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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 600x603, 1433431985410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9966576 No.9966576 [Reply] [Original]

Show off your stuff and feel free to shamelessly include your tumblrs, fb pages, instagram, etc.

>> No.9966586

This is the most retarded thread I’ve ever seen

>> No.9966588

newfag alert

>> No.9966608

You’re fucking retarded if you’ve never seen a self post thread

>> No.9966609

Well, I mean, we have had these threads for many years.

>> No.9966734
File: 62 KB, 573x322, FEE3AD58-117A-49A7-8E1C-02FBA6876F3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9966795

Off to a good start. Somebody self post now.

>> No.9966874
File: 375 KB, 2048x1613, 13692935_10210181920247294_1680712864872458618_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first cosplay. God that wig is shit.
I'm thinking of tearing it apart and redoing the stitching with green and red and putting some wreath or something on the screw, and making the scythe, not pictured, have a christmas tree for the blade.
For Holiday Matsuri.

>> No.9966879

Soul eater cosplay makes me happy. Also. That midna in the back.

>> No.9966916

Fave Soul Eater character nice

>> No.9966998
File: 313 KB, 1000x1500, Photo May 25, 1 48 35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like maybe I have too angular of a face to do Makina very well but I had fun making her overalls so /shrug

>> No.9967004
File: 438 KB, 465x450, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke

>> No.9967025
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>> No.9967041

something tells me these are salty lolitas. Why are cosplayers so chill in comparison?

>> No.9967042

Seriously, you can't even self post as a lolita anymore. Somehow cosplay is fine though.

>> No.9967080

One hobby is about fun.

>> No.9967128

I take it you’ve never seen a cosplay vendetta thread then.

>> No.9967134

Cosplay salt all moved to Lolcow

>> No.9967171
File: 2.53 MB, 2848x3560, IMG_20180706_163848_644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do a selfpost, I know /cgl/ isnt the brighest fan of capeshit cosplay, but heres Killer Moth anyway!

>> No.9967177


no idea what the source on this is but good goddamn that's a slick looking mask. did you do that yourself or commission it?

>> No.9967189
File: 48 KB, 533x960, DrFranknfurter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just thrown together for a Drag themed party, but got my cosplayer friend to do alterations and I think it turned out well.

>> No.9967264

When cosplayers get vendetta threads, they're quickly discarded or that cosplayer did a bad thing. Lolitas get vendettas for having more brand than most people.

>> No.9967278

I am >>9966586
In response to>>9967042
I was wondering why you would want to self post because you are just asking for trouble. Especially as a Lolita.

>> No.9967388

I think this is a cosplay thread, so people who post that get way less hate, especially the men.

>> No.9967464
File: 460 KB, 789x854, 20180812_191138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, sure. For what it's worth I know the leggings are bunching in an unflattering manner.

>> No.9967479

noice, overlord is dope

>> No.9967496

>men on cgl
>not getting shit for nitpick details
are you serious?

>> No.9967513

besides obvious sexist comments & bait, no.

>> No.9967561
File: 40 KB, 205x198, elegant_dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick dude, love it

>> No.9967564
File: 2.93 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180710-073821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally starting to feel like my sewing construction is decent. At the very least it'll last forever cause I have a serger now. Everything made by me but the tignts

>> No.9967569

Thanks. It really was a ton of fun to wear.

>> No.9967589


That looks super solid, good job! really clean work.

>> No.9967593

You're a fucking newfag if you haven't seen a selfpost thread go sour.

>> No.9968007
File: 62 KB, 633x960, FB_IMG_1534178441426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Florida gundam guy. Probably my favorite pic/moment from recent supercon.

I'm on youtube, facebook and Instagram as Uberscosplay

Follow me if you like mecha and girls und panzer cosplay

>> No.9968026

Cgl lolitas are the fucking worst. Half the ita thread is either vendettas or fatty-hate. Green-eyed monsters, all of them.

>> No.9968171

yea bad cosplay thread is of people with awful walmart-tier wigs with their costume entirely glued together with elmer's glue.
The ita threads.. I genuinely don't know. None of the comments even explain the issue with the outfits. They all look just fine to me.

>> No.9968175
File: 1.17 MB, 2576x1932, 20180810_153740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Otakon. After making this, I really don't want to deal with bias tape again for a while. The only reason the gloves have the stars of David prismacolored on is because they were going to get covered in fake blood anyway.

>> No.9968209


What are you, Palestinian Genocide-tan?

>> No.9968218

Negev! Wish I got a pic with you.

>> No.9968219

>Palestinian Genocide-tan


>> No.9968221 [DELETED] 

lol no she's a Girls Frontline character

>> No.9968223

Kek, this. And if you dare mention that a coord looks fine, you’re guaranteed to get one of these two responses:
>sorry you got posted
>are you blind? or something along those lines
It’s as if they think we can’t see through their vendettas and hate boners. cglolitas must truly be miserable.

>> No.9968224

lol no she's a Girls Frontline character

>bloody Negev cosplay
you have balls, anon! did you get many funny looks/awkward questions wearing that?

