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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 285 KB, 927x710, mochiriblfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9885586 No.9885586 [Reply] [Original]

Post fursuit/mascot pics, questions, stories and anything else fursuit related.

Frequently asked questions:
>How much is a new suit?
Expect to pay at least 2k for a fullsuit commission, 3k+ for something padded, and higher for a realistic suit. Heads typically go for 400-1k, partials 900-1.5k.
>Where to buy second hand?
occasionally the 'fursuit' tag on furaffinity.
>Makers database+reviews
>What about Japanese suits?
list of makers and other relevant kemono suit info
>Fur supplies and diy?
Amazon, Joann's, etc
High density for heads, med/low for body/padding.
>How to clean?
Handwash, low heat, absolutely no dryer! (unless you have a no heat setting)

We have a discord, feel free to join.

>> No.9885587
File: 126 KB, 675x1200, DTlmhNjUMAEc0h9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as always I forgot something,
previous thread >>9868980

>> No.9885670

It's a ways off, but I have been looking at makers for a fullsuit in the future. I've narrowed it down to SparkyCanDo vs Pawaii Fursuits leaning more towards Pawaii once they open up for digi. Anyone with a suit by one of those two or experience can you offer me advice or thoughts?

>> No.9885675

Also INB4 someone says to check the linked Database + reviews because I already tried that.

>> No.9885720

My vote is pawaii just because, look at them. Fantastic work

>> No.9885800
File: 194 KB, 1200x911, DQjU6OmUMAAijuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah no one was gonna do that
but definitely pawaii, no questions about it. their style is perfect.
while sparky has great construction, her heads fall a bit short when it's not her personal ones.

>> No.9885802
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>> No.9885804
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>> No.9885813

How did they get the markings so clean and perfect? Is it all sewn in with just really good shaving or airbrushed?

>> No.9885981

the dramatic color change in pattern helps hide the seams. They're also v good at patterning.

>> No.9886001

Are there a lot of girl furries in your local com? There’s not a single one in my local meets.

>> No.9886062

MFF room get

>> No.9886154
File: 34 KB, 240x180, 15594813-B16A-45C7-906B-0FAC981ABD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted these suits in the last thread, but it turns out they’re also animatronic, and from the 90s. I wonder if Jim Henson studios was involved in their creation? More pics here https://archive.fursuit.me/index.php?/category/205

>> No.9886155
File: 36 KB, 240x180, 3154FAB6-032E-48D7-9C52-B77C4680F021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9886154 these suits are legit like the stereotypical dragon suits you see in cartoons

>> No.9886199

grats, you fucker. literally none of us got one

>> No.9886202
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>> No.9886243

Mine is mostly girls and trans boys

>> No.9886317

>replying to Soup

>> No.9886321

We need to put that in the OP text.

>> No.9886342
File: 970 KB, 750x1000, 1401160355.neonslushie_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah they'll learn eventually

>> No.9886600

Did my pictures just randomly get deleted?

>> No.9887085
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, DdikR4eUwAAA3l-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes? no? maybe?

>> No.9887105
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>> No.9887133
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SO, anons, what's your favorite fursuit style and/or maker(s)?

>> No.9887283

Yo, those statues and the scale of the place is amazing

>> No.9887350
File: 213 KB, 800x1199, Ddoi5xqV4AAbJ4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9887386

Where and what is that place? It looks amazing.

>> No.9887398

it's EDC

>> No.9887413
File: 112 KB, 512x768, az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9887475

As lovely as hard scaly heads like these are people almost always pair them with a fur or fleece bodysuit that doesn't match.

>> No.9887516

can't imagine how difficult it would be to wear a bodysuit like that as a hobbyist's costume.

>> No.9887547
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>> No.9887580
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>> No.9887593

At first I was weirded out by the wrinkles but then I realized this is probably meant to be a sphynx cat. Would have been cuter without the awkward looking, bulky "bangs".

>> No.9887594

The construction is pretty sloppy even ignoring the bangs, interesting idea though.

>> No.9887841

yeaaaah it's definitely not the best. never really seen anything like this and i hope to not see more.

>> No.9887850
File: 164 KB, 450x338, group at pool 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Form fitted and tight bodysuits are nothing special. Lots of furs wear them. They are a great light weight option to a full fursuit. They can be airbrushed to get exactly the fur pattern desired.

However the idea of sewing a muzzle onto the hood is a little much. Girl would have done better with a custom head.

>> No.9887851

i've been into fursuits for a long time now but these things never fail to fucking creep me out

>> No.9887890
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>> No.9887909
File: 138 KB, 675x1200, DdER3ehUwAEHr9i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not supposed to be worn as fullsuit anyways.

>> No.9887929
File: 131 KB, 350x467, T bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect your Opinion, although It differs from mine. Gotta love diversity!

What do the rest of you think? are these bodysuit characters like Brigette and Minerva Furries?

>> No.9888018

Reminds me too much of the weird latex/rubber fetish people. Even if I intellectually know it's not inherently kink shit, I can't help but feel like it is, and that goes double for fap material characters like Minerva.


>> No.9888049

my opinion is pretty much similar to >>9888018's.
they just give off a strange vibe to me.

>> No.9888075

most of my experience with furries is the ones who show up to anime cons and just don't understand space. There was one at ACEN over the weekend who was walking down the halls squeaking at people and getting in people's space and it just made me super uncomfortable.

>> No.9888338
File: 209 KB, 901x1200, DdCOm7aUwAAJtbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i promise you even at furcons we hate those people.
the only ones that do that are 12 year olds

>> No.9888532

I'm not trying to be provoking, just trying to understand, how does these threads circumvent global rule 3?

>> No.9888626
File: 95 KB, 683x1024, DSC_0011_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loving the fact that Lemonbrat has all their really shitty suits only for sale online, gotta wonder who makes those ones like this "cat" who for some reason has huge wrinkles and the ears look more like cropped dog ears

>> No.9888701

oh god it's so lumpy

costuming falls under the topics covered by this board and discussion about anything fandom related is kept to a minimum, we try and only talk about the costumes and events as much as possible

>> No.9888769
File: 517 KB, 911x933, LemonbratQuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And remember guys! the reason its soooo cheap at $1100 is because it was made over the summer! Not for any other reason whatsoever!

>> No.9888857

it's so ugly

>> No.9888904

would you be able to make something more akin to a full scale armour type thing and make it work?

>> No.9888960
File: 321 KB, 1364x2048, C6BZ0BRU0AAE2Q8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been done, to various levels of success. Generally it's a problem of timeliness because of the shear number of scales that are always necessary to cover a person. There's also no pre-made scale options that don't look just a bit absurd over large surfaces (pic related).

>> No.9889441

>dubmutt shutting up shop
gonna kms

>> No.9889452
File: 183 KB, 350x529, Mermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They have been making Mermaid Tails for some time now. The same technique could be used for making scaly suits. The material is called Dragonskin after all.

Not saying it's a cheap process though.

>> No.9889771
File: 363 KB, 1280x1280, 1527082537.maconaproject_x9mgyfux2uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889772
File: 240 KB, 1200x801, 1527082968.maconaproject_jui180y6mqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889913
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>> No.9890044

Seems like some Mochiri suit is up for grabs.

>> No.9890868

And another one.

>> No.9890919

neat but a sloppy sand job on the mask

>> No.9891056
File: 155 KB, 900x1200, DOX-goGXcAAL3yw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love htem

>> No.9891089

>sasquatch pose

>> No.9891092

the sasquatch of my dreams

>> No.9892369

Mhh somebody got a freeto use blank ref sheet ?
In Kemono style .

Would realy appreciate some help

>> No.9892462
File: 3.52 MB, 4000x3008, DSC_0463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9892579

Jesus Christ

>> No.9892606

They're kind of like baby's first fursuit and every con they go to they sell a huge majority of their premades. I can't even be mad. They found something that works well for them and it's not like they're hiding the imperfections, people can plainly see how janky their suits look before buying. To be honest I'm a little envious that they are able to pump out so many cookie cutter designs each con and that people buy them up so quickly.

>> No.9892812

oh my god that's actually adorable!! i really love this take on lycanroc

yeah i'm jealous that people buy them. i cant believe how easy the money comes to them. how can anyone think that looks acceptable to sell? i'd feel so damn guilty selling something that trashy for 1k+. I literally just spent 300 on a head thats 500x better than that.

>> No.9892877

who /furlandia/ here

>> No.9893084


>> No.9893246

What did they look like?

>> No.9893576
File: 130 KB, 722x1280, IMG_20180527_090453_794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some pics with Tsukiyo, love the suit but PLEASE it needs a brush brush brush

>> No.9893730

she need some brushie badly

>> No.9894612
File: 101 KB, 800x1200, DeSEF8LVwAEbZ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why some people commission those wierdly pasted on boobs when Amanojaku can make natural looking ones.

>> No.9895152

it looks ALRIGHT.

