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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 262 KB, 1200x1701, 31919448_10214078400906873_4157137556338638848_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9870000 No.9870000 [Reply] [Original]

continuation of >>9866909

>> No.9870001
File: 380 KB, 1564x1564, 31773146_1968218390160876_4605806203904196608_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9870002

This image kinda makes me wish I never had to sleep again. It’s nightmare fuel.

>> No.9870004
File: 247 KB, 1300x1494, 31793426_10212078339779100_4718070339714678784_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870009
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>> No.9870012
File: 53 KB, 539x960, 31900674_10156259126624705_1402548938040410112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870016
File: 114 KB, 960x776, 31901794_10211894721310477_2628378929836064768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870020
File: 120 KB, 960x960, 31854936_10156352906400879_5671515193520160768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870023
File: 382 KB, 1358x1811, 31747994_2113534532211198_4683997938953748480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870027
File: 94 KB, 960x960, 31894859_1716873821725866_8695650642145837056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870031
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>> No.9870035
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>> No.9870039
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>> No.9870041
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>> No.9870059
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>> No.9870066
File: 140 KB, 948x948, 31732153_10214829529029264_5500984114032934912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870072

I see...but she didn't make it lolita enough and it's heavily under-accessorized. improvements: layering a sleeveless blouse with some kind of collar, bigger petti poof, and gold jewelry plus something to hearken to those large, lovely tassels in the inspo photo.

she's got such a cute smile! and I like the way her hair is styled. this just looks like babby's first try at a themes coord. she's gotta flesh her wardrobe out with more accessories then.

>> No.9870077
File: 640 KB, 1440x1440, 31764711_2122621214618546_1596067309561053184_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870082

effing BAE.
her hair has me breathless. this photo is eerie too and I love it.

>> No.9870083
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 31755325_1701606636587493_3178475699702857728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870090

I like that she’s wearing more darker tones. They look good on her skin and go better with her makeup choices. The thing I don’t really like is the shoes. I wish they where ivory or have ivory in them to match the skirt.

>> No.9870242

why the ivory? why??

>> No.9870251

??? are you having display issues? the ivory is a key coord color. the thing ruining this coord is the tights. the flower tones are clashing with those of the skirt, and the grey is not balanced anywhere else.

>> No.9870274

This JSK is way too low. If she wasn't wearing a blouse but a bolero instead, her tits would be showing. Alter your straps!


>> No.9870293

No one nose where the nose goes.

>> No.9870296

Oh my gods, someone help her, she's drowning in deco.

>> No.9870312

the bows are right on her nips.

>> No.9870318
File: 14 KB, 465x406, 1520055627399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That smug as fuck face

>> No.9870320

I freaking love this dress.

>> No.9870366

Photographer/editor should be banned from fucking around with the vibrance setting.

>> No.9870437

giant improvement from the last photoshop job

>> No.9870445

I like her in darker stuff, but the tights don't match at all and look like shit

>> No.9870450

lack of legwear makes this look horrible. especially because she has really tendony man feet.

>> No.9870472

It LOOKS like she bought the high waisted version of the JSK (there's a normal waisted one also....) and intentionally altered it to have longer straps. It's so low that she should have just turned it into a skirt

>> No.9870479

Why do people insist on wearing ballet flats in lolita? Even the ones with ankle straps look like shit.

>> No.9870518

what's so terrifying about it?

>> No.9870593

The silhouette is nice, but the coord looks like she just threw on whatever in her closet that vaguely matched the colors, but not the theme.
We have crowns, a key, a big cross, a cheap looking bag with a heart and bow detail, weird colored floral tights with a trophy/urn detail.
It's not a good look.

>> No.9870594

There's a picture of it with patterned leg wear, but she took them off because it's just a black blob, you can't see any details. She was attempting to color balance for the pictures, but she should have at least done nude stockings or something.

>> No.9870612

I kind of like the floral and black together, but I don't like the tights with it.

>> No.9870649

It’s obvious this is you since you outed yourself in the ita thread. Your photo editing makes this look really weird because you have literally no face marks, no wrinkles and a plain one shade face. The editing to your eyes and cheeks make you look like you painted your face onto a body and called it done. It’s weird not seeing face folds on someone.

>> No.9870654
File: 84 KB, 540x960, 31948752_10213839679164109_7598373256357216256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9870667

you've been discreet, but there were so many people you just had to meet
Without your nose...

>> No.9870675

she could have worn pretty lace tights or even otks or anything.. as is it looks like she just threw on her dress and said fuck all to anything else. it's boring and her feet really stick out

>> No.9870679

the obviously bad photoshop

this is pretty shitty

>> No.9870689

>no concrit about the lack of blouse, it was too hot
As another Lolita from Texas, that's not a good excuse.

