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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9946591 No.9946591 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread here >>9893183

So Delta H Con just happened. Okashicon and Anime Austin are coming up. AnimeFest and San Japan soon after. There's also other cons and shenanigans in between. Let us continue the discussions, y'all.

>> No.9946594

So we left off with Okashicon looking like it'll be a spite-con. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out for a first year con. It could do alright or it could massively flop.

>> No.9946627

>So no one is gonna discuss what went down in one of the bathrooms at Delta H?
So tell us what happened then?

>> No.9946664

San Japan premiere passes went from 3 to 21 left. I wonder if they added more or everyone asked for a refund after they realized this year's guest list is shit.

>> No.9946679

I'd guess they added more but I agree the guests this year are crap.

>> No.9946862

I'm fine with either desu. I'd rather a shit show than a boring convention but I'm cautiously optimistic.

I just find $40 to be a little steep for a first year convention especially with Anime Austin being more well established and less expensive.

>> No.9947165

There was an anon saying how one of the vets screwed up a good portion of Austin cons? Is it one of the mods from ATX?

>> No.9947257

She is not involved with any thing Lolita.

>> No.9947331

Y'all, it's too hot to cosplay

>> No.9947398

RIP anyone that tries

>> No.9947430

at Delta H it wasn't so bad, of course being indoors all day helped but I was even wearing long gloves and a corset & floor length skirt

>> No.9947557

Okashicon's hotel is in the middle of nowhere off the toll road surrounded by concrete business buildings. I want them to do well because I want Austin to have a good con, but it's looking pretty bad desu.

>> No.9947559

You must be staying at the hotel. Is there anywhere to drink nearby?

>> No.9947573
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If you have a car, you can drive to HEB.

Downtown is not too far, but you can only expect so much from a small town.

>> No.9947608

If you go up north a little more on the toll, there's some shopping centers. There's a Walmart, Target, restaurants, etc. Or you can venture into Round Rock for some stuff or North Austin. Pflugerville doesn't have that much to do, unfortunately. The hotel isn't that big either. Maybe if the turn out is good then it'll move into a better location next year.

>> No.9947627

I'm excited for this to burn down

>> No.9947644

the only atx people are the ones on fashion staff iirc

>> No.9948001

One of my co-workers is here at okashi what the fuck. We work 45 minutes from here.

>> No.9948164

okashi thoughts so far? any details?

>> No.9948222

Hey. Same Anon that "reviewed" CTX so consider my opinion to be concentrated on positives. Okashicon has had a slow start so far but the actual attendance is way better than I would've imagined. This is a pretty populated hotel too so there's a hilarious bit of overlap with normal families trying to just check in and us with elaborate costumes and wigs and shit all over the lobby. I'm at the fashion show right now and the outfits are big convention tier surprisingly. Everyone that's actually in Lolita is taking it seriously.

Panels have had meh attendance but the late night ones are usually the more populated ones anyway. That's just my thoughts so far. I'll update as the weekend goes on.

>> No.9948378

How was the fashion show? I heard it was only 30 minutes but was suppose to go on for an hour and a half?

>> No.9948394

i mean... i was there. These are the only things i can remember from the dealer's hall bathroom: I guess someone's period started and they didn't have a pad so they wadded up some paper towels and used it as one. The stalls didn't have small trash cans so when they went to pee or whatever they just left it in the corner of the stall rather than attempting to flush the mess which probably would have clogged the toilet. Not that gross/big of a deal? I felt bad for the staff, but i mean no one puked in the middle of the floor which would be way worse in my opinion. Unless there was something worse that I missed.

>> No.9948448

Both main events ended very abruptly/early. The fashion show and the matsuri as well. The fashion show was hosted well, the fits were cute as fuck but it just kind of ended? Like, it turned into a discussion with a small group and Listen Flavor fans about shoes and where to get fairly priced stuff for my fuck huge feet. The main event was constantly interrupted with updates and alterations to the guests list which got pretty awkward and after the buffet (which was ok) no one really stayed for Paida who I actually like.

>> No.9948498

Basically, the woman running Okashi screwed over the owner of Ikki-con who took it very personal when she joined up with the peeps from the parent company of Anime Austin.

She had to be told that it was not okay to use all of the e-mail addresses from all of the pre-registered attendees she had from working with Ikki-con to mass spam them for AA.

She then left Anime Austin's company to start Okashicon, but from what I heard there was a situation that she hid from her partners that ended up with her netting a couple thousand dollars that should have gone to the parent company of AA.

The woman has no ethics, as far as I can tell.

>> No.9949290

Anyone wanna meet up at Anime Dallas?

>> No.9949335


>> No.9949404

Yo. Okashicon day 2 wrap up if anyone cares.
Uhh, I didn't want to see much today particularly aside from the cosplay contest (Leon Kennedy was amazing!) so I bounced around random panels and had a pretty fun time. The turnout exceeded yesterday's so there was less dead panels aside from the super early ones, and people in guest were pleasant to be around. Both the DJs were good but the audience was dead after an hour or so so I eventually left out as well. Karaoke was infinitely more packed.

