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File: 70 KB, 500x580, IMG_20180108_032437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9745380 No.9745380 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9740899

>> No.9745390

Honestly, this is pretty cute. I hope MAM starts making a comeback, since Meta’s doing so well now.

>> No.9745397

I bought the tights. Hope they fitbut I guess the bears will look fat on my legs.

>> No.9745407

MAM is a blessing

Does anyone use any closet organizer websites or app? I decided I wanted to take better stock of my wardrobe for the New Years but I'm struggling to find an app I like.

>> No.9745433

Looks like a Bodyline print, ew

>> No.9745442
File: 228 KB, 650x758, 12074010-samp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone helps with with how to order the Meta Dozing Cat?
It days the official mail in order date is Jan 19, and then regular receipt starts on the 27th.
So can I fill out an online form or do I need a SS to do it for me? Also if the official preorders fills up, I will have a second chance at the later date correct? Thank you for the help!

>> No.9745444

Does anybody know what MAM's quality is like? I really like this but I'm hesitant to pay full price for it.

>> No.9745445


Bodyline discount RHS are up again. Sizes go up to 250.

>> No.9745459

I have only bought their oldschool style dresses but they are absolutely incredible. Thick fabric, good lace, good sewing, tons of details, well made

>> No.9745468

I would get the skirt because it's cheaper

>> No.9745661

>dark pink only
No thanks

>> No.9745687

really good quality. i got a jacket from them and it feels like ap

>> No.9745705

I have a seifuku set, so not lolita, but it's great.

>> No.9745714

Just do it all on their website. Ask their english customer support if you've got trouble, they answer quickly.

>> No.9745721

It looks like a Bodyline print

>> No.9745731

Why was the thread about the SS drama deleted?

>> No.9745734 [DELETED] 
File: 3.25 MB, 3024x1756, 62C6D6BF-6381-4FF6-A9EE-9A98ECBF3C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because AM’s camp is sweating buckets.

>> No.9745739

I reckon we could take it to the farm if nobody already has, I know John had a thread but idk if it's been updated.

>> No.9745740

What's the best Lolita event you've ever been to? What's the worst?

>> No.9745741

Anyone else feel that Angelic Pretty has gone down in quality lately? I got a re-release of a print from them recently, and somehow the fabric feels thinner and rougher.
Even the care tag was shit, and the dress was made in Philippines.

>> No.9745742

The fact that they deleted the thread is bullshit though, there was no rule violation, as mad as that makes the AM side. The old thread is still up too, they only pulled the new one and literally nothing different was happening there.

>> No.9745743


best: Hello kitty high tea with my local comm

worst: teaparty organized by john leigh (I didn't know the drama back then) in Germany. there wasn't even tea

>> No.9745744

Country of origin for a given release should be a category on lolibrary at this point. AP’s had shit made in Philippines and Myanmar along with China, I don’t think IW has released anything that’s not made in China and Baby’s got an assload of shit made in China too. Fucking meta’s crown label has more made in Japan at this point.

>> No.9745747

Its such shit and its driving me mad. It's so sickening to see people still excited about AM and not knowing/caring about the situation at all.

>> No.9745749

>there was no rule violation
Is the mod an accointance of the Leighs too?

>> No.9745750

Not knowing is one thing, but not caring at this point speaks volumes about a person’a values so at least it’s making it easier for me to purge people from my life that are trash...but hot damn this is getting so old.

>> No.9745751

Possibly, inexcusable either way and whoever deleted the thread isn’t doing their job. Rule-enforcement doesn’t involve picking a side in the argument.

>> No.9745755

What is the shopping service drama about?

>> No.9745756 [DELETED] 

Macicimam's socks are made in Japan

>> No.9745758

Maxicimam's socks are made in Japan

>> No.9745763

I've bought previous releases made in Philippines(Princess Cat) which were fine but this one just feels not as great.

>> No.9745765

I've noticed their non print items and the flocked items all seem to be made in Japan. Blouses are almost always made in Japan. Accessories are hard to tell since they don't have a tag other than the brand label. This should be a good indicator of the items quality.

>> No.9745766

Well obviously they couldn't be bothered to read the thread.

>> No.9745767

Not shopping service, Scarfing Scarves. It was the containment thread for the Anime Matsuri bullshit, and it got deleted for hurting feefees instead of, you know, actually violating a rule.

>> No.9745770

I think that’s the stock text for a rule 2 violation ban, either that or the ban was filed specifically for discussing CathyCat because I don’t think anyone else in the conversation even constituted a “cosplayer”.

>> No.9745819

Forgive me for being a dumbass, but if it's made in china/phillipines, is it necessarily made in a sweatshop? If yes, I won't buy. I really don't like supporting sweatshops if I can help it.

>> No.9745823

Is there anyone else here who loves mori kei?

>> No.9745826

Yes, but not on myself. I adore it on other people, but I don't suit it.

>> No.9745829

It's likely because it's difficult for brands and consumers to know what exactly happens at the manufacturer and the laws are less strict than Japan. But for some things, there are not many manufacturers in the world who can do it well and China does have some of the best ones.

>> No.9745830

Hmm, but considering the way the dresses are manufactured, and with such detail, one could assume that it's not sweatshop conditions?

>> No.9745831

That's kind of a dumb question anon.
There are sweatshops in those countries but there are also decent factories.
It's hard to tell which unless they reveal the name of their factory, which they probably won't.

>> No.9745862

When I said not many manufacturers can do it well I was talking about special techniques or making certain fabrics waterproof

>> No.9745941

Yep, I only wear it in autumn/winter though.

>> No.9745957

Not necessarily, there's a lot of manufacturing facilities in both countries of varying ethics.

>> No.9745985
File: 321 KB, 628x618, wunschliste9203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I might have been able to get some of these if I had known about all of the places to shop from the beginning, but that didn't stop me from getting everything non-moitie of my wishlist. It makes sense that there is less of it on the secondhand market if people are collecting it though.

>> No.9746010

Lovely Snow Fantasy was made in Myanmar, personally I'm thrilled with the quality. It's a nicer chiffon than Whip Showcase.

My Dream Shower blouse was made in Japan and is insanely high quality. I have found myself taking it out of my closet just to admire it.

>> No.9746014

i trust china more than myanmar when it comes to child labour desu lol

>> No.9746056

Fair enough. I know of too many starving and homeless people in my own country to really care that much about what's going down in countries that are already terrible, if I'm being honest. As long as the quality is up to par I don't care if they use questionable labor practices.

>> No.9746062

yes, I live a secret mori life up north

>> No.9746073
File: 1.17 MB, 750x1334, 5D5E8D66-A057-4BCD-AE4C-664E1965B896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody actually bought this

>> No.9746078

How much did they pay for it?? Wunderwelt prices??

>> No.9746090

I saw it on fril for like 1500 yen a while back. Was this from there?

>> No.9746099

>many people in my country are starving and homeless, possibly also jobless
>can't worry about other countries' issues
>only "know of" the many people suffering, not even trying to imply that I actively try to help remedy this admittedly growing issue in country
>I care about these issues in my own country
>but I don't care about questionable (read:exploitative and unjust) labor practices, which wholly affect working classes
>I'll support shitty practices in other countries that possibly keep people in poverty in spite of employment
>even though I see poor people on the regular, I can't relate this to others in similar situations, because notmycountry and countryalreadygonetoshit mentality

this is all so strange. It's like you're trying to signal toward having half a care for related issues, but you give so few shits that you can't even be convincing.
all you needed to say was
>As long as the quality is up to par I don't care if they use questionable labor practices
and it would've been less bullshitty and complicated.

