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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9909657 No.9909657 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>9872045

/cgl/ Idol Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w3peD9VtAPM9cuIjYlexb7nHOkUfFs_Fcyv21UYakV4/edit#gid=0

/cgl/ Resources Spreadsheet (under construction) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19XZ308_3yoOKiTmgUA_DfgeqW4ddTCB_e6Zz1wnIJA8/edit#gid=827059689

-ANGERME opening contest wrapped up, AmaiTsuki were the winners and the opening act
-Stellure holds live masquerade performance at AnimeNEXT, couldn't livestream it due to poor connection, promises recording of it "soon"
-/cgl/ idol comm discusses hosting a monthly idol rating or competition as means to inspire people to improve

Featured Group: Peachy Parade (workout version)

>> No.9909696

There's always cringe in these threads, is there any god-tier performances?

>> No.9909702


>> No.9909710

You might want to stick to watching real idols, in that case. In almost all cases, "god-tier" performances come with funding and professional training, which is something most hobby/amateur/self made idols don't have. There are definitely groups that have put in more work than others, like Tokemeki Jump in >>9909702
as well as Honey Hime, Ice Qream, and AmaiTsuki. But most of it is inherently going to be cringy to some people, because that's the nature of a performance-based community without professional resources.

>> No.9909771

I really like her:
and them:

>> No.9909818

Definitely not God-tier. Watch the original cover if you want to watch quality dancers

>> No.9909854

Ntayrt but if we’re talking about people covering dances/songs, in terms of covers TKMK is god tier. They rearranged someone else’s choreo for less members (although it’s not too hard) and still did pretty well both production and skill wise. I don’t know about you but for a cover they’re god tier.

>> No.9910197

2:55 is stellure's animenext performance. I figured someone would upload the masquerade eventually. The final product has been getting better with each performance, but I don't know if they've actually improved their singing or if their new audio editor just knows how to auto tune, because I am hearing a lot of auto tune. Mimi is actually starting to somewhat emote, Nix looks kind of lost, and Astra continues to be one of the better members. The dancing seems to be more of the same stuff they've been doing.

>> No.9910455

I'm hearing some good things in the singing despite the auto tune, some vibratos and decent timing. It's hard to tell with the live recording because the audio is so muddled. Like with Unwritten, I'd definitely want to hear the clean audio before making judgment. It sounds like they still can't really project their voices, but that's something I usually give people a pass on because I've been practicing for literal years and still can't make it happen. It's hard.

It seemed more chill than Unwritten, and from what I could hear of the background track it had some creative stuff happening in it. Dance was at least in sync, even if it wasn't anything too complicated. It made good use of the flowy sleeves imo. So overall it seems like a decent performance at first watch.

>> No.9910463

music is better,but they dance like beginners as usual, lack of energy and sync. Best is the girl with long dark purple wig.

>> No.9910890

Jesus christ, Stellure's new song is a complete Garnidelia rip off, at least they've improved I guess


>> No.9910895

I’m confused by why they had flags, but didn’t use them until the very end. Is it that hard to choreograph flags? They come out of nowhere and then the song just stops. Weird.

>> No.9910903


>> No.9910906

I can't even work out what the choreo is supposed to be half the time because it's so stiff & half assed.
The music itself doesn't seem so bad considering it's from a live recording, I so would need to hear a clean copy before I can pass judgement.

>> No.9910958

oh god the autotune, they sound like robots, mimi especially
The instrumental is my favorite so far, but as usual, I can't make out anything they say as diction is still a big problem. Also, the dance looks terrible, no one is in sync, and nix looks lost and barely does any of the moves. There are also awkward parts of the dance where one member will just...stand there, I'm not sure if that was intentional or they just forgot the move but either way it doesn't look good.

>> No.9910963

am i the only one who noticed that the one in blue looked a little lost!?! other than that this is pretty good

>> No.9910965

what the hell, If you have long sleeves don't use flags too. They do the same effect and don't have the "surprise effect" when you use it.

>> No.9910998

Another Sakkaku Crossroads cover, but missing a lot of moves and lacking the sharpness the dancer in the last thread had. The second verse...gah

>> No.9910999

Exactly!! Either ditch the cuffs (which look odd in the first place, imo) and choreograph with the flags, or don’t use the flags at all.

>> No.9911066

I really love Enma, every time she does a cover with other people, nobody can match her energy or enthusiasm with dancing.

>> No.9911078


This one is with the actual audio, the one mixing has to really work on how mastering works because the instrumental still drowns out the vocals. Might be a good thing though, who knows

>> No.9911096

Just realized that whoever created the dance didn’t even really work with the flowy sleeves to incorporate them in a natural way, they just get in the way most of the time.

>> No.9911136

These lyrics are horrible..
I still don't understand why their singing is SO bad. It's hard to understand what they're saying, no power behind the vocals, lyrics don't flow.

>> No.9911375

wow this is awful

>> No.9911387

feel like this is still leagues better than their debut. I actually kind of enjoyed it despite the weird lyrics. The girl with dark purple hair was the best, and nix needs to practice way more, they looked really uncomfortable and awkward.

>> No.9911437

it's pretty up there in quality for a cover though? Original costumes, in sync dancing, happy faces, professional background, lighting, good camera quality. What more do you want from a dance cover? At some point if goes from having an opinion to being straight up picky.

>> No.9911452

i wonder why the long purple haired one has a more stiff costume. The skirt area doesn't look as good as the other two at all.

>> No.9911592

All those things being high quality is lovely, but it doesn't excuse the poor dancing. I'd rather watch the choreography done properly but filmed poorly than the latter.

>> No.9911807

Same here. I have a soft spot for Stellure at this point. How do I put it? Their singing and dancing still leaves a lot to be desired at times. But they HAVE been improving with each song, and the fact that they're putting forth so much content is admirable when it would have been much easier to quit after the deluge of hate Bright Future got. Most of them are still minors, so I'm giving them some leeway for being a young group. Idk, they're charming to me at this point.

I think they all made their own costumes this time, rather than Mimi sewing it all herself. Probably the material or the technique was slightly different.

>> No.9912074

I feel the same way. Even though they’re nowhere near professional, it’s nice to see them improving with each song and actually heeding some of the advice/critique they’ve been given. While they’re certainly still at a novice-ish level and they’ll definitely have to keep putting in work, I think many of the group members have good hearts and determination and I certainly don’t WANT them to fail by any means. I’m actually kind of intrigued for any new releases they may have this summer — parts of Princess Virago I actually really enjoyed, in comparison to their previous pieces. I hope the amount of improvement with each new song is consistent.

>> No.9912074,1 [INTERNAL] 

when i heard this it made me want to cry. the mixing is so bad, i honestly almost doubt there is any. they probably just timed it on audacity and thought that’d be enough. i hate when the vocals’ volume goes 3 times louder when they all sing together. it’s really not that hard to at least adjust the volume.

>> No.9912124

How bad of an idea is it to post a video for critique here? I'm filming my first this weekend and really do want some genuine feedback since I'm so new at this.

>> No.9912148

It's not a terrible idea, personally. If you want blunt critique, this isn't the worst place on the world to go for it.

>> No.9912155 [DELETED] 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u85gf3W3VpE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Skipped all the the talking to go straight to the dance.

I wish more people care about how their outfit and hair moves with their dances. I think nothing annoys me more then seeing a high energy dance with and outfit/hair that doesn't move with the dancer.

>> No.9912157


I wish more dancers cared out how their hair/outfits moved in their dancers. It really helps the choreography if it's a high energy one.

>> No.9912293

i didn't find the dancing to be poor, however. but that's my opinion of course.

>> No.9912320

People will get bent out of shape if you selfpost here for attention, but if you're looking for feedback it's not a bad idea. There's likely to be unconstructive "you suck just quit" comments but try not to let that get to you. There's likely to be nitpicking comments too about your personal style, filming quality, location, etc, so take those into consideration but don't get overwhelmed and feel like you have to fix everything at once. Anonymity here brings out the worst and best in people.

