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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 536x401, axthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9938675 No.9938675 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:

>> No.9938683

tfw made no lasting friends

>> No.9938687

Anyone going to Anime California?

>> No.9938702

Inuyasha playing ping pong:

>> No.9938748

> Burbank
I am on the fence on this one. Currently, two cons are crazy enough for me.

>> No.9938773
File: 443 KB, 1500x1111, PSX_20180710_145059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post/repost your haul and expenses:
Merchandise: $170
Autographs: $45
Food: $80
Parking: $50

Total damage: approximately $345

>> No.9938780

Huh I live near there hadn't heard of it though. I might go, not in actual cosplay though.

>> No.9938788
File: 1.15 MB, 2448x3264, 20180710_170035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over $500 of bullshit. Mainly because I bought day 1 and sure enough, a lot of what I wanted was sold out by Sunday.

>> No.9938791
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>> No.9938793

I saw a 9s poster I really wanted that was 9s, 2b, and a2 at an amusement part. I wish I had gotten it but I didn't have my poster tube with me that day.

>> No.9938802
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can anyone guess my new obsession

>> No.9938805
File: 195 KB, 1200x900, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent about 300 on merch overall

>> No.9938806

I forgot to add in the prints I bought at $40. So it's $385. These things really add up...

>> No.9938809


Can anyone verify this story?

>> No.9938814

Was KAR limited?

>> No.9938815

lmao it's a satire website

>> No.9938816

Asking again, does anyone have the anisong setlists?

Only saw 1 concert setlist floating around. Even partial setlists are helpful! Thanks anons.

>> No.9938819 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 906x2001, A4C7EE4E-A7C7-4653-B2BF-799186C4323A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seen
>ticket stub for Fireworks (shit fucking sucked)
>ticket stub for the Love Live Concert
>ticket stub for the AWM Japan Kawaii Live Concert
Also, the rolled up poster is a Gravity Falls lithograph (currently getting it framed)

>> No.9938821

I kinda wish im@s and love live were on the same day
it would have been a bloodbath

>> No.9938825

It's not real.

Speaking of that meetup, does anyone have any pictures of it? I wasn't able to be there and I wanted to see those boats.

>> No.9938828
File: 1.94 MB, 906x2001, 150C8E64-568F-4C0A-9284-9E9C9EFD2CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seen
>ticket stub for Fireworks (shit fucking sucked)
>ticket stub for the Love Live Concert
>ticket stub for the AWM Japan Kawaii Live Concert
Also, the rolled up poster is a Gravity Falls lithograph (currently getting it framed)
$900 overall, $700 since I had to get the concert tickets in advance

>> No.9938829

Figured it was too good to be true. First time I heard of this Animu Onion.

>> No.9938837

It got a couple reprints each day but I heard they sold out everyday pretty quickly

>> No.9938843
File: 427 KB, 281x281, 77DCDA36-F518-4876-8576-A3D12473ABA1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot, zero on parking and autographs. Food was $120 overall.
>tfw I was gonna buy a fuckton Of ramen but those chicken and doughnuts at Astro Doughnuts and Chicken got to me
>dat PB&J doughnut
>dat creme brûlée doughnut

>> No.9938857

Do you happen to remember the artist that made that KH poster? It's cute as hell

>> No.9938861

Check r*ddit

>> No.9938884
File: 2.57 MB, 1272x1356, AX2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9938893

I don't. I didn't get a lot of their names actually. Reverse image searching brings up someone else who wants the source.

>> No.9938902

I'll try combing through the ax tag and hopefully I'll get lucky. Thanks anyway

>> No.9938906


Considering it. Know anything about it?

It used to be in Anaheim right?

>> No.9938911

Fuck man, that P-chan keychain. I should've jumped on that shit first thing when I got there.

Mistakes were made, regrets are had.

>> No.9938912
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About 200 bux I tried limiting myself because I'm a responsible adult

>> No.9938928
File: 849 KB, 3064x2041, AXhaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet lag and 4 hour sleep nights all weekend killed me, I slept until 6pm EST. Anyway here's my haul of stuff from AX/LA. We don't have Daiso in Canada so I was insanely excited to go there. Some of the jewelry/socks/sanrio stuff is gifts for friends. I actually ended up buying stuff from local TO artists (the hat is 1%Talent and the frog patch/washi tape are punimelt).

>> No.9938935

>I live near there hadn't heard of it though
because its new. technically.

anime california was a thing before but in a differently location and under a different company. it died and then was recently remade again.

>> No.9938942

I hear ya. Only the time change saved me from a 26 hour day between Sunday and Monday morning when I got home.

I thought Ontario had a heat wave until AX.

Oh, the haul I had to mail to myself due to lack of luggage space. I may post if these threads are a thing when it arrives...

>> No.9938948

Their old website mentions Dashcon lol. But yea I'm half an hour away by bus, 9 miles by car so I think I'll go.

>> No.9938950

The next thread just be the one to survive until the next AX

>> No.9938954

I don't remember the exact prices of everything after taxes and fees so estimated the before prices. AA was much higher this time around because I bought a couple pieces of clothing. Had a blast though and I'm looking forward to next year!

hotel: $1440
transportation: $600
badge: $450
3 concert tickets: $450
4 pen lights: $140
AA: $525
food: $260
= about $4k before fees and etc.

>> No.9938961

Their playing sherk meme music in Walmart

>> No.9938975

Wait where the fuck was that llenn patch? AA?

Fuck now I'm salty

>> No.9938976
File: 1.36 MB, 2016x1512, 20180710_180512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I spent was my time, and $20 for the book, and I was still satisfied. Sad AA couldn't deliver this year for me, but these things happen.

>> No.9938977
File: 27 KB, 302x389, 1525750031823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post pics from the meetup

>> No.9938988

>sherk meme music
are you the same underaged faggot from the other thread?

>> No.9939004

I will be going!

>> No.9939010

That ones not a patch, its an acrylic stand

>> No.9939018

Who was the artist for that 2b neko print. I want a copy

>> No.9939023

Do you have the artist info for the One Piece trio? I love their art style!

>> No.9939033
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, 1522740992104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we block out the sun next AX?

>> No.9939037

I'm really sorry I didn't get the name.

This one I can answer because I've bought like several other prints from her and I follow her pixiv, that she never updates.


She's super nice and cute.

>> No.9939061
File: 203 KB, 1279x787, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badge/tickets: $250
Merch: $285
Food and Drink: $130
Lodging: $130
Travel: $275
Cosplay: ~$300

I didn't crunch the numbers til now and fuck. Before I even left I was panicking about badge/lodging/plane hitting the $400 mark. Guess I ain't doing shit the rest of the year.

