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9907987 No.9907987 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Expo 2018 Danger Thread

>> No.9908023
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>they didn't immediately SWAT him
Into the trash.

>> No.9915245


Edgelord personafied

>> No.9915870

Soooo did said person file a police report?

>> No.9915884

I was literally the guy last year posting about how i feared about a mass shooting taking place at AX.

>> No.9915886
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i fucking warned you a year early

>> No.9915948

How many fucking times do people have to tell these people that facebook posts don't fucking help.


>> No.9915962

Masa D Luffy hasn’t age well

>> No.9915965

i remember thinking this last year, especially at all the lines and crowds outside. it was my first AX and just after the manchester bombing. i’m honestly scared to go this year desu

>> No.9915968

the odds are on your side that it won't be attacked.

sdcc? no attacks.
cherry blossom festival? no attacks.
fanime? no attacks.
pride? no attacks.
bay to breakers? no attacks.
ala? no attacks.
warriors games? no attacks
giants games? no attacks

see a pattern yet?

do you think that if an airplane crashes surely one you're on will crash too?
how about car crashes? when you see one do you think you're next in line?

>> No.9915974

it literally says theyre calling the police in the post anon

>> No.9915985

This SDCCfag for about 13 years in a row. I would agree and if anything I usually talk to people on how things could be worst and give them my threat assessment of what possible damage someone could do besides shooting up a place. which will either make some scared or understand that the world is a chaotic place. side note the only person to ever to die at comic-con was a twilightfag who stop half across the walkway and went back the way she came because she thought she wouldn't make it. upon the return trip back she tripped and a car ran over since she was out of view.

>> No.9916010

i remember that
they started moving the line and she was rushing to get back so she could move her stuff too

>> No.9916815


Still brawls could break out at cons when certain congoers wanna play hero and chase out the troublemakers

>> No.9916847
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>brawls could break out at cons

Man, we just attract classy people don't we?

>> No.9916853

yeah let's get those nonexistent brawls going this year right? i'm sure the fight numbers are going to go from 0 last year to 100 this year

>> No.9916876

Rule 1 of Fight Club: You don't talk about Fight Club.

>> No.9916889

>I apologize for fear mongering

That’s actually what I hate the most about this post. Coulda easily just reported the person to the police and moved on without making a giant fuss about it. The poster isn’t sorry at all, the poster wanted to fear monger.

>> No.9916893
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Now isn't the time for fear. That comes later.

>> No.9916900

<Filing a report this weekend>
<guy said he is going to shoot up a place>

And we wonder why guns are out of control? Maybe its because you idiots have NO SENSE OF PRIORITY!

>> No.9916950

>Random Facebook post says this guy is a threat. No additional evidence

Oh my god. I better cancel all my plans and spend the weekend shivering in the fetal position while lying in a pool of my own piss.

Better yet, just give in and never go outside at all. Seriously, this isn't a concern.

>> No.9917461

Oh hey I didn't know Green Day was going to be at AX.

>> No.9917480

ax posted about this on their twitter

>> No.9917492

I decided not to go this year because of that.

>> No.9917513

RIP my lungs

>> No.9917621
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Decided at the last minute to go and help a friend sell in the DR! Are there any good lolita events/meets at AX? Also any vegan restaurant rec's in LA?

>> No.9917638
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Pink's and Philippe's are places for good vegan food. Misako approved too~

>> No.9917639

link to the tweet, anon?

>> No.9917673

What do you guys do for foot pain? I lived off ibeprofun last year but want something better

>> No.9917674

Insoles and foot massages

>> No.9917687

>we both share mentally imparing issues like borderline personality disorder and depersonalization disorder
>cosplay drama whores
How fitting

>> No.9917688

the only time I've ever seen a brawl at a con either involved booze, D&D, or insulting someones waifu and I wouldn't say they happened at the con but near it.

>> No.9917698

I wanted there to be another neon district or something like it
It was the best way to end the con

>> No.9917701

>Neon District

Teddyloid's original Lounge 21 set was better.

