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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9760178 No.9760178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever hook up at a con?

>> No.9760183

No, generally make awkward small talk then walk away quickly. At the end of the day I wonder why I have no friends

>> No.9760702

No. I don't want to catch autism.

>> No.9760711

No. I am too autistic

>> No.9760720

No. I'm allergic to cats.

>> No.9760749


>> No.9760784

I made out with a few people at a drinking party. That's about it.

>> No.9760888

How do these threads always stay up so long. Do we not have any mods at all?

>> No.9760959

They’re at a con.

>> No.9761120

No. I value my sleep, especially at a con

>> No.9761173

Hooking up at a con is a meme, just another bulletpoint to get you to spend money on it.

>> No.9761338

No and I don’t think I ever would, than again when you’re penor is doing the thinking and takes charge things turn out differently.

>> No.9761412

No because i'm not an incel pretending to be a chad by trying to pick up girls in an environment he finally feels safe in.
90% of the times I've seen that shit happen it's been one of those classics sweaty "where's my hug?" incels with those "nerd reference t-shirts" who think they somehow are less unattractive because they're surrounded by nerds.

>> No.9761442

what if I'm turned on by kinky costumes

>> No.9761443


>> No.9761447

As a cosplayer myself, that's going to be difficult. Probably if you've got somewhat of a fanbase who's going to lookout for you, or you're really attractive/handsome, or have bug tits and a big butt.

That's true, but normally the scenario changes if the cosplayer in question knows you, or you're also in character, even if it's not from the same saga the other cosplayer is in.

>> No.9761450

No but honestly more because I'm oblivious than anything.

>> No.9761453

I've had a few times when i thought it would have maybe led to a hookup, but I've always chosen friends over hookups

>> No.9761497

test as well to see if I am getting connection error still

>> No.9761660

Not really, I prefer using magnets or velcro when I need detachable parts on my costume. Hooks are very niche.

>> No.9762201

>go to local con this sunday
>dressed up as an imperial officer, folks of my fanclub are there, we have lots of fun
>pretty much anime festival, lots of characters
>a 'deadpool family' included
>used to take pics with deadpools because they're fun
>one guy dressed as Ladypool puts his leg right on my dick
>grab his thigh, which is pretty thick
>his suit feels VERY good, pretty leatherish, a heaven for me who loves costuming and touching/grabbing body parts
>pretty much take the pic and spill spaghetti all over it
>hours later, when i'm at home posting and all, I search for his instagram
>end up finding him
>he's from the same city as me
>we dirty talked a little, exchanged numbers on instagram

I kinda just did.

>> No.9762237

I never thought I'd ever post this online, but are you sure it was a guy?

>> No.9762249

i hooked up with a dva cosplayer at a cosplay afterparty. she was a solid 9/10.
happened at blizzcon

>> No.9762271

Very sure it was a guy. Not a trap.

>> No.9762365

/cgl/ proving time and time again to be the most sissified board with posts like yours

No. When I used to try I come close every time and bail out at the last minute every time. I'm too afraid that women are lying about their age and I'm not trying to catch any cases.

>> No.9762369

Spend money on what, exactly? Conventions?

>> No.9762887

fuck off scrub this thread is irrelevant trash

>> No.9762890

clearly it's a tie-in with magnum and the con scene is trying to endorse condoms to pad their FAT CAT wallets. Do you know nothing anon?

>> No.9762905
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Wait, are you saying those guys you're describing actually got laid or what? This post is phrased weird

Also for OP, sure. Cons are another social event chock full of attractive people so I'll pick up girls there sometimes.

>> No.9762924

Does getting a girls number at a con, then going out on a date the following night, then having another date a week later, but agreeing that we're not really right for each other in a romantic way, but would work better as friends count as hooking up at a con?
If so, then yes, yes I have hooked up at a con.

Is he actually shirtless?
If so, why do his nipples look fake?

>> No.9762976

I can't even make eye contact at a con.

>> No.9763038

I end up attracting the hamfats, so I'd rather not.

>> No.9763285

A good chunk of con attendees go to cons because they believe they'll meet cute girls who are also into nerd shit and maybe walk away from the experience with a girlfriend. This couldn't be farther from the truth and con organizers are not interested in dispelling the myth because when the myth is gone what else is left? A get-together with jacked up prices.

>> No.9763478

Then don't post in it, weeb.

I suppose you're right. I can't begin to fathom how people can view conventions like that but I know those types exist. Hooking up, however, is very possible as long as you're attractive and and not autistic.

>> No.9763481

>as long as you're attractive and and not autistic
That's the minority of con goers, the minority of nerds, hell even the minority of this board. You don't get to this by being attractive, charismatic and successful. All nerds are broken in some way, it hits men harder tho.

>> No.9764196


>> No.9764504


>this literally happened to me and over the course of my life has happened twice.

