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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9885044 No.9885044 [Reply] [Original]

Do or die edition
Only a week away, whats everyone's cosplay progress so far?

Discussion on
>Cosplay Plans/progress
>Boys bathroom party at the delta
>Other meetups
>Con weather

please join our discord for funposting
/cgl/Canada: https://discord.gg/ZvrusDx

>> No.9885047
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>> No.9885116

Check the character's official promotional art or memorable scenes and try to memorize 2-4 poses you can do standing up. Then rotate through them as needed.

>> No.9885177

>only thunderstorm on the sunday

Thank god

>> No.9885253

Canada units pls

Looks very different from the weather predictions I've been seeing. Sunny Friday, Saturday may have drizzles, Sunday rain.

>> No.9885384

Why is it that every year someone feels the need to camp out on the con grounds instead of buying a hotel? What would lead anyone to think it's a good idea, especially around teenagers who would happily take your belongings?

>> No.9885438

Those are canada units. Summer comes in powerfully and suddenly in Toronto.

>> No.9885471

Are you expecting weebs to be sane or rational?

>> No.9885582

So no Unpopular Opinions panel this year? That sucks.

>> No.9885583

Holy fuck please post pics.
Are you hot gril?

>> No.9885585

pls be in FALSE FLAG

>> No.9885604 [DELETED] 


>> No.9885677

Explain how literally any of this is anime related

>Steven Universe
>Geek Girls film
>Homo/transphobia in anime
>LGBTQ roleplay
>Lesbian sex 101
>Queer speed mixer
>Toronto gaymers werewolf social
>Avatar the Last Airbender
>Disability and mental illness in anime
>Dragon Age
>POC cosplay
>Dan Salvato
>Yaoi and feminism
>Toxicity in Fandom

>> No.9885681

Ask the fans who said they'd be interested in attending and hosting those panels.

>> No.9885685

man am i the only one who wants to go to the DISABILITY AND MENTAL ILLNESS IN ANIME


>> No.9885693
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>Yaoi and feminism
>Lesbian sex 101
How many dudes are going to attend that
>Toronto gaymers werewolf social
No comment the jokes just write themselves
>Toxicity in Fandom
So a recap of whatever latest Twitter drama but in anime convention panel form.
What the fuck is any of this. These were actually approved? I'm trying to find the common sense here

>> No.9885697

>Homo/transphobia in anime
>Disability and mental illness in anime
>POC cosplay
>Yaoi and feminism
I mean, these could be related. But it also depends on how the panelists spin things.

>> No.9885759

Wait, it's still not sold out?

>> No.9885777
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GeekxGirls.com, featuring sexy geeky photoshoots! Fansite for lovers of sci-fi, fantasy, games, anime, comic books and all things geek.

Jesus, are they this low on good panel ideas?

>> No.9885796
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I don't normally wear sweet, but Angelic Pretty is coming and I want to show my support. The weather seems like it's going to be nice for once.

>> No.9885815
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>The weather seems like it's going to be nice for once.

>> No.9885823

AN is not as popular anymore

>> No.9885842

I should have worded my post better. My main concern isn't the actual poses, but whether I should be frozen in whatever pose I choose for the duration of the the group or pairing called. But thanks, I guess it seems like common sense to stay still but it just felt off to me.

>> No.9886021

The panel selection is way better this year than the last two years and you know it. It's almost impossible to find any con that's 100% anime.

>Steven Universe
Has a lot of anime influence and references, so depends how they do it.

>Homo/transphobia in anime
The word "anime" is even in there. Mind you, it'll probably be a shitty panel full of rich white girls whining about thing in anime which can be explained away by Japanese culture, which they have no understanding of, but it's still anime.

>Lesbian sex 101
If they explain the difference between anime or anime fanfiction and real life, then maybe. I stopped into this panel one year and it was about 10 minutes of some girl showing off all of her sex toys, and then 5 of her showing some dumb weeb how a Hitachi magic wand works, so you may have a point.

>Avatar the Last Airbender
Heavily inspired by anime, and strong anime influence.

>Disability and mental illness in anime
The word "anime" is right there.

>POC cosplay
Cosplay panels are a part of all nerd conventions no matter what kind.

>Yaoi and feminism
Like it or not, "yaoi" is a legit anime and manga genre. It's tied to Japanese feminism in its origins, so it works if they look at it from a Japanese perspective.

>Toxicity in Fandom
Depends how they spin it.

>Dragon Age
Vidya have always been a part of anime conventions, so why complain now?

>> No.9886056

>it just needs the word anime in the title then its alright
fucking non-anime apologist, get out of my con

>> No.9886068

Not every panel that's about anime needs to be about a specific anime.

Sounds more like you're angry about panels which may express viewpoints that you disagree with than you are about the lack of anime panels. I mean, there is some non-anime stuff on the schedule that no one's even talking about. Star Wars, anyone?

I don't even attend your con. It's shit. Since you're so unhappy about the content, why are you still going?

>> No.9886091

Yeah, I thought it was weird I could book a hotel room at the Weston and get two deluxe passes two weeks before the convention :/
That being said, I have two spots in my room that I need to fill now so I don't go broke.

>> No.9886131
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So anyone down for some riichi mahjong?

>> No.9886156

The mass photo shoots are like herding cats, except there's two herds, cosplayers and photographers and the shepherds are also cats. So because it's impossible to keep everyone in sync you have to make the cosplayers freeze for a while and wait for the photo stragglers to finish talking a picture of the pose. Usually with 10 to 30 second countdowns.

>> No.9886238

>of her showing some dumb weeb how a Hitachi magic
Should have shown pink rotors, those are weeb

>> No.9886316

Let's be honest, these panels focus not on anime but for these hosts to shill their political platform. There's a time and place for everything. Do it at the Pride Parade (which is conveniently next month), not at the anime con.

Imagine the outrage if there was an Alt-Right in Anime panel, Fascism in Anime panel, Racial Separatism in Anime panel, and Traditional Wholesome Cisgender Gender Roles in Anime panel. In fact, you could argue these panels are very relevant since Japanese are a very proud sectarian people and anime often panders to nationalist otaku - racemixing is always AMWF, Japanese military supremacy is emphasized in many fantasy anime, etc.

Everyone has a political opinion, an anime con is not the place to share it. Adding "anime" to everything does not make it suitable for a con.

>> No.9886331

>shill their political platform
Shill it exclusively to people who already agree with and share their political views? This is truly an outrage and must be stopped.
Like it or not, social politics interact with the anime scene, so these panels belong. Do what I and about 99% of the attendees do and just ignore those panels.
Nevermind the fact that all of these panels are chosen based on fan response; none of these panels would be happening if the community didn't show interest in them in the first place. If you want your alt-right panels or if you want these panels removed from the con in future years, then I encourage you to get involved in the community and official AN forums to gather support for whatever actions you want to happen.

