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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 404x300, oap larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9800838 No.9800838 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think thaere is an upper age limit for larping?
Do you know when or if you'll retire/step back from larping?

>> No.9800846

>Do you think thaere is an upper age limit for larping?
>Do you know when or if you'll retire/step back from larping?
I won't retire. The age limit here is so high I will be probably dead way before that. So I won't step back from larping either

>> No.9800975

While I don't think there's an age limit for LARPing, I believe I'll stop at some point (Probably around 40-50), late as it'd be.

Furthermore, I believe Rosso Verdi should be destroyed.

>> No.9800983

you are very optimistic about the years you will live through

>> No.9801290

Last thread an anon asked what would be the best way to get acrylic paint off metal armor. A lot of people were suggesting solvents like acetone, which will certainly get the job done, but in my experience that’s overkill for acrylics. Granted I mostly have experience washing paint off my plastic pallet, I’m pretty sure you can take care of acrylic paint with nothing but soap, hot water, and some scrubbing with a stiff brush or scouring pad. Since you’re dealing with armor you’ll want to dry it off very thoroughly though.

>> No.9801616
File: 36 KB, 720x405, Pool noodle cheval de frise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear larpthread,

I want to build a cheval de frise like that one picture floating around on the internet that calls it a pallisade. However, painting pool noodles proved harder than I thought, as most spray paint just flakes off. Does anyone know how to paint pool noodles? I think coating it like you'd do when making a latex weapon would work, but I have no idea how to do that. Anyone?

>> No.9801622

one word

déjà vu

>> No.9801626

>I think coating it like you'd do when making a latex weapon would work, but I have no idea how to do that. Anyone?
putting latex on it. That's literally the coating.

but if you don't have latex just put wood glue on the foam THEN acrylic paint or wax paste

>> No.9801653

Yeah, I think I might have posted it here before, then forgot to check in what the answers were. Difference is I actually have the materials this time, and already tried some stuff.

Wouldn't the wood glue flake off easily?

I think the way to go is to just try latexing a small part and seeing how that works out. I'm slightly concerned whether the latex will stay on top (pool noodles have relatively large holes), but I'll report back if it fails.

>> No.9802230

also there is the lazy method of using woodgrain-patterned wallpaper / window foil, I'm using the latter for all my hafted weapons. A few years ago I found some self-adhesive window foil with a really nice driftwood / deadwood grain pattern which I used for a chaos-staff.

Which raises the question, who on earth wants to put driftwood patterned foil on their windows? Someone who wants to block light AND happiness from their room?

>> No.9802261

Maybe it appeals to the Zombie Prep Poseur crowd?

>> No.9802296

No age limit for LARPing, but I might stop when I get older because people change and what have you.

Ceterum censeo Blue Marone delendam esse.
Watch your step, pleb.

It takes an age and a half though.

They're called post-apoc LARPers, with real life guns.

>> No.9802530

That's actually pessimistic, I prefer to keep my youth beauty at death

You can do better than rewriting my line

>> No.9802570

Gotta get dem Latin bullshit points brah, come on.

>> No.9803740

Those aren't larpers, they're sport fencers. Personally I look forward to becoming 60 and being the Frank Thorne of LARP.

>> No.9804078
File: 859 KB, 478x784, Tactical knight mk II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a larp where I can come in as a tactical knight.

>> No.9804105

A post-apocalyptic LARP where you play a LARPer, gun nut and MilSim airsoft enthusiast?

When the Doom Plague and Atom Wars came, he picked up his rifle and strapped on his plate to do battle with the punk gangs of the wastes.

Alas, no-one told him that mild steel plate made in India won't stop bullets but with ammo scarce in this new world he laughs in the face of the improvised weapons used by the raiders in assless chaps and no underpants.

>> No.9804135
File: 177 KB, 600x411, 1509028946175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most economical design for a fort style wall that is balanced between looking good and not being entirely shit yet not fully dug down for easy dismantling?

>> No.9804136

A well equipped phalanx.

>> No.9804163

Details man.

What's your budget? Tools, materials, skillset and workforce? Does it need to be portable or fit in a van? How long/tall does it have to be and is it a single wall or do we need to add curves, corners or gates? Does it need a rampart or fighting platform for defenders to man or is it just an impassable barrier? Are there specific safety requirements (materials, not having protruding bolts or exposed wood that might splinter etc) that the larp insists on? What do you want the thing to actually look like?

There is a shit ton of variables to consider before a sensible answer can be given.

>> No.9804593

Spray-on Plastidip, then paint. You can also use a stiff brush to add the grain of the wood while the plastidip is still wet.

>> No.9804738
File: 280 KB, 1030x700, Fate2016_Bruderschaft_des_Kreuzes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>9804105 said, post-apoclypse stuff is great for that.

>> No.9805886

I like the idea of a brigandine chest but don't want to appear like a poor knight, has anyone seen examples of brigandine that doesn't look like I'd get tossed in a mass grave at Visby?

>> No.9805900
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x1200, 1509011083329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to add accessories that display status.

Otherwise it depends on the time period and region what classifies you as a poor knight. A full blown small plated brigantine was relatively pricey and was only worn by those with the money for it, while those with a lesser budget would opt for something like a coat of plates or a visby brigantine. Materials of the brigantine is also a good way to show off.

>> No.9805905

I'm aiming more late 14th century, when there was the transition from brigandine being a common thing to globose plate and also the halfway between brig and globose plate.

I'm also lazy and don't want to make a full maille shirt so just sleeves makes the brigandine an attractive option because back defense wasn't common on plate at the time.

>> No.9806095

What would be a good kit/armour to a visored Sallet?
Should I go with a chainmail? Just a cuirass? What do?

>> No.9806106

>What do?
move to croatia and became a successful interior designer

>> No.9806217

But what if I won't manage to look back at this moment and laugh?

>> No.9806282

>What's your budget?
Basic home appliances, no heavy machinery.
Got about 10m worth of left overs from rekt buildings to cover up the not so visible sides, rest needs to be bought.
>Skillset and workforce?
Got a bunch of hillbillies who will do it for free
>Does it need to be portable or fit in a van?
I want it to be potentially dissembled in to sections in case the campaign ends or my group stops going.
>How long/tall does it have to be and is it a single wall or do we need to add curves, corners or gates?
2 meters tall, and it will eventually reach around the entire settlement with one main gate and a small rear entrance with two towers covering the front.
>Does it need a rampart or fighting platform for defenders to man or is it just an impassable barrier?
No battlements, only towers.
>Are there specific safety requirements (materials, not having protruding bolts or exposed wood that might splinter etc) that the larp insists on?
Area needs to be safe for combat of course, but people arent allowed to do climbing or other dangerous siege activities. Need a stable design for the gate, I want a two door gate that you can just secure with a large stick or something that can easily be breached by a few strong guys with a log.
>What do you want the thing to actually look like?
woodsy like

I dunno really, I guess I just want to check if anyone else here has any experience in this that they could share. I'm fairly good with designing wood works and stuff and I've already done an estimate on how much material is needed to build this fort that I want to make.

>> No.9806320

then you dun goofed

>> No.9807130

How big is the settlement you are looking to encircle?

>> No.9807594

By my google maps calculations, its 90m around.

But I do not want to encircle it all in one step, that would be unpractical and not economically motivated since it would cost a lot and everything could just fall apart overnight.

So just the front wall and a gate for now.

>> No.9807670


Anyone knows anything about those guys? This cuirass looks promising and I consider buying it.

>> No.9809082

>I like the idea of a brigandine chest but don't want to appear like a poor knight

Nothing says "temporarily embarassed millionair" like wearing armour that cost the equivalent of a high-end car covered in fabric that cost about as much which is dyed in a pigment that's probably more expensive than both of them combined, yes.

>> No.9809321

So lads, armours and costumes are all good, but what lore pieces or props are you working on? Writing any books, songs, forging more in-depth things like etiquette, biology guides, or scientific studies?

Corrazina's jump to mind, just like asking for a purple brigandine. You can always toss in a bit of belly plate to finish it all of.

>> No.9809331

>but what lore pieces or props are you working on?
trying to establish the history of a whole colony collaboratively with the other players of the colony

>> No.9809350

I'm putting more depth to the medicine lore. Right now we are looking into using the in game existing medicine to cover up a murder, so far it is looking very promising.

>> No.9809417
File: 1.38 MB, 847x1129, 20180305_194938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scabbard for a ceremonial sword used in executions by a woodsy religious cult.

>> No.9809465

Oops forgetting what I was doing. Currently reading through Baldassare Castiglione's work to write a 20 page booklet for my own setting teaching the nobility proper "modern" etiquette.

Can I uh... Carry you crafty babies, anon?

Boy, do tell!

For a second I thought you were talking about manuscripts for real life and you were looking for Atlantis. What kinda game are we to expect behind it?

>> No.9809480

>What kinda game are we to expect behind it?
Project Kepler, a hard scifi larp. Fun game elthough it will be only the second event, and obviously nearly nothing is translated to english

>> No.9809486

Medicine is pretty far advanced in our setting. There exists a strong sedative that knocks you out to the point of looking dead for 10 minutes. There is this one guy our entire group does not like.

>wait till guy is wounded and brought before the doctors
>have a mole offer him "anestethics"
>guy appears dead for 10 minutes
>watch as a doctor tries to reanimate the poor soul
>inject him again after 9 minutes
>since we have an organ shortage (pretty advanced medicine), decide after 15 minute he is not coming back and we need to harvest him
>by reaping him for organs, the surgeons will essentialy kill him, freeing us from any blame

>> No.9810842
File: 189 KB, 1200x1132, ChaosLager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it in Hungary though? If so the language shouldn't be a problem, right?
Anyway, what kinda colony you going for? Heck, I don't even know the setting what am I to expect from it?
Any narrative themes?

Dastardly af. Hope he takes it well, usually if there are people you don't like there's a big chance they're not all too great players as well...

>> No.9811194
File: 56 KB, 1600x900, 28693984_1716645238358156_1836584178_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, language is not a problem for those playing - the issue is, it won't really help you if we point you to game documentation.