>> No.9917705

What did AX say about it?

>> No.9917706

I want the atmosphere. Being able to pop outside for a drink and chat then going in for music was top tier.

>> No.9917714

AX is aware of this and all they've said is that they have stepped up security but won't go into details so it isn't compromised.
Go look through their twitter you fucking lazy faggots.

>> No.9917740

No, kill yourself, you already told us the important detail

>> No.9917747 [DELETED] 

Okay, so how are you getting past security nerd?

>> No.9917786

pinks is incredibly overrated

>> No.9917788

you'd be amazed at how easy it is to explain things to people who don't really give a shit and who are only getting paid minimum wage. doubly so if there's a big ass line behind you and they just want to keep things moving so a supervisor doesn't come over and yell at them. triply so if its late in their shift and their don't give a shit levels are off the chart because they've been doing it for hours on end. this even ignores the fact that you can just hide shit in your bag or costume where they won't find it in the first place.

this also ignores the fact that a threat doesn't even have to go past the security in order to attack because there's plenty of people hanging out outside.

>> No.9917793

Compression socks and upgrade to Aleve

>> No.9917819

This guy is from my community and I was actually scared he was going to shoot up AX last year. He's been banned from several cons in the area but that just makes him angrier and show up anyway. He's all talk though so I hope it stays that way.

>> No.9917823

>Loony bin enthusiast calls out other crazed animefag.

Ye sure. I live in a bad neighborhood and the nutjobs here are "warning" me about each other every day. Chances are that they havent even spoken to each other.

Rule one when dealing with crazies, especially with anime borderline dirt:
Dont take anything as true or serious, ignore them, keep away, punch hard if you have or like to. Remember that you arent talking to/reading letters from an emotional human being but basically a fuck up robot in human disguise.

>> No.9917837

Dumb question.. Is there metal detectors? Imma wear my construction boots to the con (as im used to wearing them all day) and dont want grief.

>> No.9917850

last year only at the main entrance and they weren't even on lmao

>> No.9917919

Threads meant to harass and disparage others are against the rules.

If you want to wage a hate mob against someone, go to tumblr.

>> No.9918080

This, if you're gonna go for a tourist trap place go to Howlin Rays

>> No.9918082

guess you sympathize with serial killers too then

>> No.9918087
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>Wanna go to AX
>Live in Ohio

I could buy a home with the roundtrip prices I've seen

>> No.9918096

It's like $200-$500 what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9918102


Yeah I just checked, I had the settings wrong. I'll see if I can fly out

>> No.9918457
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>tfw two weeks out and getting pre-con jitters

I had such a shitty time last year. The guest list is worse this year, too, so who knows if this year will be any better.

>> No.9918470


"yes hello, i'm friends with a psychopath, please give me attention"

>> No.9918713

>ala? no attacks.
don't jinx it you stupid fuck.

>> No.9918720

>stepped up security
Maybe if you have more actual law enforcement and less clueless college-aged and single mom rent-a-cops

>> No.9918857

This kid has actually started fights at other cons before because he was target people he thought "betrayed him", one of the reasons its actually a little scary he's threatening gun violence.

>> No.9918859

yeah hang on let me magically make them get attacked by mentioning them even though all those other cons, ax too, have never had an issue

>> No.9919032

Does anyone remember if MS Theater sold alcohol during AMW? I now feel like pay $8 bottle of beer while watching Aqours.

>> No.9919154
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For all the roadtripfags, who’s heading out way early (read: 4 in the morning) to beat the July 4 traffic?

>> No.9919158

I always leave 2-3am. (6 hour drive or so). You basically slam 90-100mph there the first few hours.

>> No.9919162

last year i recall that they did

>> No.9919612

>$8 bottle of beer

>> No.9919613


>> No.9919634

Suddenly I actually want to go to AX. That sounds way cooler than the shitty "bar" they had in previous years.

>> No.9919700

Hey that's pretty sweet.

