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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9858663 No.9858663 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread saging

Panel submission emails are going out. Have you gotten yours yet?

I’ll post the same questions as the last thread

>What’s your lineup?
>How’s cosplay progress going?
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
>Anything you’re not excited about?
>Cosplay Predictions?
>What are your hopes for the con?
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
>What about the rental bins?

And of course any other discussion is allowed

>> No.9858794
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Size and shape is king desu

t. Seven incher with big-ass gf

>What’s your lineup?
Kumatetsu/Musashi/Funky Kong guy from last thread
>How’s cosplay progress going?
Funky Kong is done, Musashi extra stuff is coming soon
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
Less-expensive night swim, possibly staying in villas
>Cosplay Predictions?
What I said last thread but more emphasis on Darling in the Franxx
>What are your hopes for the con?
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
Might see if there's a fighting game panel, maybe something I've never seen

>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
>What about the rental bins?
Disastah zone

>> No.9858795

Forgot to add that Kumatetsu is moving slowly but surely

>> No.9858915

why does everyone keep using the 2017 banner, is this a joke i missed or something

>> No.9858951

It's the 17th Colossalcon, it says 2018.

>> No.9858961

>What’s your lineup?
Mostly Jojo characters but in swimsuits, a joke cosplay for Thursday, and my boyfriend and I are going to be Popuko and Pipimi for Saturday night swim. I'm also going to be Kotori in a LLSIF group which I'm excited for!
>How’s cosplay progress going?
I just need to decide what I'm going to do for the PTE suits, probably something sailor themed (debating also just doing the generic school uniform one piece suit for us both, it's hard to pick out suits for a boy and girl to match), mostly it's just working on my bf's stuff.
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
Night swim being all 3 nights, also this year is going to be more focused on actually going on the slides
>Anything you’re not excited about?
How much money we're dropping on this con for a Kalahari room hahah
>Cosplay Predictions?
We are not going to be the only Pop Team Epic cosplayers, probably a lot of BNHA
>What are your hopes for the con?
Go on a 4 day bender and forget about the past semester and how I'm applying for nursing school in the fall! I also wanna get to actually hang out with my con friends this time, the last con I didn't see anyone because of shoots and whathaveyou.
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
I'm not buying a badge
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
Private Love Live shoot, might go to the Friday Jojo shoot when I'm Suzie Q
>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
Damn maybe I should buy a badge...spend money to spend more money....
>What about the rental bins?
They looked like a good investment until we found spot at the main hotel. I'm waiting to see who uses one of their bins to make jungle juice in lol

>> No.9859248


I hope I see you guys as Popuko and Pipimi on Saturday night!

>> No.9860019

version one schedule is out

>> No.9860413

My group submitted three panels, two we really wanted and one we didn’t care much about. We got the one we didn’t care about and the other two were waitlisted. Pretty bummed about it.

>> No.9860640

My panel is at Midnight on Saturday.
Am I gonna get a decent turn out or am I DOA?

>> No.9860652

2 more of my panels were approved and the other one got waitlisted.

>> No.9860786
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>Vic's church service
So it's true. It's was all true.
Depends, what's your panel?

>> No.9860793

I'm not seeing the tea party of fashion show on there...hopefully it's still going on this year.

>> No.9860874

I don’t get why they let him do that service every year

>> No.9860886


Is it seriously a church service? Lol if true

>> No.9860898

It's true. He sells religious CDs as well.

>> No.9860962

He’s a big bible humper. Talks about god at regular panels too. At least he did at one I went to.

>> No.9860965

My assumption: he's not expensive to bring to the con and he gives them priority for letting him do his Jesus stuff.

>> No.9861122

Your Waifu Is Trash

>> No.9861148

Colossalcon is one of the few cons that lets him do this, I'm sure Vic cuts them slack on the payment in exchange to be a pastor for a bunch of naive, religious, underage girls who don't know any better.

>> No.9861619


What are these trash waifu panels? What do you talk about?

>> No.9861639
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Can't wait to dry my body off with a foot amputee towel.

>> No.9861654

I'm more cringing at how messy the room is behind them. How hard is it to just post the vector or hang the towel up on a wall or something??

>> No.9861656

I haven’t gone to one, but one my friend attended had people debate and defend their waifus. I think he won his round.

>> No.9861660

Those hands, that waist...Wtf I should apply to do the art next year. And also the art on the signs of the rides at the water park if you’ve ever seen how godawful they are.

>> No.9861669
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>> No.9861698

I think they were going for thicc but they got laughable proportions. Despite that, I think the feet knobs and the disjointed knees are going to haunt my dreams.

>> No.9862126

Why does Nerdfit have 5+ panels? And there are so many Pokéball ones. There’s only a few panels I’m going to bother going to.

>> No.9862489

basically it's roasting the audience's favorite waifus. It's fun watching other people react to others' waifu choices. It was done at Ohayocon this year, and it went pretty well.

>> No.9862587

The real question is why they're doing anything other than workout panels. They're not funny enough to be doing comedy.

>> No.9862599

I’m going to assume that they’re friends with staff members so that’s why they got so many panels.

>> No.9862631


Looking at their website I thought the "fit" thing was just a name because they all look like shit

>> No.9862775

>What's your line-up?
Right now i'm thinking Sakura (Street Fighter), Yukari (Persona 3), and Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
>How's progress going?
Done aside from Mint, unless i want to bring something else last minute
>Anything you're excited about?
Get to go with my boyfriend this year
>Anything you're not excited about?
The crowds and trying to get a room for next year. I'm astonished they haven't capped it
>Cosplay predictions?
A metric assload of Boku no Hero Academia, Pop Team Epic, and Persona 5
I dunno

>> No.9862798

>I'm astonished they haven't capped it

No one's giving them any kind of crowd limitations I guess. They seem happy with cramming as many people as they can into that space instead of capping it to try and improve the at-con experience.

>> No.9863130

Well, you can cap ticket sales but you can't cap the hotel. Colossal is pretty easy to ghost because most of the con appeal is the waterpark and not the actual con. Plus hotel block goes on sale before the badges do, so you can't guarantee that the person buying the room isn't a badge holder.

>> No.9863353

It's a private/ticketed event in a room that isn't usually a panel room and I don't think it was on the schedule last year either so if its still listed on the site, don't lose hope.

>> No.9863355

>what is reading comprehension
The tea party, I mean.

>> No.9863563
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Tea party was finally posted on the colossalcon fb group, yet nothing about the fashion show.

>> No.9863747

I’ve never gone to the tea party before, what’s it like?

>> No.9863816

Sorry guys. I'm the person who runs the lolita events.

