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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9763296 No.9763296 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread - 9745038

To start things off, I'm looking to replace the ribbons on the sleeves of an old OP I have. Any recommendations for online shops?

>> No.9763298

What do you gulls do when a transaction of LM is complete, you've left feedback, but the other party never does?

Just grin and bear it?

>> No.9763330

Just message them and ask them if they can leave feedback? Can’t really take it much further than that

>> No.9763363

Do Rosemarie seoir and Katie ship internationally?
Does chocomint still restock their items on closetchild?

>> No.9763747

Big titted problem here.

Are jumperskirts ever flattering to top heavy girls?

I'm not talking about Lolita, just a skirt which sits at the waist and has straps up and over. I tried one on and got this weird feeling from it. It might just be that I'm not used to the look of it.

Please aid me with your salty opinion /cgl/!

>> No.9763761
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I'm apparently not the only one looking, so here goes:

I (and another gull in the current, about-to-sage general) are looking for replacement snaps for our Bodyline shoes - they're the little buckles that look like a regular miniature belt buckle-type closure, but behind the buckle there's a metal snap. I am looking for the round and the other anon was after the heart-shaped ones. does anyone have any idea where to find any? I didn't have any luck with my local craft stores so that's not a super helpful suggestion, and a link to a taobao or ali listing would be absolutely ideal. I could only find keyrings and pin backs on ali myself
pic related shows two examples of shoes that have this kind of buckle, both of these round

>> No.9763782

I do this to buyers/sellers I had an issue with but don't want to make a fuss with. Like issues that aren't enough to make me leave negative feedback but aren't small enough for me to give you positive.

Message her and if she doesn't just let it go.

>> No.9763833
File: 91 KB, 800x1200, 2M8A0162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like pic related? If that's what you mean then no, it's not flattering and it never will be. It sucks but there are just some clothes we can't make use of.

I feel your pain anon. So many normie trends I just had to give up on. Tanks with built-in bras. Dresses or tops with any kind of cut-out detailing in the underbust area. Any shirt that requires a strapless bra... just let it go anon

>> No.9763864

Thanks anon. This is the candid heartbreak that I can't trust my friends to give me. I hope you have a good day while I casually alter some skirts.

>> No.9763912

Are you supposed to finish the edges of a jersey knit fabric if you're making a t-shirt? I know to use a walkingfoot/ballpoint needle, and I'm going to use a zig zag stitch , but I don't know if I'm supposed to add a second zig zag stitch to finish the edge.

>> No.9763921
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Besides Punyus, are they are any (good) brands that cater towards fatty-chans? I'm a US 16 for reference.

>> No.9763925

Jesus you're a planet

>> No.9763931

My friend is into lolita and I wanted to surprise her with a dress or something. What's a good place to look into? Are taobao indie brands okay since I'm poor as fuck? Or are they considered bad? Is lolitawardrobe a good site? She's into goth mostly if that helps but also into the other styles

>> No.9763942

Don't jump right into dresses especially if you're a poor fuck. Stick to accessories that might go with what she already has. Go to lacemarket lolibrary and mess with a the search tags to see what's out there that would fit her style

>> No.9763944

Personally, I prefer when people give me money to buy what I know I want and will fit with my wardrobe. That, or if they ask for links to items; I send my friends LM links to things I want if they ask what kind of gift to get me. It's much easier and makes sure that I'll not only like it, but won't be wasting their money either.

>> No.9764654


okay, thank you, anons! i just wanted to see if it would be cool to send a friendly request; i would never wanna hound someone, cuz it's really not a big deal

>> No.9764741

I placed my first order with Clobba. The only shipping option was "DHL/EMS" and not one or the other. Will they default to shipping via EMS since I'm in the US?

>> No.9764754

Lolitawardrobe is a Taobao reseller; if you don't know Taobao brands or lolita too well, you probably shouldn't look for dresses there because the quality of the Chinese brands varies.
What's your budget? Innocent World's winter sale goes live again tomorrow, iirc they had some pieces that can work nicely with gothic and aren't too expensive, though obviously that depends on how much you plan on spending.

>> No.9764804

Where do I buy Les bourdon's shoes or were they just a preorder only thing? Also does anyone know anywhere selling brand new 3 strap JM style shoes? I really want to get some brand new ones instead of second hand

>> No.9764925

adding one more stupid question - how long do they take to ship stuff that's in-stock? I ordered a petti and just hoping it clears Chinese customs before Chinese New Year.

>> No.9764948
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I never cosplayed before. I want to make a frog costume like pic related. How do I make this happen?

>> No.9764960

I need quality fancy bloomers for my American thunderthighs, any recommendations for good peeking bloomers in customer sizes? The rest of me fits in VM but Japanese bloomers cut off circulation to my legs.

>> No.9765128

Thanks for the help! I'll try and see if she specifically wants something and maybe just get her accessories then!
I was thinking of anything under 300, but I'm starting to see that lolita doesn't joke around with the high prices. I'll check out the sale and see whats up, thanks for the recommendation, I really appreciate it!

>> No.9765138

AP has some nice fully shirred pieces

>> No.9765155

Another thunderthighs here. MeLikesTea has some nice bloomers + custom sizing. I have a pair of their daily bloomers and it's nice having it fit comfortably.

>> No.9765158

look into mascot/fursuit tutorials. most of them are mammal focused but you'll get basic skills down like making heads and such

>> No.9765209

Since I don't see a thread for it: who has the best A-line petticoats? I'm not worried about price I just want something that will look nice under my IW skirts.

>> No.9765326

I'm interested in getting into lolita but am afraid of embarrassing myself. I don't wear any makeup and still have my older sister style my hair.

I've been a shut in for 7 years and am looking for hobbies and interests to meet new people.

I'm 21 and what I consider a normal size (32-25-32). I have long curly hair so I'm not sure how I could style it, a fringe is out of the question as it would just bunch and fray. Wigs also likely won't work, I've probably got too much hair that even putting it in a cap would add like 2 inches to my skull.

Do you think I am too old and socially retarded to get into it? my local meetups specifiy people can only come if they wear lolita, so it's not like I could go to a swap meet to try buy my first few things second hand and in person to get a proper look at them... Basically - do you think the community is on average ok for someone fairly socially awkward? Is it possible to pull off the look without wearing too much makeup? when it's on my skin I really feel compelled to scratch it......

>> No.9765328

We're all autists even if some people don't admit it. If you're afraid of feedback being negative just lurk a while and don't post pics until you're confident.

>> No.9765331
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>still have my older sister style my hair
Is this bait?

>> No.9765341

No. I'm disabled and motor functions are effected (please no bully)

What works best for my hair is to plait is immediately after I wash it, but since I've a hard time doing that, and since my hair is so long, my older sister does it for me. My hair reaches past my butt when wet. I insist on having long hair because well, it's cute. My sister enjoys doing my hair and shes really nice ...

I can style my hair with shea butter on its own, but what works best is keeping it braided till it drys. This takes about 15 hours cause I've so much hair.

>> No.9765349

Just lurk a lot anon. I don't use Facebook other than to look at groups and while I don't have any physical/mental disabilities other than some depression I was a very sheltered shut-in all through high school. After understanding that I wanted to be in this fashion I researched, started building up my wardrobe, and lurked here hard for two years as I got more clothes and started to wear things out and about. There are threads here to help newbies like this one and Outfit Help/Coord Help. Eventually late last year I felt enough confidence to post pics of myself and got compliements. I like to think I've made it.

Having a comm might help though also once you get past the initial steps, I'm too antisocial even for that haha, still a lonelita myself. But you'll get there. And you're not too old at all anon, I'm 23 myself and I bet most girls that use cgl are in their early to mid 20s.

For hair, rock your natural hair anon, you don't need wigs. Natural is more in than ever, and as a fellow long haired anon I want you to be happy with it. For makeup, that's down to you really man. Like it or not this is a very vain and appearance focused fashion. If you are a natural beauty it shouldn't matter much, but I would explore makeup if not. It's not all cakeing on glam drag makeup like you might see on western internet. You can get light foundations and BB creams, do more natural looks. Just research, explore, maybe stop by makeup stores like Ulta and Sephora for advice on what to look at for your preferences.

