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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9707985 No.9707985 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this in the archive and thought I'd make a new one

Post your stories anons!

Mines pretty lackluster but:
>Be me, 15
>Wear lolita for the first time in the city/public
>Terrified about seeing any kids from my school or family there
>Bus is fine
>Run into an entire herd of my classmates
>They notice me
>They start talking shit, and take pics

>Goes to school
>Gets the other loving fuck teased out of me

It wasn't as bad as I thought though honestly, the kids there were pretty tame compared to America

>> No.9708161

It wasn't me, but I have a really small and cute friend who I frequent cons with. When we were both 13, a guy wearing a partial fursuit came up and started talking with us. That was fine and all, but then he just picked up my friend and started walking away with her without warning. We were both absolutely shocked. He put her down fairly fast when she started to resist and looked really confused as to why she didn't like it. It sounds kind of tame now that I've typed it out, but having an adult stranger pick her up and try to leave was terrifying for both of us (definitely more for her though haha.) We joke about it now every time we go to a con.

>> No.9708168

Furries are mentally ill

>> No.9708186
File: 1.48 MB, 2576x1932, IMG_20170220_201248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>con in Pittsburg
>don't trust cities so I'm carrying
>since I'm a big fan of Homura from Madoka Magika, I have custom grips on my 1911 with her on them
>while at the con get a message from a friend in the area asking to hang out once they get off work at 12 midnight
>At midnight they text asking me to meet them at a restaurant a mile away from the con
>don't really think because I'm tired
>one block from the girl, two basketball-americans emerge slightly from an alleyway
>"Hey girl, whats yo name? You lookin' fine"
>you can literally hear the rape and bad intentions in their voice
>Briefly shocked, then reply in the lowest voice possible
>"Conway Twitty, faggots."
>turn 360 and run out of there
>still scared of what would have happened if they had tried to pull me into that alleyway

I'm sure I could have found someone to post bail, but it would look really bad being in a self defense shooting while dressed as the same character that's on your handgun grips.

>> No.9708289

>turn 360 and run out of there
I think you mean turn 180. 360 is a full circle and implies you moonwalked away.

>> No.9708293

But what if that's what anon did...?!

>> No.9708332

>there could be someone this mentally unstable carrying a concealed weapon around you at any time

>> No.9708335

Maybe you're just a pussy.

>> No.9708337

Not sure why their race matters, but like...try to avoid shooting up any schools or churches.

>> No.9708339

dont start

>> No.9708350

You really think someone with homura on their gun would do something like that

>> No.9708358

Fuck knows, anon. This is the same person who said they could "hear" rape in people's voices.
Besides, weebs are crazy.

>> No.9708427

Anyone who’s spoken to diverse American strangers late at night knows they don’t have good intentions

>> No.9708473

>takes the least violent route to avoid conflict
>somehow makes them mentally unstable

>> No.9708475

They’re mentally unstable because they think homura is best girl not Mami

>> No.9708494
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But anon, Homura is best girl.

>> No.9708497

Nah, just that person

>> No.9708498

Thats creepy
Jesus ive never met a furry that creepy.

>> No.9708501

Wtf is a basketball American

>> No.9708509
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>> No.9708582

Got into a car accident in cosplay. The driver had narcolepsy and passed out on the interstate. Ah, talking to cops in cosplay is not at all comfortable.

>> No.9708586

Who were you cosplaying?
>tfw Puri Puri Prisoner from OPM
that would have been a sight to behold

>> No.9708599

>nearly shoots someone for cat calling
jesus, I mean it's annoying but chill

>> No.9708600

furry detected.

>> No.9708603

He didn’t “nearly shoot” anyone, he walked away calmly like he should have

>> No.9708604

>I'm sure I could have found someone to post bail, but it would look really bad being in a self defense shooting while dressed as the same character that's on your handgun grips.

>> No.9708606

>still scared of what would have happened if they had tried to pull me into that alleyway

Hand never reached for the gun
“Nearly shot” is a nope

>> No.9708607

and your the one commenting on reading comprehension?

>> No.9708608 [DELETED] 

>not gunning down the nigger as soon as you saw it
That’s the real crime here

>> No.9708610

It’s a crossplayer
He posts on /k/ too

>> No.9708615

tbf bringing a gun to a con, cosplaying Homura,emulating old greentexts,
and having a custom gun of Homura while cosplaying Homura screams /k/ crossdresser.

>> No.9708616

Ah, that makes sense. He seemed awfully terrified for something so normal. Guess I'm less surprised, then.

>> No.9708637

>bringing a gun to an anime con
This is the definition of questionable, if not worse intentions than catcalling.

>> No.9708638

So it was another sissyposter all along? The racism suddenly makes sense.