All in all, day 2 was fine. Last thing I really want to see is the oddly overstaffed maid cafe tomorrow but that's really it. Most of the fun of this convention is talking to people about their outfits and shopping experiences. If the woman in charge of the thing's name starts with a M I can understand why she's not the most well received but I don't have anything bad to really say about her.

I probably won't do a write up for tomorrow because I won't be there long. Get a better location next year and Okashicon may actually be a viable convention. There's really nothing to do nearby.

>> No.9949416

According to their website, her name's Melissa.

>> No.9949921
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>overstaffed maid cafe

That never happens. I am impressed with that alone. Thanks for your reviews, anon. I might actually look into Okashi next year. I live about 25 minutes away.

>> No.9950067

Lol the dude who runs Ikki is gross have you even met him

>> No.9950204

I was speaking to him just the other day, actually. I don't agree with all of his business decisions probably, but Mike's an okay guy. At least he hasn't continuously lied and stolen thousands of dollars from another convention. At A-kon, Melissa kept going over to his booth and trying to poach his staff every single chance she got. She's just a disgusting human being.

>> No.9950218

I can't 100% vouch for any of that but you trust him too much

>> No.9950607

Yeah that's her. She didn't seem unpleasant but she seemed like, and this is completely unproven and based on demeanor alone, someone who would go to a restaurant and not make eye contact with her waitress. She ran a decent first con though so I wish her and her staff good luck next year.

It was a fun time! Not as packed as it seemed Saturday but there was still like 8 maids and 2 butlers on an early Sunday. Completely awesome. Last thing I'm attending for a while is tentatively Anime Austin. My wallet hasn't given me a yes or no on San Japan yet.

>> No.9950679

Anyone going to quakecon?

>> No.9951893

okashicon was pretty ok. I saw pictures of the tea party and I'm a little jealous I didn't go. Did anyone actually go to it? Was it as fun as it looked? Or was it trash tier?

>> No.9952048

I went. Wasn't a "tea party" like the standard lolita event. Fashion was a lot broader, menu more casual lunch fare (regular/large sandwiches, cupcakes, salad, etc). Lots of freebies on the table (keychains, buttons, all the candy was up for grabs), and a lot of raffle prizes considering the size of the crowd. Really cute mocktails with candy decorations, kind of a total sugar rush. Since it wasn't a huge crowd... like 30-40? there was plenty of time to snag photos with the guests. I had fun. Thought it was a nice break from the usual pinkies-up tea party vibe.

>> No.9952222

i wish. i gotta see that DOOM ETERNAL

>> No.9952291

I went! It wasn't really a tea party..more like a regular party? It was amazing though, and the food was plentiful. They had non alcoholic drinks that looked like cocktails and served a good variety of large sandwiches. There was a live dj that played pretty good music and we had a lot of time to mingle with each other and the guests. My table was pretty quiet at first but the atmosphere was really casual so by the end we were all talking and taking selfies together. I would recommend it if you are going next year, anon.

>> No.9953505

Who's going to Anime Austin this weekend?

>> No.9953544

I may as well.

>> No.9953648

Looking forward to the swap meet on Sunday.

>> No.9956632

m very late to this so apologies in advance but if anyone who cares missed Anime Austin, it was a good time. Out of the three fucking cons in the last 4 weeks in the central Texas area, this one had the best attendance, an older crowd (possibly because it coincides with gamefest?), and dope cosplayers.

Day 1:
Much like Okashi, the MC for opening ceremony was given little to work with and an hour scheduled event lasted maybe 20 minutes giving the live performers little time to prepare themselves. The VAs were cool people. I attended both the ice cream social and buffet (it was not very good food. Would not recommend). Networking with writers and Sentaiworks staff was mostly my time spent day 1. Drunken karaoke was this day's highlight.

Day 2:
Panels! K-pop random dancing and trivia was fun. History of Japan as told by anime was great. Cosplay contest had fucking professionals there and was by far my favorite of the three conventions.
Dance was actually dope.

Day 3:
Saw a few okayish panels. Robobuddies, a YouTuber I really wanted to see, cancelled her attendance. Was hungover and missed the swap meet to help a friend clean the panel room.

Last remarks:
Lolita presence here was significantly lower than Okashicon. If you're interested in the industry, networking is very possible at smaller conventions like this... Will definitely attend next year.

>> No.9957737

Just moved to Irving from WA. How much better are the cons out here? If anything, there's certainly a lot more.

>> No.9957743

A-kon and Pedopalooza (matsuri) are two of the biggest cons in the country so that's a good thing. If you like English voice actors Funimation is headquartered in DFW so the local cons tend to get them as guests pretty easily.

>> No.9958049

they all suck, you can go through previous threads for details, you should have stayed in Irving

>> No.9958068

Reading comprehension is important.

>> No.9958210

haha was just testing you

>> No.9958765
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So did anyone go to their panel? How was it?

>> No.9958784

Don't laugh--

Who's going to Magical Girl Day in Houston this weekend?