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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9910411 No.9910411 [Reply] [Original]

New larp thread as previous one is in autosage


now with 33,33% more common stuff.
Don't forget that a level 2 commoner is twice as common as a level 1

>> No.9910441

First for DR is okay

>> No.9910543

Second for Americans

>> No.9910611

Where do you guys find reliable patterns for your armor? Or do you just use reference pictures and free hand it? I'm an okay crafter but a terrible drafter if you catch my drift, I just need an okay set of patterns to go off of to get started

>> No.9910619

I have an armourer for this.
But you can look at http://armourarchive.org/ or just at the originals

>> No.9911155
File: 38 KB, 821x632, wisby gaunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the usual?

Im alright. Work is my life right now. Did get around to getting some harder to acquire herbs for my medieval/Renaissance medical kit.

So... First to be wrong? Cool.

As Hungarian says, the Armour Archive, though its falling behind as of late. Several other forums have outright shut down. Pintrest also has good ones, but they are mixed with tons of shit. There are also commercial armour pattern books.

>> No.9911250
File: 47 KB, 336x446, erik-the-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't larp, but i'm picking up some handmade viking clothes. any tips? i'm using etsy right now

>> No.9911261

What do you mean "viking clothes"? Like generic viking popculture costume? Viking is a job description, not a culture. What culture? What time period? Whats the purpose of the outfit?

>> No.9911270
File: 117 KB, 570x856, il_570xN.1307168132_jpva.jpg?version=0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of a tunic and undertunic shirt i'm thinking of buying for reference
i'm not a history buff, like i said i'm not into larping
the purpose is just because i think it's cool and looks comfy as fuck

>> No.9911273

Interesting. Heads up, the latest "fashion" for the neopagan white supremacists is dressing like extras from History Channel's Vikings.

>> No.9911274

i don't watch TV so i wouldn't know

>> No.9911773

Doesn't matter if you watch the TV show or not, clownfag is telling you to not get mixed up with racist aspies.

>> No.9911780

hey, I hate viking wannabees as much as the next guy but suddenly everyone who likes vikings is racist?
Because that sounds pretty fucking racist to me

>> No.9911834


Hey man, its like skinheads. It started as a working class thing, but got fully coopted by nazis.Now they are just dressing 24/7 like larpers.

>> No.9911837

you guys have serious delusions.

>> No.9911878

>you guys have serious delusions.
What do you mean? Modern modern-pagan nazi types like dressing like viking larpers now. They are the ones with delusions.

>> No.9911913

Some guys just got kicked out of my Uni for dressing like vikaboos and talking about racial purity and a comming race war.

>> No.9911919

I will always give the benefit of doubt and assum anyone who really likes vikings are mentally handicapped rather than a neopagan white supremacists.
While the two sure has a lot in common they are still pretty far from each other.

>> No.9911948
File: 166 KB, 522x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in quebec
>there is a "cultural identity" group called La Meute that formed 2-3 years ago who use lots of mjolnir and wolves in their symbols
>La meute means The Pack
>cultural identity group is pretty much a way for hate group to legaly walk in the streets and protest against migrants
>there is a 10yo group of around a 100 poeple with a fantastic scandinavian decorum at bico who happen to be called La Meute
>now on one side there is a bunch of angry retards and on the other a bunch of guys who have been dressing up like 9th century vikings and who built an impressive meadhall and have one of the best looking part of town and will welcome you with a pint as long as you're brave.

This is real by the way.
And it's sad that some of them are thinking of changing the name of their guild because of that hate group.

But at the same time i think that in a fantasy larp you should get inspiration by real world religions and politics but stay the further away from it ingame and use a different symbology.

>> No.9911952

Happening here too.

That crossover is shrinking more and more these days. Wearing runes, mjolnirs, etc as swastika are too obvious.

Inb4 tunic trim, again.

>> No.9912066

what if i am racist?

>> No.9912070
File: 832 KB, 540x720, CChalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vikings cannot be trusted!
Nor can the Samurai!

>> No.9912078

Then you should kill yourself.

>> No.9912079

why is that?

>> No.9912082

Because you are holding the rest of the world back.

>> No.9912083

how so?

>> No.9912091

Because by supporting something as foolish as racial division, you are creating a stagnation in social and technological improvement of our whole species.

>> No.9912092 [DELETED] 
File: 861 KB, 2406x1936, 1499832478687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so are all races equal now? this is news to me. do you have like any proof or anything so i could save it and post it later on to btfo all the dumb racists?

>> No.9912093
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3024, you_went_full_peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9912095

that guy on the bottom has low test

>> No.9912097

Aaaaand its time for you to leave.

Remember to report and hide, anons.

>> No.9912099 [DELETED] 

whoa... so this is the power of proof...

>> No.9912100

at this point I think everyone should leave and think about their life for a few minutes

>> No.9912106

ok i did but i'm still racist

>> No.9912107

good for you and I don't give a fuck as long as we can talk about larp related stuff here

>> No.9912109

what are some good places to get handmade viking-era clothing?

>> No.9912112

fuck knows, I'm not into viking stuff, but I guess etsy is full with people who sell that stuff, and ther might be a few period accurate stuff there too but I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.9912114

yeah i've been checking etsy so far and some of it seems pretty good

>> No.9912118

as long as you don't want anything period accurate that's your best bet because the webshops that sells viking-like stuff are usually horribly overpriced.

>> No.9912121

what would be a good price for an accurate tunic in your opinion? i'm currently looking at a tunic + undertunic and both with shipping comes out to around $125

>> No.9912131

no idea. Look up the price of the material that is used, try to guess how much is used, then add 20-40 hours of skilled labour to get a ballpark number. But obviously there are a lot of other factors and as I said I'm not into viking stuff so I don't know

>> No.9912164

alright thanks anyway mate

>> No.9912170

3ish yards nice linen= ~50 bucks
Labor = ~40 bucks
Misc technical knowhow = ~20 bucks
That seems about right. If there’s any hand sewing expect more because it takes longer and is generally a pain.

>> No.9912171

cool thanks. i think i'll buy them then. cheers

>> No.9912191

Aside from having bodybuilder swole calves, is there any way to prevent greaves from sliding down/off the leg? I made a pair with a tightening strap on the top and bottom part, but unless I tighten to the point of cutting circulation, they always slip.

>> No.9912256

1. Make them/have them made specifically for you. No off-the-shelf greaves.

2. Point/tie them to your knees, which are connected to your cuisses/thighs, which are suspended from a cuisse belt or arming jacket at your natural waist.

3. Pad the bottom and just accept them lying on top of your footwear.

>> No.9912271

so like im larping for the first time this weekend. im an elf rogue and i need to come up with an outfit in like 2 days, with minimal work time. what do. my only real place to get supplies in that time is walmart. i have weapons and armor and shit all good to go but i need like a medieval looking outfit. what do /cgl/. minimal sewing please. i know how i just dont want to do this without a pattern and in only about 4 hours because i work a lot.

>> No.9912273
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>im an elf rogue

>> No.9912327


Armour Archive has a number of free patterns, but some of them require explanations, ask on the "discussion" page if you need help. A warning: While helpful, these guys are authenticity nazis.

Craig Nadler offers a number of free patterns on his website, but is mostly mid-14th to early 15th century. Not really a drawback. He also provides .dxf files, which allows them to be edited in a CAD software, or even cut on a laser/plasma/waterjet.

David Guyton offers a number of templates for sale on his website, which I think is just armortemplates. Each one has a youtube video to accompany it.

Talbot's Fine Accessories offers a number of pamphlets at low prices. I've heard them recommended a number of times.

Paul Blackwell has a free .pdf available all over the internet, called Basic Armouring. It has a number of templates for Wisby style armor.

Techniques of medieval armour reproduction is a hell of a book, but is expensive and hard to find. I've got a .pdf, but don't recall where I stole it from, but it was on the internet somewhere. Even then, there aren't too many patterns available in it.

If all else fails, find some historical piece or a modern reproduction you like, and do you best to reverse engineer it with cardstock, manila envelopes or thin cardboard.. Consider checking online stores to see what they've made, they often have a number of views of what they offer, which can help quite a bit in figuring out how to make your own.

>> No.9912369 [DELETED] 

where's your proof?

>> No.9912405

Trying to explain anything would be wasted on you. I don't have enough crayons to break it down in such a fashion that would be easily digested by you.

Just admit that you're a mouth-breathing retard, and we can move on with our lives.

>> No.9912431

Does anyone know a decent place to buy steel pauldrons?

>> No.9912455

>in like 2 days
>my only real place to get supplies in that time is walmart
>minimal sewing please

Accept your death.