Anyways, the setting is somewhat like The Expanse, but somewhat mixed up - humanity has colonized the entirety of the Solar System, Earth's nations are united under the United Earth Sphere's banner - but that reaches just a little beyond the orbit of the Moon. The rest of the Solar System is more of a corporate dystopia, as Earth Sphere citizenship is a privilege those born outside of it usually cannot afford. With the development of working Alcubierre Drives, the Oberon Foundation, a scientific organization backed by the UES and various corporations, sets off to build outposts in various extrasolar locations.

The first larp event of the series was set on the first public colony, with an open recruitment of colonists. There, the colonists discovered that the foundation of the colony was more or less built on slave labor of political prisoners "exported" from the Solar System. As proof of that was leaked back home, this led to riots in the industrial slums of Mars, supported by a lot of other factions around the other planets - enter the Mars Liberation Army.

(continued in another post)

>> No.9811215
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, 18192975_1288257917959886_5135563799697141756_o(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The current event is set on an Oberon blacksite in the TRAPPIST-1 system, which developed into a self-sustaining colony through the past six years. The so-called Heinlein Colony, after finishing a successful proof-of-concept for the terraforming and sustainability projects planned for later colonies, became home for two secret projects - details are strictly need to know.

Then everything changed, when the Mars Liberation Army attacked.

Remember those riots? Those riots made the streets of Mars a full-blown battlefield. A mysterious contact only known as Cydonia provided MLA cells with sufficient intel to conduct successful raids on security weapons caches and technology, and their most recent acquisition was an Earth Sphere Fleet warship, the Argonaut - one of the first warships to be equipped with an Alcubierre Drive. The next lead from Cydonia pointed to the Heinlein Colony - so, about a hundred volunteers from various cells of the MLA embarked aboard the Argonaut on a journey to the unknown.

The game starts four days after the Argonaut's arrival. The cruiser is disabled from the severe damage sustained during the orbital battle with its sister ship, the Titania, which doesn't look any better either. Most landers reached the ground more or less intact, though, and a battle broke out between the security forces and the MLA, ruining most of the colony. The MLA set up a FOB at one of the security stations at the outskirts of the colony, while the colonists were evacuated to one of the intact buildings in the other end. The rest of the colony is in ruins, buildings are on emergency lockdown, there is toxic / biohazard / radioactive leaks everywhere from shot-up containers, both sides suffered heavy casualties and are almost out of supplies.

This is where we begin.

>> No.9812251

Let's say I want to stand out in a medieval setting, was there any countries in Europe that had tatar influence in armor? I know some countries like Lithuania and Hungary had native tatar populations that immigrated but did their armor proliferate at all?

Or would it just be easier to say I'm rus and throw on a kuyak and call it good?

>> No.9813442

>I know some countries like Lithuania and Hungary had native tatar populations that immigrated but did their armor proliferate at all?
People tend to bring their culture and fashion with them, so most likely yes. Even if you're not part of the culture, armor and weapons are expensive so people take what they can get. If you get a chance, you'll loot some armor from a dead invader.

Basically, yeah, stuff like that tends to bleed in one way or another.

>> No.9813559

according some of the more deeply nationalsits here that's the only thing that ever existed in the country (and also superior to anything)

>> No.9816007
File: 514 KB, 701x694, hEnILKb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any French anon in there? Are there any other good LARPs apart from Kandorya?

>> No.9817120
File: 286 KB, 1030x579, EE-2016-Final-w-853-von-1412-1030x579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for someone who wants to make a mongoloid goblin?

Also dumping some orc pics

>> No.9817122
File: 295 KB, 1030x491, EE-2016-Final-w-851-von-1412-1030x491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817124
File: 133 KB, 1030x688, EE-2016-Final-w-860-von-1412-1030x688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I menat mongol goblin, not a downie

>> No.9817125
File: 204 KB, 1030x652, EE-2016-Final-w-864-von-1412-1030x652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817126
File: 212 KB, 1030x688, EE-2016-Final-w-881-von-1412-1030x688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817127

first thing first, learn how to ash off your cigarette turning to your back while pissing forward

>> No.9817129
File: 193 KB, 1030x648, EE-2016-Final-w-877-von-1412-1030x648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817132
File: 198 KB, 1030x688, EE-2016-Final-w-888-von-1412-1030x688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what if I quit pissing years ago?

>> No.9817135

then you can't be a modern mongol. I'm sorry

>> No.9817139
File: 186 KB, 1030x683, EE-2015web-229-von-854-1030x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, guess I have to settle for a mongoloid after all

>> No.9817142
File: 287 KB, 664x1030, EE-2015web-213-von-854-664x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817144
File: 280 KB, 830x1030, EE-2015web-218-von-854-830x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orc camp at the empic empires looks awesome as fuck. I always love me some nice verticality.
Are there other examples of similar structures at other larps?

>> No.9817149

joking aside. leather stuff is a must have obviously, but you will have a lot of metal stuff as well. Mongol warriors were just as heavily armoured as western knights, but in a different kind of armour, in a different way.
Basically what the orcs do at EE and drachenfest is already pretty close to it, you just need some more images on the leather.
Put on some copper plates with hammered images design and you can call it a day

>> No.9817157
File: 463 KB, 1280x660, 14516991561_56b4ccc301_o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll look into it some more.

>> No.9817465

Part of it is deciding whether you want something based more on actual Mongol or other Central Asian nomadic costume even if it's not entirely accurate, or a kit that leans more towards the stereotypical barbarian look. Osprey books can be very flawed as historical resources but the illustrations can be a good source of inspiration for LARP kit if you don't mind the inaccuracies. There are several covering the Mongols specifically and a few others dealing with other Steppe cultures if you wanted Turkic or Scythian influences mixed in.

Sabre and spear would the main melee weapons, and of course a short recurve bow is ideal but LARP archery is expensive and requires some real skill to be effective.


>> No.9817691

also if you want to see shit tier "reenactors" (I'm using the word as loosely as it is physically possible) dressed as "huns" and "nomads" or "kun-varangir-rus-vikings" then search for the word Kurultaj

>> No.9817696

I got hurt one too many times at these events. They need to make them more family friendly. If I had kids I would never bring them to a LARP con. They also need to ban people from cosplaying as non humans. They look too real and frankly they scare me.

>> No.9817701
File: 59 KB, 240x195, git gud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got hurt one too many times at these events
the problem is obvious

>> No.9817702

best response

>> No.9817723

The sheer amount of bullshit kit that this is used as an excuse for.

I saw what I expected, but it doesn't make it easier. Got any fun stories from this lot?

>> No.9817732
File: 93 KB, 960x640, 575415_594134243953655_1770474053_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only that they are tremendous faggots. You would need to know some hungarian history stuff and actual politics to actually enjoy some of the stories.
But basically huge majority of them is deep nationalists and a big part of them actually think that we are the chosen race and we came from the sirius star, or Jesus was hungarian, or at least hate the jews and/or the reptalians.
Shit like that.

It goes without saying they have a twisted view on religion too, because most of them are christian BUT also wants the "old ways" shaman/mysticism bullshit too (which in the form they like is actually just modern era invention)

And of course there is the TRUE HUNGARIAN MARTIAL ARTS (tm) called baranta which in itself is enough to laugh for a straight ten hours. As you can guess that's also a modern era bullshit.

But because these people exists a lot of leatherworkers realized some of these idiots actually have money to spend on their idiocy so stuff like pic related is created and sold for ridiculous amounts of hungarian money (which is normal amount of real money)

>> No.9817743
File: 332 KB, 960x720, 1520969151555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also need to ban people from cosplaying as non humans. They look too real and frankly they scare me.
Orc players usually (judging from local larps and drachenfest) have great looking kits, its immersive as fuck most of the time.
How faint of heart are you?

>> No.9817747
File: 275 KB, 875x1000, LeafLadies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This costs about as much as a riveted hauberk from ABS. Leather does strange things to people.

>> No.9817762
File: 84 KB, 900x675, 1626_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the too much interaction at the Bible Discussion and Study Meeting.
I mean joking aside, a whole lot of this has more than enough craftsmanship in them, but on the other hand isn't authentic as fuck BUT they are selling them as such

>> No.9817898

Fuck off soup.

>> No.9818309
File: 619 KB, 2560x1600, eomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think this piece would look pretty good with a Rohirrim kit. But Mongolian? Fuck off with that.

>> No.9818329
File: 132 KB, 334x334, petyr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on playing a Littlefinger-kind of character ? Where should I start to look and what kind of activity should I look into?
Playing a warrior/mage was much easier as you just joined a group and boom boom pam pam your way into the LARP. Playing in Europe.

>> No.9818330

mongolians, huns, scythians...
These and more are just buzz words of dudes on horses with lots of leather and also bows.
At least to the majority of people.

I mean there is this thing that the average person can distinguish between 3+1 kind of soldiers of ye olden times.
These are knights, vikings, samurai (or ninja) plus one wildcard that comes from his own culture.

>> No.9818333

The deer embelm is modelled quite closely to Scythian art styles which would match the supposed Steppe origin. Aside from that, it belongs in the Riddermark and not as part of something that pretends to be educational.

>> No.9818340

Well, you need lots of people and social skills to do that effectively. I don't think there are any useful tips out there that isn't generalized as fuck.
though this video might help a little

>> No.9818371

is that supposed to leather mirror armor? what the fuck is that trying to be

I'm a fan of creative works, because the people who are all "if your kit isn't an exact replica of armor found in visby/churburg/other archaeological find of a half rotted gauntlet then it's not period accurate" are annoying and any event where everyone looks the same would be boring, but leather armor is the only one that really grinds my gears

>> No.9818388


>> No.9821276

>They look too real and frankly they scare me.

I know what you mean, one time I went to Disney World and saw Mickey Mouse; it was some surreal shit.

>> No.9821298



I'm really interested in this sort of thing. There's a Viking-age fantasy game opening up near me and I want to do an early Kievan Rus kit for it. How do I Slav with as little bullshit as possible?

