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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 202 KB, 1200x630, ANYC_open_graph_social-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9670103 No.9670103 [Reply] [Original]

About a month to go, who's coming?

>Things you're looking forward to
>Things you're not looking forward to
>Cosplays planned

>> No.9670108

Yoooo. It's the con's first year so I have no idea what to expect. Might rewear one of my NYCC cosplays at this one because I'm lazy.

>> No.9670504

I've been hammering one out over the past month, but I'm not sure how getting to the con will be with public transport. NYC is already weird as fuck, so hopefully it will be alright?

>> No.9670540

Looks like it's just getting one of the halls at Javits, but people talking like they have the entire con center

>> No.9670567

No one on trains really cares. They're a little more annoyed on buses.

>> No.9670586

I decided to enter the masquerade on a whim and have to reply back to their email but they're asking for progress photos to be sent with it, which I don't have due to having to wait for my fabric and boots to come in.

Should I ask them if I can bring a booklet of photos to craftsmanship judging like I usually do?

>> No.9670625

I'm looking at it again now, and the schedule seems to be a bit limited. There's a couple of big ticket things like the video concerts which might be alright, but the panels seem pretty limited.

>> No.9671504
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1468034923090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pre reg I have high hopes for this con to go well for it's first year.
The panels look limited like >>9670625 so I might shy away from them this time. Hoping the vendors hall/artist alley is great too.

>> No.9671780

After attending someone please leave a review! I'm from the big land right above you (Ontario) so if it's worth going to I would make the 8 hour drive to attend since it's somewhat close

>> No.9672375

Pretty hype. I wasn't going to go, but I got hired at a booth in dealer's, so that'll be fun.

>> No.9672927

Glad NYC is getting what looks like a major anime con, I've got hope.

Panels are looking kind of meh tbqh apart from the ramen summit and Satoshi Kon ones. I can see myself holing up in the arcade playing rhythm/fightan games.

Still don't have a cosplay on deck pls help
I'm probably just going to throw together a quick YoI Otabek. I already have an undercut and all of the clothes sans biker jacket and scarf.

>> No.9673046
File: 1.24 MB, 3500x2448, 005fe960-4ccc-4f27-a558-326d39d4bb82..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my badge today.
Excited for it even if the panels don't seem too great. Like the other anon, I'm probably going to hold it up at the arcade and visit the ramen panel.

I'm supporting this con's first year with the hopes of it growing into the next big east cost con.

>> No.9673884

Don't worry, you'll see tons of people cosplaying there from non animes. People just want to wear a costume anywhere. Already seen a bunch of my friends planning a DC shoot there

>> No.9674726

For real I saw on instagram someone talking about doing a cosplay group of The office

>> No.9674955

Oh I know, I just haven't even started a cosplay yet and the con is coming up. Just gotta come up with something quick and ez.

>> No.9675408

Did anyone already get their passes? I'm a bit spooked, mine didn't come in yet and I bought them the day before the mail-in's ended...

>> No.9675502

Got you senpai.
My masquerade is legit the worst one so no one has to feel bad.
I should start this up as a service.

>> No.9675663

Just got my pass this morning. Saturday only. I live in the area, so I can day trip.

>> No.9676397

Never mind, I'm stupid, I just got it today.

Moderately excited to see some good cosplays. Kind of regret I didn't sign up for masquerade, but I guess I'll drop by for the games

>> No.9676820

I missed the date for mailing badges. Im not sure if I want to stand on a line for registration.

I would only go on Sunday for the Gundam concert anyway.

>> No.9676833

Jesus Christ I can only imagine the awkwardness and the smell that's going to be in that area. Sorry NY bros

>> No.9676836

Anon, that's almost every weeb con. Even top tiers like AX have lots of weird fucks

>> No.9676838

It is an anime convention after all though so idk what I would expect. Personally I've never been to one and don't plan to anytime soon

>> No.9676853

I was planning to go but was given 4 day passes to NYCC for free so I'm saving my money for another con

>> No.9676862
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Why are you on this board my man

>> No.9677182

I'm only an ironic weeb haha

>> No.9677183
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>> No.9677198

Dunno I just came here after seeing people talk about it on /fit/ so i just wanted to see what it was about

>> No.9677592

>Implying NY doesn't already have awkwardness and weird smells daily

>> No.9683157

So a buddy of mine fucked up and didn't get a ticket
Anyone know where I can get a Saturday pass aside from FB groups?

>> No.9683185

Anyone know which East Coast photographers are going?

>> No.9683186


>> No.9683236

This shit just got real

>> No.9683291


From what I could find

NB Photography
Mary Henderson Art
Athel Rogers

>> No.9684510
File: 397 KB, 800x566, yukionna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only going Friday and Saturday, will cosplay this cutie and maybe Dia Kurosawa. I hope all goes well!

>> No.9685326
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>Tfw conviced friend to go
>He says "sure, I'll be your photographer"

>> No.9685340
File: 99 KB, 1600x896, wellthissucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't gotten my badge mailed to me yet. Can't wait to have to wait in line

>> No.9685688
File: 857 KB, 671x1080, ic-5203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how do I find people to take pictures of
New photog and I just wanna practice taking qt pretty pictures

>> No.9685928

Use your mouth, and ask them if they can pose for some photos.

>> No.9685934

NJCE is also the same weekend

>> No.9686285

Anyone selling a weekend badge? Didn't get mine in time.

