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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9755534 No.9755534 [Reply] [Original]

Amecon rooms up for grabs on the 29th January
Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/JjadjRV

>> No.9755543
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i have vague recollections of the amecon bluebell singles being ~£55 when i checked after registering. after checking again after today's announcement, they're £61 a night. am i going crazy or have the prices definitely gone up? not that it's an issue, just curious.

>> No.9755553

I think they just edited the priced to include the VAT, before it just said £55 +VAT, and didnt tell us what VAT would actually be

>> No.9755555

that makes a lot of sense. thanks man!

>> No.9755564

Prices are definitely going up. Between 2016-2017 Warwick raised the prices of the double rooms by about £150 for the weekend. To say I was mad was an understatement.

>> No.9755565

Actually just checked, the rates are cheaper. Maybe Kita was skimming cash, I dunno.

>> No.9755584
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>kita skimming cash
>Booking directly with Warwick

>> No.9755613

Scarman went up after it was refurbished recently. I'm sure I booked it a few years ago for £80 for a double.

>> No.9755640 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9755644
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I know that a lot of shit gets thrown around about Spooner and his antics, and rightly so, but I've had a lot of stories I want to get off my chest about him, I went to the same college as him and have frequented a local game store and events run by them over nearly a decade now. The first story that really comes to mind was a time when me, a friend and his girlfriend were getting a laptop repaired at the game store. While they were waiting at the counter I was looking through some weeb shit, but saw Spooner making his move. He was chatting to her about himself, everything time she tried to talk he would cut her off. He offered to give her his facebook and she politely declined. My friend used to work at the game store so they went into the back. Liam went onto her laptop with her Facebook logged in, and sent himself a friend request and message. When she came back he told her, she was visibly shook.

>> No.9755646

That's pretty standard behaviour for people suffering from autism

>> No.9755647


That's no excuse.

>> No.9755685

Does anyone know if there'll be Arthur Vick/Jack Martin/Rootes accom for Ame?

>> No.9755697

Ask the con team you fucking fucktard, they answer quickly.

>> No.9755760

Already have you absolute reprobate. They've been taking their sweet ass time, though.

>> No.9755771

because they have been at work.

>> No.9755897

> and didn't tell us what VAT would actually be
Holy shit dude! I hope that was a shit joke.

If you don't know what VAT is, then I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and tut.

Newsflash: VAT doesn't change based on a whim.

>> No.9756066

I need some advice, is going to Amecon really worth it? i'm thinking about going but im worried about money and who to stay with since im not close enough to anyone to actually stay with them.

>> No.9756163

so how much is this con looking to cost then

>> No.9756383

£300 probs

>> No.9756414
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>> No.9756507

I'll go to a convention in Crawley in a few months.
I'll arrive at the train station pretty late at night.

I've heard that the town is pretty shitty, but is it safe ? Or should I take precautions ?

>> No.9756536

Condoms always worth taking

>> No.9756550

Just bought a Switch for less than the price of amecon lads
Enjoy catching rabies and being forced to check your privilege at gunpoint while I play BotW in bed

>> No.9756556

nobody cares

>> No.9756587

I do. I found that post amusing and topical given recent events.

>> No.9756632


Yeah that post was great, fuck this teacake >>9756556

>> No.9756634


At first I didn't give a fuck but >>9756414 made it all worth it.

>> No.9756640
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Don’t worry babe, I will.

>> No.9756654

Is this the year we DP the dragon?

>> No.9756655

I thought Crawley was kind of all right. It's Croydon that's a bit unsafe for as far as I know.

>> No.9756679
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not unless you want your neck broken, kero

>> No.9756708

Yes, I will definitely please the dragon

>> No.9756800

Yes. In the event of the apocalypse they can be used to safely carry a litre of eater. Very handy.

>> No.9756860

You can also use tampons to filter water and light fires.

The more you know!

>> No.9756881
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>> No.9756900

There's a convention in Crawley?
It's a bit of a shithole but I wouldn't say you need to take any more precautions than walking in any other town at night. You'll get heckled maybe depending on the day & time. But the people are too pussy to actually do anything unless you instigate a fight or something.

>> No.9756950


What is this?

>> No.9756951
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I think it’s fine, heard there was an announce,ent they don’t plan on quitting

>> No.9756952
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>> No.9756975

Sit on my face.

>> No.9756979

Thank you !

>> No.9756986
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>> No.9757003

Only the finest memes

>> No.9757095

Two questions.

Are JackMartin/ArthurVick going to be avaliable at Ame? The website only lists Bluebell and the expensive ones.

I don't suppose anyone has access to, or knows where I can catch the 2018 Promotional Video for Tokonatsu, their website only has last years up but they were showing the new around conventions and I saw it once at Kitacon. I'd love to catch a watch of it again but can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.9757316

No idea, as far as I know the committee haven't announced anything. I guess we'll find out when the emails go out on the 29th.

>> No.9757365

>Double autist is bringing a pet dog
>People on the social group now want to bring their kids

For fuck's sake, what part of 18+ con do people not understand? If you want a family event go to MCM.

>> No.9757369

Why would they WANT to bring their kids?

Get a fucking sitter for the weekend.

>> No.9757393

>they bring their kids
>complain when the con material is 18+
>it becomes a normiecon
Fuck right off

>> No.9757472

I remember at Kita a few years back, there was a group of kids ( iirc they were Black Butler cosplayers or FNAF humanised characters... I think) and they bought a little black dog that was look very scared being dragged around.

They turned the volume way up their FNAF game so everyone else was subject to audio-popping screams as well as their shrill yelling.

Seemed weird that con staff wouldn't block kiddie winks from heading into the dealers room when their was 18+ stuff out there.

>> No.9757483

Double autist is a shitspoon but has an excuse at least, bringing a baby is out of fucking order.

>> No.9757490

Thought Kita was anover 18 event too. So the "kids" were likely just immature 18'year olds.

>> No.9757509


No I remember they had two different types of badges/ wristbands for those over and under 18. I think they later changed it so it was over 18 only - this is probably because of insurance, and after that they started pushing the whole party and hardcore drinking aspect of the con

>> No.9757525

might have been the case then. The other cons used to do that too. Then I think it was cheaper insurance wise to just do the over 18 given how few attndees are under age anyway. Plus it allows people to say cock in the panel.

I recall one of the American guests at one loved that they could say "fuck" when they were on stage.

>> No.9757546

fucking who
can't find it at all in the social

>> No.9757558

I dont think they were being serious. Just a pregnant person chatting then someone referring to that time one of the committee had a baby there at an aya. There are then a few posts about babies being loud. Its just someone here trying to stir up some drama in the absence of anything on the levels we've had this fortnight.

>> No.9757570


She said she was bringing a baby but it wouldn't be with her all weekend. Drama level = maybe, how long is not all weekend?

>> No.9757726
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>> No.9757781


He was caught fucking a tree outside the convention centre in the middle of the night.

>> No.9757786

This shit has to be real.

>> No.9757827

He's just a cunt in general. But I'd guess this specifically may have to do with his habit of "helping" girls show their ID badges by sticking his hands down their tops. IIRC someone complained about it at an Amecon a few years back and he had a massive cryfit about it on the forum because "he was just trying to help, waaahhhh".

>> No.9757837


Gives 'got wood' a whole new meaning, doesnt it?