>> No.9870727

This is the laziest excuse for a coord.
I wear casual stuff out sometimes when I don’t feel like putting in effort, but you don’t need to post on CoF everytime you wear a lolita item ffs

>> No.9870757

>too hot for a blouse
>not too hot for OTKs

>> No.9870760

the ivory is cleary a mismatched color in what would otherwise be an all black coord, please.

>> No.9870798

i usually like blouseless jsks...but this is nagl

>> No.9870800

Ah, so you're one of those "wearing a color that isn't in the print is shoehorning" types

>> No.9870801
File: 37 KB, 460x300, cassandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus i get it if someone takes a less than flattering photo of you but for the love of god just put a sticker over your face

>> No.9870894

Agreed, it looks ridiculous and socks like that are so hot in hot weather. Why not wear ankle socks, they're so cheap on taobao and Ali, and of course you can get nice brand ones also

>> No.9871117

She looks like frank zappa in a good way

>> No.9871134

what is this from?

>> No.9871155

Doctor who. It’s Cassandra.

>> No.9871267

If you can wear tights you can wear a blouse.
>Also what is a lace bolero

>> No.9871322

>If you can wear tights you can wear a blouse.
I hate it when people say things like this. Tights and blouses are on completely different levels. I have tons of light tights that fit comfortably on your legs and don't warm them up. It's nothing like a damn hot blouse tat will prevent your torso and arms from breathing.

>> No.9871379
File: 238 KB, 960x960, E649DBEF-FE94-45B4-8A9B-3EA065B6F67A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9871387
File: 791 KB, 500x281, D18C785A-0896-4528-B97C-E0704B9EE9DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ew

>> No.9871426

>If you can wear tights you can wear a blouse.
Um No?
It's hotter if you wear both. So giving up one for the sake of comfort seem fine to me.

>> No.9871526

anon, are you okay? her skirt is literally ivory with red flowers. you're insane
right is way better than left. I dig it as cas

>> No.9871554
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1516420461678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9871574

Ugly Betty kei

>> No.9871577

this hurts my fucking eyes jfc

>> No.9871585

Try different fabrics anon.
Poly doesn't breathe so it traps in heat.
Try natural fabrics like cotton and silk chiffon.

>> No.9871751

Moisturize me!

>> No.9871778
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>> No.9871782
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>> No.9871783
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>> No.9871785
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>> No.9871786
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>> No.9871789
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>> No.9871791
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>> No.9871793
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end of dump

>> No.9871859

I snorted because of your gif jfc

>> No.9871893

she always looks slightly blazed and I LOVE it.

>> No.9871896

I would save this, if not for that awful pose.

>> No.9871977

is her face just really weird or is it shop?

>> No.9872002

Awkward pose and unfortunate face profile oof

who told her that any of this was acceptable

>> No.9872010

It’s just unfortunately weird in real life. It’s a shame, her outfits are often nice.

>> No.9872014

I really love her hair here, but something is wrong on the coord. I think it's the socks.

>> No.9872031

>who told her
Her tumblr followers.

>> No.9872034

she looks so unhappy

>> No.9872091

Both are awful.

>> No.9872174

I think the blouse is throwing everything off. and the socks, but especially the blouse. it looks too warm toned for the pink in the rest of the coord and looks bad.

>> No.9872199

It's bust, her legwear is atrocious, she looks like someone just took a shit right in front of her, her hair is weirdly shiny, that dress doesn't fit her, those shoes are patent leather and go with nothing (unless you count her hair)
Yeah, lots going on with this one.

>> No.9872248

>Love that bag
>Doesn't suit that cord at all
> Not even the pink one
> No other gold anywhere on the outfit

So many unnecessary filters for an otherwise great outfit

>> No.9872265

This looks so bad. She got so much asspatting in the thread, nobody wants to tell her that her torso looks like a potato sack with that repulsive vest

>it wouldn’t even be good for not-lolita, it just sucks on you, sweetie

>> No.9872275

Well, there’s teacups and teapots on the print so the bag fits in motif wise I guess? There’s also gold detailing on the teapots, teacups, saucers and tea canisters.

>> No.9872298

Well the people on CoF mostly are into tumblr style. So I mean, yeah they liked it.

>> No.9872315

Why look so sad? Is it because you know that the only things that match is the dress and bonnet?

>> No.9872325

It seems like it's mostly due to her teeth and jaw. This is why braces are useful.

>> No.9872345

It's a recessive jaw and braces will do little change to a fully developed adult skull (that's why it's important to get them as a kid or young teen). She needs corrective jaw surgery or implants.