I posted something similar on my personal FB, but I'll also write something quick here.

I've been under an extreme amount of stress and anxiety with my job the last 8-10 months or so. FYI, On average I put in about 70+ hours a week 10-15 hour days, often not getting my days off. It's to the point where I'm quitting. No amount of money is worth this. On top of that I do a lot of other work for the con and other cons as well.

Because of all of that, I dropped the ball pretty badly in regards to the fashion show. I wanted to get more indie brand involvement this year rather than just personal coords. I know people tend to not like this much. I had a lot of high hopes that just didn't work out. I also typically do some level of programming and panels as well, and that didn't even happen.

I'm going to see what I can do to arrange some other lolita/j-fash activities so at least we have something else to do beyond the tea party.

Next year will be much better, I promise. I won't be at this awful job and I can actually devote time to making the best events possible.

>> No.9863830

Last year it was unassigned seating at round tables. They had a pancake buffet with toppings like fruit, nuts, syrup, etc. and a spread of desserts. There was self serve coffee and tea,, probably some other drinks too. The food was limited but not so much that you'd leave hungry. There was a raffle with prizes and a coordinate contest. I'm from out of state so I went alone and the people I ended up sitting with were pretty cool but I think I'd have had more fun if I was sitting with friends.

>> No.9863916

Have you tried asking for someone to help you? I'm sure there are gulls and other lolitas that would be willing to help you, even if it is kind of late.

>> No.9863966

We usually have people to help at the event and with odds and ends leading up to it. But it's the way advance pre-con stuff that I ultimately fell behind on. Normally I do this stuff back in September or October and that's around the time everything went to hell with my job this year.

>> No.9865163
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Colossalcon Posted about booking for their cruise, What does everyone think of the pricing?

>> No.9865166

Checked online and it's ~$310/person to book that same month, whereas its LOWEST rate is $500+ con price. I've never been on a cruise so I don't know what's included, but what I'm getting is a $200 con pass plus the price of the cruise. I'm sitting this one out, I wanna wait and see what happens and how it goes before making a huge investment like that.

>If you make a deposit for the cruise you get priority rooms for Colossal 2019!!
How many people are going to book, get their hotel room, and then pass off the reservation to someone else?

>> No.9865173

Seems completely retarded in every way

The anime convention/waterpark combo was a smashing fucking success but this looks like shit

>> No.9865199

Will people actually go to this? It's only 2.5 days, costs a bundle, and leaves from florida when most of Colossal's based in the mid west. I don't get how it's even a con since there'll be no guests, dealers, artists and 'possibly some panels'

>> No.9865203

I think people will go almost exclusively because it cuts them in line for rooms for the real deal.

I think people need to keep in mind the cruise certainly won't be ONLY Colossalcon people. Most people on the boat will be normies. Most cosplayers will be severely limited to what they can bring on a plane only.

I'm wrecking my brain how I can abuse it and get a 2019 room without actually having to go (no matter what, I may be out the deposit - but don't know how easy it is to transfer things to people).

>> No.9865212

I mean, I guess if you enjoy throwing your money down the toilet

>> No.9865220

i agree anon, its too expensive for me especially since I am already deciding to travel to the US to go to Colossalcon. It really doesn't seem worth it though its on my birthday.

>> No.9865228

What I'm getting at is anyone in my room goes in understanding to secure said room I had to throw money away. On my own it's a lot, but if I've got a kitchen suite in 2019 with enough people who understand we had to recoup the cost, it's possibly not that much.

I was mainly getting at if there's sites to offer transfers of rooms to other people looking for "secondhand" reservations - it's possible you could recoup most of your deposit if such a thing happens (so far - I haven't found it).

It wouldn't surprise me that in the near future this is literally what it takes to get Kalahari rooms is loyalty to Cruise/East. Which is garbage and may make me not want to go at all, but I debate where you just pull the trigger and go to the cruise for at least a short vacation with maybe a few congoers, or find a way to transfer it to some normie at a discount to them and only a minimal loss to yourself.

>> No.9865241

I mean, rooms are sold out on the lowest price tier already. People are doing it almost just to get 2019 rooms at least.

>> No.9865777

Dont tell me its going to be even more impossible to get a room next year. What the fuck

>> No.9865851

I love how everyone's praising them for offering free tampons at con ops this year, when in reality the Kalahari asked them fix the abnormal number of bloody towels and seats they find during the con. Ladies: if you're going to get blackout drunk on your period, remember to change your shit!

>> No.9865873
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>> No.9865950

Women are fucking disgusting

>> No.9865965

>What’s your lineup?
I dunno. Probably Haru from P5, Cynthia from Pokemon, maybe Saber from Fate for shits and giggles. Definitely bringing Erina from Soma
>How’s cosplay progress going?
Most of my costumes are done. Just need to get some swimsuits since i lost a ton of weight
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
>Anything you’re not excited about?
>Cosplay Predictions?
I anticipate an ocean of Darling in the Franxx and Boku no Hero Academia
>What are your hopes for the con?
My sister's obnoxious friends don't try to crash in our room at the last minute like last year. They ate all our food, drank our booze, and ruined one of my costumes
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
Nothing in particular
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
>What about the rental bins?
I don't see this panning out

>> No.9867972

30 days! How are things coming?

>> No.9868011


>>9858794 here, things are goin' well with my cosplay preparations. I also have enough money to spend all three days completely blasted

>> No.9868080

Sakuracon also regularly lets him have an Easter Sunday service IIRC

>> No.9868138

>Got offered space in a Kalhari room
>Boyfriend is bitching that it’s “too expensive” and he “doesn’t really care about the waterpark or parties anyway”

>> No.9868174

sorry for your loss anon

>> No.9868179

Break up with him

>> No.9868196

Why go to Colossal if you don’t like waterparks or partying? Tell him to stay home so you can enjoy yourself, anon.

>> No.9868197

Or is your boyfriend paying for you to go?

>> No.9868277

I'm planning on working out every day except on sundays to the con. I want to see if I can drop my final ten pounds that I've been struggling to lose the last 3 months. I've got my eyes on the prize!

>> No.9868295

Dump him. You don't need that negativity in your life.

>> No.9868344

I want to lose at least 5 pounds myself! Good luck to us both !

>> No.9868349

No, I’m paying for myself. I actually make more than him and could pay for both of us. I told him I’d pay the difference in room prices if price is an issue, but he’s still being a little bitch. I’m tempted to just take the roomspace and go without him, but he’d probably dump me lol.