Couldn't it be more likely the reason why this couldn't be further from the truth is because most con attendees are social outcasts and just because you put them in a room with statistically social outcasts doesn't make them good at talking to people they wanna hook up with? Let's be real, most of girls and guys at cons are cringy nerds.

>> No.9764508


That's /cgl/'s perception since the people who post here are cringey nerds so by extension they assume everyone else is.

>> No.9764515

This 100%. I don't know what cons you go to. But I exclusively hang out with more "normal" people at cons who only dabble in anime. There are plenty like that.

>> No.9764567
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Absolutely but the dream is still there and that dream sells tickets and merch. Most of these guys(can't talk for the girls) have this idea in their heads that one of these days a cute girl will crash through their bedroom window or they'll find a cute girl in a dumpster pic related style and that will fix and solve their entire lives. It's naive and unrealistic and fucking stupid but the dream is still there, hell even in my old ass age knowing the dream is retarded the dream still lives on inside me. I even recall an incident at a con(that's how often this happens for us) two years ago where I could have made something happen with a couple of girls but I sperged out and fucked it up.

>> No.9764616

What helps me ignore that idea is the fact no one would ever be interested in me.

>> No.9764777
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I want to go to a con, maybe meet a girl who has the same hobbies as me. Not terribly ugly and relatively successful, but still forever alone due to lack of interaction with females and reclusiveness, feels bad man

>> No.9764779

I mean Im not terribly ugly and relatively successful

>> No.9764876

God no and anyone who says they would is a virgin. Pretty much any girl who'd fuck at a con is 100% crazy/some sort of severe mental issues and the ones that aren't crazy won't fuck you because they don't want to ruin their cosplay/already there with their SO/care what their friends think/aren't sluts.


>> No.9764917

Only a couple times when I was younger and traps weren’t mainstream yet

I’m pretty sure both times were novelty fucks

>> No.9764979

I don't know what cons you guys goto but when I was in my 20s I was able to goto the big cons (AX, Otakon, etc) and hook up with some cute girls. Its weird because I never had one night stands, it was usually one weekend stands. We would add each other on social media and never talk.

The fucked up thing is I'm not that attractive.

>> No.9765111

>The fucked up thing is I'm not that attractive.
What's your secret senpai?
Give tips pls

>> No.9765147
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>Most of these guys have this idea in their heads that one of these days a cute girl will crash through their bedroom window or they'll find a cute girl in a dumpster pic related style and that will fix and solve their entire lives

>> No.9765166

I've hooked up with girls I met at cons, but only after I'd known them for a while. I also met my cosplayer ex-GF at a con and dated her for almost five years.

I don't get the same kind of vibe at cons anymore though. I'm not sure if I've just aged out of it, or if things have actually changed.

>> No.9765230
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I don't go for sexual cosplays despite being decently chiseled, but I'm really great at making friends with strangers. That being said I'm always DTF with plenty of options.

>> No.9765231

Do spoilers not work on /cgl/?

>> No.9765266

did the first failure not clue you in? jfc

>> No.9765297

I'm just a 30 year old lady who wants to fool around with a cute younger girl at a con and watch some trash anime together in the hotel bed afterwards

>> No.9765535

ive never been to a con but it seems like it would be a complete waste of time to try hooking up
all the girls are anticipating all the guys there to be awkward dorks and are probably dry af and not willing to hook up. either that or theyre really ugly/fat.

>> No.9765561

Every time I see posts like yours I imagine someone in a Ladypool outfit being super nice to a dork girl who can't stop blushing.

I would love to be that girl, but I'm just a dork guy.

>> No.9765800

When I Cross played Sailor Jupiter, I fucked a girl in her hotel room. We ended up dating.

>> No.9765801

I-If I wasn't already dating someone, I'd love to be part of that plan, Anon!

>> No.9765953
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This sounds really good

>> No.9769677

Happened last fall for me. We had met at another con, and when a small local con started I invited her. Night before the con we stayed at my apartment and we began fooling around. Rest of the con was a pretty constant flow of sex.
So hooking up with people at a con is possible, but don't expect to seal the deal the same day.
She's amazing and I would love to pursue a relationship but she lives four hours away and she's polyamorous (not a dealbreaker but not sure how to deal with that). Any advice?

>> No.9769687

What a fucking bitch baby post.
U mad ur cos waifu didn’t respond to your dm fast enough?

Anyway OP I’ve got a con FWB. if we’re at the same cons we meet up and bang then go about our lives. I’ve one ONS but that wasn’t even same day. I met her the day before and the next night I invited her over to hang out. Wasn’t even trying to fuck.

>> No.9770529

I don't know what cons you are going to, but the ones I go to are a solid 50-50 mix of normal human beings, and stereotypical nerds.
This means the parties going on in the evenings are like an average friday/saturday night out.
All the single people (and plenty not single) are looking to hook up.
So grab a drink, dance badly, and try talking to people, the best part is at cons you can used vidya and weebshit as an icebreaker and not seem like a turboautist

Tldr: treat con parties like a normal night out, if you don't know what those are then you have 0 hope of ever hooking up at a con or otherwise.