>> No.9872443

I got braces as an adult, and it did wonders. it's quite common nowadays to get braces as an adult. Modern medical technology can actually work with it just fine...

When problems concern jaw (which needs surgery, not braces) as well, they often won't even do on children, because they rather wait to see if it'll be fixed naturally, or because the growth would make the problem come back anyways.

>> No.9872512

Have you not seen the recent trend in lace and thin see through fabric blouses?

>> No.9872563

Why would you hide Lotta under that ugly overskirt?

>> No.9872578

>is that you?
Have you ever heard of lace boleros? lace socks? chiffon? cotton? natural fibers? There's a bunch of lolitas in hot climates that make it work and still look fantastic. If you aren't comfortable then reconsider your wardrobe or skip out on lolita for that day. Health is more important.

>> No.9872581

Is... That a man

>> No.9872582 [DELETED] 
File: 983 KB, 323x224, fuckyourplans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wait to wear things in a mail
>it supposed to arrive tomorrow
>flu is slowly creeping its way into my body
i hate it

>> No.9872589

if you have to ask, then you already know the answer

>> No.9872862

What happened to no tartan and stripes?

>> No.9873255

The bag literally was released with the dress

>> No.9873261
File: 755 KB, 1072x1440, 9ACA03D5-9336-484C-87FE-E6A2C262D476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873269

can someone do a new dump pls?

>> No.9873270
File: 95 KB, 960x960, 31936749_10216883400777514_793416953631866880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9873272
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>> No.9873273
File: 15 KB, 195x260, 31948416_10213390174281100_3535811872013942784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda breaking the rules as it isn't a full coord pic, I didn't want to see your unbrushed gross hair up close thanks.

>> No.9873274
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>> No.9873277
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>> No.9873279
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>> No.9873281
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>> No.9873283
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>> No.9873289
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>> No.9873290
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>> No.9873291
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>> No.9873293
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>> No.9873295
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>> No.9873296
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>> No.9873298
File: 409 KB, 1080x1350, E5545859-6E9C-4C8E-8F69-57E296B03A2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I prefer the jean jacket here to that bolero...
Voldie honey that shit don’t fit.
Ask and you shall receive

>> No.9873300
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 31945747_10213968172271782_8313336486229442560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873301

dude i'm already dumping and i already posted that one

>> No.9873303
File: 65 KB, 640x960, 31946178_10211154010861373_2432689834599383040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873304

I wonder if she realizes LA is still in the VM store a year later because it was literally the worst print

>> No.9873305
File: 252 KB, 960x960, 31947238_10101406760838573_2726709169536106496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873307

Notice I didn’t post any more
Started reading the thread before you started dumping. My b
Sage for OT

>> No.9873308
File: 433 KB, 2048x1744, 31947384_1252016881598778_8557416973695188992_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One lolita's trash is another lolita's treasure? I think she makes it look pretty ok.

>> No.9873310
File: 103 KB, 960x870, 31947995_2052883728292671_4306837705137848320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873312
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>> No.9873313
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>> No.9873314
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>> No.9873316

It's a nitpick but something about wearing a large velvet headbow with a chiffon OP seems unbalanced; possibly because the former is considered winter fabric and the latter for summer. Maybe if the headbow was also navy it wouldn't look as jarring.
Also, why the flowers?

>> No.9873317
File: 102 KB, 533x960, 31958734_966686703495019_5557682612962590720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873320
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>> No.9873322
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>> No.9873323
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>> No.9873334

The reflection of the lolita taking the photo kind of looks like she's reaching into her head and is giving me surrealism feels

>> No.9873348

You sound like a boring dresser

>> No.9873356

I love her, and this op is super cool.
She looks good in goth.
Wished she was wearing shoes 9n the mirror selfie though.

>> No.9873357

the shoes look dirty, ewww

>> No.9873359


>> No.9873362

She looks like moaning Myrtle.

>> No.9873364

Oh yeah I totally agree. Not my taste, just mentioning there’s definitely still a supply if she so chooses
That hat is not doing it for me. Seeing Antoinette always makes me happy though

>> No.9873370

The fit on the arms ;_;

>> No.9873376

Why the fuck does she always style classic pieces as sweet. Her choice of accessories is always horrible.

>> No.9873384

I'm really digging this, but the red bracelet/bow thing feels so out of place

>> No.9873391

Can voldie even breathe in that?

>> No.9873396


>> No.9873398

are the sleeves rolled?

>> No.9873447

nothing about this is lolita. this is def larme

>> No.9873449

someone help her.
terrible fit and bad accessory choices. ott headwear while everything else is simple and summery. that petti is too short as well.
another babby running before she can even walk. get your taste up, and the basics, then you can get creative girl.