>> No.9886333

You can play with the obese weebs and Chinese grandmas that end up at AN.

>> No.9886344

Fucking gross. This con is such a cringefest anymore it’s almost even worth going to the tea party.

Isnt the tea party just having AP as a guest rather than it being an actual AP/Brand tea party btw? Tickets were way too cheap for it to be like an actual brand tea...

>> No.9886346

It’s always like that. Do you even go here??

>> No.9886371

Never done tea at AN until this year.

>> No.9886383

>rich white girls
sjw types are almost 95% poorfags living in shit apartments and spending beyond their means on trans fanart

>> No.9886391

This is awfully specific.

>> No.9886616

>The mass photo shoots are like herding cats, except there's two herds, cosplayers and photographers and the shepherds are also cats.
Heh, accurate.

>> No.9886627

You do know that this makes up a very small percentage of the actual schedule, right?

>> No.9886634

If you're just preaching to the choir, then what's the point of the panel? NAYRT, but my problem is that you are basically preaching to the choir. Anyone who comes in with dissenting opinions will be aggressively shot down and/or insulted, and people who don't know the topic or don't agree with it are probably going to do better things with their time.

I mean, making them connected to anime IS a step-up from the "Ask a Trans Person!"-type panels from previous years, but still...

>> No.9886643

>freeze for a while
>10 to 30 seconds

I used to be a life model, so that duration being 'a while' made me grin a bit

>AN is not as popular anymore

I have friends in dealers, and we've definitely noticed the dip.

I would hope that would be a wake up call to some heads of staff, but I doubt it.

>> No.9886772
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How much do they usually charge for official merch to get the seiyuu autograph?

I want to get Megumi's signature and would print something out at the FedEx for $12 but they don't allow illegal merch.

>> No.9886870

Dont bother coming this year either then and embarassing us in front of the guests, we don't want you

>> No.9886910

>Got told some time ago that an artist I really like will be at AN this year
>2018 program book is out
>He's nowhere in it

What do I dooooo

>> No.9886915

Maybe he isn’t a guest? But is going? Usually artists say though if they plan on a con.

>> No.9886934

Bought a weekend pass when they were $50. I have no plans to really do anything there but I'll probably show up and chill. Can't really party because I don't have a hotel...

Can you leave your car overnight in the TCC lot?

>> No.9886949

What artist?

>> No.9887027

Ben Dunn

>> No.9887064

I can't find any specific rules regarding parking hours but I'm fairly certain overnight parking isn't allowed. Otherwise, instead of paying for hotel parking people would just dump their cars in the tcc lot the whole weekend

>> No.9887109

Is there anyone that needs a spot in a hotel room?
I have 2 spots open and I'm panicking.

>> No.9887118

I could use a spot for saturday night

>> No.9887145

A bud shilled me Anime North and we went there last year, the panel selection was dog shit and i spent most of my time just wandering about and playing vidyas

If you want to go to a con just for the panels, Otakuthon is a hundred time better since they actually bother letting people do more than political, sexual and disability shit. Hell, you even have celebrities holding panels where they show off and involve people on how they do their work instead of just doing simple q&as.

>> No.9887180

Are there any plans for a seagull meetup or is the bathroom thing actually happening? First time going to AN.

>> No.9887195
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>Ita bag panel is scheduled right before the tea party
>Unofficial ita bag meetup scheduled to happen during the tea party

>> No.9887206

possibly. which hotel?

>> No.9887221

Hey, since no one posted anything yet and the schedule is out how about we tentatively schedule a meetup for Friday at 10pm and Saturday at 8:30pm?

There's the Back On concert that scheduled to start at 6pm on Saturday that followed up by the J Pop Dance Party, but I'm not expecting the Back On concert to run for more than a couple of hours.

>> No.9887270

There too deep in their shitty system. I think we’re going to see the con slowly sink.

>> No.9887281

We should start planning the meet desu. Is the pool hallway good? Or further down where all the empty tables usually are?

I made a poll so people can pick whatever times work, multiple options can be picked.

>> No.9887290

AN's panels are way better this year than last. What that anon posted is a very small number of them, less than 1%. Actually look at the schedule. They literally have two rooms Saturday with nothing but panels about specific anime.

AN is still shit for other reasons, but give credit where it's due.

>> No.9887324

Weston hotel down by the Marriott

>> No.9887351

do you have a discord or something?

>> No.9887355

anyone know how bad of a walk is it from the hotels on Caroga Dr to the convention centre?

>> No.9887360

distance isn't bad just be careful not to get mugged, especially at night.

>> No.9887368


>> No.9887376

thanks, guess I'll just take an uber at night

>> No.9887412
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Why take an Uber when you can get nekkomancer to walk you home and make you feel safe.

>> No.9887418

>Queer speed mixer
please explain

>> No.9887420

Gay speed dating/networking

>> No.9887422

They changed the time to noon, before the panel I think! I'm happy since I wanted to go meet other itabaggers, but also had a ticket to the tea party.

>> No.9887431

>AN is still shit for other reasons

w-what reasons?

>> No.9887434

>less than one week left
>still not sold out

What went wrong?

>> No.9887472

Rude staff on ego trips, the staff system not being a democracy because of abusive people like Eileen, awful shuttle bus service, dealers' room full of bootlegs with the same bootleg dealers returning yearly, crappy musical guests in comparison to Otakuthon, panel registration system being confusing for newbies and outdated (panels themselves are ok this year, though), fuck-ups with hotels happening almost every year and staff not communicating calmly with attendees about these issues and their concerns, poor communication from various departments towards attendees who ask questions, the official FB group and forum being moderated in such a way that any negative critisism of the con or its staff/volunteers is censored... do you want more?

>> No.9887473

Wouldn't really be an issue if there was a straight equivalent.

>> No.9887477


50 Shades of Anime Dating (18+) and Cosplay Dating sound comparable, plus I think there's some sort of 25+ mixer at the bar Friday night.

>> No.9887515

AN didn't sell out last year either

>> No.9887518

Please continue

>> No.9887525


>> No.9887530

Aw hell yes! Thank you for letting me know!

>> No.9887735

Please finish!

>> No.9887816
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Let me start my own drama ffs.

Oh looks like I'm changing my plans once again this year

>> No.9887930

It's not allowed but I don't know if they just ticket you or tow you or what. I've never risked it because I'm always afraid of getting towed. Parking in one of the hotel parking lots is probably cheaper than a parking ticket.