>> No.9919726

>Junmai Sake: Gekkeikan – Nigori, Sho Chiku Bai
These are Gekkeikan's bottom shelf offerings that are perpetually on sale at one Japanese supermarket or another for $5/1.75L.

>> No.9919731

>anime male protagonist syndrome
What are the symptoms? Quick, this is important

>> No.9919740

First time going to Anime Expo. Will I get to see something like this there?

>> No.9919752

has anyone ever been to movie premiere showings at marriot? there are 2 movies i actually wanna see this year and im wondering if its worth it or its just a shitty room

>> No.9919759

It's also the same stuff you get if you order hot sake at pretty much any Japanese restaurant, though, including ones in Japan. As long as they're serving it hot it's fine. Total joke if they're trying to serve it cold, though.

>> No.9919775

Gee AX how come your mom lets you have two threads?

>> No.9919825

Probably because mom realizes that one of them is past its bump limit

>> No.9919941 [DELETED] 

ISIS and Incels like anime, it doesnt make sense to attack AX. Confirmed Deep State false flag if so.

>> No.9919948

Marijuanas and a end of the day foot massage machine with epson salt.

>> No.9919991

Believing no matter what you do it's the right thing and also being an idiot around the opposite sex

>> No.9920569 [DELETED] 

Did Alex Jones tell you that son? Because you really shouldn't be listening to people like that.

>> No.9920671

>Because you really shouldn't be listening to people like that unironically

>> No.9921111
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>Manga creator Hirohiko Araki announced on Thursday that his JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Ōgon no Kaze (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind or Vento Aureo) manga will receive a television anime adaptation that will premiere in October.

> The first episode of the anime will screen at the Anyerri Hall in Tokyo and Japan Expo in Paris, France at the same time on July 5, and will later screen at Anime Expo on July 7


>> No.9921129

First time goer to AX

How thorough is security getting in? Can I easily bring in a water bottle of alcohol? asking for a friend

>> No.9921168

Security tends to just give up after the first day or two. They just check your bags to make sure you’re not bringing in anything questionable but even then most just give a quick glance and nothing more. You’ll be fine but also recommend a bottle of actual water so you don’t suffer too bad in the heat.

>> No.9921171

sounds good thanks buddy

i bring alcohol to ease my nerves of going alone to a con for the first time

>> No.9921235

Anyone still need a room? Single king size bed room at Hotel Indigo from Day 0-4.

>> No.9921240

how much for thurs-sun?

>> No.9921247

Not a party room. Drinking okay.

>> No.9921267 [DELETED] 
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Is anyone waiting for that inevitable con shooting that's going to change everything? No gun props, metal detectors, significant changes to cosplay rules. Cosplay all the things you think would get banned while you still have the freedom.

>> No.9921659 [DELETED] 
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>Not knowing that Osama was a massive weeb binging on dragon Ball and Bible black
>Not knowing the radical incels that have joined

>> No.9921935
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I dont know if I should laugh or cringe at some of the sheltered pussies ITT.

>> No.9921942

>put gun in pants

>> No.9921952

Is getting my dick sucked included in the price?

>> No.9921953

Sure if you swing that way

>> No.9921955

BPDs should be culled. I have never met a single one who wasn’t abusive at best and sociopathic at worst.

>> No.9921956

What are some good drinks that are warm? Don't think I'd want to drink straight vodka or some shit, but obviously anything you bring is gonna be warm/hot

>> No.9922087

Japan Expo has been better than AX for years now. This isn't much of a surprise.

>> No.9922089

I'm pretty much just using AX as an excuse to hang out with my friends for 4 days straight, since the actual guests are so lackluster.

>> No.9922098

Yeah; gotta watch out for those wild guns. Just get up and do things all on their own without their owners' knowledge.

>> No.9922153

Irish coffee, white russian, mexican coffee, mulled wine, hot chocolate w/ kahlua

>> No.9922210

Is this the same crazy Lonzo person who was making threats not that long ago? He even made threats about hurting someone's pet if I recall.

