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File: 165 KB, 736x981, image-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914787 No.9914787 [Reply] [Original]

"Search #itabag and then #痛バ on instagram for a cheap laugh" Edition

Previous thread>>9906592


Buyf/a/g Guide

Discord Link

Bootlegs are never OK to buy and use, don't be a poorfag

>> No.9914808
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>tfw no op dump yet again

>> No.9914833
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>> No.9914835
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>> No.9914836
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>> No.9914839
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>> No.9914841
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>> No.9914842
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>> No.9914843
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Here's a few BerryQ bag dumps since some of us were regretting not POing last thread.

>> No.9914844
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>> No.9914846
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>> No.9914847
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>> No.9914848
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>> No.9914849
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>> No.9914850
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>> No.9914851
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>> No.9914852
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>> No.9914853
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>> No.9914855
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>> No.9914857
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>> No.9914859
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>> No.9914860
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>> No.9914863
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>> No.9914864
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>> No.9914868
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>> No.9914871
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>> No.9914872
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Can I kill myself yet?
Do people actually buy this dumb shit or?

>> No.9914875
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>> No.9914877
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>> No.9914878
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>> No.9914879
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>> No.9914883
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>> No.9914884

ngl i thought of doing it. i wouldn't want to actually sleep on the thing but i think they're hilarious.

>> No.9914885

The FB group would if they knew about them.

>> No.9914886
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>> No.9914887
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>> No.9914890
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>> No.9914892

they've been posted in the FB group before.

>> No.9914893
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>> No.9914895
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>> No.9914896
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>> No.9914897

Bless this soul and their exquisite taste. Motivates me to finish my BT bag.

>> No.9914899
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>> No.9914901

>Buck-Tick bag

This is the content I came here for.

>> No.9914902
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>> No.9914905

best bag
so cute!

>> No.9914908
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>> No.9914911

that's so disgusting and cheap. I'm going to buy one right now

>> No.9914918

what are these 2 bags?

>> No.9914921

No they'd use their regular pillow case, safety pin 1 keychain on and then cover it with saran wrap and get 50 likes for 'omg that is soooo creative'

>> No.9914923 [DELETED] 

First one is Idolish7, second is A3 (I think).

>> No.9914927

First one is from zakkamart, second from wego.

>> No.9914948

Funny enough, I found it in the facebook group searching up that girl who spams the group about her "business".

>> No.9914949


>> No.9914950

She's like the Betty of bag selling.

>> No.9914958

I'm kinda curious why she doesn't just pick up some bags and sell them. She does all these surveys and then blue balls people with potentially one day making a bag selling business.
If she's really into this, she should know a travel makeup pouch isnt an itabag.

>> No.9914961

Yeah but if the idiots on FB are willing to buy them then she'd get some to sell. I like how she said she was going to sell "Swimmer and Wego" when Swimmer doesn't even exist anymore and Wego is trying to get rid of their bags.

>> No.9914962

I'll bet $20 she starts selling bootlegs.

>> No.9914965

Hang on, $20 dollars is too much for one thing.

>> No.9914999

She did ask about To Alice bootlegs so I don't doubt it.

>> No.9915067

Where’s the lie?

>> No.9915105

Soz anon I lost signal I didn't think the post even went through

>> No.9915109

Don't remind me I'm extremely salty I missed wego. The swimmers go up frequently enough but wego bags just don't for some reason.

>> No.9915149

what wego bags are you after anon? There are some still up for grabs, but very limited. They recently restocked the ribbon bags

>> No.9915324

The ribbon bags look like the only ones they're even trying to sell at this point.

>> No.9915338
File: 29 KB, 540x103, 678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the truth is revealed.

>> No.9915345

> mod agrees with her
And that's why the group is so shit.

>> No.9915346

And she's not even making one herself. It's 100% market research and I should be surprised the mod is allowing it but I'm not.

>> No.9915349

As much as her posting constantly is annoying I think people getting so heated about it is so weird like all I do is ignore her post and move on. Do the same with majority of people who post anyway.

Don’t like the whole “market research” bs they just pulled though

>> No.9915354

I think it only got so heated because as soon as someone told her to just buy the bag herself and find out the FB members flooded in defend her constant requests and kept saying that she was only asking so she'd know what was a good bag before she made one for herself.

Which then snowballed out of control because of people getting annoyed that the FB members were that willfully ignorant to ignore that she had no intention of making a bag herself, she just wanted to find out what to scalp for profit for her store.

As much as we shittalk the FB group I think very few of us actually want them to be taken advantage of. We just haven't learned that they're more than willing to be scammed and then say they intended to be rather than admit they fell for something.

>> No.9915369

If I need something shipped by fromjapan to the US within a strict deadline should I go with EMS or DHL? I’m waiting on an otamart seller to respond with the final item in my order, but idk if I should just consider it a loss and get my other items shipped since I need the items by July 10th.

>> No.9915379

If an Otamart seller doesn't respond after ~3 days, they're almost certainly ghosting you.

>> No.9915385

Yeah I would go ahead and have your stuff ship out and not wait for the otamart seller. I think EMS would be find as it usually gets to me in 4-5 days and I’m in the us as well.

>> No.9915396

Honestly only like two of the mods are decent.
Whiteknight mod has a shit itabag and the other psycho mod that sperged out here is just as annoying. Haven't seen her around thankfully.

>> No.9915406

I’m giving them a little longer only because their otamart profile says that they just started a new job so processing time might be a bit longer, but if they don’t respond by Tuesday I’ll let the merch go.

>> No.9915455

Didn't we make our own Facebook group nobody uses? Why can't they just jump ship to that and give it some life.

Ahhh right... We actually DO like being asspatted.

They're selling off the last of the stock now. They've started marking it as "wait for cancellation" instead of "email me when in stock" which means they have no plans to make more.

>> No.9915469

Anytime I needed help from a mod they never do anything, they’re shit and don’t get anything done. Tried telling one of them someone was a scammer in the selling group and never got a response.

>> No.9915477

The trouble is with our group is that everyone uses it to show completed bags only. There's not really anyone using it for WIP, suggestions, etc.

