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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9756442 No.9756442 [Reply] [Original]

>2018 is the year of Amy Edition

>> No.9756597

cant be the year of amy if there isnt even any cons to go to

>> No.9756617

That's why I'm starting Kingcon

>> No.9758056

Akumakon is off to a savage start

>> No.9758143

Couldn't make it this year unfortunately so glad to hear this. How was the pub quiz?

>> No.9758561

Didn't go to it

>> No.9758623

It was pretty good, they threw in a few general knowledge and history/culture questions this year but I was pretty disappointed that the projector wasn't used and there was no irish round :(

>> No.9758901

Sake tasting is free guys

>> No.9759268

How is it?

To drunk and depressed to make the dirve.

Havent gone back since I walked out of a Sean Alpha panel on obscue anime that lead off with 'Cowboy Bebop'...

>> No.9759950

There was better panels and shit to do than last year. Last year felt so kiddy

>> No.9760088

Guest panels were grand but cosplay gala was shite. No lights, mic or music. Looked thrown together last minute. No timetables anywhere and staff couldnt help. Auction was boring.

>> No.9760515

Sickened ryuko wasn't at akuma

>> No.9761135

I've just moved back home to Dublin after living in the UK for years. Are there actually any cons to go to or what?

>> No.9761166

Kaizuko con in Cork in March>>9761135

>> No.9761172

What'd ye think of akumakon? I thought there was a decent selection of stuff on but there wasn't as many people as I'd expected. Charity auction was just junk from loot crates people didn't want too.

>> No.9761285

Where can I buy nice Sake?

>> No.9761349

God, fucking Cork though. Is it worth travelling down as a nordie or not that good?

>> No.9761423

Kaizoku is always good craic, cheap pints and a late bar

>> No.9761605

Considering it was under new management this year it went quite smoothly. Agree with you about the shitty auction though. Some of the panels were fairly embarrassing. The YT one was ok.

The staff were okay, but a lot of them were fairly clueless. I'll miss the qt desk boy.

>> No.9761621

the drinking part of kaizoku is decent but the location is awful. trekking through ucc's different buildings and there's still students about so if you study there and dont want to reveal your powerlevel cosplaying is a no go. the panels are usually shite and the guests are just dub actors no one actually cares about

>> No.9761805

they've had some good guests though. johnny yong bosch and matthew mercer were people even i'd heard of but generally i have no idea who dub voice actors are

>> No.9761831

>johnny yong bosch
Jesus, I don't watch dubs 90% of the time but even I know him. Vash the Stampede and the first Red Power Ranger

>> No.9761881

knowing who a guest is does not mean people care about them desu

>> No.9761888

thats true but i also can't think of a single person who a convention would get that i personally would actually care about either...

>> No.9761905

There's like 3 buildings you need to worry about and they're all a minute away from each other, there are always solid panels too. I agree about the voice actors, if you only watch sub you won't really know who they are but if you're a dub watcher you'll lose your shit for them, they have the voice actor for Eren, Kirito and a bunch of others this year

>> No.9762205

that minute long walk is desperate if you're in full cosplay/makeup and it's raining. there's enough venues in cork where they could hold kaizoku, if they weren't such cheap bastards.

>> No.9762358

Will this thread last til Kaizoku?

>> No.9762373

Considering the last thread was up for over 6 months, it's a safe bet

>> No.9762418
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So I uh saw this cosplayers sombra pictures pop up on my newsfeed and thought something looked off and knew I recognised her to be much much paler than this as someone I've seen frequent Irish cons, what do you all make of it?

>> No.9762434


Wasn't she a cosplay guest at J-con last year??

I wouldn't be too gone on that Sombra it needs to be better fitted....or mabey I'm being nit picky I don't know.

>> No.9762473

If you're cosplaying in Ireland you're going to have to have a plan for the rain no matter where you go. It's student run and non-profit, they're hardly going to rent the fucking elysian

>> No.9763271

This thread will last until September probably

>> No.9763272

My GF spotted her when she was in the costume on the right at Akumacon (Is that some RWBY or Overwatch character or something?) and was wondering was she in black face

>> No.9763292


Yeah it really does look like back face in that photo......going into dodgy territory there.

>> No.9763311

Some cosplayers take "being true to the character" waaay too far..

>> No.9763320 [DELETED] 


I'm not a triggered snowflake type of person but if you're going to cosplay a different race play it safe and don't lighten or darken your skin.....it just doesn't seem like a good idea.

>> No.9763323


I'm not a triggered snowflake type of person but that Sombra cosplay could actually be considered racist. I wonder has she had any complaints?

>> No.9763333

Honestly, I taught she already salo but applied darker foundation but seeing the other pic of her I couldn't of been more wrong, but since she did a convincing job to the point where I taught she was already dark and just toned herself up, I guess it's not an obscene display of gollywog/spic/whatever horrible term face

>> No.9763355

Was't at the con, but sorry wearing a foundation that's obviously several shades darker than your skin tone is an absolute no no. I'm no sjw, but this definitely falls in the blackface/brownface teritory. A bit of bronzer-fine, but this does cross the line. How does she not realise this is a massive issue in cosplay? A Korean cosplayer got bullied off the internet for just wearing bronzer cosplaying Sombra, and Leon Chiro got masive backlash for being darkly tanned cosplaying Bayek from Assassins Creed Origins. She needs to be careful in future, because she will get a lot of shit for this.