Or if you have a lot of confidence in your outfits you can do like the Japanese often do and block your face always, it's a lot less common in the west though.

>> No.9765376

Malco Modes. I use their 580 petti (I think they call it Zooey on their site?) for longer dresses that don't need a lot of volume, and 582 (Jennifer) has been quite popular for more voluminous A-lines for as long as I can remember. They have three channels at the waistband so you can adjust their length too.

>> No.9765430

Firstly, 21 isn't too old. I'm 25 and still wear it, although I'm not into sweet. Natural hair is fine if it's well cared for, and you can even keep the plait if you like (I love plaits with old school sweet and classic). Milkmaid style looped braids are adorable.

As for makeup start small, you need to get used to wearing it. Start maybe with some concealer on any unevenness, then move on to adding a sheer shimmer eyeshadow or tinted lip balm, then maybe try pencil eyeliner above your lash line. Just gradually level up and play around with formulas and application methods. There's an amazing amount of application methods for makeup, so don't give up if something doesn't work.

Depending on the severity of your mobility issues you might find some types of makeup too much of a pain in the ass to apply neatly. Liquid liner or complex blended eyeshadows are awful to me and I don't have issues. It's totally fine not to be a makeup artist and anyone who faults you for not having a cut crease and fleeky eyebrows is not worth your time. Plus 90% of the time current western makeup styles look awful with lolita.

Source: Am shit at makeup goth.

>> No.9765562

Welp, reposting this thing I wrote on the wrong thread


>> No.9765563

don't buy anything from china if you don't want to give your friend a replica

>> No.9765565

I think people wouldn't mind with a swap meet, I'd be happy to sell to a newbie. But it's strange to get into lolita to meet people. Apparently you were too awkward to meet people using normal methods, so what makes you think it'll be better with lolita?
Wait, is this why there are so many weirdos in my comm?

>> No.9765567

That likely is the reason, yes. Especially nowadays when kids are desperate to belong to something even if they don't actively participate in it, that's how you get socially awkward itas and lolitas-at-heart.

>> No.9765569

>I bet most girls that use cgl are in their early to mid 20
Because they'd get banned if they said their real age

>> No.9765570

Ok newfriend, the jacket looks like a standard duster jacket. The boots are harder but you could probably make some knee high boot covers to go over a pair of shoes. The hat and goggles look like standard aviator style ones. Belt and shirt are pretty easy to mock up. Just google those things to find diy or places that sell those pieces to put it together. Always do a google review search of any online stores before buying though.

>> No.9766053

Are AP bags just made of crap material?

Every other listing I read on Japanese auction sites, the seller says they never even used it, it's just been sitting in their closet for years, and there are scratches and peeling all over them

>> No.9766228

Does anybody have that tutorial/post about how japanese style bangs differ from western style? I can't find it and I need a trim, please help a gal out.

>> No.9766424

No, I've always been interested in lolita since I was probably 13, However outfits are worn to be seen, if you live in one room of your house, there is no use in trying to look good, no one will ever notice.

I also enjoy drawing cute girls in cute outfits, I like cute things and collect things that I think are cute. I suppose really it would be better to say, if I looked cute I think I would feel better, and would be better able to talk to others. But of course, it's always nice to have things in common with others. I don't think I'd be some ugly ita, I'm rather questioning if my lack of social skills would make me annoying at a swap meet. But you know, your question did make me think I should work harder on being normie passing... ok! thank you

>> No.9766433

do you mean the google doc about how to cut them

>outfits are worn to be seen
mine aren't desu

>> No.9766436

They're synthetic, so yes. I only use leather handbags and will never own a burando bag because I'm not going to spend over $100 on something that will fall apart.

>> No.9766461

Then that's very sad. I hope you make some friends to appreciate the effort you put into your cute outfits soon!

>> No.9766465

js a lot of people don't wear it to get noticed

>> No.9766592
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 74238948295234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing alt fashion for other people's approval
>what is self expression
Seriously? Learn how to live for yourself a little, do shit because YOU enjoy it and don't wait for someone else to tell you how kawaii you are; life doesn't revolve around receiving feedback from others, and wearing brand around the house for no special reason is always fun.

>> No.9766626

If you live in a world where no one can see, what is the purpose of self expression? There, outfits are made to be seen, visual forms of self expression are made to be SEEN.

Seen and looked at are two different things but, whatever.

>spending 300 dollars on an outfit and pretending like you don't care if anyone sees it.

>> No.9766630

No, I don't. I don't even post coord shots online, I wear this fashion for me because when I look in the mirror I love what I see, and imo that's what matters. I do go out in these clothes daily, not just wear them at home, but I don't understand this "I hope you find some friends who will appreciate your cute outfits" mindset. Why is that necessary at all?
>spending 300 dollars on an outfit and pretending like you don't care if anyone sees it.
Spoiler: You can spend money on things that you love because YOU enjoy them, not because you're looking for approval or want to impress anyone. Try it, it's fun.

>> No.9766763

Nayrt but link to that doc pls?

>> No.9767118

You may get some shit for what you're saying itt, but your my soul sister you're not alone

>> No.9767119

your best bet is to message choke on fb probably. She keeps mentioning them in every single coord she wears (but it looks like she only has one style) so she's trying to make them a thing.

>> No.9767120

Get clip in bangs. Stop being such a weirdo and scratching your face.

>> No.9767147


>> No.9767323
File: 90 KB, 280x373, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently received Holy Lantern Ivory OP from lace market. I'm really excited to wear it but I've noticed that the sleeves are so white and sheer that you can see the pinkness of my skin (even with my Irish pale skin) underneath them and I think it looks kind of strange.
Is this normal? Is there some kind of undergarment I could get or would that look weird?

>> No.9767329

It's normal. Don't worry about it. Anything you wear under it will look stupid and affect the overall fit of the sleeves/bodice.
Also, as a fellow Irish person I am literally begging you to never say "my Irish pale skin" ever again. It's cringey af.

>> No.9767336
File: 751 KB, 732x855, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also cringe your heart out mate

>> No.9767620
File: 194 KB, 750x750, 127_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For lolita shoes, does the color of the metal parts actually matter? Do you also take them into consideration for coording?

>> No.9767649

Depends on how prominent or obvious the metals in your coord are, or how pedantic you are. It does bother me personally if the metals on my shoes don't match so I try to go for shoes with dark metal buckles if at all possible, they look more neutral.
Generally speaking though I don't think it's a really big deal.

>> No.9767739

Thanks ,this is useful. I already have bangs, but they are the semicircle western bangs. I have a round face,so I want to get the side pieces of hair and I can only do that with triangle bangs. Is it best to completely grow out my bangs now and re-cut them as a triangle, or to part the triangle from the semicircle and grow the side pieces from the excess hair?

>> No.9767758
File: 104 KB, 275x258, 1514578372101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Candy Violet still sell Petticoats? Her store link appears to be broken.

>> No.9767761

Candy violet has been gone for years and years anon.

They were just Malco Modes petticoats anyway iirc.

>> No.9767770

What makeup do you use for completely white skin? Is it like a powder or what?

>> No.9767772
File: 60 KB, 480x640, Check dem dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a dumb question, are reply numbers still adequately randomised on cgl for rollin'? I miss the closet cosplay/ jfash style games cgl used to play and was considering making a new thread sometime.

>> No.9767778

It's not a powder, it's achieved with foundation and powder to set it. Look up a shironuri tutorial. You can use something like the white kryolan paint stick and a white powder to set.

If the amount of metal is tiny then I don't think anyone would even notice. Although, I have a skirt with gold eyelets and everything else I wear is silver and it annoys the crap out of me.

>> No.9767818
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any kind of directory for looking up lolita brand dresses over the years? I briefly played with the idea of getting a lolita dress for some event in like 2008. I can't for the life of me find that dress now though, even just images.

The dress was similar to this, but with more pronounced pleats and a white line around the hem. It was also possibly long sleved, but the details on the skirt are what I remember most. They were selling it in baby blue and pale pink.

So sad that once I finally have the sort of money it takes to really care about what I wear, the brand that always enchanted me is dying.