>> No.9708652

But anon, he was in Pittsburgh

>> No.9708654

Being cautious around blacks always makes sense

>> No.9708656
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I started dressing up in full lolita when I worked at Hot Topic since I figured everyone was expected to dress weird and we wouldn't get (much) shit for it. I was mostly right, but I got a lot of sexual harassment. I used to get harassed by a police officer that would stop by my store pretty often. He'd constantly ask if I was into S&M and make strange jokes about kidnapping me, so I ended up reporting him and then he'd just stare at me from far away. I got a lot of 'love' letters, including one from a person who wrote me 12, 2-page letters about his thoughts on me and how he'd been watching me. Never found out who it was but it scared the shit out of me. A few people tried to find me on 'missed connections' on craigslist, and I had a lot of drug addicts and people, in general, try to fondle me while I was dressed up, lots of comments about being into DLG play, etc.
Besides that I was mostly stalked by young teenagers that wanted to be friends, to the point where I'd have to hide from people to avoid getting stopped just so I could go on my break.

Thankfully now I give zero shits about when and where I dress up so I guess it was worth it. Just be prepared for any kind of harassment when you go out; the best way to handle it is usually with humor and to not let the person know it affected you.

>> No.9708659

That sounds like all sorts of terrifying, holy shit. What kind of coords did you wear to work?

>> No.9708663

Which do you think brought the most creeps, the outfits or being at Hot Topic?

>> No.9708671

Take it to >>>/pol/

>> No.9708672

DLG play?

>> No.9708678

I wore almost exclusively classic and gothic coords, but I still got sexually harassed even when the coords were very tame and casual, most likely just because I stuck out a lot more whereas when I dressed more normal I just blended in with everyone else.

I was usually fine when I dressed normally, the sexual comments were always a lot less aggressive and I didn't get inappropriately touched since I dress very grandma (lots of cardigans and blouses) when out of lolita. I'm not sure if people assumed because I was dressing up I was 'cosplaying'; a lot of people in the area I live seem to have a pretty bad view on cosplayers and it's sad. most people didn't seem to believe me when I told them I dressed like this almost daily. 7 years later and people not aware of the style still assume I'm just cosplaying instead of enjoying the fashion. This wouldn't happen just when I was working but pretty much everywhere I went and I realized it's not because people think it looks bad, but because it's obviously not the norm and draws attention to you.

>> No.9708682

Stay safe

>> No.9708683

daddy's little girl or ageplay

>> No.9708710


>> No.9708748
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To be completely fair, I ran, because I really did not want to take any chances. The majority of people who carry usually do everything they can to avoid being in a situation where they would have to use it, and walking at night in Pittsburgh was a stupid decision on my part. The last thing I would want would be to have my face plastered all over the news as "crazed racist veteran baits and kills two people" because you know they would find some way to twist it.

The grips just act as extra incentive to avoid any bad situations.

If you look up rape statistics, while the majority of rapes take place between races, the more violent ones do tend to be done by a certain demographic. And there also is a certain trend for interracial rapes that would also mean it would make sense to be more cautious. Plus on top of that, while I'm not trans I still feel like they might have acted in a similar manner that these kinds of criminals do when they find out their intended victim isn't biologically female. It can be kind of sobering to look up the names of victims on the Trans Day of Remembrance and see who the culprits usually are.
I'm not some autistic /pol/ack who assumes all black people are bad, but I'm not completely stupid either.

>> No.9708787 [DELETED] 

You did good. It`s just the triggered individuals who deny the fact that majority of the violent criminals are black because they are too "progressive" to read FBI statistics or open their damn eyes.

The same people are okay with the false notion of white spree shooters when in fact blacks are behind majority of mass shootings

>> No.9708791 [DELETED] 

>I'm not some autistic /pol/ack who assumes all black people are bad

The black culture is a culture of violence. Any place with a large black population will have gangs and that includes high schools and middle schools.

Blacks only tend to behave well as a group when they are a small minority

>> No.9708798

Dude, you're a dumbass who was afraid of being cat called once. No need to write a manifesto.

>> No.9708800

Wait why would you call her a dude?

>> No.9708981

How new r u?

>> No.9709117
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>obvious /k/ browser
>admitted to having been in the military
>carrying a 1911 concealed
>admitting fault in this situation instead of blaming everyone else


>> No.9709133

Absolutely bro.

>> No.9709147 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 768x569, homuramcveigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure most of the people in the past who've carried out mass-shootings with only once exception were leftists though.

