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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9772457 No.9772457 [Reply] [Original]

What are you buying for the coffin crowdfunding campaign?

You are buying something, aren't you?

Old thread: >>9767875

>> No.9772471

When does it end, and do we need to go through an SS still? I think someone mentioned little acrylic coffins, i'll probably go for that.

>> No.9772476

Pretty cheap for a coffin, if anyones thinking of buying

>> No.9772477

Seconding this, a little acrylic coffin would be adorable. Plus, I need a better place to store my nice jewelry than the locking cash box I used for artist alleys back in high school.

>> No.9772478

Yeah, I'm keen on getting the B course as well. Not too bad for the smallest coffin and all the artwork, it'll be a nice parting gift from VM. Though I hope to get a release or two before they close as well.

>> No.9772484

John Leigh should buy one for himself.

>> No.9772539


Any details on the size of the acrylic coffin? I'm interested in it, but not if it turns out to be hand sized.

>> No.9772581
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JetJ is releasing a polar bear dress

>> No.9772700


I'm hoping more info goes up with the listings. I want to see the Anniversary dress (course E) looks like.

>> No.9772704

Is the only way to get the anniversary through the crowdfunding option?
As much as I'd love to have the coffin, I have no where to put it for at least two years.

>> No.9772707

Are you planning on dying that soon, anon?

>> No.9772709

You can keep it at my place, Anon. I've got plenty of room actually. It does say at the end all these rewards are only for this anniversary fundraiser.

>> No.9772721


I don't think the anniversary dress comes with the coffin, google translate just gives me this for course E:

【E course】 Support amount: 100,000 yen
· 20th anniversary commemorative dress "Victorian maiden"
(Head dress · choker included)
· Mihara Mitsukazu Drawing and drawing postcard + poster

Victorian maiden This is a dress "Victorian maiden" commemorating the 20th anniversary of the activity.
Using a vivid rich fabric with a sense of stiffness and fine glossy vintage satin,
Detail and materials suitable for the name of Victorian maiden,
It is a wearing clothing that has stuck to every pattern.
It is a set of 4 pieces of dress · petticoat skirt · head dress · choker.
Black, Ivory and Bordeaux are available in three colors.

No coffin listed, just the 4-piece dress set and some bits of paper (postcard and poster)

>> No.9772752

How is JetJ still going when they keep releasing these monstrosities but VM is going under? Baffling.

Any info on the acrylic coffin? If getting the full sized one shipped wasn't so painful, I'd be living my goth dream

>> No.9772782

Can anyone comment on the stock levels of AP in Harajuku/ other main stores? My friend is going there soon and I want to maybe ask her to buy me a dress that's sold out online, but I'm curious as to whether anyone as experienced no stock in store (specifically going to ask for Holiday Collection, in case anyone's been there recently).

>> No.9772791

I think you might be lucky. When I was in Tokyo the stores had a different stock than online.
To my surprise, the whole Romantic Cat jewelry line was available in all colors, despite being sold out and even being in the summer sale (I went there in autumn). I was so happy I could get the ring I wanted!
Also, AP Harajuku even had the popular Halloween Treats special sets (the orange ones), both the OP and JSK! A friend of mine was looking for them desperately and she was able to get it.

>> No.9772804

So usagiyouhinten is closing down as well?

Times are changing.

>> No.9772805


>> No.9772878

This is very sad. I wish subcultures would never die out.
Is it bad that I blame taobao? That hits lolita brands harder than the secondhand market does.
I refuse to buy any more taobao dresses, but that's just me.

>> No.9772895

I was feeling down about all of these closures, but things are simply changing. There are lots of good things happening, too.

Moitié has bounced back under new ownership. Physical Drop is selling through WW making their stuff much more accessible. Baby and AP will probably keep going until the end of time. Mary Magdelene is still going. IW aren't going anywhere.

If Vierge Vampur's webshop ever reopened it'd really take the sting out of everything.

I wonder if we'll see a resurgence of physical stores after the 2020 Olympics and once the following hype dies down? It'd be nice to see the stores pop up again, it'd be a nice "fuck you" to the planners trying to normie the place up.

>> No.9772903

>How is JetJ still going when they release ~quirky~ prints of the month when VM doesn’t
I think you answered your own question there...

>> No.9772907

Different anon but yeah, JetJ made a shitton of money from pandering to the painting dress trend. Some of them are lovely, most of them are ugly and unimaginative, but people most definitely spent a lot of money on them. The OTT classic boom of 2012-whenever really gave them a leg up, and they most certainly took advantage of that. Could you blame them? They had a huge presence at the TPC 2012 event and likely observed a lot of what people were loving, namely the samey print dresses. It's business, but it doesn't make it more palatable for anyone not caught up in the buzz of the moment.

I feel bad for VM because you can tell they were always trying to stay true to their brand roots to a certain degree. Sure, their style changed in some ways, but they were always focused on quality and craftsmanship, and that was their downfall. If they'd jumped on the print and faster fashion bandwagon they'd probably still be afloat, but would they still be Victorian Maiden? Would they just be a brand chasing the next big trend like everyone else?

>> No.9772917

The difference between JetJ and VM is that JetJ proactively reaches out to its international customers. They accept international orders for their webshop and have english and chinese speaking staff. VM didn't adapt to the changes in the market in time so their ship has sailed.

>> No.9773053

I've never bought a taobao dress because I don't like the quality, but I've wondered before if it was a racist thing lol.

>Moitié has bounced back under new ownership
How do you know they are doing better now? To me it looks like they just made some easy investments. But like, I don't know a single person who bought the Sleeping Garden re-release.

>> No.9773062

>pandering to the painting dress trend
they created that 'trend'. I think all the japanese lolita brands are still doing their own thing and have their own recognizable identity.

yeah and it's weird 'cause that nimu designer did speak english.

>> No.9773078

Lolita isn’t dying, the scene is just changing. For every closure, there’s gonna be another brand opening up. You just gotta look out for them. And if anything, I think Taobao made the fashion more accessible than ever ( lots of hidden gems there )

>> No.9773093

The physical shops have much more stock than the online shop. However it just was new years sale so I don't know how much they have in store right now...

>> No.9773095

>For every closure, there’s gonna be another brand opening up
a new day, a new taobao shop

>> No.9773099

Honestly, China is going to fuck over a lot of communities and mini-economies.
I'd rather have the brands that actually started this fashion exist and be less accessible than have a million taobao shops exist.

>> No.9773120

Well, SOMEBODY has to fill that Classic Lolita void.

>> No.9773132

Taobao made the fashion accessible for tasteless weebs who only buy quirky meme prints, or newbies who are too lazy to look for deals on secondhand brand. This isn't a good thing, the community's standards for quality and design are dropping.


>> No.9773133
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I loved VM, MM and Excentrique but there isn't anything close to that on taobao as far as I know. I just started to pay attention to more casual Japanese brands and handmade like pic related

>> No.9773135

Accessible to fat fucks and itas with no taste. I could do without their “contributions”.

