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File: 1017 KB, 900x675, Rufflecon 2017 things2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9693243 No.9693243 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage, here: >9663291

Quick rundown of the last thread:
>Deluxe "swag" was basically worthless (pictured)
>Not nearly enough translators / interpreters
>Overpriced Taobao in Consignment
>Please volunteer to make this con not die

>> No.9693244
File: 2.45 MB, 1200x1200, Rufflecon 2016 Swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the picture of the deluxe swag from 2016 that I posted last thread for comparison.

I also want to bring up that my group had an altercation with some of the very drunk wedding party on Saturday night that Rufflecon staff went above and beyond to fix. I know people were complaining about the hotel's other drunk guests, but I will say that I truly believe that RC staff did their best to sort it out as much as possible.

>> No.9693258

Deets on this? We also had a small run in with them, and they were very, very loud on our floor. The next day, one of the women that was with them allowed her child to run all around the convention areas, and also pulled a number of people off to the side to ask them for pictures with the kid. One girl was obviously in a rush, and kind of brushed her off, and the woman was obviously pissed that this girl couldn't spare a second from her convention that she paid for to take a picture with this child demon spawn running around.

>> No.9693260

replying to the anon in the last thread who asked about what mistake the staff blamed on the congoers. my friend and I were there all weekend and on saturday, we get detained from entering the marketplace because our badges didnt have the 2017 sticker on them. We got the badges when we registered on friday, they came without the sticker and we were never told there needed to be one on there, just used what we were given. long story short they detain us for a while until they can confirm our idenities and registration (which was awkward for my friend with a difficult to spell foreign name), acting like we are trying to sneak in from last year. how about dont be a cheapass and dont reuse the exact same badge design as last year or print the date on?? idk? Not our problem someone else fucked up

>> No.9693306

need more deets on the MST3K panel

>> No.9693351

Wow, the previous thread blew up. So much I want to respond to, gonna sum up here.

I came out from Washington state for the con. We probably spent $1500 on travel, etc, alone. Since it's such a trek for us, we spent a couple days on either side of the con visiting New York.

The prices in the consignment room were outrageous. If the dress is BNWT, we can see what the retail price was, senpai. And what was the joke behind the $10,000 sweatshirt? I personally enjoyed picking up cute and interesting casual pieces for < $20 each.

I loved the banners. However, they allegedly cost $400 apiece to print. They were beautiful, but I would prefer that money be spent on other things that would positively affect the attendees' experience.

It would be great if the Japanese guests could have full-time interpreter support. I would have spent more time at the triple Fortune booth if my social anxiety/inability to communicate with Kaie and Babi hadn't been a factor.

Speaking of, did anyone catch the brilliant kingdom show? I feel like the audience was quiet to the point of being rude. I loved the performance but it seemed like they were expecting a bigger reaction from the audience. Kaie and Babi seemed disappointed on top of probably being exhausted as well.

Anyway, I had a great time despite the con's shortcomings (which are not at all unusal for any con). RC is a great experience; there's nothing else like it in the country afaik. I want to see it live in some form or another.

>> No.9693355

I talked with the staff member who put it there. It was meant as a joke. There even was a brown stain on the back.

>> No.9693361

A lot of people were new and didn't expect them to have a full show, and along with the lack of translations. But ya, it was pretty quite. My friends and I tried be into it, but it was overall too quiet. On the plus side, everyone I talked to about it liked it a lot and was impressed, even those not into the music itself.

>> No.9693362

The banners were just printed fabric, they probably were $400 total.

>> No.9693374

So does Rufflecon not have a "no print replicas" rule? That girl who posted on CoF is incredibly trashy for wearing a full CDC replica. If that isn't a written rule it needs to be.

>> No.9693406

Whoever was bitching in the last thread about Moss Badger not putting in as nice of a brooch as last year and not treating Rufflecon as a priority - her boyfriend has cancer and isn't doing well. She was in the lobby with friends on Saturday night at the con and crying and they were hugging her. Cut her some slack. I'm surprised she even showed up at all, if it were me I probably would have pulled out of the con.

>> No.9693457

That sucks so much. Props to her for making it to the con. I would have fucked right off. She made something, not just a postcard/ad, which given the rest of the swag is commendable.

Also shout-out to the dozens of lightweights who started drinking at happy hour on Friday and were plastered by 10pm. It's good to know your limits, not find them out at the con. I caught an earful of tearful friend drama over the biddies who decided to party too hard.

>> No.9693458

Yeah there's a Show by Rock anon that collects merch from that band so try posting it and see if they don't already have it since they just went to Japan and loaded up on merch.

>> No.9693465

During the dance, this one guy and his wife tried to access to it. He then called the con "a fascist event instead of a fashion event" after he tried and failed to pay the enforcers off to get him and his wife in. They almost had to have hotel security called on them.

Some other guy from the wedding tried and failed to pay the enforcers off to get in, but was slightly nicer about it.

>> No.9693498

Ahhh normies. And they judge us for being "weird"

>> No.9693504

If RC wants to be taken seriously as a lolita even then they need to do this.

>> No.9693527

I also went to the brilliant kingdom show and I was not expecting it. I did think it was a little quiet too, but I'm quiet myself so I couldn't really help with the cheering aspect. I really enjoyed it though, I hope Kaie and Babi weren't too disappointed. It was very much a surprise and kind of hard to follow even with the subtitles in the back. They should have placed them on the side projectors too.

>> No.9693530

It'll be hard to enforce though. It's easier at a brand tea party because you already know what they're wearing, but it'll be kind of a dick move to ban someone after they paid their ticket because they have replicas. I think for the tea party it should be banned, especially for the guest of honor's brand, but other than that it's hard to enforce it without being a total dick about it.

>> No.9693531

I didn't think people were still buying replicas with the cost of the fashion decreased so much compared to its peak. Seeing her pic was so jarring.

>> No.9693573

I posted it in the itabag thread, hopefully someone will snatch it up. I would like it to go to someone who wants it, haha.

>> No.9693575

It would be difficult to enforce, and maybe not feasible, but at least making it an official rule would show respect to the brands they invite.

>> No.9693579

Lol why would they want to be taken seriously as a Lolita event when they're an alt fashion event. Every year people seem to lack reading comprehension and it blows my mind

>> No.9693588

This is totally going to reveal my identity to any staff who read this, but that's fine.

