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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 683x1024, 0117kera24856-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9800541 No.9800541 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9798963

>> No.9800554

this reminds me of litchi hikari club

>> No.9800559
File: 109 KB, 900x873, crystal guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know it was discussed in the last thread but I am a little disappointed in the print. I wish she could have swapped the yellow for a muted gold, to match the jewel embellishments. Also throws me off how the bodice bow is a different shade of red than the print.

I want a magical girl coord so bad but ehh. The black and pink colorways aren't really great imo. The blue is eye catching and would be nice if a few tweaks were made.
Is anyone committing to this release already? I'm on the fence. I know if I like it later I'll regret it because Haenuli buyers rarely resell.

>> No.9800570

more like itchy hikari club with that lace

>> No.9800583

I really hoped it's just a "generic magical girls show where they use magic wands" ripoff, rather than just Sailor Moon ripoff.

>> No.9800593

I'm disappointed that Haenuli still gets support. Didn't she shit all over her fans for "stealing" her art? Why does she get to steal Sailor Moon?

>> No.9800594
File: 168 KB, 980x380, IWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW's new label, IW White, is up and live!
They have a bustier and skirt for reservation (starting on March 5th) for stupidly good prices.
I'm not much a skirt person so I may have to skip this and wait until a JSK or OP design goes up, but this is really exciting!

>> No.9800597

I don't see why this is under a different label? The style looks the same. Is it just more cheaply made?

>> No.9800599

holy cow that bustier is amazing!

>> No.9800600

Maybe Fujiwara wants to dedicate the "main" brand for more elaborate designs, while using this sub-brand for cheaper designs for everyday wear.

>> No.9800611

So there's these amazing heels I found that match my coord perfectly but I'm a US 8 1/2 and they're a size 10.
I checked the designer website and they must be an older design, I can't find them anywhere.

Should I go for it or hard pass? I really don't know if anyone's ever successfully worn a heel that's a full size and a half bigger...

>> No.9800617

Please don't wear ill fitting shoes, you'd be wasting money on something that could fuck up your feet. If it's an older design, try finding it secondhand; you'd be surprised to see what pops up on eBay.

>> No.9800618

She threw a fit over someone using her art for a tattoo and then claimed to have made a brooch which was sold on AliExpress which turned out to be a replica of a French brand.

>> No.9800637

The only listing I found for them is on ebay for the size 10. I've also tried poshmark. No luck. To be clear I wouldn't even be wearing these all the time, just for a single coord.

I was just wondering about anon's experiences from wearing big shoes and heels.

>> No.9800645

This may sound silly, but will I need and SS to pre order these items? It would be my first time purchasing or reserving from a “brand”
I’m in Australia for reference

>> No.9800646


No need for an SS. You can get it straight off their website.

Not sure if I'd called Haenuli brand, though.

>> No.9800647

Shoe fillers and insoles?

>> No.9800649

Great, thanks for the info!

Yeah I put brand in “” because I know it’s not really, but I wasn’t sure what else to call it? Indie brand?

>> No.9800651

Heanuli is considered an indie brand, so yes a 'brand' nonetheless, I really don't know what that anon's on about.

>> No.9800654

I just realized that even though the majority of oldschool-wearing girls in my comm are 18-22 and would have been in elementary school when the style was current, they wear it significantly better than the oldfags in our comm who were actually around back then. There are still a few people in the comm who started lolita in the early 2000's but the majority of them can't dress themselves at all. I'm talking about really shitty replicas, stuffing a petti under a normie sundress clearly not meant to accommodate one, "coording" a dress with a plain t-shirt, leggings and ballerina flats or Doc Martens, etc. Basically the sort of thing you'd see on Alternative Fashion Amino from someone who found out about lolita two days ago and tried to put a coord together using clothes she already had.

I know it was much harder to get your hands on lolita clothes back when none of the brands shipped overseas, Taobao wasn't a thing and Bodyline was sold at conventions for €100 a pop, but things have changed. Even if you don't care about the newest releases it's now easy to put coords together that are actually recognizable as lolita even if you're plus sized or don't have a large budget. I wouldn't even care except they always spend the entire meet complaining about how lolita was so much better back in their day and I'm like, okay, but you're not even wearing lolita...? Not even casual lolita or lolita "a la mode", which I love. Just not lolita at all. I appreciate the insight of people who've been around a long time but it is a fashion hobby, so IMO you don't get a lot of street cred for having been a ~lolita at heart~ for over 15 years if you still can’t put a single real coord together.

Does anyone else know oldfags who have stagnated like this? What is their deal?

>> No.9800665

I posted a few threads ago about trying to get in touch with voodooodolly to get an update on an order I placed at the beginning of January. Thank you to the anons who suggested going through Instagram! Unfortunately though, she never replied to me there either. I tried the sales email again with no success, and my FB message is still sitting there unread. Has this happened to anyone else before or does anyone know what's going on? At this point, I could even understand if she told me it would take another month or something. I really just want an update and this radio silence is making me sad.

>> No.9800670

I'm super disappointed with the black colourway, the border print makes no effort to match the darker colourway. I would love a dark magical girl theme dress in black/purple, but that just looks tacky.

>> No.9800672

>you don't get a lot of street cred for having been a ~lolita at heart~ for over 15 years if you still can’t put a single real coord together
A few girls in my comm are like this; though they haven't been around for 10+ years, they tote their 7~ years of "experience" as if it means anything, when in actuality their obvious inability to dress themselves makes their "years of experience" embarrassing. When you participate in a fashion subculture for so long and still look like shit it mostly means you haven't learned a thing, and it's nothing to be proud of, but tell that to the blissfully oblivious. The worst part is that these girls like to tote their experience when giving out advice to newbies, and then you get the classic situation of the blind leading the blind. That bothers me more than anything else, to be honest.

>> No.9800676
File: 255 KB, 500x600, B0B40D2A-807B-4DF8-AE4B-F9277E89934B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is AP now doing Larme?

>> No.9800691

Probably because it's not on par with Japanese brand quality and has a bad image

>> No.9800694

The oldfags in my comm dress really well. Most of the girls I know who've been wearing lolita for over 10 years are not active in a comm though.

>> No.9800696

That doesn't look like Larme. It actually reminds me of the old "angel" or shiro coords but with different materials. Have you even looked at the latest Larme issue?

>> No.9800700

Would you still think so without that hat? You're a massive weeb btw.

>> No.9800725

Lol chill

>> No.9800758
File: 108 KB, 466x504, Ilovebeer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons! I come to yee in desperation! I just got my first pay check from a new job and I want to blow it! I have drunk a six pack of beer and want to do some irresponsible spending! HARK! My dutch courage has given me strength to fulfill a much desired dream of buying from MAM, and although I am a lolita of many years have never even into the SS.

Can thee bring fair information forth? t'is tacky MAM glory I am seeking.

Sorry in advance if there is an SS thread, I looked through the catalouge.... however, I am drunk.

>> No.9800764

Get them if you just want them for photos. But good luck actually walking in them.

>> No.9800765

I think you can buy from MAM via Rakuten or CDJapan so you don't need an SS? I'd use ZenMarket if you want to buy from their Japanese site.
Happy spending, anon!