>> No.9773152


I don't think taobao brands opening is necessarily what killed VM. Their main market was Japanese to begin with, so if they're losing market, it has to be the Japanese girls that were losing interest (either in VM's style, or maybe lolita just isn't popular with the younger generation of Japanese girls anymore). I wish I knew what 2chan/girlschannel are saying about VM closing to see their reaction to VM's closing.

I'll admit though, I'd probably bow out of the fashion if the taobao brands take over. There's just something about taobao that seems to actively cater towards conlitas and cosplay lolitas. It's amazing, all these years of touting the "lolita is not a costume" line and all it takes is taobao making cheap printed dresses accessible to girls who won't shell out $250 for a high-quality dress, but are willing to shell out $100 for a one-day costume to wear to a con, and now we're back at "lolita costumes" again. Probably won't sell my wardrobe, just quietly stop doing full lolita coords so I don't have to waste time explaining that this lolita and that lolita and that other lolita are different things.

>> No.9773197

Something to remember them by when they go extinct.

>> No.9773199

>Mary Magdalene
They seem not very active to be honest, but I hope you are right.

>> No.9773203

They're catering to the Chinese market now apparently. Iirc they sell their stuff during events in China.

>> No.9773208

Man I wish, but I haven't seen any consistently good, daily wearable classic on Taobao so far. It's either OTT with ruffles or prints out the wazoo or it's so simple that the lower quality materials and construction jump right out at you even in photoshopped promo pics. Maybe if you want a rufflemonster to wear in a handful of OTT coords you can find one on Taobao, but so far there is absolutely nothing to fill the void left by Excentrique or VM.

>> No.9773213

Yes, and even that happened last year. Man I hope that MM stays alive.

>> No.9773220

Miss point and dear celine have some decent pieces but as with most Taobao stuff it's nowhere near brand quality.

>> No.9773240

when is the last time they created something new?

>> No.9773243

I was under the impression that Miss Point had TERRIBLE quality. Was I misinformed?

>> No.9773246
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so this is actually 3 seperate pieces including the collar

>> No.9773248

Nayrt, last time I've bought from them (read: years ago) the quality was alright for the price, maybe a notch above Bodyline, but imo I wouldn't build my wardrobe with their pieces.

>> No.9773250
File: 66 KB, 550x550, 127317692_o5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I would buy this to wear with other skirts

>> No.9773251

I've never bothered to give them a chance because most of their products look mediocre at best even in their own photos, like something you'd see on a lolita sewing FB group. Nothing against handmade lolitas but eh, if I'm paying a professional to make it for me I want something a little more solidly patterned and constructed.

>> No.9773295

Not well enough, I guess. I've actually met her and talked to her in person and either her English was bad or she was just overly shy because she was quite monosyllabic and had difficulties to talk back to me in English. So in the end the conversation derailed to a mix of friendly compliments and hand gestures.

>> No.9773305

not even 10 replies in and AM drama

>> No.9773319


Seraphim is the closest but most of their stuff is historically inspired and kind of baggy. I want MM's waistlines, not a baggy alternative.

>> No.9773340
File: 577 KB, 750x554, Larme D'Angels Nameless Wine modeled front and back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I mean like Dear Celine sometimes makes some more clean classic pieces. And I preordered pic related from Larme D'Angels, but their release styles are all over the place.

>> No.9773351

This reminds me of the Golden Compass

>> No.9773354

How do I to talk to other lolitas? Facebook and Instagram creep me out. Are you on discord?


>> No.9773359

Dear Celine is not great quality, imo.

>> No.9773367

God I actually really want this. I love polar bears, stars, and boob prisons.
"Blanc et bondage" is what I first read.

>> No.9773370
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Neither is Larme D'Anges by the look of the photo >>9773340 posted. If the OP looks that ill-fitted and wrinkly in stock photos I can only wonder how bad it'll be in person.

I've never bought from them before but Akane & Alois stuff look nice. There really aren't very many classic brands on Taobao, and none of them do the kind of tailoring that VM and MM do.

>> No.9773371

I don't disagree. Honestly, the only taobao piece I've ever been impressed by or even really happy with was Mozarabic Chant.

>> No.9773372

Gotta get that commie money

>> No.9773386

Yeah I figured as such. Thanks gulls, I'll try my luck. I was there in July but didn't end up buying a main piece there, however they still had pieces on display which were definitely sold out online at the time (was also during the grand bazaar sale) so i'll assume it'll be much the same.

>> No.9773397

Would wear to Coca-Cola Factory

>> No.9773462

You might like Japanese brands Fairywish or Seraphim.

>> No.9773560

underrated comment

>> No.9773619

God you sound weak as fuck.

>> No.9773631

Hoping VM posts pics or measurements of the tiny coffin before this goes live. Please VM.

>> No.9773699

Who's going?

>> No.9773705
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Dropped pic

>> No.9773707


I hope they post previews of the dress because goddamn I can get BTSSB's la robe clair vert and have leftover money to invest in another dream dress with that sort of money.

>> No.9773772


Sample pics are up!

>> No.9773779

Do we need an SS to participate in this?

>> No.9773780

I'm debating it

>> No.9773782


You're a doll! Thank you so much!

To be honest, I'm not feeling it. If it was maybe 500, 600, or 700 I would think about it, but not 1000. Oh well.

>> No.9773783

Oof, wait looking at the sides of each tier, is Google Translate correct in saying "up to"? These are all a lot more limited than I thought if so, I assumed this would be more like an MTO but these quantities are super limited.

Honestly disappointed with the acrylic coffin, was hoping one of the decals would at least be the gold cross. But that dress set is stunning. If there really will only be 15 of it in existance that will be insane. I'm glad they said the style wasn't influenced by fads and that they just wanted to make a timeless design, VM being true to themselves until the end.

>> No.9773797

It would be cute af if someone got the (s) coffin for a lolita bjd.

>> No.9773799

I'd get this at that price point if they offered custom measurements

>> No.9773800

I feel like they should give a tiny coffin too if you're buying the ¥100,000 dress.

>> No.9773835

but is the crowdfunding course ($1000) the only way to get the dress?

>> No.9773839


It's a hobby bro, not the last Sparta Highlander fight for freedom fries. If the comm stops being fun I stop coming to meets is all.

>> No.9773849


Honestly, I don't know, but considering all the other dresses were already up for reservation and this wasn't included, I'd say odds are pretty slim for them to make a regular reservation later on.

>> No.9773859

So it was just a phase for you.

>> No.9773862


No, it's a hobby.

>> No.9773865

The problem is that the taobao shops popping up are more likely to produce things closer to AP and BABY than MM,VM or excentrique. The brands with the highest quality and most distinctive styles are being replaced by much of the same. In the age of shopping services can we really but their closure down to a lack of accessibility?

>> No.9773878

A hobby that you're dropping because ti's no longer cool. Got it.