>> No.9912354

nix didn't smile or emote the whole time, and I couldn't understand the audio (which is mostly not their fault), but it feels like an improvement.

costume-wise it looked good except for the sleeves, which didn't convey "kimono sleeve" to me as much as "costumey flap"

>> No.9912357


This comes off very tryhard... I've been following her for years and I wish she would pick a persona and stick to it.

>> No.9912395


Who we are today isn't the person we will be one year or even six months later. No one should feel obligated to stick to a certain image or persona, especially if they are independent, unsigned. In my opinion, she comes off as very artistic and the way she portrays this character sends the message that people are forever evolving as they slowly learn more about themselves.

(That is my take on it at least.) I have also followed her for years, and as a fan, although this image kind of took me by surprise, and I found it odd.. as she continued to put time and effort towards this new "persona" of hers, I couldn't help but come to accept it and even love it.

Since the introduction of this persona of hers, I can see that this is definitely a crucial stage of metamorphosis for her not only as an idol, but as a human being.

>> No.9912751

i give her props for picking such an out there persona and going all out with it honestly. That takes confidence since you don't know how the audience will react.

>> No.9912773

Try joining a Net-idol private group if you only want constructive feedback.

>> No.9912858


I think the only thing that somewhat bugs me is her vibrato. But other than that I really admire her for all she has gotten to do in her life...however I think she may be a little off because of it so thats what melancholiaah is about. Idols really have to have a set personality and this allows her to be herself, flaws and all.

>> No.9913252
File: 621 KB, 1080x1920, received_184435569061150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right thread but giveing it a shot nonetheless.
I'm making my first idol costume and wanted some fabric reccomendations since I want it to be really sparkly in some places like actual live costumes are. If you could let me know which parts would look better in your opinion it would be awesome, I was thinking on the pink and gold parts but not sure.

Also some help on the petticoat and shorts would be awesome, was planning on using two normal sized petticoats like the ones they use for YumeKawaii and Fairy Kei with some shorts of the same color below, but I was wondering if there are better options? I almost never see pro idols with shorts below so I was wondering if it was some kind of bloomers they use?

Thank you so much.

>> No.9913374

Do you have any recommendations of groups like that?

>> No.9913378

Theres overseas idol collection but they seem to only accept established/debuted idols only. Maybe try giving them a shot?

>> No.9913414

Yeah gold and pink details would be nice sparkly, for the pettis you could probably use Bodyline ones. I notice they wear ultra short shorts with elastic around the thighs.

>> No.9913443

No sewing recs, but keep us posted! This outfit is really cute, I'd love to see it done.

>> No.9913467

Recent live:


>> No.9913472

I was expecting cringe but that was actually pretty good! I can't believe how much energy they had and managed to stay pretty in sync. Good on them!

>> No.9913529

I've been using this recently, but it's quite stiff. It's better for bows & accessories imo. It could work for the pink skirt & definitely the hat but I feel it'd be uncomfortable as the cropped waistcoat.

As an alternative, I've just bought some of this which you iron on. http://www.mdpsupplies.co.uk/gemflex.asp

I think you'd be better going for blue & gold as sparkly with the main pink areas in a high quality satin. Either way use a nice sequin trim for the pink stripes on the middle skirt, then either the same or a nice braid for the gold. (I can give more ali links if you like)
If you do the blue as sparkly, it'd be best to buy from the 2nd link. I'm doing a similar design at the moment where the spots are matt on a sparkly background. So you can always wait for me to report back as I'm just doing trial & error at the moment haha. I originally bought sequin fabric & a flocked overlay but it just didn't give the look I wanted.

Feel free to drop me an email if you'd like to talk more!

>> No.9913548

Are you recreating the outfit in your pic related? If so, do you have the artist's permission to create a costume of her design (which somebody commissioned from her)?


>> No.9913631

The fact that anon would want to steal a costume...

>> No.9913638

Hopefully this anon is the same person who commissioned it from the artist! That might be too trusting though.

>> No.9913650

Yeah i'd say Overseas Idol Collection. They accepted me before I debuted

>> No.9913652

Considering the design was posted in September, asking for design advice 9 months later is....

>> No.9913674

I'm excited for Chekiss' debut
They created a Facebook page and their outfits are too cute

>> No.9913744

They have amazing energy and they look really good for the most part! I'm pleasantly surprised.

Any other recent live performances? I'm sure con season has brought around quite a few.

>> No.9914012
File: 181 KB, 582x833, kirakiraidol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all so much, I'll make sure to keep you posted even though a seamstress is doing the real work since I want a better result.

Yes, don't worry I'm the commissioner, Biia is fully aware of my project and she's ok with me using the comission to make a real costume, she has also made more outfits and illustrations for me in the past. I have the sketch of it to prove it though.

>> No.9914036

Omg she looks really cute and bubbly, i hope she got into her audition

>> No.9914065


since i'm used to them being so great, i'm ashamed of this... it's so poorly mixed.

>> No.9914067

Not sure what's been posted already but:


These are just the ones that stood out to me

>> No.9914069

I get that original music is a lot harder to do than covers, but god. You’d think with the quality they put out this would’ve been filmed, recorded, and just overall produced a lot better.

>> No.9914117

Oh, good! My apologies for getting on your case like that. I remembered seeing that exact drawing a while back, and would've hated for such an adorable personalized design to have been stolen.

They're really cute, but their dancing could use some more... precision?

>> No.9914196

No, no it's fine I totally understand. I would also be very sad if someone just took art without permission and specially commissioned art. Biia really did just took all of my ideas and made them perfection, literally the only thing I changed was the blue for a deeper one but she always makes the best costumes, if anyone here is looking for a great designer I really recommend her, I've been working with MyuHime as well and can say the same thing, they're just amazing.

>> No.9914421

I've been following this girl since she was into creating her own fanime, considering her series kinda has developed from cute to a more darker tone, this change here doesn't really suprise me. Creatively, I think this concept is very interesting

>> No.9914428


The Ruby in the My Mai tonight completely ruins it, which is a shame because the others aren't doing too badly.

The Wonderful Rush cover is also disappointing, if a group can't even side step in sync then it automatically loses any sense of the group being together - especially when its the same people who keep doing it.
Some of the girls just don't look like they're into it either, Maki and Kotori being the main offenders.

>> No.9914454

They only allow established/debuted idols to be featured in their database but people can still join their facebook group or discord server to chat.

>> No.9914716

This is ripped straight from google. This isn’t your art or design so I hope you’re going to credit the artist and have asked permission to use it for your group?

>> No.9914719

But the original picture has been around for years, I find it hard to believe you commissioned it 3 to 4 years ago (which is roughly when I first saw it I think. I remember seeing it back when I was in boarding school researching stuff for art class) and are only now using it?

>> No.9914726

Read the comments above yours. They already clarified and showed the sketch.

The original picture was posted on the artists blog 9 months ago, not sure where the 3-4 years is coming from.

>> No.9914733

Ntatrt but 9 years is still a long time if they only wanted advice. Also the sketch isn’t the artists usual sketch style if you look on her tumblr and it easily could have been traced for ‘proof’
Idk seems a little off but it’s whatever

>> No.9914754

Sorry I meant months not years I’m tired y’all XD

>> No.9914760

Not only that, but the one that >>9913252 posted looks a lot like a screenshot

>> No.9914894

The song's melody feels like one of the best so far... the lyrics definitely don't. I have no clue what they were going for here. Astra is doing pretty great I feel like

>> No.9914900


I agree! My favorite song of their so far was Shining Stars because I think it had the best three singers in one subunit. I hope if Stellure breaks up someday, Astra and Luna continue doing covers and music stuff.

