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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 807x1024, 1518977354609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9791761 No.9791761 [Reply] [Original]

Okay which one of you was resposible for this?


>> No.9791763

>no wig
would not donate to her patreon

>> No.9791765
File: 367 KB, 640x400, evgenia_medvedeva_receives_sketch_from_naoko_takeuchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we're all waiting for the eventual release of the artbook announced 5 years ago
>Naoko loves iceskating
>Naoko straight up gives Evgenia an original sketch

>> No.9791766

whoops was supposed to reply to OP

>> No.9791788

That's actually kind of cool, good for her.

>> No.9791807

She's always been a weeb, and was pretty iconic in the yuri on ice fandom. She also likes kpop, being an exol

>> No.9791841
File: 39 KB, 726x400, Yuri-on-Ice-Evgenia-Medvedeva-patinadora-726x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hate against Zhenya. She might be a weeb, but she's also a precious cinnamon roll.

>> No.9791936

This made me so happy and nostalgic. She gained a fan.

>> No.9791964
File: 103 KB, 500x375, ahhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell she's a huge fan, which makes this adorable. Unpolished in ways but that just lends charm, in my opinion. 10/10

>> No.9791980

Btw, Evgenia will skate in the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang this night and tomorrow night in the Ladies Single event. I so dearly hope she gets the gold medal. She deserves it.

>> No.9791992

I'm not even mad about no wig when it was this fucking good

>> No.9792099

Would really appreciate it if you could drop a link to watch it online, Anon!

>> No.9792666

Ice thot

>> No.9793350

fuck you she looks like a nice girl

>> No.9793355

hey, girl literally just set a world record the other day, I'm just so proud of this tiny russian weeb

>> No.9793512


>> No.9793535

This is old news, where have you guys been?

>> No.9793543


It's the olympics, so obviously any asshole who just discovered ice skating will discover this and think /cgl/ will eat this up and call her a thot, whore, etc. when in reality she really is just weeb trash like us through and through.

Evgenia is my hero. I hope she wins gold this year.

>> No.9793544

I feel bad for nice girls who have conventional "thot" like features

>> No.9793598

What are you talking about? There's no such thing as a natural 'thot' feature, it's all styling and behaviour. And Medo chan is just a pretty, normal looking teen.

>> No.9793702

That's awesome! She really had fun with it, and her performance came out adorable 10/10

>> No.9793704

The Free Skate is coming up tomorrow (not today, my mistake). Here's some info if someone wants to watch it:

Streaming info: http://soyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/post/170505130465/2018-winter-olympics-info-streaming
(scroll down, depends on which country you're from)

Live results: http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1718/owg2018/SEG004.HTM
(live scores will be posted there once the event has started)

The event starts at 10 a.m. Korean time, but you can check here what time that is in your own time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20180223T010000&p1=3830&p2=166&p3=101&p4=195&p5=136&p6=179&p7=64&p8=137&p9=33&p10=248&p11=240&p12=213

If you wanna watch Evgenia: she's the very last skater and her program will start at about 13:48 p.m. Korean time.(See here http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1718/owg2018/OWG2018_LadiesSingleSkating_FS_TimeSchedule.pdf )

>> No.9793724

Thank you A LOT for the detailed answer!! Bless you, fs anon!

>> No.9794164

where has Naoko been? I haven't seen recent interviews with her /(0co);(=£=<)

>> No.9794187

You're welcome!

Another tip for everyone: make sure to test your stream early enough. Especially in later skating groups some streams get buggy or slow due to the amount of people watching, so you might need to switch (talking from experience here - this made me miss some programs)

>> No.9794194

Is she from the USA cuz MERCIA

>> No.9794201

Strange video... good form... autistic hand waving

>> No.9794205

She's russian.

>> No.9794215


>> No.9794363

I think her younger teammate will beat her out, bc Russia basically makes these figure skater chicks in a factory.

>> No.9794768

God I hate Zagitova.

>> No.9795038

lol, even /sp/ seems to hate Alina Zagitova

>> No.9795053


I wouldn't be surprised the coach bribed the judging panel to have Zagitova push Medvedeva out. She's notorious for pitting younger against older and ruthlessly cutting out anyone who doesn't rack up technical scores her way.

Her skating is so ugly and all she does is jump in the last 3 minutes. God.

>> No.9795065

I watched them both just now to see what the fuss was. Medvedeva makes skaing look so effortless, she makes it look like she weighs nothing. A true performer.
I don't want to slate the other girl because I'm no skater, if you put me on ice I'll fall on my ass, but am I insane for thinking that she just wasn't as captivating or good as Medvedeva? I kept waiting for her routine to get good.

