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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 768x960, 35143848_2237680142909121_3833979002897301504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914004 No.9914004 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9904963

>> No.9914018

I love Rinrin but that is the creepiest way to crop a portrait. Also what's with the Mana lips?

>> No.9914039
File: 119 KB, 720x911, _20180615_011856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9914105

Huh I received a shipping invoice and tracking number for the regular-length black JSK from WW this week. Hopefully this means WW somehow got ahold of early stock...

>> No.9914139

They are shipping the black ones that were preordered when the option was initially given, they just don't have extras to stock up the site. After the next preorder period is done, they should have a few to list.

>> No.9914396

I once found a blog post listing the evolution of brands' tags and shopping bags over the years. I can't find it now. Do any of you gulls happen to have it bookmarked ?

>> No.9914470

I don't know about a blog post but there's this thread on a post on egl that might be a bit helpful: https://egl.livejournal.com/15951392.html?thread=349830944#t349830944
It's not what you were looking for but it's okay if you need some reference.

>> No.9914484

http://www.rainedragon.com/brand-tags/ This?

>> No.9914491

Wow! Nayrt but I had no idea that post existed. Thank you, anon!

>> No.9914566
File: 281 KB, 572x760, btssb_longhem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on insta. It's so nice to see longer length pieces made for tall girls and those of us cursed with tree trunk legs. I think it's a really good example of how a longer length can be done and still fit the style. Sadly baby didn't list exactly which cut this is, but looking at the USA / SF store website it looks like it might be "Alice and the Balloon World JSK II" from Alice and the Pirates. Currently looks like they still have it in Ivory, Red, Navy and Black.

>> No.9914569
File: 435 KB, 463x640, P14OP326_model-01-463x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btssb and AatP release a long cut really often, Idk why you never noticed before

>> No.9914576

A longer skirt isn't the only thing needed to fit tall girls, many also have longer torsos so this cut would be awful for them.

>> No.9914584

Baby's empire waist cuts are terrible for tall girls unless the straps are adjustable or you're straight up flat.

>> No.9914617

I'm real sad about this collab. I love RinRin and would throw money at her, but both the pic on the lipgloss and the one on the shirts are really, really unflattering. She's prettier in person/candids than in these.

>> No.9914629

I think the shirt looks really good!

>> No.9914630 [DELETED] 

I think it's so sweet that they still give credit to the original designer

>> No.9914631
File: 53 KB, 685x707, _20180615_191219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's so sweet that they still give credit to the original designer

>> No.9914963

It's worth noting this girl is like maaaaybe 5'0, so it's longish, but not as long as >>9914569 by any means.

>> No.9915042

Does anyone know where to find working download links for alice deco a la mode scans?

>> No.9915131

I'm not sure where exactly I found them, but someone uploaded them to Google drive and I saved them in mine along with some other magazines.

>> No.9915177
File: 50 KB, 524x680, happypack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to try for one of these Happy Packs? I might see if I can get a socks or accessories one.

>> No.9915221

They are adjustable, faggot. Are you even a lolita? Almost every Baby/ AatP dress I've gotten in the past two years has been adjustable straps

>> No.9915226

Nayrt but I bought two dresses, one from Baby one from AATP, last year with the empire cut and they didn't have adjustable straps.

>> No.9915251

Nayrt but thanks so much! Ive been searching for them as well

>> No.9915388
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>> No.9915397
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>> No.9915404

Interesting, I bought around 5 jsks recently and only one didn't adjustable straps and it was a drop waist. The empire waist dresses I got all had the adjustable straps.

>> No.9915413

Some of these were longer ago than I thought and I was having trouble finding info on some, sorry I don't have access to my closet ATM. I can't even think of the names of





>> No.9915416
File: 34 KB, 479x319, 123643651_o6_675ea1d1-dd6c-42db-b6f7-0172d0ddf3e9_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a puff head accesory like the one from Royal Princess Alice. I know HH has the black colorway but I need it in pink.
Taobao suggestions also welcomed.

>> No.9915448

AYRT I don't follow Baby because I don't like their designs very much anymore. All the empire waist JSKs I've gotten from them didn't have adjustable straps.

>> No.9915580

I rarely sell, so I don't know if this a dumb question or not because I do see a lot of people do this online - but it is it bad or looked down on if you list the same dress on two different sites for different amounts?

>> No.9915587

Depends on why the prices are different. If you take Japanese sellers as an example, some of them often list things on Mercari and fril, with the former having a higher price than the latter because it includes shipping within Japan.
Basically if you list your item on two platforms with different prices, you should have a good reason to do so.

>> No.9915833

I'm excited to see the coords from AP's tea party tomorrow. The location is a very historical place, so the backgrounds will be nice to start with.

>> No.9916039
File: 143 KB, 768x1024, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone with knowledge on Japanese pop culture explain who or what the fuck this is?

>> No.9916064

Where can I find a list of all the UK comms? I remember seeing one floating around

>> No.9916066

The used to be one on the Facebook but it was deleted a while ago because it was out of date. Just ask for a link to the comm or area you want on EGL UK.

>> No.9916070

kudos to misako somehow still managing to smile

>> No.9916072

I don’t know much but he’s been appearing on her twitter and insta story, just some rando model artist thing
idk who he is though

>> No.9916079
File: 242 KB, 631x526, kawaii uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know this person or what his shtick is but the fact he's collaborating with or being endorsed by Misako is so strange. What the fuck does this have to do with lolita?

>> No.9916084

Rose Marie Seoir

>> No.9916130

She already realizes that she is the queen of lolita and getting bored so she is spreading her wings and moving on to some weirder stuff

>> No.9916134

Maybe this guy paid a bunch of money to collaborate with Misako? The only way I can think of it making sense is if he's rich or notable in some other way.

>> No.9916137

Thanks anon.

>> No.9916144
File: 933 KB, 1080x1500, IMG_20180617_203544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is even going on.

>> No.9916145
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>> No.9916146
File: 129 KB, 640x424, DSC_6663_fixw_640_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's was initially a visual artist, but now he's more of a performance artist with grotesque and comedic leanings. A "tea party" was held for his new photo book and Misako was a guest. He's pretty popular. He had an art exhibit this last year that had high attendance (10,000 people-3 day event, 100,000- one month event). Doing a search on him even brought up pictures of people cosplaying him.

I think Misako's involved because it's all in good fun, she's getting paid, and it gives her publicity.

>> No.9916147
File: 26 KB, 300x180, 10524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Vice President thing is just a joke.

>> No.9916149

He has 789K instagram followers to Misako's 74k.

>> No.9916150

Thank you for clearing things up, anons(s)!

>> No.9916154

Every lolita loves to say they like edgy shit and when Misako shows the smallest amount of personality they freak out. Go figure.

The girl who posted this in Rufflechat is clearly a nutjob too. Hope the mods ban her soon.