Filename unrelated

>> No.9709156

I was bitter about having to work all thanksgiving day at walmert that I dressed up in a p simple lolita coord to work as protest. It was just a blouse, my work vest, and a solid blue skirt with some lace. I was pretty weary that they might ask me to go home and change and which point I'd just stay home, but they never did and my coworkers kept saying it looked nice and asked why I never dressed up. I think at one point a manager saw me walking into the back and thought I was a customer and paged the backroom staff to kick me out. But otherwise nothing else happened. I stocked some beer and helped customers on the floor I'm p sure there must be some unflattering candid photos of me floating around somewhere. I don't know if people of walmart blog still exist but I might be on there. I took off my petti on my break cuz it wasn't comfy.
When my shift ended at night and I was walking towards my car a guy gushed out "That's SO cute" from his car and drove off.

I honestly kinda expect my work to fire me for dressing inappropriately but instead I experienced the most pleasant cat call ever.

>> No.9709161

That sounds really nice, I'm glad it worked out well for you.

>> No.9709167

I could see the possibility of being fired as being scary, but that actually sounds pretty cool.

>> No.9709172
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>Get off shuttle bus
>Wrong stop final stop

>Run back to hotel ax 17

>> No.9709179


I told my significant other I was gunna do a Walmar-ita coord and he told me not to do it. But once he saw my coord he said it worked out really well.

>> No.9709213 [DELETED] 

I wouldn’t say that, there’s plenty of amoral, apolitical psychopaths out there

>> No.9709235 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 500x1000, 1490138729044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, just looking at the ones in the past year, all had socialism or leftist ideals as their motivation.

>> No.9709867

Being catcalled and approached by unfamiliar men on the street at midnight when alone is a bit more troubling than just "being catcalled"

>> No.9709888

..ok so I'm level 4...

>> No.9709889

>>Briefly shocked, then reply in the lowest voice possible
>>"Conway Twitty, faggots."

>> No.9709918
File: 60 KB, 625x447, F4955C5E-97C3-4F3D-9607-BA5DCFEAAA0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago, but I hailed a yellow cab back to a convention after a local tea party

>tea party hotel was a couple miles away from convention hotel
>didn’t want to walk back in rain and I’m tired
>stand on corner for a cab
>forgot for a second that I might get a strange reaction
>think “fuck it”, these guys are on the job, want tips, are probably aware a convention is going on. worst case scenario is they’ll make fun of me on the way and still expect a tip.

Enter cab, say hello and give hotel address.

>constant eye contact in rear view mirror
>constant complements on my physical attributes (pretty skin, pretty smile, pretty hair, not overtly inappropriate boob or butt comments, so I didn’t get too many red flags at first, and just tried to curb the conversation)
>questions about my family life, who I live with, what I like to do
>asks the boyfriend question
>he’s clearly much older, and from a very different culture so maybe he’s just curious, but just in case I say I do.
>jokes about how boyfriend won’t need to know, or maybe he could work out a deal, maybe he would share for free rides?
>entire ride took forever because he went way under the speed limit because “it’s safer for rainy weather” and he was “new to this area”
>More red flags make me request he drop me at convention entrance, not my hotel
>tries to give me discount on the fare for being such a ”pretty woman”
>I didn’t feel comfortable with that, handed him the full amount with no tip and left very quickly.
>call dispatch to report whole scenario, they wanted to send him back to me to apologize?!?!
>no nono no no no just tell him not to ask women questions like that, just don’t pursue customers like potential dates?! I don’t want him back here!!

>> No.9709921

Opin bob
Show vagene

>> No.9709971

That sounds horrible

>> No.9709981 [DELETED] 

it doesn't take an idiot to know that blacks are the only ones who get caught cause they do it in the open/police monitored areas. Trust me when I say with the amount of shit that goes on in college frat houses, white guys are the biggest offenders across all demos, they're just not caught

>> No.9709987 [DELETED] 

>I’ve seen douchebag fratboys who were white therefore the FBI is wrong

>> No.9710004

Years ago I cosplayed a genderbended TF2 Medic at MCM London. My friend left her purse in the cloakroom and asked me to watch her props while she ran back to get it. While I was sat at a table a man in a skintone zentai suit and Kigurumi mask approached me and tried to talk. He couldnt talk because of his mask and so mimicked a writing motion. I gave him my phone to type in (I was 16 and stupid) and he gave it back. The text said "Please go on your knees and beg". Fear. I sperged out and couldn't think of a reply so I just said "no thank you" and looked down at my phone. He just stood there a bit longer looking down at me before giving up and leaving.

Catcalling has happened a few times, but nothing was as weird as that time imo

>> No.9710012
File: 2.05 MB, 1334x750, FAD98D08-E7C3-42B2-AFEC-4DE8DAD039E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s creepy as fuck, did you call security?