Basically we were sitting at one of the lobby tables near the bar after the Burlesque show on Saturday. We had a group of I think 11 people, and we were quietly drinking and playing the game "What Do You Meme". A drunk girl came up and asked to borrow our badges so they could go listen to the music. We all said no and explained that we'd get in trouble, and told her how to buy a day pass for Sunday if she was interested. She was fine, but then her boyfriend/partner/drunk male cohort came up and started asking too many questions. One of the staff members, who is a member of my comm, came up and physically put her body between us and the man. She started talking really loudly, basically things like "hey guys, how is your night going? What are you guys playing?" and this obviously pissed the guy off. He started calling us "the rudest group of people he's ever met", etc. The girl who brought the card game (my roommate) started trying to diffuse the situation as well, but the man literally called us nazis (I honestly wish I was making this up). Staff member went and grabbed a hotel security guard. I was about to suggest we go back up to our room but with 11 people it would have been tight. At this point the bride and groom themselves come in, and the VERY drunk groom starts shouting "RUFFLECON" and punching the air, getting closer and closer to our table, which felt pretty intimidating. We all were trying to get back into our game but nobody could focus, because several of us have anxiety and at this point we were feeling pretty unsafe. The staff member then told us that she was going to open up a panel room for us so we could play quietly and not be harassed. Once we were upstairs though, my roommate started having a breakdown because of how scared she was.

>> No.9693589

It's pretty obvious lolita is the main focus and they plan on inviting more lolita brands


>why would they want to be taken seriously

What the fuck kind of question is that?

>> No.9693590

Nice bait, loser

>> No.9693593

The staff was INCREDIBLY kind. They got us a panel room to use, and told us to stay in it for as long as we wanted (until 10 am, and it was about 11pm at the time), and that we were free to drink and be loud in there. They got us fresh pitchers of water and cups. They also periodically checked on us to make sure we were doing alright.

We all thanked them over and over. They really went above and beyond to make sure we were having a good time and were safe. Honestly it would have been so easy for them to either ignore us, or just station an enforcer or hotel security near us. There was no reason for them to offer us a panel room, because we were just a group of attendees playing a game, it's not like we were an organized event or a panel or anything, but they prioritized our comfort and happiness and safety so much. I know that some others weren't as lucky to have an RC staff member so close by, and I'm sorry for that. But I do want to emphasize that they really do care. At the feedback panel, we also talked about ways to make sure that this doesn't happen again in the future.

>> No.9693632

Thinking about the issues with the hotel and other guests, is there any way they would consider moving the convention? There have to be other nice venues in the area.
I personally feel like the hotel staff should be responsible for making sure one party doesn't invade and ruin the experience of other paying guests.

>> No.9693639

The contract with the hotel did expire this year and from what I have heard there are no plans to renew it. Where the con goes I don't know, but there's like a 95% chance it won't be in the Sheraton again next year.

>> No.9693647

the dance was lit. i'm glad the enforcers kept the drunk asshole normies out of it. many dance events have an unsafe element, but this one was just honest fun with good music, macarons, and maracas.

people are complaining about not enforcing a replica ban, but in terms of taking a convention seriously, the staff's handling of this situation is what gives me confidence in the future of the con. a dedicated "late night chill" room could help prevent this kind of situation in the future, though.

an apology from the hotel staff would be great, but i did not get the impression the staff cared. they let the harassment happen in an area that was in full view of the bar and front desk, right? how come only the UNPAID VOLUNTEERS stopped it from escalating?

>> No.9693666

Lol you'd think. Obvious solution is someone needs to make a Lolita resort and hotel, move RuffleCon there, no normies allowed.

Shit let's get ourselves a private island while we're at it.

>> No.9693672

>late night chill room

I agree. I'd love to see something like a game room, or even a room with movies playing or something. It would be nice to have a nighttime activity other than scare panels and drinking.

>> No.9693674

I don't think they had plans to move it? From what I heard in the feedback panel, it seemed like while RC was annoyed that the hotel literally never listens to their requests in terms of scheduling other coinciding events, they have improved the tea and the behavior of the hotel staff substantially. But I may be wrong, and you may have other insider info that I don't know.

Price is another big factor. Personally, I'd like it if the convention moved further away from NYC (even back closer to the New Haven area would be nice).

But also, a lot of people, myself included, really like the layout of the hotel itself, with the mezzanine, lobby and lower level.

>> No.9693678

>a dedicated "late night chill" room could help prevent this kind of situation in the future, though.

I totally agree with you, but I don't know how feasible that actually is. I don't think there's a room big enough that they could dedicate to all of the people who want to just hang out. A lot of people like to hang out at the bar, specifically, to drink, too.

>an apology from the hotel staff would be great, but i did not get the impression the staff cared.
I can't speak for all of the staff, but I will say that the hotel security who they called over in my case was very nice. I also dealt with two managers and some of the tea party staff and they were all quite kind, even using the proper lolita vocabulary ("coord" in particular impressed me.)

>> No.9693681

What's the typical age of people who go to Rufflecon? I'd like to go for the first time but I don't know if I'd stick out

>> No.9693685

Mid 20s to early 30s. It's an older crowd than you usually see in an anime con.

>> No.9693686

>I'd love to see something like a game room,
There was a game room up until this year, but like I said in the last thread, nobody volunteered to run it this year.

Honestly the age varies so much, but I'd say maybe 27 or so is average. I'm the youngest of my friend group at 22, and I know there are some attendees in their 40s and above, and also some younger attendees.

>> No.9693718

Again reading is important. Before anon said if they wanted to be taken seriously as a Lolita event. They are not a Lolita event. They are an alternative fashion event. So they would want to be taken seriously as an alternative fashion event. Is that simple enough for you? Lolitas think everything is about them no wonder everything's gone to shit.

>> No.9693723

Okay. This is bait.

>> No.9693728

Even as a j fashion event, print replicas should be banned for it to be taken seriously. It's a major problem in the community and not one that should just be ignored.
Other events do this, too.

>> No.9693734

I heard that it was announced at the staff party that this is the last rufflecon

>> No.9693744

At the feedback panel they were 100% talking about next year, in no uncertain terms, so I highly doubt that it's the last one.

>> No.9693751

That's what the rumor has been saying, but they've been thinking of doing something new. I'm disappointed, this was my first year.

>> No.9693753

I'm sure they offered the world because next year is not going to be a thing.
Thanks assholes who sent death threats to volunteers.

>> No.9693755

Yes because someone lays the truth on you it must be bait.
My girlfriend is a Lolita and I cosplay as well as dabble in steampunk. She dragged me there the first two years so I'm not ignorant to the community or what rufflecon is about. You may be the larger voice but you are not the end all be all.

>> No.9693765

left ur trip on dude

>> No.9693767

They didn't "offer the world" at all. They took suggestions openly and didn't promise anything that was unrealistic.

There's been rumors saying "this will be the last one!" literally every single year. Unless anyone can offer an actual source, I don't think I'm going to believe any more of the "I heard this" or "what if that" since it's just rumors.

>> No.9693769

>There's been rumors saying "this will be the last one!" literally every single year.

>> No.9693774

Oh okay so you don't even go here

Anyone who isn't a complete idiot can see that the event is lolita focused. That's not something that has to be restated over and over again

>> No.9693777

Basically what was said at the staff party wasn't that this was the last, but this is the last Rufflecon in it's current form.

Nothing is in place, and they aren't selling. Rufflecon will continue in some form or matter.

>> No.9693786

yes I noticed that lol.

That sounds more accurate to me. I do want to know what exactly that means though, but of course it's too early to tell.