>> No.9887981

So which hotel has the cheapest parking.

>> No.9887993

Just park at one of the restaurant parking lots, like Tim Hortons or the convenience store for overnight then change to the con parking lot in the morning.

>> No.9888022

doesn't the con end one night at 1 am and then reopens at 8 am?
Are they really going to have people patrolling the parking lot in between then, giving out tickets?

>> No.9888044

Prime time to make some ticket revenue

>> No.9888152

Does anywhere near AN have bag check? My hotel check out is at 12PM on sunday and I dont want to carry a suitcase around

>> No.9888157

Which hotel are you staying at?
I've stayed at the Crown Plaza and Sandman and both times they had a spare room where people could store their luggage on Sunday.

>> No.9888229
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If anyone sees a big Dark Angels Deathwatch Marine stomping around, feel free to say hi. If my brain isn't totally destroyed by plastidip fumes by then I'll probably respond.

>> No.9888230

I haven't heard anything about it, does anybody know if Angelic Pretty is gonna have a booth?

>> No.9888291

Probably, since there was a poll asking what the comm wanted AP to bring to AN.

>> No.9888322

You going to be doing dark angels marine frid/sat/sun? I'll keep an eye out for you to get a pic

>> No.9888343


9pm both days? Pool hallway?
Feel free to suggest other locations. Preferably somewhere easy access and relatively empty at night

>> No.9888375

Probably just Saturday, but I'll see how it goes.
Just short of 8ft tall so I'll be easy to spot. If not that, watch for the inevitable trail of sweat.

>> No.9888381

Pool hallway, or just a little down the hallway where the tables and chairs are is probably our best bet. It was easy enough to find everyone last year.

>> No.9888390

Anyone else doing Made in Abyss cosplay? wondering if there will be any other white whistles

>> No.9888391
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Saw this cool ass mofucka last year, hope he's there again

>> No.9888413
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Almost finished everything, I hope my contact lenses come in on time for Reg.

I'll be Reg on Saturday and if my friend ends up finishing his cosplay he'll be Srajo, which white whistle are you doing anon?

>> No.9888419
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I'll be bonedaddy, someone else is doing Ozen and this other girl is going to be doing riko that i saw on the AN facebook page. Hope to see you at the photo shoot

>> No.9888494

;_; is there a AN FB rideshare group? I'm leaving from Montreal Friday afternoon and have to get back before mg Monday morning shift, rip

>> No.9888622

Not AN specifically but check Kijiji there's always quite a few rideshares on the weekend

>> No.9888937
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Delta Hotel Bathrooms across from the pool area near where the hentai room usually is.

>> No.9888940

Anyone got the photos from previous years? I could use a good cringe.

>> No.9888969

I got better, I got video of past two years
I'll bring it to the meetup

>> No.9888978

What uh...what exactly goes on in there?

>> No.9888979

Asking for a friend

>> No.9888996
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>> No.9889038

>hot boys
>cute boys

Well which is it that are wanted?

>> No.9889050

Hey, so I'm going to be working a booth with my friend for the weekend.
It's my first time at anime North and more or less my first time at any con.

Is there any highlights or specific events I should check out? Anything I should do as a first timer?

>> No.9889114

Both. Cute hot trap sloots only

>> No.9889230

What kind of booth are you helping with?

>> No.9889232

Merch booth. I think.
For doki doki literature club.

>> No.9889241
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>50 Shades of Anime Dating (18+)

>> No.9889245


>> No.9889463
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Is it possible to transfer tea party tix?
Bad ass husbando surprised me with a small trip and tix to a real ap tea party

>> No.9889544

Anyone need a ride from Newmarket area? I'm planning to go Fri/Sat and maybe Sunday

>> No.9889561

Just do both. Seeing a brand twice will give you time to try to out to yourself

>> No.9889674
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Saturday meetup 8:30pm in front of delta pool.

See you there.

>> No.9889683

let's fucking do it

Is there a meet planned for Friday yet or no? I probably can't do anything before 10pm though.

>> No.9889698

Meetup times were decided a while back

>> No.9889725

Thanks for this! 9pm Sat works great!

>> No.9889874

had a wig commissioned three months ago
updated me that it was finished last wednesday
"If you pay express shipping it should be there on time UwU"

still no wig
leaving thursday night

>> No.9889900

Does anyone know if weapons check is open on Thursday pre-reg, or is it only open on Friday?

>> No.9889938

Why is drinking and partying such a big thing at cons as if everyone was a normalfag? Pretty sure the Japanese they don't engage in this kind of degeneracy at Comiket, Reitaisai, etc.

>> No.9889941

I've gotta finish my costume tonight I'm so stressed omg

>> No.9889949
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>booked a hotel room even though my house is a 20 min bus ride away from the con

how retarded am i? should i cancel? fairfield isn't even that much closer, and suddenly $400 for two nights doesn't seem so comfy

>> No.9889980

are you going to get drunk friday and saturday night?

>> No.9889987

i'll probably be drunk for the duration of the con. can't make new friends without some confidence juice

>> No.9889990


During the day, Boston pizza is so convenient

>> No.9889991

>as if everyone was a normalfag
>as if

>> No.9889995

brag more bitch

>> No.9890002

then keep the hotel

>> No.9890014

Hey, do you still have room for that hotel? I'm still looking.

>> No.9890016

Why dont you fucking go to Japan then faggot? Just from your post alone I can tell there is a stick so far up your ass people might mistake you for a scarecrow.

>> No.9890028

Because they drink and party on a regular basis after work, so there's no need to do so after conventions.

>> No.9890054

I'll make sure to hunt you down, I'll be wearing my tech-priest stuff that I wore to toronto comiccon

>> No.9890104

I feel you. I have until Friday afternoon but I can't dedicate all my time to finishing my costume so it's gonna look like shit again lol. Best of luck to you.

>> No.9890106

That is shitty anon

>> No.9890107

Becuase doing it with normal fags is boring and scary as you have to keep making sure to not say any dumb drunk shit about doujins. Where as if you get drunk with fellow weebs that's less of a fear.

>> No.9890151

Yeah I have a spot still available, would need to screen you before hand, you have discord?

>> No.9890155

yeah i do Feath#7757

>> No.9890166
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wonder if I'd get kicked out if I tailgated some burgers in the back end of the lot

fuck $12 grilled cheeses

>> No.9890169

I don't drink really ever, so I always found it just to be a cool party weekend where people can let go and still be their weird selves and not curate how they look to others.

As well - try to feel comfortable not drinking if you don't want to, and just try to let loose and be comfortable if you can!

