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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9836900 No.9836900 [Reply] [Original]

Shark Chan Dakimakura Edition

Previous Thread

Note: it's a trainwreck

>> No.9836908
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Watch out for upskirt guy.

>> No.9836912

That definitely looks like someone who would take upskirts

>> No.9836916

Yooo I thought this guy had been banned from everywhere and everything. Unless there's just multiple fat creeper Ls running around.

>> No.9836920

He is, but John keeps to his own.

>> No.9836921

He got caught red-handed on Friday, but was let go by con staff before the police arrived.
He was seen again on Saturday and has struck multiple times again.

>> No.9836925

He’s probably delivering the pictures to John in return for getting to stay at the con

>> No.9836932
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"Get me pictures of underage girls!"

>> No.9836946

This is definitely NOT 5000 in attendance for the fashion show desu.

>> No.9836948
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So does John Leigh rape boys now?

>> No.9836956

They always exaggerate their numbers

>> No.9836958

Deniece needs to have fun too! It’s not fair if John gets all the fucky fucky

>> No.9836959

Anyone go to the concerts? Supposedly staff or volunteers talking shit about the performers, lots of tech issues, half filled room.

Hentai fest wasn't filled either, but they weren't letting in more people? Superpass holders were pissed.

>> No.9836960

Went to the concert on Friday it was fine
The cosplay contest was loaded with tech issues though

>> No.9836980

I have naziguy news. Apparently he came back wearing a MAGA hat.

>> No.9836983
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We should stop talking about him or this thread’s going’s to turn into a trainwreck too. Let’s stick to the sweet sweet chisme

>> No.9836987

Honestly I had a good time all week. Good people, friendly staff, nothing to bitch about really. Cant wait till next year!

>> No.9836991

Hello AM staffer member who is busy sucking cocks.

>> No.9837001

Ah, I see you are upset that the Stephen Universe panel was cancelled. It's ok, tumblr has a lot of safe conventions for you to attend without the risk of offensive costumes or hurtful words!

>> No.9837004

I'm literally not even American.

>> No.9837011


In that case hola Daniela.

>> No.9837027

I’m going to cosplay John Leigh with a giant paper mache boner and a Pedobear plush toy next convention and see how fast I get thrown out

>> No.9837040

Did Doug Jones end up attending as a guest? I haven't heard anything about the actual attending guest line up outside of the fashion. How many international cosplayers competed in the PRO cosplay?

>> No.9837042

Doug Jones was there today, i’ll try to find the pictures again but they look sadder than the Dashcon ones because they’re in a big empty convention center

>> No.9837063
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This is the only one I could find

>> No.9837073
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The JAV actress left 15 minutes into Hentaifest, which was also astonishingly empty

>> No.9837075

That’s so far off

>> No.9837100

She supposedly selected the hentai they were playing. I'm hoping someone was doing MST3K with the hentai because otherwise you're just watching hentai with a bunch of dudes.

>> No.9837220

I’m just letting everyone know that there was a two idiotic guys that went to a sleeping girl at the third floor and stole her oreos while she was asleep. There was no security around and had to wake her up to let her know because they ran as soon as they took the package from her arms. She started crying like those oreos were the most valuable thing. We were telling her we could get her a new pack, but she refused while she was crying and then left. If a staff see this or something, your security sucks.

>> No.9837233

Asking in this thread since it actual is on topic:
Did anyone see the Cosplay contest? How was it?

>> No.9837237

Saturday concert was garbage. Filled with sound issues that the staff stopped trying to fix 30 minutes in. I honestly felt bad for all the performers, there were so many disinterested people due to the bad sound quality.

>> No.9837249


>> No.9837261

How do they keep fucking up concerts year after year?

>> No.9837319

The entire front...chunk? Like after the Super pass seats, was full. Dunno why they didn't let superpass people in without that stupid ticket system. I heard they didn't fill up the left and right because someone didn't set up screens so those people wouldn't be able to see without it.

A lot of people left after Yua did, though. Some schedule conflict where she had to go back to Japan at like, 5AM and couldn't stay up late. That's on her manager. She enjoyed herself it seemed like.

>> No.9837375

You need a chart of all the guests you've felt up/talked to.

>> No.9837378


He is part of the modern counter culture. Kids in the 1980s would disobey their parents and go out to listen to satanic rock music, now the parents listen to rock and the kids have to counter their parents by doing things they don't approve of. If you don't understand this, its fine, you are the good kids who don't do anything of note in history but understand that times are changing.

>> No.9837380
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Not that guy but I thought this was obvious. It's why I can't take anything /pol/ says or does seriously.

>> No.9837391

where do you think you are?

>> No.9837397

ah when you don't pay enough money for audio tech or have a volunteer who knows enough shit to run those areas

>> No.9837404

Daniela is a staff member that would post what you did, you fucking idiot

>> No.9837426


>> No.9837455

Saw the last thread. I was at the bad fanfiction panel. It wasn't being run by the nazi, some random person took it over and would read any fanfiction you brought up out loud. Someone went up with Anne Frank x Goku, then there was Spongebob, then Markeplier x Shrek x Jesus, at which point I tapped out.

>> No.9837550
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How long was the panel?

So unless you got there hours early or downloaded the AM app, those were the only ways to know it was ticketed/limited.

>> No.9837579

but there was not 1200 in there there was hardly 600 apparaently

>> No.9837594

Yup, just a mess.

>> No.9837602

and the jav girl left 15 mins in because she had a 5 am flight kek

>> No.9837613

>Anne Frank x Goku
Oohh, Abraxas...
I came across some of his audio files on literotica once, but he deleted them. I will never forget the Goro x Spiderman story, where Goro misfires and melts the face off a small bystander child...with his ejaculate. wow.

If they wanted real bad fanfic they should have delved into the Pokemon story. now that's horrific.

>> No.9837633

So on top of no autographs, no professional translator of course

>> No.9837635
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About Tetsuya Kakihara

>> No.9837768

Can't Kakihara speak German? Could've gotten that nazi cosplayer to interpret.

>> No.9837774

Goro? Majima Goro?

>> No.9837783

Aliga was listed as a guest but she didn't had a booth on the cosplayer area, It seems they lied about having her as they've done in the past with other guests.

>> No.9837790

So, I'm hearing they had cops come to escort an artist out of artist alley?

>> No.9837799

They did. She had a pro-boycott sign at her table but other than that didn’t do anything. John screamed at her from a golf cart at one point according to a few friends who were there this morning.

>> No.9837815

dang any tweets or pics of this

>> No.9837823

I haven’t seen any pics yet but Twitter’s been going nuts over it too. AM is deleting negative posts about the con from the FB group but if you search for Anime Matsuri on Twitter people even die-hards are complaining about this weekend.

>> No.9837829

Iirc, they had asked her to change her sign to one just saying she was giving some of her profits to a sexual abuse charity and she did it. They're just trying to punish her for saying anything at all

>> No.9837836

This. They didn't kick her out or escort her out. People love taking an event that's at 4 at best in the "fucked up" scale and make it a 10

>> No.9837839

What up damage control, that’s not what happened at all. She changed the sign and they still had police escort her out of the convention, albeit during the last day. Probably because they knew it’d be less of a huge deal than if they did it at the beginning of the weekend

>> No.9837840

No, they called the cops on her and kicked her out even *after* she had complied with their request to alter her sign.


>> No.9837858

100% lied about her since she made a post from her home in China recently, and Aliga always promotes her appearances on her FB page

>> No.9837862

Oh. Well, how about that. That's p shitty.

