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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9698201 No.9698201 [Reply] [Original]

AnimeNYC thread since last one is gone

>How is the con for you so far?
>What should they improve?
>What happen to red barrett

>> No.9698206

I really liked the con besides the bag check every 5 seconds, vendors and artist alley was nice too.

I think Imma just start going to this instead of NYCC

>> No.9698208

They should really add more panels next year

>> No.9698210

Hopefully this doesnt turn out like nycc did. I loved how I actually had space to walk around and enjoy the con. NYCC gets so damn overcrowded year after year.

>> No.9698217

Pretty good, but I'd like more interesting panels. There wasn't anything that interested me Saturday.

>> No.9698257
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I'm just gonna start namefagging for these threads since I already have a name anyway.

I had to leave because I have something to do for work tomorrow. I can never afford more than day trips into the city anyway.

I did go to the afterparty though. Even for only a couple hours, I think it was well worth the cover charge. I was up on the stage in front of everyone, waving around my poster scroll like a baton. I feel sore all over, had no alcohol, but I feel on top of the world.

I think I might have stepped in some vomit, but thankfully it wasn't my own.

>> No.9698281

Anyone know who won at the masquerade?

>> No.9698293
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First prize went to the Vocaloid trio.

>> No.9698295
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Anyone recognize the artist for this print? I snapped a quick pic of it yesterday at artist alley, intending to come back for it after getting dragged away by my friends and stupidly didnt take a card or pic of the booth name.

>> No.9698297

Yessss! I loved them, I'm so happy they won. Probably the only skit that didn't make me cringe.

>> No.9698298
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Agreed wholeheartedly.

>> No.9698329

Suprised to see Kigurumi cosplayers, 4 of them no less

>> No.9698353

find em yourself my friend

>> No.9698506

anyone else going for the final day?

>> No.9698524

Thinking about it. I already went Friday and Saturday so not sure if I'm up for it.

>> No.9698537

Go so I feel like I have someone with me in spirit

>> No.9698550

im going back for a cute ass print i didnt get yesterday and its been haunting me

>> No.9698552

Unless I have someone to go with, two days of looking around by myself is plenty.

>> No.9698556

Me, my body is killing me from running around in heels but I need to buy stuff that I was too busy to get yesterday because of the masquerade. I’ll be in sweatpants and sneakers for my cosplay, at least.

>> No.9698563

Running around in cosplay yesterday got me exhausted so I'm just going to go and check out the con one more time

>> No.9698600

I'm already here and want to cry from the loneliness but at least I finally got this shirt I had my eye on

>> No.9698602


>I think Imma just start going to this instead of NYCC

I find it kind of funny yet unsurprising how this seems to be the exact same reaction of everyone. The people I did manage to talk to this weekend had the same response to how they felt about the con; being that they enjoyed it and thought it was much better than NYCC.

It's kind of weird how every single person felt the need to bring up NYCC. Not that I don't blame them. It was ok for the first two years imo but after that, I don't think anyone actually goes to have fun more than not feel left out by the sheer prominence of the event. I still hold a personal grudge against it because I associate it with removing NYAF all those years back.

ANYC was fun for me just on its own two feet though, and it was the same for everyone else I talked to. Definitely going again next year.


>Probably the only skit that didn't make me cringe.

I dunno, I thought both Love Live groups were up there for sure too.

>> No.9698622

I think a lot of the anger is because NYCCC not only absorbed NYAF, but after a couple of years it basically dropped that component altogether. A lot of people felt they were basically kicked out.

>> No.9698634


I personally didn't have much of an issue with them absorbing NYAF. As far as I remember, NYCC at the time was always main+second floor, and NYAF was always main+basement. Absorption wasn't really an issue when the space would be accomodated for, but rather because you couldn't even call the NYAF half of the event a con. It was essentially just a hallway and like five artists in their own cold, secluded corners which was just depressing and terrible treatment. All the people who came for NYAF were basically getting shafted to NYCC anyway, which always has nothing to do unless you enjoyed comics.

