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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180504_021545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9870663 No.9870663 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9864195

>> No.9870950
File: 466 KB, 1259x633, We Need to Talk About FOSTA-SESTA Consequences, Gigi Hadid Backlash, And More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was watching the last PDS by Philip DeFranco about FOSTA/SESTA and cringe when I saw this.
We really need to change the name of the fashion. I'm so tired to be associated to all the nasty porn deviants.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp0TjV8gG-Q

>> No.9870958

Unfortunately the name has been tied to this bullshit for decades because, as anons discussed in the previous thread, people can't fucking read. Changing the name of the fashion won't change much though, and imo it's unnecessary. Do you think every woman and girl with the given name Lolita should change it too?

>> No.9870959

The hell is this from and why is it the op pic? Looks like an outtake from a drag show.

>> No.9870975

He is kaya a japanese visual kei singer. He is hosting a tea party called cafe noir in los angeles. Lolita brands will be there, but I haven't seen anyone post about it here. So the op image was a surprise.

>> No.9871163

Isn't just baby the stars shine going to be there?

>> No.9871167 [DELETED] 

kys newfag scum

>> No.9871181
File: 223 KB, 1242x1641, sfdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do want one of their dresses, although I wouldn't risk buying from a no feedback seller anyway, but does this look suspicious to anyone else? It might be nothing, but all their proof pictures are ones that are basically ones identical to ones from a seller on y!j (bottom of pic), with that little rose. The descriptions are annoyingly vague too.

>> No.9871191

>don't know drag queen vk artist
>must be a newfag
lmao not everyone shares your passion for crossdressing men, anon-chan

>> No.9871192

That looks like a very obvious scam.

>> No.9871193

hahah, okay. Well I'm glad it's not just me that thinks that.

>> No.9871199
File: 102 KB, 287x250, 1514987951783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you interested in lolita at all? It's commonly known vk artists crossdress and that lots of lolitas are fans of vk.. inb4 'well I'M not a fan!!1!' To answer your question, it's Kaya, from his solo single Fabulous.

not gonna lie, I really prefer schwarz stein and Kaya's older stuff to this though

>> No.9871202

>don't know former GLB model
>must be a newfag

>> No.9871203

From a thumbnail it looked like a shrimp to me

>> No.9871207

>not knowing visual kei and drag are completely unrelated

>> No.9871211
File: 1016 KB, 1220x1754, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we talking about pic related? He looks very different in the op, if it's the same person.

>> No.9871212
File: 432 KB, 480x640, B42OP334-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else really misses detachable sleeves? Do any brands still do them regularly?

>> No.9871224

It looks like a scam, but if you’re interested in something they’re selling, you could always ask for a proof picture of something really specific to see if they’re legit?

>> No.9871334
File: 204 KB, 900x1200, 0427144904_5ae2b9d027806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New from JetJ

>> No.9871335
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, 0428185552_5ae445286b7cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sept Lang Dame always leaves me so indecisive. I love the cut and colour, by damn, that is one ugly print.

>> No.9871337

**but damn

>> No.9871341

You can remove that bolero right?

>> No.9871346

Report them.

>> No.9871347
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, 0428205532_5ae4613480284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9871348

I love that print

>> No.9871352

Something about those flowers on the skirt reminds me of those giant fungus you see growing on trees in the forest. Kind of gross

>> No.9871366
File: 256 KB, 675x1024, C6316089-FBF8-43A9-934D-D60267684319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s someone else. Kaya has only modelled for the GLB a few times. One time for AP, a few times for Baby and AATP if I am right. And also for some of those Gothic brands. But he never really moddeled for a catalogue or to promote a certain dress or such. It was almost always for a feauture articles about himself (and other bandman). So it’s very understandable if you don’t know him.
Have to say he is a great artist and model, so I recommend to check him out. He is also a very kind person!

>> No.9871367

I would definitly buy this if it wasn’t over 3000$.

>> No.9871375

What exactly is/was the Amagasaki press room? Why did JetJ take it down from their site?

>> No.9871377

Lolita is just a girls name and if anything we should be reclaiming it.

>> No.9871422

He's done several collabs with lolita brands too

>> No.9871565

I agree, you can get high end designer gowns for less. Or pay a little more you can get a custom made piece of art by Mak Tumang.

I also think the length is a bit awkward for a wedding dress. Would be nice if the skirt was a bit longer instead so it would be a little more church appropriate. Just one more layer of ruffles would have been nice. It's also ridiculous they charge extra for the petticoat and custom sizing at that price.

>> No.9871583

Those designers probably produce more. This JetJ dress will be extremely rare.

>> No.9871937

Is there a way to highlight phrases in your own Lacemarket ToS?

>> No.9871952

Try basic bb code and see if any of that works. and what not. If that doesn't work, try HTML

>> No.9872086

So lolita is going full hoop skirt now? I'd like to see what this looks like without the hoops, it's probably ankle length.

>> No.9872398

this is unusual of JetJ

$3,000 for a dress. I think I know who they're marketing it to.

>> No.9872422
File: 73 KB, 448x640, OTlE3Nl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious bait, but a funny

>> No.9872425

Maybe it would have been funny if there weren't people who unironically think this way.

>> No.9872427

You mean that one dress and bonnet he has released with Alice and the Pirates? I think the Ophelia set wasn’t an actual collab, only the Nocturne set was.

>> No.9872455

Then that means more brand for me. Idgaf if you think wearing a western period inspired dress from a Japanese company is your idea of cultural appropation. I like how it looks and Japan likes my money.

>> No.9872482

Not all wedding gowns need to be floor length, and an extra ruffle around the hem would be ugly. I don't like how big they made the poof in the stock photo though, they had a picture of the dress worn without the hoops on their Instagram and it looked much nicer there.

Also I never really got the appeal of Mak Tumang. The dresses photograph well but they look kind of tacky imo

>> No.9872508

The secrets this week sucked.

>> No.9872517

And who is that?

>> No.9872521

Brides, maybe? It is almost June

>> No.9872525

>Japan likes my money
lol this. If Japanese people were so upset about Western piggus appropriating lolita fashion then maybe they should have a word with all the Japanese brands who have English websites, ship overseas, fly out to overseas events and even open physical stores in Europe and the US. That’s not the behaviour people who are upset about their culture being stolen. For fuck’s sake, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs even appointed three “kawaii ambassadors” in order to spread Japanese pop culture to other countries. They want us to buy their shit.