>> No.9767821
File: 72 KB, 300x400, ae1db606-64b7-5650-a780-56954890faa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind I think I ended up answering both of my questions a moment later.

>> No.9767822

Lolibrary is what you're looking for my friend. It's a bit broke but you can still pull up pages of VM to trawl through.

>> No.9767830

I've been thinking about making an ita dress up thread for a few days, too, but wanted to wait until I had time to participate.

>> No.9767878

I found an Angelic Pretty bonnet where the seller has displayed it inside out on their mannequin head.

I don't know whether they have ever actually worn it.

i doubt it, but i'm just wondering if their turning it inside out will have damaged/warped it to the point it cannot be warped back or sit normally.

sorry for stupid-ass question, i'm just new to bonnets but would love to get into them

>> No.9768029

Do you have a regular hairdresser? Chances are you get get your bangs re-shaped to triangle right away. Triangle bangs (which I had for several years) are much thicker than your standard "western" bang cut. Chances are you have plenty of hair to work with to get the cut you want now, without needing to wait to cut and re-grow again.

>> No.9768035

Need some advice on whether or not to follow-up with an LM seller. I've never had to follow-up with someone for tracking info or shipping update before, and I really want to avoid coming off as rude.

>Buy something on LM last Sunday
>Pay right away, seller says I'll get a PP notification when it ships
>now a week later, no PP notification
>check my USPS dashboard and see a new tracking number popped up, but it's been in pre-shipment since Wednesday the 24th.

I appreciate any advice about how you would handle the situation.

>> No.9768102

If it's a soft bonnet then no, if it's a wired bonnet then it should be fixable just by wearing it the correct way around.

Just message the seller with your concern, it's not rude at all.

For my own question, what should you do if you want to buy something from a Japanese sites but they prevent proxy sites (ie shopping services) from buying?

>> No.9768108

Maybe find someone who lives in Japan and can buy it for you? Some shopping services can bypass this though, like Tenshi Shop and Japonica Market.

>> No.9768332

Where/who can I go to commission an Atelier Boz style jacket? I would just buy a jacket from Atelier Boz/secondhand normally, but they don't sell pink jackets

>> No.9768386

You'd need a forwarding service, which is what the other anon described.

>> No.9768391

Is it possible to dye the colour of faux suede shoes? I have a pair of shoes that are a light pink that I'd like to be a darker shade of pink.

Would RIT's synthetic dye work? If I brushed on the dye with a paintbrush, and then dunked the shoes in water? I don't want to turn the soles pink; they're beige– although, the dye will probably bleed either way.

>> No.9768411

Water/liquid is the arch nemesis of suede and faux-suede, so I don't think that would work. Polyester is a bitch to die, even with Rit synthetic, too.

>> No.9768430

I didn't even take that into consideration. Thank you, anon! You saved me from a shoe disaster! I'll just look for another pair of shoes.

>> No.9768433

no, a forwarding service is something like tenso

>> No.9768445

Getting in touch to confirm.. I paid the invoice (date) and I see it hasn't shipped yet.
Did you see the payment? Please let me know if there's anything I can do to see this get shipped out soon, I need it for a meet that's coming up haha"

>> No.9768607
File: 513 KB, 464x455, wooden brooch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are people getting wooden brooches like this from? I see loads of them on Etsy (sometimes of the same type) so I'm assuming they're available on TaoBao or something?

>> No.9768659

I neeeeeed that

>> No.9768674


Here's to hoping some kind anon will come along and pass their knowledge of where to get them for less (I'll even take keywords)

>> No.9768691

Are you looking to have them made or just buy premade ones?

>> No.9768718

Just premade ones. Even if it's just the brooch without a pin backing. I am kind of curious about the former, though

>> No.9769018

My boyfriend wants to start dabbling in ouji but the two hiccups are that he is 1) plus size 2) doesn't like the knee length culottes that are what most oujis gravitate towards. I think the most flattering style for him historically is the early 19th century English dandy Lord Byron style. I obviously know nothing about ouji though so I'm not sure if that could work.

>> No.9769020

Are there shopping services for buying goods from Korea, and if so does anyone have recommendations?

There are some indie artists I admire from Korea and id love to be able to get some of their goods one day

>> No.9769023

Ouji only looks good on skinny men who aren't particularly masculine. Honestly, if you don't fit into the typical measurements of most ouji brands, chances are you're gonna look like shit. Just look for something else historically-inspired anon.

>> No.9769071
File: 119 KB, 960x800, Vania_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a cosplay question but you seem to be the best board to ask it. I don't understand design of her clothes, it's her official art and these white thingies are pretty common on all her fanart, but what are they, are they some frills sewn under her skirt or it's her pettycoat showing? Yes, it's a silly question, I know.

>> No.9769079
File: 83 KB, 661x595, 1479010418635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to delete all records of my cosplay so people don't find it after I kill myself?

>> No.9769103

It's a underskirt/pettycoat. You can see it on her figure - https://myfigurecollection.net/item/287820

>> No.9769104

I see, thanks.

>> No.9769143

Look more into aristocratic/dandy stuff. Not all ouji is, well, like that.

Did you use a different name for your cosplay accounts, or did you just mix it among your normie Facebook stuff? If the latter, you're fucked.

>> No.9769182
File: 84 KB, 240x255, btssb_halfbonnet_pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a bad idea to mix laces?

like, if i have a dress with primarily tulle lace, would it look bad to wear a bonnet with torchon lace?

i'm thinking of coording ap's romantic cat jsk in mint with baby's half bonnet (pic related)

>> No.9769191

Underskirt ≠ petticoat. The former is decorative, the latter gives volume.

Not a fan of it, personally, unless the lace isn't very noticeable (white on white or black on black). You have a bigger concern than mixing lace types though, the pinks will most likely not match.

>> No.9769214

Are Japanese doujinshikas usually ok with cosplayers re-enacting a scene from a doujinshi they drew?

>> No.9769235

Jesus christ you're asking if the professional fanartists would like some fanart of their own work. I'm very happy you found the right thread either way. Treat it like any artist and supply the source material when you post your photos or whatever you're talking about and call it a day. They'll be sure to love it, and if they don't they're cunts.

>> No.9769391

Super late and I'm not sure how seriously you should take my opinion considering I'm just a boy who likes girl fashion but I'm pretty sure I've seen girls with ample busts really rock those skirts.

I'd say don't rule it out completely and maybe give it a chance?

>> No.9769392

Yeah you really shouldn't be giving advice on a subject like this.

>> No.9769403

I mean like take it as you will I just think more input is always better as long as you know who it's coming from.

>> No.9769457
File: 102 KB, 750x406, HTB1lpm8LXXXXXbJXXXXq6xXFXXXB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone ID this shop/brand please? I've seen a few cosplay things on aliexpress that have this tag but I can't seem to find the original store.

>> No.9769467

It's not good input though, you don't know what suits body types.

>> No.9769498

I'm making a halfling costume for this year's ren faire. I'll be walking on dirt and likely rocks all weekend. Is it full retard to want to pull off the bare foot look? Does anyone have recommendations for best techniques?

>> No.9769505

Also my apologies if this is the wrong place for this question. Thread seems to be totally lolita.

>> No.9769552

this one seems to give volume since her skirt has additional volume

>> No.9769553

Depends I guess if that person wears the dress for girls or for boys to appreciate :^)

>> No.9769575

Lolitas here don't mean anything, don't worry.
Anyway, this might help you out: http://andsewingishalfthebattle.com/invisible-shoes/

>> No.9769580

This is incredibly helpful, thank you! I'm definitely trying this and will probably bring some flipflops for extra insurance.

>> No.9769599

>imagines a hobbit in flipflops

>> No.9769620

No bully anon, I'm asking for alternatives.

>> No.9769848

Can I use my mockup as lining on the final garment?

>> No.9769918

Kinda weird but if it looks decent, nothing's stopping you

>> No.9770185

Are brand petticoats worth it?

>> No.9770204

Not if you want mega poof from a single petti. Most brand stock photos have layered pettis for that look

Depends what it's for. In casual everyday life no, if you want to post it online to somewhere like CoF or it's a big meetup then I'd be more careful. Depends how the overall outfit looks as well.