>dropped that component altogether
>A lot of people felt like they were basically kicked out

This was all the more infuriating when the staff at the time said they'd fix every issue all the NYAF attendees at the time had. So I guess technically they did by completely doing away with it which was just a dick move.

>> No.9698640

I've never actually gotten around to going to NYCC, was it really that bad?

>> No.9698658

Ramen panel is horrendous thought it'd be much better but the main speaker might as well be trying to give everyone narcolepsy

>> No.9698660

Story time?

>> No.9698662


Objectively speaking, I don't think it's that bad. I don't enjoy comics at all so I can't give a more informed opinion. It's just that I hold a personal vendetta against it, which has gradually simmered and cooled into ambivalent, though slight dislike over the years.

There are some rather noticeable problems with it regardless. Everyone I meet seems to never say that they actually like attending NYCC, more because it's a thing they go to because it's big. At the same time, it's so overcrowded you can't actually go anywhere nor do much anything. It's big, it probably has a ton to do if you like comics, but it feels like for a con of that size and notoriety, it lacks a certain something that makes it drive home the definite feeling of "I personally enjoyed this and it was worth it." Maybe it's because everyone I ask tends to be further on the anime side of things, or go for the social aspect of cons (which NYCC doesn't lend you at all due to the ridiculous crowding), but still.

>> No.9698708
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I and the DJ at the afterparty last night had the idea to pitch to the bar's owner about having an occasional cosplay night. I think the party was hands-down the most fun part of the whole convention. The anime OSTs playing, all the people still in cosplay, bumping and grinding in full dress lolita. It was all so surreal. It was weird and wild and wonderful all at the same time. I'm still sore, and my head's spinning, but I want to do it again, and again, and again. I don't want to have to wait till next year to repeat that feeling.

I think it can work. We clearly showed we can pack the place to the rafters. With a little promotion, I think it would be an excellent idea for everyone.

>> No.9698809

Every "cosplay party" in nyc I've been to has had 2 cosplayers max. This is including sonicboombox.
The one exception was when a bunch of people dressed as spiderman and then the DL stopped letting cosplayers in bc of dress code.

>> No.9698812

Basically they let them in but around 11 started enforcing dress code so ppl who left to get food or water were assed out.

>> No.9698967
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This one had at least a couple dozen, if not more.

>> No.9698992

It's officially over

What did everyone think?

>> No.9698996

I really enjoyed it, alot of nice cosplay. Definitely going next year.

>> No.9699004

Same, I just hope it doesn't get crowded. Was perfect space this year

>> No.9699054

I wouldn't mind going again either.

>> No.9699057

It was good. Get better panels and it would be perfect.

>> No.9699121

Very good, just needed more panels, and better bag checking. Hopefully more cosplayers next year as well

>> No.9699147

Overall I think it went great, it seems everyone agrees that more panels are needed, and personally I'd love to see bigger musical guests come.

man up and trip

>> No.9699148

What is going on in this picture?

>> No.9699205

Those who went to the after party how was it?

>> No.9699213

Woman in a lolita outfit dancing in a cage-like safety enclosure high above the dance floor of the American Beauty bar and nightclub in Midtown Manhattan.

Dated November 18, 2017. Licensed as CC-BY-SA 4.0 International.

>> No.9699217

Christ, I'm glad I didn't subject myself to the /cgl/ meetup

>> No.9699232

There was no meetup, though?

>> No.9699406

NYAF never had the main floor. They were always in the basement, right up until they got absorbed by NYCC.

NYAF was a money loser, anime wasn't as big by the end of NYAF, but now thanks to more streaming sites carrying it, like Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchy Roll, it's more easily accessible now so I think this, along with NYC's anime/manga crowd looking for a home-grown con, this worked in their favor.

>> No.9699416

Right. As the comedian said at the masquerade, for years the anime and eastern cosplay community in New York has been forced to live a nomadic existence.

I think a great slogan for next year's ANYC would be "Tadaima", literally "I'm home", symbolizing the idea that we have finally rebuilt a metaphorical home for us in the city.

