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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9900059 No.9900059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9876714

>> No.9900068
File: 1.50 MB, 640x1136, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget this beautiful photo.

>> No.9900070

that was pretty refreshing to read

>> No.9900077

Is a cold sore??

>> No.9900083

Herpes, apparently.

>> No.9900099

did she just assume my savings account

>> No.9900102

Oh man, as soon as I saw that post in CoF I knew it would end up here. What a delicious shitshow.

>> No.9900104

Holy shit that last comment

>> No.9900107

Cold sores are herpes, there are different types.
She has HSV2?

>> No.9900114

I wanted to be nice to her so bad, but she's such a disgusting human being. Why is she so keen on taking everything as personally as possible? Like, someone says something generalized and she has to go and ask "Is this... all about me?" like a child.
Girl needs to get off CoF and put lolita on the backburner while she sorts her shit out, fucking hell.

>> No.9900115

But anon, she gets attention, like this whole thread is doomed to be about her and she fuckin loves it.

>> No.9900131

isn't that highly contagious? She should be wearing a mouth mask at least...

>> No.9900139

She wants to be famous and also wants to be 'as real as possible' by showing off how gross she is? I don't know any famous people who got famous (in a good way) by showing off their crusty lip or by oversharing their own money fuckups. She's also rude as hell, so I don't foresee her getting famous and staying famous ever.

>> No.9900147

Yeah I saw that she mentioned wanting to be efamous. God she is just hemorrhaging reasons to hate her.

>> No.9900181

Regular cold sores.. or HSV2? Because yes to both, but HSV1 is already in over 90% of the population.

>The herpes virus is most contagious during and just before a person has an outbreak. Herpes outbreaks often appear as a rash, bumps, or one or more sores around the genitals or the mouth, which can progress to blisters. Initial outbreaks are sometimes associated with fevers and flu-like symptoms. If you see anything appearing like that on yourself or a partner, avoid sexual contact, including kissing if the symptoms are on the face.

>Even if there are no visible lesions, herpes can be spread through a process known as shedding. During shedding, the herpes virus is active on the skin, usually where the person has had symptoms before. As a result, any type of genital, oral, or skin-to-skin contact with the virus may transmit it. There is no way to know when another person is shedding, but safer sex practices significantly minimize the risk of contracting herpes.

Don't rub your face on her face and you'll be fine.

>> No.9900200

Her face looks way worse than any cold sore I've ever seen.

>> No.9900312

So wait... Are these the same person?

>> No.9900313

Yeah, that’s C

>> No.9900314

Is this person even an active member of this comm or is this just a literal who that overshares.

>> No.9900345

Someone dare me to DM this to her.
She friend requested me today for laugh reacting at her screw up

>> No.9900357

I promise shes already lurking.

>> No.9900388

so is this the new drama now? Some poor girl showing off her poverty?
How boring.

>> No.9900391 [DELETED] 

fuck off claire

>> No.9900398 [DELETED] 

We found nasty ass Claire cake pop or whatever,

>> No.9900408 [DELETED] 

>hi k8
Old meme.
This drama is boring. Didn't know it was Clair, but her drama used to be more interesting. This "lol I'm so poor" thing is kinda old.

>> No.9900414

I mean, if you've got tastier drama by all means feel free to share.

>> No.9900432 [DELETED] 

Unrelated to Claire, but people on Facebook groups have got to stop condescendingly using 'sweetie' and shit like that, it's obnoxious as fuck and makes me cringe every time.

>> No.9900438

That's the point.

>> No.9900451

Been in the fashion less than a year and came in swinging with bad coords trying to get her youtube channel to take off.

>> No.9900464

Goddamn I hate it when people pull the “OMG r u saying poor people don’t deserve lolita???” shit in response to people advising them to manage their money in a responsible way. There are several adult women in my comm who say this shit whenever the replica debate comes up or a coveted piece is being sold for more than they can afford. How do people get to be this entitled?

>> No.9900472

underrated comment kek

>> No.9900477

She needs actual mental health help. This sounds like untreated Borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. The impulsive spending before financial security, seeking attention, pity partying, etc.

>> No.9900481

Why would she give friend request you?