>> No.9922504

same crazy lonzo from ala

>> No.9924626

did ever anything happen?
I mean, it could

sorry for being a little bit /pol/ but...
...this sounds like Trump to me

>> No.9924650

This literally means nothing. Just because it hasn’t happened at other events doesn’t mean you can predict that it won’t at another.

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.9924718

>Just because it hasn’t happened at other events doesn’t mean you can predict that it won’t at another.
Or it could, ya know, not happen either. It's 50/50. How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.9927696


>> No.9927739
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How do I have sex with cute traps, or medium to slightly heavy girls at AX?

>> No.9927769

Is that the guy from Green day?
And shit, things like this happen nearly every AX now, usually shitty bomb threats. Weird world.

>> No.9927772

Didn't SDCC have an incident a few years back involving resident evil & someone stabbing peoples eyes with a pen or pencil or something?

>> No.9927784
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This is a bigger danger. Goku Sanchez is going to raid every lolitas' bloomers at AX.

Be careful of your bloomers. Goku Sanchez might catch'em all. ;-)

>> No.9927812

Anyone know if any other of the non-Marriott hotels do the wristband policy?

>> No.9927829

I recall an incident like that but I believe it happen off site in Gaslamp in a bar or club and but I don't recall what they were fighting about. all the SDCC incidents I can remember were.
>twilight-fag getting run over
>hardcore walking dead zombie group that got run over by a deaf dutch family on vacation
>either a ghoster/urban explorer getting lock up on the con roof and having to climb down the glass to be arrested
>Numerous rumors or report of either someone tryin/going/probably will commit suicide, blow up, or shoot up the con

If any other SDCCfags know to clarify it would help out

>> No.9927837
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>ID won't be coming in time for the trip
Guess I'm not getting any smut

>> No.9927975

asking the real questions!

>> No.9927996

I’m doing the same thing too, just add in getting away from work and needed a vacation

>> No.9928209
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>mfw my ID somehow arrived in less than a week

>> No.9928214

>No friends
>No guests

It would figure that this is the first time in years that I've had a lot of spending money, too.

>> No.9928395

the pen was in hall h between panels because some dudes were fighting over seating. singular stabbing. just one, and not even multiple stabs on the same person.

>> No.9928469

I'll provide you sexual favors for your SSN and ID

>> No.9928475

>give me your info so I can perform identity theft and I'll let you fuck me

that seems a lot more expensive than just hiring a prostitute

>> No.9928478

I completely forgot to respond to the post. Now the joke's ruined

>> No.9928480

First time going to AX.

I received my badge in the mail already. So do I still have to check in on day 1? Where do I get the swag bag? Is it worth it? Lastly, should I stand in line in my cosplay or will it be too hot?

>> No.9928488

if you have your badge you're good to go
swag bag/lanyard is optional. if you have any other lanyard you can use that. you can get it at any time during the con.
it might be too hot depending on whether it is an inside or outside line and the time of day

remember to hydrate, bring snacks, and a phone charger

>> No.9929649

Agree. They sow grief and drama everywhere they go, everything they touch turns to shit.

He wishes. There's a thread on KW about this Lonzo freak.

If he wants a broken schnoz and look even uglier, he should go for it.

>> No.9929797

>Trump chan stopped going and I still haven't been able to cum in her Doritos

>> No.9929809

fuck this jeraado ueeei modoki

>> No.9929877

Wasn't there a guy who brought guns to a con a year or two ago but was intercepted ? I forget the details but I think he was threatening an ex girlfriend or girl he liked and sent a text photo of the guns and then went to the con. It was discussed on cgl at the time

>> No.9929903

Yeah but the con was in Asia, either China or Thailand.

>> No.9929914

People are so wrapped up in the Lonzo drama they didnt even realize the guy that "reported" and posted the screen shots of him is a hard extreme right Nazi and has done the same exact thing in the past.

Everyone go Baaaaaaaaaaa!

>> No.9930050

Malaysia. He flipped and then some heroes mobbed him, and then he brought out bearspray or something, crazy shit. He was also a pervert.