>> No.9914903
File: 170 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20180615_170823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry everyone, I am the commissioner, I'm asking for help untill now since I was sick and hospitalized, even Biia knew about this since I commissioned her for the second time right before going to the hospital.
Here's a screenshot that I hope can help clarify everything.
Also yes the first picture was a screenshot since I was on my phone and for some reason it wouldn't download the pic from Outlook.

>> No.9914977


Everyone can take their tin foil hats off now.

>> No.9916110

I'm just glad to know it's not just me who has problems with pictures on Outlook desu

>> No.9916233

This is a breath of fresh air honestly, I'm glad this wasn't a case of stealing. That happens too much in the net-idol community and it sets a negative precedent in a lot of people's heads. That outfit is adorable and I hope you are able to get it looking just the way you want it to.

Anyway here's some recent stuff, some good, some bad.


>> No.9916319

I don't understand how she's uploaded cover for so long and yet she's still bad at dancing.

>> No.9916326

Referring to Holly? I think she's got the skills to be a good dancer but she doesn't put in the time to refine anything. Blackpink's MV just came out two days ago and it seems like she just wanted to be first to cover it, quality and filming be damned. If she took the time to practice it she could probably do a really good job, but she's never been one to put in effort.

>> No.9916334

Holly’s like that one girl in dance class that thinks that since she’s got potential, she can just half-ass it and be perfectly fine

>> No.9916522

Do you gulls think that Cha Cha SING would be feasible for a one person cover? How would you modify it for a single person rather than a group? I love the song and would love to cover it, but it seems like it would be boring with one person.

>> No.9916546

Of all songs, this is honestly one of the easiest to sing solo both live and recorded unless you have zero clue on how to record. The verse lines are spaced enough where you can take breaths and the choruses aren’t overlapping. The “cha cha la cha” and call response parts can be done with audience participation at that. If you’re recording to post online, you just need to do some stuff in different takes.

>> No.9916579

I was meaning dance cover, whoops, should have specified! Good to know that it would be a good one for a live set, though!

>> No.9916604

I think as long as you were really sharp and energetic with your moves and expressions, it'd be fine. Watch the video through and pick out the most exciting dance part during each segment, so like during the verses you'd probably want to do the "background" moves. I'd also recommend a flowy outfit with lots of moving parts and something like long ribbons around your wrists to add movement.

>> No.9916660


>> No.9916661

Thanks! Do you know of any good covers that show more of what’s going on during the second verse? The kneeling down part is hardly on camera, so I’m a bit confused by it

>> No.9916857

Repetition in cover groups. Which somg you think is covered too often and which ones dont get enough love ?

>> No.9916865

Can people please stop doing dances to unrelated songs in love live cosplays?? Especially when it makes no sense for the character??? Lmao WHY

>> No.9916971

Have you watched the dance shot? The moves for the first verse and second verse are about 99% the exact same moves including the kneeling down. However, I would suggest putting some kind of twist (not literally) on a lot of those moves because they make you seem like you’re not moving.

>> No.9916975

Love Live: Seems like I always see Sunny Day Song, No Brand Girls, and Happy Maker. It’d be super nice if they did Loveless World, Datte Aa Mujou, or Ruteshi Kisuki Shitteru for a change.

Kpop: Too. Much. Red. Velvet. Blackpink. and. Twice. I would love to see people cover other groups for a change.

Jpop: The covers that come up on my feeds are almost always H!P songs. It’d be nice to see something other than those songs, even though I love H!P!

>> No.9916976

Ah, ok! Thanks!

>> No.9916985

Honestly I would be really happy to see some H!P or other 48 (besides KFC, Beginner, and River). My feed is usually LL but I think that has to do with the fact that I watch LL videos and covers.

>> No.9916985,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think the person doing that cover kind of thought out this tho. Mari likes metal and punk music so she’d probably like this song so I guess that fits? I agree with you tho, there’s way too many sif cosplayers doing kpop dances and stuff like that. It’s really annoying and kind of makes me dislike them personally. Feels like they only like idols because of sif and yknow the usual ”sif = all idols ever” mindset.

>> No.9917055

Oh, really? I'd love to hear more details on this girl since I'm only discovering her now and I'm really interested. I'm the same age as her and was actually really big on the 'fanime' scene in middle school when it was more popular and not a lot of people were my age so I wonder if I knew her or something.

>> No.9917179


>> No.9917235

I think Mari's fav music style is metal or something? agreed tho

>> No.9917237


When everyone was talking about Aquors Subunits, people thought Guilty Kiss will be Babymetal lite because Mari was a metal fan and Yoshiko was in deep into the gothic lolita schtick.

Of course when the releases come out they were more like BiBi where the core sound of the subunit was contrasting between the hip modern sound and the classic energetic idol pop of Nico and Mari's metal music tastes.

Compare this with Azaelea and Cyaron who you know what kind of music to expect from their style. I really don't mind that the Mari covered a Babymetal song

>> No.9917253

the fact that mari's spandex show from under her skirt even when she's not moving drives me....absolutely nuts

>> No.9917564

I honestly don't think she has the skills to be a good dancer. She doesn't know when to soften or harden her moves so it all ends up looking robotic. Call me pessimistic, but there's no hope for her.

>> No.9918509

For anyone looking to make original music: I ran a whole bunch of idol songs through a word frequency detector and came up with a list of most used nouns and one for verbs. Here they are!


>> No.9918512

Be (duh)

>> No.9918514

Now, if you want, you can try and come up with the most generic idol song in the world! For real, though, you can definitely see what defines generic/mainstream idol music, and how different groups put spins on the defining themes

>> No.9918613

It’s honestly ironic how so many original idol groups from the West have shitty lyrics yet even English versions of idol songs aren’t nearly as bad. I also think original West idol groups stray away from love songs which is honestly weird? It’s like the backbone of idol music.

>> No.9918733


New LL stuff from Texas Idol Festival

>> No.9918752

I know, right? I guess taking a translated song and making it rhyme does happen to be easier than writing an entire song, though. But yeah, the aversion to love songs is strange. I put a bunch of Love Live/Pripara/Aikatsu songs in there alongside AKB48, H!P, and Avex groups, so it’s not even like it’s idol anime’s fault.

>> No.9919132 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 1727x1920, 18-06-20-12-35-42-446_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof. Some actual tea to spill?

>> No.9919133 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 1468x1920, 18-06-20-12-36-09-332_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this about keekihime?

>> No.9919474

I'm surprised that Milkyberrychu or however you spell her name isn't performing.
I also see paida in there.

Why do they both refuse to wear makeup? I'm not even sure if they wear foundation. Like, come on. That's the least you can do.
I wish milky would get a hair treatment or something because her hair always looks terribly fried and frizzy.

>> No.9919507

Does anyone know of ballet-inspired jpop or kpop dances? One of my groupmates has ballet experience and would like to do a dance solo like that, but I have no idea if such a thing exists.

>> No.9919511

paida does wear makeup tho, based on her social media.

>> No.9919556

She mentioned before that she doesn't like performing in texas idol festival because she wants to give others opportunities before herself. Depsite how annoying she might be, she really loves the texas community and wants the best for them.

She does use makeup when she performs. If shes off to the side or working like shown there, she won't put effort.

>> No.9919625

Maybe "One" from GEM ? (im not 100% sure of the name sorry!) I don't think there anything properly ballet except for mini solo in a song (like A girl's counter attack from Angerme!

>> No.9919702

I'm really holding out hope that some groups/ solo artists will grow up and start acting like actual idols. (i.e; making music videos, spending time and effort on makeup and social media, dedicating time and money to custom stage costumes )

>> No.9919738

One that comes to mind is this negaigoto mochigusare by akb48. The dance isn't that intense but its the cloest i can come up with


>> No.9919777

I love doing cosplay music videos (that are dance covers) but it's usually just me since I have no other friends who want to dance with me. I feel really narcissistic making and editing an entire CMV, and while I'll like the result I'll never post it. I don't know how to get over this

>> No.9919832

Something that bothers me is when solo artists have an idol persona on stage, but then act totally normal on social media. It's kinda jarring? Maybe it's just me. I think they should have separate accounts if they're gonna do it like that...

