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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9935440 No.9935440 [Reply] [Original]

God is taking vengeance on us for Anime

>> No.9935476

If ANYONE knows how to get in touch with a guy named TofmweePeanuts on Discord please let me know. I gave him a ride last night and he left his phone in my car.

>> No.9935503
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The heat was a killer and I feel like I gained 10 pounds in 3 days

>> No.9935518

If it's an IPhone bring it to an apple store.

>> No.9935519

>tfw food poisoning last night.
I couldn't do anything beyond my hotel room's toilet. It sucked so hard.

>> No.9935520

HEY Im still at the quality inn you dropped me off at. Ive been stressing the fuck out.Im borrowing a friends phone to post this and theyre about to leave so if you wouldnt mind driving all the way back i can give you some cash for gas money. I'll he waiting in the lobby if you can

>> No.9935521

Nah it's an HTC and I dont know how to unlock it.

>> No.9935523

Is there anyone at the con that can pick it up?

>> No.9935526

See if you can contact @conspiracy in the discord becsuse hes one of my roommates. Im going to try getting the people I stayed with to drop me off at the con. God this fucking sucks, first my id now this

>> No.9935527

Wasn't able to go today (only went Thursday) If any anons got ahold of either the Kingdom Hearts Dearly Beloved fanzine at AA D18 or the FE 7 & 8 fanzine at AA F55 would you be willing to sell it to me? Just name your price along with shipping, I'm located right here in LA, either @ me or email me at the address I gave up top.

>> No.9935530

See if you can talk to it, then ask to call home, or who the phone belongs to.

>> No.9935533

whats the diamond dozen cosplay this year? bets on zero-two, MHA, and DDLC

>> No.9935534

reminder I will pay $20 to anyone who got a TRIGGER dollar from them

>> No.9935537
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Did you find what you were looking for in AA or the exhibit hall?

>> No.9935542


It's in God's hands now.

>> No.9935545

I stumbled across a character design artbook that's seemingly out of print and unavailable online -- even used copies on jp sites are marked up to 3x MSRP -- for a really good price. The shrinkwrap was a bit torn but I figure it had been sitting around for a few years. That alone made attending AX worth it for me.

>> No.9935546

Ask him where i could find him

>> No.9935553

He was in the exhibit hall last I saw him.
He seemed to know what he was doing.

>> No.9935559

J and D are at the AoT premier.
Conspiracy said he'd find you when he can.

>> No.9935566

Need someone in the AA that's selling league stuff but specifically of mordekaiser because that shit is my jams

>> No.9935571
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>> No.9935573

street hotdog vendor?

>> No.9935580

Yeah. Should have gotten some real food.

>> No.9935581

This is why I don't trust food on a cart or truck

>> No.9935582

MHA to the max. It has officially become the new Naruto cosplay.

>> No.9935586


What did we tell you about eating those hot dogs, anon?

>> No.9935588

I saw one of the hot dog vendors take a piss and come back to the cart without washing his hands. That shit was nasty af

>> No.9935590
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>busted knee from pivoting too hard and too fast on in to avoid crashing into people while walking around

>> No.9935592

do you even lift?

>> No.9935594


You rolled the dice and crapped out. If you don't have a chrome-plated digestive tract and/or eat those sorts of things regularly, you're asking for Montezuma's Revenge or worse. They don't call 'em Danger Dogs for nothing.

>> No.9935600

First AX this year. I'd got to say I don't know if I will be coming back. This place was packed a lot worse than what I even imagined. I'm surprised they don't have attendance caps. There were a lot of cute cosplays though so that was nice.

>> No.9935601

Anyone in louge 21 right now? I feel like spitting the shit about whatever
Look for a dude in blue plaid with sunglasses on and a PlayStation hat if you're down

>> No.9935602

Man at some point you gotta realise weebs arent people and just move on through them

>> No.9935605

Same it was fun to go drinking with the lads and make autists feel uncomfortable, i think the trick to really enjoying it is daydrinking

>> No.9935609

Not him but this is my last ax. Shits awful this year and not worth the money I dropped in the badge and I bought this back in November so it was like 65 bucks

>> No.9935611

I don't give a fuck. Even if it's those cheapo onsie costumes the girls can buy online.

Did you not see how many skin tight asses and tits we got to see on display this weekend thanks to that show?

>> No.9935612
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>God is taking vengeance on us for Anime

If you saw the amount of degeneracy and trap thirst going on in the last thread, I'd punish mankind too.

>> No.9935617

I think us LA natives have some kind of enzyme or something that lets us digest them. I have a really touchy stomach myself and yet somehow I can eat danger dogs without issues. I wish AX had the ones with guacamole and stuff like you get in the fabric district.

>> No.9935618

That was like 3 posters.

>> No.9935620

I didnt realise how bad theyre fucking people on badge prices, honestly if they stop doing the vet discount i might forget it as well.

>> No.9935621

If you think that's bad then you dont want to know what these people do in the fields.

Enjoy your E.Coli.

>> No.9935622

This is LA where the sun is hit shits on fire and it's all sorts of food that causes various cancers and none of us give a fuck. We don't have time to care when were busy being assholes and hating our jobs while our wallets are raped into the shitter
I would have gotten a press badge but I missed the deadline

>> No.9935625

Is there a place to buy next year badges at the expo this year?

>> No.9935630

Isn't it online? I heard there will only be a limited amount of "early bird" passes for $70. After that it'll start at $80

>> No.9935634

I recall people being able to buy next year badges onsite on the forth day in the previous years, but I personally only buy during Black Friday. I want to save some money this time since I didn't buy much merch this year.

>> No.9935635
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>tfw bought a hotdog while drunk
So am i going to die now or what

>> No.9935642

It's always cheaper around this time than on black Friday.

>> No.9935647
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Anyone got any Girls Frontline photo's?

>> No.9935648

Eh, the alcohol probably killed anything bad in the dog.

>> No.9935655

All i got was a very stupid conversation with an idw cosplayer at their booth.
>Hey are these handouts free
>Ok are so you selling anything
Like yeah it was funny but come on

>> No.9935659

I felt like security this year was a joke. Luckily there wasn't any shooter or stabber. The way security handled the bag checks was abysmal. Someone could have easily brought in a weapon.

>> No.9935662

Transparent bags only when?

>> No.9935663

The most thorough bag check I got this AX was at the CR HQ

>> No.9935666

fuck i spent like $600 on the bushi/awm booths

>> No.9935675
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Too many creeps at AX this year. I swear I got groped while walking through the Artist Alley

>> No.9935676

Actually, that's a good question.
Perhaps not ethically, but legally: Is whatever state AX is in a single-consent state when it comes to recordings?

>> No.9935688

It's illegal to record without consent in a private space.

>> No.9935692


>> No.9935697

Any lonelybois waiting for bamco panel to start?

>> No.9935698

Last day orgy whos in

Reply with your kik or discord no memes

>> No.9935702

Really? I visibly lost tons of weight from this fucking mess of a heatwave.

>> No.9935704

2 orgies in the spam of 4 days got me spent. I'll pass this time.

>> No.9935705

Extremely cute prop

>> No.9935706
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you now remember that cringy thing you did

>> No.9935708
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>Waited in line excitedly for the MonHan Panel

>> No.9935712

expecting to make friends instead of just transient conversation

>> No.9935723

Check if it has emergency contacts to call from the lock screen

>> No.9935728

So what the fuck is all the drama with moomoo?

>> No.9935735

I fucked Momokun and now everybody knows about it. Brb suicide

>> No.9935737
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how was the popteamepic panel?

>> No.9935748

Same hat anon. Had to rush to urgent care and missed some gatherings and the Cowboy Bebop anniversary thanks to vomiting. Most disappointing Saturday and con I’ve ever had.

>> No.9935751

It's for the best.
Last year they made me throw away my canned drinks and selfie stick, you don't want draconian security, it sours everything else.

>> No.9935761

>Someone could have easily brought in a weapon
You mean like my dick?

>> No.9935768

How many of you are still at the con

>> No.9935776

I'm still here, the fashion district parking lot I parked at claims he closes at 5 tho.
I'm probably gonna skip the ending ceremony...

>> No.9935778

I'm.im the bandai panel right now and I'm wondering what the fuck I should do right now
No line, cold air, free seat if you're game

Its that or I get off my ass and get some smash

>> No.9935781

Are you the same dude who went on a rant about this at Fanime feedback?

>> No.9935784

Is there anything still going on?