>> No.9821578

I live close to but outside of europe, where can i buy armor?
I mostly use https://www.celticwebmerchant.com
but it doesn't have everything

>> No.9821646

you don't understand.
the kun-varangir-.rus-vikings are the maximum bullshit. It's the kind of "reenactor" who has a kit that you can't decide if it's either kun or varangir or rus or viking when you look at it because probably have pieces of all culture and a few stuff that is inbetween fantasy

>> No.9821647

If you're on the eastern part of just outside of Europe... you're one lucky fucking man.


For chainmail:

For LARP weapons:

>> No.9821649

When will we finally make an official shop list?

>> No.9821653

right after when the official word wide larp committee allows it

>> No.9821654

God damn bureaucrats keeping back progress!

>> No.9821698
File: 43 KB, 564x511, Fahny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would people actually want a shopping list they can just toss into the OP?

>> No.9821701

nah, not really. I mean first of all, the shops changes all the time so someone would have to keep it up to date which won't happen.
Secondly people doesn't want a general shop list. They want to know where to buy the SPECIFIC things they want. And for that no list will be good, asking and getting an answer may or may not with an explanation will be always better

>> No.9821761

I tried to make a pastebin link like the other generals have for shopping larp gear, but when it comes to larp shops and craftsmen, they are all inconsistent when it comes to service and quality of their goods, and that frequently changes over time as well. Shops like Mytholon rely on 50+ different manufacturers to fill out their shelves, so materials/quality control/craftsmanship differs a lot, and shops that make all their goods in house usually have a swing in their general execution over time when their staffing or supplies changes.

And then you have the issue of general interest in this thread, most people here are already fully equipped for 2-4 genres/characters or they make most of their stuff by themselves.

>> No.9821763

Ah, cheers on giving it a go though. Doing God's work for the community by atleast trying haha.
And the problem HLF and you bring up seems to make sense. I mean I got my favorites though, Goldhammer and Irregular Props have been giving me great stuff all the time.

And LARP armour wise it would be great if we could get more LARPers to stop buying LARP plate if you catch my drift. I mean I got a set, and it's not too bad and yet I really wish I spent my money differently. Same goes for my chainmaille which I could've gotten with good rings and mediocore quality from India for a little more.

It's just these things that I want to spare other LARPers.

>> No.9823378

if you spare them from everything how do they learn?

>> No.9823763

Only thing I learned was that larp shopping is like playing minesweeper on hard mode but with cash.

Five years later and Im still getting ripped off by mytholon.

>> No.9824104

obviously you are bad at learning this

>> No.9824596

Wanted to ask while they're being mentioned, anyone have any experience with mytholons leather pouches? I'm kinda interested in the large louis and tostig.

>> No.9824876

>anyone have any experience with mytholons leather pouches?
Expect anything to be shit, and of different shit materials and different shit manufacturing. Mytholon has different suppliers for almost all individual products so you can mostly just judge an item specifically (and within its products lineup, like big or small variant).

That being said, for 5€ more you get something that is pretty close to historical accuracy. Double hand stitching and proper leather loophole vs machine sewn and metal buckle hole, not even a comparison. I'd go with Louis but I would expect some fitting issues, like the loop hole being to big and not tight or the cover not closing the gap completely.

Get that one but you would most likely have to complement it with a liner bag to properly secure everything inside from falling out (which should be mandatory for any belt bag that isn't secured by strings anyway).

>> No.9824996

You still around clownbro?

>> No.9825112

you will have to redo the stitches or how it's called because it's shit and break apart after a few days

>> No.9825114

I'm hoping they have a stand at the event I'm going to in a few weeks so I can inspect them myself before I actually buy anything.

Stitches aren't a huge problems. I have needles and waxed linen thread so I can redo them myself.

I was pondering on either getting bags from them or just trying a brave attempt at making some myself. Guess I'll decide at the event. Thanks for the input.

>> No.9825150
File: 67 KB, 960x716, 1357309834134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the thread they use is shit and they use fuckhuge holes in the leather. I had to redo the stitches a few places on the one that my gf bought.
On the other hand if you buy it on an event you could sometimes get it on a discounted price so even with these problems it's still worth it if you already know how to strengthen / repair it.

Otherwise, here is a pattern for a simple pouch

>> No.9825835

Very Hellgate:London. I'm fully aroused.

>> No.9827178
File: 86 KB, 700x769, youcouldhavepreventedthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a newfag? Kinda? New to pirate stuff anyway. How were grenadas carried? Bandolier thing? Pocket? Booty sack? Anybody wanna point me to some inspo?

>> No.9827544
File: 247 KB, 1000x667, 1471227779755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What larp campaign do you want to go to?

I suggest looking them up and what style of pirate garb they use. American ones are pretty easy, just order a $15 pirate costume off amazon and you are set. European ones can vary but they all have a higher standard, I know you can go with late middle ages pirate mix, baroque style pirates, potc style pirates, steampunk pirates if you go to steampunk larps etc.

>> No.9827724

Ah, sorry, I have a costume, I'm more stuck on how to carry grenadas. It's an american one but me and my roommates all roll together and we mostly set a decently high (for amerilarp) standard. I don't have to be slavishly specific to a period but I need a solid aesthetic and I have no idea how to haul around all my explosives /with/ a sword and pistol and not look like garbage.

Actually, on that note, if anyone knows any good ultra-tiny clip on colored lights I'd have purpose for those, two. Me and a buddy are playing pseudo-elemental pirates and I want to give us glowing beards.

>> No.9827756

Edward Teach/Blackbeard was notorious for taking explosives into battle and putting fireworks in his beard. May model your outfit from him?

>> No.9829304
File: 663 KB, 1024x1146, 4889bfc20001ef61125c98917d58c8ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like Grenadiers from the 18th century may have carried them in a decorated satchel. Not quite sure on that, though...

>> No.9830220 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 986x395, genther_simplified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've went through my folder and found this old pic which is about how hungarian larps changed back in the old days.
Though someone might be interested.

>> No.9830657
File: 48 KB, 986x395, genther_simplified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've went through my folder and found this old pic which is about how hungarian larps changed back in the old days.
Though someone might be interested.

>> No.9830852

who here is going to larp event de dwaler ?

>> No.9830948
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty for my event next week and want to step up my game when it comes to food.
Most people just have regular food with modern packaging which really frustrates me. I usually just eat dried meats, hard cheeses, veg/fruits, and hard tack for my weekend. things I can just store in wrapped cloth.
One of the big complaints people have when I talk about my food is that it isn't hot or cooked well. so I'm generating some easy to make meals that I can bring andcook that are fantasy friendly. I've got a cast iron pot and a hook on a pole to hang it.
I've been watching 18th century cooking on YouTube but figured I'd ask larp thread
What do you do for food? Favorite dish? Thing you hate to see?

>> No.9831040

>doesnt link to the videos

>> No.9831126

We usually try and have a designated cook, depending on the budget of the group we try to keep it as fresh as possible. Sometimes it's hard to do it within the budget but we always try to keep food IC.

Usually to keep the cook from having to perform too hard it's stews, soups etc. Since I bought a not historically accurate but definitely re-enactment tier field kitchen we can do some more fucking around with several pots and pans and dutch ovens.

Hoping to bake a pie and mess around a bit on the kitchen with the missus at slower events this year.

>> No.9831317
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x7761, DIY leather scale armour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a tutorial for making boiled leather scale armour
[warning - LARGE image]

>> No.9831594
File: 65 KB, 960x540, 20638721_802347473272764_4460228131589859724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, been busy with work.

Sailors (including pirates) and marines would never carry a grenade box like >>9829304, as it grenades were never used in prolonged combat situations. You would have one or two, touch them off, and cuck them before boarding/being boarded. Grenades are heavy as fuck, and considering how quickly you come to melee, having an extra sack of iron balls hanging off you is a problem in deck combat.

>American ones are pretty easy, just order a $15 pirate costume off amazon and you are set.

Don't fucking encourage this or it will never get better. Getting decent 18thC clothing in the US is actually one of our advantages.

Where is your game? I would love to know of other not!18thC games in the US other than ours!

Pea pottage with salt pork, and onion for trail food (pic related). Sausage and vegetable pie for street food. Fancier occasions get crazy complex.

He's a farby goof, but I have to respect Townsend as the Walmart of 18thC reenacting.

>> No.9831600

You definetely won't see grandpas larping as fucking Naruto but it's always cool to see an old man larping in a Civil War or Star Wars costume

>> No.9831607
File: 76 KB, 960x540, 20638567_802322709941907_5427833677249319550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many typos... Fucking phone.

>> No.9831856

well then how about you stop fucking your phone while you type the answer?
Seriously you slaneesh cultists....

>> No.9832134
File: 93 KB, 284x177, DELET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say this, now we'll get another unwarranted explanation about piercings nobody in their right mind wants to think about.

>> No.9832157

...I want to think about them.

>> No.9832167
File: 35 KB, 500x948, Heredicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. Please. For the sake of everybody with a shred of dignity.

>> No.9832174

That looks pretty good. Recipe?

>> No.9832176

Take your /pol/ memes elsewhere, faggort.

>> No.9832217
File: 116 KB, 700x934, ChateauPasLaMême.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ memes
It's not even a /pol/ meme you absolute newfag. Lurk moar.

>> No.9832304

>while you are at a mongolian milk brewing cave painter forum
>and in a larp thread
Your standards are unrealistic

>> No.9832444
File: 61 KB, 520x600, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spurdo sparde
>4chan meme
>/pol/ meme
Back to r*ddit with you

>> No.9832507

Trying to make an Arabian nights style costume (old arabic/ottoman empire style)
Anyone know what kind of shirt I should get as I'm having trouble finding one that isn't those long robes

>> No.9832790

I don't know, but I'm interested as well.

>> No.9832893

>Not realizing spurdo inquisition is specifically a /pol/ meme.

Found the newfags.

>> No.9833731

I'd love to see the "medieval descriptions" he's talking about here.

>> No.9833755

probably headcanon or various stuff that only slightly related to the tutorial. Only thing that he could source is probably the wax hardening

>> No.9833839

The descpritpitions were propably shown to him by the guys who participated at this event hungarian was talking about.

