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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 233 KB, 1300x845, 061CD968-70EB-4B80-83E4-D9823FDF5966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924038 No.9924038 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit autosage. Post your favourite cosplays from Supanova!

>> No.9924413 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 469x313, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a new thread...

Want some extra spending money? Don't mind being a nasty cos-whore in private?

Come get throatfucked at PAX!

Seeking arrangements with interested cosplayers. $1000+ in compensation along with accommodation and other allowances. Poster is in his 20s and drug/disease free.

Tell me a bit about yourself at:

>> No.9924554
File: 2.14 MB, 1224x1632, JessieJester88_Fetlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken nuggies and thickshakes edition?

>> No.9924556

I hate everything in this image.

>> No.9924557

Everyone that knows her does.

>> No.9924560

Aw, who reported my ad?

>> No.9924563

her FL is an absolute train wreck. Multiple pics of her having pissed the bed.
Currently having a cry over her fuckbuddy breaking it off with her - the two of them are each married. lol.

>> No.9924564

Are you thirsty PAX guy? Damn man get outta here

>> No.9924565

I didn't have any idea of FL until I came to /cgl/ and I've been in this 4chan hellhole for years. Why is it such a common theme here?

>> No.9924567

It's not that much of a common theme, but it can be a goldmine for when you find absolutely horrible, toxic people part of the cosplay community putting their shit all over Fetlife as if it were a safe place to do so without ever being found out for it.
Pretty sure Lily got spotted on there years ago and it became the funniest shit ever.

>> No.9924570

Nothing wrong with facefucking cosplay girls for money, bro. I just need to be introduced to the ones looking to make money.

>> No.9924571

Literally go to a fucking brothel you retard.

>> No.9924572

The ones looking to make money are the same ones who won't care when you catch what they've got.

>> No.9924575

How many people at PAX do you think have diseases? Come on.

>> No.9924577

The amount of milk I have to spill about this cow is cray

>> No.9924578

I want to take a moment to say that this kind of thing does happen at conventions but at a much more toxic extent. Guys have been thrown out of conventions for trying to persuade cosplayers to go back to their hotel and fuck for cash.
Even if anyone here is even mildly considering what this guy is offering in the past thread, it could actually end up being incredibly dangerous, no matter how much you think you trust him after chatting with him. Please stay safe.

>> No.9924579
File: 30 KB, 323x720, 28277397_436205513480695_978407357564782157_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances of a lone first-time cosplayer who's so incredibly shy that they get blurry eyed looking at people in the eyes making friends at these things by people approaching me and taking me under their wing?

Or do people stick with their clique and expect you to approach them?

If it helps, I'm pretty okay looking. I'm just intensely shy.

>> No.9924583 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 399x600, spill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spill away anon! Right~ Here~

>> No.9924584
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>> No.9924587

All things aside I'd consider myself a gentleman. I definitely want to talk to prospective partners to make sure we're on the same page. If anything happens it'll be safe, sane and consensual. The only ulterior motive I've got is a huge cosplay fetish.

Sugar babies make these arrangements all the time and I agree that safety is paramount, but it's not an extremely unusual proposal to make. Model makes money, fan gets fucked.

>> No.9924588

It would honestly be easier making friends in a cosplay group on FB and then meeting them at the con rather than trying to make friends there. Most cosplayers will tend to stick in their groups and brush of randoms unfortunately.

>> No.9924589

Mate it started off like it was a joke but the more you go on and on about it, the more cringeworthy you make yourself look. Just drop it, go on Tinder or FL or fucking OKCupid or anywhere but /cql/

>> No.9924590

>I'd consider myself a gentleman
>it'll be safe, sane and consensual

Kill yourself you fucking incel predator.

>> No.9924592

Cosplayers are all here though and it's discreet and anonymous. I didn't think it would be possible but after going to Sexpo last year I changed my mind and started saving.

>> No.9924593

You're spending two entire threads making yourself look so desperate that no one's going to want to even try talking to you anyway.

>> No.9924594

Have a blessed day!

>> No.9924595

You're a disgusting neckbearded Sexpo casual. No one wants to fuck you.

Go. To. Fetlife. If. You. Have. A. Costume. Fetish.

>> No.9924596

Oh my god you just sound like the biggest beta bitch boy in the world. You want to fuck a cosplay girl? Buy a fucking costume. Go to a brothel. Ask them to put the costume on. Fucking hell.

Or alternatively grow a personality and attract a girl

>> No.9924597

Two scummy fucks getting roasted in the one thread daaayum

>> No.9924599

Why would I do that if I'm looking for an actual fan of cosplaying?

>> No.9924601
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>> No.9924602

Because you won't find one. People who actually enjoy cosplaying find people like you gross and creepy because they cannot see it as a fetish.

Go fuck an actual whore you neckbeard retard.

>> No.9924604

Cosplayers at conventions get actual creeps coming up to them and being absolutely disgusting, saying gross shit to them either about them or the character and grope them.
They do not want to sleep with those kinds of people, and you are VERY in line with those types.

>> No.9924605

I don't know how calling me a "neckbeard retard" and telling me to kill myself makes ME look unhinged and dangerous.

>> No.9924607

Go away neckbeard.

>> No.9924608

Lol nice deflection fucktard. I'm not even the anon who said that. You're gross. Spend your money on surgery and going to the gym. There's a reason you have to actual consider paying a girl $1000 to just let her have your dick in her mouth it's because you're of such insignificant sexual value because you're obviously hideous with a creepy personality.

>> No.9924610

Fucking this.

>> No.9924611

That's kind of why I'm posting here instead, so that I only end up chatting with interested women.

There's a lot of hostility here for a community supposedly welcoming of sex work...

>> No.9924613

You seem like a lovely person! :)

>> No.9924614

You are so pathetic. Look at you fucking shrivel and cower when you get called out.

>b-but y-you guys s-said it was o-o-okay...?
Fuck off.

>> No.9924616

No, you're posting here because you're scared of people seeing what you look like. Otherwise you'd have made a profile on an appropriate website instead of wasting your time here.
And cosplay =/= sex work you fucking brainlet. This isn't a sex work board.

>> No.9924620
File: 98 KB, 713x435, 95832457237465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le smug

I can proudly say, out of all the girls I've shared a sexual experience with, I've never had to pay one of them.

You're just a pathetic waste of a human. It's so incredibly obvious just from the way you type you are fucking desperate and want female validation so badly you'd be willing to drop $1000 to get a girl to pretend to like you. That's a huge indicator you're an ugly, unhygienic neckbeard. But in addition you're also a feeble and inadequate male because instead of making changes to yourself and making yourself more attractive which require real willpower and effort, you just whine, bitch and moan about how unfair everyone else is treating you.

Seriously consider offing yourself or fucking go to gym tonight.

>> No.9924622

>Seriously consider offing yourself or fucking go to gym tonight.

Can I vote for offing yourself AT the gym?

