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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9730096 No.9730096 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. Post your wardrobe, collages of it or discuss the egl wardrobe theme in January.

>> No.9730104

I wanted to do one this year, but my wardrobe has expanded too much and I don't know if I want to put the time into steaming and photographing everything.

>> No.9730107

If you're storing your clothes properly i.e. hanging most of them up, why would they need steaming?

>> No.9730109

Nayrt but if your closet gets a bit tight the ruffles can wrinkle a bit. Plus honestly a steam and lint brush make everything look nicer.

>> No.9730115

Yeah, >>9730109 is right. My closet is pretty much shoved full with dresses. I also put all my tops in drawers so those get wrinkly too.

>> No.9730987

See, I take the opposite view. January is like my once a year time to actually properly iron and organise everything.

>> No.9732197

so, where's them wardrobe posts?

>> No.9732198

It's not January yet.... They go up on EGL in the month of Jan.

>> No.9732256

There are people here who are scared to get caught posting and are so paranoid that they think someone will be able to spot their wardrobe. Or they're under the impression that their wardrobe is just sooo unique that of course they would get spotted on 4chan.

>> No.9732260

Make your own post then...

>> No.9732270

Why don't you let me find the pic you impatient fuck

>> No.9732273

Why are you so angry?

>> No.9732277

Looking forward to doing another wardrobe post this year, especially considering how much my wardrobe has changed and expanded, but not looking forward to battling the washed out winter light of snowy Canada in January for decent pictures...

>> No.9732282

Because I got a mediocre reply and can't find the picture. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9732747

Every year I tell myself I'll take the photos in late summer instead and every year I...don't. Last year I bought and sold a bunch of stuff in autumn and had to wait until things arrived, this year I tried to take some but then got a new camera and realised the quality wasn't consistent. Back to square one.

>> No.9733282

My dresses are so stuffed inside my wardrobe, they no longer need hangers. They're all held up by their collective mass and weight. The wrinkles just help lock them together like puzzle pieces.

>> No.9733286

I’ll admit I’m slightly paranoid about this, but it’s only because I’m personally autistic enough to spot things like that so I know it’s possible. It’s 4chan, I can’t be the only obsessive autist lurking here.

Same here.

>> No.9733386

Relatable, kek.

>> No.9733508

Is everyone posting to LJ again this year? Because honestly I probably won't bother, there's way less interaction than there used to be and it doesn't seem worth it to spend that much time on something no one will see. Might try and get in the spirit of things by posting some shots on Instagram though

>> No.9733559

I like posting to LJ because then I can view my own post again easily from mobile without logging into anything. I don't post lolita stuff to Facebook and I'm not very active on other social media so I'd probably get more comments on LJ than I would on Insta or Tumblr anyway.

>> No.9733568

>I’ll admit I’m slightly paranoid about this, but it’s only because I’m personally autistic enough to spot things like that so I know it’s possible. It’s 4chan, I can’t be the only obsessive autist lurking here.
I've recognised people from wardrobe posts here before too. Even if people only post major brand items without any Taobao/indie/offbrand that's more unique and recognisable, you can still recognise their wardrobe pretty easily unless it's nothing but generic flavour-of-the-moment prints. NBD if you're a lonelita or your comm is chill, bigger deal if it's full of dramawhores or people who think cgl is only for evil meanie bullies.

>> No.9733604

this is what I'm afraid of. Probably 60% of my wardrobe is indie brand and I go for the weird shit. I also don't want my comm to know the extent of what I own and I have some efamous girls in my comm as well as girls who think 4chan is the antichrist.

it's just as well though, I don't have anywhere in my current apartment to take photos.

>> No.9733626

Just post to Livejournal or some other platform that doesn't associate you with 4chan?

>I also don't want my comm to know the extent of what I own
A few girls in my comm have stock photo Facebook wardrobe albums and honestly 90% of the reason I don't have one too is because my wardrobe is bigger than any of the girls who post theirs and I don't want to look like I'm bragging, or start people gossiping about how I afford it (I'm younger than most of the active lolitas in my comm).

>> No.9733679

I'm glad we could have yet another uneventful wardrobe post thread.

>> No.9733742

Please don't bully, I thought the anons who didn't feel like making a big wardrobe post on LJ might want to post collages here. But maybe we should just wait until late January before making a new thread.

>> No.9733784

My favorite type of wardrobe post is when pieces are nicely arranged on a dress form, my only (quite idiotic) problem is that I want one of those fancier dress forms with the wooden ball-joint arms. Nobody sells them in my country and shipping from overseas costs a shitton, so fuck me.

>> No.9733791

This isn't against you unless you're just another person who is afraid of getting caught on the 4chan's.

I just think it's hilarious that people here are worried about getting caught because deep down they know why they should be ashamed of posting here to begin with.

>> No.9733950

Pffft the whole "this is 4chan what did you expect" is a very shitty self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don't hide the fact that I post here, I simply don't shittalk people or do other crap I'd be ashamed to admit. Surprisingly, being a half-decent human being is not that hard.

>> No.9734087

Then why be afraid of people finding out?

>> No.9734306

NAYRT People tend to jump to conclusions and assume things about you if they know you frequent image boards, 4chan especially, with any type of regularity. You know how people are. It's not super unreasonable.

>> No.9734372

>I don't hide the fact that I post here
Lol see that part where I say that? I'm not afraid of people finding out, I talk about it openly myself if the subject comes up.
Even though it's often exhausting to sift through the useless shit, I do believe cgl has its merits: it can be useful (dream dress threads are the best, I check them nearly daily), informative (coording tips, recommendations and sometimes even decent concrit) and very occasionally entertaining (stuff like con horror story threads).
I can go on cgl and not spread drama, shit-talk people or post vendetta, if someone chooses not to believe me and assumes that's the case it's their problem, not mine.