>> No.9763432


Yeah I'm going to have to say I agree with you here.....my gut is telling me this is racist.

>> No.9763468

It's probably more out of unawareness rather than intentional "black face" so to speak.. Hopefully she learns from it before it starts any sort of shit storm online

>> No.9767040

>page 9 already
Fuck's sake lads, cop on will yiz

>> No.9767793

Going to have to bump this, thought there was a decent amount of discussion going

>> No.9767853

looking for an irish gf, i am english is this a deal breaker?

>> No.9767854

Amy's single

>> No.9767855

dunno who that is mate but i'm sold.

>> No.9767857
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The queen of Irish cosplay is still looking for her king

>> No.9767862

mate i live off pot noodles i am certainly not the king she's looking for, shame.

>> No.9767863
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None have ever proven themselves worthy of the goddess herself

>> No.9767864

post her feet, fella

>> No.9767874

We don't post the forbidden tomes here

>> No.9767895


>> No.9768141

Going for the wrong cosplayer lads

>> No.9768153
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>implying there's any others in the scene worth going for when we've already achieves perfection

>> No.9768157

Seems I missed the meme on this one, who the fuck is Amy?

>> No.9768159

Too lanky and seems boring.

>> No.9768182


>> No.9768214

is anyone going to shurikon?

>> No.9768246
File: 59 KB, 640x960, 26804361_896514397182514_9175598810582337602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get cosplay gf plz help

>> No.9768255
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>the misaligned print at the seams

>> No.9768258
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>check Amy's tumblr
>some lad on anon requesting a photo of her fingers because he likes her hands
>she does the request

>> No.9768292

I'd say she ain't right in the head or very naive

>> No.9768458

Go to cons and meet ups. Don’t be a creep and just treat her like a person rather than someone you just want to fuck.

>> No.9769425 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 27540743_2067704806796235_2856951813427218447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u

>> No.9769431

Who's this fluid druid?

>> No.9769442

no idea, the guy i got the pic from didnt have a sauce

>> No.9769525 [DELETED] 


Not male but tits appreciated

>> No.9769527


Not male,but tits appreciated

>> No.9769532

>Not male

>> No.9769545

yo where is everyone from? im from clondalkin in dublin

>> No.9769547

Are you a girl (female)?

>> No.9769548



>> No.9769551


nah senpai

>> No.9769554 [DELETED] 
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>when you crack not one, not two, but three whole ones out to Amy in a single afternoon

>> No.9769573
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>> No.9770824


this is the first time ive seen actual solid dating advice from 4chan. well done

>> No.9770893


It's not amazing advice just basic common sense really. I could drop more wisdom since common sense is gone out the Fucking window these days

>> No.9770900
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yeah but usually on here you get "why do you want a 3d girl anon? all women are roasties reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

or maybe i just hang around /b/ too much

>> No.9770914


Yeah it's a cesspit alright just don't listen to the red pilled losers and you'll be grand and avoid tossers that call themselves pick up artists I get some kick out of the tools

>> No.9770919

Are you fucking 15?

>> No.9770920

i go on it to vent and when /ic./ gets boring and depressing

>> No.9771806

Kaizokucon is soon. Any of the rest of you faggots planning attending?

>> No.9771831


>> No.9771857


Should be good. Been worth the cross country trek since it started.

>> No.9771940

what about shurikon? its on at griffith college this year. smaller con but its all we have

>> No.9772107


Hopefully and fingers crossed I'll have a nice new cosplay to wear if I'm lucky

>> No.9772108

whos the character?

>> No.9772112

Thinking of doing 2B or Link in the Gerudo armour.

>> No.9772130

2b is complicated cos of the patterns. sounds like a pain to embroider. i havent seen the other but armor is pretty tough to make so sounds like a tough job either way

>> No.9775447

since this thread is close to dying, what was everyones reason to get into cosplay? what was your first cosplay? personally mine was this shabby af death the kid costume when i was younger. it was the cringiest thing.

>> No.9775451


Ed Elric because I’m a petite lass worked great might do it again in the future. I like cosplay because it’s a bit of freedom I sometimes cosplay cute or sexy characters because I don’t feel attractive in my day to day life so it’s nice to go a con feel a bit confident even if it’s only for a few hours .

>> No.9775455

nice! honestly its nice to see that people are getting self confidence with cosplay, considering it is pretty hard to convince yourself to dress up as a fictional character to begin with (for me anyway)

>> No.9775457

>I’m a petite lass

>> No.9775459


thats a strange way to refer to the best county

>> No.9775462

we refer to it as dublin cos its the counties name u twit

>> No.9775466
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>get banned for 3 days earlier in the week for vendettaposting for saying I cracked one out to Amy

>> No.9775468

i cosplayed link since it was just a green robe and a hat. i dont really know why i do it. the attention is nice and its fun to interact with other cosplayers.