>> No.9968286

Cgl lolitas are honestly a hivemind of grumpy lolitas at heart.

>> No.9968321
File: 1.18 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20180728_132757~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic bitch closet cosplays but had lots of people loving it.

>> No.9968328

It's almost as if lolita fashion has specific rules or something.

>> No.9968333
File: 670 KB, 1200x1200, HappyNegev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A surprising amount of people acting unironically anti-semetic towards me, mainly muslim, a few people who "got it" when I clasped my hands together and hunched my shoulders, and one or two people who got pics of me because they loved Israel, though one asked to make sure that it was a pro-Israel cosplay.

>> No.9968336

This is cute. I actually prefer the masks over humanized faces with ears

>> No.9968371

When the rule is "don't be fat" it gets really repetitive and boring.

Ita threads used to be funny. Now they're just the same old dumb ass shit and samefaggy arguments.

>> No.9968373

Yes and no. There are rules to what is and isn't lolita, sure, but that isn't what 99% of the ita thread is. It isn't an anon calling out someone for claiming to be wearing lolita when is really just a random dress, it is anons calling out lolitas for wearing socks/tights that are slightly off color compared to the rest of the outfit. Its just nit-picks.

>> No.9968560
File: 237 KB, 1427x960, dsBuffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my hero
That ground type, hnnngg yes.

I'm trying my hand at small might...Didn't have white make up on hand hence the dumb smile.

>> No.9968566

It's basic but really fun, I like it. Nice decisions for eyeholes.

>> No.9968615
File: 977 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180814_193834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is rad I haven't seen a killer moth cosplay before
your work always blows me away each one out does the last!
I really want to do a group cosplay of this too!

these were my last 2 costumes I did at an event in Hong Kong. the Cody cosplay was something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

>> No.9968645

They are. Especially when decent homemade dresses start showing up. They lose their fucking minds, particularly if it's good. When your only talent is spending $500 on a single outfit, I guess it's easy to get salty about ladies who are actually skilled and creative.

>> No.9968659
File: 245 KB, 1080x720, 20180814_083504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving all this lolita trash talking, this thread is a force of good.
Pic from earlier this summer, sewed the whole suit, forgot my headset at home.

>> No.9968678

Do you have an Instagram?

>> No.9968694

yeh I do it's rhys_cosplay. I mostly post table top game stuff and pics of my dogs

>> No.9968751
File: 349 KB, 1080x1080, 6A6D5071-8548-4A40-B853-A508D3B99E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is still in progress, but here’s a crappy shot of me harassing my mother while dressed as Thranduil. Since then the tan part has been painted black and I’m running more makeup tests now.

>> No.9968767

Ita threads should be renamed vendetta threads.

>> No.9968798
File: 802 KB, 2722x3629, otakon 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me from this past weekend. Happy with how it turned out, aside from apparently needing to add in some kind of lower back brace if I don't want the backpack to become a pain around day 2.

I don't have an instagram, but maybe I should make one. Like 12 different people on Friday asked me for my instagram, and another person asked me for my card.

Which I dont really know how to take, considering I didnt even think my costume was that good. I was mad at myself before going to the con for not having time to remake the front of the helmet, because I thought it wasn't done right.

>> No.9968872

looks good though personally i think you went a bit overboard with the weathering.

very cool!
>I didnt even think my costume was that good
it just goes to show that people in real life dont really criticize your cosplay as harsh as you see on the internet.
if they can recognize the character and it isnt sloppily made, they are most likely gonna like it.

>> No.9968886

Arent you a lolita?

>> No.9968890
File: 377 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you that looks great

you should drag a turkey with googly eye on a leash behind you

>> No.9968892

I really hate that newfags like yourself come into threads that have been going on for ages and scream vendetta over and over for no actual reason. I guarantee you you have not seen an actual vendetta going on if you think this.

>> No.9968894 [DELETED] 

Are you a boy or do you just have a fat vagina?

>> No.9968898
File: 1.01 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180519_201033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! It's hard to see but the eyes light up too

>> No.9968901

I wish I had seen you, that looks pretty good.

>> No.9968903


I had to resist that urge to include memes with that costume. Thats why I'm not carrying around a 'best dad' mug.

I also heavily considered adding a little "Hello, my name is: " label sticker on the cartridge part of the backpack.

>> No.9968905

I'm the anon in another thread that asked about an Ozen cosplay. I'm still weighing my options but I have no idea where I'd actually put the cosplay when I'm not wearing it since I'm pretty strapped for space.

>> No.9968919


Isnt it mostly cloth? The only part I can think of that would be hard to store is the wig, or perhaps the hat if you are going full IMMOVEABLE SOVEREIGN Ozen.

You can always leave the hat out on a cheap foam head on a shelf somewhere. I do that with my cosplay helmets. They make good discussion/display pieces.

>> No.9968921
File: 427 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or perhaps the hat
Of COURSE I'm doing the hat. I want to hide most of my face, and I'd likely wear a black face mask with Ozen's smile on it while wearing her wig on the outside of it.