>> No.9895267 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 191x200, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anyone catch that AutumnFallings drama?

>> No.9895423
File: 143 KB, 900x1200, DePUX7oVAAA8Vl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, which. there's so much around that girl.
is it the donation stuff?

>> No.9895469

Yeah, but I don't know exactly what she said. Something about begging for donations on memorial day

>> No.9895491
File: 1.93 MB, 1685x2048, 28521283478_c6ecee4b80_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah so basically she boosted her gofundme for her broken ankle. quoted like "Maybe donate to me this memorial day?<3" or something. and then deleted it after 10 mins. I assume either someone commented or a friend pointed it out.

>> No.9895500

Oof! Yeah she got a bit of hate for that. What a stupid thing to say.

>> No.9895508
File: 729 KB, 1897x1987, trico by monoyashaDVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously gorgeous.

>> No.9895512
File: 122 KB, 584x1200, DeO4KRJVwAAf8km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see the fullsuit!!

>> No.9895576
File: 81 KB, 736x981, 70967083b845ee4b1d4c6b14bf79f49d--fursuit-head-furry-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't mine, but it's still one of my favorites/one of the cutest fursuits I've seen <33

>> No.9895596


>> No.9895632
File: 133 KB, 742x1200, DdY8EBSUQAAF6N6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA makes really cute dogs!

looks like this furstar design was finally made, too.

>> No.9895633
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, DdY8NGAVwAAhN-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9895661

Those eyes!!

>> No.9896445

Who the fuck makes a GoFundMe for a broken ankle. That's like asking for donations because you sprained your pinkie finger.

>> No.9896448

I don't understand the boobs suits at all. It makes it look way more like a fetish suit when it has human breasts

>> No.9896455

Because not all of them look that janky, some of them actually just look like cute female characters

>> No.9896459
File: 147 KB, 742x1200, DYUwShzUMAEoXpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of em wear cute clothes with it. just like other anon said, most just wanna be a cute furry grill.

>> No.9896632

>Tfw finally abandoned any sense of shame after completely giving up on my life.
I kind of want to go to one of these now that I already have no friends or family to be judged by, but I can't tell if I'm too old or too young since the only people I've met my age are either very popular in their niche or don't go to cons.

>> No.9896659

why are bases made out of eva foam not as much of a thing compared to upholstery foam heads?

>> No.9896662
File: 233 KB, 900x1200, DdXFtM1V0AAlBgP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's plenty of people any age range for fursuiting. the older crowd (41+) actually got dubbed 'greymuzzles' and it's really cute. but chances are if you're 20-33 you're in the most common age range of us.
feel free to join our discord if you wanna make some friends!

people following the most common/known trends. personally I feel like upholstery foam is a little easier to work with? but i haven't given eva foam much of a chance.

>> No.9897503

Eva foam is heavier, harder to pack in luggage, and has less ventilation. In fursuits ventilation is a huge thing.

greymuzzles are very common. I think 18+ is a rife time to go to any con

>> No.9897777

I'm glad I'm not the only one that bought one of those stupid squeaker bottles.

okay I bought 2.

>> No.9898247 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9898278

sorry you're a poorfag would could never afford a luxury item like this

>> No.9898338
File: 1.20 MB, 853x922, 1527437872.cinnamonbark_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine still being the guy who uses image macros in 2018

>> No.9899906
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>> No.9899987

I was there on Saturday. What a sad con it (still) is.

>> No.9900035
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

armin is a cuck

>> No.9900069

I made a partial (my second suit ever) in less than 2 weeks for a convention I suddenly decided to go to, and I'm super proud of it despite the obvious flaws.

now I have to remake it because I didn't have the time to buy better materials and used fleece in some small areas.

fleece is such a horrid material to work with.

>> No.9900086

Rushing your own suit is a surefire way into having to make "version 2" and "version 3", in my experience. Just think of it as a practice run.

>> No.9900095

yup that's exactly how I'm thinking of it. wearing it to a con gave me a good idea of how to improve on how it was built as well!

>> No.9900354

This is way less off putting than people in full fursuits. Just looks like a normal costume with a mask/head.

>> No.9900488
File: 27 KB, 269x359, Shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally saved up enough money to Commission Lobitaworks for a partial and a fuckin tornado hit my house and ruined the entire front of my house, So I had to use some of my fursuit money to fix things.
Looks like i'm gonna have to wait until the next time commissions open. :(

>> No.9900536

he's like 6 years old you fuck

>> No.9900537

aw geeze rip anon

>> No.9900590

Cheer up anon. At least you had an emergency fund available. Those are important.

>> No.9901054
File: 964 KB, 853x1280, IMG_5476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I finished a fursuit of my fursona! I was wondering on areas I could improve on for her. My current plans consist of:
> refurbishing the nose to be red to match the characters design
> remaking the tongue so that it's a thinner material and pokes out of her mouth a bit more
> Adding plush teeth
> swapping the eye mesh out for thinner mesh
> shaving her a bit better
> cutting a panel at the top of her head so the weird bump isn't there
> new bigger hands
> new better feet

two things I'm unsure on doing to her is shaving her arm sleeves a little, and refurring her ears and making them more short pile.

>> No.9901065

do you have art of the intended design?

>> No.9901067
File: 1.84 MB, 4092x2893, griffrefwm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the intended design!

>> No.9901069

it was some kind of cat/wolf.dog that was grey and brown with ears straight out to the sides. They would just say "eep ep eeep ep ep" to their handler and at people which was kind of weird.

I tried to stay away even though they were very interested in getting close to people because I really don't like fursuits. something about them just causes a deep irrational fear and I just want to start swinging when they get close to me. It's the same with those masked kigus people wear.

>> No.9901072

Hmm, definitely see what you mean for the paws and ears.

Did you not include the hair tuft intentionally? Or just waiting on it?

>> No.9901074

Planning on making a yarn wig at some point soon, but I wanna knock out kinks in her fundamentals before I start that

>> No.9901087

Hmm, I guess the only other thing that really stands out is the ear orientation. I have a thing for erect ears, so the art is definitely cool-- the suit ones are just a bit more outward then upward.

>> No.9901090

I think an erect ear would definitely make her wonky one look more intentional! Though I sewed her ears on the way I did to make them flop around a bit more with movement, do you think having her non wonky ear more erect would still be able to flop around as effeciently? Or should I have one floppy ear n keep the erect one stable.

>> No.9901104
File: 426 KB, 600x718, Wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something about them just causes a deep irrational fear and I just want to start swinging when they get close to me. It's the same with those masked kigus people wear.
You sound very mentally stable anon.

>> No.9901105

anon are you unfamiliar with the idea of an irrational fear?
or is your head that far up your own ass you're gonna claim "fursecution"?

>> No.9901421

Why are you in a fursuit thread anon?

>> No.9901733

nayrt but if your irrational fear makes you prone to violence, better get it checked on.

>> No.9901765

cgl is so slow you can read pretty much every post as it happens
do you still not understand what an irrational fear is or how stupid furries can be when they decide to go glomp someone who really doesn't want to be touched by them? If someone is afraid and you start to just grab at them what the fuck do you think is going to happen. I guess I get that you're a furry so you're in this mindset where everything fur = good and everything not fur = bad bad gross but come on.

>> No.9901771

Anon, someone is very obviously pulling your chain. If the OP's tone didn't clue you in that hilarious Star Wolf pic should have.

>> No.9901849

You’re projecting a lot anon. It’s just the fact if it makes you violent you genuinely need to see a therapist and work through it. Furries can be retarded but god forbid if you actually hurt someone I hate to tell you but you’re the bad guy in that situation.

>> No.9903396
File: 837 KB, 853x1280, IMG_5478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9903875

A curious question for fursuiters:
Do you feel any kind of shame for hugging small children in costumes you have sex in?

>> No.9903904

I don’t have sex in fursuit, but from what I know about those who do they typically have an alternate one just for bedroom stuff. People who don’t have an alt are typically extremely looked down on.

Having sex in suit is rare cause these things cost like $3k

>> No.9903934

Do you feel shame in physical contact with anyone with the hand you masturbate with?

>> No.9904214

why would I ruin a purchase that cost thousands of dollars by having sex in it

>> No.9904226

why the hell would you hug a child in a murrsuit? you sick fuck

>> No.9904256

>responding to obvious bait posts
Seriously, just stop. People who post stuff like that don’t care if you “diss” them or whatever, they just want replies. Every time you reply to someone like that, you’ve lost regardless of the content of your post. Look at the name of the website you’re on and stop being so oblivious, or we’ll end up with these threads getting deleted just like a few months ago.

>> No.9904450
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x1024, 1528187452.eric-martin_2018-05-04_243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall fall for b8 too easily

>> No.9905059
File: 3.47 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180528_142324 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9905087
File: 1.51 MB, 5685x3744, ConFuzzled_26-mei-18_10-29-58_IMG_0237_143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confuzzled photoshoot images just came back! The set was Portal themed!