>> No.9693835

True, but plenty of people over drank at the party. The staff just left the con alone towards the end. Some of them liked our clothes. The receptionist wanted to know where I got my AP gold heels.

>> No.9693933

This is what I heard via a second party who was speaking with a friend that was staff. It was left open as to what was going to happen with the next event, nothing specific beyond that Rufflecon will be changing somehow.

I hope it doesn't get merged with another con or made a one day event.

>> No.9693938

I'd prefer it to be a one-day event rather than merged with another con, if those were our only two options. Honestly I hope they do some sort of polling or something. If it gets merged with another con, that will take away the lolita-specific community aspect of it, which is like 80% of the reason I go.

>> No.9693950

John Leigh takes over Rufflecon.

>> No.9693951

I would rather it be made a one day event than merge with another convention.

Man I hope the people who blew up the Simplicity shit are happy with themselves.

>> No.9693952

I imagine most of them will do damage control and say shit like "Rufflecon was never good."

>> No.9693973


I liked their performance.The crowd didn't seem to quiet at all.

>> No.9694013

Hell plenty never even went to Rufflecon

>> No.9694096

You dont actually enforce it, it's just about shame and sending a message. Lots of noobs don't know the dresses they randomly buy online are fakes.

>> No.9694114

What that means are basically two things:
1.) new venue since the contract with the Sheraton is up. The challenge there is cost for the con and the attendees. 2.) expanding to other styles of J-Fashion beyond Lolita.

>> No.9694134

Nif? Just wondering if this is you-- I'm the girl you met at the SJK vs RMS match with the IW bag.

>> No.9694189

From what every staff person has been saying and several of the guests, there will probably be a next year. Most likely a different venue and a slightly different schedule but still a next year.

>> No.9694193

It's already included other j fashion, though.
I would be happy with a new hotel. I hope they don't merge it with another con, and honestly I'd like to keep it a multi day event, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it for me to go.

>> No.9694200

Any videos of the event?

>> No.9694201

They might actively seek other alt fashion guests, though. Hopefully this is more what they are going for than combining it with another con. I love cons, but there are already plenty that have con+lolita content. RC is nice in that it is an island, and you are (generally) free to enjoy fashion whole heartedly without worrying about normies and weebs

>> No.9694307

I suppose but they tended to grab more lolita guests with random steampunk thrown in, I definitely wouldn't mind if they got more general jfashion guests though - I would prefer it a lot more steampunk stuff. No offense to steampunk, but a lot of the attendees (myself very much included) just weren't interested, plus steampunk has plenty of other venues/cons/spaces whereas lolita and jfashion has less.

>> No.9694310

It's still only been 3 days after the event; I saw people and official staff taking video, but it may be some time before we see those go up. I'd give it a month for anything official, and I'd give it a week or two for personal vids.

>> No.9694388

>slightly different schedule
Do you have any insight into what that may mean?

I'd also prefer for there to be less steampunk, but at the same time, I don't know what they'd replace it with.

>> No.9694397

other j-fashion like gyaru / general street fashion would be cool

>> No.9694408

nonlolita, nonsteampunk altfash guests/vendors RC has had to date:

>Kimura U
>American Duchess
>Aurelio Voltaire
>Orision Kanzashi
>Boston BeauTease
>Putumayo (lolita is just a small part)
>Bunny and Black
>Dr. Yuniya Kawamura
>As They Sew in France
>Jillian Venters (Gothic Charm School)

and others. besides that, panels have included styles such as mori, menhera, Renfaire garb, various Victorian panels, corsets in general, goth, etc.

however, the main event every year is always the tea party, and the prizes and general concept are definitively lolita. goths have the DJ nights, and steampunks have plenty of party-style panels, but having a big, ticketed event for a non-lolita style may help broaden the scope of the conference. goths and LARPers seem to be the most popular groups after lolita and steampunk, so maybe a night-time vampire lounge (cheaper than tea, but similar in concept) or a fantasy dinner (emphasizing the SCA/Renfaire) would help.

while there has always been programming and big events for lolitas and, to a lesser degree, steampunks, the focus on High Tea is what helps cement RC as a "lolita con." so, something comparable but broader in scope could help open things up.

>> No.9694411

Not that anon, but at this time nothing is really known. The heads of the con said that they themselves are not sure what form Rufflecon will take next year.

>> No.9694417

Anon above linked a video and there were more on that girls channel. >>9693973

>> No.9694422

>thinks email in name field is a trip

>> No.9694426

I have so many complaints about this con I'm writing a shitty blog post on it -_-

>> No.9694430

>I really wanted to go this year but was just too broke preparing for my move
>main motivation to go is meeting other lolitas
>and tea party.

what was the tea party like, upper-tier gulls? anyone got pictures of the food, reviews of food/tea/service?

>> No.9694438

>Vampire LARP

At the end if the day they are going to aim for programming that is going to have the guarantee of sold out tickets. After all the accusations against pretty much every male guest they've had, the idea of them opening themselves up to the liability that a bunch of cringy larpers would pose amongst a group of Lolitas who are extra sensitive to having their safe space compromised. (not saying this as a insult, ruffle con staff clearly works hard to make the con a safe place, after they heard the accusations against any of those guys, none of them was invited back, and the story mentioned in the last thread with the panel room)

I for one would not want to go to a ruffle con that had a vampire LARP as an event. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

>> No.9694461

I respect LARPing as a hobby but it really doesn't have much to do with lolita, not even half as much as cosplay does. I think both lolitas and LARPers would rather be lumped together as there's just not *enough* that connects the two.
I wouldn't mind too much goth stuff, and I wouldn't mind too much historical fashion stuff either (as it is something we've seen in the past and still see at the con).

The biggest issue with opening it up to other fashions/groups is connectivity. Like you said, when it's focused on lolita there's not a lot that can be inclusive of both lolita and other groups. The main thing about the lolita focus is the focus on the Japanese guests. While it doesn't open up the scope massively, focusing on jfashion overall still allows other styles to be included while still focusing on what makes the event targeted more towards lolita. Even if they broadened it to Japanese fashion in general it may be more helpful, but this common interest in Japanese fashion and pop culture/culture I think is why a lot of the lolita attendees (again, myself included) aren't really interested in sharing so much space and attention with steampunk or LARP, in spite of historical fashion aspects that lolitas do take interest in.

>> No.9694469

I did grab some pics of the food myself, I'll post in a few minutes. I didn't go to last years so I have nothing to compare it too but I will say I don't think it was too bad. For me, my main issue was the tables were a little awkward and made it hard to interact with other attendees and friends, was super awkward trying to reach across the table for things, and sometimes it was hard to catch the attention of the hotel workers/waiters to refill tea and stuff like that. But from what other friends who went last year have said, it was a huge improvement from years past and the hotel seemed to have put a decent amount of effort in to make things better. The sandwiches seemed ever so slightly stale, as if someone made them but then left them out for a few hours in the air (which wouldn't surprise if that's exactly what happened), but they tasted pretty good and left me feeling pretty full. The deserts were also pretty nice, the macaroons werent the best ever of course but I liked them. A friend got dairy free deserts and sandwiches and felt they did a better job with the dietary accommodations. I know last year they totally fucked a girls gluten free food - anyone who is GF feel free to chime in on how your food was as I'm def curious. I was a vegetarian, my sandwiches were pretty tasty.