>> No.9873450

Good example of brand ita

>> No.9873451

I am going to take away this girl's vm until she learns how to coord it

Blurring the whole pic like this is not a cute look

>> No.9873515

The cardigan arms are a tad short on her and I don't know how I feel about long sleeves + short socks for a summer coord, but I really like the color scheme and hat. These colors look nice with her skintone.

>> No.9873538

why would you post this. no makeup, unwashed nasty hair?

>> No.9873548

/cgl/: why are everyone's coords all boring and samey???
>>someone makes a coord balancing classic elements with heavy sweet/larme influences
/cgl/: wtf I hate experimental coords now

>> No.9873553
File: 119 KB, 720x960, 31543618_1476220459156423_5624443361273315328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9873555
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>> No.9873556
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>> No.9873557
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>> No.9873559
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>> No.9873560
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>> No.9873561
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>> No.9873565

Didn't she say that wearing lolita is basically a costume for her because s/he's a trans man? I don't understand.

>> No.9873566
File: 183 KB, 960x960, 31958939_10156496405148944_4885374837905686528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873567
File: 155 KB, 720x960, 31958668_917973158403731_1072308962780512256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even want to link this to the others because I'm sick of seeing this nasty dumpster fire.

>> No.9873568

I love Taylor's coords most of the time, but I think one of Baby's parasols would've looked better than that ridiculous, giant umbrella. Nicer shoes would've been better too, these look kinda like granny shoes and they're not very flattering.

>> No.9873570

He's so cute, my gosh. Source on those shoes?

>> No.9873572

Freaking adorable

>> No.9873576

"magical girl themed" lmao not with those bland ass socks and accessories

>> No.9873593

She posted about the other day today, she said she was tricked by the company she made the video with. Another dumb lolita fell for 15 seconds of fame. She doesn’t think lolita is a costume, but it’s her own fault she looks like an idiot now.

>> No.9873595

I usually hate ringlet wigs but everything about this coord is super cute and well put together.

>> No.9873596

This is so lovely

>> No.9873599


>> No.9873601

meant >>9873572 not >>9873570

>> No.9873602

Maybe it’s just a cute coordinate anon

>> No.9873603


>> No.9873607

agreed. it's not a bad coord at all but it's strange that other basic coords on similarly-attractive girls get overlooked but this doesn't...

>> No.9873608

I don't think it's selfpost. It's a genuinely good coord and I've never seen that set worn before. Regardless, cgl says they don't want people to get recognised for just being pretty, and now a not conventially attractive girl gets praise you're salty?

>> No.9873610

Beautiful, especially the pink with the lilac!

>> No.9873613

Such a perfect old school Coord!

>> No.9873618

Happy to see aprons making a come back!

>> No.9873620

Horrible as always

>> No.9873621
File: 234 KB, 1440x612, Screenshot_2018-05-06-23-24-48_mh1525645544820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, anon.

>> No.9873622

I think it's cute, you sound salty af

>> No.9873637

Not old school anon, the prints from last year

>> No.9873638

the wig...

>> No.9873639


>> No.9873643


>> No.9873661

Definitely not old school

>> No.9873669
File: 103 KB, 800x1440, 31947297_10160239780055244_282574110381309952_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you can get it on your body, doesn't mean it fits. Girl needs to start over. Try Haenuli or some custom taobao shops.

>> No.9873670
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>> No.9873671

>that coord
Get your eyes checked

>> No.9873678
File: 49 KB, 290x387, 3173b674-5d04-54be-85ea-960c54a12dff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bust and shoulders are supposed to be gathered...

>> No.9873686

If this fatty chan can squeeze herself into this mess maybe I could do the same with my pathetic average bmi.

>> No.9873688

This looks extremely uncomfortable.
Terrible fit aside though the actual coordination is alright, I think she'd look fine if she had a dress that was the correct size.

>> No.9873709
File: 109 KB, 709x765, 1490135984312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for making 1000000 times worse

>> No.9873710

Does anybody buys that "My real cam doesn't work so I used Meitu" crap? Doesn't using a Meitu camera means you have a working phone camera? Why even bring that up if she was going to lie?

>> No.9873714

Actually on my old phone the camera app stopped working for some reason. I had to use a different app, such as meitu, instagram, line camera, etc. It's probable her camera isn't working but she wasn't forced to use meitu like she's saying lmao

>> No.9873718

You can also adjust Meitu filters too. Honestly I don't see why anyone would feel the need to bring it up, lightly shooping your face for social media is pretty much common practice as this point.

>> No.9873721

Jesus christ this is painful to look out. I hope someone can liberate that dress, if it can come off her without being torn to shreds.