>> No.9939063

>wear a gorillaz/cowboy bebop crossover shirt
>three people compliment me on it

I've never received unsolicited compliments from strangers before. It was nice.

>> No.9939066

200 bucks on food(bought some for friends)
35 bucks for a video game
60 bucks for 3 t-shirt
20 worth of prizes at panels

>> No.9939071
File: 963 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_AAsakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is fucking great the print I bought somehow got wrinkle marks in the middle and it looks like shit now.

Anyone know the artist? Really want to buy a replacement.

>> No.9939078


>> No.9939098

hm it's not on gelbooru, could you try taking a better picture of it so reverse image search will work better.

>> No.9939125

Thanks for trying but I found the creator already with my elite google-fu image search.

This is them for anyone who would like to know:


Still pissed about the wrinkles but I can live with it for a year until I can buy a replacement at AX.

>> No.9939128

Probably so. CWF might be there and it's my friend's 21st birthday so we want to celebrate.

>> No.9939129

they have so much in common tho?
the only difference is average fan age

>> No.9939134

Taking bets for the last AX2018 thread lasting until January 2019.

>> No.9939136

If it's anything like the last one, it won't last 6 months

>> No.9939137
File: 135 KB, 375x360, sticker,375x360-bg,ffffff.u2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I thought I could make underage faggot a meme.

>> No.9939139

Ask George soros to turn it off duh.

>> No.9939143

I'm going to post photos at some point soon so this won't definitely won't be that.

>> No.9939144

Mr. Burns's sunblocker.

>> No.9939148

who said this thread was the last one?

>> No.9939149
File: 82 KB, 960x503, 1486431564896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are also a man of taste

>> No.9939152

yeah but each of them is convinced their idols are better to the point that people have actually gotten in fist fights over it
but thats japan, dunno about US fans

>> No.9939153

Here its a gun fight.

>> No.9939160
File: 927 KB, 2024x1518, IMG_20180710_210457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up not actually buying much this year mostly picked up a lot of random free stuff total cost was around 450 if I include my transferred to this year premier badge.

>> No.9939169

Man I kinda regret not buying that white AX shirt. I didn't really like it at first but during the con it grew on me but it was sold out by then.

Nice loot.

>> No.9939170

these are so friggin cute, AA?

>> No.9939171

>We don't have Daiso in Canada
go to Vancouver

>> No.9939175

Was this 2016? or 2017? PotK kinda died didn't it?

>> No.9939190

there's not even a contest anymore
imas got bfto in ticket sales when it was with 3 other acts
love live almost sold out the joint ON ITS OWN

>> No.9939195

Well, love live idols retire at the height of their success, meanwhile imas is 10+ years old and they're all old hags now.

>> No.9939199

I droped the "ball" when it came to shopping this year but i gotta vent this.

I bought one of those DDLC glass figures from their booth for 15 bucks. and only after when i fly back to my country i find out the glass figure is too big for the stand. The funny thing was a guy beside me when i was purchasing was returning his because it was a defective.

>> No.9939201

Thought getting Bosshi's autograph in 2015 would be the peak of what I got out of FAKKU, glad I was wrong.

>> No.9939202


>> No.9939208

shave it down so it fits in the slot
or open up the slot so it fits the figure

>> No.9939210
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, 1522515572324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$150 for cute stuff
>$120 for badge and tickets
>$20 on parking
>$6 in food from home

Being surrounded with your kind, sweaty weebs, as far as the eye can see makes it all worth it.

>> No.9939211

What do they look like?

>> No.9939220

I really wish more people would be a lot more aware of their hygiene. Next year I'm bringing mints and am going to bully the fuckers with shit breath sitting next to me into eating them.

Like 4 different panels I got sat next to someone with fucking dog shit breath

>> No.9939227

yeah, like i'm really gonna take unsolicited mints from some insistent angry fucker

>> No.9939232

You won't have to if you just brush your fucking teeth. I would hope most people would accept the mints after being told "I'm sorry, but your breath is awful, please take one"

>> No.9939244

Oh wow you got a drawing of mai husbando from Waka

>> No.9939246

you sound like a wholly insufferable person to be around

>> No.9939248

>"This panel lasts at minimum an hour, and I'm sorry but your breath is awful and I do not want to smell it the whole time. Please take a mint"
If you do not bathe or brush your teeth it is your own fault when someone tells you that you smell. Just because you cannot fathom the importance of hygiene does not mean I will put up with you smelling awful.

Want to avoid this conversation? Just bathe and brush your teeth. It's that simple

>> No.9939249

Just brush your teeth, autismo

>> No.9939254

i'm just imagining you running up to people telling them their shit smells and pushing mints in their face and getting laughed at

>> No.9939257

Sounds like I really struck a never here. We aren't talking about me "running up to people", we're talking about the people sitting next to me having awful breath, and how next time if it happens I plan to pull out a case of mints and politely tell them to have one because their breath is bad.

Honestly if the idea of this happening is so upsetting to you, just brush your fucking teeth

>> No.9939261

you could have any power fantasy in the world and you choose to imagine yourself grandstanding about people's breath at an anime convention
just how pathetic is your life, really?

>> No.9939265

I'm not pathetic because I understand that my breath will smell bad if I don't brush my teeth, so to avoid this I brush them. Why exactly do you think people should have to put up with your awful breath? An entire hour sitting next to someone who smells is unpleasant, and yet for some reason you're acting as if telling someone they smell and offering them a mint is worse than them refusing to bathe/brush their teeth before going out to a con

>> No.9939267

I'm gonna eat some garlic ramen for lunch next year just for you.

>> No.9939270

Jesus christ how old are you

>> No.9939271

Fine by me. I'll simply either switch seats to avoid smelly autists like yourself, or grab a staffer and explain that you smell awful and are ruining other peoples good time, and have them boot you from the panel.

>> No.9939272

jesus christ how old are you?

>> No.9939273

Lol @ menz who think having proper hygiene is gay or ableism

>> No.9939275
File: 66 KB, 588x570, anon goes to a smash tournament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old enough to know that smelly autists will never actually do anything about their stench unless you force them. You can avoid bathing and brushing your teeth all you want in your moms home, but once you go outside don't act shocked and offended when people complain and ask you to leave
We're not all autists who have some misguided assumptions that we have a right to smell like shit. Most of the smelly fucks I ran into at the con we're men, but there were a handful of girls as well, though most of them we're pretty big

>> No.9939282

>Old enough to know that smelly autists will never actually do anything about their stench unless you force them.
So you're young. I'm guessing....22.