>> No.9773882

except thats propaganda and untrue. their population is flourishing

>> No.9773885

Dude, chill. Quitting something doesn't make the fact that you did it invalid. Are Olympic level figure skaters suddenly posers or fakes when they inevitably retire from figure skating to do other things (like actually have a life)?

>> No.9773887

You're being baited, please stop.

>> No.9773893

Lolita isn't an Olympic sport or a career, it's a fashion. If you drop it and go back to dressing normie as soon as it's no longer cool then yes you were a poser.

>> No.9773903

That dress is stunning.

>> No.9773905


lol it was never cool when I picked it up. It was 2008 and being constantly mistaken for the other lolita and Leg Avenue decided to release lolita costumes for Halloween.

But yes, it's a hobby, not your identity. You stop when you're done, and you move on. All things in life move on. Then you die and hope someone remembers to put you in your favorite dress for the funeral (more likely they put you in their favorite of your dresses though). Were you a phase? idk, you were here and then you're not. Life's too short to worry about being a poseur. Do the things that make you happy and be a Momoko -- even if that means dropping lolita.


Sorry anon, I'm just procrastinating a horrible letter I don't want to write. Will stop now.

>> No.9773916

>more likely they put you in their favorite of your dresses though

so bitter and true it made me smile desu

>> No.9773925
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Does anyone know any korean shopping services?

>> No.9773926
File: 129 KB, 540x764, tumblr_ou7bieE6Wu1va1w2do1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply love this model
I wish doll masks would be more of a thing among conlitas, i mean, it's like the next level OTT

>> No.9773933

No thanks. Imagine if this catches on except most of them would cheapen out and we'd up with people wearing terrifying kigurumi masks.

>> No.9773944

>I wonder if we'll see a resurgence of physical stores after the 2020 Olympics

Realistically no, even though I want more physical shops to reopen as well. Rent in Harajuku is high,and normies rule the roost everywhere so normie brands are guaranteed to do better than a niche alternative fashion.

>> No.9773947

>gf sends me a gift
>fucking customs jews taxes me
I fucking hate europe

>> No.9773949

Ngl every time one of you uses Jew as an insult when you get hit by customs, I feel like you deserve it. I hope they tax you more next time.

>> No.9773953
File: 360 KB, 1162x850, 5BCD9ACB-5B99-4792-A1BB-B023B49D0E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok goy

>> No.9773989

Don’t be the jew here.

So did anyone getting something from the VM crowd funding? The dresses got sold out fast but the rest are up. Who are the best SS to use for this?

>> No.9774020

I'm wondering if overseas cards are accepted as I could then get it shipped to my Tenso address...

>> No.9774082

holy shit...that fucking op.
it's perfect. they really pulled out all the stops.
They just can't leave me like this. who else will make rich, lavish classic in this style??
>answer: no one
the ivory would be such a gorgeous wedding dress

>> No.9774114

You sound like an annoying stoner

>> No.9774125

Yes, it specifically states on the announcement page that all these items are only available through the crowdfunding campaign.

>> No.9774137

>No coffin listed
isn't the point of this that they will have money to make the coffins?

>> No.9774142

>inb4 someone posts some shitty Taobao store claiming it does classic lolita just as well as VM

>> No.9774148

I'm so happy when I finally sold everything on my list. Cosplayers and Lolitas are the most immature, flaky and irresponsible buyers I've ever encountered. I'm not sure if it's just the average age group or something else.

>> No.9774156

I guess, coffin was supposed to make the deal reasonable, otherwise it's too much for an outfit that can be reproduced with similar VM items, that were released before.
> but it's 20th anniversary piece

>> No.9774182

It’s actually s 20 Anni event not just for the coffin. It’s 1k for the dress alone. 2k for the big coffin alone. Now they are super limited so there are only 3 big coffins in each colour.

I just did it and they accepted visa and mc

>> No.9774203

Just bought a VM OP. I'm happy I will own at least one of their dresses before they're gone.

>> No.9774209

Then why is it on crowdfunding site? What are you funding while you get the dress or coffin as an extra? Their retirement?

>> No.9774243

Is there any decent how to coord tutorial? The ones from when I started are old schoolish and have irrelevant information, and I'm not coherent enough to explain the basics of coording to a friend who is eager but doesn't have any experience in any fashion, literally going from jeans and white t-shirt to lolita.

>> No.9774247

No, Japanese lolita brands are absolutely dying. It is a reason to panic and double down on buying brand more than ever before. For example, VM is dead. Which Taobao brand will rise to match VM? No one could even come close in quality.

>> No.9774248

Is this one of the "old schoolish" guides you looked at? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsMNZk67AVo It's not brand new but not irrelevant either, it's easy to understand and follow.

>> No.9774254

Actually it isn't! Thank you very much. I didn't even consider youtube. It never hit me that there is a community there as well.

>> No.9774265
File: 596 KB, 738x1039, p210_02_mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New BTSSB x Pullip collab release

>> No.9774278

VM is one of the only brands where all of the items are made in Japan. I can imagine the shrinking garment industry in Japan and their dedication to quality is one of the reasons they had to close. Being made in another country doesn't directly mean it's bad quality but being able to easily visit the factories might make a difference.

>> No.9774288

>accepted visa and mc

Dang, I should have tried this, instead I put in a order with Japonica.


You’re funding whatever you’re buying. The site seems to work like a kickstarter, not a gofundme. If enough people pre-buy the products, the money is used to produce said products. So if you bought the coffin, you’re paying for the coffin. If you bought the dress, you’re paying for the dress.

My guess is VM is using this site instead of their own webshop for the transparency — at some point some dud release may end up with nearly no buyers/backers, so if they can’t find enough buyers to meet the factory’s MOQ, they will (presumably) cancel production and refund everyone’s money (which looks to be what’s happening to my choice with the t-shirts. Nobody wants VM t-shirts? No? Awww)

>> No.9774306

I think they mentioned on their Twitter that they might release more dresses. I might be interested in the dress and the rest of the items seem a bit lackluster to me.

>> No.9774315

Was this the winning dress from the design competition?? Or did no one end up winning?

>> No.9774325

Link to this gofundme please?

>> No.9774328

Yep, that's the one.

>> No.9774329

It was posted earlier anon.

>> No.9774334

Kind of a roundabout way, but I contacted a Korean seller selling etude house and asked if they would be able to pick something up for me in a different store and they did.

>> No.9774347

Thank you!
I'm actually interested in this as well. Korean fashion is kind of normie, but every now and then, there's some nice Korean beauty products that are hard to get a hold of.

>> No.9774400

I managed to get the ivory dress! Also got the mini white coffin

>> No.9774403

Congrats! I'm waiting around to see if they announce more on their twitter, fucking slept on this by accident. -_-

>> No.9774439

Imo the best thing that helps with making your own coords is figuring out what suits you and looking at the coords of the brands you like on their social media and in magazines

>> No.9774444

it does make a lot of difference if you visit the manufacturers or not. in my experience most Japanese lolita brands are still produce in Japan though.