>> No.9873735

I'll never get why people like her coords so much. This looks so cheap.

>> No.9873736

I like this because it's simple and more suitable for daily wear

>> No.9873769

I think her dresses generally look really well made and nice but she sometimes uses kind of cheap looking accessories like the umbrella and socks in the photo posted. I think a few brand blouses and accessories mixed in with her handmade stuff would elevate her coords but as it is it's mostly just a nitpick to me and I think she looks fine.

>> No.9873777
File: 44 KB, 320x320, E6C5D65D-1DAF-458C-A106-2AD6C5806B32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoe straps are begging for release

>> No.9873788

That's an obvious replica anon, sorry. VM and MM are hugely popular to replicate on taobao. Look at how wrinkled and cheap the fabric is.

Its pretty sad that she couldn't even get a fucking replica her size though.

What the FUCK are those legs/feet?

>> No.9873810 [DELETED] 

That's just what thin cottons looks like if you leave them scrunched up, or don't iron/steam after laundering. Cotton Frill Doll looks like that too if you don't iron it after washing.

VM's full-shirring items do actually go up to 100+cm, but by then it's completely stretched out like in the picture.

>> No.9873815

Look at all these exceptional cuties, and of you fine young ladies have a phone number so I can call you and discuss a night out on the town an perhaps a warm embrace at night fall :-) Nice to meet you beautiful dames.

>> No.9873843

Get the fuck out of here and fuck a salami sandwich no one cares

>> No.9873844

You need to take off your white knight/self post glasses anon. That cord looks bad.

>> No.9873856

This coord is fine, you're just upset because someone is trying to be more experimental.

>> No.9873859

Overlaying sheer black over pink has been done to death since Larme became popular. Her coord's nothing to write home about either way but let's not pretend she's doing anything new.

>> No.9873861

Why does it have to be "new" to be a good coord? I think she looks nice.

>> No.9873864

Its pretty different for CoF post standards.

>> No.9873868

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.9873869

I understand the context of what anon is saying, I'm not arguing about whether it's an experimental coord or not, I'm just saying it's nice either way.

>> No.9873875

You're saying that I said part of a coord being good is that some component of it is "new". I never said that. I said the coord wasn't new, and wasn't very good, independent of each other.

>> No.9873879


Go back and read that chain again anon.

>> No.9873880

That's an issue that is easily fixed by reinstalling the app.

>> No.9873930
File: 262 KB, 960x1459, E55E7627-34FB-47E0-AE80-49D0A0A2E36B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even get taobao if it fits like shit on you.

>> No.9873951

Looks like the Luna Slater of lolita

>> No.9873967

Why there is so much vendetta against this girl? Is she annoying or something?? Does she get a lot of likes on COF so people are jealous? I really like her style of wearing cute clothes but with a classy gothic attitude. This aesthetic is the reason I like lolita in the first place! I think the color balance between black and pink IS good. The only nitpick I have about this outfit is the weird bracelets but you can barely see them. I just don't understand the salt, its fucking baffling.

>> No.9873975
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>> No.9873976
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>> No.9873977
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>> No.9873978
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>> No.9873979
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>> No.9873980
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>> No.9873982
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>> No.9873983
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>> No.9873984
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>> No.9873985
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>> No.9873987
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>> No.9873988
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>> No.9873989
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>> No.9873993
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>> No.9873999

I like it but I'd love to see what it would look like with shironuri makeup instead of standard goth.

>> No.9874001

I really dig the idea of using loose knit to look like fishing net! But I can't say I'm a fan of the execution here. I think maybe a couple layers of asymmetrical and thinner "net" might work better. Maybe with some dainty shells at the end instead of tassels. But then it may start to look too costume-y. Neat idea though!

>> No.9874007

She started posting that since people complained that her photos are often blurry.

>> No.9874016

Is it? The ruffles look great, small details like that tend to look off on replicas. Maybe she didn't store it properly or didn't bother ironing it.

>> No.9874019

Gulls tend to latch onto a person for various reasons and spit salt continuously whenever said person is posted; whether the reasons for this are valid or not is debatable.
I'd agree this girl's coords aren't always perfect but I like the looks she puts together, I think she's pretty and she does balance the differences between cute, elegant, and somewhat dark aesthetics quite well.

>> No.9874025

I guess it's because she's very prettty and has the perfect measurements for classic lolita. People want another classic icon but she chooses to do her own thing instead and this is what makes people salty.

>> No.9874031

her face is that of an egg. I have never seen something so round and awkward

>> No.9874044

Of course she’s cheap, her shit is all handmade

>> No.9874047

She looks like she’s dressing up as a toddler for Halloween.