>> No.9912498

sew it to your pants

>> No.9912504

Your best bet is probably posting on the larp's Fb page (or whatever they use), asking others for loaner gear.

>> No.9912562

Hey dudes.

Been a while since I last larped, but I finally have the time to go back. Kinda feel like it's gonna be more fun as an adult than as an awkward teen.

Anyway, I'm a semi-competant student in a STEM degree, so I have some small level of CAD skill, and I should have access to a 3d printer once I finish assembling it.

Anybody have any resources/anecdotes/experiences 3d printing armour? I'll probably start small, and I don't expect much, but I think it'd be a pretty fun way to spend the free time I'll have for the next two weeks.

I'm also looking forwards to having some decent armour. When I last larped my costume was bare basic barring a few scraps of armour I saved up to buy, and what I could make, which frankly sucked. It's gonna be great to make armour in the image of what I imagine it to be.

>> No.9912569

honestly I don't know if the 3d printing stuff is durable enough to make larp armour out of it but I've seen a few really good ones for cosplays and a lot of accessories made with it and even nerf mods.

Anyway I would advise to test the durability somehow so you won't have an unfortunate armor failure during the game

>> No.9912584

3d prints have very poor structural integrity in general. I've seen metal larp armour and even skating gear get damaged in combat, so I don't think 3d printed stuff is going to fare any better. People unconsciously swing harder at armour than at bare skin, too.

Also, do you want fantasy armour or sci-fi armour? A 3d print is proably not going to have an aesthetically pleasing resolution for the former.

>> No.9912585
File: 114 KB, 880x824, I-design-intricate-flexible-3D-printed-armor-58ec878b19a6d__880[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 3d print is proably not going to have an aesthetically pleasing resolution for the former.
I beg to differ. It's entirely up to the finishing touches

>> No.9912747

Thanks for the responses my dudes. I'll do a durability test, but if it fails I'll focus on stuff like head and neck armour, that are illegal targets in my LARP and won't need much strength.

I'm definitely going for fantast; circa 1600 is best. A big reason I'm asking is because I was hoping to pick up tips opn making it come out all nice and shiny. I was thinking either sanding, or trying to make it a matte colour might help things.

>> No.9912755

>3D printing armor
>Out of plastic thats too brittle
>With no material knowledge on how to reinforce that structure
Still, regardless what you do, at the least make it 3 layers, and test it. And remember that direction and assembly is important.
And you might still want a cheap metal sheat over it.

>> No.9912791

or newspaper and resin inside it

>> No.9912826

That's not home 3d printer quality, and Shapeways quality printing is hella expensive.

>> No.9913039


Since you guy are talking aboot patterns, do you guys have any good ones for clone troopers? I got myself involved in a star wars larp and I don't want to be a jedi

>> No.9913041

I know several, but I don't think i'll share now.

You're asking WAY too much. What is your armour like? If you are willing to do ancient greek styled elf, you can make a chiton.

Please be more specific. Style? Use? Budget?

Holy jesus fuck! Thats gorgeous. Still would be better in steel though.

>> No.9913058

Contact some 501st bros

>> No.9913212

You might be better off buying some of that stuff. Most Stormtrooper armor is vacuum-formed plastic, which would be a heavy investment to set that up yourself. If you don't want to buy a complete set, some places sell fresh-off-the-presses kits, where you have to trim them down yourself.

If you're really set on making it yourself, though, try asking on MandalorianMercs. I know they have a bunch of readily available Mandalorian armor templates, and something tells me that somebody there may have a decent Stormtrooper template.

>> No.9913340

Aren't those untrimmes kits still like 400 dollars? I'll have to look into mandalorian mercs, I might just have to build some Mando armor and go with that. >>9913058
The 501st seems pretty uptight about posting on the message boards about costuming. Do you think the Facebook is as bad?

>> No.9913494 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.9913582 [DELETED] 

The racist fuck is the one who needs to fuck off to /pol/, not that anon.

>> No.9913602 [DELETED] 

>Some dude mentions he's a racist, then tries to steer conversation back to the topic
>Some other dude goes on a rant about how he's holding back our species
Change "racist" to any moral viewpoint you agree with and tell me who reeks of /pol/.

>> No.9913616 [DELETED] 

Nayrt but there was a time when stormcucks got laughed off the board. I miss it daily.

>> No.9913635

I miss the time when we are talking about larp related stuff in larp threads.

>> No.9913816 [DELETED] 


>> No.9913821 [DELETED] 


>> No.9914252

>NPC attempts to intimidate player trying to eat by spitting in the pot of soup the player is cooking
>player knee-jerk responds by throwing this pot of boiling soup at the NPC
What are some crazy things that happened at your local LARP? Why is the boundary between reality and fantasy so blurry sometimes?

>> No.9914268

Dick move desu, i’d be cheesed too. The soup is a prop, and is rendered a waste of money and time when spat in. More or less like someone breaking your sweet new sword or ripping up your rad doublet.

>> No.9914338

spitting in the soup is way more serious than fucking up a prop to some degree (obviously depends on the money and effort you've put in it)
the seriousness goes something like this

stealing small amounts of snacks < fucking up a cheap prop that they borrowed < stealing small amounts of food < fucking up a cheap prop without asking < fucking up your meal / stealing larger amount of food < shitting next to your tent < fucking up an expensive propr < shitting in your fireplace < fucking up a REALLY expensive prop < finding out where you live, buying a coffemaker, bringing it there while you aren't at home, shitting in the coffemaker, turning it on and let it brew

>> No.9914341

The justification used was that the guy was just cooking up some dried soup packets, so he was maybe $2 out. The player stormed out soon afterwards, though, which pretty much resolved the whole thing.

>> No.9914350

>which pretty much resolved the whole thing.
So everyone else was cool with a guy that spits in your food continuing to crew?

I'd leave too if organisers didn't give a fuck. Or present a list of all things that could happen to their stuff that was worth $2 or less.

>> No.9914352

holy shit, if that's the justification I don't want to see how they handle other problems.

>> No.9914395

I've seen worse. There was one player who was literally spitting on NPC's. Apparently, the board didn't even kick the player from the larp.

I'm not playing there anymore, and for damn good reasons.

>> No.9914612
File: 693 KB, 680x1024, k-_ 662_zpsszhlnsbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of me from thel ast con I visited. How would your rate my kit?

>> No.9914652

Love it mate. Maybe upgrade your belt, but i’m into everything else.

>> No.9914657

faceless / 10

Above average, a good base that could use some personal touch

>> No.9914666

what the fuck? how do you have NPCs in a larp? is it a robot or something?

>> No.9914940

confirmed for never having LARPed

>> No.9914959

>elf rogue

REMOVE KNIFEEarremove knifeear
you are worst pixie. you are pixie idiot your are pixie smell. return to valenwood. to our valenwood cousins you can come to our country. you can live in the zoo.... ahahaha Astora never forgeve you. chetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole pixie stink Valenwood. pixie genocide best day of my life. Take a bath in dead pixie..ahahahahahahaVALENWOOD WE WILL GET YOU.. do not forget undead curse. Lordran we will kill the king, Lordran return to your precious Lothric hahahahaha pixie stink so bad i can smell it.. REMOVE KNIFEEAR FROM THE PREMISES. Drangleic+Skyrim+Cyrodil+Jerusalem=kill valenwood. you will undead curse/ tupac alive in drangleic ,tupac make album of drangleic. fast rap tupac drangleic. we are rich and have souls now hahahahahah ha because of tupac . ... you are ppoor stick pixie... you live in a treehous hahaha you live in a tent

tupac alive numbr one #1 in drangleic . . .fuck the valenwood ,...FUCKk ashol pixie no good i spit in mouth eye of ur flag and country.. 2pac aliv and real strong sorcerer kill all knifeear farm aminal with crystal magic now we the Drangleic rule .ape of the zoo lodr gwyn fukc the great wyvern and lay egg this egg hatch and valenwood wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn giv bak our clay we will crush you lik a skull of hollow. drangleic greattst countrey

>> No.9914969

You alright there?

Going off the assumption you're not trolling. NPCs at LARP events are usually normal people who've volunteered to be characters to further the LARP's story. There's different incentives offered by the different games, but most tend to offer some sort of reduced fee/free weekend deal for people who play as NPCs. I think a lot of the time LARPs will give their NPCs costumes, so that's another benefit.