Not trying to victim blame or anything, but wouldn't a silent protest been better? Like...just donating the money you would have donated without telling the world you were donating it? Or tell everyone on Twitter after the fact? Even after each transaction, a "Thank you so much, part of your purchase will go towards (this) charity"? Idk. Makes more sense to me.

>> No.9837868

To add on - according to BAM, AM looked her social media about her criticism of John and the con, then had her escorted. She complied and isn't upset about it as she knew it was within their rights to do so. She's handling it pretty well.

>> No.9837893
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Can't fuck up another visa if they don't have the guest show up

>> No.9837898

I just want to thank all of you posting from Anime Matsuri right now. This shit show has been my Easter weekend entertainment and it wouldn't have been possible without your updates.

>> No.9837918
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top kek

>> No.9837932

There were a few other artists around with signs that essentially said the same thing, and she was the only one booted.

>> No.9837954

I reaaaaaaaaally hope someone got this on video because I want to see it so bad. I regret tossing my badge in the trash before I left out of anger yesterday

>> No.9837961

Maybe it was her donating to sexual harassment hotlines that triggered John.

>> No.9838020

I think it was because people that didn’t go to the con were buying her stuff en masse because she was interacting with people on Twitter.

Also it was really weird seeing Anime News Network staffers and other promenient people from the anime industry commenting on how much of a trainwreck this con was, extremely upsetting that they also didn’t seem to be aware of the fact that almost the entire city also thinks AM is a trainwreck to the point where an organized boycott happened.

I’m curious as to how the Dead Dog staff meeting is going to go, if they even have one of those. I’m assuming they don’t, now that I think about it, since they don’t seem to give a fuck about their staffers or any critiques they (or anyone) might have

>> No.9838039

She spread awareness by doing this. Now people who had no idea who John even was while at his con, know a little bit more.

>> No.9838047

Gee, I wish I had actually shown up, set up my table, and acted like a victim the whole time. Slick (((business sense))) on her part.

>> No.9838052

Anime news network is not a prominent source of news. They are copy pasta opinion money beggars.

>> No.9838070

I was thinking of sending them a news tip about the boycott, but I don't think they would have covered it with their strict guidelines

>> No.9838072

considering the state of anime press they're still one of the larger outfits

>> No.9838075


That's just like your opinion man.

>> No.9838115

The only outfit that doesn’t entirely regurgitate press releases, if we’re being honest.

>> No.9838167

Instead, they regurgitate mistranslated yaraon posts.

>> No.9838194

Who pissed in your Cheerios?

If you’re wondering, I feel like John Leigh pissed in mine. That was easily the worst convention I’ve ever been to. At first I was like “lulz the boycott is just sjw garbage” but that con sucked diseased cock. Everything was late and my superpass was basically worthless

>> No.9838196

I mean, a large amount of the criticism over Matsuri is that it is very very very poorly run. The sjw tries to warn you.

>> No.9838201
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>buying a superpass for AM ever

>> No.9838204

>my superpass was basically worthless
my condolences. the point of the expensive pass is to make people want to buy it and AM has decided "fuck that, no benefits for you"

>> No.9838221

So did John bribe the news stations? KHOU 11 is tweeting about AM like everything is normal

>> No.9838223

Lol, local media doesn’t care. Houston Matters ran an interview with Sentai Filmworks from 3 years ago during their AM segment and they didn’t even work with the con this year

>> No.9838242

ah yes the wonderful "guy fucks his retarded naked sister"

>> No.9838253

Does anyone have any images from the vending areas so we can get a rough idea of how full the con was?

>> No.9838259
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nope, pic related

>also, ayyyyy teammate!

>> No.9838264

There were a ton of vendors. The con did not feel empty. It was the usual level of disorganized, but overall a good time. It didn't feel like attendance was really impacted, except the jfashion presence was lesser. Just my perception.

>> No.9838266

Vending was normal as the other anon said, however there were a ton of empty artist tables. About half of them.
They had everything spread out so it was hard to gauge how "full" everything was.
But honestly I don't like crowded cons so I enjoyed it.

>> No.9838267

It’s like you’ve guys have never gone to Comicpalooza. AM felt sparse and there was a lot of dead space

>> No.9838273

Maybe next time read the whole articles that are posted instead of rolling your eyes at the "sjw bullshit". I know of at least 3 articles that explain how poorly run that shit con is

>> No.9838283

I did see quite a few superpass people getting scolded by employees for not being early for those "ticketed" events in passing, when they just left the empty superpass seats empty most of the time, anyway.

>> No.9838286


It wasn't *empty* empty, but it was definitely more sparse from even the year before, especially in comparison to 2015-2016.

>> No.9838306


Compared to years past, Fashion Square was just sad.

>> No.9838307

Yeah but that's because so many top brands backed out. I'm not a lolita but it was weird seeing so few lolita booths, even though I expected it.

>> No.9838322

That's the dumbest part of having a superpass. You shouldn't have to get tickets or wait in line especially if they're going to have a designated area for superpass holders. Part of the incentive should be the ability to waltz up 5 minutes before a panel or event and get to go right to a chair.

>> No.9838350

I'm glad there weren't a lot of fashion attendees means Shop in Wonderland is dying since AM was stupid enough to kill its own market. Good riddance.

>> No.9838385

Did fashion square sell anything more than a few items? I passed it by multiple times, and didn't even see racks move or change orders in clothing.

>> No.9838403

Not really. And the people manning the Square looked bored/tired.

>> No.9838404

Who's ready to see them squirm being so close to A-kon next year?

>> No.9838427

I was really hoping to see some boycotters and start some shit in my slavic gas mask outfit

>> No.9838428

Wow, you dressed as a gas mask?

>> No.9838432

They assumed superpass holders were going to swarm the main events like lower income families at Wal-Mart on Black Friday.

>> No.9838464

Their guidelines are anything that served them and gets them attention and donation bucks. This fits the bill.

>> No.9838471

They are begging for money while crying that they are being oppressed and triggered by nazis and guns. They are garbage.

>> No.9838472
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That's a good one

>> No.9838486

Yeah, let them dream. The con's days are numbered anyway

>> No.9838538

Yeah I had a tube that was a dryer exhaust and used a tarp as the mask itself

>> No.9838544

From what I read the girl who was booted only set up and sold because she couldnt afford the $900 loss as shed paid for the trip before finding out all that info about the con. She made back what she spent and more which will be donated with full transparency on her social media (she says)

I follow another artist who didnt even go and just put a sign on her booth that she was boycotting, the sign went up after her table neighbor tried to take over her part of the table as well because she hadnt showed up or something.

All in all this was a damn mess. I noticed that the trash that is LisaLou randomly cancelled with no explanation after defending John when people first told her she shouldnt go to a con with a guy like him involved.

>> No.9838614

Superpass was literally marketed “Skip Lines. Priority Seating. Amazing Goodie Bags” so it’s understandable why people would expect to not have to line up. I know I’d be pissed to know I had basically paid for a mystery grab bag, while the super pass didn’t grant me the con experience advertised.

>> No.9838625

I still think LisaLou only dropped out because she lost a good number of followers or customers from her stupidity.

>> No.9838629
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>> No.9838644
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lmao, he's being an ass without a care and ppl are still defending him

>> No.9838659

Maybe it's a sign that he's finally realizing his convention is fucked.

>> No.9838662

Did anyone see anything about Puffogka or whatever the fuck her name is? The Ukranian photographer or whatever?

>> No.9838663

It's a sign of him realizing how much he can get away with without repercussion and he'll likely keep slowly toeing that line further too. The politician/trump effect.