>> No.9686312

THis, and avoid hallshots and go to schedule meet ups/shoots

>> No.9686330

Never mind, got one.

>> No.9691785

Weekend passes where

>> No.9693158

Was there any community? their FB page has 12K likes, read somewhere they are expecting about 15K attendees. but other than one unofficial group of a couple hundred people, I wasn't able to find a group. even the instagram tag isnt as active as other cons I go to.

>> No.9694610
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>burned because work didn't allow me to go to AWA and Otakon even though I had tickets and travel plans
>found out that I can actually go to AnimeNYC and my slave masters can't stop me
>no weekend or saturday passes
Still going so I can see the FS/N release on Sunday but I'm hella miffed that I've been fucked out of 3 cons now since moving to NY.
At least I'll have comiket hopefully next month.

>> No.9694715
File: 381 KB, 2000x2000, 1509316104077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-will there be a Meetup

>> No.9694718

owo I'm so excited. I'm gonna be bunny suit D.Va on Saturday.

>> No.9694724

There can be, probably announce it on this thread then?

I'm pretty pumped to see what people made from this board, and the general makeup of it. I can only picture it from all the drama threads

>> No.9695053

A lot of the con attendees are going through word of mouth, so the web presence is minimal. Right you can find a few shoots event pages but that's it. Let's see if it survives its first year, then maybe it'll get its own unofficial group

>> No.9695057

Call the retail stores they had listed on social media a while back and see if any still have any badges for sale.

>> No.9695141

Shall I start a Google Groups mailing list then?

>> No.9695165
File: 23 KB, 692x327, ss (2017-11-16 at 06.49.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems they are super sold out as well but I appreciate you trying to look out.

>> No.9695188

IF you're willing to pay up, you might be able to get one on resale sites.

>> No.9695233

I don't know how those work, I'd just be down to do a tentative time when nothing good looks to be in the lineup. Iirc 4pmish on Friday seemed empty?

>> No.9695260

I won't be in town until Saturday morning.

>> No.9695429

Really excited for this con and hope it's fun.
I went to NYCC on saturday and it was awful. Just a full day of getting stepped on shuffling through everyone's sweaty drunk spiderman dads and nothing to do but buy normie merch and play I spy with meme crossover tees. And I got signed up for over a dozen different mailing lists. Fuck NYCC.

>> No.9695546
File: 305 KB, 711x1137, 1471407911220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tomorrow gulls you ready?
Also you guys think the pre reg line will be crazy? I don't know how early I should go to pick up my pass

>> No.9695636

I have a feeling they will be, because a lot of people bought tickets past the mailing date, due to the con releasing info about the Overwatch V.A's attending earlier this month. Come early loves.

>> No.9695645

That, and if you still haven't gotten your badge mailed to you, then you're going to have to go wait in line. On their FB page, they said the line for badges starts at 8am.

>> No.9695656

Got it I'm probably just going to get up mega early then

>> No.9695660

Got my pass through the mail, I'm just spooked about going full outfit through public

>> No.9695661

It's ny, no one cares. I take the subway in full lolita a lot.

>> No.9695663

The people who take the nyc subway seen way weirder shit than weebs cosplaying

>> No.9695719
File: 69 KB, 750x518, time-square-painted-topless-ladies-handler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be. NYC is a city of freaks and crazies. You'll fit right in.

>> No.9695729

Honestly wish they just let us pick up our passes today if we got it over the mailing deadline

>> No.9695878

Checking back
Going for 3 days, I hope its fun

>> No.9695984

>tfw i once saw two elmos start brawling in times square over the best turf

>> No.9696153

Anyone at the pre reg line?

>> No.9696219

No, but I'm heading to the spot in around 40 minutes. You don't need the prereg line if you have a pass, right?

>> No.9696242

As far as I know I don't think so

>> No.9696303
File: 46 KB, 636x590, 3d8fb188-424f-4edd-9313-35ffecf66f2e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flash badge at Entrance point
>"Oh, if you have a weekend pass you have to enter through Hall D

For what purpose? If I have a pass I have a pass. Was this dude just not trained to recognize weekend badges?

>> No.9696323

>that berserker armor

V nice

>> No.9696324

I kind of regret buying passes so early, I have a weekend pass and there isn't really anything I want to see at the con that makes me feel like it was worth buying or even going.

>> No.9696334

Venues often seperate people by the type of ticket they have in order to divide people evenly between stations.

t. Ski Resort worker

>> No.9696384

W-what is there to do

>> No.9696414

Not much. I'm already bored

>> No.9696415


>> No.9696418

What the fuck I love anime nyc now

>> No.9696424

I'm just going to random pannels

>> No.9696427

Anyone wanna shoot pictures with me or something

>> No.9696428


That's not how things work though. That's not how any of this works. Word of mouth turns into web presence.

I hope it's at least "Okay" so they can do another year. I love Liberty City Anime Con (Times Square) but New York City is a ghost town for good cons other than that (stfu if you don't like LCAC).

>> No.9696429
File: 35 KB, 303x331, 81c008ea-c958-481b-a8f3-c1406aac08ea..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Lolita gf cleaned shop with 2 dresses, 1 skirt, 3 headbows, 2 hats, a scarf, 7 pairs of socks, 4 wristcuffs, a bag, and gloves
wtf I HATE Anime NYC now

>> No.9696431

I'll buy you a pretzel if you want

>> No.9696438

1.where you at
2. r u qt

>> No.9696445

I'd be down to shoot and/or kill time, wya?