>> No.9914974

I just don't care for elves

>> No.9915103

Hey Dude,


>> No.9915118

>Going off the assumption you're not trolling. NPCs at LARP events are usually normal people who've volunteered to be characters to further the LARP's story. There's different incentives offered by the different games, but most tend to offer some sort of reduced fee/free weekend deal for people who play as NPCs. I think a lot of the time LARPs will give their NPCs costumes, so that's another benefit.
thanks for actually explaining unlike that other dickhead. i guess i was just confused initially as the term NPC implies there is nobody behind the wheel so to speak. no i have never larped obviously, so the only usage of the term NPC i have seen to date has been in either video games or tabletop RPGs (which admittedly is similar now that i think about it)

>> No.9915125

Worst au, please dont let bethesda get their hands on my souls

>> No.9915150

To be fair, I would have slugged the guy. If im cooking, its for eating, and you just contaminated the whole thing.

I hope that NPC was punished OOG.


Oh fuck no. I don't care if it was a 25 cent mint, you don't fuck with other people's property.

>The player stormed out soon afterwards, though, which pretty much resolved the whole thing.

Lets discuss what "resolved" means... Because the problem does not sound resolved.

Name the group.

That looks like a great start! Keep it up!

The assumption I will make is that anon is a battle gamer, commonly called "larps" in the US.


>> No.9915201

I'm an Amtfag, and even we occasionally have people play NPCs when we pretend to be an actual LARP.

>> No.9915306

>Name the group.
I don't know the guy's name, they kept that secret (probably for the best, to be fair). It was at a Dutch larp called Omen, anyway.

>> No.9915377

>To be fair, I would have slugged the guy.
You would assault a man for something so trivial?

>> No.9915395

Destruction of my property and labour? Yes.

Also, where I am from, spitting in someone's food/drink, or spitting on a person is legally assault.

>> No.9915419

I have shitty sensitive skin,
I live in a country where its 35C year round,
where do i get nice looking medieval and/or early renaissance looking clothing that wont itch and would be breathable?

>> No.9915460

Linen undershirts and natural fabrics, none of that poly-blend crap. Which is what you want anyway. Fine wools won't cause any itching so those are fine if you'd be comfortable in the heat. Some fashions really want woolen items so either plan around that or not care because accuracy isn't that much of a priority for you.

If you are getting armor then for god's sake don't get a far too thick gambeson filled with polyester stuffing or insulation batting.

>> No.9915481

I have been looking for a thinner gambeson...

>> No.9915572 [DELETED] 

Yeah some fucking progress social engineering has gotten us. Forcing people vastly different and disparate groups gets us no where good.

>> No.9915573

VA, USA here: 35°C with 120% ambient humidity. As >>9915460 said, linen is your new god. I wear historic clothing for a living, and it's truth that they knew what to wear.

Say no to cotton. Say no to plastics like nylon and poly. Only 100% linen and wool. Summer weight wool is a thing. Get some.

Thick or thin doesn't matter. Look into tube quilted gamebesons, and use linen/wool batting in a linen shell. You'll notice without question that most Italian gamebesons are tubes, which are good for heat transfer in between the rows. That's why I made mine in the style.

>> No.9915695

what the difference between all the types of quilting for gambesons?

>> No.9915838

Tubes tend to have more heat transference due to the space in between the rows. Flat quilt like diamond tends to be denser.

>> No.9915845

Hey my dude, I was just duding around when I saw your response my dude. You seem like an angry dude, my dude. What's good? You ok my dude? Can a dude help out another dude and make sure you're alright my dude?

-Your dude, the dude.

>> No.9916549

HLF do you ever post on Larp Haven?

>> No.9916556

We are both banned last I checked.

>> No.9916671

>We are both banned last I checked
I expect nothing less

>> No.9916701

How do you even get banned from a dumpster fire?

>> No.9916712

Gotta keep them standards

Well, for me, I know it was because of two reasons:
1: Fighting the "good kit is hard/expensive and requiring it makes larping inaccessible" BS

2: Offering an alternative to "gypsy" as a racial class of fortunetelling thieves with a bonus to knives, in the form of dark skinned nomadic race of barbarian hunters from a savannah kingdom, who get a bonus to athletic checks and spear usage, while not having literacy as a standard skill to balance it out.

I got a bunch of people on board before I dropped the name. Then I got banned.

>> No.9916810
File: 19 KB, 479x370, 16003265_1298872113510693_1575528408740358129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2: Offering an alternative to "gypsy" as a racial class of fortunetelling thieves with a bonus to knives, in the form of dark skinned nomadic race of barbarian hunters from a savannah kingdom, who get a bonus to athletic checks and spear usage, while not having literacy as a standard skill to balance it out.

>I got a bunch of people on board before I dropped the name. Then I got banned.

holy shit

>> No.9917000

nah, I was banned when they asked for funny pics and I posted funny pics (and said that the previous ones weren't really funny at all)

Then again I triggered the whole group months after the ban, so there is that.

Anything interesting going on?

>> No.9917036

There was also the incident where one of us posted the /larpthread/ coat of arms.

>> No.9917038

Actually more then one incident like that. But one of my friends once started a whole thread about it for giggles and shit.
It was kind of amusing how many people jumped wagon and stated they would totally beat me up if they ever see me, or some people were edgy like promising they will torture me in their shed. Some just stated they would NEVER go to a larp that allowed a banner like that (apparently this might be one of the reasons why so few US larpers come to Drachenfest)

>> No.9917052

Post LARP thread banner and if it's do-able I'll chuck a disgusting LARP surcote with all the makings of a shitty piece of faux-clothing at you on DF. Still need to hit up the LKL to marry off a good friend his family member. Surcote may include: t-shirt style design, no gores, and a fucking applique dropped like it's hot for painting it on like a scrub.

Please post more ways to make it shit.

>> No.9917053
File: 202 KB, 709x903, cock_and_swallow_v5_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make it shit. Make it eye-cancer tier but in a fabulous way

>> No.9917054
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1280, DSC01991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917070

It's surprisingly not shit... Can I steal this for a student corpus LARP? Fits the thematics perfectly.

>> No.9917082
File: 174 KB, 800x1200, cockandswallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to use it. Or even the very first version of it which is 7 years old now. Part of the larpthreads history from /tg/

>> No.9917103

Gropey made a belt favor, and had making a surcoat as a goal when he started a bohurt GoFundMe. There was a guy at the US finals a few years ago who couldn't stop laughing while Gropey beat him. He turned out to be a fa/tg/uy.

>> No.9917144

I'll ask my girl if she's mad enough to embroider it on a silk handkerchief and see if I can stow it on me for my next bohurt match.
Let's honour the tradition,

>> No.9917160

getting back on that subject.
This is one of the reasons I hate the term NPC for larps, because clearly someone is playing it.
Also organizers tend to use "NPCs" even when it's not needed because that's the only thing they know.

>> No.9917205

What larp build to try, Lu Bu do not pursue or dual shield mcfister?

>> No.9917207

Non combat character with a genuinly well thought out background that allows other players to thrive in scenes?

>> No.9917210

I'm hearing octuple wielding halberds, is that correct?

>> No.9917212

Couldn't be more right.

>> No.9917218

One in each hand and foot, two up you nose, one clenched between your teeth and the last up your bum? That's how the pro's did it at Mistress Sliceys School of Gladiators.

>> No.9917239
File: 201 KB, 1280x800, 1296086250114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917550

A weapon to surpass metalgear!

>> No.9917595


>> No.9917874
File: 120 KB, 727x1000, be7a4d839fd20c5b2145d13a50bed15d--celtic-warriors-scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some advice. I'm part of a faction that is Scottish and Celt themed (primarily the former) around the 1600's, but with heavy fantasy elements. So really as long as it looks vaguely British or Scottish, it'll fly. I'd really love to start making a costume, since I've been away from larp for a few months and my skill at making shit has moved much past the stage blacks and random armour I used to wear. I'm going to start with a cloak (probably in a grey, brown or dark green), and move onto a tunic and trousers as long as that isn't historically retarded. I was thinking like pic related trousers with similar colour pattern, with a dark grey tunic/vest with shorter sleeves (/fit/ regugee kek).

I want to stay away from kilts because every other dude in my faction seems to wear one, and I think it's wearing thin at this point. Also, I don't really like them personally. I think as long as I have some sort of tartan, it'll maintain the same kind of look, even if it's a bandanna or some shit. My faction doesn't really care what I do in terms of costuming last time I checked; they're just thrilled I'm finally putting effort in.

ANybody got any advice? Materials, colours, patterns or clothing articles? I'm able to take elements from other nations because of my backstory, but I'd like to limit that, since the whole "in the old forest with the fairies and the witches" aspect kinda appeals to me.

Thanks in advance to whatever tripfag inevitably answers first.

>> No.9917876
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Pic related is the sort of vest I'm tlaking about

>> No.9917987

how do I avoid looking like I have tiny legs when I larp? 5'5" guy here.

