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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9788054 No.9788054 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>9750008

/cgl/ Idol Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w3peD9VtAPM9cuIjYlexb7nHOkUfFs_Fcyv21UYakV4/edit#gid=0

/cgl/ Resources Spreadsheet (under construction) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19XZ308_3yoOKiTmgUA_DfgeqW4ddTCB_e6Zz1wnIJA8/edit#gid=827059689


- Interlunium blows up their Kickstarter goal for their second single
- 問題xSociety’s Overseas Idol Competition thingy
- Stellure's ramping up for their first live performance
- Hoshi has a kpop group now, yay

Let's talk music production. More and more groups are pushing the "original music" angle. But since most groups are hobbyists who aren't making money, they either can't afford or don't want to put the money into commissioning music, especially since composers for this community are scarce. Many groups start composing their own music instead, to variable results. How much amateur is acceptable in this situation? Do you have any tips/software recommendations for people writing their own music?

Featured group: Ice Qream @iceqreamidols

>> No.9788340

Ok, I’m sick and tired of Mimi going on Insta and complaining about how she isn’t ready and is forced to do things last minute. Girl, IT’S PROBABLY SOMETHING TO DO WITH YOUR POOR TIME MANAGEMENT!! At least she let people help her make the costumes this time instead of whining about how she has to do everything herself, but SERIOUSLY.

>> No.9788433

Looks like texas idol festival opened their submissions for a-kon. Anyone submitting?


>> No.9788527


Being an amateur isn't so much an issue, is how to execute the results. It's seems when it comes to creative skills people forget that just because it's ~artsy fartsy creative unique~ that it's still a skill.

When you're not good at something you practice, study and learn. Just like if you want to make your own art style you study from your favorite artist, learn techniques. If you don't know how to write a song, you listen to idol songs that you like that are successful, you look up how to write music, general tips to make a good song. Depending on how focus and dedicated a person is they could come up with something fairly decent.Look up actual professional composers and look for interviews or tips they put out.

If they don't want to pay a professional or someone in the community to make a song then they need to be willing to learn just like the composers who made it into a career did. Sadly most will just try to make a bootleg of a flavor of the month song, with free public music bases with random ~kawaii~ lyrics on top.

>> No.9788532

Nicobot (Petra and Noora) changed their youtube username to pΔrallel

>> No.9788599

Speaking of which, are there any composers on here that do commissions? I’m considering making a solo debut, but can only make beats and loops.

>> No.9788741
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They’re all trying to get out of this so bad lol

>> No.9788751

I'm doubtful. If any of them were trying to get out of it, Tauri wouldn't be my first guess. Con plague seems a lot more likely honestly.

>> No.9788762

Ask /mu/. Literally everyone and their mother thinks they’re the next Aphex Twin. I’m sure the competent ones can change up their style to fit this type of music.

>> No.9788778
File: 658 KB, 1242x2063, 47F92D75-894C-4F74-BED1-01BE4693CA3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Stellure..... Somehow Mimi made these look cheaper than her others.

>> No.9788787

I think they're fine for what they are, which is basically idol cosplay. It couldn't have been easy to find similar material in such a wide variety of colors.

>> No.9788814

Anyone know if the Katsu masquerade is going to be live streamed anywhere? I really want to see this live.

>> No.9788844

Someone needs to tell green girl to tilt her chin down when posing for pictures, she'd be so much cuter. Mimi, if you still stalk these threads...

>> No.9788878

I think they look pretty cute. Some of them don’t look fitted though and I wish they all had short sleeves instead of some having long sleeves and some having short. I’m curious to see they’re performance

>> No.9788931

At least they’re not the travesty of a Rose Quartz gown Mimi’s mom had to wear. The only thing that really stands out to me is Luna’s weird color scheme. It just looks strange.

>> No.9788977

Answering my own question in case anyone else was curious. They're planning on streaming it through Instagram

>> No.9788979

They’re also recording it for Youtube

>> No.9788999

They just finished. I recorded it from Instagram if anyone wants to see a shitty version.

Oh good. I was wondering if they would record it for YouTube or not.

The song doesn’t sound that bad. It’s seemingly better than most previous songs. But I do want to see/hear an “official” version of the song soon to really judge. It feels like Stellure is going a Love Live route where the leader gets the solos and centers most of the time.

>> No.9789001

Meant to tag >>9788999

>> No.9789002

I want to hear clean audio too. I was really impressed with the song. Vocals are still weak but at least sounded smooth and in tune. The dance was pretty nice too, even it was very clearly inspired by Love Live. All in all I feel as if it shows serious improvement from them as a team.

>> No.9789003

I forgot about the time change and only caught the last two seconds of it, so I wouldn’t mind seeing it even if it’s not the best quality.

>> No.9789043

For >>9789003 and whoever else is interested. Rotated for viewing convenience.


>> No.9789058

Thanks anon!

The singing I can tell could definitely use some work but as far as the song itself and the dancing goes, it sounds a lot more put together and well practiced! Still obviously some work could be done like with the choreography being very simplistic and obviously not having 100% of the full group sucks, but I would say this for sure shows growth and improvement. Well done Stellure!

>> No.9789089
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Did they get a different composer for this song? This instrumental was their best yet.
From what I can hear, they still need to work on putting more emotion and energy into their singing. The video quality is too poor to judge their facial expressions, but their dancing seemed enthusiastic enough and fairly synchronized. I'm actually kind of impressed with their performance.

One nitpick I have though is Nix's crossed-arms pose at the end of the song. I get they're going for a "cool" persona, but it comes across as stand-offish and it's off-putting.

I would like to see how they look in these costumes without the technicolor wigs. Maybe they would look more cohesive and a bit more like a proper idol group rather than cosplayers.

I hope these become their official uniforms (though they still need a lot of work and adjustments) so Mimi doesn't waste more time, money and effort on creating costumes for each and every new song (unless they're planning on having different sub-unit uniforms in the future) when those resources could go towards improving other aspects of the group.

>> No.9789090

I can tell Polaris was the main choreographer, everything looks a lot better. (Although Mimi and Nix seemed to have a bit of trouble with it.) Their main problem is still their singing, the harmonies were barely there and should have been prerecorded, honestly. Mimi needed less solos, because she still has the weakest voice out of the whole group. What she’s doing reminds me of how LL fans complain about all the Chika-centered songs.

They’re improving, though! It’s not nearly as bad as their other songs, and I think it’s due to new talent rather than the original members cleaning up their act. Polaris is legitimately fun to watch!

>> No.9789111

I don’t think they were singing live (or if they were they had headsets which seemed unlikely). My main reason for this is becuase as amateurs, I doubt they’re trained enough to sing 100% live while dancing. I also think that the reason for barely hearing harmonies may have also been the fact this wasn’t an “official” performance and was shown on instagram. In a lot of recordings of live songs you can barely hear harmonies becuase of poor audio quality (but also probably because they generally don’t do harmonies).

>> No.9789134

I forgot that they weren’t singing live, whoops. They waited until the last possible minute to find a mixer, so I’m not surprised the audio isn’t very good.

>> No.9789154

They had said in a few comments that there weren't enough mics for the whole group, so they danced to prerecorded audio.

>> No.9789195

Watched it live and wasn't impressed, but after watching it again, they definitely have improved. I think the choreography is a lot better but Mimi, Nix, and Luna need to step it up a little more. I'm also getting sick of Mimi being center and having the most solos, she isn't the best dancer, singer, and isn't the most attractive, so I don't know why she keeps getting that spot.

And whoever is letting Luna, Calisto, Vega, and Polaris go out with their wigs like that...honey. Polaris and Luna especially need new wigs, Vega's needs styled and Calisto's is either bad quality or needs a good soak.

>> No.9789202

I’m convinced Mimi sees herself as the groups Honoka or Chika, and thinks she’s the group’s primary driving motivation as if this is goddamn Love Live. A net-idol group pushing a Honoka/Chika like member could actually work, but in this case it’s not going to work with Mimi for all of the reasons you just listed.

>> No.9789217

Jokes on you. Luna’s wig is new (it’s not the same one she debuted with). But I honestly think all the members could benefit from wigs that are more realistically textured and styled. It’s really not that hard to find.

I agree about this. Normally it hadn’t bothered me as much because it’s natural for cover and dance groups to have the person who made the group always want to be in the center of everything, but considering this is their 2nd group song and she’s in the center and they just added 4 new members as well as had someone cover one of those 4, you’d think this would be the time they got to show off what they could do. But instead, they seemed to have been pushed back while Mimi is in the center.

>> No.9789218

I agree, I’ve been saying this since the beginning! She’s got to learn to give others a chance to shine.

>> No.9789222

>the jpop/kpop/coop dance student org I’m in is doing Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai for next performance

>> No.9789238

That one is so much fun to do though honestly. I love dancing that song!

>> No.9789244

People who have covered Angelic Angel/Other LL dances where they use those gold/yellow fans: how the everloving heck did you find them? I’ve been scouring the web for them, and can’t seem to find the right search terms.

>> No.9789256

I just searched “Love Live Angelic Angel fan” and found a few results. Also searching for “metallic gold folding fan” will get you a few results you could use in place if not exact replica.

>> No.9789264

Here are the ones we used!


They're fantastic, but they stay closed VERY tightly. For a dance like Kaguya that requires you to quickly snap them open, I recommend having the first notch already unfolded. But they're really big and can definitely take a beating so I recommend them.

>> No.9789277

Yeah I wasn’t sold at first but doing it today was really fun. Hopefully we won’t show up as a bad example in these threads lol.
Huh our leader had one that snapped open beautifully but I think she said the ones were gonna use were $10. I’ll give her this link and ask where she got that one.