>> No.9872529

Idgi, Japanese designers are happy to see foreigners wearing it.

>> No.9872530

why are you taking it seriously?

>> No.9872540

it won't ship out till October

>> No.9872549

I’ve had family members pull this shit on me so I guess I’m easily triggered now.

>> No.9872572

But isn't lolita technically an appropriation of old european and retro american styles

>> No.9872574

Pretty much. What’s more embarrassing than “appropriating fashion” is trying to speak for others. If a cultural organization has a kimono try on event at a museum, maybe you should listen to them instead of assuming it’s filthy fashion miscegenation.

>> No.9872607

Are you retarded or just illiterate? I said the secret would've been funny if there weren't people who unironically think non-Japanese people wearing lolita was cultural appropriation, not that *I* personally think this way. The people who say shit like this aren't into the fashion and have no idea what it's about anyway, saying "more brand for me" is irrelevant because these retards wouldn't be buying brand anyway.

>> No.9872631

From what I understand some indie artists and designers will also be there they just haven't been announced yet? Haven't heard anything though.

>> No.9872705
File: 76 KB, 493x945, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, EGL Chat Box is still a dumpster fire.
Context: J deleted N's comment on a thread about the ass/bitch/pussy/cock dress because she called it by that nickname, and got mad that people have the nerve to use BAD WORDS

>> No.9872720

it’s her group, if she didn’t feel the comment was fit then she had and used her ability to delete the comment. don’t really see the issue. it’s not a public group i’m assuming.

>> No.9872812

Did you actually read the cap? The problem isn’t with her being mad about swearing, it’s that she lost her shit over a rule she never set and then got mad that she got called out for it

>> No.9872821

Chinese anon, they're marketing it to the Chinese.

>> No.9872829

what’s the big deal? why get so mad over one deleted comment.

>> No.9872920
File: 8 KB, 250x345, 5475d5ce08bca2fdeba42fc4075c33f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Millefleurs? Are they still open? It seems like Mirufu2017 was the designer's last project, and Millefleurs/Millenoirs haven't been updated in forever...

>> No.9872926

Censorship for no reason, she wasn't breaking any rules but was reprimanded anyway

>> No.9873024

Are we talking about DragCon? I know Baby is going to be there which I find sort of weird.

>> No.9873059

No, there's a separate tea party for Kaya that isn't related to DragCon. Are you sure BABY is vending at DragCon? That doesn't sound right.

>> No.9873067

Jenna threw a shitfit about swearing, personally attacked the person for zero reason, and then made a “no swearing rule” even though one of her own mods also swore in the same damn thread.
That’s stupid no matter how you spin it.

>> No.9873080

Jenna's retarded. Like, literally I think. Her acting like a retard should surprise people exactly as much as Chris-chan acting like a retard does. She's just (slightly) cuter.

>> No.9873090
File: 754 KB, 500x600, ap classic fairy tales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the name

>> No.9873110
File: 272 KB, 750x1105, IMG_9751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah unless I'm reading this wrong?

>> No.9873127

Yeah, you're reading that wrong. The ig OP is simply saying that Kaya is going to be in town for DragCon and that there is a separate event Kaya will be doing where baby will be vending.
FakeStar is a shit anyway so don't expect too much if you do go.

>> No.9873131
File: 731 KB, 750x1263, 93694EE0-F2F9-44B7-B8D5-080CB7F02556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those lice nits? Fucking disgusting.

Image from Atelier Pierrot insta

>> No.9873136

Fake star a shit.
They sold the VIP tickets of the tea party to their acquantancies and friends first so no one unsightly could sit next to Kaya. Fans tried to buy tickets as soon as they were on sale too. I had multiple people telling me that the VIP tickets weren't even listed in the first place.

>> No.9873140


>> No.9873146

What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what nits look like? :/

>> No.9873148

Anons I have a weird sizing issue. Every choker I've tried, be it Taobao or AP has been too big to sit properly on my neck and instead sags down and hangs loosely even on the tightest setting. Is there any brand which does smaller sizes? Is there a way to adjust a choker to be smaller?

>> No.9873150

Anons, tell me about the biggest bitch in your comm.

>> No.9873152

Amagasaki is a city in Japan where JetJ's press room was located. Did they take it down? I thought people could visit it.

>> No.9873164
File: 571 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180506_163456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming soon from Physical Drop. Not sure if it'll be available online, thought.

>> No.9873192
File: 86 KB, 740x733, IMG_20180506_123023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was posted on the 18th of April

>> No.9873205

The caps hardly look like a "shit fit". Why do anons exaggerate everything.

>> No.9873207
File: 86 KB, 657x1032, 03B08DC7-14B9-4CD1-8F29-D62936CEE3B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is right, they really do look like nits because of the way they hold onto her hair. But even if it’s dandruff it’s still gross, wtf

>> No.9873231


>> No.9873232

Classic Fairy Tales.
I really want the JSK in Wine

>> No.9873235

Newfag here, what’s this “ass/bitch/pussy/cock dress”?

>> No.9873238
File: 282 KB, 670x835, jetj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9873245

my god this is hideous

>> No.9873263
File: 22 KB, 140x91, 1365800684814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally just artifacts on the image, probably a few hairs out of place catching the light. s m h

>> No.9873284

I love this story

>> No.9873285
File: 8 KB, 307x212, 1512225979413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that name

>> No.9873321

Wow. Thankyou for answering my question anon!

>> No.9873324
File: 406 KB, 1448x2048, tulle vol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Tulle has their second volume coming out on May 10th. Anyone of you got the first volume and can share some thoughts on it?

>> No.9873327

I really loved the first volume because it also has a lot of casual styles in it that you can mix with your lolita wardrobe

>> No.9873330

They also fucked up the Mana tea party at Sakura con. And one of the people in charge was condescending and referred to lolitas as "princesses" all because they were asking for at least some information about the tea party because it was just a few weeks until the con and there was still no information out.

>> No.9873331

Will it have patterns, tutorials and DIY ideas? Or is it just a collection of burando ads?