>> No.9868385

If you really think he’d dump you because you want to stay in a different hotel for a weekend IMO let him cause that’s petty as hell. Having a hotel at the con to go rest in and change and stuff without having to deal with shuttles or parking is obviously preferable if you can afford it

>> No.9868451


He sounds like a bitch, come and date me

>> No.9868911 [DELETED] 

>Someone trying to take their 2 year old to the tea party
Oh boy.

>> No.9868928

Good god, I’m not paying $30 to sit near someone’s screaming crotchgoblin. I’m glad the Colossalcon Facebook is trying to discourage her from bringing him.

>> No.9868963 [DELETED] 

Yeah. It’s really selfish imo to bring your child unless they’re super well behaved and WANT to be there. If you love your kid you wouldn’t drag them along, get someone to watch them for those few hours or don’t fucking go.

>> No.9868990

desu that girl didn’t even seem like a lolita reading her posts and looking at her page

>> No.9869292 [DELETED] 

The amount of “Do I have to dress lolita to go to the tea party” every year is so genuinely painful

>> No.9869407

I feel like if you have to ask that question then you shouldn’t be allowed to go

>> No.9869471

this is my first time going so i'm curious as to what people will wear

>> No.9869559

I’ve never gone before either, I’m curious too.
Colossal’s dress code requirements seem pretty relaxed compared to other cons. I’m really excited to see a variety of jfashion (man I just really love gyaru) but I’m also afraid that the same type of people asking “do I have to wear lolita” are going to throw on a normie dress and try to call it jfashion.

>> No.9870179

"what type of body paint should I wear in the pool" Oh, colossalcon

>> No.9870188

Someone suggested using sharpie and I can’t tell if they’re joking or not.

>> No.9870499

Oh god, are we going to have another Homestuck sharpie dye bath?

>> No.9870502

That was my exact thought

>> No.9870860

If you can't read the fucking website and read the information regarding it, you don't need to fucking buy a ticket. jfc.

>> No.9872310

There's a poster here who keeps pretending to be someone else to start drama.

>> No.9872319

are you not going to say who ?

>> No.9872424


Cmon gib details

>> No.9872477
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>> No.9872610

What an unhelpful yet controversial post

>> No.9872924

But anon what if you're pretending to be someone else posting about someone pretending to be someone else to start drama just to start drama?

>> No.9873387

The app schedule is going to be available may 21st according to the panel director.

>> No.9873590

Only a few days left to get your pass online

>> No.9873646

I got mines boi

Fuck I am ready

>> No.9873779

I know I've bought mine but no matter what I do I can't keep shaking this feeling I haven't actually bought mine. Just to be safe, better get extra drunk this year

>> No.9873915

that's the plan but things always tend to fall apart, be careful out there and stick to it

>> No.9873924

how can i make friends with ppl? i’ll ask for a photo with someone but other than that i get too shy to say anything else

>> No.9874136

It's going to be Dashcon on water, and I need to be there in person.

>> No.9874450
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Oh boy.

>> No.9874503

It's not that different than it's always been, just the room key and waterpark wristband are combined into one item

>> No.9874515

It’s just obnoxious. I was told only bed/ room holders get one and that the pull out couch doesn’t count as a bed. So I may only get 1 wrist band instead of 2, and having to share that with 4 people is going to be a nightmare. Especially since 2 of us run panels and 1 completes. Oh the joys of getting a small room.

>> No.9874684

Umm if the room is rated for 6 you get 6 keys/wristbands unless the person who booked the room lied to avoid the extra charge for 6 people

>> No.9874750

Nope, I got a whirl pool suite. We are paying the extra fee for daily use of the pull out. I was told that the pull out couch doesn’t count me a wrist band even if I’m paying for it.

>> No.9874882

I got you bruh come find me

>> No.9875155

How are you told that when you haven't checked in yet? Did you call the hotel and ask them? I've never had any issues getting the correct number of keys or anything like that. The front desk people are usually really helpful. If you didn't book the room yourself then the person who did it probably promised your wristband to somebody else and is dicking you over.

>> No.9875162

I booked the hotel myself and that’s what they told me when I called. So I contacted staff asking about it and they said they’d check in with them today to try to find out.

>> No.9875171

Yeah look into that because there's no way they'd only give one key for a room that fits 4 people! When I ended up with a lodge that wasn't connected to a hut last year they gave me enough extra keys so that everyone in the group had a key for the lodge suite.

>> No.9875223

I got selected to run a Pokemon photoshoot for the first time. Anyone been to a badly run shoot who can tell me what to avoid?

>> No.9875236

You’ve got to set up rules and announce those rules to everyone at the shoot to help it run as smoothly as possible. Don’t let random attendees call the shots. If they have photo suggestions then have them tell you. I ran a shoot a few years ago and some guy started shouting out characters and groups. Everyone was confused and he was asked to stop or leave.

>> No.9875250

Make sure people can hear you. If it's a huge crowd, get a helper to stand midway and repeat your calls so the people in back can hear. Giving an overview of what order you're going to do things in helps too so people know if they're going to get called back up or if they can bail after a certain point.

>> No.9875905

Oh hey John Wetzel strikes ruins another con

>> No.9876082

Saw that. Is it legit or just mud slinging?

>> No.9876102

What is this about? I don’t know who John Wetzel is and I couldn’t find anything in the Facebook groups.

>> No.9876114

me too, no clue

>> No.9876243

It was in the colossal 21+ page.
>kalahari goes to wristbands
>John freaks out and calls hotel and posts on the groups telling people to protest
>Tokyo attack owner calls him out for scalping/roompack an entire floor at youma and then trying to jam 22 people in a suite at the kalahari

>> No.9876266

My bud says it’s fake, said he’s roomed with him for the past few years. I don’t buy it, though.

>> No.9876289

It's true, I know someone he's screwing over. Seriously is trying to put 22-23 people in a suite. The room group is genuinely worried he might not even show up for check in and leave all of them without a hotel room

>> No.9876291

Guy also pulled similar shit at youmacon years ago by trying to book an entire floor, promised everyone they'd be on the same floor, then stuffed the hell out of each and every room he got - none of which were on the same floor. Youmacon and the hotel found out about it and also implemented a wristband policy because of him

>> No.9876316

I’ve never been to Colossal Prime, so I didn’t realize this wasn’t the norm. I went to East last year, and this is what it was like. We got one wristband for every person registered in the room, so if you lied about the number of people, you were screwed.
This might just be a Kalahari policy that they’re rolling out to other locations besides the Poconos.

>> No.9876395

I mean I like the concept of it because I always hate risking getting locked out of my room or losing my key just to go to the waterpark at hotels like the kalahari

>> No.9876398

Thanks, anon. I always forget about that group

>> No.9876402

holy heck. please report it to the Kalahari or to con staff, that's a serious fire code violation. It's not safe.