>> No.9757890

He’s just massively socially awkward. I doubt he was trying to go for a fondle. He just annoys some people with his inability to see he is annoying. A holdover from a different time. After a lot of complaints he took a break from gophering but I think he still attends He gophered at kita I’m fairly sure.

>> No.9757916

"He wasn't going for a fondle" doesn't excuse it. He's a grown man and is older than probably 95% of the people who go to cons. He should know better.

As for "a holdover from a different time", he should just take the hint and die off with it.

>> No.9757921

Yeah, stop liking the things I like. Fucking old people. I bet they voted leave/tory.

>> No.9757927
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>> No.9757932

Nice projection.

There are plenty of older con attendees, and plenty of them are socially awkward. Ashram's the only one who apparently "doesn't understand" that touching people without permission, especially in intimate areas, especially when you are a con representative, is unacceptable behaviour.

>> No.9757994
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>> No.9758163

Who here is gonna go to Yorkshire's prime con, Yorkshire Cosplay Con?

>> No.9758482


>"We need to be accepting of all disabilities, including aspergers, autism and other mental disorders."
Autist acts like an autist
>"Wow god what a creeper someone please ban him"

>> No.9758610

>a maid, a legionnaire and an Irishman walk into a bar

>> No.9758615

Speaking of creepers I hope the ladies of Minamicon have their butts prepared for that guy who wanders around, never attends any panels and just asks for pictures.

>> No.9758631

What’s he look like? Not a cosplayer or a lady so I haven’t noticed this.

>> No.9758633


Grey hair, tall and usually has the same blue body warmer. I've been going some years and he never wears anything different. I've never seen him have a conversation with someone but he's always in the lobby with his crappy digital camera.
Some people ended up having to speak to the committee about him because he was beginning to cause some upset amongst the female attendants after they began to notice he was only targeting girls. Even if they had declined a photo he would try to snipe pics when they worked with other togs.

>> No.9758642

Doesn’t ring a bell. But if someone complained already then that should be sufficient.

>> No.9758685

Bless this social group.
>whiny cunts

>> No.9758945

Oldfag showing their age here. In the early years cons had two levels of membership: 16-17 and 18+. Each group had different style badges, and if you were 16-17 you couldn't access rooms showing 18 rated material.

Either Ame or Aya did an experiment one year and removed 16-17 membership, making the con entirely 18+. It was a huge success. Saved money on insurance, freed up gophers from having to guard rooms and checked badges, but most importantly, it massively slashed the amount of shitty weeb behaviour. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a fucking yaoi paddle?

It went down so well now all the big cons are 18+.

>> No.9758953

The first ame had the two badges thing. Except the venue closed a bar because they couldn't be bothered to actually ask for ID. It meant everyone had to congregate in a quad area doing nothing. I think after that they changed it to just over 18

>> No.9758977

Amecon got rid of the underage badges because someone's who's name begins with S and sounds similar to Spanner got fucked off her face when they were under 18.
The committee suspected she would and made her promise to behave otherwise she was not going to go - 2 days and an ambulance later...
This is also because the con scene's most unsuccessful sugar Daddy...well one of two was her backer - in every way apart from sexually.
This was back in the manga burning - cage of death and Leicester Uni days.
Also remember when Kita tried to start a concert....fucking lol.

>> No.9758989

What is the:
kita concert
Cage of death
manga burning

Pls explainz

>> No.9758996

Kita started plans to run a concert at the NEC- it got leaked and laughed off.
Cage of death - Leicester Uni bar had a smoking area totally encompassed by metal bars and it was locked.....imagine a fire/evacuation.
Manga burning - some younger attendees were burning manga.

>> No.9758998

Thank you for your speedy reply. Was the manga burning at Aya 2005? I think I recall reading about that. People burning something in the social circle area. Unless something happened at another con.

>> No.9758999

for the record, i don't like ashram, he annoys the shit out of me, but:

> Anon is upset he accidentally fondled someone
> Tells him he should die

You're a real piece of shit anon. If you want to be a SJW, you can't go telling someone to die

>> No.9759001

This came about the same time they through around the idea of Gophers signing employment contracts - y'know for free work.
Someone in their inner circles didn't take kindly and leaked it all.

>> No.9759005

Ashram isn't dangerous - he just isn't a nice person, I'm not sure he's even an OK person and given a grain of power he trips balls.
Various committees have had run in and talks with him - but why does he continue to gopher so much?
Well he "good"/hard working and free and reliable (take that in whatever context).
Some Gophers are salt of the Earth and treat con-goers like shock horror...humans! Others are the reason Geeks/Nerds/insert label here have a bad name.

>> No.9759173

That's the company that used to own Kita ran by the old chairman back in Invasion days.

>> No.9759432

senpaicon was comfy. Karaoke killed my voice

>> No.9760312

I'll most likely go again next year rather than the other ones they have this year, but it was really good

>> No.9760491


Its OK guys, the manga burner is in prison now.

>> No.9760641

Wait, was it Ryan Gentle

>> No.9761204

Scarman vs bluebell, which rooms are nicest? Anyone have experience of both?

Which are loudest?

>> No.9761207

Scarman are pretty good but were louder than the norm when I went (it was Kitacon so go figure). They have a bath so you don't have to piss water all over the floor.
Breakfast is separate to the main crowd so if you don't mind that and having a quieter setting when you're hungover then it's a good place to be.

>> No.9761353

Scarman is in the arse end of nowhere for onsite accom so I’m booking Bluebell. 2 mins walk from the venue, yes please.

>> No.9761521


It's not that bad, it was made worse by the construction that wouldn't normally be there but it should be gone by the time we get back.

>> No.9761825

Oh god, Sindy Pop wants to go to Minamicon.

>> No.9761859

Literally who

>> No.9761891


What rock have you been living under?

>> No.9761895

Is that the person some Anon was role playing in the last thread during the dog drama?

I also genuinely have no idea who that is

>> No.9761896

You got a problem with that scrub

>> No.9761903

You can untangle your twisted little panties, seems registration this year is full. However I'll bemail registering anyway and for sure I'll see if my friend who is going can sign me up on the sunday. I have other arrangements and art tables in March anyway. So consider yourself lucky. Same with ame, but it'll be a different story next year.

Damn, and I was so looking forward to you not having the balls to say shit to my face all weekend.

>> No.9761916


See above. Yes it was the girl who looks like a toe who invited herself into the dog drama despite it having nothing to do with her.

>> No.9761918

I mean I explained like 5 times why I stepped in. But I had nothing to do with any of you either and it didn't stop you shoving your noses in.

Or maybe this is you Charlotte still mad that you got put down instead of the dog

>> No.9761921

Thank you for assisting me in making my point, Sindy. You may go now.

>> No.9761956

Why are you still here Charlotte
Your the mong that brought me up in here because you were again desperate for attention.

I'm not like issac, starting a fight with me really isn't something you *) want to do
*) can handle

So I suggest you just shut up posting about Me. Yes I wanna go to minami but I wanna go to pretty much every UK con.

And I wouldn't even know about them were it not for this thread. By all means, keep con-dropping.

Maybe you'll see me around

>> No.9761960


It's not Charlotte you pleb. Plenty of people have seen and heard of how scummy you are so put your hateboner for her away.

>> No.9761966


Your the mong that brought me up in here because you were again desperate for attention.

starting a fight with me really isn't something you *) want to do
*) can handle

So I suggest you just shut up posting about Me. Yes I wanna go to minami but I wanna go to pretty much every UK con.