>> No.9905111

crazy how nature do dat

>> No.9905354

i love these dogs

>> No.9905799
File: 110 KB, 1024x683, pyrous_mask_commission_4_by_blueeyes9-d78z0c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who has only used foam & balavlaca bases, what's it like wearing a resin mask?

>> No.9906122

I have both and they're about the same desu

>> No.9906173

> himegriffin

O... Oh.... Dear.

>> No.9906201

>sparkledogs in lolita
Every time

>> No.9906421

What's on that monitor in the background?

>> No.9906543

it looks like the fursuit head? i can't tell if you and the past 2 posts are the same person, cause yall seem kinda dumb.

>> No.9906583

wow, calm down

>> No.9907347
File: 1.62 MB, 5685x3744, 9A10EB7A-5DA8-41E4-BD20-107F9ECE74C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photogs were insanely nice

>> No.9907348

What’s wrong with the name?

>> No.9907755

out of all the fursuiters ive dealt with, the "animefur heads with the skintight bodies" suiters have usually been the MOST socially inappropriate. To the degree I turn down 4k comish business to avoid

>> No.9907758 [DELETED] 

she's got an extremely bad reputation and I had the unfortunate experience of meeting her in person. Her suits are appalling quality enough but the smell oh my god and her behaviour was no different to a 14 year old weeaboo. She kept touching my suit and wouldn't take the hint to fuck off. I found out later she's pissed off a lot of people at UK cons and just makes people feel uncomfortable all around. She's extremely clingy and desperate for attention.

>> No.9907778 [DELETED] 

what con did you meet her at?

>> No.9907816

Kek, the colors on that suit are muted and fairly natural. Calling it a sparkledog is rather a stretch, especially compared to your run-of-the-mill furry abomination.

>> No.9907869 [DELETED] 

CFZ. She wasnt wearing this suit she was wearing a grey and blue one with like this pink jacket over the top. I get that fursuiters smell, but her smell was something else entirely I could smell her through my head clearly. It was like this mix of BO, an obvious attempt at spraying deo to cover it up, then his mold smell coming from the fur. Absolutely disgusting I don't think she'd showered once.

>> No.9907879 [DELETED] 

She can’t use deodorant she’s asthmatic anon

>> No.9907882 [DELETED] 

She can still use roll-on to prevent the stench though.

>> No.9907884 [DELETED] 

No she uses that, but anon saying she sprayed scented deodorant makes no sense. She uses scentless roll-on because sensitive skin. So anon is clearly lying or atleast has facts wrong

>> No.9907891

Is this the discord hugbox again? If someone smells like shit and doesn't shower that's pretty unacceptable. It also really gives people a bad name when some members can't keep up hygiene.

>> No.9907894

It’s not hugbox to call out that someone contradicted themselves

>> No.9907895 [DELETED] 

Now, I'm not taking a side on this, but it's entirely possible to both use deodorant and small bad. I'm unfortunately one of those people it happens to.

Ah, there it is. I know you were just trying to stir shit. One person, who was also probably also at CFZ mind you, questing you is not a "doscord hugbox".

>> No.9907898 [DELETED] 

>implying I can spell

Fuck me it's been a rough week. I'll leave until I can get my shit together.

>> No.9907910 [DELETED] 

You have to admit, the discord goes pretty insane when someone says anything less than praising one if their own.
See their reaction to when someone said a maker in there was overcharging for their heads, and the discord came to the thread in force to tell them they were being shitty and mean.

>> No.9907919 [DELETED] 

Yeah but despite that, it’s still an anonymous board. So you can’t just chalk up people disagreeing with you as hugboxxers or vendetta chans. Especially if what you said doesn’t make sense.

It just seems stupid that anon accuses the girl of spraying herself with scented deorderant when she uses a scentless roll-on. Plus the fact anon refers to the first suit you see when checking her media on twitter. It just doesn’t add up and seems like a vendetta chan or someone trying to rule up hugbox drama. From what I’ve seen on her social media CFZ was her first fur con. So it doesn’t make sense that she’s well known with U.K. cons

>hinting to an autist
That was your first mistake. Should’ve just told her to fuck off.

>> No.9907921 [DELETED] 

I mean, yeah, that's what happens when a thread gets a discord. People form cliques because they're pretty much constantly exposed to each other. However, having been in many generals completely lost to pro-Discord/anti-Discord shitposting, I just really, really don't want to lose another. I realize "where do you think you are" and "what fandom do you think you are a part of" are both applicable here, but can we have a nice thread that is short on drama.

Anthrocon is also less than a month away, maybe the thread is getting content dry enough that it's time to let it die until then, when there will surely be plenty of fresh content.

>> No.9907927
File: 445 KB, 2048x1349, A7B0B1C1-0CB4-4EC4-A44B-E3F40A517761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can think with portals but she can’t think with brushes

>> No.9907935 [DELETED] 

>well known amongst UK cons
>first con

>> No.9908022 [DELETED] 

I'm on the discord and I gotta agree she's pretty annoying, but please keep it off the thread. we're trying not to get deleted.

>> No.9908049
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Who is ready for anthro?

>> No.9908054 [DELETED] 

the problem is you have a discord circlejerk that formed and tries to police and manage these threads on an anonymous board. Discords fucking ruin generals wherever they go.
This is not different because a discord member can act like a cunt or have basically no hygiene and people will throw themselves out to defend them. It's stupid.

>> No.9908060
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>> No.9908065
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>> No.9908100
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>> No.9908114

I'm pretty excited, but I still need a badge for my suit so I guess I don't quite qualify as ready. Does anyone have any recommendations for someone who I can commission?

>> No.9908248
File: 182 KB, 795x1200, DdfertZVAAEQDX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while it is an anonymous board, we have literally gone between /cgl/ and /trash/ for well over a year now being the sole creator of these threads. can't recall a time that someone from the discord hasn't made one. the discord was made due to threads being constantly deleted, and to chat on off-hours about shit not suitable for cgl. you can rant all you want about discord, but the bottom line is, cgl isn't the best platform for these kinds of threads.

i won't be there, but i'm excited to see all the pics!!

>> No.9908384 [DELETED] 

But you can’t just assume that people calling out someone not making sense are from the circle jerk. You can’t just take an anons word for something with no proof, especially with so many contradictions. I’m not even part of the discord but the fact she’s apparently well known with U.K. cons and it simultaneously being her first

>> No.9908398 [DELETED] 

obviously she's lying, now go back to your circlejerk.

>> No.9908403 [DELETED] 

She’s only just turned 18 in December, so she physically could not have been at other fur cons. Anon is LARPing

>> No.9908430

one of these suits is ten years old, choose carefully when guessing

>> No.9908446

Left is obviously older with the matting. Who made the right one?

>> No.9908454

The right one is the older one, left one is two years old.

>> No.9908491 [DELETED] 

If you can't handle the 4chan format then maybe 4chan isn't for you honey. If you need to make threads in you own friend group and use them as your own little army any time someone says anything outside of the feel good hugbox direction most of these threads take, then you should go talk about shit on a different site.

>> No.9908515
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1377, 6C554F33-3049-430E-AF86-AC4DDC14A251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit can we stop with the hugbox drama bullshit? Just because people are sceptical of an anon saying something with no proof and that has key contradictions doesn’t mean they’re part of some elitist hugbox. Even if the threads didn’t have a discord then people would still probably defend those they know. Its an anonymous board and you can’t take anyone’s word for anything. It’s like when LARPer’s say so and so told them their coord was ugly. If you’re so naïve to just believe in things with no evidence then an anonymous image board isn’t for you. It’s stupid that the thread keeps getting derailed because of people trying to start hugbox drama. I watch the discord for humour and they didn’t even mention anything unlike the Kemocube shit. It’s not the discordfags fault that what you’re saying doesn’t make sense with things that the girl has said and people who’ve met her have said. The dumbass is very open about herself on social media which is why people know it was her first con and that she doesn’t use certain deodorants.

The “muh hugbox” shit is what’s killing 4chan. No matter what you’ll have white knights and vendetta posters. Just because someone calls out a vendetta poster doesn’t mean they’re white knighting. And just because someone posts something mean doesn’t mean they’re vendetta posting. But when someone posts something with no evidence or proof and the allegations are questionable at best, it’s pretty fucking clear something is going on. Now whether the girl actually smells bad or touches people without permission is still up for debate. But until someone who actually makes sense accuses her for it then I’ll believe it. Right now it just reads like someone doesn’t like her and has never met her in person before. If anon can prove they met her in person then I’ll be inclined to believe it.

>> No.9908516
File: 164 KB, 736x1102, 4645644hhhh-hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post suits you filthy animals!