>> No.9890170

Fucking do it, sell them for less than the con and you'll make bank.
If they catch you just pretend you don't know what Chinese cartoons are

>> No.9890182

I mean It'd be for my friends and myself but I wouldn't be against "gifts" in exchange for a dog or burger

>> No.9890184

I'll keep that in mind if I'm in the back lot area

>> No.9890197

by gifts I meant cash

reread that and it sounded awful

>> No.9890204

naw, you're getting a wrapped gift with a bow on top now.

>> No.9890210

dick in the box?

>> No.9890212

Kinda makes me regret not doing Con-G congee when Con-G was still around

... Congee

>> No.9890213

Box in a box

>> No.9890292

>Japanese they don't engage in this kind of degeneracy at Comiket
They do. You just don't get invited because you're a filthy gaijin lol.

>> No.9890356
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Con is tomorrow, who's freaking out?

>> No.9890417

stressed as fuck reporting in

this is the one time of year I leave my house and i'm determined to meet new people but also a socially anxious mess

>> No.9890444
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> Sheraton just emailed to tell me microwaves now cost extra even though I called them last month and they confirmed they're free.

Welp, no cup noodles this con.

>> No.9890486
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I kinda went into this zen mode and started working on little decorations like purity seals instead of rigging my full costume together. I might be fucked. I dunno.

What are you cosplaying as (if you are)? I'll say hello if I see you.

>> No.9890488

Nerds are allowed to let loose too. This provides us with an environment where we don't have to manage our image to appeal to outside forces.

>> No.9890562
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I know your pain, anon.

This'll be my first time cosplaying too so I'm very nervous.

>> No.9890610

>Doesn't know how to make coffee maker ramen
or you could just bring an electric kettle

>> No.9890627

I'll give you a handjob for a hotdog. Seems fair.

Also, is the bathroom meetup an orgy or is it a more low-key drinking event?

>> No.9890637

a good handjob is severely underrated, but what if he's some big fat slob mess with dick cheese

>> No.9890641

Nitrile gloves and lube. I've already got both at home so it's not costing me anything if I bring them.

>> No.9890647

You might get told to pack it up but as long as you're not obviously trying to set up a stall and sell food without a license, I doubt they'd kick you out.
t. not an expert

It sounds a hell of a lot better than the guy a thread or two back wondering if he could get away with selling shwarma out of a uhaul.

>> No.9890653
File: 149 KB, 850x850, __hikari_xenoblade_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_hal_pixiv21210__sample-9df84c9869812289a8ae1de0d1946245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wondering if he could get away with selling shwarma out of a uhaul.

god damn crypto armenian lebos trying to jew a profit

no we just want to grill for ourselves really but wouldnt mind sharing with others while not being against charitable money gifts in return

but why, are handjobs that undervalued in today's society that a girl would freely give it up for a convenient snack?

>> No.9890656

>Implying I'm a girl
But yes, they are.

>> No.9890658

nigga just take the hotdog. I try not to judge but fucks sake have some decency

>> No.9890661

They might not sell merch at the autograph session per se. Just buy a tapestry in the dealer's room if you can find a non-bootleg. Mine was around 3000 yen.

>> No.9890662

>slutshaming in 2018
What if I want all the hotdogs anon?

In all seriousness, I'd actually just buy a fucking hotdog.

>> No.9890663

Now I want a goddamn hot dog

>> No.9890680

Finished my costume literally just now! About to uber to the con. So excited

>> No.9890681

jesus christ these panels get your shit together Toronto

>Gay Sex 101
first thing that came to mind is that south park scene with mr slave and the gerbil

>> No.9890682
File: 17 KB, 166x293, 1509894050161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not shaming it's just not very appropriate to go from 0-100 in sexual matters, especially in exchange for food

If you were an actual prostitute or hobo I'd be down with that hell I'd suck a dick for a few bucks if I was desperate enough with no shame,but for a hotdog when you have the means is it really worth it?

>> No.9890684


I still have nothing against you friend and you're more than welcome to grab a dog if you find us

>> No.9890687

I'm a vegan and I'm so fucking stressed about being able to find food in the area. I know Harvey's has a good veg burger but it's usually so slammed with people. I'm Toronto local but if anyone happens to see anything in a restaurant that's vegan and sounds good would def appreciate the tip off

>> No.9890690

Maybe they just reallly love sucking dick kek. Anyways anything with an open heat source is kinda iffy.

Ubereats? Or hoard a few burgers somewhere you can go back to eat lol

>> No.9890696

Fucking good grilled cheese tho

>> No.9890703

there's a subway sandwiches nearby, do you know if they offer vegan options? I'm unsure what ingredients are in their bread to 100% say it's vegan

>> No.9890725

>Day before con and 2 pimples pop up
God damnit. Hopefully foundation fixs this.

>> No.9890736

Im getting into cosplay photography. Doing Free 30 min shoots. Just keep in mind I'm new my camera isnt the best but it is free.

>> No.9890755

I feel that so hard

>> No.9890756

Btw for anyone interested in a list of drinks to get/bring for the meetups, here's my recommendations:

Sweet Dessert Wine
^ these can be drunk straight but are better when served with ice and allowed to "bloom" in the glass for a couple mins.

Whisky and Rum
http://www.lcbo.com/lcbo/product/havana-club-dry-7-years-old-rum/53140#.Wsbl7y7waUk <- this is better for people new to rum and aren't used to hard alcohol yet
http://www.lcbo.com/lcbo/product/chairman-s-reserve-finest-saint-lucia-rum-original/519132#.WsbmES7waUk <- if you feel like splurging, this is a good one
^ these can all by drunk straight or used for cocktails

Hard Liquor
^ these can be used for making cocktails or drunken straight as shots. Though I wouldn't drink more than a couple of shot glasses full, as they're quite sweet and strong. The orange and lemon liqour are better when diluted with some ice and soda water desu.

>> No.9890766

Damm some of those are expensive.

>> No.9890773

Is there a trick to telling if something is bootleg or not?

>> No.9890781

Is it being sold at anime north?
If yes, then there is a 99% chance that's it's a knock off

>> No.9890782

>Is there a trick to telling if something is bootleg or not
Try bfy[dot]tw/IIK0

>> No.9890785


Fuck same. Not excited for this wig I'm wearing for the first time either. Breakout city, here we come.

>> No.9890787
File: 22 KB, 540x404, 1478691666621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you had to spend 45 bucks on body paint and sealant for your gfs oni zero two cosplay

>> No.9890788

Your gf has shit taste

>> No.9890790

t. ichicuck

>> No.9890794

No I don't like any of them. It's a shitty show. You fucking shitster

>> No.9890801

Nice shit opinion shithawk, you're just going all contrarian because you know 02 is going to be this years biggest female cosplay.