>> No.9939284

I actually think it'd be pretty funny if con staff started kicking people out for smelling too bad.

>> No.9939285

I've seen some places make that a policy but never actually seen it enforced.

>> No.9939288

I will be boycotting AX until Momokun is allowed to return!

>> No.9939290

Wrong. You've never explained why you think you have a right to smell bad around others and make them put up with it. Go ahead, I'd love to hear your reasoning
Honestly they should start doing this. If someone reports you for smelling awful and staff agree that they do smell they should either be asked to leave and given permission to come back if they actually bathe and brush their teeth

>> No.9939294

Is she even banned? I just heard she won't be part of the booth staff anymore

>> No.9939295

> 110,000 fans of Japanese pop-culture descended upon the Los Angeles Convention Center this past week to experience Anime Expo (AX), the largest celebration of anime pop culture in North America. Produced by The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA), this five-day extravaganza, held July 4 – July 8, drew fans from more than 70 countries and had an estimated economic impact for the City of Los Angeles and area hotels and businesses of $100 million.


>> No.9939299

You dont need to brush your teeth. A couple sticks of gum works.

I stayed in the vidya rooms all night. Didn't go home or shower. A couple sticks of gum, a new t-shirt and some axe leave me smelling fresh.

>> No.9939302

>You dont need to brush your teeth.
You really do, and really should.
>I didn't wash myself after sweating in the insane heat, but hey I switched shirts and sprayed on some axe so I'm good!
I guarantee the people you sat next to were not having a good time. Just because you think you smell fine does not make it true

>> No.9939308

kindly adopt a trip so I can filter you

>> No.9939309

Seriously, what do you have against bathing and brushing your teeth? You're not going to be able to filter the people in real life who tell you that you smell like shit, so you may as well get used to it

>> No.9939319

It's pretty nice, all cotton and fairly comfy. I think I should have gotten the medium instead of the large though, I'm 6' but not fat enough to make the large not be loose on me. Though I haven't washed it yet so maybe it'll fit better after that.

>> No.9939321

Made it back to Texas and I'm having con withdrawals now. Fuck LA though it was garbage.

>> No.9939323

>Fuck LA though it was garbage
You're just jealous you can't afford to stay here.

>> No.9939324

usually when you're banned you kinda know right? usually badge taken, given a please do not return email/letter, etc etc?

>> No.9939339


Is this the hill you really want to die on?

>> No.9939344

> His smile and optimism
> Gone
What happened? Last time you were looking forward to exploring. You went to the wrong side of LA, didn't you?

>> No.9939345

Aww man it was cotton? I was afraid of it being made of that shitty thin material cheap shirts are made of, which is another reason I didn't want to buy it at first.

>> No.9939362

He wanted to walk to little tokyo and took the google maps route which takes him straight through skid row and the mexican part of town.

>> No.9939367

how do you even look at skid row and think that its okay to waltz on through
my friend and I walked through some pretty sketchy looking parts of town, but they seemed fine during the day
We drove through skid row in the mid afternoon mind you, and that was all i needed to see

>> No.9939375

Hey thanks! It got posted after I checked the first time.

>> No.9939382

Was a great AX for me, managed to cuck a bunch of nerds lmao

>> No.9939394

anyone remember the price for Black Friday tickets last year? Is it worth to buy tickets now or wait til then?

>> No.9939397

I'm pretty sure I paid $70 on black friday for mine, and then had the processing fee and mailing fee as well, so it ended up being like $82.
If they do the same thing this year you might save like $10. It's up to you if you think that's worth it or not. I doubt they'll go back down to $60 like they used to do

>> No.9939401

yep! can't remember who did the todoroki/milk carton keychains, though the miniature pillows were from miel + bobae and double-sided stands from moorina

>> No.9939413

what'll probably happen is that it'll be the same effective price as it is right now but the "normal" price will have gone up by then. not really saving anything but you don't have to pay them for a few months.

>> No.9939510
File: 2.44 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180711_071312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, says 100% cotton, also has the nicer faintly printed on information instead of a tag which I always like. Though it makes it impossible for me to get an actually readable picture of the tag.

>> No.9939522

but the imas that were there were the new ones

>> No.9939523
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1528662091210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that you're trolling, but please for the love of God


Brush your teeth,floss thoroughly, and scrape your tongue every fucking day. Germs that cause bad breath just don't come from your teeth, they're on your tongue as well. A tongue scraper only costs $3 at the Target that's down the venue.

Fuck you Anon for trying to troll about bad breath


>axe body spray

>> No.9939526

Do people actually use tongue scrappers? I just vigorously brush my tongue with my toothbrush.

(also desu I did sleep in a video room for one night but I had a change of clothes and my toothbrush/deodorant with me)

>> No.9939536

>Mexican part
You mean the fashion district?

>> No.9939539
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20180706_140750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these idiots wasting money on food. Go to costco or something and buy stuff to make sandwichs and just eat those for a bit

>> No.9939540

>not just living on nutrition shakes or something

>> No.9939558
File: 3.08 MB, 2489x2268, 20180708_200530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9939561

Dude just brush your teeth

>> No.9939568

How do I find people I can gush about anime/manga/games with outside of AX? That place was such a great concentration and now I'm back in the boring real world full of plebs worried about life, death, and taxes.

>> No.9939570
File: 44 KB, 817x443, C11828BD-5FFD-47A7-AC07-1277AA9C267B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really arguin bout basic hygiene in here

>> No.9939573

i always feel like at least one day you should spend money eating at some restaurant with friends.
but yeah, the rest of the days just stick with cheap shit.
day 0 i ate at like 2 restaurants but the rest, i literally just stuck with protein bars and water i bought at walmart.

>> No.9939581

You have earned my respect anon.

>> No.9939585
File: 127 KB, 1280x960, beautiful-mini-lop-bunny-buck-orange-vm-58638a934ead9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please post sex stories it's the only reason I come to this place

>> No.9939600
File: 1.15 MB, 1050x1300, 1527010520744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you have a cute reluctant trap friend to pick out cute clothes with and go to cons dressed up like anime girls together so you can get invited to room parties and get fugged at the same time?

>> No.9939621
File: 135 KB, 460x347, http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lcmsewupn21qd3u0oo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day 4 at the CosPix booth
>Entertainment Hall closing in less than an hour
>Hambeast in black bra and tutu with hambeast boyfriend taking over an hour and causing a huge line because they decided to take a shit ton of pictures

>> No.9939624

I saw your tiny dick and dandruff. I couldn't Believe how much I wanted to tie a bow on it.