>> No.9833873
File: 92 KB, 558x611, main-qimg-6f7d367851f0b338262dc36c75433e3f-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to start building an outfit that i can expand upon, build up, accesorize, etc over time, to have a more proper "authentic" or "lived in" look, and i thought pic related would be a good start. While I can make the tunic easy, and I can find patterns for the pants and shoes, i can't find anything on the cape. Is it a giant square? Rectangle? Is it just two corners fastened together? Is part of it thrown back? While i see this on tons of germanic, celtic, anglo saxon and frankish works, i can never tell what's going on. I figured at least one of you has made one, so I'd ask here before winging it.

>> No.9833895

a square with a fibula yes

>> No.9833897

Rectangle* sorry, it's late

>> No.9833899


>> No.9833900

Literally a rectangular piece of wool, generally arms width on the longside and reaching to between the waist and knee. Find a nice thick army blanket, cut to size, dye it, hem the sides and pin on the weapon shoulder. For a Viking styled kit like that, you ideally want a pennanular brooch or a pin of metal or bone. Disc brooches are for girls.

>> No.9833905

Oh my, i didn't expect such a fast, efficient response given my cosplay related posts to this board. Thank you all for being so helpful.

>> No.9833907

hey, you can blame a shitton of stuff on hungarians but blame Wolin for the viking shits

>> No.9833917

My cloak is 150 x 200. It's decently sized for me, but it might be best to test out some sizes. really short people might find their cloaks dragging on the ground.
And do try to find nice, thick wool. Too thin and it's not going to do much to keep you warm.

Why the hell would you close a cloak with a disc brooch? disc brooches are for clothes, not cloaks.

>> No.9833926

You might also want to consider getting a pair of leg wrappings, they're really comfy and keep your legs warm and your pants protected.

>> No.9833937

Are they easy to make or does keeping the edges from fraying mean it's useless unless woven that size? It looks like if i just cut long strips on the bias, it should work.
I have a ridiculous amount of fabrics already, so anything i can make is preferable. Anything i don't use is being given away by the time i move in a few months.

>> No.9833943
File: 116 KB, 900x1000, WLB Cod.bibl.fol.23 Stuttgart Psalter Folio 27r (800-850).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way are disc brooches not suitable for cloaks? The Scandinavian use of other brooch forms on cloaks was purely cultural,in other contemporary cultures men did use disc brooches. They were the dominant style in Anglo-Saxon England for centuries for example.

Ideally they would be woven that size, and you can buy reproductions made that way. Hemming the edges also works but that might be unappealing if you are short on time since each leg needs about 3m of fabric.

>> No.9833946

Historically speaking they would be woven that size, but if you've got 3.5 M of wool lying around i'd say make them yourself.
Fraying shouldn't be a problem if you run a blanket stitch along the side with a sowing machine.
Most important part is that they have to be one continuous piece and the fabric needs to have a little stretch to prevent them from laddering, which is sloppy and something you want to avoid.

>> No.9833955

Thanks, I'll check my storage trunk.
I also have access to a serger, if that matters.

>> No.9834112

Don't kinkshame me, Vlad!

Just for you bby

Feel free.

You're in the wrong thread.

Put water, split peas, shredded country ham, onion, and garlic into a pot of water. Cook till pottage. Perhaps add available herbs and pepper.

Sale on the pattern, at that!

He has none, most likely.

>> No.9834202

My sister Larps and her birthday is coming up. Any ideas what I could get her?
I don’t know what kinds of larps she goes to but she has a sword and that’s it so I was thinking of getting her an alternate weapon.

>> No.9834341

>I don’t know what kinds of larps she goes to but she has a sword and that’s it so I was thinking of getting her an alternate weapon.
that could backfire easily for various reasons but if you can figure out the larp we might able to look up the safety rules of what is allowed.
Then there is only the question of what kind of weapon she should get but I think it's hard to go wrong with a dagger

>> No.9834453

I actually somehow got it into my head that he was going for specifically scandi. Not sure where the hell I managed to get that from though.

>> No.9834464

Why don't you just make one out of wood?

>> No.9834492

Having made several for work:
*Weight and size making transport difficult
*Danger of actual impalement during play
*Site building rules

>> No.9834625

Wouldn't give her a weapon unless you want to fork over a decent amount of cash. Rather, look her op on Facebook/whatever social media and look at the kind of LARP she goes to.
From that point on you can think of small trinkets and stuff. Medieval LARP? A lot of people still walk around without good cutlery for the (semi) period, hairpins, belt decorations, pouches (get a female pouch and not a male one) ink, natural fabrics, the list goes on and on.

>> No.9834753
File: 264 KB, 1000x667, 1471285201944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some inspo for a christian monk like fanatic character, starting from scratch, and I kinda want to mix it with a W40K chaplain style.

And yes, I will be purging (actively).

>> No.9834960

You could always just ask her, you know. I know it ruins the surprise, but it could save you both a lot of trouble.
Otherwise you could look at her kit and make a judgement call about what you think she'd like. Maybe she could use a better set of belts, or a cloak, or a couple pieces of armor.

Weapons are risky because not every game has the same safety rules, and individual marshals can be pretty arbitrary about what they allow. Costume and armor are much safer choices imo

>> No.9835723

What Gropey said

>> No.9835968

I somehow got really hyped for the event Conquest of Mythodea, in Germany (I am in Norway).

Since I won't be able to attend this year, I was hoping I would try preparing for next year by getting a driver's license (ease of travel, esp with extra stuff like tents and maybe some light furniture).

I'm posting in case anything have been to this event, for I was quite unsure about how to make a character! I want to play a character with healing abilities (physical or magic, both are ok) and I want to know more about the process!
As well as maybe some tent suggestions/tips?

>> No.9836102

>As well as maybe some tent suggestions/tips?
Sahara 400 is the cheapest tent that gets a pass as an IC tent. Don't buy army tents for IC use.

>> No.9836124

This tent looks great!
The other ones that I found has no 'flooring', which concerned me. It's a bit more expensive, but it might be worth it?

>> No.9836138

Any good larp groups in the pacific northwest? I've been out of it for quite a while (iirc last time I larped was V:tM in 1999) but I left as it was a cringefest of older guys trying to get into the younger girls pants. As a younger girl at the time (underaged) it really turned me off of it around here, but I'm hoping to get back into it. I don't really mind the genre, I have experience with V:tM and SCA stuff specifically, but am always willing to do something new and have fun with people

>> No.9836148

Flooring is nothing short of a must. You will hate yourself for not having it.

>> No.9836266

funny you should post this... I was about to ask how one would go about making the hat for an inquisitor getup

>> No.9837739

any good resources to get low-cost bracers and whatnot? just something .. really cheap that i can alter.

>> No.9837992

Leather or metal?

>> No.9838001

i think leather would suit my planned character, but if you have a resource for metal, that would also be cool!

>> No.9838113

Make it yourself and make it yourself, respectively. Failing that, all store-bought low end leather bracers cost roughly the same. I think archery bracers are slightly cheaper.

>> No.9838830

Any particular part of the PNW you're looking at? Or are you willing to drive a couple hours for literally anything remotely close?

Also, even if you don't mind genre all that much, do you have any preference for parlor (VtM style) games vs. boffer/combat larps?

>> No.9838834

I live near portland but don't mind driving a bit. Either works, been a while since I've done anything combat, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had a group. Heck, even D&D/shadowrun tabletop would be great, though this is obviously not the thread for that so I didn't mention it before.

>> No.9839335

>tfw no one LARPs in your area

>> No.9839349

Why is there a LARP thread in /cgl/? Wouldn't it fit better in /tg/?

>> No.9839352

I need pictures of shitty tabard-over-tshirt costumes, larpthread. For argument reasons. Can you help me out? Googling "bad larp costume" gets me a bunch of good costumes, for some backwards-ass reason.

>> No.9839361
File: 157 KB, 500x309, knightshrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved here a while ago because /tg/ is way too fast and the thread gets bumped off the board during slow days. Also a handful of fa/tg/uys get triggered by LARP.

>> No.9839368

>/tg/ is way too fast
No kidding, coming here from faster boards feels like you're watching snails race by comparison.
It's no issue either way, there's never too many LARP threads. I just wish I could participate.

>> No.9839609
File: 200 KB, 585x467, 1306168602459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what he said >>9839361

how shitty are we talking about? like this?

>> No.9840290


>> No.9840401
File: 275 KB, 640x480, 1318436401616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, have a few more

>> No.9840405
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>> No.9840406
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>> No.9840407
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>> No.9840409
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>> No.9840413
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>> No.9840882
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barely passable for post-apoc

>> No.9840948

This question is more for the buhurt/sca/hema types: how do you train? Does it have any overlap with larp combat for you? What system do you use?

>> No.9840974

>Does it have any overlap with larp combat for you?
a little bit, most of it is aimed at the face tho/contains grappling so YMMV.

t. hemaguy

>> No.9840978

you can barely pass him in any setting if you don't have some kind of vehicle

I train for hema, no separate training for larps, or at least anything that you would call a training.

And while it is true that a lot of techniques go for the head, most techniques won't work because of the properties of the larp swords.
Also if you can manipulate the distance good enough than you can attack the shoulders and arms instead of the head

>> No.9840987
File: 72 KB, 600x600, BeltDeco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, how do you deal with the struggle of making kit pics? My kit isn't finished but I want to show it off all the same. Will this paradoxical feeling ever subside?

I just want to post WiPs without shaming the thread.

>training for LARPs

Just make sure you have a decent shield and polearm line and you will be able to ROFLstomp pretty much everything.

>> No.9840993

>Will this paradoxical feeling ever subside?
so just post the pics

>> No.9840994

I'll make/post a collage of 15th century faggotry either today or this weekend when the missus will be able to take pics.

