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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.70 MB, 750x1334, 317FAD0A-554E-4644-AB2F-0800C4219B5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9907968 No.9907968 [Reply] [Original]

You know the rules

>> No.9907989
File: 61 KB, 714x960, 34877113_10155453546396911_8490933822005706752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, the Colossalcon pictures sure are rolling in aren't they?

>> No.9907990
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>> No.9908006
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>> No.9908007
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>> No.9908010
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>> No.9908011

>You know the rules
Check the catalogue before posting?

>> No.9908016

Goddamn it I'm so sick of seeing this woman, now she's followed me into the internet. That's not thicc, that's cottage cheese

>> No.9908036

I don't think you get that it's a joke. (Making fun of momokun's "OC")

>> No.9908038

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.9908047

but anon, that thread is only 100 posts away from bump limit, how will people see my epic vendetta if it's in a thread that's 100 posts from dying?

>> No.9908051

Except what op posted here IS bad cosplay.

Vendetta definition is: a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.

This isn’t a vendetta, it’s bad cosplay. But it does belong in the right thread since making a new one was kinda stupid.

>> No.9908064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9908067 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9908068 [DELETED] 

Are those sucture strings hanging down?

>> No.9908076 [DELETED] 

Freshly out of top surgery and cosplaying? If that’s not screaming “ hi I’m trans Treat me special” then I have lost hope for this world. At least let the scars heal before going into public shirtless and use makeup to cover jpnthe redness.

>> No.9908084 [DELETED] 

Why is this idiot going in the pool with scars that are still healing?

>> No.9908085 [DELETED] 

>Why is this idiot going in the pool with scars that are still healing?

Why, does it fuck up the healing process? I saw this person multiple times at indoor and outdoor pools; pretty sure it is trying to show off the scars.

>> No.9908086

Honestly I don't blame him for that. Colossalcon takes place at a waterpark and makeup would probably wash off anyway. It's also a really big, fun convention so it would be a shame to miss it or put off a cosplay you wanted to do just because of the scars. I've never actually seen what post-op top surgery looks like and this is fairly interesting. I think the results are cool.

>> No.9908095

It’s called waterproof makeup anon. Dermacol, dermablend, kat von d, makeup forever and Mac all have waterproof foundations that would cover up any imperfections and not wash off in the pool.

>> No.9908099

>pretty sure he was trying to show off the scars
Or he wanted to enjoy himself at the waterpark he paid to go to?

Does boys being shitty/not knowledgeable about makeup surprise you?

>> No.9908104

You're not wrong. There were people in full body paint in the pools and it wasn't a problem. But a lot of people go to Colossal just to cosplay casually and hang out with friends, so this sort of thing doesn't bother me personally. YMMV obviously.

>> No.9908108
File: 318 KB, 1280x853, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just badly copied those MLP Halo cosplayers that are at Youma every year. I don't even get why, it's not even clever or that interesting... especially after seeing it Every. Single. Year.

>> No.9908115
File: 321 KB, 423x590, 1344929000156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They just badly copied those MLP Halo cosplayers that are at Youma every year.
Oh they had me fooled; I thought they were the same people from Youmacon.

>correcting my pronoun usage

>> No.9908119

Jfc, yes, yes it can and potentially will screw up his chest. Going into a public pool like that with barely healed soft tissue? That's begging for a gnarly infection. Sage for ot, but seriously, don't do this shit if you've had major surgery or any deep tissue cuts recently.

>> No.9908123 [DELETED] 

Hanging out with friends isn’t photoshoot and post to the internet. Hanging out with friends is being stupid and doing things you would only post to personal pages.

If you want to be taken seriously as a cosplayer, you make sure nothing takes away from the cosplay. Having makeup on blemishes helps reduce the distraction of ghe cosplay. In >>9908064
There’s photoshoot touches happing but yet felt the need to keep the scars showing? That’s not “having fun with friends” that’s “look I’m a trans boy that deserves to be treateded differently because I actually had too surgery”

Now I don’t mind trans people getting either top or bottom surgery. All the power to them because that shit hurts and is expensive. I do have a problem when people make it a point to show you they had the surgery and do nothing to give the illusion that they where genetically born male. When you transition you want to be considered one of the gender you are transitioning to. You will do everything to convince people you are indeed male of female. Wearing scars that show you where once another gender then the one you are now is saying your a special gender above what you’re trying to transition to.

>> No.9908153 [DELETED] 

This. But drawing the scars in fanart where they make characters trans is really popular so I think that’s where these poor fools get the idea that it’s cool to show it off. Evidence that they’re huge attention whores and a boring person whose entire identity is their sexuality.

>> No.9908159 [DELETED] 

God you are the saltiest cunt. You don't get to dictate how people have their fun.

>inb4 posted
Never been posted to this board once. You're just a bitch.

>> No.9908162 [DELETED] 

Take it to tumbler where people care.

>> No.9908163 [DELETED] 

fuck off whale.

>> No.9908164 [DELETED] 

I don’t think you where posted. But I know for a fact you’re in the wrong place if you think that >>9908123 isn’t the truth about trans who exploit their scars for attention. Maybe you’re trans and feel the need to defend someone. I don’t know, but you’re butt hurt that people don’t want to see scars of trans men in cosplay is quite amusing.

>> No.9908165 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1300x860, 9FEFE1D1-6589-4CA6-9066-30686ABC86CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see your fee fees where hurt.

>> No.9908168 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 400x411, 1492869799439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is quite amusing.
Your 14 is showing.

>fee fees
Your 12 is showing harder.

I don't care about anyone's scars. I'm pretty heterosexual and don't have 16 pronouns either. But opinions =/= facts which is what your posts are trying to dictate. Stop that shit. It's a bad cosplay thread. Post bad fucking cosplay.

>> No.9908188 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 900x504, Scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about anyone's scars.

>> No.9908252

Glad to see someone stole my work of ordinal Scale and posted it on here without my credits, that’s stealing. I can file a lawsuit.

>> No.9908268

The cosplayer, photographer/edits was credited though? It's an editorial example for discussion on a cosplay board, don't get your panties in a bunch.
Besides, it's a bad cosplay and a bad photo/edit so if you are the cosplayer pictured, take some critique and improve, you are sloppy, fat, your wig is bad, so is your pose and posture and your tog is bad too.

>> No.9908271

oh look, bait

>> No.9908277

Actually I’m the photographer and my watermark was cut off. Fuck your opinion the cosplay was an OC not an actual character. You can’t judge an OC when it’s not an actual character.

>> No.9908279 [DELETED] 

You do not own the picture I do so remove it or I will take this to 4chan to have it be removed. Doesn’t matter if I’m credited or not in the post, you do not own the picture it was a paid shoot, you are supposed to ask permission before posting someone else’s work.

>> No.9908282

This isn’t tumblr. Credits are actually not allowed here because of the nature of this board. It would be consider vendetta posting and usually result in removal of the post.