I'm 6' but I'd like to bump myself up a couple feet taller by using Ozen's boots as some cheeky little stilts. I'd probably go for 8' tall and then use a frame to broaden my shoulders.

>> No.9968925

I agree with you on the weathering. I’m thinking I’ll hit the armor with another coat of silver

Fraid I’m not! I would love to do a coord, but I’ve never worn Lolita before!

>> No.9968932


Ah, very good. I posted some advice for you in the help, but it sounds like you already have a pretty good idea of your direction.

>> No.9968933

Oh, that was you? That advice was really helpful. Thank you! Come hit up a con in Florida and we can do MiA cosplays together~.

What a nice board.

>> No.9968941

I thought they were stickers!
T. A virgin

>> No.9968942

Okay, I’ll bite. I’ve been looking for concrit for my first (left) and second (right) coords I’ve ever done but I’m way too anxious/not confident enough about posting to CoF or other places just yet, and I feel like the groups are a lot more... coddly, probably because there are real people accounts instead of anon. At the very least, I’d like to know if I’m ita, or anything like that. I know matching colored wigs are a bit too tacky now but I was just so excited to have a pretty wig from mintymix I really wanted to use it. Apologies for the lackluster plain cardi and variation of accessories/bag, I’m working on it. Left pic was before I got decent petti/hoopskirt too.

>> No.9968944
File: 999 KB, 2560x2560, 2E883B2C-3FDF-4794-8AD1-800108CD7601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the pic, I’m a super retard. Apologies. Saging doublepost

>> No.9968968


tights on the left look weirdly fleshy, if that makes sense. and the matching wig is cute, but looks super dated because nobody really does it anymore and that trend was like almost a decade ago at this point.

coord on the right is a step in the right direction. your wristcuffs are HUGE and kinda floppy though, are they offbrand?

>> No.9968985

Okay here is my honest answer: Left is terrible ita-tier and right is pretty good. To break it down:

left outfit
>The wig is tacky and cheap and not properly styled. If you want to make it better, cut the bangs properly and add some volume to the top so it doesn't end up looking flat and greasy. It's still gonna be bad looking though compared to your natural hair
>The dress doesn't have enough poof.
>You are lacking a hair accessory and any accessory in general (like necklace or bralecets, rings etc.)
>The shoes are also tacky and they seem to be awkwarkly big and non-fitting.
>The pink and lavender tones are clashing.

right outfit
>Much better hair with decent bangs and decent volume
>The dress has enough poof
>The hat and the wristcuffs are a plus, but still, something like a necklace would be nice
>shoes are better but something more elegant with a higher heel would be better imo
>overall the color combo is more flattering and you should stick to that style and stop dressing like on the left
>also be cautious that all the white and cream tones match

>> No.9968989
File: 1.09 MB, 2544x1908, 918634A0-5942-4B87-8864-C634BDA3E629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the tights, yeah- they were like a kinda very transparent/sheer white, so that’s probably why they seem fleshy. And yeah, that was my fear with the wig (as well as it being just the icing on the too-much-purple cake), I’m probably not going to wear it again anymore but it was just too cute and I didn’t wanna waste the buy. I’m glad the second one is better! Yep, the cuffs are offbrand and indeed they’re too big/floppy (tend to even slide down my arm sometimes). I did have a better set of cuffs that were much nicer but lost one of them before I could use them for that coord, unfortunately. Pic related were the old cuffs.

>> No.9968993

See, This is what's sad to me: saying her left pic is ita-tier when it really isn't. I remember REAL itas from 5 or 6 years ago, wearing Milanoo garbage proudly as tho it were brand, back when Bodyline used to look bad. I would lose the wig and add a little poof, but it's far from being ita as it stands.

A lot of newfags haven't ever seen a real ita. And if you're going by what's on the ita thread, an anon on this thread mentioned that it should be renamed the Fat-hate or the vendetta thread. Totally accurate.

>> No.9969001
File: 100 KB, 640x236, 2CFA59D7-D238-49FC-BE12-720983400F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the crit. I was indeed lacking hair accessories and since that coord have started putting together a collection of headgear/accessories so I don’t have to fear going empty headed again. And yeah, by the time I’d actually worn the wig I was getting second thoughts about it being too tacky but damn it, I already bought it and it was just too cute not wear at least once. Regardless, not gonna wear it again.

For the shoes being tacky— I’m a bit surprised at this, actually, I thought they were a classic/staple style of shoe and were commonly accepted? Might be my misconception, though.

Glad the second one is better. I would like to stick to my normal hair for coords if possible but I also worry it will get frizzy/lose volume whereas wigs won’t, and being too plain (short and black) without softer but still natural colors. I appreciate all the other tips and advice, although re: shoes I actively try to avoid heels because I’m very self conscious about my height and flat tea parties make me feel a bit better, smaller, cuter, and comfier to walk in.

>> No.9969005

Your shoes are fine, anon. >>9968985 is reaching a bit with that one. And BTW, this is a strange place to seek "honest" crit. Salty gulls tend to be super harsh on a well-dressed person.

>> No.9969009

I’ve always been of the opinion that harsh/unfiltered crit would help me more than wishy washy, coated in niceness crit friends/groups will give. Better to have it too harsh so I make even more improvements than necessary than to shoot too low.