>> No.9930053


>> No.9930115

That’s shitty but he admits he’s insane in the post, and while that lends no credence to the viability of his claims, if there is any legitimacy to them I fail to see how the reporting source is relevant if what he’s claiming can be confirmed.

>> No.9930432

The one from Phoenix comic con?

>> No.9930581

>the poster wanted to fear monger.
I'm half and half about this.
Some people really would find a moral use to post info on a possible shooter.
On the other hand, I could see someone from this community posting it just for the sake of some internet clout.

>> No.9930591
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>> No.9930651

The "heros" were just as guilty. They were trying to impress some pussy and got some well deserved oc for cornering the guy. Get out of here you Malay mutt.

>> No.9930652

The guys credibility is already falling apart. AnimeConji reported that lonzo didnt even attention while HeilHitler Kampfy said he was a staff member.

>> No.9930656

Linecon is going to be even longer than last year isn't it?

>> No.9930657

How about Day 2-4? I'm still looking for a room Day 2-4.

>> No.9930672

Why the lines if everyone already has their badge ?

>> No.9930734

I fucking don't because I had to buy last minute because my friend that I haven't seen in years just told me he is going. I was going to skip this year because LINE CON WAS HORRIBLE last year

>> No.9930749

You're a pretty shit friend desu

>> No.9930792

Did you ask him a few months back and said no or did he just tell you outta the blue whilst in a conversation?

>> No.9930803


The SDCC stuff is always weird. I read some shit about the kinds of security they have at that con. Apparently they have plain clothes security everywhere and snipers on rooftops and shit, so the only stuff that can even happen is weird stuff like an idiot running through a zombie walk because he didn't realize it was fucking comic con despite nerds literally everywhere for ten miles around the con center.

>> No.9930806

You hit me up jankyjank2@gmail.com. Maybe we can slip off in a bathroom somewhere.

>> No.9930839 [DELETED] 

>ISIS likes anime (shonenshit)
>incels like anime (moe)
>alt right like anime (yaoi)
>antifa like anime (whatevers on toonami)
Who would attack?

>> No.9930871

Can someone tell me how much a replacement for a 4day badge is

>> No.9930917
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Adventure ho!
Who’s (still) driving / flying to the con now?
This should keep the trip pleasant for a while.

>> No.9931078

can you buy shikishi at the con? tfw you want to go to autographs but have nothing to sign

>> No.9931168

Same price at bevmos and shit.

>> No.9931174

Disactivate your old badge and go pick up your new one. Should be free

>> No.9931197

The Kinokuniya booth sometimes has them. If you have a way of getting there, some Daiso stores will stock them in the stationary/drawing section.

>> No.9931213

For traps just go to the /cgl/ meet up. I had traps hitting on me last 2 times I went. I told them I ain't into any of that gay shit you can have them.

>> No.9931214

Out of the blue like 2 weeks ago. He just assumed I would be going

>> No.9931253

I was at Mintandapple's booth in the Dealer's Room and I was surprised to find Voldie there.

Hi Voldie! You were very nice to me. Just be careful of Goku Sanchez raiding your bloomers.

>> No.9931291

Shit, currently stuck in line for Aqours and Anisong merch. It's fucking hot and we are not moving.

>> No.9931314

How's the badge line? I'm stuck picking mine up in person this year.

>> No.9931326

Anyone stuck in lines or waiting, try some online Cards Against Humanity: >>9931216

I'm interested if anyone can even connect to this much less play it together while at a con.

>> No.9931332

AX just tweeted the lines are empty

>> No.9931349
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>> No.9931466
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>yfw looking at the line for merch at the Aqours concert

>> No.9931622

The appeal of cards against humanity completely goes away once you've played a few times and have seen most of the cards. Then you either get tired of it, or choose to buy the retardedly overpriced expansions that you will eventually get tired of.
Also half the fun is seeing the reactions of who you're playing with. I never got the appeal of it online

>> No.9931632

It was $55, but thank you!!