>> No.9919837


The new persona dancing game (the one based on P5) has the characters focus on a style of dance. Haru has ballet influences to her moves so maybe she could try that?

>> No.9919889


I think the main reason that H!P is covered so often is because they don't mind people covering their stuff, a lot of other J-pop companies will block covers

>> No.9919904

She posted under the name kawaiiouija, her fanime was called Tokyo Magic Star. Started out as a trollfanime but she got more serious about it and I think the direction she wanted to take it in was quite dark.

>> No.9920187

https://youtu.be/umNXBSCwOgo She might like this one?

>> No.9920365

These are all great ideas, thanks! :)

>> No.9920477

Ikura has ballet training and tends to include it into her dancing when she can.


>> No.9920487

it's sad really, especially with big groups like AKB48 or Momoiro Clover. Pretty sure there'd be a bunch of covers if copyright wasn't a huge thing.

>> No.9920502

Honk kept on ruining things omg
I love frilly carnival and I can't believe I'm saying this but I think she just had way toooo much energy for Maki. I like watching her perform though

>> No.9920504

Funnily enough, they actually don’t get blocked as often as it used to (as in during the apocalypse) but even if they do, fighting the claim by saying you’re doing a cover gets it unblocked about 99% of the time. The issue is primarily H!P is just more popular with western fans.

>> No.9920524

I know I have given some serious props to China's LL Odottemita scene, but every community has it's cringe.


>> No.9920539


Tired of seeing LL shit so here's some cover dances with people trying to have their own persona or did a different dance

It's cool if you make an elaborate costume like the mech girls but a nicely done simple dress out casual outfit is equally as good.

>> No.9920555

i didn't mean cosplay groups or dance covers but more along the lines of original song music videos. i guess i want more original content rather than the same copied covers and costumes. because imo cover groups/cosplay groups aren't idols. they're cosplayers. I consider an idol someone who releases at least 1 original song a year instead of doing nothing but covers

>> No.9920557

like melancholia? (is that how you spell it?) or more along the lines of "uwu I'm fragile and cute" on stage and a totally normal adult off?

>> No.9920620

Ntayrt but you’re right about cover groups not being idols but here’s the thing. Unless you have a lot of money (like Interlunium) or have a backing of some sort (like uhh Interlunium...) or are ok with having cheap to free help and subpar creations (like Stellure), original music is immensely hard. Not saying it’s impossible but in my eyes it’s more sensible to start with covers and still do original music than to try original music right off the bat when there’s not even a gaurentee that someone will buy it. At that point it’s music going to waste but if all they do is exclusively covers with no plans in going into original pieces, then yeah they shouldn’t be considered idols.

Ntayrt but I think both really. People have this odd misconception about idol personas both onstage and off. First I’ve seen a lot of people think there needs to be one and second they do them half way or go all out on stage but everywhere else it’s pretty dull.

>> No.9920643

Yeah, like melancholia haha. I mean it's fine, it's whatever, but her persona is so like, specific? That I feel like it would be better if her social media had the same persona. I'm not saying she has to be like that when talking to fans irl because that would be pretty weird, but on her pages she should maintain some kind of branding i think.

>> No.9920644

Dancing in mecha costumes,, so cute I love it. I'm surprised they have that much flexibilty in that, but I guess it's not too heavy or in the way.

>> No.9920711

there aren't any pieces covering the parts of the body that'd need to bend in order to dance. It's a clever design haha I'm now a fan

>> No.9922872

I have a question about song influences and outfit choice. It happens a lot especially in Love Live covers where the costumes the dancers wear are influenced by a totally different part of the world than the music. For example, the China dress set used for Kaguya (a very Japanese disco theme) or the Arabian dancer set used for Storm in Lover or Mermaid Festa (songs with Latin influences). Right now I'm looking at GARNiDELiA and their music, and the outfits for the videos seem to be primarily influenced by Chinese cheongsam. Does that correlate with the music at all, either through lyrics or musical themes, or is it an unrelated fashion choice? Would it be awkward to cover those dances in other types of dress?

>> No.9922878


You're overthinking it, wear whatever you want.

Other people are doing it as mentioned in your examples and aren't getting flack for it. People are aware that it doesn't necessarily match but they aren't being flamed to hell and back for it - in fact they keep being repeated by other groups.

So as long as it makes sense to you and is comfortable for you then it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.9923616


>> No.9923673

It’s...underwhelming. Usually with dances I can pick out at least one girl who’s more energetic/into it than the others, but nobody really stood out. Rin was probably the worst to watch, she doesn’t fit the character at all.

As a side note, does anyone wish that people would cover LL dances without cosplay so that they don’t have a character (besides themselves) to portray?

>> No.9923727

this group is usually a bit boring to watch. the camera was a bit odd too, especially during the solo shots. maybe this dance is just awkward to watch in general?

>> No.9923734

Not really. I feel like with covers that come from anime, the only person to portray is that character. It would feel weird to see LL songs done in normal settings. It’s hard to put into words why but it feels wrong to see Love Live dances not in cosplay. Same goes for IM@S and any other idol anime.

>> No.9924541


Do seiyuu covers count?


>> No.9924549

it's been done before as long as your appearence is taken care i think it look okay

i think the girls in the video are the one that choreographed the dance ( *cough* that one ever credit *cough* )


>> No.9924757

Curious, but have you seen her fb page? I thought she kept it kind of different there. Her IG however, yeah, she posts everything from her life there.

>> No.9924767

i don't see a problem with it as long as some obvious care is taken with appearance and showing some type of personality with the music instead of just dancing the moves. That's with any dance cover though in my opinion.

>> No.9924913

Oh, yikes. This is a very good example that dancing well isn't everything. They're all pretty decent, but the lack of expression/stiffness makes them hard to watch.
The poor camera work is also a little jarring, a proper camera man + editor would help out a lot.

>> No.9925009

I hate it when covers aren't credited...it's like not crediting a artist's drawing. Someone spend time and MADE that, and you took it and copied it without asking permission OR crediting them.

>> No.9925434

Just want to throw out appreciation for those that have the patience to make dance tutorial videos.
I made my first one last night and I've decided to never do it again. What are your experiences with them?

>> No.9925604

Learned a bit of Luka Luka Night Fever from one that was super boring. That was when I noticed that I tend to do better with just slowing down a mirror and following along. Huge props to people who make them, though, that’s a ton of work! Explaining dance, especially when you aren’t a professional dancer, can be really hard.

>> No.9926693
File: 554 KB, 810x573, BA6DF453-057F-4C91-8B63-B181F1070BD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bandori gets as popular as Love Live, will weeaboo girls start forming their own godawful bands?

>> No.9926704

I hope so, can't wait to hear these ear-shuttering vocals with also ear-shuttering instrumentals.

>> No.9926760


No because the weeb community is full of people who are lazy and at best like to half ass shit. The set up alone to get the instruments will make sure that will never become a thing.

More covers I guess


>> No.9926762

they probably just fake they play the instruments

>> No.9926796


They're cute, but its a shame about the one with the black petticoat. She always seems to be a step behind all of the others.

>> No.9926797


Tell that to the garage bands of the past during blink 182 and good charlotte era.

>> No.9926955

>what is K-on
It won't happen

>> No.9927098

I want to die


>> No.9927110

No but there's cover songs you can dance to and Aya from Pastel Palettes does idol dances so

>> No.9927117

Christ there's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start...

>> No.9927131

Omg I feel so bad watching this

>> No.9927379

K-on was well before the time of "lets make a group and be REAL IDOLS!" though

>tfw it aired almost 10 years ago now

>> No.9927382


Arashi no Nakano Koi Dakara finally has a dance! It looks fun to perform, although I don’t really appreciate the shipbait.