>> No.9924623

Using the smith machine as a blunt guillotine would be the best way I think.

>> No.9924625

Zero out of zero?

>> No.9924627

Weak sauce comeback neckbeard. Is that seriously all you have? No wonder you have to pay women to fuck you. You have zero personality. Can't imagine what you look like, oh my god.

>> No.9924629

(I'm not OP)

>> No.9924630
File: 57 KB, 600x600, hhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I am but what am you

>> No.9924631

oh you.

>> No.9924633
File: 6 KB, 183x183, DeyZJ9JU0AATN3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f-fine i'll make it $1500

>> No.9924680

I think the entire point lies between that comment and your response.
Only cheap whores are going to fuck you for money, and none of them are going to be at PAX.

Your dumb ass shoulda picked up at Sexpo when you had the chance.

>> No.9924723

I feel like 'buying gf' Anon could be a troll just trying to find cosplay girls to out. For example, once they contact them, they make a call out post saying this person was willing to fuck me for money LOL.

At this point with how persistent they're being it could just be a very petty person looking to ruin lives.

>> No.9924725
File: 43 KB, 389x378, 0B5B4016-95D3-450D-9D6C-E2E19CB47812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I just moved to Australia and I’m trying my first cosplay soonish.

want to go together? (If around nsw or Victoria)

I’m shy as fuck too worst case scenario we both bail with no bad feels

(Inb4 everyone thinks I’m that dude that needs a cold shower.)

>> No.9924729
File: 71 KB, 564x771, 34E9D192-CB13-4236-BC97-F37F1E3E3C65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty sad.

I used to be a sugar baby and I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, no one wants be in your life unless is an actual professional that canpretend for 15 minutes and will ask security to remove you.

It’s not about the money you really couldn’t pay any girl to deal with your shit trust me .. you are a sad human being.

Accept that people can like nerdy things without sexualising it.
And get over yourself.

>> No.9924760

Information gathered from someone who used to live with her:

> used to bully people because of their bodies when she was slim, is now a fat blobby mess
> spoiled ‘daddy’s little princess’ type, complained when parents bought her a car as present because it wasn’t the one she wanted
> fully endorsed abusive boyfriend to bully housemates, intimidating them by excessive drinking and punching holes in walls to frighten them
> knew one housemate was being abused by girlfriend physically and emotionally, stabbed her in the back by telling abusive girlfriend things told ‘in confidence’, got housemate beaten regularly as result
> seemed to enjoy the power trips caused by that
> is friends with Lolcow Lily

That’s just the tip of her pimply assberg

>> No.9924762

If you're looking to make friends at a con I would recommend volunteering for the event because you are sort of forced to interact with other people.

>> No.9924952

She looks like she has Graves' disease.

>> No.9924999

What are the skankiest/thottiest costumes at conventions?

>> No.9925016 [DELETED] 

I've had three seemingly serious replies and one joke reply. I don't intend on outing any of them, even the joke one =)

>> No.9925152

I'm QLD :(

>> No.9925199

Not him but if you're going to Sydney SMASH you can join me? I'm going alone this year because normie friends.

Also I'm a dude but I'll keep it platonic just to clear up any grey areas.

>> No.9925211

lol was that her ex, mavrick or something? Met him once at a con and he seemed like a very confronting person.

>> No.9925222

Ya still sound seedy af and no one else is going to msg you. Goooo awaaaaaay

>> No.9925230

Can confirm he was an alcoholic, and she encouraged him in it. Super traumatised my friend

>> No.9925252
File: 262 KB, 900x695, lolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, now she's a porky ageplayer who likes taking photos of pissing her bed

And the fact she is married, claims she's poly, had a 'daddy' that was also married and is now completely destroyed over him breaking it off with her just shows how much of a mess of a human she is (if you can still even call her that).

>> No.9925272

I’m so glad this horrible enabler has her life down the toilet and everyone can see how disgusting she really is. Nobody deserved the shit she made people go through. I hope she drowns in her own fetish piss

>> No.9925293

Does CJ from Geeks Guild strip or do sex work?

>> No.9925296

are you still here

>> No.9925298

I'm not the thirsty dude, she just keeps posting her arse so I didn't know if she does 18+ stuff.

>> No.9925315

She sells burp videos. What the fuck.

>> No.9925318


This entire thread is making me laugh

>> No.9925344


>> No.9925374

>big ass
>protein supplements
coralea jade confirmed aussie braphog queen

>> No.9925386

>no Mario Tennis tournament at SMASH
ticket refunded.

>> No.9925402

I wonder why Lucie Bee hasn't done any interracial porn? :thinking:

>> No.9925446

What? No really, what? I'm morbidly fascinated by this. She always comes off as so stuck up when I speak to her, I want proof

>> No.9925453


>> No.9925455
File: 76 KB, 675x960, 1526132094167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't play down my offer of social nuggets and thickshakes. (I was semi-serious ;-; since PAX gets boring pretty fucking fast with no mates)

>pic related

>> No.9925456

Good god. These people need to get out of the community

>> No.9925460

If pervs are gonna drool over you, you may as well make some money. If she's stuck up that's terrible but burp videos aren't the worst thing in the world

>> No.9925515

Where did you move in from?

>> No.9925517

And when can you move back?

>> No.9925525

would you mind spilling?

>> No.9925527

Volunteer mate.
Seriously it's how I got out of my social rut and started speaking to people.

>> No.9925571

See green text post mate

>> No.9926542

Never been to a con before but is there the same hotel afterparty culture in Australia as America?

>> No.9926546

In Sydney since most of our conventions are accessible by public transportation, we don't really have a hotel after party culture.

It feels like it is more just going to dinner and restaurants afterwards. Some do party at clubs afterwards but with lockout laws and the price of alcohol, rather amazing they can find anywhere to party

>> No.9926553

I go to PAX in Melbourne and there are heaps of parties, but never hotel parties (that I'm aware of). Gaming/nerd bars have events, various groups have events, devs have events, and people might have their own private parties but that's all I know of.

>> No.9926576

Part of American hotel afterparty con culture has to do with the fact that their cons are often held at hotels so nobody staying at the hotel ever actually "leaves" the con at the end of the day. A lot of Aus cons are at exhibition centres and tend to close at 6pm

>> No.9927055

IMO she isn’t stuck up. Like if you approach her like you know her but don’t actually she will be a bit like wtf but who wouldn’t be...

>> No.9927150

I’m only speaking from a social engagement. She really seemed like she couldn’t be fucked, I guess aloof is the right word? Rankled a few people there. I’m hoping bad day but man, not a great impression of her

>> No.9927290

Ahh shut up you desperate mother fucker

>> No.9927902
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1497178075103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are everyone's SMASH cosplays going? I've almost finished the main dress/body section of mine and then I can move onto sleeves and accessories!

>> No.9928536

So whats up with Carlos Mayenco, and why is Gabby so pissed off at him?

>> No.9928574

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9928594

who gives a shit? its not like he knows how to take a photo anyway.

