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9670863 No.9670863 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>9666065

>> No.9670922
File: 207 KB, 300x400, Mary Magdalene Farutetto Blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any other lolita here slowly found themselves becoming a brandwhore?
When I first started out I bought bodyline and indie brand dresses and absolutely admired them. I got my first secondhand brand dress not long after and have only found brand main pieces worthwhile since, especially classic brands like Innocent World and Victorian Maiden. I've also developed an eye for quality fabrics and lace.
Recently I got my first brand blouse. It's the Farutetto blouse from Mary Magdalene. It's so soft and beautiful and high quality I just know I'm going to be dissatisfied with my cheap taobao blouses now, knowing it could be so much more elegant and better in quality.

I don't look down on girls who don't wear brand or anything, but I fear that I'm starting to lose appreciation for it myself.

>> No.9670928

I also started out with bodyline a few years ago. Now my wardrobe is 95% brand, but I still like my taobao/offbrand stuff. It's not as good quality but I appreciate it for what it is, and I don't have to worry about accidentally damaging it as much.

>> No.9670938

you're not "becoming a brandwhore" just because you bought your first brand blouse. a lot of people buy primarily brand. it's a matter of taste. don't make an issue out of a non-issue.

>> No.9670944


This whole video has me livid. 16:34 is where the fetishist shows off her AP Cotton Candy Shop.

>> No.9670949

Don't use this place to promote your videos

>> No.9670952

I have a couple bodyline pieces still, but once I started buying brand I realized that the quality was something I loved. the attention to detail and the trimmings used on the pieces I have and like are always amazing, as opposed to bodyline and off-brand things that can vary so vastly.

I wouldn't say I'm a brandwhore, but I definitely prefer spending my money on good quality items than risk spending it on sub-par items that aren't the best, or are constructed strangely, etc. I still love a couple of my bodyline dresses, but they are definitely nowhere near any of my brand.

>> No.9670978

I've been a Lolita for about two years, and I started out with a few Bodyline pieces. I was 16 then and didn't have a job yet. As soon as I got a job I started buying brand, and now I have 19 brand main pieces almost all my blouses, accessories, etc are brand. I think it's normal, brand is good shit.

>> No.9670979

how many pages do the AP lookbooks generally have? I see AP USA has one but idk if its worth buying if its only a few pages.

>> No.9671002
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>> No.9671009

I stick with brand for main pieces and blouses, but there's no way I'd prioritize brand for things like shoes, bags, tights or accessories unless I was specifically shooting for a fullset of a particular series.

>> No.9671166

>it's a matter of taste
As someone who has only brand dresses I think your mindset is terrible. There are good non brand dresses.

>> No.9671168
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Anyone else order on the last round of HL?
I only grabbed the bat pouch... Never jumped on a MTO.
Does it usually take this long?

>> No.9671169

This is what bait looks like.

>> No.9671184

...did i say there aren't? i meant taste as in "personal taste."

>> No.9671220

Seems like a few of the past MTOs have had manufacturing delays. It's taken so long, regret it.

>> No.9671224

Hopefully you at least you got the HL you always wanted? Even though it missed Halloween I'm super pumped to finally have the black x black zipper cut which was on my wishlist for ages but with all the MTOs I knew I just had to wait.

And there's the old adage that it's not like HL / MS are going to ever get cheaper.

I'm kind of really hoping they'll rerelease Horror Garden for next year with how the OP is getting up there.

>> No.9671227

didnt even have to click. i fucking hate binkiepedophile

>> No.9671272
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Speaking of MTOs, did anyone else join in on this one? Was supposed to be out in October, which is almost over, but I haven't heard a thing from my SS

>> No.9671277

So you got yours in the first golden week reservation at Tokyo? That's the only one I think that was for October.

Honestly though, with HL being delayed until November and how everyone else in Japan and the US were told December for Misty Sky, looks like the October ones may have been delayed as well. I wouldn't be surprised one bit. I reserved the skirts in navy and black because I'm indecisive but got them through AP SF, sorry.