>> No.9789291

Thank you so much!

>> No.9789306

Thanks anons, I'm trying to do kaguya no shiro de and was practicing with a shitty $1 fan from a Chinese store lol

Oh and since we're on the subject - any tips on coreographing a solo for these songs? I tried looking into traditional dances for inspiration on the fan moves but either I'm retarded or don't know the correct search terms because very little comes up...

>> No.9789412

Man, there is a LOT of potential with that music, it's actually quite good. Their voices still sound they're like they're talking into the mic, not like they're actually singing.
Hopefully they find more confidence in their voices- I'd rather an overexubarant voice than a flat one. I hope that's their next step in improving, because a song with bad vocals will never be enjoyable, no matter how decent the backing music is.
They need to take more inspo from LL (don't shoot me) because most of the seiyuus aren't very strong singers- But they use their character voices and put a lot of feeling into their singing and it works well. And for the love of god don't be afraid to do a somewhat high note, there were a lot of parts that would've benefited from that rather than the nervous mid note they're currently going for.

But colour me impressed, they ARE making progress.

>> No.9789479

>because a song with bad vocals will never be enjoyable, no matter how decent the backing music is.
Most western pop but I digress

>there were a lot of parts that would've benefited from that
I agree with this! I feel like especially near the end, Mimi or anyone could’ve done a nice ad lib to wrap the song up. It felt a bit empty without one there.

>> No.9789625

Nihon buyō comes up with a lot of results, but you may have to search the thumbnails for the ones using fans.

>> No.9789719
File: 854 KB, 1080x1920, onewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm not ragging on One Wish but why do people think pairing black leggings or socks with any outfit looks good like pic related? It just doesn't look like it belongs there at all. We saw this issue with Stellure's first costumes since it was a pastel and white colored outfit with black, jarring thigh highs. Is it an issue with not being self aware enough or lack of fashion sense?

>> No.9789734

I’d say lack of fashion sense. A lot of these teen idols just don’t know what looks good, how to balance color in an outfit, or what neutrals to pair with different colors. I didn’t learn how to properly put together an outfit until I got into lolita and learned how to match colors. The lack of self awareness also a part of it, since if they were self aware they could possibly have the most fashion-forward member of the group come up with a better outfit for them.

>> No.9789774

From a fashion standpoint, it’s actually a little of both but not for the reasons stated. On Stellure, the issue is Mimi just doesn’t know good color design and the girls don’t have awareness. But for One Wish specifically, the issue comes in with the fact that these tights aren’t full tights and the choice of shoe. Had she worn foot tights and some nicer shoes, it would’ve looked a lot better. It’s not the fact she doesn’t understand color coordinating. It’s the fact that she didn’t think to find something a bit more fitting.

>> No.9789775

TL;DR: Rigt track but bad execution

>> No.9790113
File: 390 KB, 1972x1124, 32A9CB50-23E3-420F-BB25-73855F39CE8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god someone please tell the green one to tilt her head down for photos....

>> No.9790136

I can see what you and >>9788844 mean but I feel like it’s more of an issue with her wig not being styled properly. In the One Step Ahead photos she doesn’t do it and she never did it in the old wig. It might be that you won’t see her face otherwise.

>> No.9790348

I can’t believe it, but I actually liked Unwritten, minus the singing that still needs improvement. Stellure’s come a long way from Bright Future. In a way, I feel kind of proud of them. Even though some members can be super unsavory characters at times, their dedication is a little inspiring.

>> No.9790423

I can't tell if I like Unwritten or not because I literally can't understand any of the lyrics, their diction needs a lot of work. They still need to put a lot more power behind their vocals, their voices are too quiet and soft for the loud, energetic, and powerful backing track they have and it makes the whole thing rather anticlimactic. The music is building and building and you're expecting this big explosion but their voices remain at the exact same level and energy the entire song. It really annoys me.

>> No.9790448

yeah it's that annoying head singing. they need to learn how to sing from their diaphragms. they literally teach you that in 3rd grade chorus.

>> No.9790493


i think my ears are bleeding....

i'm friends with one of the judges. all the judges were questioning how they got past the prejudging phase and into the show

>> No.9790514

this is decent but only if you mute the sound

>> No.9790530

Oh wow... The bad quality of the Instagram stream really masked how bad most of the singing is. The instrumental is so upbeat and uplifting but the vocals sound more like a droning monotonous Sunday school choir than a pop idol group.

I wish I could tell who is singing what parts so I could critique their vocals individually. The solo line from 0:58 - 1:01 was horrid.

>all the judges were questioning how they got past the prejudging phase and into the show
Then why did Stellure end up winning an award?

>> No.9790539

that’s not head singing. Myself and quite a few of my friends sing using head voice and falsetto but still manage to have power behind voices. I also have friends who took legitimate music classes and can’t sing strongly for shit. Stellure just doesn’t get what emotion or energy is. Singing from your diaphragm is just part of technique. Actually idols have made that clear.

Just watching this, I can already think of a few ways to make the singing, dancing, and overall arrangement better. I feel the biggest issue is on Mimi though. It’s been pretty clear that some of the older members have something to show but don’t get the chance to because their style is different and Mimi wants straight idol (hence why Nebula had what a lot of people called their best song). Castillo and Astra could potentially be amazing and exciting centers but haven’t gotten the chance to yet. Then we still don’t really know how the other members can sing becuase they don’t have solos except Nix.

>all the judges were questioning how they got past the prejudging phase and into the show
Lack of other talent?

Based on the shitting lipsynching and the fact that Luna sings solo at around 1:03, I have a feeling it’s either Titania or Tauri.

>> No.9790554
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Why is this not being talked about?

>> No.9790561

I mean... it was the novice category, it's not like it was the expert category.
And to be fair they did put in a fair amount of work (regardless of the outcome) as opposed to what I assume the other comptetitors did. I'm assuming the novice cat was full of LL groups and terrible cringey dialogue skits? That's what they usually are at most cons.

>> No.9790616


It looks like they've just picked several LL dance videos and nabbed figures from each dance.
I can see elements of Bokutachi no Kisetsu (3:33-3:39 is lifted exactly from it), Wild Stars and Angelic Angel.

So I wouldn't say they're doing better at all, they're just getting more audacity in stealing the work of others.

>> No.9790654

NAYRT. Playing Devils advocate but wouldn’t that in a sense be proof that they’re improving in some way? To me, starting to pick from dances you know fit the song (even if it is taking a whole sequence) is better than making up something and looking half dead most of the time without a real dance. To me that means they’re kind of getting a feel to an extent that they need to pick to fit a song. Not only this but a lot of the moves they do (even in the stolen LL sequencing) are more or less common in a lot of other places too. Not saying that makes it okay but you can’t really copyright a dance and some of the stuff they do (like the part where they line up) I’ve seen in a lot of other dances too. Since they don’t have an actual choreographer, I don’t think it’s a super big deal right now? They’re still rookie novice kids. If they blew up and did better quality Official things and kept stealing dances, I’d be upset.

Unrelated but why have they not started selling more of their music or doing more on Patreon? As much as I hate them, if they would sell music with some extras and different editions they’d make some serious money with the people who support them.

>> No.9790665


As someone who has learned dance by taking formal classes and choreographed their own performances, I don't think I could ever be okay in doing that.
It's something that people can take a personal stance on, but for me it's not improvement, it's laziness and in the long run it doesn't help you.

I would understand learning various dances to see what kind of common figures are used for the main structure for dance and formations, for example side stepping constantly to fill in gaps between more impressive figures or while another member has a solo to keep the others from remaining static - Just to get a feel for how the body should be moving for idol style dances, but by doing this or making a habit of it you will not be extending your own creativity. What they will end up doing is creating a glorified Love Live Medley with their name slapped on it. If they do more with Patreon, they'd be getting money for it. If they go to events and perform, they'd be getting awards for a lack of creativity and they'll be stunting their own growth in the process.

I am not saying you can't take movements which are common to the point you can't trace it back to a certain source, otherwise all movements would be completely off limits. But at the very least don't make it so painfully obvious.

If they want to be set apart from Love Live and not seen as some LLRP group they need to look at other sources and inspiration.
Some of their costumes have had very glaringly obvious links to previous LL cards in game, but let's not make it a thing that bleeds into every aspect of their group.

If they want to be original, they need to take risks, get some classes in dance instead of playing it safe and setting up people for disappointment when they finally decide to let go of the security blanket and find they can't do anything except copy LL. I would much sooner that they just suck but remain original than be adequate (if that) by stealing.

>> No.9790734

It creeps me out! I mean, at least Natalie didn’t auto tune the vocaloids, but an idol song from a group with underage members and an underage audience about a dominatrix?? WHY would you think that’s ok?

>> No.9790755

Agreed... I just keep thinking of the fact that they sat down, thought about it, and then wrote and produced it... yet it never came to their minds that this looks and sounds so weird and creepy? Maybe they can’t see the fact that dominatrix and idols do not go together in any context (at least I can’t see a context that it would)

>> No.9790763

it's actually a decent song, they just need to not have flat vocals, continue to drill the dancing and they'll be okay.

>> No.9790781

it looks so fucking stupid when the audio is prerecorded and it still sounds that bad. i remember when "bright future" came out most (if not all) of the conrit was about the singing; people saying it was weak, emotionless, and boring. now, almost a year later, they're still getting the same comments. they're not that young to not know how to take criticism, they just pay attention to the comments praising them so they probably think the negative notes are only from us cousinfuckers. they've been doing this since april so they can't hold on to the "we're still amateurs~" excuse forever.

all that aside, i think the most stellure will amount to is being a con performance. if they do get their shit together and actually improve they MIGHT be guests but that's about it. they're way too similar to LL to even have a chance in japan. and why would otakus want some half assed boring white girl group when they already have an overabundance of idols.