>> No.9710025
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, rem sad.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to a convention dressed as Rem
>Friend group decides to hit up a place to eat outside the convention
>while there a man in business attire (button up, tie , dress pants) asks for a picture
>pose then back to the convention
>while waiting in line for a panel get caught by the same man from the restaurant
>asks for another photo
>think nothing of it maybe he just didn't like the first photo
>some time passes and I get caught a third time by the same man
>He has his phone up and informs me he's recording video
>asks me to spin for him
>awkwardly do a light turn
> He asks me to do it again
>notice him start to shake and breathe heavily
>friends notice that it's the same guy three times and helps get me away from there

I started to freak myself out wondering if he was even attending the convention at all or if he had been following me and my friends since the restaurant

>> No.9710027
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I've heard people claim this before, but the majority of the people to say this also seem to think that the ancient Egyptians where Bantus despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.9710045

You're not alone, gull; let's be level 4's together. I'm always interested in gulls who have shit taste in music just like me.

>tfw friend comes over for hangout, goes through vinyl
>put on the weirdest stuff you have, anon! I'm sure I'll like it.
>put on some weird stuff
>friend laughs and says, "what the fuck is this shit" the whole time

>> No.9710072

Girls just don't talk about it

>> No.9710092

>the majority of the people to say this also seem to think that the ancient Egyptians where Bantus despite all evidence to the contrary.
That's a non-sequitur, and also derailing the thread.
Take your "wewuz kangs" bullshit elsewhere thanks

>> No.9710102 [DELETED] 


I think actually white girls like being raped by white men, but report more often when they're raped by niggers, as this has been my observation.

This is how stupid you sound, btw.

>> No.9710113

>it's not a cosplay its a FASHION

>> No.9710118 [DELETED] 

>white people rape the most in the world, I have no proof of this but I absolutely know that white people are criminals that rape and kill a lot and they get away with it because there is no proof but if there was proof then it will be true

>> No.9710124

Pretty much any time someone tried to swindle me for money while trying to get back to my hotel outside old Otakon. Which was usually once a night. Heard so many gd fake sob stories. At least it prepped me for living on my own in a big city.

>> No.9710418

What race are you?

>> No.9710426
File: 482 KB, 500x281, 4G6c1L6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in lolita outside
>walking through a park to go home
>empty except for a group of girls
>they approach me
>"what the fuck is that lolol" "so weird"
>ignore them as i always do when it happens
>they start following me and filming me/take pictures of me
>Heyyy where are you going? Alice! BoPeep!
>start touching me,going under my skirt,pulling my headdress,...
>walks faster,just to be out of there and try to push them back "nicely"
>suddenly,one of them snatches my necklace by pulling hard on it
>they laugh
>the necklace is very important to me
>has a picture of recently deceased grandma in it and the original necklace was given to me by her
>the rage that was boiling in me comes out all at once
>let out the most unholy screech i've possibly ever done in my life
>punches and dig at that one bitch's face with my nails,proceeding to shove her on the ground and punch her with all i have
>the other bitches don't know what to do and are scared,yet trying to kick me/pull me out of her
>she manages to escape my grip,and run,with her yoga pants half pulled down from the dragging
>she was bleeding pretty badly,i had blood on my hands and think i might have broken her nose
>they all run,protecting that poor bitch,and say they're gonna call the police or people they know
>nothing else happened that day

They must have thought I was mental. I'm still ashamed and surprised of my behavior but at least I was safe and got my necklace back.

>> No.9710432

No shame in defending yourself, anon. Good for you, those bitches had it coming.

>> No.9710436

I already had a case like that back in high school when a girl spilled something on my skirt (i was starting to get into lolita,meaning i had very little and cherished the little i had). Same thing. Shoved her,kicked her,... teachers and a friend had to pull me off of her because i was kicking her on the ground. She was bullying me the whole year to begin with and I managed to keep calm and just make snarky comebacks. But damaging my stuff? Fuck it.
This one girl,though,actually had her nose broken because my feet kick when she fell down landed directly on her nosebridge.
I surprisingly had nothing,the teachers were just extremely surprised because I never caused trouble besides "dressing weird" and they brushed it off,telling me it "wasn't good' to punch people.

>> No.9710971

>Hi my name is Momoko Hachimitsu Tsundere Doki Doki and I have long honey brown hair (that's how I got my name) with pink streaks that reaches my mid-back and dark brown eyes like royal chocolate and a lot of people tell me I look like Risa Nakamura (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

>> No.9711517
File: 28 KB, 198x225, IMG_4123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so much a horror story but the aftermath of a con creeper

>be me near the end of con day
>random guy walks up to us with camera ready to take a picture
>assume he's about to ask for a photo, I turn to face him
>without asking or any warning he snaps a photo right in my face and as he runs off he snaps an upskirt photo of my friend
>not by the hair on my chinny chin chin
>i follow and catch him up
>i am a weak 5"2 girl and am chasing after a middle aged creep alone to try and delet this camera
>not my best decision
>catch up, hes scurried off to a middle aged woman i assume is his wife and a young child thats with them
> i ask the woman hes with if she knows hes been taking upskirt photos of girls
>she looks at him in shock
>i ask him to delete the photos and the woman watches as he starts fumbling around with his camera
>he goes through hundreds of upskirt and tit shots, deleting each photo individually
>i walk away as the woman starts telling him off for being such a creep
>mfw i became the con creep destroyer

>> No.9711522
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I'm glad you taught them a lesson
honestly most people like that are chicken shit as fuck

>> No.9711933

Any chance this was at PortCon?