>> No.9746118

I guess I kinda feel like if everyone in the developing world was working in sweatshop conditions and making pennies a day, there'd be more wealth for the poor in my country? And I kinda feel like even if the poor in developing countries weren't working in sweatshops, it'd only be a small step above slave labor and they still would lead awful sad lives, to the detriment of people in Western countries (having to pay more for clothes). so yeah... I don't really care if they're dying and starving. There's too many people in the developing world and not enough resources for them all to live nice lives as per the Western standard of living anyway. Trying to give them a better standard of living will only decrease the standard of living elsewhere, and I happen to live elsewhere, so no thanks.

>> No.9746128

looks sometimes hoboish

>> No.9746133

they could spend less on marketing because we don't really need to buy new clothes every week, in fact I would prefer if AP did a lot less releases and spend more time making them actually good

>> No.9746136

No some persons Facebook sales
it was at least 60+

>> No.9746150

You don't know those manufacturers gets paid to give their workers good wages these days in China?
Let's say Angelic Pretty wants to make 1 new dress series. Someone calculates roughly the amount of hours it takes to make the amount of dresses Angelic Pretty wants. The manufacturer should have enough workers to make all the dresses for it to be finished on time. Angelic Pretty pays the factory/manufacturer for that, and they are supposed to pay it to their workers fairly. But they could also do this: they hire very few people, force those people to work twice as much hours to get all the dresses finished in time. The bosses keep more money by hiring less people or paying their workers less. This is why it's saver to produce in your own country, because you can check how things go there (the working conditions but also the quality that you paid for as a brand).

>> No.9746160

baglady kei rarely looks good

>> No.9746164

Well, I did preface it with 'forgive me for being a dumbass... so, yeah?'

ah right, thanks

>> No.9746165

Probably not a sweatshop as the dresses would require a good amount of experienced people to make. But the laws are poor in those countries so you can bet they are underpaid with no benefits and mostly women and children. Not to mention worse for the environment as those countries have lax laws for that too.
ItJapan doesn't have the resources to create the printed fabric they have on most dresses now, so maybe they are trying to cut costs by having them sewn there as well. It's unavoidable it seems, but I wish they'd just import the fabric after having it made, make the dresses in Japan and increase the cost a bit.

>> No.9746167 [DELETED] 

>Japan doesn't have the resources to create the printed fabric they have on most dresses now
Moi meme Moitie, Jane Marple and Maxicimam are for sure still made in Japan, they have printed dresses too

>> No.9746172

Anon what? It would not increase costs for the consumer, it would increase costs for the company. That's why it's not happening, companies are too greedy and don't want to check up on the factories doing work for them. Please watch "The True Cost" on Netflix.

>> No.9746180

I have printed stuff from baby that’s all made in Japan, mostly new releases too so I don’t think it’s fair to say that prints are the issue. Looks like baby has a mix of suppliers but lord knows what AP is doing since their quality is really inconsistent lately. I didn’t know they produced stuff in Myanmar or the Phillipines, that’s news to me but I don’t buy AP often.

>> No.9746181
File: 89 KB, 1102x405, bodylineandethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just reminded of this old post from egl lol

>> No.9746185

I didn't read her post well so I deleted it oops

>> No.9746187

They should try to build a relationship with their manufacturer and improve mistakes instead of changing all the time.

>> No.9746188

I will give it a watch, thanks for the rec. I'm really interested in stuff like this and I'm not trying to bait or just be a cunt.

However, I still wonder, are there actually enough resources for everyone to lead a "good" life as per the Western standard of a good life? Wouldn't people need to be vegetarian/vegan and limit how many kids they have for it to actually work logisitcally?

I'm not THAT clueless, but lol.

>> No.9746189

Yeah meta is full international site now and you can preorder when it goes live. That being said, I secured mine with a shopping service because I often miscalculate the time zones and with the price this resales at I can fully see it going super quick.
I'm so excited. I wonder if they will do skirts again after the re-release. I'd love to have the OP in pink and the skirt in red.

>> No.9746196

Lolita brands should know how much time and money it costs to produce their items, and I have no reason to believe Angelic Pretty doesn't pay the manufacturer accordingly. If their prices were extremely low (*cough*bodyline) then I would question it. But the thing is, Angelic Pretty isn't in charge of paying the actual wages of the workers in the Philippines, China, South Korea or Myanmar. I guess they are looking for one good manufacturer and will stick to that one, but if they continue to produce in so many countries, I don't think Angelic Pretty actually visits all of those factories regularly to check on quality and conditions.

>> No.9746201

I agree. It's not like they're branching out and doing anything more technical than they used to either, if anything they're making less variation with each series and the dresses always seem to have the same cuts anyway so why the need to switch manufacturers all the time? Maybe they produce bigger runs of some series than others, or maybe they just outsource to whichever country is cheapest at the time? I can't think why else they'd need to outsource to all these different places just to make the same printed sack dress of varying quality.

Either way it makes me sorta uneasy about buying from AP since I don't even know what kind of quality I'm going to get let alone if the people who made it are getting treated fairly. At least with other brands I know most of their stuff is made in one country or another but AP is so inconsistent.

>> No.9746206

Funnily enough as education levels (very much tied to labour laws and income) and quality of life improve, population levels decline naturally because people can make informed choices about their families and can be more certain that each child born will survive to adulthood.

However it's true that the current Western lifestyle is not sustainable, we all need to use less energy and natural resourcss (which includes eating less meat) in order for humanity to survive and thrive. Exploiting the 3rd world isn't going to fix or prevent that, climate change is coming for us all regardless- it's about minimising the extent of the change and best surviving the consequences.

>> No.9746211

Sauce on the white long-sleeve dress? Can't find it on lolibrary

>> No.9746213

>and I have no reason to believe Angelic Pretty doesn't pay the manufacturer accordingly.
I agree Anon. I do think they would pay their manufacturer fairly, but when these manufacturers are in countries that have high exploitation of workers, they really do need to check on them and enforce fair treatment with their contracts. I agree completely that because they use so many countries, it's difficult to check them all. I try to stick to the releases made in Japan if I can, because I really love AP's designs, yet I don't want to support that behavior. Either that or but secondhand.

>> No.9746239

I think meta's intention with this rerelease is to at least satisfy any remaining demand - the fact that the second wave has no limitations on number of orders on any of the standing items seems to indicate as such. And it reads like they're only limiting the first wave because they have a tighter manufacturing deadline than the second wave. Either way, I'm gonna roll the dice with the later date because it staggers out my spending better.

>> No.9746245

Mod is sick of you guys talking about that efame whore. Quit thinking this is some huge conspiracy theory you got inside knowledge of.

People were legitimately hurt and this cow is riding the efame train off it. She's a cunt.

>> No.9746246

lol okay Denise

>> No.9746251

I don't know who that is. My name starts with an S.

Anyway. I don't think it's ok to talk about what has happened to other people to get attention for yourself and that's all she is doing.

I'd rather hear what the girl has to say who it happened to. If someone tried to get fame out of what happened to me, I'd sue the fuck out of them.