>> No.9876668

22 people??? We have half that and I'm already worried about having enough room to function.

>> No.9876745

I can't believe no one got screenshots of the callout post.

>> No.9876753

How do you people manage even over 5-6?

>> No.9876986
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If you’re so broke that you gotta share a room with 20+ people, stay the fuck home.
>most I’ve had in a room was 7 or 8.
>now my hard limit is 6 because fuck this

>> No.9877045

So what’s the deal with San Khon?

>> No.9877054

just look through previous threads

>> No.9877079 [DELETED] 
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I wasn’t able to screen shot everything but I got some important stuff. 1/?

>> No.9877082
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I got the important stuff. 1/3

>> No.9877083
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>> No.9877085
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>> No.9877108

wait how many rooms does this guy have

>> No.9877130

How did he even get a suite? People were being told the Kalahari wasn't selling suites this year, our usual group of 15 that shares a Combination suite got totally screwed as a result

>> No.9877139

Among other things, he has been known to "have a room" for people then literally NEVER respond to your texts and you're stuck at the con without a room. We had to house a refugee from this once.

>> No.9877233

What, you want a list?

>> No.9877260

He's greasy, flaky, scummy, rips people off, takes advantage of people, and is generally a deadbeat. His armor looks bad and also he's a sexual predator who uses revenge porn tactics. So basically your typical convention scene low-life

>> No.9877355
File: 271 KB, 1440x1104, B8693BFF-B234-4090-BB29-443BC0E13F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a 26 year old man whose ENTIRE fucking life revolves around thinking about cosplay and conventions, and who is in desperate denial of tfw no gf, he’s your guy.

>> No.9877422

He is a proud sex-offending weirdo who vastly overestimates the quality of his cosplays and props

>> No.9877462

Can we also talk about her buff right arm and thin left arm? Was that intentional??

>> No.9877463

It's so annoying when people make sweeping generalizations like this, like they just cannot comprehend the wise old saying of "different strokes for different folks."

>> No.9877469

As far as I know he has booked a villa.

>> No.9877486

OK well yeah. A regular villa fits 22 people exactly. None of the suites come close to that. So no he's not doing anything wrong.

>> No.9877648

If you're judging your entire impression of San from this post you've literally never heard of him before. He's an incel who sexually harrasses underage girls and flops between "incel Chad Master race" and the regular self-loathing neckbeard type.

>> No.9877701

Ah the relation master, conquerer of 16 relationships, gives advice.
>dating is a huge money sink

>> No.9877799


How can one be an "incel chad" lol

>> No.9877812

yeah he is DEF not a chad in any way shape or form

>> No.9877897

He’s a chad in his own fantasy world where he’s a “foamsmith” and his shitty costume armor he wears is real lol.

>> No.9877920

>$250 for a room with 21 other people

I paid that much for this weekend and it's only going to be 4 people in the entire room....Jesus H Christ he might be sketchy but don't go spending money like that!!

>> No.9877933

The part about his life revolving around cons is real tho. Like everything he talks about relates to cons and he can never shut up about his next con debut even tho he "hates" the community.

>> No.9877981

He doesn't have a Villa, he has a Village Suite

>> No.9878027
File: 358 KB, 1440x2061, 20180511_061830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes talking about being comfortable with what he is, but what he is happens to be a disgusting talentless pedophile that still lives with his parents and has the nerve to trash his living space in their house


>> No.9878028

Oh and the girl he tagged in the post is 16. He's 26. Save the poor thing from his sweaty clutches.

>> No.9878064

Oh gross

>> No.9878104

Yet he tells others their props and armor look bad.....

>> No.9878108

Umm his stuff always looks like raw messy edges, sloppy cutting, no priming or sealing and sloppy paint where the foam texture is totally obvious

>> No.9878134

haha i think you misread >>9878104 , they are saying that his armor looks like shit so he shouldn’t be calling out on others’ armor

>> No.9878651

If plans don't change this will be my first con. I'll probably only be there for the day (will be in Ohio that weekend anyway so it's not a long drive) and most likely won't cosplay due to not wanting to rush getting one together.

Anything I should expect? Most of what I know going into this is it's Kalahari (which is an awesome waterpark) and almost everyone is drunk.

>> No.9878832

San Khon, who went by Ayato Sanada for a while and used to namefag on here (can’t remember the name), is a con creep plain and simple.
He hits on underage women, trashes women constantly, treating them like sex objects and yet thinks he’s a ladies man, flipflops between “I don’t need love and friends” and “I’m so alone I wanna die”, is manipulative and uses suicide and depression as emotional tactics...

Essentially, he’s an abuser. When you meet him he’s either acts like he’s hot shit and super arrogant, or whines about how bad his life is. He won’t change no matter how many times he deletes his social media and then comes back with hentai and gravure posts

>> No.9878861

It was Izusa. If you google and find the old posts from like 2013-2014 the board hated him back then too. I cannot believe he hasn’t learned that admittance and apologies are the first steps to never having to make another runaway social media account again.

>> No.9878881

I thought so, I had Izuku in my head for some reason.
I know, there were times I genuinely hoped he’d get better. But here we are

>> No.9879029

Naturally Friday and Saturday are the biggest days. Lots of swimsuit cosplays. Don’t get too excited about panels because they aren’t usually that amazing, but I’m sure you can find some gems. A lot of people will say the dealers room and artist ally are shit, but I enjoy them. A lot of people shit on the con honestly so just be prepared to hear that and just make your own decisions on it when you go.

>> No.9879209
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 29791911_10155712733008043_260872042304137964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the new cup designs? I love them so much more than the others (tall margarita glass is shit tier). Apparently they're the same floz as the others.

>> No.9879330

Fair enough. I probably would only be there for Saturday so that works out. I also suppose I can't be too disappointed with the dealers if I don't have anything to base it off of either.

I assume the answer is yes, but they have lifeguards on duty for the nightswim, right? Drunk people + swimming pools usually aren't a good mix.

>> No.9879462
File: 89 KB, 585x602, DZ1BM8YVwAIXyUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These look and are probably WAY better than the other cup designs. my gf has one but I might actually buy one

>> No.9879463


*my gf has one of the old ones

>> No.9879583

Long story shot he is a narcissistic psychopath in the clinical sense, he is very manipulative and has been banned from cons (Matsuricon) for general scumbag behavior up to and including revenge porn. Others have mentioned what he specifically does, but he is generally bad news.

>> No.9879699

Oh yeah, also the only attractions open are the wave pool, lazy river, and hot tubs. I have fond memories of Saturday night drunk AF on the lazy river, and my friends have told me stories about me drunk AF on Friday in the wave pool.