>> No.9671281

Taobaofags get triggered really easily.

>> No.9671313

>as someone who has only brand dresses
ah, the smell of sweet delusion

>> No.9671363

This. Blouses, skirts and dresses I'd 100% only buy brand unless it's super unique in design or I could see the stuff in person. Taobao brands are just too unpredictable and I am yet to find any designs that really speak to me enough to be the exception, whereas I've been to most brand stores in person and know what I'm getting. Though having said that no way in hell would I ever pay full brand price for something like fucking wristcuffs. I don't think this makes me a brandwhore, I just haven't seen any taobao or indie that seemed worth the hassle and the risk for me yet? Especially since some taobao stuff is almost at brand price, yeah no thanks. If someone bought me a taobao dress, I'd wear it but I'm just really picky about what I buy and I wouldn't spend the money on it myself.

Also for things like bags and shoes, I think it's more worth investing in a few loliable pieces from western designers since brand PU leather doesn't really hold up anyway. I'd rather buy one pair of Vivienne Westwood shoes than 5 pairs of AP shoes if you get what I mean? I don't care if my outfits get repetitive since I don't really post my coords online, I'd rather have less variety of things that will last me forever but that's just my personal preference.

Maybe it's because I never got into the fashion straight away, It took for me to actually visit brand stores in Japan to get the real push. After years of admiring the fashion, I never really felt I wanted to experiment with things like bodyline first, I just went straight to brand because I wasn't on a budget and knew I was wanting to finally bite the bullet and invest in the fashion, so I understand if my perception is a little skewed having never tried anything else. I don't think less of other girls who wear taobao blouses or whatever, some girls just like the designs but it's just never appealed to me personally.

>> No.9671367

>no way in hell would I ever pay full brand price for something like fucking wristcuffs
This is actually one of things I always buy from brand. I use them a lot so the price is worth it, and I've never seen cheap wristcuffs that I liked. It's especially satisfying when the lace matches the blouse or main-piece.

>> No.9671388

Got the op in navy... Hopefully it's coming out in December like they said

>> No.9671390


I don’t really think it counts as brandwhoring until you start buying the bags, shoes, plastic jewellery (things that girls commonly complain are overpriced and low quality from brand), plus you start hunting down the novelties like mugs, postcards, plates, candy, scented candles, clothes hangers, and so on just for the brand name plastered on them. Plus memorising all their releases and designers, know their release schedule and the company more in-depth than the regular lolita, indicating a much deeper level of obsession.

inb4 this starts a whoreier-than-thou debate, I just see the word brandwhore thrown around so much, it feels like people have forgotten, the word “whore” in brandwhore is supposed to mean you’re so in love with the brand you’d let yourself get fucked over by/for the brand, and will support even their shitty releases and whiteknight their mistakes.

Simply liking brand quality over taobao quality seems more like common logic to me. Most of the girls who like taobao/bodyline bring up either the low price, or a unique design that they like enough that they willing to disregard how the products are lower quality. There’s usually no debate that brand is consistently better quality most of the time (with some anomalous exceptions), it’s just some people feel the better quality isn’t worth paying the increased price tag, so they will say brand isn’t worth the high price tag, rather than brand quality itself is objectively bad on its own. In line with that logic, if you have enough money to the point where buying brand is as easy as buying taobao, I don’t see why you’d settle for less consistent taobao quality when you can get more consistently better quality from brand.

>> No.9671415

I was referring to the reaction of the person who replied to you. Many Taobaofags see someone saying “I prefer brand” as a personal attack on themselves.
>ah, the smell of sweet reading comprehension

>> No.9671532

What SS buys through twitter?

>> No.9671534

I wasn't the person you replied to sweetie, and no matter who you're replying to, it wouldn't make sense because taobao wasn't mentioned anywhere in the conversation
>ah, the smell of n e w f a g

>> No.9671564

The person who replied to me was complaining about personal taste not taobao. I'm the anon that only has brand but I've seen all kinds of non brand in person and it all looked great.