The only meh thing was the tea itself - most of it was Harney and Sons tea bags. Like, the paper ones. There were some fancier tea bags (like, they weren't in paper and the bag was made out of some sort of silky feeling cloth) but it was just regular black tea. I know it's prepared by the Sheraton so they won't have like, super amazing fancy tea blends or anything like that, but I wouldn't mind paying a little extra with my membership for the tea to have some nicer or more interesting blends and flavors.

>> No.9694482

They cares because one of the staff members is in your comm. Care by association, not because they are kind hearted people.

>> No.9694498

yeah, i remember complaints about Voltaire and the Pirates. i am hoping that is why the pirates did not return this year, anyway.

the relative safety of the con compared to other events is invaluable. i would not leave my bag unattended, of course, but being free to dance, or just chill in pajamas, without getting perved on is a big draw. part of what i look forward to each year is knowing my personal space bubble will be unpopped, unless i request for something like kabedon.

>> No.9694521

That would be nice, but there really aren't "gyaru icons" pr even gyaru indie brands in the US like there are for lolita, so I don't think that'd work.
>fantasy dinner (emphasizing the SCA/Renfaire)
I think that's a really cool idea. I definitely know some lolitas who are into renfaire too.

Yes, I know that. But since they seemed to know some more intimate details, I figured it was worth an ask anyway.

The tea has improved 100x from last year's, and the year before. The Sheraton has FINALLY listened to everyone's complaints. That's another reason I kind of don't want the hotel to move - it took them three years to get it right, and now we're going to have to start over again with plain, hard-ass scones with no cream or jam.

I can also dig up a photo of the dessert plate if the other anon doesn't post one.

>> No.9694522

>i am hoping that is why the pirates did not return this year, anyway.
As someone who knows a lot of the RC staff personally, that is exactly why. Although some people were surprised by the accusations and weren't sure if they were actual accusations or just trolling, they decided to take it seriously and not invite them back anyway. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.9694531

Agreed. Thinking about some of the creepy dudes and autists who would be into vampire LARPing at a convention filled primarily with women sounds like a recipe for disaster. I don't mind the men at the con with legitimate interests and stakes in the hobby or are people's respectful spouses and partners, but the "outside" men I'm much more wary of.

>> No.9694552
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back with photos!

Pic is of my vegetarian sandwiches. Not the best ones I've had, but definitely enjoyed them.


>> No.9694553

I wish visual kei was still a thing so we could have a lolita x VK con.

But the real way to save Rufflecon is to have Manasama come bless it with his presence.

>> No.9694555

Sorry I should clarify. Change how long the con time frame is, like instead of 3 days they do 2. I’d honestly want more things spread out though instead of all being clumped into one time during the day. I’m not sure if that’s the staffs doing or if that’s choice though.

>> No.9694560
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The desserts

>> No.9694561 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2223, IMG_9604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A pic of the general setup. Not sure if it's easy to tell but you can see how wide the tables were, which, as previously mentioned, made it a little hard to pass things like sugar, scones, jam, etc. to each other. The scones were decent. Not the best I've had but I liked them. The desserts were pretty good though, I liked those a lot.

>> No.9694562
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2223, IMG_9604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A pic of the general setup. Not sure if it's easy to tell but you can see how wide the tables were, which, as previously mentioned, made it a little hard to pass things like sugar, scones, jam, etc. to each other. The scones were decent. Not the best I've had but I liked them. The desserts were pretty good though, I liked those a lot.

>> No.9694586

I definitely be open to more of an emphasis on some historical stuff/sca, I think that it can fashion focused enough to work and if there were panels on historical garment construction and the like that could appeal to some lolitas. I am also wondering if a name change could help. Idk but maybe it would be better to change the name to something more general cause that could attract a wider jfashion/alt fashion audience

>> No.9694589

Interesting anon. I didn't have any dietary requests and I didn't like any of the sandwiches at all. All of the bread was slightly dried out and some had a really strong bad fish flavor which made me worry they had been sitting out too long. I took one bite of each sandwich, and couldn't finish any of them.
No one at my end of the table really touched the desserts except one girl who wasn't in lolita. I had one and it was only okay, the small tarte with fruit.

Personally I felt it was a waste of money and I had went last year and enjoyed it. This year I didn't at all because of the food, table layout, and free items were postcards compared to last year's charms, tote, tea, and ads. There we significantly better raffle prizes last year as well.

Also why did they give one raffle prize winner two dress sets? Why would they not raffle them off separately?

>> No.9694592

yes, and also yes.

>> No.9694593

I have to disagree about the food. Last year, the scones were extremely hard and dry. We also had to argue with staff for about 5 minutes to get any sort of jam or cream for them. This year, the scones felt and tasted extremely fresh (fresher than scones that I've made and then eaten a day after baking), and jam and creams were laid out at the table before anyone even entered the room. I know at least one group ended up with 2 containers of butter instead of one being cream, but my group didn't have this issue.

I also really enjoyed the desserts, and the sandwiches were interesting and nice. The only one I didn't eat was the salmon, and that's just because I don't like fish.

I thought that the raffle prizes this year were fine, although I agree that they should have split the two-dress meta set into two prizes. And of course the free items last year were much better.

I also will say that one of my friends actually cried because she had never been offered gluten-free scones at a tea, ever, out of the 50+ tea services she's been to. It was also a huge step up from the fruit salad of last year.

>> No.9694640

Where is the swag? I see two brooches, the bag, and a sticker and a ribbon and a shit ton of advertisements.
2015 swag included Haenuli tights made just for Rufflecon, among other stuff like >>9693244

>> No.9694668

Yeah, it really isn't swag, but that's what I, a deluxe member, was given. (also though there was only one brooch. the other thing you see is a pendant without a chain)

>> No.9694714

>The only one I didn't eat was the salmon, and that's just because I don't like fish.
I did like the scones this year, I hadn't mentioned them. But you only got one with fish? I felt like nearly all of mine had fish, but one in particular being broccoli that tasted terrible.

>> No.9694736

are there plans to do a writeup for KERA? you need to be able to do the writeup in English and Japanese, right?

>> No.9694777

Same. I think maybe adding in historical elements could bring in more varied shops too....I know a few historical shops that travel around to various conventions and events (like LBBC historical--they have a bunch of historical recipe inspired makeups and creams, I could see lolitas snapping them up sure in a sale room).

>> No.9694838

What was all the drama about at the front desk Sunday at around noon. I saw a normie get dragged into the back behind the front desk. Then the police came. Then the normie came out crying and walked out the hotel door?

>> No.9694855

Normie male? He stole one of the banners and the cop made him cry.

>> No.9694898

lol fucken beta normies. Cry because they can't get they want.