>> No.9696454

I'm over in front of Starbucks right now friendo

>> No.9696455

walking around
nope I'm the ugliest man in this place and arguably the whole city

>> No.9696458

The one in the very front? I'll be the autist in the aquamarine wig

>> No.9696460

I actually didn't know there were multiple
I'm by the one near the entrance to the food trucks on the 2nd floor

>> No.9696465

Same, gonna hit up the food trucks. I'm carrying a black bag by the strap

>> No.9696479

facebook groups 574465852746846

Add slashes

Join the new york cosplayers fb group guys.

>> No.9696484

>and arguably the whole city
Oh don't worry. The ugliest people in the city aren't found in Midtown Manhattan on a Friday.

>> No.9696496

Anyone else here solo? Came in casual Chocobo Festival noctis and looking to kill time with new people

>> No.9696509


>> No.9696549

Most are at panels. Gotta pick a better time

>> No.9696658

anyone sticking around for the later in the night panels?

>> No.9696684

Waiting in line for a concert.
Good times.

>> No.9696686

I'm chilling for the Mangagamer panel

>> No.9696696

Gonna go to the live concert later
I'm the shuichi dragging the backpack around, so feel free to stop and chat

>> No.9696712

Oh I didn't see that.
Oh well just one hour or so of standing in line.

>> No.9696714

Where you at? I want to stare at you awkwardly

>> No.9696715

Which series?

>> No.9696721

In the second level with the Starbucks. I'm the noctis from before. Honestly surprised I haven't seen many other FFXV cosplayers

>> No.9696723
File: 576 KB, 1280x720, cap_[HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireba Ii. - 05 [720p]_00:03:19_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexuality in Japan – Panel Room 3 – Fri – 9:00 to 9:45 PM CANCELLED
Dafuq? What did you fujos do *this* time?

>> No.9696728

>tfw my cosplay is ass and looks ass and i just don't wanna even be here

glad everything is over i guess what even is there to do right now

>> No.9696732

You worry too much. The greatest artists are often their own harshest critics.

>> No.9696734


no it's pretty bad, the wig bombed so im not even wearing it and i have the wrong hat as a joke but because the rest of the cosplay looks so half assed i don't even think the joke lands

>> No.9696735

Can we have a look at it? You can rub out your face if you would feel more comfortable that way.

>> No.9696736

Show pic pls. Also try changing your mindset. I was told people who aren't confident in their cosplay look bad in pics even if their cosplay is A tier. Yours is probably better than my casual noctis cosplay

>> No.9696740

Do they usually mess things up?

>> No.9696741

>I was told people who aren't confident in their cosplay look bad in pics even if their cosplay is A tier.
Probably because of their facial expressions and their body language tends to mess it up.
It's the only explanation I can think of at the moment.

>> No.9696742


oh no homie i saw yours (at least i think i did) yours is solid


i would if i had any full pics taken and im too lazy to get up and take one now

is there really nothing left to do

>> No.9696743

Any sex parties going on at the con hotels tonight?

>> No.9696744

Depends on what "anything" means to you: http://animenyc.com/friday-schedule/

Meanwhile I gotta get my shit ready to be out of here tomorrow morning. 10:00 AM isn't that bad, but trying to buffer the train and subway is tricky.

I've been told those usually just degenerate into awkardness and sadness for everyone involved.

>> No.9696746

I'm p sure I'm the only Chocobo Festival noctis with the fucking gem on a stick in my hat hah I'm sure you caught me.

>> No.9696747

Who else at funimation peep show?

>> No.9696754


nah nothing really interesting left event wise

oh well ill be here tomorrow

>> No.9696756

Dang it Ron Pau

I took my contacts off so I can't see shit

I'm rocking the same thing tomorrow though

>> No.9696759

What time do you think I should make sure to be at the door by? Are they letting people in at 10:00 or is that only for exhibitors?

>> No.9696762

opens at 10 best to get there an hour early so you don't have to deal with the stampede later

>> No.9696763


no fucking idea but im coming by 10 so i can just play more street fighter and shit

>> No.9696768

Should I bring my glasses then?

>> No.9696779

Does anyone want to me my gf

>> No.9696780

meet or be?

>> No.9696781

nayrt, but is the stampede over by 11:30, or is that peak time?

>> No.9696836


>> No.9696935

Oh shit, I'm cosplaying Chihiro on Sunday

>> No.9696936
File: 1.11 MB, 1800x1012, MTXX_20171117230859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if there are any lolitas in this thread, but bought all this today from booth 379, Tea Time Tokyo for 250. I'm honestly amazed, most things are nwt/nwot.
In total:
>9 pairs of socks
>4 pairs of wristcuffs
>2 mufflers
>4 headbows
>A beret
>2 jsks
>A skirt
>A blouse
>A pair of gloves
>A tote (that came with 2 hair ties)
>A ring
>A bangle
>A bag
>A pair of AP pins
>A baby planner from 2010
Even though probably 85% of stock sold out (and I was only responsible for a fraction of that) during the day there's still a lot of stuff left over. There are mainly less popular BABY print dresses and meta skirts, a lot of accessories from AP's Star Night Theater, and a couple of Queen Trump/Marionette Girl dresses. Also, a ton of mostly damaged burando shoes in size L, and some petticoats/bloomers, and a bunch of other things I didn't name.