>> No.9969012

Really, you won't get good crit in either place. If you're fine with harsher, more power to you. But just keep in mind that some of the crit here will be jealousy-motivated horse shit from poorfags. Just sayin.

>> No.9969023

Come on, she asked for honest criticism and I'm giving it to her. There is no need to suguarcoat my feedback and asspatting her if she's clearly unhappy with her coord and asking for help on how to make improvements.

I've been around for a while, and this would have been called bad in 2012, equally. It would be passable if she added a head bow or something, but there is just too much lacking (headpiece, poof, accessoires, fitting shoes, matching colors) to even call this a nitpick anymore. I also mostly praised the coord on the right, so there is no need for the vendetta comparison when it's clearly not.

>> No.9969024

I’ve been here longer than you think. There’s the bad the ugly and the vendettas. You get the odd threads that are pure ita and then the rest are just nitpicks or vendetta.

>> No.9969050

Sometimes sugar coated is better, you'll always have to pick stuff out imo. A lot of people don't know the difference between legitimate concrit and their own opinion, especially here. I'd recommend the lolita big sisters facebook.

>> No.9969127

Perhaps. I actually did post the first one in the Big Sisters of Lolita Fashion group and got some decent advice that I ended up applying in the second coord. Still a bit anxious about those groups though but I will probably warm up to going off anon there in time.

>> No.9969142

Oh shit I was there 4 this

>> No.9969241

that's adorable

>> No.9969471

>Somebody posts cosplay
>Nobody says anything
>Anyone posts lolita

>> No.9969473

I adore your ground type cosplay! As an Amuro cosplayer, it makes me super happy that there's more quality Mobile Suit Gundam cosplayers out there.

>> No.9969478

I mean she specifically asked for concrit but yeah, nobody seems to give a shit about the cosplayers in this thread.

>> No.9969484

Genuinely, not joking at all but all the reasons >>9968985 listed are why I like your outfit. I think it all looks perfect.

>> No.9969488

What about it makes you anxious? I understand it can be intimidating but the second coordinate already looks tons better, so I hope you keep improving.

>> No.9969523

I assume you’re talking about the coord on the right, in which case I’m glad it worked! If the left- that would be odd, but I’m glad regardless. Thank you!

I can’t quite pinpoint why, exactly. I think I’m just worried about getting posted to the ita thread from there and worse still maybe someone going through my profile to find more embarrassing stuff to laugh at. And even though there can be helpful concrits I really get the vibe that the groups for coords/help (CoF especially) are just kinda popularity pageants of sorts, so it turns me off a little. Somehow I feel like it’s a bit easier to post to the selfpost for advice because then at least it shows some degree of self awareness. Probably sounds pants on head retarded, so I’m sure it will go away in time as I keep trying to get better.

>> No.9969569

I get it. CoF isn't really a popularity contest unless you make it out to be one, but i've also never posted there (nothing I do is ever good enough for my own standards) so I can't judge you too much. As for being posted in the ita thread.. I have been posted in there. It was a long time ago, when I was new. At first it felt bad but I actually went in and asked what to improve on and was grateful for the advice. Now the ita thread is more silly than ever. More nitpicks than ever, so I don't know how well it would go over now. But it's truly not a big deal being posted there. There's no real "perfect" lolita, it's all subjective. So don't be afraid to put yourself out there, make mistakes, get laughed at.
I also know there are lolita "discords" I think that would be more up your alley and I don't see them much in ita threads. Try one of those.

>> No.9969583

super cute Lisa Lisa, anon

>> No.9969631

Nice masks, next time take a hint from the rightmost guy and all invest in girdles

>> No.9969906

Nah, that’s not true, you clearly haven’t been in any of the threads. All you have to do is look in the archives for the “reeeeee shoop!!!!1!1!1” threads and subsequent vendetta postings. The only ones that get deleted are the janitors’ friends, the rest stays up. There’s a reason why all the cute or popular cosplayer trips ditched cgl.

>> No.9969922

You must be young. I'm an old fat homemade lolita with a public Insta (not sharing my handle here, tho) and IDGAF if I end up in the "ita" thread because the whole thread is bullshit anyway. I've been posted a few times there and I actually got good concrit, so it's not a totally horrible thing, but you have to ignore the obvious haters and neckbeards--you will know them by their lack of anything useful to say. If you live in fear of the dreaded thread, you will never have fun in this fashion. And if you are in a supportive comm, they won't care either.

>> No.9970603

pretty sick anon

>> No.9970765
File: 497 KB, 1080x1920, D28DC098-0894-4A19-B1B8-3E629017C05F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhh thank you! I took one of the previous anon’s advice on the weathering and hit it with more silver and then some gloss.

>> No.9971296
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, I know I look like shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look terrible, but I met my favourite VA on Friday, and he was super nice.
Did I see you at Fan Expo last week?