>> No.9928655

Who and who?

>> No.9928980

What are you making? :)

>> No.9929400

How many Harley Quinn cosplayers out there want to make money sucking dick?

>> No.9929624


>> No.9929784

Nichameleon hot size Queen and Fuck Pig, takes it in all holes

>> No.9929795

Just no. The fakes are really poor quality

>> No.9929815

Who should I put in the next one?

>> No.9929862

Why are you like this?

>> No.9929950

I'll be your friend? :')

>> No.9930460


I can confirm her ex cheated on her several times and she was okay with it. Fucked at least 3 girls I know of in the 2 week space she was in Japan for WCS. I only know this because of having the unfortunate pleasure of being in the same vicinity as him at an afterparty where he would brag about his "victory fucks"

>> No.9930519

I'm Gold Coast. Also I'm a boy and not a cute girl if that's what you were hoping for.

>> No.9930619

Tfw don't use my FL, just normal apps and try to find out how kinky they are

>> No.9930623

I've somehow managed to keep my sex life separate from the cos community, only fooled around with one girl from cos comm once but that was ages ago.

I've still had drama but not nearly as much as I read about on here really

>> No.9930667

Anyone got recommendations for people good at making commissions?

>> No.9930681

Depends on what you want. And where you're situated at.

>> No.9930785

I gave up on that years ago; I just want friends who I can feel good about having :')

>> No.9930866

who else /friendless smash attendee/ here
anyone else cosplaying? if so, what are you cosplaying?

>> No.9930872

Does anyone else feel disappointed when cons use wristbands instead of badges?

>> No.9930882

Gives some names for Brisbane or just South East QLD in general

>> No.9930891

Ohh Brisbane.... Sorry can't really help you there I'm afraid

>> No.9930892

If they have been using wristbands the moment they started a con then it makes sense but if they started with badges but changed to wrist bands then something must've made them change it.

>> No.9930937

It pisses me off so much, especially if I'm planning on having a shoot while at the con, I either have to remember to put it on loose enough to slip it off (if staff don't put it on me themselves), or be Absolutely Certain that I don't want to go back inside after my shoot. Manifest, Chaoz, and Animaga (2015) were honestly so good since they didn't give two shits that I tied the lanyard to my bag instead of wearing it.

>> No.9931756

It frustrates me that PAX does both, what with the badges and the ratings wristbands. Why can't they just slap a sticker on your pass?

>> No.9931845

Because the pass is transferable but proof of age obviously isn't.

>> No.9931964
File: 1.88 MB, 2560x2560, 18-07-06-00-41-18-519_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing this cosplayer around and it's so obvious she shoops? How does she have over 100k when half the cosplay is facetune?

>> No.9931970
File: 3.79 MB, 480x270, 257AEDDE-1191-4230-8E41-D7D9855E4328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon make a protonmail account and we can maybe exchange deets?

>just a heads up a normie friend would more than likely come to meet w/t you first and pick me up after just to make sure I don’t die.

>> No.9932514

>How does she have over 100k

Are you new or are you legit unaware you can pay for followers

>> No.9932544

They also churn out costests of whatever the flavour of the month happens to be, which people tend to flock to.

>> No.9933420

Knite does look a lot like this in real life. He frequents perth cons a lot and just has some good quality makeup skills. But who doesn't seem to edit their photos these days anyways?

>> No.9933499

There are photoshopping touch-ups, then there's presenting something that's clearly not real. Even as someone who is the most casual spotter of these things, there is no way parts of that photo are real. It's comical, both funny and looks like its so unreal it is from a comic book artist

>> No.9933661

Fucked up but he actually mostly looks like this.

>> No.9935240

Agree with this. Knite more like knifechin for real. Not trying to be mean but yeah, Knite's chin is this pointy IRL.

>> No.9935241

just starting :)

>> No.9935251

It's not the chin that I'm questioning. It's a lot of the smoothing, the eyes, the lips are literally different in those 2 photos. There's a lot of shooping here.

>> No.9935770

So, any Jinx/Harley Quinn cosplayers like giving head for money?

>> No.9935788


>> No.9936033

No one wants your mangy dick

>> No.9936373

So people usually bash cosplayers for changing their face shapes, but you’re angry he’s smoothig his skin..??

And he’s is wearing eyeliner in one photo and not in the other, which believe it or not, makes your eyes appear difference shapes depending on the application.

>> No.9936427

So /cgl/ NZ fag going to smash for the first time here. Not into cosplay but enjoyed cons like Armageddon. What can I expect from smash?

>> No.9936532

How old is too old to go to a con?
Turning 25 this year and feel like everyone would think I'm just that old creeper dude who's only there to pick up chicks.

>> No.9936534

It's my personal fave con of the season. Dunno what to expect considering the venue change this year though.

>> No.9936542

I’m 25 too, and still at cons. I guess being a woman would give me a different experience to you, but you should be fine, honestly. People of all ages should feel welcome at conventions.

>> No.9936544
File: 203 KB, 378x391, 1471238959154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9936546

Please go away

>> No.9936559 [DELETED] 

Not sure what protonmail is but I have a hotmail, a Snapchat, a kik... pick 1 of those...?

>> No.9936562

I still see people in their 40s at cons and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.9936564


>> No.9936597

Like those 40-50 y/o fatties that wear those old anime shirts that are 3 sizes too small for them and are completely bald on top with a mullet at the back

>> No.9936722

where in QLD? I'm in QLD and all my weeb friends have grown out of it or just think I'm weird/extra for cosplay. I'm 26 though, so I'm not interested in babysitting anyone under 21. Always need new con friends.

>> No.9936739

Why are there no cosplayers in Canberra?
Is everybody just too focused on uni?

>> No.9938148

ctrl+f "avcon"
0 results


>> No.9939298

knite is also infamous for taping her eyes so

>> No.9939463

Looking at going to both PAX and madman fest in melbourne this year, first time dressing up for em aswell. Is there any kind of taboo in wearing a vidya based outfit to an anime fest ?

>> No.9939500

I'm surprised you expect people to actually talk about Aus cons and cosplay in the Aus cons and cosplay thread

>> No.9939505

OOP DOUBLE POST DIDN'T READ THIS honestly literally nobody cares what you cosplay to a con, I've only ever worn anime and Japanese vidya to Comic Con since its started and nobody's batted an eye. The only time I've ever seen anybody complain about source material was with the first or second PAX, apparently there were some vocaloid cosplayers and a few people were bitching about it on here? Which is redundant as fuck considering the sheer mass of vocaloid vidya there is anyway

>> No.9939541

There's always that one Deadpool cosplay at an anime con so it should be fine.

>> No.9940059

anyone else a bit disappointed y the Smash! floorplan? all the stages are all over the place and nestled into corners...