And yes, people can still critique a OC. Nothing is free of critique. If it looks bad, it will end up on a bad cosplay thread. If it’s bothering you soo much, leave. Having people know who you are and what you associate with here is bad for your business. Just hide the thread and don’t visit the board for a while. Stay to tumblr and the hug box that it is.

>> No.9908285

Your photography sucks and your photoshop skills are horrible. Take a class on perspective and photo editing and learn that if you post an image to the internet, it’s not safe of being shared around. Don’t want it stolen or shared without credit, then don’t post it.

>> No.9908287

Don’t steal it off my fucking facebook my personal page. I know this was stolen off there and not on the cosplayers page because of what I wrote.. so I can slim down who took it.

>> No.9908288

First off this was my first time editing a photo so yeah I’m still a beginner at photoshop and I admit it but Fuck off dude. No one gives a fuck about your opinion. More or less the fact you stole my work.

>> No.9908290

I wasn't judging the OC, just giving my opinion on the execution and the photography. Free crit for you is to learn lighting sources color theory and straighten out your background proportions. Liquefy in small doses is your friend on fatties and get into burn/dodge for your shadows and highlights and collect some flattering skin actions. You're welcome.

>> No.9908293

The girl had a fucking child so yeah she has a stomach and then also she has a disorder so don’t criticize what you don’t fucking know. At least she’s brave and beautiful enough to keep cosplaying even after seeing the shit you people write on her about her..

>> No.9908295

First off I don’t need your damn advice. Clearly I’m still a beginner but I have an awesome teacher who taught me this much in just one day.. literally one fucking day so gtfo

>> No.9908299

#endhate #cosplayisforeveryone #fuckhaters

>> No.9908300

Good for her and good for you. Grow a thick skin and get good. That's the whole point.

>> No.9908302

No one is trying to stop you idiot, and likely no one hates you or probably even cares, I know I don't. we are just saying "don't suck, get better". But you seem too tumblr-struck to comprehend that honest critique is not hate.

>> No.9908306

You have no business charging for shoots yet. You are nowhere near skilled enough to take money for this.

>> No.9908311

Hell I had a mole on my leg removed and they gave me a paper saying not to swim for 2 weeks while it healed.
My friend had top surgery last year in June and was out from swimming till after September and he was healing well. Can't even see his scars now. Plus swimming puts a ton of stress on the upper body and arms- areas that use the chest muscles. So it's a horrible idea to swim when healing that area.
>>9908099 Maybe should of not had MAJOR SURGERY BEFORE THE CON THEN
The person in the cosplay isn't going to heal correctly. Women can pop the c-section scars open when they're healed to that stage from swimming, This person took a huge risk. Their chest isn't properly healed.
Legit critique, get proper wig cutting scissors, and invest in wig detangle spray for long wigs (cooking spray works but looks oily so be careful if you go that route). Cat ears are very over done, especially with the bell. From the pose it's hard to see the top, but it looks cleanly sewn. Wear dance tights under your costume. It keeps things looking nice and reduces jiggle (I love them for that fact, I've got big thighs too), Your pink socks are too thin of a fabric, so they show the seam inside and one looks really messy/zigzaggy. Also look up some cosplay pose guides for more flattering photos.
OCs don't get much love, so if trying to get better known for cosplays, don't do them a ton. Like use them for Halloween, but not a con.

>> No.9908314
File: 52 KB, 480x480, DF8C9278-7559-4314-BC76-102E60C86433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then leave the board. You are not going to change any thing by screaming like an autist. Don’t even know why you’re here in the first place if you behave like this.

>> No.9908320

Does anyone in the replies to these know how top surgery works? These clearly aren't new, if they were he would have visible sutures and fluid drains hanging down. The scars take multiple years to fade if they do at all. Even if they were newer, as long as you don't soak the chest in water it's fine.

>> No.9908365

God can you imagine all the “congrats” “you’re so brave” “I’m happy for you” from strangers they got. Just like they wanted.

>> No.9908369

And not one “ nice cosplay” “you did a good job” because it’s not a good cosplay. But people will be supportive because they don’t want to offend.

>> No.9908406

The Gaius looks fine. You guys are just using this to be dicks over a scar when it is accurate. Better than the cis guys I have seen who cosplayed this version.

>> No.9908408 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 595x394, 94883BD7-A166-43DF-A4C7-C5E3985B0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using “cis” to prove point
>cis being a tumblr term

Yeah your point will go so far here.

>> No.9908416 [DELETED] 

Seriously fuck off you tumblr cry baby.

>> No.9908426

Oh my god this thread got SPICY while I was asleep. Someone rile up Digital Edge (haha what a fitting photo name) a little more, I want to see this come back to bite them when their reputation gets shot and no one hires them because they threatened a lawsuit and had a meltdown over a 4chan thread.

>> No.9908452
File: 45 KB, 500x400, 1525663456660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Credits are actually not allowed here because of the nature of this board
That's a lie and you know it.

>> No.9908472
File: 607 KB, 1242x1846, CA040D40-8249-49CB-82CC-D3F3778AFEBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the pinned post. Although mentioning things for relevance is accepted, the thread is one that citing the name would be vendetta posting since it is for making fun of people.

>> No.9908483
File: 178 KB, 351x347, 1489329210559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that shit isn't the same as having a logo on the side of your picture. Calm your autism and/or retardation.

>> No.9908489

They outed themselves as a beginner with one day of instruction and supposedly charged for a photoshoot. If I was OC-chan, I'd have some questions. There's hardly a reputation to shoot at this point unless it's busting them for scamming $ for skills they obviously don't have. I'm sure they aren't the first tog to butter up bad cosplayers to pay for a shoot but this is pretty bad.

They will probably just rebrand and continue once they realize becoming a 4c lol cow has ruined them before they even properly got started.

>> No.9908495

Lol, tumblr bat-signal hash tagging doesn't work here, no one is going to read the tags and run in to defend you here. Much like the real world.

>> No.9908503
File: 71 KB, 1105x295, B65FB44F-396C-4D4E-B1F9-286384A89C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital edge is the one being autistic anon. And they where cited in the op image. Don’t know why the freak out over a watermark on the image when everyone knows who took the photo and now who to avoid in the future because they lost their cool on 4chan. Assuming digital edge learns how to take photos and how to edit them in time.

>> No.9908504

You should be thankful your watermark got cut off. You don't want to be taking credit for something like that.

>> No.9908576

Honestly thank you to everyone who pointed out those were trans surgery scars because I legit thought it was bad make-up shading for pecs or something lol

>> No.9908580
File: 536 KB, 1080x1349, 3B12A280-94B5-4D96-9A8C-4DB7A711DD2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9908585

Nope. I was waiting for someone to point this out. Also not sure why people fell for the poorly laid out bait here >>990825 either .

>> No.9908590 [DELETED] 

Doesn't seem that way. Thought someone would've pointed that out sooner. Also not sure why they fell for this bait >>9908252 either.