>> No.9775469

I also enjoy the fun that comes with getting into the cosplay I suck at makeup and get a bit frustrated because I know I won’t look super hot or anything like that.

It’s just enjoyable to wear an outfit that’s fun and feel a bit more at ease. People are looking at the cosplay and not me so I just have a good and mess around.

>> No.9775473

>haha the sex number

dont worry. cosplay isnt about looking super hot unless your jessica nigri. just focus on being the characters you enjoy and chatting to other cosplayers

>> No.9775474

How much do I have to pay one of you to cosplay Junko from Danganronpa and kick me in the bollocks repeatedly?

>> No.9775482

Not into being a sex symbol but would be nice not to be the girl that makes the cosplay thot look sexier by comparison.

I cosplay characters I like and just pose for photos when people ask. I usually chat away and just take photos when the mood strikes.

>> No.9775484

sounds good. desu i havent cosplayed in awhile. college hit me hard and ive put it on hold. that and so many of the cons in dublin fucking died.

>> No.9775487

I cosplay when I can might only do 2 cons if I can afford it but I do mess about with wigs and normal clothes and mess with shitty photo apps to put stuff on my instagram.

Thinking of actually doing a few photo shoots of my better cosplays because I like them and it’s enjoiyable getting pampered and having someone do your make up.

>> No.9775491

neat! i sort of mess with clothes? occasionally really. and my instagram is dead for the time being.

also if its cool i wouldnt mind getting your instagram off you. if you dont want to give it out i wont blame you though. internet is a scary place

>> No.9775971

This is what throwaway email addresses are for, anon.

>> No.9775973

It wasn't even an anime con last year, they had one anime showing and everything else was video games and comics.

>> No.9775983

hey its something

>> No.9777101

I'm tempted to but I don't think I'd be any good. I'm also not sure what the con scene is like but I get most of my impression of it from this thread.

>> No.9777347


The cosplay community can be great once you avoid the crazy bitches, arrogant pricks, drama queens and shit stirrers.

Cosplay can be fun just start small and work your way up to more intricate stuff and there’s no shame in purchasing a cosplay just don’t be a knob and said you’ve made it.

>> No.9778290


Most of us are surprisingly pleasant if you can believe that.

>> No.9780621
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Never been before, but my panel got accepted so I'll def be attending.

>> No.9781452


What kind of panel ? Most are woeful at cons a majority of the time.

>> No.9781683

Anything going to replace Eirtakon? I've been to the last few and it's always been a good laugh, but shite panels. Easy access on a plane would be sound

>> No.9781687

there was a japan expo or something last year. same venue

>> No.9781758

>tfw no more whiskey tasting or cocktail panels
You'd be half-tempted to set up your own alcohol-themed panel and just make it a BYOB for a cheeky pissup

>> No.9782325
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Its about censorship in anime and video games. I'm trying to make it a serious panel and not a "lol underage panty shots got this weeb game banned" or "the government are fascists" etc. panel

>> No.9782328


Have you ever ran a panel yourself?

>> No.9782339

How to make an IRA themed coord?

>> No.9782341

Aye, fuck off you limey bastard

>> No.9782447

whos amy?

>> No.9782456


>> No.9782469

suck my elongated clit

>> No.9782487

Try reading the thread, newfag

>> No.9782495


I went earlier today. I left less than an hour later.

I feel bad ragging on it because I'm so used to bigger cons, and this is very much a small local con. It was basically just an artist alley, I checked in at the masquerade but nothing seemed to be happening? I may have been in the wrong room, they posted the winners on insta so clearly something happened, I don't know.

There were some good cosplays, like the samurai and Shredder, and the game room looked pretty good. A little less Nintendo would have been nice, but no big deal. One of the gym leaders was offering badges in the toilet because no one signed up for the Pokémon tournament, which is not a conversation I want when I'm dropping the kids off at the pool.

15 euro entry was ridiculous. 10 at the door or 8 on eventbrite would have been fine. I think some of the proceeds went to charity, so it kinda balances out, but YMMV.

Biggest issue for me was the location. I only recently moved to Dublin, but Griffith is quite awkward to get to. If it's done by and for Griffith students, I'm not sure if that can be changed, but it might be something to look into for next year.

I don't want to knock it too hard, it's its second year and it's done by students.

>> No.9782498

Dull lanky grill that some of the lads here worship

Kind of a Plain Jane that doesn’t improve on any cosplays

>> No.9782501

Balaclava is a must have accessory that’s for sure and a nice little rifle

>> No.9782692
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>> No.9784293

Nope but I’ve done debating and public speaking in the past so I know how hard it can be get up and do presentations and junk

>> No.9786581

I'm wondering how long it'll be before I see the first Paddy Jackson cosplay

>> No.9786585
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She was the face of the scene for a period of time. You don't get featured on the prestigious Ireland AM on TV3 for being dull and unremarkable.

>> No.9786618

She's no Josie

>> No.9786631

theyre no jose

>> No.9786744

is that you IRA-chan?

>> No.9787421

The cosplay that looked like it was made from toilet roll.

>> No.9787445

She just knew a lot of people in the scene and lacked the self-awareness to know she was a sub-par representative. She'd lecture anyone that asked. She's the interview equivalent of "not hot but definitely easy", lol.