>> No.9940301

No, the floorpan looks fine. Stages should be put into corners so I don't have to push 500 fuckers out of the way while trying to walk through the main areas

>> No.9940518

If anyone need friends to go with or wanna meetup at Smash then email me at cglsmashfag@protonmail.com

It's just me and my friend for now but it would be fun with more people. btw i'm a griland friend's a guy

I'm not cosplaying though since I haven't had time this year.

We'll probably meetup at the entrance or something but come anytime if you want to tag along.

>> No.9940521

fuck the spoiler tag

>> No.9940531

Any good at deepthroat?

>> No.9940566

That's not in Canberra though.

>> No.9940567

Is he down for some spacedocking?

>> No.9940645

anon 1 (>>9925152) is GC, but hasn't come back for a while I don't thnk
anon 2 (>>9929950) is me, in Bris, and I'm still here :')

>> No.9940960

>cosplay isnt finished

>> No.9941328

I'm alone but i'm gonna be cosplaying, do you mind if I tag along?

>> No.9941365

Apparently Madfest Sydney is gonna be announced during SMASH.

>> No.9941463

Who’s ready to get smashed at smash

>> No.9941482

>still not finished

>> No.9941489


>> No.9941490


>> No.9941526


>> No.9941851


>> No.9941871

For real are cons even fun if you don't drink or do drugs.
Seems like that's all people ever talk about.

>> No.9941894


>> No.9941906

Already saw several upskirts of cosplay girls.
Thank you, sluts, thank you.

>> No.9941931


>> No.9941974

Also >>9941931
This is important and make sure it's not shitty sponsor food (dominos) eat properly!!

>> No.9941985

I was right, it's on during March.

>> No.9942020

Holy fuck this cosplay competition is cringey as fuck. Can the staff get their act together?

>> No.9942033

>Knite posts up a cosplay of my favourite character from _ series that’s currently airing
>Never seen her play the game
>Doesn’t even talk or post about the series
>Moves onto houseki shortly after

Stuff like this really irritates me. Literally cosplaying whatever’s popular at the moment for exposure. I don’t think she knows shit about half the characters she cosplays

Also I know you browse cgl knite, stop whiteknighting yourself

>> No.9942059

are you really one of those weebs who believes you have to know what you're cosplaying? what if people just like the design? what is wrong with that?

>> No.9942122

With the amount of taping she does, Its not gonna be long until her face looks like a vagina

>> No.9942126

Smashcunts how was your day? See anyone good? Fave cosplays?

>> No.9942159

Due to a new partnership deal with Joysound they couldn't get licencing for any English songs in the karaoke room.

So I'mma kill myself.

>> No.9942239

Exactly. It's like with the hero's cosplayers or heck, even fate cosplayers. Some wouldn't know the characters. But who cares, they might like the design.

>> No.9942241

Lone for general admission was horribly organized. Was supposed to bean a a formation but security told us all to squeeze in to fit more. This one old security didn't give a shit about being organising or even safety.

>> No.9942426
File: 55 KB, 645x773, bursting into treats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tons of people take pics of me at smash
>never see them posted

>> No.9942563

It's OK, anon, they're probably fapping to them instead.

>> No.9942734

WCS Preliminaries are happening at SMASH 2018.

Wonder whose turn it will be to win this time

>> No.9942780

Is this another year where Ettelle doesn't make it to the stage?

>> No.9942808

People can cosplay for whatever reasons they want, but unfortunately some reasons are a lot more shallower than others.

>> No.9942810

the biggest upset would be if the A.K.Wirru team didn't win

>> No.9942816

Don't think she was here this year. Hope she didn't enter sinvce she never listens to the judges being critical about her cosplays.

>> No.9942818
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Posting my favourite cosplay of the weekend.

>> No.9942819

I thought she was entering as devilman with a big bird thing. Whatever happened to stop her from competing must have been a big deal. Hope she's ok

>> No.9942821

They were backstage, and manning the WCS booth in their costume?

>> No.9942882

Wasn't she competing?

>> No.9942913

Well no amount of entering would get her to win while wirru and k cosplay entered once and got in. Good on them. Ette however needs to try harder

>> No.9942944

Apparently her partner quit on her or st??

>> No.9942952

Yeah cause she left him to do all the work while she tried to suck up to the WCS people.

>> No.9942961

The fact that all her partners only work with her once is telling something

>> No.9942981

She sucks with working with others coz or the me me me attitude. Very few would ever work with her more than once. This is a given and I've only know one person who cosplayed with her for competitions twice. She needs to realize that it's a team effort but I doubt she will change any of that anytime soon

>> No.9942989

That's okay, no one asked me for a picture of my cosplay at all!

>> No.9943059

>Wirru winning

Oh boy how surprised I am /s

>> No.9943064

What were you cosplaying anon?

>> No.9943076
File: 106 KB, 601x601, rrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't rehearse my poses
i'm so fucking embarrassed

>> No.9943142

I missed Neko on sat night, was it any good?

>> No.9943188

I really wanted to sing duvet especially since I can't find a karaoke place that has it.

>> No.9943190

I hear they we're super understaffed as about 30 volunteers didn't show up

>> No.9943241

In my opinion he shouldn't be allowed to enter comps for a year or so, didn't he just win the Sydney MNCC prelims? He just got 2nd at C2E2, as well as having gone to finals and won MNCC multiple times in the past. At this point his name just being associated with a comp is either going to drive newcomers off, or potentially sway the judges in his favour because hes "good rep"

>> No.9943332

Hey everyone, PAX fetish guy here again. I'm still looking for more female cosplayers interested in hardcore costume sex in return for accommodation and >$1000.

>> No.9943443

>implying you've had any so far

>> No.9943454

I still don't know how Will won with the inaccurate cosplay, Completely opff colours, didn't use a wig which is a big part of cosplaying and the skit they used had nothing to do with monster hunter. Not once in any MH game do hunters fight with eachother.

>> No.9943464

You get what you pay for. It's a business, time to act like it imo.

>> No.9943480

I remember showing Will Monster hunter World and he said he hated it and that that the series is shit and boring.
i guess cosplayers will fake tings to stay relevant

>> No.9943486

Maybe someone should post his Grindr Profile then.

>> No.9943527

Well yeah. It's like people who don't like Marvel doing a costume around Marvel releases. Or like sexual assaulters doing anything so they can get access to more victims.

>> No.9943532

I've had three but would like more to choose from.

Note that it doesn't even have to be for the weekend. Could just bring a cheap thot costume for one night if you like being discreet. Could do $500 for a night for the right lady.

>> No.9943533

Wait, he fucks random dudes on Grindr?

>> No.9943538

The dude treats cons like a buffet. He's an alpha gay

>> No.9943546

Lol, how is that any different from offering a cosplay girl half a grand for a facefuck?

>> No.9943548

Because Wil isn't paying for it. The other guy is.

>> No.9943550

So both of them objectify cosplayers, only one of them is willing to compensate them.