>> No.9696938
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x1012, MTXX_20171117230937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close up of their flier thing. They don't seem to have a site, so I have no idea where all this came from.
Go give them your business, it's definitely super worth it.

>> No.9696939
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Wanted: someone with very low standards to hold my hand tomorrow

It's so lonely going being there alone

>> No.9696941

I bought a vest/skirt set. It makes sense why everything was so cheap. It was what used to be popular 5-10 years ago. On the other hand, they were really adamant about selling everything. I bought the set $30 under their price.

>> No.9696942

i-i can do that

i dont want to go alone too

>> No.9696945

but anon i'm a guy

>> No.9696950

Yeah, I hesitated a few times and they docked the prices a lot. I got a few smaller things for free too because I kept going back and asking how much things were lol.
>popular 5-10 years ago
That's true, especially because most of the AP stuff was from 2009 (and they had that 2009 sign, too...) But most of it, like the solid or plainer printed socks, could still easily sell for 3-5x the price. I'm sure they weren't expecting everything to sell so quickly.

Also you wouldn't happen to have been wearing Daydream Bed were you? Your coord was really nice if you were!

>> No.9696960

Lol, I had a guess it was you. Thanks, it's my best coord now that I've gotten so much to match with it. The women selling them looked so normie, and they wanted to sell everything quickly. I wonder how they ended up with so much brand to sell.

>> No.9696978

My best guess is that the younger women were/was a lolita and wanted to get rid of her stuff and the older one was there to help out. I asked one of the younger ones about prices and they were higher but still pretty cheap. Though that most things were new confuses me.

>> No.9696980
File: 99 KB, 1431x913, 1509246082532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so nervous and on edge all day holy shit, hope tomorrow goes well even though I'm wearing the same cosplay but with actual good wig styling this time and more effort in makeup. Is there a Meetup that will be planned last minute?

>> No.9696982

I'm not even into sweet but that looks like an amazing haul! I hope they'll have more or new stock tomorrow.

>> No.9696983

Yes, I will be meeting anyone from here with 8 inches.

See you tomorrow

>> No.9696986

A lot of them still had tags.

>> No.9696996

How was the turnout for this years AnimeNYC?

>> No.9697002

Saturday is probably gonna be more packed since it's sold out, but it was pretty decent and had alot of people. Although I saw more people in casual wear than cosplay though.

>> No.9697003

Yeah, there were a lot of normies who didn't even seem to like anime there.

>> No.9697011

>Yeah, there were a lot of normies who didn't even seem to like anime there.

unless they like Sailor Moon and DBZ that's another story. I guess they thought another NYCC for Nov.

>> No.9697015

New York is full of crazy assholes this isn't new

>> No.9697025
File: 646 KB, 1000x1400, IMG_4429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else did you expect? It's an anime convention, not a cosplay con. The cosplayers are part of the crowd, but they are never a majority of it. Most of the attendees are just regular otaku looking for some merch and shit. Doesn't make them normies per se.

>> No.9697210
File: 118 KB, 422x455, IMG_5694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like I'm gonna find out, since I missed the first train and the second one doesn't get to NYP until 10:30

>> No.9697266

This was the case with NYCC but it didn't seem that way with ANYC yesterday.

>> No.9697333

Anon, thank you so much for posting this!! I only have a Saturday pass but I just went to that booth and made out like a bandit. I got an AP JSK, BtSSB boots, Meta shoes, a Meta scarf, AP socks, and 2 AP rings. So hype

>> No.9697341

Do you know if they still have boots ?

>> No.9697345

Last I saw, they still had a few pairs. I think they were all size L though

>> No.9697349

Noooooo that bag matches the skirt I got from them lol. I think I got there a little to late , but I highly recommend going to their booth prices were ridiculously low in a good way.

>> No.9697360

It is 11:30 I just walked in

>> No.9697363

Ok, testing 1,2,3

Ok, so far no assholes have managed to get the center's wi-fi banned.

If any gulls need anything, I'm not in cosplay, but in a bright red beret with a pin.

>> No.9697365

Thank you so much for the heads up, anon! I managed to grab a jsk, a skirt, and a pair of socks for $100 this morning. I wish I had known about it yesterday since they were out of a lot of things today but I’m still pretty pleased with my haul.

>> No.9697370

Are you the cosplay medic?

>> No.9697390

No, and unfortunately I forgot my pocket tool.

>> No.9697401

But looking at the archives, that sounds like a great idea. Perhaps next con I'll do that.

>> No.9697449
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who haven't heard, the Umaru box set is going on sale tomorrow.

>> No.9697459

Aniplex panel starting in room 1.

They're scrambling to hand out raffle tickets because the convention organizers wouldn't clear out the room for them.

>> No.9697470 [DELETED] 


>> No.9697473

Who gonna show up at the Sunrise Industry Panel

I heard some huge announcements(not Gundam related) coming out soon?

>> No.9697481

I'll be there. Will you be? How can I find you?

>> No.9697502

I can't be there because I have another panel to attend

But you can do a favor to ask Sunrise when they will announce or make plans for a new Mai Hime or Mai Otome series in the near future?

>> No.9697509

Well, so far it's just a bunch of technical issues

>> No.9697515

Anyone here play the raffle for Tokyo Otaku Mode? I really want the alpaca but I didn’t win one. Do you think they’ll notice if I try to do the raffle again ;-;

>> No.9697524

Anyone going to the FateGO panel? I'm just waiting in line cause there's nothing much else to do.