>> No.9935785

See >>9935778
Also late night food or hang n bang

>> No.9935798

>. I'm surprised they don't have attendance caps
Don't worry, this will happen within the next 4 years or so

>> No.9935811
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Okay, post your haul and how broke are you now?

>> No.9935812

> A smart decision
> Disallow reentry at a certain time and wait for people to naturally disperse
> Use barricades that expands gradually pushing people out

> AX decision
> Move everybody out asap

I don't think they thought their brilliant plan all the way through.

>> No.9935816

Waiting for senpai.

Does anybody actually want to meet up and say hi or what?

>> No.9935820

So where's the afterparty?

>> No.9935829

Now that AX2018 is over, will you be going to AX2019?

>> No.9935830
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>Good Smile Panel
>Guy sitting in a hoodie at the end of the table through the whole panel
>Takes off his hoodie
>Surprise guest Gen Urobuchi

>> No.9935832
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>telling girls cosplaying as himiko toga that I like their popuko cosplay
>and vice versa

>> No.9935847
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Of course
You think we're free from this hell?

>> No.9935848
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>Called a black guy my nigga when I was drunk
>Danced like a complete retard
>Fell on my ass twice
>Some cute girl handed me her phone so I could put in my number and it was too hard so I handed it back and skipped away
>Went to make out with a girl and just kissed her forehead instead
>Called literally every single person in the club a beautiful person
>Encouraged multiple people to go to the front and dance because they're beautiful

All in the span of 4 hours
It was fun but FUCK ME

>> No.9935849
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Legit question about cosplayers who hand out business cards and request that you tag them on instagram: is this practice only for people who are super plugged in on instagram and from whom these cosplayers can benefit from their large viewcount? Or is it worth it to start an instagram account from scratch just to post up these pictures? Got an awful lot of cards over the weekend and I feel like I should follow through on these requests.

>> No.9935851

You're not obliged to but it's nice if you do

>> No.9935855

It's nice being able to see the pictures people take of you personally.

>> No.9935861

Goodbye AX it was fun
Maybe I'll see you next year or maybe I'll go to fanime instead
We'll see

>> No.9935864

Rank every AX you've ever attended from best to worst.

>> No.9935870

2018 - Worst Anime convention I've ever attended

>> No.9935871

been to like 14 years straight so it's difficult to differentiate the years, but for me it was around 2007. fun fact never gotten laid or talked to a girl yet at ax kek.

>> No.9935872

shit didn't specify. Best was 2007 for me and it slowly got worse every year

>> No.9935874

>Go to Kase-san screening
>Some pretty girl's mom starts talking to me
Kinda socially awkward here, anyone know why she might have done that?

>> No.9935875

The bar we're in is playing the Shrek meme song. I love it.


>> No.9935876


Same thing happened to me. Maybe even the same mom.

>> No.9935883

>shrek meme song
how to spot the underage

>> No.9935884
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>the Shrek meme song

>> No.9935886


Was she cosplaying (the pretty girl?) Had something similar happen to me.

>> No.9935887
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Post your hauls.

>> No.9935889

Anyone know if Square Enix will have a similar set up in SDCC? Missed out the Gunslinger challenge with creator of Final Fantasy TCG.

>> No.9935893
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Until next year

>> No.9935895

I don't think so. She had her hair up in her hat for a bit though.
That's kinda weird.

>> No.9935897

How do I get a qt cosplay gf??????

>> No.9935898

2014 was the best for me

2017 was one of the worst

2018 was pretty good.

>> No.9935899


Yes, I know the song was popular before the movie and Smash mouth was a serious band for a time. But at this point it's a meme. Fucking no one is playing that song unironically.

>> No.9935900

Some people are just social butterflies.

>> No.9935901

Have money and a great penis

>> No.9935903

Any highlights for 2018?

>> No.9935905

Oh yeah, I've been going every year since like 2011 and they all kinda blur together now

>> No.9935906

Dang it anon I asked where the after party is.

Is everyone really done nerding out already?

>> No.9935907

Best: 2008 by virtue of being my first AX without incident. Had plenty of fun at 14 and 16.

Worst: 2011 for personal reasons. 2007 for the first signs of a failure.

>> No.9935908

I guess.

>> No.9935911

The after party was last night.

>> No.9935912
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AX paying for the weathermen to create a state wide hot springs experience.

>> No.9935913

The after party is before it's over?

What kind of after party is this?>>9935911

>> No.9935914

Aqours concert was the highlight this year no question.

But even without the concert it was fun. Getting kinda old now so I've stopped trying to go as hard as I used to when I was like 18. Stopped trying to get laid too.

Instead it's just a chill weekend where I hang out with friends and spend way too much on anime merch. If anything else happens that's a plus, if not then I still got to chill. Only got hammered one night this year.

>> No.9935916
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>almost back home
>Suddenly engine sounds bad
>Fuck fuck fuck
>Car is kill
>And blocking the only turn lane on the intersection
Hey guys protip, don't turn on the air conditioner and go uphill for your whole drive home

On the bright side it's not hot here and I'm in shade

How was your return home? Good? Bad?

>> No.9935917

Day 4 doesn't even count. Everyone goes home, checks out, etc. Most people don't even go inside day 4.

I just woke up and got breakfast, checked out of the hotel and started driving back.

>> No.9935920

Dang. I got my friends to try it out for he first time, and I'm pretty sure they were underwhelmed. Don't think I can convince them to buy four day passes for next year, and I didn't make any friends to meet up with at the con.

My first con, and I'm about 15 years too old, but better late than never I guess. I'll be that 30 year old boomer by myself next year, if I can talk myself into going.

>> No.9935925
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real life begins again

>> No.9935928

Yeah for you
Tomorrow I got shit to do still
The con is over but I sure ain't done

>> No.9935941

I don't feel sympathy for car owners who neglect to do basic maintenance like checking on your coolant levels every few months AT LEAST

>> No.9935943
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>Back to 9 hours straight of updating spreadsheets and assorted stupid shit

This AX was good, it just seemed like a lot more awkward/quieter people overall. I didn't make any new cosplay acquaintances.

>> No.9935948

It just got fixed up this month anon. It literally overheated from the heat being too hot.

>> No.9935953

Maybe for one day only.

I used to be a die hard AX'er in the early 2000s, but the convention's gotten too big for my personal taste in conventions. Too many bodies, not enough actual socialization. I'd probably go to AX for a big event, but never a full weekend anymore at this rate.

>> No.9935955

Best was AX1999 or 2002. The convention was a lot more laissez faire on a lot of things back then. After that I suppose 2005 was great for me.

2008 was one of the worst ever since it was the big move to LACC. The area wasn't prepared for con goers, and I still hate LA till this day.

>> No.9935957

I've been going for way too fucking long, and this was definitely the worst year for meeting new people. A lot of people seemed reluctant to talk, let alone exchange contact info. Maybe it was the heat.

>> No.9935960

Kik is animeexpomeetup

>> No.9935967
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This was my first convention(went all four days) and although it was a fun experience, I can't help but feel a bit underwhelmed. People didn't really feel as social as I expected and 90% of cosplays were of boku no hero. That's what i get for going to the most mainstream anime convention in existence though.

I hear the other conventions are better, anyone have any recommendations? I'm thinking between fanime and anime los angels but I'm not experienced enough to know what the vibes would be.

>> No.9935970

I saw a guy who looked like the guy making threats at the karaoke and his nickname was "shooter". I was like oh shit imma die today with a bunch of weebs

>> No.9935973

This. I live on nothing but street hotdogs each AX and have never had issue.
AX was great this year if you like anime, good guests and panels despite needing to wait and plan in advance if you wanted to get in.
People leaving early after screenings and skipping QA should be shot though.

>> No.9935974

Fanime has the worst staff in the universe. They will literally scream in your face and follow you around for the most petty shit.
ALA has been way more clique-ish than AX for me in the past, and there's an emphasis on making your own entertainment.
Given the choice between Fanime and ALA, though, I'd probably try ALA again.

>> No.9935975
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ALA, E3 if you like waiting in line and video games, comicon, not EVO, PAX

>> No.9935976

Best: probably 2 years ago where I just went up on stage at the AX dance and freaking went wild dancing in my Pikachu kigurumi. People were yelling "Pikachu Pikachu" for like 10 mins before those red shirt event stafd had to drag me off the stage. Oh and I also had some chick grind on my peen. Still a virgin weeb tho.

Worst: this year. Lost my concert tickets. Couldn't see aquors. Barely talked to people. Went alone. Didn't want to cosplay alone. Barely any Japanese guests autographs mostly dubbed VAs. Getting more and more crowded. More and more normies attending. Literally saw three huge buff guys with tank tops just hitting on girls. They looked so out of place at some weeb con.