>> No.9694913
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>Vampire LARP

/polite sage

>> No.9694929


How about vintage/ clothing historical reenactment?

Aside from being a special snowflake/sjw magnet, true vintage enthusiasts seem chill and mostly women. Maybe share the event a bit or have a few things that draw those kinds of people? Maybe because I dabble in it, but I think it could work.

>> No.9694931

Honestly I only want to have to deal with j fashion enthusiasts. People who are familiar with the greater community and at least some major brands. I.e. no normies, no historical whatever. Having steam punk is bad enough, and I honestly will not go again if they open it up to LARPers/reenactors/anime.

>> No.9694935

Hey Ari!! Good luck at the playoffs btw

>> No.9694939

I don’t dont know why you these are discreet separate groups. I promise there are larpers who also wear put on petticoats and frills and vintage fashion geeks whose Americans Duchess shoes double as their lolita footwear.

>> No.9694940

I'm interested in the historical sewing/crafting type panels so I'm biased saying I'd enjoy having them.

But I also wouldn't mind having j fashions like menhara (even though I don't like it), larme, gyaru and derivatives of, lolita, otome, etc. Some guests like models would overlap. But I'd prefer brands over models, models are pretty boring.

>> No.9694942
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>strong bad fish
A deep sea fangly fish?!

>> No.9694946

I'm sure there is some overlap, but I don't want to have to deal with the ones who aren't into j fashion. Why is it so hard to understand that some people might want a j fashion only event?

>> No.9694963

Because it seems like the audience for a jfash only event is small and it’s harder to get nice events with a small audience.

>> No.9694978

completely agree with this. I did go with to their q&a and they did talk about how much they do love rufflecon and the western versions of comms so I think they weren't to upset.

>> No.9694983

The embroidery panel was super popular and there wasn't enough materials. If there were more panels like that, I think it would be good

>> No.9694984

>Honestly I only want to have to deal with j fashion enthusiasts.
the con has shared programming space with nonjfash since the beginning. there have always been historic fashion panels, and LARPish ones since at least last year. i don't understand why anyone finds this so hard to accept.

if you hadn't noticed the Victorian Etiquette panels by now, they won't be affecting your future con experience.

>> No.9694987

i host an unrelated event at a convention every year with a strict dresscode and it says very clearly "dress formal, no blue jeans" on the event page and the ticket, yet every year I have to turn away a few people for wearing jeans or otherwise unformal attire. It's not hard to enforce when you cover your ass. Yeah it sucks for the person wearing the replica, but maybe don't buy replicas to begin with? I'm shocked that this rule isn't already in place to be honest.

>> No.9694992


>> No.9695007

It’s a bit more complicated. The Westen comm at large is torn between the pro, anti, and neutral replica groups. I’ve noticed this can be similar to the BJD community (god bless em) in several ways: inequality, copyright, artist rights, and consumerism at large all play different roles. The biggest difference in lolita is that body type is involved too and it’s cheaper to get a nice dress than a tricked out doll in most cases.

>but just ban them at the convention, then they can make their own thing or whatever
I agree with this wholeheartedly but I don’t doubt there are rc staff unwilling to hurt feefees and potentially get a boycott from replica chans or a hate fest from some of the plus size crowd. Some of them may honestly think they should be allowed.

Personally I think if there’s a designer there it’s a little rude to wear any replica print, and frankly egregious to wear one of that very designer.

>> No.9695014

Whatever happened to the group that was doing all the fashion stuff for PMX? They split off last year and said they'd be doing fashion only events going forward but I haven't seen any updates. It'd be great to have something like Rufflecon on the west coast. They always did an amazing job with guests and content even though the con was so small.

>> No.9695038

I only went on saturday but my friend and I had already gone around the market place previously and then were asked to go back for one. It sucks you were held up because of it! We just had to go get a sticker from the desk.

>> No.9695045

I was about to mention I'd love to hit a con like PMX but that sucks if there's no news and no idea what's going on... I'm not going as an east coaster if there's not guarantees like designers and stuff

>> No.9695047

Knowing that they don't have much connection, it'd be cool to have a larp though. It was my first year and I felt the biggest thing that it lacked at rufflecon was activities that aren't a panel, a fashion show, or involve you just buying stuff. I'd LOVE if they did anything like a larp or even a board game room or something. Again, I know it isn't really related to fashion in the slightest, but it would break up what felt like pacing between the same three rooms and activities.

>> No.9695127

Ahh thanks! We'll do our best!

>> No.9695152

Based on the recap o the feedback pnel in this and the previous thread, ruffle con oesnt have the staff to create and run additional programming, they rely on submitted programming. There was a game room til the person who ran it stopped, there was kareoke til the person who ran it stopped. There was a scavenger hunt last year but I guess that person couldn't run it again this year.

Someone also told me that someone in the feedback panel said they didn't apply to model because they thought too many other people would apply.

I don't know what rufle con would do to solve this problem of needing people to get involved besides more social media posts.

>> No.9695157

If they'd simply made a post saying "Hey we need people for modeling still" or "We could use volunteers to run this event or suggest an event.." then that'd help them a lot.

>> No.9695171

My brain had to travel back to 2006 to get this joke but well played

>> No.9695199

I don't think anyone is worried about the panels, they're concerned about next year aiming for a wider, normie audience.

>> No.9695212

>historical reenactors and goths are normies

>> No.9695269

But Rufflecon would be perfect as a one day event, maybe even two days.

>> No.9695282

I checked the archive but I couldn't find anything. I really enjoyed Voltaire so I kind of want to know what happened. Details please?

>> No.9695291

Got drunk, leered at people.

>> No.9695345

Not worth it for a one day event for those that are traveling far. I don't think I would bother at that point. Plus you want the marketplace, all the fashion shows, and a tea party all in one day or just a watered down version of the event? I'd feel the event would die because no one who isn't local would come for just a day.

>> No.9695347

That explains why she seemed so flustered at her panels I went to :(((

>> No.9695349

Meh. I agree with the other anon, a one day event wouldn't really be worth it, especially considering how many people travel from other states. If they had to do it, a two day event would be better than a one day.

>> No.9695373

Damn I've done that at every rufflecon I've attended thus far

>> No.9695416

Like 2/3 of a bottle of whiskey in four hours drunk.

>> No.9695426

Yeah, but who's feelings do we actually care about, designers or the people buying replicas? It's pretty obvious who we care about based on the simplicity situation. Replicas are bad in more ways than just the design theft.
I really think the Western community should make more of an effort to put a stop to them.

>> No.9695434

i'll out myself if my rufflecon roomates see this but i got wasted and passed out next to the toilet in my lacy bra, bloomers, and lace otks. lolita AF, even when out cold.

>> No.9695447

tell the feedback staff on the form, they will probably consider it seriously. you could even volunteer to be the burando police, on the lookout for replica-chans.

>> No.9695451
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damn, gull. know your limits.

>> No.9695460

Why not pay for tickets then?