>> No.9915495
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>Tried telling one of them someone was a scammer in the selling group and never got a response.

That is shitty, if you're gonna mod a group at least act like you care. I'm hoping the scammer was banned or something at least.
I've asked them stuff too and they just straight up ignored me. I don't get what their deal is but they need to get their shit together especially the ones who are gulls.

>> No.9915499

the only thing most of the mods are good at is damage control and giving their shit opinions, other than that they do nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9915500

The only thing the mods are good at is removing anything or anyone associated with 4chan because we don't hugbox and give actual critique.

That group is so fucked, it's unfortunate it's associated with us.

I tried giving someone advice on how to rearrange their bag to make it look fuller and they acted like I kicked their dog so I just deleted my comment.

>> No.9915511

>removing anything or anyone associated with 4chan
I've noticed that a lot. They're content to ignore anything until a gull's known fb name pops up and then it's either locked, removed, or you get the "uwu we agree with anyone not you" remarks.

>> No.9915533

Then why not change that? I mean if it wasn't for helpful feedback from gulls my bag would look shit

>> No.9915539

When did a mod sperg out? I don’t remember that

>> No.9915544

Let me tell you a tale, young gull.

Once upon a time we created The Guide and saw that it was good. Then we got greedy made The Facebook Group and it spiraled out of control as our little hobby began to grow and expand to all sorts of heathens. This would be tolerable if The Group didn't share our sacred Guide on their page for all to see and forever link us to them.

One day a gull, much like yourself, visited The Guide here for information and wisdom and found it missing. Instead it had been defaced by a spiteful bitch slighted for one reason or another that they had strayed away from our logic and light and instead become as bad as the heathens and their damned cries for bootlegs and asspats for 5 items or less checkout bags.

The gulls were quick to band together and create a new version of the beloved Guide but the damage had been done in that the spiteful bitch forever carried a vendetta against gulls.

>> No.9915615
File: 1.18 MB, 1700x1800, modmadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, basically this>>9915544 she put this petty message in the google doc after the whole fiassco
One gull name dropped the mod here once and the mod went ballistic on a feels thread or unpopular opinion thread(can't remember), she thought all the gulls here were after her lmao
Then with the accusation in pic related

And thus, the discord was born!

>> No.9915636
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> heathens who strayed from the light

>> No.9915681

>As much as we shittalk the FB group I think very few of us actually want them to be taken advantage of

This is how I feel. The FB group is so pathetic. I can't help wanting to help them.
Like a big sister watching her little sibling get taken advantage of in kindergarden. Yeah they may be a dumbass, but its just wrong for others to take advantage of their limited mental capacities.
But then I comment on how someone could make their bag look better if they removed the keychains and pinned from the back and they get defensive and 20 people jump to their side and I stop caring and hope they get their ass beat and their lunch money stolen.

>> No.9915682

Same Anon, seems mods finally talking about some scammer don’t know who it is but it wasn’t the one I was refering too. It’s good they’re finally taking action in SOME situations though.

>> No.9915728

is there a name for clothes with pins and other stuff you'd find on a ita bag?

a girl I know has put a shit ton of pins on her denim jacket and I think it came out decent.

>> No.9915739

s...sweetie... you need to be 18+ to come to 4ch.

>> No.9915741

I kinda love this

>> No.9915742
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>> No.9915786
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A piece for my bag arrived today! I'm super happy with it, especially because I think it was an event-only item.

On the other hand, I'm kind of down that I have so little for my bag atm. I was hoping to have it done in time for Otakon so I could take it to the Dragon Ball tour, but between being poor and waiting forever for stuff to arrive from Japan, I'm not sure how well that'll work out. It'll be kind of sparse either way because tracking down merch for the characters I'm using is a bit tricky.

Sorry, I just was adding the new acrylic to my pile and couldn't help but get a little down about it. Just needed to complain a bit.

>> No.9915840

Show us what you have so far anon. I'd love to see more DB bags

>> No.9915846
File: 1.22 MB, 1842x1512, 20180616_214959_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have at the moment. I'm making a Goten and Trunks bag, and since they aren't super popular finding stuff of them (that isn't Gotenks) is a challenge. There's a few things in the FujiTV Rakuten shop I'd like to get when I have the funds, and I have a charm I commissioned of them as their dorky teenage selves arriving Monday.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who likes Goten anyway.

>> No.9915860
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>> No.9915881

>itabag related react image
fucking finally, there are never enough of these

>> No.9915901
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This honestly makes a lot of sense. I find that every group involved with Itabags is a mixed bag of great and terrible.
The facebook is a hugbox and defensive, the 4chan has the occasional elitists that go off the rails and the Discord is just--- yeah...
I think every group has its good, though.
Just occasionally petty in the fb and take it to 4ch to air their annoyances anonymously.

>> No.9915987
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 23844816_10155992999234828_502553850366632037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're high and meta humor seems funny so you spend money on a shitty joke only to find it wasn't funny to begin.

>> No.9915991

It would be more funny if the entire window was filled with the heart-shaped window lavender bag charm and that window was filled with the heart-shaped window lavender bag pins.

>> No.9916004

Even when they make a joke bag, they fuck up.

>> No.9916008
File: 99 KB, 441x361, mfw i look at how much my charge 2 is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I could redraw/edit some reaction images into itabag related ones if anyone wants one? as long as no one minds of course.

>> No.9916017
File: 176 KB, 1024x1024, itabags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the itajokes aren't original

>> No.9916033

brb getting treated for cancer.
>empty spaces
girl, bye.

>> No.9916078

Actually, looking closer, I think this is the same girl. She just 'upgraded'. And somebody slap me straight, but I'm kinda liking it.

>> No.9916118

For some reason I think of ‘lolitas at heart’ when I see this
The designs are cute though!

>> No.9916123

it amazes me how obvious of a poster you are despite being new

>> No.9916207
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Wall of text incoming with relevant image

I love having hundreds of people like my sorry excuse for a bag because showing off your hard work is the big appeal. Call me an attention whore but aren't we all for spending hundreds on a bag with the intention of showing off your love. It definitely stings to get a single like on Twitter compared to 400+ on Facebook.