>> No.9908599

so are people with scars supposed to not cosplay anymore?
Am I supposed to stop cosplaying because my girlfriend got pissed at me a few years ago when she was cooking and splashed boiling hot oil at my face and left burn scars on me?
Am I not supposed to have fun anymore?

>> No.9908635

Actually give the transformative nature of the screenshot and the fact that this was intended to be posted for critique this falls squarely under fair use. If you want to try and take it to court you can try, but the precedent is against you.
For the case law see Cariou v Prince (2nd cir. 2013)

>> No.9908702


>> No.9908709

>Maybe should of not had MAJOR SURGERY BEFORE THE CON THEN

Well, I don't know about the VS, but if you want top surgery in my country (and past all the required test), you have to wait on a waiting list, so you can't really pick you date.

>> No.9908719 [DELETED] 

Because cisgender as a term originated on tumblr. Nice b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8.

>> No.9908991
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x2565, Screenshot_2018-06-09-19-11-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the legendary day 4chan went too far™

>> No.9909011

OMG, shook! Digital Edge (lord) may be lawyering up as we speak! #fearthefedora #shitcosplayisforeveryone #theendisnear /s

>> No.9909012
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>> No.9909016

Oh my god this just got ten times more funny. If he had any plans of having a future in photography, he just fucked himself. 4chan is like fight club. You don’t talk about 4chan.

>> No.9909019

He is likely under-age, who posts stuff like this?

>> No.9909024
File: 87 KB, 595x899, 1500047846228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread made my day

>> No.9909038

All he’s managed to do was make the girl in the image feel even more bad about her cosplay. Like it’s one thing to get posted. But he just had to keep posting about it. Because of this, the post won’t go away like it normally does. It’s going to resurface over and over because of the scene he’s creating.

>> No.9909066
File: 148 KB, 1039x448, 2018-06-09_20.36.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9909069

The boob phone is what really sells it

>> No.9909122
File: 118 KB, 900x900, 517166165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gulls complain that the community is full of drama
>actively try to aggravate people with posts like this
Like, it's clearly some kid upset that his/her pal was posted. Must take some intense superiority complex to find stuff like that entertaining. The people replying "lel so salt so funny what a scene!" are just as pathetic.

>> No.9909131

This is a thread for BAD cosplay, anon.

>> No.9909133

You can go back to your safe space now

>> No.9909134

>actively try to aggravate people with posts like this
Was literally about to post this. When I first started posting years ago I got accused of being some tripfag in disguise. It's bizarre that /cgl/ seems to be the only board that is this thirsty for petty drama because they can't do it publicly in their hug box/already strained communities.

>> No.9909136

here, you guys are lost

>> No.9909137

Sorry if I triggered you, snowflake. If you don't want to read dissenting opinions, try >>>/tumblr/.

Honestly it's been getting worse and worse. So many drama-starved posters that sperg out when someone confronts them.

>> No.9909138

This poor man has no nipples

>> No.9909140

>So many drama-starved posters that sperg out when someone confronts them.
More like acting like spergs so someone does confront them, then they go full retard with a /cgl/ brand of condescending to try and cover up their own insecurities. Every goddamn time. If you disagree, you're fat/roastie/tumblr.

>> No.9909143

anon just stop, take it to lolcow if you're gonna stir shit up this much.
actually, this kind of breaks the rules of lolcows, you don't create drama, you just observe it

>> No.9909145

Since I’m sure he hasn’t actually registered his copyright before all this, he’s in for some more lessons.

>> No.9909154
File: 865 KB, 2048x1638, 7DE91650-0CD5-4791-B5A3-19E61A1EE06B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it...

>> No.9909155

didn't you get tired when you spammed this guy about 6 months ago?

>> No.9909165
File: 103 KB, 585x880, AC8849C5-D20A-4D40-B324-3B0E3F2549E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they are posting bad cosplay.

>> No.9909168

This fucking group. I just wanted to play some god damn skeeball and they wouldn't fuck off

At this point Michael is a well known source of cringe in the Love Live community. I doubt it's one person with a vendetta posting him since I know several people IRL who cringe at the mention of him, so surely there's a lot more online.

>> No.9909213
File: 126 KB, 894x894, kled_league_of_legends_by_annaperci-dafz37x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909214

What even is this? Why out to much effort into this?

>> No.9909216

For all the summer babies currently arguing back on forth on the drama and shit.
Basically 10 years ago you could have thread after thread making fun of a single cosplayer for their shit.
Then about 2-4 years ago (time fucking flies)Lovemonkies on Deviant Art started making horrible makeup posts and cosplay commissions that looked like shit. We had threads filling up within 4 hours about her shit.
People took it too far, got her address and phone number and I think some legal shit did legit go down.
We got new mods for /cgl/ and the fun contained drama threads stopped. No longer could be enjoy lolcow shit. Now we have to just live off bad cosplay threads.
Least that's how it feels compared to back in the day drama.

>> No.9909223

How disgusting. Not only are those costumes cringe, but they're practically putting their bare asses on the equipment. Just...wow.

>> No.9909224 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 720x1018, D3403AF3-61D4-40E8-A8E3-C8A95CCD4F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found his page. It’s a goldmine

>> No.9909226 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 750x693, 044ECCE0-DF1D-4179-8C37-AB822DD0E556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that person’s OC

>> No.9909227

anon when you start trying to stir up shit and start posting his page or engaging him to get a reaction and post back here you have gone way too far with your vendetta

>> No.9909231
File: 18 KB, 244x408, 6084231352_c17f79298a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909233
File: 81 KB, 182x249, smhtbhfam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is not your personal army

>> No.9909242
File: 121 KB, 480x640, 5560146405_1f90e837fe_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909243


>> No.9909245

how is this one bad?
>posting hall shots

>> No.9909247

No vandetta just found the guy is all

>> No.9909249

anon you guys have been posting him all thread. You even started poking at him and his page to get a reaction. Don't start drama and then run back here expecting 4chan to be your personal army

>> No.9909256

in his defense, most anime men don't either...

>> No.9909259
File: 160 KB, 960x826, 6951331526_c634a8a0c9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909260

how are hall shots bad? a bad cos is going to look like shit with or without a professional photog

>> No.9909262

it's really easy to say a poorly lit blurry picture that was posed in about 10 seconds in the hall is bad. Also, it's really petty to ask someone for a picture then post it around online to talk shit about them behind their back.

>> No.9909266
File: 213 KB, 900x960, 255096_390534727694166_9994473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cakey as all getout

>> No.9909270

Sorry you got posted, anon.

>> No.9909310

It's MLP crossed with anything. It's bad no matter what.

>> No.9909312

No highlight and shade and it looks like
It wasn’t set at all. Not to mention the color makes her look like Donald trump.

>> No.9909457

have you never heard of safety shorts? i'm sure at least some of the people in that pic are wearing them. the eli is even obviously wearing (ugly) shorts that show from under her dress..