>> No.9671574

>a lot of people buy brand
> its a matter of *personal* taste
Those sentences back to back made it sound like some have better taste than others because they buy only brand.
Then you were all "don't make an issue out of a non issue" which is basically trying to shut down the discussion. Like excuse you, we're here to discuss this topic.

Or would you rather the thread get trolled to death again?

>> No.9671575
File: 56 KB, 500x695, c35bbaa2a9094ad171c8c9385e94ab67--winter-wear-lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to incorporate a pink AP coat into my daily life.
Now chose to wear cream or beige tights.
What kind of boots would work? Pink would be too much. I want a tone down look.
Brown seems to clash a bit

>> No.9671583

nah, you're just reading into it too much and looking for a reason to get offended.

>> No.9671585

Cream is probably the most neutral color you could get away with if you don't want to do like a medium brown. But then you have cream colored boots which are completely useless.

>> No.9671591

In what way am I offended? Its like you read my post in a tone that isn't there.

>> No.9671599

How are cream colored boots useless? They match a lot of stuff and as long as you keep them clean look very nice. I'm actually looking for cream or offwhite lolita boots myself for winter.

>> No.9671656

I actually think you explained this really well. When someone says “I think I’m a brandwhore” after just buying a brand blouse, it just makes me laugh.

>> No.9671667

Just to clarify, I don't think I'm a brandwhore after buying just that one blouse. I was just trying to say I could see myself becoming one because of how it shifted my perspective regarding my offbrand stuff.
But I get that the usage of the word "brandwhore" might be a bit exaggerated.

>> No.9671678

Misako is so cute here, can't wait to see the magazine

>> No.9671695

Did lolibrary have a review system in its older iteration, or was its rating system based on how much people liked/wanted a given design? I remember the little stars but can't remember what they were supposed to represent. It crossed my mind because you bring up consistency in brand/non-brand, and god knows it'd be great if there were some sort of centralized review system where we could talk about specific releases and have a way to search for things.

>> No.9671700

It was supposed to be for reviews but anyone could rate, you didn't need to provide any proof. It's highly subjective so I don't trust anything other than detailed pics.

>> No.9671701

Want to add also that some people review 10 year old items or things that have had several owners with expectations that it's like new, comparing it to new releases when they have no idea what happened to that stuff, how it was washed etc.

>> No.9671705

Cream boots are useless because they get dirty easily and stain. I love the look but few people can get away with them, specifically those who live in places that don't have snow, much rain, or dirt.

>> No.9671714

I live in Scotland and I have white sneakers, it's fine

>> No.9671740

I am a brandwhore by your definition but I would not hesitate to buy taobao because even though the quality is worse on everything I've tried, their stuff is whimsical and my beloved AP and Baby have not been releasing dresses that strike me the way their older releases did. Taobao has such a wide range of styles. So even though I have tons of brand and even knicknacks, jewellery, etc I have actually bought as much taobao as new brand main pieces this year

>> No.9671756

Misako's genes are god tier. I wish we knew what her skincare routine is to stay this youthful at almost 40, sigh

>> No.9671759

Then you're not a brandwhore

>> No.9671769

Maybe a personal one? Idk tho>>9671532

>> No.9671781

Worth a check with Tenshi and Japonica, those are the services I would ask for this in any case.

>> No.9671793

I think that in order to be the stereotypical 'brandwhore' you usually are someone who actively berates and looks down on other girls for not wearing 100% brand 100% of the time. Also I don't know how much weight the term really holds anymore since it was coined before taobao was really a thing and the only option besides brand was bodyline which was notoriously shady and leagues below brand. I'm not sure if this is correct but I feel like the term 'brandwhore' came from upset bodyline itas back in the day who didn't want to pay 300 dollars for a dress and thought the girls that did were snooty rich cunts who'd buy anything with a label. Now that there are far more options it's less black and white.