>> No.9789601


>> No.9789632

Truth hurts

>> No.9789640 [DELETED] 

Jealous whore.

>> No.9789642

Real talk though, has anyone here actually been lectured by her or seen her do it to someone else? Could use a laugh

>> No.9789664

Chatted to her before and something just felt off. I’m sure quite a few people have had similar experiences

>> No.9789676

What did you chat to our queen about?

>> No.9789703
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Is there anything noteworthy happening between Kaizuku and Q-Con?

>> No.9789766

Didn't she used to always do a presentation at Experience Japan? Explaining what cosplay is to an audience of cosplayers and Japanese people? While wearing cheap wa-lolita closed the wrong way round? That was always funny.

>> No.9789769
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>> No.9789922
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>likes dressing up as manga cartoon characters
>the plight of Halawa next to a fluff piece about cosplay

Tragic stuff

>> No.9791752

From this thread alone I'm 100 per cent certain you're not.

It's crazy there's so much drama for such a small community. I'll probably just buy some of my first cosplays as I'm not all that great at sewing! What cons would you recommend?

>> No.9791754

Anyone going to Experience Japan this year?

What are you planning on wearing? Cosplay, J Fashion, etc.

Tempted to do another cosplay this year.

>> No.9792054

How hard is it to sleep with people at irish cons?
I used to watch a lot of anime, but never went to any conventions. That being said, if there was the possibility of sleeping with some kinky nerd, then why not.

>> No.9792056

side note: I'm tall, in shape and not autistic.

>> No.9792080


>asks people on a cosplay 4chan board on advice to fuck nerdy girls
>not autistic

pick one

>> No.9794332


CGL is hardly a good indicator of the vast rank and file of the community.

The perpetrators of most of the shitposting here are generally the same 5-6 people or else those fucksticks from /int/ who still think they're hilarious for posting jokes that died out several aeons ago.

Hey /intards/ you're not funny. Get new material or else get to fuck.

Most congoers in Ireland are there to have a good time as opposed to anything else and as odd as some can be most are extremely approachable.

>> No.9795554
File: 60 KB, 564x703, 1509886625717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people have their guard up around being hit on at cons since the Keith Hearne incident.

>> No.9795976

keith hearne?

>> No.9796081


Keep up kiddo Keith’s a filthy fucking convicted rapist.

I think girls are also fed up with assholes making up rumors about them I actually wonder how many beta virgins believe half the shit that cgl spouts about some of the ladies here.

>> No.9796082

wait was that the arcade con rapist?

>> No.9796084


Yup makes my blood boil and the trashy cunt that defended him and called the victim a liar needs to fuck off and get shot

>> No.9796094


>> No.9796162

Why did she defend him? The guy had a knife and handcuffs in his bag, his intent was pretty clear.

>> No.9796225
File: 53 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1493137089111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because she is human trash I try not to believe rumours about anyone but Fucking hell she showed her true colors here and I'm pretty sure people have posted even more proof of her awful behaviour on this in the past.

>> No.9796243

>pls remember the times when keith was a sound lad instead of raping people before judging.

That's disgusting. What sort of warped person would try to turn a rapist into the victim? Hope everyone did unfriend her.

>> No.9796251

Some did but her little fan club didn’t and that’s just because she posts awful Lewds of herself.

>> No.9796286

She sounds like a delightful individual

>> No.9796303

Hey guys, I'm moving to Ireland (well, actually N. Ireland...), and I was wondering how's the con situation, what's the major/more interesting events, etc...

>> No.9797919

Fuckin dire man it's depressing just want nom-con back.

>> No.9798091

mates of mine used to give nom-con a lot of shit for appealing to a younger crowd, but it was probably the best con experience I've ever had in Dublin. The staff were really polite and helpful, comfortable size vendor hall and artist alley, still the very best maid/butler cafe I've ever been to at an Irish Con (no shitty halloween costume tier stuff, nobody looked greasy, maids/butlers really made an effort and looked well put together, cakes and tea were great).
I know it had its flaws but I think I'd take it over Eirta, Arcade, or any of the other Dublin cons that people cry over losing.

>> No.9798245 [DELETED] 

Q-con in Belfast isn't too bad, desu. Been going for 7 years

>> No.9798248

Q-con in Belfast isn't too bad. Been going for 7 years

>> No.9799051
File: 59 KB, 620x467, IMG_3459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still havn't started on cosplay for kaizokucon
>tfw know I need to start soon
>tfw wont start until a week before


>> No.9799108

I think the UK thread might be more helpful since NI isn't part of Ireland.

I have heard good things about Q con though.

>> No.9800854

I’m going to be a dick and ask if anyone else that was at Kaizoku last year thought that the half assed dykey ryuko should have given her scissor blade to the cuter one?

The cuter one seemed to have put way more effort into her cosplay.

Not bothering to wear a wig and not even an attempt to do make up for your cosplay is a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.9801259
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>since NI isn't part of Ireland.

>> No.9801589 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 3968x2240, IMG_20180228_143944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you lads do during the blizzard?