>> No.9746254

okay so you're just a stupid, sue-happy americunt.

>> No.9746261

I'm a victim of pedophilia. That's why I get a say.

>> No.9746264
File: 153 KB, 2048x1503, IMG_2760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can y'all just take your fucking drama to the farm and stop shitting up the general?

>> No.9746265

My fucking god. This year is great so far. We didn't have this much salt in months.

>> No.9746268

This. Mods please get this shit off the board already.

>> No.9746275


Oh LOOK OUT, the victim of pedophilia has a say! She has the stand, she has a thousand votes! Only she, the expert on sexual harassment in social media, can decide cases like these, above the opinion of a lawyer or judge!

Yup, that's also a totally American idea. Thanks for confirming you're an entitled americunt.

>> No.9746286

It looks like a JSK with a long sleeve blouse

>> No.9746294

Since theyre international, I assume they ship overseas? Is their shipping overpriced?

>> No.9746311

They literally list their international shipping costs on their site. It's pretty standard for EMS.

>> No.9746315

They do their shipping based on price tiers (how much you purchase) and ship everywhere. Overall it's pretty fair, only garbage if you're just getting one or two light items that are expensive, but most of the time is on point. Is excellent if you're getting sale items or heavy items that would otherwise cost a lot to ship like shoes. They also throw in loads of lovely extras - when I bought a JSK and some socks recently they sent a large shopping bag, fabric samples for a release, a sticker, and design drawings for some dresses. I buy a lot from IW and I really wish they included cool stuff like that.

>> No.9746316

Thanks I just haven't gotten around to checking!

Sage for spoonfeed.

>> No.9746322
File: 778 KB, 2644x1423, IMG_20180108_190154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright since this came up and I have a lot of newer dresses I'm going to investigate. This says made in Japan right? So far the AATP dress I checked first said "Made in China" in English

>> No.9746325

would you fuck a guy who listens to weezer?

>> No.9746327

>don't know who that is.
Yeah, ok, sure.
No one cares about your flimsy defence.
And btw saw 2 new videos by other people that go through all the shit he's pulled flashing his slimy screenshots. Enjoy your streisand effect. Please keep whining for people to stop talking about it. It does so much good for spreading the word.

>> No.9746328

I can tell by this small sliver of thumb that you are fat

>> No.9746330
File: 114 KB, 498x280, 535059_1402358176753_498_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really care if they're dying and starving.

>> No.9746336

Okay. It looks like those characters do say made in Japan, as far as I can tell. So based on the dresses and blouses I've looked at so far, everything from Meta and Innocent World is made in Japan. The AP I have is made in the Philippines and China. One dress by Pirates is made in China, yet another Pirates dress also from last year was made in Japan, and so are the rest of the Baby items I've checked.

I'm curious to see where the gothic brands are made, I don't have anything but sweet and classic

>> No.9746338

He obviously loves the cock, so probably not. I'm not into gay men.

>> No.9746339

>what is modern economics
Hi hon, the 1600s called they want their mercantilism back

>> No.9746341

Calm down europoor
She might be wrong but you don't have to be such a twat about it.

>> No.9746342

Way to show /pol/ you are.

Keep efame whore queen up though. Make sure she gets all the attention for what happened to someone else.

>> No.9746343

I personally think it's overpriced, I bought a blouse and socks and was charged $30

>> No.9746346

Sorry anon. It's made in China.

>> No.9746352

中国製 means it was made in China.
日本製 means made in Japan.

>> No.9746360

Wow, I didn't realise your back water South American country was 200 years behind the times.

>> No.9746368

This made me curious so I dug around in all my ap skirts. 3, my newest three, made in Philippines, 6 made in China, and my oldest, a second hand buy, doesn't say where it was made at all.

>> No.9746381

So ummm back on track, how many gulls have bought secondhand from japanese sites when the rating was D rank, aka stains and things. Were they easy to get out? Did you spaghetti regretti?

>> No.9746382

everything i have of moitie is made in japan.. anyway i read the description of things before i buy and it usually says the country its made in

>> No.9746385

Shit thanks for the help. So after going back and looking again that makes most of the new IW releases made in China, even the more expensive pieces (I'm not surprised the solids and sales pieces were Chinese). The Meta is a mix of made in China and Japan, although it looks like all the newer stuff i have is Chinese (had to really dig into my closet to find Meta labels with the right middle character).

>> No.9746387

It depends. Some things marked as D turn up with barely any stains but I bought a AatP coat off CC last month listed as D condition and it looked like someone got dragged across the road in it. CC's photos didn't show the full extent of the damage at all and just was listed as "there is a dirt".

>> No.9746394

>there is a dirt

Well they didn't lie

>> No.9746552

That's how much I paid when I ordered a heavy long sleeved OP.

>> No.9746585

I have IW going back to 2007 and that shit is still made in China. That's probably the reason why they've always been underpriced compared to VM and MM, all of my VM is made in Japan. Everything I have from LG and JM are also made in Japan. ETC seems to shove their LP stuff off to China but a lot of main releases are made in Japan. And AF/fint/amavel are all made in China.

>> No.9746646

I checked a couple of my MM dresses out of curiosity. Only one them said where it was made and it was China ;_;
It was Rose Basket.

>> No.9746657

Ahh, I stand corrected there, I don't have any MM on hand to check but I had assumed it based on VM's consistency. Although I also don't have any print VM to verify, it could be a similar story. The IW pieces I have are all non-print, fwiw.

>> No.9746669

Boz and Moitié is made in Japan.

>> No.9746673

Does anyone know about Atelier Pierrot?

>> No.9746676

I have a cape and vest from them that are made in Japan, I'm don't own any main pieces to check though.

>> No.9746681

When I first started lolita I was a bitter poorfag and bought AP tea parties that were peeling, scuffed, and basically falling apart. They didn't smell at all, and I wore those to every meet.

>> No.9746763

I own two Pierrot main pieces, one was made in Japan, the other in China.

>> No.9746799

I just bought a slightly older meta skirt from Wunderwelt that was ranked D. The pictures of from the site looked fine to me though. If it gets here before this thread die I can give you my opinion if you want.

>> No.9746801

I got an old meta skirt that was listed as D but looks great. I looks like it had just sat in someone's closet. the lace was actually a lot more white than a lot of other really old pieces I have bought and it didn't look faded or stained or anything. the waist ties were a bit wrinkled but whatever.

>> No.9746813

some baby dress I have was ranked C and was new with tags. No clue why but I'm grateful.

>> No.9746828

I'm not sure if they count as prints but at least one release of Rococo Bouquet and Regimental Stripe were made in Japan.

>> No.9746856

Does anyone have <$20 gift tips for someone who only wears AP full sets? I think we were paired together for the gift swap because we both said we wear classic but I'm an IW solids kinda gal and the girl I'm paired with apparently thinks that Mercator Antique Shop is classic. From lurking her social media it looks like she owns three full sets in three vastly different color schemes so I'm at a loss as to what to get her that she could actually use and doesn't already have a nicer (=AP) version of.

>> No.9746857

why not try an AP novelty? they pop up all the time on CC for cheap, stuff like mugs and small jewelry boxes and file folders. something she can use that she doesn't have to wear.

>> No.9746870

You can find some great AP deals on Mercari and Frill. Some people sell some cheap accesory sets, but you can also find some novelty items.