>> No.9840997

good taste.

post your WIPs and prepare for helpful tips/searing criticism

>>training for larps
honestly? group larp fighting and training with friends and/or local community can lead to really cool moves with some of preparation and practice.
also its good fun if you are into combat as much as roleplay.
I personally practiced with friends different styles so my character would look believable in battle and it worked wonders (i was no expert but it looked good enough to get a lot of compliments from people i fought against and from bystanders too)

>> No.9841007

I do larp trainings every two weeks, but most of it is "this is some basic swordfighting theory, and this is why it doesn't work in larp, now hit each other with foam swords". Still, it's fun.

Larp weapons are annoyingly bouncy, though.

>> No.9841030

>group larp fighting and training with friends and/or local community can lead to really cool moves with some of preparation and practice
Group fighting is always a good thing to train. Having some dudes who understand basic commands, and subscribe to some basic rules, really improves combat efficiency.

My group has the following commands:
>Line to <name>
Form a line with <name> at the center
>Offensive/defensive circle/horseshoe
Form a circle or horseshoe with the weapons pointed inwards or outwards depending on the command.
>Break off <name>
Named person breaks off to stop skirmishers
>Switch <name>
Named (or touched) person and commanding person switch places in a clockwise motion (to avoid collision).
>Generic commands such as "move", "hold", etc.

Any fun commands/tactics/tricks to try?

>I personally practiced with friends different styles
What do you mean by this?

>> No.9841078
File: 26 KB, 473x960, sammyknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly play a fencer-type with a rapier.
I practiced looking like i know what im doing with a katana and a jian to play an eastern inspired character,
other times with a saber to pick up slav combat mannerisms.
other times for a viking-like character, or a knight, or a sand nomad (arabia) and so on and so forth.

>> No.9841420
File: 616 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1522802084347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-2 fencing/armoured practices a week and daily drills/Pell work. I do not train specifically for LARP combat, as so many of the practical techniques are forbidden. That said, I do trying to incorporate as much fencing and fighting manual technique come to my LARP fighting as I can. It does help, because most people are unaware of such things as parrying and hilt control. Pic is my pell.

>> No.9841442
File: 127 KB, 226x205, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the autism shield

>> No.9841465

fencing/HEMA isn't larping

>> No.9841468

>most of it is aimed at the face/contains grappling
>most techniques won't work because of the properties of the larp swords
Techniques the require bindwork like abstenzen or duplieren don't carry over, but refining your basic footwork, measure, and learning to plan out your assault is always useful.

>LARP training
Please don't train HEMA or martial arts because you want to get better at foam swordfighting. Nothing else will translate over to the game you're playing very well unless you're a already a good fighter/athletic anyway.
If you want actual advice, just train cardio regularly and meet up with people out of game just to dick around with swords.

>> No.9841634

LARP thread is a catch all for historic recreation, larping, renfest, HEMA, and buhurt.

And yes, HEMA is larping. You're still a nerd like us <3

>> No.9841705
File: 596 KB, 570x757, ThinkingEmoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 angry HEMA fags will start the "I'm a martial artist" meme.

>> No.9841771

It's even better when the SCAfags and reenactment guys get in on it.
It's LARP all the way down

>> No.9841869

are you guys retarded or just simply from the US?

>> No.9841988

>I'd love to see the "medieval descriptions" he's talking about here.

Couple of early middle age illustrations show frankish dudes with squares all over their bodies, I think. It's a small step from that to viking leather armour in the scene.

>> No.9842853

That's actually pretty dope to have in your yard

>> No.9842951

buy the sahara 400 deluxe, its worth it, nothing will get wet ever

>> No.9842979

show them then

>> No.9843233

Can confirm. I have one too, worth every cent. Definitely get the deluxe version over the normal version, or at least get an inner tent.

>> No.9843257

Saharas are decent modern tents but I don't get the hard-on everybody has for them.
They have frameworks that don't look historically accurate, and got plastic in a few of the designs and zippers as well.

For a little more you can get a Saxon or heck for about the same time you can get a bell tent. Sure it's a little clunkier to transport: but if you know where to buy they're pure wood and linnen or canvas.

>> No.9843264

They are great for those unwilling to sacrifice the comforts of modern camping for historical accuracy, which is a substantial portion of larpers.

If you don't want to go all the way with being historical, but don't want to be sent off to the OoC tent field in the far corner, Sahara tents are a great solution.

>> No.9843269
File: 2.13 MB, 4096x2304, P_20170725_193541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the kind of people who will never have their very own river inside of their tent.
Pig disgusting plebs all of them

>> No.9843271

I'll forever remain a dry pleb, and you can't stop me!

>> No.9843274
File: 156 KB, 994x745, NeverForget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know true LARPing is suffering

Next thing you're going to tell me you actually enjoy this hobby. Fucking casuals.

Never forget Schlarmageddon.

>> No.9843278
File: 1.76 MB, 2315x2315, 20170728-_7280548_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are angering the mud gods

>> No.9843809

Concerning training for larp i train with my group twice a week

Basically what we take from hema are the stances, how to move and the drills

If you wanna practice alone I highly recommend saber treateses since there is a huge emphasis on cut and not so much on thrust

If you want to train in a group you'll need games, drill and activities to guide and not just be a bunch of dudes hitting each other

Battle training is quite hard cause you need to be enough and have a group willing to listen and follow orders but if you do then you will most likely wreck the opposition since 80% of larpers have no fighting experience whatsoever.

Now I'll list some exercises we use:

Trollball:many ruleset but it's great to simulate small unit fight with an objective
Great emphasis on looking the battlefield as a whole not just your fight

Bruce Lee: one guy with 3hp against a horde that come one by one every 5 second they get 1 hp
The one killing Bruce Lee become Bruce Lee

Sauron:an exercises we use to train ourselves to die epicly.
Basically someone is Sauron wrecking ass and all the other are minions getting blasted to Oblivion
The goal is to die epicly and that's it

Great exercises for npc or just to lower the ego of someone thinking too highly of himself
>I'm invincible
>Go fight Sauron five time and come back

Get the objectives:a bunch of little things to grab the team with the most of them win
2 team: can't steal objectives as long as someone is in the base
More teams:can steal objectives as long as someone is dead

Those are basic exercises which we often use I'll try to come by and answers your questions if you have some.

>> No.9844466

Google tells me Trollball is played at Bicolline, but I can't find a description or any of the rulesets. What rules do you use?

>> No.9844675

Nice stuff anon! I suggest Sword&Buckler, namely I.33 for the HEMAlarping stuff.

As for games, we have a game called "Factor" (But you can call it "Assassin" or "Ninja Blade" or whatsoever if you fancy the cooler names)

Each person starts with their weapon/loadout of choice, hopefully keeping it somewhat balanced (Sword&Shield, Longsword, Spear...)
And one person is the "factor"/"assassin" who only has a knife or a dagger.

It's an FFA game, you'd have either 2-3HP or go for local limb chop, dying after two limbs are lost or in one torso shot.
When you die, you must complete 5 pushups or 10 situps before returning to the fight. In that time, the other players can take your weapon and leaving you with theirs, or taking a part of it (For example, if you go Rapier and Dagger and I got an Arming Swors, I'll take your Dagger, or replace your Rapier with my Arming Sword.) As a rule of thumb: Don't leave the dead person severely outgeared.

The factor can oneshot people, but he has to get really close to them without them noticing. No one could hit him but he should keep his distance when you point your sword at him at reasonable reach (A few steps).
If the Factor stabbed you, he takes your weapon/loadout and you become the Factor.

>> No.9844809
File: 54 KB, 415x423, i039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is LARP.
LARP is everything.

This still sounds like bad interpretation. Like the "spots" on the smaller Bayeux Tapestry knights being "ring mail"

Thanks. Its an old SCA helmet from the 80's... 10 and 12g mild steel.

I also have a square of canvas with a cutting diagram on it for indoor work on rainy days.

>> No.9845005

weird i find a lot of different rules but i'm a baguettefag so i find them in baguette langage

trolball basicaly is a 5v5 match in ten points
kill the enemy team and score 1 point
score a touchdown and score 2 points

1 Hp each
and every 3 round or so we add some special rules to this round so that the game isn't bland


yup I.33 s quite good but it really use a lot of thrust which in a hema context really is nice cause thrust is quite a powerfull tool but it's forbidden in almost every Larp i know of

That's why i prefer to use saber treateses almost no thrust in it

as for the "assasin game" i quite like it we never really found a way to integrate being stealthy in our games and it seems like quite a good way of doing it

>> No.9845049

Yeah, I figured the French sites I was coming across might have rules. But I'm a burger who didn't take baguette in school.

Anyway, that sounds a little bit like a game one of my local GMs introduced at his game. They never gave it an official name, and the players started calling it Sportsball.

Teams of 4-6 plus a manager, exact size doesn't matter as long as they're even.
Players start lined up on their side of the field, with a ball in the middle.
Each player must keep one hand free to handle the ball (so only one-handed weapons allowed).
You can only walk/run when your manager "activates" you. If they activate someone else, you have to stop in place.
You can still move your upper body when not activated, but your feet have to stay planted.
Everybody has 1HP and armor is ignored.
Objective is to get the ball to the enemy's side for 1 point, first team to 3 points wins.

>> No.9845058

lot of similarities indeed

but no activation and such
look the rules of jugger
it's more of a sport but it's quite similar to trollball

>> No.9845334

What do you think of larp models like Raquel Skellington? Are they real larpers or just there too attract more male players?

>> No.9845387

>Raquel Skellington

>> No.9845643

I want to watch a movie with good medieval combat in it. Or basically any melee stuff from roman times all the way up to middle ages.

What do I watch?

>> No.9845655

That's pretty badass. Do your neighbors complain?

>> No.9845707

Ironclad 2 is okayish
A Knight's Tale if you count Jousting
Troy (I think? The one with Brad Pitt)
Kingdom of Heaven

That's all I got so far, I'm usually more into later periods.
In another note, is there a recommended site/pinterest board/tumblr blog/etc where I can see top-tier kits of all sorts (Or if sorted by kind-Even better)? I just need inspo or to drool over others' work and would want a place for that

>> No.9845713

Im mainly looking for an action movie with historical melee fights.
(for style and popcorn munching)

>> No.9845813

Saharas are for plebs who dont have wool clothing or proper leather boots to stay dry in the mud field.