>> No.9900498

Desperate for attention I’m assuming

>> No.9900512

She adds literally everyone.

>> No.9900533

So I guess she decided to go to the meet after all.

>> No.9900559
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Analyzing her videos like the weak brainlet I am, she needs Dave Ramsey, BAD. She should focus on her financial priorities before buying Lolita. Rent, food, water, normie clothing, transportation should be on the top of her list. Her "going-out" videos shows how she spends her money. Even if they were small things, it will eventually add up at the end. Ignoring temptation and having self-control is key to success.
I hate to sound all philosophical and shit but even the richest can go broke with poor life choices.

>> No.9900573

I feel sorry for C aka stoner-chan because she seems to be oblivious. She also is a bit naive.
Don't like her, but I pity her desu.
Not surprised such an emotionally messed up person is having financial woes.
Girl needs to grow up and take responsibility and not hide behind the "I've been taking care of myself since the age of 16" thing, however sad that may be.
If you can't pay rent cause you have a payment plan going, air your dirty laundry on fb a comm about your financial situation and then ask if it's totes okay to go to a meet you need to get some help honey.

>> No.9900601
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>> No.9900619

how do you know?

>> No.9900623 [DELETED] 

As someone who has had hsv-1 since they were little I appreciate it whenever people educate others that they more than likely also have it too. It helps lessen the stigma around it.

That being said, fucking yikes Claire

>> No.9900722


>> No.9900753
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She posted this on the event page. this was a pretty big meetup, such an obnoxious thing to imo. Especially since she’s not really local/active member of the community and no one really knows her (I think she’s been to one non con event here). I didn’t go to this because I couldn’t afford it this month, kind glad though so I didn’t have to see the hideous crust on her lip

>> No.9900763

Condolences to her comm and anyone at that meet

>> No.9900812

Fortunately she barely goes to meets.

>> No.9900830

> I didn’t go to this because I couldn’t afford it this month

Oh look, a responsible adult!

>> No.9900921

I just found out the other day that the admins for my local comm went behind the usual ILD organizer’s back to have me make prizes for the raffles at summer ILD. I’m honestly really unimpressed with them because she specifically told them to stop bothering me for prizes every six months, so instead of going through her they just sidestepped her. Joke’s on them though, I’m only making super detailed large accessories on commission nowadays. They’re never getting free bonnets out me again.

>> No.9900922

Good for you! That sucks that they would squeeze all your hard work out if you fit nothing!

>> No.9900954

I loved my little elementary friends back in the day and got my own personal herp hugging and kissing on them.
It happens to most of us at some point.

>> No.9900959
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To be honest... I wonder if anyone will have the courage to ask her in-person why she's even there in the first place?

>> No.9900982
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damn bitch u live like this?

>> No.9901278

She's white trash and proud

>> No.9901405
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>> No.9901422

Oh no not this bitch again

>> No.9901534

Doesn't even need to be Dave Ramsey just a simple financial google search and drawing up a budget could help. There are even videos for someone who doesn't like to read so bleh. I rather enjoyed the financial diet youtube channel but there are others

>> No.9901549
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>> No.9901551

Its her new upper lip

>> No.9901669

Today on botched

>> No.9901754


>> No.9901781

*caption this*

>> No.9901823
File: 116 KB, 600x600, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more i look at it the worse it gets.

>> No.9901854

I'm not into this, guys...
confidence, and masochism, only goes so far. I really worry about how toxic these interactions are.
I think we should just ignore her until she grows up. I feel really uncomfortable with how personal and completely unrelated to the fashion this is getting.

>> No.9901860

and a break will be on the horizon. don't be malicious, let's just ignore her shenanigans and only engage when she's adjusted.

>> No.9901865 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Claire

>> No.9901933

No, she's keep doing things for more attention to fill her efame ego. If she really cared about what we say she would listen and stop being so manic.

>> No.9901964

I kind of agree, especially with petty shit like >>9901405. This is exactly what she wants. She wants to be infamous and to be able to portray herself as a victim of cyberbullying. I’m not sure if she’ll go away on her own but maybe if we ignore her enough she’ll get bored of the lolita community and find a new hobby or fandom to milk for attention and oppression points.

>> No.9902095

Sure anon, we care about your feelings here.