>> No.9734374
File: 1.81 MB, 1566x1200, Screen Shot 2017-12-28 at 3.01.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted mine a few days early cause I don't trust LJ enough to save the draft I worked on


>> No.9735013

Hmm. I don't get why its hard for everyone else- I just stop talking to those types of people because they seem like a waste of my time.

Honestly I am the same way and the only people I shit talk are other cgulls.

I just think it's lame that so many people here are scaredy cats because some girl in their comm won't like them anymore.

But I'm also not in this hobby to make friends and I guess some people have latched on because they did want to make friends. I feel bad for those people.

>> No.9735073

I'll be postn mine on lj soon. I've been too tired to take pictures and had stored some of my dresses at different family members' houses

>> No.9735320

yeah same as >>9733559 but might crosspost some of the content over to insta/tumblr etc

>> No.9735712
File: 114 KB, 848x655, halps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found my old wardrobe pic. It was on a random external drive I had.

My wardrobe isn't big, but I still want to actually participate in the wardrobe posts next year.

I can't find the fucking time to post all my coords from this year so I feel like it won't happen.

>> No.9735731

i remember this! iirc you were asking about which to wear to a date (?) earlier this year

>> No.9736578

Yup that's me! I wore my lavender BtssB that time!

>> No.9737574

it's okay to have a small wardrobe, as long as you like and wear your dresses, I think it's better to have a few than to have hundreds and not wear them. I like yours, it looks nice and diverse.

Yeah exactly, I also think it's lame - if you think people will judge you for it, don't do it, if you do it - own it.
I can see why some people don't want to alienate other lolitas - there aren't that many of us in most cities and even countries, and not everyone is comfortable being a loner. But I feel like the way people go about it is wrong: if you want people to like you, work on yourself to be a genuinely nice and kind person, and don't just fake a fake facade while shittalking and stirring drama anonymously.

>> No.9737590

That's really nice though I wouldn't have included the replica. I appreciate the detail pics.

>> No.9737681

>if you want people to like you, work on yourself to be a genuinely nice and kind person, and don't just fake a fake facade while shittalking and stirring drama anonymously
Seriously. The high n mighty around here are ridiculous on top of being social nightmares.

>> No.9737781

>it's okay to have a small wardrobe, as long as you like and wear your dresses
I have a small/newbie wardrobe, and if you all don’t mind I’ll take some pics and post them ITT. It’s not large enough to make it worth posting to social media, but I would like to get an end of the year base that I can use for progress posts in future years!

>> No.9738043

I think I’ll just post my favourite 20 dresses with detail shots, rather than doing my whole wardrobe. I really hope there’ll be more participation this year.

>> No.9738110
File: 57 KB, 486x510, 1509026792217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I did that instead. I only have around 40ish dresses and I'm finding this whole process cumbersome.

Can't figure out how to edit photos of my dark colored dresses so they look ok.
Taking photos of stuff on my bed. The bed sheet is such a different color in every photo.
Forgot to put some of the detachable bows on dresses when taking their photos.
Wardrobe isn't that organised so I gotta keep re-taking photos because I keep leaving stuff out and finding it later. Especially accessories.
Forgot to take photos of huge groups of items such as pins and shoes. It's late now so I gotta wait until tomorrow.

>> No.9738460

Whose wardrobe is this? My taste is so similar it's creeping me out a bit

>> No.9738692

Did you sell the maria catholic nun by btssb ?

>> No.9738701

Since I only started lolita in 2016 can someone explain the wardrobe posts to me? Like what are you supposed to show? Coords? Just the brand stuff you own?

I admit I have a facebook album full of stock photos with the brand items I own, but I figured wardrobe posts must be more personal?

>> No.9738703

The detachable bow thing, oh god. That was such a nightmare last year.
The whole process made me finally organize my closet though.

Did you set a custom white balance before shooting? That can prevent the bed sheet being a different color in every photo. What you do is take a photo of a plain sheet of printer paper in the light you are currently shooting in. Then go into your camera's settings and set it to reference that image.

>> No.9738705

You show us EVERY ITEM in your lolita wardrobe. Preferably, anyway.

>> No.9738706

Photos of your wardrobe. It's up to you how you want to display it. Everyone prefers something different it seems.

I prefer coordinates flat lay or on a dressform, but I realize that's really difficult with larger wardrobes. The benefits of having a smaller wardrobe, I guess? Some prefer just photos of items individually (as lolibrary doesn't have everything and it's nice to see references for older items).

Do what suits you and your closet.

>> No.9738712

You show whatever you want anon. You can show all of your pieces and accessories or only a few, you can make complete coords or you can display individual pieces, you can show brand and/or offbrand, make a blog post or make a YouTube video, absolutely everything is up to you. I would recommend looking at a few past wardrobe posts if you're absolutely stuck on how to do it though.
Pretty much the only thing that most would agree on is that we want to see pictures you took of your own wardrobe, not stock images. Anybody can copy and paste stock images (whether or not they actually own the items in them) into a post, but it's not fun to look at and it doesn't tell us anything about the poster. There's of course nothing stopping you from doing this anyway but just so you know.

>> No.9738821

Yeah I wasn’t sure if I should include the replica bags or not, but I do wear them and wanted to be honest about that. And ty!

It was actually my roommates, she’s a lolita too so we swap sometimes haha. I definitely want one of my own though, it’s really nice and comfy, though maybe not so versatile.

>> No.9738896

Enjoyed the layout of your post, the detail and outfit shots for the mains made it more a bit more personal and I always enjoy seeing how people wear their pieces.

>> No.9738931

Check LiveJournal.

>> No.9739273

I'm posting it on my Blog this year. Wish there were more Wardrobe posts around the blogger community.