>> No.9943553

I think you've missed something here. The dude is using a hook up app for its purpose. Straight people can do it too with Tinder. It's not hard finding people at a con looking to blow off steam. Not sure where you're getting objectifying cosplayers from on Wil's side. He's just getting some ass while on a working vacation

>> No.9943563

is it getting ass if he is the one advertising himself as a bottom?

>> No.9943564

It was shit. You missed nothing.

>> No.9943565

He's a short Asian twink, what would you guess

>> No.9943570

aren’t we nitpicking a little? either way, he was involved in the acquisition of ass

>> No.9943574

>Still wanna do PAX
>going alone and don't know what to do

>> No.9943578

Have you not been anywhere alone before?

>> No.9943580

Never seen the profile, never wanted to ask him in conversation.I'm good never actually knowing

>> No.9943587

I think a big problem with going alone is that the cons are so terrible that social events for them are what makes the experience. I've gone alone, I've gone with people I know. I enjoyed the latter far more

>> No.9943588

How stupid are you? One is paying for consent, the other consent is given freely because they want a piece of the guy's pie. It's not like he's Jai and touching up someone who's barely conscious and can't consent.

>> No.9943591

But they're both consenting, right? So I don't see the difference

>> No.9943636

So he won other comps but he has never entered wcs til now. He's elligable to enter until he wins it. Why else someone like ette continues to enter the competition and not getting first place. Just git gud.
Sick it up princess. Either you go or you don't. No one will give two shits what you do.

>> No.9943637

Suck it up*

>> No.9943641

Umm he did enter WCS and this is his second time now

>> No.9943650

What happened

>> No.9943660

He did WCS in 2012, it's right there in the little "national champion" bragging part of his instagram bio

>> No.9943692

You claimed they were objectifying them before. 1 is paying for a fetish to bang a certain group: the other is using an app to bang everyone.

1 is objectifying cosplayers, the other is just getting some sex. Cosplayer or not, and something tells me them being cosplayers is nothing to do with it for the latter.

>> No.9943693

I think it's sad that a costume that isn't true to the artwork and a skit that isn't true to source material beat two entries that felt like they were straight from the game/manga. I thought accuracy to source material was a criteria for cosplay competitions but clearly not for WCS.

>> No.9943698

If you think he's not trying to fuck cosplay boys you are incredibly naive

>> No.9943699

If you think he's only trying to fuck cosplay boys, you're an idiot. It's grindr, you see everyone, cosplayers, staff, attendees and the locals. Again, it's nothing to do with cosplayers and just to do with him getting laid.

>> No.9943704

Jeez, if you're the anon buying sex, it's really clear why you're buying sex now. You have no clue how to get people on your own or comprehend why people hook up at cons. You're obsessed with cosplayers, most other people are not

>> No.9943705

Not my fault the costumes are so, so sexy.

>> No.9943706

It's not going to surprise me if you end up with a body count from your lack of understanding.

>> No.9943718

Have you been to PAX before? If not it's a great 'going alone' con, I think, because it's more content heavy than other cons. There are constant panels and the show floor is always bustling with things to try and do, which can be hard if you're with people who want to go and do something else. I've gone alone every year since it started, bar last year when I went with my partner, and I've always had a blast. Though the vidya industry is my passion, so that's a big part of it.

>> No.9943774

Honestly as long as a skit is entertaining, it'll score well. Skit accuracy is generally a pretty meager mark and only seriously questioned or critiqued if it's way off

>> No.9943814

I think it's hypocritical for women to judge the way guys try to get laid since it's so damn easy for women to get sex.

>> No.9943864

No one cares

>> No.9943898

Mate, I support men's rights and even I think you need to shut up and go moan somewhere else. Cosplay board, seriously, take this shit to somewhere people may give a shit. I hope you aren't hooker guy because if so, you're pathetic

>> No.9944285

Then he's eligible to compete again after the grace period. And he's well over that. Your hate game is pathetic

>> No.9944391

I'm hooker guy and that wasn't me.

>> No.9944631

Well that is true... despite him being the overall winner, you should compare Wirru's team skit to the other teams. It is significantly weaker... I feel like he was chosen because of his acrobatic talent. It is a pity because not everyone is athletic.

>> No.9944640

That and their prop work. Imo the Zelda performance had good acting and creative practical effects. I hope Wirru team work on their acting for Japan!

>> No.9944641

Then hats off to you. While I don't agree with your rationale, at least you're not as bad as that guy

>> No.9944692

Thanks man. I know it's unorthodox, but I figure it's better to be upfront and make sure I make it worth her while.

>> No.9944702

Far better than ettes skits. And how many time she has entered?

>> No.9944706

I was there during their rehearsals, Ette's team skit was actually interesting and brilliant. It is rather unfortunate they did not perform for this years WCS.

>> No.9944707

That's a surprise about Ette's skit, maybe they were a good team until con crunch?

>> No.9944713

If they'd made it as far as rehearsals the day before, how come they didn't enter?

>> No.9944715

And yet it still fails to get her to win. And perhaps stop passing out would be beneficial. Silly girl

>> No.9944748

Because she was an ungrateful bitch to the talented coat tails she was trying to ride and the skit wasn't done by her, her team mate did that so probably why it was actually good for once

>> No.9944769

Different hooker anon here. Same basic deal for PAX this year. I pay all your expenses, stay in a hotel together near the venue during the convention duration. You don't even have to be with me during the daytime, just be there every night for a fucking.


>> No.9944781

P4P_PAX@protonmail.ch, let me know if you get any bites.

>> No.9944786

For neko/anime it was pretty good. Crowd was active but of course you are going to have the antisocials there due to the nature of the event.

>> No.9944801

Grace period or not, it's still morally cunty of him. He just came home from taking second at an international final, took out an MNCC state rep, and only weeks later takes out ANOTHER national rep with WCS. It's so boring, I wanna see other cosplayers for once!

>> No.9944811

I’m gonna have to agree with you there, bud. I feel like it’s also kind of disrespectful that he goes into these competitions half-assed and makes last minute costumes, recycled a karate kata he practiced a bunch of times before, and takes the prize from others who have spent way longer and put in much more effort than he has. I’m more irritated with his Venosaur gijinka that he’s worn a ton of times before that he just painted up some cardboard boxes for his stage stuff and went ‘yeah that’s good enough’. It invalidates the other peoples’ hard work.

>> No.9944840

Like who? Not Ette coz she hasn't learned a damn thing. Wanna see someone pass out mid stage then she's your person. But no matter who enters, they would be put off by anyone who has a foothold in the scene. You talk about morals but the rules doesn't state he can't enter. He's free to enter as he sees fit until he is placed which he did. So once the next wcs happens he cannot enter again for a set duration. Seems fair to me. >>9944811
And there have been cosplayers who continue to wear their old cosplayers because why not. So why is it bad for someone like him to do the same. If it fits then continue to wear it. It seem sony the few are salty over this. Get over it. If people are butthurt that their hard work are undermined by someone like him then why not try harder. Stop making excuses.