>> No.9935979

Were there any that weren't ironic crossplayers?

>> No.9935980

>Literally saw three huge buff guys with tank tops just hitting on girls
I would rather have than creeps desu.

>> No.9935982

Of course you would you slut

>> No.9935984
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I think my friend showed me a quick pic and it was a LOT of UMP 9s and 45s and a SOPMOD2. But I wanna see if other people got any.

I kinda want to do an Ironic crossplay... for fun. Just order the shit from CHYNA.

>> No.9935985

I'm also interested in ALA, but would I be able to meet anyone if I go alone? I'm just worried that people will stick to their own groups and not want to be social if I try to talk to them

>> No.9935988
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For sure, thanks! I'll probs look into going to ALA since I live around here anyways.

>> No.9935989

ALA felt like pre-2010 AX.

Clique-ish? Perhaps it was because I went 1 day so I don't know about ALA culture.

>> No.9935990

So what's the next con for us socal folks?

>> No.9935994

I've had absolutely no luck at ALA alone and left early both times that I went. Everybody seemed like they knew everyone else. This was when it was at the LAX Marriott, though.

>> No.9935995

Get rid of the camry

>> No.9935997
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>> No.9935999

Am I screwed socially if I felt that way at AX?

>> No.9936001

E3 is expensive as hell. I was wondering why I never went until I saw the ticket prices. What's there to do? I imagined it was more business oriented.

>> No.9936005
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I felt that way too this year, anon. AX used to be a lot more social.

>> No.9936006

I was also considering going until I saw the price, and seemingly there's nothing to justify it. I don't think you even get a goody bag for going, just get to check out the panels, and I believe they have game demos for you to play, but I imagine the lines are aids
I felt the same at AX, but admittedly I have to work on my social skills. I'm just too worried of approaching a group and them thinking I'm weird or telling me to leave them alone.

>> No.9936008

>Avoiding the fact that you are under age

I guess it really is summer

>> No.9936009

Really not trying to shit on you or anything but did you really find people not being that social? Becuase I found the total opposite. Like even outside of AX I struck up and hung out with multiple people I did not even know, I went to AX by myself and am pretty eh when it comes to making friends but I got talked to a lot and I wasn’t even cosplaying either. Maybe it was where I stayed? I was staying at the JW Marriott/LA live where it was literally a party 24/7 during the con especially on day 3. While it was crowded and hot that’s a given. I felt it was a lot better than the time I went (2013). That’s just my experience though I felt that I had the actual best time that I ever had at an event like that in general social wise.

>> No.9936011
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>you will never be fucked to death by a qt dom goth tomboy cosplaying girl
is there any hope?

>> No.9936012

I just wanted to see qt grils with guns.

Speaking of which, disappointed with the Touhou meet. It went from sort of a sausage fest to mostly sausage fest.

>> No.9936015


Yeah I know. The vibe this year just felt so different. Like people are not as approachable.

>> No.9936017

> be me
> AX helped me to become more social
> was able to shoot the shit with random strangers
> less so now
My God, what happened to me?

>> No.9936019

its got 120k on it and i sure as fuck aint getting rid of it now

>> No.9936020
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just blame the sun

>> No.9936022

THATS ME I’ve been to AX before but this had me come out of my shell more for whatever reason. I fucking joined in on those stupid dance circles on day 3 at night and it was fucking amazing I never danced and looked like an idiot but everyone was nice and just having a great time. It was pretty amazing for me imo.

>> No.9936026


Shrek came out in 2001. Kids that saw the movie are in their twenties now.

>> No.9936027
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Holy shit, are you me? I never even used to worry about going to cons alone because it was more fun to meet new people/new conversations.

>> No.9936029
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I'm a pretty social dude. I'm basing it off of my ability to make friends at other events like concerts and whatnot. I was also with a cute asian girl the whole time so it's not like I'm a neckbeard trying to interject awkwardly into people's convos.

I had extra pop tarts I was trying to give out while waiting in line but people seemed so stiff.

>> No.9936031

I live an hour from LACC. Is it worth it to get a hotel next year? Seems more fun.

>> No.9936035

Same here anons. I really really wanted to make new friends, but I just felt so retardedly shy and like I couldn't just go introduce myself to people

>> No.9936036

2016? I am not sure if I saw you but that year had the best DJs

>> No.9936037

I'm surprised at the lack of cosplay images in this thread.

>> No.9936039

Personally, I am now trying to make it as mandatory as possible that I stay at JW or ritz connected to LA live. That place is fucking 11/10 during AX. I had a good time there, might be dif for you though.

>> No.9936042

I would have declined too

>> No.9936043

Okay ignore that second one I misread the statement like an idiot. I felt that this AX had me come out of my shell more than any other AX con, or event in general. That statement was what happened with me this con. So no, I didn’t feel like this was less social for me at least.

>> No.9936044


It's more pragmatic. Do you want to drive an hour to get home if you're feeling sick, or desperately need to shower? If you're cosplaying it's even more important.

>> No.9936045
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>tfw almost 30 and all my old anime friends are starting to stop going or leave early and im now that old guy

>> No.9936046

Yeah I think so. AX dance was so lit back then even before 2016. Actually the farther back you go the better it was. Been going since 2005

>> No.9936048

Surely beats the thirstposting.

Let's ask for requests. I saw a pretty good Final Fantasy X pair that were cosplaying Tidus and Lulu but didn't get a chance to snap them.

>> No.9936049

all my good shit is for me to remember why i didnt cosplay

>> No.9936052

As much as I'd love to stay at the JW it's just not practical for me. The cost is fucking insane considering that I live 30 minutes away from the con and can uber there and back for $32 a day. I'm tempted though because it definitely is convenient and more fun if you can manage to bring some people, girls especially, back to the room, but that's not a sure thing.
I'm half hour away. Considering it same as you, but it's just so damn much

>> No.9936054

Similar situation; some of them decided to volunteer to get free hotel rooms. I just know seagulls from 10 years ago must have felt the same way.

>> No.9936055

You don't like unfrosted poptarts?

>> No.9936057

Volunteers get free hotel rooms?

>> No.9936059

I also live half an hour away. I donno, I feel it adds to the experience rooming with others. Also, I appreciate getting a quick shower mid-day.

>> No.9936061

AX is too big to fail.

>> No.9936062

Probably because it was so fucking hot.

>> No.9936064

The 5 or so people I still talk to are like pulling teeth to go. 2 went for 3 days, but mostly just dicked around the dealers hall and no interest in panels. We all left before 8, as all of us felt old (im the youngest at 29) at the later night things and the groups talking about them. No need to volunteer as we all have money, I just go for the guests but sitting alone in the next few years sounds sad.

>> No.9936065

Oh see that’s where we differ I guess, I don’t mind a filled room and prefer it (less lonely haha) I ended up room sharing with 8 people (including myself) it was a single king size bed room. With a cot brought in. Sounds worse than what it was but I didn’t mind it.

Anyways, cost was brought down a lot, $124 per person for 5 days 4 nights. And desu all my fun was had outside the room in live. I just used the room to sleep and then we were gone

>> No.9936066

I get the feeling it has something to do with the size of the crowd. As it gets bigger, they need to be constantly on the move.

>> No.9936068

My issues with rooming with someone is that one, unless you already know them you have no idea if they're gonna be an annoying slob in the room, and two, if you manage to bring someone back to the room to fool around with you risk getting interrupted by them at any moment

>> No.9936069

Please cap attendance.

Also clear out the rooms after each panel. Could not get in the fate grand order panel waited in the huge line for an hour.

>> No.9936072
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>> No.9936075
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>> No.9936076

>Schedule on AX app says "A1 Studios Panel, preview their new shit, etc"
>Get in because Premier
>Confused as fuck because it's all Fate GO
>Wait through 30 minutes of Seiba's VA talking and showing her vacation photos before just leaving

You didn't miss anything, anon

>> No.9936080


>> No.9936081
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>Men's charm points
>Man wearing dress shirt

C-can I see the inside?

>> No.9936082

Fucking this. I had one friend that goes to AX left by he spent the almost of the time showing his gf around. I'm happy that he is happy. I feel like it's harder to make friends being on the older side.

>> No.9936085

They are usually too sweet for me. But if it's unfrosted, maybe I would take one. I know some people who LOVE poptarts though.

>> No.9936086

Did she say "exuuuuuuucaribaaaaaaaaa"

>> No.9936087

Not while I was there at least. She did do some kind of power-up.