>> No.9774502

Buying a coffin is incredibly bad luck. Why anyone would buy one as a fashion statement is beyond my imagination

>> No.9774506

What brands still produce in japan? I know most of AP and Baby are produced in China now. I also have some IW and Moitie pieces that were made in China too.

>> No.9774509

I know Boz is completely made in Japan, only one off the top of my head I know that is other than VM.

>> No.9774515 [DELETED] 

What made in china Moitie do you have? Everything I own was made in Japan as far as I know.

>> No.9774519

What Moitie do you have that's made in China? All the Moitie I own was made in Japan as far as I know.

>> No.9774522

What I have from Millefleurs, Atelier Pierrot, Maxicimam, Emily Temple Cute, Princess Doll, Fairy Wish and h.Naoto is all made in Japan. I know the gothic brands are also generally made in Japan.

>> No.9774563

Bic Camera and drugstores are taking over Harajuku to cater to Chinese tourists

>> No.9774570


>implying most foreign tourists don't try to go to Hah-rah-joo-koo to ogle jfashion and end up clogging the place

Literally one of the points of an expedia tourist commercial I watched recently was this white lady ogling some sweet lolitas. Yes, I was triggered.

>> No.9774601

Miho Matsuda is as well.

AP blouses are almost all made in Japan. For jsks and ops, solid pieces and flocked/screen prints seem to be made in Japan too.

>> No.9774606

for anyone wondering jsk = jumperskirt. is it so hard for you to type it all out? it takes like another 3 sec. Not everyone knows the terms you seagulls come up with.

>> No.9774619

You know MJ doesn't even lurk cgl anymore, let alone Lolita threads? It's time to let go, man. She's not going to see your shitposting.

>> No.9774648

Oh okay, bye I guess

>> No.9774734

Didn't JetJ almost go under a couple years ago? I distinctly remember hearing they were having trouble.

>> No.9774788

Jsk is pretty common wut

>> No.9774798

Jsk isn’t a gull thing? It’s a common lolita thing. New fag.

>> No.9774808

Anyone here know about altering a jsk in the bust? There's a jsk I want to order, but bust wise it doesn't fit me. Is it possible for a seamstress to alter just the top half without ruining the shape of the skirt half?
And once I get it altered I wouldn't sell it so I'm not worried about that.

>> No.9774812

Depends on the dress and what you are doing. Bigger? Smaller? By a lot? if you don’t have a ton of money to spend then anything complex would be a no, so basic stuff is adjusting seam allowance.

>> No.9774816

Bigger by about 10 cm. Money isn't really an issue, but if it's going to look shit then I'll just buy a skirt instead of a jsk.

>> No.9774819

Anon, it depends on the cut off the bodice. Either post a pic or get a professional opinion rather than have us guess.

>> No.9774827

If you need the bust bigger by that much you won’t fit into a skirt.

>> No.9774845

I fit into non shirred skirts with room to spare so yes I will. The jsk i'm referring to an old school piece with no shirring. Contrary to what some gulls believes there are people with waists that are significantly smaller than their bust.
I was just hoping someone would know from experience, but thank you anyway.

>> No.9774873

>bigger by 10 cm

Not gonna happen. IMO jsks do not come with a lot of extra fabric in the seem to allow for letting out and 10 cm is a huge amount. For normie dresses letting out the seems maxes out at like 4-5 cm; wedding dresses a bit more since they are built to be altered.

>> No.9774879


>> No.9774891

Ah, I see. Well thanks for the help, anon!

>> No.9774904

>jsk i'm referring to an old school piece with no shirring
>I'll just buy a skirt instead of a jsk.
What? So they aren't even the same release? Idgi, why not just buy something that fits if it doesn't matter what dress.

It depends on the cut, for example if you have gathering or shirring you can let out or can add in extra panels without it being noticable. It's hard to know if it'll look bad without seeing the bodice in question.

>> No.9774916
File: 34 KB, 700x700, w-34317-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have multiple items I've been eyeing. They're not dream dress status so it's not a super huge loss if I can't buy it.
>why not just buy something that fits if it doesn't matter what dress
Because I still like the dress and if I can get it altered to fit that would be nice. If not, it's easy for me to move on since there are many other options I do fit.
There's no shirring in the back and based on what you said the jsk seems like a definite no, but pic related anyway.

>> No.9775028

Speaking of something dying, what's with all the funeral gazes in CoF posts anymore? Why does everyone looks constipated or in pain? No smiles. What the hell is this trend?

>> No.9775031

How new are you? Lolitas have been grumpy since the days of street snaps. So much so that's it's basically part of the "I'm not dressed for you" look of lolita.

>> No.9775032

I would take it to a perfessional to see if there is enough allowance in the skirt seam to cut the back in half and add a panel of shirring or just extra fabric back there.

>> No.9775034

I stg in 2013-14 I saw smiling faces but ok

>> No.9775035


Dial it back another ten years...

>> No.9775047


>I'm not defending myself
>But I'm defending myself

>> No.9775065


>> No.9775069

Question, how do you guys figure out accessories you need to buy to flesh out your wardrobe? Do you prefer going dress by dress or getting stuff that matches multiple items? I'm getting a hoard of things that's not exactly fitting in my wardrobe. My most grievous addiction right now are berets, one in almost every color and they're 3 shades different than the intended dresses I bought them for.

>> No.9775077

I definitely go for stuff that matches as many items as possible. At this point I don't need to think things through too much because my wardrobe is quite cohesive and I know what I want out of it so picking new things to add to it is easy; but yeah, if you want to build your wardrobe like an actual, functional wardrobe, go for accessories that match/look good with as many of your main pieces as possible.
Semi-emphasis on "look good" because sometimes an item doesn't have to match 100% to look good with the coord.

>> No.9775086

Which one did you get?

>> No.9775280

Personally I wouldn't as you can see it doesn't have much and the cut of the hem isn't straight so it would ruin that portion.
You could maybe add panels with additional fabric in the side seams, but your issue will be color matching. It shouldn't be too noticable as it is non print, but it also depends on if the side has a zipper which could make it look uneven depending on where the bust darts are and where you need the bodice to sit on you.

>> No.9775289

I buy neutral accessories mostly and just try to limit the dresses I buy to sets now. Makes cording very easy even if it's boring, at least I have tons of wearable coords this way. I like simpler Lolita cords to begin with rather than having a ton of stuff that only matches one dress.

>> No.9775316

go back to lolcow

>> No.9775322 [DELETED] 

I don't hate all Jewish people, just the Jews. Just like how I don't hate black people, but I hate niggers.

>> No.9775325

Okay gulls, I kept looking for any evidence that VM is closing down and found nothing. So is that just one of those gull panic mode storys?

>> No.9775333
File: 471 KB, 960x640, longbonnetbois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some people are tinfoil superstitious/x/philes who think that there's some invisible universal mechanic that specifically will look to fuck you over for buying something that has no inherent universal meaning?