>> No.9790792
File: 74 KB, 588x592, A819B63D-AB76-4FF2-BE07-F83056D6FE56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcadia Maid Cafe in the UK are my newest cringe goldmine.

I can’t wait for them to start performing too.



>> No.9790812


Andre, as in creepy Andre?

Fuck man what have these girls gotten themselves into?

>> No.9790826

with strong voices the song will be better. The song itself is not that bad, but their untrained voices make it really bad. The dance is also basic and not really in sync, but I've seen worse dances. I think Stellure is now in a "neutral" place, nor bad or good, but only if they train or edit well their voices in the audio.
Also, kick out Mimi of the center place. She makes all worse. She can improve being in a second place and let the others shine.

>> No.9790875

>I have a feeling it’s either Titania or Tauri.
If it is either of them, it's most likely Tauri as she was the flattest singer in previous songs and when Stellure announced their new members they made a big deal about how great a singer Titiana is (although I'm not really hearing any vocals of that standard anywhere in the song...)

>all that aside, i think the most stellure will amount to is being a con performance
Oh god, I remember when Stellure first started out, Mimi had a goal to one day host a real life Love Live idol competition.

And I agree with them being too similar to Love Live's groups. They should really take inspiration from actual, non-anime idols and find their own identity.

>> No.9790899
File: 1.52 MB, 310x396, 1418571480081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mimi had a goal to one day host a real life Love Live idol competition
that is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever heard holy shit. when will this fucking love live trend die out? i can't remember the last time an anime so stupid and inaccurate to whatever real life subject they're portraying be such an obnoxious teenage fad. i don't mind the cosplays or dance covers but when people try to be idols and their ONLY knowledge is LL it's so embarrassing. i'd rather have yukapon and abipop clones than this constant nine member rainbow lookalike groups

>> No.9791021

Don’t forget that they need to stop rushing to put out new songs so fast!! Seriously, they have a serious problem with quantity over quality. The new groups I’m looking forward to seeing debut have been working on their debut songs since last year.

>> No.9791029

Yup, THAT Andre...

>> No.9791095

Just curious but which new groups are you looking forward to? I'm also wanting to keep up with some new groups but ones that are trying for better quality over who can get the most songs out the fastest.

>> No.9791098

Citresse for sure, since their first livestream was promising. Also Aeonia’s reboot, since their first song wasn’t that bad aside from some awful editing choices.

>> No.9791112

Can anyone please give me a name to color for each member? I checked their twitter and fb, but they don't have a member intro/id 'cheat sheet' so to speak.

Or feigning that as too much spoon feeding, which color one is Mimi that everyone is talking about? XD

>> No.9791115

Purple = Mimi
Orange = Astra
Green = Luna
Black = Vega
Yellow = Polaris
Light blue = Callisto
Dark blue = Nix
*Pink = Tauri
**Magenta = Titania

*Not featured at Katsu due to injury/illness
**Costume worn by Rhea as a sub

>> No.9791136

They still sound just as shitty as they did in Bright Future. How do they expect to be Idols with vocals like that?

>> No.9791150

Reposting for those who didn’t see my last post!!
Currently hosting auditions for a UK idol group! Please email chocolateboxidols@gmail.com for more information~
We already have 3 members (myself and two others~) so we’re looking for 2 more members!
Please spread the word to anyone you think will be interested!!

>> No.9791159

At least mention where in the UK you're scouting, you could be from the Shetland Islands for all we know

>> No.9791171

Actually I have all the information compiled in one email ready to send as soon as I get an email expressing interest <3 I like to keep everything in the same place to keep things organised! :) I’m not just going to recruit people without giving them information haha lol I’m not that stupid xD

>> No.9791182

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Stellure and most other net-idol/convention idol groups like them doing it as a "hobby you take seriously" and not actually trying to be Japanese idols? Like they should definitely be trying to always improve, and criticism is a natural part of putting yourself in the public eye. But time and time again I see these groups judged against professional idols with professional support and training, and I don't think that's a fair comparison. I don't think most of these groups are aspiring to be more than the kind of group that releases occasional content (original or cover) and entertains their fan base at conventions and meetups. Are any of these groups actually attempting to be real idols?

>> No.9791190

You must be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.9791195

they want to make some Love Live official competition. They think they can be like real idols without, at least, proper dance or vocal lessons. Life isn't like a fucking anime.

>> No.9791201

Thank you for assuming my age. I am actually over 18 I turn 19 later this year lol. You seriously can’t assume my age from my posts.

>> No.9791204

I just did.

>> No.9791219

ok that’s fine~ I’m just informing you that you were wrong :)

>> No.9791227

Do you have a social media account or anything for more info or is it just the email address we can get the information from?

>> No.9791243

yup but the main info is all on our gmail
Our Instagram is: @chocolateboxidols

>> No.9791255

just an fyi: idols don't shitpost on anonymous boards. if a member of akb48 or morning musume was found doing what you just did they'd be forced to make a public apology or just quit from embarrassment. actually educate yourselves on idol culture and don't just assume you know everything because you watched love live.

>> No.9791304


Don't. Just leave by all means have your fun, but just not here. You're just setting yourself and your group to be a target for people here, especially by replying to people.

>> No.9791342


When other franchise smell the money and expand overseas. If they can have an equal demographic, all the better. LL! Isnt a bad series but it atttracts more females and maintains a family friendly image without being infantile like PriPara and that is a major draw for LL!

But since Mimi wanted to be like LL. Answer this question? Does she realize that the seiyuus alone have more non idol talents like Anju's Cheerleading career and stage acting? Or Arisha's Tokusatsu and modeling? Or how they dont wear wigs and let their natural hair color and stylists make them the inspirations Stellure tries and fails to imitate

>> No.9791372

Hi there~ I’m not aiming to be anything like MM or AKB, and I actually didn’t watch Love Live till very recently so I didn’t learn everything from LoveLive as I’m aware it doesn’t depict idol culture in a true light at all. I’m just making this group for a fun time desu, to share my hobby with others. Not to become some ‘super mega famous idol and make it big in Japan’ or whatever weeby crap you’re imagining :)

>> No.9791376

Thank you for expressing concern! I’ll be taking my leave now as I simply don’t have time for trolls desu haha

>> No.9791379

That desu was not meant to be there and I honestly have no idea how it even got there

>> No.9791397

ok that’s fine~ I’m just informing you that you were wrong :)

>> No.9791399

You're an adult, it's time to start acting like one and pick your battles wisely. Or keep infighting and be banned, your choice.

Back on topic please.

>> No.9791407

They did, way back at the beginning. Haven't heard any such stuff about it since so I'm assuming they went with a more realistic goal. Where have you seen them say they want to be real idols?

>> No.9791431

>it's time to start acting like one and pick your battles wisely
... ntayrt but ...

Ntayrt, but straight from their bio:
>we are a 9 member idol group
Way back from December 2016:
>100% original idol group
I don’t know about you but this says they want to be idols and it’s not just for cosplay...

>> No.9791486

Lmao every other group describes themselves as an idol group though. That's not exactly the same as saying "I want to be a Japanese idol". Especially in this context, in the "western net idol" movement that these board are about. No one here is thinking they're going to be the next Morning Musume. I'm not saying they can't be criticized, but these groups should be constructively criticized in the appropriate context, not held up and compared to real idols, since none of them are trying to be real idols and it's an unrealistic comparison.

>> No.9791491

I heard citresse is based in san antonio. I have high hopes for them since they will be around idols like paida and milky kitty

>> No.9791499

You’re right but I disagree on that idea. If a group says they want to be idols, then to an extent they have some kind of knowledge of idols (whether it be Love Live or Morning Musume) and aspire to be that. Even the net idol movement and the western idol ideal comes from wanting to be a Japanese idol. I do think they should be judged appropriately and contextually, but they should also be held up to actual idols if they want to call themselves idols and release original content. It’s not realistic to have compared the Factories to Berryz or BerriKyu to Momusu yet it happened. Everyone starts somewhere and if they want to be called idols and have idol inspiration, then they should be held to the same standard and aim for the same standard of a Japanese idol.

>> No.9791552

their mixing is way better but yeah, i get that mimi is supposed to be their leader, but her vocals are no good haha, please let astra or one of the new girls be the main...
also one peeve is how they never color their eyebrows... just bothers me...

>> No.9791564

Yeah, they’ve got some good people to look up to

>> No.9791622
File: 40 KB, 474x474, nanjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does she realize that the seiyuus...
That's the problem, Stellure's concept is based entirely on the anime idols rather than their actresses, which is why Mimi's idol persona is literally just a purple Honoka and she thinks she's capable of creating a whole set of consistent-quality costumes for every new song with minimal help just like Kotori

>but aren't Stellure not actually trying to be Japanese idols?
I don't think they're aiming for Japan, but it does feel as though they're trying to become the American version of μ's

>that is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever heard holy shit.
Here's the post for your viewing pleasure

>maybe in a year or 2, we can host our own real life Love Live competition !!
>It would be super easy to register, i would book an amazing stage somewhere, we would introduce all of the amazing idol-groups-to-be, and everyone could perform and we could take votes online to see who would win, it would be amazing publicity for every idol group participating, and heck, maybe we could even host it annually?
>Imagine how truly amazing that would be.. omg i might cry this is so exiting.

>> No.9791733


Holly is so stiff that it hurts to watch her dance. With most people they just look sloppy or do the wrong dance but every time she dances, she looks like she’s thinking too much about it and she looks horrifying.