>> No.9838674

Lets not forget Am2019 is the weekend after fucking akon they are trying to compete with akon now my fucking sides ruptured when i heard that

>> No.9838681

Holyshit they're gonna be so fucked, especially after this year's crapshow hahahahahahaha I hope John is pissing his tighty whities

>> No.9838683

That's really fucking ambitious. I'm excited to see how that train wreck plays out.

>> No.9838686

oh ive been rubbing my hands manically all day at this prospect

>> No.9838707

the cops left her alone after she made it clear she was complying. she wasn't kicked from the con.

>> No.9838711

On Saturday they added in the fashion show items for sale. Not a crazy amount of stock but not the worst.
The sunday sale was garbage though, it was just leftover shop in wonderland stock. some of it had already been on sale for a while at their store. just saying.

>> No.9838718

yeah i agree. plenty of people went this year since they had already bought tickets, but may not choose to support the con next year. Especially so close to A-kon.

>> No.9838722
File: 331 KB, 609x904, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mariah is so stupid. Shes not even involved in this unless shes chiming in because her buddy Leon went as a guest.

If a con invites a guest from another country its their responsibility to ensure the guest arrives safely and is accommodated. AM didnt hold up their end of things and then didnt inform attendees that this guest wouldnt be coming, and proceeded to mock someone who was upset about it >>9838644

>> No.9838734

She was there because she posted a photo of her table.

ngl the one thing AM does right is big ass backdrops. A lot of cons won't spring for that kind of one time expense but AM does it anyway

>> No.9838737

Fucking momokun. She's just trying to play the innocent neutral nice facade because she feels the need to be relevant. "Oh it's important and huge now! I need to get myself involved for attention and to make people remember I'm not just a lipo cam ho with no real skill"

>> No.9838740

I'm surprised people aren't talking about how excited or awesome it was for her photo studio

>> No.9838743

>Told by the con you have to leave or they will get the cops to force you to leave
>Not kicked out of the con

Just because she wasn't a maniac about it doesn't mean she wasn't kicked out. She wasn't literally dragged out by the cops, sure but she definitely didn't waltz out on her last day of sales for funsies.

>> No.9838915

How was the cosplay contest?

I want to know how great it was since Sumner literally cannot shut up lately on facebook

>> No.9838918

I think this was briefly mentioned last thread, but here's a link.

>> No.9838936

Is this a lolita fashion show? Because I do not see a single one in that crowd.

>> No.9838963

Not necessarily - they could have had a friend who was attending do it

>> No.9839006 [DELETED] 


>> No.9839054
File: 160 KB, 750x1334, BFC32288-8A95-436F-B666-98E5AD16420A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently the tickets for 2019 are on sale already. June 13-16, so they are saying they are officially doing 4 days now?

>> No.9839069

lmao thats the week directly after a-kon (assuming a-kon stays as the 2nd weekend in june like normal)
who do they think they are

>> No.9839074


Yeah, he lived in Germany until after highschool graduation. So that means he should be able to understand English pretty okay. Eighter because he had English class for atleast 6 years or because of similar words.
So that means he knows some thing must have been off the whole time.

>> No.9839129

The reason why there's no lolitas in the crowd is because all the lolitas that went were -in- the fashion show, are really, since there were a lot of "professional" models and Deneice's friends in the show, I'd say lolita attendance was around the number 30-40.

As for fashion square, there was so much empty space. The only brand who had anything there was Metamorphose, and even then, it was mostly all dresses. Only one little center display of accessories.

>> No.9839135

All that ~Super Exclusive~ Eva merch from the exhibit is going to be available on Tokyo Otaku Mode, according to the guys working there.

>> No.9839137


>> No.9839141

What do you mean?

>> No.9839143

thats because the owner of tokyo otaku mode was there at anime matsuri dude

>> No.9839144

Apparently the George R Brown Convention Center is fully booked around this time next year due to rescheduled events that were canceled due to Hurricane Harvey, so Anime Matsuri 2019 is scheduled for the weekend after A-Kon now.

>> No.9839145

they already lied about attendance to steal the 2nd most attended US anime con spot from them. im still salty, but, hey, if they do this it's gonna bite them in the ass

>> No.9839157

George R Brown schedule is public and spring months seems very empty.

>> No.9839163

Are you calling the Leighs liars?

>> No.9839164

when momo sends herself and her withknights to your tiny ass twitter base for god knows what reason

>> No.9839180

Consipiricy theory:
After 2017 and AM "securing" the 2nd largest con in US title they decided it was finally time to try to take Akon out directly and are using Harvey as the excuse for moving to summer.

>> No.9839185


Well that's certainly a hilarious venture. A-Kon may not have the guests, but people go to party. It's known as a party con. AM is just a hot mess. People are going to show to A-Kon no matter what. Not to mention there isn't any sort of boycott like AM.

Plus A-Kon turns 30 next year. I wouldn't be suprised if they try to do something big.

>> No.9839208

Tokyo Otaku Mode... also a bitcoin conspiracy at hand via that company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29c09ZGxD0E

>> No.9839222

A-Kon actually has good guests this year, many of which were stolen from Anime Matsuri, actually.

>> No.9839247

A-Kon has been amazing since it moved for Fort Worth. They are going to crush Matsuri.

I want to know this too. I used to look up to Sumner and his girlfriend until this whole thing. I thought he'd end up a guest at cons and do really well. Not anymore though. I heard one rumor that the cosplay contest was shit. Anyone know anything?

>> No.9839253

i looked up to them till after the whole we're against sexual harassment. Wins trip from Am to hawaii then suddenly they were drinking johns koolaid as much as any other zealot of johns

>> No.9839269

Yes, can anyone tell us about how shitty the contest was this year? I'm desperate for the cosplay drama that AM always produces.

>> No.9839428

They seemed like nice people. Now the co-cosplay director is a model for Shop in Wonderland.

Sumner could have just said "I'm just the cosplay director" and stopped there. I maybe would have been fine. Instead he defended John every step of the way.

Both of them are on my shit list now.

>> No.9839491

He's not the owner, he's the ex-owner.

>> No.9839638

>Co-cosplay director

What? There were 2 of them?

>> No.9839707
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Sumner and his girlfriend

unrelated but this counseling area seems effective

>> No.9839759

Anyone know why Houston Area Women's Center didn't show up?

>> No.9839764

Probably weren't even slated to show up

>> No.9839780
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, tmp_23425-IMG_20180402_1816142635978383022479092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly would not be surprised if AM tries reselling the worn lingerie in Shop in Wonderland because they're nasty.

>> No.9839792

They retweeted AM's tweet about HAWC coming and then said they would be there on the Chronicle:

>The Houston Area Women’s Center said in a statement that it has agreed to take part in this year’s convention, but its presence is “in no way meant to condone Mr. Leigh’s behavior.”

>“In order to support the survivors who have come forward, who have not come forward, who are too afraid to come forward, and to support all participants of this year’s Anime Matsuri, we agreed to provide information about HAWC, and the services we offer which are confidential, free and available to all,” the statement reads.

>> No.9839802

Wtf does this trashy cheap lingerie have to do with Japanese fashion? It looks like shit you'd get at Wal-Mart. Nasty was shit.

>> No.9839805

John's probably keeping them.

>> No.9839814

Why in the hell would you pick cheap Lover's Lane lingerie to advertise for a fucking jfashion shop???