Looks like a multi layered petticoat with the ruffles sewn to the hem

>> No.9770505

What's the weight limit for registered airmail?

>> No.9770506

How many brand petticoats do you own? Just baby's?

>> No.9770521

Does anyone know if Charlotte's Bear and Daydream Bed OPs are in any way machine washable? I know the AP tags tell you to only dry clean them, but I've taken the chance with some of my (non-printed, admittably) dresses and they turned out fine. I'm just really stingy about taking them to the dry cleaner.

>> No.9770531

>buys brand
Are you sure you're in the right fashion?

>> No.9770545

I know, I know. But it's like half being stingy and half being paranoid after hearing too many dry cleaner fuckups from people.

>> No.9770564

I wouldn't machine wash anything with a print, at all

>> No.9770574

I have never dry cleaned anything, ever. It can actually be bad for prints. My washing machine has a handwash setting.

>> No.9770631

Assuming you mean small packet, 2 kg. 30 kg for EMS. There are also size limits.
Links for Japanese post, but these are mostly the same worldwide, e.g. China (except US, which is retardedly expensive).

>> No.9770638
File: 37 KB, 450x600, 2d9d3228fcc381d56203473fde22d507--honey-cake-angelic-pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this cut so popular? All the time I see people looking for round collar jsk over others or wanting to trade their dresses for it.

>> No.9770643


>> No.9770650

The back is fully shirred

>> No.9770654

The back is fully shirred, and the bodice looks neater without the yoke/bib.
I like the partial shirring of the switching cut, but I hate the bodice.

>> No.9770793
File: 13 KB, 190x252, 1499285296690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone living in Europe give me a price breakdown of their latest SS order from whenever, mercari, y!j auctions, fril? I'm interested in how much people paid for their items, shipping and fees.

>> No.9770902
File: 133 KB, 1280x769, nightisshort6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when you want to cosplay a character but you can't find any outfits like the ones they wear? It's such a simple dress, you'd think I'd be able to find one exactly like it, but I can't find anything really similar. I can't find anything with the button or the puffy sleeves.

What do? Does anyone know where I can find one?

>> No.9770925
File: 151 KB, 570x822, 0ca4eec5f989a87139f008d71d9a0c8f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the answer you were hoping for, but I'd start looking for a dress pattern.

>> No.9770939
File: 59 KB, 640x960, nightisshort5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of getting one tailored but I was kinda hoping to avoid that.

>> No.9770943

Is the some site/FB group for other jfashions like lolita updates? I really like the look of more gothic/punk brands like ozzoneste, hypercore, etc. and I'd like to be able to keep up with releases without having to follow a million different twitter/weibo accounts.

>> No.9770983
File: 260 KB, 540x454, tumblr_inline_p22lu5e4Sq1rroo5z_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you pronounce "ita"? do you say it with the japanese accent, or do you just say it without it like "ee-tduh"? do you even say it at all in real life?

>> No.9770984

>how do you pronounce "ita"?

>do you say it with the japanese accent, or do you just say it without it like "ee-tduh"?

>do you even say it at all in real life?

>> No.9771012

there are proxies who aren't known by those sites that you can use instead, depending on where you're trying to buy. is mercari or somewhere else?

>> No.9771125

Anyone? I’m also interested in Korean shopping services.

>> No.9771136

So I know L-email/wig-suppler is legit but I am mostly finding reviews for their fashion and "generic" wigs. Can anyone speak for their character-specific wigs in general?

>> No.9771242

What are some of the cons that are happening in Las Vegas this year? I'm barely finding anything besides the stuff I've been going to the past few years (Otakon, LvlUp, and Sabakon) and yes I understand there are better cons in California.

>> No.9771266

Is there any rule/is it generally frowned upon cosplaying fanart designs of canon characters (think alternate/more elaborate outfits) or gijinkas for one's entry in the masquerade? A lot of the characters I like have either really boring outfits that won't show much technique, or particularly nonhuman designs that dont translate well unless made as a mascot suit or humanized and I'm not sure what to do.

>> No.9771596

$300 total, from Japan to Poland.
$10 SS fees + ~600 JPY on every item (7 items from Mercari), total around $50.
~$55 shipping, EMS.
Package marked as gift, customs declaration accurate to the prices of the items (some 19k JPY), but any taxes missed me.
Mostly anime merch and one handbag.

Around $150 total (for now), from China to Czech Republic.
No fees, just inflated exchange rate.
~$60 shipping, DHL, as it seemed cheaper than EMS, but only now realize they might charge me additional fees for dealing with customs on my behalf.
And, oh god, the Czech customs are pain in the ass. Package took ~24h to arrive from Hong Kong to Prague, where it landed at customs.
It's been ~10 days, and I'm still fighting. For the first week nothing moved, only after a week I contacted them myself, and they started doing something about the customs.
Package content value around $80+ (plus, because Chink messed up and packed some items that shouldn't be there), declared as $20 (based Chinks), I'm bullshitting my way that it was around $30.
I'm yet to see how the case resolves.
I'm never shipping anything to Czech Republic again, or using DHL.
I have similar problem with AliExpress orders. Order made on 11/11, 5 packages, were supposed to be Christmas presents for me, I still haven't seen them at the beginning of January, January is ending, and I'm still waiting for 2 packages.
Just fuck Czech Post. They are more competent with inter-EU packages, so I get all my stuff shipped to Poland, and then by my parents to me.

$500 total, from Japan to Poland. A little more than I expected.
$27 SS fees + 2300 JPY on items, total around $50. The PayPal fee was the highest here, at $22.
$110 shipping, EMS.
Luggage bag + 2 handbags.
Declared probably as previously (~35k JPY, gift), yet to see if I will have to pay any taxes.

>> No.9771598

>>9771596 (cont.)
Also waiting for package from US, the shipping fees are awful for so tiny item ($60 for less than 1.5 kg box), but it was rare enough and cheaper than locally for me to bother. Not lolita, though.

And a package from China, this time EMS and to Poland. Some $350 worth of stuff, shipping should be around $150, hopefully no taxes.

Other than that, packages shipped within EU are being handled quite well, as there are no taxes.
I recommend not buying from US sellers on LM, unless it's a DD. The shipping fees are overkill.

>> No.9771710

Thank you for the detailed answer anon!! And yeah, I stupidly bought some pretty heavy electronics off a friend in america a long time ago and learned my lesson. Shipping and customs fees were about 210 pounds.

Was that 600jpy per item on the mercari stuff the internal Japan shipping fees?

>> No.9771715

They're okay but the quality has really decreased over the years.

>> No.9771726

Oh wow, that's too bad. Do you mean that for ALL of their wigs?

Is there another shop that has taken their spot for "cheap but surprisingly decent"?

>> No.9771732
File: 1.58 MB, 2048x1536, 191431338_org.v1517389240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that was the SS fee, 5% or 500 whichever is higher + 100 on app listings (Mercari/Fril). I used Chibi Tenshi for my Japanese orders.
There was also one listing that turned out considerably more expensive than I expected, so I'm a little puzzled by it. But it was only $8, so I don't care that much. That could have been for secure shipping, because the listing didn't mention free shipping (it was Cash on Delivery), and the content were three glasses.

Regarding electronics, I can only recommend buying from AliExpress listings if they offer PostNL or Swiss Post shipping, as they will get treated as inter-EU package and be exempt from taxes. I think there was also one more shipping option like this, from one of the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania).

>> No.9771741

Whats the average price for lolita dresses, brand ones and shitty knockoffs you find on suspicious sites?

>> No.9771757


~ 300-500 bucks for mid-popular brand
~ 100-150 bucks for replica (this money can buy you some non-printed brand secondhand tho)

>> No.9771763

Including secondhand brand? I'd pinpoint it around $70-$80.
The full price of brand new brand is much higher than that, and secondhand brand can go as low as $20-$30, but that's my estimate based on the different price ranges.

>> No.9772075

So I've been taking serious steps to get my weight back under control and I've really been wondering what lolita brands are sizing for weight wise. Is 120-125 a decent goal for someone about 5'2?