>> No.9791885

she has potential if she cleans up her moves more and chill just a bit with the facial expressions

>> No.9792014

Ntayrt but tbf to them you’re the one who took it off topic by bringing up their age and stuff lol

>> No.9792019

Her peekaboo cover made me cringe so much. I know it was a ‘practice’ cover but it’s like so bad can you even call it that? It’s obvious it’s only like her second time running it through or whatever. I don’t know how she put this up without thinking that it looked bad / unprofessional

>> No.9792063

is it me or does she look in her 30s? I can't shake off that old hag vibe i get from her everytime

>> No.9792085

Different anon friend. Redirecting to >>9791190 for ya.

To me she looks like she's 13, and (poorly) trying to portray that she's older.

>> No.9792232

To me she’s got the body of a tall gangly 13 year old but a face of a 30 year old so it just mixes awkwardly and looks awkward asf

>> No.9792259

Without the sound on I couldn't tell you what dance that is. She dances like she is having a seizure

>> No.9792536
File: 217 KB, 738x745, 31393457-C95A-4DDF-BE8C-3077BACD3B0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone noticed that Luna’s sleeves were ripped open? Obviously Mimi still doesn’t know how to size things for different body shapes. The sleeve cuffs look like they’re digging into her arms, I feel bad for her.

>> No.9792586

yeah i watched their katsucon vlog to see if it was meant to be kind of like an open shoulder cut but it's clearly not a finished opening. poor girl.

>> No.9792607

The worst fucking part about that is you can tell Titania’s would’ve fit her shoulders yet somehow Luna got fucked again. Whoever from Stellure or their fans stalks these threads: PLEASE pay attention to Luna. I hope the same shit doesn’t happen to Titania and she’s clearly a bigger girl. I hope this makea mimi go “hey better fix that next time. If this isn’t fixed by the music video I’ll be convinced she just hates Luna.

>> No.9792677


This is bothering me, but the girl standing behind Luna looks like her sleeve is a different colour to the main part of her outfit. As though one fabric is white and the other is cream or something?

And Luna, jaw down please.

>> No.9792756

Half of the ‘seizure’ moves aren’t even anywhere near correct ahaha

>> No.9792758

I was watching Mimi's IG when she was making outfits for One Step Ahead, and she literally just sews everything to fit her one dressform. She doesn't really factor in any differences in body proportion, which is why Luna's skirts are always nearly knee length on her and Tauri's are short (Tauri is like 8 inches taller than Mimi lmao). I hope she learns how to sew more than one size dress because I'm worried Titania is gonna look really bad trying to fit into a dress that's too small for her. I don't mind bigger dancers as long as they're dressed in something that fits.

>> No.9792807

Great to see body shaming on here rather than actually talk about their abilities as an idol

>> No.9792823

Do you realize the apperance of an idol is just as valuable as their talent? Also, none really has a problen with Luna's size but more of Mimi not making things for her size. Can you even read??

>> No.9792833

>saying we want better dresses for Luna that would actually fit her without the poor girl having to rip holes into them
>"body shaming"

Don't try to turn fair criticism of your bad sewing skills into something political, Mimi.

>> No.9792897


What abilities?

Oh, you mean the lack of.

>> No.9792912

the trans one is the cutest out of the group, i'm surprised

>> No.9792916

Lol Nix is not the cutest. If anyone, it’s Polaris.

>> No.9792917

This is just an incredibly shit picture, she is actually quite ugly

>> No.9792925

If anybody is body shaming, it’s mimi. She’s the one who refuses to adjust the costumes to accommodate anybody who doesn’t look identical to her. Do you even know what body shaming is?

>> No.9792928

if she can look good in a shitty pic then i'd say she's doing it right

>> No.9792934

i sense yellow fever

>> No.9793013

Only she literally doesn’t even look good...

>> No.9793213

Idk why anyone is defending these costumes. Shitty materials, nothing fits right, poor construction. The only thing that was tolerable about Unwritten was the instrumentals and that's being generous. They can only use the excuse of being young for so long moving forward

>> No.9793215

Costume maker needs to do better by Green.

>> No.9793260

Mimi stop complain and learn how to make a good costume that it's not for yourself. It's not that difficult make a skirt shorter/longer.

>> No.9793285


That or have the girls over for an actual fitting. Make them rehearse dances while they wait their turn

>> No.9793304

I honestly think Mimi purposefully makes her work harder for herself so she can keep up her whole martyr act. She loves complaining about how many costumes she has to do and how hard it is ; getting the girls involved in the process at any stage would get in the way of that.

>> No.9793307
File: 975 KB, 598x564, stellureetc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look girl, I'm chunky myself. I haven't really gotten any hate for it cuz I'd rather wear clothes that fit properly instead of squeeze myself into something that doesn't work for me. It's not body shaming to want outfits that fit the people in Stellure properly. Mimi refuses to sew a costume that doesn't fit her ideal proportions and she's doing a disservice to her differently sized team members this way, that's all I'm saying.

>> No.9793311

OneWish introduction video was boring af. They all look dead, shy and tired.

>> No.9793358

It’s bad but I agree with you LOL even though her personality is just as bad or worse than Mimi’s, I’m finding that in every group picture of them she looks the cutest. Maybe I’m going blind

>> No.9793380

Links ???

>> No.9793385

Yep, she wants to keep her victim status because it garners TONS of attention from her followers.

>> No.9793515

4chan doesn't allow me to post the link but on FB:

>> No.9793558


Even the girls in LL! have a balanced life outside of their glorified glee club. Kotori working a part time and being an overachiever, Eli overcoming discrimination and being the head of the student community, Honoka working part time as a baker while managing the glee club. More fulfilling than what Mimi does on a day to day basis picking fights with people online.

>> No.9793608

>oh my god I need to sew all the dresses to me and my friends alone, I'm so tired
>hey, make the group nine people instead of five!

>> No.9793690

I think Luna's body is fine, it's Mimi who put terrible things on her.

>> No.9793716

Oof yeah, tragic.
Juju never has any energy. She always seems as if she just doesn’t care almost? I met her at a performance and she was so bland it was awful. It’s such a shame cause she’s actually an amazing dancer though.

>> No.9794005

I’m kind of wondering if Mimi is a narcissist.

>> No.9794008

Mimi IS a narcissist

>> No.9794038

Ok I think i finally get what people have been saying about Holly and her stiffness. If you look at the video on the one wish Facebook page of her dancing next to Jenny, you can totally tell how awkward she comes off because they are side by side. Even though Jenny doesn’t look like she’s knows the moves 100% yet or at least she didn’t look like she was giving 100% energy, she still looks better than Holly.

>> No.9794051
File: 350 KB, 628x527, bodylinemaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that was probably one of the biggest mistakes. i get they wanted to be a literal copy paste of LL but mimi really bit off more than she could chew. even at just five members, the outfits were nothing to write home about.

mimi's 17 and still in high school isn't she? january/february is usually midterm season, she's probably still applying to colleges, and trying not to fail her senior year. i don't know why she thought she could handle leading a group and making nine costumes especially at the rate they're going. i'm guessing she wanted to be an actual school idol and forced herself to start the group before she graduated.

in ten months, they've done five songs and mimi's made 24 costumes just for the group. and then the songs are on average pretty shit and the costumes are mediocre at best. if they took their time to put everything together nicely, i'm sure people wouldn't mind if there was a five month gap in between songs.

right now, the main thing that's taking up time is costumes. maybe they should try just releasing vocals for their songs. or maybe they can purchase things like pic related that come in their colors (AND SIZES) and just modify them a bit. there's plenty of solutions but they're confusing their determination for stubbornness.

>> No.9794095

Did you see the peekaboo dance cover I linked? If that’s not stiffness idk what is. Like you can tell she dances stuff without a side by side just by looking at the first 3 or 4 seconds of that vid

>> No.9794139

I meant more along the lines of actually having NPD, but I definitely agree! Delusions of grandeur, pulling constant attention to herself, not letting the other members help out much...

>> No.9794148

>she wanted to be an actual school idol and forced herself to start the group before she graduated?
That means Stellure (or at least Mimi) will be disbanded after they graduate? I hope so

>> No.9794150

I think it said on their social media they'd met up to rehearse in London? Maybe that's why they're tired. I think the members are from all over the UK. Probably would have been best to have filmed this when they weren't so tired

>> No.9794204


I did, but with the side by side it goes from just pretty noticeable to unbearably noticeable. It’s like her brain can’t handle thinking about putting out energy, smiling, and dancing correctly all at once. Maybe some ballet classes would be good for her since you work on a lot of that’s type of coordination and it’s could help her move with a bit more grace and softness, and less like a robot.

>> No.9794206

Meant to tag >>9794095

>> No.9794248

I think ANY classes would be beneficial for her at this point. Jazz, ballet, modern, anything desu. She’s just that bad

>> No.9794286

I'm looking for some advice and maybe someone here can help.

I dance a lot, however I've found over the years that I'm better suited to slower and more elegant movements. I struggle with rougher and faster paced ones and just end up looking slow even if I feel I'm putting a lot of power into it.

How do I achieve the sharpness and speed without feeling like I'm going to dislocate something or seriously hurt myself? I'm tired of doing the same style of dance all the time.

Typically taller people suffer from this problem, but I'm spot on average height for a female.

>> No.9794336

Assuming your body awareness is reasonable, have you tried relaxing during the movement, then tensing right at the end/stop point just for a split second? It's kinda more a martial arts thing but I've found it translates quite well into hip hop (also not completely idol related, but related to faster styles of dance) and makes you feel like you're stopped as opposed to could still keep moving. It's not something that works with every move but it seems to have helped me go from completely shit to less shit.