>> No.9770554

It's been done a few times, but generally I've talked to the people on social media leading up to. If that counts for anything.

>> No.9770604

Last 2 cons I hooked up with 3 qts.
I guess it helps im relatively /fit/, just started a way stricter regiment though. Hoping my gains achieve cosfame.

>> No.9771146


Sounds really more like a 'you' problem. You've heard the saying of trying to change a 'ho' into a housewife, right?

You need to ask yourself how much you really want a relationship. If you guys are just looking to hit the skins and nothing more than I wouldn't really stress it too much save for the fact that you gotta deal with the fact that she's fucking around with other people.

Your biggest worry first and foremost is fucking around with a petri dish of diseases. If you're keeping it safe then good on you of course but that's not always going to protect you.

>> No.9771166

Seconding >>9771146
If you want a relationship with this woman you're either going to end up devastated or resentful.

>> No.9771202

I've never picked anyone up in my life

I really don't want to end up as the antagonist in some girl's creep story

>> No.9771220
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>More than 50% of girls at cons are in relationships
>Of that other 50%, the majority have a particular fixation on a particular archetype/fetish/sex that you obviously do not belong to
>The minority that may be interested in you are typically either too shy to say anything or are insufferable cunts
>What rare shooting star opportunity you get when you get the chance to bed someone at a con, you have either spent hundreds on a hotel room for yourself, or need to negotiate fucking them in a shared room (which will never, ever go well with your roomies)
>In the blue moon+unicorn situation where all things go well, you have still missed time at the con, which could be spent seeing a fun panel, hanging out with friends, making more friends (which includes potential fwb or s/o candidates), going weeb shopping in those rare opportunities you are given, or simply taking pictures of rare/favorite cosplayers
>All so you could fuck some 5-6/10 who would obviously be more interested in you outside of the convention anyways, considering you're competing with every pseudo-chad at the convention
>Said 5-6/10 may even have had a golden heart before wasting her time with you, and you ruined your chances trying to get a little action in

You cucks are downright pathetic. Just enjoy your annual con experience for what it is.

>> No.9771226
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>> No.9771255

Yeah I figured it was impossible to really have any real relationship besides fuck buddies, but was hoping for another option that doesn't exist. Ah well, thanks mates

>> No.9771295

that was for a short time my biggest reason to go to a con
but then I realised quickly, that this isn't easy, and most girls are taken anyway
never have been to a con anyway so far
closest would be medieval festivals

>> No.9771302

I was the fittest guy I saw at the last convention I went to and it actually made me a little ashamed because I didn't want people thinking I only went to try getting sex.

I think my ugly face saved me from that assumption though as nobody was mean to me like last year.

>> No.9771326

No. I remember trying to get with this one guy at a convention, but when my male friend passed by, he was totally checking him out (like literally staring at my friend's butt when he went away). Then I realized he was gay. Fml..

>> No.9771361

what do you mean?

>> No.9771376
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no problem m8, dealt with a similar issue recently regarding the end of a 3 year relationship and subsequent tinder sluts. I made a new rule for myself which is basically just don't sleep with women you don't know or can't see anything beyond that night with.

To keep it on topic, the same ex pressured me into fucking at a small local con. It was at a university so she wanted to go into one of the side rooms and fuck. We ended up pushing two of the large desks together and fucking on that but it was a terrible experience. We were cleaning up and she said I needed to "be the lover she needs, ready to ride" I got frustrated and told her that she was too fat for such small tits. This was not the end of things, two years before it.

>> No.9771509

>too fat for such small tits
savage anon
>two years before end
huh that insult didn't instantly end the relationship? women usually go ballistic at an insult like that

>> No.9771687

dont listen to the lolcows op, girls at cons in my experience are always super slutty, way above your average drunk girl at a bar

>> No.9772133

>Mean to me like last year
Pls tell us what you mean friend

>> No.9772243

>What rare shooting star opportunity you get when you get the chance to bed someone at a con
>>In the blue moon+unicorn situation where all things go well, you have still missed time at the con, which could be spent making more friends (which includes potential fwb or s/o candidates)
So it's incredibly rare to ever find someone to have sex with, but if you do manage to then you'll miss out on the opportunity to find someone to have sex with?
What the actual fuck is this logic?

>> No.9772552

I was walking around the artist alley with a couple of people I had just met and happened upon a table where a guy had drawn a bunch of mediocre drawings. We were looking at one and the artist asked me if I even knew who the character was. I did in fact know who it was from the Japanese title.

I think he was implying I was someone with no business being there even though he was the dub-watching guy sitting there with his gf/wife and I'm the 27 year old virgin who has watched hundreds of series since 2002.

>> No.9772560

No because I don't know what to say. I talked to a Qt Raven cosplayer while waiting in line for an autograph but after we got our stuff signed I said "Have fun at the con!" when I'm almost a 100% sure she wanted to talk still because all I heard her say was "Oh" before I was already gone