>> No.9939625

it's always the landwhales who take forever with everything

>> No.9939651
File: 62 KB, 800x450, lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved around $420 for the con ($60 designated for Ubers and the rest for spending money) and all I bought was a randoseru and the shit DDLC box

>> No.9939664

Question, by any chance did one of these fuckers happen to be a fat fuck with an ahegao hoodie in black and white and a black and pink hat that said "HENTAI" on the front
If so, I'm real sorry dude. I was in a rush to get to the con. I'll be sure to bring breath mints next time.

>> No.9939670

>fat smelly fuck wearing meme shit
you just described 80% of the con
chances are it was someone else

>> No.9939672

Yup, that jacket was unusually common this year.
Funny how the black and white one is a bootleg.

>> No.9939684

Depends on where you live. Major cities have the good crowds/local scenes for you to discuss whatever you want

But AX is a global gathering. So it’s just a bunch of anons that are alone in their small towns coming together to talk anime/vidya/whatever

>> No.9939685

Everyone was too hot to fuck. Don't think there's gonna be any.

>> No.9939706

I feel you on this. My friend and I were stuck in a growing line behind a Chii cosplayer who decided to hog the classroom set while her parents took shitty photos on their phone. Had to grab staff to tell them to hurry the fuck up.

>> No.9939756

There was a former JAV at AX? Hopefully didn't screw people over like Yua Mikami leaving a panel after 15 minutes at Anime Matsuri

>> No.9939758

she was a guest of jlist and made an appearance everyday for signings and photos

>> No.9939761

First time going to AX, came from the UK for my first holiday in something like 6/7 years.
Despite a lotta drama w/ the group I went that exploded almost everyday and almost ruined everything, it was still pretty hecking good. Didn't get to flex my accent too much besides asking for photos, simply for the tism and got intimacy problems so seeing all that flesh on the 48'C (118F) day was extra nervewracking. Surprised that I was the one in the group, used to 60-68F weather back home, the only one who was actually enjoying and loving the weather out of my group of otherwise solely CA natives.

Bought a couple gundams, prints, a tabletop cardgame, Porco Rosso original artbook, Thunderbolt Gundam artbook 1, got some pins and charms and stuff from the group.
Gave me lots of knowledge on how to not fuck up next time, especially re: panel schedules, where to go, what to buy etc.

There was definitely JAV being played at the porngame booth. MAY have been JAV actresses at AX?

>> No.9939763

I'm sorry but the Pantry is expensively delicious. Of course, there's a reason I limit it to one visit a year. I still have no idea how my friend was able to pack away an entire steak.

>> No.9939778

>Porngame booth
Where was this?

>> No.9939786

it was inside a black certain wall and on top hanging was a board that said 18+ content

>> No.9939799

Around the back corner.

>> No.9939801

>110,000 fans
Weird, it felt like more than that this year. Last year was 107,658.

>> No.9939804

What was the cringiest thing you seen this year?
Mine was the Mega 64 QA section. First question was a guy asking Rocco if he can fuck his wife.

>> No.9939805

The current theory is that is being so hot forced more people inside into the AC than usual thus making it seem way more crowded.

>> No.9939806

That Akane (ZTD) cosplayer from the Zero Escape meetup was really cute. Wish I talked to her, haha.

>> No.9939813

Back right of the exhibition hall, 18+ black curtain. Went on the 1st day and it wasn't too crowded, was planning to go back and check it out as well as doujins but the crowds were lined up all around the booths.
It was pretty funny, all the people I saw playing the VR porn game were women making awkward thrusts, trying their best to be as sensual as possible.

Fat latex bayonetta. So fat her latex suit had rolls (???????HOW??????)
Thot patrol cosplay as a pick up/game mechanism - Who wants to take photos with Thot Patrol? Thots.
The really stereotypical mega fat photographer with their belly hanging out, shirt stretched up, taking photos of girls in bikinis at the water feature.

>> No.9939815

they're lying about attendence numbers, if they revealed actual numbers, the fire marshal would make them cap attendence

>> No.9939819

I believe it

Nah, Anime Expo wouldn't like to us like that.

>> No.9939822

If anything it seemed a little less crowded especially the south lobby. Fire marshal shut entry once because there were so many people there. Less ghosting now

>> No.9939830

I agree, people can't ghost so so the actual number of people was smaller than last year. Like maybe last year they sold 107,000 barges but 40,000 people ghosted. While this year the sold 110,000 badges but 0 people ghosted

>> No.9939838

so did someone actually die this con? or was that a rumor?

>> No.9939841

it was me

>> No.9939844

damn rip

>> No.9939855

I wish I taken more pictures at the meetup and if I known the voice of Santa was going to be there, I would have brought something for him to sign.

>> No.9939858

> yfw you remember a time there was enough room to allow a gathering in South Hall

>> No.9939894

thanks for the throwback

>> No.9939908

>roomed with cosplayers
>learned a lot about makeup and wig styling
>hanged out with friends and made some new friends
>110 degree weather
>cosplayers are messy
>did no spend enough time at the actual convention

>> No.9939909

I like this idea
I'm going to try to do this
Go check the cringe thread! I posted one from "a few years back"; it's from this AX.

>> No.9939915

I already do this.

>> No.9939922

I saw some ambulance being called on the 3rd day next to the bus stops. Most likely some leaf with heat stroke.

>> No.9939925

>only been 3 days and thread already dead

>> No.9939928

That's because we can't go thirstin' anymore. Most of the chat wasn't even about the con, it was about getting laid or other stuff.

>> No.9939931

Speaking of the con, what did other people think of the SSSS gridman premiere. I really liked it.

>> No.9939932

i think so as well, but we'll have to wait and see if the entire series was worth the hype

>> No.9939935

If it is I wanna cosplay as one of the characters, they're really cute.

>> No.9939941


>> No.9939945

How was ghosting stopped?

>> No.9939963

They actually had all the entrances blocked off and each badge had rfid and each entrance had scanners. Old badges were deactivated so if your scan failed they wouldn't let you in. Assuming that's what was meant by ghosting.

>> No.9939966

It was fine. Probably won't watch rest of show. Liked the classroom realism

>> No.9939967

Since you need a rfid badge it's more of a pain in the ass to badge swap and they are controlling entrances more. That last part actually sucks because they are forcing you to only enter and exit from a, handful of exits. You might be right next to what used to be an entrance/exit and they won't let you even go out. You have to walk all the way to an "actual" exit even if it was all the way across from where you wanted to go. Really annoying for some of the parking spots.