>> No.9916158

At what point in Lolita history did it become all about having big brand names and less about handmade, unique coordinates?

I'm not trying to start a snarky discussion, I'm genuinely curious. Looking through a lot of older street snaps it's very common to see people with handmade accessories and even full handmade coords, many gorgeous, many ita. This just doesn't seem to be a thing in the modern community outside a very small sphere.

When do we think the brand loyalty and strict style adherence kicked in? I'm really curious about this as a topic of discussion but I don't want anyone to think I'm bashing good brand or handmade, or glorifying bedsheet and curtain lace diy jobs.

>> No.9916161

Pretty early on, I think. I got into lolita around 2006 and though I’m very DIY-minded, it was impressed on me pretty quickly that BtSSB and other brands were where it’s at and that handmade was a less ideal alternative for those of us who couldn’t fly over to Japan. It didn’t help that a lot of handmade was really godawful. Anyone else remember the drama with talia_speaks?

I can only speak for my corner of the Western comm, though. I have no idea how it was in Japan. There was this one short documentary segment with a sweet lolita who designed and sewed her own dresses and she was portrayed very positively, though I don’t know if that accurately reflects the overall attitude towards handmade lolita in Japan.

>> No.9916163

Not surprising considering the fact she's a model for a niche subculture, and he's... I don't know who or what he is but he seems to be popular on a much wider scale. Doesn't make whatever this is not gross though. But maybe I just don't get Japanese humor.

>> No.9916167

Japan is very brand centric, I'm guessing handmade was only a thing back then because the audience was younger and couldn't always afford it.

>> No.9916184

>because the audience was younger and couldn't always afford it
Or, depending on how far bar we're talking, it just didn't exist yet, until the few business-savvy designers rose up from within the scene or came into the scene from the outside and catered to its taste, like Akinori Isobe with Baby.
I can't quite answer the question about when the brand loyalty kicked in but I know that if I had interest in a specific new style that was newly budding in the streets, and had the option to either make my own clothes or buy from a few new designers, I'd pick the latter.

>> No.9916185

>how far bar
How far *back

>> No.9916199

What brand is this?
I am in need of some socks variety.

>> No.9916202

It's because western lolitas weren't trusted to make their own outfits without guidance/rules, and young women in the developed world these days just don't know how to sew compared to young women 20 years ago

>> No.9916215

oh no is her again
jfc the cringe is coming

>> No.9916245


When I got into lolita (2006, 2008?) sewing your own lolita was heavily encouraged if you couldn’t afford brand. There was a sew_loli comm, blogs that listed patterns you could use/patterns in the GLB, basic tutorials, and some site had a “how to read Japanese patterns” for gosurori.

The issue with homemade is still pretty much the same, for every competent sewist there’s a handful of noobs who didn’t sew well, and the occasional spectacular ita who made truly ugly dresses and then tried to start their own brand, or girls who bought brand jsk and then butchered it altering it. Decent homemade actually gets praised and fawned over at meets, but more frequently you got girls turning up in odd-looking dresses and then the people around them feel awkward.

After a time, people started pointing out that it’s not actually cheaper to sew your own lolita — quality fabric and trim aren’t cheap, neither are sewing machines. When you factor in that some newbies start from nothing, the learning curve and the cost to make your first dress is pretty steep.

When it became easier to order from taobao, things started to really shift, because it’s so much easier to order a custom-size from clobbao/qutieland than learn how to sew. But when taobao shills started to pull some reverse elitism that taobao was better than brand, it led to a backlash, which is why brand is back on top again.

The price of secondhand brand, meanwhile, had been continuing downwards. Now, it’s simply hit a point where rather than tell the newbies to mess about with a sewing machine, it makes more sense to straight up tell them to buy secondhand brand off lacemarket. All of the quality of brand, at the price tag of taobao, without the fuss of learning how to sew.

I think girls would still sew if they had an interest, we still have sewing groups. But now it’s more of a hobby rather than a budget route to take if you can’t afford burando.

>> No.9916298

He mad a book about Kawaii or something, but his look distracted me too much to read more about it. He is wearing this on the cover.

>> No.9916299

If baby really sponsered that, there would have been a news article about it on their site not?

>> No.9916308

Too late, it was Angelic Pretty. They were released yesterday at 1 pm PST, and they sold out within a half hour.

>> No.9916321

What in the actual fuck, Misako?..

>> No.9916323

How can you search lolibrary for skirts without JSKs showing up?

>> No.9916344
File: 300 KB, 683x500, the world's most punchable face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? No better way to promote a book about kawaii culture than by slapping a pic of a fucking hideous adult baby on the cover.
Maybe I just don't get how he's funny in the same way I don't get how this fucker is supposed to be cute.

>> No.9916351

Go to categories and then skirts. It's not that hard, anon. Take this to the stupid questions thread.

>> No.9916354

is the LalaPipo thing real, and if so, did BTSSB actually sponsor it?

also where can you find a version with english subs, asking for a friend

>> No.9916367
File: 250 KB, 700x354, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqpiCvXdOo
I don't know if Baby sponsored it or if they just used their pieces in this, and it looks hilarious more than anything else but whatever gets your rocks off.

>> No.9916370

Joke is he's not cute and totally opposite from the lolita main girl. But it was more gross than funny to me, I felt so bad for her.

>> No.9916376

OT but Mizter Rokoko fills me with conflicting emotions; the girl is super cute and I actually love the wrestling, but the "oh no I'm too feminine and dainty and Weak, better change my entire personality to get my shallow ass boyfriend back" plot line is so gross and disappointing. I'd like it more if it ended with the protag deciding she doesn't need this stupid guy and continues living her life being a super cute wrestler and a super cute lolita. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9916381

Also there's an English DVD on Amazon so I imagine a subbed version exists somewhere if you look hard enough.

>> No.9916426

His face,especially his teeth,creeps me the fuck out. I'm sure he's a mouth breather and absolutely sure he's a fucking perv

>> No.9916431

I wasn't around at that time but please do tell me about that drama. I heard her name quite a bit and always wondered.

>> No.9916434

literally anyone can look up that drama and roleplayers love to use it as ''proof'' that they are oldfags

>> No.9916435
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>> No.9916471
File: 48 KB, 580x388, o0800053611982851785-580x388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's a perv, I wouldn't know, but a lot of his facial expressions and the blacking out of his teeth are for comedic effect.

It's parodying "kawaii culture", so...

>> No.9916499
File: 157 KB, 454x408, 789456234567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misako endorsing a gross parody of the subculture she stands for

>> No.9916518

Have you tried typing in skirts? Come on anon.

>> No.9916520

Have you tried? Please do before you attempt to answer these kind of questions

>> No.9916523

When you type solid skirt in the search bar, you get everything with the word skirt in it so that includes jumperskirts

>> No.9916524

No you don't? Lolibrary is standardized to use jsk in the titles.