But I find outside of Facebook I can find people who actually DO care about their bags. I can speak with like minded people who aren't jumping a band wagon for that quick satisfaction. I can chat to people who are willing to spend $400+ on their bags and are actively working hard to hunt down those little grails. It's really hard to speak to normie baggers about big purchases or month long hunts because they just don't care, they only care about the quick easy route. I sometimes feel like when I talk to those people they don't love the character or the series as much, and it's this weird moment of feeling like an elitist just because you dropped $30 on a limited badge compared to $10 on a poorly drawn fan charm from the AA just because "reeee otp".

4ch is toxic, but I wouldn't keep coming back to these threads if I didn't enjoy the fact you guys give a shit about doing a good job. I've had my bag posted here and it got one comment that someone disliked it, but they actually explained WHY they disliked it and I agree with them. I hope the next time my bag gets posted they'll like the improvements I've made.

I don't feel like I can get any feedback elsewhere. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, it's all hug box. But the discord and this thread, as terrible as they can be at times, helped me turn my bag from trash into "worthy".

>> No.9916227

Yeah, so it seems. More people are willing to be honest here, and often it's never even brutally honest.
I personally don't care about that other stuff, though. At some point, it feel like you're only enjoying it because others enjoy it, or that you feel obligated to buy certain things to get that attention. Do your hobby for you but also ask for advice from the discord and 4ch if you feel. Validation doesn't last forever.

>> No.9916239

Just had an Otamart seller confirm the sale after a week. I'd completely given up on the badge, and there weren't any other listings of it that I could find. Feels good.

>> No.9916291

I can understand your feelings, I think everyone in this hobby wants their bag to be noticed and liked. But you have to be honest with yourself about what aspect of itabagging you actually enjoy. Is it just the amount of likes you get? Because that's going to become a sort of 'diminishing returns' kind of thing.

>> No.9916293
File: 142 KB, 623x624, IMG_6048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but i get where they're coming from. as someone very very dedicated to bagging one character for an extended period of time i don't need the external validation to keep going, but that doesn't mean it isn't nice.

>> No.9916303

>4ch is toxic, but I wouldn't keep coming back to these threads if I didn't enjoy the fact you guys give a shit about doing a good job.

This, I come here because I genuinely care about this hobby and the genuine people that participate in it.

>> No.9916412

Nah, it's not about the validation. I'm shit at explaining but once you find someone who's just as dedicated to their hobby even if it's a different subject it's actually a lot of fun to discuss proxies, shopping and sharing the enjoyment of getting that rare merch. You don't get that in a group of instant satisfaction with no patience and the desire to just pump out their bag in time for the con.

I absolutely love seeing bags posted here a year ago still being worked on and posted again later. There's a clear visual difference between someone bagging for fun and someone bagging for the suffering.

>> No.9916420

You pretty much summarized how I feel about my own bags.

>> No.9916422

I personally just like the idea of being able to wear an entire collection. The stuff I collect is rare and pops up only ever so often, so I find it fun to be able to publicly display everything I love.
I normally don't care about the fake/ bad bags as this isn't totally my hobby, but I will never get displaying a bunch of trash inside of a literal trash bag.

>> No.9916506

As someone who can't put shelves up due to a rented apartment, itabags are great because I can shove my collection in a bag on display without the need to buy furniture. Also super easy to move around when I'm off on business trips or I want to hide my weeb shit from colleagues.

>> No.9916707
File: 78 KB, 720x960, 35490865_10155592459432361_4248877306161922048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, is this even an itabag?

>> No.9916710

what is this an itabag for ants?
That basebag is excellent for Elvira though, shame it's used so poorly

>> No.9916723

>pins on the outside of the bag when there's plenty of space on the inside
w h y

>> No.9916731
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1bn1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the difference is between the Mise W and W2 totes? The sizes and designs look almost identical, so I'm not sure if this is just a typical case of Japan loving to release the same thing under a slightly different name or if there's actually a significant change somewhere. Suruga-ya has a brand new W2 for about ten bucks cheaper than Rakuten.

>> No.9916751

i love Drifloon so much and this just made my day

>> No.9916799

I think the change is the tote is double sided.

>> No.9916852

Welp. I don't even have enough stuff to fill out one side yet, so that makes it an easy choice. Thank you!

>> No.9916856

I think in the description it says the pins on the outside aren't pinned down/ they're still working on the layout but still

>> No.9916890

Thanks for posting my progress kind anon. I am still working on it and have more pins in the mail. I just got excited about what I’ll be doing with it.

I thought so too. And thanks for the concrit on the layout. Still working on it.

Thank you for clarifying that. They aren’t pinned down. They are supposed to be on the inside. I didn’t have enough time before my shift to finish.

>> No.9917041

Sorry anon, I am so used to seeing people legitimately pin shit to the outside of their bag with a bunch of left over space that I thought you'd done the same.

>> No.9917042

>>9916710 here -- those pins you're getting in the mail better be fucking big
Those little buttons you have will be useful for giving texture and filling in spots but there need to be big pieces for the eye to get drawn to. A few can badges will do.
I'd choose red velvet for your insert or something with similar properties tbqh

>> No.9917078

That’s quite alright. It’s a fair assumption with the bags that I have seen as well. But I have no intention of ever pinning things to the outside of my bags.

I really hope they are. They looked large from what I could tell but if not I am picking up things at the con I am attending. It is just a progress shot after all. As for the insert there was a reason I picked the print. It’s actually close to the design of the interior of her car. I thought it was fitting.

>> No.9917116

Not sure if this only urks me but I hate when people say "I ordered an itabag".
The whole bag all done?

>> No.9917118

That's actually pretty neat. But with the backgrounds of the buttons that you already have, I think red might be more complimentary.
I'll wait for the finished bag before I pass any further judgement lol

>> No.9917135

I have a pretty cool official Elvira coffin ring that would look killer in your bag. I don't know if they still sell it but maybe you can check ebay for it. It's big enough to cover 3 of my fingers!