>> No.9740247

getting a lot more post on EGL anything worth clicking?

>> No.9740361

Just click on all of them, it takes no effort.

Did anybody see that really big wardrobe post though? DarkRomantica I think? I counted over 160 main pieces, and while I thought I'd be jealous of a wardrobe that big, I just find it super excessive.

>> No.9740367

>I just find it super excessive.
If they have enough space to store it all, I think it's perfectly fine.

>> No.9740380

She wears a lot of her pieces so I didn't find it excessive at all.

>> No.9740381

None of the images on her post are working for me, is the same happening for anyone else?

>> No.9740392

I really like how your style has evolved- and it so cohesive.

I feel like some of those cute IW booties would be great mix in.

>> No.9740393

It's happening to me too. I've tried deleting cookies, enabling Adblock, changing browsers, nothing is working. Help I just want to see the biggest wardrobe.

>> No.9740396


Sorry disabling Adblock.

>> No.9740426

I'm on mobile and it's not working, i'm able to view the other posts :,(

>> No.9740465

I messaged her and she fixed it, you should now be able to see it!

>> No.9740466

It works now!

>> No.9740479

Works for me now too. What an extensive and diverse wardrobe. I could never manage having so much myself since I usually stick to gothic but shit, I'd never get bored with a wardrobe like that. That Linda Friesen lingerie dress is especially stunning. If she wears most of that stuff on a regular basis and has space to store it nicely, I'm incredibly impressed.

>> No.9740481

2018 is def the year of buying shoes and legwear. The amount of outfits I've worn where I thought "wow this would be better with brown oxfords" is insane

>> No.9740628

Mines coming up on 200 so no, I don't I find it excessive but it would have been a large, time consuming project. Thank you for your labor of love fellow gull

>> No.9740645
File: 1.10 MB, 2623x1499, Current Wardrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take any pictures because of terrible lighting, so I'll just post a pic of my wardrobe collage here to feel like I'm participating even just a little bit. I'd love to see any other wardrobe collages, especially from anyone who has a huge wardrobe and doesn't want to go through the hassle of taking pictures of everything!

>> No.9740652

extensive VS excessive - there's two ways of looking at it, and either way it's her business how many dresses to own. I follow her on insta and she does wear lolita a LOT (I haven't followed her for that long and I've seen most of the dresses from the post), and when she doesn't she posts flatlays. I don't share her taste 100%, though she does own one of my biggest dream dresses, but I definitely commend her passion for the style.

>> No.9740686

Do you think we'll still have wardrobe posts next year?

>> No.9740748

Why wouldn't there not be?

>> No.9740774

nayrt but maybe LJ will finally die, or another platform will become viable for this type of posting in the lolita community.

>> No.9740779

This is a cute sweet/classic collection, anon! I like that even though a lot of the pieces are very different from each other, I still get a feel of what your overall style is probably like.

>> No.9741015

A lot of gulls are defensive about their blatant hoarding but I agree

>> No.9741016

I think it's a lot but a lot of her pieces look like they could pass as normie wear. if she wears it every day it's probably fine.

>> No.9741028

She is clearly a hardcore collector, but she's also kinda well off, so it's not like the hobby is getting her into financial trouble or anything. Good for her I guess.

>> No.9741029

she's in my comm and we asked her about this a while ago and she wears lolita every day.

>> No.9741030
File: 2.34 MB, 1003x1580, wardrobe2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also don't really have a nice way to take wardrobe shots (shit lighting, no dressform, taking photos of anything on my bed is hell) but wanted to share this. I've discovered a huge love of navy things over the past year.

>> No.9741032

Looks nice anon. Do you have any worn pics of the haenuli st. vitus OP? I really want it but I'm a little nervous about the fit of the bodice.

>> No.9741034

I feel like wardrobe posts are the sort of thing that'd benefit more from it being a year-round project rather than this mad rush to get an entire wardrobe photographed in a week or two's time. It's still fun to see everyone's posts, but damn I wanna see things like details and outfit combinations that you don't get from stock photos.

>> No.9741046 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 372x420, wedding day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been lurking /cgl/ for awhile. Have some questions:

Do you guys wear this stuff to go to the grocery store? Like, is this your "normal" clothing? Or is it just for cons?

How much money do you think your wardrobe has cost you? What do you do to pay for it?

Do you have jobs? Do you wear this stuff to work?

I admire this stuff. But I don't understand how it fits into real life.

>> No.9741055

>Do you guys wear this stuff to go to the grocery store? Like, is this your "normal" clothing? Or is it just for cons?
Yeah I wear it to the store, to the bank, restaurants, wherever. I wear it at least once a week, sometimes more. Depends on how I'm feeling.

>How much money do you think your wardrobe has cost you?
At least 10k, probably more like 15k.

>Do you have jobs? Do you wear this stuff to work?
I'm a sex worker. I don't wear lolita when I'm working but my clients tend to know about it. They know it's non sexual and tend to be interested in the fashion.

>> No.9741063
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Some wardrobe post pics from this year because that's on topic.

>> No.9741067
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>> No.9741068
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Unfortunately most of the actual dresses posted have pretty large files so I'll stick to posting cover images for now - I always liked their aesthetic, even the less polished ones.

I'm hoping to do one this year! I'm putting mine on a mannequin because it's easier logistically for me. What do you guys like - mannequin or flat lays?

>> No.9741070
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>> No.9741072
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>obsixwi's wardrobe is hnnngh

>> No.9741073
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>that moitie lace

>> No.9741076
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I liked the detail pics in the preview photo- was a little disappointed they didn't show up in the actual post oh well.

>> No.9741079
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Something about stacked dresses in a closet is very satisfying for me. I might try that for my preview photo except my closet is two sides so that's a little hard to get with good lighting.