>> No.9916526

I guess you're using a different one than me lol

>> No.9916528
File: 146 KB, 862x468, please help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay show me how you do it?

>> No.9916531

You just have to go through all of the search results to get what you want. I usually get the right search results on the first few pages but after that it becomes a mix, but there have been times I found what I was looking for on one of the last pages after going through many pages of wrong search results. There is no other way afaik.

>> No.9916541
File: 253 KB, 546x906, second page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched solid pink skirt and aside from a few duds, the first pages are all skirts. If you go to the very last pages you get OPs and JSKs. Just ignore the stray dresses and don't go to the last pages.

>> No.9916638

What are the cgl and crystal.cafe discords like?

>> No.9916639

>If you go to the very last pages you get OPs and JSKs
You mostly get OPs and JSKs but you also still get some skirts, like >>9916531 says the skirt she's looking for could be one of those last ones

>> No.9916645

chill on the surface.
Only go if you don't mind people talking in your back and salt tho

>> No.9916653

I already got rejected for the crystal.cafe one. Aren't there enough people on the cgl one to have a sense of anonymouty? I'm not going to post my coords or anything. I just want to check every possible place for my dream dressand I'm guessing they have a B/S/T channel

>> No.9916718

Please don't join if you're just looking for a dress. It's going to waste everyone's time. What dress are you looking for? If I know someone there who has it for sale I can just tell them to post in the bst for you on cgl.

>> No.9916787

I'm surprised no one has said anything about it, but the brands are all talking about the earthquake in Osaka on Twitter. Meta made a post saying any shipments will be delayed.

>> No.9916798

I'm pretty sure he's a comedian and they're friends?

>> No.9916800

If you can't laugh at yourself you're probably taking yourself too seriously.

I'm glad she has a sense of humor.

>> No.9916869
File: 17 KB, 266x400, 18-05-28-t-164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on closet child. What is this.

>> No.9916870
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Front view for more ridiculousness.

>> No.9916874

dildo headdress

>> No.9916875

Thank you for the update, anon. That's terrifying, I hope everyone is alright!

>> No.9916877

Nah I can laugh at myself, I just can't stand hideous adult baby-looking fucks like this guy. Plus, it's one thing to release a comedy skit or host a joke tea party; and a whole other thing to release a book about kawaii with his face on the cover.
You'd sing a different tune if this was an American dude.

>> No.9916956

Nayrt but you're absolutely correct I would if he was an American guy. But he's not an American guy, and I don't think any non-lolita westerners are gonna know who he is unless western lolitas keep plastering his picture all over Facebook and whatever else.

>> No.9916957

Does it bother anyone else that old guys like this get such attention in japanese street fashion? Things like this, that grandpa seifuku guy, ladybaby, all just weird me out a bit.

>> No.9916961

It bothers me too. Not to say that guys and men can't be cute or aren't allowed to participate in kawaii at all, I do think that kawaii is for everyone; but the fact men are widely popular in a subculture started by teenage girls makes me a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.9916982

How does it waste people's time? Once she's there how do you know how she'll behave?

>> No.9916984

I'm sure he knows more about kawaii culture than you

>> No.9917010

>men are widely popular in a subculture started by teenage girls makes me a bit uncomfortable.

You said it, its like the my Little pony thing all Over again. Not to mention here in the west the movement of equal rights and treatment from feminism isn't the same in Japan, women are still seen as very submissive and it's upsetting seeing men take light away from a culture .. honestly I'm getting off track but I agree with you anon

>> No.9917073

Also, to add to this,
>inb4 b-but what about Mana
He actually has merit and he contributes to the subculture with his creations and ideas, he's iconic for many different reasons, unlike those guys who are only popular/well known because they're obviously manly men with beards wearing a girly outfit of some kind, which is supposed to be... I don't know charming? Cute? Whatever people convince themselves is the reason for liking them.
It's like Sailor Bubba only worse.

>> No.9917231

Wardrobe question:

How do you organize your dresses? Color, JSK/OP, dress-length?

I used to have it according to brand but it just looks messy now so I'm trying to think about how to create a more cohesive look

>> No.9917238

The longer lengths are coincidentally good for tall lolita’s yes, but torso length and such do matter and on some of these dresses the cut still isn’t flattering for some taller lolita’s. This is because the brands didn’t necessarily create the tea length dresses for tall girls in particular - they were created for the lolita’s who are growing older and don’t feel as comfortable wearing the shorter skirts. At least, this is why Meta started putting out tea length stuff according to Natsumi one of the current designers.

>> No.9917246

I organize by color, design type, and main piece type, i.e. all black main pieces go together, and then the differently designed black pieces are grouped together: JSKs, short sleeved OPs, long sleeved OPs, nun-inspired pieces, pieces with buttons down the front, square necklines, etc.

>> No.9917252

I had mine organized by color but I recently reorganized them and put them in order of how much I like them. It was an interesting exercise and did help me identify what to consider getting rid of.

>> No.9917294

I organize them by season (heavy fabric dresses that are more suitable for autumn and winter versus lighter dresses) and then by motif (all solids, all florals and then all other prints) and within the motifs I go by dress length.

>> No.9917336
File: 35 KB, 285x380, AP-Pink-Lovely-Hearts-Skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember those yearly wardrobe posts, do people still do those? Anyone interested in a wardrobe thread?

>> No.9917339

People do them, many continue to post theirs on egl every year. I wanted to do mine this year but never go the chance to; maybe next year.

>> No.9917340

The posts happen in January but a wardrobe thread would be nice.

>> No.9917377

My AP cardigan's zipper doesn't zip up anymore, what do I do gulls?
>tfw i just got it from a seller and it was perfectly fine all day til now

>> No.9917386

the old rubbing with the tip of a graphite pen?

>> No.9917434

I'm not questioning her behavior. I'm sure she'll be perfectly lovely. I mean more like she's joining something she doesn't actually want to be in and we're adding someone who doesn't actually want to be there. It's easier for us to just check for her and report back

>> No.9917494

Dab a bit of vaseline where it gets stuck or rub a dry soap bar on it.

>> No.9917541
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 525596-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these while shopping on Rakuten and I don't wear sweet but I love them and had to share them somewhere they'd be appreciated.

>> No.9917711

Why is /cgl/ so slow even though it's summer?

>> No.9917719
File: 562 KB, 1080x1488, IMG_20180619_115805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btssb is re-releasing their Elizabeth OP and headdress in red x white only. It's an MTO.

>> No.9917725
File: 160 KB, 680x2011, 35847043_10155202076636642_5449416645028085760_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btssb is also releasing an ice-blue Usakumya pouchette. It's an online store special.

>> No.9917729

Everyone has mitigated to Discord

>> No.9917730

Just go through a few threads and see for yourself. This place isn't very enjoyable anymore; it's edgy cosplayers, people pretending to be lolitas, and ita's and noobs trying to screech the loudest to make it seems like they know what they're talking about. Lots of needless and incessant bitchiness that doesn't make any sense and lots of salt for literally no good reason other than the people posting it likely have coarse grit sand up their vagina. When people are being dumb cunts for no reason at all it doesn't make anyone of legitimacy want to participate.