>> No.9839817

Good ole family entertainment

>> No.9839859
File: 192 KB, 686x650, FE7B1F7B-70BA-4477-A482-D45CE1B729B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a relatively small time foreign cosplayer/industry professional
>also happen to be attractive, but that’s probably not related
>randomly get an email inviting me to some convention in rooty tooty shootem land USA
>”hm this seems great! Let’s see who they had on the guest list last year

>> No.9839879

For next year's AM Babes uniform.

>> No.9839944

Yeah, it makes sense. He could flip the dirty parties to pay off debts or keep them for his own personal enjoyment

>> No.9839977

Oh no the attractive part is definitely related. John will not okay an invitation of you're not hot

>> No.9839987

Well yeah. As an ex-employee, I’ve seen Deneice wear SiW items to their workshops and out to events and photo shoots and then just bring it back to be sold in the shop. They like their items pre-funked.

>> No.9840014

This looks like it came straight from the flash sale section of AliExpress. What is that lace?

>> No.9840028

It's supposed to be a Japanese lingerie brand that they stock at SiW... everyone please be careful in case they try to resell junk on LM like how they tried to sell old fashion show clothes on LJ sales a while back

>> No.9840029

not sure why you care so much, but if you were there then you know he was near the exits. his line was super long. literally the most packed AM i've ever been to. you guys need hobbies jfc

>> No.9840044
File: 32 KB, 460x258, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the most packed AM was 2011 where the hallways were completely stuffed with attendees and rodeo guests in a tiny ass hotel.

>> No.9840045


Sumner is the cosplay director, his girlfriend is not even in the cosplay department. your shit list has as much merit as where you get your information

>> No.9840048


Hey Kristel!
You're the only one obsessed with them. No one else cares.

>> No.9840050

It's not even just Deneice either. I've seen multiple dresses worn by the employees out to places, and then bring them back into the shop with no tags, it being clearly worn, and being sold for a hair above retail price. SiW is obviously a scam shop, but this is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.9840053

>his line was super long
I maybe saw at most 40ish people standing in line for him on Saturday around 2-3pm, and I saw the lines around before and afterwards. How are you doing, Amber?

>> No.9840059


why do lolitas always try to guess who anon is?
i will never understand that. please go waste your dads money on brand so you can bitch online about things that don't affect you.

>> No.9840066


>> No.9840080

Why do you assume it’s always Lolitas complaining? This trainwreck of a convention has a pretty large audience now and I’ve heard people that aren’t even involved in that community reference this thread on several occasions

>> No.9840081

>assuming I'm a lolita

>> No.9840083

There were maybe, what, 4-6 small racks from what I saw? And pretty much only the models, guests, staff, and a few itas were going through anything, from what I saw.

>> No.9840091

fucking of course momokun is defending AM. She's just as trash as john.

>> No.9840126

I've been called Daniela, John, and Stefan (or had someone say "lol I'm pretty sure I know who this is") more than once because of my shitposting in the last few threads, I guess it makes them feel superior or something.

I'm not pro-AM and had a fair amount of serious posts in these threads but it's not like any anon can know that. Only reason I shitposted because it's super easy to get (you)s in here.

>> No.9840141

Holy fuck that aliga cancellation note is hilarious. Someone at animecons.com is sassy

>> No.9840155

It's not a lie though

>> No.9840179

People are DESPERATE for replies. Which is why the mob mentality flourishes here.

And when people like Kristel, here, get called out they *instantly* make a post on Facebook saying its not them. They crave attention so much, its kinda sad.

>> No.9840186

You two should just fuck already and stop teasing us all with your tsundere bullshit

>> No.9840214

Speaking of failed visas, did Yuegene Fay go to Anime Matsuri 2016?

Or does that need to be updated?

>> No.9840230

Was that the one in Hawaii? She got detained and banned from entry for x number of years because of the way her ticket (and maybe visa) were set up. She had a one way to America because she was supposed to travel onward to a south American country for another con afterwards and after that fly back to Asia. Feds thought she was gong to illegally immigrate by overstaying visa since she had no return ticket.

I think she wanted to study in America but that dream is obviously dead.

>> No.9840252

Ok I think what happened is that she was announced for both Hawaii and Texas but that was before she got deported. After the deportation she probably got either a three or ten year ban

>> No.9840344
File: 108 KB, 1201x746, yuegene-fay-AM-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Did some more research and supposedly AM tried to fix the visa thing in 2016, but most likely they never did.

>> No.9840348

Whoops 2017 post should have been on the bottom

>> No.9840391
File: 41 KB, 581x815, cosplay-concert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tweets about the cosplay and concerts

Was Sumner the MC? If so, he did a terrible job.

>> No.9840404

guess zwei should have listened to the boycotters lmao

>> No.9840415

People in the AM FB group are already bragging about buying their passes for 2019. I'm pretty relieved that probably I won't be bumping into them at Comicpalooza or A-kon.

AM2019 is going to be the saddest con and I'm so excited. The most uninformed, awful weebs rubbing elbows with whatever washed-up 90's TV stars HouPop can dredge up from Craigslist. Fuck, now I kind of want to go.

>> No.9840417

>washed-up 90's TV stars

But this is literally Delta-H.

>> No.9840419

That would've been a shitpost if they had even had one washed-up 90's TV star. All but 3 of their guests are actually involved with the industry, by Anime Matsuri math that's like 5000% more anime-related guests

>> No.9840421

*a great shitpost, I am drunk

>> No.9840423

knew AM was going to be a trainwreck, the AM thread has been my healthy dose of entertainment ALL weekend.
I haven't read anything about the "Sailor Moon Store" or Sailor Moon party. Anyone has photos of those events? How was it?

>> No.9840426
File: 375 KB, 500x400, cog is dead we killed him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only major strike I have against Delta-H Con is who books a steampunk band in 2018? Who plays steampunk music in 2018? This looks like some HouPop shit Johnny Steverson would book because he thinks that it'll make nerds like him

>> No.9840427

Barely Boxlunch-tier, slightly better than Hot Topic, great for people who only buy anime merch at Anime Matsuri and don't realize they can't buy it almost anywhere else nowadays because anime isn't a weird, niche thing anymore.

>> No.9840441

This is important.

Anyone here that was actually at Matsuri know a girl named Ari (don't know if I'm spelling it right)?

The girl wearing the short pink curly wig on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday she had a short puffy skirt on with the wig after the rave. I miss her and I made a huge mistake not taking her number or that kiss.

We spent a lot of time together one night and it's breaking my heart that we're just going to leave it like this.

We spent Friday night walking around together and having a good time. I hope one of her friends or her sees this. I've been trying to find her and tell her what a remarkable mistake it was not to take her number.

I thought it would be a mistake to give her that kiss, but I realize now not kissing her was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in a long while.

>> No.9840445

Is that the camgirl that kept advertising her porn vids in the AM21+ group all weekend?

>> No.9840447
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, kiss the girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this as a lesson to learn from, Anon. Next time just go for it. Why did you even think it would be a mistake in the first place?

(the official AM Facebook group would also be a pretty good place to look if you haven't already)

>> No.9840450

No. She was just a regular ass drunk girl mostly.

I'm being serious here. When I told her how into her I am and how I wish I could kiss her right then, she started to cry. I thought I might cry as well. I should've kissed her. I should've taken her number when she offered. I upset her a lot I think and I just wanna talk to her. Let her know I was wrong.

>> No.9840454

I tried the official page. Been looking for her since that night.

I know I'm gonna sound like a huge asshole to everyone, but I didn't kiss her because I have a girlfriend. I still flirted and made a huge connection with her before I even told her I have a girlfriend.