>> No.9741081
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Moving on to layouts I liked from last year

>> No.9741083
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>> No.9741087
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>> No.9741089
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>> No.9741090
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>> No.9741093

That's a very nice layout. Will try this one next year if I have time. Although I imagine no one would have interest in close ups of my random dresses

>> No.9741097
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This was a nice presentation but I felt the pictures were very small!

>> No.9741106
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And with this I will stop because I need to take photos before the light dies out in my place.


I love it too! I'm sticking to one closeup for now but if I have the time management skills next year definitely will try for three.

>> No.9741108

So, this is what “lust” is.

>> No.9741113
File: 5 KB, 134x135, dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnngh moitie lace

>> No.9741114 [DELETED] 

This isn’t the thread for this. You obviously haven’t lurked /cgl/ at all to asking this here. Go to the stupid questions thread with your little survey.

>> No.9741118

This isn’t the thread for this. You obviously haven’t lurked /cgl/ at all to be asking this here. Go to the stupid questions thread with your little survey.

>> No.9741276

I really like both. I'm trying it on a mannequin this year, but it's very time consuming. I might switch back to flat lay next year.

I always wish I could start early, but if I did, then I'd be missing several new options to coord so I always put it off.

Do people enjoy seeing coordinates or individual pieces with detail shots more?

>> No.9741284

Overall I prefer individual pieces unless the coords are really on point. So if you have the "perfect" blouse for a dress or certain matching details I don't mind seeing coord photos.

>> No.9741287

God she makes my tacky sweet ass want to be a goth

>> No.9741308

Thank you anon! I'm actually trying to cull my wardrobe so it's more cohesive, but it's hard when you love all your main pieces lol.

>> No.9741316

Hm, thanks anon. I might try it next year as individual pieces, but I do find myself using my photos for a quick coordinate idea if I can't figure out what to wear throughout the year. It also forces me to make my wardrobe more cohesive as I can always tell what I really need to maximize the coordinates I can make.

But I do really need reference shots of just everything. Currently I only took them for items that are missing from lolibrary. Maybe if I just start doing this for next year, then I'll have less to do.

>> No.9741355

After having around 90 dresses at most and selling a few, now down to about 85ish, I can't imagine having any. I barely have any closet space left in the entire house and I have a whole house to just my partner and I. If I had that many dresses, I'd have to store them in the coat closet in addition to both the bedrooms

>> No.9741376


At least she wears them unlike fat hoarder-chan.

>> No.9741423 [DELETED] 

Voldie doesn't even have that many tho

>> No.9741444

gonna bite the bullet and do babby's first LJ wardrobe post. seeing everybody else's is pretty inspiring. i feel like you can tell a lot about someone from what they have/how they choose to photograph it.

>> No.9741464


I was talking about Jahr. Voldiee wears her dresses obviously. The only annoying thing about her is that she literally only has two pairs of shoes in the past several years I've seen her wear lolita.

>> No.9741514

Anon, I think it was some lame attempt to call Voldie fat.

>> No.9741525

Im a fellow 2 pair of shoes lolita and desu its really nice to see someone have 2 pairs of shoes match an entire wardrobe of +10 or so dresses(i wasnt counting). none of her coords have that "shit i guess ill wear these they sorta match" look to them, if that makes sense.

>> No.9741526
File: 5 KB, 263x155, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone here fucking mean? Flag my post if you want to, but you owe me a goddamned answer.

>> No.9741533

I have to agree with >>9741118, I understand your interest but this isn't the right thread for your questions. If the stupid question thread is in sage you can start a new one and ask your questions there, and anons will be much more willing to respond.

>> No.9741537


They do though.

>> No.9741571

Holy shit, thank you for being polite. I'm out, have a good one.

>> No.9741679

Buy more shoes

>> No.9741681

I feel you, anon. I have a total of 4 pairs, but I end up using only one or two... I don't feel like I really need new ones. My wardrobe is mostly black. and shoes almost never appear.

>> No.9741726

My favourite part of making a wardrobe post is spending the ~ 40 minutes it takes to arrange all the garments to show off the laces as good as possible.

>> No.9741759
File: 58 KB, 618x555, 1496505593791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you owe me a goddamned answer

no one is actually this entitled... right?

>> No.9741871

>taking pics of wardrobe and generally falling in love with my dresses again
>editing detail pics
>literal dress lust

This endeavor is truly sinful.

>> No.9741898

Why is everyone here so fucking mean tho?

>> No.9741928

Anonymity makes venting unpleasant thoughts and feelings easier. Some people seem "mean" because they're shitposting/trolling/otherwise looking for a reaction, and others may have low tolerance for
>what are u frilly girls are talking about lol is this cosplay?
sort of posts from randos, either in general or because of the recent influx of crossboarding shitposters we've had around here lately.
TL;DR: The salt is almost never personal so don't take it too seriously.

>> No.9742072

Fucking this, it's so relaxing to put little coordinates together on a dress form and look at all the little dress details I originally fell in love with. I'm so confused by the girls who consider putting wardrobe posts together a hassle. If you don't find it fun just don't do it.

>> No.9742493

I work full time, by the time I ger home it's dark, and I don't want to spend my weekends breaking my back hauling dresses around. It's just gotten to the point where I have a few years already done and I already know each year it'll take longer and longer, and I'm not spending every single one of my days off for the next month trying to finish it.

>> No.9743029

Assuming the rest of us don't work full time? Like Anon said, if it's not fun, don't do it. It is possible to get lights so you can photograph them at night.

>> No.9743031


Idk I'd almost rather photograph my dresses during the weekend than socialise hence why I keep pushing back dates with my friends. Maybe I'm weird, but I'm sure other people feel this way.