>> No.9697536

>tfw cute lace skirt at booth says 780 yen
>"thatll be 35 dollars"


>> No.9697538

Will do, if at all possible.

Would you rather fly all the way to Japan and purchase it yourself?

>> No.9697539

I'm currently bored out of my mind.
Fate go seems to have nice story/character designs but the mobile game is super boring. I'll probably check the anime though.

I need some irl shitposting or something.

>> No.9697542


Actually I think I might go to the fatego panel, is it at capacity?

>> No.9697545

The line is pretty long right now, you can try to squeeze in and see what happens.

>> No.9697550

wait till the Q&A stuff

>> No.9697559

Jan 8 is what they had in their slide show for it being released by funimtion

>> No.9697564

I thought it was Jan 23rd but I'm talking new Mai projects in the near future.

>> No.9697566

I've been able to get into all of the panels without standing in line by waiting until a couple minutes after they start.

>> No.9697567

No time for Q&A. Bummer

>> No.9697569
File: 3.56 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_6403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irl shitposting
Just do what I do and loudly make slightly awkward comments in front of the panels when the presenters take a moment to pause.

>> No.9697570

>tfw at the front of the fate line

Only qts can sneak up to my spot

>> No.9697572

Of course you would, faggot
Kill yourself

>> No.9697574

Sasuga Sunrise

>> No.9697577

Where are you? I have a front-row seat.

>> No.9697579

It took them 10 minutes to get their audio and video to work. Every panel I've gone to ran out of time.

>> No.9697582

Any cute girls at the fate panel?

>> No.9697585

How many times do I have to shout "seagull" before you respond?

>> No.9697589

Anyone going to the masquerade? I didn't sign up but my cosplay is alright so I might come by for the trivia/game show part

>> No.9697592
File: 151 KB, 421x500, 1510989331158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized how loud my costume was until I walked down the aisle at the fate panel.

>> No.9697595

What is it of?

>> No.9697599

I have a giant bell and a long dark purple wig on.

>> No.9697605

They just filled up. You need to respond faster.

>> No.9697607

This is on fault and blame on CR nuff said.

>> No.9697613

Wait, I was able to get in, but I don't see you. Is it a really dark purple, like almost black? I'm wandering around in a red beret.

>> No.9697617

Make seagull noises. Steal food from someone fat

>> No.9697628

>tfw a person with a better cosplay wanted to take a picture with me

well gosh your loss buddy but sure

>> No.9697629

I thought /cgl/ wasn't into fat shaming?

>> No.9697638
File: 23 KB, 486x417, 1509364611945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9697646

Meetup at 5 down in the food area?

>> No.9697648

Are you coming from fatego? Was it fun/what did they do?

>> No.9697652

No lmao i went to Funimation

>> No.9697653

Any announcements coming out of the Funimation Panel?

>> No.9697654

I have no idea what to do now that fgo is over

>> No.9697660

Any creeps spotted? Had a guy take a picture of me then he switched over to his video camera and told me to pose in odd ways.

>> No.9697661

>Any creeps spotted?
No one except you

>> No.9697664

Where are you? I'm going to ask you to do all that

>> No.9697665

Since when

>> No.9697668

Was I the reason you kinda ran out of there? Did I say something wrong?

Which food area? The one in front of that service counter food court area-thingy?

>> No.9697674
File: 27 KB, 250x250, IMG_4723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really have to be in the middle of the Miku concert?

>> No.9697680

Irl holograms or a video tape of the holo concert?

>> No.9697684

For the love of Miku, does it really matter?

>> No.9697686

I'm hungry someone buy me food

>> No.9697693

I'll buy you food, in exchange for money.

>> No.9697695

What's some good food around here?

>> No.9697698

Idk they have trucks somewhere

>> No.9697702

If you want a meetup, you're gonna have to be a lot more specific than "the food area", which is fuck huge.

>> No.9697706

Fuck if I know, how about next to the directory next to the front registration desk? The one next to the square tables?

>> No.9697707

How about the bathroom? We can just huddle in one stall and breath deeply

>> No.9697710
File: 70 KB, 700x778, IMG_6571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple registration desks on the different levels. Can you point to a number or section on this map?

>> No.9697713

Oh wait, you mean the bag check tables?

>> No.9697717

Anyone at Miku?

>> No.9697719

Near Starbucks? There's a lower level one too.
I'm getting coffee lol

>> No.9697720

Anon, thank you for that

>> No.9697723

There's two starbucks

>> No.9697724

Why don't we just do by the entrance to artist alley? Not hard to find and no variations of it

>> No.9697731

Sure, sounds good

>> No.9697733


>> No.9697735

Anyone need badges for tomorrow.im like knee deep in them...

>> No.9697741

So who? Medic hat and miku?

>> No.9697744

Why is there a Gumbo everywhere?

>> No.9697750

The characters from the clay animation?

>> No.9697752

Yup, what else. It's like someone just reuses their halloween costume from years ago

>> No.9697753

Still on the line

>> No.9697757
File: 181 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-18-17-13-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like I'm the only person who will be sticking around for this last panel

>> No.9697761

I want to go to this, but there's too much happening at the same time. I might skip the masquerade as it's usually full of shitty cosplays

>> No.9697764

I'm going to go to that Gundam movie screening an hour before that to kill time

>> No.9697769

You're skipping cringefest 2017 to attend fanpanel shitposting mememagic time?