>> No.9917787 [DELETED] 

Vetting discord for anyone interested https://discord.gg/q3GNb8r

>> No.9917790

Btssb holy tampon headdress

>> No.9917869

It's boring on discord too though

>> No.9917873
File: 2.61 MB, 266x200, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only now realised that Celeblack7 at Y!Auctions is Tokyo Alice
But why??

>> No.9917879

Is it really? I noticed that their pics are kind of similar but I don't think they offer the same items, do they?

>> No.9918004

How much of a deposit does AP USA require on their MTOs? Never done one before but debating cream cookie collection

>> No.9918006

Pay 100% upfront

>> No.9918008

100% and shipping up front. Next time ask the stupid questions thread newfag.

>> No.9918009

thanks. realized after I posted that was probably a stupid question for the stupid question thread.

I'm blaming my head cold just this once.

>> No.9918010

Shut up and take it here >>9916251

>> No.9918015

The question was already answered.

>> No.9918017

Shut up.

>> No.9918019

not even the same anon. Who shit in your petti?

>> No.9918020

You seem to ask stupid questions, so you belong there.

>> No.9918037

tfw the stupid questions thread is more active than the general

>> No.9918085

what is with the angry bait as of late?

>> No.9918088

Yes, they have exactly the same backgrounds, the same way of pricing items (always going for x900 yen, x700 yen, x200 yen) and yesterday celeblack deleted a moitie dress that TokyoAlice listed today with the same pictures.
But like you said, they usually don't offer the same items, I wonder why.

>> No.9918089

Newfags think they can blend in better if they act like angry bitches 24/7.

>> No.9918098

The owner of TokyoAlice probably wears lolita herself so maybe she doesn't put things that she wears in the shop.

>> No.9918142

Maybe this is better suited for the feels thread, but I'm hoping some fellow lolitas can help me out.
I haven't worn lolita in over a year, and it's really bumming me out. Because of a health issue and the ensuing financial ruin, I've had to move back in with family and have been very isolated. I moved to an area where I don't know anyone, and I can't drive. Even if I could, I don't have the money to really be social. Even though I've always been a little shy and introverted, I've never felt so alone and disconnected. On top of all of this, my family has animals, smokes indoors, and are rather judgemental, about both clothing and "frivolous" expenses, so I've had to keep much of my clothing sealed and hidden away. I'm trying to get out of here as quickly as possible, but in the meantime, do any of you stealthily wear lolita? What are small things you do to enjoy the fashion when you can't wear it as much as you'd like?

>> No.9918149
File: 7 KB, 194x259, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A small moitie lace bracelet to pray to Mana himself and give thanks for delivering you from basic bitch normie taste in the secrecy of your room.

>> No.9918150

>lace bracelet
>posts wristcuffs

Goddamn summer is strong this year

>> No.9918151


god fucking damnit i was supposed to change that word choice

sorry please forgive me

>> No.9918159 [DELETED] 

fuck off newfag

>> No.9918178

>what are ESL
Not everyone on here is Murrican

>> No.9918187 [DELETED] 

Being ESL doesn't excuse you from not knowing basic lolita terms you fuckass

>> No.9918189 [DELETED] 

It’s an American website so learn English

>> No.9918206

what makes you think she can find moitie wrist-cuffs?

>> No.9918210 [DELETED] 

>a-am I fitting in with see gee el yet?

>> No.9918215 [DELETED] 

People don't give a fuck about fitting in here

>> No.9918229 [DELETED] 

that is laughably false

>> No.9918242 [DELETED] 

Lmao why would someone care about that on anon? I know there are a lot of role players but they do it for their own enjoyment

>> No.9918244 [DELETED] 

Ignore the newfag.

>> No.9918245

Not even the original anon
If the word "wristcuffs" is the same as "lace bracelet" in her native language, it can be easy to confuse. It's also possible to forget the word and use another that describes the same thing. This is honestly such a retarded thing to be salty about, but go ahead I guess.

>> No.9918247 [DELETED] 

Lurking for more than a few days would have cleared that up. Hell, going on lacemarket or AP/baby's websites would clear this up. Try again.

>> No.9918304

>hurrr are you new are you salty are xou jelly muh vendetta sorry you got posted sorry ur fat sorry ur a poorfag do I fit in yet do I???
Every single time. At least read my fucking post before replying. I've been on 4chan since 2007, on cgl since 2010 and I don't know why, but this board has become almost unbearable in the past 1-2 years. What the fuck happened? Was it the cof threads and influx from facebook? What did I miss?

>> No.9918309 [DELETED] 

>telling people to read when you can't even read yourself
>bringing up random cgl buzzwords to prove how much of a TRUE oldfag you are when they didn't even call you new, they were calling the original anon new

Nobody gives a fuck about how long you've been here, they're calling wristcuff anon new and explaining why. If original anon did any of that they'd know they're called wristcuffs. Are you dense?

>> No.9918311 [DELETED] 


Anon, i said i'm sorry and i'm stupid, now can you please stop shitting up the thread? I even refrained from replying more, but you keep going. Just stop, get some tea, take a xanax, whatever, just take a break.

>> No.9918314 [DELETED] 

>to prove how much of a TRUE oldfag you are
You completely and utterly missed my point, wow. I was pointing out CURRENT cgl and how that anon is just posting ur new and similar low quality shitposting instead of reading and replying properly. Something that seems to happen so often lately that it isn't even funny chan banter anymore, just annoying garbage.
And you can still be into lolita for years and forget the english name for items. I still confuse berets and barrettes sometimes or take a few seconds to remember what chokers are called in english. The only dense one is you.

>> No.9918318

>influx from facebook

I honestly think that's it. Plus, 4chan has gotten more media attention in the last 2 years as "that edgy website" so people try to be rude and cruel since they think that's how you fit in here.

I've met some of the most genuinely kind people on 4chan (across all boards). People should be kind to each other everywhere, 4chan reputation be damned.

>> No.9918326

I feel like drawing coords or portraits of lolitas helps when I can't spend or wear lolita.

>> No.9918347

This. I'm also at a loss. I was translating stuff for cgl to eventually post here, but now I'm at the point I don't even want to post it anymore. I keep hoping it's just one troll, but seagulls keep making it worse by arguing with them.

>> No.9918349

Nobody cares.

>> No.9918377

Same here, I scanned several old Keras and wanted to imagedump one every week, but I decided to avoid the inevitable complaining and bickering about it and just share it on my favorite discord and maybe a website in the future.
What did you translate? I'd love to read it, there is so much left untranslated.

Oh shut up. I care about actual new lolita contend on a lolita (and cosplay) board.