>> No.9917988
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The biggest question is, how much do you care about the backround of 16thC Scottish (celtic means nothing outside of racial background by that time)? Your proposed pants are way too baggy and primitive by over 1000 years, and the vest is a 21stC vest with luggage toggles. If you want to be influenced by a particular part of history, then look into the history. I highly suggest pic related.

Whatever you do, DON'T DRESS LIKE A BRAVEHEART FAG. 16thC Scottish looked like poor English, always slightly behind the fashion curve. Plaid is nothing but a pattern with no meaning. Tartans and kilts are 200 years away.

I'll dump period scottish dress if you want.

>> No.9917993
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It does bring up an interesting, cheap, and unique suggestion though, that includes vests if wanted... 16th Irish, with a Liene (lay-nah), which is literally a giant yellow or white tunic with angle sleeves.

Stripes. Too short? Vertical. Too skinny? Horizontal.

>> No.9917999
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That reminds me of something I've been meaning ask, does the style of helmet on the second figure have a proper name? Does the brim-plate pivot at all (although you can't see with the blastshield down), or does it just act as reinforcement for the front of the skull?

>> No.9918016
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no moving part as far as I know, it's put together that way to ease production

>> No.9918021

Aside from rolling around in the dirt, how could I quickly distress an outfit for post-apoc larp in a day or so?

>> No.9918024

roll around in oil.
Also, attack it with a knife

>> No.9918029
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Buicead culghairme, though most call them Irish Burgeonets.

Fine sandpaper on the knees.

>> No.9918064
File: 128 KB, 250x475, IMG_1524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the response. I'll look into your pic related. I figured "like the English" was a good starting point but it's good to know I was on the right track. I absolutely despise the Braveheartfags; big reason why I don't want to wear a kilt. I could rant for ages on them.

I found my pic related while researching; it conveys the sort of trousers ("trews" apparently) I'm interested in making. Im thinking I'll take heavy inspiration from that pic related, although with a few colour changes and maybe shorter sleeves. Allegedly they're from about the right time period, and they may actually suit my body type. Thoughts?

Dumping a few images of Scottish dress would be handy to me actually. Especially if they can confirm that my pic related isn't just some random person making a sketch with no grounding.

>> No.9918074

That pic is a 19thC mishmash of "historic" wierdness.

>> No.9918077

perfect for larping

>> No.9918491

Any French LARPers here? Any recommandation ? Kandorya is okay but there's nothing else.

>> No.9918761

Does anyone have some good simple bag patterns? Looking to make some hip pouches for a Barbarian cosplay.

>> No.9918780

Got some cheap, warm black fleecey material. I'm making a cloak out of it, but want to break up all that black because black looks a bit shit. Sadly it was either this colour or yellow.

Any suggestions? I was thinking a brown faux fur trim around the hood and possibly a design on the back. Potentially in green.

>> No.9918884
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not the easiest pattern but simple enough

>> No.9918886

have you tried asking around on the "Le Troll Baveur" forum?

>> No.9919005

There was this French anonette here once who said she had fun at that Asian-inspired LARP of yours

>> No.9919508

Didn't know about that. Thanks!

>> No.9919571
File: 25 KB, 664x920, retard simple pouches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One big rectangle folded in half.

Two even rectangles together.

One rectangle and one circle.

>> No.9919706

Not the original anon, but these look totally baller and I'm going to make some.

>> No.9920006
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Guys. There will be a small larp here and it has a system that gives me 7+1 skill points, but most of them are boring, useless or magic (which is obviously gay)
One of the skills is basically professions, and the more skillpoints I invest in it the better I will be at it and with more influence, etc.

So the question is, do you guys know any fun / interesting profession I could use apart from Village Rapist?

>> No.9920092

>Put all points into cooking.
>Proceed to challenge everyone you encounter to a culinary duel.

Real quick, seeing as I have 5 hours to pack before going to my first campout. Is there any piece of essential gear you think somebody should bring that doesn't immediately come to mind?

>> No.9920189

toilet paper
poop shovel
hand sanitizer

>> No.9920197

I think we've got latrines on site. Hand sanitizers probably a good idea though.

>> No.9920211


>> No.9920219

Bring your own toilet paper. Trust me.
Sleeping mat. If you're tenting on bare ground the tent floors tend to be rough and get wet.
Canteen/water bottle with strap. Water goes without saying, but also mindful that water is heavy and annoying to carry around, don't think Desani plastic bottles are going to be fun in your hand or pocket.
Vaseline. So damn useful in so many ways, and I'm not talking about jacking off.

re> Eagle Scout

>> No.9920231
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also I don't see enough fun in cooking. I mean I did that too many times I need something new.

Also on a realted note if I can push it through the organizers I will bring something to the larp that I impulse bought.
It could work pretty well during night I think

>> No.9920518
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>Keep everyone's gold in your safe and issue receipts for it, create modern paper money economy
>Innawoods all the time, smell like shit but you're too valuable at tracking etc. for people to ignore you
>People will think you're going to a charming Han Solo rogue, even if you end up actually being a giant cunt to everyone
>Should be self-evident how this one can be fun

>> No.9920605
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these are way too functional to be actually fun.

Guys I need FUN ideas. Like Dwarf fortress level of FUN

I mean so far it's clear I will be in a group of bandits that are NOTeasternweeaboos that are all chimeras (half animal half whatever) So my animal part will be a lizard so I will be chilling all day on the sun and during the night I will transform into my not even final form (mostly because this stuff looks scarier in the dark)

>> No.9920619

A carver of erotic woodcuts. Use your chimera buddies as models. Subvert the social order through medieval nudie parchments.

>> No.9920623
File: 2.08 MB, 5472x3648, SAM_4490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all I can't draw for shit, and secondly I need something new, our group already did that a few times

>> No.9920625

damn, I thought I was onto a winner with furry weeb bandits drawing catgirl dojins in the woods.


>> No.9920626
File: 143 KB, 960x540, sírásó_bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been there done that

>> No.9920627


Those are the last of my ideas. Some guys I know do a roaring trade as hairdressers at fest larps. How much practical skill do you need for the profession and what do you have?

>> No.9920629

I need something FUN, not fun. These sound like generic jobs (and some of them again, been there done that, like the ratcather) not hilarious jobs

te requirements doesn't matter, it needs to be FUN, I will do the rest

>> No.9920724
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Take a page from Gropalope and be a barber surgeon.

>> No.9920725

boring AND gay

>> No.9920732

How about gigolo, fun enough for you?

>> No.9920740

you aren't really trying at this point, do you?

>> No.9920743

Lopping off limbs and throwing leeches at people is boring and gay?

>> No.9920747

lopping off limbs is boring, leeches are gay

>> No.9920904

Going to my first fantasy LARP soonish (I've been playing Dystopia Rising for about a year now) and I want to play a caster. Problem is that I really have no idea which of the magic schools I want to use. You get some example spells in the rule book but otherwise have to find (and obtain) scrolls in game to discover all the spells in a school. We have, as far as I can tell:

(Unstable) Alchemy: appears to be potions and antidote kind of things. I'm interested in this but not if I'm just going to be playing a glorified healer.

Channeling: Healing and moving mana between people. Not really sure if I want to just be on HP duty. Would be more interested in it if it also has offensive applications down the line.

Sorcery: pew pew elemental blasting. Would be straight forward but I want to do interesting things with magic, not be an elemental archer with stuns and roots.

Glyphs: Set down arcane traps, and buff people up by drawing on their skin. The second half interests me, the first half a lot less so.

Divination: find stuff out, talk to staff 24/7. If I wasn't already playing a research obsessed nerd in DR, I'd probably play this.

There are also some IG schools you can discover (Necromancy for example) but I don't know if I can start with those. For those who have played magic users before, any thoughts on what school might be interesting?

>> No.9920943

Tattoo artist (bring along some Henna, it's cheap and you can draw your shitty art on people and then show your 8 fucking skill points so they better pretend it's good)

Don't know the English word for it, but it's the guy paid by the local church/women's society/nobility to spend their charity money and make sure everybody thinks highly of them. Sort of the PR-guy.

Vendor of second hand magical items, since even better than new used camels are a bit of a hassle to get by for a LARP.

In-game researcher into things like crossbreeding, or focussing on the correlation between skull shape and intelligence and other pseudo science. Bonus points for getting players to turn in their dead player characters and NPCs at your place.