>> No.9874056

No, it's really clearly not a replica. Firstly that dress isn't one that's replicated. I agree, she was lazy and didn't iron it. Then it just looks hideous because she's so huge her arms are about to bust out of the sleeves and the chest is down in the waist area. She looks like she's in denial about being huge

>> No.9874057

Sometimes, people just don’t like the coord, anon.
> being experimental
> not expecting controversy
Personally I say there’s a reason brands like VM have stayed away from trend hopping, blackxpink is a shit combo, and having heavily detailed tights would throw off the coord irl. Also black != gothic, the pieces she’s using are clearly sweet. You sound new and/or bait. People not liking the things you like doesn’t mean we personally dislike someone. It comes with the fashion; people have strong opinions.

>sage for taking the bait

>> No.9874064

She's way too tall to have "perfect measurements" for classic lolita. Also she's clearly better-suited for gothic over anything else.

2/10 for making me respond to bait.

>> No.9874068

anons--what is a good collage app that doesn't resize the photos and make them all grainy looking?

>> No.9874070

I use photoshop mix

>> No.9874124

Fuck yeah, Miranda JSK! The coord is OK but it just makes me so happy to see people wearing it.

>> No.9874132

That piss yellow hair needs to go as well as that smug grin. If you look like that you have absolutely nothing to be smug about.

>> No.9874172

When will fatties learn that looking at the camera from that angle is going to accentuate your multiple chins
She really does holy shit

>> No.9874174

Not understanding the theme.

>> No.9874178

I want to squish it.

>> No.9874179
File: 73 KB, 480x640, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I spent all my budget on the headpiece"-kei

>> No.9874195

>Sweet accessories
>Gothic make up
>Classic main piece

Her coording is a complete cluster fuck. How is that even creative

>> No.9874199

I don't know how to tell you this but sometimes the substyles of the different pieces in the coord don't really matter if the final result looks good. Whether we agree on the coord looking good or not is debatable, but citing different styles to the accessories, makeup (which is just dark and muted, not inherently gothic) and main piece, when they actually all work together in this coord, makes you look like a newbie trying to sound smart.

>> No.9874202

>green op
>pleated apron
>head-eating bow
>puff sleeves
wow this is good stuff! I love this, and I'm glad she paired vertically textured tights with the apron, to play up the pleats

>> No.9874206

Is it bad that I laughed? where is that cheap bow even supposed to go; in her hair?
and those shoes. why did she post this unfinished coord?

>> No.9874208

Just perfection

>> No.9874209

desperately needs a steaming/ironing, my gosh
she's cute! Her hair needs way more volume in order to flatter her face shape, and much more poof would be great. love the colors of this TF print.

>> No.9874210

All pieces minus the shoes and socks look like IW, but I do agree that the bow is not one of their best. The shoes are a bad choice, but otherwise, what about this coord looks unfinished? It just looks like a simple coord.

>> No.9874220


>> No.9874239

Is it a man or a goat?

>> No.9874241

this one looks good but somehow it seems a bit bare. perhaps a small pink brooch attached to one side of the headbow?

>> No.9874244

love that she made an effort with her hair.

>> No.9874245

New lolita was a mistake. This just looks like elf cosplay.

>> No.9874246
File: 25 KB, 667x234, dabum tish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita Wurst

She'll probably sell this at some point as
>in good condition

>> No.9874260

>when you have a tea party at 10 but have to take the hobbits to isengard by 11

>> No.9874289

Why the hate? It looks perfectly lovely.

>> No.9874292

It doesn't look like lolita at all and it's not "hate" to point it out or joke about it. The silhouette isn't the only thing that makes lolita what it is.

>> No.9874310

How is she even too tall? She looks like shes around 5' 7" which is a good balanced height for classic. She can wear shorter or longer main pieces without looking freakish.

Also, you only nitpicked about her height but with measurements I also meant bust, waist, hip, shoulder, arms etc. She can clearly fit into all VM and MM she wants and pull off an elegant silhouette. She also looks stunning in gothic, I stated nowhere that I preferred x style on her. Your post just proved >>9873967 that a normal discussion about her is impossible without some passive aggressive sperging out.

>> No.9874317

>she’s cute

>they look bad

I know gulls aren’t a hive mind but seriously

>> No.9874322

I love this. so aesthetic

>> No.9874326

You literally ignored all the comments calling >>9873985 bad and the comments complimenting voldie and the other girl

>> No.9874327

This is just too cute!! everything works!

>> No.9874333

Watch out, she's gonna blow!

>> No.9874336

I never said it was bad it's just...