>> No.9775334

Did you miss their official announcement?

>> No.9775340
File: 540 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Banquet in the sky

This is depressing

>> No.9775342

Are there any wig companies that still make ringlet wigs? There's GLW but they're pretty shitty and the wig is ugly too.

>> No.9775343

That's why I avoid cross/cemetery themed things, although I love them. I just had to admit myself I will never chill enough to feel comfortable in those.

>> No.9775346

are you retarded? it's the first thing you see when you go to their website

>> No.9775354

Dreamholic does one but their quality is also kind of hit or miss.

>> No.9775357

The back looks awful though, dat bunched up halloween costume velour fabric

>> No.9775441

Which events? Do they post these updates somewhere? I’d love to have some new MM and support them.

>> No.9775446

Ignore the retarded namefag, anon.

>> No.9775492
File: 63 KB, 578x547, 1442200282892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to be retarded cause I can't see anything on the victorian Maiden website hinting they are closing down. There is ony the 20th anniversary, a valentines fair and advertisement for a mobage.
I'm sorry for being stupid, but where do they announce their closure?

>> No.9775508
File: 72 KB, 800x350, A4E23FA8-3872-4F70-BE42-BFAB9827D89E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website got updated recently so that news was pushed out. This was the photo on the home page for a month that referenced it. They say that 2018 is the last year for them.

>> No.9775731
File: 31 KB, 420x643, GLB02-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this OP and choker set Mana is wearing?

>> No.9775734

Yes, it's called lolibrary.org .

>> No.9775739

Yeah smartass thanks but lolibrary has a shit search function. I figured someone here might happen to off hand.

>> No.9775742

when will lolibrary improve its search function? i dont understand the change, it was perfect before

>> No.9775749

It literally takes 5 second to search for "moitie shirring op". Don't blame lolibrary for being a lazy moron.

>> No.9775754

lol did you try that?

>> No.9775756

Man, I just love lolita.

>> No.9775757

Fuck yeah !

>> No.9775758

Nice, now I just have to decide between coffins.

>> No.9775768

No, but I know it's there.

>> No.9775779

It isn't

>> No.9775802

I know you thought you totally showed me but everyone knows not everything ever released is on lolibrary. Gothic brands especially get ignored. Obviously you don't know shit because it isn't there. What's up your ass, salt-chan?

>> No.9775820


>> No.9775830

Well you showed me, thank you. I did check though.

>> No.9775846

Has anyone bought from Coн Coфии? Do they post their recent releases?

>> No.9775914
File: 57 KB, 400x600, IMG_20180204_022545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9775917


Yeah they sold out in like 15 seconds. I'm so salty right now.

>> No.9775922

Whyyy can't they give us a heads up on this? I would have loved to have gotten the red or pink of the lace-up puff sleeve OP.

>> No.9775928


I think they're going to restock in several days.

They did on their valentine's update, but they sold more quickly than Holy Lantern on its first release. I refreshed in 10 seconds and behold, everything except black was gone.

>> No.9775929

She makes me cringe, and sometimes I feel there's a man under that mask.

>I wish doll masks would be more of a thing among conlitas
Fuck no, I bet half of them would be sissies an brolITAS.

>> No.9775935

Can someone confirm if the google translate of the red text on the lace-up puff sleeve is stating that the royal stripe is NOT getting more in?

>> No.9775954
File: 2.31 MB, 1864x5196, screenshot-lolibrary.org-2018.02.04-10-31-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be hard having an IQ under 90 and/or the attention span of a 2 year old. Other than that, the lolibrary team added a lot of new entries in the past two or three months. Next time instead of bitching, whining and demanding to be spoon fed, use what's left of your head instead or help the staff to add old things. It's not that hard.

>> No.9775974

If the black op had a wine ribbon indeed of that bright red it would have been perfect.

>> No.9775976

Do any of anons own Melty Whip Chocolate? I own the op and it says chemical clean only iirc but I don't have any dry cleaners near me but I wouldn't trust the ones in the town nearby anyway. I'm moving to a bigger city soon so I will probably get it cleaned then but I would love to wear it meanwhile and it would be generally nice to clean it up more often than I can get it dry cleaned. So have any of you washed it? I only want to wash the pits. I tried with damp cloth and gentle soap but it didn't do much imo. Is it too risky to hand wash the pits properly?

>> No.9775980

Yeah I still don't understand the whole fuss of making changes and making the site better, the site was honestly great before the completely revamped it.

It's easier to use hellolace through the wayback machine, not even joking

>> No.9776049

You just showed me that lolibrary works like shit

>> No.9776055

I honestly don't understand how Lolibrary is difficult to use. You type in a string of keywords and it pulls up results.

>> No.9776068

And then you want to go to the next page but it never shows. It just keeps loading forever. I always assumed that meant there wasn't really a next page.

>> No.9776069

Where the fuck do I get a decent petti in fucking Tokyo that isn't burando and over 5k yen?

I didn't pack one because it'd take up too much space and I thought it'd be easy enough to get a new one here but other than bodyline and way overpriced burando I haven't been able to find one. Bodyline only has the really short "fairy kei" ones too so that's not an option...

>> No.9776075

Closet Child has their own line of pannier, there’s 3 different types iirc

>> No.9776082

Oh damn you're right anon I never knew that! Thanks! Do you know if they're any good and if I can get them in-store? (been there a few times and never saw pettis that weren't burando, but never asked either)

>> No.9776087

I don't recall seeing the CC pettis in store (I mostly went to Ikebukuro and Harajuku), but there usually were a couple of brand pettis for fairly cheap.

In a bind, you can layer the shorter, fairy kei type ones for a lighter look. Unless you're going to a meet up or want to take full-on photos somewhere, you're probably best with going for light poof in Tokyo anyhow.

>> No.9776094

Seconding buying the CC petti, I’ve actually done this twice, once in Osaka and once from the Harajuku CC. They put their pettis usually at the front of the skirt rack, and you could always show them a picture on your phone. I personally have the Super Gorgeous Pannier and love it, it’s my go-to petti.

>> No.9776100

>it doesn't work for me, so it doesn't work for anyone!!
I bet you're a phone poster. But honestly, it both works for me. You could, you know, report the issue. But Lolibrary probably already knows you're a lazy idiot and doesn't want to cooperate.

>> No.9776103

NAYRT, but I'm still having issues on PC, especially with the search function.

>> No.9776107

Things like this make me wish I never donated to them. How much longer are they going to take to at least get the search function to work?

>> No.9776111

I was on my laptop and it just eternally loads for me when I try to use the search function. I have reported the issue, at least two times.
Are you one of the people in charge lolibrary? Why are you such a raging cunt over something so small?

>> No.9776113

>it works for me, so it works for everyone!!
That's your logic ass well.