>> No.9936095
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Regular poptarts are too sweet for me too, anon. I don't eat much sugar nowadays but unfrosted poptarts are a pretty chill travel snack every once in a while. They're pretty much just cheap, light pastries.

>> No.9936110

Anybody ever buy those mystery crates? I'm wondering if they were ever worth it.

>> No.9936112

It's definitely going to be harder. You could be the nicest guy around, but by default people will assume you're just some creep there to ogle the skimpy dressed girls

>> No.9936113

Explains why most photographers are old dudes

>> No.9936114
File: 346 KB, 499x358, 1530468246474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX'18 was pretty GOAT for me

Played all of the demos I was interested in on Day 1 with next to no wait time compared to other congoers. Just flashed my badge and told the booth attendants that I was with "X" and "Y" company and all of them said "we hope you enjoy what we brought today" was placed in line with everyone else that had premiere. Spent an hour or so playing Drummania in the arcade Thursday,Friday,Saturday waiting for panels to start or before afterparties were to begin. Hung out at a lot of after parties at the JWalso had a room there so I was drunk every night. Relaxed at Yardhouse and Urban Tom's with friends and rando's. Went to Aqours and had a really good seat, had a good time there too.

If I had any real complaint, it was that cosplay was a little underwhelming, and like many other anons have pointed out, overly saturated with MHA.

>> No.9936115
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>another AX
>another AX where no /cgl/ girls bullied me

>> No.9936117

Anybody want to vouch that it was not as bad as AX05 where every other cosplay was Naruto?

>> No.9936118

Only /cgl/ girl I talked to was a thick memer. She seemed cool

>> No.9936121
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Anyone have a pic of the cowboy bebop shot glasses they were giving away

>> No.9936124

For me the socialization stopped when the open area where the dance used to be got crowded. Back in 13/14 is was pretty open and I always met people just chilling there. Now it's nothing but crowds and nigh impossible to just chat and play games.

>> No.9936126

I've only been to this and the last years AX, but honestly it wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be. I saw a lot of MHA, but there were still plenty of other characters as well.
I think the problem is that most people will dress as whatever is the flavor of the month/year because they know it will be popular. No one wants to work on or buy a cosplay just for no one to really care about it because it isn't super popular

>> No.9936127

No, they're an eternal con joke.
It's always garbage trinkets and maybe a shirt that the seller couldn't sell on it's own, much like lootcrates

>> No.9936128
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>> No.9936130

I see retards walking around with them all the time, but they're almost always garbage. Some dude got a big plushie out of one, but they probably paid like $40 minimum.
The thing is they just buy random knick knacks and trinkets, maybe a shirt or a plushie and then charge at least 5x what it cost them to put together, and retards always flock to them for some reason

>> No.9936133

>for some reason
Clearly a latent gambling addiction.

>> No.9936134

This really happened?! So cool!!

>> No.9936135

>$50 value for $25!
>$50 worth of trash

That's essentially how it goes. They put a popular item in one or two of the 30 brown bags/crates and everything else is shit they can't sell.

>> No.9936136
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>> No.9936137
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this. i have a gambling problem and i know for a fact if i buy one, i want more, and more, and more
this is why i dont like anything to do with lootboxes in vidya.

i have personally blown a weeks worth of money in a 3 hour sitting because of this and i will never set foot in a casino as a result. im also shit with money to begin with

>> No.9936139
File: 897 KB, 250x251, 1521936564267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a friend that had no fucking money
>Mocks me for buying stuff in AA
>Last day
>He buys only one $50 mystery box
>Gives me half the shit in it but he is still somehow pleased with himself

>> No.9936140

When did this shit get revived

>> No.9936141

i have a strong urge to kick them for some reason

>> No.9936142

a few months ago, but apparently it's all new management and organizers and venue, so the only thing it kept was the name

>> No.9936143

It made my fucking day. He signed autographs and took photos with people afterward. GSC even went out of their way to find a pen for him to sign with.

>> No.9936144

Reminds me of my mystery Crunchy Roll prize.
> Buy one game and get a mystery game and shirt for free
> Bought Castlevania
> Got a free Injustice shirt
> Got a free copy of a Jamie Oliver themed cooking game

At least the shirt is sort of cool.

>> No.9936145

We just need to find you a good alternative where you don't lose any money. How about we flip a coin, and if you call it right, I give you $5. You call it wrong and you suck me off?
Sounds like a harmless addiction now

>> No.9936146
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>> No.9936151

What is he to GSC anyway?

>> No.9936154
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Don't kick the bear, anon.

>> No.9936156

Post your best pic

>> No.9936158
File: 1.79 MB, 2340x4160, 0702161654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill make this better
flip a coin
if i call it right i leave
if you call it right i leave
im gonna bully them
whoever did this last year not only stole my heart but my dick too

>> No.9936159

GSC co-produces Thunderbolt Fantasy. GSC said he was just at AX for fun and not as a guest, but he still plugged Thunderbolt Fantasy and the new Godzilla series anyway.

>> No.9936160

I see. Thanks for answering.

>> No.9936164

>Tfw NEVER got selected in panels for volunteer shit
It's kinda shitty that if you don't get in at least the middle to front of the room you will not get called on. Though I'm still salty about the dub show panel
>Got seated near the middle, but the room is fairly small
>Shot my hand up immediately for every chance to volunteer
>Second time I do it I literally lock eyes with the guy and it looks like he's about to pick me
>Girl on the other side of the room frantically waving her prop around got his attention instead and he went with her
Honestly it seems like bringing a prop to those things just gives you an advantage I guess

>> No.9936169

Or being a girl

>> No.9936173

>tfw no megalo boxing posters.
The only one I saw in AA looked like it was posted to deviantart by a middle schooler

>> No.9936179
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>> No.9936180
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>> No.9936186

And then you woke up right?

>> No.9936188
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I saw a pretty cool guts

>> No.9936190

now that you mention it, i was surprised at how little megalo box there was at AX18. maybe it wasn't as popular as i thought it was?

>> No.9936191

wtf i love thanos now

>> No.9936192
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your gay waves cant stop me
nice glasses

>> No.9936197

I was super bummed out. I guess it's still too new of an anime for it to have quality fan art made? All I saw in E-hall was a megalo boxing sweater where they were reselling fakku stuff

>> No.9936200
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>people still believe that AX orgies exist

>> No.9936202


It's because you're a fucking girl, and a lot of fucking thirsty as fuck nerds are gonna try their best to approach and talk to a girl at a motherfucking convention. Of-fucking-course, it's easy!

>> No.9936203

good point. i searched everywhere for sora yori prints and found nothing. i think i only saw one booth with a yuru camp print and like 4 with wotakoi prints. :(

>> No.9936205

there's something oddly fascinating about japanese wotas practicing doing their chants and waving their light dildos and passing out "unofficial" call books right outside of idol concerts.
Btw, they pass out booklets telling you which chants to use and what colors to use during specific song parts.

>> No.9936209

seems like someone is mad they didn't get invited to any orgies :3

>> No.9936213
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last year > this year

>> No.9936214

Why are you against fun?

>> No.9936220
File: 60 KB, 220x360, 1531100932314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that dressing like an astolfo and wearing a face mask is a guaranteed way to get laid?

>> No.9936224

I see no problem with passionate fans wanting to share their passion to others. Especially dirty white weeb pigs

>> No.9936225

You gonna be competing with like 15 other astolfos

>> No.9936226
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>> No.9936229

5'11" meets 5'10"

>> No.9936231

>but apparently it's all new management

Thank fuck for that. I worked under those people.

I say worked, but what I mean is ran part of their convention for them while they dodged responsibility for a whole weekend while not trying to fix their own fuck ups.

>> No.9936235
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>> No.9936240

I made eye contact with a vendor that had just helped me while saying "STOP IT!" in response to a bad joke, then he asked me if everything was ok...

>> No.9936242

I asked plenty of people if they had instagrams or twitters when I took photos of them so i could tag them properly, and a lot of times they just hand me business cards which helped a lot.

>> No.9936246

I'm getting anxiety just looking at that mass of people.

>> No.9936249

Why not just have an astolfo orgy?

>> No.9936253
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Tick-tock Thotcon.

>> No.9936255

I wanna cosplay and make friends but I'd have to cosplay alone and I don't want to feel weird and awkward walking around in cosplay alone.

>> No.9936256
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so much food
so much booze

>> No.9936257

I wish.
I was at the Sonic boom box after party dressed as sailor mars.

>> No.9936260

then get some friends to go with you.