>> No.9801595

Truth hurts I guess.

>> No.9801695

It's grand sure the EU will take it away from its abusive dad anyway.

>> No.9802315




Ty guys, will give it a try! Do you know any cosplay community around? Having soneone to work with is incredibly stimulating, I tend to slack off when working on a project alone...
Also I'm writing in the Ireland thread because, you know, its damn more easier to take a train and go to Dublin than a flight to go anywhere on England, no politics intended

>> No.9802529

When the government we have can look after more than just Dublin they can come back, maybe after Leo stops buying more socks!

I don't know sorry. Yeah though most of the train journeys in Ireland can cost more than a flight. It is easier to travel in the same country.

>> No.9804325

She was doing a panel at the last Eiretikon. There was no microphone and it wasn't a massive room but still, she spoke under her voice and from like the 5th row back, it was fucking impossible to hear her

>> No.9804328

Natrasha was always fucking delusional

>> No.9804923


As well as being an absolutely skanky geebag.

Lost count of the amount of people she's tried to throw her legs over.

>> No.9804990


Isn't there a rumour she spread the herp to quite a few lads.

>> No.9806004


>> No.9806046

DELET THIS and stop talking this way about my wife please

>> No.9806055

You're wife is a slut

>> No.9806064

No self respecting man would wife a rape apologist.

>> No.9806071 [DELETED] 

No self-respecting man should want to waifu a neo-nazi but there's loads of you still obsessed with Josie even after she was caught giving Hitler salutes. Fucking disgusting desu

>> No.9806078


>> No.9806257


Isn’t she meant to be a hard core bible basher or something aswell?

I’m not familiar with her really is she another person I’d be better off avoiding.

>> No.9806295
File: 570 KB, 1065x597, 1518459588660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, some lad seems intent on creating a false personality for her around here though. She's a strong advocate on women's rights and like most young, educated people I'd expect she doesn't believe in organised religion.

>> No.9806297

>like most young, educated people I'd expect she doesn't believe in organised religion
Wow this post is euphoric as fuck

>> No.9806301
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1510788980369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pictures of her literally Nazi saluting
>false personality

>> No.9806310

Raising your arm in salute isn't a gesture solely by Nazi. Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.9806314

Fuck off fascist

>> No.9806318
File: 361 KB, 473x675, 1501473013340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to character assassinate. She doesn't even post here anymore so not sure what your end game is.

>> No.9806321

Stop trying to defend literal nazis. You're as bad as that rape apologist Natasha

>> No.9806325


>> No.9806367

When will based Amy put a stop to these menaces

>> No.9806384

lads issa bit of snow theres no need for this chaos

>> No.9806407

Most in a generation so not insignificant. Far too disruptive to drive in but it was beautiful to walk around in on Friday morning.

>> No.9807057
File: 64 KB, 960x749, zxcvbnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was any fuss made over this girl darkening up her face to cosplay Sombra? I'm surprised there wasnt when another girl got shit for even "cosplaying outside her race"

>> No.9807182

I saw her at Akumakon and honestly didn't know she wasn't salo until someone said it here

>> No.9807285


I feel it was in poor taste for her to darken her skin but if you're deemed hot by this crowd you can get away with murder.

>> No.9808200
File: 72 KB, 540x960, zxcvbnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw man, shes pretty white

>> No.9808348

I don't know her, but her makeup looks like shit. As in, she actually smeared shit on her face.

>> No.9808431

Croker sucks arse as a convention venue though

>> No.9810274

Super Eyepatch Wolf for KaizokuCon seems a pretty good guest

>> No.9811373

He was ok Akumakon, he seemed smug and like he was above all these young pleb nerds

>> No.9814504

Who is the virgin Mary?

>> No.9814556
File: 630 KB, 1400x1000, DoItForAmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9814594

Amy still doesn't have a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, just saying

>> No.9814598

I didn't know it was still 2008 and we all non ironically use "YOU MAD BRO?"

>> No.9814610

But if I can't rely on it to look like I have any idea what the fuck is going on, everyone will realize I'm an old lady and I only hear about things 5 years after the fact

>> No.9815925
File: 21 KB, 401x401, 1509756136071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a week and a bit more till Kaizoku lads!

>tfw have a horrible feeling wig won't arrive in time

>> No.9816000

amy who?

>> No.9816058
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1514364824579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the con scene is bordering on tumbleweed central these days, how about we talk about the glory days?

Was anyone at Nom Con that year they did the over 18s panel Q and A with Chris Sabat and Ian Sinclair? I was pretty drunk, but I remember it being easily one of the most fun cons I had been to.

Nevar furgit.

>> No.9816500


>> No.9818465

Fug, I love those two. What year was that?

>> No.9818888


2014. That was a fun one alright.

>> No.9818890
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x738, I wanna die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Dandy was airing? Ahh man, I'm envious

>> No.9819024
File: 146 KB, 607x851, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the first con I ever went to. The thing I remember most about it was a panel put on by guy who was an opera singer (or studying to become one afaik) on how to sing. Every con I've been to since is the exact the same for workshops/panels, but at least that was something different and fun.

>> No.9820856

Kaizoku con timetable is up.