And I wouldn't even know about them were it not for this thread. By all means, keep con-dropping.

Maybe you'll see me around

Literally the same thing applies except with a few grammar changes....

And if my behavour is so scummy, why are you the one hate posting because a girl you don't like is going to a con you like.

What's wrong, feeling left out and trying to recruit a personal army out of desperation? Sounds like a pretty scummy thing to do... remind me again when was the last time I actually did anything to you? Oh yea never....

How bout dah

>> No.9761967


Can you try that again in English?

>> No.9761968

So you can flip flop from actually having to hear somebody tell you how shitty your being?

>> No.9761971
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>> No.9761972

You never answered my question
When have I actually done anything to you or your friends. .. no please...answer it

You with no hateboners

>> No.9761973

If this isn't Charlotte it's somebody equally as fucking stupid. Your only arguement is I spelled so something wrong, something a chimp could overlook.

Gg on a pathetic performance

>> No.9761974


So you can try and figure out who I am based on previous disagreements? Nah, I think I'll leave you wondering.

>> No.9761978

No actually, I don't give a fuck who you are. All you had to say was we argued or whatever it was, to prove to the people on here that I actually had done something that warranted your shitty behavour.

The fact you can provide is proof your only hating on me because youve been listening to what others tell you.

>> No.9762061

Scarman is the conference accommodation so it's more like a hotel whereas Bluebell is uni rooms. Scarman's further to walk but really not that far from the centre.

>> No.9762116

who the fuck is Sindy?

>> No.9762138

Who the fuck cares

>> No.9762199


She's got several lolcow threads.

>> No.9762215

I'm torn between pity and disgust for this Sindy creature.

>> No.9762263

did know you could feel those emotions with low functioning autism

>> No.9762275


That's low functioning double autism to you, you fucking turnip.

>> No.9762277

I think we run with “toadstool” now

>> No.9762792
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Deadpool, then Harley Quinn, then Tohru, now this...

Help us...

>> No.9762886

ive only recently heard of skylars legendary cosplay sandls, i was wondering if anybody could show me picture evidence as it looks like he deleted all the photos

>> No.9763295

It’s going to be a bloodbath for Bluebell

Fuck’s sake I actually wanted the super cheap and gritty accom this year. I’m sick of room sharing.

>> No.9763325
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>drama in the thread again

>> No.9763348


You mean you don't come to cgl for the drama? I suppose you could always go back to Facebook but it's not much better.

>> No.9763349


I dunno I'm seeing a lot of people wanting to go off site since it was confirmed the prices went up.
Despite the fact the committee think there will be enough for all of us they usually have to end up reserving more, it depends if you want to risk that?

>> No.9763390

They release them in blocks as they fill up, otherwise they are liable for unsold rooms.

>> No.9763486

> Idiots couldn’t work out VAT

Fixed that for you

>> No.9763539

The venue set the prices and its a conference centre in the school breaks. I assume many of their usual bookings are businesses where the VAT could be claimed back so their paperwork would reflect that.

>> No.9763574

Do have to wonder about some people's money set up at times....

>> No.9763617

The con happens every fucking year.

The prices are roughly the same every fucking year.

Yet people STILL complain that they don't have enough money. Put a pound a day aside and you'll have enough, ffs.

>> No.9763629


>set the scene.
> "we will try to fiiiiix yoouuuuu" playing in the background
>black and white pic of a weeb staring at the camera
>single tear rolls down their cheek

Just 10p a day can help some starving weeb attend a convention. Wont you grant this attention starved NEET.

Please, 10p a day or however much you can afford.

>> No.9763667

It's jaw dropping - I've been to cons when broke but I'm under no illusion how much they cost - I know I'll need £20-50+ a day depending on parties in rooms or whatever.
So when a room goes up by 20% - meh

>> No.9763767

It’s called VAT retard! Did you know? VAT hasn’t always been 20%?

>> No.9763784

And the special award for someone that really gives a fuck about 2.5% goes to.......

>> No.9764008

guy points out how "its dumb how people react badly to price increase"

you immediately start getting on his dick about him complaining about the price

yes I know you are both the same person as you both cannot into reading comprehension

>> No.9764107
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anyone going to buy spooners new mixtape?
heard its hotter than his ass

>> No.9764282


You should try reading again...

>> No.9764286

So ... much ... autism

>> No.9764398

We have a new word for that.

>> No.9765177

Where's my album

>> No.9765493

Sorry Sindy, only a single for you.


>> No.9765560


There is a B-Side song on there though called Chin Chin Cher-ee. The Dick Van Dyke remix

>> No.9766103

I'm trying to find someone to share a room with for cons because I'm broke as fuck and can't really afford it myself. How should I go about finding people?

>> No.9766106

Cons in general, not a specific one.

>> No.9766138

Any gossip about nyxrising?

>> No.9766197

your room sharing request has been shared with the convention cyber police who have backtraced this comment. Consequences will never be the same.

>> No.9766578

Hope you're good at sucking dick anon. Why would anyone let you freeload off them with no payback, and also put themselves at risk of being evicted?

>> No.9766632

Uhhhh what? I wasn't implying that I wasn't gonna pay my share. I can't afford a single room but I could get the money together to share.

>> No.9766705

People have spent con's in cars - also some people are night owl's (not saying they don't sleep, just not much).

>> No.9766739


Yeah but also you can room with me if you're good at sucking

>> No.9766747

Post your feet pls

>> No.9766871

Nothing apart from the parle drama last year or whenever

>> No.9767865
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>posts lewds on a group for a convention in a different continent everyday for attention

'teehee boys dont be thirsty'

>> No.9767941

Me and a mate are planning on hitting up a few cons this year as complete newbies to the scene, any reccs on about 5 or 6 that we should go to that we can still reasonably get tickets for. We like most ‘nerd shit’ and partying if that’s important.

>> No.9768173

Parle drama? Explain pls

>> No.9768361

Are there even that many cons a year?

>> No.9768434

Sunnycon is pretty cute and cheap while still being a big and busy con, but the downside is it's not 18+ like most conventions these days so you get a lot of 14-17 year olds.

Obviously getting to Kitacon next year.

Not really sure about many others that I'd really reccomend since I've never tried a MCM.

>> No.9768440

I had to book half a days vacation from work so I can be at my PC to snag Bluebell rooms.

Seriously, how the fuck did they think axing the Jack/Arthur rooms would be clever? There are only 500 Bluebells and no one wants Scarman with it being the most expensive, the furthest away with the shittiest carpet.

>> No.9768744

It wasn't by choice. They're being renovated.

>> No.9768768

I guess that's refreshing to see that it wasn't a stupid move, just an unfortunate one.

>> No.9768972

That’s the same with the dates. Any later and it couldn’t run because of a refurb of large parts of the campus.


Not sure if this will impact cons next year, guess it will depend on what is gettting done.

>> No.9769010


It'd be interesting to see if this would be enough to get them to change venue for a year.
I'm not gonna lie, and this is an unpopular opinion I know, but I would love for them to pop back to Keele for a year or something since they did it up.

>> No.9769016

I doubt that would happen. Keele was unpopular as a venue. The main party room got way too hot and the events panels/ trade room was a hefty walk away. Nice for cosplay photos though, some good shots against classic walls.