>> No.9971415
File: 42 KB, 400x480, 1505884123131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although re: shoes I actively try to avoid heels because I’m very self conscious about my height and flat tea parties make me feel a bit better, smaller, cuter, and comfier to walk in.
Stop. Just stop. See pic related. Apply advice to your life immediately. Forever feel confident in yourself.

>> No.9971589

You don't look like shit! You look adorable!

>> No.9971668

You don't look like shit! BUT if you are self conscious, i would recommend doing some makeup research. I feel like i go from a 4 to a solid 7 after i put a wig/makeup on. cosplay has done wonders for my self-confidence

>> No.9971701
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x2048, 24199DC6-CF5D-4D2B-9E2F-E6667FC07DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Star Lord cosplay with and without the mask

>> No.9971718
File: 995 KB, 3024x4032, 38ostzuf9zf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I will share, I had a lot of fun making and wearing yoshika, there are a few things I do need to fix, but I think it came out OK

>> No.9971956

>There is no need to suguarcoat my feedback and asspatting her
God. Why are things so black and white for people who love nitpicking?

Do you realize that you don't NEED to sugarcoat things to be honest? No one is telling you that you need to do the polar opposite of what you're doing.

Holy fuck.

How hard it is to widen your vocabulary beyond words like "cheap" and "tacky"??

>> No.9971968

reading the advice, it sounds like the person is new and doesn't really know lolita vocabulary. I think it's best to ignore it.

>> No.9971969

not to mention them randomly bringing up they've been in the fashion sicne 2012. That's a pretty obvious lie, since they're using it for brownie points.
Why is /cgl/ mostly roleplayers and newfags now?

>> No.9971973

I wonder why you think you need harsh crit so badly? Is that how you grew up or do you think it actually helps other people too?

I'm just gonna start critiquing everyone's critique from now on. It's easy considering how repetitive most of it is 98% of the time.

>> No.9972019


Looks good!

>> No.9972300

I'd like the outfit on the right if it had more poof. I like poof.

>> No.9972449

This is total nitpick for future projects as I don't think you can change it now and there's not much else to critique on; if you can you should make sure the strips you're using for the detail on the armour aren't square like that at the ends and it'll look a lot better. Just rounding off the edges is enough.

>> No.9972458

Yessss, this. I'm nearly 6" and I only wear heels for lolita - it makes me feel more graceful and elegant. I love being tall!

>> No.9972505
File: 34 KB, 474x960, hoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I am, though I'm unsure how much age has to do with this kinda stuff. It's a really strange feeling to be so afraid of the groups and esp the ita thread, but it's probably something to do with my crippling fear of getting torn apart thanks to several pretty awful experiences where exactly that happened (with every hobby I've gotten into- first with art, then with cosplay) so I'm very, very, very careful it doesn't happen again with lolita. So far things seem to be going okay, and I am definitely enjoying the fashion at least for now. Re: comm-- I'm still so new and anxious I haven't actually figured out how to get into my local comm, just been quietly lonelita-ing for the last year. I think I'll ask around in the stupid questions or comm thread later now that you've reminded me, though...

I-I just want to be the little girl. ;__;

Probably a side effect of the bad experiences I've had in the past with my other hobbies I mentioned above. I feel like hearing the worst/harshest possible criticism will give me an idea of the lower bound of how I'm doing (compared to asspat sugarcoat niceness). If gulls don't hate it to death, maybe even think it looks okay, I'm surely doing something right. I wouldn't dare to dish out that same stuff to other people for lolita (since I'm so new), though for stuff I'm more proficient in like drawing I try to be straightforward and constructive as politely as possible, usually with positive comments about something to soften the blow.

That hoopskirt in the pic on the right has been my ideal poof amount I've found so far after having bought a few lacking pettis and this gargantuan hoopskirt. It was just too much poof for me. I couldn't fit through door frames. (Also plz no crit for this coord because it isn't a coord, I just wanted to demonstrate the absolute unit hoopskirt and going barefoot and bare-wrist felt wrong)

>> No.9972577

you have cgl-itis because much like other gulls, you don't seem to understand that there is a vast grey area between being harsh and nitpicky and asspats.

>> No.9972623
File: 1.56 MB, 1362x1362, 20180818_151737(0)_mr1534631703448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for concrit. It's my first(ish?) attempt at classic.
I dont usually count likes on COF, but this has under 75 so I'm a little concerned I look ita, or something is terribly off.

>> No.9972624

This is a good toned down casual coord imo, not ita just really plain. Nice patterned otks, a purse and a necklace could make it look more complete, it's very under accesorized but a good base.

>> No.9972651

Thats a pretty nice casual outfit, I wouldn't be surprised to see this on /fa/'s modest dressing threads

>> No.9972792

It's a pretty normie coord and the shoop is a bit distracting, sorry anon. Please don't give up though, you've got a lot of potential!

>> No.9972900

What’s this outfit have to do with Liz Lisa. This is cosplay not hime Kaji

>> No.9972904
File: 154 KB, 1026x872, you're tearing me apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa Lisa, not Liz Lisa. That's the character's name.

>> No.9973065


I didnt think I edited that much, I mostly just got rid of some dark circles under my eyes but left the rest untouched. It was really bright outside, so maybe that's why it looks shooped?