>> No.9890805

No I just don't like the show. Animation is shit. Writing is shit. Art is shit. Characters are shit.

>> No.9890808

Nice arguments you have there,very critical
also >triggers animation is shit

>> No.9890811

do you need a helper?

>> No.9890812

Dude honestly I'm pissed with Thier animation I was super hyped for the show then they gave us this garbage that is just trash pandering to trash weebs Half the time it's just still shots.

>> No.9890839

How's the food situation at AN? Where do people usually go for lunch/dinner?

>> No.9890870

Get Tokaji if you want a baller dessert wine.

>> No.9890872


>> No.9890888

I'll be bringing some rum, hopefully Nekko has more than just tupperware containers to pour it in

>> No.9890896

Harverys LUL

>> No.9890897

Lunch: whatever the Japanese restaurant in the Delta is serving up in their hall setup

>> No.9890898

Not really thank you for the offer tho

>> No.9890900
File: 200 KB, 1009x610, animenorth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Included characters of people i'm cosplaying with as well

Feel free to say hi (don't mind my autism)

>> No.9890902

I hope you're a bodybuilder

>> No.9890905

I've lifted weights a couple times ;)

>> No.9890910

please make love to me in ur all might cosplay

>> No.9890912
File: 507 KB, 575x420, 1526843795848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually go for all you can eat wings at St Louis. Also, you fuckers make me.feel.bad for waitresses with your horrible or inexistent tips

>> No.9890926

I've got some plastic shot glasses I could bring if I swing by

>> No.9890929

So hows the delta for breakfast? How much is my wallet going to bleed

>> No.9890930

There's a tim hourtons right by, isn't there?
Does it have normal prices or super inflated prices?

>> No.9890934

only if you cosplay as deku

>> No.9890935

is has hour wait lines

>> No.9890937

I should've known Canadian tim hourtons would be like that

>> No.9890938
File: 1.55 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180524_214538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prep for tmr. Strawberry syrup made with sliced strawberries, balsamic vinegar, sugar, lemon and lime juice and zest. I'll use this to make cocktails.

>> No.9890948

I wanna party on Saturday but I need somewhere to crash so I don't have to drive home. ;(((

>> No.9890949

Get fucked

>> No.9890950

The Quesada there is super underrated and never seems to have much of any line despite having the best food for price: only downside is no indoor space so you have to eat somewhere outside. Always my go-to for Saturday lunch

>> No.9890951

You know >>9890949 might sound like he's insulting you, but getting fucked after partying is a viable way to have a bed to sleep in

>> No.9890954

Ok who wants to sex?

>> No.9890958

Nobody with you

>> No.9890970

I'd like to know this as well. Bf and I are debating if we want to drop the money if it means we're gonna be full of decent food vs. Tims shit.

>> No.9890978

Go to the rave.

>> No.9890989

What's the best way to day drink? Water bottle with mixed drink? I have a 26 of gin i plan on mixing with tonic to sip out of a plastic water bottle. Will security question my waterbottle?

>> No.9890990

how to ask for cute girl's discord without seeming like a creep?

I mean, I am one of course, but how do I trick them into thinking otherwise??

>> No.9890994

Security doesn't even check bags/purses, you're fine.

>> No.9890996

I did exactly that with vodka last year. Honestly, who would notice? Not like they rifle through your shit at the doors. ur good

>> No.9890998

What's the best way to get spray paint off your hands after last day cosplay grind. i think i'm getting stoned whenever i touch my face.

>> No.9891000

Paint thinner. Might as well get higher while you're at it.

>> No.9891002

Semi related, can anyone drop some makeup tutorials? I need to know what to do with my face this weekend

>> No.9891003

for girls or guys? or guys trying to look like girls?

>> No.9891008

Normally i wouldn't, but trips don't lie.

>> No.9891010

Girl still trying to look like a girl lol

>> No.9891014

Not the other anon, but I'll be looking for you. If you see an Elias Ainsworth who looks like his mask has been tumble dried, say hi.

>> No.9891017


You can usually mix into any soft drink bottle as long as you maintain the original color. I like my whisky and coke so I just drink 1/3 or so of a cola bottle and top it up with jack. It also helps if you take a shot of something before you head out to jumpstart your buzz, that way you can use your carry around to maintain your levels instead of wasting most of it just trying to get in the zone.
And I've never been stopped by con security even while drunk. They see a slightly stumbling person and they think they're legitimately handicapped. I guess the whole politically correct inclusivity thing worked out in my favor.

>> No.9891027

im trying to get to this super last night as my first ever con, how do i not die

>> No.9891028

*last minute
im already fucked

>> No.9891053

Will do. I imagine we'll both be pretty noticeable.

>> No.9891070

I'm thinking a small coke bottle mixed whiskey or fireball

>> No.9891073

Disabled anon here, I have been stopped a few times while sober which is funny. But If I'm drinking and have my cane out they leave me alone which is nice, I almost never get cut off

>> No.9891201

I'm still painting shit like a loser. Might just give up at this point.

>> No.9891208
File: 61 KB, 640x480, med_1517577554_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck friendo, I'm making burger patties at 4 am

>> No.9891213

I'm glad I'm not the only one, even if this means other people are suffering the pre-con pimple curse too.
>mfw pimple is in the middle of my forehead

>> No.9891235

Currently rubbing moisturizer across my face, hope it goes away, if you see someone with badly done makeup it's probably me

>> No.9891255

I'm sticking a hydrocolloid bandage on it. Hopefully it'll go away by the time I get to the con, but if not, then opaque concealer it is.

>> No.9891384

That looks like kompot

>> No.9891394
File: 16 KB, 225x219, s-l225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lookin for bussy to p̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ tenderly hug.

>> No.9891436

who here /notfromtoronto/ ?
On the train and I'm getting more hyped, just dreading the check in and badge pick up

>> No.9891439


>> No.9891442

Frenchie here got an early start

>> No.9891452

Thought I could be cool and respond to your post then I remembered that Vaughan was part of the GTA.

>> No.9891458

It did not, it's gotten worse aaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.9891472
File: 122 KB, 1524x1524, hopeyourcosplayiscool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there such a thing as cooler pads like a chilling alternative to those heating pads you can wear inside your gloves?

>> No.9891473

I, too, slapped on a pimple patch and thankfully the bump is gone. Still bright red but at least that's easier to cover rip

>> No.9891475

do you have tea tree oil? you can use that as a spot treatment when you go to bed at night (i think it's light-sensitive so better to not use it during the day)

>> No.9891485

Holy shit I'm gonna die.