>> No.9800768

Thanks for the advice! I checked CD Japan but they didn't seem to have the same stock diversity as the website. I would like to order from the rakuten for ease sake, but I want the puzzle and the mouse pad for work so bad.

>> No.9800769

Wow, anon. Go to bed.

>> No.9800776

Don't know how to respond to that other than, no fun allowed?

>> No.9800785

In the item description it says they are made of 100% polyester so they are machine washable and won't wrinkle. So maybe the single fabric and less elaborate design reduced costs, and they're simple pieces. Not like IW hasn't released simple looking skirts in the past but they usually had lining of different material or some kind of blended fabric.

Either way, fuck yeah more solids. I like the first two pieces but
>tfw too bust for bustier

>> No.9800789

At most you can do a half size up, and use insoles for padding. going from an 8.5 to 10 will not work, you'll have a huuuuge gap and will talk right out of the shoes. I own two pairs of shoes in the wrong size, 7.5 boots that are no problem to walk in, and 24.0 Yosuke USA shoes that I added insoles too because I'm really closer to a 23.5.

>> No.9800793
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>> No.9800798

I'm disappointed.. I was really hoping for a more casual label, with Beth gone..

>> No.9800800
File: 192 KB, 1000x516, haenuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a generic magical girl print, pic related because it's easier to see in pink.

>> No.9800802
File: 976 KB, 500x204, unironicYOLO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this is what I was looking for. Unless of course anon was referring to my self Identified shit taste in wanting MAM. To wich I respond, just be better.

>> No.9800805

You're delulu. Buy it if you like it, but own up to what it is.

>> No.9800809

As per my self identified shit taste? C'mon anon, keep up.

>> No.9800815

God dammit Haenuli. This print is adorable and gorgeous, like most of the prints they make but the dress is fucking hideous imo. Why do they never get it right?

>> No.9800817

Stfu, nobody cares you drink

>> No.9800823

Pardon? I'm not the anon who was on the fence and was just trying to show it clearer.

>> No.9800826

It's not just a generic magical girl print, it's sailor moon but tried to make subtle enough so she don't get sued.

>> No.9800829

Give me cutsew OPs and I'll throw money at them

>> No.9800831
File: 76 KB, 500x600, 9_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf is this shit, AP?

>> No.9800843

It is a generic magical girl print. None of those even have moons on them or look close to Sailor Moon items. Sailor Moon was the main inspiration, especially for navy, but it's painfully safe. I think they were also just trying to get Magical Girl fans in general.

>> No.9800847

Because Sailor Moon items have pink x gold hearts and wings

>> No.9800851

Larme isn't a specific fashion, fucknut. It's cutesy trendy fast fashion.

>> No.9800852

Just trying to have fun, and support the Japanese brand/s that I and many others love. You may not like it, and as much as it hurts your butt I guess you don't really have command over where I spend my money.

Please go back to the "a bloo bloo is lolita dying?!?1111" thread, I'm going to have a good time dropping some fat bank on an (in my personal opinion) fun, well deserving brand.

Meanwhile ITT.

MAM sells some, it's not to everyone's tastes, but they are really nice for casual wear. I have a couple to throw on for errands/ groceries. For old school nostalgia I wear them with some chunky shoes even though the fabric doesn't match oldschool! I need to get my hands on some Meta chunky platforms or the like.

Not sure if an un-pop opinion, but a lot of brands go through a lot of teething issues in regards to design and cuts with non-print designs when they first start out. Haenuli popped up when print was pretty much a main-stay of the fashion so I don't think they really troubleshooted their designs so to speak and just made their pieces print heavy. This was the trend at the time so it makes sense, but I think I remember people mentioning the fit of the bodices was weird when they first started out.

>> No.9800857

Right, because that's exclusive to Sailor Moon. Don't derail general again.

>> No.9800859

Are you retarded?

>> No.9800861

Do you not see the actual cosplay wig upthread? Nobody is saying she uses real Sailor Moon art, just that she copied that style without having to worry about copyright issues.

>> No.9800871

Haenuli has been around too long for shitty designs to be considered a teething issue IMO

>> No.9800877

"stop liking what I don't like"

That's kind of what I was thinking. When she made that awful piece last year for that tea party from what looked like quilting fabric it was obvious that she didn't know how to design for anything other than border print. She should have spent more time learning how to design for non-print, then applied that knowledge to print, like many brands already have. Hence the terrible cuts and designs.

>> No.9800879

read what you're relying to idiot

>> No.9800881

I agree with Haenuli having a lot of issues in construction they never sorted out. Their earlier pieces were honestly ugly and had some of the worst cuts I've seen. But this whole "teething issues" is a joke for this brand because they're older and never learn. They're just bad at cuts and don't seem to want to improve either. They just rake in the money from people who are desperate for certain concepts or sizes.

>> No.9800886

Yeah because AATP definitely didn't make a dress with the Hogwarts express slapped across it.

>> No.9800888

They really didn't

>> No.9800889

That was catering to steampunk.. A beter example would be Violet Fane's Harry Potter inspired prints. But her fans aren't denying it so hard and she never shit on people for "stealing" her art.

>> No.9800890
File: 118 KB, 480x640, 5cfe57b0-5e78-5d00-8611-bc77a974622c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right, they changed the colour but still called it "The Wizarding Platform".
It's the hogwarts express but brown.

>> No.9800892

Did AatP also throw a bitchfit a la >>9800618?

>> No.9800894

No but Baby (and by extension AATP) have blacklisted people for contacting them about damaged items, but I guess people forget about the flaws in their precious burando.

I'm not saying Haenuli is without fault at all. She's done some stupid things and the brooch thing was really, really badly played. But JP brands are not shining examples of good ethics.

>> No.9800896

She was also chased out of her comm for scalping and reselling gifts to foreigners

>> No.9800898

So? Because another brand has done stupid shit in the past, we're not allowed to point out things we dislike about Haenuli? You're the one who started arguing against people who say it's Sailor Moon inspired, even though you agree that it is Sailor Moon inspired. What do you want?

>> No.9800901

>You're the one who started arguing against people who say it's Sailor Moon inspired, even though you agree that it is Sailor Moon inspired. What do you want?
I'm a completely different anon, that wasn't the point I was making at all. Sorry.

>> No.9800919

Hmmm I am not a skirt person but I've been wanting a bustier so I might go for that. I am really hoping for some nice cutsew tops or dresses soon.

>> No.9800952


People didn't forget. You're the one that didn't keep up. The Baby staff that was blacklisted people for no good reason was permanently removed from her position for several years now. I want to say there might be a copy of the announcement/apology in the archives, but honestly this news is so old even the archives might not have it.

Not even in the Haenuli discussion (and honestly don't care. I don't like Sailor Moon and the print is pretty fugly anyway).

>> No.9801014

the jewels on the kc were a terrible choice because the plastic material looks dull. they look like what adorns children's toys and costume jewelry (because harder to break/damage).

that being said, the yellow is super sweet. soft yellow is hard to come by and I'm freaking tired of gold in prints. the glowing yellow is very true to the colors in SM (i.e. Serenity's hair)

I remember seeing the photos from when these debuted at a fashion show in the fall. can't remember if it was a con or if it was a Chinese comm event...I thought it was a cute idea.

she just wanted credit or at least for the tattoo artists to mail her for permission. iirc the whole skeleton series was very personal for her. didn't a friend of hers die or something? there's a certain amount of respect that artists have for each other's work. it's not silly or ridiculous that she felt poorly that people were hopping all over to replicate her art in tattoos without at least messaging her to ask, and respecting if she says no.
you make it sound like she's just a dramamonger but think about it a little. her feelings weren't outrageous.
Maybe she has to be Sakizo or Imai Kira for people to agree?