Fanfiction writer/Lady's novella writer. People like hearing about their characters antics from other people, makes them feel important. And what strokes a knob-jockey's ego more than writing about their love-filled conquests.
Tone it down a bit and start out as a bard coming here to write an epic, get the whole Chanson de Roland vibe rolling with your scenes and then give everybody the let down of a life-time when they read it and you spent more pages describing somebody's pectoral muscles than you've mentioned his orc-slaying.

Stock broker. Stocks haven't been invented yet? Fucking invent them, if you can't get the DM to give you a few speculative off-shore companies you're allowed to represent whose stocks rise and fall: Then are you even at a good LARP? (Or is it just not a fantastical one)

Mercenary. Oh man, this hasn't been done. Ever. Espescially not by you!

University professor in some shitty class nobody has fleshed out for the setting yet, like etiquette, jeu des boules, or the local trade fluctations and product variety.

Prof. Sportsman, I've seen you so maybe this won't work unless darting or chess is a big thing.

>> No.9920992

Why not go as a boring, gay guy?

>> No.9921063

He's looking for escapism, not making a self-insert.

>> No.9921500

doesn't fit the setting, also this guy >>9921063 has a point too.

And also also, it seems like my profession will be bumming. That has prossibilities

>> No.9921795

>be in area with lots of larps
>attend a lot of them, get pretty familiar with faces
>recently there's this one guy though
>appears at larps, very well-costumed
>RPs like anyone else, interacts with people normally
>but he always disappears midway through
>no one ever sees him again in the same LARP after the first session
>he just pops up a few months later, at another larp, completely new costume
What the fuck is this guy doing?

>> No.9921903

having fun?

>> No.9921924

You know, you can just ask the man.

>> No.9921930
File: 342 KB, 542x542, CEASE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only post apocalyptic larp in your state is lightest touch combat

I really want to go to this because I love post apocalyptic larps and it has a ton more people than other larps I've been to, but that lightest touch combat really hurts

>> No.9921934

>but that lightest touch combat really hurts

>> No.9921989

>My profession will be bumming.

So you are playing a gay character?

>> No.9922058

Les Contes de la Brume ! Unfortunately I couldn't make it this year but I'm gonna try Mémoires de Nonamé in August.

BTW, any recommendations on what to bring as a merchant character ? I was planning on having salt, sugar blocks, spices, fabric and trinkets (beads, jewelry, etc.). My character is supposed to come from a merchant family, but it's her first time setting out on her own to the yearly bigass market fair.

>> No.9922075

A book to keep the accounts, I guess.

>> No.9922085

get your facts right. gay characters suck dicks for money. People who are bumming do nothing for money.

>> No.9922198

I'm sure if a gay character got desperate enough, the bum would become an option.

>> No.9922223

Not going to relinquish an entire part of history because some fucktards who have no business using viking imagery are trying to perverse their meaning.
Doing so seems a bit weak IMO

>> No.9922225

Your opinion doesn't mean shit, anon.

The swastika was used for thousands of years by literally every culture, and yet you're not wearing that either.

>> No.9922227

got a similar story, actually.
>a while ago, some anon posts about his outfit, asking for feedback
>later see him in local Alliance chapter, seems it was his first session
>apparently he left the morning of the last day, leaving behind all the loot he got
>about a year passes
>see him again just this past weekend at local DR chapter, he's got a really good genjian costume and a gun that he posted in this thread
>he disappeared around lunchtime yesterday
>last anyone saw he was handing in-game payment back to someone, apologizing because he couldn't be there to finish some job
>apparently something happened that made him really sad
It was a two and a half day event, too, and he just vanished. I don't think he's coming back this time either

>> No.9922230

aren't you guys talking about the same dude?
Anyway this sounds more and more like the boxcart joe story

>> No.9922233

Not really the same thing.
Most people don't even know what historical viking attire looks like.
I for one would like to try and prevent such things getting that permanently infested with such cancer in the eyes of the public.

>> No.9922237

Can you ask your friend to set up an etsy/egay shop for selling those cards?

>> No.9922239

probably not as she has a shitton of other things to do. Mostly making tattoos as that's her main job, but she tries to start her own business too.
But I can ask.

>> No.9922250

You are either an idiot, or willfully ignoring the issue. The public image is "neo nazis wear these symbols and dress like this". Nothing you do will ever overturn that. Unless you are strictly at a reenactment or larp, don't dress like a vikingboo, because that's what these tards do.

Best of luck, anon. We'll watch for you on the news.

>> No.9922252

boxcart joe?

>> No.9922254
File: 420 KB, 1344x2679, 1303483947657[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boxcart joe

>> No.9922257

Getting a bit hostile there, who hurt you anon?
And yeah, i only wear viking clothing at re-enactments, larps or during transport to and from those things.

>> No.9922399


Just go with it anyways and have fun. I'm going to assume you're talking about DR, so if you still want challenging combat then play a flo fighter rather than standard+fukhueg shield.

>> No.9922414

did vikings have black dye, historically speaking?

>> No.9922427
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>> No.9922437

Most certainly, but like much of history, they didn't dress on shades of blacks and browns. They liked colors, and there are plenty of bright, cheap dyes available.

>> No.9922501

alright thanks. i'm just using a black hood with a green tunic and white undertunic so i think i should be good by that logic

>> No.9922537

Not really, but you probably don't care but accuracy. That also said, black is a bad idea for headwear. It'll Sun fade really fast, and will also roast your head.

>> No.9922539

i do care about accuracy. that's why i asked in the first place. i don't mind if it fades in the sun, in fact it would make it look better imo

>> No.9922552

You just asked if they had black, not about clothing styles.

What documentation and extant example is it based on? Typically secondary accessories like hoods are bright, contrasting colors and have more decorations than the rest of the clothes, as it would be worn in addition to the the tunic/shirt etc.

>> No.9922556

i've been researching lately and found they wore hoods separate from their tunics, so i asked if they wore black ones. i suppose i could embroider it with something bright, but my tunic is already a pretty bright green. i just thought the contrast would look nice desu

>> No.9922560

No, you asked if they had black dye. We have almost no extant or written records of black clothing. It was used near exclusively for embroidery and leather.

You are welcome to thing that it looks nice by modern standards, but you can't claim any accuracy.

>> No.9922561

alright, i guess i'll concede that your autism outweighs mine

>> No.9922568

>Get called out on your bullshit
>"Hurr durr, you got autism!"

>> No.9922570

I am just replying to what you said exactly. You're perfectly welcome to dress for modern aesthetics, but all you did was ask if they had black dye, in an inquiry to accuracy. You then mentioned that was a hood after the fact, and I sent to mention that it's not accurate.

I am sorry to burst your bubble. I am sure you will look great by larp standards.

>> No.9922573

i was just bantering mate, honestly i wish i knew as much about history as you seem to. problem is the guy only had black and grey in stock at the time so i went with black because i already have grey legwraps. i'm sure SOMEBODY wore a black hood back then anyway, right?
>I am sure you will look great by larp standards.
yeah i'm not really aiming for perfection quite yet but i will definitely keep this info in mind for the future. thanks dude

>> No.9922580

Banter is supposed to be witty, bro. You might want to work on it.

My only point, is that you did not ask anything about hoods just dye. If you wanted to be accurate, you would have done the research and ask the questions before you made a purchase.

Go and have fun, but don't be one of those tool bags that pretends to be accurate rather than just trying to look cool.

>> No.9922581

Only because I am 99% sure this is racist anon, im going to side with clownfag on this.
>did vikings have black dye, historically speaking?
No mention of hoods here.
>Most certainly, but like much of history, they didn't dress on shades of blacks and browns.
>They liked colors, and there are plenty of bright, cheap dyes available.
Gropes is very clear on this information
>alright thanks. i'm just using a black hood
Here is the mention of the black hood. After the fact.
>i do care about accuracy. that's why i asked in the first place.
If you cared about accuracy, you would have asked if they had black hoods before buying one.
Here, your are called out on the fact that you asked if they had black dye, not black clothes.
>i've been researching lately and found they wore hoods separate from their tunics, so i asked if they wore black ones
Again, you did not ask if they had black hoods, just dye.
And here, without any insult given to you, you result to the "lol, you have autism" defense, because you tried to argue historic accuracy with someone that knows better. You're a prat.

>> No.9922584

Nah, mate. You're just a fag.

>> No.9922587

yeah i forgot to mention it was a hood originally. but i also couldn't even find any info on whether or not they had black dye in the first place
the autism comment was a joke. i actually have autism

>> No.9922590

>i actually have autism

>> No.9922591

then why are you so asspained about me joking about it?

>> No.9922597

I don't think any of us are asspained, but it's more that a symptom of your autism is missing social cues.

>> No.9922602

>>9922590 and >>9922584 seemed pretty asspained

>> No.9922605

Probably because of the way that you're coming off as an argumentative dipshit, Anon.