>> No.9772081

If you're losing weight to fit into lolita then focussing on an exact weight goal is useless. You should just focus on measurements. I'd say something like 80-84 bust 62-66 waist would fit into a very large range of pieces. You don't want to be so small everything hangs off you like a sack either.

>> No.9772098

Hmm...I never had the foresight to measure myself when I was at my lightest. I guess I'll just keep at it and see where it gets me. I've always been pretty busty but I've gone from an 88 waist to an 76 waist so far so maybe I'll even out at some point.

>> No.9772104

Agreeing with other anon that you should focus on measurements, but what style you prefer changes what sizes work. I'm actually 84 / 66 and while it lets me fit VM and gothic brands fairly easily (though I'm a little too big for older pieces and some MM...) I also have a Baby JSK that's a bit too big all around. AP and BtSSB seem to be going a bit bigger these days much to my dismay, thuogh luckily I do prefer classic and gothic. So if you can't get all the way down to 84/66 range but you like sweet you should be fine. I'd recommend going below 90 / 72 though as that seems to be the size of most sweet dresses and IW L size so below that should get you in a safe zone.

>> No.9772140

All, I don't know.
They are good for characters that have strange hair colors, though.

>> No.9772368
File: 44 KB, 169x214, 9212345666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best SS to use if you want to buy 1 or 2 items from taobao?
How much do people usually spend on tabobao?

>> No.9772382

My boyfriend said he wants to start wearing ouji with me for lolita events and stuff.

Where is a good place to get ouji for men? He’s like a US medium. Any particular brands to look out for? I really don’t know a lot about ouji myself. We were looking at Boz jackets because he really likes their style.

>> No.9772427

>US medium
First of all, take his measurements (shoulders, chest, etc).

And check out the ouji thread in the catalog; it has some useful resources for beginners.

>> No.9772438

I have this dress that I love that is (sadly) just too big on me. Weirdly enough, the dress doesn't have any waist ties or corset lacing to make it smaller.
I really want to avoid getting it altered if I can. Would it be okay If I was to make a sash/belt in the same colour and same fabric type to wear around the waist, or would it look stupid?
Should I just bite the bullet and get it properly altered to fit?

>> No.9772479

I should be sealing my foam armor in a couple of days with Plasti-Dip, but since it’s cold, I wanted to know if there’s any extra steps I should take to keep it from bubbling on the surface?

>> No.9772486

Oof, small correction on my post, came looking back at it and it bothers me so I need to address it - I have no idea why I was thinking 90 / 72, that's the size of IW M that I generally buy. Size L / sweet sizes are more like 98 / 78.

>> No.9772528

i forgot my livejournal email, is there a way to retrieve that info? their site is shit but i have ancient blogposts i want to save.

>> No.9772549

The more important thing is to have a balance of textures overall. What kind of legwear are you using?

>> No.9772554

Just cover the thong part of the flip-flop with faux fur

Instant hobbit feet

>> No.9772563

Would it be incredibly weird to kind of hide my age from my comm? I'm considerably older than several of them thought, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.9772988

Newfag question: I often hear/see people mention things like "my ss is looking for this for me" or "I asked my ss to look around for this item", and I'm wondering, which SSs provide the service of you telling them what item you're after, and them helping you track those items down?
I have a few wishlist items that don't really fit in the dream dress thread, bc they're not exactly that tier, just wishlist items I'm hoping to find for a reasonable price. I'm thinking maybe having my ss be on the lookout would be useful.

>> No.9773031
File: 626 KB, 652x646, ShadowChild_bust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to go about this? Get two sets of clip on bangs and hack them up and layer them and cement everything in place with excessive hair gel?

>> No.9773140

I don't think so, but there's no real reason to announce your age either, unless you're asked. If your comm members are weirded out by it, it's their problem.

Iirc Accio Tokyo do this.

>> No.9773141

They stopped doing that iirc.

>> No.9773190

Thanks, uh, any other ones? I’ve seen a lot of negative reviews of Accio, that they take long to respond, make mistakes in orders, etc. so I’m hesitating to try them

>> No.9773291

A couple questions.
First of all, any reccommendation on good socks/tights for short legs (5'2") with big thighs?
Secondly, I have wide-set feet, and it's hard to fit nice western shoes, any recs for shoes that might work for me for other wide-footed lolitas? I'm an AU 8.
Finally, is homemade so bad if it's good? I'm not talking JSK's or really any actual clothing, but accessories like cute bags w alterations. I met the most lovely lolita at a convention a year or two ago, and she made her accessories, and it was wonderfully executed. I'm kind of sad I'll never see her again since she was English and just staying for a holiday, because she was so genuinely nice and friendly.

>> No.9773497

I'm looking to get a flat iron, any recommendations on specific models?

>> No.9773522
File: 12 KB, 236x314, IW Grace JSK blue2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I wear with a halter neck JSK? I just got an older IW halter neck but haven't tried to coord it yet. It doesn't help that it's in that weird not quite blue not quite green color IW sometimes does. Pic related.

>> No.9773552

high neck blouse

>> No.9773659

Online what is the main social media platform for lolita shit? Facebook seems to be the main place but I could be wrong.

>> No.9773676
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 2933a_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best place to acquire genuine-looking fake glasses?

>> No.9773684

most glasses stores will sell you the frames with glass lenses

>> No.9773749

A bolero!

>> No.9773869
File: 23 KB, 350x466, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or a square neck blouse, though with this kind of design on the bodice I think you can wear peter pan collared blouses too because the ruffle creates a yoke-like design rather than a collar, so you won't have that weird double collar look. I think that a blouse with a large collar and matching torchon lace will compliment this JSK well, pic related.
As for the color, instead of trying to match it (which you can do but may be a lot more effort than it's worth) I'd suggest picking another color to add to the coord. Beige/off white for the blouse and socks, and black for the purse and shoes is basic and will look fine; instead of black, try mixing in some bordeaux or emerald green to make it a little more interesting.
If you have other colors or different blouses in your wardrobe and you're not sure what might work, lay out some floordinates or try them on with this JSK to see if they look good. Don't be afraid to play around with your coords, trial and error is sometimes the best method to learn.

>> No.9773884

I wish this site had a down voting option like reddit so that I can downboat all the stupid questions.

>> No.9773956

So, I am considering getting Meta's Dim Light Medium Length Square Neck JSK and Royal Library Ribbon JSK in the long length.
But what type of petticoat would be best for those dresses?
Sorry, I am totally new to this!

>> No.9773973
File: 41 KB, 720x960, walruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any good way to shape/sculpt soft, flexible foam?

>> No.9773991

Do you mean this cut? https://lolibrary.org/items/meta-dim-light-medium-length-square-neck-jsk-2016
It looks like a subdued cupcake/bell to me. See how the shape is awkward in the stock photo for the navy colorway, the one at the top of the page? Looks like they used an A-line petticoat for that pic, it looks pretty bad.
Apparently the skirt portion of this JSK is almost 70cm in length so I suggest picking a longer petticoat and layering a standard length petti under it, preferably one with less volume than a regular petticoat otherwise you might end up with too much poof.

>> No.9773993

I'd say it's instagram, many people I know don't bother with facebook or don't even have an account, but post on insta

>> No.9774272

Heat it

>> No.9774370

When you received an EMS package where does it say how much shipping was?

>> No.9774373

For Japanese brands and lolitas it's twitter

>> No.9774384

How do I make pockets on pants? Preferably pockets that can be zipped shut. The pattern I'm using doesn't have pockets but I'll be damned if I don't have a place to keep my phone/wallet.

>> No.9774386

Usually near weight, on the big label with sender, addressee, content declaration, etc.
The field might be named "Postage paid" (Japan Post label), "Charges", "Taxes", or similar.

>> No.9774392

I want to cosplay a character that's basically a 2+ meter tall orc, but I'm about 40 centimeters too short and the character doesn't wear noticeable heels. Will I just look incredible stupid or is it possible to pull it off?

>> No.9774406

If anything, I would rather lean toward platforms, not heels.
Keep in mind being taller will also make you appear slimmer. And platforms still could look off.