>> No.9931653

>and have seen most of the cards
We have close to 700 cards cgl has added to the decks alone.

>Also half the fun is seeing the reactions of who you're playing with.
The chat can explode with laughter too. The text doesn't have to be emotionless when you use the proper diction.

I suppose the appeal is the convenience of not having to dig the game itself out and manifest physical cards and playing with "online" friends.

>> No.9931655

Playing with friends online is one thing. Playing with strangers who will just post laughing emojis or type "fuck that was funny" doesn't seem that great to me.
But to each their own

>> No.9931665

Use to work at one of the hotel buildings near downtown sd. They’re literally have police snipers on the roofs of the hotels they’re watching the sdcc and the comic goers. They got you cover.

>> No.9931672

He looks cute. Would date in an instant.

>> No.9931673

Running with your face forward and your arms behind you.

>> No.9931687

Is there going to be a /cgl/ meet up or something??

>> No.9931690


>> No.9931791

Isn't it amazing the difference you can do to a huge crowd of people with a gun than, say, a knife? Crazy, right?!

>> No.9931798


>> No.9931998

Pretty sure this fucker is just all talk like that Waluigi guy who sent a bomb threat to Nintendo world new york

>> No.9932005

LA resident here
Don't worry, the hepatitis and AIDS will kill him before he even steps out of his car.

>> No.9932042

Congrats for having shit taste. Please tell me you're still in high school

>> No.9932060
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>> No.9932075
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>mfw Altus has all last year’s swag at their booth as well
>mfw $200 of my swag cash is already down the drain

>> No.9932086

>Lost soul sucks up all his autism and decides to go to event and just try to have a good time
>Is made a social media pariah and assaulted by security as soon as he enters
>Everyone celebrates at his pain and futile struggling

This is how supervillains are made.

>> No.9932097


Looks like a middle aged photographer creep

>> No.9932099

LOL incoming libel lawsuit! He had nothing on him. AX and everyone that had a hand in this is fuuuuuuuuucked.

>> No.9932114

This lmao. Fucking idiots.

>> No.9932116

I remember this from last year and wondered what the deal was.

>> No.9932118

I think it was explained in the archive.

>> No.9932166


I am out of the loop, what happened last year that security tackled a man?

>> No.9932254

Has anyone spotted a rolling ita bag for sale?

>> No.9932262

The guy was wearing a shirt that said: "If you're a security guard, tackle and detain me right before I ascend an escalator."

>> No.9932346

I wish I was a cute girl

>> No.9932350

You can. I believe you

>> No.9932356

Any good places to eat within walking distance of of the convention center?

>> No.9932359

Only one...my penis.

>> No.9932365

No sorry, the portion is too small.

>> No.9932380


>> No.9932383
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, F5F856CA-1004-4E86-A9A4-C7168AB0D27F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night was fun

>> No.9932399 [DELETED] 

Oh look at this edgelord. Posts a bunch of alcohol bottles. Hey I can do that too! Lemme just get a bunch of empty bottles and pretend I'm bad ass.

>> No.9932405
File: 53 KB, 350x266, 1318206292592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to wear lolita today
>no bloomers
>someone stole me bloomers


>> No.9932442

>That thing you want in Exhibit Hall is already out of 1st days stock.

OK real talk; what is the suggested time to line up for the exhibit hall to get in quickly? To put it another way, when does the majority of AX attendees start to pack in?

>> No.9932448


>Not Strong Zeroes

It's like you're incapable of being cool, anon.

>> No.9932450

as soon as entry inside is allowed.

>> No.9932459


So just to save me the mistake of attempting to rise before the sun to line up, they disperse anyone attempting to wait for entry before 10am?

>> No.9932460

I’d be more worry about Mexican Andy roaming around than the guy in OP

>> No.9932462
File: 78 KB, 1080x1350, ljiashann_1811484358786112665_4782217188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary danger.

>> No.9932472

Heading to the airport~

>> No.9932474


>> No.9932484
File: 304 KB, 960x1280, pikpanty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she more or less banished from AX? I know her sponsors pulled a BE GONE THOT.