>> No.9743034

I'd just make it a fun side thing. If I know I'm going out for a drive someplace nice, packing up a mannequin with some dresses for good magic hour shots sounds like a fine weekend to me.

>> No.9743534

only have one item in the picture and then the next year you can reuse the same picture of that item and only take photos of the new buys.

>> No.9745590

I live for cgl's yearly jealous rage over jahr's wardrobe. I hope she posts hers soon!

>> No.9745598


It's not rage, just a vague pity for her. I'd hate to hoard and look at clothing I'm too fat for, but I don't have such luxury.

I have nearly all my dream dresses anyways and she has none of mine, so there's not a whole lot of that jealousy that people like to accuse me of.

>> No.9745603

Sauce on the dress?

>> No.9745607


It's a custom order for a lingerie inspired lolita dress by Linda Friesen.

One day I'll have enough money. One day.

>> No.9745628

I'm just low level envious of her and all the other lolitas that have the room for all of their 100+ dresses rather than the items themselves. Can barely fit anything new in my current space these days.

>> No.9745665

This. I already live in a small apartment, and I'm moving to an even smaller one overseas.

>> No.9746130

>but I don't have such luxury

Go cry more. Obviously you are jealous and care enough to mention her and mention her weight. Why care enough to pity her?

>> No.9746173


Damn you white knights are entertaining. That was obviously sarcasm, whiteknight-chan.

>> No.9746176

Fuck me ofc it would be. Thanks anon, it's stunning.

>> No.9746182


I know, it is. I love Josine's Linda Friesen collection.

I'm debating whether I should save up money to do a custom wedding dress or just save it for something more wearable like a unique lolita dress. Either way, I'll have literal couture so we'll see if I get married.

>> No.9746183

That doesn't sound like sarcasm, just bitter jelly.

>> No.9746190


No? I just think she has issues but keep up the good fight. 'You're jelly' has to be one of the most overused phrases after 'samefag' and 'vendetta-chan.'

>> No.9746217

OMG same! This made me laugh for real

>> No.9746810

alright kittykins

>> No.9746820

Photographed my wardrobe today! And realised afterwards that I totally forgot my bags... ah well. Hoping to get my post up on LJ by the end of the week!

>> No.9747055

Just photograph the bags?

>> No.9747688

Shhhhh...stop bringing logic into it! I was legit too tired to think of that...

>> No.9747747

Anyone think that the wardrobe theme will die soon? Before, there would be 200 comments on posts and now there are barely 20 comments. And I don't think the wardrobe theme moved on to anywhere else since no other platform works well for how wardrobe posts used to be.

>> No.9747756

It may be dying, but I'll keep making wardrobe posts until I crawl into my grave (or leave lolita, whichever happens first). I wish we had a social network exclusively for lolita, like lacebook but not a failure.

>> No.9747836

I've seen a few people post their wardrobes on Instagram and Youtube. I hate Instagram for it because I actually enjoy reading people's anecdotes for each piece they own and Instagram doesn't really lend itself to that kind of format. Youtube is iffy too, but at least there it allows you to see the way certain dresses move so that's kind of nice.

>> No.9748012

sorry, newfag here, what's Jahr's username on LJ? I've scrolled through 2017 and 2016 posts and couldn't spot her, I'm really curious about her wardrobe because of this thread.

>> No.9748489

Jahr is short for something I can never be arsed to remember on LJ. Her wardrobe posts have been videos for the last couple years, and she's Tallula Bee there.

>> No.9748534

I think her posts are user-locked or something. So make sure to be logged-in when searching for her posts.

>> No.9749118

Ohhhh okay thanks, I've seen Tallulah's videos, I just didn't know it was her. DESU while watching her videos I did feel more like I was watching one of those TV shows about hoarders, rather than a collector. I mean, gathering clothes you clearly don't intend to wear by itself seems stupid to me, but whatever, it's her money, but it's the way she treats her so-called collection... letting unopened boxes pile up for months, forgetting half the shit she'd ordered by the time she unboxes it, dumping dresses into huge piles that collapse onto the floor.. I dunno, that's not how I picture a collector. I dunno. Not gonna deny it, I do feel a bit jealous, for example, that she has two Puppet Circuses when I know I'll never own one, and she just shoves them in a closet which she herself refers to as gross. But that's just that one print, I'm not jealous about her wardrobe overall because I don't care for Moitie, J&J and JM. In the end, if hoarding dresses makes her happy, so be it.

>> No.9751249

And finally finished my post! Gah, I love doing these but they are a fair chunk of work.

It's so sad how LJ is dying though. Even last year there were one or two posts per day in January, now there's hardly anything.

>> No.9751330

I was just thinking there are a ton fewer posts than there were this time last year. I think there are still people working on it though, I know I am.

I have given up re-photographing everything at the moment though, I'm focusing on getting new pieces done first.

>> No.9751336
File: 440 KB, 722x1050, 1437681350_0d320dd74ed53caa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for crazy pic, but this is my wardrobe. I haven't even started taking pics yet. How fucked am I?

>> No.9751338

Not super fucked depending on how meticulous you are senpai. I have ~10 pieces less than you but knocked them out in 4 days with like 2-3 hour sessions, but it only took so long because nothing was steamed yet and I'm meticulous af.

Related question, are late wardrobe posts on livejournal acceptable?

>> No.9751349

Only if they're good, like don't bother posting if it's a shitty collection or if they're taken with a potato

>> No.9751351

Hopefully we just get a lot of late posts...fingers crossed!

Not too fucked...also depends on if/how you're planning to do blouses, accessories etc. and whether you're doing 1 piece per photo or more than that. Honestly I'd say you're looking at about 8 hours of photo taking, based at least on how long it takes me.

>> No.9751397

What is considered late, after January?
I'm still working on mine as well.