I regret it so much because I've never felt this way about a woman, especially after just one night. I'd sooner be an asshole scumbag than give up a chance at this woman I met randomly. I know it sounds fucked but I was there, and I know what I felt.

>> No.9840455

I mean, she knows you were wrong already because you goofed hysterically bad but it's okay.

There's multiple Aris in the FB group. I went ahead and checked for you. Several of them have cosplay pictures and everything. If she's not there I'm sure someone who knows her is. I hope you're not a creepy stalker or I'm giving advice to an abuser who really wants to get back with their victim or anything.

Again, if you don't find her - next time don't fuck up. There'll be other people out there you'll connect with like this, remember how shit you feel at this exact moment next time you're faced with a situation like this in the future.

>> No.9840457

Feelings are weird. Don't feel bad about them. Might be a bad sign as far as how your relationship with your current girlfriend is going to go though.

>> No.9840459

Guess that's the best advice I'll get. I tried the Facebook page. Couldn't find her, then again my internet skills suck. You're probably gonna read my previous comment and call me a shit for thinking this way when I have a gf already.

I thought the same thing at the time, but I dunno. There was something there that was unmistakably real and natural, and I let it walk away. You're right though, I should've taken the number at least. It's something I'll regret for a while.

>> No.9840463

I guess that's the worst part about it. Since I met this women I don't even want to be close to my girl. I still try, but every time I do I kind of just think about this chick Ari and want to cry a bit. I don't wanna cry because of how I feel or what I did behind this sweet girls back(which I know is fucked), but rather because I'm not around Ari.

>> No.9840465 [DELETED] 

it's okay to feel that way but please break up with your girlfriend before you prefer this con chick any further anon

>> No.9840466

I'd post in the official Facebook page group looking for her. I'd just tell the story hoping to find at least one of her friends to get the message to her, but there's the whole thing of my gf being a part of that group. So I can't do that.

>> No.9840467

it's okay to feel that way but please break up with your girlfriend before you pursue this con chick any further anon

>> No.9840471

You sound severely affected by infatuation.
Scour the Facebook page for a bit but if you don't find her, drop this and move on. It's for the best, really.

>> No.9840475

I've never broken a woman's heart this bad. I've been with this girl for a long long time, man. I know she's crazy about me. She waits for me always, always taking care of me and what not. She doesn't have as strong of a sex drive as me but that's never really been a problem. Sometimes the love feels pretty fake and forced on both our parts though. I don't even know. I'd be that asshole that broke the sweetest of girls heart for a crazy reason.

I feel stuck. Like everyone around us even my own immediate family is gonna think of me as an asshole if I just up and dump her.

>> No.9840479

I've been infatuated with women before this. Never made a move on them more than just a normal conversation. I Always was good at suppressing those feelings to stay faithful. I didn't ever want to be a cheater. This women has fucked my head all up completely. Like really fucked.

Like I want this person bad. Really bad. At least to just talk to her again

>> No.9840481

wanna know what will definitely make everyone around you including your immediate family think of you as an asshole? cheating on your gf

either give up on the girl you just met or break up with your gf, don't be a dick

>> No.9840483

I don't know. You're probably right. I guess in a state of infatuation you really don't want to believe it's just that. It feels like it's not, but I don't know. You are probably right. I actually hope you aren't, which just makes me feels shittier.

>> No.9840485


Grass is greener where you water it.

As someone who was emotionally cheated on and had another ex-boyfriend who "didn't want to break my heart", please break up with your girlfriend if you don't plan to work on your relationship.

>> No.9840486

I know. You're right.

>> No.9840553

I don't even care right now. I keep getting teary eyed thinking about this girl. It's not a simple case of infatuation.

If anyone can help me find her that'd be great. I NEED to talk to her!

>> No.9840583

Everything you say makes me think you're infatuated. Whatever. Just stop being a dick and dump your gf if you're not feeling it.

>> No.9840599

I know. Hell it sounds like it to me. But at this point it's not just infatuation. I just want to talk to this woman. I'd like nothing more right now. Not some kind of deep talk about how we love each other. I just want to ask a few questions. Then I'll be done. If she doesn't feel the same as I do, then I'll be done with it.

>> No.9840601
File: 841 KB, 450x254, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not infatuation

>> No.9840602

Man seriously fuck you, just break up with your girl.

>> No.9840688

Long term relationships aren't for everyone. They're boring. They need work. Nothing wrong with not being into that. What is wrong is stringing along your gf. Break up with her, then go do whatever you have to do with your manic pixie dream girl.

>> No.9840693

Post your shitty "lovesick" bullshit elsewhere, you absolute dick. I hope you never find that *~*~girl of your dreams~*~* or whatever.

>> No.9840708
File: 401 KB, 514x679, Capture464645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently only SJW's don't like Nerdlesque?

>> No.9840712

Holy shit I heard that AM hit peak attendence this year from my friend? I was told that once the turnstiles were checked the count was around 53,400 people in attendance.

Guess drama didn’t hurt them this year.

>> No.9840714

This is just Anime Matsuri inflating the numbers as usual.

>> No.9840715

The what now?

>> No.9840719

i literally clicked away from my facebook right after i read this post to come to this thread, wow

sjw's don't even like anything except sjw's, who care

>> No.9840722

Lmao god I hope they actually try to bullshit that hard after having a visibly worse turnout according to literally everyone who attended. It’ll just cement everyone’s suspicion that their numbers are completely made up

>> No.9840724

Lol but a staffer said that the “horse’s” mouth called it at 36k. So try again.

>> No.9840725

2019 they're fucked. I'm probably not the only one from north texas pissed that they keep inflating their minuscule numbers above A-kon's. Yeah, A-kon isn't great, but this still pisses me off.

>> No.9840727

john leigh stated 9k over the course of 4 days on facebook

>> No.9840729

SJW were too busy tweeting about the literal fucking nazi to care about a burlesque show.

At least John has finally figured out who the real problem is.

>> No.9840747
File: 286 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180403-105445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They're bragging about 50k people when really it's the same people entering and leaving through these which inflates the count.

>> No.9840756

I know what a turnstile is.

I was there all weekend and didn't see a single one.

>> No.9840761

Further proof that it's bullshit

>> No.9840799


Before we present the list, we first need to explain the different ways that a convention can count its attendance:
The most common method, but one that is very misleading, is used by most non-anime conventions and trade shows. A "turnstile" attendance count method counts people multiple times for every day of the convention that they attend. For example, if there are 1,000 people at a three day convention each day, they would report their attendance as 3,000...as if each of those 1,000 people passed through a turnstile once per day. Although some anime conventions report turnstile numbers, they are often offered in addition to one of the following two counting methods. Although this site considers turnstile counts to be misleading and disingenuous, we've recently started listing them in order to be able to help people distinguish the difference and be able to compare attendance numbers more fairly.
Another method is to count each person who was issued a badge. This is often referred to as "total attendance" or a "warm body count". This will include attendees, staff, press, vendors, guests, and anyone else who was wearing a convention badge. If they attended multiple days, they just get counted once. It does not include people without a badge such as hotel employees or convention center employees.
The final method commonly used to report attendance is a paid attendance count. This simply counts the number of people who paid for a badge. Unlike the warm body count, it doesn't include staff, guests, press, or others with a badge...unless they paid for it. This method also only counts people once even if they're attending multiple days.

>> No.9840801

They weren't even scanning/counting people on their way in, the fuck?

>> No.9840802

If they claim to have more people than AX, hope some poor soul won't buy a ticket and flight to AM thinking it's the biggest anime con.