>> No.9774426

>Stupid Questions thread

>> No.9774428

the same way you make pockets on every other garment? it's not that complicated: literally just google zipper pocket tutorial and dozens of good step-by-step guides come up

>> No.9774433

try some basic wig splicing, it'll be much less frustrating and shitty looking than whatever you seem to be suggesting

>> No.9774438

just get it altered. if you're worried about someone larger not being able to wear it, you can always just get some lacing added into it that you can tie tighter rather than permanently taking in the fabric

>> No.9774486
File: 37 KB, 700x700, Unknown Blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me ID this blouse? I really like to catalogue my wardrobe, it bothers me when I can't find an item's name haha. Just bought it on Wunderwelt, it's beige and only called Standing Collar Blouse from Innocent World. Looked at every page on Lolibrary of IW blouses but maybe I just skipped over it. It's 100% polyester so I'm guessing it's a more modern post 2010 blouse. Back is unshirred with waist ties.

>> No.9774491

Does anyone have any tips for washing Cinema Doll in Ivory? I've seen some people just hand wash without any troubles, but I've also seen that washing causes color runs, so results are a bit mixed. I just don't want the black to run into the ivory.

>> No.9774521

>-132 / +1 Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)13:43:52 No.9774426
that 1 upboat is your self upboat btw. looks like seagulls here don't like your comment. you should consider leaving /cgl/ or kys.

>> No.9774529
File: 39 KB, 640x913, 16114000_1587980287886090_3384194960530287467_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fishbone/cageskirts, do you have to put a petti over it? If so, what's the purpose of the fishbone/cageskirt after all?

>> No.9774540

Depends on how thick your dress is. The petticoat smooths out the shape of the cage skirt so the hoops don't show through, but if the dress you're wearing is lined or has thick fabric, the cage skirt alone can be enough.

>> No.9774545

It's called Standing Collar Blouse from Innocent World. There, I've ID'd it. Not everything is on lolibrary, not even nearly everything.

>> No.9774580

No need to be salty anon? Unless you also looked around and couldn't find it, in which I appreciate the effort. I posted here in stupid questions because I knew it was a potentially dead end request. In previous times of people asking "can someone help me find this" some people have helped and said they love flipping through Lolibrary, which I do as well, so maybe someone would spot what I missed. Or even better if it was somethiing someone else already owned or was a random item from a lucky pack or something they could mention how "oh I have that, I bought it in 2013, no name sorry" and I'd have been thrilled.

If it can't be found ah well, just thought I'd try and ask.

>> No.9774603

if you're going to be a bitch about it why help someone in the stupid question thread at all? Jeez the nerves on some people.

>> No.9774627

Saving this for the cringe thread, thanks babe

>> No.9774661

I was thinking about that and I could probably wear platforms that are a few centimetres tall, but the character wears totally flat leather shoes so I don't think they can be too tall which means that I'll still be a dwarf and I'm not sure if that fucks it up or not.

>> No.9774700


tysm, anon! That means that if I buy one of these, I could use it with an old/shitty/deflated petti just to even out the shape and be good to go? Or even an underskirt?

>> No.9774728

Since it's IW, it's actually a lot easier if you wait until it comes in. When you get it, there should be an item number on the tag on the inside. If, for some reason you have to know right away, it could be researched, but, it takes about 2-10 minutes for me to ID a blouse that I have an item number for, but without one it could easily take 5+ hours.

>> No.9774742

Oh wow, what a brainfart, I completely forgot about IW item numbers even though I buy a lot of IW - thanks anon!

>> No.9774743
File: 9 KB, 177x116, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight platforms + these shoe lift inserts.

>> No.9774744

If possible, wear boots woth those inserts.

>> No.9775017

Where do you guys get your wigs? I know of Arda and Epiccosplay but I'm looking for a wig in a color they don't have, are the character specific ones from ebay and amazon okay or should they be avoided?

Also what about the generic ones from those places?

>> No.9775039

I would say so, yes. An underskirt might be a bit too thin for this but you could try it too.

>> No.9775045

Boleros don't sit nice with the big ruff of lace all the way around the halter.
I was sort of hoping to avoid a high neck blouse cause they do make me feel a little bit suffocated, but I'll give that whirl and see how it looks anyway.
Oo, I actually have a square necked blouse on its way in ivory and red (it might be too bright, I'll have to see how it is in person!), that I'll have to try.

Thanks for the advice all!

>> No.9775050

If you go the bolero route you'll obviously need one that's lower cut and will sit under the lace, or a structured blazer/jacket that will sit on it without distorting like a knit bolero would.

>> No.9775071

Has anyone bought from this shop before? How does it work exactly?

>> No.9775097

Well, that's quite something. Thank you for the tip!

>> No.9775144

Just get a wig from Arda or Epic slightly lighter than the color you need and dye it with synthetic fabric dye

>> No.9775205

Thank you so much!
I was so confused by the navy one! It looked so off

>> No.9775220

How can I make a cape with two different colours, one on the outside and in.

>> No.9775241

eBay isn't bad for wigs, just check the seller's ratings and feedback. You do run the risk of the wig being a slightly different color than the picture, though.

>> No.9775243

The inner layer is lining, and lining a cape is pretty easy.

>> No.9775258

I have. I used a SS. You should follow their twitter to know when they have new stock.

>> No.9775285

How big should a blouse be compared to your bust?
I have an 84 cm bust, I want to buy a blouse from taobao and the M size is 88 cm and the L size is 94 cm. Which size should I get?

>> No.9775288

Has anyone ever mistakenly bought a replica (particularly AP) off of fril or mercari? And how widespread/common might they be?

I'm looking at Angelic Pretty blouses and unsure if certain listings are genuine, especially because I know replicas of the same items exist

>> No.9775291

Get your SS to ask for a picture of the tag, I've done that before without any issues.

>> No.9775292
File: 143 KB, 1449x960, FB_IMG_1513606684862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best search terms to use on y!A for OTK brand socks? Preferably new

>> No.9775312

The M should be fine. Generally you want something ~2cm bigger.

>> No.9775604
File: 34 KB, 348x342, 1412799378522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rolecos a decent cosplay maker for folks who can't sew and just want to buy something?

>> No.9775605

Thanks anon, and putting in the back lacing sounds like a good idea. I'll start looking around for a decent tailor in my area.

>> No.9775653

Using Uber while wearing a pretty expensive cosplay : good idea or not ?
I don't have much experience with the app, but it seems more convenient than using public transportation or changing outfits at the con.
I'm from Belgium, I don't know if that affects the profile of the average Uber driver.

>> No.9775686

Can't speak for Belgium but Uber has been great where I live (CT, USA). Drivers are always polite and professional. Very clean cars, many offer bottles of water and have a place to charge your cell phone.

>> No.9775953

What do you use to buy from Fril/Mercari? Whatever proxy I see they say these refuse working with proxies

>> No.9776040
File: 223 KB, 603x454, 1460352387307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the fastest way to sell cosplays, props, wigs and figures? I want to get rid of most of my weeb things.

>> No.9776045
File: 39 KB, 480x542, DBQwfm0UQAAW8Rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a meetup in like two weeks and my garbage ebay petticoats have deflated in their month or so of storage (I had to move and didn't bother unpacking them until now) I know the long term solution is to get a good, well made petticoat but I'm on a time crunch so should I buy a third, also shitty petticoat to stack on top and hope it'll add enough poof simply by being newer or should I get a cage skirt to put under the two already existing pettis? I haven't heard much in the realm of using cage skirts outside of their non functional use in ero but at the same time I know that if it works I'd absolutely end up using it more than another shitticoat.

>> No.9776057

Are you in the US? A new petti ftom Malco Modes should get to you in time if you buy it now.

>> No.9776060

Try throwing them in the dryer/hanging them upside down.

>> No.9776063

If you've got the cash to spare, order one from Tokyo Rebel or AP USA. Priority shipping only takes 2-3 days.

>> No.9776077

Heading to Japan and staying in Tokyo for a week, any stores I should keep an eye out for, both general clothes shopping, jfash and possibly cosplay stuff?
Am a dude by the way

>> No.9776078

Are they weirded out by cosplay, or do they have seen enough shit to not be phased anymore ?