She's an elf

>> No.9874345

this coord is a cute!
The drooping grapes compliment her ringlets too. simple and sweet, I love this a lot.

>> No.9874362

I get what you're saying, I just think its weird that there are people who obviously look much worse that pass without comment while people get really aggravated by certain people like her. I agree that she uses sweet pieces, but I actually like how she styles them in a more mature-looking way that feels more wearable.

And you sound like you should already know this, but an opinion that is different from yours is not automatically bait.

>> No.9874369

It's because she's attractive on her own without the fashion.
Sure there's a bunch of 'worse' coords, but they're boring, basic, plain.
I'm speaking as a person who fits that boring basic plain category.
Be realistic anon, how much effort are you going to expend on a person who you don't care if you never see them post again?

>> No.9874387

Her torso's too long for 93cm-length Innocent World and she has to wear waist ribbons around the skirt for it to hit her actual waist. Something like 5'3-5'5 would be closer to ideal height for classic lolita. And it's not a nitpick if you're pointing out that something's not perfect.

>> No.9874428

Just saying, there are more people in this thread defending that girl than shit talking.
Food for thought.

>> No.9874436

Any one got deets on that bag? I totally want one.

>> No.9874438

No, it looks bad; the clash of styles doesn't suit each other.
Sadly, not every criticism of your coord is just jelly haterz XDDD

>> No.9874440

There's no vendetta on her though. With excessive praise will come criticism. People also know she comes on here. A lot of her coords are average, and having "anons" heap praise on her for no good reason will make people point out flaws.

>> No.9874463

It's swimmer but AP had a similar one right now

>> No.9874468

Denim seems to be the horrible 2017/ 2018 trend in lolita. I can't wait until people finally realize it just does not go and collectively cringe at wearing it.

>> No.9874482

As an anon who hasn't replied on this yet. I don't like it either. Mainly the overskirt just clashes too much.

If she'll ditch the overskirt, and uses a pink/purple/whatever-colour-the-rest-is bow on her blouse and same for hair accessories, I say it's a nice coord.

If she just ditches the overskirt, it's already an okay coord. But a black overskirt over a light coloured dress just doesn't work. There is a reason that most overskirts are an opaque solid colour of the dress. It just ruins the whole thing for imho.

>> No.9874485

what is this dress called? I love it!

>> No.9874556
File: 1.67 MB, 500x282, eventhenotion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9874558

Am I the only one who's getting incredibly creeped out by this ensemble? #sorrynotsorry but it looks like an adult baby. I just want to throw up

>> No.9874622

It's not just you, believe me.

>> No.9874700

underrated post

>> No.9874949


This legit inspires me to try something similar with an actual marine-themed dress, but I only have like 3 pastel AP sea-themed dresses and nothing that really suits the "mermaid caught in a net" look.

>> No.9875046

Good example of how trying to be trendy can backfire. The sheer apron ruins the outfit.

>> No.9875076

which dress is that?

>> No.9875112

Be a bit more creative, you don’t need to be a mermaid. Think of other sea life.

>> No.9875124

I loved the concept, but not so much the execution. I feel that there's not enough of Lolita in this, plus there's lots of details from the national dress that would actually lend themselves well to Lolita that she's omitted.

>> No.9875125

Photographer/filters on this are hideous. She looks neon orange! Her coord isn't that bad, I like old-school OTT sweet now it's not EVERYWHERE

>> No.9875127

Really cute coord, but she needs to clean her shoes. That dress and her natural hair are both really cute on her. Looks like she has a cute room, too.

>> No.9875156

I just think the shoes are that colour, she should have matched it better.

>> No.9875163

Don't you see the dirt on the tip of the shoes?

>> No.9875164

Is it a trend if Voldie is just the one doing it?

>> No.9875175

It's separation of the sole- also it's suede it looks like that sometimes

>> No.9875177

I feel bad for those who hate their face enough to over ps it.

>> No.9875189

Used to have an LG, camera app got corrupted and I had to use other apps - I could have downloaded another camera app but it would still be different from the original app. Sorry but I could see it happening. Why not use meito if it's better than using a shitty default app?

>> No.9875190
File: 122 KB, 926x600, IMG_4884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate it anon

>> No.9875193

You might be able to think for yourself if you stopped repeating things you saw on here.

I'm not any of the anons you replied to and I legit like the coord. What of it??

>> No.9875239

As a combination, it's really cute. I agree with >>9870274 about the straps being too short, though. Altering the straps would perfect this, as everything else about this is lovely in a fresh and simple sort of way. She really suits that wig.