>> No.9840805

Caps? I'm curious.

>> No.9840807

It's their own fault if they do. Let them be stupid enough to waste their money on a shitty convention

>> No.9840809
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>> No.9840810

now that i'm rereading, he could just be talking about the evangelion exhibit.... but you needed a pass + either $10 or $20 extra to get in, so i'm not sure

>> No.9840817

Hahaha, Yuegene just posted about an hour ago that she didn't get paid for the 200 photobooks that AM ordered (and probably sold). Another Minori incident.

>> No.9840820

He means paying customers for the exhibit. He's retarded, but not so much that he'd brag for a total weekend attendance of 9,000

>> No.9840837

If you don't want to believe the numbers coming from AM directly, then how else would you like to know? Is there some magic nonbiased source who has access to those numbers that you trust? Instead of bitching, come up with a solution.

>> No.9840861

I was at the con it was packed.

50k attendance seems very likely. I mean, did you guys see the Nerdelesque hall? It was completely full and bursting at the seams

>> No.9840866

Pretty tired of the absolute filth of 4chan trying to be edgy and irritating, but you bring it off the internet and In to people’s faces you deserve to get dealt with.

I spent a hour or 2 looking for that Nazi guy who I was going punch in the neck. You don’t get to walk in a uniform that stands for all that historical evil with a big stupid grin around me, I’ll teach you there’s fucking consequences for your actions even if I have some legal trouble over it, and trust me I’ll have no trouble getting money and a lawyer to get me out of legal trouble
Or atleast reduce the consequences because our society has seemed Nazis and their ideology intolerable.

Keep playing with fire you fucking edge-twats.

>> No.9840870

>be this butthurt over a joke
>people's rights end where your feelings begin
>giving them exactly what they want, attention
>posting an anonymous threat of violence on a El Salvadorian Futon Reselling Forum
>thinking anybody cares

Jesus christ.

>> No.9840871

We can estimate from photographs and our personal experiences at the convention but then apologists are going to be like "no, these aren't right because they're not from the con itself" so there's really no way to win this argument. John Leigh knows what he's doing.

There is no way there was 50k people there this weekend. Comicpalooza did 62k last year and Anime Matsuri maybe had a third of the crowd that did, if we're being generous.

A-kon had around 30k last year and AM didn't have nearly the amount of people that did, either. I'm willing to guess that the actual amount of people that went is closer to 10k, possibly even lower. I mean, the amount of people that just went to the Evangelion exhibit and left immediately afterward might inflate it a bit, but there's no way they did over 30k this weekend

>> No.9840876

It's not a literal turnstyle. When cons report turnstyle it just means they count a 3 day badge as 3 people.

>> No.9840880
File: 392 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180403_125240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from Saturday. Yeah, really packed. Just look at the pics on Anime Matsuri HT on Twitter and believe what you want.

>> No.9840883

That's what I'm saying. If AM announced the numbers, no one wants to believe it. If an outside source announces numbers, no one will believe that either ("hurr durr John paid them off", etc)

So what numbers would you like to believe? It doesn't matter what number comes out, BAM and antiAM people will find a reason that it offends them. As if the attendance rates somehow affects their daily lives.

>> No.9840887

you think it’s funny to be as irritating as possible and expect everyone to take it as a “joke”

You deserve to get your bones broken.

>> No.9840888

The person who was posting "empty" pictures on twitter was just deliberately taking pictures of open areas designated for the disabled.

>> No.9840890

Why is

>> No.9840892

Yes. It's funny to watch people get so mad over something so incredibly insignificant when you can step outside and walk for a bit and find someone dying in the cold or an abandoned animal. Do some actual good in the world instead of fighting fake nazis or just threatening to fight fake nazis.

>> No.9840894

And that's the thing. The fact that "John paid them off" is a reasonable thing someone could believe, the fact that nobody is going to believe any numbers anyone posts, says way more about this convention than anything else could

>> No.9840900

That aisle doesn't seem like a designated area but ok. I went last year and I had the same view. It really surprised me since it was my first con in USA and I expected more people.

>> No.9840903

I'm sure you're being sarcastic, but holy shit, that's half the density of 2015, holy schmoly.

>> No.9840905

I was sitting in the disabled area this year, as I was, and currently am, in crutches. That's NOT that area; you're a goddamn liar.

>> No.9840906
File: 143 KB, 1000x667, Yatta-Tachi-A-Kon28-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For S and G heres a photo from Akon last year, since they decided it would be fun to directly compete

>> No.9840907
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1200, 1407028219724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I want to see this become the next copy-pasta

>> No.9840916

>complains about people being edgy
>wants to punch a guy in the neck for a costume


>> No.9840925

Dressing like a Nazi is a blatant shitpost at best, but your attitude is both abhorrent, unimpressive, and will legitimately get you killed when you make a blind decision to attack the wrong person.

>> No.9840942

let him get killed. One less moron to deal with

>> No.9840968


Yeah you can come up with any scenario you'd like to imagine as a keyboard warrior, and you can throw as many adjectives on your post as you like, it's all meaningless. You don't DO anything, and your passivity only contributes to shittier standards in society.

You're absolutely worthless as a person.

>> No.9840970


I help animals i find all the time?? How about instead of spouting advice you follow your own??

If you're gonna help animals and not fight nazis, that's cool. At least you're doing something.

>> No.9840973

I'm not the guy threatening to punch a kid over a costume.

>> No.9840979


>Over simplifying the matter to undermine the values at stake.

Way to be a basic dumb cunt lacking in any sort of intelligence.

>> No.9840980

Still not the guy threatening to punch a kid over a costume.

>> No.9840986


Gonna punch Nazi's all day <3 <3 <3

don't wear it if you don't want to have to watch your back the entire convention.

>> No.9840989

>thinks a kid being a retarded attention whore in a nazi costume is the same thing as an actual fascist

>>Way to be a basic dumb cunt lacking in any sort of intelligence.

>> No.9840991


Depends on what else was going on at the con at the same time. If say they deliberately keep the schedule sparse except for a "main event" then people are going to flock to that event as there's nothing better to do. I have gone to cons that have done this, it's a shitty tactic but it is effective.

Also to consider, having seen the Nerdlesque group in person, I wouldn't put it past a lot of the AM attendees go to that show to see some sort of hot mess of a performance due getting their jollies from making fun of the performances.

>> No.9840999

Please take the nazi shit back to the other thread you ruined.

>> No.9841003

>thinks physical violence is fine and dandy if they disagree with someone

>> No.9841004


If you leave the attention whore in a nazi costume alone who MIND YOU IS PROBABLY COMPLETELY SUBSCRIBES TO THAT IDEOLOGY.

You only make it safer for people with that ideology to exist in your society. That's why we get shit like Richard Spencer because of worthless trash like you on high horses who don't stand for any beliefs, you're too busy rubbing one out in the mirror in your half assed compost cosplay.

>> No.9841008


You're so fucking stupid you think someone who wants to eradicate you and your entire race, is a "difference of opinion".

>> No.9841009

What's retarded is Nazi's/Hitler and all that constantly being used as the end all be all of bad things, there have been far worse massacres. Just like using the word nigger, Nazi's get so much of a reaction only because it's given so much power by people who kick and scream when they hear it.

>> No.9841012

I'm willing to bet it's not actual nazis derailing these threads by arguing with everyone but AM staff who realize it's incredibly easy to bury all the actual information and discussion by being all "lol, kikecucks gettin butthurt i'mma wear my wolfenstein cosplay and you're gonna like it"

>> No.9841014

For the love of God shut the fuck up. The autism is getting too rampant on this thread. The Nazi isn't around and nobody gets to pretend they're going to kill him now.