>> No.9776121

Why is it that when someone brings up legitimate complaints about Lolibrary, there's always a person that tries to white knight it. Yeah, Lolibrary is still useful, but it sucks when it's compared to what it used to be. It's even missing a shit ton of entries that used to be on the old Lolibrary.

>> No.9776134

What kind of issues?

>I have reported the issue, at least two times.
Then I apologize for that. What did they reply?
>Are you one of the people in charge lolibrary?
No, but I helped.
>Why are you such a raging cunt over something so small?
Because I'm sick and tired of people being to dumb to search for themselves, asking dumb questions on cgl (outside the stupid questions thread) and other websites over and over and over again that could be solved by typing the same question into google or reading the sticky and then being entitled about it. Also the people who keep spoon feeding them and thus encouraging them and other lurking people to show just as annoying and dependent behaviour.

Well, checkmate.

Congrats, you completely missed my original point. I agree with you, but bitching about it won't change anything.

>> No.9776136

if people don't get the right results on lolibrary they could think it's not on there at all. where else should they ask, livejournal?

>> No.9776137


I have had different variants of AP's chocolate jacquards, but not Melty Whip Chocolate.

They generally survive being washed in a laundry bag, on delicate setting in the washing machine, cold water. Where you want to watch out is if it has pleats, fold it and lay it across the clothes rack so the pleats kind of dry in shape. Makes it easier to iron/press it later on. The other thing is if you have gold braid, apparently they're kind of iffy with water washing, I'd send the ones with gold trim to a dry-cleaner's instead.

Hope that helps.

>> No.9776139

OP said she can't click the other sites and just assumed they don't exist. That's not the same thing as not getting the right results. She also didn't say that at first when she asked, which is why I was pissed.

>> No.9776148

Same issue here. So now is a good opportunity to say "thank you!" to all those gulls who ID stuff in this thread - your services are appreciated. You know who you are.

>> No.9776156

Yep sadly only this OP will be restocked.
I'm torn between getting this and the jsk for Rococo bouquet.
Still sad that my bust won't let me fit into the OP for that print (it's just 3cm too small!)

>> No.9776167

Do you click the next number or the arrow? Clicking the arrow leads me to an infinitely loading page, but clicking the next number works just fine.

>> No.9776169

what? she said that lolibrary has a shit search function which is true... in any case it's really not that difficult to just scroll past the people who ask this kind of stuff. it's not like threads are filled with it.

>> No.9776172

Half the time Lolibrary gets stuck loading forever on my PC using Chrome. This shit never happened on the old version. Along with entries that used to be there just not existing anymore this "upgrade" continues to be a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.9776198

Thank you anon, this was really helpful! I'm so happy it's machine washable, almost washed it few times but I'm pretty confident it will survive now. Can't wait to be able to wear it again.

>> No.9776213
File: 50 KB, 780x404, 1505584890792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone wondering sec = seconds. is it so hard for you to type it all out? not everyone knows the terms you namefags come up with.

>> No.9776215

The tl;dr of their reply was that the site was still in progress and that they're working as hard as they can to get it up. Which I understand I'm not mad at lolibrary. I appreciate them a whole lot. I've donated as well. The only reason I don't help on the site is because it largely doesn't work for me. I use lolibrary on my PC using Chrome. The search function is a big gamble for me. If I type in a search term it either gets stuck on the loading page and never gives results or will only load about half the page. It's not my internet either because I've tried using multiple different places all with great wifi.
>asking dumb questions on cgl
I mean the question was suited for the thread. It's a lolita thread, for lolitas, filled with lolitas. I could understand the anger if I posted in the makeup thread or itabag thread, but I didnt. I put it in a relevant category. I could have acted like a newfag and started a whole new thread just to ask one question. I would have started a dress identification thread, but I haven't seen one in awhile so it didn't seem necessary.
I wouldn't have asked a question without trying to search for the answer myself first.
Definitely those girls who can look at one picture and identify a dress off the top of their head are god sends.

>> No.9776216

Lolibrary's search has really gone down hill. It used to be you could actually select several options eg. if you wanted to find a scalloped OP that's black and white, you could check those three categories and get only results that combine the categories - now you have to pick whichever category has the fewest pages to scroll through :/

>> No.9776217

And another anon has already mentioned the glitches with the keyword search

>> No.9776223

What is Google? Search the same way you would with lolibrary and stick "site:https://lolibrary.org/" at the end of your search. Simple.

>> No.9776224

Thanks for confirming that. I guess all these releases are going to be the death of me if this is how fast they’re going to go each time.

I prefer the OP over the Rococo jsk, but both are lovely in their own way of course.

>> No.9776228

I don't get it. You type the same categories in to get the results. The search now searched the titles, brands, tags, year, and comments which makes it much more useful for items that don't have a useful name. When it loads infinitely, it has no results, so modify your search terms.

>> No.9776244

obviously it does have more results because >>9775954 got to page 3

>> No.9776246

Yeah and? They typed in shirring (which is going to return every single moitie op with shirring in it, what do you expect? Narrow your results down if you want less.

>> No.9776259

Update if someone else wonders this too, it survived perfectly in 30°C and delicate cycle. Thank you once more anon.

>> No.9776265

some people don't get even 1 page when they type in the exact same thing

>> No.9776460

you fucking casual noob. that's not it but of course you'd accept it. it's likely an early version of >>9775731-- the lace is totally different.

anyway, I'm glad lolibrary is up and I can wait as the volunteers do their best to get it perfect.

>> No.9776485
File: 57 KB, 745x740, DMQ3tyoVoAAIyR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a girl tho.

>> No.9776494

Just curious, how often do you gulls think you check lacemarket and other shopping websites?

>> No.9776497

I rarely check LM unless I'm bored or desperate to find something specific and it's the only place I haven't looked. I check various source in the Japanese market daily.

>> No.9776502

Interesting, do you just have some keywords you always look up? I'm always on the hunt for old school pieces for myself but I'm not yet in the routine of checking all the Japanese markets regularly

>> No.9776514

Daily (at least)

>> No.9776531

I basically search for my favorite brands and occasionally throw in keywords for "blouse", "skirt", "onepiece" or "katyusha" if i want to narrow down the search for specific pieces. It sounds very uneventful when described this way but I genuinely enjoy the routine search, stumbling on gorgeous pieces in between the boring stuff is thrilling.

>> No.9776535

I only do the rounds when I have money that I want to spend on lolita. Stumbling across something I want when it's not responsible for me to buy it can only lead to bad decisons or feeling disappointed.

>> No.9776542

I check LM every day to look for dream dresses

>> No.9776547

LM i check almost daily, if nothing else out of boredom and curiosity. I check brand sites and mercari/fril/yahoo maybe once a week, open tabs of everything i want and then close my browse window when my brain starts to get clogged from all the open tabs. I always want to buy so many things but i end up being a real tight ass and cant bring myself to do it, even if they're wishlisht pieces or dream dresses. I go ham on OTKs or accessories that i feel i really need though.