>> No.9973105
File: 195 KB, 615x820, killermoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love your mask! The last I saw someone do him was back in 2012 pic related.

>> No.9973110

nayrt but the shoop isnt so bad or anything, but honestly the coord is just plain, thats the only "problem"

Its a cute every day coord that COF just doesnt normally care about. If you wanted more COF likes you shouldve added more accessories, a purse, printed tights or ruffly socks, stuff like that.

Its not ita though, just a normal every day look

>> No.9973142 [DELETED] 

Doesn't look shooped. Bitch just wanted to give you a backhanded compliment, you look fine.

>> No.9973391

That's all fine then. I honestly dont usually count likes on COF, I was just concerned because I'd never gotten so few before that I'd noticed so I was worried something was off

>> No.9976414
File: 188 KB, 1118x1997, IMG_20180822_213157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, this is my first cosplay it's not complete yet though. I'm missing the the purple hat band and I have no clue how I'm supposed to tie the scarf.

>> No.9976434

Hi Mike :^)

>> No.9976437

I thought you looked adorable anon, but I don't have FB. Remember visibility on FB is crap so it's possible not a lot of people saw. And COF is mostly made up of normies who like OTT.

>> No.9978587

I went on tumblr for five minutes today before someone admitted to having 25 followers and then declared themselves cool enough to have a discord server

>> No.9978632
File: 61 KB, 526x714, 25 followers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9979205
File: 975 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180327_023002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Lily from Animal Crossing Pocket Camp this January and I'm still kinda feeling it so might as well share it with you!

>> No.9979206


>> No.9979215

Great job!

>> No.9979522
File: 304 KB, 1500x1000, _MG_9909-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my OC

>> No.9979789


>> No.9980062

Ay boss

>> No.9980109

also one more thing, nayrt but if you weather the edges of the inlays with black, make it more wet and wipe it off. do this 3 times and you'll get a much smoother transition.

You can do this with ink watered up or EVEN coffee(!)

>> No.9980396
File: 2.30 MB, 1800x1800, 6FFEDFCC-41A3-427C-96FD-ACB66B4F1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay aside from tailoring the gloves more! Lots of hand sewing sequins

>> No.9980401

wow, thats so cute, anon

>> No.9980415

Super cute
Would run errands for

>> No.9980445

Damn, that's... kinda hot (and well made). Would take you home with me.

>> No.9980483

Very qt and well made.

>> No.9980569
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, 1445796217909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would grab camcorder for

>> No.9981121
File: 153 KB, 1600x1118, Ready player1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9981125
File: 153 KB, 1600x1118, Ready player 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9981345
File: 117 KB, 564x428, a2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, you got the wrong board, /v/ is a few blocks down

>> No.9981351

nayrt but that's a picture of a cosplay superimposed on a game screenshot

>> No.9981354

I know, I am just giving them a few friendly jabs

>> No.9981652

Good taste, only good cosplay I've seen all day.

>> No.9981653

yeah, needs to get out of those jabroni outfits

>> No.9981655

Well, being fat can be changed with a little work and math, but most of the thots on here just want instant gratification and don't care about being healthy.

>> No.9981658

Both look really cute, remember that the better you look, the more criticism other women will give you.

>> No.9982057

>i-i was just pretending to be retarded! ha ha ha!

>> No.9982130

Where did you get your glasses? I love them!

>> No.9982136

the ita thread blows this theory out of the water, but ok

>> No.9982465

get a fuller wig, better top and have a female friend do your makeup, and this would look awesome
you got potential friend, keep going!

>> No.9982580

It’s nice to see someone with taste has entered the thread

>> No.9982582

Your mask is super tight

>> No.9982614

Are your shoes blue or is that just the light? Black dress and blue shoes clash. Otherwise it is fine it is just that COF favors ore elaborate coords and this one is rather simple. Maybe add some jewelry.

>> No.9982896
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180901-021106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my odst cosplay

>> No.9982899

You count likes constantly who are you kidding.

>> No.9982900
File: 721 KB, 1536x2048, 7B9BDC99-DFAA-470F-8849-AD147A3C9744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Todd recently and met Brandon routh. Got him to sign that bass.

>> No.9983034

8/10 very nice, maybe add a little color to various parts of the armor because the gray white and silver looks very... eh, not bad but eh. Paint the chest or the gauntlets or something so it screams FEET FIRST INTO HELL

>> No.9983114

Thanks! Though like the anon who replied to you, I don’t know how much what you said actually holds lmao
The cosplay shop Cospatio produces and sells the frames, and J-List resells them, I believe! I swapped out the plastic lenses for my real ones.

>> No.9983161

Its supposed to be generic, its the rookie. Sorry about the confusion

>> No.9983224
File: 18 KB, 389x201, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to self-post my sr this season after placements (: bri is hard to play

>> No.9985063
File: 662 KB, 1152x2048, 20180831_160949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newly completed Saitama for Dragoncon this last weekend. I'm pretty happy with it, but I'm looking into better gloves.

>> No.9985068
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 41118243_10156384298707419_4666776258263121920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks great my friend, feet first!