>> No.9873332
File: 235 KB, 400x399, tumblr_p80clzVwcn1wo5eaeo2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Emily Temple Cute print

>> No.9873333
File: 78 KB, 750x750, DcLkuXlVwAAmDLQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also did some phone cases, and the flamingos wearing ballet shoes print is getting re-released soon

>> No.9873336
File: 33 KB, 983x276, 1520566250828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the screencap from one of the previous sakura con threads.

>> No.9873337

Semi-related, does anyone know a good way to buy Japanese magazines in Europe? I know Madame Chocolat sells them, but there must be a cheaper place...

>> No.9873340
File: 25 KB, 351x347, 1445987713915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, how dare people ask for details about an event they want to attend and have/will have to pay money for? Honestly, how entitled they must be.

>> No.9873345

Fakestar didn't organize that tea party, Sakuracon did

>> No.9873350

Cdjapan, they ship from Japan but the pricing for shipping is very reasonable and usually the total cost is lower than what you'd pay with a reseller.
Never got hit by customs and never had a parcel from them gone missing either.

>> No.9873351 [DELETED] 

>the pricing for shipping is very reasonable
untracked shipping is 1150 yen, the magazine itself only costs 639 yen.

>> No.9873352

>the pricing for shipping is very reasonable
untracked shipping is 1150 yen, the magazine itself only costs 639 yen. Madame Chocolat charges 16,95 euro.

>> No.9873365
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 3CAE0741-1E99-4EF9-8963-5A9DF7E3BDD0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone waterboard this bitch

>> No.9873371

It's really shitty on their part. A lot of the girls were very polite when asking so it just makes Fake Star staff look like shit. And from what I heard, the tea party wasn't even that great, besides meeting Mana of course.

>> No.9873374

Amazon.jp ship some mooks and magazines internationally.

>> No.9873377

Sakura-con was the one that dropped the ball multiple times with the ticket sale debacle and the tea party itself.

>> No.9873378

A lot of girls were polite, but there were definitely some crazies.

>> No.9873390

Oh, I'm sure there were but talking about your supporters like that on a platform like FB is very inappropriate and makes me wonder if they actually care.
Ok, but that doesn't excuse that shit

>> No.9873401

Ah yes, because I worry if companies actually care about me...
Just bring the guests I want to see.

>> No.9873440

1800 Yen = 13.7 Euros. Unless you get hit by customs it's better value.

>> No.9873443

For reference:
>No tax
>Stocks some back issues
>Shipping options
>Customs is highly likely if you're in Europe, even if you pick SAL

Amazon JP
>Uses DHL which arrives in 2-3 days, is fully tracked
>Pay an upfront customs payment over a certain amount. Some gets refunded later
>Better value if you buy a lot of magazines at one time
>If you only want one thing it's a flat 1400 yen postage. Still cheap considering it's DHL.
>No PayPal

>> No.9873445

This. When ever you go to a Tea party event at a convention its the convention organizes and runs it. The reason conventions have tea parties or special events is to help offset the cost of the guests travel, per diem, day rate, etc. . The brand or celebrity is just s guest and though they suggest and recommend what should be at the tea party they arn't a part of the pre or post event organization.

>> No.9873456

Boy, Fake Star sure is in this thread.

>> No.9873464

PayPal is not a pro for eurofags

>> No.9873480

I wish. I would love to be an agent and get that sweet money. No I just work a lot of conventions and have had to plan some of those said events.

>> No.9873500

Yeah, it is much cheaper, compare the prices of the mooks, damn what a hike up with that euro shop.

I use zenmarket for rakuten, buy the mooks there, combine shipping and lower the value so I don't get hit by customs.
But if you buy only 1 mook it's often cheaper to just buy it through cdjapan.

I dislike buying from resellers desu, they are often scalpers.

>> No.9873503

Well you guys did a shit job.

>> No.9873506

looks like a random coarse grey hair

>> No.9873536

That was literally the manager of fake star.

>> No.9873539

Amazon jp recently changed and don't ship certain books. At least I tried otome no sewing and they didn't. Not sure about others.

>> No.9873575

So, I actually talked to the director of programming and the panel coordinator on day 1, and they literally had no idea that the tea party was happening. It was all run through Fake Star and the Sakura-Con guest coordinators. Fake Star had a huge amount of trouble getting the full application list so they could check people in and fill in the waitlist at the tea party. In the end, there was probably 8 or empty seats after they seated the two waitlisted girls. What a shit show.

>> No.9873612

I hadn't been to a brand tea party before this one and I was a bit underwhelmed with the "tea service".
Maybe the tickets price is cheap compared to other tea events, but for $60 I expected a lot more.

>> No.9873617

Honestly, I agree. You're terrible.

>> No.9873625

Fuck you, I think she's beautiful and perfect and you're a fat whore

>> No.9873628

It's so shopped it looks like cgi

>> No.9873645

I've been to a few and Sakuracon was definitely the worst. What even was that food? Also, they don't normally make you get up and make your own tea.

>> No.9873662

Sakuracon is run terribly to begin with. I staffed one year and will never go back. It doesn't surprise me, the director of programming, doesn't know wtf is happening in their own department.

>> No.9873668

Wow this makes me really sad it was Moitie/Mana's first tea party ever. He's never even done one in Japan.

>> No.9873679

Honestly, why is their exchange rate so fucked up?

>> No.9873681

Only good tea parties I've been to are ones that are at an actual restaurant. If it's in a convention center or hotel you're stuck with either shitty hotel food or pre-packaged snacks and tea bags.

>> No.9873682

I've been to one other and it was hosted at an actual tea house not a hotel. You'd think they would have hosted somewhere nicer. I know some gulls went out for tea since they didn't get seats and when I searched the place they picked it made the official tea party look like shit. I hope you get to experience a better brand tea party though.

>> No.9873684

Imo it's on purpose and they also don't support Europeans as good as Americans when you get scammed

>> No.9873725

Sorry if this is a new question but where can I find the comm list spreadsheet? I'm moving soon and wanted to join some comms in the area

>> No.9873863
File: 465 KB, 480x640, 319481561263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby has a new panda kumakumya out:
Accepting reservations on May 10th.

>> No.9873872

I don't understand why this took so many years, but I'm happy.