>> No.9936262

>But at this point it's a meme.Fucking no one is playing that song unironically.

jesus fuck. how underaged are you?

>> No.9936263
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Kek'd pretty hard going thru this booth

>> No.9936264
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Anyone have any real AX stories that sound like something out of an anime?

>> No.9936266

>shit ton more people
>still ended up having a better time than last year

maybe its just me but im surprised at how well the new badge management entry thing went. maybe its because i mostly took the side and back entrances into the con though.
thank god theres still idiots that only go through the lobby side.

going to Panels is still shit though. I dont mind waiting because thats to be expected and im used to it because i go to SDCC as well but what really pisses me off is how the staff manages it.
theres still problems with staff redirecting you to different lines that lead to nowhere.

>> No.9936271

I noticed a ton of my favorite side entrances blocked off this year. Where did they let you enter?

>> No.9936273

Now to seriously start thinking about cosplay for the next one

>> No.9936274

How empty is it usually on Day 4?
I had enough of the crowds and thinking of just going on Day 4 from now on.

>> No.9936277
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How long have you been on this wild ride?

>> No.9936278
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the other west hall entrance. the one that was close to the shuttle service.

theres times where there would be a big group mainly because of the shuttles but the wait was nowhere near the main entrance lines

>> No.9936279

Mine is trying to have transient conversation but getting short reponses that indicate disinterest.
Lots of freebies: SAO poster, Cell at Work poster, Aniplex calendar, Dragonball bag of ads, unlimited KH3/DQ gigantic tote bags, Mabi stuff, Disney manga, LWA poster and bookmark, Overlord posters, Hakumei&Mikochi packet of seeds, and a couple of tissues from jlist and the cosplay porn site.
The most I spent were some signatures of Donald and Goofy and some lootbox where the most useful thing is the box itself to hold freebies.

>> No.9936280

oops, this post was meant for >>9936271

>> No.9936289

cosplay IS consent

>> No.9936290

>LWA poster and bookmark
>Hakumei&Mikochi packet of seeds
I was unaware of these free goodies. Where'd you get them from? Also yeah, the unlimited KH3/DQ bags were great

>> No.9936293

Taking close up pictures of someone without asking is rude though. But if someone is walking around literally wearing pasties to cover their nipples like a few cosplays I saw they're fucking retards if they think people aren't gonna stare

>> No.9936295

if you don't ask for permission though then you can't be told no

>> No.9936298

>pastie falls off mid shot
>im shooting like a shitload of photos each second
>they get mad at me for this, despite their consent
its almost like sweat, even for adult intended products, can cause malfunctions and thats my fault somehow

>> No.9936299
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I got pics of both guys

>> No.9936301

Videos have surfaced of her sexually assaulting cosplayers, she blamed it on her adhd

>> No.9936302

put a bunch of painted cardboard on my glock and got it through.

one of these years we're all gonna die

>> No.9936304

Did that actually happen?

>> No.9936305

you couldnt hit a damn thing with that anyway but ill remember this

>> No.9936308
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listen man, im not sayin it did, but im not saying it didnt either
shits happened before and they will still blame it on someone else

>> No.9936309

Honestly I'm surprised that they don't use a wand or metal detector. I left my pocket knife at home thinking I'd get wanded, but never did.
If some unhinged person wanted to they could bring a knife in their pocket and never get caught before they stab someone

>> No.9936310

the only way to stop a bad guy with a cardboard covered gun is with a good guy with a cardboard covered gun

>> No.9936311

That could happen anywhere anytime. Thinking like that is silly.

>> No.9936312
File: 332 KB, 994x629, B8A90F54-2333-4542-A7DE-E72D093CDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all the aqours shit everywhere I can’t complain much, bought a jap edition white ps2, onaholes, and 5 figures.

>> No.9936314

or just use a gun that doesnt have the accuracy of a stormtrooper

>> No.9936316

True. I just expected to walk through a metal detector or get wanded, though I guess line con would be infinitely longer if they actually did that

>> No.9936319
File: 1.32 MB, 1885x1060, 2018-07-08 23.09.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YenPress booth.

>> No.9936320

I'm a loner

>> No.9936321

Isn't this extremely hypocritical?
Did anyone ask his consent before photographing and taking video of him to post online, deliberately to single him out and shame him?

I would think taking photos for private use is less damaging, less cruel, and less criminal.

>> No.9936324

Including the pass, parking ticket, food, and concert tickets, damage is about $1400.

>> No.9936325

I was the guy rushing around like crazy. Though I'm sure there were several people like that. Seriously these slow moving crowds gotta go.

>> No.9936326

Was it worth it?

>> No.9936327
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, B58583D2-389D-4AA3-BD34-E9035FD4F886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to attach merch. That was about $975.

>> No.9936329

Yeah. Fuckers get mad too when you go around them.

Fuck faces need to stop walking so slow and stop walking in lines of like 4 people.

>> No.9936330


The only thing I regret buying are the buttons and pins

>> No.9936332

Of course it is. It would be one thing if they took that video to the staff and got him caught, but instead they just filmed him to laugh about it and post it online for likes and views

>> No.9936334
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have any weeb nerds hooked up via Tinder at AX or is that not the app for the demographic

>> No.9936335

I found an Asterios charm for the first time this year, so this AX was blessed.

>> No.9936336

I was honestly getting really pissed off with everyone walking slow as shit. But that's not even the worst part
>People taking pictures in the middle of walk ways
>People who get off an escalator and then just stand there like a deer in headlights trying to figure out where to go, blocking everyone
>Groups of people who either sit right in front of the directory, or take photoshoots in front of it
The list goes on, but goddamn people are inconsiderate

>> No.9936337


>> No.9936338

It's an LA thing. We don't have good public transportation and there's homeless everywhere so people aren't pedestrians very often.

>> No.9936339

Since you brought up tinder in general I may as well ask, how is the app? I was thinking I should try it to try getting used to talking to strangers more, since the whole con I wanted to go up and meet some new people but couldn't build the confidence to just join their group, and of course no one was ever sitting anywhere alone

>> No.9936340

I'm getting old and running out of fucks to give. I'm here for the anime and not the sightseeing. AX aint a game.

>> No.9936342

I can't tell you how many times I was zooming along at a good clip to get somewhere and then come to almost a dead stop behind some group of fuckwads gawking at something
especially when they would round a corner and separate me from my friend
im a lot bigger than most of these people, it got pretty tempting to just walk through them

>> No.9936343

Or someone youre following only to do a full stop into a 180 turn. Bruh.

Ive probably stepped on like 20+ shoes in thay walkway between the two main halls. I dont give a shit, if you walking to slow and stop to gawk and something completely your fault. Dont give a shit if those are some brand new Js.

>> No.9936344

Go ahead and try it, just be prepared for disappointment. It's an app where you're judged instantaneously on your face so depending on how you look you might take a blow to your ego.

>> No.9936346

>it got pretty tempting to just walk through them
I know that feeling, but honestly those types of people are even worse imo
>Waiting in line for the exhibition hall to open day 1
>Massive ass line filling the hall
>Some autist comes by and is sticking his hands between people and literally forcing his way through, pushing people apart
>Just watch in shock as he does this to get as close to the front as he can
It's rude as shit, and I saw people doing this as well when people were walking at a decent speed, just shove their way through them anyway

>> No.9936350

I personally don't think I'm that bad looking, but I definitely need to work out and take better care of myself. Definitely got a wake up call when I bought a large shirt from a booth and later found it was too tight. Thankfully the booth was really understanding and let me exchange it for an XL. Also later in a panel I overheard some dude twice my size talking about how he's gonna see about contacting a companies online support to see if he could custom order a shirt in his size. Hearing that made me just really realize I've gotta start slimming down.
I can't imagine being so big that you just accept it and decide to try and special order clothing in your size rather than try to lose weight

>> No.9936354

i thought that's how you're supposed to navigate crowds

>> No.9936357

It is.

>> No.9936358

You walk around people. You don't physically shove them aside. You should navigate without actually touching people if you can prevent it

>> No.9936360
File: 85 KB, 546x768, 1516561988239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do girls have to be so cute and smell so good

>> No.9936361

Well if you put hours of your morning doing shit they do, then you'd probably reach the game goal

>> No.9936365

The fact that the first sizes of shirts to sell out are the XL/2XL/3XL intrigues me. That means its either they didnt bring as much of those sizes or theres just too many landwhales buying the shirts.