>> No.9891486

How do people in full armour or suit cosplay use the potty?

>> No.9891489

I don't think there is anything to be ashamed about using diapers. Just dispose of them properly and don't get so drunk that you think wearing an extra diaper from your pack on your head is a good idea.

>> No.9891491

What, you don't have a colostomy bag?

>> No.9891492

Pick a clean stall and get real naked :^)

>> No.9891495

How much money should I bring to the con? Are there ATMs on site that don't have $20+ withdrawal fees?

>> No.9891506

the atms usually have fuk hueg lines

>> No.9891508

Can someone reupload the back entrance map ? <3

>> No.9891509

I just do my bidniz before I suit up, and consider desuiting when finally too hot, or too desperate to use the toilet.

>> No.9891511

This is my fetish
>tfw changing armoured cutie soggies

>> No.9891548

No, I should look into that. I thought 7 months of accutane would mean I don't have to deal with this shit. I'll stop derailing this thread

>> No.9891553

Someone mentioned an ita bag meetup Sunday. Is that info from a facebook group or something? I can't find anything on it...

>> No.9891554

What time should I go pick up my badge? I don't want to wait in a huge line for doors to open

>> No.9891559

I wonder how few Monogatari people will be here this year.

>> No.9891600


>> No.9891607
File: 262 KB, 507x527, AN Itabag Meet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meetup was moved to tomorrow (Saturday) at noon

>> No.9891609

Fuggg. Anyone in the Delta able to access the HDMI ports on the TV?

>> No.9891616

why would you put this in the middle of the fashion show D:

>> No.9891623

Any anons staying in the crowne?

>> No.9891653

>huge /m/an
>can't make it to An this year. Oh well I don't go to too many panels anyway.
> buddy mentions me about them having a bunch of gundam /gunpla panels
> I check, there's like a dozen this year.

Fuck me.

>> No.9891660
File: 215 KB, 400x524, 1491111560349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are thighhighs mandatory for the bathroom meetup? I forgot mine...

>> No.9891667


I was shinobu last year and only saw 1 other character from the series there

>> No.9891672

First year I'm not actually attending this con.
I work at a pretty nearby hotel though so I'll be seeing loads of you fucks anyway.
Saturday I'm bringing weed, so at least I'll have fun strolling by the con, since work ends at like midnight.

>> No.9891689
File: 84 KB, 512x512, 1492225802151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad dude. I was surprised to see the gunpla last year so I'm glad theres a lot more Gundam stuff this year

>> No.9891716

How acceptable is it for a lolita to have a "con bag"
I have my coord matching bag but ofc it barely holds anything at all.
How bad would it be if i wore one of those taobao angel wing backpacks? Colours matching of course. (Thematically not though...)
I'm running out of options lol

>> No.9891722

Anyone know where I can get a Hakama here in toronto on really fucking short notice?

>> No.9891728

I'm one to the con now, how bad us the preregistration line?

>> No.9891730

I'm omw*

>> No.9891751

It's a drinking event I'll be throwing out some free drinks but recommend byob

>> No.9891786
File: 2.54 MB, 5312x2988, 20180525_174334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9891791

>ita bag

>> No.9891804

If I am a straight white male will I become gay if I were to come to this meetup or is this a meme?

>> No.9891834

Security already told me to put beer away while walking through the loby so idk how they will feel about our meet up.

>> No.9891868

You're already gay for having to ask.

>> No.9891905

security can eat my entire asshole

>> No.9891922

Is pool hall meet up in the delta? I havent been around here before

>> No.9891934

meetup or kino panel?

>> No.9891937

Reminder Meetup at 9:00 at across the delta poll

>> No.9891958

Can I eat your asshole

>> No.9891988
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x3024, F3E1D432-0B87-4A7D-93D7-21B821485AFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We moved to bar at the delta in the back come hang out

>> No.9892005

>/fit/ meetup
>no bike machine

>> No.9892044


There's a /fit/ meetup? Are girls allowed if they have noticeable gains?

>> No.9892050

Girls are allowed so long as they have viginas.

>> No.9892052

but how are you supposed to jerk them off if they don't have a dick

>> No.9892079

This is a strange question but where are the most comfy washrooms? I have a condition that makes me poop a lot.

>> No.9892080

Room 1243 ya fucks.

>> No.9892088

Im already drunk fuck u

>> No.9892091

What is happening right now, is there a Telegram group or something I can get added to

>> No.9892094

What hotel?

>> No.9892106

Delta obviously. Don't party at any other

>> No.9892109

I'm honestly surprised I didn't see more today. I guess people already had plans.

>> No.9892114

I don't normally look into degeneracy, do they sell stuff like onas anywhere?

>> No.9892119

Stupid question, but how do the photoshoots work (for photographers)? Do I need to register for something in particular? Am I too late?

>> No.9892127

You mean the big group meetups? Nah, just show up to whatever you want nothing special needed

>> No.9892128


how many qt grils are in the delta

>> No.9892130


has anyone actually seen someone using a diaper at a con?

>> No.9892149

0, unless you like boipussy

>> No.9892154

That's fine, Im a total faggot lol.

>> No.9892155

1/3rd grills right now

>> No.9892165

is there a hoard of trolls this year or has the fandom truly died?

>> No.9892171


how late are you guys going

>> No.9892174

We partying outside delta right now. In the parking lot lul.

>> No.9892189

Just a small group of us chilling right now

>> No.9892218

What's the secret handshake?

>> No.9892221

Bending over and opening wide

>> No.9892222

Purplegrey girl bled on me in nominomichi, didn't take a good look so she could have been something else.

>> No.9892399
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x3024, CC55AF6A-56E7-491A-8844-388724C083B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is too many noodles for breakfast.

>> No.9892418

How often does the shuttle stop by the Sheraton?

>> No.9892431

Looks delicious I'm jelly.

>> No.9892445

I'm alone for most of the day, can I tag along with anyone? I'm going to the league photoshoot and some panels maybe but idk I've never been alone before (my friends are at a tourney all day)

>> No.9892467

Soo....I walked by Nekko yesterday and ugh the glances he gave me were awful. Girl from the previous threads! I was trying to meet up with my other girlfriends and hes just such a creep

>> No.9892475
File: 3.25 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180525-193829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoverhand game is on point this year

>> No.9892482

>tfw nekko doesn't give me awful creepy glances

>> No.9892486

You try being in my shoes asshole

>> No.9892493

Are you Meme-tan?

>> No.9892494

fuck forgot my trip

>> No.9892500


I'll give u awful creepy glances if you're a qt girl

>> No.9892523
File: 52 KB, 587x700, image-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me irl

>> No.9892531

Are you the girls but who I touched?
Just trying to figure out.