>> No.9776079

I think the internet has exposed enough people to all kinds of sub-cultures. As long as you're polite, not drunk, and don't barf in their car, they will consider you a great customer.

>> No.9776089
File: 35 KB, 345x437, StrawberryPlate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about purchasing pic related before the sale is over, but i know its gonna be kinda short on me. I'm 5'11" (about 177cm) and the total dress length is 92cm. I was gonna purchase an underskirt from MeLikesTea and was wondering what style and color i should get for this dress. Any other places to get underskirts are appreciated

>> No.9776093

Personal shopping service from livejournal days

>> No.9776114

That JSK is too short for you and an underskirt isn't going to save it.

>> No.9776128

I use FromJapan for fril all the time without issue, but they don't do mercari anymore (not sure if anyone does anymore, because mercari recently explicitly banned shopping services etc in their TOS)

>> No.9776131

nope, none

>> No.9776132

fb sales groups! (Cosplay For Sale etc)

>> No.9776164

Put them on an open umbrella or a yoga ball and spray starch them.

>> No.9776247

Japonica Market do mercari.

>> No.9776345

alternative service for tenso?

>> No.9776441

What's the best iron-on transfer paper to use for dark shirts? I wanna make a custom shirt for something silly but last time I used transfer paper, it transferred the "blank" parts of the cutout as well and had a shiny border.

>> No.9776510

Spot the non-lolita

>> No.9776513

How do I order from Tokyo Alice without an SS? Their site says you can just use the shopping cart through Rakuten but that doesn't seem right, and mail order seems too slow.

If the shopping cart is legit, could I use paypal?

>> No.9776515
File: 292 KB, 480x270, blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can black people visibly blush, or does their colouration not change?

>> No.9776529

I have a similar situation to you, my bf is 6'3, broad shouldered and fairly muscular so japanese brands are pretty much ruled out. He also doesn't like knee length culottes.

I would recommend going for a more aristo look, fanplusfriend have a decent selection of gothic/aristo/steam inspired pieces in many sizes including custom. Probably start looking for outwear pieces, personally i think they're the easiest to slip into normie fashion and can be paired with a simple dress shirt, fitted pants and shoes or boots. My bf and I are currently on the hunt for a coat or jacket he really likes, so good luck friend! I think deerstalkers has some really good coord inspo for males as well, maybe check out his instagram.

>> No.9776544

not cgl related

>> No.9776745

I'll try tossing them in the dryer since I'd already hung them upside down for a good two days but if that doesn't work I'll probably end up going with >>9776063 because all the malco modes pettis look to be a-line when I'm more in need of a cupcake shape, and I was leaning on ap in the end anyways (even if my wallet does hurt a little)
Either way this turns out thank you everyone!

>> No.9776878

As a man cosplaying a male character, should I be wearing eye makeup to make photos come out better?

>> No.9776896

Yes. Nothing crazy, of course, but experiment with some highlight and shadow for your eyes- do not use Instagram or generic makeup tips, but look at some toned down costuming/stage makeup

>> No.9777189 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 2048x2048, 7E5B7E99-C966-490F-B955-BFAA6B687FF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Miccostumes usually do this? I'm really disappointed and I'm not sure if I should cancel my order or not. I have a con in Feb, March, and then not another until June.

>> No.9777559

How flexible is worbla (the original tan-colored one) at room temperature? Like is it completely stiff or does it have a little give like thin styrene does? I've never worked with Worbla and am trying to figure out if it's a good material choice for a full chest piece I need to make

>> No.9777563

get some nude matte eyeshadow and eyeshadow primer. MAAAAAYBE some very subtle brown eyeliner but in my experience as a ftm crossplayer, that's instantly feminizing, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.9777603
File: 83 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.986640244_imtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone out there who makes rosettes that would be suitable for lolita on Etsy or wherever? Every time I try to look around it's either cheap sad ones for small children or vintage horse rosettes, which while fairly nice isn't what I'm really trying to find.

In an amusing thing, I did find this Seagull Riding School rosette. Might get it for laughs and the rare chance I could go to a cgl meetup.

>> No.9777618

It's very floppy like a thick poster board. Tehre's a reason you have to give it a backing of something stiff or thick like foamies

>> No.9777670

I need to make a (non-functional) leg harness for a cosplay. I figured the best material to make it out of would be nylon straps. The problem is, I don't think it will run through my Janome Hello Kitty machine and I'm not ready to buy an industrial machine. Anyone have advice? These are the straps I'm looking at

>> No.9777673

Do you think if I cover it in XTC-3D (a brush-on epoxy), that'll be stiff enough to prevent flopping?

>> No.9777791

Most normal commercial machines, including my cheapo one, sew through these just fine: you don't need an industrial machine. If you have too many layers of them (like 3-4 or more) at any point and are having trouble or are worried, just use the hand control to move it forward a few stitches instead of the pedal until it's thinner again.

>> No.9777850

Hey, where can a get a decent black wig?

Would just like some recommendations.

>> No.9777857

arda or epiccosplay

>> No.9778383

What's the difference between stretch vinyl and stretch pleather, and which would be better for a superhero catsuit?

>> No.9778695

This is a really stupid one, but why do lolitas really like 3DSs and games like animal crossing and harvest moon?

And do all them have some form of mental disorder?

>> No.9778705

>why do lolitas really like 3DSs and games like animal crossing and harvest moon?
They're simple, cute, relaxing games, and the fact they're on a comfortable handheld console that can be played anywhere and is easily customized to look cute and match our aesthetic is a huge bonus.

>do all them have some form of mental disorder?
That's a very broad assumption. The fashion does attract some particular kind of people that has issues in their lives because, like other "fringe" interests, it can be an extreme form of escapism. But that's not true for everyone involved in it; saying that all lolitas have mental issues is a stretch. Imo the ones that have untreated problems tend to be loud and obnoxious so they're more noticeable, but that doesn't mean they're a majority.

>> No.9778734

>indulging this bait

>> No.9778736

Well, it is the stupid question thread. Sometimes people ask legitimately stupid questions because they don't know better. I would've ignored it if it was in the general, or anywhere else really.

>> No.9778778

>Imo the ones that have untreated problems tend to be loud and obnoxious so they're more noticeable, but that doesn't mean they're a majority.

Cognitive bias, in laconic.

Not actual bait. I stretched a lot, but I only got to talk with two and one had bulimia and the other one was suicidal. So the idea really got stuck in my mind.

Hanlon's razor

>> No.9778837

true, fair enough. You just gave far more of a fair and patient response than I could've mustered, even in this thread

>> No.9779027

Can someone please tell me how to use 2.taobao? Like not actually purchasing from it, but searching it and operating the site generally.

>> No.9779156

You need to use the phone app. Searching for stuff on 2.taobao on the actual website doesn't work anymore.

>> No.9779159

>in laconic
>Hanlon's razor
I know this is the stupid question thread but can you please try being coherent? The "stupid" in the title refers to the questions being asked, not to the people posting, silly anon.

>> No.9779187
File: 161 KB, 650x912, misty-sky-sailor-collar-lolita-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked on lolibrary but could not find this- does anyone know the cuff size on this?

>> No.9779599

What day(s) does Wunderwelt update their stock?

>> No.9779636

If you're doing an object head cosplay, how do you transport it, or rather safely?

>> No.9779838

How do I wear fairy kei without looking like I'm straight outta tumblr?

>> No.9779861

Fairy kei looks polished and balanced.
Tumblr just throws shit on.

>> No.9779863

I use an instrument/speaker case, but that is pretty unwieldy.

Look at DokiDoki, fruits scans, etc. imitate what you like when you are first learning. Don’t take pictures right away if you feel shitty. Recognize what flatters your body.

Don’t even touch galaxy print

>> No.9779996
File: 222 KB, 640x960, e798983027fd6e0ced89be25b2f865fc1448922770_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Kenshiro's top/clothes made of? Is it denim? Is it leather? What should I use to make it? What is the meaning of life?

>> No.9780006

I bought a thing on LM and I think the seller wrote my address in sloppy handwriting because the tracking shows "in transit" to a neighboring town. The zip code is one similar-looking digit off.

Wat do? Call my PO, the PO of the town where the package is heading, tell the seller it's en route to the wrong town? I'm guessing this has to have happened to other gulls numerous times over the years.