>> No.9846393

Knowing Gropey, his neighbors are probable too scared to say anything.

>> No.9846399

I was told to find Gropy the clown

>> No.9846579

This better not be about fucking falchions.

>inb4 this is followed by 2 falchion threads

>> No.9846590

They are used to it. I am not a bad neighbor.

Whats up?

About Falchions...

>> No.9846610

Hello Gropey!!! I was told you were the best person to ask about painting faces white!

>> No.9846636

Search the archive for Gropey's makeup guide.

>> No.9846676

He also happens to be the best person to ask about tattooing Elder Futhark runes on your eyelids!

>> No.9846696

bless u

>> No.9846709
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>> No.9846881

You can't just say this without explaining.

>> No.9846980
File: 190 KB, 816x896, 1351042597578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got u anon

>> No.9846992

He used to be a professional tattoo artist or something, and he's got some hardcore traditional tattoos like woad with bronze needles and shit. He recently posted stuff on his facebook where a legit Native American guy was tattooing a snake on him with a thorns and bone needles.

>> No.9847746

That, and he's a big fan of norse heritage like windmills and runes!

>> No.9847771

Aren't we all?

>> No.9847787

What? No he's not.

>> No.9847796

>he's a big fan of norse heritage like windmills and runes!
when you put it like this it sounds totally lame

>> No.9847798


>> No.9847971

>Inability to convey personal humor to the neurotypical

So you have aspergers? Most anons know, clownfag is pretty firmly not of Nordic descent but knows a good bit of the history and culture.

>> No.9848098

>norse heritage like windmills
Is this supposed to reference something? Like an in-joke?

>> No.9848224

He's making a joke about swastikas, but as Hungarian says, he's making it super lame.

>> No.9848845

Tell me about falchions!

>> No.9848905

They are a type of bird, bigger than a kestrel, but smaller than a hawk or eagle...

>> No.9849021

>find local Renaissance martial arts training group
>really shy about joining because I'm an overweight bitch
>go to /asp/ to get tips on how to practice or get fit

WTF LARP /cgl/? Where do I get tips to get training for Renaissance Martial Arts/HEMA?

Anyways, hope this is related enough to LARP.

>> No.9849082

Boy do I have some news for you about HEMA!
Also, just search for HEMA on the catalog. It should be right there, unless the /asp/ies finally let it die.

>> No.9849086

I'm guessing it died, nothing on HEMA. There's a /mag/ thread though, is that worth looking into?

>> No.9849123

Sure? There's nothing in /mag/ that you won't get anywhere else. Armed martial arts tend to get laughed out of the room when MMA is on the table.
I wouldn't sweat it either way. Outside of the tournament crowd, HEMA folks aren't super competitive or focused on fitness.

>> No.9849184

Posted this in a random /tg/ thread:

I'm a pretty /fit/ guy who's done martial arts since I was a kid (middle age now with kids). I've also been playing tabletop rpgs for just as long.

Should I check out my local LARP....group? Does any of this transfer to that hobby? Is it as gay as it seems?

I kinda also wanna check out HEMA or SCA or whatever it is where I can armor up and hit people with weapons full force.

>> No.9849385
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>Full force
Friendo, it's called Armored Combat League. With your background you'd be a shoe-in. There are chapters all over the US and Europe. Look around and Facebook and ping people directly, they'll hook you up - they love fresh meat.

>> No.9849387


Ever heard of a fucking eco-terrorist drug-taking all-destroying organisation of LARPers called The Mushroom Elves?

>> No.9849416

America, EU, Slav, Nordic, or Other?

>> No.9849418

to be honest, the asp hema threads are mostly shit. I mean it's like 80% shit and 20% meaningful conversation. Which is slightly below the 4chan standard.

short version: entirely depends on where you live and what kind of larp you find.
But if you are interested in larping it might worth a try

>> No.9849431
File: 194 KB, 887x958, IMG_20180411_121430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about the sword. According to the 3.5 rulebook it' 8 lbs. That's more than fishy. I know that some of them are heavy, like 4lbs+, but 8 seems too much. I'm really interested how would they handle IRL.

>> No.9849437
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>> No.9849444

if you want falchion facts talk to cutleranon and he will either shrug that there were a literal fuckton of different kinds or give you so much facts that you don't know what to do with them.

>> No.9849450

>Where do I get tips or training for HEMA
At the Renaissance martial art training group you just mentioned. Nobody gives a shit about you being overweight if they're not shit people.
If you're at the point you're unable to move or something, that's a different case.
How bad is your case, what so you lack (Cardio/Strength/Both) and what weapons does your group train?

The /hemag/ died because of the wrestlingbois. The HEMAfags are all on Discord now.

>> No.9849470

Actually I would be interested in the distal taper of the type 2a blades and the occurrence of type 3e before the end of the 15th century and outside of italy and the HRE.

>> No.9849473

ehh... then we will have to summon cutleranon.

There, now wait a few hours and he will be here

>> No.9849567
File: 89 KB, 512x614, Speculum Historiale, 1463 BNF Fr50 fols 324v - Martydom of saint savinian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brief answer, because HLF is heckling me online to answer......

Type 2's are a difficult group to give comprehensive answers for, there's only 2 verifiable originals, and a 3rd one that is heavily tainted by association with an antiques dealer with a long reputation of peddling fakes.

however, there's some evidence to indicate that 2a's dont have distal taper, but a *medial* taper - that is, they narrow along the blade, and then splay outward for the tips to be reinforced points. Much like others of the Type1 groups, and early type 3a's, profile tends to be pretty dramatic, 60% or more from initial thickness (5-6mm to about 2-2.2mm isnt uncommon) at the widest point, and then rapidly flaring back out, to 5, 6 even 8mm thick for a powerful point. Despite that thickness in the tips, they are *light* - both of the surviving archaeological examples are under 900g (2lbs) - that's pretty typical for most falchions though - small, light, and fast as hell.

But it should be noted that type 2's are very short-lived - 50-75 years at most, and the most likely reason for that is that they simply didn't work vs armour...

Which is probably why the type 3's replaced them over time as more effective.

3e's are a bit of a rat-bastard to define, really. there's almost no extant examples (oh, what a surprise there.), but we do see them a *lot* in manuscript art, particularly french and Flemish, appearing from the late 14th C - but most of the really clearly depicted ones are later 15th C. pic related, from the BNF.FR.51 "Speculum historale", french, C. 1463

>> No.9849635

I'm just chubby I guess. I can move, lift weights, do cardio (I'm not the greatest runner mind you).

The group I'm looking into is ARMA affiliated. They teach a whole range of up to eight weapons it seems but mainly this specific group focuses on European Longsword.

>> No.9849642


>> No.9849651
File: 43 KB, 369x1000, IMG_20180411_190817_090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep that summoning ritual in mind.

I should look into 14th century sources more deeply. The earliest depiction I had of a 3e was from 1480 on a messer. I mainly asked about it because I only know about three surviving originals. A messer from ~1500, a Brescian storta from 1530 and the one in the MET of course, each of them are later than 1490.

About the really heavy falchions... Pic related

>> No.9849664

Then you're more than okay. If your group is anything like mine, they'll make sure to condition you as well.

The benefit of the Euro Longsword is that it's not a very physically tiring weapon, compared to stuff like the Rapier (For me, anyway.)

ARMA are NOT the one under Jon Clements, right?

>> No.9849933

Just the man I'm looking for! Is it possible to be an effective fighter with a smallsword in an unarmored battlefield situation, or is it strictly for civilian use?

>> No.9850034

An unarmored battle doesn't exist
Or if it exist then not without bigass shield like the celts
The smallsword really was a civilian weapons
If you want a battle weapon you take a spear or any pole weapon if you still want a sword then you'll need a shield cause if you don't have one you will just get your ass kicked

>> No.9850053

>An unarmored battle doesn't exist
>Or if it exist then not without bigass shield like the celts
>If you want a battle weapon you take a spear or any pole weapon if you still want a sword then you'll need a shield cause if you don't have one you will just get your ass kicked

Would you like to change anything about your answer given that the smallsword was primarily used from the mid 1600s and on through the 1700s?

>> No.9850060
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But would you really consider that a falchion, rather than a swiss saber?

Totally. Late 17th-18thC field officers throughout Europe would carry specifically made military smallswords into battle, much like earlier military rapiers. The lower officers who were intending to get stuck in would quite regularly carry a smallsword with a less ornate hilt, and heavier, thicker blade specifically made to withstand the rigours of combat against hangers, sabres, and other heavier swords. The most extreme of these would be something like the Colichemarde.

Earlier in the 18thC (and later, depending on your unit traditions), you even see mass production and issuance of munition military smallsword-style swords to the average infantryman, called L'epee du soldat. Pic related.

As a weapon, if you are not worried about facing armour, and understand the limitations of reach, then it is perfectly fine as a weapon, because it is a purpose designed weapon.

>An unarmored battle doesn't exist
Both in real history, and larping, you're wrong
>Or if it exist then not without bigass shield like the celts
So everything from the 17thC onwards doesn't count as a battle?
>The smallsword really was a civilian weapons
Except not
>If you want a battle weapon you take a spear or any pole weapon
Funny enough, polearms are the main arm of the 18thC officer
>if you still want a sword then you'll need a shield cause if you don't have one you will just get your ass kicked
Depends on your game dynamics and setting, and your skill.

>> No.9850071

If you go to a battle you have polearms. Any sword (except bidenhänders which are technically polearms) is a secondary weapon for close quarters if the polearms fails.
Forget large shields and smallswords. Get yourself a long pointy stick if you want to survive on a battlefield. Armour also helps a lot.
I would. It's a large single edged blade with bidenhänder accessories. There is no strict definition of the swiss saber (nor for falchions) and the surviving originals that are regarded as such usually have basket hilts, my example does not. But in the end it's just semantics.

>> No.9850084
File: 122 KB, 540x387, Bayonets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forget large shields and smallswords. Get yourself a long pointy stick if you want to survive on a battlefield. Armour also helps a lot.