>> No.9801040
File: 165 KB, 480x640, aaaaaaaaaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I love MAM and I'm always trolling for secondhand deals, because I'm a whore for cheap used pieces. but pic related has been haunting me for a full year...I want so badly to buy it full price but I want it in 4 of the colourways, not to mention the blouses and OPs I want. I'd end up spending 1000 easy

maybe I should get a second job and never sleep just to have extra money to blow on new brand?

anyway, good luck anon. CDJapan, or rakuten via buyee would be the best bets for you.

>> No.9801048

Considering all the other stuff she does, she's just a dramamonger

>> No.9801067

They've released quite a few unlined, polyester OPs that easily fall into casual lolita category. I have several of those in my wardrobe, they're super easy to wear, and if IWW means we can buy similar designs for less money than I am 100% prepared to start throwing more money Fujiwara's way.

>> No.9801071

I don't think you can get any more casual than this, unless you mean non-lolita pieces. You never know, maybe that's coming in the future too.

>> No.9801085

No she didn't want people to use her artwork without her permission because she had plans to make other merchandise from it. At the time that the tattoo incident happened Haenuli was also selling books/prints/maybe t-shirts featuring the art.

Plus it's kind of hypocritical to cry about art theft and not giving credit where credit is due considering that Haenuli sold accessories she bought from China as her own original creations before people called her out on it.

>> No.9801093

Anon probably meant simpler pieces ala Beth, i.e. slightly less full skirts, simple detailing, more cutsews, etc. Beth is very wearable, even more so than a lot of IW's plain pieces.

I wish they'd released more. 2 pieces for a "debut" seems pretty sad.

>> No.9801099

>sold accessories (the base of which) she bought from China as her own original creations (after painting and modding the wolves into brooches)

people have been doing this on etsy for how long? she legit found the pieces at a little import shop on the street. now she knows to research the origins of everything that comes from China.
The Elpress L bonnets are a better argument

>> No.9801113

Look at Beth. And cutsew dresses, skirts and tops exist.

>> No.9801122
File: 54 KB, 250x333, AnnetteOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I meant by "unless you mean non-lolita pieces". IW have released simple cutsews, cutsew dresses, skirts and salopettes, sometime around 2010 iirc, so like I said it's possible we'll get similar designs to those in the future too.

>> No.9801123

Why did she paint and model the wolves to look just like the French one?

>> No.9801128
File: 17 KB, 225x300, b642acc7-9dd4-5c53-80b3-194cca5afd24_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is closer to what casual lolita is. The IWW label just looks like normal, basic lolita.

>> No.9801149

>The IWW label just looks like normal, basic lolita.
I agree, but as a daily lolita I will take it. i would love more casual pieces, but cheap and sturdy dailywear is still appreciated

>> No.9801154

I used to love haenuli but all her recent prints have kinda sucked in style and quality. On one hand I get it, use your nice to appeal to the crowd so why not give the people unique themed prints? The Harry Potter ones weren’t knockoffs, but this one is so blatant when she could have easily gone a little in the sailor moon style without totally ripping it.

I appreciate haenulis willingness to try some out of the box things and even offer multiple sizings but girl. You gotta ask for licensing when it gets this obv.

As for the tattooing that’s a little silly.

>> No.9801179

Anyone just get an email about Lolita Cattery?
Where could they have gotten my email? Is this the new UsagiYouhinten?

>> No.9801187

>Why did she paint and model the wolves to look just like the French one?
are you retarded

>> No.9801188

>(after painting and modding the wolves into brooches)
Did she claim this? Because that would have been a lie. I bought the brooch off AE ages ago and it looked exactly like the brooch she showed, brooch and dangling red hood/grandma charms and everything. She didn't change a single thing.

>> No.9801189

She's not using any licensed images or symbols. Sailor Moon doesn't have copyright on bluexred color schemes, nor does it own all pink and gold jewel wands and compacts.

>> No.9801215

are you?

>> No.9801222

I got one, got weirded out by it and decided to delete just to be safe. Not sure if it's in any way related to UsagiYouhinten, I've never bought from them so I'm confused about how they reached me.

>> No.9801223

She did not buy any "base" she bought the entire thing. They came preassembled because they were replicas of a specific existing brooch. She may not have known that it was a replica, but she was lying about making it into a brooch herself so that she could claim it as her own creation, which it was not.

>> No.9801228

she bought them off aliexpress or taobao and was reselling them; 100% doubt she even knew of the french one and modeled or painted them.
even in the other anon's reply, they acknowledged that she bought the pieces elsewhere, meaning she didn't make them.
don't be a retard anon, it's ok to admit when you're wrong.

>> No.9801233

I get that, but it’s SO close she’s better off getting a collab and just using the licensed images if possible.

I mean the wig on the model... I’m not expert in foreign copyright law but I can presume it’s best not to toe the line too closely

>> No.9801242

So you don't understand sarcasm

>> No.9801243

This is really cute, in an ethereal being type of way!

>> No.9801247

Maybe lacemarket sells our email addresses and other personal info

>> No.9801254

>accepts direct bank transfer
>EMS only

>> No.9801257

God, this is lovely. I’m dying to wear this with a pair of stripper mary janes for a modern angelic shiro look

>> No.9801258

I've bought from almost all of the Japanese secondhand sites as well as plenty of normal storefronts in Japan, so there are plenty of places they could have taken my email, I guess, but I want to know who.
I thought maybe Usagi because it's an ocnk site.
It looks pretty standard albeit overpriced.

>> No.9801268

>no proof pics, whatsoever
>sketchy prices with no mention of condition
>used? nwt? who knows?

are they an SS with shopping cart feature or what?
I am very skeptical

>> No.9801271

no, she bought them from a physical store in S.K. that resells stuff from China
turns out they were available on ali, and were replicas of a French jewelry brand's design.
no way she would have known that.

>> No.9801305

Soneone posted plus size tights similar to abillitage in the general a while ago, does anyone have a link to the seller? My evernote seems to have lost the note I made. Thanks

>> No.9801325

How do you explain second hand clothing to normie relatives? My mum wanted to get me my dream dress for my bday(it's available on ww right now,so it's easy for her to gift it to me). She then asked me if there were reviews(she usually buys clothing from other sites like AliExpress,romwe,shein...etc) from people that had bought it before and I said no because it's the only one,it's second hand. Then she made a semi-disgusted face and asked how are we supposed to know if the item is damaged. I answered her that since ww is Japanese,they take care of their stuff but she isn't fully convinced.

>> No.9801340

Have you ever bought secondhand? I mean, do you have anything to show them to "prove" that secondhand brand isn't in terrible condition like overused rags?
My parents had no idea the brand I buy was secondhand and they sometimes still barely believe it because it's all in great condition. I think the best way to prove it to them is to just show them. Or maybe look for reviews on Youtube, there are plenty reviews of WW there.