Arguably most brand is still the best for quality (even if designs are questionable) so buying only brand blouses or whatever and even collecting the novelty items doesn't make you a brandwhore, just brand loyal. Even if you'd never touch taobao yourself you're not a brandwhore in my opinion unless you actively shame others for wearing it or like >>9671390 said, you'd let yourself get fucked over by the brand and make excuses for their mistakes. There's a difference between brandwhore and brand loyal imo.

>> No.9671829

This is what I have always felt the term 'brandwhore' referred to, so the conversations about it in this thread had me confused.

>> No.9671865


If it makes you feel any better, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen some random anon say they didn’t realise brand was noticeably better quality than taobao, probably won’t be the last either.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing. It’s not like the world changed. Brand has always been this quality, and taobao/Bodyline has always been that quality. All that’s happened is now you know. And if later on you decide you no longer want/want to to buy brand/bodyline/taobao, this time it will be an informed decision based on actual facts and real experiences, and not because you’re on some autopilot hivemind or someone said “do this” or you think you’re supposed to do it.

It’s not like the door to cheaper offbrand is shut off forever, any time you want you can go back to buying the cheap stuff. There’s another anon up above who points out, they are what they are, sometimes cheap and disposable is good if you want it for some roughhousing or you only want one outfit to wear one time (maybe a substyle you don’t see yourself continuing in).

I don’t really see how having more knowledge is a bad thing. Except maybe for your wallet (if you do decide to go for brand)

>> No.9671975
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pls rate my coord.

>> No.9671977
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>> No.9672020

so can a 40cm waist dress with shearing fit a 71 cm waist? i was going to get this dress when i saw the measurements i freaked out

>> No.9672032
File: 152 KB, 533x800, Sheep_shearing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672035

Where are his front legs?

>> No.9672036

>40cm waist

What dress is this? Is it made for children?

>> No.9672037

i'm going straight off wunderwelt so forgive me if it's weird

>> No.9672040

You sure the measurement isn't 80cm and they forgot to double the measurement? Sounds as if they only measured the front or something.

>> No.9672042

i have no clue just going off wunderwelt

>> No.9672049

Can you find the dress on lolibrary or anything? Which dress is it? Sounds like a typo or a wrong measurement on wunderwelt's end.

>> No.9672050

Merry Sweet Castle BTSSB

>> No.9672051

pretty sure wunderwelt explicitly states that they measure flat, ya goob

>> No.9672052

Wunderwelt posts flat measurements, anon. I'm pretty sure they even state that.

>> No.9672053

I just looked it up and it has an 80-88cm waist, they must've just measured the front flat and expected the customers to double it. It should fit you fine anon.

>> No.9672074

Tucked in the farmer's hand

>> No.9672084
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>> No.9672102

Be Asian

>> No.9672104

None of that stuff makes you a brand whore.

>> No.9672117

id say cream, or whatever colour matches your gloves and hat?

>> No.9672120

sunscreen, specifically for the face

>> No.9672143

this has already been posted a few times. we all hate her already, no need to fish.

>> No.9672207

What are your thoughts on religious symbols in Lolita? More specifically Catholic crosses?
I really like them, even though I am not religious. I don't get why people feel so uncomfortable around them in the fashion, but then again I like them because GLB brainwashed me. Is almost a fetish for me.

>> No.9672210

On the one hand I don't mind them too much but they do seem a bit out of place sometimes, like in AP's Cherry Marguerite; on the other hand, I feel uncomfortable wearing them myself so I'm kinda bummed when a nice piece that I'd want has a cross slapped on it.

>> No.9672218

>Is almost a fetish for me

>> No.9672220

>80-88cm waist

>> No.9672226

It doesn’t bother me if it’s just a smaller part of the print, I wear gothic pretty much exclusively so it’s pretty hard to avoid. I wouldn’t buy a dress where the main focus of the print is giant crucifixes but if it’s subtle and small I don’t care, I’ve bought a few things with barely noticeable crosses by accident in the past and still wear them and don’t feel uncomfortable.