>> No.9936366

What is with like 25% of the con having hygiene issues? It's ridiculous how often either in line or sitting in a panel someone smelled like shit, or had terrible breath. I swear to god next time I'm going to just bring a fuckload of mints and give them to the people sitting next to me when I have to breath in their disgusting breath as I sit through a panel

>> No.9936369

Literally the same complaint it made for every large gathering.

>> No.9936370
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead then, but now that AX is over you'll be hard pressed to find any anime loving females, I think.

>> No.9936372

I'm sure. I'll take some time, find out what makes a good profile for the app and give it a whirl. I'm keeping expectations low as shit though

>> No.9936374

Take something thats normally a problem for these types and put them in with 100+ weather that would make normies smell bad.

>> No.9936376

You talking about basememwnt dwellers here. The hell did you expect. Youd need Miasma expert and mastery to not get affected by the vile stench those fat fucks releases.

>> No.9936378

But it's really not that hard though
>Shower in the morning
>Brush your fucking teeth before you leave the house
>Preferably bring mints for later in the day, especially if you're gonna be eating at the con
That's the bare minimum to smell neutral, but some people don't seem like they make any effort at all

>> No.9936395
File: 90 KB, 868x1228, 1530462309467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know an anime loving girl
>but shes a lesbian
>wouldnt have any problem banging if i was a girl
>or a very convincing trap
>cant get her so gotta stay with 2D
i didnt fap all AX just on the occasion i got laid by a qt girl and it never happened. so as such, its time to bust a nut to 1200 dollars worth of doujins i picked up since some dont even have scans yet
check the obituaries, i might not make it. if i dont, tell anime expo to never let fakku sell porn to one person past a 300 dollar limit

scans will be up before i die from the biggest nut ever nut tho so dont worry

>> No.9936397

Regardless, it took over the thread. They should've swapped contact info and moved off the thread

>> No.9936398

/v/irgin from Texas here. It was my first time going and enjoyed it a lot. I'm here in LA till Tuesday. What do now that the con is over?

>> No.9936400

d-did anyone get any pics of me by chance ;; i was cosplaying as ononoki on day 1

>> No.9936401

Are you a chill guy? I live near LA and have tomorrow off work

>> No.9936402

Yes! My time was limited in AA but thankfully I managed to stop by 90% of the booths I wanted to buy from. I even met a couple of artists in person that I've been following on twitter for a while. And a lot of them complimented my costume. My heart feels so full

>> No.9936405

That's incredible, anon! What a great find. That must feel great

>> No.9936407

You need to demand you own space. I too would bend over backwards to move out of people's way, but my supportive bf encouraged me to lock my shoulders and walk forward anyway. If people aren't willing to move slightly for you, then you shouldn't do the same for them.

>> No.9936412

I really want to but I think the friends I go with every year are tapped out. I'm afraid to buy my ticket and have no one to go with. As much as I'd love to be able to go alone, I'm a gull in DTLA and that shit ain't safe

>> No.9936416

Shouldn't you be safe if you just stay in the con, and when you leave get a ride or drive right away?

I'm potentially going alone next year as well, not because my friend won't go, but because he's honestly not fun to be around at the con. He's so goddamn negative about everything it sucks the fun right out of it

>> No.9936417

AAA Roadside Assistance is a must

>> No.9936421

If you're buying japanese sized shirts you have to bump up a size or two.
An asian XL is like a "slim-fit" L here.
If L is your size and you have flabs, they'll show through an asian XL

>> No.9936426

Did you step outside for more than 2 minutes?
I showered everyday and wore clean clothes every morning and simply by walking from my parking spot 20 minutes away in this weather, I already smelled like dried sweat when I got inside.
Reapplying deodorant doesn't help.

>> No.9936428

Yeah, I am. I'm somewhat of an introvert but I dont mind meeting new people. I'm thinking about spending most of the day checking out Little Tokyo tomorrow. It's my first time in LA.

>> No.9936430

may i suggest little tokyo, some parts of china town, olvera street (google this one first), or sitting in the traffic on the 405 or 5 freeways
thats basically the LA experience in a nutshell. its that or you go anywhere outside of LA and enjoy yourself more

>> No.9936431

>Cars AU Yuri Zine
God bless anime

>> No.9936434

for the record im not the initial guy that replied to you, i just live here and hate everything here

>> No.9936436

I always hear mixed things about this city. I'm currently staying at a hotel near the Citadel Outlet and this area feels nice. But then on the way to the con I just saw nothing but garbage looking areas.

>> No.9936437

yep thats LA. everywhere but downtown looks good if you ask me

>> No.9936438

I feel the same. I managed to get my friend who was adamant before about not doing it to cos with me, but next year she is for sure out. I had such a great (albeit stressful) time that I'm just going to get over my fears and do it alone anyway. Life is too short and the positive attention I got this year could sustain me for a lifetime

>> No.9936439

I was thinking the same. I'm afraid to find a really cool idea, but then the costume is going to be too hot for the heat wave that will certainly come next year.

>> No.9936440

It's truly amazing how everything turns to shit once you go further than 2 blocks away from the lacc.

>> No.9936441

The halls aren't bare but it's the lightest day of the con

>> No.9936442

Tickets are fully refundable for 30 days and even past that they're easy to sell for as much or more than you bought it for as the official prices ramp up, there's no danger in buying it early.

>> No.9936444

Downtown barring some good spots is shitty, outside of downtown that reverses.

>> No.9936445

Posting the same desperate pic as you did in the last thread isn't going to get anyone to like you

>> No.9936448

Thanks, anon. I think I needed that support. Will I get in trouble if someone buys my badge and they get caught with it or something?

>> No.9936451

You can get official name changes up until june generally, past that all that would happen is they could lose the badge but there's basically no way to catch it anyway.

>> No.9936456

I think it's more of an issue of the in-betweens - walking to and from my car, potentially being stalked or harassed even while inside the con, etc. etc. My friends and family would have a cow if I even suggested it. But living in fear is no way to live either. I'll mull it over. There's still time to convince someone.

>not because my friend won't go, but because he's honestly not fun to be around at the con
That's such a bummer. I can't be around people like that because I desperately try to please them or at least get a smile out of them which tends to have the opposite effect on both of us. If you do end up going together, just split up every once in a while to catch your breath lmao

>> No.9936458

Artist alley not empty. Still nothing but bodies pressing into each other and trying to squeeze through gaps.

Exhibit hall is more reasonable - however you might be dealing with exclusive or low stock items

Panels are scarce on Sunday as well

>> No.9936459

DTLA is quite an experience. No exaggeration, you'll see the Ritz-Carlton on one block and skid row on the next

>> No.9936461
File: 92 KB, 960x811, smiley cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Your advice has been really helpful. I'm going to go for it. I went under budget this year anyway

>> No.9936463

>go to downtown
>see jack black out of nowhere
>walk 4 steps
>get mugged by dude on skid row
yeah thats about the experience

>> No.9936467

I've literally slept at the con before and no ones bothered me or taken my stuff, I'm always alone though so I'm just used to it.

>> No.9936468

You should've punched his ass

>> No.9936469
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I literally saw a homeless dude shit in a bag in front of a fancy restaurant on 7th street yesterday. No one batted an eye.

>> No.9936470

Day 4 is barely even a day.
Anything con-exclusive or highly sought after will be sold out, big name booths might do sales on remaining merch but don't count on it. (eg. IF intl. cut most of their prices 50%, while aksys did $5 off all games), the day basically ends at 4pm, you get wrangled by convention staff to leave quickly, and there's no main events because the climax was yesterday.

>> No.9936471

No problem anon, maybe we'll end up meeting in a line next year and never be the wiser.

>> No.9936472

the artbook booths are nice to browse. One had Nier Automata, Nier, Final Fantasy XV, and Persona 5 piano collections all for under Amazon's going rate

Always check online before buying just in case, but it's competitively priced most of the time

>> No.9936474

Day 4 this year had the AoT thing so I'm thinking they're gonna try and save 1 big name thing till day 4 from now on.

>> No.9936476

That's being really paranoid. I went alone and went back to my car at 2AM every night. Just park really close to the exits or walk with other weebs

>> No.9936480


San Francisco is the same way. People that paid 600 to 5000 dollars for Hamilton tickets would go to the opera house and be right next to heroine addicts.

They sell drugs in front of city hall and no one cares.

>> No.9936484
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I saw tons of profiles with "At AX" in them but of course none of them are going to match me.

>> No.9936485
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1528701336702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always fun seeing out of state people freak out about having to spend any amount of time in dtla streets.
During ax2014's pre-reg linecon hell, the line wrapped into some residential areas and dumbfucks were tweeting about feeling unsafe because they saw a homeless with a shopping cart.