>> No.9922609

how am i being argumentative?

>> No.9922612

I don't have the time or the crayons to make it any clearer than >>9922581

>> No.9922613

he was assuming i was some other poster, so i didn't bother reading it

>> No.9922617

Don't worry about it. If you don't get it by now, you won't get it at all.

>> No.9922618

alright, thanks. so the black hood is good then? the only other option was grey but i figured that'd offend you goys

>> No.9922623

For a larp, yes. For accuracy, no.

Then again, that's not even counting the actual pattern it is, or what material it is. So the whole thing's moot point, it's just a larp costume. Just don't go around pretending that it's accurate, and enjoy your game.

>> No.9922625

i don't actually larp, i'm mostly planning on wearing it on hikes or some shit. i wear my tunics around the house because they're super comfy

>> No.9922626

oh also do you have any pics of what you would call accurate hoods?

>> No.9922627

>i actually have autism
>i don't actually larp, i'm mostly planning on wearing it on hikes or some shit.

Please tell me you're a troll.

>> No.9922628

nah my plan is to move to northern ontario (like way north, in the middle of nowhere) and live off grid wearing tunics and shit. no joke

>> No.9922629
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That is some powerful autism
When? Where? You have three centuries and dozens of countries involved in the Nordic expansion.

Most people go with the Skjoldehamn hood, from the mid 10thC.

...I have no idea how to respond to this. As a primitive outdoorsman hobbiest, I can respect it, but as a realist, I have a feeling that "larper found dead in outer territories" will be on the news.

>> No.9922632

oh don't worry, i'll have built or bought a nice house but my plan is to live off of solar panels and other off-grid means.
i'm anglo-saxon so i was hoping to emulate 10th century anglo-saxon wear
oh and i guess i should mention this idea of wearing tunics and shit started because i'm going to be wearing it to a comic convention

>> No.9922636

>i'll have built or bought a nice house but my plan is to live off of solar panels and other off-grid means.
>i'm anglo-saxon
> "larper found dead in outer territories"

>> No.9922637

what's wrong with anglo-saxons? are you the racist poster from earlier?

>> No.9922638

Yeah, I'm washing my hands of this.

>> No.9922692

Well this was a roller coaster. This is either an elaborate troll or weaponized autism.

>> No.9922695

i'm flattered that my casual autism is enough to baffle even larpers of all people

>> No.9922698

Yours isn't casual autism. You have weapons-grade airborne super autism.

>> No.9922699


>> No.9922705

Vikings most likely did not have actual black dyes.
Saga's diffrentiate between svartr (being actual black, and not heard of as dye)
And blár, which believed to be a sort of very dark blue clothing dye

>> No.9922706

is there any way i could lighten the hood without bleaching it?

>> No.9922708

Read through this thread.
Sounds like anon is likely searching for a connection with his history (probably because of a distaste for the materialism of modern society) and wants to get in touch with his roots. He's not a stickler for accuracy, but he doesn't want to look like a total idiot to those that are. This is a pretty good sign he's not going to be joining up with a local neo viking supremecy group. Cause he wouldn't be coming HERE for advice, he'd be going to the guys already in that group.

Lastly, wtf. This is a legit thing in other nations? I live in the south (USA). Our racists don't have a dress code, they just let you know they're racist by opening their mouths and speaking. If you see a guy walking around in a tunic with all sorts of runes, you think "ren faire already?" Or "are they filming a movie?"

You all have my sympathies.

Oh, and to mr "anglo saxon" it's nice if you can trace your roots, but if you can't, odds are you're a mutt, like most white people, so don't get too hung up on sticking to one culture. I'd suggest sticking to clothes that make you look good.

>> No.9922711

Why does it take outcries of "you're a Nazi" from people who obviously have no idea what a Nazi is and weapons grade autism to get this thread back to life again?

Can't we just talk about LARPing instead of your thinly veiled OOC agitprop?

>> No.9922727

Not that i know of, but i suspect the black will fade soon enough, might be possible to introduce a dark blue dye after that.
Though i must add that, even though there existed blár as clothing dye, it is in no way a typical form of dress.
Especially seeing as this colour was also used to forbode murder in the same saga's

>> No.9922730

For a LARP that edgy-ass reference could be a good forboding for your viking.

Sure it's not actually traditional, but it's edgy and it works.

>> No.9922756


yeah its dr in nj and thats what I'm planning on doing since its the only post apocalyptic
larp near to me and its pretty big compared to other larps I've done, in all honesty though I'm not 100% sure if its me being used to my local larps combat which is lightest touch I think(?) but where the fighting can get more intense or if its just me, I dunno.

ill still go because I've been wanting to a post apocalyptic larp for the longest time.

>> No.9922792


I've been playing DR for awhile now (SoCal) so if you have questions ask away. My three major pieces of advice:

>Come into game with a way to make money. Scrounge is usually the easiest. Or play a money making profession like farmer or distiller.

>Shoot for 11 body, 30 mind as a starting point. From there you can build however you want. It's better to be able to do a few things a lot, than a lot of things only a few times.

>Parry is a life saver. You don't need to come in with it unless you're a melee char, but you should get it eventually.

>> No.9922806
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 36114327_187298498641444_6963388416390070272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't we just talk about LARPing instead of your thinly veiled OOC agitprop?
well I'm all for that after this fart slicing

currently working on a new jerkin, and renewed my hatred for sewing leather

>> No.9922883
File: 142 KB, 1016x1437, FB_IMG_1527675794362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have leathergoods dyed with iron filing dye and lampblack dye, and surviving textile embroidery stained with oak gall. They had black plently of black.

I live in the American south too. Do you live under a rock? They had a bunch of the neopagan neo nazi/Germanic roots guys march in Baton Rouge.

You seem like the type to own a MAGA hat.

He's apparently not larping.

People who actively identify as Nazis, and those that support them, are perfectly fine to call Nazis.

But back on subject. Aside from working on my alchemist/artillerist (Nuln engineering student), my other project is helping my bro in the same game make his kit for being a handbill man/pamphleteer/professional shit-stirrer. Pic related, but more mid 16thC ala Warhammer.

Ooh. Got a pattern?

>> No.9922885

Oh, that actually sounds quite interesting. Do you remember the items/finds by any chance?

>> No.9922888
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 36087259_187376598633634_5755602101895954432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ooh. Got a pattern?
mostly based on my previous one, the one on whilja's corner and a lot of drawing by hand and creativity.
Plus looking at source pics a lot, but we will see how it turns out.
I try to sew it in a different way than a previous one, and it's still not the method that completely hides the seams. Partly because I'm shit at making properly angled holes for it and partly because whenever I tried that way either the leather gave in or the thread got fucked up.

>> No.9922907
File: 18 KB, 212x320, fa4db969985e576c666f430bcb6e3c0b--viking-clothing-mens-clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not off the top of my head, but I can probably Google a few mostly leather goods and embroidery/trim, as mentioned. The biggest problem to reconstruction is that people don't take into account centuries of fading and dirt on most artifacts, and that's why we see only browns in popular media.

A good example is the >>9922629 Skjoldehamn hood. It was originally light grey/white with red and yellow stitching. Another example is the Thorsberg trousers: bright mustard yellow. You'd never guess without chemical analysis of the dye.

Why not use a stitching punch?

>> No.9922916

>Why not use a stitching punch?
allegedly I have one somewhere. In truth that's not the case. Then again I lost my measuring tape at least five times in a 2 hours period.

>> No.9922919
File: 30 KB, 322x480, 5ac25aa4b6ab9f6fbf5e83ae05182cfa--viking-footwear-viking-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dolse boots, 10thC Ad, in the kulturhistorisk museum of Norway: iron based black dye.

>> No.9922924
File: 58 KB, 512x384, osberg-ship-viking-shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A similar style of boot, the Heddeby shoe, dyed in iron and oak gall.

>> No.9922927

I hate when that happens. I'd blame the gypsies, but y'know.

>> No.9922947

Any reason for the different top seam between >>9922919 and >>9922924?

>> No.9922953

Sven cared more about detail than Bjarki? Who can say.

>> No.9922956

or the craftsmen were on different levels.

People always get surprised when they realize nigger rigged shit happened even back then and the whole quality range was represented too.

>> No.9922966

That too, but I find it funnier in my head to think of some dude being super proud of his new shoes, and his buddy shows up a week later with the exact same shoes, but better.

And then they call a holmgang and duel to the death with axes.

>> No.9922992

Thanks a tonne

>> No.9923043

I like DR, and am
Rather interested in their new production UD.