>> No.9879702

Some of these people make me feel a bit better about myself.

>> No.9879707
File: 41 KB, 466x466, tumblr_ofhw5j5GfJ1t2msp6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh swoon, that's gorgeous. Do you know if we can trade in the ones from last year for this one?

>> No.9879773
File: 19 KB, 197x189, 14E61EC5-CC16-4178-BD75-E7204C2473B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw date for the lolita tea party cancelled on me

>> No.9879934

I'll be your date if you can handle being bombarded by an unrelenting barrage of dad jokes

>> No.9879978

I'm assuming no. They did this because they know tons of us have cups from previous years.

And it fucking worked. I'd throw away my old cup but I'm just going to give it to a friend instead.

>> No.9879987

I'm pretty sure they don't care that much. Someone mentioned all three styles of cup are valid for drinks.

>> No.9879993

I know if you take a broken cup to the bar, they'll replace it free of charge when you get a refill. I've gotten some of the large chalice cups replaced into the taller cups more recently. They'll probably do the same with these ones.

>> No.9880156

According to the Facebook post you can still get refills in the old one.

>> No.9880158

Oh I know. But I want that new cup

>> No.9880184
File: 14 KB, 240x200, 10848061_412315448923161_5312645061404032377_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking same, save me from the aesthetic

>> No.9880367
File: 27 KB, 483x299, FB_IMG_1522720840230-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for getting water park passes if you'll be staying at another hotel? No luck for us on a room the one year we'll be home for this.

>> No.9880492

Got roped into a Darling in the Franxx group despite finding the show to be pretty meh

>> No.9880496

ugh i stayed in one of his rooms last year and it was a nightmare. he kept feeding underage girls drinks and told us there would be 10 people in the combination suite and there were like 18 and he was a total room nazi

>> No.9880527
File: 475 KB, 1148x512, ann ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s your lineup?
It's looking like pic related for the weekend and a simple maid outfit Sunday. Considering a black one piece 2B but I also have a Virgin Killer sweater just sitting unworn.
>>How’s cosplay progress going?
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
Actually making friends.
>Anything you’re not excited about?
Missing out on making friends because everyone's drunk and in their own cliques.
>Cosplay Predictions?
idol shit and flavor of the month
>What are your hopes for the con?
Not stepping in a wet spot on the carpet.
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
I hope I can find Persona cosplayers to cling to.

>> No.9880585
File: 149 KB, 1080x959, B52FDCC4-AFB0-45F3-BC53-3DDD5FB7FF8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel chad here to drop more con knowledge, as always. If whoever denied him from staying in their room “immediately upon hearing his name” is here, that’s some good shit and I applaud you.

>> No.9880631

>tfw no friends to do a ditf group with

>> No.9880633

you can be my date, i’ll be wearing AP probably..

>> No.9880636

It’s better to have no friends at all than friends with shit taste.

>> No.9880654


>> No.9880661

>What’s your lineup?
The keeper from Evil Within, Ash from Evil dead, and korean fashion Kakashi
>How’s cosplay progress going?
Not good, been demotivated and depressed lately
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
The usual con, and the small cosplay event I host and emcee at
>Anything you’re not excited about?
Comic Con India in general
>Cosplay Predictions?
Darling in the Franxx will be the new go to cosplay for quite a lot of anime viewers
>What are your hopes for the con?
The reduce the entry price, or atleast provide something satisfactory inside the premise, the tickets prices are overcharged since last year, and its the same old shit
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
None as of now
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
Korean fashion Naruto/Attack on titan/Boku no hero academia group cosplay and shoot
>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
>What about the rental bins?

>> No.9880728

>Korean fashion cosplays
I’m geniniely curious about this..?

>> No.9880739
File: 45 KB, 500x400, 1525663456660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that list
Sooo is he including himself in that list because clearly it's not stopping him from going.

>> No.9880821

oh my god he's the worst

>> No.9880897

>Get Harvey Weinstein'd
Does that shit even happen at cons outside of when it's warranted (ie: someone actually being a piece of shit)?

>> No.9880926

>What's your lineup?
Steins Gate cosplay with gf and our other girlfriend all days
>How's cosplay progress going?
We're set, only waiting on 2 future gadget pins set to arrive tomorrow
>Anything you're excited about?
Being able to drink at the con
>Anything you're not excited about?
Thots being able to drink at the con

We're staying 3 minutes away and planning to uber there and back each day. is anyone else doing this?

Also, I haven't been to this con in 2 years, but this is my first year drinking here. is everyone cool..? I am worried about the atmosphere of being around a lot of drunk con-goers

>> No.9880927

Can you describe a Chad for me

>> No.9880929

lmao drunk people are all the same

>> No.9881057


he's a faggot but some of what he's saying is true lol

Girls faking being lesbian strictly for attention is so transparent and boring it's incredible

>> No.9881065


It's r9k speak and usually refers to a very specific type of man with confidence, muscles, gravitas, etc.

The female equivalent is a "Stacy"

It's stupid as hell, true, but the terms are useful

>> No.9881201
File: 76 KB, 1000x667, 207021_s4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s your lineup?
Cheerm@s Miki (im@s), Wave Beach Queen Miki (im@s), Kirino Kousaka (Oreimo, Orca/Kotobukiya mizugi figure ver.), Michiru Matsushima (Grisaia, Ani Statue ver.), Panty (PSG, bikini ver.)
>How’s cosplay progress going?
Uuuuh cheerm@s still needs to get done but I have all the materials, which was the biggest hurdle. Also just finished ordered all other supplies for the rest of my cosplays.
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
Seeing cosfriends, getting to have a vacation with my best friend again!
>Anything you’re not excited about?
My wallet crying because of how expensive the drinks are OTL
>Cosplay Predictions?
About 857987529 bikini Zero Twos
>What are your hopes for the con?
To have a fun, restful and drama-free time with cosfriends and maybe take some cute pictures
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
Excited for the im@sCG swimsuit shoot despite not cosplaying from CG this time
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
Planning both an Oreimo and Grisaia shoot, which I'm so fucking excited for because they're two of my favorite series and my friends are cosplaying with me so we'll have a group for both!

>> No.9881248
File: 215 KB, 1600x1083, oberon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I haven't been to this con in 2 years, but this is my first year drinking here. is everyone cool..? I am worried about the atmosphere of being around a lot of drunk con-goers

It usually ranges from nerds chilling and talking about anime over beers to minors running around blasting the summer's most annoying party song and shouting about being fucked up. Also me bringing a minikeg of Oberon, drinking 2-3 pints quick and drunkenly trying to climb the inflatable pirate ship they had one year

>> No.9881270

>high anxiety basedboys forcing themselves to drink

He's talking about me, I know he is. Fucking @ me you coward.