>> No.9892544

Is Nekko caught in a #Metoo moment?

>> No.9892568

Yeah apparently looking at people is a crime now.

>> No.9892609

Im here alone what do i do?

>> No.9892624

Oh god I hope so.

>> No.9892628

god the cheapest deal i could get was the hilton. 40 minute walk i was sweating balls. thank god there are places nearby that serve beer. glad to be alone this year and not with my shitty ex who flirted with everyone and made me sit through yaoi voltron photoshoots

>> No.9892629
File: 733 KB, 725x789, 1525859483598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the nut sluts?

>> No.9892642

be like me. just drink.

>> No.9892689
File: 1.12 MB, 4032x3024, 2F78A19C-A4F7-4C85-B323-5E5294E16C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening

>> No.9892708

I'm not really interested in any if the panels for the next few hours. What should I do?

>> No.9892720


>> No.9892727


I don't know what I expected.

>> No.9892736

come to milestones and drink

>> No.9892737

Someone drive me and my friend to LCBO we're cute girls

>> No.9892739


Is there a group there or something?

>> No.9892740

Just use dial a bottle

>> No.9892741

We got the grill going at the back of the lot around the big dirt hill side

>> No.9892758

no im alone but im leaving now

tfw im an ugly lesbian who wouldnt get along with any of you irl

ill be at the rave tonight

>> No.9892763

wtf im an ugly lesbian too come be my friend

>> No.9892767

um hi where??

>> No.9892817

vodka-san spotted sleeping in the corner of ip room a if anyone needs him

>> No.9892839

Anyone want a free badge? There was a no-show in our group

>> No.9892848

Anyone know where TCC 3 is?

>> No.9892866

Eating at lot41, got a madoka fig, 40 dollar shirt and vol 1 and 4 of fire punch. How your guys buys?

>> No.9892888

On the center lawn I think

>> No.9892918

What’s everyone up to?

>> No.9892933

So I just went to Anime North on a whim. Haven't been in years.

Didn't you used to have to pay to get into the vendor room? I just walked in without paying, nobody even tried to approach me. I just picked up some nice figures.

>> No.9892950

They are supposed to check tags but they are pretty meh about it

>> No.9892951

The Chise to my Elias just through her nose so I had to ditch the photoshoot. Just running drunk first aid.

I hope the con is going well for everyone.

>> No.9892952

*Just puked through her nose*

>> No.9892958

where at was hoping to get in and buy some weeb shit

>> No.9892971

just heard someone say the rave tonight might be cancelled lads

lets hope it doesnt rain

>> No.9892982

When and where are we meeting?

>> No.9893002

9pm delta at pool

>> No.9893005
File: 3.04 MB, 1615x2868, 2018-05-26 19.30.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there in my finest attire.

>> No.9893022

This is such a cringe shirt. You ironic weebs are annoying attention whoring cunts.

>> No.9893025

9pm will be there

>> No.9893044

I wear superior Ocean in Space shirts.

>> No.9893110

Can’t wait till bathroom party,

>> No.9893116

Bathroom party at 11 or midnight?

>> No.9893118
File: 595 KB, 2364x1773, 1527383728917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when shawarma was being sold out the back of a truck?

>> No.9893125

Always at midnight

>> No.9893127

Any fun meeting going on right now

>> No.9893130

It's been an absolute disaster this year for any of the guests, performers, and any non-attendee goer.
Worse lack of communication and miscommunications then usual

>> No.9893133

Name the place, name the time. I'm a bottle of sake in and willing to dice with death.

>> No.9893136

12 bathroom by the paras room (where all the tables are)

>> No.9893155

How long do the buses run here? Airbnb down kipling and idk if ill be able to transfer or not later..

>> No.9893171
File: 349 KB, 1280x960, 9958B51C-9393-467A-8F52-6B09D0968159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, who needs the Bathroom Meetup if we can all go to Nekko’s bathroom?

>> No.9893172
File: 26 KB, 555x563, 1525075794339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any non gay shit going down tonight? Friends and i looking to drink and party with cool peeps.

>> No.9893181

Setting up for bathroom party now if anyone can bring some cups that'd be rad

>> No.9893187

Which bathroom?

>> No.9893194

Probably not. Uber or Lyft is a good option tho

>> No.9893201

I'm just getting a beer at the bar in the delta.
No idea where this bathroom is.
The area by the pool has no bathrooms but a good hallway.
One person said it's near paras. Whatever that is

>> No.9893203

gay sex with hats on time?

>> No.9893215

We're at the Marriott if you want it tomorrow

>> No.9893242
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180526_231647081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch anime and drink in the parking lot

>> No.9893253

where everyone at

>> No.9893257

At the cool party

>> No.9893259

Who's around tomorrow? Had to peace out early today, but you lot seem cool

>> No.9893264

Where the cosplay orgies at

>> No.9893265

Not at the party where Voldie's fat ass is

>> No.9893268

Is there still a bathroom party? Where? Which bathroom?

>> No.9893279

Fine I guess I WON'T go to the bathroom party

>> No.9893281

The only cute boys allowed bathroom

>> No.9893282

12 sharp it be happening
Head to the bathrooms

>> No.9893288

Well I'll be around all day tomorrow, today was fun.
Don't know if anyone else is sticking around tomorrow night, but I have a good bit of weed I need to finish, and can't bring back.

>> No.9893292

Is it happening?

>> No.9893300

It's always happening

>> No.9893303

This is from the twins, might come back, bringing the two theta back to the hotel. They are scared!

>> No.9893306

We will be back in 10

>> No.9893324
File: 588 KB, 1920x1080, 1527395882975-806636792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.9893339

>actually got some succ at the bathroom meetup
Good time lads, looking forward to next year

>> No.9893345

I saw a bunch of you fags at Jack Astor's tonight. Are there any after parties I can crash? You

>> No.9893348

Delta 1243

>> No.9893353

Who’s there

>> No.9893358

I saw the aftermath of the bathroom you guys are animals

>> No.9893362

>see some fags walking around in cosplay
>look it up
>apparently I live 20 mins away from an anime event

Is there still time to party with you fags? I can't drink yet because I'm 18 but I can still turn up.

>> No.9893363


>> No.9893373

As of being 18 stopped anyone from drinking ever

>> No.9893378

Going to a nice uni next year, don't wanna fuck it up desu senpai

>> No.9893378,1 [INTERNAL] 

Will there be one Sunday?