>> No.9923049

>"Hey Sven! I liked your shoes so much, I made a set, but had to adjust a few things. What do you think?"

>> No.9923052


>> No.9923053

>handbill man/pamphleteer/professional shit-stirrer
This is choice. What kind of pamphlets?

>> No.9923068

Enjoy ‘Splosions day if you’re heading for the July game. Gonna be very Murrica, much fake drinking, and the town on fire because the Aye Sea (the slaver fortress city island built on the least ruined ruins of Atlantic City) has a fucking hate boner for the town.

Supposedly a player whose been absent a few months whose alt cooks big ass free meals (not in game carded) for everyone, first come first serve, is coming back.

>> No.9923220

Don't breed.

>> No.9923421
File: 356 KB, 614x800, Emil_Regis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First character, could I get feedback please?
Doctor and a vampire (hear me out) that doesn't really care about humans and being ebul. Just wants to heal shit and make potions. In a mercenary company as a medic. Of course, hides his nature, but knows he wouldn't be fucked over because of the importance of his role. Still, has greater ambitions and wants to be involved in politics, gain power and stuff.
He's more fleshed out but saying more would bore everyone.

>> No.9923517


I mean, sure it seems fine. My main question would be to figure out why, if he just wants to "heal shit and make potions" he wants to be "involved in politics, gain power and stuff". Those seem to be fairly contradictory character drives, and I'd say pick one or the other to lean harder on at least to start with.

>> No.9923615

At first he would do his medic stuff, but then, maybe he's grow into someone full of himself, and because healing some low-life mercenaries all day long, he would be angry, and end up wanting to have more control.
I've only been once to a LARP, so I don't really know if this type of character arc is allowed, or even possible.

>> No.9923630


Why would he want more control from having to 'heal low lifes'?

There are some parts of his character that are seemingly at odds with itself, but I think it's because you haven't taken into account why he wants to 'heal shit and make potions.' Is he like a Sherlockian sort of dude, who is very into why bodies work and he's fascinated with war medicine? Does he genuinely have a love for healing people and he becomes conflicted when they go back out and hurt other people? Is he working over the guilt of perhaps a love he lost in a war a long time ago? Was he just sort of swept up into it? You need to establish some sort of driving factor why he wants to heal 'low level mercenaries' when he could probably be doing a million other things, especially as a vampire whose main concern, survival, is probably taken care of by feeding surreptitiously on a few people a night. Then you can go from there and build the bridge to why he might become disillusioned and then he starts trying to politick his way through. Right now everything is vague and abstract, and rather reads a little bit like a Gary Stu OC who might be more of an imprint for someone to play rather than a character in their own right.

>> No.9923667
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, would this berf sword be ok to use and is the prive for new players and characters bundled into 20 for the first time you play at an event?

>> No.9923668


All character arcs are allowed and possible. I know someone who made a character whose sole purpose was to see how long he could stay alive while murdering anyone who showed him their backs (answer: longer than you think). I've known honest characters, traumatized ones, happy ones, sad ones, liars, and anti-heroes. In the end it's all up to you.

What >>9923630 said is what we're getting at though. Ideally, you want your character to read as a real person. And right now the arc you've described seems weird because it doesn't seem like it's something the character would do, because they lack motivation and opinions. It's like saying "Homer was completely happy working at the nuclear plant. So then he decided to run for Mayor." There's no internal link connecting motivation A to motivation B, no reason the character would do it.

You want to figure your character's motivations, feelings, and worldview out more. There are a whole array of possibilities that can make what you described work and be part of a full-fledged character. But you need to hammer those details out more so that progression makes more sense. Examples:

>He starts off happy treating soldiers because his guiding moral compass is to protect the injured and those less fortunate to himself. With time, he decides that while he can't save individual lives, he can save more people overall through politics. Even so, he dearly misses talking to his patients and wonders if he has gone astray.

>He was a dedicated and sensitive doctor before becoming a vampire. And after his transformation, he has been feeling an increasingly unsettling urge to grab onto power just to have it, as a dragon feels a need to horde gold. His turn to politics reflects the way he is steadily losing ground in that internal struggle.

Etc etc. In both these examples, they have the biggest thing missing: a reason for why he's doing what he's doing.

>> No.9923674


Nerf swords will not pass AFAIK so you will have to find something else. Speed bats/sticks are usually relatively cheap (I can get one for $20 from a local player) so I'd recommend looking into those as a starter weapon physrep.

The base price for your first game is $20 yep! You may optionally pay an additional $10 per extra XP, up to 2. You may also pay $20 to opt out of your NPC shift although I'd recommend going. After your first game, the price for a normal game is $50 with the other costs staying the same.

>> No.9923678


I should also note that most chapters will have loaner weapons you can use for your first three games (the time you're considered a new player).

>> No.9923766
File: 637 KB, 600x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, /tg/ sent me here!

I like pretending that I'm a hungry giant.
Whenever I cook a large amount of rice in my pressure cooker, I like stomping my feet and "FEE-FI-FO-FUM! WHAT'S FOR LUNCH/DINNER!" (But I know what's for lunch/dinner anyway since I cook my own meals). Upon approaching the kitchen, I take a big sniff and go "WHAT'S THAT SMELL!" before looking towards the rice cooker. Using the rice scoop, I open the hatch and take a big scoop out and eat directly from the rice cooker. The freshly cooked rice is hot, so I'll go "YEOW! THAT'S TOO HOT! TOO HOT!" when it comes into my mouth. Afterwards, I put it in a plate and eat with my hands while pretending that I haven't eaten for days. I like crushing rice with my hands and eating with my hands because you can make rice patties and balls.

This also works with soups and stews because I can eat directly with the ladle while pretending I'm a giant.

>> No.9923840

> herbs
What's in your kit, anon?

>> No.9923871

/tg/ was merly tried to get rid of you.
Actually you have to go to /ck/

>> No.9923883

Hey anons, making a really generic costume for my first real attempt. I have blue and grey fabric. I'm thinking I'll follow this tutorial


With the grey fabric (drill I think) to make the pants.

Planning on using the blue fabric (it's a dark blue) for a tunic. If anybody has a place to look for a basic tunic or torso covering that isn't a fucking t tunic I'd really appreciate it. I can't identify the fabric (store workers had no clue either; label was gone) but it's thick and looks kinda like the drill, but has almost fleecy whisps coming out of it. Looks and feels pretty comfy actually.

Would these articles of clothing in these colours be more or less historically accurate in Europe around 1500-1700? If not, I'm not fussed, but it'd be good to know.

>> No.9923887
File: 53 KB, 2227x1533, 05d0d59742deeceb6be68a32dbd55ded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should drop the historical accuracy thing for now. As I see, it's becoming more of a buzzword lately anyway.

>> No.9923891

Thanks for the pattern. I'm not really stressed if it's historically accurate or not, but I do want to know. I feel like when there's an inaccuracy it's good to be aware of it.

>> No.9923893

Jesus Christ thanks a lot. I guess he felt incomplete without an "ultimate" motive but I guess I'll work on the first part before thinking about a character arc. Thank you.

>> No.9923894

let's just say there is nearly nothing authentic in what you described so far. But it isn't a requirement for larp, so nobody cares.

>> No.9924273
File: 24 KB, 750x280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good crusade larp groups?

>> No.9924275


thanks I appreciate the info

>> No.9924289
File: 46 KB, 390x372, 1511601050608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots who play asian-themed characters in distinctly western fantasy games
why can't people control their inner weeb? Why is it so hard to do? Have you ever seen it done well?

>> No.9924447 [DELETED] 

Anybody know where to buy some good looking handkerchieves? I'd like to pick up embroidery but really don't have the time, and they seem like a neat RP thing to carry around.

Also for some reason a bunch of my friends cry a lot

>> No.9924449

Anybody know a good source for good looking handkerchieves? I'm playing a chivalric type and it feels like a good thing to carry around.

>> No.9924453

That sucks! If they do they should change it to something as obviously larp/reenactment as possible, like "Historical Event Staging Society" something like that, it will sound a lot less cool but being associated with retards like that is worth avoiding and maybe t can be changed back later.

(I'm not sure about the posts fighting after this one, it doesn't sound like these guys are considering giving up the hobby, just changing their handle)

>> No.9924483

Oh, I know who you're talking about. The retro, right? He's a really fun guy.

I'm trying to figure out how the hell to make the claws for a semper mort, does anyone know of any tutorials? I don't know how aesthetic its possible to make them while still keeping them safe for brawling. Any tips would be very much appreciated!

>> No.9924618

>I'm trying to figure out how the hell to make the claws for a semper mort, does anyone know of any tutorials? I don't know how aesthetic its possible to make them while still keeping them safe for brawling. Any tips would be very much appreciated!