What do you guys think?

>> No.9820930

Look dull, I just hope the table quiz is fun

>> No.9820997

Not advice, just wanted to see what the atmosphere was like.

I have a gf now so I'm not going anyway.

>> No.9821040

Pity Kaizoku isn’t looking too good this year. Welp my hotel booking isn’t going to go to waste but I’m itching to cosplay...at least Cork is a chill city to hang out in.

>> No.9821885

Am presuming y'all are mostly cosplay but planning on wearing Lolita for a day out in Dublin but bf thinks it's a bad idea, yay or nah (I've never been to Ireland before)

>> No.9821954

It's grand, you'll get away with it in Marvel

>> No.9822169

It's fine. You'll probably get a few strangers asking if you're in a play, worst case would be some teenagers laugh at you from a distance.
You have more kajones than them anyway for wearing it out in the first place, so go for it. You might meet one of us around! Wave if you see us!

>> No.9822182

I've seen one lolita in my whole life in dublin, she blended in fairly well honestly. I see plenty of goths and have seen some pretty out there outfits, I think most people don't care.

My advice is stay on the Dame Street side of the river, DON'T go to the Jervis side. In lolita at least. The Jervis side stinks of cigarettes and is full of fucking idiots. It's trashy.

>> No.9822195

>Talking shit about Jervis

>> No.9822599

The fuck was this lunatic's story?

A sensible chuckle was had, so I'm just curious.

>> No.9822602

I'm guessing yokes

>> No.9822603
File: 73 KB, 497x506, CZrfVbVW0AAJ5oR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, probably just mental illness?

On topic, I'm kind of worried because my panel is on at an awkward time, late evening on a Friday. I don't think many people are going to show up

>> No.9822762

>That post
Clearly a /v/irgin is tired of the Sans in Smash 5 shit posting

>> No.9822878

Thanks a lot guys! Opting for bodyline over AP since I think we're doing a lot of exploring/drinking lol

>> No.9824151

So is Kaizoku basically a piss up?

>> No.9824225


Mind if I ask how and where you purchase some of your lolita gear I want avoid anything complicated with purchasing it.

Recommendations greatly appreciated.

>> No.9824630

If you're only starting out and looking to keep the process simple, Wunderwelt, Closet Child, and Innocent World have straightforward checkouts. Then there's always places like lolitawardrobe and Body line, but their quality is a little wobblier. Good luck!

>> No.9825272


My hero.

>> No.9825398


I'd say you might do ok if you have decent content for your panel you should be fine and if you don't get many people do your best and make use of the opportunity to learn and improve your panel.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.9825748

What's your panel, I'll check it out

>> No.9827287

Lovely sun lads

>> No.9827347

No Ryuko arse this year I'm disappointed

>> No.9827745

A thousand Euro

>> No.9827803

€320 for the Fujoshi kit.

That thing got insane towards the end. Royally so.

Price for the headshave was worth it.

>> No.9828643

Any Kaizokucon heads out tonight? Missed out on being able to attend so want some fucking dirty recaps

>> No.9828693
File: 574 KB, 1232x1840, CNV00174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly harmless con product.

An interesting panel on Saturday was borked by the panel holder breaking down on the way. In fairness, the committee member who covered on the fly did a bang-up job.

Shit happens, I guess.

The whole thing left me feeling a bit empty. Most of the events were rehashes, or updates, of previous cons. They're not bad - but when you've only one stream of panels going you need some more interesting stuff in the mix too.

I didn't really have fun until Saturday evening, and then Sunday somehow seemed like a happier day.

Then I drove for 5 hours.

>> No.9828805

Do you mean the panel holder had their car break down, or do you mean like an actual mental breakdown? What was the panel?

>> No.9828809

So Brocon and Dublin Comic-con next

>> No.9828813

The panel was Forbidden - History of censorship. There was a good crowd but I couldn't access my notes so there were a few times I had to stop talking and started staring into space trying to remember my points. Besides that it went ok, could have been worse.

>> No.9828986

Their car took a shit.

Was the swordplay panel.

I don't normally do DCC. Prefer smaller cons. Might do it this year, but the big crowds don't really appeall to me.

I might be just that bit lonelier in the bigger crowd.

>> No.9829033
File: 109 KB, 437x585, 1521588914494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay for the first time for DCC but I'm completely broke until Thursday, is there any chance I might somehow be able to get a cosplay together between then and Saturday or would I just have to show up in normal clothing? Any cosplay shops in Dublin or anything?

>> No.9829035

I'll pay for your cosplay if you let me ride you in it

>> No.9829036

But I'm a guy.

>> No.9829038

You're going to be a guy (female) for me

>> No.9831110

He was pretty chill at Kaizo

>> No.9831150

Not a fan of youtube guests or the like.

Seems like a low-effort post.

>> No.9831351

To each their own I guess, I'd be more interested in them than the voice actors. Not much for dubs

>> No.9832190

Can anyone clue me in, been to a few cons but this was the first time I watched the cosplay contest.
Are the prizes they gave out at Kaizoku typical?
'Cos it looked fuckin' pathetic!