>> No.9908523
File: 2.65 MB, 2448x3264, 1522843523909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice filename

>> No.9908525

Look at how this thread operates, the minute anything deciares from "OMG cute suit I love it!" People from the discord come in and spam suit pictures to try to drown out everything else. Any even small criticism turns into s fucking ordeal because the people from the discord come out in force to try to defend. At least if everyone was anonymous they wouldn't have some server to organize themselves before posting here and tell each other who's making what posts.

Bringing non-anonymois platforms like it and discord I to anonymous sites like 4chan kills generals plain and simple. It turned this thread into shit, it turned the feels threads here into random r9k whining, it killed the crossplay thread, it killed my local cosplay community and their threads. It's fucking amazing how people will still latch onto something like that when it causes so many problems.

And yes anon, running in to crusade and defend for some random person is hugboxing. Not allowing any criticism other than "OMG cute suit!" Is hugboxing. It is plain and simple. If it's so important that no one criticises anyone in your threads go make them in trash or on a site like Tumblr or Facebook where people aren't anonymous

>> No.9908527 [DELETED] 
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someone literally started saying demonstratably untrue shit and people pointed out how what was said couldn't be true, that's literally all that happened

>> No.9908532 [DELETED] 

Isn't this whole thing playing out the same as that maker who went vatshit because someone said they were overcharging slightly?
People swore up and down there was no hugbox but then people started posting discord caps of people organizing posts in here to hugbox her.skrry but I don't buy it anymore, this discord is a cancer on these threads when it gets any more serious than spamming random pics. The go fucking ravid to defend their own

>> No.9908535
File: 246 KB, 1024x1365, 4554992ws3jh22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you slow down a bit? I'm trying to organize a scathing response from my associates, but they won't stop yiffing for 5 seconds.

>> No.9908536 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1424303664013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this whole thing playing out the same as that maker who went vatshit because someone said they were overcharging slightly?
someone >>9907758 said a girl had a bad reputation at UK cons and then >>9907919 said that her social media is covered with posts saying CFZ was her first con. this isn't a matter of opinion like the pricing matter you mentioned, this is someone saying things and then people saying that the evidence at hand doesnt support those statements in the least

>> No.9908537 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, 4BC28823-1699-42F0-B3AE-13DE259BF7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just go on the discord yourself.

Even if it was hugbox, the anon is still proven to be a liar.

>> No.9908546 [DELETED] 

Is this the thread where all the HIV-Infested dogfuckers meet to show of their new bodydiapers to play their degenerated fetish roleplay with?

>> No.9908547

I honestly wouldn't put it past you guys for this to be true. The fact that when anyone breaks from the groupthink they have 5 replies in the space of a few minutes seems to me like people post in their to organize.

>> No.9908552
File: 440 KB, 2048x1349, 1CE9B9F8-A9C4-4702-9A69-3F729CB06B61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just look at the discord to see or stop bitching

>> No.9908554 [DELETED] 

>hey join our circlejerk discord so we can get your name :^)
how dumb do you think I am. Pretty much anyone who joins at this point is gonna be harangued by mad furfags

>> No.9908556
File: 100 KB, 736x981, 62828a5a89f33985e62913d697254574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It indeed sounds suspicious. Perhaps also consider anyone autistic enough to leave discord open all day for the epic yiffs might additionally have the thread auto-updating.

>> No.9908570 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1024x683, 1B8EBED6-3B42-46BA-91B0-E0483DCBE51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this scared of furfags you just spout bullshit instead of just making an alt and checking like a normal human being, or better yet, being so incapable of blocking people

>> No.9908573 [DELETED] 

imagine being so scared of 4chan that you make your own private community, but still ahve your members post on 4chan.
I'm also not stupid about what server owners can see or that server owners can hide things in private channels. You probably have a secret channel where a few people organize their posting

>> No.9908589
File: 151 KB, 684x1024, 999F8ADE-717D-464B-8A5B-59DEAB61EA29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god the level of reaching. Do you honestly think autist furries are dumb enough to have a private community (which is a funny thing to call a public discord) and smart enough to have private channels at the same time?

Anon did a furfag kill your family or something? The fact that you think there’s such a huge conspiracy of furries going against you is so moronic it’s astounding

>> No.9908592 [DELETED] 

Actually shes been to meets before. I've seen her at least 3 times but never been close enough to smell her i guess. Then again I wasn't suiting but she lives quite local to me and I've heard people discussing her behavior before.

>> No.9908595

I don't think there's some conspiracy of furries, I think there's a hugbox of furries on 4chan who spam pictures and gets extremely upset when anyone brings any criticism up about their members.
Yall got real fucking up in arms and autistic when someone said Kemocube was overcharging for heads, and we had the exact same 50 reply chain before it came out through screencaps that yes, yall were organizing a defense for her, hugboxing, and whiteknighting her when she was in fact overcharging slightly for heads and it was a valid criticism.
I don't see how this is any different at all.

>> No.9908603 [DELETED] 

Meets and cons are entirely different things anon. What meets did you meet her at? There’s a few in the uk

>> No.9908605 [DELETED] 

The difference is that anon was proven to be a liar. This isn’t a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of anon said she was well known in cons and also commented on her deorderant

>> No.9908608 [DELETED] 

Hey just chiming in here cause I was the handler for this suiter due to their poor vision.

The did indeed meet himegriffin and yes her suit was one of the most disgusting things. I was drenched in sweat, it smelt moldy (I don't think she'd ever washed it) and the fur as all clotted. Her suit itself looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment but the thing that struck is the most was in the inside of the suits mouth. That's where most the smell came from, it was just vile. She was over affectionate with the suiter and it made them extremely uncomfortable. I tried to get her to go away but she continually ignored me because I wasn't in a suit she pretended I didn't exist. The way she behaved was no different to a child and I remember vividly talking with another handler afterwards about whether we should report her for being underage. Apparently she's not, she just seems to have some sort of learning difficulties so we gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Her reputation is mostly an online thing. I've heard she's met other suiters in the UK before outside of cons but I've never heard anyone say anything nice about her. She's borderline harassed people through social media and is blocked by most of the CFZ suiters I know after this con.

I mean you can call us liars and white knight her if she's in your discord or whatever. But I'm here just to tell the truth.

Girl needs to wash herself, wash and repair her suit, get some under armor, and sort her behavior out because it's completely unacceptable. It really ruined my suiters evening and she was forced to take her suit off and give it a quick clean in the headless lounge after having contact with her.

That smell will haunt me. I'm a nurse and it really smelt like gangrene to me.

>> No.9908615

I hate to reply to a shitposter, but that never happened. I thought, hey, maybe this guy is right, so I went and looked up the posts, and here they are: https://rbt.asia/cgl/thread/9868980/#q9874376

People talking about the thread outside of the thread != "organizing a defense".

People, please stop replying to this person. They're clearly only here to stir up shit.

>> No.9908618

they're clearly bitching about anyone giving valid criticism and hugboxing. That's pretty good proof for me that yall are living in a fucking hugbox. Thanks for the pic anon I'll be sure to use it the next time you guys start hugboxing on here.

>> No.9908621 [DELETED] 

that's cool but check these dubs

>> No.9908623

People are allowed to bitch. Would you rather they did it here, in the thread? I know I wouldn't. That's beside my point that previous Anon is just lying to start shit.

>> No.9908625 [DELETED] 

She's been to scousefurs before, I haven't seen her down south though she seems to live up north.

>> No.9908626

guess what bitch, I'm the same person. I just don't like your discord hugbox. And yeah, I'd prefer if people just posted things in here. As it stands, literally the only thing allowed in this thread is "OMG I LOVE YOUR SUIT!" and image dumps. Anything else gets pushback from your discord.

>> No.9908633

So you want people to complain in the thread, but just specficially not towards your constantly changing story, because that's hugboxing?

>> No.9908638 [DELETED] 

anon, we have the testimony of 2 people here who said they met her in person and we have nothing else from people who were there with her. Yall are defending her without having ever been around her. wtf are you thinking? this is going to end the exact same as the Kemocube shit when yall find out she actually is a dirty smelly person and there's still gonna be this long chain where your discord came out to defend her for no reason and was wrong yet again with your hugboxing.

>> No.9908639 [DELETED] 

Uh they're not wrong. When someone dared to criticize kemocube's head prices the first thing you guys did was jump to their defense, heck someone even LEAKED screencaps of you guys admitting to doing it.

You're a fucking hugbox and it's exactly what you're doing right now.

1. Yes Himegriffin was at CFZ and her suit smelt like shit
2. Yes she behaved like a 13 year old weeaboo and annoyed the older crowd of furries
3. Yes she made a suiter feel physically uncomfortable and they had to spray down their suit after
4. Yes she's worn her suit before, I've seen it in person. If you want me to be oddly specific, I saw her in February at scousefur and it smelt then, not as bad as it did at CFZ but it definitely had some kind of smell.
5. Yes she's actually admitted that she just washed her suit because it was "long overdue" on her twitter and she could smell something
6. Yes she has annoyed people on twitter and friends of the suiter who commented here have her blocked on social media after CFZ so they could avoid her in the future
7. Yes she has bad reputation because of the way she behaves ONLINE, and now after CFZ she's got a rep for that too
8. Yes you're whiteknighting her but I bet none of you have ever met her.