>> No.9769399

>Page not loading
>Oh shit oh shit oh shit
>Friend messages me
>"I got us a twin in Bluebell. Want to share?"


>> No.9769410

I can't wait for all the tears and crybaby's later.

>> No.9769428

>Email is sent to my Junk folder, no worries, managed to notice it right away.
>The fucking website doesn't load the pips so I can't pick Bluebell, I'm stuck in booking limbo.
>Housemate in the room over gets through easy.
>Booking doesn't fucking work on Firefox.
>Get through, only the thursday and sunday nights left.
>Have to shell out 440 Dollary-Doos for Scarman and the shitty carpets.
I am fucking audibly REEEing right now.

>> No.9769432

Putting out at most 500 rooms for a 1000 person con on a website that can't handle the workload of that many people trying to book rooms and doesn't work with a highly used browser.

Yeah there will be tears.

>> No.9769436

People are still stuck in the loop of booking despite being told the rooms are gone. It's not magically going to restock.

>> No.9769438
File: 52 KB, 500x361, twitter-like-a-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw book a double Scarman/Radcliffe room first time like a con veteran
>mfw people are wailing and gnashing their teeth unable to book
>mfw people fighting like peasants over shitty Bluebell rooms

>> No.9769440

Time for a change.org petition for more rooms!

>> No.9769441


Enjoy your shitty overpriced carpet.

>> No.9769444

Fuck me there are some whiners in the Amecon group on Facebook. When you're booking a room at a con that is VERY POPULAR, there's a chance they'll sell out quick, have a plan b at least if you're that desperate to still attend.

>> No.9769451

I'd rather have Bluebell over Scarman, being 10 miniutes from the venue is a real killer for me as much so as the extra £200 price tag.

But I was a retard using Firefox so I guess that's the price I pray.

Seems like you can upgrade the Scar/Rad rooms to double occupancy since they just add an extra bed so might see if there are any of my buds wanting to share.

>> No.9769455

To be fair, a mate of mine last year booked a Bluebell room on the day because he was planning on room-sharing a single and like a retard asked the guy at reception for two keys.

Of course, with no Jack/Arthur I see every single Bluebell booked up easily.

>> No.9769460
File: 136 KB, 1600x1200, labo - homeless No more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, Amecon just announced they're partnering with Nintendo

>> No.9769461

Thanks demo

>> No.9769463

Ben Collins is a cunt

>> No.9769465

that's just unkind

>> No.9769468
File: 274 KB, 480x261, GAGHHHAHAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9769469
File: 6 KB, 185x176, holditdong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to fuck Ben Collins in his little cuck ass ;)

>> No.9769470

But not untrue

>> No.9769474
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>> No.9769476


He's only saying what the rest of us who got rooms are thinking.

>> No.9769478


>> No.9769483
File: 7 KB, 214x249, Blank+_baf84668fff304f0287cf76276bde876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the cleaners kicking in your door at 5am.

>> No.9769485
File: 60 KB, 317x381, 7D9A95A9-9727-4EA9-9EFC-6ED2038FE797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9769497

Looking forward to it.

>> No.9769518

He's a sperglord who gets off on other peoples' misery, it's best to just ignore him.

>> No.9769519


>> No.9769521

hit me up in the dms charlotte

unlike you i handle my drama maturely ;)

>> No.9769522

It's so stupid! I had legitimate problems with the accommodation and all he does is post random shit like a cocky fucking cunt

>> No.9769523
File: 128 KB, 185x176, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Charlotte to sit on my face

>> No.9769524
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 726ADA21-064C-4982-B93E-ED27F6D2FF9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids thinking they’re cool for having bluebell ‘accommodation’

>> No.9769529

All I know is that jack broke up with kelly and nyxrising ended up with nearly all members of parle. That was a long time ago and I'm still confused about what happened.

>> No.9769537
File: 750 KB, 1080x774, tumblr_inline_ovmsfdtNsk1s7rwbr_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, how do i dm you without knowing who you are?

come to bluebell on the 26th for a surprise

>> No.9769540
File: 15 KB, 300x300, weww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.9769543


You're not the only one.

>> No.9769546

I know many others who feel the same.

>> No.9769549

Stop it, Towers.

>> No.9769550

So everyone's kicking off because they couldn't get a room, even though they were told about the rooms and stuff before hand? I guess it not working on Firefox isn't something that was their problem but I just do not get this basket thing they keep on going on about. Did they just leave the rooms in there and thought "ah got my rooms, I'll pay later"? Fucking idiots
t. Luke Nelson

>> No.9769556
File: 328 KB, 762x609, yaoi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I JuST WaNtEd To ShArE My SeRviCe R00m CoSpLaY PlAns FoR AmE!
As YoU CaN SeE It WiLl bE HiDdeN LEAf RaMuNAy ApARtmEnt 5.

>> No.9769559
File: 175 KB, 1031x1031, punishedluke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spoilt brats really think you're clever...

>> No.9769566

This website can't handle traffic from idiots like you, Luke

>> No.9769571

Better all press F5. That’ll help!

>> No.9769657

>Book rooms for Scarman
>No confirmation E-mail yet.
>Speak to other friends, some say they havn't got theirs through yet either.
>Fair enough I guess nothing to worry about.
>A few hours later, check Online Banking.
>Payment is still Pending.

Fuck is this a problem my end or theirs? I still have the room right Anons?

>> No.9769664

Email the venue in the morning I guess. Seems a few have the same issue. I’m in the same boat. Hopefully overnight it will process.

>> No.9769665

All these retards screeching about having to cancel as they can't afford it now. Hotels around the area all work out about the same price and to be perfectly honest, if you can't spare a few extra quid for a taxi for an event 5/6 months away then you need to prioritise your finances.

>> No.9769671

Here is hoping I guess. Looks like they are trying to secure a second wave of rooms (Because they DIDN'T expect every room to sell out?) at least, if I get the chance I'm booking Blue and cancelling Scarman.

>> No.9769678

They can’t allocate all the rooms at once. Venue won’t let them, or they are liable for unsold rooms apparently, someone mentioned it in one of the social group threads. Guess it depends how many rooms they had in the initial set. Seems like too few. Anyone tried the website again recently to see if it works now the server load isn’t as bad?

>> No.9769680

I had early access and didn't get a confirmation email, I had to email them myself, so that might be happening to you guys too. Pretty sure it also went into my junk when it was sent so keep an eye out.

>> No.9769683

Oh, that’s good to know. Will sleep on it and if nothing give them a call tomorrow’s. Then either wait for update on more rooms or get a hotel.

>> No.9769789

>people who cant get enough order in their life to save £500 at most for a weekend a year in advance (it was literally announced at the end of the last one)

>people crying over small inconveniences like having to get a taxi in the evening/morning

man the amecon group is popcorn inducing

>> No.9770281

To be fair, if you wanted to use multiple cosplay a day, or wear an elaborate cosplay, or stay out later than 11pm, or get a little drunk, getting a Taxi is a pretty huge inconvnience.

>> No.9770379
File: 47 KB, 800x731, flat 800x800 075 f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all rooms sold out in 2 minutes

>> No.9770412


Really jogs the noggin.

>> No.9770424

Taxis don't stop at 11pm

>> No.9770427

Room booking system doesn't work on Firefox. People using other browsers booked the rooms without much trouble.