>> No.9801342

was it Komachi?

>> No.9801343


>> No.9801345

Show her the rating system of wunderwelt and try make it sound similar to the review system of new stuff

>> No.9801347

The only other dresses I have are new taobao (this will be my first brand dress). I'll try and look at reviews,but it'll be kinda difficult to show her one since she doesn't speak english

>> No.9801351

you sound underaged, desu.
all she has to do is switch to English and she can see a description of the condition. WW is pretty thorough.

also, wash almost everything you get gentle/cold/in a net bag, with dye-free detergent. hang to dry, not by straps

secondhand is my life and it's really awesome. tell her that.

>> No.9801352

You can translate the important parts if it's very important, like the reviewers remarking on the item's condition. Make sure to find a review that's filmed very well, so the item's condition is obvious to see.

>> No.9801372

Why do some people leave their lacemarket listing for nearly a year without lowering the price? Do they still believe someone will buy it for that price one day?

>> No.9801377

Because they're not desperate to sell, and willing to wait for the right buyer. Is it that hard to consider?

>> No.9801378

It's not that hard to come up with considering my second question. I just find it naive.

>> No.9801379

I believe that she didn’t know they were replicas but that she lied about having assembled them herself. If she did assemble them herself that would indicate that she DID know about the original, because how else how did they end up looking the same? Either way looks bad for her.

>> No.9801381 [DELETED] 
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Mini dump

>> No.9801383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9801384 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9801385

Nayrt but I always find it hilarious when an item has been sitting on LM for literally 3 years and the seller still hasn't lowered the price. Nobody wants that long IW OP for 450 when Japanese sites will sell it for 200, it doesn't matter how "rare" you think it is. On that note, I love waiting on mercari for sellers to drop price. Just wait two weeks or so and it'll be relisted with at least a 15% lower price, especially for non-AP stuff.

>> No.9801387

This isn't the CoF thread

>> No.9801388
File: 70 KB, 800x800, FB_IMG_1519843646808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801391

Sorry I'm retarded.

>> No.9801418

I have had items up on lacemarket for a year while I was looking for trades, it's just easier that way so you can quickly link someone to the photos. But I don't get it either when people don't accept lower offers or trades after a year.

>> No.9801427


Different anon and dumb question but
Is their sizing one size that fits up to larger legs or are their different sizes for normal/plus size

>> No.9801450

Just one size that fits both tall and fat girls. (They fit normal sized people as well.)

>> No.9801460

They stretch really well like normal tights, but unlike normal tights it doesn't distort the print. They have fat and skinny girls wearing the one size on their instagram.

>> No.9801475

New lolita magazine

>> No.9801479

Thank god.
I really wish I had connections in publishing or had enough lolita friends willing to work on a magazine together, like La Vie en Rose. It's really silly that there aren't more self/fan made publications in my opinion.

>> No.9801480

The street fashion europe team said they would make one emook

>> No.9801483
File: 338 KB, 1470x516, 1519818781772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon I'm replying to, but for those who still say it's "sailormoon ripoff," your memories of that show are lacking.

Yes, it's clearly *inspired*, but nothing in this print is close enough to fail a squint test. Included Chibiusa's version of the Time Key, both of the rods that might be inspirations for the scepter-lookin things in there and the Eternal brooch, which might be partial inspiration for the winged heart orb with a crown. None of the brooches ever has a rose on it, and the two circled in green have nothing that even resembles an analogue among the attack/henshin items in Sailor Moon.

It's inspired, not ripped off. Try harder.

>> No.9801490

So Rufflecon just deleted all their social media & website: facebook, twitter, youtube, Instagram, etc... wtf happened???

>> No.9801496
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1485320708688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thank you anon

>> No.9801500

People are literally saying it's inspired. Nobody things it's a rip-off of the actual merch.

>> No.9801501

Honestly a lolita zine would be really cute too

Photos, art, a couple event pics, and of course adspace

Then sell it digitally for cheap

>> No.9801503

I don't live in Europe.

>> No.9801504

Kerastyle and jabberwocky.tokyo are enough for me desu. I want a real magazine that gets more than 1 volume.

>> No.9801515

see the following:


I'm not even buying this dress, I'm just pointing this out for the idiots on this board who don't know how fashion copyright works. It isn't "too close," she shouldn't have "gotten licensing," etc.

>> No.9801521

Most of those posts are saying it's inspired. Why are you whiteknighting her so hard?

>> No.9801525

>can't read

>> No.9801528

I'm selling something NWT that I plan on trading or wearing if I slim down a bit. So it makes sense for me to keep it up at that price, I'm in no rush.
But I wonder what's going through people's minds when they say 'URGENT SALE, NEED MONEY NOW' and the dress is priced far higher than it should be.

>> No.9801530

You just looking for a fight

>> No.9801533

Yeah, I've seen listings with titles like that also stay up for many months. Just chill if you are willing to wait for the right buyer (a noob who doesn't know how to use a SS).

>> No.9801534


>> No.9801536

I just wanted to inform people who might not know about it. Really don't know if it'll be any good, but I do expect there to be content from Japanese designers etc.

>> No.9801544

I hope so. with the small comic it sounds GLB inspired. Here's hoping that mook and >>9801475 will have more gothic content than Melt.

>> No.9801821

This is on my potential to buy list too!! I cant decide on a colourway. I will post my haul somewhere anon, then when you get a haul we can live vicariously through each other. Trying to choose between the denim skirt or jsk or both at the moment.

>> No.9801841
File: 49 KB, 750x736, 1417029645718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who crafts accessories for fun, I don't know why she picked that hideous cheap shit for decorative gems. There's plenty on taobao and ali that don't look nearly as bad and would have been inexpensive af.

>> No.9801858
File: 254 KB, 1067x1600, maki et asuka copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read in an online article (and also on wikipedia) that Angelic Pretty was founded in 1979(albeit under a different name, but still )? Is that true? I'm not too much into Sweet and I thought Asuka and Maki were the founder. Do you guys know who it really was?
I head they operated under the name "Pretty" first..

>> No.9801861


>> No.9801867

I bought a "like new" cardigan off LM but it arrived with lots of pilling and some loose threads. Is this worth asking for a partial refund over?

>> No.9801871

Yes. Pilling and loose threads isn't "like new"

>> No.9801891
File: 68 KB, 533x700, owvhusie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any other brands make underdresses like this? Is there a name for them?

I have two pinafore style JSKs that would look great with a nice cream one.

>> No.9801928

I'm sorry but the first thing I thought was "why is there a blue mold patch on that bag?"

>> No.9801951

I know infanta has made some

>> No.9801968

Victorian maiden just had a whole underdress series. You could also look at Physical Drop or Fairy Wish.

Why is there always someone first to suggest taobao. It's like anons don't even know any Japanese brands besides the big 3.

>> No.9801970

victorian maiden comes to mind.

>> No.9801972

Could you drop some names or lolibrary links? There's nothing on the website anymore.

>> No.9801974

I'm an idiot. Just found them but they're all short sleeved. I want long sleeved OPs, not another JSK style dress to wear under the ones I already have.