>> No.9881273

What does he even know about being a Chad? His past relationships have either been lies or complete train wrecks because of his own dumbass actions.

>> No.9881280

>3469524689743 bikini zerotwos
lol that’s me

>> No.9881296

i also know one going as this

>> No.9881298


Someone talked about this in a horror stories thread lol

>> No.9881442
File: 41 KB, 700x394, 4D21EC89-8B9E-438F-BB92-78619A9AD492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> zero two bikinis
So I can’t be the only one triggered by people doing bikinis when she canonically wears a one piece bathing suit can I?

>> No.9881453

Not everyone is going to pay for a swimwear commission or try to make something so complicated on their own. Calm down. It's a water park con, people can wing a bikini if they want.

Not even that anon before you get triggered again.

>> No.9881491

There's some promo art where she's wearing a red bikini

>> No.9881493

Nayrt but you sound more touchy than them.

>> No.9881503
File: 204 KB, 800x750, 1515006378383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly do casual cosplays and balk at /cgl/s perpetual thought process that everyone should spend money out the ass to conform to their petty standards. It's like a hive mind with how it permeates every single thread.

>> No.9881520
File: 151 KB, 1029x1000, B8E4AFE7-1F12-4E09-9DF6-558969D7B7C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a white one piece with red stripes, Anon. It’s not complicated at all.
If the character has a canon swimsuit, why not try? If they don’t then it’s whatever.

>> No.9881523
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 30E9C7BA-8F5D-45EE-A657-E5256F2AC48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s your lineup?
Pic related, not doing Natsuki tho
>How’s cosplay progress going?
Pretty good! Rosia is done, have the basics done for Luna. still gotta get the wig tho.
>Anything you’re excited about this year?
First year in ages I’m going full weekend, and able to drink and actually party.
>Anything you’re not excited about?
Nothing really. Hopefully the heat isn’t too bad and stuff, I guess drunk annoying people too but that’s colossal
>Cosplay Predictions?
Franxx, BNHA, DDLC, the typicals
>What are your hopes for the con?
Just to have fun with friends, maybe meet some people.
>Any shoots/panels you want to see?
Aikatsu panel, there were some others I think but my memory is hazy. If I can make it I need to see what the 18 up Minions panel is.
>Any shoots/panels you’re planning?
>Thoughts on the two dealers rooms?
Hopefully it means the dealers room is really good for once, but of course I’m not gonna have much to spend so RIP.
>What about the rental bins?
Dunno. I thought they’d be bad but after hearing about it from others my only opinion is “meh, some may find it useful.”

>> No.9881529
File: 231 KB, 1874x779, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white one piece with red stripes
Wow sure brings up a lot of results that look like that.

>> No.9881541

>I have never sewn anything in my life

>> No.9881545
File: 705 KB, 3304x3317, 1450272190033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is an issue why?

>> No.9881593

it’s blood orange

>> No.9881603

Because it’s a simple stripe that would take a beginner an hour to zigzag stitch onto a white one piece - low effort for much higher payoff.

But if they’re gonna go bikini who cares. Just saying.

>> No.9881644

>low effort for much higher payoff.
So let's see. Sewing machine+thread+fabric+acquiring sewing skill. Yes anon, such low effort and an incredibly cost effective action.

>> No.9881740
File: 72 KB, 1827x520, 2CD76FFC-2759-4A46-A0A5-1326024549B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have a 2015 San

>> No.9881742

Why do you seem so mad? Adding lines to a white swimsuit isn’t that hard. Get the suit, get a little fabric, stitch it on(machine sewing would be ideal but if you have to a simple hand stitch would work). You can even just paint the stripes on. It’s not as difficult as you’re making it out to be. You don’t have to be screen accurate, I know I won’t be, people are just saying that doing the swimsuit is not as hard as you are making it seem.

>> No.9881749
File: 18 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1521761063010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lol

>> No.9881776

>Why do you seem so mad?
Believe it or not, I'm not. I'm just a zealot for people having the freedom to cosplay how they want as long as it's not Bad Cosplay Thread bad.

>> No.9881878

What’s the best place to eat in the resort? I have food in the room but my group likes to do a group meal at least once.

>> No.9881910


Tha Zulu Grill

>> No.9882045


>> No.9882147

He looks like he has the personality of a trampled wet sock on pavement.

>> No.9882161

It’s the ed of the beach episode

>> No.9882167

As an aside sewing is one of the handiest skills someone can know imo. It saves me so much money. Clothing item that would usually be $100 but since it’s an uncommon size it’s on the clearance rack? Tailor it to fit. modify thrift clothes, repair holes or rips, and obviously greatly improve your cosplay game. A sewing machine is not a big investment at all. I recommend you learn!

>> No.9882170

>FOTM show attracting low effort cosplayers
Who woulda thunk

>> No.9882359
File: 359 KB, 800x450, BB2DD7C6-5B96-4E0D-8579-5082A96AEFE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, sorry.
Get a white swimsuit and paint on the blood orange stripes, you lazy fuck. Or just sew it. I’d hate to see your wigs with this kind of attitude.

>> No.9882376
File: 95 KB, 864x717, 1413145042993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lazy fuck.
I'm not the anon cosplaying that though. You want to style my wig for me though? I'll pay you at the con.

>> No.9882383

>The keeper from Evil Within
if you’re not opposed to selfposting i’d love to see pics when it’s done!

>> No.9882414

I’ll style ur wig at con
I’ll be there Wednesday

>> No.9882723
File: 233 KB, 427x364, tumblr_mocm3rsCP91rszii4o9_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too busy to make your own cosplays so you buy them for the con and it's looking more and more like they're not going to make it on time

>> No.9882748
File: 912 KB, 1110x1080, 307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you choose the best shipping option? Worth the extra money amigo

>> No.9882780
File: 33 KB, 500x286, tumblr_inline_mxugsh5Ggr1qdvl12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an extra +100 for expedited, ya boi could not shell that much out in good conscience.

>> No.9882799
File: 561 KB, 2048x1627, B402A066-CCDD-4049-9338-003BEF08AAD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re an insufferably bitter and egotistical cunt who took up a huge amount of space to heat gun and paint your shitty armor at katsu and people DENY you your god-given right to a kalahari room

>> No.9882814

yeah, that is actually not worth it lol

>> No.9882822

Asshole offered the head of my room extra money if he'd kick me out and let him have my space. Head of the room is enough of a douche canoe that he almost went for it. Really wanna see San get jumped again DESU.

>> No.9882845


He got jumped?