>> No.9932486

She's a monster.

>> No.9932491

i meant entry to inside the convention, not the hall. you wait at the bottom of the stairs until 10. people run in as soon as the regular pass people are allowed in.

>> No.9932504

Saw her at the meet. So fuck ugly.

>> No.9932517


Just trying to make a plan of attack here. As a past SDCC attendee I'm no stranger to unofficial lines for lines for lines. So to clarify, they WILL let people wait in front for the exhibit hall without shooing anyone away? I recall in past years it was more of a mosh pit where you could just kind of blend in as far as human contact could allow, but I never attempted to get in before 30 minutes of opening.

>> No.9932533

just don't pass the retractable belt.

>> No.9932541

Wheres the /cgl/ meetup this year. I'm interested in this

>> No.9932562

why the fuck are so many people wearing the same shirt/hoodie with all the ahegao faces?

>> No.9932570

The same place it's always been.
The nice meme.

>> No.9932572

I mean new

>> No.9932575

Did she get kicked out of the booth she was working for?

>> No.9932583

That is not a picture of Momokun.

>> No.9932608


>Look at me I have a tripcode notice me

Anon, did you forget it's possible to hide tripcodes?

>> No.9932617

I've never gone, always seen shit about it but never wanted to go until now

>> No.9932619

anyone want to get thier dick sucked by someone ugly and pathetic?
btw I'm a boy

>> No.9932630


>> No.9932648

trihex was streaming today, chickened out of going up and talking to him though

>> No.9932651
File: 100 KB, 539x732, 5B7398B4-6354-4577-BA34-24C5E45DE169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayyyyyyooooo we wudda beat his azs pussy wytepipel
>throwin drinks aint no assault XD
>they wuz talkin razist shit before
The absolute state of the black/latino community and how they respond to confrontation. It’s almost like going ape shit whenever you disagree with someone is holding back your culture as a whole.

>> No.9932652

can someone buy me cigs tomorrow

>> No.9932662

hmu, I have a small one

>> No.9932672

Have any of you been to beer gardens, the bartenders are baka as fuq

>> No.9932676

5.5 inches?

>> No.9932679

What's your phone number bb? :3

>> No.9932687

Sure have a way to contact you?

>> No.9932688


>> No.9932692

how you use it is very important

>> No.9932700

That's when it stop been funny

>> No.9932701


You must be new here.

>> No.9932718

Just wear a thong diaper instead.

>> No.9932735

tfw friends ditched me cause they got tickets to the JoJo event

>> No.9932812

Ayy thanks for stopping by, I'm really happy to be able to help my friend sell her art!! Idk who goku sanchez is but thanks for the warning


>> No.9932900

Where's the version with sound? I have no idea what this is supposed to be.

>> No.9932997

Lost your trip scientist?

>> No.9933002

If you just want food fig at 7th has a food court on the bottom floor. Within walking distance and isn’t as expensive as the places in LA live. I like the poki spot.

>> No.9933113

They're not going to let you in without a lanyard now. Just a heads up

>> No.9933118

Anyone selling bicycling jerseys?

>> No.9933125


Because they all have incredible personalities

>> No.9933142

Post proof

>> No.9933158

its hotter than hell

>> No.9933175


You can come up and roll the dice if you feel like it, but I got turned away from the West Hall after half an hour of waiting, and after asking three volunteers and two other door security personnel I can safely say that this is a real thing.

>> No.9933348

Where are the street preachers at?

>> No.9933368

They usually come saturday and sunday m8
Dayjobs and shieeeet

>> No.9933383

Thats not solid proof. Post an official announcement.

>> No.9933398

I got heckled by one awhile ago. Random old asian guy says hi, starts off with "Im a monk from somethingsomething christian center" I shook my head and he noped off.

>> No.9934596
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1944, 20180707_142332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We praising god and shit

>> No.9934621

Dead thread dead con

>> No.9934638

If it's not a gun, anon, it'll be something else.