>> No.9697773

I've been judging and making fun of people's cosplays all day. Don't worry, I'll always be making fun of people.

>> No.9697781

Are you still there or did you all move on?

>> No.9697782

No one ever showed

>> No.9697784

I'm inside by the tables if you want to come. I'm just killing time

>> No.9697789

I was trying to avoid Tokyo Tea Time but everyone kept posting what they got from there and I had to see what they had left over. Got a leather jacket, Meta bag and a beanie for $40!

Now I’m chilling until it’s time for me to go participate in the masquerade, how’s everyone doing so far?

>> No.9697791

>by the tables
Again, where? There are tables on three different floors in five different areas. You have to be very specific if you want people to find each other.

I'm at the back of Artist Alley behind row C, next to the exit. Wearing a red beret.

>> No.9697794

Inside the artist gallery room

>> No.9697795

Yes, the one on the top floor. Next to three chicks in Pikachu hats.

>> No.9697796

Or wait, they're not pikachu hats, they're Choccobo.

>> No.9697799

You're not a true weeb then for confusing that

>> No.9697801

I glanced over my shoulder very quickly, saw yellow hats with ears, and made a synthesis.

>> No.9697803


it's called an asssumption, fool.

>> No.9697805

Does it matter?

I'm not gonna wait around all day.

>> No.9697807

Ha, because someone wants to meet you with that attitude. And you assumed. Synthesis/analysis require observing and thinking

>> No.9697811

Try harder incel. You're even in the uniform.

>> No.9697814

I stated where I was very precisely and didn't move, because I know that's what it takes to get two people in the same physical location
I'm sorry, I don't speak /r9k/

>> No.9697816

>tfw too nervous to meet anyone

>> No.9697817


u wanna stare at each other from afar

>> No.9697820

Nice try, you look like /r9k/

>> No.9697824

sure where you at?

>> No.9697827 [DELETED] 

Were you pink melty chocolate girl if so hello

>> No.9697833

Idk why you two insulting each other's appearance without meeting is so funny to me

It's like a rude where's Waldo

>> No.9697835

I'm glad! I went back today and got an OP for a friend.
D-did you wave at me about 30 minutes ago

>> No.9697836

I was there today. Pretty packed. Didn't see a lot of good cosplay but there was a few here and there that were good. There was a 2B that was amazingly hawt. I think she was with a boyfriend that had the Emil face.

>> No.9697839


near the food area the upper floor

you gotta find me otherwise :)

>> No.9697844

I already found him. Got curious about the loser trying to get people to meet him all in this thread.

>> No.9697848

How was it? Did you have fun?

>> No.9697850
File: 46 KB, 300x310, IMG_6523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well EXCUSE ME for trying to find someone who I might have some shared commonality with.

>> No.9697854

>first time cosplaying
>girl comes up to me and says something to me in character
>just smile and say hi back

this is so strange guys

>> No.9697856

I'm killing time, so it's more entertaining than sitting and waiting for friends to come back from a panel

>> No.9697858

Don't let them get you down Red Beret. I've seen you several times and while I haven't made contact I find you endearing

>> No.9697859

Go back to your own board

>> No.9697861

I haven't seen him, hope everything worked out.

>> No.9697862

Apologies was meant for >>9697850

>> No.9697863
File: 26 KB, 552x414, 0dbc132b-a709-4c55-9f5d-8aab4163dcc2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to really use the bathroom
>Both bathrooms have "All Inclusive" signs plastered over them
>Don't know which one to go to
>Run into one and there are dudes taking a pic in the urinal


>> No.9697865

I heard the gender inclusive bathrooms are a shitshow.

>> No.9697866 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 600x576, 7d290bb8-9426-4cfc-bf85-fdeb1ec77b35..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to really use the bathroom
>Both bathrooms have "All Inclusive" signs plastered over them
>Don't know which one to go to
>Run into one and there are dudes taking a piss in the urinal

>> No.9697867

They did what now?

>> No.9697868
File: 52 KB, 600x576, f499d0be-ef32-44a3-b2e7-c9a09b146926..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a piss.

>> No.9697871

No, I meant the center.

Are the signs easily removable?

>> No.9697872

Hop off it, they had those china sailor moon sweaters for $50 and see through amazon seifuku for $25.

>> No.9697873

No but seriously.i will just hand you a badge. Theoretically money could be exchanged..or just give me French fries...

>> No.9697875

Meant for >>9697868

>> No.9697877

Yikes, did he ask you to look up at him?

>> No.9697880

They aren't removable because they're too high; but they're literally just printouts covering the male and female signs and I'm pretty sure the con organizers put it up

>> No.9697885

You're talking the restrooms on the fourth floor next to the artist alley, yes?

>> No.9697886

Does anyone want to get drunk with me and become my gf please

>> No.9697887

Red Beret come watch Gundam with me. I won't make contact but I want you in the room

>> No.9697888

The restrooms in the dealers room.

>> No.9697892

hey guys I'm sure none of you will do this anyway but the stand selling mostly dvds and brown paper adult grab bags is pretty awful.

30 bucks for a 2006 doujin, 1 actual porn dvd, and two tentacle rape dvds. what a deal!

>> No.9697894

I love how they didn't label any of those on the map.

>> No.9697895

why would you buy that?

>> No.9697898

I thought it would be funny. maybe a pin or a poster or something amusing.

I mean it was still funny but mostly because it was awful.

>> No.9697900

They've apparently closed those off. All the remaining restrooms are downstairs.