>> No.9917139

complete itabags for sale being a thing makes me wanna cry

>> No.9917145

Beating a dead horse but yeah that shit is tragic. I barely like people picking out presents for me let alone every single item for a collection.

>> No.9917164

i really wish you hadn't used the bootleg version of the base because it looks so much worse than the officials. good luck with your bag though.

>> No.9917176

I would have loved to anon. But the few websites I looked at didn’t have them in stock. I probably missed it somewhere to be honest and that’s my own fault. Ebay claimed to have a few but I know how sellers steal pictures and things of that nature. So I settled on a bootleg. I’m careful with my things so quality isn’t really a worry. But yes, I would have loved an official. Thank you for the well wishing though. I appreciate it.

>> No.9917194

this type of justification is how the bootleg industry thrives while brands shut down

>> No.9917197

Good thing with Ebay is you can return it if it's a knockoff despite being claimed as official.

>> No.9917219

Savage but true.
I don't want to shit on you too hard but you don't need the instant gratification. You should have just kept collecting merch and waited for the real bag when it came up. No one will respect your collection if you keep it in a literal trash bag.

>> No.9917255

>$11 service fee on $42 item
It fucking hurts but this item was only on Mercari and nobody's willing to do business from there for cheap.

>> No.9917261

>tfw mercari gets 3-5x the traffic of otamart
just the price of a site banning all proxies and forwarding, unfortunately

>> No.9917276

Are you using Treasure Japan? I recently bought a 4.5k yen item through them and it was around the same in service fees. I have no motivation to find another proxy as most don't want to deal with Mercari in the first place.

>> No.9917282

Japonica does Mercari for 500.

>> No.9917287

Some anons reported a couple of threads ago that Japonica was having trouble with Mercari orders, was that resolved?

>> No.9917292

Haven't had an issue this month.

>> No.9917299
File: 67 KB, 600x800, 03_018-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some advice on securing plush animals in a bag? I have one using a few round plush but I'm noticing they shift significantly after a few hours of use.

Using a wego ribbon tote as my base with some fishing line to "block" off the top (prevents the plush from falling out).

>> No.9917301

Yeah don't use Japonica for Mercari unless it's rare as fuck. I just got hit with a $45 fee for it

>> No.9917309

This is so funny because this time last year you anons were arguing about how it's ok to buy a bootleg bag because it means you have more money to spend on merch.

Nice to see you finally stepped the fuck up and realized it's wrong.

>> No.9917311

>all anons are the same and opinions never shift as people get further into a hobby
don't quote me for your dumb superiority complex because i've never supported bootlegs since day 1

>> No.9917314
File: 126 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ojp75mFH3f1qiyroko1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pennywise anon, you really are quick to defend yourself aren't you. Learn to take criticism someday please.

Anyway, with the small badges its going to look cluttered either way. Only thing I could recommend is layering like this.

>> No.9917318

That’s what you get for buying nine different items anon. Same as FJ, commission fee adds up.

>> No.9917322

> implies buying official bags gives you a superiority complex

anon how does your brain even work

>> No.9917323

This was one item.

>> No.9917325

i was referring to your attitude you absolute brainlet. we're in agreement about the official vs bootleg shit

>> No.9917329

Hand sew them into the bag? Or if you can't sew then safety pin them in with curved safety pins.

>> No.9917350

Anon, you're retarded. They're saying YOU have a superiority coplex because you just assumed everyone but you has this retarded idea that buying a bootleg allows you to get merch and that everyone was too stupid to figure that out until now.
Literally have never once seen someone on here legitimately say buying a bootleg is fine unless they're people you can trace back to the facebook group.
What a moron.

>> No.9917395

I agree with you completely. But there is always room for a transfer as I did make an insert. The signature I will have to get creative with when that time comes.

And I did? I’ve been nothing but polite and agreeable this whole time. If I wanted to make a scene I would have screencapped things and gone crying to FB about it.

>> No.9917400

Why even post a bag with such little progress? It looks awful, I'm not surprised you're the one with the abomination of a Pennywise bag.

>> No.9917407

Because I was excited and wanted to share as that is what the group is for. I didn’t think I would get posted here. But when I did I thought I might as well make the best of it and see what was wrong. I got some helpful tips out of it. As for my Penny bag, I took the concrit given to me here and made some improvements to it. I will do the same with my Elvira bag.

>> No.9917410

You literally agree and then follow it up with "but".
That's not being agreeable, that's called deflecting.
Also yikes, you did the Pennywise bag?

>> No.9917412

An anon here said something really smart on an old thread:
Post your bag when it's at least in beta.

>> No.9917421

I am simply explaining the situation. So I don’t get how I’m not being agreeable. Also yes I am the owner of the Pennywise bag. I have you guys to thank for the improvements made. Though you guys may not like the bag I will still be grateful for the tips.

Thank you. I’ll try anon.

>> No.9917441

I don't think you read the post before you replied, try reading comprehension before you call people retarded you're just embarrassing yourself now, but yes this was an actual discussion that took place I fucking remember it myself.

Kek implying you actually listened to any of our suggestions

>> No.9917449

I used jumbo curved safety pins, haven't seen any damage yet.

>> No.9917521

So just because one anon believes that a bootleg bag is okay because "more money for merch", all anons believe it but you?
Sounds like you're making an assumption because you think you're superior.

>> No.9917527

Why are you just assuming shit about this girl and reading what you want to read so you can keep laying into her? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9917528

Apologies for assuming, then. Now I’m curious. Was your order particularly large or oddly shaped? Or did they just slap an extra fee without a good reason?

>> No.9917530

owner of bag here. i'll out myself

joke is still intriguing to me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sadly, the heart bag has a broken zipper so it would have been unusable.
any suggestions on how you would fill up the empty spaces?
yep, same person. the first photo was me making a "shitty" meta joke and then becoming "serious" about it.

>> No.9917539
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>> No.9917542
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>> No.9917544
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>> No.9917545

I'm clearly not replying to Pennywise anon, cause if you read who I was replying to, it's someone criticizing her.
I'm done laying into that girl, she knows bootlegs are bad, don't need to beat a dead horse, as I said.