>> No.9801989

Cotton Frill Doll, Cotton Long Doll, Royal Lace Doll, Lace Up Doll, basically any plain OP with a collar can be used as an "underdress" if you put in a bit of effort.

>> No.9802064

New to cgl, is there a male version of lolita?

>> No.9802070

>That wig
>Those wands
>Making money using someone else's IP
I mean, everyone else is doing it
Since every female past 20 has rekindled their ancient love affairs for shit they saw on tv once
Sailor Moon is just soo hot right now, you don't even know

>> No.9802079

>first to suggest taobao when the example dress shown is also taobao
yeah who knows why

>> No.9802080

Google is your friend, anon.

>> No.9802091

Newbies don't know any better.

>> No.9802093

Even as sarcasm your comment didn't work, since the other anon mentioned that she already bought the pieces elsewhere, not that Haenuli made them herself.
Again, it's okay to be retarded, just take a step back and reevaluate.

>> No.9802103

99% of those post directly mention it being a "rip-off" or imply that they think it is, thereby negating your comment of
>Nobody thinks it's a rip-off
Clearly, they do. Admit when you're wrong, don't double down lmao.

>> No.9802107

Now all I want is a dress of that Utena print CGL made a few years ago

>> No.9802108

>trying this hard to sound like an oldfag

>> No.9802115

Saw that wtf

>> No.9802228

what is Lolita Cattery? I got an email from them, and I thought they were a secondhand shop but they're kinda too expensive for that? I don't even know how they got my email.

>> No.9802241

I haven't checked my email yet to see if I got anything from them too, but my gut says they've got some connection to usagiyouhinten (RIP). Lolita Cattery just happens to make a new twitter page the day usagiyouhinten closes and buys a fuckton of likes for it to pretend like they're already established? okay.jpg

Might also be why they had your email, if usagi had it they might be using their old mailing list.

>> No.9802242

**followers, not likes

>> No.9802245


search for "rufflecon" on FB. there's a public group post there about it.

>> No.9802277

trust me anon, you'll look like a clown (as in even if you somehow fitted them with insoles and thick socks etc your feet would look stupidly huge)

>> No.9802288

The founder goes to most of the events, she’s an elderly lady. It originally opened as ‘Pretty’ a select shop - selling other brand’s clothes.

>> No.9802300

Lolibrary will be down over the weekend, but the good news is the search function and other bugs will be fixed!

>> No.9802313

It's really stupid you think they're connected to usagiyouhinten just because they use the same platform.

>> No.9802317

Oh my god this news made my day. Hopefully whatever issues that kept delaying the fix have been resolved.

>> No.9802336 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1080, usagiyouhinten_BelNQjhBodZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can make a ocnk webshop

Usagiyouhinten was cheap, she still posts pics to her social media, never bought followers/likes, and she knew how to write "harajyuku" correctly.

>> No.9802337
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1080, usagiyouhinten_BelNQjhBodZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can make a ocnk webshop

Usagiyouhinten was cheap, she still posts pics to her social media, never bought followers/likes, and she knew how to write "harajyuku" correctly.

>> No.9802340
File: 541 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20180301_185531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VM's re-release (resale?) survey is up! You'll need to be signed in to a Google account to respond, though.


>> No.9802341

I wish Excentrique had done something like this. I'll never find my dream dress.

>> No.9802343
File: 19 KB, 260x347, IMG_8623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it realistic to think they might release a skirt that is not too long for me?

>> No.9802347

I don't think they will really close, after all the attention they're getting.

>> No.9802348

So how do I say black wrist-cuffs in Japanese?

>> No.9802358


>> No.9802367

This colorway seems much more flexible than the blatantly Usagi one. This could be a good one for pink Precure, Chibiusa, pretty much any pink magical girl.

>> No.9802369

Didn't they crowdfund something? I'd get behind a more JetJ or Lief model where they only take so many orders, then produce. They should really try something like that.

>> No.9802372

honestly I didn't even notice that they use the same platform, it was more about the timing of their shop appearing and it being run by someone who clearly has experience selling to lolitas.

>implying usagiyouhinten was one person

>> No.9802375

I hope to see it...

I really wish they posted more online, I bought from them once and it was really nice.

>> No.9802404

Do you want to actually say it or search for them online? Assuming the latter, wristcuffs are お袖留め, black is 黒.

Did you even bother looking ITT? We already discussed this.

>> No.9802411

Test post

>> No.9802414

That's obviously the person who runs the shop. You don't need a group of people for such a tiny shop.

>> No.9802415

I used it for the VM survey.
Was >>9802358 wrong?

>> No.9802421

nayrt but >>9802358 just means wrist cuffs ("lace cuffs"), it doesn't say anything about the colour

>> No.9802422

Yeah, that's wrong. You wrote "lace" and "cuffs," but that "cuffs" isn't used for lolita ones.
Did you even bother to look up some wristcuffs on lolibrary or wherever?

>> No.9802426

レースカフス gets tons of results on lolibrary

>> No.9802439
File: 48 KB, 500x755, DSC_0767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for Ludovica Gathers in lavender. I really hope they consider re-making dresses that are not on the list as it's impossible to find that dress in good condition second hand. It even has shirring, so there is a chance that more people would buy it if it gets re-released.

>> No.9802445

So how about that Rufflecon e-mail? I heard rumors, but I guess it’s true. I’m super disappanointed, but I did notice a decline in quality over the years.

>> No.9802447


>> No.9802496


I'm moving house, which is consuming literally all of my time right now. I have a little downtime and I need to get stuff done. I'll be moved house by the end of April, and I signed an agreement with my new workplace that lets me work on Lolibrary for the afternoon on fridays on company time (they have 10% time and I'm open-sourcing Lolibrary)

>> No.9802503 [DELETED] 

Anyone else have iffy experiences with Lolita Desu?

>order winter XL lucky pack in November as a Christmas gift for myself; assume I’ll at least have it for lucky pack season
>Have it sent to my parents house since they live near by and it’s safer than my apt
>November passes
>They get a new site so I’m worried about tracking my package
>Contact them in December and they say they’ll either finish it before they shut down the site around the holidays or make a new order on the new site
>December passes
>They shut down the site
>No new order
>No package
>Now I’m moving to a new state
>Contact then again in January
>They day they are sick (understandable) and that it will be unlikely they can finish before my move early in the month, but they are shooting for the end of the month. Also, that they will now contact me when the package is complete and not put it in the system.
>I say that’s fine since I’ll see my mom in February
>Mid February, still no package
>Contact them again, and they say they are halfway done. They offer to send what they have (which is hats, gloves, other winter items) and send the rest later
>I agree, since at this point I’m afraid I’ll be getting gloves in April
>My only request is that they send it to my apartment now and give them my address since it will be shipped after I see my mom
>Get tracking info
>Check on package today
>It’s in my fucking hometown

They seem really sweet, and I’m very excited about what I’ll be getting but... this is frustrating.

>> No.9802505


>> No.9802506 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sorry. Basically it’s took them four months to finish just half of my lucky pack and they ignored my single request to send it to a different address

>> No.9802511

Just randomly found this: http://new.bbs.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/kotanuki/1514212459/1-
Even though google translate is pretty bad, you can see that japanese lolitas are just as catty and salty as us.