>> No.9795103

>all those people shitting on Alina just because she isn't a weeb

Evgenia was good but Alina was better. Deal with it. This is about ice-skating and not anime. You are giving Evgenia bonus points for being a weeb but outside internet no one gives a fuck about that.

>> No.9795141


this explains why she performed better but didn't win. The other girls routine basically whored out the points system, which is completely fair. I don't blame her.

>> No.9795235

Evgenia's routine was artistically superior. Alina farted out some moves at the end to make up for a piss poor routine.

>> No.9795242

Seriously. Medvedeva's performance was ballet on ice. Physical prowess but emotional vulnerability and storytelling through every move. Zagitova? No artistry, no story, no emotion, then OOH I CAN JUMP A LOT.

>> No.9795252

Agreed. Unfortunately there really is no rule to put all of your jumps in the second half to loot the the fulll 10% bonus. But fucking hell is it poor style and sportsmanship. Alinas program is just not balanced at ALL.

>> No.9795271

Figure skating scoring is broken, exploitable, and clouded by collusion and bribery, news at 11.

>> No.9795505

This. She's also a very hard working girl, leave her be.

>> No.9795509

Eteri blatantly favours Medo though.

And honestly for all the complaints about backloading, Medo would've done the same if she wasn't injured. She or someone in her team said it openly. She was getting the exact same complaints because she'd milk GOE with tanos etc. I'm sad she didn't win too but that's just because it sucks she was on top for so long and got overtaken at the worst time, and a revolving door of Russian champions is not fun to watch.

>> No.9795876

It is completely fair and allowed to jump in the second half to get more points, even Evgenija could do it but but chose not to.

>No artistry, no story, no emotion, then OOH I CAN JUMP A LOT
Too bad, artistry, story and emotions aren't point scoring elements, those are just your subjective opinions.

>> No.9795877

There's a whole point section for artistry, anon.

>> No.9795892
File: 37 KB, 754x406, scoresheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your technical score is just one part. the other components like transitions, performance and execution, choreography and interpretation are also scored. they literally are point scoring elements, a huge part of it.

>> No.9795896

Too busy writing HxH.

>> No.9796285 [DELETED] 

I saw it posted in /pol/ and most liked it.

>> No.9796313 [DELETED] 

who gives a shit

/pol/ is full of babies and uggos

>> No.9796322 [DELETED] 

just like here

>> No.9796335 [DELETED] 

nah, /cgl/ is a small percentage of that but it's mostly made up of 100% S A L T

>> No.9796762

>Too bad, artistry, story and emotions aren't point scoring elements, those are just your subjective opinions.

Haha, wow. Way to show you literally don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9796972

Never thought this meme would aply to /cgl/, but is Evgenia /ourgull/?

>> No.9796981
File: 1.36 MB, 533x539, 1519537212972.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9797164

This is kinda the exact plot of Yuri on Ice though... I really hope you guys realized that Yuuri put a ton of jumps in the back half of his program (but he also had a clean skate during the Grand Prix Finals which is a skater's dream)

>> No.9797614

dear LORD stop comparing real life skaters to YOI. just because you watched the show does not mean you have extensive knowledge about skating
>but-but anon it helped me learn! i love skating now! you probably are the same way!
>is a figure skater, constantly compared to YOI by weebs who think they know everything because they watched it

>> No.9797633

>is a figure skater, constantly compared to YOI by weebs who think they know everything because they watched it

I feel you so hard, can't go on a Yuzuru video now without all the weeby YOI comments either.

>> No.9797643

Now you know how car enthusiasts feel about Initial D fanboys. Its pretty much the same shit.

>> No.9797656

Fucking minmax'ers

at least sempai noticed her, she won gold in her heart. flavor victory.

>> No.9797674

cute panties desu

>> No.9797849

I think it’s this with just about every sports anime (initial D is the same thing basically)

>> No.9797942

sure you are, fatty-chan

>> No.9797944

Except yowapeda, since that one is written by a guy who actually knows his shit.

>> No.9797967

I hate that everyone on here automatically assumes that gulls have no hobbies other than cosplay. You don’t need to believe me, but i’m sure that you wouldn’t believe me if i went in depth on sandbagging policies in the USFSA because i’m also a coach.
I enjoyed the show and felt informed about a sport I always overlooked, but in no way will i pretend i know things about it like some gulls here. (Same for HQ too!)