>> No.9875241

her hair needs a little more styling - the bangs look a tad scruggy, and the ombre look doesn't suit her with such short hair. I like this dress with relatively plain white tights, but those shoes don't work - I know it's a 'Swan Lake' dress, but it doesn't mean ballet flats will work, especially as those are the wrong shade of blue, and don't enclose the sides of her feet enough, plus the velvet doesn't work as a material.

>> No.9875242

The coat version looks cluttered - I guess it was probably needed for the weather, but it's too many patterns. I really like the cardigan version.

>> No.9875247

There are plenty of sheer, loose, breatheable blouses out there she could have worn with this, but if it's really too hot to wear Lolita properly, then don't post a partial co-ord to CoF - maybe the other daily Lolita page that's for more casual/experimental stuff?

>> No.9875252

I feel like this is its own kitschy thing and isn't Lolita at all. I don't think it's ugly, I just think it's like a mixture of vintage themes in a very modern, non-Lolita, and also non-period way, and is fun its own kind of street fashion way, but it isn't Lolita.

>> No.9875254

Too many under-skirts.

(S)he has an unfortunate face and is older, but I don't think that's worth critting someone on - all they can really do is use is a sticker for pics like the bottom right one especially. Other than the unfortunate face the only major problem is using too many underskirts and too long ones to try and make it a tea-length outfit when the JSK isn't designed for it.

>> No.9875258

Am I the only one that LIKES the overskirt?

>> No.9875260

Her pose is really awkward (legs and sideways face), but her outfit is really cute. Those tights and that bolero are just perfect together.

>> No.9875263

The OP she's wearing seems a bit... cheap? I think it's the purple fabric that looks a bit thin and shiny, and how the shirring doesn't look right on the cap sleeves. Is it home made? If so I commend her on a complicated piece to make, but I think next time she should get better materials. I think a bonnet isn't the best thing for her - she's got lovely voluminous hair, and she'd be better styling her fringe for Lolita and actually accessorising her hair more minimally with a few bows and maybe a fancy hair style that takes advantage of all those lovely curls.

>> No.9875264

With some decent Goth make-up, and washing her hair/using less product in it (if she's one of those people who think that Goth hair means gelling it a flat as possible, when it just looks greasy) and a petticoat, this would be an OK casual Gothic Lolita outfit, but she really looks unfinished because of a lack of personal grooming and a lack of petti.

>> No.9875266

The bolero is the cuter idea, but it doesn't fit her arms or around her bust properly. The denim jacket and sunglasses just don't do it for me. I don't like it when people put elements of normie fashion with Lolita

>> No.9875268

The girl with glasses she's twinning with pulls off the bolero better, but needs a different petti for that skirt because it's got like a weird angle/kink/bend at the back which makes me think a hoop petti without enough padding above it.

>> No.9875272

I like the mix of styles in this. I'd say her headwear needs a splash of pink to balance it, and she needs different wrist wear, but otherwise I like it.

>> No.9875273

Full body pic needs a face-sticker because she's obviously tipped her head forwards awkwardly to try and fit her head accessory in the frame, and it's given her a weird chin and expression, which is even more noticeable when compared with the cute selfie. Also needs to sort out her fringe on that wig.

>> No.9875275

This looks really cute, and her glasses seem suitable for Lolita without looking like meme glasses. I'd nitpick brown shoes over black, but that's seriously into nitpick territory.

>> No.9875276

I really like this. That hat is lovely.

>> No.9875279

The selfies aren't cute, and look over-processed. The outfit itself would be OK if the bodice fit better over her bust. The hair accessories are little OTT and honestly the fake flowers look a bit tacky. It brings the whole outfit down.

>> No.9875283

It doesn't flatter her build, and on an older, chubbier and generally quite big person it definitely has 'adult baby' vibes going on. On somebody really small and petite this might actually be cute, but this isn't flattering for her figure.

>> No.9875284

I think she was trying to make it hit her waist better, but messed up. It’s either high waisted or just doesn’t fit her.

>> No.9875302

The apron isn’t pleated, those are stripes in the fabric.

>> No.9875323

Maybe she's better off taking it to a professional to have it made into a skirt.

>> No.9875324

fabric is shantung, anon. also, main isn't handmade.

>> No.9875326


>> No.9875412

Seems like a waste, better to sell it instead of chopping half off.

>> No.9875418

yeah looks high waisted but, though she's petite in the bust, she may have a broader ribcage/back which makes it so the bodice with the original strap length did not fit her torso.

>> No.9875568

Depends, if she really likes the print/dress and wants to hang onto it, then altering it into something for herself wouldn't be a waste - however, if she's not that fond of it, then selling it for a different dress she likes better would probably be better.

>> No.9876222

new thread >>9876169

>> No.9876334

Milk Chan Snow Strawberry by BTSSB