>> No.9802514

yes. we know. 2chan stuff gets capped for perpetuity and shared every once in a while.
I'm glad I live in the west so I don't have to feel such intense 24/7 pressures about my body.

>> No.9802520

I enjoyed pulling out and dusting off my bad Japanese. Google helped, but often suggests a style that is more direct/casual than I want.

But I asked for more gobelin outerwear, a velveteen version of classical doll, and more shirred waist blouses. I love that long-length skirt especially, and picked quite a few of what I thought were the unique designs. Just in case they actually end up closing, God forbid.

>> No.9802524

It really is salty as hell, I love it. My Ip is somehow blocked from viewing links in the op, what are they?
There seems to be some drama with BOZ, but I won't even try to get a sense of it with the google.
>Surely I do not understand the meaning of EGA
Google translate can't distinguish basic pronouns, I hope.

>> No.9802535

I'm interested in the way that lolita is written.
anyone know if that special long 'i' (ヰ) is to differentiate from creepy pr0n stuff?

>> No.9802544

I know, I'm just baffled at how very similar our boards are, down to the infighting and derailing.

They are links to the first general thread and the previous general.
This is the newest one: http://new.bbs.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/kotanuki/1519581111/1-
>Anyway, it seems strange how people who did not participate in the tea party complain to the tea party

>> No.9802560

I'm hoping John Leigh will start a lolita convention now. He's seems to be on top of j-fashion and starting to branching out.

>> No.9802562

Caps or gtfo.

>> No.9802563

Multiple wishlist items were on that survey for me, so I'm feeling somewhat confident in being able to get at least one or two things rereleased.

>> No.9802564
File: 80 KB, 500x501, 1500417418759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9802565

don't do this fampai

>> No.9802572

Where are your favorite places to buy offbrand frilly/cute socks? I really want more lace topped socks like AP's crew socks, but everything I've ordered from Ali or found in a shop is made for literal children and/or uses the shittiest lace.
I love the tulle/lame socks that Honey Mi Honey, Candy Stripper, and a few other brands have done, too, but everything like that is sold out atm.

I miss having easy access to Tutuanna.

>> No.9802579
File: 75 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1519914990185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also on lolita updates now.

>> No.9802582

My only problem is everything I want will sell out pretty quickly, esp in the color ways I want

>> No.9802612
File: 61 KB, 640x645, 1508202794160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simplicity steals designs and patterns and is called out for it
>"wahhh the meanie lolitas won't let big corporations steal! this is why we can't have nice things! the community is the problem!"

>> No.9802618

Tbh, I sympathize more with Simplicity than indie designers. Fashion designers need to understand that everyone copies everyone else. They weren't making replicas. I couldn't believe that lolitas were making threats to Simplicity. Just shows that lolitas have an Antifa Mob Mentality.


Lolitas killed Rufflecon because of they wanted Rufflecon to be pure. They're no better than conservative fathers who want their daughters to Purity Balls.

>> No.9802626

idk where you live but i've found really cute kate spade OTKs and ankle socks at nordstrom rack. not super frilly but they have bows

also if you fit into children's socks then i would say don't knock them? they're just socks and they sell a lot more knee-highs for children/tweens in normie stores than they do for adults. as long as they aren't overtly tacky or bad quality i see no issue

>> No.9802628

>Lolitas killed Rufflecon because of they wanted Rufflecon to be pure. They're no better than conservative fathers who want their daughters to Purity Balls.

I genuinely can’t tell if you are an idiot or a troll but bless you for making me laugh. This may be the dumbest, most awkwardly written thing I’ve read in a while.

>> No.9802632

>fit into children's socks
I always see this, but nowhere in my life did I see frilly socks in children's section. Guess my country is just shitty.

>> No.9802643

Omg, I came back and read the link and it gets better.

You are aware that having students copy the work of others in an art is a part of training, right? It’s not expected that you stay in that space or later go out and lift someone else’s work and claim it as your own. You’ll notice VW specifically is talking about telling her new students to copy work /in the classroom/

Lmfao what is reading comprehension

>> No.9802644

The issue was that people sent death threats to Simplicity. Whatever Simplicity did wrong, and even if the indie designers were in the right, receiving death threats is the kind of behavior that makes someone not want to work with the type of people who sent you death threats. It's the kind of thing that makes you call it all your Big Corporation Buddies with their Big Corporation bank accounts and say "dude, maybe avoid working with these people because they send death threats and you don't need that kind of negativity in your life." And that's how you get an entire community blackballed from sponsorships. That's the kind of shit being discussed here, in terms of the sins of "The Lolita Community".

>> No.9802648

Oh, for sure. But on the same token, do you genuinely think that companies never deal with this? That Marvel editorial has never received a single death threat from someone about what they did with a character, and that if (read: when) they did Disney chose to drop every Marvel property they owned because the community was toxic? I’m not saying the behavior is excusable, but it’s super naive to think that this never happens with companies. Shit, I used to work for a museum and we’d receive death thread from crazies from time to time. Its unfortunately pretty normal.

>> No.9802654

Lolitas have no Con other than Paradiso in Kansas City. Once that goes tits up because of drama or money issues, lolitas will have no Con to go to that has no soyboys wanting a "Mom" to clean up their mess after eating nugs.

All what Simplicity did was copy. They didn't make hundreds of replicas from oo jia. Of course I would be outraged if oo jia was a sponsor at Rufflecon. It's ridiculous that lolitas stooped down in making threats to save their precious indie brands from having their feelings hurt that someone copied them.

Simplicity did nothing wrong.

>> No.9802655

iirc I saw a blog post from ages ago saying that yes Japanese lolitas use a different spelling to differentiate from creepy stuff

>> No.9802658

We really gonna normalize death threats? That's the threshold we want people to accept from our community in order to deal with us?

"Yeah, we are Lolita convention. You might make some sales here, you might get some death threats, could go either way. So how about spotting us a couple grand for prizes and sponsorship?"

>> No.9802660

Not that anon but simplicity basically went and poked a bear. Replicas/copies are a notoriously divisive subject in the community, if they didn't want drama why go looking for it?

>> No.9802664
File: 52 KB, 720x686, 1511626857072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death threats are a very immature way of dealing with a problem. But Simplicity also shouldn't have stolen designs.

>> No.9802665

It was really stupid thing for the lolitas to do. I'm fine with copying, but replicas are where I draw the line.

Lolitas took a great Con and killed it.

>> No.9802668

Simplicity did not steal designs. They wanted to spread the word about lolita fashion and get others to start wearing lolita, ffs.

>> No.9802669

She made a post on facebook that she thinks she has cleared any backlog of emails so maybe reply to that if you didn't get a message from her?

>> No.9802670
File: 1.74 MB, 1444x976, don't support this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tbh, I sympathize more with Simplicity than indie designers.
>They weren't making replicas

You may not give a shit about western indie, but the original work (that was purchased at the con from the brand to later be ripped off with a pattern sold for money by Simplicity) was by Vierge Vampur. They are J-indie and wonderfully creative with great quality.

VV doesn't have an online shop right now and their pieces are coveted, so it's really nice that they were able to bring items to the U.S. for us to purchase at the event. But then Simplicity rolls over to the booth, purchase the bonnet, and then makes an exact pattern for people to buy?

that's grimey and the community shouldn't stand for it. point blank.
I think Rufflecon failed because the broader alt fashion goals did not match up with the population buying tix.