>> No.9909490

>regular people having fun dressing as their favourite fantasy characters

>sluts and thots taking advantage of cosplay and turning it into cosporn for attention and to get money from nerds

cosplay is dead, long live cosporn

>> No.9909493


>> No.9909504

Delicious. I'd milk that

>> No.9909523

I see that they're wearing "ruffle shorts", but really, do they look like the type to care about pulling them down for sanitation's sake? I can see for a fact that the girl in orange certainly didn't. It's not a bar stool, it's a public arcade game; have some decency for others that want to use it.

>> No.9909531

As long as their coochie is covered, it’s fine anon. You won’t die if you touch a hard surface that someone’s bare thigh touched.

>> No.9909535

There is a special place in hell for scumbags like you. Cosplay is a fun hobby for all no matter what their shape, size or whatever. Critiquing to give constructive criticism is one thing, but just to haha at people's cosplays and label it as bad is just being a asshole. YOU do not know the cosplayers situation or whatever and that's purely judgemental. Again cosplay is for fun, not for you judgmental neckbeards to haha at or to jack it to if there's is a amazing one that's flashing their tits.

>> No.9909539

There was helpful critique given also but baby beginner photographers shouldn’t be charging for these kinds of shoots. Cry more. There has always been a Bad Cosplay thread here. If your cosplay is not good, there’s a good chance you’ll end up here. That’s not vendetta, it’s a form of critique. Many get posted here and then get better, just like the ita thread for lolita fashion. Like anything, if you post it, it will be judged. Humans are judgemental.

>> No.9909543

>not using this to make the ultimate todoroki or zuko cosplay

Not to be too flippant, but seriously. Consider it.

Anyway if you put on some decent makeup it will help lots. The people on cgl are terribly picky and retentive. They usually wouldn’t shit on someone with scars like this but they tend to get a little snippy about trans scars because it’s a hot button issue.

This website is not the popular opinion by and large, just for the pickier individuals

>> No.9909546

cgl is about drama and always has been...?

>> No.9909550

eh, the head is pretty damn rough but I think this isn't too bad.

this is ... weird... but very well made. not sure why you're posting it in bad cosplay.

>> No.9909551

This is better than most attempts I’ve seen. Not a great cosplay but not the worst

>> No.9909557

generally people with scars, especially from an attack, don't want to call attention to them. Incorporating them into a costume is typically not going to happen then

>> No.9909568

>Incorporating them into a costume is typically not going to happen then
>hasn't seen the one Kamina cosplayer
>ignored every amputee cosplayer

>> No.9909581 [DELETED] 

Ok least things aren't too mean. I have a legit question, has anyone on here ever tried cosplaying before I'm even asking the OP as well.

>> No.9909585

Ok least things aren't too mean. I have a legit question, has anyone on here ever tried cosplaying before? I'm even asking the OP as well.

>> No.9909596

Fuck no cosplay is for nerds

>> No.9909598

anon it varies person to person but telling someone who has severe scarring from an attack that they need to cosplay only scarred characters is not something you can do. I personally hate when people stare at or touch them. You don't get to tell people what they're comfortable with .

>> No.9909602

>telling someone who has severe scarring from an attack that they need to cosplay only scarred characters is not something you can do.
I think you went crazy in the last 5 minutes because that's not the point at all of my post, nor am I the anon going back and forth against/for it.

>> No.9909605

I am an avid cosplayer. So yes. And I make my stuff from scratch most of the time.

>> No.9909608

then don't hop into a discussion halfway through. The anon told me I HAD to do a todoroki because I have facial scarring even though I panic every con about people staring or posting me here for it.

>> No.9909612

>then don't hop into a discussion halfway through.
You dumb bint it's 4chan not a forum or discord.

>> No.9909613

Yes I cosplay, I’m not amazing at it but learning more and more as I do it. I recently just started into armor and learning quite a bit as I make more. I don’t have the balls to post my work here, but have gotten some more experienced cosplayers in my community to give me pointers on how to improve and have even done some workshops with them to learn. A lot of the critique I have seen here ( as bitter as some of it can be) has shown me what not to do and I take note on what I shouldn’t do. Even if it’s meant for someone else, other cosplayers can take notes from it.

>> No.9909614

Then why are you here?

>> No.9909615

To laugh at bad cosplays

>> No.9909618
File: 1.23 MB, 448x393, D0413B5C-4D08-4133-9168-1FB4AABA47E2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess your main board was boring. What ever bro. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.9909639

That anon didn't tell you to do anything. They said to consider it, and offered good examples of incorporating it. Don't get so worked up over the trans scar/'look at how special I am' shitposting that you can't see legitimate discussion. I don't think I've ever seen anyone point out trauma scars/burns/amputees in a negative light without being called out on it, at least not in a long while. 'Your scars don't make it a bad cosplay, your cosplay is just bad' and all that.

>> No.9910121
File: 86 KB, 216x235, 1474386197662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has anyone on here ever tried cosplaying before?

>> No.9910252

i understand if it's not up to par, considering how hard it is to do that cosplay.
i'd give it a pass

>> No.9910276
File: 937 KB, 1363x2044, 3558758E-A1C8-4CF9-8C89-DA3D925B7330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the character is supposed to be pale, but she just looks incredibly sickly....

>> No.9910293

With better makeup that would probably be pretty cool for Rei. With red lips/weirdly lined eyes it starts to push into "terrible disease" territory.

There's other stuff off there with the wig/not actually a costume but I like the sickly pallor idea.

>> No.9910367

Do not panic, they probably came from /v/, where nobody plays video games and expects every board to be the same.

>> No.9910373
File: 89 KB, 400x571, 1303345320854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of them are overweight hmm ok
>Some wigs need help
>Costumes don't look too terrible
>Don't see the iss-WTF

>> No.9910379

Same, it’s very hard to do yordles because of their height and design. This person is obviously still learning armor and took this challeng. It’s not a good cosplay, but it’s not really bad since you can tell what it is and can tell the person has some experience with Making cosplays. Just working on perfecting them. I hope they keep trying.

>> No.9910429
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9910430


Id let it slide on account that i dont know where its from

>> No.9910432

How is this a bad cosplay? Looks better than most of the armor I see

>> No.9910468

Can't tell if the Umi is cute, or if they're all that incredibly ugly

>> No.9910589

Most people here will tell you that a mashup cosplay is bad no matter how well constructed it is because mashups are a bad concept 99% of the time.

>> No.9910595

Gross asshole aside, the thing I hate the most about group cosplays is when the costumes don’t match. Only some of them have the braclets, honoka doesn’t have gloves, the Rin didn’t even try. If you’re going to do a set like this or even a school uniform group or something please make sure your entire group has the matching accessories so you all look like you actually planned this. Right now it looks like they just pulled random cosplayers in for the photos. Sorry it’s a bit of a nitpick but I can’t stand it.

>> No.9910620
File: 271 KB, 388x474, Suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9910623

Despite the ‘cosplay is for everyone’ slogan, most people will be too horrified by their Rin to care about lack of accessories.
Their costumes all look very cheap and wigs are bad too.