While Anon never mentioned having a shield, and I think it's safe to assume that either his character, or his game is set in a later tech level/period (like my main game) from his particular request, I will agree that pointy sticks are damn useful.

Especially at the end of a musket.

>> No.9850085
File: 54 KB, 600x400, pikes alatriste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come wih your small sword me and my unit is waiting

Of course the smallsword was used in battle but it 'ever was the primary weapons
Yes officier used it but you know what in the period it was used the main battle weapons was the rifle
And it was only officier who used it so not really the guys doing the dirty work

Then again if we remove firearm from the equation I think that no real battle occured without armor or protection
So I still use my experience of the celts that didn't for some of them wear any armor but still used bigass shield

Is the smallsword usable in battle .yes like any other weapons but if you want to be efficient then you must have a polearm or a shield + whatever

>> No.9850095

I assume you meant shield + pointy stick/projectile weapon

>> No.9850096

...I think you're missing the point, Anon.

Are you not considering that his game is not one about spears and shields and armor? Not every game is pseudo-medieval.

>> No.9850109

The fuck are you on?

>> No.9850110
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>Of course the smallsword was used in battle but it 'ever was the primary weapons
No one implied it is. Anon asked if it a viable weapon, which it is, and has seen regular battlefield use.
>Yes officier used it
Again, l'epee du soldat was a standard issue sword for a lot of units until the 1760's, especially French, Italian and Spanish.
>in the period it was used the main battle weapons was the rifle
Musket. Big difference.
>And it was only officier who used it so not really the guys doing the dirty work
Thats incredibly wrong, but OK.
>Then again if we remove firearm from the equation I think that no real battle occured without armor or protection
>So I still use my experience of the celts that didn't for some of them wear any armor but still used bigass shield
I again say you're missing the point completely, but its probably lost on you.

>> No.9850114 [DELETED] 

For specifics, like Hungarian said, you want cutleranon. But I do know enough to tell you that 8 lbs. is far overweight for any kind of sword, even a greatsword.

>> No.9850159

What is your native language, anon?

>> No.9850214

But Gropey, how can you possibly refute anon's point?
Especially after all the sources he's cited

>> No.9850403
File: 91 KB, 800x450, TranslatiSuntInGoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non, A. (2018, April 12). Listen here you little shit [Blog post]. Retrieved April 12, 2018, from http://boards.4chan.org/cgl/thread/9800838#bottom

There you go.

Bad grammar and a load of Eastern-European anger most likely.

He just thinks of using it as your sole and main weapon which... might not be the best idea. That he has to do it in the 'tism braggy way is just his style I guess.

>> No.9850433

>Non, A. (2018, April 12). Listen here you little shit [Blog post]. Retrieved April 12, 2018, from http://boards.4chan.org/cgl/thread/9800838#bottom
>There you go.
how many drugs you are on right now anon?

>> No.9850477

Okay i'm back i've slept and i really needed it
sorry about the grammar and the anger on my last post i was coming back from my larp battle training the fatigue and the adrenaline caused this

let's have a more civil talk

first let's define a battle
because while i agree that there is a lot of unarmorded skirmishes when you go to battle there is a preparation time so people have time to take protection

and i'm not really i know that while med-fan larp is the majority it isn't all of it

but even tho i still argue that if projectile weapons are in large quantity then the smallsword won't be your primary weapon
it's still a good secondary but not a good primary

and again you could use the smallsword effectively in a med-fan context as a primary if you combine it with a shield
and i'm not pulling this out of my ass i mean a "short thrust oriented sword" pretty much describe the gladius as well which was used for a long time by the roman in combination with the scutum their own version of the bigass celts shield

now if we leave the context of a battle and look to the duels and skirmishes then it's another story and it really depend on the skill of the user
a duel between a spearman and a swordmen is still to the advantage of the spearmen but not so much as in a battle formation and i say this by experience and if you want to see it in action look at hema sparring sessions especially schoolagladatoria where you can see duel session and skirmishes sessions

>> No.9850530

Just save face, and stop posting.

>> No.9850552

i won't.
i like to talk about subjects even when i'm wrong because it means i'm learning something new

i quite like history but i'm not making a lot of research i'm more of a fighter and so i speak with my personal experience and the experience of people i've fought with.
would it be larp, hema, modern martial arts or just street fights

So tell me where i'm wrong according to you.
and try to be convincing not just asking e to shut up cause i won't.

as an exemple of good way of shutting me up

did a good job by pointing out that the epee de soldat was a standard issued sword for a lot of units
while i thought that it was more common for those soldiers to just have a bayonnet or a saber but it make sense not to overburden soldier with a saber when a smallsword will do the job if all else fail

>> No.9850559
File: 16 KB, 480x360, ArmourPiercing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every larp near me has a "arrows inflict armour piercing damage" rule. From what my professional scholarly research in the form of watching a few videos indicates, this is bullshit. Results I've seen (depending on bow, type of armour and angle) ranged from "bounces off harmlessly" to "significantly reduced penetration".

Why do people keep doing this in their rule systems? Even when you disregard the perspective of realism (which is fair in larp), I don't understand why you'd want this rules-wise. In most games, a single arrow to the chest of someone wearing plate over a gambeson is enough to KO him. It should fucking hurt, I agree, but that's what armour points represent anyway: injuries that still hurt, but don't inflict life-threatening damage.

I also feel like it fucks up the XP economy. You now NEED at least 2 hp per hit location (fuck hp per hit location systems in general, but that's not the point, all larps near me do it) in order to not die to any archer you encounter. This drives up the value, thus the cost, meaning you have to spent more XP on the single most boring ability in larp character creation. It's not even to balance archery, as those same systems tend to give monsters HP pools instead.

>> No.9850563

short answer:
People try to balance in a rock paper scissor way various stuff but they fail because of retardness.

Also, any rules which have separate kind of damages is highly questionable if not outright shit

>> No.9850567
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All of them, also, L2APA.

>> No.9850573

most of my local group don't use this rule
some of them include the fact that arrow inflict a high quantity of damage

but i went to some event that used that used that rule and when i asked why the answer was to boost the archers:
they knew an arrow couldn't in real life pierce an armor
an arrow in real life compared to larp travel a greater distance and is a lot faster so people tend to just avoid them while you can't do it with a real arrow
another point was that there isn't a lot of archer in larp even in big envent so it was to boost the individual power of each archer

Some Larp like conquest still include a rule to prevent the piercing effect which for conquest is you have to wear plate and mail

never forget that larp is a game and like every game it has rules that need to be balanced

>> No.9850575

>So tell me where i'm wrong according to you.

>> No.9850578

I could get behind the "balancing archers" argument if it actually worked against monsters, not just against players.

>> No.9850792

He won't listen, because I don't think he understands.

>> No.9850826

What game are you going to where things work differently against monsters vs. players? Or are you playing one of those badly written games with crap refs where every player is an overpowered metagaming shit and every monster has a bajillion Resists so they don't die 0.01 of a second into a fight?

>> No.9850867

>Helping run a small event mainly for some local larp organisers whose larger larp I go to.
>Their last event a few weeks ago was underwhelming.
>Partner and I tried to be nice about it and we were planning go to their events in the future.
>Despite my efforts it's obvious my friends and I didn't have a great time.
>They suddenly quit my event just days before it happens with a disappointingly lame excuse.
We only have three players and six crew left now. I was going to keep going to their events but this is so damn annoying and seems really petty. I feel like quitting their game after this, I'm really pissed off.

>> No.9850958

Players have hit points and armour points per hit location. Monsters are just given a hit point pool and are told to roll with it.

I don't like it, as it means any armour on monsters has no mechanical effect whatsoever, but it's what both games I've been in the monster crew of do.

>> No.9851059

oh i understand
basicaly my point in 15 words:
>smallswords arn't an efficient primary weapon in battle unless you combine them with a shield

now i'd like to have your point in 15 words or less

generally monster not having armor and just a big pool of HP are big and slow which in itself is quite a huge advantage for any kind of projectile weapon

>> No.9851128

>now i'd like to have your point in 15 words or less

Military smallswords were purpose made for centuries as a dedicated melee weapon. Suck my dick.

>> No.9851131



>> No.9851180

Military knife were purpose made for millennia and still in use today then again I wouldn't advise anyone to go against a tank with just a knife

Cause of course historical accuracy is really what matters in a larp and no one will ever use a smallsword with a shield in a larp they wouldn't dare betray my historical immersion

Oh and smallword is a type of sword that is quite short
below the meter and often below 85 cm which for a sword is short

>> No.9851183

... You're a special kind of idiot.

>> No.9851195

I can't tell if you're a troll or mentally deficient. I'll assume the latter for your sake

>> No.9851207

Still not seeing your point in 15 words or less my lad

Non of the above
I just like the art of verbal jousting and for quite a moment you were a good opponent

Sadly you turned for the last few post in a ball of rage and injure which Is quite saddening since I enjoyed our discussion

... knuckle dusters are a purposely designed melee weapons used by modern armies then again I wouldn't advise anyone to go into battle with just this

>> No.9851210
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>> No.9851212

>Purpose made smallswords of the 1700s existed and were used in combat as a standard infantry weapon

>> No.9851216

>Compares a sword for killing unarmoured men to fighting a tank with a knife
>Compares a military weapon to knuckle dusters
>"Verbal jousting"
I didn't realize fedora was a font.

>> No.9851219

Purpose smallsword of the 1700 were used in combat as a secondary and were quite effective at it.

Celts shield were used as an example of protection while unarmored and coincidentally the Roman used this shield as an inspiration for their own scutum and guess what they used it in combination. With a weapon quite similar to the purpose made smallsword
The gladius =>short thrust oriented while still able to cut

>> No.9851222

I should have used /sarcasm/
My point was that your argument could be used in ridiculous ways and that I would have liked if you were more specific

>> No.9851225

Why are you still posting?