Cause I knew a guy who was famous for doing this at PortCon. And by 'knew a guy' I mean 'was terrified of a guy who did this to my friend and many other underage girls'.

>> No.9711955
File: 46 KB, 160x266, 962F7F1A-9C6E-45ED-B22A-4226F8F52FFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb bitches git rekt

>> No.9711976

Being cautious always makes sense

>> No.9712085

Sure sounds like Unicity or Duffy's to me.

>> No.9712152

You're amazing. Men deserve all the shit for being creeps

>> No.9712541
File: 40 KB, 225x350, 29839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 15, first anime con
>pic related

haven't cosplayed since desu

>> No.9712543

Elaborate please.

>> No.9712586

i think what anon means is the guy in the pic is known to be pedophilic

>> No.9712589

I've heard many stories about Mick Lasagna but not to that extent, yikes.

>> No.9712592

You're my anon heroine!

>> No.9712603

I've heard he's a real creepshow but the one time I was at an anime con where he was I went out of my way to avoid him.

Would love to hear more detail if you're comfortable, anon.

>> No.9712616

What you did was good. People like that need their ass whooped. Should of told those bitches off earlier.

>> No.9712624

I use to work staff at ACen. Dude was creppy as fuck. Born again christian harassing other guests for being homosex. Known for sneaking around the hotel without escort to attention whore.
>Materializes out of dark doorway to sneak into AP teaparty
>Squealing fangirls interrupts my $50+badge teaparty
>"Can we take a photo?!"
>MicMack's hoverhand around girl's waist/ near bobs

>> No.9712632

That's....exactly the type of person I'd expect to do that

>> No.9712709

My friend went to get some merch signed by him, and he legit kissed her on the lips. All the fangirls squealed but its real creepy ngl

>> No.9713429


>> No.9713460

Ew,fucking creep
Vic Lasagna is disgusting

>> No.9713461
File: 85 KB, 219x229, Mrbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplaying master chief ( I am male )
>Decide to attend convention Auction for chance at rare swag
>Huge obese nigress badly cosplaying some animu chick sits next to me munching cheetos
>At first I think "whatever"
>Then I notice it
>The smell creeps into my suit
>I am suffocating in my helmet
>Eyes watering, she smells so bad I legit feel knots forming in my lungs
>Have to leave for fear I was somehow having an allergic reaction to this legendary hambeast
>tfw no rare swag ;_;

I didn't even know it was possible for a female to smell that bad.

>> No.9713484 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah that’s 3 of the stinkiest humanoids in existence

>> No.9714369
File: 105 KB, 1200x574, Streetharassment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that roughly 70% of convention creeper stories are pic related.

>> No.9714376

While I don't disagree with the fact that some girls can be crazy/unlogical like that, you sound like a creep who thinks he gets rejected because "muh feminism boogeyman".

>> No.9714380

Probably not 70%, but the one anon in this thread did have a reason to be concerned, since midnight in a city is a bit different than daylight in a crowded convention center.

>> No.9714397
File: 45 KB, 640x476, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "unattractive male" is also a manlet

>> No.9714442

>you sound like a creep who thinks he gets rejected because "muh feminism boogeyman".

Personal attacks like this distract from the problem.

Sure, a lot of the guys who complain about it may be losers. But it happens to normal guys a lot too. I've seen crazies accuse dudes of sexual harassment for legit just breathing in their general direction.

Anyone who hasn't noticed that modern feminism acts as an enabler for unstable cunts needs to pull their head out of the sand.

>> No.9714532

>staying in a hotel like four blocks away from convention center during fanime
>out having a good times with friends, drinking
>dressed as maid futaba from the persona 5 maid dlc
>end up walking alone to hotel while tipsy at like 2 am
>sketchy streets with alleyways the further away from all the convention-goers the more i walk
>guys from two different cars catcall me
>suddenly realize i'm in a short as fuck skirt and heels

fortunately nothing happened and i made it back to my hotel room okay, but it was definitely not one of the smarter things i've done

>> No.9715428

Nice racism

>> No.9715432

go away we don't want your kind here

>> No.9715434

you did the right thing anon, regardless of if you swing to the left or tuck it back.

>> No.9715435

This is why I Lyft.

>> No.9715439

Best post in this thread, kawaii desuka Momoka Doki Doki san 5ever.