>> No.9908642 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1382063832121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have the testimony of 2 people here
no we have two anonymous posts, without names your claims don't mean shit and really if anyone were to say the opposite you'd doubtlessly just respond with a comment about circlejerks/hugboxes and call them liars yourself

>> No.9908644 [DELETED] 

Very nice video of her harassing people /s

>> No.9908645

>Anyone who isn't from the discord is a shitposter
this is why discord is fucking awful when you combine it with 4chan

>> No.9908650 [DELETED] 

m80 I just posted the "leaked" screencaps that were just of people bitching about the thread, with topics of marauding it notably missing. Unless you have screencaps I'm unaware of, you're talking out your ass about this too.

I also want to say I've never met Himegriffin, and I don't want to look like I'm defending her. I just want to point out that this other Anon is stretching the truth by leaps and bounds. They even admitted here: >>9908618 they never even saw the screencaps they were claiming were proof of marauding. How do you not see how this person is just here to stir up shit, regardless of how right they are? Are you from another Discord here marauding?

>> No.9908654

Hey, guess what? I mentioned this in my other post, but the reason why I thought you were a different person was because you went from talking up those screencaps as prrof of everything wrong to not even recognizing them and declaring you will save them for "the next time" within two posts. Get your story straight.

>> No.9908658

I didn't physically have them but now I do, thanks anon

>> No.9908668
File: 127 KB, 736x1104, 4ad0859a5cbe3038c8843ea5051c59aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice waifu

>> No.9908670 [DELETED] 

Anonymous posts with no proof and contradictions isn’t a testimony anon. Literally everything you’ve posted can be gathered from her social media. Especially the February scousefurs considering that one was the most publicised and the fact that she is so liked by scousefurs she’s an assistant for staff and is in charge of the newbies. Give something valid like other meets you saw her at and when, and proof you actually met her rather than heresay.

>> No.9908672

Can we talk about something else? This is a discussion between anon and a couple discord fags. I get trying to preserve the integrity of the board. I think criticism is welcome and if it’s nasty or false, well, it’s the Mongolian pottery website. I’m not saying “guise just post suits and say they’re good” but just that an open and honest discussion about the the parties in question and the meaning and value of a discord related to the thread. I think it’s devolved to “I don’t like discord” “oh yeah well ur wrong about ‘member of discord’” and that’s not really contributing to the greater issue. Again I’m not saying take it all away I’m just thinking evaluate the core issue.

Hugbox discord is a valid issue.

>> No.9908673 [DELETED] 

>I'm not defending her
>I've just been spending the last 60 posts arguing back and forth about it but I'm not defending her

>everything can be gathered from her social media
anon, I assume that was meant to be thing you and your discord buddies can verify, because otherwise you're just gonna call it shitposting or say it's anonymous and not to be trusted.
I don't even know what you people want at this point, it seems like you just want to dig in and white knight for some random girl to defend the reputation of your hugbox discord or something

I guess it makes sense though, you shill it in every thread, and you want people to join by saying they'll be defended to the death if anything comes out and they're in the in-group.

>> No.9908675 [DELETED] 

This: >>9908615 was my first post in the conversation. The person defending her was someone else.

>> No.9908676

the "I don't like discord" comes directly from the fact that this has happened in the past with other people. Your discord likes to defend its members even when the person isn't giving particularly harsh criticism or is right.
it's because they seem to attach names to the posters in here, get mad at anyone who wants to stay anonymous, and spend their time in there telling everyone it's all right and the big mean anons are just mean.

and every time someone brings up an issue with it or brings up criticism, it's "post cute suits!" and they try to flood the thread to change the topic. It gets really annoying especially when some elitist group tries to control threads on an anonymous board.

>> No.9908677
File: 71 KB, 736x1081, 061dbee40ac1e66d3a3b9eb266fc19c4--fursuit-furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the chains being yanked ITT
Settle down, sheesh.

>> No.9908680 [DELETED] 

and here comes the discord hugbox to try to spam the thread and any criticism of them away

>> No.9908686
File: 59 KB, 554x572, Laughing Whorses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who doesn't mention their hate of discord in everyone one of their posts is from discord

Okay, I don't know if this is some post-ironic parody but now this is just sad.

>> No.9908691

I think if people wanna post pics that’s fine, but I’m willing to have a reasonable discussion. Would it be preferred if the discord link was included only if requested?

The problem is some of the discorders will want to shill for their friends. They may want to do so because it is a friend or because they genuinely disagree with a negative comment. I don’t think this should have to drown out criticism. It isn’t necessary to have multiple people leap to defend someone but if one is allowed to criticize, one should also be able to counter the opinion.

I think the people who want to spam suits won’t get rid of conflict or disagreement but I think it’s nice to still see cute suit pictures. I think the only way to improve the thread is to talk openly about it.

The discord began as a way to take off topic conversations and in depth discussion of personal suits away from the board. Now it affects the threads themselves, not necessarily by initial intent as much as by association.

>> No.9908694

I agree with you, but I don't think you're going to get any reasonable discussion here, from either parties.

>> No.9908695

I don't know who to believe then, because people had said the discord was made for organizing threads when they were getting deleted. You're saying it's for off topic stuff but idk.

at this point I don't think there's a way to fix it, it's the fate of any general that develops a small group or an IRC/discord that a circlejerk develops that hugboxes their own and is hostile to outsiders. This usually kills the general slowly as they push new members away and focus on their own, then the general comes back in a different form with different people a few months or years later. It's just how I've seen things go on 4chan.

>> No.9908699

I forgot to add that the solution definitely isn't to try to get people to join your discord because if they wanted to they already would have, or they would have found a furry discord to join on their own. If they come to 4chan, they want 4chan, they want the anonymity and the posting style and format. They don't want a different platform to go to for their information, pictures, or discussion, and they sure as hell don't want people from a different platform organizing their threads from behind a curtain.

>> No.9908703
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>> No.9908704

No need to be rude anon

>> No.9908707

you're missing the part where someone gives a valid criticism of a maker's prices, and 15 posters come out of the discord to argue how the critic is just a poorfag and ummm actually it's a good price compared to japanese makers


>> No.9908711

You’re right on the first point, it was for both purposes. Obviously it was fine in /trash/ but in the past these threads kept getting nuked off /cgl/. The mods have been tolerant lately and I’ve seen them remove posts that break the blue board rules without just deleting the whole thing, implying they see the threads and tolerate them.

I think if we took off the discord link by default it might help. Obviously it won’t erase any connection but it may help to foster a distance.

I really think people outside the discord should consider if they /want/ to “fix” things or not. If they leave, then it just cements the outside hierarchy. If they stay and maintain their opinion, there is more balance.

We have a lolita discord or two that doesn’t fuck over the lolita generals. The itabag discord is worse but still not horrendous. I think it’s possible.

I have seen the trend that you mention, where groups break off and come and go. I think the focus of this thread should be on sharing and communicating about suits, techniques, and cosplay as well as compliments and criticism.

Unfortunately there is always a loud minority. The discord is not a monolith of opinion, although individuals may agree on a given issue based on conversation there. Yet it presents as a front against opinion of “one of their own”. You know that it’s basically inarguable against these sort of people that your comments are not personal attacks, simply your opinion. You don’t have to say it behind five layers of politeness because, this is the chans. I think it’s ultimately out of the control of outside forces. I understand frustration because of this.

>> No.9908712

I agree one hundred percent with this. I’m not saying kill the discord but I do think the culture of this thread is a little muddled

>> No.9908717

I remember the sequence slightly differently. The criticism started as nothing more than "lol that sucks", hugbox activated, much shitflinging, eventually anon did give some reasonable criticism.

>> No.9908718

the criticism was "this sucks for what she's charging" it was that she needed to either put more effort in and make it better or charge less.

>> No.9908720

I remember the initial comment being rather terse and unexplanatory for about a day when anon came back and expanded at the request of the suit maker's question

>> No.9908725

I have to head out soon, but I figure I could share my experience with a general having parallel threads and a discord. When /plant/ stood up their discord, there was a lot of strife because it was seen as unnecessary, since we were a 24/7 general on a slow board. But over time, as more drama happened in the thread (discord related, or poster related like the tomato autist) the regulars slowly began leaving for either the discord or for good. Then the regularls began doing some of the things you mentioned, like saying only a specific poster from the discord should make the thread, saying a thread wasn't official if it didn't have a discord link, all that. That's when I left.

I went back the other day and the thread was 90% people asking how to care for their generic houseplant (someone actually killed an aloe), useless identification requests (can you identify this tree from this blurry picture of the trunk taken from 20 feet away), and terrible roleplaying as old English women. /plant/ is dead because all the regulars left, leaving only crossboarders. As I said way farther up in the thread I really don't want to lose another general to discord v. anti-discord shitposting. It gets us nowhere.