>> No.9672250

As long as you don't wear your christian symbols in Saudi Arabia or something nobody will care.

In places like Murica where you turn everything into a fashion and you have no problem with festivals like Halloween where it's widely accepted to dress up as and to approprapriate other peoples cultures I don't think that anyone would care so I don't see how religious symbols would give you a mch more uncomfortable feeling than your regular AP pastel toy dress.

Even in more conservative places like in Eastern Europe nobody will harass you for having a cross on your dress. Some old catholic ladies even came up to me once and complimented me for my church print dresses and that I show interest in religion kek.

>> No.9672268

It probably has waist ties to make it smaller

>> No.9672271

I know some people who would assume you are Catholic, they did with me

>> No.9672273

What do you gulls think about people who travel around the globe multiple times a year to tea parties to meet and to buy from their favourite designers? I've been to some international tea parties myself but only if they were close to my country and I can only justify it like once every 1-2 years since my work and private life aren't that flexible.

But I know some girls who travel multiple times a year from the US to Europe or vice versa and it's the most natural thing for them. I already feel like I'm falling behind in my friend circle because I'm attending those events so "irregularly" and there's a huge pressure with keeping up, having met those special guests, meeting international lolitas and having been to those countries. They are planning coordinates multiple months in advance and I can't stop thinking that they are a bit too obsessed with the whole thing. The tea party experience usually extends to fancy restaurant dinners and a couple of days (or weeks) vacation in that country on top of the event. I'm not sure if this counts as brandwhoring, but this whole discussion reminded me of what includes the lifestyle of an affluent lolita, and "brand" is only a small part of it. Your old school brandwhole who is just obsessed with collecting everything brand seems laughable next to them.

>> No.9672282

If they have the time and money, good on them I suppose. It does sound fun but it also sounds exhausting to keep up with so much like that.

>> No.9672287

This is one of the changes to the subculture that I hate. Are your friends real? What is this shit? Why is there pressure to attend international events, even if it's just within your friend circle? Do your friends wear the fashion outside of these events too or do they only wear OTT shit to tea parties like costumes? Sounds exhausting and vapid imo.
The brands get my money and I wear my frills whenever I want, I've never attended a brand tea party and likely never will and I'm perfectly happy and satisfied this way.

>> No.9672289

Do they not have jobs? Where do they find the time?

>> No.9672316

When you start doing things just to "keep up" and look good for your peers instead of just having fun, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.9672322

If I would have the money I would totally visit every Lolita event. I love to visit fancy hotels and cafés and feel glamorous for a few hours. I don't have time and money to do it often so I use those events as opportunities to travel to nice cities and splurge some money on fancy stuff.

The pressure is only in your head. Sure there are girls who use attending this events as a status symbol and love to show off their "awesome" life on Instagram. But if you hate this attitude then stop caring about their opinion and search new people to hang out with. (And to me it sounds like your friends just want to get popular and e-famous. They will probably get tired of it some day).

Most of the girls I see doing this are already older (like 30+). So they already have stable jobs and moved up their career ladder and already earn more than a "beginner" wage. And some are just lucky and have rich / generous boyfriends and family.

>> No.9672324 [DELETED] 

I still don't understand how people with stable jobs have time to go on holiday more than twice a year

>> No.9672328

I was especially talking about people with stable jobs, you'd think they have some sort of responsibility that keeps them from going on holiday more than twice a year. I don't know, maybe it's a cultural thing but here you would be replaced with someone who treats their job with more importance.

I went to a brand tea-party ones and it wasn't worth it. We couldn't even talk with the guests, they were just kind of there.