>> No.9918384

If you actually care you'd still post what you translated instead of bitching about it.

>> No.9918389

Assholes like you are why we rarely get translator anons anymore. Can you ask for something without being a raging cunt about it?

>> No.9918390

A+ reading comprehension anon. Also good job at proving the point made earlier.

>> No.9918397

Assholes like me don't give a fuck because I can read Japanese. How about instead of you whining you put in the effort and learn the language so you don't have to rely on other people's work.

I read the response to me, not the rest. Fuck off.

>> No.9918415

Even then your reply still doesn't make sense. Where did I say that I translated stuff? But alright, I get it, you just want to start shit for the sake of it. Thank you for clearing that up. God forbid someone had the intend to help and share useful things instead of visiting cgl just to shit it up out of boredom or repressed anger.

>> No.9918422
File: 142 KB, 1023x972, 1527369339263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally takes years just to be able to read a newspaper in Japanese.
Translator-anons, please still share out of the goodness of your hearts. the western comm has always relied on kind people to offer exciting and interesting scanlations.
I love jfash but I do not have the time to pick kanji study back up. it'd be easier if I was a NEET or loaded, but I for one am neither.

>> No.9918425 [DELETED] 

You were posting in response to me replying to someone specifically about their translations, saying you cared about the board. It's not a far leap to think the two are the same person since I'm specifically talking to one person. Fuck off.

So, I managed to learn. Other anons managed to learn. Stop being fucking lazy.

>> No.9918453

I don't believe you desu. Share it on egl livejournal or the discord if you hate cgl so much

>> No.9918455

>translator anons
How often did someone post translations before? Like twice a year

>> No.9918466 [DELETED] 

That was my first post in the thread. I am shitting up the thread but so you are you, and you're far worse than I am
>defending someone who can't even "take a few seconds" to think before they post

>> No.9918467

No offence but what's the point of posting your translations to cgl? They'll be lost when the thread dies. I can't even find translations that I know exist in the archive, not even considering translations in threads I didn't follow

>> No.9918471 [DELETED] 

>It's not a far leap to think the two are the same person
*if your attention span is so bad you only read your one sentence reply part of the post and immediately asume it's the same anon based on that.

There we go again, that's exactly what I said I'll do. Man I give up, this is just depressing.

I'm still thankful for the anon who translated the french lolita documentaries on youtube.

>> No.9918476

That's the thing. I don't hate cgl. I was translating specifically to post it here. The anon destroying this thread saying learn to read Japanese hates cgl.
I hate that anons are responding to that anon.

I was translating ONS book 1. Not a ton of reading material, but I think people might find it helpful.

>> No.9918477

I plan to post it elsewhere too, I know things get lost quite easily.

>> No.9918478

>translated the french lolita documentaries on youtube.
Where can I find that? I've never seen any translations on cgl besides a couple of words and I've been here for over a year

>> No.9918489

Here! https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/9443909/#9447561

>> No.9918493 [DELETED] 

hey,i believe that's me!
was it something like "in the land of lolita"?

>> No.9918495

You're right, so I'll stop.
ONS translations would be awesome, please please post them. I'm sure despite all the usual salt, the sewing thread would be really glad about them. I think it would also help tons of newer lolitas who've never heard of it or feel a bit of lost with the information we do have.

>> No.9918496

I appreciate you, based translator anon. Please disregard the vendetta salt-chan and share with us

>> No.9918497 [DELETED] 

Why should I read something that wasn't addressed to me. I don't give a fuck about your blogposts

>> No.9918498 [DELETED] 


Stop using words you don't know the meaning of newfag

>> No.9918501

Seagulls tend to repost shit. I did a translation like a year ago in the old school thread and I think it was reposted to tumblr. Which is fine because I never got around to cleaning it up and posting it elsewhere. I've not done any since because it's so goddamn time consuming to do and I've been busy.

Translator anons rock man, don't be discouraged by the salt.

>> No.9918505

Was it the meta interview? I follow a tumblr that posted a couple of translations credited to "anon"

>> No.9918575

Hah yep that was me! It's not a particularly good translation, but hopefully someone enjoyed.

>> No.9918594

>it's so goddamn time consuming to do and I've been busy.
Yep, exactly this. It's been years I've been working on this... But I have three pages left at least.

But thanks gulls for encouragement. I'll be sure to post it in the sewing/handmade thread.

>> No.9918597

Your japanese must be pretty shit senpai.

>> No.9918642

but as a lolita at heart (not wallet) none of them will want me.

>> No.9918643

>lolita at heart

Fuck right off of this board.

>> No.9918654

I'm joking I'm joking. I just can't afford anything right now so mostly just looking longingly.

>> No.9918661


fuck off newfag hurrrrrr (am I edgy yet gulls? Am I accepted into the club???)

>> No.9918680

You have to call someone a fat cunt and tell them to kill their selves first. Now fuck off you fat cunt and kys

>> No.9918820

Whats up with all the vetting on lolita discord servers? I haven't really seen vetting for discords on any other topics.

>> No.9918824

Lolita has a high rate of weirdos who orbit the fashion without actually taking part.

>> No.9918827

Random guys joining so they can creep on women who dare to exist on the internet

>> No.9918830

They just want to make sure you actually wear lolita (and aren't a lolita at heart who owns 0 dresses or an ita who owns only milanoo/replica garbage). That's all the vetting is, it's nothing fancy.

>> No.9918831

People who are “lolita at heart” and fetishists.

>> No.9919042 [DELETED] 

Anyone know which shipping g services got a Shanghai tea party ticket tmto Baby? I want to reserve a dress, but my normal SS couldn't get a ticket.

>> No.9919044

Anyone know a SS that got a ticket to the Baby Shanghai tea party?

>> No.9919046

people like >>9918642 at best and sissies/blatant ageplayers/misinformed pedos/misogynistic trolls at worst

>> No.9919141
File: 233 KB, 500x600, c(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute solid OP will be released this weekend. They also have skirts!

And a re-release of Sugar Candy Shop for those that missed it.

>> No.9919145

The entire solid cotton series is adorable, I love it. Might get the black colorway, possibly with the matching headbow.

>> No.9919148

I wish they would release their prints as skirts. I haven't bought anything from AP for over a year.

>> No.9919150

The black colorway *of the OP, oops.

>> No.9919161

They stopped because nobody bought them.

>> No.9919192

You know that something isn’t popular when the second hand market for them is bad... skirts on lm are very cheap

>> No.9919248

Anybody else get a little stressed about the ads on LM? The ads that show listings. Sometimes I’ll click one in interest but it’ll be sold out..

>> No.9919253

>The year 2012+6
>not using an ad-blocker

>> No.9919257

anon, I think she meant the LM listings promoted within searches.

>> No.9919260

Oooooh like in a google image search? Now I see what anon was saying, and I totally get that

>> No.9919280

Former Buzzfeed's Safiya Nygaard met with RinRin and gets a Tokyo inspired make over


>> No.9919285

She's cute and has a great attitude but I don't understand why you're posting this in the lolita general when it's unrelated to lolita.