>> No.9841023

>e end all be all of bad things, there have been far worse massacres. Ju

There have been worse massacres, but no other group in history had been so successful and so goddamn evil. It stands for an ideology that must be stomped out immediately or let it consume us all.

There were many massacres on the opposite side of the political spectrum aka communism, but communism comes in many forms, and isn't responsible for everything that happens under the name of it. Nazi's come in 1 fucking flavor, and we all know what it looks like so stop pretending like you don't recognize it for what it is.

>> No.9841024


Fuck AM staff AND Fuck Nazis

>> No.9841025

Go back to Tumblr you antifa faggot and stop shit posting

>> No.9841029


Whats wrong with letting everyone know if you dress up as a Nazi to a convention, someone's going to probably try to hurt you?

Seems beneficial to all parties DESU.

>> No.9841034

So you would settld for 500k and be the typical privileged bitch you pretend you are against? Very well then. flood the cons boyz! there's money to be made!

>> No.9841036

Because it didn't happen. Nobody fucking attacked or killed him and the con is over. You failed and are just being pathetic with beating a dead horse.

>> No.9841043
File: 223 KB, 495x467, millions of dead cons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


John Leigh was a Nazi
He liked to play con head
He had of Daniela, all nakey
In a for-sale Shop in Wonderland vest
Sure he'd rip off your mother
Sure he'd cyberbully your pop
Sure he'd march up right to your wallet
Sure he'd hang you by your last dollar bill

>> No.9841048

*a picture of Daniela, fuck I ruined this otherwise great post I put too much effort in

>> No.9841050

Don't quit your day job champ.

>> No.9841064

Yep. She does that all the time. From my personal experience, she does it with clothing that she lends out too. I wore an OP to a tea party that was hers, and 6 months later I found it on the rack at SiW with a price tag of $350+. She doesn't see the issue with it, because she gets them dry cleaned before. So just a piece of advice, if you ever go into SiW and find a dress that doesn't have a brand tag on it, it's because she's worn it. If you ask the staff why there isn't a brand tag they tell you it's because "the shop in Japan sent it to us that way and told us to retag it." Pretty sure that isn't how it works guys...

>> No.9841065

>didn't happen. Nobody fucking attacked or killed him and the con is over. You failed and are just being pathetic with beating a

I brought a disguise, if you guys are sleeping on a nazi you are not gonna catch me. Even if you did, no one has settled for half a mil in any nazi punching court case you sack of shit. At worst I seen the judge order to pay for legal fees with no jail time and that means you'd still not see a dime of profit.

I'd basically pay to punch you as hard as i possibly can and you'd get nothing. :)

>> No.9841071

So 53,400 over 3 days is about 17k people overall? Sounds about right.

>> No.9841076

I was estimating ~12-15k, with no more than 17k. I still think 17k on average per day is a bit of a stretch, but that's still definitely less than last year from what I saw, and the "reported" numbers, as well.

>> No.9841098

You just reminded me of something I forgot to mention in my original post, lack of history/geopolitics knowledge. I stand by my original post.

>> No.9841103

I can accept 17k on Saturday with the other two days ranging from 12-15k.

>> No.9841153

I observe the second amendment, faggot. Try and impose your will on me, or encroach on my property, and I am trained to defend myself

>> No.9841154

so actually 17,800 got it

>> No.9841169

Lol you wanna play fantasy-fu? I’m game

It’s not self defense if you I punch you and run and you try to shoot me then, you’ll probably miss and go to prison for life after killing a bystanders. You’re not gonna scare me or people like me we’re coming for you nazi scum.

>> No.9841175

Anon, I can't even begin to respond to how retarded you are if you believe this.

Someone dressed as a Nazi would ultimately be on guard, and let's put aside the idea of someone dressed provocatively packing their legal concealed carry gun, because no licensed person with half a brain would do that. It reeks of intent.
All it would take is the person you're assaulting to have a body cam on them and you'd have a serious case against you.
Do you really want to see fines and jail just to prove how you're not a Nazi?
I mean, then you'll see some real Nazis. If you're white you might have to be one to survive your prison sentence.
I'm not sure what you were expecting at this point.

>> No.9841182

>attack someone at a con
>where people are constantly taking photos and recording
>where theres crowds of people who will notice a scuffle
>where people are trading social media handles
>"i have a disguise"
You are bragging about a fantasy idea of attacking a guy (who obviously dressed as a nazi to just rile people like you) and playing with the thought of getting away with it?
Thats some mental gymnastics fucking school shooters have.
Im willing to bet your physical strength is as about as capable as your mental fortitude.
Your about as a dangerous as a fart in the wind.

>> No.9841189


Ok bring a gun and shoot in a crowded area I’m sure the police will wait and listen to your reason as to why you are putting hundreds of lives at risk instead of putting a bullet through your head.

>> No.9841195

Trust me, another anon, when I say that guy is probably an airsofter.

>> No.9841199


I might as well try to get away with it not saying I will.

You don’t go to prison for “punching people in Nazi costumes” no judge is going to want to stand by a Nazi by giving a harsh penalty.

>> No.9841209
File: 29 KB, 321x326, C7XjffhXkAQG845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People start physically threatening Nazi's

>Nazi's start packing guns for protection

>Nazi's get into gunfights in public places

>People get afraid of Nazi's and lack of gun control and impose restrictions.

>Nazi's lose any public support they had and go back into hiding like the cucks they are.

>> No.9841217


You observe amendments but you know nothing about the law, you must use REASONABLE force. Someone punching you doesn't mean you get a license to kill someone.

>> No.9841218

This is where you are incorrect.
If you use anything to cause more damage, such as a bike lock, it's aggravated assault, if you punch someone, it's simple assault.
Having one person or another dressed as a Nazi doesn't change the charges.

>> No.9841235
File: 943 KB, 1440x1775, 20180403_172340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, the rival Houston anime con gets better...

If you really want to destroy AM, get everyone to shift their attendance and support to Delta-H. A-Kon is great, but there needs to be a more local alternative. Plus it would chafe John's ass. Bonus.

>> No.9841241

>reasonable force
someone you dont know is attacking you. youre not a cop with training responding to a situation with at least some intel.

>> No.9841243
File: 13 KB, 151x151, 1407086512656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be a cold day in hell before I spend money at Delta H.
Nowhere near as ~problematic~ as AM but every year feels like it was organized by high schoolers for a class project.

>> No.9841247

I still should've gone just to get laid

>> No.9841267

Wake me up when they start booking Japanese guests.

>> No.9841274


Yes you are correct but there is a punishment range for each offense. The judge can easily make you pay a fine and slap you on the wrist.

>> No.9841277


>you get punched once or twice, assailant leaves.

>then after you recover from the attack you pull out your gun and start shooting in a crowded area.


>> No.9841322


Woof check out that crowd...RIP john’s esports dreams. Guess he’ll have to come up with some other wacky scheme to make AM anything other than an anime con.

>> No.9841347

John already tried his hand at esports with the fgc and people learned he was shady as fuck.

>> No.9841348


Akon is planning an esports thing. It's actually sponsored so I'm hoping it blows this sadfest out of the water.

>> No.9841361

Concealed carry weapons are banned from convention centers iirc like GRB isn't that dumb

>> No.9841362

>calling fgc from a decade ago "esports"
lol I personally don't care but just be sure you don't say something like that to fgc people, especially old school players.