>> No.9851227

>Comparing Celts of antquity to the 17/18thC battlefield

>> No.9851241

Cause people still answer event tho i would like better answer than the one under yours


Not comparing they have almost nothing in common
Oh maybe you would like people using shield in more recent centuries against an army using musket and bayonnets and smallsword or saber as a secondary

Surely it never happened if only there was something like this...oh wait the ZULUS

And yup I know they lost in the end even if they won some battle

But then again it wasn't the sword that won the fight it was the musket and the discipline of the English army

>> No.9851242

>I didn't realize fedora was a font

I lol'd

>> No.9851523


he said primary weapon though. So if you want to refute his point you need to give us source where in battle the smallsword was the primary weapon

>> No.9851579

Don't feed the troll, Vlad.

>> No.9851582

hey at least he doesn't say that it's the mud why people didn't use specific crossbows.

And he has a fair point, plus both of you wash together the larp and non larp usage.
So I will just sit here and pour gasoline on it every once in a while

>> No.9851584
File: 38 KB, 500x440, 9f6e62ff05ed05b3ac127ec2ff633d8b--french-revolution-british-army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: Primary melee weapon, sure. I can find you a hell of a lot more than you can of documentation for Smallsword/shield.

>> No.9851593

then do it and the guy will shut the fuck up and everyone else will learn something in the process

>> No.9851617

Is this how it feels when your parents are fighting?

>> No.9851632

go back to your room anon

>> No.9851634

Like the 18thC plate of the infantry officer I just posted? Or all the actual infantry weapons I posted earlier? What about this one? And before you say anything, infantry officers were expected to actually participate, and get is deep in as dick. Balls deep, if you will.

I would also post images of other I
Infantry, but then I already know you would argue over the bayonet, even though by it period standard they differentiated between the push, and the melee. So I thought I'd keep it simple for you.

>> No.9851640

I have a serious fuck deficit when it comes to smallsword but I care about pictures.
So the answer is post moar pictures

>> No.9851659

4chan has been a dick all day, and now it's not letting me upload pictures

>> No.9851675

Your mommy and I still love you very much. Just because we fight doesn't mean that we love you any less.

Do you want to get ice cream, sport?

>> No.9851858

I wouldn't argue about the bayonnet because the smallsword was issued to officier and they didn't have a musket it wasn't their role on the battlefield
Which was to keep cohesion and morale in the formation

What I would point out is that they had a high casualty rate compared to the other soldiers

What I would argue about is that there is no larp event that allow people to simulate a musket line
And it's just because there is no way to do it while remaining safe
Nerf as a too short range
Same with crackers and paperball
And I never heard of a single airsoft musket

And that so if someone wishes to use a smallsword in a battlefield he can and it was done
Just larp isn't real life so maybe adapt to larp and use something more efficient even if you want to stay in the same period i would consider using a pike or a saber instead of a smallsword.

>> No.9851878

>What I would point out is that they had a high casualty rate compared to the other soldiers

According to what documentation? Actual historical medical records don't show any higher casualty rate for junior foot officers, drummers, fifers, etc, compared to their attached units. This is typical pop-history like the idea that they were standing still, taking turns shooting at each other, rather than advancing with constantly rotating volley fire.

>What I would argue about is that there is no larp event that allow people to simulate a musket line
Historical tactical events for now... But soon...
>And it's just because there is no way to do it while remaining safe
>Nerf as a too short range
>Same with crackers and paperball
>And I never heard of a single airsoft musket

Things are changing, anon! Aside from various bandguns, the interest in larp firearms is growing as we speak. 4chan wont let me share the link, but LARPBox on facebook has a video of their prototype musket.

Also, while not larp, some friends and I have been messing around with mixing SCA fencing rules (including flex-dagger blade socket bayonets), with 50 grain cartages containing a hard foam ball. Obviously, we have the benefit of fencing masks.

>> No.9852012

And lo and behold, LARP boxes single fire NERF-ish but on steroids musket is a based on a prototype from 5 years ago or something. There already was a kickstarter for decent LARP muskets that, if I recall correctly, already hit it's goal.

LARP muskets are going to be hotter than ever I hope. Although if LARPs weren't so filled with nerdy retards (and there weren't those small things called occassional hazards) we could just fire blanks and play pretend with cool sounds.

>> No.9852017

Casualty at the battle of Waterloo on the English side:

29% of the officers became casualties (950 out of 3300)
23% others ranks casualties (16,200 out of 69,700)

So not a huge difference but still there is one

About this musket prototype show us it seems quite interesting.
But I saw some solution one guy crafted one from a Nerf rival pushing the plunger with a rode then pushing the ball with a rode which immersion wise was quite great
About your solution why not just go with airsoft
It's safer their isn't this big flashy "OMG it's so cool" boom but it's safer

My point is whatever that can go far can Pierce an eyeball and it happened not so long ago in France with a bow a little bit too powerful so I'm not willing to put my players at risk just to have a better effect

Oh and blank are used but we all know musket weren't that precise so generally they just push back without doing any damage.

>> No.9852070

Napoleonic/19thC isn't my period. Cite your source please

>we all know musket weren't that precise so generally

The concept of accuracy is relative to your framnof reference. I can hit a 9 inch target consistently at 100 meters, with a .69 cal round ball out of a British Short Lan Pattern with a 100 grain, FF black powder load. Aiming at center of mass gives me way more than 9 inches to work with. Anything farther than that is volley fire anyways, and if a group of men fire a wall of bullets in the direction you are standing, that's your fault for being there.

>push back without doing any damage.
... What the fuck are you trying to say here.

>About your solution why not just go with airsoft
It's safer their isn't this big flashy

Because firstly, we're going for tacsim crossed with historic fencing. Second, airsoft is lame, and most of my bros already have muskets. Besides that, going through the manual of arms is the only way to keep people honest. My fastest load time is just barely in the 15 second window. Simulators are easier to game.

Also, for LARP purposes, you can still add a little "boom". https://youtu.be/Vvb3hb8jpfw

>> No.9852125

i have no real source for the number up high but i tend to believe them because of this source


which for the one who don't want to read it state a 66% casualties amongst general of the wellington's army

>we all know musket weren't that precise so generally
i'm speaking in term of wounded by volley
it's not hard to shoot a target
it's a lot harder i the midst of battle when you can't see anything because of the black powder and when the target is firing back a you

the musket was an okay weapons still there wasn't that many wounded compered to the quantity of bullets fired

>push back without doing any damage

here i'm talking about larp rules
a lot of larp event allow cracker guns
i even saw real arquebuse being used with nothing but black powder inside
and the rule was "shoot in a general direction of the enemy the ennemy is pushed by 5 meter" and it's used in a lot of larp event

okay your last video it's awesome i'll have to test it

>> No.9852133

>i have no real source for the number up high but i tend to believe them because of this source

Never heard of this, nor has anyone in my department. What's their source?

>> No.9852136
File: 3.10 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20180414_113018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm speaking in term of wounded by volley

Do you understand how linear combat works? It's not about casualties, but breaking the unit. I don't need to wound or kill a lot of men, just force them to give up the field.

>it's not hard to shoot a target

We have moving targets at our range. It also doesn't matter where you hit a man with a .69 cal ball being shot just Bellow the speed of sound, he's a casualty, and the men around him take a hit to discipline.

>it's a lot harder i the midst of battle when you can't see anything because of the black powder and when the target is firing back a you

In musket range, the obscuring wall of smoke isn't as bad as you think. The reason people make note of being blinded, is because of situations where such a unique event happens is worth noting.

>i even saw real arquebuse being used with nothing but black powder inside
and the rule was "shoot in a general direction of the enemy the ennemy is pushed by 5 meter" and it's used in a lot of larp event

Stupid for a LARP, but makes sense for a non-contact TacSim. The idea is to drive the enemy from the field in retreat after all.

>okay your last video it's awesome i'll have to test it

I've done it to my SCA fencing pistol. It shoots bands made of surgical tube.

Pic somewhat related: I'm making paper mache grenados for a program at work. The one in my hand is an original fromthe 1760s. Each will be loaded with 60 grains of powder, surrounded by baking soda

>> No.9852149


>you hit a man with a .69 cal ball being shot >just Bellow the speed of sound, he's a >casualty

>Stupid for a LARP
oh it isn't
shoot a volley at a shield wall
break the formation of the ennemy
charge into the gap

or as a defense agaisnt a charge it is quite usefull

>surrounded by baking soda
you could also use rice as in airsoft grenade

look at their website i just gave you one of their analysis of the sources you can find the sources they used on their website

>> No.9852235

Can't look at PDFs on my phone.

>> No.9852304

>asking for sources the whole time
give him sources
>can't look at sources

>> No.9852345

don't bully applets

>> No.9852350

>Had to pull teeth for sources
>Can't just copy and past a single line of the historic document it references

Get off the cross, I'm building a treehouse.

>> No.9852352

I'm on a google pixel, I just need to get to good wifi to download the update. I am not big on technology, and that's why I work in the 18thC for a living.

>> No.9852358

heh, noob

Also while you guys finish here the smallsword wankery I sterted a new thread because we are heavily in autosage



>> No.9852384

it doesn't references a specifical document it's an analysis of multiple documents since the brits during the napoleonic wars held good record of what happenedh section of the site:


you can find most of them into the researc

>> No.9852448

Just got home an checked it out. It's literally listing the sources at the bottom of every page. How hard would it have been to copy/paste?

>> No.9852476

only page 5 which i didn't see before you stated it
So yup coul've been more scrupulous and look the whole thing but really i don't like to read this kind of stuff

>> No.9852530

...Page one is literally a hot link to a page with individual battles in spreadsheet form, each one with their own bibliography and documentation.

>> No.9852537

those are the french battles

this documents is about the british army
by memory french general died less but french junior officier died a lot more

Due to the fact that french officier where more often at the back while junior officier took a lot of risk even by the standards

>> No.9852540

I don't have a dog in this fight, but are you saying junior officers don't count as officers?

>> No.9853275

Vampires do not age

>> No.9854528

they count as officiers
just not the same role in battle

and we're not fighting anymore i think

well if he still wishes to fight i'll gladly duel him to end this with a smallsword and a celtic shield to

>> No.9857718
File: 35 KB, 493x545, fuck outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