>> No.9919294

No, I'm pretty sure she meant within the ads. I see them when I'm using a different browser. But I hate LM ads, they really make the site look sketchy.

>> No.9919321

Oh shoot it's a misfire, but probably wouldn't make too much sense in the j-fashion links thread now that I'm thinking about it. On more on topic news, is anyone participating?


>> No.9919471

I often browse LM on mobile, they appear at the bottom of the page

>> No.9919480

Is anyone else really sick of these normies getting a harajuku style makeover videos. They always treat it as a costume and the whole point of the fashion, self expression, is inherently missing.

>> No.9919488

It's kind of refreshing to see a harajuku fashion video that isn't all about kawaii. Even though none of the outfits suited the girl at all. It starts to be very obvious that none of those clothes are made for any western physique. They just look so off and not oversize at all.

>> No.9919494
File: 81 KB, 850x850, Classical Puppets Fishbone Regulable Puffiest Petticoat 5-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my petticoats 'deflate' super fast, especially under my heavier skirts, and I've seen these hoop skirt looking things on a few taobao sites and lacemarket.

Are they worth it? Do they hold up at all? If they're any good, is there any one company that you'd recommend?

>> No.9919513

Which petticoats have you been using?

>> No.9919520
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Dear Celine Frothy Petticoat 4-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some old Bodyline petticoats back from when my ex-girlfriend got me into the fashion, but I also have a Dear Celine Frothy Petticoat (pictured) because someone here recommended it. I usually layer the Bodyline ones over the Dear Celine one to get a full effect.

Generally speaking, cupcake silhouette looks a lot better on me than A-Line. I don't know if that helps/is relevant.

>> No.9919660

I'll have to dig up the link since my friend did the order, but I got a hoop skirt from taobao for $40ish CAD? (Including shipping iirc) I totally love it, though I haven't been worn it much to tell you what it's long term life is. But it's massive and great, I can even layer some of my other pettis on top for MAXIMUM POOF.

>> No.9919717

For A line, I like my one from The Black Ribbon . It's not super poofy but it's comfy and hasn't deflated in the two years I've had it. For cupcake I have an old one from was it classical puppets?? Back when they were still good but it's 7 yrs old and deflated

>> No.9919779


They work, but they come with their own problems. You cannot squish them down, so it's a hassle to get through turnstiles, narrow bathroom stalls can be a pain in the ass, and if you live someplace like Japan with really narrow alleys and shops, it might be impossible to get into certain shops or places.

No recs, sorry. Mine is the Ikea children's petti that I modified shorter. For fabric petti I layer two deflated Dear Celine petticoats together, it's worked out well for me since I can put on an additional petti for a meetup or wear just one for a low poof.

>> No.9919793

The ones from yotsuba.taobao.com are adjustable and arrive set as fucking huge. Got the long and short ones, only complaint is how shitty I am at getting it to twist back into the bag. Got it on another anon's rec, maybe they can speak to the durability of it over time.

>> No.9919835

Get the bell shape hoop skirt from moi moi honey on taobao. It doesn't deflate, you can twist it into a small bag, it's good for travel and it's super cheap (price wise). And if you put a deflated A-line petti over it, it turns into an A-line skirt.

>> No.9919846

You should get better petticoats

>> No.9919935
File: 137 KB, 810x574, Wataridori c90709942379f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9919938


>> No.9919954

Moi Moi Honey on Taobao makes a good hoop skirt for the price, plus it's pretty easy to collapse back into the bag they give you with it.

For normal petticoats, Aurora and Ariel on Taobao is great for the price

>> No.9919955
File: 77 KB, 480x640, 5961edaf-6b27-505b-bd38-a771734719ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think baby will do a rerelease of hawase doll in the near future?

>> No.9919959

Why not just invest in a brand petticoat? You'll end up spending more in deflated and cheaper pettis in the long run.

>> No.9919972

You should just get nice petticoats. They're worth the investment. My best cupcake petticoat is from h.Naoto but if you don't have enough money I recommend wunderwelt or https://item.rakuten.co.jp/auc-andromeo/c/0000000150/

>> No.9919980

im having a compete mental blank, what is the same of that jp online second hand store, not closet child or wunderwelt, sort of set up like maiden clothing more than anything. its a pretty biggish site like one of the main ones but im having a huge blank. wasn't usagiyouhinten either, but has it closed down because thats sad?

>> No.9919982

Alice Fururun?

>> No.9919989

nah but wow i did forget all about that one even existing

>> No.9919993


>> No.9919995

nah it was a jp site.
it had a really big range, like probably just a little less than closet child but excepted clothes in worse condition as well.

>> No.9920002

GrandBazaar Lolita, Tokyo Alice, Violet Blue?

>> No.9920161

I feel like we never see any really cringy japanese itas. There probably is, but I feel like in the west we have so many.

>> No.9920167

I digged that up for you anon

>> No.9920173
File: 715 KB, 848x479, katiebabydoll_lwln61718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LWLN has a new vid dropped!


>> No.9920193

What was that tv show with a character that wears Excentrique called?

>> No.9920202

Reposting from LH to remind you that Mana is forevera God (along with Misako for us, sweet and classic gals).

>> No.9920204
File: 63 KB, 640x756, 35682315_1517695158342346_3265851170047918080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking dropped

>> No.9920208

Kamen Rider

>> No.9920212
File: 1.95 MB, 320x180, mana bless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this attitude of his. Bless you, Mana.

>> No.9920217

this just made me so happy to read

>> No.9920236

I feel the same way too, all i can do is roll my eyes. But one thing i am happy about is that they stuck to stuff that suited her general style.

>> No.9920253

I'm so glad she returned to her old format of actual reporting of lolita stuff instead of trying to get notoriety by sticking her nose in drama.

This was actually funny again.

>> No.9920263

Link to this?

>> No.9920265

There are plenty of itas in Japan. You just don't see photos of them as much as western itas.

>> No.9920273

What the hell is this?

>> No.9920279

Apparently, this >>9916146

>> No.9920286
File: 151 KB, 850x850, Elpress Island of Cythera One Piece 15-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm putting in a reservation for this dress because I'm currently in love with all things Rococo/French Revolution. However, I don't have anything in my wardrobe like this.

While I've figured out most of the accessories, I'm stuck on the purse. What kind of purse do you wear with something like this?

>> No.9920289


>> No.9920291

Whoops! Thanks for the redirect!

>> No.9920293


>> No.9920299

Hahaha this is so cringy yet wholesome

>> No.9920312
File: 1.24 MB, 303x307, 1410605735988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say a lolita you really like posted about a supposedly super rare brand item they bought off second hand for a lot of money. Let's say you saw work in progress pictures of the seller fabricating that "brand item" on their twitter as a project and then selling it as an original in their listing. But of course, they deleted their tweets directly after the item sold. What would you do? Would you tell the lolita or would you think it's better to not say anything?