>> No.9939969

If a scan failed you had to get a reset and they checked your id. There's ways around it as long as you have willing compatriots but you can't get in on your own anymore

>> No.9939975

It’s still possible, just harder to ghost because of the scanners. I saw one guy walk in when staff wasn’t paying attention, coming in right behind a couple others. Also heard one staffer yelling at others how people managed to sneak in the day prior. Honestly dude sounded like he had a real stick up his ass with how he was telling them to keep their eyes on every person.

>> No.9939978

I actually "snuck" in on preshow day and wandered around with no one but volunteers and whatnot inside the CC.

>> No.9940009

or a while there was an entrance where there was no scanner and no security I think second floor west hall

>> No.9940012

Yeah they had gaping holes day 1 but filled those in the next time I tried using them. I'm sure you can still find a few.

It's kind of a game for me. How to find your way in

>> No.9940028

Yea, I always hide my badge under my shirt and see if I can get in for a little while too, it's fun.

>> No.9940037

>TFW forgot to get the discord of like half the people I talked to

>> No.9940056
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Sorry I haven't been dumping my Con photos as punctually as I usually do, it's going to take me an extra day to get real life stuff in order before I can start posting them.

>> No.9940067
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I think there was a JAV actress who was retiring with her next video at AX. She took pics with Susu and Bunny.

>> No.9940097

No worries, man. Take your time. It seems like all the photographers this year have been having the same problem

>> No.9940099
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And thanks for reminding me to post my own. I didn't take to many this year as I was in costume myself,but here they are!

>> No.9940100
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>> No.9940102
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>> No.9940109

Just go to your favorite porn site and type in anime expo. That one neon alley portapotty vid.

>> No.9940149

SO who's getting san early start on their costumes for next year?

I think I'll try to figure out how to do a good Kaiji. I'd really love to do SamFlam if I could get a group of folks doing it. I know it won't get much recognition, but those 2 are in my top 10, maybe top 5.

>> No.9940150
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>put all your effort into cosplay
>nobody recognizes you because your show is more than 3 seasons old

>> No.9940160

Dumb boomer

>> No.9940166

Could it be that the show was also shit and unmemorable?

>> No.9940177
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>Put effort into cosplay while unpopular series is ongoing
>Character dies like a bitch
>Think that the ending and series overall is shit
>Wear it a year later
>Get a bunch of photos taken and people really excited to see the character

>> No.9940193
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contributing as well!

>> No.9940195
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>> No.9940199
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>> No.9940206
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>> No.9940216
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This dude was cool

>> No.9940237
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Is it worth the price to stay at the JW for AX?

>> No.9940242

is it worth being able to walk to AX?
yes: do it
no: don't do it

>> No.9940255

Not sure what the cost even is but I'm gonna try for it next year. Being able to walk to the con, with some of it being downstairs, is worth it to me.

>> No.9940282

Yea, I'm gonna try for the jw next year too.

>> No.9940312

Invite gf over to our shared hotel to drink, everyone leaves to line up for boku no hero panel, we have sex on bed

>> No.9940361

Please, tell me more.

>> No.9940369

Try for the other nearby hotels like the Luxe

>> No.9940384

People keep talking about CWF You think it would be worth it just for one show?

>> No.9940393

>tfw wanted to line up for CWF after JKL but the line had already capped

>> No.9940402

You could watch it on twitch. Lines fill up quick tho sadly. I'm just wondering how long until it gets a fucking wiki due to the lore.

>> No.9940408

I saw a video of these two walking hand in hand. Glad to see someone got a pic.

>> No.9940413

everyone is fucking scared i'm gonna cuck them now because of one shitpost

even the girls own't talk to me

>> No.9940421

Is this the fucking pink shirt guy?

>> No.9940424

no he left with my gf so I kinda tried to take other peoples girls

>> No.9940444

pink shirt guy teamed up with mauve shirt girl
now they're unstoppable
they're stealing both girls and boys

>> No.9940481

Thanks for trying for the 2B. Found out their name is Toaster Kiwi by screenshoting and reverse searching your pic.

>> No.9940487

LA native here, agree. Only people who like LA have never been anywher else, this city is a cess pool shithole. Only worse city ive been to was Atlanta.

>> No.9940491

Then move, cunt

>> No.9940493

Thats the plan. Hopeing afterwards the big one comes and burns it all to the ground. Not that anyone would be able to tell the difference.

>> No.9940519

Anyone have any complaints aside from the usual ones of people smelling or too many of one cosplay? Personally I can't stand how every fucking panel has someone who considers themselves a 'comedian' in the audience who feels the need to shout out their epic jokes that aren't even funny

>> No.9940523

The way certain q/a was handled, allowing dumb ass questions. Line cutters not being shot on site.

>> No.9940526

>The way q/a was handled
I hate the way every pannel does q/a because they pick out a few raised hands and then go "We have time for like 5 more, line up!" and unless you're sitting right on the aisle seat in front of the mic you're not gonna make it in time

>> No.9940534

Anyone that doesn't just straight up ask the question or start with something like "I'd like to ask [person]..." or "My question is..." should immediatly have the mic taken away.
People who start with life stories and "2part-actually20" questions are always the worst questions anyways cause they prepare their dumbass sob story speech and more than the question
>"lighting round guiz quick quick! Gotta get through as much as you as possible!"
>"hi id first like to start by saying i love you guys and have been following you since blah blah blah, it helped me out of depression ever since yada yada yada and I show it to all my friends, so thank you [full name of each panelist]"
>"thank you, but please hurry with your question"
>"whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

>> No.9940535

>be in press conference
>oh boy i get to actually ask stuff
>ask one
>think of more later while other people are asking
>MC moves things along into some other direction and no more questions

>> No.9940537

I had almost this exact experience at the panel for Zanki Zero. The main guys behind Danganronpa came all the way over seas for the panel and took a q/a at the end and one of the few people who got to ask a question pulled this shit
>I really love your guys work, so thank you for everything
>So my question is, will there be a port for the nintendo switch?
Like holy shit. You have a chance to ask the actual dev something of importance but instead "is it gonna come to my bing bing machine" is what they think of, when they could just tweet that to the company on twitter and get a response of "not sure yet".

I guess the only upside was that the guys literally laughed at him when they heard nintendo switch and then the translator said 'no comment'

>> No.9940545

>I guess the only upside was that the guys literally laughed at him when they heard nintendo switch and then the translator said 'no comment'
Amazing, I wish I was there then.