A shame, because I'd love to find a way to rip those things off. Not to mention I think that violates several city ordinances.

>> No.9697902

It is funny when you put it like that

>> No.9697907

Wow Red Beret left you traitor

>> No.9697909

No, they closed off the gundam viewing before I could get in. I'll be at the masquerade.

>> No.9697912

Nyc you're legally allowed to use any bathroom regardless of gender

>> No.9697913

Closed off? The lines just starting. I saw you talking to that crew member oh well

Let me know how the Masquerade is

>> No.9697915

Well ppl were being mean though

>> No.9697918

The guy selling the hentai doujins is old and creepy but I can't help but love him. I always try to have a conversation with him every time I see him. He's actually pretty funny.

>> No.9697924

Blaster Media? I think that's what that table was called

>> No.9697925

No, you're allowed to use the bathroom of the gender you identify with. NYC Building Code 403.2 still requires seperate facilities in places of public accomidation.

Please don't bullshit me. If this really happened, I intend to find out, and make a serious issue of it. Someone on staff claimed there weren't any gender signs at the beginning of the con, but they were added later. I'd like to find the truth.

>> No.9697931

I've been here since day 1 and there was always a "all inclusive" sign so far all that's meant for me is watching bewildered women try to make sense of it all while I wash my hands

>> No.9697933

No idea what it's called. It's got porn doujins and hentai DVDs all over the table. I got a Food Wars doujin from him and he asked me dead serious if I want some doujins that involve food having sex.

>> No.9697935

They have separate bathrooms, does the code prohibit joint facilities or does it just require extant separate facilities (which were/are present)
Media Blasters licenses and imports Japanese media, Kitty Media (I think they may have rebranded) was their department that handled adult materials.

I hope the tentacle movies were animated, the live action ones always disappoint.

>> No.9697937

Yeah hes great, he gave my bf a comiket exclusive pochi goya poster with two of his hentais

>> No.9697938

No, the code allows joint facilities, but it requires seperate ones to exist as well, unless all such restrooms are single-occupant.

If single-gender restrooms always existed, then there's no BC violation. Complain to the organizers instead about their failure to label the facilities properly on their maps.

>> No.9697940

Unless nobody removed them overnight, they were there this morning. I was sandwiched between two dudes in line most the times I went and the only thing that made me uncomfortable in the bathrooms was all the chicks taking pictures of themselves and their friends half dressed.

>> No.9697941

Ok so no code violation and they can use bathrooms of either gender. If someone decides to use one and then turn themselves in for not identifying as that gender that's on them.

>> No.9697944

Yo I just gotta PISS, whatever place has the shortest line

>> No.9697948

Anyone who needs to pee is welcomed to share a stall with me

>> No.9697950

Can I give you a S u c c
I am a male btw

>> No.9697956

Anything funny at the Masquerade yet?

>> No.9697962

It just started.

>> No.9697964

Uncle Yo is a comedian

>> No.9697966

I hear his brother Zo has no sense of humor

>> No.9697972
File: 480 KB, 460x2048, 1509561736179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfa already drunk

>> No.9697977

holy shit the p5 skit made me physically cringe

>> No.9697981

>fucking Arthur's fist skit

where are the half decent skits man

>> No.9697982

I had to go home early today, but I'll be there tomorrow. Can y'all keep posting about the masquerade fiasco?

Also, can we get a legit meetup tomorrow? Today's was kind of a shitshow.

>> No.9697984

They've all been garbage

>> No.9697986

whoever's Manning the audio for this shit needs to be shot its fucking peaking all over the place

>> No.9697987

Same shit with the panels

>> No.9697988

shitshow in the sense that it didn't happen?

>> No.9697989

I'm here only today. If you couldn't organize one today, you probably won't succeed tomorrow.

>> No.9697991

didn't attend any of the panels and now I'm glad that i didnt

>> No.9697992

The fgo panel was decent

>> No.9697994

The Vocaloid skit was pretty good.

>> No.9697996

only good thing about fgo was Red Beret

>> No.9697998

It was for yet another of the countless hordes of shitty mobages. I'm kinda amazed they even thought it warranted its own panel.

>> No.9698004

There's a giant banner for the game as soon as you get inside the con. They're shilling it very hard

>> No.9698022

Shit is so bad. He should never host anything ever again. People around me left.

>> No.9698024

Story time?

>> No.9698026

He's trying hard, but he's clearly not very familiar with anything beyond the bare entry level of anime and manga franchises.

>> No.9698033

Wish I would have went to that instead

>> No.9698034

What story do you want. My rows been replaced with new people. I don't know why I'm still here.

>> No.9698035

The masquerade? It's still going.

>> No.9698036

Just the experience itself and any notable quotes

>> No.9698038

It's all garbage. I can't tell anything apart. There's nothing good. This pictionary game sucks

>> No.9698044

the camera crew is pretty shit

>lighting and camera crew clearly working separate
>no camera on standby for zooming in on the white boards

i know this is a first year con but at least have one guy near the stage do a slow walk by

>> No.9698046

I went to the office with a complaint, and they basically admitted they're not really sure what they're doing.

I can only hope they improve.

>> No.9698048

They barely took my report of my camera getting stolen seriously, I know it's on a whim but they kinda just shrugged it off

>> No.9698049

With the con or masquerade?

>> No.9698056
File: 44 KB, 552x414, IMG_6175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try finding the Javitt's center staff as opposed to the con staff?
The con. All of it.