>> No.9746888

We did that price for our gift swap last year, it was Valentines and a lot of people just gave chocolates, etsy stuff or their own handmade.

>> No.9746889

Umm you're going to have to tell us more about Hello Kitty High Tea. Was it put on by Sanrio?

>> No.9746894

That's a good idea! I'm rarely on the AP side of those sites so I'm not sure what to expect, but hopefully I can find something that fits the budget. I don't mind going a bit over budget but not by too much.

I like to give handmade items but I can't do better than AP matching sets, so I'd worry about disappointing her.

Thanks, anons!

>> No.9746907

Don’t worry dude! I just got a C rank JSK and I can’t see or smell any problems and I also got a D rank blouse that was just missing two buttons at the bottom (which nobody sees are it’s under the skirt/jsk waist.

>> No.9746910

ah no, it was hosted at a cafe with a HK themed high tea.

>> No.9746930
File: 37 KB, 556x500, 260477_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's a long-sleeve from Moitie. I don't remember the name, I got the picture from an old wardrobe post.

>> No.9746933
File: 65 KB, 500x551, 260800_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I have of it, there's a street snap of it in black as well but I don't have it on my phone

>> No.9746938

If you click 販売中 and 価格の安い on mercari, you will be able to watch all the listings from cheap to expensive, without seeing the already sold items.

>> No.9746966
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1495951942332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the holy grail dress but in white! I feel so sad that many older moitie dresses aren't really archived and we don't know their names.

>> No.9746979

Yeah, and even the ones that are on lolibrary sometimes have incomplete/wrong information. I wish they would update those entries with better pictures (like from before closet child pictures became shit).

>> No.9747014


Honestly Ive recently started digging MAM. I love 2008-2012 sweet and I really haven't been feeling APs work for the past few years. While MAM has still continued to make the sort of aesthetic I like.

Can anyone comment on their quality? I have a feeling its not going to be the best but maybe not the worst either

>> No.9747021

Bought a yellowing AP chiffon OP with some fabric snags, which was listed as D, but managed to get almost all stains and snags out. Same goes for an old, solid BTSSB-piece. On the other hand, I had another older piece from BTSSB with listed discoloration, which, in addition to yellowing lace, was one of the fabrics where the colours run by contact with water. That's been the only dress so far where I didn't manage to get the yellowing out completely and only succeeded partly with the lace hem and underskirt.

>> No.9747029
File: 1.44 MB, 2640x3960, 1502627651695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own anything from them but they are bad at taking good stock photos. They make their own stuff look tacky sometimes but irl I think you can make it work. They have a sale right now too so it's a good time to give them a chance.

>> No.9747080

Maxicimam's quality is really good, anon.
I have maybe 6 main pieces by them and the construction and material are basically perfect.
they're also one of the few brands still churning out things with good torchon lace.

>> No.9747103

How does one get snags out of a dress?

>> No.9747109

you shift the fibers around the snag so they fill up the space

>> No.9747128

Gulls idk if I should leave lolita... bunch of mental shit going on (ED/anxiety) but idk if it is a temporary or what. I’m going through my inspo folder at the moment and only keeping coords I love, and it seems like the vast majority of the pics in there were just saved as thinspo, once I clean it out I have hardly any pictures. Maybe I don’t like lolita anymore?
I want to sell most pieces and keep only my favourite few but it is making me sad.

>> No.9747144

Get fucked John https://www.animefeminist.com/news-anime-matsuri-moves-to-silence-vlogger-with-cease-desist/?utm_content=buffer54141&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

>> No.9747186

The website seems to be super broken. Any caps?

>> No.9747232

Works fine for me anon. Iirc the twitter account for the site said they were having server issues.

>> No.9747236
File: 1.15 MB, 1666x3514, talk shit get hit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9747264

You could volunteer to update them anon. I think some of the users adding it don't own any and just have to use information provided online.

>> No.9747285

I have

>> No.9747303

I bought a set of thier blouses secondhand and honestly the quality is fantastic. The construction is solid and great quality, the lace is quality cotton lace and the embroidery is sharp and clear. The cotton is thick and the long sleeved ones are good for winter too, I only needed to cover up with a cardigan the other day and I didn't feel any chill. I can always post some close up pics if anybody wants to see detailing.

>> No.9747317

You are updating them then? Why not correct the ones that have issues?

>> No.9747327

No I've offered to volunteer

>> No.9747407

And then? The site is up for adding entries and editing. You should have access to that if you volunteered, but you should join slack if you're confused.

>> No.9747431

ty, anon. The link wasn't working for me either.

>> No.9747508


Wow I am pleasantly surprised then. Last time I saw MAM brought up on cgl people were shitting all over it. This was quite awhile ago though, I've been away from /cgl/ for a bit

I'm definitely going to go for some of their pieces then! Love their sweet style

>> No.9747514

Don't trust anything you read on cgl

>> No.9747519

Get some therapy anon

>> No.9747531
File: 410 KB, 1131x1600, SCAN0244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved MAM! Is CDJapan a reliable place to order from? I know it was one of the first places that carried Japanese brand way-back-when but I am shocked the site is still around in 2018.

>> No.9747537

Shipping is ridiculously expensive from them IMO but yeah reliable

>> No.9747634
File: 280 KB, 1162x1376, IMG_20180109_220626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else thinking about this release? The details are so pretty, I'm not be very fond of sweet but this is very appealing to me for some reason. Plus the chiffon bits are detachable

>> No.9747642

Maybe if you're from Europe. It looks like normal pricing for the US.

>> No.9747644

I think the print is gorgeous, but I really hate all the cuts. The regular JSK is maybe tolerable, but I can't see myself wearing it - if only they'd made a skirt cut, I'd probably buy that in a heartbeat. The tiny chiffon frill at the bottom also does nothing for me, but that's more of an unpopular opinion.

I'm really into classic and boring cuts, for sweet the regular JSK is probably nice and pretty.

>> No.9747646

They have previously charged me $50 shipping for 3 magazines and I'm in the US

>> No.9747655

I like plain cuts, too. I'm thinking of buying this one and removing all the detachable parts. They have a picture of it like that and it's so cute. I haven't been excited about a release in a long time, I wasn't expecting it to be Meta. I was hesitant at first because this seems a little overpriced but it's so precious

>> No.9747659

>anime feminist
Sounds fucking disgusting.

>inb4 some spazzy retard says I'm john

>> No.9747663

>automatically defending yourself like this

Hi john

>> No.9747690

I have a meet this weekend, planned my whole coord, then the weather changed and we're getting a cold front that day. How much will I be ridiculed if I wear a long sleeve cotton shirt under a short sleeved blouse? My wardrobe isn't big, I can't change the blouse without changing the whole outfit.

>> No.9747703

Depends on if it looks bulky or not

>> No.9747706

This was well written. Even if it was by a dubious source, I didn't see a rad fem bias here.

>> No.9747707

Does anyone have that photo of a chinese lolita's hands with like a bunch of AP rings on them?

>> No.9747738

Magazines and books always cost a lot because they are so dense. Where are you buying cheap books from Japan cheaply that's not Amazon? I'd like to know as I buy them a lot.

>> No.9747740

On my external.
Why, you need it for something?

>> No.9747742

Do you have wristcuffs that match your coord? I think if you covered up the ends of your long sleeve shirt with those, it could look pretty cute, assuming the long sleeve shirt matches your coord and fits your arms well. Think of it like faking wearing a cutsew.