If the NE U.S. gets another con, it should be for EGL/EGA only and budget accordingly. Lolitas will come and a profit can be made.

>> No.9802672

It's more that they're low quality because they're children's socks than that they're just children's socks. I wear a fairly normal shoe size (fit both S and M shoes from AP), so I might try if I can find some.
I'll look into Kate Spade. I'm really more looking for short/medium socks since I already own a wide variety of OTKs and tights, but one can never own enough socks.

>> No.9802679

Meanwhile AM is still going strong, even though everyone who works with them gets death threats too.

>> No.9802680

>DoL did nothing wrong they just made kawaii AP prints more widely available UwU

>> No.9802681

This. It says in the email that it had turned into a lolita fashion event (which apparently they never wanted) and numbers attending the event had dwindled. This was very evident last year if you had went. It was very disappointing as they had succeeded in getting Metamorphose to attend, yet the tea party wasn't even full.

>> No.9802683

Y'all are acting like Rufflecon stopped working with Simplicity because of mean lolitas. Get this: they wanted to have small brands at their con. That's not gonna happen when Simplicity is there too.

Simplicity literally called "their" lolita patterns cosplay.

>> No.9802686

>You may not give a shit about western indie, but the original work (that was purchased at the con from the brand to later be ripped off with a pattern sold for money by Simplicity) was by Vierge Vampur. They are J-indie and wonderfully creative with great quality.

If VV were concerned about the copy, they should have been the ones to lodge a complaint with Simplicity instead of an angry mob of lolitas.

>VV doesn't have an online shop right now and their pieces are coveted, so it's really nice that they were able to bring items to the U.S. for us to purchase at the event. But then Simplicity rolls over to the booth, purchase the bonnet, and then makes an exact pattern for people to buy?

It seems VV has a problem with not meeting demand. Simplicity was doing a favor by increasing supply to satisfy the demand.

>that's grimey and the community shouldn't stand for it. point blank.

What a number of members of the lolita community did was send threats to Simplicity. That was grimey too. The community-at-large should have told them to stop before it got worse.

>> No.9802688

Fuck Rufflecon's location as well. Who the fuck wants to fly over to Connecticut? There's nothing to do there, at least if you put it in a city with shit to do I can go sightseeing after. Good riddance.

>> No.9802691

I’m not really out to say they are okay, but they aren’t unusual at all for people who deal with the public. If they got a few death threats but we’re still selling patterns to the intended audience, then they likely would have brushed it off. The problem was that there was a large negative reaction and push not to buy what they were advertising at the con. So obviously, they dropped out ofnsaid con. They even said they left on good terms... I don’t think it was as shocking to them as you may think

>> No.9802692
File: 258 KB, 500x375, 1508454700817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DoL was just increasing the supply after AP didn't make enough dresses in enough sizes!

>> No.9802694

>They even said they left on good terms

They left on good terms with the people organizing Rufflecon, but not so much who attended.

>> No.9802695

What threats? This is the first time I'm hearing about it. When the Simplicity drama started,most complaints came from other brands who didn't want to attend Rufflecon anymore. A lot of lolitas were actually defending Simplicity.

>> No.9802697

Agreed. Any kind of US con to do with lolita fashion should be more centrally located in my opinion. That's the only reason I didn't go.

>> No.9802699
File: 7 KB, 112x112, 1509806670099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of lolitas were actually defending Simplicity.

>> No.9802700

This. If I'm going to fly in somewhere, at least let it be somewhere nice with other shit to do. This is also why Paradiso is stupid, imo.

>> No.9802702

Yeah. I always wished they would do it in different states every year. If there's not enough interest they could even do it every two years.

>> No.9802704

RuffleCon was Simplicity's first exposure to the Lolita community. They were exploring the market to see if it was viable or not, the way the cosplay market had been.

As someone else.mentioned, in the world of fast fashion/department store fashion, it's pretty normal for Simplicity to copy patterns of items from the previous season. They had no idea that.replicas were a problem in the Lolita community, it was the first time they had encountered the issue. They had about as much knowledge of a "sleeping bear" as any random corporation would.

I really doubt most people would side with simplicity on jacking other people's designs. Death threats still aren't an appropriate response to that.

>> No.9802708

Why do newbies get shit on for not educating themselves but corporations with money get free passes?

>> No.9802710

Simplicity's a big company, if they really wanted to get into selling to lolitas they should have done market research and found out replicas are a hot button issue.

>> No.9802711

>Death threats still aren't an appropriate response to that.

Thank the itaqueens for ruining a lolita con. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.9802713

What do you think that sponsoring a Lolita con is, if not market research?

>> No.9802715

There are other, bigger reasons mentioned ffs. Do you fancy Simplicity?

>> No.9802718

>it's pretty normal for Simplicity to copy patterns of items from the previous season

Like there is a lot of original patterns among major brands, so they don't share details of dresses from release to release.

>> No.9802720

Dude you can't be serious

>> No.9802721

>Do you fancy Simplicity?

No, I don't. The behavior of some lolitas from that incident was reprehensible.

>> No.9802722

I don't believe I said it was acceptable for newbie Lolitas to get death threats for getting on the wrong side of the Lolita community either.

> It's your fault I hurt you, you should know how I just get so angry sometimes

>> No.9802723

Sure. But even before that I find it very hard to believe they wouldn't have done some simple Google searches on the fashion and realized >oh shit, they flip shit when someone copies designs

>> No.9802726

Nobody is disagreeing with you about that. Time to stop riding Simplicity's dick though.

>> No.9802729

>Time to stop riding Simplicity's dick though.

I'm not riding on Simplicity's dick. I'm defending its actions. They weren't making replicas, they were copying to make patterns for normies to get into the fashion. A normie doesn't know better what's a Vierge Vampur. How are they going to get into lolita now if we continue to practice social exclusion to those who can't afford brand?

>> No.9802730

Market research is doing research on a (potential) market. Sponsoring an event is promotion. Companies typically do market research before they invest in promotional activities.

>> No.9802732

My partner works in market research, and I can tell you it definitely starts with fucking googling the thing, THEN data, THEN analysis, THEN somewhere down the line, long after research is done, marketing to the group (ie, sponsoring an event).

>> No.9802733

>How are they going to get into lolita now if we continue to practice social exclusion to those who can't afford brand?

Social exclusion is important part of lolita being. There is literally no better way to prove your melty royal ribbon status.

>> No.9802734

>implying halfway decent handmade is cheaper than brand
when will this meme die?

>> No.9802735

>How are they going to get into lolita now if we continue to practice social exclusion to those who can't afford brand?
Are you seriously implying the only way for people to discover this fashion is via Simplicity's patterns? In this day and age when social media is exploding with lolita content, when there are new "documentaries" about lolita every other week, when getting good quality lolita clothes is easier than ever?
The fashion is more accessible and well known than ever, we don't need Simplicity supposedly making the fashion more accessible to normies via shitty replicas of indie designs that they clearly market as cosplay.

>> No.9802738

Indie brand is handmade. It's halfway decent compared to brand from Angelic Pretty or Krad Lanrete.