>> No.9917546
File: 204 KB, 900x1200, 1494975698625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, it was an in the moment thing and I hadnt looked over the comments properly. The bag I'd say wait around for a legit one to come up because they are worth it. Invest in larger badges though if you can.

feel that edge.

>> No.9917547
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>> No.9917548
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>> No.9917549
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>> No.9917552
File: 648 KB, 2048x2048, CvWhRMFVMAAqvLe.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame good Sailor Moon bags are so hard to find. I just got a solid pink Swimmer and I was planning on using it to make an Usagi bag, but so many Sailor Moon bags are lazily thrown together that it's hard to find inspo pictures.

>> No.9917554
File: 132 KB, 1080x1080, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917556
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>> No.9917557

>small ribbon tote fits 24 heart badges
filing that information away for later

>> No.9917560
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>> No.9917561
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>> No.9917565
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>> No.9917568
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1080, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917571

>any suggestions on how you would fill up the empty spaces?
Space out the charms, add some decorations, or buy more merch

>> No.9917573

The insert is so cute!

>> No.9917575

Seeing this just made my whole week. Jupiter doesn't get enough love. I hope you make that Usagi bag, anon!

>> No.9917576

Shit I meant that for >>9917441 actually

>> No.9917581

Glad I could brighten your week! I definitely have enough stuff to make the Usagi bag happen, even if it wouldn't be completely full. It's just discouraging to see most people throw the blind box gachas and Twinkle Dolly keychains you can get at Barnes and Noble into a bag and say it's done. For as much merch Sailor Moon gets, you'd think people would get a bit more creative.

>> No.9917607
File: 101 KB, 714x960, 30624091_1868860896481712_6419618519897341952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, just find bags with similar baggable merch and use that. I too wish people would make good usagi SM bags but they just throw whatever in a bag and call it done.
I barely like SM but even I have enough merch of it to make a "complete bag"
**Complete to fb's standards**

>> No.9917627

I didn't realize Mili made so much merch.

>> No.9917647

>any suggestions on how you would fill up the empty spaces?

Well, even just thinking more about item placement would make a big difference, you have wide open gaps, but then places where the straps and pins overlap each other.
And the felt backing is terrible, that overlap down the middle is an eyesore. I think a different material in a purple that matches the bag color would be much better.
I do actually like a lot of the items though, they are cute. Where did you find all these things?

>> No.9917700

Gotcha. The felt backing was a temporary "insert" until I could get a my fabric printed. (It's going to be a pattern of itabag vector to make it more cluttered)

>> No.9917708
File: 139 KB, 433x448, sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you're going to be putting that itabag vector art on the charms and enamel pins. It seems like a waste to have such a gaping hole in them when their original design was to showcase an image

>> No.9917731
File: 74 KB, 200x200, 2s74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting on group pre-order to be ready
>saw one person that claimed two slots recently post about how they're in urgent need of money.

Praying that their financial problem is temporary, and they don't flake out last minute on the pre-order.
Honestly, hoping no one flakes out on the group order last minute and amiami decides to pity me and actually get out the pre-orders in time

>> No.9917732

This would be great for Ryuugamine

>> No.9917733

that was one idea.
another was adding frequently asked questions by the facebook group or shitabags

>> No.9917929

Oh okay, make everyone totally dislike you in that group. Not that it's a big deal but your idea is just cringe.

>> No.9917950
File: 93 KB, 768x1024, DgACLAQXkAAyMHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we gone too far with ridiculous bag designs yet?

>> No.9917951

how is it cringy if it's not a big deal

>> No.9917952

who do you even use that for? steve irwin?

>> No.9917955
File: 2.80 MB, 2088x2082, bandaid for when shining live fucks me in the ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a struggle finding this basebag online, but I ended up ordering it from Goods Republic since it ended up being cheaper than if I had ordered it form rakuten. Next stop: finding and buying the big Shining Store Natsuki basebag and hoarding even more merch of my best boy to fill that up too... Natsuki isn't even the most popular character but it's impossible to find his bag sigh, wish me luck on my endeavor gulls

>> No.9917958

Good luck gull! You may fail in Shining Live Natsuki events but you win in bags.

>> No.9917973
File: 48 KB, 514x370, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person who made this also takes credit for the "pin window" idea when someone praised them for how original it was. That's embarrassing.

>> No.9917996

this is a blue board, don't post lewd bags

>> No.9917997

It does look like a vagina

>> No.9918000

What, it's a legendary idea to have a window so small that only pins can fit?

>> No.9918022

god damnit it anon

>> No.9918039

It's not a big deal if you're hated by facebook, but your idea is cringe and you'll probably defend this bag til the end since you actually somehow paid money for that nonsense.

>> No.9918043

Wow, they made a pin of an existing idea?
How original and unique that is.

>> No.9918239

Are there any Tokyo Mew Mew bags that don't suck? There isn't really any official baggable merch other than one keychain but there is some pretty nice fan stuff. Even so, all the bags I've seen are awful (most of them are general magical girl bags though).

>> No.9918336
File: 299 KB, 1200x900, DVd3j32UMAEtdRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks nice but it's mostly fan merch.

>> No.9918339

This video is good if you wanna figure out how much merch for it they have of ichigo, but the bag looks trash.

>> No.9918375
File: 567 KB, 604x607, FROPPUNISHMENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistist tried telling me once how my waifu is shit when they saw my itabag

They were so weird about it too, like I get if you wanna just be funny and make "your waifu is trash XD!!" jokes to impress your friends or something but also fuck off I'm trying to enjoy the con.

>> No.9918380
File: 351 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_messaging_pal7nst87Z1qd058g_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My base for my first bag finally came in the mail today and I put it together with what I had. I think it looks alright, not great, but I'd love some feedback.

>> No.9918401

you need more merch, my friend

>> No.9918405

I'm not familiar with the characters, are they related to animals? imo that base never looks good otherwise.

I'd also get space out the merch more, you don't have a full window so you can play more with placement.

>> No.9918407

Make that shit a split bag, each side a different color.
Then give it some s y m m e t r y.