Also I'm going to miss pre-reg lines dearly.
It's no fun having passes shipped to your house, I miss clapping hands as you walked by the same people again and again.

>> No.9936486

That's the plan for next year, or even just go without him entirely and tell him I want to be by myself.
And hey, we have a full year until the next expo, that's enough time for us to make new friends to enjoy the con with r-right?

>> No.9936487

Hm, I probably just am being paranoid then

>> No.9936488
File: 70 KB, 525x406, having-an-existential-crisis-over-this_o_7213031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's enough time for us to make new friends to enjoy the con with r-right?
I sure hope so

>> No.9936489

>I miss clapping hands as you walked by the same people again and again.
I completely forgot about that lil phenomenon! I do miss it now that you mention it, but that could have happened in this year's line too if everyone wasn't so ticked off about the weather

>> No.9936490

>I miss clapping hands as you walked by the same people again and again.
Last year I saw people doing that shit and I went to high five them back and just held their hand instead. Freaked a lot of dudes out

>> No.9936491

Anyone got a pic of the

>> No.9936492

People were high fiving in the day 1 entertainment hall line

>> No.9936493

Same, but I literally told myself the same thing last year. I think I'll just try going alone next year, because my friend is such a negative fucking cunt
>Went to a panel on voice acting
>Volunteers go on stage to dub a scene
>A girl goes up to do it and obviously is nervous as shit doing this in front of like 300 people
>As soon as she finished my friend audible says "awful"
>Her mom was right behind us filming
Like seriously, I don't get how people can be so fucking negative and cunty

>> No.9936494

Enough time to get your hopes up then to settle back into accepting that you'll always be by yourself.

>> No.9936495

desu that does sound awful, but I just avoid going to panels like that and leave if they start doing walk up qna

>> No.9936497
File: 973 KB, 718x720, shadman 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a webm for you

>> No.9936498

There's nothing wrong with walking away, but being a cunt about it and letting everyone know is shitty

>> No.9936500

Nvm I found one

>> No.9936501
File: 380 KB, 300x300, ram rem dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else go to the dance last night? See Grimecraft? Remember the names of his dancers? At least two of them were adorable and I'd shoot them a follow if they do more professional stuff.

>> No.9936502
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im glad i could help

>> No.9936506

>world premiere of MHA movie with big voice actors
>surprised at the saturation of MHA cosplays because of it
This happens every year dude
How was the amount of Franxx cosplayers?

>> No.9936507

franxxx was outnumbered by like 3-8 times more. there was too many MHA cosplayers but goddamn toga makes my dick solid and i cant say they needed to fuck off

>> No.9936508

Can't wait for AX2020 and that Akira saturation!

>> No.9936511
File: 102 KB, 413x600, 1510944591034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you guys care about finding girls at these things

going with a gf is basically dead weight, you have to slow down for everything and likely won't get half the shit you wanna do in the day

>> No.9936513

Some of us are lonely enough that getting to hold hands with and cuddle with someone during a panel would be worth some dead weight

>> No.9936522

>why the fuck do you guys care about finding girls at these things
i dont want to get my dick wet, i want to suck some titty but i also know that i cant get anyone ideal to my tastes so i just shitpost about it. actually going about doing that is another story since when i do somehow manage to meet a qt grill that i would bang the fuck out of, i generally stop caring and just feel like spitting the shit with them instead. being not thirsty tends to work out in my favor anyway

>> No.9936524
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I just want someone who cares about me.

>> No.9936526

Nothing will ever get lower than doing slave labor for twelve hours per day for a fucking week, but at least I have my lowest con experience ever
Besides that, this year was neither a spectacular victory nor was it a memorable shitshow and I guess I have to take that for what it is worth

>> No.9936529
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, E422C66B-2E13-432F-B571-0AD3E38F7699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven’t checked here all weekend
the days before were luckier, all u had to do was show a 5 Star. if u stuck around til closing they were handing out free, and some scrawny kid got yelled at for pushing a girl to get a poster lol

>>9935811 easily spent $400 this year, mild regret

Even though its hot, too many people, I’ll probably still go again

i was surprised to see girl cosplayers, at least...5?

>> No.9936538

Get some ribbons, ala, is pretty nice though, I've never had problems, I go alone every year. It's better at night or the later pannels if you want to meet some peeps.

>> No.9936541

Cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
I have the displeasure of seeing both the retarded, sketchy side of the afterhours and the convoluted, backstabbing social structures of the day exclusive attendees and both reveal a black ugliness of human evil who's image does not wash away with liquor to the brain
The only kind of AX woman (or any con really) I would not rather have on pike, burning to cinder than call her my own are the ones here with families just having a good time unaware of the monsters they are completely surrounded by

>> No.9936543

cons aren’t good bc all they care about is 2d boys and selfies
the ones u want are probably the hikkikomoris

>> No.9936545 [DELETED] 


>> No.9936554

>implying homeless should not be looked upon with disdain and caution.
>Implying homeless aren't mostly deranged, drug addled basket cases.

Fucking transients

>> No.9936557


Accurate. I too now avoid the cosplaying succubus (Except for Susu, she's adorable and doesn't want my penis anyways). Finding much more mentally healthy people outside of cons has changed my perspective a lot.

I pretty much keep myself busy the entire day at cons anyways, so if a grill wants something, she's gonna have to pursue me, not the other way around. Otherwise I'm not in the mood for hint dropping games. Either give me your number, or fuck off outta my way bitch. I got a gathering to host.

>> No.9936561
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_5979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who this based sign man was? He had a different sign everyday and never said a word to me despite me trying to talk to him.

>> No.9936565

No, but I saw him too. I wonder how much of the con he wasted just standing outside. Or if he even ever went inside. I never saw him inside once. Obviously from your pic though he had a badge, so maybe he changes clothes to go inside?

>> No.9936568

>get home to find out I forgot to apply deodorant
Well shit when I'm not waking up at home my whole routine gets thrown off. Shitty excuse, I feel like a smelly retard.

>> No.9936573
File: 947 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_5982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe he changes clothes to go inside
That would make sense. I once saw him walking away from the convention center and an hour later he had a new sign. Also he had an equally based sign on both sides, i took this one after he turned around. I really looked forward to seeing his signs everyday i went to the con.

>> No.9936576

>no deodorant
>In this god awful heat
You absolute monster

>> No.9936579

Yeah he had good signs, it's just weird that he'd willingly waste so much time, especially outside with how hot it was, just holding up signs and refusing to talk to anyone

>> No.9936582

Forgive me anon, I knew not what I did.

>> No.9936584

No. With all the smelly fucks I sat next to in panels there is no forgiveness. One fucker literally had his fat ass poking out of his sagging pants and everyone behind him could see like a third of his crack, and of course the place smelled

>> No.9936588
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_5929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird that he'd willingly waste so much time
>especially outside with how hot it was

There was also those jazz guys outside and the religious protesters who also stayed outside in the blistering heat for hours. I dont think it seems to crazy that he spent loads of time outside. Everyone kinda does their thing. Heres a pic of one of his Saturday signs.

>> No.9936590

Well the thing is we know the religious protesters are crazy, and the jazz people are out there because they make money off the donations. It just seems weird to spend so much of his time outside in the heat to just hold a sign.
I did see him that day, the sign made me chuckle, but again, spending hours out there when you bought a badge just to sign wave seems dumb to me. Maybe if he was socializing as well, but for whatever reason he chose to be a loner and avoid all conversation

>> No.9936595

I want to do a Gaki no Tsukai cosplay but it makes almost no sense with just one person.

>> No.9936599

I demand more videos of the virtual sex sim.

>> No.9936601
File: 2.28 MB, 1440x2146, DSC_0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember him last year

>> No.9936620

> Last year
> wanted to save money and didn't want to pay an uber
> walked through the ghetto areas because shuttle was done for the day
> feel like walking target because I have a camera around my neck
Fortunately, the only encounter I had with a vagrant was someone wanting money

>> No.9936663

I literally walked past a homeless man waving a wrench around to get to my car. Free parking is the best.

>> No.9936670


If you’re willing to part with any of the buttons, I’m interested in the Honoka ones! My discord is xatwo#0972. My blind button luck was bad for the girls I wanted.

>> No.9936705

Who knows anon, maybe I swiped right on you??

>> No.9936720

Cygame staff were totally attractive. Same with Bamco. I may be a thirsty weeb but it's the truth

>> No.9936721

Did anyone take a pic of the shirtless Inuyasha cosplayer?