>> No.9747766

It was just good personal inspo/cute feels, I thought I saved it to my folder but I can't find it.
Bless a gull, anon.

>> No.9747783

Later, now I must sleep, but I will return.

>> No.9747852

I really hate the ambiguity that comes with classic... is mercator not a classic print? What do you classify pieces such as british bear, holiday collection, british keys?

I say that i wear sweet/sweet-classic, as I wear these style of pieces and also quite a few sweeter classic releases from IW but someone told me british bear is a classic print and therefore i'm a classic lolita.

>> No.9747910

Sweet-classic. My personal test is: What word comes to my mind first when I see the print-- "Cute!" or "Elegant!". For me, all of those AP prints elicit the cute response.

>> No.9747914

It’s not just about the print but about the whole dress. Some of AP’s prints might lean towards classic on their own, but the dress silhouettes and details always put them firmly on the sweet side.

>> No.9747921

This exactly. I can't think of a single AP release that I can think of as classic.

>> No.9747927

None of those are classic anon. I hope the one who told you wasn't an experienced lolita.

>> No.9747936

Right, yeah I'd agree but I wasn't sure what other people think. I would even go as far as to say the way AP styles their prints is what makes them sweet as said by >>9747914

I didn't think so, and not sure - they weren't wearing lolita at the time. I suppose this is why "classic" is the most worn substyle amirite gulls :---)

>> No.9747943

It's not the styling, it's the cuts and details within the dress itself. compare the cut and details of your AP dresses to your IW and you will find the AP has a skirt that is more cupcake shaped, more lace and trims, more detailing in general.iw is more streamlined

>> No.9747944

Yeah, most of my comm claims to wear "classic" but they're really just wearing sweet AP and Baby pieces in brown, cream, navy and wine. Stuffed animals, tea party shoes and head-eating bows and everything. So classic!

>> No.9747946

I think people on cgl are just way more strict than other lolitas,. A Baby designer even called her designs classic.

>> No.9747976

>didn't read or respond to the article
sorry john, but this is particular chinese sand sculpture forum is primarily populated by weeby women, it's not automatic cringe to mention anime or feminism.

i don't know when being brown became classic, silhouette and details are what make classic what it is. a lot of people just don't actually care beyond being able to self describe their own shit for asspats.

>> No.9748016

>a lot of people just don't actually care beyond being able to self describe their own shit for asspats.
yes, that must be why the designer of baby the stars shine bright calls her design classic lolita.

>> No.9748021

BtSSB uses the word classic to refer to what we call old school.

>> No.9748023

calm down, newfriend.

>> No.9748027

Nobody gives a shit what a sweet lolita designer thinks is classic lolita.

>> No.9748030
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, IMG_0924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody gives a shit what the designer of fucking BTSSB thinks is classic lolita

>> No.9748034

>local gull shocked that not everyone mindlessly idolizes BTSSB designer
things aren't automatically classic just because they use the classic color palette. you could be the best designer in the universe and your opinion still be shit.

>> No.9748036

guys >>9748021

>> No.9748040

That's wrong, they use classical. In the video I watched she was obviously referring to the substyle classic because it was a new printed dress.

>> No.9748042

gulls have never cared what anyone in japan says, that's how you get stuff like otome kei and people refusing to believe that gothic lolita can be cute

>> No.9748043

>thinking you know what defines a fashion sub style better than a designer for an OG brand


>> No.9748045
File: 196 KB, 1200x803, DTGwTeNU0AEO7rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9748047

Baby has SOME classic dresses, but that doesn't mean every brown colorway of everything they make is classic like some people seem to think.

>> No.9748050

According to BTSSB's designer, sweet in black is already goth, so...

>> No.9748053

And who are you to decide it's not? What brand do you design for?

>> No.9748054

Where did you get that from?

>> No.9748055


>> No.9748057

So according to you, GLB's as well as every actual jp gothic lolita designer is wrong when some sweet designer says different? Oh you.

>> No.9748060

No, stop putting words in my mouth to try and skate around the fact you think you know better than an actual brand designer.

>> No.9748061

Bitch you don't even know what dress she was talking about

>> No.9748062

Honto.jp; they offer surface mail. It takes a very long time until it arrives, but the shipping is much cheaper compared to other shipping options. It's pretty good, especially if you have a lot of books you want to buy.
For used books, I usually also look at Rakuten.

>> No.9748063
File: 79 KB, 480x640, 63353315_o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO ANYWAY I'm looking to get some stuff from Maxicimam, since it was discussed upthread a bit and I hadn't really paid them much attention ever. Does anyone have any photos of their recent quality? I really love some of the designs but I am very afraid that they are going to not be worth the money, since the photos do look rather bodyline-esque.

>> No.9748067


>> No.9748068

And? A person that labels black sweet as goth says all.

>> No.9748069

Does Angelic Pretty still seperate things with pink and purple label?

>> No.9748071

Yes. Next time ask in the stupid questions thread for stuff like this.

>> No.9748073

Again can I ask what brand you design for? I'm just looking for what makes your word above the designer from baby. Clearly you know lolita better than them.

>> No.9748077

Where did she say that? Which designer are you even talking about?

>> No.9748085

>thinking sweet lolitas have a monopoly on poofy sleeves, frills and lace

>> No.9748095

she surely doesn't refer to all of the designs she's worked on classic, anon.
Baby puts out sweet, old school, gothic, and classic pieces.

>> No.9748113

Baby has about as much authority over what is considered classic lolita as Mana has over what is considered sweet. I'd put way more stock into something being classic lolita if Yumi Fujiwara or Aya Nimura said it was classic.

>> No.9748115

So what brand do you work for? because sorry I'm trusting a brand designer to label what they design over some salty gull. If you are in fact a brand designer then by all means prove me wrong.

>> No.9748169

How long did surface mail take you? Did everything arrive safely? I’ve been thinking about buying some heavy things but I was put off after that taobao mattress story, especially if I’m buying expensive things.

>> No.9748170

this is one brand that has consistent quality. same with Millefleurs, Chocochip Cookie, VM and more.
there is nothing BL about these photos. are you just starting out? if you'd like to test the waters and buy secondhand, then do so. your pic related is 100% cotton, so will need steaming time to time, and is likely unlined. it's all made in Japan from what I've seen.
that cut is especially good if you're busty or have a long torso. the floral lace is fantastic.

if you don't like it you can always sell it, but MAM is quality.
pro-tip: if you're going to be in this fashion make sure you have good savings so you don't have to worry about shelling out for brand.

>> No.9748172

>gives the predicted response
Can't come up with your own thoughts?

>> No.9748175

Have any of you been to Maison Julietta? I wonder if they also give you advice on what colours and hairstyle looks good on you, or if you have to decide everything yourself. And if they speak english.

>> No.9748179

are you trolling?
a designer contributes to the fashion for sure, but we are the ones who wear it and the substyles have been clearly, solidly defined for decades. you're talking about one, single designer's comment (which you still haven't cited anywhere, neither have you namedropped the designer in question) and are disregarding the shared understanding of people who have been in the fashion for longer than you've known about it.
not everything a brand puts out is even suitable for lolita. they each have aesthetics that touch other jfash. you're being silly.

>> No.9748181

>designer says they design their version of x style
>sperg on 4chan thinks she can actually argue against it


>> No.9748186
File: 11 KB, 288x266, stopit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no citations, no names
boring as shit bait.