>> No.9672335

I'm one of them. I attend every SFE event and usually about one or two additional smaller tea parties in a foreign country.
I do this, because my closest friends are lolitas and I love to go on trips with them. Usually I don't do any other big trips aside from tavelling to lolita events, but instead stay a few extra days and explore the city/country. Sometimes by bf tags along and leaves before the tea party weekend.
It's relatively easy for me because I live in the EU and flights are cheap, also I get 5 weeks of holidays every year and make enough money to afford it. I'm not rich by any means, but I have no other expensive hobbies and no children. Attending the tea parties gives me a reason to visit places all over Europe and meet people I only see a few times a year.

Sure, it is a quite small circle of people who visit all the big events and sometimes I get tempted to brag about all the tea parties I've been to, but I don't do it because it would just look bad. I first and foremost attend the events because it's fun to do so, not because the status attached to it.

>> No.9672342

Oh, I should probably mention that shopping at those events and meeting the designers really comes last for me. I don't really care about celebrities and preferably buy 2nd hand, so that's not a selling point for me.
I do however always look forward to the smaller indie brands and always stock up on smaller accessories that I wouldn't want to pay the shipping costs for.

>> No.9672365
File: 100 KB, 500x659, 6d7fac5253f5488bae72462bbdd3f43e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever wear lolita like this?

>> No.9672367

Are you sure those girls take a 2 week vacation everytime they visit an event tho? Most girls I know just take mutiple weekend trips, often arriving friday evening and leaving sunday evening, or only stay 1-2 days longer.

>> No.9672369

It fine if they don't take any extra days off and just go during the weekend, but anon mentions
>around the globe multiple times a year
>my work () aren't that flexible
>multiple times a year from the US to Europe or vice versa
>a couple of days (or weeks) vacation in that country on top of the event
It doesn't sound like something you could do if you're very replaceable at your job

>> No.9672370

I mean unless you're replaceable

>> No.9672371

I don’t see why your job should replace you for taking your rightfully earned vacation days. If you get like 3 or 4 weeks a year you can easily split it up to a few days off here and there for a big event. Especially since events are weekend things, if you just went for the event you would only need 2 days off, although you should take a day or two to explore. If you only take 3 days off per event, with 3 weeks (15 work days) you can do 5 events. Most people who are in this position also work hard leading up to the vacation, you just don’t hear about their job life.

Yeah you EU ppl have it easy on the traveling. I think it is doable for sure, and really the indie brands are the ones you rarely see online so with getting at an event.

>> No.9672401

Yeah but I think anon is exaggerating a little. There aren't that many girls from USA visiting the European events, and they aren't visiting every single event. Also, you can be self-employed or do overwork for a couple of weeks so you can take more days off. It's not that weird

>> No.9672404

That's not lolita.

>> No.9672448

Japanese people like the symbols for the symbols and have no respect for the context or what they mean. Mainly due to the majority of Japan being non religious. I like them when used in the right context, but Japanese people hardly ever get that right. Because they treat it like decorations, I feel bad about supporting that.

>> No.9672454

>Japanese people this, Japanese people that
anon was asking your opinion on religious symbols, not an entire group of people

>> No.9672457

>Japan being non religious
>Shrines are literally everywhere

>> No.9672462

Kinda ot but while there is a lot of historical shrines out there, and while people partake in New Years events and such at them, most Japanese ppl don’t see themselves are being religious. Shinto is tied to the lore of Japan so it’s something your partake in as a citizen more now. Buddhism is more of a choice though.

Anyways on that topic as a person who was born Christian I don’t care about how others think when I wear a cross. I think Lolita’s who complain make far too big a deal over it.

>> No.9672464

How is it not related to my opinion? I literally said because they don't respect them and blindly throw them on, I don't want to support that.

>> No.9672471

What's a normal amount of PTO? I only get ten days and I've been working at my company for like three years. Is this absurd?

>> No.9672504

2 is standard for starting positions. Usually you get more weeks as you grow in the company, mine gives an extra week at 5 years for example. It is hard to negotiate more weeks but I find that if your position has a lot of older adults come in, they usually are used to 3-4 and will try to get that.