>> No.9910636
File: 1.04 MB, 640x1136, 914B9BED-88D8-4C39-94A4-2FCEF12C33FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do even try to have expectations for her.

>> No.9910650

Take your vendetta elsewhere and don't try to use 4chan as your personal army. This is a bad cosplay thread, not instagram/facebook stalker thread.

>> No.9910651

you know with these kind of groups people drop out and the leader panics about not having all their members there for the shoot.

This kinda makes me think; would you rather have less than half of the group for the shoot but they all look matching and on point or would you rather have all the members of the group but have a few people who don't have all the accessories?

>> No.9910660

And this was Trickster Karkat showing off her new Pink Diamond cosplay

>> No.9910675
File: 80 KB, 1356x3500, IWillEndYou_by_Koo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pink Diamond

>> No.9910713


>> No.9910714

so is this that one anon who has a hate boner for tricksterkarkat? we're not your personal army

>> No.9910727

I like it

>> No.9910867

It's not just one anon, she is horrendous

>> No.9910922

I really hope that Homura is actually a middle aged man because otherwise, that girl has the most unfortunate face I've ever seen.

>> No.9910924

It's well made.......but why?

>> No.9910928

I think its pretty accurate. Rei is pretty much snow white.

>> No.9910949
File: 166 KB, 900x600, IMG_20180611_231135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9910952


>> No.9910957

Nayrt but this is a problem. I'd make sure the best ones were solid then write up a creative story about why the others weren't there, just as a text addition. We almost had to do that with a principal character in a group cosplay and so we had a story ready in case they actually flaked.

>> No.9911000
File: 121 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1528724995428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in reply to someone's question if people in the Colossalcon facebook group cosplay in public.
>I wore this to drop some Applebees to my girlfriend at work who also cosplays Prompto.

>> No.9911022

Honestly, I don't expect a group this size to ever be much better than this. No they aren't good but it's hella hard to gather more than a group of 2-3 who are actually good. And that's unfortunate as hell.

>> No.9911049 [DELETED] 

anon should've posted it to the bad makeup thread

>> No.9911052

957 #
anon should've posted it to the bad makeup thread

>> No.9911053
File: 252 KB, 727x617, wtfishethinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know where else to put this, and there's no wtf sale thread up atm. But this came up in the normie for sale facebook group. So I figured it would belong here in the bad cosplay thread.

>> No.9911060

This is what happen when people ass-pat and encourage beginner crafters to sell things instead of giving them honest critique.

>> No.9911216
File: 1.16 MB, 1419x2183, Screenshot_20180611-200408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9911297


have fun filling a lawsuit on someone named anon you stupid fucking idiot baka-kun

>> No.9911301

this is worthy of starting a new wtf for sale thread

how disconnected do you have to be to think that's worth selling

>> No.9911306

He can attempt to file a dmca to legal at 4c if he can prove copyright but I’m guessing mr digital edgelord did not bother to file and register one before he published his trash on the interwebs, therefore he would probably have no case.

>> No.9911310
File: 23 KB, 201x309, 1528607483593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my sides are in orbit

>> No.9911316


>> No.9911423


>> No.9911449
File: 52 KB, 960x640, 12189911_1015005641908063_378533983648196974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc Ock

>> No.9911588
File: 122 KB, 1296x1728, FB_IMG_1528779727249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off of Facebook!

>> No.9911596

I actually kinda like it lol. He just needs to not go so hard on the face parts.
>the laugh reacc

>> No.9911609

I have no idea who that is but if that's their starting point for Pink Diamond then I can't wait for the cringefest that is their finished work.

>> No.9911611
File: 60 KB, 456x570, you tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think its pretty accurate.
>Rei is well known for her slut as fuck red lips, NERVtm Brand t-shirt and thigh high stockings
fucking kill yourself. holy shit just leave now and never return.

>> No.9911614
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty alright but they could go a little lighter on the face like >>9911596 said, make it more defined

Also like this endeavor

>> No.9911618
File: 254 KB, 376x476, 1516061301328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he wearing slides on his feet????

>> No.9911644

Yes. Yes he is.

>> No.9911679
File: 138 KB, 275x347, 1512747520042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've contacted 4chan's legal department
oh no

>> No.9911731

Kek, I'd be ashamed to have pictures like that on my instagram or facebook. Why do you even have a page?

>> No.9911782

Those flames are just flat out hard to pull off. None of the other parts are bad so I'm sure he'll eventually work it out and fix it

>> No.9911796
File: 8 KB, 225x225, futurevision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stinks of a vendetta. She hasn't even made the costume yet! You can't post what you assume will be a bad cosplay in the future. Sorry she dumped you.

>> No.9911826

Thanks anon, this made me laugh

>> No.9911827

Everything she does is nasty

>> No.9911944

It's not a cosplay, yo. It's a character inspired casual outfit. Street fashion/character stuff is big on insta right now.

>> No.9911949
File: 119 KB, 768x960, 34875733_1864202790285912_332034571509956608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9911958

I was talking about her skin not her outfit anon actually read the entire conversation.

>> No.9912158

Why does she look like ugandan knuckles

>> No.9912195

Boohoo bitch, that's not bad cosplay though, and that's what this thread is about.

>> No.9912220


>> No.9912222

wife material

>> No.9912239

no, just fat

>> No.9912242
File: 90 KB, 640x777, IMG_4410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a fuckin drag queen

>> No.9912345

The armor is shaped well, but all the wear and tear looks like it was done in ten minutes with a Sharpie. After so much was invested in the armor, buying a few paints and doing some realistic scuff marks would have been the easy part. What they did with it ruins the whole effect and makes it look cheap. Also crossovers are almost always bad to begin with.

>> No.9912361

compared to the early pictures it's not bad.
As Pink Diamond it's fucking horrible

>> No.9912384

It’s leaps and bounds better then that one pink diamond a bad cosplay threads back. I just want to know what is going on with her lower leg. Is she a dog and her knees bend the opposite direction. And is the diamond shooped on badly or is that bad body paint? Also why does this look like it was made for someone much thicker then her? It’s a mess.

>> No.9912390

I want to but after visiting this board I don't want to.

>> No.9912392

just stop posting this girl. I don't know what you want but we're not going to be your personal army just because you don't like some instagram girl

>> No.9912401

I dunno, I'm not that anon and this makes me cringe. the construction is alright, but the choice in materials is disgusting af

>> No.9912402

>just stop posting this girl
It's a bad cosplay thread anon and she fits the bill.

>> No.9912404

>original character
>copied straight from a manga just genderbent

>> No.9912406

thot being a thot, nothing new here

>> No.9912412

take it to lolcow

>> No.9912414

Bad cosplay threads belong on /cgl/. Stop bawwing over this.

>> No.9912421

Looks nothing like the character

>> No.9912426

this faggot keeps spamming himself everywhere. i hate his goddamn jaw so much.