>> No.9695479

tfw when you do and do it anyways

>> No.9695484


>> No.9695491

I mean, that seems like a salty opinion but okay. I know the same staff member helped out people who she had never met.

Really? That's... incorrect haha. I wonder if they messed up your table? There was supposed to be a ham one, a turkey one, a pea and prosciutto, an egg and avocado one, and salmon. (there may have been more that I can't remember, but point being, there were DEFINITELY a lot of them that didn't have fish.)

It's not hard to understand, but it's just plain unrealistic. There is not a big enough audience, enough sponsors and funding to have a J-fashion only event.

I said this exact same thing at the feedback panel, but they said they already do that. They said they post on social media pretty regularly, but idk. My father is the manager of a large social media company (as in they do social media for companies and events) and I'm in the process of asking them to sponsor RC, to run their social media for them, because I really feel like they don't do quite enough.

There was accusations of sexual harassment, not just leering

>> No.9695524

That sounds like a fun job, though I couldn't actually stand up to these people as I'm way too reserved for it. Plus I wouldn't want to accidentally mess up with some of them being so close these days. Also where is the line drawn, personally I don't care for any including design replicas, but everyone thinks purses and shoes are okay.

>> No.9695532

>There was supposed to be a ham one, a turkey one, a pea and prosciutto, an egg and avocado one, and salmon. (there may have been more that I can't remember, but point being, there were DEFINITELY a lot of them that didn't have fish.)
Maybe they did mess up my table... I think someone next to me had some dietary requirements, but they didn't seem to be upset with their food. Dang, yours sounds better than what I ended up with.

Rufflecon does post a lot on their Twitter, but I feel like it's the same tweets over and over. I didn't see any specific call-outs or requests before the event either.

>> No.9695544

I don't use twitter, so that's pretty useless for me. I think they need to focus more on their Facebook page, but maybe that's just me? I only saw one post asking for modeling, at that was less than 24 hours before applications closed, and their modeling application isn't something you can fill out in such short notice imo

Like I said previously, I know that one group ended up with two containers of butter instead of one cream and one butter, so it's very possible they somehow gave you tons of fish...? Or maybe they mixed you up with a pescetarian? Either way, I'm sorry you had a fishy experience!

>> No.9695572

>someone should do something
>oh you want ME to do something? oh no I didn't mean ME

>> No.9695589

PMX is officially dead.

>> No.9695594


Enjoy that early dementia gull.

>> No.9695606

I meant collectively as a group online? Because it's okay online, people assume it's fine at events.

>> No.9695609

It's unbelievable that a venue like the Sheraton would allow things to go to shit like that. I'd leave bad reviews all over. As a congoer you're also a paying guest, having to be harassed by drunk assholes is not acceptable. I wish someone had filmed it and put these cunt weddinggoers on blast on Youtube.

>> No.9695633

Same tho. Take care, anon.

>> No.9695651

>I'm in the process of asking them to sponsor RC, to run their social media for them, because I really feel like they don't do quite enough.
Anon's dad to the rescue!

SEO is a bitch, and i assume that is what they struggle with in terms of getting the word out.

>> No.9695662

This sounds like a guy wrote this post. Please take your sissy fantasies somewhere else.

>> No.9695678

RuffleCon will never thrive because the disease is right at the top: cruelty and irrational business decisions. Other staff may be really nice, but they can't escape that.

I wouldn't be surprised if they scrape by another year, although other small cons do so much more with similar (or less) resources, and manage not to abuse their designers in the process. Being decent to people is free, but at RC, it's reserved only for premium platinum plus members...

>> No.9695685

Cruelty? Details please.

>> No.9695690

The con also doesn't buy the swag. Some of the designers get comped things, I think, but I'm not sure what things they get comped and if the designers actually feel those things are worth the same value rufflcon does.

This year they charged $200 for a better slot in the fashion show, along with access to the model pool and hair and makeup (all of which are volunteer positions I think?), which seemed really expensive for what it is.

n e ways. It's unreasonable to be mad at the designer because they gave away a different value one year to the next unless you know what Rufflecon bartered with them for it.

>> No.9695706

The owner of the con considers herself a social media expert and thinks things like the weirdly written guest announcements are how SEO is best achieved. So good luck trying to get them to make any improvements to their social media.

>> No.9695724

He does that at every con. It's part of his shtick at this point.

>> No.9695728

i mean, again though, that's why I'm asking a company that specializes in social media to sponsor instead of volunteering myself, even though I have professional experience as a "social media consultant" (which is a bullshit title btw lol)

>> No.9695757

That would be great if the owner actually wrote the social media posts but like whatever

>> No.9695764

I would do it, but I'm too new still to be able to reliably identify replicas unless I'm really taking my time to look at the garment details and compare it to a photo. If they just needed someone to be blunt and tell them it's not allowed though I'm good at that.

>> No.9695766

They kicked out Puvithel's boyfriend (who had been working on a volunteer badge all day) out of her fashion show for no other reason than a power trip and trying to get him to buy the next tier badge to watch "premium content" that he helped set up. It came straight from the top. Her rage is probably going to be visible when the pictures hit.

Somehow they think the designers don't all talk to each other.

I hope people enjoy more of that Zoolander-looking child designer or the Etsy upcycler from last year, because eventually that will be all that's left...

>> No.9695770

They've basically been rude to every English speaking designer at this point, but the viciousness in how they treated Puvithel is beyond the pale.

>> No.9695776

I think they kicked out anyone from the fashion show who didn't have a badge.

>> No.9695784

He had a badge. And had been helping all day. And in any sane, grown-up world, pissing off the talent seconds before they provide free content for your event for the sake of some spurious cashgrab policy and power trip is a spectacularly bad business decision. Especially if you go about it in a really nasty manner.

But people can keep whiteknighting them and act surprised when it finally does die if they want.

>> No.9695785

It seems like they've swaddled their way into the LA comm and are having nice events through that venue. Mildly annoyed because these events are small and expensive but they have good sponsors.

>> No.9695841

He did not have a badge. He had a model-only pass which gives access to backstage areas only.

>> No.9695859
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He was working with a guest as part of the guest's team. It's inane that they would refuse to let him watch that guest's part of the show.

>> No.9695862

“In support of the artists who create the amazing artwork of lolita fashion, replicas are not permitted within Rufflecon.” Boom. That’s all they need to say. Throw people who wear them anyway the fuck out.

>> No.9695868

Oh no, bad behavior has consequences. Whatever will we do.

>> No.9695881

The RuffleCon enforcers are on enough of a power trip without having them enforce a replica ban as well.
I do think it should be in the dress code as a deterrent but enforcing it requires a knowledge of prints and laces and fabric and cuts that not everyone really has.

>> No.9696039

That was meant as consequences for RC leadership re: Simplicity, anon.

>> No.9696097

So??? No one can be nice enough to let her fucking BF watch her show with just the model pass? Just look the other way for 15 fucking minutes then politely ask him to leave after that portion of the program if it's THAT big of a deal. God forbid we treat people nicely for 5 minutes.