>> No.9718342

>be me, 16
>wandering around con with friend as Shinoa and Yuu
>tired because woke up really early
>get a couple of waifu comments while getting picture taken, nothing new
>hambeast came up as really bad L
>L "cosplayer" has some kind of stain on his shirt- most likely grease
>stunk really bad, almost pass out
>hands my Yuu his shitty digital camera and kinda hoverhand me around shoulder area
>asks to pick me up
>say no
>think nothing of it after we leave bc both tired
>few weeks later in fb con group there's a callout for him
>he was sexually harassing female cosplayers and taking skirt upshots

I'm glad he didn't try anything, but I think if I was by myself and not with a friend, he would've tried to pick me up PLUS take a creepshot of me.

>> No.9718344

forgot to add, I was pretty freaked out after I thought about it at the con. I think that really made me think how ignorant I was to the situation

>> No.9718473
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>Be me, a skinny femboy, just turned 18
>Cosplaying as Yosuke from Persona 4
>Protagonist cosplayer, probably in his late 20's-early 30's, comes up to me and starts interacting
>I'm happy because I'm not used to cosplayers from the same fandom interacting with me
>He seems cool so I walk around the con with him for a while
>His interactions get weird after a while
>People stopped us to ask for photos, and he asked them "do you want a regular pose or a yaoi fanservice pose"
>Pulls me close
>Puts his hand on my back
>Tries to kiss me
>I pull away and say "lets just do a normal pose"
>People take the pic and walk away
>I tell him that I'm not gay and he needs to back off
>"Haha good one anon, that's totally something Yosuke would say"
>"But t's not actually gay if you're just dressed like a guy."
>This fucker thought that I was a crossplaying girl
>I tell him that I'm really a guy
>He doesn't believe me
>He grabs my crotch to call me out on my "bluff"
>His face goes deadpan when he squeezes my dick
>He doesn't even fucking say anything, he just walked away.

I reported him to con security but I don't know if anything got done, because Persona cosplayers attending the same con were complaining about him on tumblr

>Wearing Yosuke at a con a year and a half later
>In line for coffee
>Feel my ass getting squeezed
>Turn and see this fatass neckbeard smirking at me

I don't cosplay Persona anymore

>> No.9718495 [DELETED] 
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Not necessarily a horror story but the only time I've ever cosplayed and ever will

>be me
>finished watching AOT
>spend 6 months on n' off working on an Eren Yäger cosplay
>get candy on Halloween in slightly unfinished version of my cosplay
>ask this one dad whoms't was Walter White how much a gram of meth was lol
>comic con is a few weeks away
>prepare by making my cosplay better
>swear to god, my sister does makeup for me
>before I get on the train one 40+ y.o woman asks for a picture, I say yes and I must've looked like an absolute fucking autist
>take train to Comic-Con SD with my dad

why did I go to comic-con cosplayed as an anime character? I have no fucking clue.

>pay some guy a couple bucks to bike us to the con
>only a handful of people outside the event with "Jesus died for your sins/repent your sins" and Anti-(Republican) Candidate signs, but nothing more.
>walk around

>we didn't buy tickets

>walk around some more
>decide to leave
>my dad wants to go into to a sports bar
>he drincc.jpg
>stay there for 15 minutes and leave
>back to the train station
>hop back into train
>we walk past 100 people just to find two fucking seats
>two teenage grills see me, and sperg the fuque out
>both take pictures, don't fucking care because I'm 11
>ride home with a guy I lowkey discussed anime with, then he talks to my dad for the remaining 25 minutes discussing the business he works for
>go home realizing I'm a fucking retard

my story is shitty sorry

>> No.9718497

>go home realizing I'm a fucking retard
Give yourself a break, you were a child.

>> No.9718498
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I was diagnosed with autism at age nine

I am by definition retarded

>> No.9718501

Going to a comic-con dressed as an anime character isn't the worst thing you can do. Especially if you only had anime cosplays at the time.
At least AoT is well-known enough to get recognized by the general nerd population

>> No.9718505

>back in the day before AX came to shitty LA
>also back when the only badge checked the exhibit hall and panel rooms
>decided to eat outside of the con center area
>On our way back, group noticed a normie that we saw at said restaurant following us back to the con
>try to lose him a crowd of tourists from disneyland
>15 mins later, creeper managed to catch up to us at con
>was a total normie with the way he looked around the con of shock and wonder
>also had no badge showing
>thought he would check out the con instead
>nope, still follows us 30 mins later.
>goes up to staff
>staff calls up security
>normie stalker books the fuck out of there as soon as the guys with sheriff badges showed up

Thank god we were smart 14 year olds cause I know would've sucker punched the guy if he tried talking to us.

>> No.9718522

>>be me
>>finished watching AOT
>Attack on Titan originally ran in 2013
>2018 - 2013 = 5
>11 + 5 = 16
Underage b&
>my story is shitty sorry
Yes. You didn't seem afraid, which this thread is about. Only being a sperg.