>> No.9794588

what is this editing... it is a wmm overload. The dancing isnt that bad but the editing ruins everything.

>> No.9794634

Don't put power into it. When you see a move that looks "powerful," the dancer is only putting power into it at the beginning and end split second of it. Throughout the middle, it's all relaxed. Otherwise it doesn't look right.

>> No.9794678
File: 56 KB, 187x248, 2F80B0D2-7883-4436-A3ED-CF9710BF48B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof. It’s really obvious here how tight the sleeves must have been. Poor girl.

>> No.9794758

I mean it's the same group that done this


>> No.9794775

It looks fine, it's very cute. You don't know aesthetic.

>> No.9794791

Having a different opinion doesn't mean someone doesn't know "aesthetic". If anything, you defending this basic outfit shows that YOU don't have a keen eye for fashion.
Or are you just upset your friend (or yourself perhaps) got posted?

Ouch, my eyes... Why even bother editing something this low quality?

>> No.9794797

How hard would you start it is to start a idol group? And what are peoples biggest mistakes?

>> No.9794826

I'd say it's pretty hard, I nearly ended up crying to this other leader of a group about my struggles. Some people were upset with me being a bit bossy, had people who live 3 hours away and couldn't travel to practice and had people with different dance levels.

>> No.9794869


Comparing it to martial arts actually helps quite a bit since I've done a few different styles in my time, so when you put it that way that really helps!

I'll try this out and let you know how I go.

>> No.9794880


It's not worth the agony unless you live local to some friends who have the same ideal to have some fun with you and don't totally suck and you can openly tell each other to cut the crap if someone is doing something shitty.

I've been in groups where people can't manage money or the leader has no idea what they're doing, only wants to do things their way or will only serve the interests of certain people just because they know them outside of the unit. Often the power will go to their head and think they know what's best for everyone even if the members have expressed otherwise with legitimate reasons.
So unless you are someone who can empathize, organize and take on every responsibility to the point where you are wiping their asses and striking a balance of listening to every point of view which may or may not contradict each other for every decision, you are not suited for the job.

You get members who just don't bother to practice, do the jobs they were assigned or ignore advice to optimise their appearance or cosplay.
I don't give a crap if you love your monobrow. Unless that idol has the hairiest of caterpillars living on their brow, you pluck it. Tattoos get covered up, and I don't want to see a single wig where the bangs look like they could go into your mouth.
Appearance is so important but is often the most overlooked thing because no one wants to be that person

This is only scratching the surface, there is so much more.

If you're serious about this then have an audition and have a written contract with clear rules of how this thing is going to work. Do not be afraid to throw away people if they can't follow those guidelines set into place so none of you end up wasting your time.
It also might be that you appoint someone else to lead the group if you don't think you're fit for the job. Maybe try a one-off performance of a dance you all like and see how that goes

>> No.9794928

Whats so aesthetic about paring jarring black tights and bra with a white lacey see through dress? Show me more of this "aesthetic" anon or are you just pulling stuff out of your ass?

>> No.9794986

That looks legitimately painful, I feel so bad for her!

>> No.9794988

It looks a bit homeschool-y to me, and I don’t think that’s the “aesthetic” she should be trying to go for...

>> No.9795013

Hmm, this is sort of an advice/discussion sort of question. I am an older girl (26) and I've been doing dance covers and local odottemita stuff for about a year. But it's been really exciting seeing the net idol community start pushing for more original content. Even when it's not great or professional, it's always endearing to me seeing people make their own stuff. Long story short, I've been putting in the effort to learn how to make my own stuff and my goal is to write a few songs this year. But I am aware that I'm too old to be an idol, and I don't plan on promoting myself as such. I know how it would look if I mimicked the high pitched, bouncy cutesy idols like everyone else.

So my question is, what would you expect from an older person in this community? In terms of content, behavior, etc? I want to participate but I also want to minimize the cringe factor.

>> No.9795049

>But I am aware that I'm too old to be an idol
Believe it or not but that’s a myth. You also don’t need to be super cute and high pitched. There’s plenty of ACTUAL older idols or young idols who are 20+ and have a variety of voices, they’re just small time/less popular so don’t worry too much about that. If you’re working hard, are having fun, and are serious, you’ll be fine. I’d prefer a natural and honest older idol than one with a chara. Being older I also expect a different work ethic and mindset.

>> No.9795151

I would say another good point is think less about age and more about what you're suited for. As you age, typically your style evolves with you. Take Kozue as an example, as she's gotten older she's does things that are more mature content wise, and have a darker and more emotional tone, rather than the more cutesy high energy vocaloid type stuff she used to do. That being said, if you suit and fit the cutesy aesthetic, then go for it. I know for a fact that even though I'm still within "idol age", I am much more suited for "cool" type songs or mature stuff, I have never looked good doing the ultra kawaii stuff- despite it still being age appropriate for me for the most part.

>> No.9795177


Honestly one of the worst mistakes I think people make is thinking that getting a big of group of strangers with no previous knowledge of each other let alone dance/singing/idol knowledge will work out.

While I think >>9794880 makes some great points about how a group ideally should/shouldn't be run, you can run auditions all you want but if you don't have or try to form any sort of relationship with your members, it makes things that much longer and doesn't give your group the best chance at any sort of longevity.

For some background, I'm the leader of a love live cover group. We formed in 2014, had our first debut in 2015, and this year will be our 4th time having performed at our major local con. Within that time, there have been so many arguments, so many group dynamic changes, organizational changes, changing in some members and so much more. Within that time thought, we've all grown so much both personally and as performers. We've now expanded beyond love live and I one day hope we could maybe even try our hand at original music. All of that wouldn't have been possible though, had we been strangers. I know it is ~cheesy~ but I feel like what pushed us through the difficulties and hard times was our bonds as friends. Despite only performing as a hobby and for fun, I feel as though we have achieved a level of professionalism as well as respect within our community. I couldn't be more proud of where we are now and hope that we continue to grow as well. (sorry for the emotional blurb but I felt it was warranted just to explain the importance of bonding with your group)


>> No.9795190



On the contrary, (I can't say much as to not give away the group) but there is a group in my comm who are legitimately professional (as in- they have management in japan) and they do all the things that have been said in this thread and past ones, and more. It's honestly incredible the amount of work and effort their management and members have put in. Despite all of that work though, because the group members are all strangers to each other, many are unhappy- some to the point of wanting to quit despite having everything they need to theoretically "succeed"- because of the way they are treated within the group (more like employees or subordinates than as friends) and their debut is being pushed further and further back.

And I understand obviously for a group aiming to be professional, you can't always be friends or friendly because you need to be focused and what not. But clearly even when you are set up perfectly for everything else, if the bonding and friendship isn't there- it can still play a huge part in the success of your group.

>> No.9795324


I went through One Wish Fb and while listening to their karaoke night live, i've noticed that Juju is strongly tone deaf... I don't this this will work out at all for her. That's bad because as you said, she is an amazing dancer!

>> No.9795328


This makes me wonder what would make a good introduction video for an idol? It's quite hard to balance perfectly between being energic and push a little chara (because let's face it, most idols at least have a catchphrase or something to enhance their personality) and being natural but way more boring.

>> No.9795425

Maybe it’s just me, but depending on what you’re trying to portray, it’s not all that hard. I’m not good with overly cute but having a more “chill”, mature, or casual cute comes easiest to me. But what doesn’t work for anyone is random Japanese words or incorrect Japanese and trying to hard to be sugoi kawaii chan. I think a good intro would be the simplest: name, age, country, then why you want to be an idol and what you want to sing style wise.

>> No.9795574

You need to find people who are as passionate about it as you are. People who are around, will make the time to practice, people you can count on, people you can talk with about issues without blowing up or causing drama. In something like this, every one talks about leaders, but to me this is a team thing, there is no leader, no one person who stands above the rest and makes decisions. Everyone should contribute the same amount, and if some cant, talk about it and work it out, as long as everybody is happy and agrees that things are fair.

You can totally find a bunch of random people and make a group though, but you have to become almost like a family, you have to all really care. If people don't show up for practices, don't work on their appearance, are snappy, ect it makes it really hard! And the whoooole ordeal ISN'T easy in the first place!! It's a LOT OF WORK!! It's way more work than anyone thinks it is!! Practicing on your own, scheduling practices(the more people in the group the harder this becomes), working social media, contacting people for gigs, merch, set list creation, costume purchasing/making, money management. And thats not including creating your own songs, dances, costumes...

Just be prepared for hard times.... it doesn't always work out, in fact from what i've seen, most don't work out in the end.

>> No.9795743

paida for sure but is milky kitty even an idol?
i havent heard her sing once. at most shes just a cosplaying odottemita

>> No.9795751

I think something like what Peachy Parade did for their Patreon introduction video is pretty good, a good mix of personality and "character" but still natural.

>> No.9796000

>In something like this, every one talks about leaders, but to me this is a team thing, there is no leader, no one person who stands above the rest and makes decisions. Everyone should contribute the same amount, and if some cant, talk about it and work it out, as long as everybody is happy and agrees that things are fair.

You’re right in saying it’s a team effort, but I disagree at the suggestion that there shouldn’t be a leader. I think we have different ideas on what a leader does and means. In a real idol group, the leader is more or less a powerless position however, that’s because they have a whole production and management team behind them. Even with this team though, the leader isn’t someone who’s above the rest. They’re generally the person they can go to when they feel something is wrong or when they have ideas or when they feel they can’t talk to the group about something. But in a non-professional group, I think at some point there needs to be a leader appointed even if it’s not the person who started the group. They do the things professional idol group leaders do but also are the people who help keep everyone else in line, who deals with anything such as cons, who can help make sure everyone is really contributing. They aren’t supposed to do everything on their own but they instead make sure that everyone is pulling their weight. I think that groups without a figurehead or groups with a figure head like Mimi are on the wrong paths becuase a lot could go wrong when no one or the wrong person is in the position.