Well..I think I'm about done with All Might..

>> No.9985069

That's amazing man. I love it!

>> No.9985079
File: 1.24 MB, 3600x2400, IMG_20180903_212045_662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent cosplay which im most proud of! Ive done so many iteratioms of it and im finally happy with it :) photo by my friend wwcosplay

>> No.9985083

All might from a couple posts up here

My friend, that is beautiful in every way!
Amazing, you look like a skyrim mod. Fantastic job! That scar, yes!

>> No.9985092

m-must hug

>> No.9985099

Thank you!! And your all might looks incredible!

>> No.9986790
File: 27 KB, 349x344, 9Sf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came in the mail today. Everything feels wonderful. Though the gloves are a bit big! I just have small hands.

>> No.9988094
File: 812 KB, 1222x2443, fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last part of my Fallout costume arrived, I'm like 99% finished maybe a few small details left.

>> No.9988116
File: 389 KB, 755x1136, IMG_2411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have any good full body images of this armor set but here's my Griffith I finished earlier this year. I've done a lot of research since then but I'm always looking for constructive criticism in regards to foam armor construction techniques. I'm currently making a D.va mech and I want to improve in any way I can so it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.9990941

would drink beers with

>> No.9990973
File: 801 KB, 755x1136, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work! It looks really good. Maybe the only bit of comment I have is that I can see you didn't pay exact attention to glueing the edges together accurately in the spots I highlighted.
A dva mech is an insane project, idk if you ever did any large projects in the past but in my experience its a whole waste of materials for a huge bulky costume you can't possibly bring or wear anywhere

>> No.9990981

Why do you have a cameltoe?

>> No.9991272
File: 674 KB, 1072x2148, fat_vaultdweller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm fat and the pants are a but tight in the crotch, that's one of the things I have to fix as that was the first time I had worn the suit.

Cracks open a bear

>> No.9991327

Thats super cool, but the wig looks super dead. Though it might just be the image.

>> No.9991363

Thanks, that helps a lot! I've been working on better gluing and cleaner seams lately so I'm hoping for the best.

And I have a bad habit of making things I can't wear very often, haha. I guess that's the downside of being an overly competitive cosplayer. I'm going to build an armature so I can display the mech in my room, so I personally consider it more of an art display than a waste. But hey, that's just me

Dead as in flat or frizzy? The lighting does bleach out a lot of the paler details in the pic so I can see that happening and I imagine the compression of the image could add to that. Or hey, maybe I just murdered the wig. For some reason it would not take curls with my usual curling methods, so I might have gone overboard.

>> No.9991396

Just looks flat. Might need to poof out the top, but I honestly can't fully tell since the background is white too. Also it might be because the shoulders come out pretty far, so it makes the hair look small in comparison.
Just a small nitpick, though. It looks really cool beyond that, especially the gloves.

>> No.9991436

That looks amazing. You have the perfect face for Ciri and the makeup and scar are top notch too. I rarely see Witcher cosplayers who get it so right, I feel like it's hard to stay true to how the game looks but you definitely pulled it off.

>> No.9992441
File: 831 KB, 2046x1362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my San costume from this summer. super comfy to wear and gets a good reaction from people. most of my costumes are like wedding dresses and have only been worn to one event but I can see this one getting a lot of use

>> No.9992470

I really like both of these, even the wig. There does need to be a little more poof, and yeah the tights are a little off, but even if someone thinks it's dated I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. You can wear a dated look if you find a nice way to present it. That's different than dressing tackily.

>> No.9992509
File: 771 KB, 364x852, widow22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Huntress Widow cosplay! Started working on a Princess Daisy next

>> No.9992520

god damn!!!! you sewed/made all of it? looks great.

>> No.9992524

Thanks! I made everything except the tailcoat base. That was commissioned and I added the details on the silver parts. I hope to keep practicing and making better sewn pieces eventually!

>> No.9992535

Wow this looks so clean! Do you have pics in better lighting?

>> No.9992982

Thank you! It was really important to me to get it as close to the game as i could. Ive cosplayed her a few times now, each time trying new things or a new wig and this is the one im happiest with so far :)

>> No.9992985
File: 886 KB, 702x1024, WIDOWWID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resized it for posting but here's another picture! Sadly, I didn't get many photos.

>> No.9992988

Really nice! I always love a good Fallout cosplay. Also kudos for that sniper rifle with bayonet. Would also drink a beer with you!

>> No.9992990

I adore you both! Great work, guys!

>> No.9993014

The rifle in the pic is real but I'm using
to create a replica prop soon as I can get all the materials together.

>> No.9993783

did you hand make the wings? theyre stunning

>> No.9993785

I'd recommend wearing a cup to sort out the camel toe problem before wearing it out lol

>> No.9993826
File: 38 KB, 640x424, sctmtYR_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the photoshoot pictures of me back from PAX West. Really happy how this came out since this was the first time I've done a cosplay where I made the props and whatnot myself. Went as a Kasrkin to PAX years ago but that was commissioned armored and a bit different since I was in full helmet. Trying to feel more confident with my looks so was wanting to do a face character. Plus I don't see a ton of Warhammer 40k cosplayers. Stuff like the breastplate emblem, bolt pistol and power sword was 3D printed, and asides from the bolt pistol I designed it all myself in CAD. Can't see it in these pictures but I used fiber optics and clear filament to make the sword have a subtle glow.