>> No.9699474

Definitely had fun and exceeded my expectations for its first year. Absolutely going back next year. Bought some stuff that I probably would not see at other cons and the artist alley was really good

I heard through the grapevine that they didn't expect to sell out and that next year they're at least doubling the area used. They expected around 10k attendees and got double that, which doesn't really surprise me

>> No.9699706


>> No.9699715


>> No.9699970

Admittedly, the lighting isn't very flattering, but I was NOT going to drag a DSLR around.

>> No.9699979

That's not lolita.

>> No.9699991

Got any other photos Red?

>> No.9700151

Yes it is

>> No.9700184

You're both right. It's an ita.

>> No.9700195

Is it haul pic time?

>> No.9700202

Yes hop to it

>> No.9700230
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Did anyone else sign up for Christian mobile gamers?

>> No.9700256

Of the afterparty? Just >>9698257

>> No.9700271
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This plushie was the only thing notable that I got. Everything else either didn't strike my fancy or was too damn expensive for my meager budget.

>> No.9700283
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miku tee, aa merch, cute plushies, and gachapons. so mad i got that little shitstain olaf i didnt even retry.
a couple blind bag items and freebies included

>> No.9700297

had a decent time even though i went alone.

>> No.9700299

Why anon?

>> No.9700310

>i went alone.
i know this feel, I went to this and NYCC by myself

>> No.9700312

Not that anon, but I wasn't able to get my con group to come. It's easier to go to a con solo if you live in the area.

Probably unlike that anon though, I ended up inviting my mom because she was bugging me about comic con and this was the next best thing.

>> No.9700347

i literally have no friends

>> No.9700388

Are you me? I was there alone for this exact reason

>> No.9700399
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Let's all just become sweaty awkward friends and go together next year <3

>> No.9700406

We could arrange an actual, proper, coordinated meetup next year.

>> No.9700407
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Shoutout to the Saturday nerdboy with the speaker for getting Hibikase stuck in my head for the next week

>> No.9700409

nayrt, but I tend to go to these events alone out of habit. The only friend I had couldn't afford to go, and I couldn't afford to pay for him.

>> No.9700423

Will you hold my hand if I show up?

>> No.9700430

Okay but if you guys think I'm ugly you're not allowed to bully me.

>> No.9700479
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I think I managed to catch a flu from the convention.

To all gulls: Learn from my mistake, and get your flu shots *before* the Fall con season.


>> No.9700480

i would be down for that.

>> No.9700493

I got sick too, not the flu, but a really mild cold. Goddamn weebs making me break my 1 year 4 month not getting sick track.

>> No.9700508

Wish the vendors sold more patches. That one a/k vendor had some pretty neat designs, but too many of them were either too lewd or too weeby for me to wear em.

>> No.9700566
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fuuuuck animenyc looks fucking amazing, I already have 3 cons I want to go to with animenext and j1 con both in Atlantic City and I'm already pushing it with j1 con. ah jeez, depending on how much hotels might cost with anyc, I might have to go to j1 for one night instead of 2 and go to anyc for however long I can depending on my schedule at the time, hopefully its close to thanksgiving again because I can go with thanksgiving break on the horizon at my uni. hopefully I can ask some con friends who go to animenext from nyc if I can room with them since they live so close to anyc.

>> No.9700571

I was standing in the back of the FGO panel next to a guy in a red beret yelling "seagull" over and over again. I had a feeling something was up. Well. Now I know.

>> No.9700574

He was the best part of that panel imo

>> No.9700580


It's a tie between him and the girl tripping into Saber

>> No.9700586

oh my god I felt so bad for her when that happened

>> No.9700589

I totally forgot about that girl haha

>> No.9700590

Same but I think I'm going to hell for finding the timing funny especially because my friend leaned over and made a pun about the quick shirt she won by saying "that escalated quick-ly"

I hope she was ok though

>> No.9700592

Did you and your friend manage to catch Red shouting things at the panel speaker occasionally?

>> No.9700594

No we sat down after some seats opened up. What'd he say?