>> No.9908748

>kill an aloe
Holy fuck how do people like that keep themselves alive?

Optimally discord should stay as discord as a place for friends to talk, share on and off topic things, etc without micromanaging the threads. I haven’t seen a great amount of planning exactly how the thread should go, but I think improving the separation is good.

I think that there should be a link provided if anons ask for it, but otherwise let it alone. The discord doesn’t own this thread and I don’t think they think it does.

And, white knights happen. If they’re wrong and stupid then it’s annoying, but not unbearable if you focus yourself on posting good content. Not posting only suits to brush past commentary, but following your own path without beating the drums of war.

>> No.9908764
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, DUMle6UVoAAvTui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what suits do you all want to have made/make?

>> No.9908770

I really want to do something realistic, like a wolf. Not sure where to start though

>> No.9908771

To. Many. To. Be. Reasonable.
Currently the list is at 25 different costumes, while that includes cosplays the closest they get to being human is robots or kigs that feature a bunch of non-human features.

>> No.9908776
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 23734304_358003181293385_4278841437560242176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooo I want to try to do realistic some day too! but It can be scary, since a good realistic head is easy to goof up.

I feel ya there. but to have so many projects, that is impressive!

>> No.9908778

To be fair, pretty much all of them are of the "in concept" only, as in ideas that haven't been expanded past being ideas and concepts, plus a couple of them will need mad cash / space that I'm in no position for as of now.

>> No.9908798

> the itabag discord is worse

Except it's not? They don't hugbox like the fursuit one does. There's been people come from 4ch and start drama in the discord which leaks back, but generally it has a fight club mentality. Aside from the regular trolls that thread gets the discord is a HUGE amount a better place than the fursuit one. They certainly don't hugbox, they take criticism, they give criticism and they promote a mature culture.

The fursuit discord and the thread are the exact opposite. What goes down in the general ends up going back to the discord and then the army comes marching in to defend their friend. They did it with kemocube, they're doing it again with himegriffin. They act like they own the thread and the screaming autistics come in full force. I was in your discord for quite a while and all i ever saw was you guys shitting on people outside the discord and then shitting on the anons while cuddling each other like incapable children.

To compare the new is like comparing salt with sugar, it might look the same but the itabag one actually has mature adults and not fucking crybabies.

>> No.9908801 [DELETED] 

Actually himegriffin was chased out of the itabag one lmao. She acted like a total retarded spaz and decided to go around insulting people because she didn't like their bag subjects. For someone people are whiteknighting she's certainly a judgmental bitch. When they tried to give her criticism on her bag she got insanely defensive and acted like an immature child...

wait thats exactly the behavior these so called "liars" were talking about lmao And you guys said she didn't have a reputation. Trust me we've been talking about kicking her from scousefurs for a few months but until she does decide to cross the line we don't have a valid reason to ban her from the meets.

>> No.9908802

My fault for being unclear. Itabag discord is worse than the lolita one.

>> No.9908804 [DELETED] 

screenshots of himegriffin insulting people and being defensive where

>> No.9908807 [DELETED] 

Who cares what this person does. Is it too much to have a personal opinion now.

>> No.9908809 [DELETED] 

Doublepost bevause I’m retarded but do you have to post proofs of not liking someone or private conversations? Is it not enough to say so

>> No.9908813 [DELETED] 

if you're going to say that someone insulted people and you have an easy way to provide proof of it then it just seems a bit dumb not to grab the proof and just say stuff. saying someone insulted people isn't a personal opinion, its an accusation.

>> No.9908845 [DELETED] 


Just search the itabag threads bro. Someone liked a character that reminded her of her ex boyfriend so she decided to sit in the chat and make that person feel like shit.

>> No.9908848 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 383x153, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lolita, cringelord, too autistic to know when to quit

Well anon was right she's self proclaimed autistic. Shit makes a lot of sense now.

>> No.9908852 [DELETED] 

looked through the thread, she legit just said luigi reminded her of her ex and that they didn't leave on bad terms. luigi bagger seems like a snowflake desu

>> No.9908854 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 381x196, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked someone in the itabag discord to find caps but apparently according the chat the mod stepped in and deleted her insulting the Luigi anon. Her apology for her behavior is still up though if you want some kind of proof she acted full autistic

>> No.9908855

epic fursuit discussion, bros

>> No.9908861 [DELETED] 

You can tell she's autistic because she's sitting in the fursuit discord with the name "Thread derailer of the month" like she's proud of the fact she nearly made someone vomit from how badly she smelt lmao

Anons weren't kidding about her behavior or the hugbox mentality in this thead. Everyone is asspatting her like she's the queen of the hoard.

Fucking furries.

>> No.9908863 [DELETED] 

wtf do you expect from an autistic 18 year old british girl? This is probably the most attention she's had in the last 6 months

>> No.9908869 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1920x821, queenoftheautistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking LOL it's true. She must be on the low functioning end of the spectrum to be proud of this.

nice whiteknighting in the thread though Grandiose if you wanna fuck her in her moldy shit suit just say so kek i mean she's this desperate for attention she'd probably sell herself to you anyway

>> No.9908872

Fucks sake, this used to be the only thread on /cgl/ I actually liked

>> No.9908875
File: 472 KB, 398x597, Dd4XcreVAAAKbjK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9908876 [DELETED] 

no one has been talking about the thread in chat all day but if you insist then please carry on posting screencaps

>> No.9908877 [DELETED] 

Anon I was with you until you claimed they were getting asspats.

These aren’t openly praising the individual in question. A couple are defensive but I don’t think it significantly diminishes the quality of the thread if they disagree. It’s one thing to see something like
>this person is super awesome, you’re just mean
>there’s nothing wrong with anything this person does
>it’s ok (person) we all love u anyway uwu

Compared to something like
>I disagree
>I think your attacks are ad hominem lolol

I think they’re both pointless but I think there is a difference between disagreeing because of a relationship on discord and disagreeing in order to suck someone’s dick

>> No.9908882

try to contribute in a positive manner. Again not saying “drown out the meanieposters” but if you can’t change others, make the changes you can do yourself

>> No.9908883 [DELETED] 

her name gets changed regularly by mods, might not have been her to change it

>> No.9908886 [DELETED] 

I don't have anything constructive to offer but since the thread is going down in flames I may as well point out that you are getting assblasted over an 18 year old autistic girl and going on 50+ post rants about her. I can't speak to her character, but I think this certainly speaks volumes about yours.

>> No.9908894 [DELETED] 

The discussion was issues she brought up not really about her. She's an 18 year old who smells like shit and throws tantrums because people like Luigi. I expect to see her on lolcow in the next few years.
The discussion was because she hid behind a meatshield of furfag white knights who couldn't fathom someone in their discord is ever wrong

>> No.9908896 [DELETED] 

the discussion was because you had a story that had evidence to the contrary, to which you changed your story to something else, twice (^:

>> No.9908898 [DELETED] 

lel, you missed a couple eurofag

>> No.9908900 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 800x450, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus even when stating the luigi shit, you still couldn't actually provide proof on it. This whole thread just feels like two itabag fags shitting it up because a furry came into their hobby.

Imagine being this butthurt about a cripple autistic girl who has muscle problems. do you understand how pathetic you sound when you get so assmad about her? the fact that your "handler" couldn't get her away from you is hilarious considering the girl is a cripple who needs peoples help to lift heavy objects

>> No.9908903

This rabbit is one of my favorites kemono, because of the red eyeline. Would it be bad to copy only this eyeliner? Not the eye design inside

>> No.9908906 [DELETED] 

That fact you think this is just one or two anons says a lot for how stupid you are. I don't even think the original two who commented on her suit smell even posted again, it's literally just you guys arguing with yourselves

>> No.9908907 [DELETED] 

considering the thread ip count has stayed relatively static since this morning i'm fairly sure you're still here (^:

>> No.9908909 [DELETED] 

Proxies my friend have you heard of them

>> No.9908910 [DELETED] 

so you have 20 people all using the same proxy to fool the thread ip count? big brain play

>> No.9908912 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 475x356, 30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using a proxy on a furry thread just to lie about a 18 year old autist

>> No.9908913 [DELETED] 

Do you not understand the IP count?
Anyone who already posted on the thread doesn't make it go up. That could be anyone who made any one of the last 200 posts

>> No.9908914

Is... is Arthur furry?

>> No.9908915
File: 140 KB, 640x480, D.W.&#039;s_Furry_Freak-out_-_title_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bet.

>> No.9908919 [DELETED] 

I think it's much easier to assume you're lying than assume that all these different people you claim have already posted in the thread (^: and what you stated has nothing to do with proxies either

>> No.9908922
File: 388 KB, 1378x978, detail_518_差し替え.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so as that kind of makeup has been pretty popular in jfash in the past few years, prolly didn't want that airbrushed on.