>> No.9993829
File: 84 KB, 640x966, aaEn5fh_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full body showing everything off, pardon for the double posting. Glad plenty of people recognized me as Commissar, always made sure to respond with Ave Imperator.

>> No.9993879
File: 3.43 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180818_183956272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Shocktrooper suit i've made out of a stormtrooper armor kit I was gifted. It was fun painting and repairing it to a wearable level.

>> No.9994050
File: 334 KB, 693x1047, 707B7FB3-1890-4B4C-8FED-F88FD1D5A0B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you dears!
Yes I did! I had a lot of leftover feathers from a Princess Tutu cosplay so I thought I might as well. The frame is buckram and thick wire, and I used 6 rooster hackle pads + a half pack of trimmed goose feathers on top.

>> No.9994311
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1920, Sunako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for my first ever competition this weekend!

>> No.9994315

Is this the AP OP with a handmade bonnet? I've never seen this OP worn!

>> No.9994324

Oh I wish, but it's all handmade. I do dream of owning the real deal though haha

>> No.9994340

Good job anon, it looks great on you.

>> No.9994341

Oh! Wow, I never would have guessed it's handmade, well done!

>> No.9994355


>> No.9994369

love the wig color on you. good luck anon!

>> No.9994967

Thank you!

>> No.9996353
File: 168 KB, 720x960, Ineedanotherdrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good my friend
Feet first into hell man

I'm very happy with how this came out!

>> No.9996369

All this money and time to stand around a convention Hall in a hommade Halloween costume based off of japanime

>> No.9996370

You're too cute to be doing this shit

>> No.9998113 [DELETED] 
File: 777 KB, 1179x1000, 100_2229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pascal and Cheria with the Halloween costumes, from Tales of Graces.

>> No.9999024
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty.

>> No.9999025
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry not sure why it keeps doing that.

>> No.9999685
File: 119 KB, 960x960, 40546176_2111605005538070_3307145927684259840_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since he was finally in the BNHA anime, I feel better about my cosplay, though I doubt it'll be recognized much regardless (a buddy did Overhaul along with me). First time either of us did this at PAX West, but we're looking to keep this up. Made the masks myself, definitely feel masks are my forte in all of this.

>> No.9999686
File: 819 KB, 1836x1836, 0621181737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first set of masks from last year. I'm planning to branch out and do more from other series, potentially doing them for others once I'm really satisfied with the quality.

>> No.10000468

The skirt is for sale on WW now, anon! If you still feel like buying it https://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/products/w-40729

>> No.10000483

pretty neat job, anon

>> No.10000637

I really like purity seal and brest emblem, nice touch. I dont know about the sword glowing, was it even visible in the indoor Light?

>> No.10000668

This is amazing! Kudos!

>> No.10000695
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on a Lara Croft costume from Tomb Raider: Underworld.

It's mostly for our dojo-event, so not really meant to be top-notch for cosplay competitions, but I still try to get it as accurate as I can. I also made a pair of holsters with foam and covered them with leather.

>> No.10000706

Aw, I missed it but thank you anyways!

>> No.10001176
File: 155 KB, 1080x1920, received_327355558027928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Princess Peach cosplay I finally finished. This is the 2nd cosplay I've ever made from scratch and I'm actually so proud of it.

>> No.10001236
File: 86 KB, 540x960, 13962590_10157252049110092_6546917523358804410_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niiiiiiiice. Wasn't gonna post anything since clearly not finished, but here's a thing.

>> No.10001242

Iron your dress!

>> No.10001528

I left the house with it ironed unfortunately. I made it out of broadcloth not realizing how easily it wrinkles. But thank you!

>> No.10002580
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 37137178_10156290491496421_3277033125992988672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how many Ghost fans are here, but I'm a big Ghost cosplayer. Still doing some work on my Cardinal Copia. Doing this outfit first, then the black leather casual outfit next. Bough the exact same gloves he uses from the designer, same cane, etcetc. I'm a lunatic.

>> No.10002594

If you would like some critique, it looks big on you, making the neck, sleeves and waist smaller to fit would be much better.. also i would not have made the seam go down the middle of the dress, at least at the sides. but for the first time is great

>> No.10002604

love this!

>> No.10002760
File: 117 KB, 720x720, F4E1AB60-01FA-4D50-B714-12AA75BDE3B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this at a comic con about 3 years ago, but here’s Spider Man Noir. I also met this wicked cool guy who did an amazing Crash Bandicoot

>> No.10002772

The pattern actually had another panel that went over the front so there would be no seam but I hated how ruffled it made the fabric so I skipped it. Unfortunately because of zipper placement, I couldnt move the seams. But next time I will make sure to include that front panel to avoid awkwardness. Thank you for the tips. I'll see about taking it in :)