>> No.9748188

Did you not read the thread?

>> No.9748193

I'm not new, I just haven't bought from them. I didn't mean the dresses looked like bodyline quality, I meant their stock photos were kind of awful.
Thanks though, I like knowing where stuff is made, so I think I'm going to get it. I didn't realise they did classic colorways, so that's definitely a plus. I thought their stuff was just sweet until I checked.

>> No.9748263


>> No.9748270

Accidentally walked in there in 2015 thinking it was a store, they probably have one English speaking staff now but the girls on clock while I was there didn't

>> No.9748307

Sorry for the weird request, but does anyone have close up photos of someone tying corset lacing or waist ties? I need references for a drawing I'm working on, but I don't have a camera or a willing model.

>> No.9748532

I'm not any of the anons in this argument but I gotta say- I'm definitely going to take the word of a brand designer over anything a gull has to say.

>> No.9748556
File: 66 KB, 280x373, 8e5b6eb9-d0be-5486-94b9-3ecc7d233f15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally I think Bookmark JSK is mostly classic with a hint of sweet, almost 'otome' or what we now call 'soft lolita' in style. But that's just me.

>> No.9748571


>> No.9748583
File: 33 KB, 1000x1000, 1359430198835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls deliver anon

>> No.9748584

Fujiwara-sama is goals. If I had to get rid of everything but one brand forever, I think I would choose IW to keep

>> No.9748587

>That bodice though

The trim and style just isn't quite right

>> No.9748697

So my Milky Cross front bow is missing a star. Any idea where I could buy the same stars?

>> No.9748717
File: 549 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180109-234127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone ID these socks?
i looked through "innocent world otks" with no luck (maybe I'm blimd)

>> No.9748725

I jus got home anon, lemme feed my shitties and I will

>> No.9748731

soft lolita is just non-lolita girly clothes. if you're wearing a lolita dress from angelic pretty there is no reason to say soft lolita, now matter how little ruffles and lace it has.

>> No.9748787

They look similar to the Rose Ribbon Knee Socks, but I don't think they exist on lolibrary as OTKs.

>> No.9748812
File: 178 KB, 1600x1058, 1459724928742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't it.
My archiving tool is FUCKED

>> No.9748821

try innocent world knee highs

>> No.9748862
File: 7 KB, 429x410, 1352749396214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no luck, thanks though!

baby don't hurt me no more
you baited me

>> No.9748870


I've been lurking a lot and honestly, it's kind of confusing these days. Like I've been posted wearing MM, fully accessorised, in a soft lolita thread. And it's like hey, that's a full lolita coordinate I put on. It's not fancy, but that was a full on coord and it got called 'soft lolita.' I'm barely 3-4 years in and I feel already like an old man who can't get with the times. Doesn't help I also low key hate the term.

Anyways, thanks, but I guess I'll have to see what comes out later because people are giving me different definitions anyway.

>> No.9748891

You should just tell those people the pic they posted is wearing lolita and they are wrong

>> No.9748893

Just got a Boz order and it's made in Japan. Feels and looks great too.

>> No.9748895
File: 142 KB, 500x667, tumblr_orn5y8hlJK1wo5eaeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there is only one definition

>> No.9748906


>> No.9748925
File: 22 KB, 351x351, grosskitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw taobao sells higher than a lot of brand on LM
Er, hello? When was cheapo stuff suddenly in demand enough that it's now expensive? $100 for some badly printed flimsy thing? No. Thank. You.

>> No.9748930

New lolitas have no taste nor standards.

>> No.9748938

I don't mind taobao accessories at all, but the clothes? No, no, no. Every time I see them the prints are washed out, the fabrics aren't up to much and the details are just...off.
To all newbies: cheap brand is at your disposal, even on lacemarket. Filter low to high and you'll find loads of lovely solid pieces, old school stuff and florals. Sure, you may want every flavor of the month print, but you and I know that's not exactly sustainable. Wise up and buy brand!

>> No.9748948

i don't agree with taobao scalping on LM, but sometimes specific taobao prints are hard to find secondhand. people who are on the hunt for a specific item would be willing to pay the price. this isn't news to anybody. lovely solid pieces, old school stuff, and florals might be your cup of tea, but some people are into different stuff and that's okay.

>> No.9748956


as someone who owns a lot of both taobao and brand main pieces, owning brand is just so much more satisfying. And wearing it is too! It's like a pride thing, even if normies can't tell. But the feeling of wearing brand is just so much more worth it than the feeling of wearing 4 other taobao pieces of equivalent value.

I used to buy a lot of taobao main pieces because "oh! this looks pretty cute and very cheap!" but like >>9748938 said, it's kind of a "flavor of the month" deal. I think mostly it was a move to "pad my closet" because I wanted just more volume in my lolita closet so I had enough to wear daily, and maybe it's an okay thing to do at first, but definitely something I have to restrain myself from now.

I'm going to try to sell most of my taobao pieces this year, save for a few. (I like my Krad, Dear Celine, and my Nameless Poem).

>> No.9748962

Boz is always made in Japan. I love supporting them for this reason. The quality is beautiful. I just wish they'd use less polyester.

>> No.9748963

I'm the one complaining about taobao and there are a few pieces that I like (Krad, Itsa Mori) but I agree with you that brand just....feels better. Like when I bought my first taobao dress I was like, 'oh this is nice. I feel pretty', but when I bought my first brand dress I was like 'holy smokes this is awesome, I feel beautiful'.
It's a different feeling. Call me crazy, it's 4am. But it just is.

>> No.9748968

It's not really okay though when you consider where these pieces are churned out and why they are so cheap to begin with.

>> No.9748969

desu you kind of sound like an overzealous newbie who just recently bought their first brand piece. it's always new lolitas who act like brand is made of fairy dust and unicorn tears.
>inb4 "defending taobao"
i have 60+ main pieces of AP and Baby and 3 by Chinese brands that i like just as much. it's not a massive deal like you're making it out to be.

>> No.9748978

>AP and Baby

>> No.9748982

Nayrt but I feel you anon, not an uncommon feel. My first real dress was Nameless Poem, which certainly is nice by Taobao standards. But then I got a long sleeved IW OP a few months later and it was almost night and day with how amazing the IW OP felt.

I still like some Taobao - I'm probably going to buy the Berry and Wood Whale-chan dress that's coming up because I'm too afraid to ruin Dragon-chan and wear it more daily - but I really wish new lolitas were 100% encouraged to buy secondhand brand rather than Taobao/Bodyline.

>> No.9748984

Can't prove that I'm not without posting my wardrobe, so if you want to defend taobao that badly that you're pretending I'm a newb then that's on you.
But then again you sound like some newbie pretending to have an extensive wardrobe, so go figure. If you want to pretend like I'm new, I don't mind doing the same for you.
It's cool that you love taobao, anon. I fucking don't. Get a grip, no one's taking your precious chinese goods.

>> No.9748986

>being this triggered
caught the newbie lol

>> No.9748990

>N-No... you!! You're the newbie!!! Ha gottem!
Calm down, extensive-wardrobe chan. Your opinion is not the popular one here.

>> No.9748992

>extensive wardrobe
>only 60-something pieces
further proof that you're new af. sorry you get triggered by the idea of somebody having a bigger wardrobe than you tho.