>> No.9751449

This looks like a clusterfuck in the best way possible. Your style must be pretty fun!

>> No.9751460

It used to be a meme that we would get wardrobe posts into feb, and at this point the Lj is dead enough that it won’t matter

>> No.9751467

Honestly I almost want to post in February just to keep the tradition alive.

>> No.9751469

Why do people take all new photos every year? Just take photos of your new stuff

>> No.9751476

So you can make them all match and it looks cohesive. Some people reuse photos of it works out.

>> No.9751477

Then you should take them on a background. It's not that hard, just use white linen or something.

>> No.9751494

Some people want to be better than that. I’m sorry photography isn’t your thing.

>> No.9753087
File: 3.17 MB, 1204x1824, main pieces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my main pieces. My wardrobe is all over the place but I can't get myself to sell any of them. I also made collages for my blouses, accessories, shoes and bags but I thought that was a litter overkill. Let me know if anyone wants to see that and I can post those too.

>> No.9753107

Thanks anon! I tend to buy/wear whatever suits my mood at the minute, so I never have a set style. Unfortunately I've been so focused on main pieces that I don't think I have enough accessories to explore its full potential.
On a wardrobe post-related note, I managed to photograph all my main pieces and most of my main pieces and a lot of my outerwear.
I assume people care about blouses, bags, and hair accessories, but how much do they care about socks and jewelry? My post is going to be really photo-heavy and I'm trying to figure out where I can cut corners a bit.

>> No.9753116

Is there even a point to wardrobe posting anymore, seems less and less comments and posts every year, felt like a waste of time.

>> No.9753118

I care! I just enjoy seeing everything, and imagining what kind of things would coord well.

>> No.9753125

To keep a record on your wardrobe

>> No.9753196

I agree with all this desu, she doesn't seem like she actually loves collecting. Imo its just a cop out, she clearly has a shopping addiction plus she cant wear half her dresses so "now she's a collector".

>> No.9753224

Great wardrobe anon! Genuinely curious about your accessories since your closet is so diverse

>> No.9753532
File: 47 KB, 800x600, CgQf-SVUMAEKP7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image is locked
>image is locked
>image is locked

>> No.9753546

At first I thought it was weird to collect dresses but the more I think about it the less I mind what she does. She clearly loves the fashion and used to be a daily Lolita so why not collect and hang on to sentimental pieces if she can't wear it anymore?

>> No.9753649

If she truly loved the fashion she'd treat her dresses with a little more respect.

>> No.9756882

100% agree

like I said, it may be not my cup of tea but there's nothing wrong with collecting dresses (or anything else), it's just, as I said above, the way she treats this "collection" just doesn't scream lolita lover/collector to me. I may be wrong, but that's just the vibe I got from her videos.

>> No.9756963

She doesn't really have room, you can see in her videos that she has stuff piled everywhere.

Also dresses take up less room than you think, I've got 70 main pieces, 60 blouses/outer and all my normie clothes in two smallish wardrobes.

>> No.9757340

has anyone seen tallulah's new video? i am interested to see if she really changes this year. and does anyone know what happened to her? she appears more genuine in this video than before and i may subscribe again if i see that she has changed.

>> No.9757488

Hi Tallulah. J/k.

It's the same song and dance every year. I doubt she'll change her hoarding habit but at least she shares her collection through her videos. I've found new wishlist dresses through her.

>> No.9757516

>Sweetie Violet
>Misty Sky
>Melty Ribbon
>Petit Patisserie
>Honey Cake
>Romantic Cat

Oh wow anon, I have all these as well! Nice taste! Pleas epost your wardrobe so I can see how you coordinate them. Always looking for inspo!

>> No.9757517

I'm so jelly of Tamie's wardrobe. Then again, she's been longer in the fashion than 98% of this board.

>> No.9757520

I'm super jelly, but also dying to see her accessory collection. Besides she wears it so well I can't complain.

>> No.9757567

I took a ton of photos of my entire wardrobe except one dress that I missed somehow.

I have yet to post but I'm not even sure if I should. I used my DSLR and tried my best with natural light however the prints were not showing up like I wanted and I have all these different angles cause I had to use a step stool to get the entire dress in frame.

I'm sure it's like anything else and I just need practice. It's slightly disappointing though.

>> No.9757860

Don't be such a perfectionist about it, you can still post! Not having it 100% perfect will give you more motivation to do another next year, and you'll have progress to look back on.

>> No.9758405
File: 974 KB, 4000x1055, non main pieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! Those are my favorite pieces from my wardrobe! I've recently added more creams and browns to my wardrobe so I hope to get more head pieces for those colors but here's the rest of my wardrobe!

>> No.9758411

A lot of printed dresses just don't photograph well. I wouldn't worry about it. Even the big brands have photography trouble. Maybe once you post, you can ask for concrit so that you can make a better post next year.

>> No.9758433

>Don't be such a perfectionist about it
You must not post here on a regular basis. You actually sound reasonable.

Horror Garden is fucking impossible. I tried like every god damn setting on my camera. Yet when I wear it and take selfies it looks amazing and you can see the print. How the fuck?

>> No.9762847

Favourite wardrobes so far? Anyone you're looking forward to posting? Anyone that you're sad didn't post?

With LJ dead it's harder to find all the posts in one place. I see a few on LJ, a few on insta, a few on personal fbs and a few on blogs.

>> No.9762855

I'm sad thingsweneverdid isn't posting, but I understand why she won't and I appriciate her posting some of her new stuff on insta. I'm still waiting on Buttcape and Obisixwi, and hoping that Rosenocturnalia posts. Basically I'm waiting for all the goths to crawl out of the shadows.

I'm kinda disappointed by this years crop, but I'm still going to try and get a post up on LJ.