>> No.9770461

I must've had some kind of God-tier luck, because I got in, booked the rooms and had all three confirmation emails sent within ten minutes.

I feel bad for those who I actually hang out with, but I do get a kick seeing the assholes and the people I don't like who didn't get a room on site.

>> No.9770486

In all fairness, people were incredibly worried about there being enough rooms, and Amecon released a statement insisting that there were enough rooms for everyone. Which clearly wasn't the case.

I got pretty unlucky. I was on there exactly at eight, on Chrome, and I managed to get to payment with three nights booked for a twin (Thurs somehow wasn't available) but it kept insisting I hadn't filled out one of the fields when I tried to go any further.

Then my rooms disappeared out of my basket. I tried again with what was remaining, the hideously expensive single, but only Friday and Saturday were left. And the same thing happened again.

I can see why people are pissed desu.

>> No.9770528

Just found a second Amecon social group. Seems to have been made to keep the shitposting you guys wrought upon the first one out. That's actually hilarious.

>> No.9770558

Is it the no hate speech one?

>> No.9770648

Gotta love how some people wrap themselves in clingfilm and mothers milk.

>> No.9770651
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, 01CE8BAB-EC90-4B56-ACE7-40420872F490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got firefox cucked out of a Bluebell room and now I’m shelling out a load more cash for hotel accommodation, but god has the consolidation prize of drama been sweet.

>> No.9770697

Are you me?

That said, if any Bluebell get added I'm fucking booking a room then canceling the Scarman. I want my rooms with drunken stumble distance.

>> No.9770729

No confirmation e-mail yet but they took my money.

Some people said it can take a little while to process up to 2-3 days, should I be worried and e-mail them or just wait a few days first.

Worst case scenario is they refund my money and say "Lol no room." but I don't want to fuck about if it's something that's "Yeah just wait until tommorow these things take time."

>> No.9770743


If they took the money, it's most likely gone through.

However, if you're worried, email them! They're so nice.

>> No.9770921

They tried to claim they couldn’t find my confirmations today until I went back to them with the time stamps of when and how much money went from my account so be prepared for that.

But yeah, shoot them an email. They’re doing pretty well for people who have a million nerds screaming at them at the moment.

>> No.9770941

Was more offended she kept implying she was "thicc" when she clearly wasn't and half the MCM group telling her she wasn't.

I'm wondering if the fix for Amecon is gonna be "guys we've got Rootes rooms", granted it was cheap, but it was really shitty.

>> No.9770954


She first insisted she wasn't doing it for guys attention by insisting she was gay, but later turned out she has a boyfriend. Dropped the whole calling herself "thicc" garbage when numerous people called her out on it, myself included. But now she just overuses the word "lewd" for all her cosplay pics.

can you spell THOT

>> No.9770975

Don’t think they have rootes. Think it’s more bluebell and scarman based on the social media posts. I hotelled at kita so don’t even know where rooted is. Thought it was just the SU building where they had the bar, but guess it was rooms around the back

>> No.9770980

>Friend has signed up to Alcon and A&G Con Manchester
>want to go but won’t have anyone to tag along with while he’s working
>wanting to go to the after parties but friend probably won’t get I.D sorted before then
>my other friends don’t really do cons, usually only go to the Sheffield one if they cba
>I don’t cosplay but wear Lolita and generally hate the lolita community so can’t make friends that way
>Know that if I ask friends they will either say no or make some excuse down the line

What do I do guys? I need some enthusiastic anime friends to do shit with...

>> No.9771035


Where do you live my dear sadman

>> No.9771046

Norths pretty good for fellow weebs to tag along to places with.
Shef/Leeds have a pretty good amount of social nerds, just use the events FB pages and you'll find people fast.

>> No.9771057

Tried looking for some fb groups, any recommendations?

>> No.9771091



>> No.9771510
File: 163 KB, 768x1024, don't touch the brand bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come to MCM Manchester when it's happening

>> No.9771511

I saw Ben Collins in Tesco yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Nintendo Labos in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.9771564

Noted I took a screen shot of it pending and now it's gone through I'll screen that and send them an email. Thanks anon.

>> No.9771567

Fucking lol.

Someone do photoshops of him really strong like Chloe moretz

>> No.9771574

Who is he? Cosplayer?

>> No.9771575

Yeah, he won C4 two years ago.

>> No.9771584

Did he now?

>> No.9771585

Yeah he's a legendary British cosplayer.

God I wish he'd fuck me in the ass.

>> No.9771589
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1517331643189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben, you won once and it was a shit year. All you did was take your shirt off and slap some shitty body paint on. You didn't even seal it.

>> No.9771594

Reminder, more Amecon rooms are going to be available from noon today. Just follow the link you got in your email.

Good luck!

>> No.9771595
File: 16 KB, 910x782, FB_IMG_1517238704782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get vilified online for smugposting on Facebook

>> No.9771599
File: 23 KB, 385x385, he also banged my mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Collins stole my fucking trainers after PE one time and when I asked him to give them back he told the teacher they were *his* trainers all along. I got detention and when I came home there he was sitting at the kitchen table with my mother. "Anon why did you take his trainers?" I tried to explain what happened to her but she wouldn't believe me and I got sent to bed without dinner and she gave Ben my Gamecube to make up for it. Fuck Ben Collins what a cunt.

>> No.9771611
File: 419 KB, 1100x650, heeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are mad accom didn't open up dead on 12

>> No.9771616

Just sat back waiting for more drama on Facebook. Based Google auto-completing everything for me

>> No.9771618

Still no ame rooms. Warwick being vague and ending with smiley faces

I’m really not feeling the stress of booking rooms, especially after the stress of tickets. Next year I might just say fuck it to UK cons and focus on heading to Europe and the USA a couple of times. The money is worth avoiding all of this for me personally

>> No.9771621

Probably haven’t specified a time so the sever doesn’t get pummelled at exactly the same time, that’s why I couldn’t get a room last time. (That and Firefox apparently)

>> No.9771626

Yeah they told me it was to avoid overloading the server

I get it, and there’s no one to really be angry with because this is the logical course of action, but that doesn’t stop it from being stressful and a waste of attendees’ time

>> No.9771629

Did you speak to them on the phone,

>> No.9771633


>> No.9771643

Did they just...not release any rooms for Sunday? Or what?

>> No.9771730 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 495x1031, fuckthiscommunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9771778

My cousin is an amecon and he told me they purposely used the convention funds to buy all the sunday rooms just to piss everyone off. fucking dirty toadstools

>> No.9771780

They knocked them all through and put a giant slip and slide in their just for themselves. It’s like 10 rooms long and goes through 3 kitchens.

>> No.9771979


Revenge against the people that stole a bed and shit on the floor at kita

>> No.9772050

Don't forget the spunk on the door

>> No.9772052

Why are con-goers all fucking degenerates?

>> No.9772062
File: 46 KB, 604x376, 1499448751546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is garbage

>> No.9772120

Went to MCM Manchester a couple of years ago and had a great time so might do

>> No.9772134

Please don't support animeleague

>> No.9772136

This girl has the saddest, saggiest tits I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.9772181
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, 1512247434123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's going to the London Anime & Gaming Con in a few weeks?
I shrugged it off as being another Alcon and ignored it, but friends convinced me to go who've told me it's decent enough.
I ain't convinced but it'll be a good pre-Minami warmup and I got work holiday to use up.