>> No.9920318

Name and shame, anon.

>> No.9920328

tell them

>> No.9920330 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1094x1094, 54984D3F-E12B-4353-BBAF-EA209C73F923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in my com is ita, even the mods. It’s killing me.

>> No.9920334

Nice bait

>> No.9920337

This isn't the ita thread, dumbass. Take your vendetta off the general.

>> No.9920339

Ita thread is in auto sage. This is relevant here too.

>> No.9920340

Then make a new one and post it there. And no, your vendetta against your comm mods is not relevant in this thread.

>> No.9920347

Japanese can't be ita

>> No.9920353

tell the girl that bought it so she can try to file a paypal claim or something at least

>> No.9920354


Nah son. Stop being salty and posting comm members.

>> No.9920357

The seller is the person who organised the gothic lolita museum in japan, so without the proof she deleted, I doubt anyone would believe it.

She either bought it with a shopping service or directly but not with paypal. I'm afraid I'll ruin her joy with no positive outcome.

>> No.9920366

I’ve been following her for ages and never saw anything like that on her Twitter, just the handkerchiefs she was making for the fundraising donators. What piece are you talking about?

>> No.9920368

Please fuck off, and better yet leave the comm.
I'm pretty sure you are the ita one, and are just jealous of their closets.

>> No.9920379

sorry you got posted :(

>> No.9920381

Same, it was a coffin guitar case and she talked about painting it as a project. She made the tweet a month or two ago.

>> No.9920387
File: 1.38 MB, 1242x1542, 1D957078-8F98-43C4-BC99-0C67A64009F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? Honestly just talk to TL about it, maybe she can find a way to verify the one she has is real or not.

>> No.9920394

It’s lolita general, I can post whatever I want as long as it’s lolita related. AZ com is shit.

>> No.9920399

Post yourself and show how good your coords are if you're so upset.

>> No.9920411

If you're going to try to start comm drama in the general then share something actually dramatic. Calling your comm's mods "ita" on cgl makes you look like a summer newfag

>> No.9920414

Okay well if you hate the comm that has a ton of events in two separate cities, and you hate everyone there, then just gtfo and become a lone lolita?

If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes.

>> No.9920416

I didn't get posted but I'm in the comm that until recently has been drama free and chill. It still is, except for this cunt that keeps trying to start shit about our comm any chance they get. Don't like it? Make your own comm, make your own events. I guarantee no one will miss you or give a fuck. Also no one is holding you hostage in the comm.

>> No.9920418 [DELETED] 

Who does everyone think it is? This is getting annoying

>> No.9920419

Probably the chick that got banned for starting drama on here.

If not her, then some other nobody that doesn't go to meets.

>> No.9920420

Take it to the comm threads, no one here cares about your theft supporter comm. God, I wish there was a way to report more than one post at once.

>> No.9920421

>theft supporter comm

What in the hell are you referring to?

>> No.9920422

There was a girl who made a billion posts in the lolita general, feels thread, comm thread maybe some others and on lolcow about some vegan lolita in her comm who was giving people tips on shoplifting, the gulls in her comm told her to fuck off afaik

>> No.9920423 [DELETED] 

The AZ comm supports and defends a girl who thinks shoplifting is a good thing.
She was posting tips on how to scam stores and everyone was supportive.

>> No.9920426

oh my god, no one cares.

>> No.9920431
File: 65 KB, 767x647, 35765345_1841677265892748_3306285890548006912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were posted in the bst fb group.
anyone know the sauce?

>> No.9920445

I hate how she keeps posting in the group like nothing happened.
I’m side eyeing her so hard. No regrets posting her here.

>> No.9920451 [DELETED] 

She is still in the comm? I totally missed the whole drama. Who was it?

>> No.9920453 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, E2C7938F-AED7-43E7-BEBF-402A31A4E6F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vegan sjw chick who can afford a vegan lifestyle, and an entire wardrobe. But still needs to shoplift makeup because

>> No.9920454 [DELETED] 

Why haven't the mods fucking banned her? Like didn't they recently make a rule about how doing something that reflects bad on the comm is an instant ban? I know C doesn't even like her so what the fuck?

>> No.9920455 [DELETED] 

lmao AZ comm is a white trash comm

>> No.9920456

Nope. Moi Moi Honey's Star Story shoes are quite similar though, albeit with smaller bows.

>> No.9920458 [DELETED] 

She’s also begging for money for a “friend” in a bad situation, who doesn’t have a paypal for some reason so you have to donate to D herself.
If it’s real, I feel awful for her friend and wish I could donate. But I’m not trusting my money with someone who gloats about stealing.

>> No.9920459 [DELETED] 

That rule applies only to meets iirc. D is a perfect angel in person, you only realize how crazy she is when you see her FB.

>> No.9920460


>> No.9920461 [DELETED] 

Honestly why trust her period? Someone who openly shoplifts would probably feel zero guilt about stealing from friends, whether it's money or your own belongings.

>> No.9920463

She also helps run a booth our comm runs at cons. Where everyone sells their own stuff. I don’t trust her in the slightest with any of it.

>> No.9920468 [DELETED] 

I doubt she is dumb enough to make up some long story just to steal money, but she is dumb enough to talk about shoplifting. I dont see her being that heartless.

>> No.9920479
File: 132 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20180621_223201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shanghai exclusive again?

>> No.9920493

The brands only cater to the Chinese market these days, don't you know?

>> No.9920496
File: 60 KB, 715x960, 35776192_1300226730079630_9179746056869511168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are also getting this coveted re-release.
Yes I'm bitter about the Chinese girls getting everything special from Baby and JP.
When did we ever get a US exclusive dress or even a colorway, even though the stores have been here for years.

>> No.9920498

A blessing

>> No.9920507

>When did we ever get a US exclusive dress or even a colorway, even though the stores have been here for years.
the chinese lolita community is obviously far richer and larger in population than americans. hell, even the japanese lolita brands are making designs to cater towards the chinese market.

>> No.9920508

At least moitié seems to care about us.
Why are the western comms so cheap

>> No.9920528


>> No.9920534

Do you have a non mobile link, it looks crazy weird on desktop? and trying to delete the m. isn't working.

>> No.9920541

nayrt but you can literally copy the item id out of the url and paste it over the item id in a url string for any other taobao item listing

>> No.9920545

Get an SS and stop bitching

>> No.9920550


The irony is western girls buying taobao, and then I usually imagine all that taobaolita money being funneled towards Chinese lolitas buying actual burando.

And then followed by Western girls simultaneously crying that burando doesn't cater to their fatty bodies and that taobao is as good as brand, stop being elitist.

Wait I think I just made myself depressed...