>> No.9873890

Eh, fact is the cost was the cost to see Mana-Sama, our lord and savior. The tea place the gulls went to is nice, but ticket cost prob would have been like $90+ and it would have been very difficult for people to get to. If they planned a bit, they could have reserved at the Fairmont like Chantilly did and have an actual afternoon tea, but they didn't plan well.

>> No.9873894

Just add an extra hole so you can pull it tighter?

>> No.9873932

I need money.

>> No.9873945

Anyone know if there's a physical shop you can pick up these magazines at? Like KERA or something if it isn't available in common book stores or conbinis or wherever you buy magazines there? I'll actually be in Tokyo next week, would be nice to just pick it up in person.

>> No.9873957
File: 52 KB, 300x400, b7f77bc9-2acc-5955-b6dc-9d29a0d03412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethics question incoming.

I adore pic related, but there is no way in hell it'd ever fit me, bound or not. Would it be completely wrong of me to make a piece inspired by it (darker lace, different sleeves, no corset lacing, etc)?

Thanks gulls.

>> No.9873959

Being inspired by a dress is not the same as making a replica, you're in the green

>> No.9873960

The bad thing about replicas is that the money for the original design doesn't go to the designer, right? Honestly, even if you made a complete replica by yourself to fit you, I don't think it'd be an issue since you wouldn't even be profiting off of it.

>> No.9873965

I know someone who sewed a dress inspired by VM's classical doll OP. She did an amazing job and it looks beautiful. While people often ask her if she's wearing VM, they never react badly when they find out it's handmade. I think that it's not wrong at all to sew something inspired by a piece you love. If anything, it's a way of showing your appreciation for the original, because it takes a lot of time and effort to sew a dress. Go for it!

>> No.9873970

I've gotten Larme from Village Vanguards and the big bookstore in Tokyo skytree (if you're going past) has a pretty diverse selection too.

>> No.9873991

I made an OP inspired by Classical Doll too and I still want to own a legit one! It was more of a sewing challenge for me. I think it's fine.

>> No.9874000

Thank you all for the reassurance!

>> No.9874027

If you live in Europe you could pick up a few and re-sell them for more, but just less than Madame Chocolat does

>> No.9874052

Mana bless Photoshop Lightroom and CS6 . They are a blessing for creating sales posts or arranging coords.

>> No.9874053
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1330, IMG_20180507_183716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9874054
File: 519 KB, 480x640, marine_color-m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9874055

I need that skirt but I'm broke af. Hope I can find it secondhand when I have money.

>> No.9874104

Just invoice your buyers in euros or what have you. Most of us don't get charged fees for it considering we want to buy with yen all the time anyway. That way it's not PayPals exchange rate and it's the actual banks/credit card companies.

>> No.9874110

It's a-okay anon. I hope we get to see the final work!

>> No.9874111
File: 50 KB, 225x300, 6E01CFD9-87D4-4897-A7BF-23B58DEE4676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question I’m not sure belongs here: has anyone ever had any luck trying to find missing pieces of a dress? Bought pic related recently and didn’t realize it didn’t come with the waist belt from the seller. I’m a little disappointed; it’s easy enough finding a new satin ribbon on a fabric site or whatnot but a whole belt?!? Has anyone ever seen notions sales pop up, or is my only hope to find a pink Elodie Doll and share the belt between the two?

>> No.9874117

They're talking about when they buy something

>> No.9874119

>Marine blouse
>generic design, nothing remotely marine themed, with flower buttons
Aright. Still cute though.

>> No.9874120

I think the most realistic solution is to find fabric that matches your op as closely as possible and make a new belt from it. Unless you'd rather sell the dress and hope to find it again with the belt at another time, that is.

>> No.9874126

That’s a good solution!
If I sold it I’d feel like I’d be pulling the same thing that was pulled on me. I enjoy the dress, I just wish it was more complete.

>> No.9874140
File: 56 KB, 300x400, 570546fc-5fb7-5dc3-bac4-3df13ba5adf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks pretty spiffy even without the belt, and might actually be some others' preference to go beltless. If you list it honestly and with an appropriately reduced price I really don't see it as pulling anything, some girls are willing to buy slightly damaged dresses, some others may be willing to buy a dress with missing belt.

I've only seen random dress bits surface once or twice, it's going to be very rare and hard to find. Making a copy replacement or looking for another dress with the belt included would be your best bet, I think.

(Incidentally, one of those times was a weird sequence of events.... some girl asked to buy a dress, then refers to her gf (another lj account) who immediately took over negotiations and demanded to know if the dress still had its back bow. I got weird vibes from this, but I showed them proof photo of the back bow anyway. Then they just up and cancelled the sale. A few weeks later the gf's account has the back bow for sale. No dress, just the back bow. Like, what was the story behind that, I wonder).

>> No.9874141

Well not really, if you disclose the missing belt when selling it then it wouldn't be quite the same thing; but imo you're better off keeping it and making a new belt, it's such a gorgeous op with such a simple "fix" that it'd be a shame to let it go just because of a belt.

>> No.9874143
File: 23 KB, 640x360, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anecdote
What the fuck.

>> No.9874147

I guess the girl lost the bow and sold the dress. When you posted yours, she maybe thought that it was the one she owned, and she could attach the bow. Still weird tho.

>> No.9874154

Where do you normally buy socks? I don't want to buy them from taobao/aliexpress and it's a bit too much to pay shipping from Japan to Italyjust for socks...

>> No.9874156

I wear a lot of black so simple black OTKs are usually enough for me, otherwise I comb through secondhand sites to find new with tags brand socks, or if I'm buying a new main piece I'll usually throw in a pair of socks or two to the order.
I think eBay has a few options for lace topped socks that are pretty nice, though, if you want to try that.

>> No.9874159
File: 157 KB, 733x998, DcmIBO9V4AEgV4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lolita mag.

>> No.9874160

Huh. Looks like it's released on the 16th this month. Also looks like it includes an interview with Imai Kira, sweet! I hope someone translates it.
I've become a bit tired of new magazines that pop out every few months but I might get this one.

>> No.9874163


Oh God, I just want that headdress. What are the chances it's actually a thing I can buy?

>> No.9874165

Mary Magdalene in a Japanese magazine? They don't even sell to Japanese people

>> No.9874170




This is logical, but still very weird. Still, their LJ did indicate they were young, so I suppose it might not have occurred to them that there are a few hundred copies and not just their one dress out there.