>> No.9927904

Chika looks like she's wearing a cut out basketball on her head

>> No.9928354

What is whiteblance?
What is learning the actual lyrics to lip sync them properly? How come it appears the cameraman wasn't even looking at any of the shots? And that's not even getting into the actual dancers or their costumes...

>> No.9928392

Is nobody going to mention how fucking creepy that starting shot is!?

>> No.9928440

Wait is this the group with like the really crazy chika

>> No.9928447

It's pretty boring and slow in a lot of parts. The video game dances tend to be like that, I mean, let's not forget the trainwreck that is the official spicaterrible dance.

>> No.9928752


>> No.9928924

Huh. I just learned Honey Hime had one of their songs featured on Super Eurobeat, that's neat.

>> No.9929008

You just learned that? Despite the fact that it was pretty heavily talked about here and they kept teasing it and talking about the fact that it was recorded specifically for the album?

>> No.9929082

I don't keep up with this thread normally, my bad.

>> No.9930624

Juliane, Paida, and Melancholiaah are collaborating to release an original song and the preview is really cute! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bkx8wd9BurQ/

>> No.9930628

Just curious, but I'm seeing mostly dance cover groups here I think. Do just singing cover groups count as well? I'd like to see more good quality vocal covers out there and was wondering if anyone had any links?

>> No.9930649

Most vocal coverists (both who call themselves youtaite and who don’t) generally don’t call themselves idols.

>> No.9930659


Pretty much what >>9930649 said. It's a related hobby, but people who almost exclusively sing song covers don't interact much with the idol side. There are people who do both, and there's cover groups like 9 Mermaids who kind of fit in well in these threads. I think if you find a group or vocal cover you like, it's fine to share here. Just keep in mind that there are so many utaite that including song covers could easily overwhelm everything else in terms of content. But if purely dance covers are posted here, then purely song covers should be fine too. It's all about the intent of the person covering it, and if they're doing it as part of their idol activities.

>> No.9931551

What one thing would you suggest to improve the overall quality of the cover dance shows at cons to make it less cringy?

>> No.9931641

I personally don’t think there’s much of anything the con itself can do. Maybe just put more work into the presentation but I feel like the quality would deeply depend on the acts themselves. I suppose an audition where you send an actual clip of your group but that’s about it. It all falls on the groups and their effort realistically.

>> No.9931927

fresh cringe

>> No.9932096

this hanayo is making me lose my MIND

>> No.9932133

There are so many things I want to point out but I'm speachless...

>> No.9932192

i love the shitty idol groups what include one lanky dude who seems absolutely clueless about everything

>> No.9932256

I don't even care that he's a dude. I wish there were more male dancers in the net-idol/odottemita scene. I just hate that he doesn't seem to give a shit about what he's doing.

>> No.9932287
File: 208 KB, 640x633, 45A60440-C410-4E43-9A07-76A1A82EBBF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s begun

Also, Mimi is whining about money on her Insta again...despite the fact that she seems to spend it as soon as she gets it

>> No.9932335

If there was a cringe checklist this would check them all. No sync? Check. No shoes? Check. Cheap costumes? Check. Don't know the dance? Check.
I almost feel bad for them.

>> No.9932353

Yes it’s possible. But for that person? Definitely not. You need natural talent or defined skill set. I’m sure they have neither.

>> No.9932594

At least the no shoes bit works with the song, but I’ve found that heeled sandals make the best MaFes footwear

>> No.9933719


Preliminaries for the FFACG LL Competition and the free dance showcase (Where the cringe is part of the fun)

>> No.9936751

This is dead. New thread link?

>> No.9937153

Why make a whole new thread when this one is only half way to saging

>> No.9937449


I think the reason why is there hasn't been much talk since people was busy with AX.

>> No.9937557

i love that guy honestly lmao

>> No.9937685
File: 920 KB, 933x601, stellurestuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree, sometimes the posters for this thread just disappear for a while if there's other stuff going on or not a lot of new content. Making a new thread wouldn't resolve that.

Anyway to contribute, here's some Stellure news as well as some fresh links.



Also it looks like Honey Hime is going to have a new single out soon! https://www.instagram.com/p/BlA2rGNH8Df

>> No.9937924

Interlunium's finally releasing that second single at the end of the month, so there's that.

>> No.9937979

Ice Qream can be such an eyesore sometimes. That video is so hard to watch, not because it’s particularly bad but just because it just feels way too weird.

>> No.9938018

Which one? I think at least two of that group is guys

>> No.9938381
File: 2.10 MB, 1870x894, stellure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Stellure news. The members in the picture will attending Saikoucon and performing 10 songs.
A group called Carousel Idols will be making their debut as the "halftime" act. Also, they were apparently invited by the convention staff.
I guess they're debuting 3 new songs? Mimi and Titania's solos and the Titania center song. I don't know how she's going to turn around the costumes for Titania's center. Maybe it's best just to perform in the Unwritten costumes.

>> No.9938512

I wish they would perform as a full group for once. They still have yet to do so and at this point it seems like they never will.

>> No.9939574

Here's Carousel's leader Wren
Not too bad for a first cover. I just wish that they had some pics of their members. I wanna peep O.O

>> No.9939575


>> No.9939583

Are they still alive?

>> No.9939831

I feel like her actual talent is designing and making these costumes, not actually BEING an idol or running an idol group.

>> No.9939833

Ice Qream is really cute! Just keep working on the vocals, get better sound recording options, and fix everybody's hair, and I think this would be real nice.

>> No.9939877

have to agree, she lacks the charisma and energy to be a good idol.

>> No.9940111

I think they're on hiatus or disbanding or something.. one of their members performs by herself a lot so I think she's really the only one left.

>> No.9940476

I hate that you have to upgrade to Bilibili premium to watch fullHD videos. Is there any way to bypass this bullshit?

Ur's actually disappointed me. Why do western groups (even the ones that consist mainly of asian cosplayers) always lack the energy and their dance isn't good overall compared to any decent group from Asia? For exapmle this one:


>> No.9940485

if youre saying that the group you linked had good energy, i have to disagree. more than half of the members looked bored and/or dead inside. but their dancing is good, better than what most of the west scene has to offer

>> No.9940616

Those dancers are in sync, which is nice, but I'm not sure why you linked it as an example of good energy. This song is supposed to be a happy, upbeat goodbye with a heavy dose of bittersweet, and they're only expressing the bittersweetness. Soft smiles and soft movements, but they're not bouncy or upbeat. They look tired. And they look fairly uncomfortable with the tiny space they're dancing in. I think the heavy video editing distracts from all that, and the result is nice to watch, but it's not necessarily good. Just expensive in terms of production.

>> No.9940659

I really like the current outfit set they're making

>> No.9940836

Definitely, even though her construction and choice of materials leaves much to be desired.

>> No.9940856

I agree with this. If Mimi would open decently priced commissions and use that to get herself some better materials and better tools (for measurements and patterns), her quality would improve.

>> No.9940999
File: 122 KB, 272x302, hoolia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but being in this thread is pretty cringe/sad. Like, there is a 1/100 chance of there being a decent fucking video. I feel like a lot of these people should really just stop.

Sure, you need to fall or look bad before you make it big, but half the time these fucking people do not improve. They stay in the same position for years. Half the time they cry if there is any slight criticism and they live in an echo chamber.

This kind of stuff is honesty worst than being a weeb.

>> No.9941009

This was already addressed in >>9909710
Thanks for your input.

>> No.9941018

Did you even read my post? The second paragraph states that sure, it's ok to do bad. But it's important to actually try and improve. You can dance and sing without professional help, it won't be "professional" but it will at least be bearable and not cringey.