>> No.9936727

The Guts I saw had his mouth covered so you couldnt see his face I like this guys version better

>> No.9936737

I get that AX is open to loads of casuals and new fans but the amount of people in the exhib hall who suck at video games hurt me on a metaphysical level.

>> No.9936738

Security guard here, 9/10 times they dont work even when turned on, and cosplay/masks are a huge security issue anyway. What, you want some random ex con guard tearing apart your cosplay looking for a metal pin?
Just realize any time, any where, people could attack you. Punch, kicks staba ive seen it all. Random acts of violence in crowds are way more often than most think and besides constant scanning there is almost nothing you can do about it.

>> No.9936742


Request sent. And if anyone else wants one shoot a friend request to seth#0404

>> No.9936743

taking cosplay pictures should only be allowed in the entertainment hall cosplay area and certain posted times. people stopping for photos slows everything down, and the main entry to both dealers and AA are cut off by a mob of cosplay set ups. its a main fucking enterance.

>> No.9936744

This is why you go and spend your money on merch and starve the entire con.
>TFW LA native with family in the area
>TFW they can bring me food whenever so I can buy more plastic waifus.
>TFW they do
I love my family.

>> No.9936745

Maybe if they asked good questions I wouldn't leave.

>> No.9936748

Its a respect thing. As a woman you probably wouldnt understand.

>> No.9936749

At a certain number of shifts yes, it's not too bad all things considered.

>> No.9936750

They should respect my time and not try to waste it with shit questions.

>> No.9936753

I love fan QA because that's when the guests have the opportunity to crush fan dreams. Wake em up to reality. I remember at one panel this guy asked a Fire Emblem question to one of the english voice actors and she didn't know how to answer the question. Or in the Kill la Kill one the producer/director dodged some questions or gave joke answers.

>> No.9936756

Fan qna generally makes me want to end my life between the people asking questions in broken japanese and the people talking about how much they like their work for 5 minutes and then asking a joke question.

>> No.9936757

When people fly all the way from,another country, its to show them you care about their work despite the shitty questions some people ask.
>not asking your own shitty question
Why even go to panels if you dont care about the people who make it? Just stream it like the fag you are.

>> No.9936758

I didn't have anything in mind but aside from the Doki Doki Lit Club box, I was satisfied with what I bought.
A King Slime and Witch Slime plush from Dragon Quest, a Frieza model kit, a swimsuit Shantae keychain, a giant inflatable Tobasco hot sauce bottle, and a Neptunia plush which turned out to be the last one in stock.
The free shit I got from some of the hentai panels was even better. I got Monster Musume on Blu Ray, Monster Musume calendar, free trial for HiDive, Rachnera play mat.
But the one thing I wanted most and got to cherish was my time with my best friend.

>> No.9936759

That's why I love it when the guests kill their expectation. Fan QA is cancer for the most part like the examples you listed. Also when they ask multiple questions, questions that were already answered, promote their own brands, etc

>> No.9936760

>3 hours til 2019 badge sales
I don't know if I should buy it for next year.

>> No.9936761

They should have a twitter for qa panels where the best or most liked tweets get answered. Less gushing, more content. Although fan qa seems to make the guests happy usually, as its full of praise.

>> No.9936764

The only good fan qna I went to was probably at the ZUN panel last year where someone gave ZUN a bottle of some microbrew beer and the rest of the questions weren't bad.

I'm there for the curated not shit content and announcements not to listen to garbage when I could be leaving to get In line for another panel.

The Designing characters panel at 3:30 on sunday did it in a great way. One of the exhibitors went to the line and and asked people individually what questions they have and jotted them onto a notepad. They asked some of the good ones at the end of the panel.

>> No.9936765

Woah, I heard your story before. I think I met you and sat next to you during the Miss Monochrome/Overlord panel.

>> No.9936766

Anyone knows what happened with momokun?

>> No.9936769

Check out Little Tokyo if you can.

>> No.9936773
File: 321 KB, 625x624, 1488681012792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say but best was probably 2014.
Worst was full on 2013 since I nearly died of heat stroke for the Sailor Moon panel. The angel who came to aid me was some Mexican guy selling ice cream.
2017 isn't my worst because I went through the side and back entrances to avoid the lines and went on day 0 to get my badge.

>> No.9936776

>No one is playing that song unironically
You have to be 18 years or older to use this site.

>> No.9936788


I’m getting premiere this year because last year I bought into the assumption that aqours will not be returning because of their touring schedule.

Plus there’s a non-zero chance Roselia will be performing.

>> No.9936789
File: 50 KB, 381x342, F642F6CC-A0F2-48B7-B8B4-FFC726871BA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ alteast he did it in a bag, while walking from con to little Tokyo I saw multiple shit piles on the sidewalk straight up.

>> No.9936797

I took some pictures of one on the 6th.

>> No.9936798

Stinkiest person I came across was small Asian woman in like her mid 30s. She smelled like rotten sushi and cheese. Second was guy early 20s sitting in front of me at Super Live. He was like a garbage dump with a slight hint of week old McDonald's fries.

>> No.9936799

Walking from con to little tokyo is kinda a bad idea, takes you through skid row pretty much.

>> No.9936805
File: 3.97 MB, 613x277, D9413C40-668D-45CB-8C9B-919813D2F11F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s enjoying work the day after AX?

>> No.9936806

Really depends on the price. I live in Glendale so it takes me 20-30 minutes to get to the con but I deal with it. You might have to wake up early each day tho.

>> No.9936809

LA native here, this is true if you follow a shit Google maps walk route. 1st and 2nd Street pass by little Tokyo and literally never have any homeless people. I know because I go to little tokyo and downtown a lot. From the con just walk north on Figeroa then east on 2nd or 1st, but I don't know why youd do this if it's 100 degrees outside and there's a free shuttle to little tokyo and back.

>> No.9936813

Sadly no. Tit mouse line was so fucking hot.

>> No.9936815
File: 122 KB, 827x720, 1530289090731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people crossplay without getting a raging boner the entire time?
I tried it once and got horny immediately.

>> No.9936817
File: 15 KB, 295x342, 837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paid 55 bucks for the Doki Doki box
>It was just posters, school supplies and some pins
Absolute fucking rip off. Never buy them.

>> No.9936821

>see a poor sucker opening his mystery box in the middle of the crowd
>first item he pulls out is a kazoo
A fucken kazoo

>> No.9936822

With Roselia reforming I wonder if they'll be touring. But I'm definitely hoping they bring more Bang Dream stuff next year. I'm not as big into Love Live or Idolmaster.

>> No.9936824

They were such a shitty shop they weren't even set up for the first hour or two the exhibit hall was open, no surprise the box was shit too. Only reason to buy it would have been for the Dan autograph.

>> No.9936826

new thread

>> No.9936829

>A kazoo
Holy shit please tell me that's a joke. You have to be lying
I don't think I got an autograph but I'll check again when I get home. Meanwhile at last year's con, the Yandere Simulator dev was getting pictures with fans and would probably give autographs if you asked. He didn't have a booth set up and was just there for the con and was chill af. Meanwhile I don't even think the dev of DDLC was at his own booth.

>> No.9936831

>I don't think I got an autograph but I'll check again when I get home

People who bought from them early each day got an autograph ticket for Dan, so if you're not sure then you didn't get one.

>> No.9936833

>Wanting to clap hands for 5 hours straight in 120 degree weather.

>> No.9936838
File: 66 KB, 1053x655, 2018-07-09_09-52-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9936849

Well I'll be damned
>People felt unsafe
That shit was funny af. Despite being surrounded by over a hundred people on your side, there were people who still felt unsafe when seeing one fucking homeless guy. Meanwhile I see a crackhead asking for change, I just shrug and ask if he takes credit.

>> No.9936907

>I just shrug and ask if he takes credit
Thanks for obliterating my sides

>> No.9937324
File: 3.45 MB, 4379x3629, _20180709_162447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$500+ spent
The line for aqours merch was so fucked up that I was able to "scoot" my way in 4 times and buy King blade after King blade. I ended up with 10 myself, and buying more for others.

>> No.9937555

I walked that route before too. Never again. Just pay for the uber.

>> No.9937584

During AX just take the shuttle that's free and goes straight there.

>> No.9937611

Bitch no you didn't I can see my likes.

>> No.9937733

No really stories, just vignettes. Usually it's running into someone I know/remember from another event but since I am already busy I just acknowledge them then continue on my way

>> No.9937760

Green text?

I would plow that cow like no tomorrow.