>> No.9834054

I only briefly saw him in the bar, he walked by me with his mates. He kind of looked like he didn't want to be there

>> No.9834550

>she doesn't even post here anymore
Kek sure we all know she's a saint. Gotta love white knights.

>> No.9835444

Wow this thread has been going on a while!
Anybody going to DCC "Anime Ed"? I haven't heard good things about this and apparently a lot of people were pissed off them from last November. Is there actually going to be an anime theme to this one cause not feeling it so far. Also why are they running a week after one of about two anime cons left in Ireland? Surely there are better weekends?

>> No.9841035

Question about shooting. I've been away for a few years and idly going to cons abroad. I stopped by DCC this weekend and was surprised by some of the quality of a lot of the costumes.

I'm a (very) amateur photographer, how would I go about asking people if they want to do a shoot?

>> No.9841233

Approach them like you would any other human and complement the effort they put into their cosplay. Ask if they'd like to take some photos as their character, offer to send them a link after the con. Don't be creepy, done!

>> No.9841492

any irish blokes looking for a states lass? no irony intended. I'm interested in Irish blokes!

>> No.9841526

Ew, bad taste. If you want a scabby eyebrowless midget, you'd get the same options on /r9k/

>> No.9841937

Ignore the bitter Irish harpy. Ye g'wan love, I'm looking for one

>> No.9842432


No, not at the con. I mean take a cosplay somewhere appropriate and do an actual shoot. Like take a Game of Thrones cosplayer to some old ruins or something. I don't want to come off all "let's go to the woods alone!"

>> No.9843463

That might be dodgy unless you're an actual photographer. They'd have an actual webpage and business card plus even then you'd have to be careful in having the shoot with other people present. You're best bet is try take photo's around the venue and when you've built up a rep of taking quality cosplay photo's at events then you might be able to ask cosplayers to private shoots (but with other people present, never alone). I remember some guy asking my girlfriend to go to a private shoot but was super creepy about it. Honestly I think you'll have to stick to the immediate area around a con unless you become friends with a cosplayer.

>> No.9843549


Yeah, I want to avoid coming off as a crazy creeper. Guess I'll just stick to cons for the moment.

>> No.9851211

Saving us from page 10

>> No.9855476

What happened at November's DCC?

>> No.9857778

Anybody thinking bout going to Q-con?

>> No.9857826

I was going to until I heard Josie got barred. Not supporting them now

>> No.9857837

hang on, you mean Josie the lolita unless there's another well known Josie? If so why? She's like one of the nicest people I've met.

>> No.9857852

She's not, it's just Josieposting

>> No.9857874 [DELETED] 

She's come out as an alt-right type person and the organizers don't take too kindly to that kind of carryon

>> No.9858076 [DELETED] 

ah right so... makes sense now. Always had her figured for a MRA/Incel type person! Her blog is full of all that Make Ireland Great again stuff! XD

>> No.9858085 [DELETED] 


There is no fucking way that's lolita Josie lmao. She was all over Bernie Sanders in 2017.

>> No.9858087 [DELETED] 



But you get the idea.

>> No.9858184 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1200x834, Make Ireland great again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9858627 [DELETED] 


Heil Hitler

>> No.9858699 [DELETED] 

I met Josie a few months ago at a lolita coord organised by herself, this is the first one I ever attended so I was a bit nervous and shy appearing in lolita in public, partly because I like being extravagant in my outfits, but mostly because I am a bit on the heavy side.

Anyway, Josie was very reassuring and kind at the start of the day and that kinda boosted my confidence. Towards the end of the day I got talking to her alone again but she had changed her tune. I have a "heart repeal" tattoo at the top of my arm, Josie must have seen it because the first thing she said to me was "So you like killing babies, huh?". I was quite taken aback by this and I just said "I believe in the right to choose.". I've gotten some dirty looks in my life but this takes the cake, the scowl she gave me was unbelievable "So the right to kill babies? Pathetic.".

She started off on a tirade about how lefty minded women like me are quite possibly the worst people alive. She brought up things totally unrelated to the abortion issue, such as the refugee crisis (Which she called the "rapefugee" crisis) and the mainstream medias attack on Donald Trump and strangely how the the rebel groups in Syria are actually just Al Qaeda rebranded as Jaish al Islam (Sword/Army of Islam) and that Assad was the democratically elected president of Syria and any mention of "chemical attacks" was just terrorist groups gassing civilians to make it look like Assad was the perpetrator.

She ended it with a snide remark.

"You could lose a few pounds, honey." Then she blew me a kiss. I have never felt so traumatised in my life. Needless to say I will not be participating in any further events organised by her.

>> No.9858713

Holy shit, absolutely BASED Josie
She's not a communist, fuck off

>> No.9858714

Uh huh we can put that on the list of shit that never happened. Not standing up for Josie but who the fuck would get a repeal tattoo that is seriously dumb.

>> No.9858779

What do ya think would happen if someone told her she too had a skeleton inside of her...

>> No.9858799

Not her but I literally do

>> No.9859535

You met her at a what now?

>> No.9859954

based Josie

post your tattoo shitposter kun

>> No.9860076

Can't tell if poster wrote insane shite for giggles or if being serious troll....