For example, if you want to cover an idol group but don't know any Japanese. I think it would highly important to actually know how to pronounce things before even ATTEMPTING to sing in Japanese. So many examples of these performers not even knowing the basics of Japanese pronunciation. I think it's sad that there isn't even a slight interest in learning how to enunciate words in Japanese, but that's only scratching the surface.

>> No.9941039

Asking for opinions;
I'm in a lovelive dance group (I know, great start) and we are going to do a half an hour show at a con in our country. Most of the songs we will be dancing to are lovelive, however some are not because we didn't want to make it a lovelive only performance since that would probably just fall to being boring to people that are not interested. In any case, we don't really have time to change so we will perform non lovelive dances in lovelive cosplay. I've read an anon here that didn't like this, and one that said they didn't mind. So, any opinions?

>> No.9941152

My group and others in our comm have done this and honestly, I think you're right, it keeps the performance from being boring and exposes songs to people that they may not have otherwise heard.

>> No.9941184

You're at a con so I don't think anybody would mind you wearing LL cos for non-LL songs, like you said it's not like you can change. The distaste is more to do with videos that have to be planned, filmed, and produced and for whatever reason people still do it in LL cos

>> No.9941193

Someone please tell this girl how cosplay and dancing works.

>> No.9941312

Anyone had drama in their local idol communities lately? Spill some tea please

>> No.9941359

musette has gone on"hiatus" but everyone from that group avoids the topic if they left the group or not. well except one of them but theyre pretty much broken up. they wont say that they have.the only stable groups are amuse and aquaria desu

>> No.9941428

Sunrise seems stable too unless there's some tea I don't know about, in which case do enlighten me

>> No.9941466


Didn't the Kanan leave Aquaria recently? a few groups have had a few roster changes recently.

>> No.9941475

Yeah but I think that was on good terms desu

>> No.9941542


This. I wouldnt had been exposed to Garnidelia without seeing some LL odorite doing a cover of a couple of their songs

>> No.9941612


There is also no strong incentive scheme from the con community to encourage competiveness that forces the performers to step up their production values. People in the con community have guarded reaction to the idol genre given all the negative publicity it sufferred thanks to AKB48 or denial of exposure like Johnnys and a majority of the jidol both anime and non anime. So there wasnt any fertile opportunity to expand the scene and all we have is the cringey acts without professional support or limited to LL because it was the ONLY series where their parent company viewed the west as an equal market and it took a lot of work.

>> No.9941993


And to add to that, they don't have showcases which would raise the bar of entry, a lot of these skit showcase just accept whatever and makes future impressions much worse

Aside from the horrifying cringe that was Love Crush @ Colossal Con, they also had this...


>> No.9942205


I didn't realise it was possible to have negative levels of charisma

>> No.9942245


That is why cons needs auditions, so they can know when to say no.

>> No.9942318

What on earth do these costumes have to do with the dance? I realize skits don't often judge on costumes, just performance, but should you really just be able to walk on with unrelated Aliexpress costumes and do whatever you want?

>> No.9942340


>> No.9942344

can i just die already

>> No.9942345

What makes a god-tier idol/dance cover video when we’re talking about amateur performers? So far I have:
>well rehearsed
>appropriate, attractive attitre
>clean room/stage area
>good lighting
>well edited (music is synced, camera not wobbling, etc)

What else is important?

>> No.9942359

Facial expression - are they engaging with their face or are they looking like they'd rather be dead
Synchronicity - are all the dancers doing the moves in the same way at the same time (for amateur I'd want them to be in sync at least 80% of the time)

>> No.9942360

I haven't danced in a little over one year, I used to do AKB dances with a couple of friends, but because of jobs/school/location we couldn't keep going. I thought I'd never dance again, but I've just gotten the motivation to get in to it again. I'm not the best dancer, I have rythm but I'm not too much in control of my body, so I'm starting out simple. From tomorrow on, I'll start practicing on NMB48's Warota People. I'm really excited! It feels nice to get in to dancing again

>> No.9942361


Anime Festival Orlando is hosting an idol fest this year... despite this con usually not being idol friendly (they don't normally host idol panels)

>> No.9942362

Have fun anon!

>> No.9942363


>> No.9942366

Thank you! If I feel really good about it I might film it, I'm a bit of a perfectionist tho, but at the same time I'd love concrit. I know what I'd be getting myself in to if I chose to selfpost, but I don't take anything said on the internet too seriously

>> No.9942379


Lineup looked curated. Looks better than Colossalcon's which is as low as it gets

>> No.9942442


>> No.9942449


The lineup just looks promising in comparison some of the cringe performances from what we saw earlier

>> No.9942660

I agree, the acts I recognize on the line-up usually do good work. Pretty sure Kira Kira Pop doesn’t even have auditions for their stuff, just invites performers they know aren’t cringe

>> No.9942667

whos the worst idol soloist/group or cosplay dance group youve seen? im thirsty for cringe

>> No.9943452

Mimi puts herself in the spotlight so often but she's the most lackluster girl. I would like her and support her more if she was humble but I feel that this is fully Mimi's show, not the other girls - notice how 99% of their posts feature Mimi? Stella was the true idol of the group and I think Mimi knew that and shoved her out so she could be the ~star~ but her attitude keeps me from supporting them.

>> No.9943495

It's the most annoying thing to see imo. Some groups here have done that and you would think how the crowd reacts to the love live songs they would stick only doing that.

You're also cosplaying it. Idk. It just makes sense to dance to love live while cosplaying it. When I see this I tend to role my eyes.

Try "idol sonas" or something

>> No.9943521

The Honk is super cute, at least

>> No.9943600


Easily Flusay Girls



>> No.9943639

Do you guys think that Natalie is autistic? She gives me that vibe.

>> No.9943789


oh god the fucking chibi march feels like i'm being cursed

i don't think theres a more perfect example of exactly how not to write, record, perform, or mix a song. I want to strangle whoever thought that drum track was a good idea

On the topic of bad songs tho, why does it feel like literally none of the net idol groups knows how to sing harmonies correctly? Its either some awful discordant mess or everyone singing in unison

>> No.9943804

I would guess because of recording vocals separately, combined with an untrained ear for that sort of thing. But how someone can mix that and say “yeah, that’s good” baffles me beyond belief.

>> No.9944145

Not necessarily net idol but 9Mermaids does a pretty decent job despite being spread out so... location can't entirely count for it hahaha


>> No.9944173

I think a major difference between 9M and groups like Flysay and Crystal Rose is that 9M is a cover group. Their harmonies are more or less already done for them, all they have to do is mimic them either on their own or with a guide. Cover groups who record harmonies have if easier because there’s no real work. Just rip the harmonies and sing what you hear or have someone make a guide. And usually they find people who do know how to mix so it’s more listenable.

>> No.9944230

Despite everything about it, Chibi March gets stuck in my head more often than I'd like.

>> No.9944241

I can't stop focusing on how off nico is

>> No.9944849
File: 795 KB, 720x1030, 20180717_080757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carousel Idols (the group doing the "halftime" show for Stellure) posted a small update. It's not a face reveal, but they do look healthy and cute. Between that and Wren's pretty decent solo, I think they have a good chance at being impressive.

>> No.9944873

their honoka is perfect for her character! too bad almost everyone else is off-beat or too stiff

>> No.9944891

I think his bulge is sticking out a bit....

>> No.9944959
File: 277 KB, 459x433, 745645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9945036

The fact that one of them got to sing at Carnegie Hall with her choir gives me a LOT of hope! That, and the skirts are genuinely adorable, and seem perfect for a first live.

>> No.9945056

Interlunium posted the commercial for their second single. It looks like they're doing a fully illustrated music video.

>> No.9945078

Oh, good! They raised a lot of money in their kickstarter for this single, so I'm glad the surplus is being put back into higher production. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.9945095

How do y’all feel about groups having absurd amounts of bought followers? Looked at one the other day and 50% of its following came up fake. Seems like a ridiculous thing to do for a cover group.