Also remember that you can take time off that is not paid. Companies hate telling you that but if you are able to. Clearly not ideal and I would never do that for Lolita but for younger people it’s important to know it is there.

>> No.9672545

I always wonder what people like you are doing on this site.

>> No.9672549

Most places I've worked need someone to cover your shift every time you take time off.

>> No.9672586

A lot of places let you accumulate over years as well, so if you take next to no time off your first year you create a pretty large buffer going into your second year. I’ve had friends forced to take four weeks off in a year because they would’ve hit their vacation cap otherwise.

>> No.9672648

Not all of us still work retail or at Starbucks, though.

>> No.9672653

Wunderwelt Libre just posted a blog from an International writer about wigs. I am suprised that it doesn’t mention anything about the fact Wunderwelt is a suplier for various good wig stores. It only mentions some meh wig stores from America. (The photos are not so great as well.)


>> No.9672668
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How to order Celestial? I cannot see it in the online shop

>> No.9672674

It’s an in-store MTO. Use a SS.

>> No.9672685

Thanks for the input. I work at a small company (less than twenty FT employees), and as far as I know, every employee only has 10 days PTO, no matter the position or how long you've been there. We're allowed to have more days if we work on the weekends or make up the hours, or something to that extent.

>tfw need a new job, only making $38k and has to put up with this BS

>> No.9672687
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going out in lolita with best friend
>self conscious about face (and body)
>feeling ok today
>little bitch yells loudly "YOU'RE UGLY!!" and then repeats it as we walk away
>some high school girl/boys made a frightened face and one of them made big eyes as to mimick mine (i got big ugly eyes with "aegyo sal"-like bags underneath that makes them look bulgy)

Why are normies so aggressive and rude when they see someone different?
I get mainly compliments and nice people but the negative ones are always absolute bags of dicks. There's no in between here.

>> No.9672696

If you work for a place full time they know how to deal with people vacationing. It isn’t that hard for management to cover your shift and make the schedule with the vacation in mind. Also there are jobs where you don’t have anyone to cover and you just do catch up.

>> No.9672698

I have no idea whan kind of reference that is but I want the bag in black.

>> No.9672702

People are shit, no surprises there. The important thing is to not let it get under your skin. Did you have a good day out with your friend?

>> No.9672706

I know, I don't let it get to me, but I just don't understand why they do that. It's alright if they don't like it,if they don't like me,... but why do they need to be so mean? Are they feeling insecure themselves and projecting? How miserable do you have to be to go out of your way to be an ass to a stranger?
That's sweet of you to ask anon. I did!

>> No.9672718

we have unlimited PTO but that's pretty uncommon

>> No.9672721

>tfw parents outright said to me i shouldn't be miffed people are taking pictures of me without asking me because i'm "flashy" and if anything it's "rich" of me to blame them.
>if i saw someone like that i would take a picture too
Anyone else hate their family?

>> No.9672732

Jobs are for poor people

>> No.9672741

Not everyone can leech of their dad Momoko

>> No.9672742
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>> No.9672753

I work for a tech company whose name I can't mention but nice try

>> No.9673099

Half of my jewellery are Moitie, other half are bought from cathedral gift shops. They get my money and compliments my pretty clothes. Once had an old man accusing me of turning my back against Jesus and practicing witchcraft during a meet, but that's the only negative reaction I've received.

>> No.9673102

>cathedral gift shops
Anon, out of curiosity are you European? I only ask because I've never heard of gift shops at a cathedral and now feel the urge to visit one.

>> No.9673103

But I can. I can truly feel like a princess

>> No.9673130
File: 1.56 MB, 1080x1052, Screenshot_20171029-081143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shoes are these? The outfit is by Atelier Pierrot

>> No.9673134

They're from Yosuke, and they're awesome.

>> No.9673172

Nursing doesn't usually allow for vacation without coverage, hence why I haven't had a vacation in seven years.