>> No.9749008

you/the original poster was obvs trying to brag that her wardrobe was suuuuper large, hence why I said that. Please stop being so upset that I don't like your shitty chinese dresses.
Plus you're so far removed from the original point I made, but I guess that's understandable considering it must be hard to make logical arguments when your head is that far up your own arse.
I even said it upthread: some taobao is ok. Stop whingeing.

>> No.9749012

Hey I’m new to lolita and have a question. My friend gave me one of her old malco modes petticoats but I hate the shape of I it. It looks way too full and the shape looks off, I think it might look too much like a square dancer petti. Is there any way I can adjust it to fix the shape or get rid of the poofyness of it? I feel like a balloon in it but I’d feel bad just throwing it out.

>> No.9749029

sure thing newfag-chan

>> No.9749031


I agree with the feel, but eh, have you seen the stuff being sold on LM? For that matter, take a look at lolitaupdates and see firsthand all the girls who comment "<Meme> print! Take my money!". The dresses being sold aren't the high-quality ones from decent Chinese brands that have a good rep, it looks like clueless newbies impulse buying random low-quality print-of-the-month dresses.

>60 brand pieces and 3 taobao
Now, this is the right way to build a wardrobe. A wider selection of quality items and then I assume your 3 taobao items are still carefully selected for being higher end before you let them into your wardrobe. So much better than starting with a base of cheap items and then having to try to make them not look too cheap.

>> No.9749037

Are you talking about the doge dress that's currently at $251? That one really confuses me because I thought doge stopped being funny years ago. Or do I need to crawl back under my rock?

>> No.9749056

Try removing some of the layers. What shape do you want it to be? Generally they have too much fabric so you may need to take out sections to create less of a circle skirt.

>> No.9749064

we *might* have the same petti from MM because i was having these issues as well. i cut off the top layer and that solved the fullness issue. also it's a little long for some dresses, so rolling the waistband down might be necessary. after messing with it for a while, it ended up being my best petti!

>> No.9749072


This is for waist bow.

>> No.9749131
File: 17 KB, 345x437, IW Round Collar Yoke Flare OP navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo, put in an order for an OP I'd had my eye on for a while in the IW Winter Sale-- any other gulls getting stuff?

>> No.9749134

Give it to me if you give up on it.

>> No.9749156

desu this, the pieces on LM that are sitting there at low prices are sitting there for a reason. it's because they're ugly or have massive damages. cute, stylish chinese dress > ugly dress from grorious nippon

>> No.9749161

Good one.

>> No.9749168

you can shill all you want about ~better quality~ memes, but if you're honestly trying to say taobao isn't considered stylish or trendy, you're just fooling yourself. your argument is literally that "newbies buy taobao bc it's trendy and the latest print", you're contradicting yourself

>> No.9749178

I was about to kick myself real hard because I'd just ordered something a couple days ago, but the JSK I got isn't on the sales page or the regular JSK page anymore for that matter. Plus they just emailed me to say they'll be invoicing me late because it needs to be acquired from one of their stores. If I got the last one they had, I'm not going to lose too much sleep over my timing.

>> No.9749183

You think the quality difference is a meme?

>> No.9749185

maybe average quality over all dresses is higher, but there are some dresses that are of equal quality. even in some of the anons' posts above, their reasoning is literally "burando just makes me feel happier even though these taobao pieces were decent too"

>> No.9749188

Could you give examples of which Taobao dresses you think are equal in quality to the average Japanese brand dress? I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm genuinely curious because I've heard people claim this many times but they never give examples.

>> No.9749194

dear celine's inverted wings vest was pretty decent quality

>> No.9749216

this lol

>> No.9749227

>e-except those two most popular brands haha

>> No.9749232

AP and Baby/AatP's quality has been going downhill but they're sill better than Taobao. It's just funny that that anon was using those brands as a reference point when out of all Japanese brands, they're the least impressive quality-wise.

>> No.9749234

said no one ever

>> No.9749235

they're the two most popular brands right now, of course they're going to be used as reference.

>> No.9749236
File: 29 KB, 345x437, 164715-m-06-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put in an order for the red library dress, coincidentally the only colourway I don't have (I have Strahov library in green and brown, which in turn I got after being unable to get the original Royal library in green and brown).

I wonder what my odds are. I can't even track whether this dress is even popular anymore.

>> No.9749238

It's definitely a different feeling for me too. I used to buy taobao and bodyline but after I got my first brand dress I sold all but two of my taobao dresses and finally started building my wardrobe of brand pieces I love. But the feeling my brand dresses give me is such a good one that I haven't worn those other two dresses once. And though those two taobao dresses I kept were probably the best quality ones I kept, they still don't compare.

>> No.9749243

they're the oldest biggest sweet brands, and sweet will always be the biggest substyle

>> No.9749248

yes, which is even more reason why they'll be used as examples

>> No.9749249

I feel this, just saw a novelty print with some skulls and stupid stuff for sale that I thought would be funny to wear once, but the seller wanted 140... Like it's just Chinese shit, I don't want a meme dress that bad

>> No.9749251

>Ugly or massive damages
Anon just admit you want poor quality prints for your social media. There's plenty of cute brand, but you have to keep in mind Westerners tend to overprice. You have to watch the decent items and buy when they are lowered. There's a number of girls that post great deals, you just have to be quick enough to catch them.

>> No.9749253
File: 38 KB, 851x315, c5d7e4f8f4d16fc06d0b47be9565b0f6df7a4a0e_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the most stupid things you've seen on Rufflechat?
This is just some of the dumb shit I've seen today

>Topic is properly introducing lolita fashion to normies
>Someone in the comments insists it's a costume for most lolitas

>Topic is finding out what the most beloved dress of all time is
>OP adds taobao brands nobody cares about for diversity

>Topic is dream dresses that take years to find
>Someone posts dresses that are available to buy right now
>Someone posts recent AP dress because she doesn't know the brand

>> No.9749255

It often works for me to just message them with an offer or trade, especially things that've been there for over a month

>> No.9749256

''I want honey cake JSK in beige . But I can't seem to find it on the AP site, can someone help plz''
From the dream dress thread

>> No.9749264

Nope, I don't wear prints. But checking lacemarket at this very moment; all JSKs and OPs under $100 are either ugly or have damages. Nice shilling though.

>> No.9749268
File: 39 KB, 345x437, IMAG3103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making me look, super tempted to buy pic related now though I'd have to make it smaller

>> No.9749272

I did a rough estimate of how many times my most worn lolita items have been used during my 6 years in lolita and 3 years of being a daily lolita, and came up in literal hundreds without exaggeration. I'm curious to see what kind of numbers you anons have for your most worn items, not only dresses but also blouses, headwear, legwear, accessories etc? How does the quality hold up do you think?

>> No.9749279
File: 231 KB, 980x380, ph-top-wintersale_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure if you're seriously looking, but for everyone else looking for dresses, IW is currently having a sale until Jan 15th (well, more like Jan 14th for the time difference). Some of their print dresses are below $100.

Not gonna argue taobao vs IW. Just a heads up for those who are actively looking to buy $100 burando.

>> No.9749285

This pisses me off a little. It's very easy to find a decent deal on a secondhand brand accessory that is within the allowed value. If you're too cheap to pay a little extra in shipping then you shouldn't participate. The money bracket is about gift value, and doesn't include shipping, gift wrapping, customs or whatever else.