>> No.9944844

Why don't you just get an escort?
You'd get more of a selection of women
The sex would be better
Probably cleaner then "hook ups" girls
Probably safer as well, less likely of false rape accusations or forms of blackmail

>> No.9944893

Are you going to Brisbane OzCC? I'd be happy to meet and hang out for that since I don't know anyone going.

>> No.9945197

The same could be said about casual sex/Tinder girls

>> No.9945245

Escort girls are an easy lay and hence less hot to sleep with than cosplay girls who don't normally do that sort of thing.

>> No.9945345

Seriously, if you're a hot cosplay girl, all you have to do is suck some dick one night in a thot costume and you'll have spending money to go nuts with the rest of the weekend. Win win.

>> No.9945393

The problem for these girls is, well think about the old adage: You can build a hundred bridges in your lifetime, but if you fuck a goat, you're forever labeled a goat fucker.

It's a lot like Yaya Han who does escort when she goes to cons. Once you find that shit out, her main skills fall away in your mind and you just think "hooker". A lot of normal girls here could easily fulfill what the guy wants, but privacy is never guaranteed. Unless they want to capitalise on it, they don't want that label forever.

>> No.9945405

That's a fair critique, I'm big on privacy myself. Given how narrow the niche is, outing people who are interested in it is just burning bridges, it's counterproductive.

>> No.9945410

Do you have even the tiniest shred of proof for this?

>> No.9945416

I don't keep ads of Yaya Han on hand mate. If backpage still existed, I'd simply point at her schedule then check the city. You're welcome to check whatever the replacement is for that website but I honestly have never looked into it.

The way I found out was by certain supanova organisers discussing guests and their issues/foibles/eccentricities. Frankly, I don't particularly care if its believed or not, it proves my point. Once you see it, you can't unsee the damn thing.

I will make a note, it was general escorting, not fetish cosplay etc etc

>> No.9945420

Right, googled it for shits. For some reason its catching in spam filter for posting here. But google "yaya han escort". I got a lolcow/pt link first that seemed to have quite a bit of reference and photos. Seems like its really not hidden.

>> No.9945444

>escorts safer than casual encounters
Yup i entirely agree, i was kinda leading with that in my previous post though poorly worded

>Escort girls are an easy lay
That was the point and "safer"
>hence less hot to sleep with than cosplay girls
If you really think some model type cosplayer would suck your dick for a couple of hundred you are sorely mistaken. The only type who would mostly accept the offer are one's with low self esteem/standards who most likely don't take care of themselves versus escorts who's livelyhood depends on their body image.
Maybe if you threw some asburd amount of money to inflated bitches ego's sure maybe but wouldn't be worth it moneywise (unless you are rolling in dough go for it) again same issues apply reguarding safety

If you do find some girl who is willing to do this i'd like to hear about how wrong i was.
Amusing to see how naive guys can be offering "no strings attached" transactions, females don't operate this way. Don't worry i had the same line of thinking when i was younger, heck i really heavily considered turning to religion to finding a partner

>> No.9945487

Where's the best place to find a photographer to book for an upcoming con? I'm new to cosplay and just want some decent photos.

>> No.9945490

There should be some advertising for OzCC right about now on the facebook groups. Look through their photos and decide if they suit you

>> No.9945508


$500 for one or two hours work is probably the best paying cosplay job you can find.

>> No.9945509

Tim Souter is pretty good

>> No.9945558

You desperate pussies need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.9945591

Says the anon keyboard warrior

>> No.9945612

I was planning on going both days, but only buying a ticket for one because that's enough time to do it all ;D

Would you be cosplaying?

>> No.9945676
File: 79 KB, 960x554, 26219176_1456845744412892_3502738469061737161_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'm going as pic related. Will you be cosplaying?
I normally only go 1 day as well, but could do 2?

>> No.9945844

Says the guy who goes on fucking 4chan to try to negotiate getting laid...

>> No.9946034

Wow, I'm going to feel under-dressed next to that

I might, but all of the ones I have at the moment kinda suck desu, I don't think anyone likes Vocaloid anymore?

And if the travel isn't too bad, you could always come the second day and just chat in the corridor with all the people you met on the first day [including me, hopefully] :3

>> No.9946321

Nope, not the hooker guy. Just think you're a hypocrite.

>> No.9946601

Nayrt but I find the part where you're begging for cospalyers to have sex with you or anyone is lame and desperate. But if they're giving it then that makes them just as desperate. I guess what you do under the sheets is your business

>> No.9946628

You should probably tag his post then, not mine. Again, I find you being hypocritical in your first post. Your second post is much better and far less hypocritical

>> No.9946633

And I'm neither any of those anons.

>> No.9946635

Damn, here I thought he'd really grown.

>> No.9946709

Lmao have they cancelled RTX Sydney or are they making it a biannual thing?

>> No.9946710

Hopefully cancelling since the last one was so shit.

>> No.9946722

I love vocaloid. There are plenty of us around.

Which one are you cosplaying?

I'm usually cosplaying from Utsu P or Cosmo P.

>> No.9946891

Don't feel 'bad' honestly, I go all out but I'm a pretty big loner and I don't book any photographers or anything. In my experience you might just have to deal with stopping occasionally for photos by randoms.

Travel isn't bad at all, I'm about 10 minutes from the city. Also ya'll should rock the vocaloid.

But how old are you anon?

>> No.9947215

2 most based cosplays pictured in newspaper in perth were 2 old boomers in absolutely legit spess mahreen armour suits that mogged everyone else

>> No.9947528
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More GOAT Smash cosplays.

>> No.9947529
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>> No.9947532
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>> No.9947536

you got any more?

>> No.9947540
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>> No.9947542
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>> No.9947544
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>> No.9947545
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>> No.9947547

>got stopped for photos at smash literally every 3 minutes
>not a single one posted online
Jesus, my posing must have been awful

>> No.9947548
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>> No.9947550
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Who were you, anon?

>> No.9947554
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>> No.9947555
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>> No.9947556
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>> No.9947560
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Too many Izuku Midoriyas this year imo.

>> No.9947563
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>> No.9947565
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>> No.9947566
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>> No.9947567
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>> No.9947568
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>> No.9947615

I must just be in the wrong place then :s
It would be Len's Setsugetsuka version

That's no problem, I'm well versed in the ways of the bag mule ;)
Being so close, it should fit rather well with said plan - and I'm mid 20's. You? [if you're still here]

>> No.9947658

>Setsugetsuka Len

Nayrt, but I'm down in Melbourne and still super huge on Vocaloid. It's a bit depressing seeing it all just suddenly disappear around 2015 or so

>> No.9947851

Also mid twenties so that works out well.
If you wanna discuss it more my discord is Liimestar #0742

>> No.9947915

I've been similarly disappointed by that, there's so many different variations that you could always find new designs and colours

Just sent through the request!

>> No.9948238

CosmoP/Utsu P cosplayer here.

Nice choice! We need more Lens!