>> No.9796050
File: 828 KB, 1242x1824, 7FAA61A8-AE17-47C6-99CC-B85D80191707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that this means what I think it means and by coming months, they don’t mean March. I feel happy that it wasn’t Mimi who said this though. New direction for Stellure maybe?

>> No.9796092

still pretty sure that's Mimi talking. It's riddled with her stupid spaces before adding exclamation points. Polaris's typing style is entirely different

>> No.9796099

Did Stellure actually take criticism?? If so, this is a HUGE step forward for them!

>> No.9796103

My group has a weird leader/producer dynamic, where I’m more or less running a lot of bts stuff while our actual leader was appointed by us and is more of a figurehead. It’s a dynamic that’s worked well so far!

>> No.9796173

They almost did something pretty decent lol.

>> No.9796210

The brown hair girl looks like a fucking toddler and probably is into ddlg

>> No.9796219

Assuming people who like ddlg would even want that person there. Anyway, isn’t that a dude? It looks like a straight up dude.

>> No.9796249

If you cover her up through out the whole thing, it turns into a nice cute cover.

>> No.9796257

I used to like this dance. Keyword, "used". These cringe groups ruin good songs for me.

>> No.9796373

why did they let brown haired girl record wearing that. She looks like a wannabe toddler, which points out her awkward dancing even more.

>> No.9796407
File: 199 KB, 1080x1080, nebula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are going to be rerecording "Unwritten" with higher quality vocals, and will have the song and a MV out to you all in these upcoming months.
Well that's good. I wonder what made them finally decide to rerecord a song since people have been complaining about their vocals since the very beginning. I hope they will redo other past songs. Let's Go Baby! is in dire need of a remake, visually, lyrically and vocally.

A lot of people seem to agree Mimi isn't really a fitting center/figurehead for Stellure. Who do you think would make a better center, if there should be a center at all?

And what subunits are you hoping for in the future? I'm fond of Nebula, but I think I would also like to see Luna and Polaris in a unit together. I'm not really sure how I would categorize the rest since I haven't seen/heard enough from the new members to know how well they would mesh together.

>why did they let brown haired girl record wearing that.
>She looks like a wannabe toddler,
That's not a girl, anon...

>> No.9796407,1 [INTERNAL] 


kinda surprised no one’s posted this cringefest before. also she has ”gravure pics” on her insta.

>> No.9796424

>That's not a girl, anon...
oh...oh my

>> No.9796443

I like Nebula as is, but that causes a problem where it puts all the best girls sans Polaris in one subunit, and whichever unit Polaris is in won't be fair to her. Especially if they keep Tauri and Mimi in one unit. Either Polaris gets paired with them (which doesn't really fit her character) or she gets stuck in a subunit with some combination of the new characters. I think Polaris and Vega would work well together but I'm not sure whether Titania or Nix would be an appropriate 3rd member for that subunit, since neither of them would fit.

>> No.9796522

Do people who label themselves solely as odorite (or not even people who label themselves as such, but only ever do dance covers) deserve to be included in the "net idol" community? I feel like there's a little bit of a grey area between the two since the communities are somewhat similar, but should net idols be people who actually sing too? I don't necessarily have an opinion on this, I'm just wondering how other idol enthusiasts feel.

>> No.9796575

I mean, noora and penta are odorite and were able to make it as idols in Japan. Kozue started out as a odorite, is still one, and considered an idol in Japan. It depends on how they label and present themselves.

>> No.9796587

>A lot of people seem to agree Mimi isn't really a fitting center/figurehead for Stellure. Who do you think would make a better center, if there should be a center at all?
Callisto or Astra would be the best choice for center. Stellure’s attempt to go a love live route means personality, appearance, and talent should all be considered in picking a center. Of those, the only characteristic Mimi has is energy and it’s not enough to hold center position, because when she’s given a solo her inability to dance and sing is evident. If she’s placed generally within the group the group benefits from her energy, and she benefits from the group’s ability to hide her lack of talent. Astra is a better singer than Callisto, but seems to lack the energy Callisto does. Callisto is one of the better singers in the group, wouldn’t look out of place as center, and seems to rival Mimi for energy. Luna can’t be center despite having one of the strongest singing voices in the group, because how short she is makes her stand out and she doesn’t have the personality required to warrant that focus. Luna would be a contender for center if she bumped up the energy. The direction they want for the group means Nix can’t be center as they wouldn’t benefit by having the cool tomboy type as center and Tauri’s one of the weaker singers. I can’t make out the talent of the new members based on the quality of unwritten so as of right now I can’t consider them, but it seems they'd probably be contenders for best center too.

>> No.9796592

if someone who labeled themselves as an idol only danced, i would not see them as an idol or net-idol. this is coming from someone who as been an idol fan for over 12 yrs. idols SHOULD sing and dance! even if they just post covers. at least show us that you have more than one capability. especially if you are not a strong dancer to begin with lol

>> No.9796604

I have learned a local love live dance group has at least 2-3 girls who are either FTM or have some type of tumblr gender issues. If someone doesn't wanna be a girl, why continue doing something so girly?

>> No.9796609

Because they want to "break boundaries", anon. By doing LL dance groups, they can push their whole "see! you don't need to be just a GIRL to do THIS!" shtick.

>> No.9796623

Well I can see why you think this, you're missing what it means to be transgender. It isn't about liking/disliking feminine things, and each person varies with what triggers their dysphoria.

Either way it doesn't bother me, if someone is a fakeboi or FTM that's their choice - not my place to be concerned.

>> No.9796627

I understand that mindset but it’s dumb. Keep in mind there are full groups of guys who dance to anime and irl idol music. You act like being a girl means liking only girl things and being a boy only boy things.

>> No.9796798

I personally think Polaris would be a fitting center for a song. I barely keep up with Stellure as overall they are pretty bland and cliche but in their 8 people performance Polaris seems most comfortable performing. I'm not sure about her vocals but in the end during filming everyone is lipsyncing anyways so in a recorded video she would stand out the most by being the strongest dancer.

>> No.9796862
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>I honestly think all the members could benefit from wigs that are more realistically textured and styled. It’s really not that hard to find.
My Photoshop skills are rusty and this photo isn't the greatest quality, but I tried to tone down the hair colors and make some changes to the styling (and fix Luna's sleeve and change Callisto's costume color because it was bothering me how it was too close to Nix's lol)

>> No.9796943
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i'm pretty sure its a fakeboi, no fat dude is built like that or you know... has boobs

>> No.9796964

I mean tons of guys like Love Live too. And when it comes down to it, dancing and cosplaying is a lot of fun. Even though it's a thing that's normally seen as girly, I don't think that means other people can't and won't enjoy it.

>> No.9797062

It looks so much better, honestly

>> No.9797113
File: 240 KB, 750x1202, 5C784D3E-BC78-4C7B-89B0-F016340C3AE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it turns out, Astra actually made the costumes for Vega, Polaris, and Luna. I guess Mimi isn’t fully to blame for luna’s awful sleeve but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Mimi had started it then Astra had to work with what she was left with (which was probably badly made and badly proportioned costumes) or if Astra has never made costumes for anyone other than herself.

For the future though, Mimi should for sure enlist her for help at the beginning of the process since she seems to be decently talented at sewing and what not.

>> No.9797128,1 [INTERNAL] 

what do you guys think of these? i’ve been following her for a while and i think someone mentioned her on the earlier threads.


>> No.9797128

That explains why the pleats were so different. I had assumed that Mimi just got lazy.

>> No.9797162

While I agree that an idol should sing and dance, there are idols who do not sing but rather, do other things such as modeling and gravure but I doubt that many people in the western idol and net-idol community are willing to post things of that nature (not that they should feel obligated to). While I haven't been an idol fan for as long as you have, I can't say that I disagree with your opinion, as I feel like that singing and dancing really showcases an idol's personality and talent... but that is just my take on it.

>> No.9797173

Not Jpop but thoughts on this girl??

>> No.9797204

Not much to say. The other overweight girls posted here should take some pointers from her, weight doesn't need to hold you back + wearing clothes that actually fit makes a big different in appeal.

>> No.9797225

She could be a bit snappier with her moves, but her timing, attitude, and facial expressions are good. I wish the camera was placed a bit closer to her though, there's a lot of empty space in this video.

>> No.9797532

For fucks sake stop and go away kid. No one cares about your shit idol dreams. Go advertise somewhere else.

>> No.9797539

So is one wish just crystal rose pt 2?

>> No.9797561

It is. They're a basic typical tumblrina type person. They've got no real upsides if you ask me--hideous inside and out. It gets worse too! https://www.instagram.com/p/BOwCRcPBG31/

>> No.9797567

Was i the only one waiting for a nip slip?

>> No.9797569

He reeks like Onion irl too

>> No.9797572

Is she the Nozo from that one Angelic Angel video that bumped into another girl while trying to get to her spot?

>> No.9797575

I actually think it's pretty plausible that Astra was the one to pattern/start those outfits. The size of the split at the bottom of those three outfits is significantly smaller than the others, which is something that would be done at the start, when first making the pattern pieces.

>> No.9797597

In Unwritten they seem to be singing things in groups of 3 like LL, which makes me think these might be the new subunits...