>> No.9874191

Maybe there's a chance of a new release ;_;

>> No.9874192

Does MM sell to anyone anymore? I made an international invoice ~6 months ago and they never responded.
>maybe I can ask the brand if they have extra belts/bows in storage...

>> No.9874288
File: 212 KB, 500x368, 1519784565447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I love it... Please don't sell out for a few more weeks, dress.

>> No.9874297
File: 18 KB, 752x315, dontunderstand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question but what does this mean? Is it an MTO? Or will there be ready stock available in June/July?

>> No.9874302

Pretty sure that's preorder/reservation.

>> No.9874303

Then disable that and pay with your bank or credit card? I pay in yen all the time with PayPal. You can just pay in euros and your cc or bank will convert it. Just make sure you have a good cc/bank that doesn't charge you conversion fees.

>> No.9874304

MTO is Made To Order, this is just plain old reservation.

>> No.9874306

Thanks so much, I'll check them out!

Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere, USA so there isn't an audience for that here really. But I am hosting our tiny comm's ILD next month so maybe I'll give some out as gifts, thanks for the idea!

>> No.9874311

*pay in international currency, not euros. It'll be converted to euros on your bank/cc statement.

>> No.9874314

Look for kinokuniya stores anon. It's a huge bookstore chain, I'm sure they will have it and I saw them in multiple places in Tokyo.

>> No.9874315

That's not possible with my account

>> No.9874429

Shit. Is there a pre-order link or something?

>> No.9874455

Time to whip out the cc and get everything.

>> No.9874505


>> No.9874546

It's only available with certain credit cards and I remember having to specifically enable it for some credit cards, but it should be available with your bank.

The steps at the bottom should be all you have to do.

>> No.9874554

I don't have any currency options anywhere in my account
I've emailed PayPal about it last year and still no change. It's the same for other lolitas I've talked with that don't have a creditcard.

>> No.9874683

The Chinese version apparently comes with a JetJ bag. Does anyone know how to get it?

>> No.9874732

I think you have to win it and it's for Japanese only

>> No.9874786

Why not get a credit card then? It helps build your credit and you can just pay it off immediately. Sounds like it would be worth it if the exchange rate is that bad.

>> No.9875020

Becauss it's expensive and I'm not American so I don't need to build credit

>> No.9875086

Lol I was considering buying that same dress but read the description which stated it was missing the belt and was like nah. That seller didn't pull nothing on you, you just didn't fucking read the listing.

>> No.9875087

It says it was missing one of the bows on the belt you walnut, not the whole goddamned belt. Stay mad.
Messaged the seller, she doesn’t seem to understand that the waist tie and belt are two separate things. Guess I’m SOL anyways, my loss.

>> No.9875091

>build your credit
I never really got that. US anons always talking about "building a credit" or "ruining your credit".
Please consider we don't really have this in Europe. Credit cards mostly just cost money.

>> No.9875098

To us Muricans, a credit card is something most of us younger generations don't want (because it's easy to go into debt with one) but we sort of HAVE to have in order to establish credit. They check your credit score if you want to apply for loans, buy cars/houses/etc, and a bunch of other things.

>> No.9875104 [DELETED] 

apply for loans.. for a car.. are you kidding me

>> No.9875108

apply for loans.. for a car.. are you kidding me? just don't get that car, buy a cheap one with your own money. this reminds me of that lolita who bought a ton of secondhand burando with her creditcard but couldn't actually pay for any of it.

>> No.9875110

Loans and car are two separate points, don’t be stupid. The point is that credit cards are essential for doing adult things and avoiding them ends up biting you in the ass.

>> No.9875113

This is why the US ruins the economy and needs to be defeated asap

Why do they need to check your creditcard hsitory if you can pay for the car in full yourself?

>> No.9875116

Nayrt, but how about a house then? How do you get loans then in Europe? Not to mention credit cards aren't the only way to build credit for Americans when you're young, it's just an easy way.

It still sounds like anon is complaining for no reason about credit cards costing money and then having to pay PayPals crappy exchange rate. Pick one or the other then and stop complaining.

>> No.9875117

>cheap one
Bruh, you know how much cars cost here? Even a used one sets back around $3000 unless you get a junkyard on that's barely running.

>> No.9875119

>who bought a ton of secondhand burando with her creditcard but couldn't actually pay for any of it.

You mean the one who used her deceased grandmother's credit card or something and scammed a bunch of people with chargebacks?

>> No.9875120

You need to have a full-time job to get a loan for a house. Also we're just answering your questions, not complaining, one anon just asked if there is a better way to buy lolita magazines in Europe.

>> No.9875129

Fakestar may have taken control day-of after realizing the whole thing hadn't been done, but the bad tea party and the rest of the nonsense is on Sakuracon

>> No.9875131

I don't think that poster is a Sakuracon person, did you know that there are tons of people who run tea parties at conventions

>> No.9875133

Pretty sure that was on their personal page and not public though.

>> No.9875135

Fun story back in college I was trying to get an apt with my girlfriend and they rejected her because she had no credit history despite having proof that her scholarship was paying for her living expenses. They accepted me though because I had a years worth of college debt that apparently gave me a credit history. It doesn't make sense

>> No.9875148

People are considered more at risk if they have no credit history vs someone who does and can prove they can manage debt.

>> No.9875153

>Would be nice if the skirt was a bit longer instead so it would be a little more church appropriate
Lolwut- do you belong to a church that doesn't believe in showing your ankles?

>> No.9875161

I have black hair and have some greys. It looks like that in photos.

>> No.9875166

Don't most people have full time jobs? That can't be the only thing they look at.

Anon was asking about why the exchange rate on PP was terrible and I offered solutions. Big surprise, life costs money. You have to fix it yourself because PayPal will not, that's how they make more money.

>> No.9875169

This. Your friend could easily have spent the money on wasteful crap and not have enough money to cover rent as my past roommate did.