>> No.9763174

I enjoyed seeing the wardrobes of people I follow online most, but nothing has completely blown me away yet, which is kind of disappointing.

There's one girl I hope posts; she d a super small post 3-4 years ago which was basically an outfit with a second blouse or something, and I loved seeing her wardrobe get bigger and better every year since. I also really want the blogger Lolita Wonderland to do one again.

>> No.9763264

Why isn't she posting hers?
I was really looking forward to seeing her wardrobe.

>> No.9763266
File: 9 KB, 480x360, fde18ffc-08da-4dfa-92eb-c3c23342e05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's the 24th and still not done taking pics for mine
gonna have to just hunker down and take the rest in the next couple days regardless of lighting; may the photoshop gods be on my side

>> No.9763268

link to her post?
maybe I'm blind but I can't find it on lj

>> No.9763270

fuuuck when did it get that late, I have barely started.
I only have like 2 hours of daylight left when I get home

>> No.9763275

Tamie posted on insta, tamielove is her handle.

>> No.9763276

It's on her IG

>> No.9763495

same anons same

>> No.9763700
File: 2.84 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_5272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now just to place out the rows of lace together neatly...

>> No.9763733
File: 2.41 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_5281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9763829

She said somewhere that she wasn't feeling well and making the post was more stress than she wanted. I can totally respect that, this shit isn't easy.

Ugh I love their Moitie lace collection.

>> No.9763853

Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, that's a very good reason not to post.
Hope she feels better soon.

>> No.9764014

Is it possible to have a fap folder for clothing?

>> No.9764187

I don't think I have enough time to finish by the end of this month. Should I post in February or not at all?

>> No.9764200

Next month

>> No.9764247


I don't have any daylight now thanks to longer hours and the sun setting at 5 PM. It sucks. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to suck it up and try to photoshop the awful artificial lighting away.

>> No.9764823

Did artdunoir ever post her wardrobe? I can't find it. I know she used to be messalyn on lj.

>> No.9764854

Can anyone list usernames of lolitas doing their wardrobe posts on instagram? I have one or two but I want to see more and I'm not sure how to search them.

>> No.9764878

search the hashtags #eglwardrobe and #eglwardrobepost, there's up to 90 posts, and you can follow hashtags now so you can see updates without searching for new posts manually.

>> No.9764890

>>9763266 here, finally managed to finish mine by waking up early to use the morning sunlight (and like every lamp I have) before heading to campus today! Hopefully will be able to edit everything in time to post this weekend

>> No.9765061

why are all of the 2018 wardrobe videos so bad? it's like they're all recording with a potato

>> No.9765073


Going to be real honest, I couldn't enjoy the moitie wardrobe because it looked like it was taken with an actual potato camera. Such a shame.

>> No.9765210

Would you mind linking it? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.9765213



It's not as bad as I remember, not as potato-ey, but I still don't like the layout at all. Lovely wardrobe though. She has great taste.

>> No.9765254

Oh that one! I love her taste too, but I agree the layout is awful.

I'm going through my pictures from last year, and I think my phone upgrade has made a big enough change I might try to retake some pictures if the light cooperates.

>> No.9765524

>but I agree the layout is awful.
God this makes me not want to post.

>> No.9765533

Post it anon, don't worry so much about your setup not being up to par with anons' standards, or even the general community's standards. Even if your pictures suck, you can only improve the next time you do it.

>> No.9766132

Are you me? We have the exact same tastes, a classic/sweet wardrobe with a reallyyy similar color scheme. Even a lot the sweeter prints you have are ones I also have or want. I'm spooked.

>> No.9766385

You say that but I often feel like gulls are always trying to encourage the bad to post just so they have something to shit on.

>> No.9766476

Perhaps the wording was too strong, so I'll apologize for being a jerk. I dislike the layout of that post because each picture has too many things crammed into too small a frame. It looks cluttered and to me takes away from the fact she has an amazing collection.

We aren't expecting professional quality dress photoshoots anon, don't let one gull's poor word choice discourage you from posting.

>> No.9766494

This is honestly my goals 10/10 anon

>> No.9766590

Okay, let's say you do post it and get shit on - And then what? What's the worst that could happen? Some edgy randos with a weak sense of humor call you names? Why do you care?
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm trying to make you rethink this; it's just sad that you care so much about anonymous people's irrelevant opinions that you'd rather not participate in something fun. How do you deal with actually wearing the fashion?

>> No.9766701

I guess we just both have good taste anon!

>> No.9766874
File: 816 KB, 1001x505, ward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not wasting time taking photos of my stuff since I don't have the lighting or space in my apartment, but was still fun to put together this little album of main pieces. Couldn't find stock photos for everything so some of these photos came from old comm sales images.


>> No.9766883

>How do you deal with actually wearing the fashion?
Well wearing it out of the house is literally always a positive experience for me. I get compliments everywhere I go and people just treat me better when I dress up or even if I just wear alt fashion in general.

I only post my coords to my private Instagram and I know I'm not the only person who does this.

This isn't just about me though. Knowing people are just waiting to hate you takes the fun out of it for me. I found out about lolita from this board so I'm always gonna come here.

But all the over criticizing of every thing just makes me think most of the online comm is trying to be perfect. I even see it on rc which is why I left the group.

Tearing others down and not admitting your own flaws makes me question the opinions from the get go. This place is nothing but burried hypocrisy.

Its why hardly anyone posted their wardrobe in this thread. So few anons are willing to admit they suck more than who they're insulting.

The icing on the shit cake is that you don't even have to wear the clothes to get unwanted criticism. Fuck you can post a dress in the dream dress thread and someone will be sure to let you know how much they think your taste sucks compared to theirs if they can even back it up.

I guess its not so much of a deterrent as it is- I don't want to hear the same tired bullshit every bitter Lolita has to say online. I'll post my wardrobe and not advertise it.