It's Vega, Luna, and Polaris
Tauri, Astra, and Callisto
and Mimi, Nix, and Titiania

The first 2 aren't terrible but Tauri's pretty bad and I have no idea what Vega sounds like since I can't tell their voices apart in the recording

The last one seems to be the worst, Mimi and Nix are some of the worst performers and from the 2 seconds of what I assume is Titiania's voice, she's pretty bad as well.

Also, this is kinda off topic but can I just talk about how much I hate the name Titiana? Why wasn't it Tatiana, Titiana is such an awkward name and I feel like she just spelled it wrong and ran with it

>> No.9797688

Hard, because to make a group of idols you need this:

1) good actors/idol personalities
2) passable singers/dancers
3) people who are interested in putting the time and practice in

It's very hard.

>> No.9797698

Titania fits with their theme--it's the largest moon of Uranus. I'm more mad about Mimi's name, which has fuckall to do with astronomy unless they're claiming it's short for something.

>> No.9797730

Maybe it’s based off of Mimas, a moon of Saturn?

>> No.9797765

One Wish is more or less Crystal Rose. One Wish is Crystal Rose UK renamed with two extra members.

No im pretty sure it’s just mimi being mimi and letting herself have any name while the others are tied to a theme. It could’ve also been something half assed as Stella also (afaik) doesn’t have anything to do with astrology or stars aside from the actual translation of the name being “Star.”

>> No.9797797

I think so too. I'll be honest, Mimi's ones from the group actually have better construction by the looks of things.

>> No.9797805

Pretty good, but as another anon said, camera needs to be closer.

>> No.9797888

As much as I agree they shouldn’t be advertising on here,, isn’t this just a bit harsh? There’s no need to be so rude. Plus this was almost an entire week ago? It’s over not no need to resurrect it. Calm your tits.

>> No.9798251

Ntayrt but
‘No one cares about your shit idol dreams’
Isn’t this literally an idol thread... hahah bit contradictory posting a comment like that in this thread. And you obviously do care in at least a negative respect if you’re replying in such a heated way lolol

>> No.9798288

Friend of mine just shared this fresh cringe w me

>> No.9798293

>it's the largest moon of Uranus

So were they like TRYING to make a fat joke with her name or

>> No.9798319

There's a guy in my comm who takes HD videos of most of the dance groups that perform locally, here are a few from the other week at an event. There were also some outdoor performances but I couldn't easily find any footage of them.

Sigma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yx4ktqyls8

Boyish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jSx7YsF-Rw

Zeus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqvgn24e5lE

Natsu Heroes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbcs9BMzSdY

>> No.9798776

i hope the Boyish group continues to practice and get more in sync. I'd live for a good male idol cover group (utapri, idolish7 and all)

>> No.9798778

lmao that was just me replying to them with the same thing they wrote earlier, anon. chill.

>> No.9798801
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That Natsu Heroes cover of Ultra Miracle Chocobeam was a mess for several reasons but at least the Ruby and Kanan are cute.

>In Unwritten they seem to be singing things in groups of 3 like LL, which makes me think these might be the new subunits...
I noticed a detail that could be a different indication for subunits- their matching hair accessories, which would make the units:
Barrettes: Luna, Polaris and Vega
Bows: Callisto, Tauri and Titiana
Hats: Mimi, Nix and Astra

>> No.9798846

There’s a group in Vancouver called munique too. imo they’re probably Vancouver’s worst group, but it’s fun to waTch the trainwreck. They keep losing members

>> No.9798942

You need to chill the fuck out dude

>> No.9798945

She can’t dance for shit
what are everyone else’s thoughts though I’m curious lol
I think she should quit whilst she’s still ahead though personally

>> No.9798951

Those are also the correct groups they sing in. I’ve seen the lyrics for the song and the splits are like that. I hope they don’t change the subunits and this is just a way to split up the group for the song. Nebula is fine the way it is.

>> No.9799021


In Love Live it wasn't uncommon for you to have one of each 'type' but I'm so frazzled from all this Stellure talk that I can't be bothered to figure out how that would pan out.

>> No.9799262

Ok this is coming from a follower of theirs so obviously take this with a grain of salt, since I’m clearly biased.

While I agree that particular dance looks messy, what I wish was recorded was their panel in its entirety. I think I’ve been to at least every one of their major panels held at the big cons over the last few years and after seeing both them and a couple of the other groups linked above, I know I would rather see their performance versus a group like sigma. Even though Natsu is not the most polished looking group, I can’t stand the awkward MCing and other content that goes in the panels of the other groups. They do all dance nicely but if I wanted to see just a bunch of pretty clean dance covers, I would’ve stayed at home and watched them online.

Natsu’s panels usually have games and giveaways or some kind of extra entertainement going on, they do call and response and I just really like the energy they give off, I feel like I have a lot of fun when I watch them and it’s been really satisfying to see the most improve from when they first started. Yeah they can be a bit cringe but I think everyone in attendance of their panels usually walks away thinking “damn that was a fun time”

Just to compare the improvement this was like 2 years ago I think?
Versus another one of their (better) songs from the most recent event

Again, I’m forgiving of the maybe messy dancing (and because I’m not a dancer myself) but for me, sometimes but it’s more about the entertainment value than just perfectly polished dancing.

>> No.9800263


>> No.9800295


I think those are just more cues they've taken from LL that don't necessarily hint at their new subunits. Most of the Love Live outfits and choreographs are divided by threes, and those threes vary from song to song. Sometimes the routines are grouped by pure/cool/smile characters, sometimes by year, sometimes by subunit, and often at random. Same goes for the different outfit motifs used in the anime and in the cards in the mobile game. They said they have plans for a lot of songs in the future, so they'll probably play around with different groupings.

>> No.9800380


Well speaking of trainwreck. Angelic Melody Idol just announced they are are on hiatus after their appearance at Tsukino.

>> No.9800632
File: 676 KB, 1242x2084, 444C699C-9DFD-4822-A90C-3B805DF9DE95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering which group that was so I looked them up. Looks like just 11/12 hours later they decided to call it quits all together.

>> No.9800797


>> No.9801246

Speaking of train wrecks, they’re at 38:30.
Maybe it’s for the best that they disbanded.
There’s also a group at 1:13:57 that looks ... I actually can’t even tell what the hell they would’ve followed to learn happy party train because it barely looks like the dance. Seems like there’s an abundance of groups all over the Vancouver area but there’s are also many that don’t really put out anything special.

>> No.9801389

I really do not understand how a lot of groups, especially LL groups, can be so out of synch with their dances? And then they always have some members who look like they don't know the full dance so they look lost and its a hot mess.

>> No.9801411


A lot of them recruit newcomers to keep a full group as best as they could so you got newbies not up to speed with how their group works

>> No.9801601

that and they simply can't be bothered to put the effort in to practice.

Or...they just can't dance. Though even the worst of dancers can improve with practice, so it all goes back to not practicing enough.

>> No.9801696

I understand it might be a case of adding new members and getting them to catch up with chorerography but it cant be applied to every LL group :/ No offence but the dances are not that hard to learn. It just seems like all the girls learn the dances seperately and then come together for the first time in performance. You can tell by how sloppy and out of synch they are. I am in a dance group and we spend time rehearsing together and seperately and I can see a big difference between our group and these ones.

>> No.9801725

christ their Yoshiko is TERRIBLE
she spent half the dance fucking around w her wig and the other half looking at everyone else because she didnt know the dance

>> No.9801749

I believe this was her debut as well. Maybe didn’t go so well...

>> No.9801764

thats a shame honestly
she looks p young tho so hopefully she'll get better as she gets older

>> No.9801895

i find that a lot of the vancouver idol community is really problematic actually.

really, it's only one person in particular but.... they seem to group hop and are a part of like 3 groups at once usually haha. every group theyve been in has like... crashed and burned though. its almost like idol population control lmao

>> No.9801898

Did Meltia die?

>> No.9801912

Yeah, and I’m really sad about it. Merry Merli is my only hope now

>> No.9801919

that apply everywhere desu oof

>> No.9801937

As in the Lolita idol group? They disbanded over a year ago (October 2016)...

I’m unsure about this but I don’t think they’re a thing anymore afaik. Their twitter is gone, social dead for months, website gone.

>> No.9801938


To be honest, most girls who wants to dance for love live don't properly know how to dance. even my friend who doesn't like dancing and hardly ever dances started joining lots of LL dance group. I tried to teach her and my other friend to be more in sync but it's very difficult

>> No.9801940


Actually the only thing I struggle with sometimes is the arm swings...

>> No.9801942

Figured. I remember hearing rumors about them disbanding, and then I took over a year off of the social side of the internet. Sad times.

>> No.9802001

I'm thinking of doing a J-Idol con, I've only had experience hosting Lolita events but I really want to spread idol culture in my country.
At first I thought it wouldn't work but last week I went to a really small con and there were over 7 dance cover groups performing and it surprized me a lot so now I'm thinking about it.

Anything I should consider? What are the most important things?

>> No.9802173

Sounds like my com, not from Vancouver though. There's one in every city.

>> No.9802329

isn't there a jpop con in seattle or something? i mean i know its not really the same but

>> No.9802584

Not sure? I'm actually not from the US and I wouldn't travel there for a J-Pop con unless it'd be a super big event and I think most of the groups on my country think the same way.
And also I don't want to limit myself to J-Pop. I also want to include Kawaii Mmetal and J-Rock and all those other genders.

>> No.9802617

I live on the island and I can say these groups have some major drama between all of them. They really don't hide it from the public (confession pages, public posts outing people, etc)

>> No.9802983

Do we have any serious dance anons here?