>> No.9918418

Definitely agree, I placed a few orders as soon as I finished playing with the layout.

They're not. I'm not a huge fan of the cat ears, I just liked the shape and color. Would it be worth it to seam rip them out?

Which colors, though? Their merch doesn't tend to have one strong color.

>> No.9918424

How are bags like this made where the ring/chain part of the keyrings isn't visible (the keyrings on the very top)? Was the bulk of the keyring removed?

Pic related are the kinds I have. I'd rather the chains not be seen, if possible.

>> No.9918428
File: 681 KB, 3264x3264, keyrings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9918430

you dropped your pic but yes, people generally remove the majority of the keychain and leave a jump ring for attachment.

>> No.9918440

Ah, thanks anon. That's sad that I might have to do that to my merch but I think the alternative of letting the chains hang looks really sloppy and unfinished. I have a lot to think about!

>> No.9918441
File: 222 KB, 1400x1400, 53264118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone seen this Target bag in person? Does it have potential?

>> No.9918450

How is it sad? You can reattach the keychain easily.

>> No.9918456

That Berry hidden away in the corner is so sad. It'd be nice if TMM got an anniversary project of some sort, it really needs modern merch.

>> No.9918499

>220 euros
>as a special discount price

>> No.9918500

>b-but muh exclusive bag made out of leather!!!

God, it looks so lumpy

>> No.9918506 [DELETED] 

>The first 5 or perhaps 10 (I havent fully decided yet, depending how many will submit their idea) will be able to get a bag for a set price of 220 euros! The next round will definitely be more high. (Not too much, but it will be more expensive considering many hours and work goes into these things).
>The turn around time for these bags will be pretty quick!

you just want to squeeze people out of money for a hideous bag, they take so long to make but you can make 5-10 in 3 weeks?

>> No.9918531

>bandaid for when shining live fucks me in the ass.jpg
A filename has never spoken to me this deeply before.

>> No.9918609

Honestly, it looks much cleaner to remove said ring.

>> No.9918624

i really hope you're joking

>> No.9918629

That's a purse, dude. Not a bag for merch.

>> No.9918872

is the can badge on the rosette almost sideways on purpose? it just kind of throws things off and makes it a little sloppy

also because you don't have a lot of merch yet, you could fill the space more by spacing things out so they don't overlap

>> No.9918894

Wow, thank you! I'd seen those metal pins but I had no idea the acrylic keychains existed. Super cool.
Very cute, thank you!

>> No.9919007

Color choice is up to you, honestly. I'd go with blue and yellow, as two of those keychains are that color, but it's really up to you.

>> No.9919088

do danganronpa characters not have image colors?

>> No.9919094

generally not really, which is why they all look muddy as hell

>> No.9919110
File: 38 KB, 635x423, 26581D3A-CD82-496F-85EC-443BBB25F2D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone getting these? Is it old news?

>> No.9919126

Cute Asian girls are never old news, friend, but rarely any of us can get them.

>> No.9919142

Honestly, I don't even think you'd need to do two colors. I think you could get away with a blueish gray or a dark maroon and it would work for both of them. I definitely agree with the symmetry, though. Arrange the merch so that it mirrors each other and it'll help immensely with the layout.
Man these bags have potential but the ruffles really kill them

>> No.9919151

Oh damn I thought the ruffles part was lace-up

>> No.9919204
File: 104 KB, 550x550, 104923506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm annoyed these don't exist in a size for regular trading cards. I bought a card last night because I really liked the art and want to display it, but the mini holder is too small and the bromide holder has some extra space. It's a more elegant solution than a top loader, but I can't help but be just a little salty. I guess I can make a backing/makeshift frame with some cardstock to fill the rest of the space.

>> No.9919246
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 9A5DF826-ABCB-44FC-A40E-2E093AB4D608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s a shame, I don’t like that part either, but if anyone wants it or wants to take a closer look at it, here you go:


>> No.9919298

I really like the front of the bag with the rectangle window but the leather frill and the size is just a huge off put for me :(

>> No.9919308

Yeah the badge is actually sidewards iirc.

I like the green because it's a nice contrast to peko's red and grey theme, but this bag always looks terrible for characters not related to animals. So some pointers because I love these two anyway

> probs get another color bag, either red or black, maybe smaller if this is how big your collection is unless you're adding more too it. There should be lots of these guys they had a whole anime and game.
> work on your layout, yeah it's tempting to use the loops at the top but unless you've got a grape vine it looks shit to hang anything else off them.
> Don't overlap merch when your bag doesn't have that much in it to begin with
> Get an insert, maybe with pinstripes to make Fuyuhikos' baby gangsta
> Another anon suggested splitting the bag in two, that's a neat idea you could even do a sort of slash cut across the middle effect to play with Peko's SHSL Swordswoman. You might even be able to use that long strap to cut the bag in half if you wanted.
> that one cat fancharm looks terrible and out of place at the bottom, I'd take it out.
> Fuyuhiko looks lonely without a rosette like Peko
> ID cards are great gap fillers but you need to use them a bit better.

>> No.9919504
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the feedback. I fucked with the layout a bit so the space is utilized a little better, gave Kuzuryuu a rosette, and made the stickers stand out a bit more. I think it's an improvement?
I really don't want to do a split bag, I'm not a huge fan of super symmetrical ones. I also intended this to be a Pekoyama-centric bag, but the merch tends to come in pairs and I do like them both. My rule right now is Kuzuryuu only goes on the bag if I have a matching Pekoyama.
I do have more merch on the way. This is absolutely not a finished bag, it's just a first draft.
The cat charm isn't a fancharm, it's an official blindbox charm from their collab with Namjatown. It's somewhat rare and also one I bought in person in Japan, so I'm rather attached to it.

>> No.9919505

Fuck, sorry about the giant image.

>> No.9919510

I'm still not feeling the bag still, but I like the placement more now. Have you considered an insert to make it look full?

>> No.9919515

I've considered an insert. Originally I was going to use a red one, then a dark grey one, but I didn't end up liking the way my merch looked against it and preferred the teal to everything else I tried. Maybe a simple patterned fabric with a similar color?