>> No.9780016

Do all of those things. If it was shipped using USPS they probably scanned it incorrectly.

>> No.9780037

leather with metal buttons and armored shoulder pads.

>> No.9780063

So, looks like USPS officially lost my sale package from Innocent World. It was last scanned in Chicago after passing through customs and leaving Chicago on January 23 - I filled out an inquiry on USPS a few days ago asking them to look into it and my state's post office emailed me back today basically saying that it's lost and I need to contact IW and file a missing mail report on their website if it shows up at their mail recovery center.

I'm so bummed, I've never had a package lost before, it even had EMS tracking, sigh. Is there anything else I should be doing? Places I should call or contact?

>> No.9780119

If I were you I'd start by letting IW know about this. Their customer service is fine afaik, they won't blacklist you for breathing in their direction like Baby (used to?) do.
Sorry that happened to you though, I hope your package is found!

>> No.9780130

Thanks for the support anon. I probably should ask them too if they automatically included the EMS insurance, I hope so. I'll be so sad if I don't get the items as I planned to use that navy purse I'm sure everyone bought with lots of coords and the dresses were amaze, but if I can at least get compensated (if it doesn't show up) I think I could move on.

In a secondary question to everyone, I know people debate if Japonica is shit or not all the time but this is a little different. A dream dress of mine is on Yahoo Auctions ending in a few days. I normally use FromJapan for Y!J since they got better and fixed their fees and their system is great for snipping and live bidding on Y!J. However I have a few Mercari/Fril items with Japonica and combined shipping is nice, and while I emailed them asking about how they bid and they seemed confident I'm not sure. Are they competent enough at snipe bidding and upping the ante on their own or should I just stick with stalking the auction realtime and bidding with FromJapan and live with the shipping?

>> No.9780151

I'm one of those who have had great experience with Japonica - But I'd say that if you have any doubts, you should go with the option you trust more, i.e. FJ. Better pay more than miss out on an item you want.

>> No.9780273

No one knows?? I was only able to find the sleeve length on fb..

>> No.9780291

Finally started looking into ouji clothes with the boyfriend, and I'm starting to realise he will never fit into burando. I'm a total brandwhore, so I feel a bit lost and don't know how to help him. A lot of ouji looks regency-inspired, though. Could a decent ouji coord be made by combining regency fashion with bits from fanplusfriend, as long as we style it right and sort out his hair?

Also, is EGA still a relevant look today?

>> No.9780313

I'm also looking for these! I need the square shaped ones. I took the buckles off to repaint a pair of shoes and I lost one of them in the process. I was considering just buying up shitty secondhand shoes as cheap as I can find so that I can harvest the buckles. If you have other bodyline shoes you can also consider just swapping buckles back and forth between them when you want to wear each pair.

>> No.9780360

Maybe I'll have better luck on /toy/ since this seems to a be site geared towards figurine kits but is hobbylink japan a good site to buy from? They carry Tamiya and Padico products which can be hard to find. If we had a resin and indie crafts thread I'd ask there but we don't and I didn't want to make a whole thread just for a stupid question

>> No.9780374

So, I've been looking through a lot of my old FRUiTS and street snap material. I keep seeing people listing their point of fashion as "Flash." I never really took notice before to it. I tried looking it up, but nothing really came up. Does anyone know what style they are referring to?

>> No.9780732

I order from HLJ all the time, they're great.

>> No.9780739

I've only ever bought models from hlj but it's never been a bad experience, the site and service themselves are fine if nothing else.

>> No.9780765

Point of fashion doesn't necessarily mean that's the style they're wearing, but I imagine it kind of like like pop kei?

>> No.9780781

Relevant to what?

>> No.9780795

If it looks good, he should wear it. That's really all there is to it. It might lean more towards dandy than actual j-fash but if styled properly he should be well accepted at meetups all the same.

>is EGA still a relevant look today?
A pointless question to ask; you're asking about trendiness in alternative fashion, the kind of fashion movement that prides itself on self expression. Sure there are trends in every fashion style, but no one is going to ostracize you for wearing something "outdated" unless you look bad, and even if you do it's always something you can improve on and learn from; it's not a death sentence to be called ita/nouji.

TL;DR: if your boyfriend is well dressed, he's fine. Don't concern yourself with trends or "relevant" styles, just make sure he looks good and feels good in his coords.

>> No.9780995 [DELETED] 

Have any of you even intentionally lost/gained weight for a certain cosplay?

Not that it matters a tremendous amount, since fatties are always gonna cosplay whatever they want.

>> No.9780997

Have any of you ever intentionally lost/gained weight for a certain cosplay?

Not that it matters a tremendous amount, since fatties are always gonna cosplay whatever they want.

>> No.9780998
File: 141 KB, 768x960, 1515792530646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I fit into most brand cutsews if I have a 100cm bust?
My waist is very small as well as my arms but I have gigantic tits. Blouses are awkward on me because of buttons/no stretch but I like a lot of cutsews since they have a bit of stretch. It wouldn't matter if it didn't fit perfectly because I always wear JSKs so most of it would be covered up.
I can fit into partially shirred meta/AP blouses if that helps. I've seen cutsews that go up to 80cm bust.. is there any chance I could squeeze my fat tits into them?
I know I could go for taobao/bodyline cutsews but... I'm a total brandwhore and hate wearing taobao or bodyline (Taobao moreso since it's the cancer killing brands)

>> No.9781002

Do sports bras flatten you a decent amount? It might help.

>> No.9781006

I know this must have been posted a million times already, but how acceptable Bodyline is?

>> No.9781008

Certain pieces are ok, most is trash.

>> No.9781014

They honestly just give me major boobloaf and don't look good. I've tried all kinds of minimizer bras and sports bras, it all ends up as boobloaf and I'd rather order shitty chinese blouses than have squished boobs.
If you make it look good, it's fine imo. some of their stuff is garbage tier. Stuff like blouses, socks, accessories most people won't really give a shit about.

>> No.9781074

prints no, solids sometimes, blouses usually, shoes yes

>> No.9781252

I'm going to shave part of my sideburns so only the upper part which defines length remains, and all the lower part which defines density disappear. Is using your shit razor will do?

>> No.9781263

Does anyone know if buyee will ask a seller on yja for more pictures? The condition just says used and they only posted a picture of the tag, and there's a comment in the description along the lines of "Understand the item is USED, i don't deal with nitpicky buyers", which makes me worried. Sorry, it's my first time trying a proxy and I don't won't to get stuck with some destroyed dress. (I know Japanese sellers are usually better about this, but still.)

>> No.9781275

I think the only Bodyline items which are truly 100% accepted by everyone are shoes, because they usually have cute designs in many colours and they're good for the price, as opposed to brand shoes which are often only marginally better in quality but about 5 times the price.

>> No.9781556
File: 258 KB, 350x400, chrome_2017-09-29_22-04-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the main philly cons gulls go to? i'm moving there later in the summer and have no idea which one is the main one

>> No.9781560

I don't accept anything from Bodyline

>> No.9781574
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 116334885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blouses are awkward on me because of buttons/no stretch
Why don't you get blouses with shirring? Cutsews without shirring are not going to fit you well either.

>> No.9781840

I read all this talk about people hating high waist JSKs and how they create boob loaf, and I've been scared off them for a long time. But reading dress measurements for IW I'm right in the middle of their M size range. There are so many cute ones I've been depriving myself of!

Can someone tell me if high waist JSKs are safe for me? I've got an 89 cm bust and 63 cm waist (though I realize high waist JSKs will sit higher than my natural waist).

>> No.9781846

you'll be fine. those people have really big boobs that take up the entire bodice.

>> No.9781850

Thank you! This opens up a whole new world to my wardrobe

>> No.9782050
File: 1.21 MB, 946x642, castleprint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the legit one or are they both knock offs?

>> No.9782461

Recently I bought an item from Fril using From Japan. Initial price of the item was 3,500 yen including shipping, but as soon as FJ bought it for me the price got changed to 3,810 yen on the Fril page itself. Is that normal? Feels like they're gonna cheat on me with domestic delivery charge.