I'm a noob and I was just looking through a few videos on how to count music, and seems like there are so many different ways to do it depending on the dance style. Idol dancing is (from what I understand) very different from most western styles, and, of course, there are no videos on it. I asked something related to this a while ago and some anons told me they had no problem dancing these songs to a count of eight, but I'm still struggling with that.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated

>> No.9803060


I've done a variety of dance styles and I found that idol ones usually borrow from them and tend to be simpler because more often than not the person singing will have to dance it in one form or another, sometimes they dumb it down further.

I don't do counts of eight, because it doesn't always suit every piece of music and some even change the beat part way through a song so it isn't reliable all of the time, but it is a good place to start for those pieces of music which don't throw the rules of a steady rhythm.

My advice is to look for other audio cues in the music, if they strike a certain pose on a particular syllable of a word or if there's a particular sound you can link to a movement - goraku jodo is a good example of this.

Another thing that helped me was to look up the lyrics and see if some movements match up.

It's one of those things that come with time, or maybe I was just blessed with a keen sense of rhythm, but it can definitely be learned and becomes second nature.

>> No.9803199

Try not to get too obsessed with counting. As someone who has learned both ways, *unless* you are being taught I find music cues easier to follow. I've found trying to go learn a whole song only counts on my own is mentally draining and almost distracting.

How I generally learn is..
First, watch the video a ton so I can remember how the music goes/get a basic idea of the choreo (much easier to remember the moves if you can tie it with the song.)
Then I'll work on small sections at a time, going through the moves and only stopping to count at difficult parts. (Usually I'll hum along, or make sounds to go with the moves. Dun dun, hah, etc - counting at times but later on relying strictly on music/muscle memory).
Once I have a small section learned I'll follow along with the video at 60% speed, 70%, 80%, up to 100%. Rinse and repeat over a few days until I rememember the dance fully.

Sorry if this isn't of much help. I've only been dancing for a few years, and overtime I found this works best for me. Counting will start coming natural if you can focus on the beat of the song, Love Live especially almost ALWAYS goes to a 1-8 count. Try practicing with something easy - Snow Halation is a good start.

>> No.9804053

anyone seing a billion of new lovelive group in the same area being created and disbanding weeks later

>> No.9804067

What I never understand is that in my area, people are still trying to make Muse groups. Like, as much as I love Muse, at least keep it fresh and do Aquors because even I'm tired of seeing the same Snow Halation and Wonderful Rush over and over. Or even better, I would love to see some Idolmaster groups. Even if they were cringey, at least it'd be a change of pace. Does anyone have any groups local to them who have done Idolmaster before?

>> No.9804069

I would love an Aikatsu group, personally. Anything other than Love Live would be good at this point.

>> No.9804095

There's a few groups in my com that do Idol Master. There's also a few Vocaloid, Enstars, and Idolish7 groups. Majority is still Love Live but it's nice that people are branching out.

>> No.9805231

Not any more. That con tanked.

>> No.9805233

Honestly as fun as it sounds it will probably fail. You probably woudn't get enough attendance to cover your costs.

>> No.9805267

I’m pleasantly surprised by there being an Enstars group!

>> No.9805884

Where is my Stellure hentai? Someone get on it.

>> No.9805908

Let’s not joke about that because
>Polaris 15
>Vega 16
>Titania 16
>Luna 15
>Castillo 16
>Tauri 16
>Pretty sure Mimi 17
That’s about 2/3 of the group. Nix had a birthday in December, Astra just had one. No thanks, not even as a joke.

>> No.9806052


I don't even want to imagine Mimi's orgasm face.

>> No.9806114

Anyone here like Rock a Japonica?
I would love to see some covers if anyone know any groups who’ve covered them!

>> No.9806131

we’ll just have to ask shad then

>> No.9806164

I really like them but I’m always worried groups I like will be ruined by mediocrity.

>> No.9806552

I joined two net idol discords, asked about people’s oshimen, and one gave non-animated answers aside from a few anime ones and the other one produced EXCLUSIVELY Love Live answers. Guess which one I much prefer?

>> No.9806597

Love Live?

>> No.9806640

Definitely not, haha. There’s a clear age gap between the two discords as well, with people who like real life idols being a lot more rational and waaaaay less weeby.

>> No.9806663

The difference is... astonishing.


>> No.9806777

For a second, when I read your comment and opened that first video, I thought you were going to compare One Wish's latest performance to a past performance of theirs and say how much they improved. They're still pretty bad. Out of sync and unenthusiastic. And why the black leggings with white lace dresses?

IRO BANG practically look like a real idol group! Maybe some embellishments or shimmer to their uniforms would make them look a bit more "official?"

But if you're in the mood for watching some messes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1moOOqSKpE (The dancing is actually okay, but 2/5 of those outfits aren't)

>> No.9806883

I love Iro Bang honestly. But as far as One Wish goes, I would’ve hoped that at least Jenny, Juju, and Holly would’ve been better. Sure they aren’t super great but all of them have been at it for a while and are super stagnant.

As for those other two, god what the hell. I was kind of confused and freaked out by the first girl who showed up in the second video.

>> No.9806885

>What are the most important things?
Location, location, location: Do you have a local idol audience that would come outside of a con? What size can you _reasonably_ expect? Most people will make out of town trips for a con but not for a small half day event. Is your country small and dense or spread out and sparse?

Manage expectations: Does your audience have active wotas who get hyped and chant or do people sit quietly? Are you prepared to still go on stage if only 5 people show?

Manage your budget: Be prepared to treat whatever expenses you have as a complete loss and don't invest more than you can afford to lose.

>and all those other genders.
kek, I think you need a break from the tumblr hivemind

>> No.9806886

I.... don’t think they were talking about people, given the context? They probably meant genres...

>> No.9806937

minus the one with the yellow belt that actually danced with some pep in her step, there's no energy in the OneWish version at all.

>> No.9807119

Yeah, I watched her for the majority of the video. In bad groups, it seems like there’s always one person who stands out and is actually enjoyable to watch.

>> No.9807226

Immedietly closed the 2nd video when ugly ass eyebrows chan popped out.

>> No.9807231


>> No.9807264

There suppose to be star shaped eyebrows. Her makeup and outfit make her look so trashy and unkempt compared to the other girls.

>> No.9807423
File: 331 KB, 710x1080, 20180305_165851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lol which one of you was this?

>> No.9807588
File: 49 KB, 600x744, 11FC2A1C-D6B9-4A58-A2C7-AB849719EA1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star eyebrows can be super duper cute if done right like in the picture, but fucking eyebrow-chan from that signal video
Fucking hEll
I’m gunna have nightmares tonight.

>> No.9807627

ombre pigtails girl look so uncomfortable

>> No.9808084

Fucking cringe kpop chan again
I laughed at the outfit
This is a mess

>> No.9808115

Call my crazy but I don’t really see anything wrong with her dancing. I mean she’s not great but she’s not all that bad?

>> No.9808149

Ngl dude I think she’s pretty good lol
I mean
Jelly shoes
In the snow
And she barely stumbled. Considering how icy/wet it probably was, she probs better when on a non slippy surface.
Also the poncho was too baggy and hid her movements which didn’t do her any favours. Other than that, she’s pretty good.

>> No.9808206

Okay clearly you just have a huge vendetta against crystal.
Seeing as how sugar stars ended badly with a fall out, I’m gonna guess it’s either one of the others or possibly that girl “from crystals school” who came to laugh at her before.

Either way, no one cares about shitting on one girl as much as you when there’s better cringe out there.

>> No.9808288

Exactly what you said
Also does it even count as cringe? Its not cringey at all lmao

>> No.9808416

Have to agree with the other anons here. It's not good, but it's not cringe level or bad. She missed a few moves and is boring to watch, but she's isn't awful by any stretch?

>> No.9808633

It looks pretty shit with the poncho. Like someone trying to break out of a strait jacket. Would have been better with a cute sweater.

>> No.9808653

All of you are blind asf
She’s shite
She did this one too
Shes just awkward to look at and makes me cringe the fuck out

>> No.9808700

Again, it’s not that awkward and the original dance itself is weird. Vendetta desu.

>> No.9808701

Also, the fact that you find it necessary to shit on her not once but twice in a way to try and prove your invalid point makes you really cringey.

>> No.9808760

Stop posting and get a life. If no one one cared the three times you've posted her then it's your own problem.

>> No.9809247

Just discovered this girl on insta
And she’s actually really talented?
Why aren’t more people talking about her! She did a collab w galaxy girl paida too! https://instagram.com/p/BXq4u6iFjDK/

>> No.9809304

What's up with
Typing like this
Is this a new trend?
Or is the person typing like this just samefagging

>> No.9809309

i'd bet samefagging, they're all insta posts too

>> No.9809316

Lol wtf you’re just discovering Juliane despite the fact she’s nothing new... No one talks about Juliane becuase pretty much everyone knows her. Nice try though.

>> No.9809362

I wasn’t typing like that actually I’m on my phone so it shows up like that. Nice try though lol, I’m not the same person that was hating on Crystal if that’s what you’re insinuating.

>> No.9809524

Calling bs because that’s not how 4chan mobile works on account of that’s all I use plus you typed normally so?

>> No.9811337
File: 166 KB, 1044x318, Screenshot_20180309-112603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to think of this?

>> No.9811477

Who is she?? Considering this is only part of a conversation (or so it seems?) I can’t say much but I think if you’re getting paid to lip sync and dance around to Japanese music full time, then yeah that’s a job. Th act your age comment is also kind of dumb because that exact thing (dancing and lip syncing to music) is what burlesque dancers, strippers, and drag queens do for a living. I’m honestly more curious as to why she was making the comment in the first place.

>> No.9811479

Lol nvm she’s a nobody who gives a shit.