>> No.9912473
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_20180613-042651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9912520
File: 45 KB, 428x960, 35143998_2133689930183569_8086770411540316160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is meant to be lucia from mermaid melody

>> No.9912526

This doesn’t look bad? Vendetta detected.

>> No.9912540

Are you blind, stupid, or both?

>> No.9912542

>clearly halloween store-tier bodysuit that's two sizes too small
>cheap looking sword
>no effort literally anywhere except the extreme level of contouring that makes the nose looks like something out of the 3d clone wars show
yeah sure, "vendetta"
maybe if she had done something with the helmet, but as it is, this is the ultimate low-effort POS

>> No.9912543

One step up from d.va cosplayers. At least this one put paint onto boots. But this belongs here entirely.

>> No.9912579

Honestly this isn't bad imo. The problem with this one is most likely the make up. It makes her look menacing and off character, she should go for a more gentle/playful look like the one pink diamond has

>> No.9912581

I think this is the same girl as OP

>> No.9912582
File: 759 KB, 1611x2015, 84014A9D-CF30-4A10-BBC5-F4BAB94F267F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9912599

Don't do this to my waifu

>> No.9912600

I still disagree. This is more put together than most of the shit on this board

>> No.9912611

What’s going on with that IA’s boobs? Boobs go on your upper chest, they shouldn’t be at the bottom of your ribcage.

>> No.9912639

Plot twist: Only the one in the black wig actually has a penis

>> No.9912645

don't have a picture, but last Saturday I was at a con nearby
saw there an obese Lunafreya cosplayer in weddingdress, shoulderless and all
I know, I shouldn't brag about obese people (after all, I am one too) but Jesus, it looked like everything would get out
don't have a picture tough

this...kinda makes me glad

>> No.9912654

hi S

>> No.9912665

what or who is S?

>> No.9912668
File: 67 KB, 238x227, killergulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9912670

You just have to have a thick skin. I can offer some advice: don't go out in something mediocre and expect people to not say something. If you are fat, come to terms with it or lose weight. If you are new, when you post be humble and learn some crafting and sewing skills before you make something you actually wear out. Buy pieces you can't realistically make instead of half-assing them and dont have a 'photoshoot ' and plaster up a zillion pix. Lurk the actually helpful cosplay boards and hopefully get a mentor or at least someone to teach you some things. Lurk threads like this to see the mistakes people make and then don't make them. And if (when) you get posted to a thread like this, learn from what people are saying, correct what people criticize, then disregard the mean-ness and do not reply ever.

>> No.9912687

no, not "really", but I might be interested after my first con

>> No.9912696

Stop posting this girl, digital edgelord will send the cyber police to shut 4chan down and no other website will accept us :( :(

>> No.9912903

This makes me uncomfortable

>> No.9912936


People who say this shit and "Stop." are on a power trip.

>> No.9912972

Miku looks like she is planning on eatting IA

>> No.9912973

This needs to be a adult film genre, for real.

>> No.9912986

Boy do I have news for you anon

>> No.9913014

>Cosplay is a fun hobby for all no matter what their shape, size or whatever.
You must not know the rules of cosplay

>> No.9913025

bad news?

>> No.9913056

It's me! :D I'm such a cute Rin. Ha ha!

As to the Skeeball, the photog secured permission for the shoot from operator.

As to me, it was right place at right time. I found a complete group minus Rin, and had the cosplay, and they gave me permission to join the group. :D

>> No.9913059

I was spammed? Can't get enough of my steamy oh so dreamy cosplays? You should see the Egao 123 SWIMSUIT Maki shoot I did at Geek Out last weekend! >:-D

>> No.9913064
File: 204 KB, 710x475, 12810319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if real or troll. Either way, yawn. Try harder. 1/10

>> No.9913065

Oh great, another autogynophiliac coming out to join the sissy-puff parade? Jfc.

>> No.9913081

It's sad when people follow Momokun's path

>> No.9913085
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, laughing goose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l m a o

>> No.9913094

Too bad her makeup is so same-facey... she does change the colors of her looks, but never the overall vibe of her makeup..

>> No.9913096

Hi Syd

>> No.9913120

Actually probably the real thing, or someone who knows him pretty well. The username is what he uses on other platforms, and the mannerisms are dead on. Sup Michael.

>> No.9913121

I have no idea who that is

>> No.9913133

Then how do you know who TricksterKarkat is hmm?

>> No.9913188

My headset was pure crap, and I wasn't planning on being in a group. I happened upon them and had the cosplay. The 3 groups I had planned (complete with proper accessories) fell through the month before con. If I was making a group of 9, and someone didn't have the extra cos bits, you can bet your sweet self they'd be in the group. It's HARD as heck to get and keep a group together.

>> No.9913192
File: 253 KB, 1365x2048, 35239713_10156403466549451_6817195413330722816_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! anon knows me somehow. :P Here's a little treat for the cos-leetists that will see this. Call it a teaser from my shoot last weekend. :P

>> No.9913193

That's a joke cosplay

>> No.9913196

It would be, except that person has been spamming all the colossalcon groups trying to get people to vote for her to be on the badges next year. She's pretty serious about it.

>> No.9913207

michael is le 56% face

>> No.9913209

What are you calling the shoot, Sissy Schoolyard Sluts?

>> No.9913220

Seconded, a lot of times if you have a scar from something you’d rather forget the last thing you would do is try to emphasize it for a cosplay.

For example I have one under my eye that looks kind of like Kenshin’s, and I’ve been told I should cosplay him, but thinking about it just brings back bad memories of how I got it, ones I’d much rather forget.

>> No.9913226

I have a question for you since we're all anonymous here and it'd be rather rude to ask you face to face. I think crossplay is neat, and I understand your desire to crossplay as the cute idols you admire. But is there a reason you choose to not shave and do nice makeup for them? I know it would still be obvious that you're male, but it would take away some of the cringe factor because it would be clear you were putting real effort into it instead of just wearing the clothes.

>> No.9913263
File: 28 KB, 260x282, 1297373025876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered doing drag? I'm not sure what your MO is here. Do you like being in women's clothes? Are you just starved for attention? Are you doing this to make others cringe? What's the gig with this?

>> No.9913287

It still belongs on this board. Just because it’s not as bad as some of the others, doesn’t make it good. It’s still bad and this is a BAD cosplay thread.

>> No.9913302

I have that question too. If you like the characters so much then why do you put zero effort into being them? You don’t shave or have makeup, you usually wear gross tennis shoes or slip ons. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

>> No.9913310
File: 60 KB, 546x566, 1B32D53B-998F-4E53-A833-BB20384407A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selfposting when people are already talking shit about you
>Posting about 4chan on Facebook
>Actually filling out the name field

God dammit Michael

>> No.9913559

I've never hidden, my first girl cosplay was posted in a hecking hell group, and people know its me anyway, I go to almost every freaking con in the Midwest US, and AX. Why should I deny 4chan exists? Why should I deny that to an element, my cosplay causes massive cringe? Instead of pissing and moaning about it, I embrace it.