>> No.9908926
File: 114 KB, 1024x612, DfMSqzoVQAAGNEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few suits with red eyeliner and it's honestly the cutest detail. you should def try it on a character. I'd love to put it on one of my future suits.

>> No.9908948 [DELETED] 

Just because she's fucken autistic doesn't excuse her to act like a shitty human being. People who use mental illness as an excuse to not become responsible for themselves are fucken cunts and we all know it

>> No.9908951 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 900x1200, DfLyd_eWAAEsyAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not using it to excuse her behavior, it's just pathetic you couldn't get her to get her off and away from you with how fucked up healthwise she is.

>> No.9908955
File: 260 KB, 1079x1200, DWwGETFX4AAWLjV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this reminds me of old cgl
now THIS is a cgl thread
hell yeah

>> No.9908960 [DELETED] 

>don't bully her she's a cripple! Wah!
>you should've told her to fuck off

Kinda hypocritical don't you think?

>> No.9908964

lov that dog

>> No.9908966


>> No.9908967 [DELETED] 

i mean it's almost as if there's more than one person in this thread

>> No.9908969
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, ca583c3f52bf38c6f7eefd8bbe19bc3127102946_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's genius, I want one

>> No.9908970

I have no idea how they haven't been sued by Ty Corporation yet. You can't just use someone else's logo as your own

>> No.9908972

it's a parody, so it flies

>> No.9908973

it's a single artist making them, i really don't think they'd care enough to take them to court.. they're not mass produced or anything. not worth it

>> No.9908974

Beanie baby only gives a shit about the beanie boos and the tsum tsum knockoffs anyway, as well as the promotional film stuff. Make a toy with giant sparkly eyes and then we have an issue.

>> No.9908981
File: 94 KB, 600x900, 034f366f0c0cf71e3750bb094f220068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9909049
File: 177 KB, 705x1200, DfLpqJUU8AAKGyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9909164
File: 2.39 MB, 996x1646, DQ7il4OUMAEA64B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these tail scales

>> No.9909277

holy crap those are fantastic

>> No.9909346

Weird question but here it goes:

I'm sorta making my first fursuit - more so a skullcat than anything furred, since taxidermy is a past time of mine and I just love DVC's bases. The only bit I want furred would be the part connecting to the head and covering my neck, except I have absolutely no sewing skills and doubt I can pull it off.

Any idea if I could send off a finished skull piece to have that added, and how much a good price would be? I'd be doing all the other work, just can't do this bit.

>> No.9909411

Easier to make a mockup with broadcloth and then do it yourself anyway. Depending on pile, fur can be very forgiving.

>> No.9909412
File: 276 KB, 1002x1036, Screenshot_20180610-110510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except nobody said you did anything like that and you're blowing it out of proportion. Did I say you did a running hug or anything about your physical disability? I sure didn't.

You got in close to the suiter to pose for a photo, the suiter signaled to me to ask you to move back a bit and you totally ignored me. I asked you again very politely to leave and you continued to ignore me. You made the suiter extremely uncomfortable and couldnt take a hint.

>> No.9909442

but anon that’s a copypasta. You can’t even call 911 in England

>> No.9909597

that's probably the same person looking to extend their 15 minutes of fame before going back to being someone with a meh suit and meh coords

>> No.9909700

shut up

>> No.9910183
File: 191 KB, 1199x819, C80K3FqUIAAJcdX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9911024

Oh god, that plant makes it look like the roots are stuck in its brain

>> No.9911027

This just looks unbrushed and stinky.

>> No.9911196

the suit is well taken care of. not sure where you get the impression, the only 'unbrushed' looking spots are near the hands, and thats because that kind of fur sucks when you're actively wearing it for more than 20 minutes.

>> No.9911638
File: 126 KB, 1024x683, 14862270198_64c254fd9e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you plan on going to Megaplex?

>> No.9911650

Has anyone here ever tried using taxidermy ear forms for their suits ears? They're plastic and ultra thin but very strong and would be great for characters that you want to have very crisp long ears that might otherwise sag over time. I think I might try it unless it's just an awful idea?

>> No.9911769
File: 171 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20180612_100015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll be there!

>> No.9911781

Yeah it’s just the variety of fur. If you were to touch it irl it wouldn’t be matted or tangled

>> No.9912020
File: 119 KB, 960x960, 35148035_1680189805361435_8076864906990714880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we were thinking the paws can't get any worse...

>> No.9912026

it's bizarre that literally every single kline cat looks different from one another

>> No.9912032
File: 115 KB, 1500x1500, 21586616_1436144239765994_3913251963007246502_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more surprised how the body's markings are different to the ref. THAT you would expect them to not fuck up.

>> No.9912037
File: 182 KB, 800x1200, Dfdn6F3UcAAoMET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, compare the leg markings.

>> No.9912039

I don't see the difference, aside from how shoddy the seams in the fur look

>> No.9912040
File: 185 KB, 800x1200, Dfdn8QlUYAAxwEr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole left leg is incorrect with the wonky orange circle being on the knee besides that isn't supposed to be a circle in the first place.

Also, armpit hair.

>> No.9912047

yet all of them look trashy as hell.
God this cat is so bad. And the design is just as bad.

>> No.9912147

i can see it being a circle, idk it looks mostly correct. whoever bought it clearly didn't have good taste in design to begin with anyways, it's not the easiest thing to translate from digital art to sewing

>> No.9912288
File: 803 KB, 1053x549, 46346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triangles aren't supposed to be circles.

>> No.9912294

Looks like the leg just got rotated a bit.

>> No.9912461

Either way it’s quite bad

>> No.9912529

k-lines designs are so lazy. the artist literally just scribbles whatever the fuck onto the lineart

>> No.9912627

They aren't lazy, the concept of that specific Showcase line was using modern art (paintings) for the fur patterns but that doesn't change that every suit looks shit in a different way due to the throwaway trainees.

>> No.9913983

Their last line looked bad too

>> No.9913995
File: 125 KB, 1200x921, DcUi1-1UwAAKaFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf looks bad at this.

>> No.9914005
File: 136 KB, 1117x769, DfS8rA0U0AUedIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they got a new head designer some months ago as the new Sigma looks like that, too, face wise.

>> No.9914009
File: 91 KB, 613x1024, DfVSluqUcAASgOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also same paw issues all the cats have, didn't even know they did reopen commissions.

>> No.9914066

holy shit the bodysuit on the left is so grimey

>> No.9914873

I’ll comment when I see them as suit...

>> No.9914913 [DELETED] 

You freaks make me sick

>> No.9914914

And the suits have what do to with the lineart? Bingo, nothing as Rady doesn't make the suits but the art.

>> No.9915140

anon I think you misread
they said 'last line' as in like, line of designs.

>> No.9915152

>k-lines designs are so lazy. the artist literally just scribbles whatever the fuck onto the lineart

>> No.9916271
File: 249 KB, 1199x1015, DfyZY2NW0AAGmqJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets get this ball rollin

mixedcandy akita for sale right now

>> No.9916272
File: 108 KB, 799x1200, Dd6XpWqUwAAY6co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old designosauro/AKC suit for sale

>> No.9916273
File: 65 KB, 1200x609, 1528967305furtitude_riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AF suit for sale (with a ridic price tag)

>> No.9916274
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x775, commissionsopenbanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sept completion custom phoenix nest suit


>> No.9916275
File: 411 KB, 1000x1558, DSC_5959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manokit fullsuit (who you can't unsee as deadpool now) for sale

>> No.9916276
File: 79 KB, 720x960, awdthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWD partial up for grabs

>> No.9918216
File: 83 KB, 699x960, 13921156_1764845203792522_4414728269741953606_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9918218


>> No.9918226
File: 76 KB, 248x380, reverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.9918474
File: 156 KB, 600x450, P1030385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these makers that manage to stagnate in improvement. I get that in this case Rady no longer plays a part in the building process but for the longest these interns were building from her resin bases.While the older fursuit looks grimey as fuck the head looks better than that new dead eyed thing.
K-Line isn't the only one either builders like beastcub, onefurall, madefuryou, just as a few examples, crank out so many suits yet show really no change in quality.

>> No.9918598

>but for the longest these interns were building from her resin bases
The problem in the case of K-Line is that the trainees are only part-time workers, they change like underwear so there never will be a stable quality and someone else does the headbases as of this year as you can see by the huge difference between both of the heads done by K-Line in >>9914005 .

>> No.9918601

To some degree it is probably what the customers want, same-faced mass-production and why kill an old milk cow that still brings in cash with no efford?

>> No.9920945
File: 3.45 MB, 4912x3264, 1528407475.aoi-kitsune__dsc3750_dxored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /pimp/?

>> No.9921576
File: 241 KB, 960x1280, Detcl-uW0AAtQlC.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9921593

can confirm it's 2x faster and easier to build something you already know than try anything experimental, even if it's tiny.
Time is money, friend.