>> No.9718530
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/clg/ isn’t an 18+ board

that’s the most scary story for me because that’s the ONLY story I have

When I mean “shitty” I mean low quality, others had better written ones.

>> No.9718541


>> No.9718546

Nayrt, but it doesn't matter that /cgl/ is a blue board, 4chan as a whole is 18+. It's legit the second rule. And while I agree that your story was bad, maybe the better idea is to ... Idk ... write a better post instead of something you openly admit is trash?
Whatever, you've got a few years before you post again so you have time to improve.

>> No.9718550
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you actually read them

Well shit

Ight bye mods on my ass now

>> No.9718555
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>/clg/ isn’t an 18+ board

>> No.9718966 [DELETED] 

>at con
>guy asks me out for coffee
>wow how sweet
>suddenly notice that he is only 5'11.999
>omg a manlet is asking me out
>Literally being raped

>> No.9718979
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>at comicon
>crossplaying Nocturne
>been walking around merch booths for a good couple hours
>see a Power Girl with the milkiest mommy chest I've ever seen
>it was at this moment I realized I forgot to tuck
>walking around carrying my bag in front of crotch hoping I can make it to the bathroom before anyone notices
>embarrass myself further by almost walking into mensroom
>make it to lady's and fix myself up
To this day I wonder if anyone noticed. Luckily I was wearing so much makeup no one would recognize me

>> No.9718983

That's incredibly hot

>> No.9719041

Autism isn't the same as retardation but if you think so,then yes,you might be.
Give yourself a break though anon,you were a kid

>> No.9719049

>#MeToo #YesAllWomen

>> No.9719245
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>> No.9719252

Is he rich?

>> No.9719256

But the 1st story was kinda funny.

>> No.9719273

A lot of pussy shit in this thread.

>> No.9719282

fuckin' amazing anon, you're a hero

>> No.9719355
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>be me at ACen 2015
>walking back to Aloft hotel Saturday night
>shortest route is through the parking garage
>get to the last skybridge connecting Aloft to the garage
>HUGE group of men coming from the opposite direction
>feel a little intimidated, but not immediately paranoid
>briefly make eye contact
>big mistake
>all of them simultaneously leer at me and the catcalls commence
>why god
>mfw it's me vs ten dudes and no one else around to intervene if anything happened
>i walk past them a little faster
>none of them reach for me but i can hear them getting angry behind me
>almost to the door
>one of them shouts REALLY loud
>book it inside

I don't know what would have happened if they and I had crossed paths any farther from the hotel.

Funny, about 70% of the men who have ever creeped me out or outright harassed me have been conventionally attractive.

Overt sexual behavior coming from a total stranger is creepy and unwanted no matter what they look like, anon.

>> No.9719363

I carry everywhere I go, cons included.
Better to have it and not need it, etc.

>> No.9719389

I cosplayed Shimakaze to a local con a few years back, my skirt has built in shorts but they're more pantie-style than shorts.. I had friends chase off two different guys who were taking upskirts, and aside from creepy businessmen who bothered me every now and then I had a relatively good weekend...

But then I got home and was later tagged in a photo with some dude I'd posed with, and his caption was "I'm not gonna post the other picture @____ :P"

I'll just call the other dude A, he'd commented and had posted another photo of me, a slightly blurry photo of my backside from far away.
There were a few guys in the comments saying stuff like "You're the hero we deserve" etc.

I immediately replied asking for the photo to be removed, with no answer for a while.
I had friends coming in saying how awful he was for posting the picture of me, calling him a creep, etc.
I was mostly distraught because I'd known this guy since I was 11-12 (was 18 when this happened), and also of course there was an upskirt of me online that I couldn't remove for several hours.

Eventually I messaged his ex girlfriend and asked her if she could get into contact with him, and finally after maybe an hour or two of him being torn apart by people in the comments he removed the photo and sent a VERY long apology to me, saying how he wasn't thinking whatever whatever, I told him forget it and now avoid him at conventions.

>> No.9719868

>"Be me, skinny femboy"

>"I don't cosplay Persona anymore"

Maybe you're getting groped because you're a femboy, not because of who you're cosplaying.

>> No.9719956
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>wear sweet to a con
>out at events late at night
>going home on train
>homeless-looking men at train station
>group of three of them approach
>one asks for a selfie with me
>no weapon on hand so just go along with it because don't want to piss off the homeless creeps
>one wants number
>train is approaching
>saved by train
>they don't follow because there's other people on said train
Using public transit is suffering.