>> No.9919604

This is better, but you really need to straighten that button on the Pekoyama rosette. The Kuzuryuu rosette also looks sloppy because of how unevenly the ribbons are. Having a more organized bag with thoughtful placement can make up for a lack of items imo.

>> No.9919619

This is better but set needs a new insert. Maybe a black red and grey plaid, like the persona 5 uniform pants. Kinda busy so it would fill blank spots and it goes with your already existing themes. The bright mint is just kinda boring.

>> No.9919620

The Pekoyama button is actually aligned so the bar is totally horizontal. The name is supposed to be at the bottom, I guess. It's just a weird button. I can still rotate since I'm having a lot of people tell me it looks strange but I did do that intentionally.
The Kuzuryuu rosette definitely needs to be reworked, I rushed through making it.

>> No.9919624

A trip to the fabric store is in definitely order, I'll see if I can find anything like that! I agree that a pattern in the background would help and I really like the idea of a plaid.

I'm thinking about getting little red brads (or maybe dark green) to attach the keychains with instead of the gold rings, do you all think that might look nice?

>> No.9919715

I would still rotate it so the name is sideways but the image is not. No one is going to notice the small text, everyone is going to be looking at the image, and it just looks silly as it is now.

>> No.9919971
File: 227 KB, 601x461, Dangbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I imagine the layout.

>> No.9920021

Swap the ID badges and the pixel straps around to make the bag look less top heavy

>> No.9920024

So I have a problem

I cancelled a order a month ago because it got delayed, got the refund and everything through paypal. However I just got a shipment notice and tracking number for the very same order. They haven't taken any money from me again because it was a manual payment not automatic so they'd have to request it. But what do I do? I don't want the item so I don't want to have to pay for it, nor do I want to pay to return it. Will the company pay if they want it back? Do I just keep it and not tell? Total loss with the legality of this

>> No.9920031

Honestly, if you get it, tell them you never received it.
Problem solved.

>> No.9920052

It's tracked though they'll know it was delivered to the right address

>> No.9920061

Well, I guess tell them if it's sent, you won't return it or pay for it as it was their own mistake.

>> No.9920095

sounds like an error in your favor. if they want it returned after realizing the mistake i'd make them pay the shipping at least, but otherwise it's yours.

>> No.9920109

I've been in panic mode upgrading one of my bags in time for a meet and I suddenly feel like all my bag layouts are complete shit. Looking through my inspo folder isn't helping and it makes me doubt my taste in their designs.

What do you guys do when you're in a rut? I shouldn't have disassembled the original bag.

>> No.9920124

I have a tendency of taking pictures of different layouts just so I can compare them all. Did you happen to take an old pic of it that you can use as reference? If not, I would say to take a step back, take a break and then go back into it again. I was in a rut when it came to layout issues a while back too and this helped.

>> No.9920215

since you said it's for a meet, if you don't have time to do what >>9920124 suggested the only other option is to power through. i felt like shit when i was finishing up one of my bags for a con in the hotel room but after i bit the bullet and zipped it up anyway it turned out to be alright.

>> No.9920377

Say it was stolen off your front porch. Just because there's tracking doesn't mean anything. I once had a package say it was delivered to my home, even though no package arrived on my doorstep. When I called the post office I found out they delivered it to the wrong house, even though my address on the label was correct.

>> No.9920597

Not itabag-itabag anon but lol who cares if the fb group hates them. They are utter shit anyways

>> No.9920754

I'll try that! I've had parcels go missing before despite being sign for. I'm just worried they're going to send me a bill

>> No.9920971

Thoughts on this Tamagotchi bag? I'm probably gonna pick it up and use it as a base for a kirby bag if the kickstarter is successful, which it probably won't be but still this is one of the first indie bags that I actually really like.

>> No.9920978
File: 916 KB, 1600x870, 1 6JRWCQPx6emrPpM2EKIVVw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the shape but definitely needs more colors than these. I can't imagine much going into a bag like this other than a Tamagotchi collection and most collections I see are the "boy" colors.
Would 100% get one if it was this color and not Pastel Space Princess colors.

>> No.9920994

yeah I absolutely love the design it's a hell of a lot better than the magicalnerds one (kek they even helped what an insult) but the pastel colors? nope. Give me a neon blue or something so i can make a digimon bag

>> No.9921015

I don't know if they still make them, but they used to make completely clear hard cases for Trading Cards. They were big enough you can drill a small hole on top to make a keychain.

>> No.9921025

Can you post the MagicalNerds one? I can't find it.

>> No.9921052
File: 59 KB, 960x960, 27867814_784823561720054_3567082791008411199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9921066

That's meant to be a Tamagotchi bag? It just looks like a generic heart bag with some shit glued on it.

>> No.9921069

It's clear that's what she was going for, but it's ugly as fuck.

>> No.9921071


I'm not a fan of these holographic bags though. I feel like that distracts from the merch in the window.

>> No.9921098
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, 34792554_234069613845097_5232477365870788608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Navy blue bag anons, seems like this just came out. It's labeled as navy blue but it does look really dark in the photo.

>> No.9921176

I don't hate it, which is a far sight better than most gimmick bags. If it ends up coming in less girly colors it might even be cute and appropriate for certain things.

Even so, every time I see an instagram gimmick bag selling themselves with windows full of mismatching enamel pins, I lose five years off my life.

>> No.9921179


>> No.9921199

I actually kinda like this. Wouldn't buy it but I like the idea of a round bag with a square window for some reason.

>> No.9921213

That looks like dogshit

>> No.9921280
File: 68 KB, 640x360, mysweetbabyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a base for a kirby bag
I love you

>> No.9921302

I really hate the pins they did on it too, even though it had stuff that I liked on it like evangelion that doesn't save the pins on it from looking like shit together.
I love you too <3

>> No.9921347

It's hilarious that the owner photos are way worse. The stitching is awful, the material can hold the shape, it's a huge waste of money

>> No.9921418

She was so insistant that it had to be glossy black even though it looks cheap, will show every crease and distracts from the goods.