Unless it was that meet a while back where she had this amazing co-ord that was inspired by Nazi uniforms. I'm not a Nazi but gotta say that Hugo Boss designed some fine uniforms. I figured she just felt the same way but now that I think about it she was goose stepping down the street!!!

>> No.9861299 [DELETED] 

Wow another reason I don't go to cons. What is wrong with you?

A lolita coord? You mean meet right? At least get the lingo right if you're pretending to be a lolita.

>> No.9861300 [DELETED] 

No because the cosplay scene is toxic in this country

>> No.9861594


Somehow I don't think that happened.

>> No.9861871

Having a repeal tattoo is like someone having a tattoo expressing the desire to tear down the Berlin wall:
Destined to age poorly. Well...unless the No vote wins...

>> No.9862072

Something about the way this is written makes it read like a 12 year olds self insert vendetta fanfic. Like My Immortal level writing but with but with better grammar?

>> No.9862135
File: 86 KB, 614x922, badprognosisdoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to put a shout out to the girl at experience japan on Sunday with tights like this.

Your outfit is the worst I've ever seen and these tights make you look like you have leprosy. Did you have a top with the same pattern too? what were you thinking? Throw them away immediately if you've any self respect.

Just because pancakes are food, and the strawberries on your tacky blue taobao skirt are also food DOESN'T MEAN THEY MAKE AN OUTFIT. I hope you see this and learn how to put a coord together.

>> No.9862483


Holy fuck those are vile

>> No.9862536

I didn't even know those were supposed to be pancakes before you said something.

>> No.9863019 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Josie, stop being so fucking judgmental because everyone isn't prestigious enough to get into your shitty comm

>> No.9863155

I'm not even a lolita, I was there on the day in normiegarb because I wanted to eat some good food and practice speaking japanese. Your shitty outfit just pissed me off so badly I had to let you know somehow or another.

Also I don't have much love for that group if they're who I think you're talking about, your ones horribly styled curls really piss me off... Hairs not meant to look like spaghetti... nonetheless your outfit really soured my eyes.... I thought you had a serious skin problem.

>> No.9863186

Relax there, I agree the tights don't look great but no need to be mean about it. She might feel pretty embarrassed already and it takes a lot of confidence to wear lolita in the first place. I wasn't there but I think busy tights often take away from the dress. When in doubt you can't go wrong with plain solid coloured tights. Anyway everyone has those days when they make mistakes in a coord especially when starting out.

>> No.9863189 [DELETED] 

Nice try, Josie.

>> No.9863219
File: 31 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.1076201278_jz44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really know who you meant but I did some digging and.... well I sure hope that's a wig but no, I'm not the midget in the orange wig.

Anyways, I'm being honest, your tights look trashy. The skirt could be cute but please, ditch that pancake pattern! makes me want to vomit! Hell even some plain opaque white tights, red shoes? it'd tie in nicely with the skirt.... but, I don't even go here and even I know you've messed up. You can even rep that pancake want in other ways with accessories, just PLEASE! those tights look like a skin condition!

>> No.9863222 [DELETED] 

Let's see some of your coords then if you're not actually Josie

>> No.9863223 [DELETED] 


Hold on, I thought of a better one.

No I'm not that Cathy Cat knockoff.

>> No.9863225

I'm not a lolita, I said that in another post. You don't need to have a petticoat to have functioning eyes.

I don't see what posting my normal ass clothes is gonna tell you outside of the fact that I like pink and if you can see my belly button - those aren't my pants!

>> No.9864034 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 828x1280, 2018-04-26-19-38-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any1 else missing her lads

>> No.9864036 [DELETED] 

I want to cum on that belly

>> No.9864211 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 640x558, 9F14F168-F05C-4267-828B-45A6C07C18C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whew lad

>> No.9864283 [DELETED] 

Literally built for breeding

>> No.9864287 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 504x895, B2586188-09E0-440F-A8C5-0066274F2948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Belly or legs I can’t decide what I want

>> No.9864294 [DELETED] 

I can see what she was trying to do here with the colour of it but the bra still just looks out of place and shit. Go full underboob or go home gurl

>> No.9864296 [DELETED] 

Fuck the boobs I just hope the arse was out and theres creeper shots out there

>> No.9864731
File: 235 KB, 1066x1342, 2018-04-27-10-42-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad buzz my comments got deleted but I will say i again I miss her

>> No.9864743
File: 341 KB, 1072x1089, 2018-04-27-10-41-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it again whew lad

>> No.9864760

Literally BUILT for breeding

>> No.9864772
File: 79 KB, 982x858, Screenshot_20180427-103256_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a Q.T D.VA

>> No.9864786

yuck this looks so dirty and gross

>> No.9864838


Who's the fluid druid?

>> No.9865093


A new contender for waifu shitposting

>> No.9865221

Move over Josie, we have a new queen in town

>> No.9865463 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20180428_094509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my new tattoo lads. I felt inspired by the poster above!

>> No.9865466

Yeah that's not you.

>> No.9865828


>> No.9866183 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 872x720, 1509450759049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny looking at all the deleted messages and the delete time. Shows how much samefagging is going on here.