>> No.9882847

I mean considering he's dicked people on rooms, it's just kinda karma in motion

If he did actually get jumped, I want details. You said "see" so I'm hoping you witnessed it lol

>> No.9882998

jumping him...? sounds fun, i'll join =^_^=

>> No.9883258

is the tap water drinkable
like in the hotel room at kalahari.
i need to bring my own kitchenware, right..?

>> No.9883292

I drink it. Haven’t died yet. And yes, bring your own kitchen ware, I’m not sure what they offer in suites.

>> No.9883315

The kitchens have all the basics. Plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, a couple of pans, a can opener etc.

>> No.9883652

Why exactly is he a piece of shit then?

My only experience with him so far is the 5 tweets that have been posted and he already deserves to get smacked.

>> No.9883825

thanks!!!! why am i excited to make a shit ton of soup for the weekend..?

>> No.9883834

Never been to this con. Anything I should know? Also I know its not cosplay however I know a few cosplayers that will be doing meet ups. Is it worth bring a camera for some photos?

>> No.9883877

>Anything I should know?
There's a lot of drunk white people.

>> No.9883889

I been told that. Also horny weebs.

>> No.9883932


There's a FUCKload of niggas too don't fuck around homie

>> No.9883933
File: 65 KB, 491x559, looking for 'girls'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you wanna yell about how you wanna fuck dudes but don't want to be considered a slut despite also believing "slut shaming is unethical"

man imagine being this starved for attention

>> No.9884014
File: 707 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1331504371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The water park aspect means a LOT more cosplays are outdoors and summer friendly which is a super nice change. The sunlight lends a much happier atmosphere to the con than you find at most other cons. It's a generally very high energy, happy convention.

>> No.9884502

>Mika Jougasaki
FUCK YEAH see you at the im@s meet if you're going!

>> No.9884562
File: 16 KB, 494x278, 15439963_1817095445236015_4987496337353511539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's all tied up, how'd she take the picture???

>> No.9884603

A man took it

But she's toootally lgbt-I mean q

>> No.9884662

I don’t think so... I’ll just be doing her for the night swim. What day is it? My little sister (15) will be going as Rika all day Saturday.

>> No.9884670

this group is totally out of control

>> No.9884673

holy shit.. sister idols..
idol meet is at Friday, June 1st from 3-4PM EDT.. at the savannah grass area

>> No.9884674

Obviously, she set a timer.. that’s the only viable reason, right?

>> No.9884675

in the ending credits of the beach episode, she's wearing a bikini.

>> No.9884726

Yeah! I was gonna do Mika’s new SSR outfit to go along with her but had no time. We usually do sister cosplays, or cosplays who sorta fit together (Rosia+Rika this year)
Hope y’all have fun tho!

>> No.9884964
File: 225 KB, 1080x940, BA88B297-015B-47C1-88A1-2A7FB8FD43E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks it’s only one person who hates him and shares the shit

>> No.9884993


I'd take him up on the offer just for the money and don't give a shit about gossip shit. Time to make 100 bones baby

>> No.9885000

Report post-con with deets, he’ll be sure to fuck something up somehow

>> No.9885002
File: 1.15 MB, 715x715, C1DDAB7F-AAE5-4C5A-BAF2-D6AF0CEDDBFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips confirm

>> No.9885007

>valuable resources and trade
proof that he has no concept of self-awareness or is in fact a poorly possessed skin.

>> No.9885019

Well seeing as the manipulative asswipe can only seem to stay friends with someone for 6 months max before they hate him, i’d say it’s probably more than one

>> No.9885068

But who could resist the generous offer of $100 for a room two weeks before the con? Hopefully he doesn't find any takers and he has to live out of his car.

>> No.9885237

Less than two weeks left. How’s everyone doing?

>> No.9885241

Actually starting on my cosplays. Stretch material is the devil.

>> No.9885245
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 1520930267796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided not to give him the space after sleeping on it. My gf and her friend would not like it if I informed them of what this dude has done, and I don't even know if I can trust him to gib the money

>> No.9885275

I have two commissions to do before I start mine, but I’m okay if I don’t make my outfit since i have other costumes to fall back on.
mentally, i’m ready

>> No.9885333

I'm so excited! I dropped all other cons this year in order to go big on Colossalcon. Can't wait. I have 1 of 4 costumes done so far.

>> No.9885412

Someone should just offer the guy space, then day-of con tell him nevermind so that he's up the creek with no options. No $100 for you, but all that delicious karma.

>> No.9885557

>but all that delicious karma.
While I'm all in favor of this guy being SoL, I think that it'd be better if no one took him up on the offer at all. Doing something like that is just cruel. And doing something like that makes you no better than him. You're not the one stepping up to the plate, so you just sound like a bully yourself.

>> No.9885712
File: 33 KB, 221x221, hatsmei2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got 95% of my shit done already so I am restless. Nothing to do but work, lift and game

>> No.9885718
File: 61 KB, 960x960, a63936c3783085c3425de3f55323ed11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's trying to get in on this beyblade shit? We're bringing hella stadiums, and between about like 6 of us we have about 13 blades and 6 stadiums.

Metal and burst blades welcome. Anything goes. We're getting fucked up and letting it rip

>> No.9885726
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Hey I've seen you on the group a lot, and I was the other funky Kong. I don't give a shit about playing but I will cheer and commentate on the side

>> No.9885739
File: 148 KB, 181x150, ThermalPisces_Spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. Come through and bring the hype

>> No.9885742

agreed, that’s a little too much lol.. i’d feel a little bad for him haha

>> No.9885750

hell yeah

>> No.9885806
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>> No.9885977

The thing is is he has done this to other people at this exact same con; guarantee them a room and then when they get to it tell them “oh lol no sorry”

>> No.9886060

wait really...
do it

>> No.9886515

Leave san alone. This shits brutal

>> No.9886524

I wouldn’t go as far as the room thing but he IS a cunt thats screwed over multiple ohio congoers and deserves only a little less brutal consequence.

>> No.9886558

lol fuck that, he's a twat.

>> No.9886591

To be fair, Abbie is a cunt too. But nothing compared to San, she was right in calling him out.

>> No.9886605


honestly, if he's done that room shit to people, fuck him. The he said/she said sexual assault shit is dumb but fucking with my money gets you beaten down

>> No.9886621
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Same I got cunty vibes from her. But I think back on those threads when I need some euphoria.
One person said it did happen to them colossalcon 2015 in said threads, another said he never got the commission he paid for. He has no value for money.

