch a JAV with Katy Perry in it.

>> No.10000579

I find her overuse of ps so strange. She's not fat, and she's not ugly. She must be really insecure about herself.

>> No.10000610

why does photoshoping your photos mean you're delusional? What if she just has fun making herself look different in photos?

>> No.10000645

Yikes. I'm sure she doesn't look that bad in real life so i don't get this.

>> No.10000649


that must explain why she consistently shoops herself so thin all the time.

>> No.10000732

why does this look like the cover of a gravure dvd?

>> No.10000738

IMO there’s a difference between creatively editing your photos with colors and lighting and always photoshopping yourself super thin in every picture. One can be considered artistic, the other smacks of body dysmorphia.

>> No.10001171

Wrong, it's some kind of sheer makeup or BB cream. Look closely, the skin clearly has makeup just not powdered foundation

>> No.10001599

Just wear Gothic Lolita then? If that's what suits you and you feel like pastels are awkward on you. I'm sure you can wear Gothic in a way that's still different from your normie wardrobe.