>> No.9776554

I check LM and all the bigger name JP secondhand stores at least daily. I just don't want to miss out a dream item. Will often check LM throughout the day as well since things get added so often.

>> No.9776563

I check WW, CC, and Lolita Sales in English once a day, then LM, Mercari, and Y!J Auctions twice or so a day. Fril tends to either have stuff overlapping from Mercari and Y!J so I check it less often, maybe once a week. The other websites just have so much less that I don't really check. I just feel like I have to be vigilant for dream items, they can slip through your hands far too easily.

>> No.9776564

Ahh yea that's what I do. Online shopping is genuinely fun, especially if you treat it as a game where winning is getting a bargain.

Lmao this is me too, forcing myself to just close chrome tabs keeps me from becoming broke

Thanks for the replies anons, I'm fascinated to know what other people's shopping habits are like

>> No.9776634

I check LM probably four or five times a day. I work from home, and often have a bit of down time to check shit. I check WW/CC once a day, Fril/Mercari every other day or so, and Tokyo Alice/Violet Blue/Maiden Clothing like idk once a week.

>> No.9776690

Idk where to ask this as I haven’t been on cgl in a while but I’m having issues with some of my dresses with partial shirring. I’m well within the measurements, and they technically fit, but everywhere there is a shirring elastic, it pulls on the fabric on the bodice of the dress resulting in indents on my boobs in the front. I noticed this first with an IW op, it looked like a string had been tied around my boobs giving a muffin top effect under the dress, but it’s caused by the elastic pulling the front fabric.
Any ideas how to fix? It’s super annoying. It doesn’t happen with all of my dress, just some.

>> No.9776698

I check it obsessively. Probably 20+ times a day.

>> No.9776735

Thing is i dont have any real reasons not to spend my money right now, besides the fact its irresponsible - i'm on summer break, working a tonne and pay no rent or bills, only my phone and transport. I just feel anxious to spend too much money and i want to try saving up my spending portion (which is about 1/3-1/4 of my pay) so i can buy dresses and not feel bad about "going into savings". I also tend to buy things as I need them, usually for a specific event, since my go-to lolita is already fine without any extra spending. Although i did just splurge on a cheap taobao dress second hand, but mainly because its pretty much my normie style anyway plus i can wear it with a petticoat, plus i really need some short sleeve OPs for the aussie summer.

>> No.9776913

A few threads ago people were shitting themselves over quality and made outside of japan items but things like cinema doll are made in the Philippines so I'm curious as to why everyone got their panties in a twist

>> No.9776965

do you have a cup size above a B? that could explain, as most IW dresses are made for B cups or less

>> No.9776968

>those girls who can look at one picture and identify a dress off the top of their head are god sends
Finally my autism benefits society!

>> No.9776978

This happens with an oldschool Meta op. I'll likely give it a new home as I can't really deal with it, and no amount of trying to hide it will fix the shape.

>> No.9776979

Lulu is not just one person, I love luludoll, I hope all of the makers involved with her never stop.

>> No.9777064

I’m a d cup and it’s specifically happening with an IW OP and a meta jsk, both of which are made to go up to 110+cm bust whereas mine is 94.
So disappointing they’re some of my favourite dresses. But I guess if they look like shit they gotta go. I was sort of hoping there’s a fix like a different type of bra or something.

>> No.9777106

What dress? I own 4 IW OPs and have never experienced this. My bust is 89 CM but my cup size is waaaaay bigger than D.

>> No.9777115


There's a fix but it's troublesome and costs money. You can take it in to a seamstress and she can take apart the entire dress in order to sew the waist smaller. This will give you a bigger bust-to-waist ratio to accommodate bigger cup sizes.

Thicker fabric generally tends to show less distortion, if that helps.

>> No.9777122

I don't give a shit about AP but they're probably still better then taobao

>> No.9777124

I do on daily basic although I'm tight on money right now, so I'd hardly buy anything. It just feels comforting to know that most of my dream pieces are really easy to get if you search rigorously enough. But I can't stop feeling guilty for all the time I could use for much better purpose.

>> No.9777127

>shitting themselves over quality
If you don't care about quality, you're not a lolita desu

>> No.9777167

Partial shirring IW dresses that they say are made to go up to 110cm don't look good on anyone who isn't a flat board because they only know how to make tube bodices sorry I don't make the rules

>> No.9777171 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else have an angelic pretty dress that says "sample" where the washing instructions should be?

>> No.9777335

>sorry I don't make the rules
Who does?

>> No.9777339

Well in this instance it would be the pattern makers at IW

>> No.9777345

This reminds me of terrible ebay replicas. I'm all for MmM coming back, but this looks fucking awful.

>> No.9777351

Mmm was never gone and they didn't design this

>> No.9777354
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x3707, IMG_2933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I don't care about quality? I'm just saying it's a strange argument to bring up and act like it's changing recently when things like cinema doll are made in the philippines.

>inb4 some other retarded retort about how I'm not actually a lolita

Here's your proof.

>> No.9777359

So you didn't understand the discussion?

>> No.9777360
File: 78 KB, 700x700, moi-meme-moitie-hatsune-miku-collaboration-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine they are seeming to become more active and also try to reach out to international customers.

MmM still slapped their name on it and it's still bad.

>> No.9777363

Seems like you're the one having some issues understanding. I'm asking why gulls were acting like this was a more recent phenomenon or why they think it automatically makes the piece worse? My cinema doll has stood up fine over time and it wasn't made in Japan, it seems even better quality than some of my pieces that were.

>> No.9777367

Unless you're talking about a different discussion, it was already mentioned that AP is made in several countries. It's not like they were saying everything from the Philippines is shit or something, it's just hard to know the quality beforehand if they don't stick to the same manufacturers.

>> No.9777370

>it was already mentioned that AP is made in several countries

Yes, I'm aware, but at the same time it was also mentioned that the pieces made outside Japan were somehow drastically worse than what was produced in glorious nippon land. IIRC it was also said that APs "decline in quality" recently was thanks to more and more releases being made outside of Japan which again is stupid.

>> No.9777382

I get where you're coming from. But you will never be successful at bringing up old arguments because now different people are arguing the same topic.

>> No.9777383

It's a logical explanation if their quality went down that it's because of the manufacturer or cheaper fabrics.

>> No.9777384

No one here is consulting those designers on how to dress tho, they're just commenting aimlessly about their opinions on who does and doesn't look good in an IW dress.

>> No.9777387

>suddenly we can't discuss a topic because it's been touched upon before

Sorry I wasn't aware.

>> No.9777390

I experience the same issues with my IW even though they're my favorite brand.
The only thing that I found that really helps is getting a sturdy, structured bra. If your chest is still getting squeezed maybe try wearing a sports bra with thin cups in them on top of your regular one. Sounds weird but it makes it look a lot better for me.
I also tend to pull out the corset lacing and just use the waist ties to cinch a dress in.