Any idea what I'm in for? My plan is to have a beer, play some games and have a chill time with friends so I should be okay... r-right?

>> No.9772191

Because you only hear and see the loud, annoying ones. The regular folk just have a good, normal time and go home and probably don't use the con social media pages all that much apart from to read updates and other people's drama.

>> No.9772236


She's also very flat and small. Stood up she has a thigh gap and no fat on here. ANYONE can sit down and their fat is gonna show, anyone can put on thigh-highs that are too small to make their thighs do the stupid anime indent to make their legs look "thicc." And aaanyone can take "lewd" cosplay photos in their bedroom and upload them to patreon for the gullible losers to gawk over.

Alexandra is nothing special. I mean she's friends with Katie so that's enough said.

>> No.9772317

run just run

>> No.9772354

I just tend to look on the event specific social groups.

But if you are in Sheffield, there are tonnes of places there to meet people.
2 unis, endless stuff being arranged, and as a Uni of student I can tell you that plenty of non-uni people are at the uni events too.

Just wander along to refreashers at either Uni of, or Hallam, and speak to the society people. If you can't manage that, you'll probably struggle at the events even if you do talk to people on fb first.

>> No.9772892

no it's not anon, look at the dates on the books and when it was established. that's the real kita. no kita next year lads! tax man found them out!

>> No.9772938

I'll look forward to hearing you bitch about the total clusterfuck the show is at Minami then. Only thing I'd use LAGC as a warm up for is an acid enema, because the enema will feel so much better in comparison.

>> No.9772944

Of course there's going to be a Kita next year, who doesn't want the opportunity to have 2000 pissy weebs yelling at them to give them rooms.

>> No.9772952

Not sure if I'm kind of done with cons to be honest, been doing it a long time but all the throwing money at hotels and taxis when it be cheaper sometimes to fly around the world.
Shit got real expensive.

>> No.9772980

I don’t even recall when that snuck up on us. When did cons become Thur to mon event. Thankfully I don’t buy much merch and I’m not a drinker so it’s not as much as an issue as it might be if I was a normal weeb.

>> No.9773052


Where are you guys from, out of interest?

>> No.9773060

No I'm the same but it's more a case of trying justify the cost to myself.

>> No.9773061

This is why im only going to conventions that i live by or that i can stay at my parent's home for. I can understand where you're coming from though, I just want to experience a con different from all the cons i've been to for the last 6 years.

>> No.9773221
File: 4 KB, 170x170, av-15893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that sounds brill. I knew there was a reason I'd avoided it until now. Might as well verify the horror with my own eyes anyway and brace myself accordingly.
Cheers for your words of concern. I'll take one of the team.

>> No.9773223

I said the same thing a few years ago. Finding a bunch of friends who every year go "Why the fuck are we still here?" becomes a good running joke after a while.
Just roll with it, but not if it's eating expenses that you could be using for real life experiences.

>> No.9773265

I tried to stop going a few years ago. But I couldn't, even if all I do is pace about all day bumping into random older mates from back when chatting for 5 minutes and then faffing about in the dealer room or games room.

>> No.9773473

I made a thread but I figured asking here would be useful too

I'm a redheaded guy from the UK but my eyebrows are blonde as fuck and borderline invisible, I would like to dye them but I don't know what colour I would go for or the best brands.

Here's a pic for reference https://imgur.com/a/fUBaL

>> No.9773549

any worthwhile cons before july?
wanna know how long i have before bothering ordering a kintoki wig

>> No.9773841

>Linking to imgur on an image board for one picture
>Posting easily researchable question
>Not posting this in makeup general
>Not posting this in cosplay help general
>Not posting this in stupid questions
>Being male

>> No.9773861

>Missing the chance for excellent bait and getting the guy to do something that will make them fall out/turn a stupid colour

You have to be 18 or over to use this site, anon.

>> No.9773892
File: 16 KB, 625x415, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9773943

Minami, but if you don’t have a place already you are sol

>> No.9774063

>asks about eyebrows
>posts picture with everything but eyebrows

>> No.9774390
File: 539 KB, 640x480, eyebrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, give this a try

>> No.9774416
File: 65 KB, 638x480, realface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small time

>> No.9774612

is sunnycon worth going to? is the afterparty good?

>> No.9774856

I've been to Sunnycon the last couple years, 2013 I think, whichever was the one before the really really bad one.

I mostly go up to spend the weekend staying at my friends and visiting them then go around the shops around NC and maybe hit the beach at Cresswell, the convention is just a nice excuse to get up there.

It's pretty decent, Good panels going on, lots of cosplayers, the dealers hall is pretty huge which is real nice and the venue is pretty good too, very easy to get to. No idea about the afterparties since the friends I go with aren't big into that sort of thing, I'd love to check them out but really up for going solo and trying to get a taxi out of the city.

Meido's were cute last year but not actually running a Cafe, just looking cute and stuff which is nice I guess. Games room was cozy but a bit small considering the size, they did actually have some really good games last year and some nice classics.

The fact that it's a Sports Stadium means food is super expensive, but there is a Tesco and Subway and who knows what else all within a 2-3 miniute walk.

Hentai panel is.. Well there isn't any hentai, just the guy running showing a bunch of cringe sonic porn, Pepsiman gangbangs and shitting-dick-nipples teir badly drawn smut, which if you're into having a laugh at that sort of thing then it's decent enough, everyone seemed to be enjoying it. Im waiting for someone to turn up one year in a Pepsiman Morph-suit.

It's pretty good yeah, considering it is fairly cheap, just don't expect anything on level with Ame/Aya/Kita and remember it's not a 18+ so there are quite a few teens running around.

>> No.9775080

Come back Aya, we miss you.

>> No.9775787
File: 2.15 MB, 773x726, towers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9775792


>> No.9775794


>> No.9775797


>> No.9775798

even if she cowers
it wont stop the towers

>> No.9775799

Under age DEVOUREDD, your daughter got TOWERED

>> No.9777324
File: 253 KB, 1073x1274, Screenshot_20180205-215848~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some angry people on Twitter.

>> No.9777376

don't worry we're perving over her for being a cat not a lolita
no one cares about your weird ageplay thing yet, so you can still feel hipster

>> No.9777502

Anyone here ever been to Toshocon? Thinking of heading up to Leeds for it. Is it any good?

>> No.9777574

It's their first time running this year.

>> No.9777894

Phew, had me worried there for a minute.

>> No.9778377

Ah fair, any gulls heading there or? It's free for cosplayers if you email them beforehand

>> No.9779198

I will be, not sure if anyone in the Discord is though.

>> No.9779325

Sunnycon makes me feel like an old piece of shit, like seriously its super underaged, was fun though.

I never really cared about VAs and why people obsessed about em but bryce was super cool last year, I'll give it another shot. Also there was a heatwave the last time and I just wanted to die in my hostel.

>> No.9779440

What was their wasp game like compared to the Warwick cons?

>> No.9779524

Sunnycon was good with my mates, but I was just doing the same stuff over and over. Felt a bit boring.
I do the same thing at other conventions now ;-;

>> No.9779728

It will be like this for you forever now. Sorry.

>> No.9780231

What ever happened to Isaac? Did they get banned or something? Seems odd we've heard nothing from our resident attention whore.

>> No.9780303


>> No.9780329


Theyre still about in the other social amecon group. Theres someone wanting to do a panel on disability in anime so it's like a beacon to people like them.