What most people do is take gloves of some kind and then just glue/sew the claws on. Could make foam ones if you're really worried about scratching someone with them in combat.

>> No.9924690

seriously, just sew it yourself. tunics are like the easiest stuff to do and once you get the hang of it a bit everything thats not armor is ez

>> No.9924761
File: 148 KB, 944x656, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people allow it.

I attend a classic cozy nordic themed larp that is mixed with Tolkien stuff, and although you may see some various characters around apart from those two categories, its nothing that is way to out of place or all to common.

But of course, some guy asked on fb if it would be cool for him to make a samurai character, and as herd mentality goes, the first guy who replied said it would be cool and the rest followed up with that its ok.

Its gonna look like crap in the setting, the guy looks like that cringey evangelion cosplay pic, and there will be drama since he will most likely not contact the gm beforehand so he might end up stuck at the check in.

>> No.9924764


But second hand stores and decoration shops have the stuff as well.

>> No.9925197

Any opinions on difficult names ? I don't want to annoy people by being "that guy" that has a name difficult to remember, but naming my character something not unique feels like wasting an opportunity (the name would be Ehthurkag).

>> No.9925229

Its fine
Dont be a bitch when people call you Kag or E or something easier Anything over 2 syllables will be shortened. Even 2 gets shortened

>> No.9925236

Thought he was a remnant, and that the alt was a rover

>> No.9925239 [DELETED] 

>meanwhile, on /tg/

>> No.9925240

You can be unique without being hard to pronounce.

Anakin, for example, is nice and simple, but there's no record of it before Lucas used it. Besides, the more emphasis you place on the name, the more stupid it sees. Compare the amount of Thomas and James out there as opposed to Graves Etherwald Vincourt Jones.

>> No.9925241 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile, on /tg/

>> No.9925242


>> No.9926164
File: 115 KB, 648x864, Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a new character for a fantasy kind of 16th century larp. Fantasy world with a mess of Crusaders, Navy-Nation, and barbarians.

Character is part of a pirate crew, and hes the suedo-engineer of the ship. Not pictured is a hammer hooked around the back.

>> No.9926410

In my layman's opinion, a scarf or something around the neck would be a good idea. If you're working on a ship all day, you're going to get a lot of sun. Gotta have something covering that part, at least.

Otherwise, pretty solid base kit.

>> No.9926571
File: 333 KB, 780x1174, il_fullxfull.387923656_mu4s_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making a new character for a fantasy kind of 16th century larp.

1: look at what actual 16thC clothes look like. You literally look like you made a last minute, shitty pirate costume by putting on a white Oxford dress shirts from your closet. 2/10, at least you tried

>> No.9926573

2: ditch the utility-belt look.
3: burn the fingerless gloves.

>> No.9926643
File: 23 KB, 488x488, 51263549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You having a giggle mate? That's terrible.

>> No.9926651
File: 37 KB, 227x288, Hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, I'll get one

Well first off, I messed up my century, I meant 1600s. golden age era. (17th)
It's really just to say flint lock existed but swords are still used. It's still heavily fantasy. Magic and monsters exist, it's not reenactment.

I was basing my look off things like pic
Why the hate of fingerless gloves?

>> No.9926657
File: 84 KB, 768x1024, 4fc8b00399c50fb2c04a23f415b78fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't look like 17thC either. You look more like >>9926643. Again, look up 17thC clothes. Pic related.

Also, that is a 20thC painting of 18thC sailors, and the reference models were probably wearing 20thC shirts.

>> No.9926663

Also, you don't look anything like the pic or even close, and fingerless gloves are useless and lame looking. It defeats the purpose of having leather gloves in the first place. If the argument is tactile, you'd want use of your palm. If it's protection, you'd want your fingers covered. Fingerless leather gloves are useless at both. You only ever see them historically as ladie's mits and knitted winter wear for a reason.

>> No.9926666

That painting is 1700's, and you still look like a kid in a bad Halloween costume.

>> No.9926714

This is trolling, yeah?

>> No.9926768

50/50 chance.

>> No.9926906

That's pretty terrible Anon. What are your pants And shoes?

>> No.9926998
File: 97 KB, 1024x1379, 8aa3d136657484155bcb3c01761d5c57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get the hate.
1. Get a tricorn hat
2. Ditch the big belt to get a big tissue on your waist like pic.
3. Get a flintlock
4. Get pirate boots
5. A pirate jacket ?

To be quite honest you will go unnoticed. But it's not American-tier, so relax.

>> No.9927014

I always think of this scene when I see 17th century sailors


I think halloween pirates lacks soul desu

>> No.9927018

>Don't get the hate.
Modern shirt, no outerwear, stupid belts and fag-jacking gloves.
>1. Get a tricorn hat
Wrong century
>2. Ditch the big belt to get a big tissue on your waist like pic.
Thats a sash, and still dumb.
>3. Get a flintlock
Flintlock what?
>4. Get pirate boots
Sailors never wore boots. Thats stupid.
>5. A pirate jacket
He's not a pirate

>it's not American-tier
Its literally the definition of American tier. Get gud, Amerifags.

>> No.9927122

It's terribad. Wouldn't pass for my games.

We have standards though.

>> No.9927375
File: 16 KB, 283x337, 13055573_1085579658156320_5302055750253579593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sailors never wore boots.
this nigga over here claiming that literally nobody who sailed ever wore a pair of boots baka

>> No.9927429
File: 35 KB, 245x339, Short-Jacket-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. In the age of sail, boots would be a waste of money and a safety hazard for anyone who's not an officer. Shoes and sandals on deck. Sabots or shoes bellow deck. Barefoot in rigging.

Even officers and famous pirates rarely ever wore them. Find me a single period art piece of someone in boots on ship. Pic is Blackbeard, rocking the latchet shoes.

>> No.9927438

>Thats a sash, and still dumb.
It's still piratry wear, and would be much better than his utility belt.
>Flintlock what?
What the fuck do you think I meant with flintlock, exactly ? A bow ? Jesus Christ you're an obnoxious cunt.
>Sailors never wore boots. Thats stupid.
>Wrong century
In a fantasy larp with people usually running around with mixes of armor of the 8th to the 16th century, do you really think anyone except turbo virgins like you are going to give a shit ? Especially when it'd add to his costume?

>> No.9927488

Anon said his game is based on a certain century. If you are using a certain Century as your basis and not follow, then we'll give you shit.

It's not turbo autism, when a game has a particular set of aesthetics. just because you like games that have kitchen sink inclusion and no standards, doesn't mean that every game is like that. If you show up to a game that has a costume requirement or a guideline, and show up in the wrong stuff, they won't let you play.

But you seem like the kind of snowflake that would be triggered by that.

>> No.9927490

>Fantasy world with a mess of Crusaders, Navy-Nation, and barbarians.
With this single sentence, you should already be able to tell that when god damn Crusaders and Pirates collide, it's not exactly the most authentic LARP ever created, and certainly not the one that will not accept you because your kit span 2 to 3 centuries.
Anon probably said 16th to give a basis in history, now does he want his kit to be the one of a sailor in 1543 to be purely precise ? Then he would have gone out of his way not to get a modern shirt and such in the first place.

>> No.9927492

>What the fuck do you think I meant with flintlock, exactly ? A bow ?
NTA, but there are various flintlock weapons. Pistols are common. Blunderbusses are not unheard of. Marines might even carry marine pattern carbines. A musket, rifle, etc, wouldn't be appropriate.

>Jesus Christ you're an obnoxious cunt.
That would be you.

>In a fantasy larp with people usually running around with mixes of armor of the 8th to the 16th century
Anon specifically stated the setting was emulating the 17th century. If it doesn't matter, why is he trying to work in that scope? Just because you have no taste, doesn't mean others don't.

>> No.9927498 [DELETED] 

>What the fuck do you think I meant with flintlock, exactly ? A bow ?
NTA, but there are various flintlock weapons. Pistols are common. Blunderbusses are not unheard of. Marines might even carry marine pattern carbines. A musket, rifle, etc, wouldn't be appropriate.

>Jesus Christ you're an obnoxious cunt.
That would be you, bro.

>In a fantasy larp with people usually running around with mixes of armor of the 8th to the 16th century
Anon specifically stated the setting faction was emulating the 17th century.

>> No.9927530

what the shit niggers. I step outside for just two days and the thread is already back at full retard.

Anyway thankfully we are in autosage, here is a new thread



>> No.9928240

That's not what I said, silly.

>> No.9932895
File: 113 KB, 500x654, 1530205228611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of making this once I've got the materials together, what do you guys think?