>> No.9921594
File: 90 KB, 636x640, _MG_8942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I see why commies in the fandom are on the rise :^)

>> No.9921670

She deflate

>> No.9921745
File: 100 KB, 622x350, 516c10c070058274e6aaa4b9ab227969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole fandom is built off of plateaued makers. The generic western suit design bores me to be honest. I know there are some great western suits, but it's just not my thing, and too many of them really are cookie cutter, even if made by different makers.
I appreciate makers who experiment, say adding kemono elements to their suits (or trying something new like Remi), but kemono isn't enough, we need more suits like pic related. It was made by Lance Ikegawa AGES ago, and there aren't enough makers who are willing to try this anymore. I honestly think it's because they're poor as hell. Suitmaking doesn't bring in much money, and they honestly don't have enough time to devote to extreme projects. If they don't have a second source of income in the house, they have to churn out the same old stuff that's popular, even though they may want to branch out. Otherwise they don't have enough to live on. I think the question new makers need to ask themselves is: should they go pro and possibly sacrifice their integrity as an artist, or stay small for a while until they have enough variety under their belts? Like >>9921594, I'm honestly surprised there are like ZERO well-known suitmakers in the fandom who make mascot-style suits.

>> No.9921748
File: 67 KB, 633x1000, DgWJg0SUEAAlaHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make a decent income, you'll need to make like, idk, 10-15 suits a year, so like one suit a month. Probably more taking taxes into account. Sounds like not that many suits, but the more and more you add to it, the more timecrunch is added. So generic suits are the best option to keep food on the table. Jon Talbain over there certainly isn't a "1-month" suit. That guy probably took 6-12 months to make. As for K-line, there honestly isn't any excuse for what they're doing, they've made good suits before.
For me, I'd like to see a suit made like this doll here, using wefting or NFT hair for the hair, and maybe something like a kigurumi mask (but more furry of course) or fleece for the face. That would be unique.

>> No.9921749
File: 135 KB, 1200x799, DgTuvXaUYAAhvn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the K-line suit I was referring to. It wasn't a Rady suit, it was a showcase, and they did an amazing job. But alas, never again.
I'm looking through *really* old fursuit photos, and there is a shit ton of variety to them. Sure, they may not be as fancy, and some were pretty rough, but back then, we didn't have a cult of popumaker 10k-bid-for-end-of-queue-slot for generic suit #894 going on. Honestly, we need some super premium-ass suitmakers who make hyper-padded suits like Lance did, charge like 6-7k starting price, but give you the Lamborghini of fursuits when you commission them.

>> No.9922124

well-known suit makers don't make mascot style suits because they're usually pretty ugly unless they're japanese baseball mascots or disney-tier lol.

>> No.9922497
File: 139 KB, 928x1200, DgbK9tXVMAATFt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9922502

I think another issue is that it is really hard to hide flaws at those with being minky-like fabric

>> No.9923412
File: 55 KB, 278x400, nakatsu_puppet_costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just it though, we don't even see Japanese baseball mascot or Disney-tier suits made by these makers. But I guess it's all about practicality. Your standard fursuits are closer to sports mascots than they are, say these >>9922497. Unlike kemono suits or Godzilla costumes or whatever, you can wear standard fursuits for extended periods. But the look certainly is sacrificed for utility. We are seeing more dropped crotches these days, such as with AF's suits. What gets me though is that there's never been a good eastern dragon suit. Pic related is a puppet, but I've honestly never seen a suit with remotely similar proportions (adjusted so a person could fit in it), except maybe in an alligator suit.

>> No.9923416
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Basically, it all comes down to fursuits often not hiding the human form well enough. Pic related, Lewis by Arito is what I mean: very neat and clean padding makes the character *pop*. Now compare that to your standard dog head man plantigrade suit.

>> No.9923436

they look like shit once you start walking in it.

>> No.9923535

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riMER5ajrIE I watched the whole 26+ minutes of it, and you could probably fit the suits I found interesting (quality or no) in less than a minute. Now I remember why I stopped watching fursuit parade vids, the return on your time investment watching them is too low.

>> No.9923572
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>> No.9923573
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Wtf Amanojaku was thinking with those feet.

>> No.9923577
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>> No.9923578

those pecs and some of the muscles are also nightmare fuel level bad

>> No.9923581
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Depends on your prefered style, 've seen plenty.

>> No.9923588
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I'm honestly ashamed I forgot about longboy

>> No.9923594
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>> No.9923595
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I still wonder what happend to the one with the snake tail from Furstar.

>> No.9923596

Something like this but as a skin tight affair with light amounts of padding to smooth out the body shapes instead of the attempts at a muscle suit here would of been just about perfect.
Though not sure how well any final product could be using fur for a shark over something more shark skin like.

>> No.9923603
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Damn, that's a good pun

>> No.9923649
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I'm a newfag to the furry community but I've been watching a couple con videos. There is this fursuiter who I see many times in the background. Their suit doesn't look brushed and instead musky. I genuinely hope that in the future, they save for a new fursuit upgrade. Unless they have already gotten a new one.
What do you guys think?

>> No.9923651

Is that really the same suit?
I guess perspective really does change everything

>> No.9923662

Only flames will atone

>> No.9923692

>before and after being registered as a sex offender

>> No.9923711

>Dorian Growly

>> No.9925624
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Some new Amanojaku commission, they seem to be rare ever since they started Furstar.

>> No.9925625
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>> No.9925648

Even got a moving jaw.

>> No.9926230


>> No.9928192

So if I don't know really anyone who has a fursuit IRL, is there any way to try a head on for a minute? I'm going to Megaplex this year and I'm meeting up with some friends from Telegram but none own suits and I'm assuming the dealers won't just let you try on theirs at the table (if they have any).

I've been thinking about getting one for awhile but I have issues with the idea of massive blind spots.

>> No.9928224
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Of course the exact visible area and placement depends on the head, but you can get a pretty decent idea of the kind of average visibility you would get if you do pic related with both hands, have the hole your fingers and thumbs makes about the size of a dime / 2 cent euro or whatever, and hold them as close to your eyeballs as your skull shape allows, moving your hands farther away/closer to each other to get a feel for how the suit heads eye spacing would affect stereoscopic overlap.

>> No.9928394 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, furry scum

>> No.9928809

I bought a premade fursuit partial a few months ago and I love it but I've realized that the head is way too loose on me and swivels around when I try to move my head too quickly which is pretty annoying. Is there anything I can do about this? The inside is lined so I don't think I can just glue foam in there.

>> No.9928994

How about attaching sponge foam via velcro? You could always remove that again if you want to sell it.

>> No.9929844

oh the lining is no problem. you could pad it with foam and line over it with spandex/lycra! or just tear out the padding and re-line it.

>> No.9929845

and by padding I mean lining whoops

>> No.9930395

You all weirdos. Cosplaying in established franchises is one thing. This is a different level of degeneracy.

>> No.9930399

>Cosplaying is degeneracy

>> No.9930755
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>> No.9930869

I know she said she doesn't care what people think of her head style but the ears would look so much better if they were a bit higher up

>> No.9931542


>> No.9935258
File: 576 KB, 800x524, 239_9641_dragon02_waifu2x_photo_noise1_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried using Waifu2x to increase the resolution of those low-res japanese spyro pictures

>> No.9935430

Just set the speed faster, Anon.

>> No.9935512
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hope yall had fun at AC

>> No.9936183

i don't usually give a fuck about '''''popufurs''''' but majira's new suit looks fucking garbage lmfao

>> No.9936746

To me, it just looks like another boring neon dogheadman suit. Nothing horrible, but nothing noteworthy.

>> No.9936879
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Furstar got a seagull cat up, didn't know they were written as umineko in japanese.

>> No.9937111

holy fuck someone from cgl please get this

while i don't think it looks horrible, I think the tongues look rushed/cheap.

>> No.9937371

IDK if anyone can help me here, but does anyone know a maker or part timer (?) who is open to fur a head? There's a base I've been eyeing but I don't want to spend a couple hundred on supplies and let my lack of skill waste all that money
I THOUGHT I found a maker, but after I added up the cost I discovered they are closed

>> No.9937892

Is it just me or do the eyes not seem to fit with the rest of the design? I dunno I just feel like they should be sharper, angrier, bitchier? No idea why...

>> No.9938013
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>> No.9938120

My main problem with it is the nose, idk but that type of plastic looks really ugly to me.

>> No.9939135
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How would you piece apart a 3D model of a head to reassemble if you don't know anyone with a large enough printer?

>> No.9939156

Cut it up in software and print the parts separately? It's a pretty standard procedure with printing larger things on smaller printers to do that, though you should keep in mind where you're cutting up your model and how that'll effect strength and possibly aesthetics, ideally you'd be cut along naturally occurring breaks in the model, if there are any.

>> No.9939376
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>> No.9940087

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