>> No.9875181

Some young people can't get a big loan to buy a house because they don't have job security (long-term contract) or they have massive debt (rare) but that's it

>> No.9875303

>why the US economy needs to be defeated
Shut up you Euro commie. America just needs less predatory loan and lending practices aimed at fresh adults. Then again, you should know better because you’re an adult. Not all of us have fallen for it because we’re not stupid. Never got into student loan debt or got a credit card and it’s meant no debt.
You do understand there’s other ways to build up credit, right? I feel like people like you who dont understand this and dive headfirst into crazy purchases “to build credit” deserve their debt shackles.

>> No.9875313

A credit card doesn't equal debt anon. It's easy to not buy with money you don't have and pay it off immediately.

>> No.9875314

You need to realise most of the world population is stupid, so creating a society where it's necessary to have a creditcard/debt is asking for trouble. Now calm your fee-fees and stop going off-topic.

>> No.9875322


She was offered to pay upfront for six months and they still turned her down.

All my college debt proved was that i had no money since I didn't need to start paying it off for four years.

yeah I get why in general no credit history looks bad but this particular situation was just stupid

>> No.9875338

> offered to pay 6 months up front
My boyfriend owns a few rental properties and I've heard the horror stories of tenants like these. This is a red flag for someone who has the potential to be late on future payments or doing some illegal shit in their unit. People would rather not risk it.

>> No.9875341

Ok wtf is up with RC? When did showing titties become acceptable in lolita?

>> No.9875355

nobody cares stop shitting up the general

>> No.9875359

Caps? What's going on there now?

>> No.9875367

Seems like Rainies got her hands on cats tea party

>> No.9875378

I can’t cap on mobile but someone started a discussion about cleavage in lolita and people are largely saying it’s acceptable...

>> No.9875390

weird, i've never seen a lolita with cleavage

>> No.9875392
File: 306 KB, 1530x920, mosaic3cea1c9c679de1f1d5882d75f03a514a95d1e795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need concrit for this coord. I'm on the fence with the apron, do you think it would look good?

>> No.9875394

90% of RC is conlitas and lolitas at heart

>> No.9875395

That's a pity. But thanks for answering!

>> No.9875400

It doesn't seem like a bad price for ctp, except for missing waist ties.

>> No.9875415
File: 271 KB, 720x540, 1499779871197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleavage in lolita and people are largely saying it’s acceptable
Somehow I feel like this reaction pic isn't enough to convey my utter disgust.

>> No.9875416

Not sure what is worse, RC bitching about whether or not cleavage is acceptable or bitching about a Marie HT skirt looking vaguely similar to CTP

>> No.9875419

Even without seeing the pieces in person I can tell you're mixing your whites. It might seem like a nitpick but it's glaring and doesn't look very good. The OTKs/tights might not match either, and I don't understand the inclusion of cloud accessories; are there clouds in the print?
It's not too bad but I'd suggest waiting until you have the main pieces of the coord (namely the blouse, skirt, apron and shoes) before you add the smaller details.

>> No.9875420

And that's in a group where you can click someone's real name and see from their profile if they wear lolita or if they're just weebs. Imagine how much worse it would be if people were anonymous...

>> No.9875425

You need a better head piece. Get rid of all those random small bows and pick a bow or other piece that's the color of the print.

>> No.9875430

I think blue hair accessories would be much better

>> No.9875431

Looks like current bidder didn't read the description.

>> No.9875435

There’s a MtF on COF who often has her fake boobs out

>> No.9875439
File: 750 KB, 1013x1217, tittytroubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually have a related issue/question. I'm a bit busty and this OP keeps suction cupping itself to my tits.

Does anyone have any tips or solutions? Usually when I run into titty troubles I just wear a compression tank underneath to flatten them out, but the neckline of this dress doesn't allow for it.

>> No.9875445

Yeah sorry that's what I meant

>> No.9875446

Buy a bigger dress

>> No.9875450

What bra are you wearing?

>> No.9875453

cgl is a shithole but we still somehow manage to be a little better than RC when it comes to the fashion itself. I think the nastiness that anonymity brings out deters the more sensitive roleplayers.

I wish there was an easy way to keep notes associated with usernames like on LJ. Often when I scroll through RC I’m like “Hey, wasn’t that the dumb ita who said xyz?” but I don’t remember exactly, and searching FB groups for a specific comment is too much effort most of the time. It would be funny to be able to connect the dumb shit people on there say, though.

>> No.9875457
File: 347 KB, 612x859, 3f2a0a28-64f7-5e43-a85e-b7b4495bc672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just general advice, you are trying to do too many things and where newbie Lolita often go wrong is picking too many colors. It's really hard to screw up acoord where all your accessories are pink and white for example. Think lucky pack sets. They will have like a pink jsk, white blouse, pink accessories.
You would do better picking one color and white and going with that for everything. I suggest blue.

>> No.9875458

Wear a sports bra. It will smooth out the lines. You can also try tightening the elastic in the neckline so it sits tighter across your chest.

>> No.9875464

Could someone direct me to a coord help thread on here please? I can’t go anywhere where I’m not anonymous I’m afraid, so places like amino, fb etc aren’t really an option for me.

>> No.9875466

Sorry, I didn’t mean to put a reply thing on there, sorry

>> No.9875468
File: 49 KB, 480x640, IMG_20180508_211830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this girl holding

>> No.9875474


>> No.9875479

It's a chain saw.

>> No.9875490

It's actually a little too big in the top, and I think that's part of the problem.

Just a plain, unlined bra.

I'll try that, thank you :)

>> No.9875503

I don't think there's one at the moment. Look in the catalog first to make sure, and if there isn't one then you can start one yourself.

>> No.9875517
File: 63 KB, 730x548, h.Naotoinanutshellcutsew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly what you think she's holding

>> No.9875533
File: 247 KB, 600x800, CD7E2273-2EE7-4548-8BDF-EDE80C16DEAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really h.Naoto? I wonder if they also carry this one in black

>> No.9875535
File: 95 KB, 595x394, 1474839385603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9875564
File: 58 KB, 910x582, DSCN5014sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I randomly found it in a sales post. I want to know what kind of request these designers get.
>What kind of shirt you want senpai
>Just BI SEXUAL FUCK my shit up

>> No.9875571

Do you have it/would you sell it to me?