>> No.9797975

Nice to see another coach on here! I’ve been lurking this thread as someone from a different but similar sport and I appreciate your insight

>> No.9798078

a simple pic of you on the ice would be enough to dissuade any doubters, fatty-chan

>> No.9798093

boring shitposting my dude.
no one wants to out themselves and you're just being rude for no reason.
nayrt, I liked YOI too, but I'm not going to throw a fit because someone who is an actual skater wants to distance themselves from some fantasy creative work.
did you also learn everything you know about 20th century global history from Hetalia? KEK

>> No.9798102

Nice deflection, fatty-chan
Larping too

>> No.9798109

is this projection? i don't understand.

>> No.9798127
File: 22 KB, 540x380, 1425770919220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was figure skating fan before YOI
>actually really looked forward to YOI
>anime was okay. not super, but okay.
>mfw it becomes this huge fucktarded mess between skating and YOI fans

Can we just let this come to an end?
YOI-fans, stop projecting YOI on the real life sport.
Skaters, don't hate on every YOI fan please.

>> No.9798297
File: 135 KB, 720x540, sailor_moon_episode_39_ami_rei_minako_and_usagi_skating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's larping, she's pretending to be an expert in the sport when she's probably just as bad as Usagi, if she even drags her fat ass to the rink in the first place

>> No.9798305

there’s probably 30 levels of irony in this post

>> No.9798314

Nothing ironic about a fat girl pretending she isn't fat, or a weeb trying to lord over other weebs

>> No.9798315

Is HWC back? You need to calm your sperging anon lol

>> No.9798324

whales and ice don't mix, it's cool

>> No.9798534

Nah, this isn’t good enough for HWC. It’s just some babu troll who’s discovered if you call lolitas fat someone reacts

>> No.9798564

Always nice to meet someone in the same position as me! It gives insight into what sports anime teaches the viewers and stuff.
Sorry anon I’m not going to out myself because you’re baiting, not about to self post.

Still tho, stop comparing people in real life to YOI characters. That’s all I came to say

>> No.9798568


She can't do a lutz, she doesn't 'deserve' any medal at all

That said I do think she's adorable and a very talented skater, I hope she fixes her jumps so her medals are fairly earned

>> No.9798761

Absolutely! I remember the nightmare that was the swimming anime days. It was... rough.

I have to say, I loved whoever posted how scoring works, I’m always amoused at how much my sport (synchronized swimming) basically lifted from skating. I mean some levels still have “figures” lmfao.

Good luck with whatever competitions you may have coming up!

>> No.9800381

Anon delivers!

>> No.9800759


She summoned that from the depths of hell.

>> No.9800795

She reminds me of that Dutch gymnast who got a medal in beam with mainly spins and far less acrobatic stuff than the norm. The routine is beautiful to watch, her execution is on point and she connects everything so smoothly but doesn't have as many "tricks".

>> No.9801165
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post professional skaters with cosplays or cosplayish costumes

Kevin Reynolds- Cowboy Bebop

>> No.9801168
File: 144 KB, 1598x2048, ct-hpn-jason-brown-hamilton-olympics-tl-0208-20180206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason Brown- Hamilton (Also that Dear Evan Hanson expo)

>> No.9801174
File: 204 KB, 1536x1152, 5a87893856019ad7048b49d4-1536-1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Fentz- Game of Thrones

>> No.9801178
File: 40 KB, 499x730, ee1fcc47ab2accb359e33db5d7de077b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna Porgirilaya- The Fifth Element

>> No.9801181
File: 75 KB, 640x640, c917c5ba2809991af667b40f178717f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kevin Reynolds again- Legend of Zelda

>> No.9801183
File: 1.68 MB, 540x250, tumblr_ok41ylsoSX1st50k0o1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe Johnson- I'm gonna pretend this counts because no one watching it with me got the reference

>> No.9801184
File: 69 KB, 800x600, x2iqomftuoak5ygqw9d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a skating costume, but Evgenia again

>> No.9801507

The guy's such a shitposting sweetheart. (I follow him on twitter.) He's also a bit of a gamer and watches anime.

>> No.9801565

His Twitter is literally the best, would recommend (@joejohnsonice)

>> No.9801566
File: 59 KB, 679x1024, 9fc428ca5ee25b8b4a2616f23282f7f8--boyang-jin-ice-skaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit abstract but I'm gonna say it counts because we all know Boyang LOVES Spiderman

>> No.9802578

Aw man I LOVE his Spiderman ex