>> No.9698058

>can't even defend your camera


>> No.9698059

Shut up /pol/. Go throw yourself off the fourth floor railing.

>> No.9698064

I haven't had shit taken from me I've even left my bag unattended several times while I went off to throw trash out

No one dared touch it cause they knew there'd be consequences. Go throw yourself into some commanding presence chump

>> No.9698065

No but I should, would it make a difference if I do it tomorrow though?

>> No.9698071

just because you got lucky doesn't mean you're some alpha bag defender anon

its just >>9698048 got stuck around shitty people

>> No.9698075
File: 381 KB, 657x874, IMG_20171118_212025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con was alright but the constant bag check was annoying especially if you're wearing a big costume.

>> No.9698077

"consequences" has nothing to do with it. You can't hurt someone if they steal it from under you and run off before you notice. Drop dead please.
The faster you act, the more likely you'll get it back. If someone leaves with it, you'll probably never see it again.

>> No.9698079


why they didn't just block off the back exit and move the bag check up so it covers the escalators to the artist alley is beyond me or better yet just have it in front if your reg lines like nycc

>> No.9698081 [DELETED] 

How/When did your camera get taken my beta male friend? Bet it was during your kale shake break

>> No.9698082
File: 193 KB, 364x397, IMG_5693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said part of the reason was so they'd have multiple opportunities to catch free riders. Some punk on the shuttle bus openly admitted he was going to try to pull that shit.

>> No.9698087

I'm going to try to find someone then before the masquerade ends then, but I won't keep my hopes up honestly

>> No.9698088
File: 96 KB, 600x780, 1508722859283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost some pieces off my costume cause of it

>> No.9698089 [DELETED] 

attention all beta male soyboys and women who weigh 80 pounds

I will guard your property for the easy price of one meal

>> No.9698093

but its still annoying
its one thing to have badge check but to constantly have to open your bag especially when its full of shit is ridiculous

the worse part is half the time the staff barely even checked bags, i have a bag with multiple pockets and only one person checked even one of them and i went through bag check like 15 times

>> No.9698097

>the return of peaking audio: peak harder

>> No.9698098

Red, what you doing after this ends?

>> No.9698103

Red hat what you up to?

>> No.9698104

Unless you have other ideas, I'm taking the train home. Why? Would you like to have a meetup at a diner or something?

>> No.9698105

I was going to say yes at first, but I'm tired. I'll eat with you tomorrow if you want, though.

>> No.9698108

Sleep is for the weak, you can't stop till you reach the top!

>> No.9698109

I won't be here tomorrow. My pass is Saturday-only. When I said "the train home", I didn't mean the subway.

>> No.9698113

No after party?

Also don't blame me for the awards I voted for red

>> No.9698114

I don't even know where the afterparty is. I keep hearing about it, but only vaguely.

>> No.9698115

I forgot about the after party

Anyone going?

>> No.9698117

I don't know where/when lol. Does the schedule say anything on it?

>> No.9698118


I didn't go, but honestly a bunch of people splitting several 30 racks in a hotel room and playing lame cgl/anime related drinking games sounds like a better (and cheaper) time

Bars are fucking wild expensive

>> No.9698122

I found it and bought the tickets for it. http://animenyc.com/afterparty/

>> No.9698130

Any betas get laid yet at Anime NYC?

>> No.9698131

No but a beta had their camera stolen and did nothing about it they even stood there and let it happen

>> No.9698142

Red what's your steam since I'm never going to see you again

>> No.9698147
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the 7 train out, it'll be a wonder if I'm able to get to the afterparty in time to enjoy it though.

>> No.9698148

Fugg, how am I getting home

>> No.9698154

Where do you live?

>> No.9698155

is tomorrow even worth going to? anything interesting happening after it’s over?

>> No.9698158

There's a shuttle bus, but it's slower and more infrequent.

>> No.9698165

might as well not like you have anything else to do

>> No.9698168

It's basically like any other con except less crowded.
I liked playing silent scope. They have more industry panels I guess.

>> No.9698169

i wanted to play more jubeat but the lines were so long today compared to yesterday. guess i’ll go back

>> No.9698170

Someone should get a red beret to carry on the legacy.

>> No.9698171

>tfw was two rows behind red at the fgo panel when he was being an alpha and charming two girls he was with

women love the beret

>> No.9698193

Buy one from dealers room, or get a different color and attach red stuff to make it red. Or maybe turn Mario hat into beret.

>> No.9698196

I'd have given red Beret a badge if he'd wanted to come back...

>> No.9698248
File: 112 KB, 855x720, IMG_5799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I have a job fair/interview tomorrow.

Yes, on a Sunday.

No, it doesn't make much sense to me.

Plus I couldn't have afforded a hotel room. As it is, this con probably blew through my discretionary budget for the next three months.

>> No.9698439

did you have a good time?

>> No.9698505

I didn't.

>> No.9698610
File: 281 KB, 490x378, IMG_6567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most definitely.

>> No.9698723

Casual bf and my full cosplay self went through bag check many times and they only checked us the first time. Just look them in the eyes and hold your crunchyroll bag with pride, don't be low T.

>> No.9698859

who trying to fight

>> No.9698995

P good con

>> No.9699973
File: 186 KB, 400x400, IMG_9900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9700524

Wait, that was you shouting "SEAGULL" in the back of the FGO panel, anon? I was standing right next you and had a feeling something was up.