>> No.9920606

Didn't Moitie only ask the Chinese about a rerelase of a special item? I forgot what it was.
I join the butthurt desu, we've been fans of brands for more than a decade with increasing numbers and lolita only boomed in china in what - the last 3 or 4 years?

>> No.9920640

Unfortunately being a fan of something doesn't mean much if you don't let your wallet do the talking for you. It's interesting though, the international comms showed the brands that there's interest outside of Japan and this lead them to offer international shipping and even expand their sizing; but then the Chinese come along and suddenly it's all about them. Maybe the amounts of money that they spend on brand is astronomical and incomparable to what Americans/Europeans/people in other places spend on brand, collectively, that's the only logical reasoning I can think of.

>> No.9920649

Just look on weibo. The average lolita there is like the richest lolitas here and their tea parties regularly seem to attract attendees who will all immediately drop cash on the exclusive release. Over there it seems like a lot of new money girls got into it and it's become a status thing, most people who get into it here don't have parental money to blow on it.

>> No.9920653

I usually hate videos with westerners parading around in lolita looking like idiots but for once, I actually wish they had put her in lolita. She's really pretty and would look so gorgeous in classic or gothic. Might need a tailor though, she looks tall af

>> No.9920660

I mean Homemiro basically only wears burando when she's not shilling R-Series on social media so I doubt it's really that far off.

Generally speaking Chinese lolitas still consider Japanese brand to be superior to their own.

>> No.9920758

Looks tacky. Perfect for the chinese lolita demographic

>> No.9920761

Are Chinese lolitas even interested in EGL/EGA? It looks like their tastes mostly skew classical and sweet.

>> No.9920762 [DELETED] 

Hello babies!!
My bf (9 years older) want to put cummies in me wearing burando. Do I let him?
Gimme responses sempai, 'yada' or 'yata?'
And no meanie people saying he's too old for me, I'm a big girl~

>> No.9920763

Radioactive Cupcake was inspired by a designer's trip to America, does that count?

>> No.9920767

Possibly, but ngl if one of the brands came up with something so tacky after visiting my country, I'd feel a bit insulted.

>> No.9920769

Most people are/were salty as fuck about the jab.

>> No.9920810

Is there any place for lolita/jfashion news in general? Not new releases, but for example new stores opening or closing, events.. News like that. I know there's rufflechat but that's mostly discussions aka blog posts

>> No.9920812

J Twitter

>> No.9920823

Honestly her bf lowkey sounds like a creep.
If you're worried about "looking sketchy" then you shouldnt date a 19yo girl while being 28.
Creepy fuckers.

>> No.9920829
File: 74 KB, 914x914, 35241500_178071583037562_3961536357607669760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's my dream dress
Fuck those fucking nouveau riche chink bitches

>> No.9920830

But at least it only confirms my point that brands only see us as walking $$$ (including Misako and the like as well probably) and don't actually give a shit about us or the lolita community like Mana does.

>> No.9920831

The Moitié Gothic guitar case? I saw it being sold on Mercari, but the description clearly mentioned it wasn’t moitié. But some guitar cases brand that she put the Moitié logo on.

>> No.9920834

Since when does wanting money mean that they no longer give a shit? Are you seriously saying they should cater to people who won't give them anything (relatively) in return?

>> No.9920836

Are these wristcuffs on her ankles?
Baby what is you doing?

>> No.9920839

Anon please, they obviously don't care.
And by that I don't mean it's because they don't catter to whiny fatties and newbies crying about the sizing,price,...

>> No.9920840

Brands literally cannot exists without income, what do you want?

>> No.9920841

I actually think brands like Moitie and Physical Drop are making a mistake by listening to Western lolitas. Those people will leave tons of Facebook comments but never buy anything directly from brand. I know because some of them are in my comm.

>> No.9920842

People have been doing that for ages. Some Japanese girls also put wrist-cuffs on their elbows with short sleeves.

>> No.9920845

I mean, obviously they care about money, do you think brands travel outside of Japan just to make friends? They're going out to meet their customers, make more new customers, and encourage their customers to spend more money on their merchandise.
Mana's views are lovely and I do genuinely love the way he sees the subculture and the people who wear lolita; but he wants his brand to be more widely accessible so more people will actually buy it. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>> No.9920846

I think for Mana it's different because he's an artist before being a business man

>> No.9920848

But what's the harm in doing a special release for a US or Paris shop? They do MTOs for everything anyway.

>> No.9920851

Maybe but that doesn't make the other designers soulless and greedy or what have you.
Yumi Fujiwara has apparently learnt to sew from her mother, frequently travels to Europe for inspiration, and recently launched a more affordable line for women who want to wear lolita casually, and honestly the prices of IWW are hilariously cheap. Does that mean I'm not going to throw my money in her direction when she releases designs that I love and want? Hell no, that's the opposite of what you do - The designer gets my money for her hard work, I get garments that I love to own and wear, and I support the designer so she can release more designs that I love in the future.
"They only care about money" isn't a valid complaint in a subculture based on consumerism, at least in most cases. It certainly isn't valid here.

>> No.9920853

Is there a guarantee that people will actually buy this special release? Obviously people do buy the popular/exclusive pieces and participate in MTOs and bloodbaths when they happen, but how many do, compared to the Japanese and Chinese customers?
If we were to judge by what's happening with the Chinese girls, it seems that the US and Europe don't generate enough sales to justify exclusive releases

>> No.9920856

This, Chinese girls latch onto it because they love the exclusivity and they have the money to blow

>> No.9920859

Yes, I saw the one on mercari too, but it seems like she changed descriptions (and deleted the mercari listing) and lied to the buyer.

>> No.9920860

god if these weren't open-toed I'd be all over them

>> No.9920879

this interview cured my depression

>> No.9920889

I thougt someone bought the original listing? I saw that it was sold and when I looked at the listing after it was sold, it still had the original description that it was selfmade. Are you sure the buyer didn’t just read the description wrongly? If you don’t speak Japanese it gave of the feeling of it being Moitié.

>> No.9920891

In case she did lie to the buyer. She tried to auction it as well, you can read the brand is RC Rich amd the stikers were handmade.

>> No.9920894

I should go to bed.

>> No.9920896

I have bought directly from Physical Drop and am buying Moitie's newest release with my next paycheck. I know lots of lolitas who buy new. Just because everyone you know is young and broke doesn't mean there aren't many of us who do support the brands directly and don't brag about our purchases on social media.

>> No.9920898
File: 123 KB, 280x373, C985A9D3-6BF1-4A17-8BA5-A48F4A5CFC60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did we ever get a US exclusive dress or even a colorway, even though the stores have been here for years.

Fancy Paper Dolls was released in blue for AP USA’s Anniversary. That was way back in 2013/2014 though.

>> No.9920903

New dread >>9920901

>> No.9920906

Oh no, that's unfortunate. What a strange color.

>> No.9921245


It's not an exclusive, exact item was a new year's lucky pack set at some point.