>> No.9913561

I love the characters, Women cosplays are usually hecking comfortable in a hot convention hall. Makeup is a fortune. Sometimes I am lazy. You're gonna see me at my worst in this thread because, hello bad cosplay. You're not gonna see my mijiku ruby cosplay with the perfectly matching shoes. Also, all the makeup in the world ain't gonna hide the fact that I'm a 6ft guy. Plus its expensive. And I'd still end up here. :-p

>> No.9913562

I revel in my cringe. I embrace this dark side of me. You should too!! Don't deny it exists, embrace it.

>> No.9913584

Okay so since this is now an AMA Michael thread apparently: when the fuck are you going to get some working mics for your karaoke panels? They're literally unusable. And when are you going to host a karaoke panel where you don't take every other song spot? Do you host them just so you have a place to force yourself in the spotlight, or do you actually care about providing a chance for people to sing and perform?

>> No.9913592

This one million times

>> No.9913593
File: 787 KB, 640x1136, 2E9EA2B8-28DA-4965-B44A-4BB1ED6EEECC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9913600

Christ dude, you don't need a full face of top of the line shit from Sephora, just hit up Walgreen's for some foundation and mascara. The "weh make up is too expensive" doesn't hold up at all in a luxury hobby like cosplay, Lashblast is like $8. For the price of one taobao idol outift, you can be set on drug store make-up for a while.

>> No.9913639

A couple basic products aren't going to cost that much. Razors don't cost that much. Definitely less than the cost of all the idol cosplays you've bought. Like I said, it's still going to be obvious you're male but you can at least be a pretty male crossplayer. What you're doing right now is on par with the joke "Mandoka Magica" and "Sailor Man" cosplays. It's overdone, not funny, and it's honestly an insult to the characters you supposedly love. Saying "oh well it's just gonna end up on bad cosplay threads so I shouldn't bother trying" is a cop out and will keep you from ever improving your skills.

>> No.9913645
File: 86 KB, 290x270, terrified.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is this supposed to be a'sexy' Ciel Phantomhive photoshoot?

>> No.9913698

I'm willing to go with "that's a man."

>> No.9913711

I-I think so

>> No.9913726

I actually really like this, shut up alreaddyyyy

>> No.9913727

Shhhhh you sound like the lonely fat girl at the dance. Quit while you're ahead sweetie.

>> No.9913729

You could buy all the makeup you need for less than 40 dollars.

>> No.9913790

This is extremely mediocre... but it’s not bad.

>> No.9913794

>when you cant use your tits to get attention from anyone other than anime nerds

>> No.9913802
File: 4 KB, 271x186, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was breezing through this board to try and get myself hype for my first con (not cosplaying at) but goddamn this shit is awful. Is this what a majority of the crowd is gonna be like?

>> No.9913842

>tfw you don’t fucking realize that this is a satirical cosplay making fun of moo

>> No.9913870


This is far from the worst, anon. Good luck.

>> No.9913887

They make valid points anon, stop trying to defend her mess

>> No.9913891

>That Rin
He's doing a fucking ballsy move and it comes off pretty funny, why are you all assblasted by this? He's based af in my opinion
Also that Nico is very cute

>> No.9913896


That's wandering off the range but here: I sign up like everyone else does at karaoke. I don't take special cuts and follow the same procedure I lay out for everyone. If you're referring to the last convention, my co-host wanted to do another song, but I said clearly since I shut it down per the venue's request for legal reasons (local curfew on noise) I would NOT take the song. At Acen I didn't even sign up because it was a 2.5 hour panel and there was NO way to get everyone on the stage.

>> No.9913897

Luxury? I spend 30-80 US for 90% of my cosplay. and 10-20 for wigs.

>> No.9913899

Elitist shits saying you have to spend more than $40 for a cosplay :/

>> No.9913901
File: 178 KB, 500x283, 980x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends where you shop. If you're trying to get all higher end brands from Sephora like Urban Decay, Smashbox, Fenty, etc. then yes it will cost you a fortune. You can hit up your local grocery store, Walgreens/CVS, or Ulta and get a bunch of drugstore makeup that is quality for fairly cheap. You can get all the necessities you need from brands like Wet N Wild, Maybelline, Nyx, etc. and end up paying anywhere between $20-40 total. Also, those places tend to offer coupons and discounts more frequently than Sephora. Saying makeup costs a fortune is a cop out and shows that either you haven't done your research or really are too lazy. If you need help in picking out makeup then ask some female friends or post something in the cosplay help threads or start a cosplay makeup help thread. You will be guided in the right direction. Your costumes and wigs cost way more than the makeup. Stop making excuses and whining.

>> No.9913903

Shut up. $40 is still sometimes more than I spend on one whole cosplay.

>> No.9913906

More than $40 is about average for buying or making your own. If you can find quality for cheaper then good on you. But like >>9913901
said, the makeup will cost less than your wig and costume combined.

So let's say you pay $50 for costume, $20 for wig then that's $70. Makeup is about $30. So $100 total. And that's also where everyone is getting the above $40 marker from. Everything is being factored into the cosplay.

>> No.9913907

That's why your cosplay is shit

>> No.9913908

Why are you crying about the truth? That's the reality of makeup costs. It seems like you just want to be cheap then by all means go ahead.

>> No.9913910
File: 5 KB, 480x105, imgres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to really be cheap with your makeup then look at Wet N Wild. They're dirt cheap and you can find them almost anywhere from Walmart to Ulta. If you stick only with them then you could walk out with everything you need for about $15-20. If you have coupons/discounts then even cheaper.

>> No.9913911

Shit bro use the buddy system. See if you can borrow a friend's makeup or see if they're willing to part with some stuff.

>> No.9913919

I've got a clone here. I don't tell people to shut up ~ Someone's being funny, but then I'm not surprised. I also didn't call anyone an elitist shit.

>> No.9913923

>>9913907It wasn't me. 4chan is being 4chan. I don't cuss people out or trash talk people. My clone is low quality.

>> No.9913929

I like to wear buttplugs when I cosplay girls

>> No.9913932

To stop this clone nonsense I have decided to put on a trip. Anyone who posts without it is not me.

>> No.9913933

Why do you think you matter? I'm surprised that people are even answering to your shit. Nobody cares about you and your horrible cosplay.

>> No.9913935

Rude. My cosplay is not horrible. I just think it's too much to expect me to put in more than $5 for all the makeup I "need". My cosplays only normally cost $40 INCLUDING wig. Why would I have to spend so much on makeup.

>> No.9913939


I can't tell which replies are real anymore.

>> No.9913940

I honestly think you are one of the grossest people I have ever seen. Normally I support crossplayers because I have a 'you do you' mindset, but my dude, the fact that you are so lazy and all you do is make excuses to why you don't put makeup on. Even if it doesn't completely hide the fact that you're a man, at least your cosplay will look a lot more put together. Not putting on makeup just makes your cosplay look unbalanced. You should at least just try to put some effort into your looks. Or are you going to try and use your religion as an excuse to not wear makeup.