>> No.9886645
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I can practically smell his katana and fedora from this cap

>> No.9886652
File: 36 KB, 750x733, lf06j940r7y01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>san keeps getting multiple girlfriends and friends that he always fucks over
>I'm still alone
Life is fair

>> No.9886668


>> No.9886888


>> No.9887050

Are you a "21/10" like he is, Anon?

>> No.9887135

I sure don't feel like one

>> No.9887172

I live in the area. If anyone still needs a place to stay I have several places I can rent out, some are in the city and some are more out in the country.

>> No.9887185 [DELETED] 

so im thinking of creep shotting there.. any tips?

>> No.9887200

it's thotlossalcon. you don't need to creepshot. just ask girls if you can take a pic of their ass in a bikini and they'll gladly oblige.

>> No.9887215

Are we planning a /cgl/ meetup? I’d love to meet some fellow anons at a certain time if anyone is down

>> No.9887229
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I'd hate to meet >>9887200

>> No.9887259

be gone girl

>> No.9887277

Thats called self awareness. You're gucci.

>> No.9887296

If we do have one let's have a clear time and place. I don't need to drunkenly wander around the hall shouting "HEY ARE YOU FROM 4CHAN" at people again

>> No.9887312

How much of the shenanigans actually occur within the convention hall, and not the hotel itself?

Asking since I'll only be there for the day but I've heard you miss the complete experience by not staying at Kalahari.

>> No.9887321
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point me out if you see me any of the four days

>> No.9887326

ahaha i would honestly love to see that

>> No.9887370

It was either colossal or youmacon two years back but some friends and I did that while trying to find out the meetup

>> No.9887438

I very vaguely remember this happening at youmacon and I was too shy to say anything haha

>> No.9887447

Yeah, point at you and laugh. Could you not even bother to steam/iron that ugly maid outfit? Seriously.

>> No.9887495

it’s a cosplay you fucking uncultured swine!!!!!
but yeah it wouldn’t hurt to iron it you dirty hoe you look like melonpan

>> No.9887529

So whats the consensus on playing music in the park? I want to find a nice chill space with my friends and get fucked up to some tunes.

>> No.9887539

Rent a cabana thing then

>> No.9887779
File: 120 KB, 1598x900, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need a sign this time lol

someone wanna print out this picture of a seagull and we can use it to meet at?

>> No.9887853


I can do that just give me a time in the afternoon when I'm fucked up enough

>> No.9887912

Anon, please tell me you aren’t going to wear the same cosplay for 4 days in a row at a summer con. You’re going to reek by Sunday.

>> No.9887916
File: 49 KB, 408x382, 3F79B3E1-7822-4AD6-90BB-9703B2E9AC30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my period started this morning
>mfw I won’t have to deal with it during colossalcon

>> No.9887920
File: 169 KB, 441x387, 1446545565312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally been on the look out and nothing. This is terrible because I'm supposed to be getting a bikini wax right before the con too.

>tfw no dick

>> No.9887979

The place im staying has a washer and dryer so no worries there

>> No.9888007

don't dress like a thot and you won't get treated like one, homie.

>> No.9888016

>don't wear a bikini at a waterpark


>> No.9888017

>wear lolita
>sissy/daddy fetish
>wear cosplay
>thot thot thot
>dress like a nun
>nun kink
You can fuck right off and also see >>9888016

>> No.9888033

Why not hop in the Midwest gulls discord and coordinate at the con

>> No.9888040

What are the chances of San bringing his “Chrom” to the Fire Emblem shoot? I want to go but I don’t want to run into him.

>> No.9888045

Unlikely. He's probably got new shit he's working on or something.

>> No.9888053

>go to notorious costhot con
>dress like a costhot in bikini costhotplay
>get upset when people ask to take your picture


literally nobody claims that lolitas are sissy/daddy fetishists, nor do they yell at people dressed as nuns as having a "nun kink" and if you're being called a thot when wearing cosplay it's because you're dressing like a costhot. the majority of cosplayers never encounter any of these issues. stop being hyperbolic.

>> No.9888056
File: 35 KB, 554x439, 1279584811841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get upset when people ask to take your picture

Only >>9887185 wasn't asking to take pictures they were planning to be a fucking creep so..

>> No.9888069

I think this thread is autosaging. Should I make a new thread, or are these like the feels threads where only people from the discord are supposed to make new ones? Slight newfag here.

>> No.9888074
File: 135 KB, 946x723, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nobody claims that lolitas are sissy/daddy fetishists

>> No.9888114

Go for it

>> No.9888232
File: 261 KB, 750x1334, 024B98DA-3EED-4F49-BEC2-9578A88DAC89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek watch out guys

>> No.9888426
File: 395 KB, 1344x1008, glitchr_1525761639000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there as Shadman(Pic related) and also doing a Pop Team Epic cosplay with my friend.

Also, hey Ryan

>> No.9888603

>if he's done that room shit

I was IN this room, he HAS done this - literally promises rooms to people he can't keep and doesn't even answer the damn phone for them when they're at con looking for their room. I can't attest to the sexual stuff, but I can 100% absolutely confirm fuckery with rooms.

>> No.9888604

By "In this room" - I am saying I'm in one of the rooms where we took in one of his refugees - since they were one of our friends. We were "full" but we stuffed it harder for them.

>> No.9888620

you could have just mentioned you were an actual sissy homosexual in the first place, dude.

>> No.9888623

Only nobody supported him and he deleted his post so..

>> No.9888630

>google searches specifically for lolita sissy fetishism
>is surprised by a handful of results

>> No.9889014


>> No.9889263

Confirmed that both the indoor and outdoor water parks will require wristbands and now apparently the discounted wristbands will sell out in the morning Friday and Saturday. Which means that unless I win the Kalahari lottery or waste hours standing in line I don't even get to do the only point of this whole convention.

>> No.9889268

This shit lit

>> No.9889480

Trying to figure this shit out myself. Can't we buy regular price water park admission still though? I know discounted is limited to 400 per day, but they can't limit full price admissions can they?

>> No.9889723
File: 2.83 MB, 2432x4320, ygvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im planning on wearing my william cosplay from nioh on saturday, although i am concerned it will be unbearably hot in it. My girlfriend will have an okatsu cosplay and my best friend will hopefully have his hanzo (nioh) cosplay done.

>> No.9889726
File: 282 KB, 880x1563, IMG_20171031_16244900902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also plan on wearing my tosei gusoku on friday, Heres to hoping its not 90+ degrees!

>> No.9889943

Anyone get accepted into the wig or makeup styling competition?

>> No.9891889
File: 1.34 MB, 1433x2069, Screenshot_20180525-201030~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this?

>> No.9892197

Because it's Colossalcon man, we got the best sluts drugs and parties. Get on board or get out