>> No.9777394

Maybe you should have participated in the discussion when it was still going on instead of arguing against the air like you're doing now

>> No.9777396

My bad, next time I'll check in with you before posting something okay? That way you don't have to have your feelings hurt by discussion you don't want to see.

>> No.9777397

Pretty sure we were talking about all the brands anon, not just AP. And some of it was about supporting production in a country that isn't third world (aka Japan).

>> No.9777402

Nobody said it was exclusively AP that was being discussed.

>> No.9777412

>things like cinema doll are made in the philippines.
>cinema doll
>APs "decline in quality"
Obviously you just want to argue, but that's all you were talking about. The previous thread was talking about all brands.

>> No.9777419

I'm not looking to argue, I'm looking for a valid answer to my questions posed above and nobody has actually given one.

But please, continue to twist things unnecessarily.

>> No.9777423

Your question of why everyone got their panties in a twist? Sorry, but that looks like you're just trying to start something because you know there is no real answer. The best answer is people don't want their clothing produced in third world countries by multiple manufacturers because quality control is more difficult and employee conditions are poor.

>> No.9777427

Wait, where has recent AP been made? I’m talking a about in the past year for whoever owns releases. I thought it was Chinese?

>> No.9777431

Can you not handle phrasing that doesn't completely baby you? Aside from that question there was another, but I guess reading more than a sentence or two is too hard for you.

I have recent releases from both china and japan.

>> No.9777434

nayrt and one of the anons who originally participated in the aforementioned discussion regarding outsourcing of manufacturing - the original argument was about the inconsistency of quality due to outsourcing, not that any pieces made outside of Japan automatically made them worse. MRC is made in Myanmar or the Philippines, and it's still one of the highest quality dresses I own.

We were also surmising that this outsourcing was part of the reason why some brands were thriving versus brands like VM shuttering because they've insisted on only producing within Japan.

Multiple brands were brought up because we were trying to crosscheck ourselves about quality and consistency of releases within the last few years. You're correct that outsourcing is nothing new considering everything IW has released all the way back to 2007 or even earlier has been made in China and nobody's nailed them for quality issues, as far as I could tell we were looking for possibilities and didn't come up with anything super conclusive.

The only consistent concept that came out of that discussion was that VM and a couple of other brands made everything in Japan and their quality has never slipped/been inconsistent, but that doesn't mean that the other brands haven't successfully outsourced elsewhere to produce excellent product. We all just harping on about inconsistency that seemed to apply only to specific releases, not as a blanket "everything made outside of Japan is shit."

>> No.9777435

There have been a few discussions about this recently, I don't think you were in the one I am specifically referencing because the one I am talking about consisted of complaints about APs recent releases vs older ones. But thank you for giving actual insight into relevant conversation instead of shitposting about how I hurt your feelings.

>> No.9777452

cinema doll rerelease WHEN????

>> No.9777464
File: 102 KB, 420x314, brbcryingariver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister's cat pissed in my room, all over my shoe rack, mostly on two pairs of my AP teaparties.
What can I do to clean these? The floor and everything cleaned fine with vinegar and an enzyme cleaner, but my tea parties still smell.
Am I totally fucked, gulls?

>> No.9777473

I'm sorry that happened to you. Over time the scent should dissipate naturally. I'd definitely suggest wiping them down with water. You could also try odor eaters insoles to take care of what got inside the shoe. You could also make a baking soda sachet.

>> No.9777487

I'm not the previous anon you were arguing with. Why are you so angry at nothing? When you place your questions in a slather of insults for some anon, no one can take your questions seriously. It just looks like baiting.

>> No.9777497

>I'm angry

I'm not, me using less than polite wording doesn't automatically make me angry. Newsflash, this is /cgl/, and people can and will be abrasive. Nobody here owes you any politeness. People responded to me in a particular manner and in turn I replied similarly. Fucking shocking.

>> No.9777499

Can you tell me which releases were Chinese and which were Japanese? I'm wondering if popular releases are handled in China and smaller ones are Japanese.

>> No.9777504

Was it about the Holy Lantern thing? That's the only one I remember where people were actively posting "proof" photos of things going sideways with production. Otherwise it's all just been pure conjecture.

>> No.9777508

Have you ever met an efamous lolita?

>> No.9777525

I've met Lovely Lor! She's very sweet

>> No.9777532
File: 1.08 MB, 1325x997, party cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I lost it.

>> No.9777546

I'm not sure where you live, but here some cobblers offer something like a shoe deep clean where they put them in a machine to kill any germs inside the shoe. I think that might help.

>> No.9777548

Partner of the lolibary dev here. I know jackshit about programming but I can offer a bit of insight into the situation.

I understand that people are frustrated but the lolibary team are fully aware of the issues with the site and are working towards fixing them. However as it currently stands there's only 1 dev working on the site and she works full time plus has several other commitments outside of lolibary (we’re also moving so things are even more hectic than usual).

From what I understand they’ve just made a push to find some additional devs. Finding people who are willing to commit long-term has proven pretty difficult but hopefully this new batch will prove a bit more successful. Once these devs start working on the site the issues people have mentioned should be fixed pretty quickly.

In addition, at her new job she gets time within her work week to work on personal projects so this should also help with getting some of the fixes/updates out.

I’ll try to pass on any questions people may have to the dev and reply back here ~

>> No.9777550

I forgot about baking soda, thank you. I'll probably just cake them in it and let it sit for a day or two.
Unfortunately there isn't a cobbler within a few hundred miles of me, but I'll keep it mind if the smell refuses to go away.

>> No.9777554

Will the wishlist and closet functions ever be brought back? Seriously pissed about those two t b h sempai.

>> No.9777557

Yes, don't know when but both will come back. The dev even has a copy of everyone's old closets and wishlists, it's just a case of finding a way to import and implement them.

>> No.9777560

Honestly I'd love to see them implemented too soon so I'll be sure to bug her for them

>> No.9777562

>there isn't a cobbler within a few hundred miles of me

America just keeps sounding more and more baffling to me.
sage for ot

>> No.9777572
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Wishlist and closet are coming back, I just need a solid chunk of time to actually work on lolibrary instead of only getting an hour or two every now and then. Got a new job, and I'm moving.


I'm hooking this up when I get the chance, you're welcome.


Trust me, nobody gets this whatsoever

>> No.9777575
File: 92 KB, 250x333, 1450887799720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could leave, anon. I really hate it here.

Does anyone own this jsk or have photos of it worn?

>> No.9777578

Why does this get your panties in such a twist?

>> No.9777584

This is filtered searches breaking because algolia changed their god damned filtering format and I've literally not had the time to change it. Algolia are also expensive as fuck so I may even ditch them desu; filtering is far too hard but they have literally the best multi-language instant search you can get.

That's actually because it's broken desu

>> No.9777589

Alot of efamous lolitas are still part of their comm so loads of people have met them

>> No.9777596

you are the passive aggressive one who started with a vague post that didn't sound like you were looking for real answers

>> No.9777598

Cry more.

>> No.9777600
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