>> No.9700598

oh no I caught that, the panel speaker looked annoyed at some point but I barely understood what he said

>> No.9700600

Yes it was making me laugh so much

The only one I remember off the top of my head is when he started yelling about America valuing capitalism after the speaker was discussing new features of the game

>> No.9700604

Yeah I didn't hear anything, idk if he looked annoyed due to Red Beret or some other reason

>> No.9700605

LMFAO THAT WAS HIM? Okay, I heard that one but didn't know it was RB, that was fucking amazing

>> No.9700608

There was also a guy in the back who started randomly shouting a question when the speaker was in the middle of answering someone else's question who was on line

That panel was hilarious for all the wrong reasons

>> No.9700617

Gudako mascot when

>> No.9700621

lol that fucking autist had his hand raised too. i was legit confused as to why he started talking so loudly

>> No.9700622

when he just abruptly stopped like he had been given an answer and sat back down I died

>> No.9700624

What did he say? i don't recall that

>> No.9700631

I couldn't hear exactly what was said because I was too far away but he was shouting a very long question as if he had been called

>> No.9700640

Either Fate people are really chill or really autistic and there's no in between

>> No.9700648

>people took a good amount of photos of me
>really happy that I managed to get so many people pumped with my cosplay
>Nobody uploaded any yet on insta
>feeling a combination of self-doubt in my cosplay and disappointment in myself for caring about validation

Feels really weird, actually. The wig was probably the weakest part, but I also need to improve on my sewing skills for the next one.

>> No.9700649

what were you cosplaying?

>> No.9700651

Was I the only one who went to the final panel on Sunday about Satoshi-kon?

That was something else

>> No.9700654

m-me too anon, i got about 60 ;;

>> No.9701019

flu shots don't help when you live in a big city. They only treat what the CDC thinks is the dominant strain for that year, but NYC is full of people traveling in and out from around the world.

>> No.9701022

so many new photographers took up spots at the con with their light set ups. didn't recognize most of these guys, and saw some of the long time con photographers just roaming instead, but barely snapping photos

>> No.9701046

This con was so fun owo, I was the bunnysuit D.Va on Saturday, thank you to anyone who said hi to me. <3

>> No.9701050

I feel the same way anon, :(

>> No.9701072

I think I saw you, were you roaming with your mom? I thought about saying hi, but thought asking if you were a seagull would tick off your mom

>> No.9701077

I was the janky dangitronpaul v3 cosplayer. I think out of all the ones I saw, and I was on a mission to get a photo with each one, I was one of the only ones who made theirs (aside from the rantaro's whose looked potentially homemade)

>> No.9701078

Yeah, my mom refuses to let me go to cons alone despite being 18, but yeah that was me :')

>> No.9701103

Still might help. I highly doubt it was one of the Japanese industry representatives that gave it to me. It was probably some domestic fanboy with poor hygiene.

>> No.9701105

I kept seeing a saihara and korekiyo all day, were you one of them? Everytime I saw them I was already on the escalator

>> No.9701117

I was the saihara, and I met the korekiyo. Chill dude.

Honestly now that I think about it nearly everyone I talked to was super chill at the con.

>> No.9701213

If you're aquamarine wig friendo, I still need to edit those pics I took of you, I'll get to it I swear. ;_;
It's the Lucoa/Yuri on ice guy btw.

>> No.9701214

Is it normally expected that if you take a picture of a cosplayer, you can put it online? Or is there some unwritten rule about that?

>> No.9701224

idk, I think it's just the fact if I got many pictures taken of my cosplay I would expect to see atleast one online

>> No.9701236

Well part of my concern is since cosplay outfits are a creative work, they might have copyright claims to pictures taken of them. I'd rather not be fielding DMCA claims.

>> No.9701240
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No pressure, it was nice meeting you and grey-man. I'll keep in touch with you boiis, especially since you seem to live in the area

>> No.9701241

That's pretty whack, but a pretty reasonable concern. I was kind of waiting for someone to pull some bullshit like "I charge for photos", but thankfully nobody was a dick about it at this con

>> No.9701250

Reading some material, it appears at least that legally, I own the copyrights to any picture taken in public, fwiw.

>> No.9701272

Anyone take pics of the 4:30 Sat Fate series gathering? I'm seeking some photos.