>> No.9767089

If you've been coming here, then you should know to take the things gulls say with a grain (or more) of salt. Some things that are said are constructive and generally if you self post, you get at least one response with valuable criticism. I generally don't get anything valuable crit from non-anonymous.

>> No.9767128

Usually wardrobe and mail threads are some of the friendliest threads on /cgl/. I'd post my wardrobe, but it's not a lolita wardrobe. I wear a different j-fashion. I like seeing people's wardrobes though because it's nice to see candid photos like that. I also enjoy the mail threads because I like seeing what people are buying.

>> No.9767340

I'm actually really liking people posting some of their stuff on insta so I can look at it seamlessly with the rest of my insta browsing.

>> No.9767346

Its almost like the only point in being here is to interact with the community and not have it mean anything.

>> No.9767494

Link to the videos?

>> No.9768620

Gulls just barely not finished with my wardrobe post. Should I post late or missing a few large main pieces?

>> No.9768731
File: 11 KB, 240x212, nicedesune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just realized january has 31 days, not 30
time to buckle down and take the last of my photos because this is happening

you have a couple days anon, depending on where you are in the world! just get er done

>> No.9768746

Tbh, I exceptionally like imperfect coords or those ones, where a person goes for some more comfy options on purpose. Those guys remind me, that I wear j-fash for fun, not for competition. And I hate seeng those people being nitpicked on ita thread, bc come on, leave your stupid contest for those who cares.

>> No.9769335

>you have a couple days anon, depending on where you are in the world! just get er done
That's the thing, it's impossible to finish the last few pictures as I'm in another state due to work. I uploaded all the pics so I guess I can start building the post, but I'm unsure if I should wait to get the last few in when I get back (which will cause me to be late).

>> No.9769339

>bc come on, leave your stupid contest for those who cares.

The ita threads is specifically for those who care.

>> No.9769533

Photographed some tonight, gonna try to photograph the rest tomorrow and get it up on wednesday! You can do it anons!

>> No.9772407

Quite a few last minute posters, are there any that you gulls particularly like? Have you posted yours yet?

>> No.9772451

I'm glad to see the influx of last-minute wardrobe posts. It was really slow this year, I hope it doesn't slow down even more in 2019.

>> No.9772453


But wait there's more!

Well, at least mine. I'm still adding the last pieces.

>> No.9772502

Me too anon... Me too.

>> No.9773847

Well, aside from late posters, it's over.

Any thoughts? Favorite wardrobes?

Personally, I really wish there was a better single platform we can all post and comment on. It's kind of weird to be jumping from instagram with not great images, to LJ with a mildly outdated format, to amino which while seems to be the best option going forward, has a lot of new wardrobes I personally didn't care for. But I really liked wardrobes this year nonetheless. I hope it continues every year - there's nothing I enjoy more than seeing people's own photographs of their beloved pieces.

>> No.9773864
File: 219 KB, 1080x1256, 25024139_149681149021781_4669576753033773056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sorry she didn't make the wardrobe post, I'd love to see that epic archive of AP production from the past few years =\

>> No.9773896

>took all the pictures
>didn't post yet

should I even bother

>> No.9773899

Please do! Honestly I have fallen out of love with the concept of "wardrobe post season" and idgaf when they're posted, I just wanna see them

>> No.9773911

darn, i still need to post mine.. my photos are kind of messy but oh well, i think it will be okay

>> No.9773954

I feel like a big problem is the time of year. In a lot of places January is just a terrible time to be photographing your wardrobe because the sun is so low in the sky and the days are shorter, meaning many wardrobe posts end up way more mediocre than they would be in say, spring. I wish wardrobe posting season was some other time, because I know the quality of my posts suffer because of this.

>> No.9773982
File: 258 KB, 451x507, 5D42B01E-7798-4A46-B877-EE8D56B43A58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMNIT!! After over two hours of making my post I accidentally exited the tab and when I clicked “restore tab” it fucking loaded the draft from 10 seconds into making the post!! So none of my 50+ photos or anything was saved!! Fucking useless livejournal draft shit!! plus when i wanted to post this i accidentally clicked page 10 so i had to retype this shit again too
fucking hell i’m angry today is not my day

>> No.9774057


>> No.9774523

Oh man, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I was really scared while I was typing mine up because any time I tried opening my drafts in a new tab, it would only show my progress from when I just started. Why can't it just let us save drafts, honestly.

>> No.9774544


It does autosave drafts. You used to have to do it manually, but now there's a notification that a draft saved at x time. Occurs approximately once every 5 minutes.

Honestly I prefer it if they left a draft button there even with the autosave function. That way, anon could make sure her work was saved, as the autosave button sometimes just doesn't work.

>> No.9775676

it doesn't autosave drafts in the legacy editor i believe, which sucks because the legacy editor is superior

>> No.9780253

Does anyone know if egl has premoderation for new users? Or if this is a known issue with LJ - I wrote my post, posted it and the page reloaded, but it's not appearing in the community's feed. It's been at least 15 minutes and it's not there.
I can't tell if I should be flipping tables because LJ lost my post, or I just need to wait a bit longer.

>> No.9780489

Did it upload?

>> No.9781341

The photos from the post did upload - I can see them in my photo album, but the post is not there and it's been more than 24 hours. Guess I'm fucked and I have to type it out again. Yay.

>> No.9781402

I've been copy pasting the html into a text doc to "save" so when LJ inevitably fails, I can just paste it back in.

>> No.9782055


Please know I still refresh daily to see if there are new wardrobes. I'm looking forward to yours!

>> No.9782061

Thanks anon! I appreciate it and I'm sure the others that are still planning to post appreciate it too. I was hoping to finish my post today, but I realized I missed some items so had to take more photos...