I'm usually based in Sydney. We still get original Mikus, at least 2 project diva Mikus and the odd Luka around here. Not as big as it used to be but still something!

>> No.9948522

i feel that, anon

>> No.9948573

Ooh, which songs have you cosplayed from Anon? Despite cosplaying vocaloid since I started in 2012, I'm still yet to do any song specific outfits... So far I've just done defaults and one of the Magical Mirai outfits

>> No.9948600

Are those what you guys did for SMASH?

Which defaults? :3

>> No.9948638

Just Miku, Len and Lapis! Honestly I probably would've done a lot more by now if Love Live never happened lmao

>> No.9948806

Omg, Lapis <3
She doesn't get nearly as much love as she deserves 3:
Personally, LL saddens me as it has taken much of the individuality out of cons, especially the Madfests up here

>> No.9949113

>Live in Adelaide
>Take a look at some photos of AvCon
>Literately NO good cosplay
>This is literately the case for Australia in general too

Why is it so hard to find good cosplayers in Australia?

>> No.9949175

Bro try living in Canberra.
You get decent people visiting once a year but you can't score a date with any of them since they live too far away.

>> No.9949240

Verachimera's monster hunter costume was pretty good

>> No.9949252

How does one score a date with a qt cosplayer anyway?

>> No.9949257
File: 211 KB, 573x393, 9f89135a494503f8e34875e628f7d677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of the Adelaide cosplay community.

>> No.9949266

It really has, it's amazing that for something with SO MANY outfits that there just seems to be no individuality? I started doing LL cosplay at the end of 2014 and by the end of 2016 I'd done 10 costumes from the series, and I wasn't having fun anymore because I felt like HAD to be the first person to do the hot new outfit and I was just throwing money at taobao every single con.

After a year long hiatus from LL I'm back at it, but under the personal condition that I'm not allowed to buy any outfit, only make them. It feels so much better! I was actually working on a new LL costume for my upcoming con but I'm just not feeling it anymore, so I'm considering making a Rin (vocaloid) outfit instead. I've been putting off cosplaying her for longer than I've even been cosplaying in the first place, so I feel like I should really do something about that!

>> No.9949299

Be a lesbian?

>> No.9949314

I've done the following:
Utsu-P (Poster Girl's Prank, Living ghost is alive), Cosmo P (The Real Disappearance of Hatsune Miku , #Dare ka Kono Itami ni Namae wo Tsukete Kudasai, Usagi no Kimochi)

I've also cosplayed from Wowoka-P, Pinnochio-P, KurageP, Masa, Nashimoto-P, Living-Sunz, Virgin Noize, Hachi and N.K

I just like cosplaying from my favourite vocaloid songs and it tends to run around the same producers.

Which Magical Mirai outfit did you do?

For once, I didn't cosplay vocaloid for SMASH!. Did you?

>> No.9949324

Start by complimenting their costume(helps a lot to know what it's from since then it seems like you're not only interested in them because you're horny and you might actually be interested in a relationship with them) and asking for a photo. Mix in some small talk(I actually really love that series that your cosplay is from) then say "Look I've gotta go hang out with some mates but.. honestly, you're gorgeous and I'd love to get to know you if you're down. If you have any time later is there maybe any chance I could get your number and, you know, we could maybe grab a bite to eat or something?"
But if they live in a different state to you then you've got basically no chance of actually ever dating them and at best you'll be some bloke they occasionally talk to online.
Also keep in mind most cute cosplay girls already have a bf or aren't interested in dating you unless you also cosplay.
As always it also helps to be attractive.

>> No.9949342

Just as an addition

If the cosplayer is running an event or a booth, don't hit on them while they're running the event or their booth. They're literally trapped at the booth having to listen which does not make for a good first impression.

>> No.9949368

Oh wow, so many! There's a lot of Pinocchio songs I wanna cosplay from, his music is so good. I'd love to do some Hachi too (especially Sand Planet but I don't look cool enough to be that Miku lmao)

I did MM 2013, I'm such a sucker for full on magician themes. It was the first costume I'd ever made so it wasn't especially great... I tore the armpit of my jacket within the first half hour of the con so I couldn't lift my arm all day. I'm really digging this years design, I love the absolute clusterfuck of neon colours and school uniform elements, platform uwabaki are something I honestly never thought could happen but I guess they did that!

>> No.9949373

Fun's the most important thing, and I know I [and quite a few others] can forget that sometimes.
Which Rin would you be planning?

I've been to a handful of SMASHes, but not the last couple, as I've been kinda reclusive - I also miss the Rosehill Gardens; I know and understand why they moved, but I'm a sucker for nostalgia :s

>> No.9949376

Probably just V2 default, cons like 2 weeks away so I'd rather take it easy and spend as little money on it as possible instead of stressing myself out, I'm gonna have to see if I can dig Len up from wherever I have him stored to use the belts and arm/leg warmers. I'm alternatively considering Melancholic or Colorful x Melody but they actually need quite a lot more work than just making a simple sailor top

>> No.9949386

I'd go the V2, much more manageable workload, plus higher chance to find a Len to be in photos with ;D

>> No.9949435

I like cosplaying from Pinnochio P songs for shoots because there are a lot of poses and shoot locations you can be creative with! Which songs were you thinking about doing?

We are all cool enough to be Sand Planet Mikus! Australia is great for Sand Planet shoots because there are so many places that have sand dunes or literal stretches of sand.

I love how different parts of the MM2018 light up at different times. It is so over the top, it is great!

I miss Rosehill Gardens because it was a lot more spacious. Oh well. At least the city has lots of cool alleyways.

Yeah, I agree that V2 would give you a more manageable workload and higher chances of taking photos. From personal experience, unless the song you're cosplaying from has an over the top costume.... you might get 2-3 max photos taken of you.

>> No.9949453

Jesus christ, I can't remember the last time the AVCon auction was even good

>> No.9949526

What do you mean walk-ins for the parade don't all look great??

>> No.9949540

I'll have to admit mine was fucking lazy and only happened to be coincidentally similar to anything.

>> No.9949547
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Being able to recreate pic related is one perk of living on this giant hell island lmao

As for Pinocchio songs I wanna cosplay from, Common World Domination, NINA, SLoWMoTION, Nice to Meet You Mr. Earthling, and Mei Mei are probably at the top of my list.

And I totally feel you on defaults and OTT outfits getting more attention at cons. When I wore MM13 a surprising amount of people didn't recognise that I was dressed as Miku, even a few artists who had Miku prints said my costume was cute and asked what it was from. It's understandable though since there's just SO MANY different designs for the characters, and even more where they don't look like themselves at all

>> No.9949554

Was it ever? I enjoy it like watching a blood sport. Winx cosplay wife looked ready to kill that guy when he was bidding on the signed passes.