I'm participating in our comm's gift swap and I'd be very unhappy if I were to receive something entirely unrelated to lolita like chocolates.

>> No.9749292


I just did a quick guesstimate. I guess most of my IW has been worn 200-400 times (about 4 years, usually once or twice a week) before I lose interest and find another favorite dress to wear more often.

That kind of blows my mind, considering the oldest and most frequently worn dress is still in use, and was already secondhand and old when I bought it. It barely shows signs of wear.

>> No.9749297

>Nope, I don't wear prints.
So what exactly is argument then? Because I'm not even sure you have brand at this point if you're trying to argue taobao non print is better than brand non print. Their fabrics will always look cheap and have poor drape.

>> No.9749298

We are in europe, we'd have to use EMS for a small item to get it here in time

>> No.9749300

There's loads of NWT IW that's there, from lucky packs. If you want stuff that's actually wearable to start you off in the fashion, buy second hand brand. Also if you're too chicken to remove some stains from a $30 jsk with lemon juice/vinegar/oxyclean, that's on you.

>> No.9749301

My reasoning was it feels better because it's better quality. Maybe I should have clarified that, but on the whole taobao just is NOT as good

>> No.9749305

That’s why people should send out lists and such on time, so everyone still has enough time to order something.
We still have 1+ month left. That’s enough for SAL and Airmail

>> No.9749308
File: 467 KB, 900x1200, 25304349_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has any idea of the name of that dress? The seller says it's AP but I can't find it

>> No.9749311

I own that OP in gray. It's gorgeous

>> No.9749321

How new is that girl?

>> No.9749325
File: 161 KB, 818x366, VM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VM's webshop had an update. I didn't see anything announced on social media regarding this update so I don't really know what's going on.

>> No.9749331
File: 37 KB, 269x270, 1477941201160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused recently gulls.
I really like sweet but also gothic and classic and even punk.
I also love old school and want to go for a non print wardrobe but I love some prints so much. I want to look more mature (headresses,cardigans) but I also like the cute look (big headbows, cute blouses).
And honestly it's making me so confused that I stopped wearing and buying lolita altogether since 5 months now.
I'm starting to want to buy more normie clothes instead and I'm feeling bad about it. Am I falling out of love?

>> No.9749332

how come you don't know what you want?

>> No.9749337

To be honest, most lolitas I know who get super up in arms about what normies think do wear it pretty much as a costume. In my comm the angrier someone gets about someone complimenting our “costumes”, the more likely they are to only have 2-3 coords that they wear to cons and meetups 2-3 times a year while wearing jeans and hoodies the rest of the time. Those of us who wear it regularly don’t care nearly as much.

>> No.9749338

Idk,i have times where i'm just confused about everything.
I've been in lolita since 2010 and had it happen before. I love it too much to let it go but i'm feeling so much less enthusiastic about wearing it these days (maybe because i got no one to wear it with,no occasion,...)

>> No.9749341

Sounds like you just like wearing different styles instead of sticking to one, anon. It's not that deep.

You can have gothic, sweet, classical, and yes, even punk clothing and wear them all in nice coords. Stop limiting yourself by trying to stay in one category.

>> No.9749344

>no occasion
spotted the conlita

>> No.9749361

Yeah,that's right. But I don't have the $$$ for everything at once so it's always hard.
Like,should I buy this cute mint JSK or this coolblack one? The punk or the pirate skirt?
And let's not even talk about basics like blouses,shoes,... it's absolute hell to decide which side i should take care of so my outfits don't look all the same

>> No.9749363

I never even go to cons. And I'm a lonelita so no meetings either (local comm is near dead).
By that, I mean when I don't work and am feeling energetic enough to pamper myself

>> No.9749372

I’ve been dealing with the same thing. I love classic, gothic, sweet, old school, etc. but my budget and closet space don’t allow me to fully indulge in all of these styles. Lately I’ve been noticing that I feel much more comfortable in some styles than others. I like sweet and iconic frumpy old school but when I wear these styles out of the house I feel much more self-conscious than when I’m wearing a more streamlined gothic coord, for instance. They are styles that I love to see on other people but don’t make me feel good when they’re on me. So this year I’m planning on selling the items I feel least comfortable in. It might hurt because I still like seeing them in my closet, but I think it’s better to sell them to someone who’ll wear them with confidence and use the money on something I get more wear out of. I’m already seeing my wardrobe become more cohesive and I no longer feel as anxious when I think about it. I hope this will also help me wear lolita more often, because for many of these pieces I only felt comfortable wearing them when out with other lolitas and not just by myself.

>> No.9749375

I feel exactly the same! Thanks anon,i'll probably do that!

>> No.9749442

>being such a newfag that you can't fathom somebody owning old AP and Baby
you're just looking for a reason to get triggered now.

>> No.9749467
File: 54 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1515691798745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's dream dress is this.

>> No.9749469

I have a velvet JSK and a plain OP from Infanta. The OP is better than a lot of IW I own, and the jsk is about on par with BTSSB. I don't really like taobao except for photoshoots, but I wear both those dresses regularly.

>> No.9749497

These came up during their 1/6 "sale" i.e. everything was already sold out. No actual reserves or releases have occurred for 2018 as of right now.

>> No.9749590

Maybe you should read the thread instead of commenting, unless your reading comprehension is that bad. They're clearly saying that people buy taobao because it's cheaper, and cheap cute stuff is going to sell better than ugly cheap stuff.

>> No.9749594

That's over a hundred with all costs included. Try harder though.

>> No.9749603

>implying that anyone who is logical enough to see why people would prefer buying cheap non brand over overpriced damagedjapanese brand doesn't have actual brand kek
NWT Lucky pack IW usually falls into the category of ugly lmao. And there's nothing even close to $30 on LM; people are trying to sell their damaged shit for a good $60-70 plus shipping, compared to most taobao pieces that are listed for 35-45. If you seriously don't understand why people would prefer buying cheaper pieces they find cute instead of more expensive, damaged pieces, you're retarded.

>> No.9749606

>argument about pieces on lacemarket
>uhh you're not looking at the IW SITE SALE
are you ok anon?

>> No.9749636

Could you post pics?

>> No.9749721

Taobao is ugly because of how cheap it looks. Newbies only by taobao because we encourage them to.

>> No.9749725

The belt should be in the back. It looks really odd in the front like that.

>> No.9749742

Damn, I didn't realise. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9749763

Genuinely curious but what happened between the owners of Miss Danger shop? I hope this doesn't mean that they will close shop. I always wanted one of their Vampire doll brooches.

>> No.9749970


I'm not interested in the argument. At least one of the people arguing isn't even interested either, they seem to have too much free time and don't know how to entertain themselves except picking fights on the internet.

The sales info was posted for those who are actively looking to buy actual $100 burando.

>> No.9749975


>> No.9750377

But it objectively looks fine and doesn't look cheap; you just already are biased against it which makes you think it looks cheap.

>> No.9750670

A lot of taobao is complete shit desu.
Not all brand is perfect but the proportion of shitty taobao pieces vs shitty brand pieces I’ve had has made me refuse to buy taobao again. Even the “good” taobao brands.

>> No.9751864

Innocent World's fabric is printed in Japan, not sure if that makes a difference.

>> No.9751874

I'm new and even I can immediately tell when something is taobao