>> No.9720005

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.9720105

How though

Maybe. I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the fanbase though. I started working physical labor jobs and gained 35lb in the past 2 years, am no longer skinny femboy. I still get unwanted male attention when cosplaying vidya game characters (I wore Link to the last convention I went to and it sucked. No groping, but a lot of leering. Also had a few dudes put their hand around my shoulder and waist without permission) But when I cosplay animu characters (especially from animu where 50% or more of the fanbase is female) I manage to avoid male creeps.

>> No.9720176

>be 14
>first year at dragoncon
>no cosplay, wear a panda dress, hat, and a black and white weeb choker/collar
>approached by Loki cosplayer, late 20's at the youngest
>pulls on my collar
>"so.. do you use this collar for anything besides cosplay?"
>"Uh haha.. I'm 14.."
>"That's okay, age is just a number"
>bail out of there and find parents

I was a dumbshit and didn't tell anyone about it, I wish I had reported him to staff though. Now 20 year old me would've gotten him kicked out.

>> No.9720188

>not getting the slide of a Beretta custom engraved with your choice of Homura imagery

>> No.9720310

What happened to you is fucked-up, anon. Do you go to cons alone? I avoid creepers because I have my massive bear of a boyfriend with me at all times.

>> No.9720334
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>> No.9720674

My first couple cons I went with "friends" from uni who ditched me when we got to the con. Now I have a pretty solid group of convention friends and always have at least one person to hang out with.

>> No.9721116

>going under my skirt
anon I think those bitches were dykes and they were trying to rape you

>> No.9721128

I'm lesbian myself anon. It happened back in high school already when girls discovered I was into girls. They would just grope me and ask me if I liked it, idk, people are just shitty and fucked up

>> No.9722435 [DELETED] 

>race that makes up 90% of rape statistics
>Not sure why their race matters
really made me think

>> No.9722791

Because it's a lot easier to blame the evil gun-owner who avoided the situation like a typical rational/non-violent person and imply that he(?) is unstable than to look at the crime stats that show one demographic is far more likely to commit a crime than the other and draw reasonable conclusions.

>> No.9722807 [DELETED] 

That's bullshit, but okay.
90% of rapes committed on white people are done by other white people (and the same is true of black rape). Additionally, the rapists are usually people who know the victim on a personal level, not some random in an alley. In general, most crime is intraracial, not interracial.
You can't just look at one crime statistic and blame random people of a race for everything. Next I'll be hearing that black people invented cancer to kill whitey, lmao.

>> No.9722813

>blacks manage to commit a vast disproportionate amount of violence in the country on other blacks
>therefore it’s totally safe to let a crowd of them surround you at night when you’re white


>> No.9722818

1. Nice strawman. I didn't say that at all, but it'd be retarded if you only showed caution because they were black (as opposed to them being random suspicious people on the street - ie scary behavior anywhere).
2. That doesn't corroborate the "90% of rape statistics are by blacks!!" claim, but good attempt.
Reminder: Most crime is intraracial, deal with it.

>> No.9722850 [DELETED] 
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Most violent crime is intraracial, but that doesn't change that the vast majority of interracial crime is perpetrated by black against whites. And I doubt someone alone at night in the city is really going to be thinking "good thing most rapes/murders against whites are committed by other whites" when they have two guys stepping out of an alleyway. At that point any rational person is going to have alarm bells going off that this is a bad situation that they need to get out of. If anything, you'd have to be borderline retarded or a brainwashed sjw not to think that there's something concerning about that situation. And based on >>9708748 I would also assume they have military training, which means they probably started analyzing the odds that it would end badly, or at least started assessing risks and deciding the best way to bug out.

>> No.9722859

In the end, male people commit the majority of violent crime, so really you should automatically be cautious around anyone with a penis.

>> No.9722869

Marine, actually.
Can't actually argue too much with that, I'm pretty sure most people would be more cautious around a man than a woman if they met them on the street at midnight in a major city.

>> No.9722899 [DELETED] 

Your post is implying that there's somehow less reason to be careful if the men were white instead. The sketchy guys' race is pretty much irrelevant, as their actions were what made them sketchy.
As such, mentioning that they were black is pretty dumb and loaded. Creepy fucks who wander around in alleyways aren't any less skeevy if their skin is pale.

>> No.9722900 [DELETED] 

Which race is most likely to wander around alleyways acting skeevy though?

>> No.9722904

Sneaky chinese

>> No.9722905

Look away for 2 second and WHAMMO
Peepee in your coke, every time

>> No.9722906


>> No.9722924

In a white-majority area, whites.

>> No.9722926

the one with the poor people

>> No.9726573 [DELETED] 


If they hadn't mentioned their race at all, would you have still assumed they were black?

>> No.9726577

What does it matter what the reader assumes?

>> No.9727110

What does it matter what the writer implies?

>> No.9727151

What does it matter what other people comment on what the writer implies?

>> No.9727170

What does it matter? Accept nihilism as your lord and personal savior.