>> No.9945152

It's always really obvious and it just makes them look worse. Berriteam Victory did that. They shot up to almost 9k likes before they even debuted, but none of their followers commented or interacted with the group in any way. None of their posts got more than 10 reacts. It just made them look pathetic.

>> No.9945237

If you're talking about Heart Hex, I heard that they got the acc from a friend of theirs that already had a bunch of followers. Wonder how long it's gonna stay that high though.

>> No.9945295


With that wig and the colour it looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo is dancing with Muse.

>> No.9946275

Looks like they put a lot of their budget in their visuals. I'm really impressed by the way it's looking so far. The previews on amazon sounded really good, too.

>> No.9946393

They have several pictures of themselves uploaded on their personal instagrams. Go to their first post and click on the accounts they tagged in the photo. Only one of them is fat. Two of them have their ages up as 19 and 20 so the group seems to be a bit older of a group then Stellure, which makes them seem a lot more promising.

>> No.9946549

Do you guys think there will ever be a Western idol group that will EVER match the quality and god-tier levels of kpop and jpop groups? One that isn’t just covers, actually makes their own music.

They’d for sure have to be healthy and probably borderline drop dead gorgeous to compete with all the plastic surgery in Korean groups lol

And the songs would have to be REALLY good. Honestly I think being in the West is such a disadvantage to actually being taken seriously that they’d have to go above and beyond the idols in the East to be even taken half as seriously as them. What do you think?

>> No.9946551

A group of that caliber would need to either have money like Interlunium, be backed privately or publicly, and/or be professionally trained. The odds of that happening are extremely low. You’re right I’m saying they’d need to go above and beyond (which includes being multilingual) but unless they have serious money from the start, there’d need to be some kind of sponsorship.

>> No.9946556

Money yes definitely. But they also just need to be good. No amount of money can fix cringe lol

>> No.9946561

You obivously have never seen Seishun Youth Academy. Pinku Project would also be up there if they didn't disband

>> No.9946566

Never saw Seishun Youth Academy before, ah they’re cute. Looks like they’re a sister group of a japanese idol group though? So they were definitely at an advantage with that.

>> No.9946638

Nah, Westerners don't have the (forced) work ethic and the financial backing of kpop and jpop groups.

>> No.9946766

That's hilarious. I actually know some of those girls from college. Didn't realize this was a thing.

>> No.9946778

You’re right to an extent but if they have moeny, they could at least get proper vocal and dance training. There are some idol groups and idols that are trained but still kind of cringy, but the training helps.

>> No.9946901


The industry kind of shot itself in the foot revolving that since the mainstream music industry doesn't want another cutesy Disney style group. The 90's boy band/girl group era was met with ridicule and anything after that are slutty girl groups or British boy bands.

The Firefly ACG LL competition has decided

Winning Team: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av27060770

Highlights include using the Idolized Punk rock set and singing Guilty!? Farewell party along with the usual Strawberry Trapper as always seen with every GK group.

Second Place

A little unremarkable, but they are a sister group of LoveCa it seems as two of their members also did the Cyaron subunit.

Third Place

Classic seiyuu cover, Landing Action, Sky Journey and KimiGa. Stood out because it is a seiyuu cover style and some people like that

>> No.9946924


The industry kind of shot itself in the foot revolving that since the mainstream music industry doesn't want another cutesy Disney style group. The 90's boy band/girl group era was met with ridicule and anything after that are slutty girl groups or British boy bands.

The Firefly ACG LL competition has completed the finals after the prelims here: >>9933719

Winning Team: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av27060770

Highlights include using the Idolized Punk rock set and singing Guilty!? Farewell party along with the usual Strawberry Trapper as always seen with every GK group.

Second Place

A little unremarkable, but they are a sister group of LoveCa who was doing the cover for Cyaron


Third Place

Classic seiyuu cover, Sky Journey and KimiGa. The group delivered on the expressions and

>> No.9946953

Did we discuss about bands popping up because of bandori hype? Well...


>> No.9946968

Hmm. I’m on the fence about this. I’m kind of worried that this will turn out horribly and the first video/clip posted seems bad but the actual arrangements seem good? The voice definitely needs work but from the looks of the persons personal page, they may actually know how to read and write music.

>> No.9947153

Will the West be capable of making awesome idol groups. yes they could... but you're only going to see studio level talent come out of a studio.

Hobby level net idols will only be hobby level net idols. And honestly I'm okay with that. I like amateurs! I can't compare them to pros bc it's apples to oranges.

>> No.9947176

Yeah, amateurs can be great! I think the thing that matters most in Western idols is their dedication and love for the genre

>> No.9947219

i think its fun! at least learning an instrument takes more work than just a basic dance

>> No.9947239

The fact they only want people 14-19 concerns me the most. Why would you constrict yourself to just kids? Seems like you’d want the opposite.

If your parents can still tell you what to do, I wouldn’t want to work with you

>> No.9947329

I can't believe it's in their BACKSTORY like...

Also I hear those girls have a reputation for drama so this should go well lol

>> No.9947339

the leader is the person who caused that huge stir at Con Alt Delete a few years back over her knocking someone’s merch down and getting caught on camera doing it

>> No.9947600

Oh good I wasn't the only one who remembered that incident and avoided supporting them. Personally I don't think they'll last very long as a duo though people who want in on followers might join them. I just feel bad for other full LL groups who have been around for a while with dance covers who had to build their follower count.

>> No.9947719
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Is..... is that who I think it is..?

>> No.9947720

I don't think anyone's surprised.

>> No.9947739

Of course she’d be Pinkie

>> No.9947794

New cover from Holly.

>> No.9947809

I just wanna add this post was from 2016
Wasn’t she 15 then? Why is she cosplaying a showgirl at 15 aren’t they super sexualised?

>> No.9947810

Same anon: the girls with her look like they’re in their mid 20’s as well it’s a little creepy

>> No.9947832
File: 760 KB, 1242x2061, 3D36BB27-0F69-4346-865C-BCED7204FD0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised nobody is talking about this yet. A duet from, probably arguably, the better two members of Stellure.

>> No.9947870

Wasn't Stella the one who left? You make it sound like Mimi "fired" her. She's horrible but let's not make her worse than she is

>> No.9947881

Ntayrt but both are pretty much equally as shitty. Stella left, yes, but it’s kind of on the same vein as when jessica left SNSD (there was the whole “she left on her own accord” vs “she was pushed out” vs “she was a shitty band member”). But let’s not kid. Stellure is Mimi & Friends.

>> No.9948097

Stella might have been "the true idol of the group" in how she acted/looked and danced, but her singing is arguably one of the worst in bright future and that says a lot.

>> No.9948100

Stellure has a habit of posting covers/announcements for songs and then never releasing them with the promise "yeah we'll upload them soon" so It'd be best to wait for an actual release. Not to mention they plan on doing this with Titania in the live version and aside from the shitty audio live of unwritten I've never actually hear her sing

>> No.9948264


One thing's for certain, she can't draw tits.

>> No.9948519


Yes they are a sister group. The twins Ally and Sally were a duet called Moe Twinstyle.


>> No.9948665
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They are hilarious.

>> No.9948715


SYA is hard to group in with the rest of the idols here, because they are one of the only groups with professional backing, as an official sister group/subgroup of a Japanese idol group. They can't really be compared to the hobbyist groups usually discussed in this board. But their quality is pretty good, and I hope they continue to help bring idol culture to the West in a way that is less cringy and more approachable to regular people, not just weebs.

>> No.9949030


That's the weirdest looking flat chest I've ever seen.

>> No.9949166

Since when is Luna a better member of the group wtf. I mean they’re all awful but Luna is not cute and can’t sing for shit. Never understood the love for her

>> No.9949176
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This... doesn't look too great so far. I hope by "making it extra sparkley," that means she's going to add some actual glitter and shine to this and not just paint on some more white dots.