>> No.9875572

>Bi sexual fuck
>pervy Aunt Kate (age 55) loves oral sex!
>Mother in Law is caught shagging husband!
>Night nurse takes a hard cock from rear!
>Wear my wet panties & I'll wank you off!
>my first hard rear fucking and I loved it!
>Hear two girls who fuck guys with dildos!
>My hubby will wank you off into my mouth!
>TV husband allows 5 men to fuck me hard!
>50 yo lesbian slapper with 18 yo niece!
>I had rear end gang bang on 18th bday!
>I'm fucked from the rear with no lubrication!
>My wife fucks you're a*** like a male whore!
>Hot Wet Bisexual couple with older male!
>Me and my boyfriend will suck you're cock!
>Innocent girls used by
>Older women


>> No.9875576

I wish/no, found it here: https://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/8405553.html

>> No.9875578

I thought she was holding a big cross

>> No.9875583

I have weird mix of song lyrics stuck in my head now.
>Rara Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen
>Wanna do it doggy style?

>> No.9875584

>redtube front page kei

>> No.9875597

Thanks h.Naoto

>> No.9875600

it was probably already written like that on the porn page they were inspired by

>> No.9875670
File: 527 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180508_140000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any photos of this worn in this color? I always see it worn in the ivory colorways, but not the black/navy color. Either cut is fine. The only one i have foumd really is the model coord. Looking for maybe something short sleeved/spring/summer coords/inspiration?

>> No.9875687
File: 649 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are adopted
that last line wrecked me, holy crap

>> No.9875696

>seeing this for the first time
Wow, summer already.

>> No.9875704

Summer no longer exists for me. I'm an adult with a FT job.
but there's a plethora of things that I've yet to encounter lurking for only 3 years and only being a lolita for 4 so...
glad to have seen it because it double me right over

>> No.9875747
File: 5 KB, 275x177, 1525416384797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when all the best memes were new well before your time

>> No.9875870

What are the chances of Baby or another large brand guest returning to Mechacon?

I missed out in 2016 and I will never forgive myself

>> No.9875910

Pretty low. The lolita staffers of previous years quit.

>> No.9875919

Honestly I'm not a fan of ocean themed stuff most of the time, but that mermaid usakumya is too hecking precious and they had better make a matching pochette outfit

>> No.9875925

Does anyone else constantly refresh LM/Online Shops despite knowing there will be nothing new? It's like I can't stop searching for things.

>> No.9875928
File: 14 KB, 600x305, 1516381030576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...okay. Thank you, anon.

>> No.9875934

omg this is magical I'm so happy this exists

>> No.9876039

Shopping addictions are like that

>> No.9876046

It's like opening the refrigerator to check for new food.

>> No.9876077
File: 74 KB, 300x400, yvonne-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone got a Milky Ange underskirt before? Thinking of getting one but would like some opinions on them if possible

>> No.9876086

Get a hobby

>> No.9876091

How often does btssb/AP san fransisco shops have tea parties?

>> No.9876134

Go to A-Kon. They're having BtSSB this year.

>> No.9876252
File: 72 KB, 488x650, TB2ITGWiVXXXXatXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!387991716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which items have different whites? The pics are very altered, I already own the blouse, shoes and tights and they're the same whites (on the colder side). They go well together imo. The main piece I don't have right now is the skirt.

I realize there's some ivory included in the wristcuffs and ring. Personally I like white+ivory but I understand it can be confusing.

I just found the cloud accessories super cute and the fluffy side reminded me of whipped cream.

I originally planned to get a big blue ribbon but it seemed really hard to find the exact same tone of the skirt. Pic related is too light for example.

I agree I should have gone with a blue+white coord. But I already got the shoes and the blouse, plus I love pink. I want to make it look good somehow. That's why I'm thinking about it very thoroughly.

Thank you all for your advice. This is super useful.

>> No.9876255

What the actual fuck

>> No.9876259

Are auctions on LM successful? I think about listing everything as $1 and $10 starting bid. I don't mind selling them for cheaper, just not ridiculously under mercari tier cheap.

>> No.9876260

I'd like to add that the OTKs (not tights, sorry) are the exact same blue as the skirt, they look totally different on the pic but when I received them I was happy to see that they're actually blue.

>> No.9876270

Not sure if this belongs in the stupid questions thread or not, but since we're talking about whites... has anyone had to deal with any of your white pieces turning yellow after leaving it in the closet for a while? Not talking about stains, this happened to a few of my new, unworn things. Does anyone know a good way to store whites without this happening? I also remember some anons mentioning oxiclean soaking in an older thread, has anyone had success restoring that way or with other methods?

>> No.9876275

Me. It’s like some kind of FOMO but I rarely end up buying anything.

>> No.9876276

Leave your clothes soaked in diluted sodium bicarbonate for a few days and it should be white again.

>> No.9876331
File: 48 KB, 360x420, PatisserieDream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the tights I meant the blues not matching; the print looks like blue rather than sax. As for the whites, the wrist cuffs and one of the smaller bows that you got are ivory and stark white, respectively. I second another anon's suggestion of a single headbow to match the skirt. Brands make plenty of sax headbows if you can't find the one that matches your print.

>> No.9876345

I'm getting white ankle socks too in case the OTKs don't match. Though I'm pretty sure the shade of blue is similar but I guess I'll have to check once I get the skirt.
Wunderwelt has a really bad selection of sax hair accessories, I don't see anything that could work with that skirt https://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/brands/lolita-fashion/hair-accessory?color=152_170
And LM has nothing, ofc.

>> No.9876377
File: 139 KB, 640x499, KayaTeaParty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attendees will also have the opportunity to buy from brands such as Atelier Pierrot, BABY, the Stars Shine Bright, Moi-même-Moitié, and Lipton Cunningham
Didn't know AtePie was gonna be there!

>> No.9876380

I'd go if I didn't live in Europe. Hopefully he'll come to a SFE event one day

>> No.9876383

I'm pretty sure they aren't having j fashion at all anymore desu. I'm nit going and even most of my local NOLA friends aren't going

>> No.9876387

One of the girls in my comm wears that apron with EVERYTHING. It looks pretty good to be honest.
Agreed with the other posters that you should get some more significant headgear than a bunch of little bows though.

>> No.9876391

I wish this was on saturday so i could of gone. Im out of state and have work/school monday so i wouldnt make it home in time. Plus who the fuck plans this shit on mothers day?

>> No.9876396

It's in the evening. Plenty of time to have tea with your mom in the morning or afternoon.