>> No.9940552

I still can't get over how I went to the funimation panel at the JW and they just lied to everyone there.
>As you guys know the My Hero movie was debuted on the first day of anime expo
>But it's actually going to be airing for two days in select theaters this week!
>On the 11th the sub will be in theaters, and the 12th the dub! Be sure to go to our event brite page to get tickets!
>Checked their page all throughout expo and the movie was never listed
>Now it's being said it will be in theaters in fall
Seriously, how did their fucking panel reps fuck up that badly? Like they went into specifics and everything about when the movie would air and which version

>> No.9940564

>going to the funi panel
>watching shonenshit

>> No.9940570

JW will run you $1300-$2500 depending, for all 4 nights.
Like another Anon said luxe which is also super close by is superior and just as close. There are a few others as well within a block.

If you try for the jw and fail you'll regret it. Go for the easy target.

>> No.9940571

How much would the luxe run for all four nights?

>> No.9940576
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Prices vary based on the type of room and hotel block discount.
You can get a feel for it by looking at their current prices for all 4 nights but every hotel jacks it up during the con.
Here is an example of flat rate no discount Marriott. I can find my receipt for the discounted but it was something like $1500 I think.

>> No.9940578

Geeze that's pretty bad. I'm toying with the idea of a hotel, but really unsure considering I live about 20 minutes away from the LACC in good traffic, maybe 40-60 minutes away in bad traffic.
Is there a way to get discounts? I don't really have experience with hotels, unsure if there's discount codes you can apply. I've heard that some people booking through third party sites have had their reservations cancelled this year, so that's a little offputting

>> No.9940581

Never use airbnb.
If you have a 4 day badge or premier badge you get a discount on tons of hotels. Almost all within walking distance. For some reason everyone goes for the Marriott when there are a lot of other good options.

The luxe was blasting cowboy Bebop music Saturday it was LEGIT. Thinking of staying there next time.

>> No.9940585

How do you go about getting the discount with the badge? Do you book in person and show them, or is it an option online?

And when would the reservation slots be available to make?

>> No.9940586

They email you. Anime Expo, that is. They give you a link to book with them.

They'll let you know when it's available, won't be for another 8-10 months of course.

>> No.9940590

I might go for that one as well, thanks for the advice

>> No.9940597

See you next year!

>> No.9940600

>For some reason everyone goes for the Marriott
>for some reason

lol. he doesnt know

>> No.9940602

It's overhyped and the orgies aren't very good. You can still hang out in the bottom of the JW without staying there, and access the bar/video rooms.

>> No.9940605

Also having your own room there doesn't guarantee an orgy. If people are really going there just for that you don't need a room, you just need to get invited to someone else's room

>> No.9940610
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>tfw waiting in my room all 4 nights for the designated AX orgy and it never came

>> No.9940611

You telling me a regular panel has enough lore for a wiki?

>> No.9940612

That's cause AX still insists on putting the show in a small room despite the fact it draws just as much as an industry panel and probably costs AX way less.

>> No.9940621

Wake up early and shake gf awake we go into the shower since a night of drinking left us fucked. Suck on some tiddy and try shower sex but shes too short so we go back into the room. Everyone starts waking up, I go under the covers and suck on a tiddy secretly. Everyone leaves to go to boku no hero she takes off her shirt and we start fucking

>> No.9940622

Pink shirt guy?

>> No.9940624

Anywhere outside of DTLA isn't that bad, if not a bit boring.

> Uchikoshi panel
> A chance to ask him questions such as his influences
> wasted on one question I couldn't quite hear but assume was a meme question and a question about something that was out of his control

>> No.9940627

They have multiple shows each year and had been going on for five years. Maybe not enough lore for a wiki, but then again I just got into it recently
>Freaky Fish Guy (half man half fish) was beaten to death by Negan from the Walking Dead at 2016 Anime Expo
>Wario and Waluigi both got degrees in law for AXtreme to go against Von Karma.
>Soldier 76 goes insane at AXtreme this year.
I know I'm missing other things but I just woke up and have a Spanish test I didn't study for. Wish me luck

>> No.9940634

Good luck!
I have an interview tomorrow or next week that will change my life.

I hope everything works out for all you fucking losers who went to AX and the real life that follows after.

>> No.9940638

Hope you get that job anon.

>> No.9940641
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Glendale resident here, DTLA is a complete shithole but Glendale is a comfy af place where I can live a quiet life.

>> No.9940679

The main reason why I'm going for Marriott over luxe is that have lifetime hotel rewards for there after the marriott starwood merger.

>> No.9940680

Orange is where the real quiet lives are

Because everyone there is a fucking serial killer

>> No.9940696

Glendale and Burbank are ok, but the noho/vannuys/reseda area trash is slowly movings towards it. DTLA is basically skid row, even the 'nicer' parts. Santa Monica is slowly becoming Venice 2.0
OC is nice, but still lots of crime thanks to gangbangers breaking in places.

>con orgies
is it still fat furries and gay men

>> No.9940721
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I'll be your friend, anon.

>> No.9940745

Does anyone have photos from the One Piece shoot? I was the Nami who's wig absolutely died and my phone was about to explode so I didn't get picture while I was up there.

>> No.9940747

Blowup doll VR game (I wish I tried it tho)

>> No.9940755

Btw I was told on day 0 that I can't bring outside food inside the con centre, so my whole booth had to take shifts eating outside until we said fuck it on Saturday and walked right in with food? Was anyone else here stopped with food coming in? It seems so unreasonable, especially for people in AA where they can't afford to leave the booth to just 1 person for 30 mins+

I may actually cosplay next year. I brought a Sakura costume but never bothered putting it on cause of the temp

Luxe is better and cheaper.

LA is fun till I look at my uber spending history lol. As a tourist, I don't think it's comparable to NYC or SF.

>> No.9940768

If you got a group together I’d 100% join and get my ass on doing one of the Flamenco Girls in a heartbeat
> tfw wanted to do a group since it came out
> tfw none of my cosplay friends have any interest in the show

>> No.9940769

Personally I brought granola bars and water and was never stopped, and I definitely saw people pull out tubberware with homemade food at several points during the con.
I think some people just take their job way too seriously when they work security.

>> No.9940772

I made out with a random girl.
Does that count?

>> No.9940777

Fucking slut.

>> No.9940784

Yes but Glendale has Porto's.

>> No.9940786

He goes to cons and fucks everyone's gf.

>> No.9940821

I brought a full packed lunch every day and nobody said anything. Not easy-to-conceal things, either. The people at the bag check looked at my sandwiches, fruit, carrots, and hummus and sent me right on through.

>> No.9940958

It's more like AX gains from industry more monetarily than cwf. Industry is probably paying either for a booth, a guest, or both

>> No.9940962

It is mixed. The general rule for the LACC is no outside food but AX is usually fine with it. "Secure" entrances and bag check is a ploy to get you to spend more money on their overpriced con food inside.