>> No.9949286

Like I said, probably arguably but compared to the original members Luna has been one of the top ones even if she is mediocre. She’s also one of the only ones (the other being Castillo) who plays some kind of instrument and knows abot music. A lot of people do find Luna cute though and think she can sing even if she’s the bottom of the top singers (which could also change but we’ve still not heard studio versions of the new members).

>> No.9949304
File: 139 KB, 603x488, IMG_20180721_223820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi it's this >>9913252 anon again
We're doing the sparkly part and I wanted to ask for your opinions again. The fabric I bought is this one, but we are unsure about how to make the dot parts? We were thinking maybe put some of that single sequin ribbon on a tight spiral to make the circle shape and then place them but not sure if it would look better on a matte finish or could be better options.
Thanks again for all your help.

>> No.9949307

She's endearing to me. She has a little kid sort of cuteness to her that the other members don't have. I also like that her voice is a bit warbly and soft, but she still stays in tune.

>> No.9949389

these threads just make me want to be an idol more and more...

>> No.9949461

Oof that poplin and those box pleats.... They don't resemble the original at all. Has she never heard of horsehair braid??
>literally paints on the 'sparkles'

>> No.9949595

You should! It's a fun hobby. You might get posted here but that's not bad either.

>> No.9949808

It's always fun seeing what's said about you here ;)

>> No.9949852

according to her story she put horsehair braid in it, but why would she also pleat it?

>> No.9949880

The heck? Why would you ever think that pleats need horsehair?

>> No.9949882

Agreed! I’ve gotten some good critique from being posted, and some very nice compliments as well. Thank y’all for being actually helpful as opposed to those who just say “aww you’re so cute!!” every time you ask what they think.

>> No.9949898

If you cut it as a circle skirt, add horse hair and pleat the top it would work well. Pleating is the best thing to do to get those types of uniform, CLAMP ruffles, verses gathering or just a hanging circle skirt. Even poplin is a fine choice of material

My guess is she didn’t cut a circle for the skirt pattern and so had to force the curves which is why it looks stiff and bad

>> No.9949931

That's one of the things I like about this board too. I rarely see feedback that's purely hateful and doesn't have an element of "this is what needs to improve". Some people are impossible to please, of course, but for the most part the feedback on this board is very realistic and sugar-free, which is what really helps when one is looking to improve.

>> No.9950146

I meant for the real stiff kind of pleats, like it looks like she tried to execute, haha. I do agree with you, horsehair braid is super useful for rigid, voluminous ruffles!

>> No.9950193

does anyone have advice for making a group work with a jealous/obnoxious member? i want to start an idol group but each time we try to practice group songs where each member has their own part, one of our other members insists on EVERYONE singing the whole song together. how do you know who is singing then?

she also gets really mad if anyone gets a part that she wanted no matter how small the part is, its always like she wants to have the majority of the parts and we do our best to split them up as evenly as possible so everyone can have their chance to shine, leaving the chorus as a part that everyone sings....like normal idol songs.

another thing i noticed is if she has a part where shes singing with another member, she always trys to sing louder than them instead of blending with them, and its bloody rude not to mention IRRITATING because she can't even stay on key.

we have been friends for as long as i can remember and i dont want to come off ass mean to her but she makes it so difficult for us to get any practice done because she always has something to say about the way we do things and she constantly wants the spotlight on her... yet she is technically the lead member... and the PINK member... we are a group and everyone will eventually get their time to show off their personalities. i just wish she acted more like a leader rather than a childish brat...and she is 20 yrs old.

>> No.9950200

Are you the leader or is she? As in, did she make the group or did you? If it’s a situation where she wants all the attention on her and nobody else and she’s the creator/leader, I suggest you all break off and become your own group and let her solo. If you’re the leader, then issue an ultimatum: she either be ok with how things are done or she’s out of the group. Friend or not, someone needs to put a foot down because these situations are why groups fail. Unless she changes, it could be the reason the group constantly loses members or why the group disbands.

>> No.9950211

By the way you’re describing her she’s only leader as she either came up with the idea or she’s the one in center, and by those standards she’s not truly the leader so this will be a lot easier to deal with. If kicking her out isn’t an option you or someone in the group needs to take the proactive leadership position, and that leader needs to take control of the situation by compromising with her or at the most ideal giving her the illusion of a compromise. You need to kill her with the illusion of kindness basically, because it’s vastly more difficult to be a bitch to someone who has seemingly been good to you. Something along the lines of planning several songs in advance, and telling her “hey pinkfuck why don’t you take a main part in this song, and then otherperson can have a main part in this other song.” If she retorts back you should just do it as a group, tell her somebody wants a solo so it’s fair that everyone should get their time to shine. The problem of her singing over everyone is a bit more difficult to address. Try telling her some variation of “ohhhh your voices sound so good together,” and see where that gets you. The goal is to not have to pander to her forever. I find these people get easier to deal with over time, because they realize how good they have it or something like that. If this doesn't fix the problem you may just have to get rid of her. Also if her being pink is a big deal to the entire group just go with different shades of pink under the explanation that’s your group’s gimmick.

>> No.9950219

fresh cringe

>> No.9950241

I will never understand how people manage to look so dead and boring when dancing... I tend to stress so much on too much energy or too little that I never get anything done yet people do poorly and go “yeah this is good.”

>> No.9950342

imo I feel like groups like this focus too much on learning the moves and being in synch than they focus on actually practicing a performance.
I studied theatre in high school, and one of the things that many teachers noticed was that whilst we weren't trained in singing, we were much more enjoyable to see on stage than the music students, because whilst they could sing and play their instruments, they never had the time to practise performing and being interesting. I think thats's where a lot of groups go wrong, either they focus too much on being perfectly in synch and doing the moves correctly, or they focus too much on performance and look messy.
When I was in a group, I'd use to make us practise both whilst looking in to the mirror, and later on with our backs turned too it whilst filming on my laptop; looking at the video and seeing if we were balanced in energy and expessions was a good way to improve those small things, since you genuinly focus on yourself whilst practicing

>> No.9950522

yume idols

>> No.9950609
File: 1.21 MB, 810x1190, hamako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hamako idols, they havent posted anything dancing related yet as far as i know but this looks fucking awful already

>> No.9950676

The Rin hurts me.

Also, does anyone else think that groups should work on the foundations of dance before beginning to learn a dance from a video? I see too many failed rond de jambes, three point turns, and other super basic things. I’m sure there’s YT videos that would give you some sort of foundation to build off of if dance classes aren’t an option. You have to learn moves correctly!!

>> No.9950892

You mentioned she's your "friend"... one thing I've learned is just because you get along with someone as a friend doesn't mean they'll make a good teammate. You need to think professionally here and think about long term if this is something you can work with. If you decide to break it off... keep it mature. But if you stick together you need to find a way to make it work. It sounds like you guys are on the younger side, and growing up and learning to be leaders is all a part of the process. It's a good opportunity to grow up... but don't stress yourself about trying to change her... that's on her. I like what the other anons put down. One other idea is to utilize the power of group vote. Next time she tries to go alpha on everyone say... why don't we put this to a vote. When she can see it's her against x amount of people it might change her minds...

good luck!

>> No.9950907

Were they the ones running the idolfest at metrocon?

I don’t even want to get into the dancing but I have to say that panel was a mess. You couldn’t even tell what was going on half time, I’ve never seen something so unprofessional (even among con standards which are pretty low)

>> No.9951020

I'm not sure if they were the ones running it but they had their own panel the day after that was even more chaos. They pretty much admitted they originally wanted to be called meme idols and honestly I think they would have gotten more of a showing if they fully embraced that instead of this awkward inbetween.

>> No.9951912

Nope that'd be Kazoku idols


>> No.9951914

how were the other acts?

>> No.9952182


new thread

>> No.9958545

Maybe I'm more normie than I thought, but she seems super cringy