>> No.9921573

Funnily enough one is already being sold used on the Fb sale group.

>> No.9921585

Holy shit, looking at it up close from the sales post is even worse. Someone in the Fashion group made a Love Live bag with it and it doesn't match at all. There's nothing that would match with the bag other than maybe shitabag content, like Sailor moon shit or anime witches. Even then, the bag would be the main focus.

>> No.9921586

I wish she'd gone with literally any of the other design prototypes instead. Imagine using rubber straps to make mini-dioramas in that dumb house bag! It'd have at least been fun instead of sad.

>> No.9921588

I can see this being useful for a Pokemon bag, like if you were doing a baby Pokemon like Pichu or Igglybuff.

>> No.9921603
File: 158 KB, 960x540, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my new bag coming along?

>> No.9921609

Lol fuck off.
I high key love posts like this ngl.

>> No.9921610

Great! Love the visible safety pin, it shows you have a solid construction. The glitter in the window is so cute, it gives it a bit of your personality. :)
The only thing I'd recommend would be adding some other things you like to the outside of the bag??? It'll make it so unique.
Thanks for posting!!

>> No.9921613

"So this is my finished bag"

>> No.9921653

I'm disappointed you forgot the fairy lights come on girl i had so much faith in this bag it looked amazing but then you dropped the ball.

>> No.9922433
File: 32 KB, 493x663, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same moderator who's hosting a load of GO :|a
is this the new klance scammer

>> No.9922455
File: 45 KB, 500x251, IMG_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they keep doing emergency sales and talking about their bank going negative, but are trying to get a taobao AND animate/movic GO shipped in time for AX? big lol

>> No.9922477

In a hobby where you collect shit and spend a lot of money, it's not really a surprise that some people may be really irresponsible or have an addiction to it, so I saw in a past thread.

But that's the fb group and we're assholes if we say something is fishy or a scam.

>> No.9922588

Yeah now their doing pick ups for AX. So their doing a GO for Taobao, and Movic/Animate. Plus they have a general sales post too. It’s sounda like their desperate and it’s fishy.

>> No.9922709
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>> No.9922718

I feel like I need to see a therapist after looking at that plush

>> No.9922736
File: 30 KB, 556x527, 94f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God... Whre do I even fucking start...
>That ugly lime green insert
>That trim around the bag
>The decorations in general
>Dirty voodoo doll that's been jacked off with
>Chains, balls and props just thrown all over
>No kind of decorative balance with the colors or textures
>The rosette, butterfly, bows and roses make the bag look tacky

And the icing on the shitabag cake?
>fairy lights

>> No.9922741
File: 93 KB, 840x473, 77530665-455C-4750-9EDC-31B141FF8659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking as someone who knew them from a previous hobby, they're fishy as fuck. They would beg money from friends because of financial problems and then turn around and spend that money on said hobby.
I thought they would changed because it was a few years ago, but I guess these kinds of people just don't grow.

>> No.9922743
File: 145 KB, 1075x553, Screenshot_20180624-233204_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask for help from some moonrune reading gulls? I ordered from Surugaya and after my first confirmation email I received this. The google translation makes it sound like some mistake was made. The rest of the email just thanks me for my order so I'm just a little confused.

>> No.9922751

It's saying this is an automatic email and that any inquiry should be submitted the link below.

>> No.9922760

Well now I feel stupid, but thank you so much, anon!

>> No.9922785

Wow how can people use others like that. That’s a crappy thing to do. Like I understand if someone needs help with money for an emergency. But not for money for hobby things.
This person needs to realize that your friends aren’t your bank, get your shit together, and stop spending money and start saving. Clearly they’ve got a big shopping problem and they can’t control themselves.
I’m glad someone called them out for being suspious on one of their post tho

>> No.9922800

I also know her through a different social circle and the bit about begging money from friends is true. It's disgusting that she managed to be come a mod somehow.

>> No.9922801

Has anyone thought to bring it up to her?

>> No.9922823

NAYRT but it would feel like people trying to start shit. It's an isolated incident and they've been called out already. Anons should just take care dealing with them.

>> No.9922871

>isolated incident
Have I got news for you. Cion's posted twice about either being broke or in debt so this emergency sale is pretty much a third strike on the sketch test.

>> No.9922886

I haven't talked to them in years but somehow this doesn't surprise me. Hopefully someone can approach the other mods with screenshots.

>> No.9922892

I doubt the other mods would do anything unless they've actually taken money with the intent to use it on their debts instead of what it's intended for.

As it is now they've got three group orders going, two? conventions, and may still owe their bank money.

>> No.9922964

Not to mention the many comments I see them leaving on sales post about "wanting things but teehee I'm so broke right now~" like it's some kind of badge of honor. It's a personal pet peeve of mine when I post sales in the group, get a notification thinking someone is genuinely interested in buying but no, it's just some cunt saying "I want it so bad but I can't afford it right now! :(" Like fuck off.

>> No.9922971

>stayed up late for an auction for a rare merch that's going for surprisingly cheap
>got distracted and missed auction ending

Please kill me gulls

>> No.9922980

Also lmao at her trying to make and get her taobao order before AX, it is simply not possible

>> No.9923000

Leaving comments like that should definitely be against the rules. It's so damn frustrating as a seller to get those.

If they keep it up they'll be scamming in no time using GO money to cover debts and then hoping to scrounge up enough "emergency sale" funds to replace the GO money.

>> No.9923019

i just love going through cion's posts in the selling group. It feels like pages and pages of "don't forget feedback".
Also it kind of scares me to buy anything from the group knowing that they'll never blacklist the moderator. I wonder who else gets away with shady stuff.

>> No.9923044
File: 132 KB, 754x852, cionitabagfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has any more of these, feel free to post them. It seems like too much of a coincidence.

>> No.9923078
File: 139 KB, 650x433, d34336-6-670599-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this posted before? An article about a itabag supplies brand for lolitas.

>> No.9923161
File: 81 KB, 720x960, IMG_1227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9923194

New Thread

>> No.9923290

shit bag for shit series