>> No.9701371


If it helps, I took about 300-400 pictures and I haven't uploaded a single one because I've been too lazy. I'll probably get to it tonight or tomorrow though for real. But if you were cosplaying Dagnabbit Ron Paul then I can guarantee I never had you picture to begin with, so sorry about that.

>> No.9701433

i took 2 or 3 with my iphone

>> No.9701640

this aint your diary

>> No.9701702

don't be rude

>> No.9701732

It's rude to clog up threads with barely comprehensible rants.

>> No.9701747
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60 picture anon here, I was one of the Atsukos. Only pic I've found so far is with the qt Sucy I found but I can't give her an internet kiss cause I'm too old and uncool for instagram.

>> No.9701763
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>> No.9701768

everyone i know with one is somebody's baby sister it's a useless site for me

>> No.9701795


My friend took photos of the whole thing except for when he was called up. (I snagged the camera to get the photo of the Masters, though!) What photos are you looking for?

>> No.9701828

Group shots and any thing with Caster Medea (me).

>> No.9701850

>got a red line from the wig cap(?) on my forehead
>Broke out in acne really bad as well on that specific line

Pretty weird

>> No.9701913

Anon, is this you?

>> No.9701918
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Dropped my pic.

>> No.9701936

oh i took a pic of you on friday
you were the best akko i seen there

>> No.9702114


You better have gotten a pic with the chariot that was there anon.

>> No.9702284

You own the copyright to the photos, so you can display them however and wherever you want. It's when you try to sell prints that rights and licenses are more of an issue.

>> No.9702399
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Well then, I'll start dumping a few of the photos I took.

>> No.9702404
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Goodamnit, I hate how the iPhone does this.

See if I fixed it.

>> No.9702598

TPP was kill so at least the characters cosplays can still be fair use.

>> No.9702825

How is the lighting at the con? would like to being a dslr for good hallway shoots.

>> No.9702837


Ok! Talked to my friend (Waver from the shoot) and he said he's gonna get the photos out ASAP. He just wants to do a bit of editing so they look nice!

Thanks for stabbing me btw :p

>> No.9702878


When the sun was up, outside the exhibit hall was nice. Then again that might have had something to do with the overcast I wasn't paying attention.

In the exhibit hall, not actually too bad. Pretty even lighting and I didn't need to bump up my ISO to uncomfortable levels, everything was lit overhead.

Bring a separate light for fill but overall, nothing offensively bad.

>> No.9703071

Cute Asuka. I'd split her.

>> No.9703350

I didn't want to D: Waver is bea. Carry my party pls. Hopefully this thread lives till his photos are out. I think maybe also sat next to you or your friend in the Monday heaven's feel movie as well? Had the Cu decorated backpack.

>> No.9703427

I don't think this is anon. I happen to know this Akko who isn't a gull.

>> No.9703538
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This Armstrong was p good

>> No.9703694

How is the con compared to say nycc? I went to nycc in 2016 but I honestly didn't have as much fun as I wanted to, missed so much and the con was packed.

After hearing how nice it was im really considering having animenyc for my new 2nd big con next year

>> No.9703720

1/4 the crowds but also a lot smaller space. It never flet crowded but there were less panels to go to. Not much exclusive merch if you are into that. Of course focus was on anime japanese fandom and not western fandom

>> No.9703744

YOU. CAN. MOVE. Nuff said.

>> No.9703745

no fat drunk 46 year old iron mans, no auto signups for email spam, no overpriced netflix anime figs

>> No.9705228


Photos are up on his page! It's Tangenterines Corner.

I didn't go to the movie but that was possibly him? He went, idk with whom; a few friends have Cu ita bags so it's possible he was with one of them.

>> No.9705427

>Tangenterines Corner
Found his page. Thanks so much <3

>> No.9706809

You wanna go halfsies? Top/bottom or front/back
idk if she'd be down though.

>> No.9708196
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>fat drunk iron mans

well they're in character

>> No.9709135

It's also rude to shitpost, stop doing it

>> No.9713455
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, E751360E-6C24-4359-A292-6242B39B7A21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]