It'll be explosives that you can make with simple cleaning supplies and ingredients found in your kitchen. If it's not that, it'll be poison in the air ducts, or a tainted water supply.

Guns are just a means to an end. If someone TRULY wants to murder a mass amount of people, they will find a way.

>> No.9934640


I'm new here, what's the problem with these?

>> No.9934675

kayybear said that momokun pulled her shirt down when she first met her. i think kayy is either lying, or trying to take momo down.

fact: colossalcon 2017 kayybear roomed with momokun and did a group cosplay with her

question: if kayybear truely felt like momokun assaulted her, why did she room with her at colossal

>> No.9934869

Because she a whore

>> No.9934988

I don’t dance but the ax dance was pretty fun

>> No.9935010

What did you do then?

>> No.9935480

My friend went by their area and said they weren't even selling games like last year?

>> No.9935589

The real danger this year was the fucking heat.

>> No.9935606

Didn't someone manage to stab 5-10 people in the back with a big knife at a con a few years ago

>> No.9935652

shut up, momokun

>> No.9935815

They only sold Persona 5 game wise, everything else was swag, including shirts and a water bottle that won’t keep your shit cold

>> No.9935850

That's a real damn shame. Last year that a lot of games, including Raidou, Etrian Odyssey, P4G, and the original PS2 version of Persona 4 brand new complete with the soundtrack CD.

>> No.9935856

This. I was legitimately struggling to function because of how bad this heatstroke was hammering me, and the fucking security took my water away.

>> No.9935859

Not to mention i think attendance might be higher than last year's and there's no cap. The heat sure as hell didn't help with all the crowds

>> No.9936239

I watched other people in a dance circle dance, it was pretty fun

>> No.9940604

ehh, those guys arent the typical convention street preacher.

those monk guys are harmless and know when to fuck off if you say no. those arent the ones that try to force their beliefs on you.

the ones that stand around with a sign and spouting shit on a mic, those are the ones you gotta watch out for.

>> No.9943655


Holy shit is that Snacks?

>> No.9943711

I see those guys every year but I have no idea what they're going on about. We're going to hell... for something?

>> No.9943714

Apparently those Christian cucked fucktards think people will go to hell for having a hobby or any outside interest that is not directly related to Christianity or religion. They just hate seeing other people have fun because of their own miserable lives.

>> No.9943715


>fucks off after you politely decline him
>"he heckled me"

hyperboles are now our language's currency.

>> No.9946789

He'd be kinda cute if he wasn't such a faggot

>> No.9947828
File: 3.56 MB, 3087x3087, 51F10B3E-263C-41F3-971D-953427E94874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most cosplay photos are shot at that Staples Center
>this shit tier pop star is playing there during Anime Expo 2019
Who’s hyped to not get any good cosplay photo opportunities at the Staples Center / get weird looks from normies and their parents during Anime Expo next year?

>> No.9947893

Can't be any worse than the time we had to share space with the jocks and I had a lukewarm experience that time.

>> No.9947971

Nani the fuck?

>> No.9948066

So I take it this edgy fuck has been arrested by now?

>> No.9948103

In 2012 AX and Xgames happened at the same time for three days. Xgames took over the entire space around the Staples Center, Nokia Theater, and the parking lot in front of west hall.

It was very loud, very dirty, and from what I understood many female cosplayers were made uncomfortable.

>> No.9948171

It's only for 1 day and not until later in the day, shouldn't really matter

>> No.9951400
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, Cute_japanese_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you want me to bring this up with some people that work for SPJA that kinda want to keep their con danger free

>> No.9951768


I think nothing came out of it. We are still breathing, sweating in the scorching heat and only the usual suspects hassled the con. Con shootings require a special brand of mental instability followed with a lack of hope to go through with it.

And that is if he even had the balls to acquire a gun from the bad side of town

>> No.9955671

>They’re literally have police snipers on the roofs of the hotels they’re watching the sdcc and the comic goers.
They shoot bronies, don't they?

>> No.9955677

Anon, that's a boy in pic related