Simplicity is one outlet, but you're right about social media.

>> No.9802740

>for normies to get into the fashion
Why would you want this

>> No.9802741

Don't forget the patterns Simplicity 'stole' existed as patterns prior the the indie brand anyways.

It was unwise for Rufflecon to drop them, and it killed them.

>> No.9802742

And any good indie brand is near or at brand prices (unless it’s, like, Lady Sloth and she can use the combo of good conversion rates and unfortunately wayyyyy undervaluing her own labor to price our cheaper).

Plus, indie brands design their own clothing. They are professionals who are far more efficient then the average hobbyist. Simplicity wasn’t working for them, they were working for the average crafter making dresses for themselves (which if you ever talk to a homemade lolita, is not as cheap as you think—provided you use quality materials)

>> No.9802743


>> No.9802745

K8 was a normie before she got into the fashion if you saw her IG story.

>> No.9802748

Other brands did not want to attend as long as Simplicity was there retard.

>> No.9802750

Technically weren’t most of us? Unless you were a goth or in another alternative fashion I don’t see what else you would be wearing

>> No.9802753

Nearly every lolita I know was into visual kei or goth before. I was a normie but that's no reason to support Simplicity, especially considering I have tons of nice patterns from actual lolita brands.

>> No.9802754

This is honestly the biggest issue that no one here is talking about: some brands wouldn’t sponsor the event because of the backlash against Simplicity, while others wouldn’t come because of what Simplicity did. It was a catch-22 for RC. Either let Simplicity get away with it and lose vendors and attendees, or drop Simplicity and lose other vendors (and I’m sure a select few attendees)

>> No.9802755

nayrt, there's a bear ear headdress pattern in OnS 10

>> No.9802756
File: 960 KB, 245x250, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.9802757
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>if we continue to practice social exclusion to those who can't afford brand
>implying taobao and secondhand brand don't exist

>> No.9802758

Huh, that’s interesting and very different than my experience. Most lolitas I know used to be normies, including myself. I wasn’t really saying it was an excuse, just that statistically a lot of lolitas likely wore normie clothes before joining the fashion. Thanks for your input, though!! Maybe I’m totally off

>> No.9802760

I mean it’s better than the last gen... at least this is on topic

>> No.9802761

Honestly I find it hard to believe that other companies didn't want to sponsor the event because of what happened with Simplicity. It's more likely because of less attendees. In any case, it doesn't sound like that's the main reason that they quit, so I don't understand why you're all focusing on that. Unless it's that troll again.

>> No.9802762

It’s interesting drama, it’s always going to attract people like flies. “We’re older and don’t live in town” is way less fun to discuss

>> No.9802763

>it's that troll again

>> No.9802768

Is there a Simplicity specific troll, or are we assuming the last few threads were derailed by the same person?

>> No.9802791

The underlying problem with Rufflecon was the hotel mold problem in Year 2. That kept me from going back to Rufflecon again. It was bad PR.

Simplicity was another problem, but lolitas made it worse. American Duchess has a good relationship with Simplicity, why can’t the lolita Comm?

>> No.9802799

Well I hope the girl with the oh so original bear headdress that she totally made up the pattern for herself is satisfied that she destroyed Rufflecon.

>> No.9802820

one brand has a good relationship with a large company that preys on indie designers and steals work...so lolitas should lick them as well?
anyway, let's stop mourning this con that wasn't primarily focused on EGL/EGA and try to make a new one.
I'm sure the RC organizers wouldn't mind sharing their tips, methods, and advice for planning a big event. The mistakes made in the past are great to learn from. we've got the Florida event that was iffy to learn from too.

>> No.9802832

>Rufflecon dies due to dumb salt over unoriginal patterns

>Anime Matsuri lives on despite a shit ton of valid sexual haerasment allegations.

This world is messed up.

>> No.9802835
File: 283 KB, 1000x400, but why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this collab exist

>> No.9802852

Bungou stray dogs is at least a decent anime as far as inspiration goes.

>> No.9802853

Don't forget about Frill in Georgia.

I'm hoping John Leigh buys Rufflecon's assets and runs it. Misako and Cathy Cat will come too!

>> No.9802867

This, the only “brands” that wouldn’t come are insignificant in terms of funding the convention. You don’t get rid of your biggest corporate sponsor in exchange for a handful of shitty crafters and expect not to fold.

>> No.9802868

Omg just give up. You're not going to change anyone's mind about Simplicity.

>> No.9802870


Why do we care about what American Duchess thinks?

>> No.9802871

Unfortunately, not everyone is retarded enough to blindly hate Simplicity for making patterns for publicly available, unoriginal designs.

>> No.9802876

The main purpose of Rufflecon was to give a platform to "insignificant brands"

I do not give a shit, I wouldn't have attended Rufflecon either way.

>> No.9802877

You can’t give a platform for insignificant brands if you don’t exist, sweetie.

>> No.9802880

Read >>9802579 again

>> No.9802900

Are American businesses always this casual about telling people what they did wrong?

>> No.9802979

I just think it's weird it's just two pieces of jewelry, and kind of tacky at that.

>> No.9802986

You just explained most collabs. Look at the cheap, tacky shit AP has made with Disney.

>> No.9802992

Tacky yeah but those collabs have more than just two necklaces.

>> No.9803005

This is what call out culture is. Everyone has to be right all of the time.

>> No.9803006

Go back to tumblr

>> No.9803009
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No old Beth items? But I want to look like a cute dead furry...

>> No.9803011

>we would have sponsors that would love to work with our staff but consider our audience a risk not worth the rewards
>dramatic decrease in large sponsorship opportunities
>big backbone of income to cover our costs to run the event
Read >>9802877 again

>> No.9803014
File: 35 KB, 225x300, cf24c7b4-ac39-5ce6-85c9-336a441369dc_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke but one of my ultimate dream dresses is from Beth...

>> No.9803016

No, they're just unprofessional and trying to cover their own asses after all the shit storms

>> No.9803021


I know this was not sold for a while on LM as I had this on my watch list. The seller removed the listing, but maybe you can still message them about it. I think it was going for $130? Good luck!


>> No.9803026

I only own a few pieces from Beth, but I really love them. I want the dog scarf they have up right now but I'm broke.

>> No.9803028

Nobody else doing lolita events needed such sponsorships. I think it's just an excuse to make up for their own failures and disinterest.

>> No.9803029

Holy shit, anon! Thank you so much, I will definitely message them!

>> No.9803030

What shit storms?

>> No.9803032


Hoping for the best for you! It's always been on my maybe list, but if it's your ultimate dream dress, it would be a much better addition to your wardrobe!

>> No.9803033 [DELETED] 

Lolita events =/= an entire convention. Maybe it is an excuse, but a convention is a significantly larger scale event and they'd

>> No.9803034

Lolita events =/= an entire convention. Maybe it is an excuse, but a convention is a significantly larger scale event and they'd have to rent out a hotel space for two days, which is a lot more expensive than hosting a tea party for a couple hours

>> No.9803053

New thread >>9803050

>> No.9803101

I didn't mean conventions

>> No.9804517

the biggest i personally go is one full size bigger with arch/heel inserts. 1.5 might be a bit much and look clownish