>> No.9940971

Best place in LA is Pasadena desu also LA is horrible for tourists that aren't celebrity obsessed people fawning over hollywood shit. It's great for people who actually live here. Biggest suggestion I give to people visiting is to rent a car.

>> No.9940975

I booked real late and ended up at the Omni downtown. A mile and a half away.

They did have shuttles every 15 mins or so and it was a $5 uber if you didn't want to wait. Also had decent food options right outside the door.

No orgy that I'm aware of, but the last one I participated in wasn't much to speak of.

>> No.9941012

>It's great for people who actually live here
If you like mexico, sure.

>> No.9941024

Pasadena's alright.

>> No.9941050

how would I go about getting laid next year? I just want to find a qt strong boy to split me in half.

>> No.9941051

If you have to ask then you won't get any

>> No.9941058

Who else went to the Voice Acting panel?

>all the girls killed it
>guys all spilled their spaghetti

>> No.9941064

First question: r u a grl
Second: r u qt?
If yes to both just find a girl friend free boy and latch onto him. Act interested in him, be close to him, etc

If he doesn't want to jump you quickly he's probably gay

>> No.9941073

Go back to bed, Kenny. You have work tomorrow.

>> No.9941104

Never been to these. Is it one of those audience participation dubs?

>> No.9941115

you're probably right
I don't wanna make anybody uncomfortable. I just wanted to experience my bara fantasies

>> No.9941130

How was the AMV contest this year? Didn't go due to Otaquest

>> No.9941149

Action was conveniently saturated with MHA, but it was otherwise good overall. Almost cried during the Sentiment category to the winner.

>> No.9941168

Probably a little light but it was kinda weird so I'll tell it.

Was at the opening ceremony. in that huge ass crowd of people. Semi cute Asian girl is next to me. Accidentally, and I mean that, brush my hand across her but.

Then she started pushing closer to me, All while not even looking in my direction, despite the fact that I was behind her. but with a weird sort of nerviness "bobble" of sorts.

After a few minutes of this I got brave and purposely brushed her ass again. No negative reactions. Basically keeps up this way until I get brave enough to get a hand full of it. Only more nervous bobbing. A few minutes later the escalators started letting people in, crowds moved people around and that was the last I saw of her.

I didn't make any attempt to try to talk to her because honestly I'm socially awkward as hell and I'm still not sure if it was "wanted" or not.

>> No.9941186
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>> No.9941188

That pic pretty explains exactly what I felt like during the whole thing.

>> No.9941212

guava cheese rolls are overhyped, 85°C bakery beats them hands down

>> No.9941217

> try shower sex but shes too short
Nothing is worse than being excited to try a new position or place and having your height be the downfall.

>> No.9941218

I went to the day 1 voice acting panel. I remember thinking the black girl did well at first, but they kept giving her directions and she clearly was getting nervous and started doing worse.

I really wanted to try, but of course I never get picked.
Yeah basically

>> No.9941227

I don't like porto's guava cheese rolls, almost everything else they have though is way better than 85c and costs less too. The sandwiches at portos are seriously under rated try the chicken Milanese and my favorite pastry they have is their fresh spinach and feta croissants (though those fall off when they're not fresh). Their best hot thing in the case is probably the chicken croquette or the thanksgiving turkey potato ball they do seasonally. There's really too much great stuff to list there.

>> No.9941231

Nah, trust me it's nothing like mexico. It's full of Mexicans, but nothing like mexico,

>> No.9941233
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>Girl is scared for her life so she doesn't say anything
>"don't know if she wanted it"

>> No.9941235

Other few notes

>Mario beats Phoenix for the CWF title at Fanime which is the height of his 4 year stay at CWF. AX he retains due to the panel being shut down on account of glass breaking
>Reality keeps starting shit with Mario over the broken glass and even follows him to Twitchcon and interrupts his interview on stage
>Phoenix wins the title from Mario at ALA
>Mario decides to finish off old business with Reality and wins a grudge match. Reality goes in for the cheapshot and Phoenix comes in with the save
>Mario attacks Phoenix at AXtreme rules out of frustration.

This is some long term storytelling

>> No.9941236
File: 434 KB, 480x270, A49C200E-8F3C-4892-A05B-6072023533B5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be gay chub chaser
>found a cute chub on growlr that’s also in town for the con
>we met up and fooled around a bit before I went off to the Japan Super Live

>> No.9941237

I mean maybe, but getting closer to me is a weird reaction to that.

>> No.9941246

you should have ask if it was her mating season

>> No.9941248

It's a crowded area. You'd make a great chikan

>> No.9941252

D-Does this mean I'm going to turn into a old obese man? What have I done.

>> No.9941259
File: 69 KB, 518x549, C2B7FFC6-4AE4-48F0-ACE7-C5CE34CF99AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your biggest regret of AX this year.

>tfw I went to a 2 hour Mari Okada feels fest because I couldn’t get in the Studio Trigger panel

>> No.9941271

A cute cosplayer asked if I wanted to join their group for dinner but I really wanted to go to see moe shop. It's not like Moe Shop was bad, it was great even. I just don't get invited places often. Probably just some grass is greener on the other side stuff and I'd regret not going to see moe shop if I went with them.

>> No.9941272
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Fuck yeah it is. I paid total of around ~1400$ for 5 nights, 5 nights worth of valet for my car and 2 nights valet for a friend. Includes 2 or 3 nights of wifi cuz rooms and got complimentary internet unless youre an elite member or some shit.

>> No.9941277

What makes the Luxe better than the JW?

>> No.9941278

It's cheaper

>> No.9941280

>Post your biggest regret of AX this year.

>> No.9941288

Are you the person who died.

>> No.9941306

im going on a small roadtrip to see it next saturday
am i going to be a blubbering mess? will i be able to drive back home?

>> No.9941309

Sexual harassment is still gross

>> No.9941311

If your mom is still here, I guarantee you’re going to call her after the movie is over

>> No.9941335

not taking enough pictures of myself and other cosplayers. Also spending the entire night beforehand working on an accessory that got destroyed immediately after walking into dealer's hall

>> No.9941338
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>> No.9941374

Okada was the best part of the con. If you casual trigger babies cant get into trigger just go get food and leave the good panels to people who care, ok sweetie?

>> No.9941381

Were hotels always that pricey?

>> No.9941423

It is in a major city during a major holiday

>> No.9941527

Or just rep.

Lots of people love CWF but ax doesn't think it's enough people who buy badges because of it

>> No.9941645

What discount did you use?

>> No.9941656

alright so see you next year AX

>> No.9941661

A group has to start somewhere I think I could pull off Masayoshi. Could you pull of Mari?