>> No.9913944

This is sexist and I see why this place has such a horrible reputation. You expect people to pour in hundreds of dollars and don't realize that cosplay is for everyone. I don't have to follow your mindset just because you don't approve. Do not try and brainwash me.


>> No.9913946

Ultimately the choice is yours but the real question is if you want to improve and make your cosplay/cosplay photos look better or are you happy with where you are?

>> No.9913948

>You expect people to pour in hundreds of dollars
My dude, people are literally saying you can spend at the most $30-40 on makeup. Which, if you didn't know, isn't just used ONCE. It would last you months if you only use it for cosplays. So at most, you're spending like $100 a year on makeup. Wah. How much you want to bet the girls you did a photoshoot with were wearing makeup? Again, it's called putting effort into something. Something you seem to lack.

>> No.9913949

I think I look amazing in my cosplay and I do it for fun. I do not do it to impress 4chan. ;)

>> No.9913951

Then that's that. You do you boo and have fun.

>> No.9913953

I will. Hopefully you nasties will remember that people like me are right next time before starting this sort of vendetta thread against others just trying to have fun.

>> No.9913957

It's not a vendetta if your cosplays are literally shit :) but you do you boo

>> No.9913958

I never said this was a matter of right or wrong. I simply asked where you stood as far as your cosplay. Did you want to improve or simply have fun? And I was totally cool with your answer. Did not say anything negative about you but go off I guess.

>> No.9913960

You don't know what literally means. Keep bullying people to make yourself feel higher boo. ;)

>> No.9913964

Different person but I've seen both women and men wear cosplays with and without makeup and everyone person who wears it looks much more cleaned up. It's not sexist, everyone should put effort in their looks.

>> No.9913966

Shhh, don't let everybody know that!

>> No.9913968


Look, you can either say "I'm fine looking sloppy because it's my choice not to wear makeup and I do it for fun", OR you can say "My cosplay looks amazing". You can't have it both ways if you refuse to put in effort. Your cosplay does not look good if you don't try. And you've been defending your choice to half-ass your cosplays all over this thread, and that's your choice to do so, but the end result is that they don't look good. If you're happy with them, fine, but it's irrational to expect everyone else to be fine with them. It is, in all technicality, "bad cosplay" so it fits on this board. If you don't like that, then either put some effort into it, or accept that other people are not going to like it. You can't have it both way and the more you defend yourself the more irrational you sound. It's not bullying to point out how low-effort your cosplays are if you're in here DEFENDING your choice to put low effort into them.

>> No.9913979

I certainly can have it both ways and I will if you all would stop harassing me

>> No.9913988
File: 865 KB, 1813x2111, y tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: "I don't want to put effort into my cosplays because reasons"
Us: *points out that your cosplays are low effort*


>> No.9913994

I'm going to rape your mom.

>> No.9913998

Yeah, I don't think this is the real Michael. I think we're getting trolled here guys.

>> No.9914001

it was pretty convincing until then!

>> No.9914006


>> No.9914046

It was pretty obvious and you are stupid if you actually believed that, i know that michael would never go onto here but he knows that you lot are talking about him.

>> No.9914064
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>> No.9914080

I don't see anything particularly bad about this one, it's about as good as most you see at a convention. not amazing, but not bad

>> No.9914088

That totally isn't me. I KNOW I don't look the best even out of cosplay. I do what I do for fun and lulz and love of fandom. Please keep harassing the faker. I don't cry about trolls, I eat them for breakfast.

>> No.9914089

I know that and I don't feel like anyone's bullied or vendetta'd against me. I am what I am, and it's a wacky mixture. Anyone's free to contact me via ways that can't (easily) be spoofed if you really wanna talk to me :P

>> No.9914103

Her right knee appears to be slightly hyperextended, sometimes it is called banana knee. This happens to some people who have a relaxed or weaker supporting ligaments and muscles. She could also be forcing it to create more dramatic lines for the photo.

>> No.9914109

I like how this thread hit sage quicker then the previous existing cosplay thread that was mad before this one.

>> No.9914147

Makeup will help you sell your features and cosplay. You seem to have a genuine smile in these photos, why not enhance it? I understand that makeup may seem daunting but it is an investment in your cosplay repertoire. You can pick up ELF and NYX at most dollar trees. A full face including primer, foundation, highlighter, contour and eye products can be purchased for around ten dollars. Seeing as those are all multiple use products that is a steal to improve your cosplay by miles.

>> No.9914172

haha Michael tripfag

>> No.9914182

If the real Michael is still on here, I have a question. Why do claim that makeup and accurate shoes are too expensive, but then pay for cosplay photoshoots? Most Midwest photogs charge at least $40. As other anons have said, you could buy all the basic makeup you need for that much.

Also not a question, but concrit: please buy a wig comb. They’re like $6 on Amazon or at Sally’s.

>> No.9914191

how does he know we are talking about him if he doesn't come here?

>> No.9914219

I saw on FB that some of his friends that lurk on here sent him the link. He only knows because they made it known. If I were Michael, I'd reassess who my friends are.

>> No.9914260

Laffy taffy man, my favorite hero

>> No.9914385

Hello again Syd

>> No.9914478

>wig needs brushing but that's it
Spectacular nitpick or vendetta tier post anon. At least you are posting images though.
This thread is a disaster form start to finish.

>> No.9914485
File: 16 KB, 500x446, lnd0RV9_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Steve Buscemi branching out?

>> No.9914541

I like this one, it seems modified to be MLP

>> No.9914542
File: 104 KB, 333x284, 1513297240813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this was funny

>> No.9914554

It depends what con you’re going to. My tiny local con is primarily much worse than what’s here, but the big comic cons tend to be a lot better.

>> No.9914810

>I like how this thread hit sage quicker then the previous existing cosplay thread that was mad before this one.
I dropped in to laugh at whatever one of my cosplays was going to be targeted. I don't get triggered. I have a shadow in here that's getting triggered or hemotional or whatnot, going off calling people names and generally being prickish. My crossplay journey was borne in the fires of a Hell group on facebook. If I was an insecure baby that went off on every tom dick or harry who didn't like my cosplay, I'd be in a sorry state of continual trigger.

>> No.9917148
File: 135 KB, 768x960, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this? Yeah she photoshops her face a lot, big deal. I still rly like the interpretative version of it.

Obligatory; Not your personal army.

>> No.9918972

>Strongest nigga Hirano
Mighty keks

>> No.9918974

Send me that Kamina

>> No.9918979

Soooo... cosplay without the effort?

>> No.9918984

Imagine your parents not strangling you in your sleep while still in infancy
>imagine if they knew.

>> No.9919288

The actual dresses here are pretty nice, and I've seen worse wigs.

>> No.9922199
File: 111 KB, 640x715, FAE6FB7B-3F08-4D4E-B183-CA2C0C2304A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]