>> No.9696211

Reading is fundamental anon.
I was talking about a print replica ban which has nothing to do with the Simplicity drama you’re so eager to dredge up.

>> No.9696231

I have literally never heard anythingn to support this. You wanna elaborate?

>> No.9696232

Exactly. And even if it weren't a completely arbitrary "rule," enforcing it so rudely would be nasty behaviour towards anyone, but especially insane when it affects the person about to take the stage to provide free content for you.

>> No.9696237

Serious question, do you know how to use 4chan?

>> No.9696248

Is that a dig? I probably outted myself by talking but honestly at this point I don't care. I'm tired of all the excuses for why it's okay to be awful to people that the con makes.

>> No.9696251

No, I mean you aren't linking to posts you are replying to when you reply. It's very difficult to follow what you are saying and who you are saying it to

>> No.9696254

Fair, I don't, actually. I just came because I was so salty about this, lol.

>> No.9696255

Okay really general question to the wind here but: how badly would a non-jfash/altfash male other half stick out like? The main issue preventing me from going to this convention is that the only person I even want to travel with is my normie male partner. I mean i'll put him in a suit and dress him well but thats it.

>> No.9696256

Also, do you have any other evidence of mistreatment of designers other than not letting in one persons boyfriend?

I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm deciding if I'd like to attend in the future and not taking the high road on a one-off badge issue is really not enough for me to decide. If this is frequent though, then that's something.

>> No.9696259

I mean, I get that but >>9695678
sounds like they are murdering people's puppies as cost for admission.

It was a really shitty thing that happened, and I feel bad for the guy. I really do!

But is there something else you are mad about or is everyone just really that salty about one issue?

>> No.9696260

It's fine. He might be bored though if he's not into fashion. Maybe he could go do tourist stuff outside the hotel while you're in the con.

>> No.9696262

It's the way they enforce their random policies that's the problem, and tendency to always pick the most irrational possible solution to problems.

If you're coming as a patron you'll probably be fine if you don't lose your badge (and they don't forget to give you an updated one).

>> No.9696265

She wasn't a guest and therein lies the issue.

They gave all the vendors "guest" badges but actual guest designers are treated with more politeness and have things smoothed over for them compared to "pleb" level vendors/designers.

>> No.9696266

>It's the way they enforce their random policies that's the problem, and tendency to always pick the most irrational possible solution to problems.

Any examples?

>> No.9696268

NAYRT but last year a staff member embarrassed a designer in front of a bunch of people by demanding she replace a goodie bag item because their friend lost the item out of their bag. I was at her booth at the time, and this person came up and very rudely interrupted a transaction, and was vaguely threatening about how the designer needed to "fulfill her contract".

>> No.9696288

Well he does appreciate the more technical and sociological aspects of alternative fashion so panels and talks are fine, he suggested travelling for it. I just dont want him to face people being all judgey because hes a straight normie male if that makes sense.

>> No.9696291

Just stick an accessory on him, like a rosette or something. I think that's the universal signal of "this dude is some lolita's manfriend" and will serve as a secret handshake.

>> No.9696304


I'm not whoever is posting about the Puvithel issue, but I do have a lot of incidents I'm mentioning, including that one. I'm waiting to clear the inclusion of one story with the effected guest, but hopefully I'll have it up tomorrow.

>> No.9696305

>actual guest designers are treated with more politeness and have things smoothed over for them compared to "pleb" level vendors/designers.


>> No.9696315

Okay, thanks! I don't want to be annoying, I just like making informed decisions about things like this.

>> No.9696320

it isn't arbitrary. it's basic capitalism. your model pass gets you in backstage areas and on the stage for the show. just buy a day pass if you want to access other spaces. usually that's what family members and loved ones who want to support someone's art does: buy the damn ticket.

>> No.9696326

The sad part is I saw something like this happen too and I'm not even sure if it's the same incident.

>> No.9696386

Nayrt but the post they were responding to was

>>9693933 #
>>I would rather it be made a one day event than merge with another convention.

>>Man I hope the people who blew up the Simplicity shit are happy with themselves.

Do we have a lot of newfags on this board or something today?

>> No.9696387

>random policies
nayrt but what part of this is random? It's all very clearly laid out, and honestly it's not their responsibility to be nice when someone is trying to break the rules.

This. Honestly, their policies are so clearly laid out that I don't see why people (or at least one person) are having such a fit over it.

>> No.9696409

Not true. Stop lying. Only one ex PMX fashion coordinator is on the new team and she is good friends with the main coordinator.

If you're going to start rumors, at least try to be accurate.

>> No.9696499

This comment made my day. Thanks anon.

>> No.9696515

If your boyfriend doesn't mind, a fair number of people's partners and spouses who aren't interested in being an attendee help out as a volunteer.

>> No.9697013

>Oh no, bad behavior has consequences.

A big business jumping on the bandwagon of trends in niche fashion (Mossbadger doesn't own rosettes, after all) isn't "bad behavior."

>> No.9697311

All of these complaints just reek of the crap people pull when they make these events for profit. It stops being about a love of the fashion and about grabbing every tiny drop of cash where they can.

>> No.9697327
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>for profit
Charging for an event doesn't make it for-profit. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to run a convention?

>> No.9697342

"For-profit" also doesn't imply a business makes any profit, nor that any profit it does make goes into anyone's pocket.

Fwiw ruffle con is "for-profit" (I remember this being asked in the past) but I'd be pretty shocked if they are making much more than what they spend and it's probably a lot more likely they are taking a loss.

>> No.9697355

If they are for-profit, it's likely because being registered as a 501c3 is a pain. Doesn't mean that comment makes any sense

>> No.9697417

...you do know they're currently hemorrhaging money right? Like they lost their biggest sponsor.
If you're going to stir shit at least think about it you absolute walnut

>> No.9697548

Thanks Anon. I now owe someone $10. They said they bet that the shirt was going to be on /cgl because bitches love salt and can't see past their own bullshit. And here it is, in all its glory.

I don't know why I expected better. Thanks for being predictable as fuck!

>> No.9697560

cruelty? when this event dies, you're going to wonder "why can't we have a lolita convention" and see that ridic comments like this are literally destroying the only people that give a flying fuck to do anything for lolitas.

>> No.9697604


i am crushed at the thought that this was the last year of RuffleCon. it had so much room to grow and expand.

>> No.9697633

You should've known. Have you not seen how threads derail from gulls not ignoring clear bait?

>> No.9698415

If your only reason for going "for-profit" is filling out a form is too hard then you were fucked before you started.

>> No.9698498

That's gross, grossly inappropriate and unprofessional.

And add a jaunty hat.

>> No.9698605

Dude, I work for a non-profit and it's not just "filling out a form." there's a shit-ton of rules you have to follow, and if the tax exempt status isnt worth it then I would not recommend becoming one.

>> No.9699776

Agreed, it's also like this for every single convention. All of them. I think the salt comes from not being treated like a star designer and getting special treatment. I'm surprised this is what's causing the biggest stink...