>> No.9949565

Major Sam was there, look harder

>> No.9949566

Major Sam is overrated

>> No.9949600


Doesn't mean she's not good, however. It's a reach to say there weren't good cosplayers there when it's obvious off of the bat that the person posting didn't bother to look

>> No.9949966
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Basically these here:

Working on talking to a girl at the moment, and besides the fact that I'm legitimately into cosplay and do find their work amazing (i.e. not just bullshitting for a cheap relationship), that is basically what you need to follow. Just don't be a retard.

Could also try different cosplay groups, make a few connections.

>> No.9950126

Shit, wrong tag

>> No.9950130

Was surprised to see a variety of Vault numbers on Vault-Dweller cosplays at AVCon.
Saw 74, 75, 76, 81 and I think maybe two 111.
Did I miss any?

>> No.9950279

Where are all the cute girls at conventions.

It's all fat chicks. If you dont have the body type of the character, don't cosplay as her. No matter how good your costume is it won't make up for extra size

>> No.9950282

I'd rather date a plus sized cosplaying chick than a skeleton.

>> No.9950297

I'm surprised Ette didn't go this year. It's the few competitions she has any chance of winning. Anorexic bitch needs to just quit.

>> No.9950299

So a proud chubby chaser? I don't mind a girl whose a bit of a chub.

>> No.9950303

Oh shit yeah, there were a couple nice big Mei at the con this weekend I should've cuddled.

>> No.9950308

Are shirtless cosplays looked down upon?

>> No.9950314

No so as long they look the part. But get a very skinny or a very fat person cosplay a character which has muscle is a no no.

But of course someone will say cosplay is for everyone and that they can cosplay whoever they want.

>> No.9950317

Not really, as long as you look decently similar to the character you're meant to be, or at least look decently. Not a good idea in winter though.

>> No.9950345

will it get me a gf?

>> No.9950354

If you're physically fit it'll get you a lot of pictures with girls. Maybe you can go from there.

>> No.9950357

Cosplaying topless?
Not anymore than if you were cosplaying with a shirt.

>> No.9950369

i-i thought girls liked muscles

>> No.9950488

>He wouldn't date a skeleton

>> No.9950594

avcon is literally dead

its been so long since the last good avcon

>> No.9950600

mainly because good cosplayers dont get recognition for their skills whilst the popular kids with their store bought hot glued shit gets all the attention.

like why the fuck is cosplay chris even a thing let alone being sent as a guest to SDCC. like fuck off mate there are better cosplayers.

sure Laura looks like Margot so fine there is always a market for hot look a likes.

inB4 " you're just salty it ins't you" yes I'm salty that they are popular and i'm not and that others who actually make good detailed shit get nothing unless they lewd

>> No.9951122

I can explain Cosplay Chris for you. It's because he pumps out content. It's like a youtuber argument, why is Jake Paul more popular then Idubbz despite the difference in quality? Because it is disposable and consumable.

So while he may be a "Worse" cosplayer, he is far more marketable.

>> No.9951127

good point. I hate the internet.

>> No.9951132

It's not even just the internet. So the guy is just a good looking guy that has some good cosplays that are bought, some decent made and some low effort ones that just bank on his looks.

He's the Nichameleon of men.

(consequently, I think Thor of Oz is the Laura of Men).

Nova at the end of the day is a business. A good looker gets clicks/people fangendering etc etc. We've seen some great people do an amazing single costume, but they are a brick when the microphone are put in front of him.

While we all hate to admit it, we've seen those who are successful be a full package. While Major Sam above was said to be overrated, I still remember she did some mouse costume a few years ago. What got me was the performance attached and her behavior in front of a crowd. She's easy to select because the crowd likes her. When she won worlds, she also had solid craftsmanship etc.

As much as it's a disgusting thing, you can't just make a good costume anymore to stand out. You have to do more. Hell, look at their ambassador Curt. He's got great costumes, he's an extremely likable guy too and friendly and helpful to even the scum of the community.
But I don't think once he comes back on the circuit he'll be as successful. Once cosplay went mainstream, it meant we needed mainstream appeal. So here we are, with what happened to Twitch, Thots are everywhere(male and female) who are less talented, but better at marketing and mass appeal. Shit sucks, but that's how it is now.

>> No.9951214

>finally see a post of my cosplay
>i looked fucking terrible and lazy eyed

>> No.9951338

>cosplay went mainstream
you sure you live in aus?

>> No.9951358

I'm in Brisbane. Nerdery, in general, has gone mainstream. Cosplayers are seen as normal, and the way they market themselves is extremely mainstream

>> No.9951546


I feel like not enough Australian cosplayers take advantage of the desert hellscape that is the average Australian beach/outback.

Common World Domination is a good song to cosplay from! I just love the long flowy scarf.

It can't be helped that there just so many different designs and there's even more confusion when you start moving away from the signature pigtails.

I was cosplaying #Dareka Miku once and got confused for someone in Sailor Moon. That was just odd.

>> No.9951553

Scarves are life <3

>> No.9952012

Hey, it's Hooker Anon again. Still looking for cosplay chicks interested in sucking dick as Jinx and Harley on PAX weekend!

>> No.9952187

You’ve been at it for months dude no one wants your crusty unsucked dick

>> No.9952301

Why do people keep referring to her as he?

>> No.9952305

What char is this?

>> No.9952389
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Hooker Anon.

>> No.9953412

it's what he wants to be referred as. only on cgl will you see knite be called she, and maybe tumblr desu

>> No.9953917

There are some pretty crafty good looking guys like Curt, he is a fucking legend! You're right though, they get pushed to the side in favour of speed content.
I guess there isn't much reward left in quality or skill, cosplayers rush to cash in an image for likes and neglect details. Even Wirru as good as he is cuts so many corners just for the sake of pushing out content.

>> No.9953980

Where are all them cosplay dads at?

>> No.9954056

God I am fuming at damn wirru and his absolutely shitty leather working skills! A bloody child can replicate the shit he creates, and yet he is “guiding” kamui now. All his bad habits and shoody techniques may be picked up by her >_< Ugh I cringe at any project of his and I can hear my damn teachers shuddering too. (I have 4 years experience as a apprentice at a saddlery and 10+ years running my own store before anyone decides that cosplay jealousy at his “success” is the factor of my damn vent but man seeing friends and the community gawk over that awful monstrosity of a Bahamut and the waste of hides in it just ticks me off

>> No.9954091

What does he do wrong?

>> No.9954106

Obviously gets more attention than her

>> No.9954302

>Gammacon next weekend
>No mention of it in the thread
Is this just because they made it so close to smash and nobody wants to spend the extra money for it when they already went to smash or do people never care about it?

>> No.9954683

Well he got on sunrise and travels to other cons including international ones so he seems to do something right. But I'm sure you can do far better than he. But I doubt anyone in such a grand scale have seen your work so I'm just gonna leave this here. So please continue sooking

>> No.9954684

And so have many other cosplayers. Aly Shiba being one of them. Ette being another. I can go on if you want to

>> No.9954805

I've literally never heard of it

>> No.9954940

they tried spreading news of it at every con with pamphlets but obviously no one really cares