>> No.9780576

So seems towers drama pt 2 has kicked off

>> No.9780600

oh? do tell

>> No.9780601

wtf is this about

>> No.9780606

your complaining that it makes you feel old. thats your faukt not the cons, your saying you dont care about VAS, then why go to cons in the first place. as for the heatwave thing. its a heatwave every year at sunny. man stfu you knew what you were getting into.

>> No.9780646
File: 28 KB, 576x294, amecon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, help me out here, ive never been to Amecon and dont understand much of what people are complaining about. how much are the convention tickets? 50? thats kinda normal for a 3 day event. anything up to 75 is actually normal. so whats everybody bitching about. if its about accommodation. why cant people get a hotel a 5 minute taxi away. i dont fucking understand this mindset of i must stay on campus

>> No.9780656

It was fine until people started going on Thursday for some reason, even though nothing happens until Friday afternoon. Now also cons have a Sunday party so what was on a Friday throu Sunday 2 nights hotel is a few hundred quid for most people as its 4 nights.

Cons themselves haven't actually increased in price in a while. (around 40-50 as you say) They just got too big for hotels where you and 3 mates could share a room for £100 a night and split the cost.

>> No.9780662
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what a fucking idiot
does he think he is immune from criticism?
does he think anything negative said about him is a crime?

if you dont want to be criticized dont defend a sexual predator.

>> No.9780664

more info???

>> No.9780669

consequences will never be the same....

>> No.9780696

unfortunately thats all the info i have. i can tell you this was posted in the COSPLAY CONNECT UK group

>> No.9781301


Another part of it is the fact they've taken the second con of the year away - think about it, the demand was split between Ame and Kita as one was in April (kita) and one was in the summer slot July/August (Ame) People would just pick one based on their interests/proximity/venue and go from there. However Kita often won out in terms of popularity for various reasons (party con, established venue rather than being the nomad Ame had become) and because their reg was fairly close together, people couldn't afford to do both and lost out on the second, less favourite child.
Less people went to Ame, which is how they got into financial shit where they couldnt afford to run and had to roll out the ridiculous plan of 'chibi' events which they seem to have swept under the rug for now. They didn't even acknowledge it in one of their event trailers.

For now we just have one of them a year, they're sharing the same well established venue inherited from Ayacon and at this point, they may as well be under the same name with two teams taking turns each year. But because that extra con which took the overspill is gone all of the demand boils down to this one summer con. I can remember when you could wait a few weeks before the con before you got a room and you'd still be safe, but because of demand and panicking it is no longer the case. I imagine a lot of people used to stay off site anyway, we just heard less of it because it wasn't done with the intention of whining about lack of space made worse by refurbishment - people would do it so they had somewhere quieter to sleep. Also more people are cosplaying than ever now, so they dont want to travel across in cosplay.

>> No.9781303


The Zxavier guy let Towers be an admin for his own benefit like free entry etc and people weren't happy about it. They tried to make him one before but then retracted it saying it was a mistake because people kept leaving the group as soon as they found out. I've since left because the group was just spam to me and now it's creating even more of it.

>> No.9781332

I honestly kinda hope more hotel cons try and fill that gap. Hibana was okay for one but something akin to the first two Kitas towards the end of the year would hopefully help.

Off site has always been pretty popular but it's a bit more awkward in Warwick's case because the nearest hotels aren't as close as what we had at the Hilton, Northampton or Leicester (old Ames). Personally I stayed off site last Kita and I will be this Ame for dem nice hotel facilities.

>> No.9781347

For me, it's more like how there aren't enough conventions that are spread out. They're all more or less localised down south. Leeds should honestly have their own anime-style convention. Thought Bubble is good, but if you're not really into art and stuff then it's just really boring.

>> No.9781365

I talked to a lot of people at kita and for them it was the first con they had done that wasn’t an expo. I imagine a lot of newbies will be at ame too.

>> No.9781372

Absolutely. In recent years cosplay has become more popular, it's taken a while for this new generation to twig that these other kinds of cons exist. To them its another con to cram a dozen cosplays into before selling them off when they haven't even gotten cold from their bodies yet – and every few years we'll probably have this happening

I forgot to talk about that in my previous post, and yes this is definitely part of the problem.
If they were more spread in terms of their locale then it'd be fantastic but also if they spread out throughout the year the demand would also ease up depending on where people are at.
Another issue when the committee's are spoken to at feedback panels, the thing they're battling with is hitting the sweet spot with the venue vs capacity. They very rarely want to go small like Minami or Hibana, and so they struggle to find venues that will work for big cons.
Funnily enough, Kitacon did very well when it was smaller than Ame. Ame did much better when converted to a Chibi event and Minami has been incredibly successful – the answer may be more smaller cons with one big one in the summer.

I think that Hibana did okay considering it was it's first go, but the problem is that we're currently in the dark as to whether it'll run again this year or not so we have this perceived idea that we have a drought of cons this year.
In other years we'll have too many things going on in the space of a month or two (HJ winter, Distant Worlds, Hibana, MCM October) and that strains the congoers financially. When you combine it with things like Minami reg, summer con accom it gets tricky. So I think it's also up to the committee's to think about when they're running and what they're competing with and actually communicate with one another.

>> No.9781387

Convention committees talk to each other! I love your optimism, most of them never seem to have time to look beyond their own internal drama bullshit to talk like adults to each other let alone other events.

>> No.9781434

There are only 6 weeks in summer and venues might have other things going on on some dates. Even talking to each other might mean they run close to another event.

>> No.9781450


Thats why they're saying they need to spread it throughout the year.
June is completely dead of cons, as is September and April is too now they've removed the concept of both running in the same year. I wouldn't completely write off the idea of competing with MCM events either because given the choice I believe that most would go for the fan run con over those nowadays because of costs.

>> No.9781547

This years ame is on the same weekend as an expo and a London comic con I believe. They still filled up. Venue wise the places like Warwick can’t be used during term time so you are looking back at those larger hotel cons. Not sure about April clashing with Hollidays. Additionally from the point of view of an organiser it’s probably nice to have a year out.

>> No.9781623


Try to keep up anon. What is being said is that we should have more hotel cons spread across the year instead of committee trying to keep it to large cons (because they struggle for venues, and for maximum attendance which is why Ame struggled prior to now and haven't sold out in previous years) Smaller ones have a greater success long term so that should be the way forward if they struggle for venues.
And as you've pointed out, Ame isn't having a tough time filling up despite other competing events, so there's all the more reason to go for it IF people are willing to step up like Hibana staff did. Additionally if there were more cons, others could afford to take a year break and therefore they wouldnt suffer a burnout from trying to keep it from being an annual thing - Alternatively cons could have an A team and B team which switch from year to year.

>> No.9781666

I believe the Ame Chibi event was more to do with venue availability not financial (other than large hotels in general cost shit loads). They had agreed not to clash with kita (the start of turn taking arrangement) which made finding a large venue very hard to find outside the summer holiday period.

>> No.9781705


No, it was definitely financial. They didn't sell out prior to that and we're really struggling to get the money to put out for guests or a venue. They've since recovered which is why the chibi thing hasn't continued - that, and I was also told this by an acting staff member. Financially they were in the shitter and Kita had to throw them a lifeline.

