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File: 64 KB, 580x435, IMG_8793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9832458 No.9832458 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9815370
let's try and keep the autistic meltdowns to a minimum this time, gulls

>> No.9832459

why would you use the same image and not even type the title of the thread so you can find it in the catalog? fucking idiot

>> No.9832460

Shit I dropped the name

>> No.9832461

Dropped it by accident, I'm an idiot sorry

>> No.9832468
File: 596 KB, 849x475, Belgianlolitamafia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a new LWLN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY0FyZCIy70

>> No.9832474

Can we start over

>> No.9832484

This girl is pretty funny but holy fuck what is going on with her eyebrows.

>> No.9832485

Yes let's, I fucked this one up

>> No.9832488

I fucking love her

>> No.9832492

What video is she talking about that the girl got pissed off about? She said 2016 but never said which one...

>> No.9832664

Lol is the belgian comm even alive? There's little to nothing ever happening in this shithole of a country. Even more ever since Lunie & co left lolita.
This country is so lame and boring honestly. I kek'd at her explaining what dutch sounds like too, fuck that language.

>> No.9832670

I'll admit I clicked this thinking it was the room thread. Lovely computer set-up though. I'll see myself out.

>> No.9832742

>This girl is pretty funny
I bet you find Rick and Morty hilarious too.

>> No.9832834

>>9832829 new thread v2

>> No.9834117

Deleted. What happened?

>> No.9834118 [DELETED] 

Dammit, janitors...

>> No.9834141

Some cunt was pulling info from a guy's fb page, calling him autistic. It got deleted pretty quickly after that.

>> No.9834774

Wow. That's crazy. Still, that guy shouldn't be a mod.

>> No.9835042

Who's a mod? Where?

>> No.9835579

What happened with the discussion and the other thread?

>> No.9836209

>what are archives?
how new are you?

>> No.9836238

Archives are for expired threads. The deleted ones don't go there.

Great projecting, newfag.

>> No.9836258

Holy fuck, you MUST be new.
4chan's "archive" isn't the only one that exists.

>> No.9836298

Here you go, newfag.


>> No.9836299

I'm not >>9836238
I'm just extremely lazy

>> No.9838473

LH found a sissy, Trump supporter and now they're all angry.

>> No.9838499
File: 455 KB, 475x476, lolitadriver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.9838528


Oh, it's the crazy dude who roleplays as Misako's boyfriend in her Instagram comments.

>> No.9838609

I am so lost in this video but it kind of solidifies my opinion of Scarfing Scarves being a shit stirring drama bitch. Maybe if she stuck to actual interesting relevant shit like when she started or with the feminism in lolita video but her last 4 videos have been complete and utter drama stirring trash.

>> No.9838677

To be fair, even if it doesn't excuse it, there's been a slow news couple of months in lolita bullshit and she has Patreon pledges to live up to now. You've never seen stories on your local news where you were like "who fuckin cares"? Kinda the same concept.

I do agree it wouldn't have been a "shitstorm" if she had just left it between them though, as Shiri is obviously bonkers and of no consequence.

>> No.9838886

i'm fucking cringing at all the people sticking up for him cause he's in the kink community and "don't be a meanie"

>> No.9838925
File: 237 KB, 750x1001, 4D0BA454-84F3-4EF3-9372-BA8CBAD657A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She rose again on the third day

>> No.9838946

Waiting for her genius idea of gluing stars to a replica bag to come to fruition

>> No.9839024

I see users making fun of the photo, but not defending him in any way.

It’s ok to laugh even if you don’t know the background.