>> No.9941744

Are we still riding this log down the flume or is it time for a new thread?

>> No.9941752

New thread 1 year in advance planning edition

>> No.9941779

Any thread past this one would just be a shitpost.

>> No.9941796


Some people are still waiting to dump their cosplay photo collection, and the survey just came out recently so we can talk about Con improvements or just bitching in general. Besides it's technically still the week after, so we haven't gotten into dead discussion time yet.

>> No.9941800

>con improvements
Instead, let's talk about things that would not be possible if the con actually got their shit together
>The dub show panel got capped, and so did my backup pannel
>I ended up just going to the doors of the dub show, told the guy blocking the hallway "I just wanna sit and chill for a bit" and he let me through
>Once the line for the dub show came in I just joined the tail end and walked right on inside and wasn't stopped
Last year was definitely ridiculous though
>The voice actors for Dangan were doing autographs, but only by tickets
>The tickets went fast, but the booth gave me tickets for another signing instead
>Went to the autograph hall and found the dangan signing
>Just flashed my ticket, which was the wrong color and for the wrong people, to the staffer and he let me right through
>The voice actors were super nice and signed two things for me when I asked if they could
And let's not forget
>Arrived a half hour early for the dangan panel
>Still way to late and the line is MASSIVE
>Ask a staffer which way is the back of the line
>Staffer literally sends me to the front of the line
>The people in front actually let me join them
None of that would have happened if they were competent in any way

>> No.9941801
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Are the RFID badges a welcome change or a hinderance in your guys’ opinion?

>> No.9941805

What would have happened if you didn't tap out? I saw some people were making people tap in and out of the entertainment hall. Like what would happen if you tapped into the hall, but not out of it?

>> No.9941813

That happened to me. I forgot to tap out one day, and the next day the entrance volunteer stopped me after I tried to scan. He made me rescan it at the exit and come back.

>> No.9941816

How long did that take?

>> No.9941817

Literally 10 secs. He made me walk to the exit scanner from the inside past the entrance gate and I walked back to him to rescan it.

>> No.9941819

That's not bad. I was worried it would take like 5 minutes or something

>> No.9941821

I forgot to tap out at the exit. It flashed red as I tried to go in the next day.

They just took me to a ticketing tent and checked my ID, then reset the badge. Wasn't terrible.

>> No.9941830

didn't tap out when I left the con for good
for all they know I was probably still lurking somewhere in the con

>> No.9941843

Tfw didnt go to the meetup, it was in the middle of morga fuck that shit.

>> No.9941849

No lol, that sucks to hear.

>> No.9941854

I'm tinfoil hat but I feel its all for data mining on attendees

>> No.9941860

A welcome change. Line entry and registration went so much smoother.

>> No.9941873

The meetup was alright. It was a little bit cliquey, but that's to be expected since the main meetup people were all in a discord together for months before. Still I went and had a pretty good time, until some asshole set off fireworks at the hotel and got the party cancelled

>> No.9941876

How much did valet cost per car per day?

>> No.9941887

It was 49 bucks with in and out privilege.

>> No.9941889

Unless you're planning on driving a shitload you may as well just not bring a car and use uber instead

>> No.9941895

I did use my car a few times to drive for food and what not. Its just that I spent so much money on modding my car to leave that shit out in the street or a random parking lot in LA. My wheels already cost 6k, those shits are usually the first to go when you see a nice car parked on the street.

>> No.9941896

Makes sense. Lol, right when it was getting good too.

Kind of misses the point, if you're going to a meetup, and end up meeting the same people you've been hanging out with the last few days.

>> No.9941899

>wheels alone cost 6k
Nevermind then, you clearly have the money to burn

>> No.9941900

Yeah, it does. Everyone I met was brand new to me though, so I had a good time. They were pretty welcoming to newcomers as well, free drinks in someones hotel room, just a tip jar if you wanted to chip in. Guy had a wide variety of booze and was a licensed bartender taking requests, so of course I tipped him

>> No.9941922


>6k is money to burn

A nice car is in the 30-40k range, easy.

>> No.9941924

Tires alone being 6k is a ridiculous amount.

>> No.9941928

anyone have any con photos to dump?

>> No.9941933

I should try to join in next year. What was the gender ratio?

Haven't worked on them yet but I'll take requests on what you wanted to see.

>> No.9941935

The ratio wasn't great, but that's to be expected honestly. It was maybe 75/25 dudes to girls.

>> No.9941954


>> No.9941955

I hope they keep them.

>> No.9941963

Depends what you mean by nice car.
Only retards buy new cars and any nice car can be bought for 10k-20k at 20k-60k miles

>> No.9941965


It's getting bigger

>> No.9941980


>> No.9941983

It all fine she apologized, and blamed it on her possible ADHD

>> No.9941995

Fuck this youtuber shmuck, you didn't need to link his shitty monetized video, it only plays an excerpt of the relevant video. Does he really need help affording more makeup?

Momokun a shit. She's not funny or charming, she clearly hasn't put enough effort into her appearance, and she doesn't have the self-awareness or maturity to take responsibility for her actions.

>> No.9942005

I'm actually hoping this is what it's for and that they act on their data. I think stats for what entrances and whatnot people use could really help them improve things.

>> No.9942007
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Ends at the hero acedemia shoot

>> No.9942008

Working on them right now. Hopefully I'll be done by the next thread.

>> No.9942011

Wow this is fenomenal!

>> No.9942029
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>> No.9942132
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Anyone buy a Tsmugi or Shuichi hope shard badge? I'd be willing to buy them off you.

>> No.9942167

Yeah. Could pull off any of the girls if need be. Now we just need two more people. You got a spare email to shoot?

>> No.9942197


I figured "wheels" was slang for "car", but reading it again it looks like he did spend 6k on tires.


Spoken like a true poor person.

>> No.9942202

I make good money, doesn't mean I have to waste it.

>> No.9942238

Not even the wrestlers saw that one coming to my knowledge.

>> No.9942293

Is anyone going to the Pillows concert in LA next week?

>> No.9942382

it was sold out, so im going to portland instead

>> No.9942407

these rats hiding the whole game in the water kek.

>> No.9942420


Yeah, I think it's time: >>9942415

>> No.9942444

tfw its during comic con so i'm going to miss it :(

>> No.9942500

Check it


>> No.9944816
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idk if any of y'all saw me or not, but I did a Chris-Chan cosplay...

>> No.9944912

I saw a chris chan cosplay, but they didn't have a Sonichu.

>> No.9945009

darn, because I'm the REAL CWC....

>> No.9945457

There's no sonichu medallion though