>> No.9781709

2012 is what killed them. When you pay for a con you're actually funding the next one in a way. Notice all the cutbacks from the nice things like t-shirts, the nice lanyards that they had? It came down to money and they didn't have it.

>> No.9781720

Lol no

>> No.9781725


Lol yes. When you're going to a feedback panel and asking why we don't have guests, t-shirts and lanyards and the answer is 'money', it's financial pressure from not filling up from before. It's no ducking secret.

>> No.9781727
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My phone hates me...

>> No.9781730

It’s financial yes, but they have the money at a later stage. If you have the money upfront you can do more with it as you can budget it. If you fill up slowly you get the same money but you can’t spend it before you get it. That’s why things like guests are announced later. It’s also why cons have changed how they open registrations.

>> No.9781734

Keele was a shit venue tbhfam

>> No.9781754


I personally rather liked it for pictures but I get that it wasn't ideal for certain things like the SU being totally useless as a main hub for events. Sitting behind a pillar for the masq and omake was no fun. Walking between buildings for events kinda sucked too.

>> No.9781763

yeah, I got some great photos and the setting against that old bit was awesome. I just had trouble finding things to eat and the party got too hot as that room was poorly air conditioned.

I did think the breakfasts were ok thou

>> No.9781822

I think they may have been some misunderstood . It unlikely a staff member, unless you mean committee member, would be party to the full financial details of starting the next con.
There's always lot of Chinese whispers around cons where things get exaggerated.

I know that every Ame has sold out. The early ones didn't sell out in 2 hours like they do now. And a chibi option was being considered years before it happened.
So not selling enough really isn't a factor. You start to spend money once it starts coming in, so you don't commit so anything, but the core parts until you have the funds.

Now budgets were tight there's no question about that, know quite a few of the committee, so I do know they had to be careful.

T-shirts done correctly should make money, but Ame do seem to have missed the ball on these.
Putting them up for sale months after reg opens isn't a good way to sell. Most cons have them as an option to buy when you reg.

Some has already mentioned, it's standard to pay for the venue in stages, you don't need much capital to start up if you already have a decent track record and have built up a reputation so you know you'll sell enough in the end.

I've been part of running conventions so know what's involved. :)

>> No.9782177


2012 did not sell out.

You can stop trying to cover your own asses now.

>> No.9782181


Wasn't that the year it technically "sold out" because they reduced the amount of spaces from 1500 to 1200?

>> No.9782195


Yes, because they knew they wouldn't be able to fill that capacity. People were signing up in a very slow trickle and that was the beginning of their decline. As someone said before if you have all of your cash in a nice little package to begin with you can do whatever the hell you want with it asap, but like that you just can't.

If they'd kept it up with Ame and Kita both running in one year then it is more than likely that the con would be dead by now - doubly so if Aya was still going since that one was the most popular.

>> No.9782203

Yeah, it didn’t. They had the numbers to run and by the time the con came around the numbers were the same as the previous event, just like the guy said earlier the money wasn’t early enough to do anything like secure extra guests or fancy lanyards. Which was pretty much outlined in the feedback panel.

With numbers I think it’s split into minimum to run (cover costs), ideal number (so say for second guest or nice lanyards and some surplus for future events), capacity of venue numbers. That would mean additional funds for golden helicopters for attendees and handjobs etc. I don’t think it’s a case of “reducing the amount of spaces”. They get the attendees they get. Reducing the number wouldn’t change anything once you have the numbers to run other than to save face I guess. They had the capacity to accept 1500, they got 1200. Which as stated was sufficient but it came in dribs and drabs as you were able to reg close to the event rather than the new system of holding back reg and selling out all spaces in 30 minutes. Like I said earlier, keele was a shit venue. Poster taking about “sold out” likely butthurt or unsure of meaning of sell out means when the advertising for the event likely said “1500 capacity.”

Pretty sure gemu con didn’t meet its minimum attendees to run figure so they pulled the plug at the last event. That’s the problem of the go large or go home mentality. Like we’ve discussed too big for hotels not big enough for expo centres. Warwick seems to be expensive and you see differences in the cons budgeting depending on aya/ame/kita by the rooms used. For example the SU bar/disco area or the main theatre rooms as a party venue difference between aya and kita.

>> No.9782212

I agree there. With the expos and minami I couldn’t afford nor would I likely want to attend that many cons a year as I get older and have different commitments. This goes agaisnt someone’s earlier post of us adding more smaller events to share the load through the year and the committees. What would happen instead is people just picking the one they liked more and that would expand. Kinda like the wallmart south park episode. You’d kill off kita as it got too big then started supporting Hibanacon and end up in the same situation where it became Hibanacorp and owned Facebook and google and had mandatory twice yearly 10 million person events in which all people with their RFID weeb chips had to attend or be tracked down by Logan’s run style hunters and killed for non compliance.

I’m also sure I know you all in real life.

>> No.9782343


Unlikely. I don't mix with other people often but hear enough going around and deliberately mess around with my writing style to make myself undetectable. You seem pretty sound though.

I mean, at best it'd be nice if we kept the big summer con, and at least had something consistent for the end of the year. If I'm honest I'm sick of MCM and even HJ is starting to get on my nerves for never getting the venue right (outside in winter, in a greenhouse for summer) and my only true motivation is the shopping for cute shit because the bootleg game is weaker than MCM. Hibana was a breath of fresh air and would gladly support it continuously and it was noted that if it wanted to expand, it could because the floor above it is the same as the one we were on.


Gemucon fucked up. The guy running it is an egotistical bastard and went too big too quick. He should have let it grow steadily and gotten a loyal following. Instead he went from a few hundred to trying to go big like a summer con - it doesn't work that way and a lot of people lost out on their money because of a stupid decision like that.

>> No.9782822

Oh, how was Hibanacon in the end? What is it like I saw a lot about them this year but it's pretty difficult to get to.

It isn't very far away but I'm on the wrong train-line so getting to it is a bit of a cunt unless we drive ourselves or grab a coach. Not impossible though.

>> No.9782861

It was really great. There were a couple of minor issues (some delays, music at the parties were way too loud to start with) but nothing I wouldn’t expect from a first time con and hope it runs again.

>> No.9782867

Sounds nice, If they run I'll have to check it out, the guys running it seemed nice at Kita and Toko.

>> No.9782912


I enjoyed it! None of my usual group went but I still had a good time.
The masq was really small which is to be expected but the panels were solid. My only gripe was the cosplay guest (I think) cancelled the main panel I was interested in right before it was meant to run. some panels suffered from low attendance too but that is to be expected I guess.

>> No.9782943

Ok people, will I look like a total loser turning up to book in at a hotel next to a con fully dressed up?

>> No.9782953


No more than you would travelling to said con?

Looking daft out of context is part of the package.

>> No.9783074

>Ok people, will I look like a total loser

Yes. That's the best part.

>> No.9783075

I had a good time, managed to get a fair few friends down too. The parties were a bit dead but it was a chill atmosphere overall. I'm hoping more people give it a go if it comes back and we can get some of those Kita 1/2 vibes back.

>> No.9783808

so any dramu at cardiff anime con???

>> No.9783820

Some reference to people being Welsh

>> No.9784116

Michael Towers fucking lambs now baka

>> No.9784275

The guest had a serious attitude problem in my opinion. He seemed to have a ‘too good for this con’ vibe the whole weekend. (I don’t think he was too happy that some of the other panels had much larger attendances than his either).