>> No.9700531

What come on dude I just didn't get the joke. I'm new.

>> No.9701230

I wonder did the simplicity thing scare off designers. Would you want to help someone rip you off. The gift bags told a tale thats not wirth $400.
**When a con seems successful its not unheard of for the heads to give themselves a raise. Simplicity is garbage. If the heads wouldve plan a little better the gift bags wouldve been great again. Unless im missing something they should discount premium/deluxe for next year. You guys didnt get all the perks 2017. It was a self-run con.
She didnt make the brooches for free. Maybe she should stay home or not overextend. Its hard to cut someone slack when they dont cut you slack on prices. Now if the con bought 10 broches for $10 thats one thing but if they paid a reasonable price I would be upset.
I could never be security cause I wouldve took the money and let them in.
This hotel had a lot of good picture spots.
This con runs itself. Stop saying simplicity mattered so much. At $400-80 a tix the org had enough money to order/pay for hotel. They obvoiusly paid themselces first. I will go next year but at the lower priced tix. No big deal.
In their defence how are they to keep track of who does what. Against them; let volunteers stay cause they do the work.

>> No.9701233

What does this even say

>> No.9701235

Bruh, don't bet money on obvious things. You give that money and you suck your friend's divk for the hassle of having to deal with your bullshit.

>> No.9701394

Why do people keep trying to make this about Mossbadger? They bought a very specific uniquely designed Vierge Vampur bonnet to replicate it and make a pattern out of it. That's shady, no matter else what happened, and alone is enough to not want to have them back to keep from ruining relationships with other Japanese designers.

>> No.9701399

The con did not pay for the goodie bag items - wasn't this already explained? That's why most people just gave postcards, because most people aren't going to give 100+ of an actual product away.

Also the hotel only had one or two designated picture spots. Other than the photo setup or the fucking bathroom, the lighting was awful throughout.

>> No.9701403

You must be 18+ to use this site

>> No.9701643

Holy shit you need to read a book, child

>> No.9701764

No. It was speculated. No one came out and said the designers gave free things away. If the designers werent paid then the host lied about goodie bags! Which makes more sense. I guess the con should explain cause $400 deserves more. I'm also going to call bs on you because some cards were exchanged for gifts. So not being paid makes no sense.

Other parts of the hotel gave good pictures. They werent designated but they were still useful. I can see how someine wiuld want more spots especially if they paid $400.

>> No.9701769

Normal guys can wear suits and that doesn't look out of place.

>> No.9701771

I agree. If I had paid for one of the premiums and got that gift bag, I'd be pissed.
Seeing 2016 vs 2017, I definitely won't be upgrading if Rufflecon does happen next year. That swag bag was fucking sad.

>> No.9701842

The sponsors weren't paid for the goodie bags. In some cases goodie bag items were part of guest obligations, but not all. In many cases, sponsors were asked to provide more items than was in their contract by RuffleCon at the show and had to come up with extra goodie bag items from whatever they had on hand.

>> No.9701846

Uh, dude, you need to fucking remember that our community is fucking fragile, and pillars like Moss are some of the ones who keep this run ing. Seriously, if people stop going to cons, for whayever fucking reason, the whole thing will inplode. Collapse. It's a greater fucking duty. Would you rather deliver happyness to a whole lots of people or just one! Don't be a selfish ass hole. In fact get the fuck my /cgl/ and go dick a suck bag with that fucking attitude of yours bicth.

>> No.9701854

Do you think this is some sort of NGO? This is a niche interest convention meant for people to partake in a hobby, money is necessary to run it and people should be paid for putting it together.

Labor =/= free

>> No.9701867

Except Rufflecon is run on free labor from volunteers.

>> No.9701876

Holy crap some of you suffer from some serious autism. Getting all triggered because a drunk guy started fist pumping and changing 'RUFFLECON'?

Seriously, have the Vampire LARP, you guys sound about on par in terms of autism.

This whole thread is so cringe.

>> No.9701877

What the fuck lol

>> No.9701880


spot the troll

>> No.9701947

The UK one manages it just fine. It's run on volunteers anyway.

>> No.9702299

There are pretty significant difference between ruffle con and the UK events. First of all, uk and us is pretty different in terms of the service industry and event venues.

You aren't going to find decently classy places to have an event in the us without shelling out a ton of cash - event spaces are newer and geared towards either corporate events or weddings, which means either bland and bare minimum or way overpiced because the wedding industry is insane. Wanting to have the hotel attached to the convention space is even more difficult to find, and from what I've heard rc doesn't want to move to a space where the hotel and event location are not attached.

In the uk it seems like not many of the event spaces have a hotel attached, but the uk is much more pedestrian friendly and generally safer for Lolitas/alt fashion people to be walking to and fro.

I don't have numbers on how many tickets/people went to Omnia Vanitas - their Facebook page says just north of 300 people but I hadn't found a way to verify that (I wasn't there so I can't say if that's accurate or not, maybe someone else can chime in here). According to ruffle cons site they had 480 attendees this year, over 50% more than what I've found for Omnia Vanitas.

If the goal is for rc to emulate street fashion europe's events then maybe they would have to limit the number of tickets sold.

If they had 508 attendees last year (found this info on their about page) and it sounds like last year was Abit better provisioned, is possible they were in the red last year if they spent too much on gift bags or whatever swag, and they tried to cut it down this year to make it up, but possibly they cut the budget down too hard. It's hard to make a guess what happened, it seem like the people who run it don't put much info out on how they mke decisions

>> No.9703049

losing Simplicity as a sponsor seems to be the major thread regarding the budget for this year, based on what info has been released. besides the financial loss, the drama was as unnecessary as it was intense, and lolitas without even a stake in the issue were cunts to those involved. the emotional drain of that kerfluffle combined with the financial blow is probably what will have killed the con.

>> No.9703611
File: 940 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m9quk3U8us1rp82yh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, Anon. This whole thread is an autistic circle-jerk that has no relation to reality.

>> No.9704156

It might be a long shot but does anyone have the american duchess coupon code that they are willing to give away? I'm looking at some items.

>> No.9705959

So what did the sponsers get in return for supplying goody bag items. Are tables cheaper are they guarnteed(sp) sales. For the price rc org shoukd have had a box of extra goodys. Oh well.

>> No.9709640

Sponsors don't get much at all - their logo on the website and their name on the program next to the panel rooms.

Guests sometimes get something like a free vendor table or their travel covered, but not both. Depends on the guest and if they are international or not. But guests have to do a certain number of programming hours and contribute items to the bags/VIP bags/tea party raffle.

>> No.9709641

Article on Kera online written by an attendee:

>> No.9709736

Wew this was hard to read, her grammar is atrocious

Also she should burn that wig

>> No.9709811

It just auto-translated the Japanese. If you go to the bottom left and turn it back to Japanese, you'll see that there is English and Japanese. So the bad grammar and misspellings are actually just bad translator software.

>> No.9710055

found the internet tough guy