>> No.9893446

Youmus boyfriend is hot af

>> No.9893504

Youmu is hot af
tfw no qt cosplay hookups this year either

>> No.9893505

Hah, faggot

>> No.9893532
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>> No.9893542

I didn't see meme-tan at AN

>> No.9893557

What is there to do Sunday? I'm surprised I'm alive after last night. Anyone perform/garner any S U C C O U R?

>> No.9893620

Thanks for a good time, I was the soju/sake guy.

I honestly don't remember leaving the party, I hope I didn't hurt anyone

>> No.9893624

On my way over nowish, anything good going on?

>> No.9893627

I dunno any of you guys but I'm headed down for the Kemono Friends panel in a bit if you want to hang out

>> No.9893659
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Well this was unexpected

>> No.9893660

>Jesus is God alone

Non-trinitarian heresies? In Current Year? It's more likely than you think.

>> No.9893661

"When you watch anime, you're inviting a demon into your spirit. That's why you're an emo. That's why you're a homosexual."
-Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

>> No.9893677
File: 43 KB, 537x534, image-42_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally meet like minded people for once but drank too much to have any sort of coherent conversation

I LOVE this meme

>> No.9893701

Any of you jerks still around?

>> No.9893704

Chilling at the protestors, best panel 2018

>> No.9893706

I had way more fun at this con than I expected. /cgl/ is not at all a representation of the con as I expected it to be a bunch of SJWs, fags, attention whores, ironic weebs, and borderline-normalfags who are just there to drink, party, and have sex.
But there was a surprising amount of niche content to look at, some rare stuff for resale from previous Comikets, and some panels and guests were an absolute blast. It was really easy to avoid the normalfaggotry. I will for sure be coming back next year.

Shame these threads mostly talks about meetups/drinking/sex and /a/ doesn't allow con talk and nobody cares about AN on /jp/.

>> No.9893713

Who here Anime North Idol?

>> No.9893717

Which ones are you? I wasn't at the party

>> No.9893718

Can't find you bathroom boys, we're getting some kickn fried chicken atthe Swiss chalet.

>> No.9893731

Fuck me this location isn't doing the promotion

>> No.9893735

You guys still there? I'm chilling outside, dressed like an autist

>> No.9893777

>dressed like an autist
literally anyone

>> No.9893783

No, unironically

I moved on anyway

>> No.9893823

How so? They're there almost every year.

>> No.9893842

Sitting somewhere waiting to go home and i can already feel the post con depression slowly rolling in

>> No.9893851

So I guess there was no competition between who had the better of the cgl parties this year?

>> No.9893857
File: 36 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Waluigi_emblem.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bathroom party was wild, definitely worth the $120+ of booze. Thanks for coming out everyone

Waluigi squad'll be back next year

>> No.9893868

Please don't come back

>> No.9893871


Same. I didn't even like the con that much this year and I'm already missing it.

>> No.9893886

Loved you guys. Had a blast. I'm gonna have some webms of the party soon

>> No.9893894

My party sucked, stop posting vodka.

Idol North needs to be a thing desu.

Implying I would bring my precious memetan to such a group of degens, she is too pure for that.

>> No.9893905

Idol North 2019 battle for nekos love feat. Meme-tan and MomoKun.

>> No.9893998

So what's with anime north being such fascists about table helpers?

>> No.9894006

shit was that freddie mercury looking dude /cgl/? he said he was a cemetery grounds keeper and I was trying to hook him up with a mortician work

>> No.9894017

Yeah he's /cgl/, but he's also just a chemical engineer. Tell me more about this mortician work?

>> No.9894018

Anyone can recommend otakuthon? AN was my first con ever and I want more now.

>> No.9894035

Go to Otakuthon! Its better!

>> No.9894038
File: 230 KB, 1080x1616, 33624379_1782449335126418_6993263594720722944_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seem bigger compared to last year. Also this!

>> No.9894040

omg lmao

>> No.9894060

Nekkos party would of been better if Nekko wasn't there. Im kind of pissed because instead of going to the bar like we were supposed to do, Nekko just rounded us up like cattle and made us go to his room. I kind of wanted to make friends with other people before hand and try to move it some where else. Yeah sure, the free alcohol was pretty nice but that is the only way he can get people to hang out with him. Like if he would of opened the door for us and then fucked off then that would of been a lot better.
For fuck sakes I'm sick of hearing him go on about idols. Like buddy I don't care. Meme-tan? Only meme is that everyone just came here to drink your beer and ignore you.
I kind of agree with the guy who said you should get hit by a truck but like that wouldn't be fair to the truck driver. Sure he is doing us all a favor but it he shouldn't have to suffer from increased insurance and what ever damage his does to his vehicle.
Just fuck off next time, ok?

>> No.9894078

Wait. There was ANOTHER cemetery groundskeeper there?
And I'm definitely not a chemical engineer.
I was the short guy with beard that had the doki doki pin.

>> No.9894080

Anyone know who was cosplaying as sakura(fsn) with the patterned tights I want to stalk her Instagram/Twitter

>> No.9894081

New thread >>9894074 post your feels

>> No.9894082
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I hope my wasted drunk pad is there for me next year.

>> No.9894085

Anything else worth attending/doing in Toronto? I'm in an Airbnb near the con and have 12 hours to kill before my flight.

>> No.9894089
File: 59 KB, 1440x810, FB_IMG_1527468369179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I got a picture of you fucking madmen 10/10 was genuinely scared I would lose my life

>> No.9894091

go downtown and get ramen or something?

>> No.9894269

legitimately one of the best times at AN in a while, maybe move the bathroom party to another location next year to avoid preemptive measures.

I was so glad you didn't hurt yourself

This is exactly the kind of mischief the con needs these days, just don't get violent or rapey.

>> No.9894671

Bathroom party was fun, girls with the ahegao shirts and all the Warios who showed up were awesome! Panels were okay except for the one troll douche who kept coming into random panels to sieg hiel and call people niggers. Fucking keep it outside and don't ruin panels for other people

Worst cringe panel was Toxicity in Fandom though where three white people were like "we used to be racist but now we're not" bullshit. I'm generally okay with these panels but man was that bad, then troll asshole showed up and got booted. No big loss though, the panel was a waste

Best panel was the Gundam Debate panel! I won a poster for shitting on Lacus Clyne so I'm ok with that. It was actually pretty well set up for a first time thing and I'm so glad mecha is making a big comeback. The mecha/gunpla area was really big too.

>> No.9895438

How so?

>> No.9896211

Do these meetups happen at Comic-Con or any NY convention? Asking for a bicurious friend who wants to get sucked or get a handjob.

>> No.9897786

Can you be the daddy (male) to my daughter (male)

>> No.9898018

my nibba