>> No.9841386

I read on the FB group John had like 40 cars displayed at the con. Guess he's gotta fill up that empty space with his dead dream of being in the car scene.

>> No.9841390

I've been watching people play quake and counter strike for upwards of two decades. Competitive gaming is competitive gaming period. If people want to get butthurt over the term esports idgaf

>> No.9841429
File: 162 KB, 750x1334, 556CD14A-990B-4590-98FD-EDB152630E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this guy always salty about the guests that Texas cons bring? He’s always complaining that cons are not bringing more Japanese VAs or from industry.

>> No.9841431

That's how fgc differed from those games though. To them it used to be more about grassroots ran events and winning first place for the respect/glory vs nowadays where there's sponsors, bigger events, and bigger prize pools. Some would say it took all the "grit" and "heart" out of the fgc and while others embrace it.

>> No.9841433

The actual rival Houston con is Comicpalooza tho, AM might have Anime in their name but it seems really obvious that they just want to be a general purpose nerd con, more people to scam that way too

>> No.9841436

The old days of both quake and cs were played out in overgrown lan parties and whatever tiny lan centers existed at the time. Only recently has big money really entered the scene. Quake con had a hundred people gathered at a hotel with people playing 1v1s for fun

>> No.9841441

I'll start going when they invite Japanese guests, aka when they get a new owner who isn't afraid to take deeper business risks to not make her con stagnate. I'm avoiding AM as well, I'll just go to other anime conventions outside of Houston that have what I want, rather than shit-tier Western "guests".

>> No.9841449

Actually, Oni-Con might be the closest thing to a rival to AM, even tho it's in Galveston. I'm actually a little impressed with D-H's guest list thus far. I think some former AM staff have defected to D-H. If they play their cards right, they may finally grow out of the Westchase Marriott. You know almost the entire Houston Lolita community will turn out for Scarfing Scarves. That's going to be one hell of a tea party.

>> No.9841476

Point I was trying to make is the term "esports" today mostly means competitive gaming where big companies are involved and some players/organizers compromise their values for the money. That's what I was saying in my first post that fgc people probably wouldn't like hearing their community 10 years ago being referred to as esports, some will laugh hearing that but others will probably get offended because they miss when it was that.

I don't care about JP guests but you are right about the owner and not taking more risks, it makes me think they are content being a smaller con. I know they been around almost as long as Anime Matsuri so they've had plenty of time to expand, other than that I don't know much about them.

>> No.9841483

I'd honestly be happy if they got only a few higher profile guests, rather than a bunch of ish-tier ones. I'm a quality-over-quantity person. I've seen so many small cons, mainly in DFW, with lengthy VA lists, but they're all meh Funi VAs that were cheap to get because they don't have to pay for plane tickets. I feel like DHC is very similar in this regard, and they need to branch out.

>> No.9841529

Honestly compared to previous years it was pretty sparse considering there were quite a few empty vendors tables

>> No.9841580

Er...Crying usually isn't the best reaction...juuust sayin.

>> No.9841584

so it's cool to be an undercover shitbag then?

>> No.9841590

Sounds like she deserves better.

>> No.9841664


Not sure who you're referring, but there's a few guys who will post on various Texas con groups complaining about the guests. Usually requesting niche or very old school Japanese guests.

They have a very ME attitude, and can't grasp that their preferred guests wouldn't appeal to many attendees. For the expenses it's just not worth it for a con to bring them.

They will bitch anyway.

>> No.9841696

I agree with this. I'm very into vintage anime myself, and since I know vintage anime industry guests are expensive to book, I'd rather go to them. There's nothing wrong with wishful thinking, though, but bitching is too much.

>> No.9841811

Fuck you guys for trying to tear down a successful nigerian man

pretty sure you crackers sent that nazi to scare off blerds

>> No.9841813

if success is marked as "successfully dodged paying lots of people for services rendered" he's as successful as they come

>> No.9841989

>>9841696 #
Bitching that a convention are not getting them what they want for guests is just passing the line. People were calling him out when he posted it last night.

>> No.9842166

Con gets JVAs
- "oh wow John can't get anyone domestic so he has to outsource to other countries hee hee hee"

Cons gets AVAs
"Oh my God why can't this con get any real VAs from Japan I'm tired of the same 10 English VAs"

Like there is no pleasing you.

>> No.9842180

I'd be happy if more cons got blacklisted by the western community if it meant more Japanese guests.

>> No.9842204

>- "oh wow John can't get anyone domestic so he has to outsource to other countries hee hee hee"
Nobody says this.
Especially in Texas where Funimation recycles VAs like paper.

>> No.9842208

Not trying to defend Matsuri, but the Boycott crew were unironically saying this.

>> No.9842276

I think they were mainly saying it because of said blacklisting. Blacklisting from the American industry guests/companies doesn't guarantee that AM will treat the Japanese industry guests well, either. There's a difference between choosing to not get American industry guests and treating them like garbage to the point of where they won't sponsor your convention.

>> No.9842358

I enjoyed the con as well certainly not a 10/10 but still had a good time (Besides the way they disrespected the Eva fans with the Eva store)

>> No.9842395

New thread >>9839857

>> No.9842627

No I didn't say that. I know it's shitty and now my gf knows. I don't think we're gonna be able to work through it. Don't think she wants to.

Wasn't really asking for judgement, just trying to find someone who knows her hopefully.

>> No.9842904

Anon stop. Just give it a rest and let it go.

>> No.9842908 [DELETED] 

Except there weren’t even any turnstiles sooo......

>> No.9842909

Except there weren’t any turnstiles soooo......

>> No.9842922

I was at the convention and I can confirm this was how it looked like most of the weekend

>> No.9843011

Hey since you were there, do you happen to know a woman named Ari who was there?
I'm still looking for her. Won't stop till I talk to her again.

>> No.9843072

Keep this alive to help locate Ari. The girl in the short pink curly wig Friday night.

Help me find this woman. I just need to talk to her one last time.

>> No.9843094


I just want to tell her I'm sorry. I should've kissed her that night. I know I hurt her pretty bad. I should've taken her number when she offered. I fucked up big time, and I'm sorry.

>> No.9843112
File: 60 KB, 324x248, 1335838207930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god this is a troll at this point.

Anon even if I did know your Ari, I wouldn't tell her you were looking for her because you're just being creepy at this point.
Get the fuck over it and move on.

>> No.9843116

That's just mean.

>> No.9843119

I kind of don't want to get over it at this point. I'm 30. I know when shit is real at this point.

Again, I'm not looking for judgement. I just want to talk to her again.

>> No.9843121

I know it sounds stupid. I really do.

I just dont know what else to do. I really need to talk to her at least a little bit.

>> No.9843188

>I kind of don't want to get over it at this point. I'm 30. I know when shit is real at this point.

FUCK, you're making me laugh, holy shit. Go back to AM Official Group or AM21+ on Facebook, you absolute faggot.

>> No.9843310

Yes, please go back to the 21+ group. You're creepy af and way too desperate and a sleaze bag. I hope you never find her for that poor girls sake you creep.

>> No.9843346

The fact that you're old enough to know better just makes this even cringier.

>> No.9843589

She's probably 15, get over it and move on.

>> No.9849877

fukken saved

>> No.9849925

AM announced 40,662 congoers this year, 4k more than last year. idk, I was there and it was fucking dead, but there was also apparently 10k people at the rave and I wouldn't have guessed that either.

>> No.9849946

This Ari thing just feels like a troll trying to distract from actual AM and staff criticism.