>> No.9876556

If you're ready to sell it for 1(0)$ then do it

>> No.9876564

List it for what you'd part with it for, throw together lots for dirt cheap if you want to get rid of it faster.
Tip for lots, have them be for the same body type in same style

>> No.9876604

The fuck is going on with this Jen chick in RCU?

>> No.9876608

Caps for the gulls that aren't on FB, please?

>> No.9876612

It's too much to cap. Time to restart the online comm thread again

>> No.9876627

Every time

>> No.9876637
File: 59 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1525899189908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, people are basically upset about this dress and it's "cultural appropriation".
That's the gist I've gotten at least, I'm sure there's more salt if someone cares to expand.

>> No.9876647

Man that bums me out...I hope I'll bump into at least a few other lolitas there.

Definitely considering it. How do you gulls keep track of what brands are going to what? I always feel like I find out too late to do anything about it.

>> No.9876710

Why can't we be more like China and Japan and just not give a fuck? I didn't even know there was some kind of native american theme going on here until I took a close look.

>> No.9876720
File: 50 KB, 240x240, aatp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone else who owns the AatP Victorian Cards skirt, does this just fit weirdly? Lolibrary states the waist measurement is
64-72 but I'm a 66 cm waist and it's pretty uncomfortable.

>> No.9876722

did you buy it secondhand? i've bought things cheap from japanese auctions before only to find out it was professionally altered to fit smaller

>> No.9876727

She's a poc fb defender intent on getting as many people that aren't aware of the significance of native headdresses b& from RC:U
She's white, probably, and acting like she fits with the black community.
It's the girls on the AAVE/coon thread that has me rolling though.

>> No.9876839

Because China and Japan do the same thing to minorities?

To be fair, it is pretty bad. But really just a small annoyance though, there are better things to invest your time into then some random taobao dress. I will never understand people.

>> No.9876850

I think baby/aatp skirts from those years may just run smaller or have tighter shirring? I had a 2009 baby skirt that supposedly fit 62-72 cm waist and I'm 67 and it was incredibly tight

>> No.9876961 [DELETED] 

>china and japan makes prints off of other cultures and minorities it persecutes them so badly
>whatever will we do
Stop making an issue out of nothing.

>> No.9876967

>china and japan makes prints off of other cultures and minorities and it persecutes them so badly
>whatever will we do
Stop making an issue out of nothing. The division and actual racism from "cultural appropriation" arguments is always so much worse than the so-called appropriation itself.

>> No.9876968

Don't worry, we'll get there.
We'll swing back around to it when society is good and tired of feeling guilty for every little thing.

>> No.9877012

Hopefully this still gets answered even though the thread is nearly done. How do I go about reserving something from AP/BTSSB? I’ve only gotten second hand brand so far, but I’m really looking at getting the new BTSSB Kuma Kumyas Marine Island JSK. Do I need a SS for reserving from the Japanese site, or do I just wait until it comes in stock in their English sites? I’m in Aus so either way I’m getting fucked on shipping, but I don’t want to miss out on this dress!

>> No.9877031

You can reserve internationally from the Japanese website without a shopping service. Instructions here (http://www.babyssb.co.jp/overseas/shopping-guide-for-international-users/).). It's a pretty easy process!

>> No.9877033

>Native American otter lolita dress
Do they just pull print ideas out of a hat at random or what

>> No.9877034
File: 252 KB, 1031x867, ss+(2018-05-09+at+11.00.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question but Figlia used to have an etsy but has now only switched over to the facebook shop. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add more than one item to my cart. It wont combine shipping at all and wants me to check out and pay shipping for every item. I tried to contact them but they were useless.

>link is spam, but their "shop" is figlia on facebook

>> No.9877036

Nayrt but how did you figure out it was altered? I have a skirt that’s supposed to be 58-73cm but fits very snug on my 65cm waist and I’m wondering if they had the elastic shortened or something. The sales description didn’t say anything about it being altered.

>> No.9877038

Just use the cart system like regular unless it's a mail order (I assume since it's a JSK it's not though) Re: shipping, I wouldn't be too concerned. I live in NZ and it's never been too ludicrous - usually under 5k yen. Once they accidentally addressed my package to Aus though, which was funny since it was their fuckup. Still more convenient than a SS.

>> No.9877040

God what a fugly dress

>> No.9877042

Yup. But now watch someone buy it for the sole reason that it’s ~controversial~ and they want in on that sweet sweet attention.

>> No.9877051

I already had the same one in a different colour

>> No.9877052
File: 391 KB, 595x842, pop2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw AP really does plonk random shit together as a dress print

(Not the actual model photos. That background Royal Marine MerUnicorn Crystal Cross thing is probably another upcoming dress print)

>> No.9877063

That’s the privilege of living in a homogeneous society

>> No.9877069

Mte. Your ancestors should've stayed put.

>> No.9877160

I see you read my entire post.
I'm NA and just said it's nothing to be bothered about as there are more important things to devote your time to. We shouldn't be like them though and not give a duck because that's just ignorant.

>> No.9877174
File: 25 KB, 300x226, 8d40fa430c6ec3dd0e5f9e08002a6248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>got pretty pastel pink hair recently like i always dreamed of
>mainly into sweet so didnt think it would be a problem
>and i hate wearing wigs because of how uncomfortable it is to me
>realize my coords look better when i have my "normal" hair color
>but i love my hair like that too
what do

>> No.9877180 [DELETED] 

should precise that i'm going for an "elegant" type of sweet most of the time

>> No.9877183

(should precise that i'm either going for an "elegant" type of sweet or that i'm already wearing lots of pink which makes it too pink and not balanced enough)

>> No.9878587

I honestly don't think it's that big a deal. It's just a tiny slit. You probably wouldn't notice it unless someone is looking directly down your chest.

>> No.9880402
File: 206 KB, 1352x720, Capture+_2018-05-13-15-55-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else run across this dude or seen this comment change before?pt 1

>> No.9880406
File: 1.99 MB, 1440x2392, Capture+_2018-05-13-15-56-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt 2

>> No.9880410
File: 314 KB, 1396x1226, Capture+_2018-05-13-15-56-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9880415
File: 306 KB, 1338x1323, Capture+_2018-05-13-15-57-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt 4