>> No.9673173

i do dress like that sometimes but i dont call it lolita lol

>> No.9673187
File: 173 KB, 1000x1334, DFFA1546-2998-41A9-B8A2-67EA003F66BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did! I ordered first round with an SS for the Tokyo store MTO. She picked up my Navy OP and otks just 2 days ago. I think the delay could be because they had factory problems, esp with the Halloween Treats OP and an overload of orders also through AP USA and Paris as well, so I think just be patient. Hope it comes soon for you!

>> No.9673193

What is wrong with her eyelashes

>> No.9673217

What do you do when something you bought through zenmarket came to you damaged?

>> No.9673221

From their faq, this applies most to my situation
>sellers ask to receive the item back and change it to the new one. In this case, they will only compensate for domestic shipping fees.
But since I already received the item they can't return it

>> No.9673225

i only found 1 atm but counting the back of the cover and front of the back cover because they have dresses/a coord on them. 12 pages of content (6 pages back and front) at leat according to my summer 2012

>> No.9673227

sage, i would only buy if youre a into collecting shit like that (i collect all novelty items) or if you like multiple or all the designs that came out in that season or own something in.

>> No.9673231

i went out with my mom and old lady friends to tea and there was a lolita there, before i was active in the comm and looking extra normie hipster and they were taking photos and bascially harrasing my soon to be mod who was out with her boyfriend. I sat at the table trying to sink under it because i couldnt say anything without getting "dont tell adults what to do bab-E"

>> No.9673283

Assholes never change.

>> No.9673298

You must be white. Japanese Lolitas have been giving her shit for aging for a while now. They're right too, she's getting pretty jowley.

>> No.9673304

I am, I travel a lot in Central Europe where the general rule of thumb is the bigger the cathedral the bigger is its gift shop

>> No.9673309

Is this supposed to be funny

>> No.9673331

I just found out I have 23 days earned and that it expires in January, but in order to take it, I have to fill out a huge packet and get it signed by all my bosses. Plus there are rules about when it has to be.

Guess I'll just work myself to death and get the authentic jp experience without a vacation

>> No.9673334

I don't get why people give each other (especially girls) shit for aging. It's natural. Everyone's gonna age.

>> No.9673336

Any lolita has godwaful dark circles/eyebags? How do you conceal them? I feel like makeup doesn't help and sometimes makes it look even worse

>> No.9673338

Are you colour correcting?

>> No.9673339

Because the more you age the less valuable you are to society and people are catty?

>> No.9673345

How was it damaged? If it was in the mail, you could request insurance money from the post.

>> No.9673347

What do you mean?

>> No.9673353

I use a base, color corrector, two layers of foundation, coverstick and powder. It mostly does the job for me.

>> No.9673357

It has some tears, it was still in the original shops' packaging though

>> No.9673367

Oh,I should do that. I only use a base and creamy concealer. The powder just makes it crzasing even if it's a "creamy" powder.

>> No.9673368

*the powder just creases
i can't englo today wew

For brown dark circles what color should I use? I know there's like a chart but I can't find it back for the love of Mana.

>> No.9673378

We have a makeup general, use it.

>> No.9673380

Is there a new magazine? Deets? This is news to me.

>> No.9673386

It's called Miel, by a former GLB editor who also works on Eternita and Jabberwocky

>> No.9673389

Link? If youre looking at wunderwelt, they only provide flat measurments so youre going to want to double the listed size

>> No.9673390

And I just looked up when it's coming out, november 13th. It can already be pre-ordered here http://tkj.jp/book/?cd=TD276902

>> No.9673407

When the fuck is the next volume coming out? I was so pleased with the first issued more mature lolita/jfash aesthetic. Plus the patterns were all pretty cute too

>> No.9673414

I don't think it sold very well unfortunately, maybe they are starting over with Miel. Somebody should just ask them on facebook or twitter.

>> No.9673416
File: 452 KB, 750x750, 11_000000001405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New ETC print

>> No.9673418
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Seems a bit random for this season but whatev it's cute

>> No.9673498

This is super cute!

>> No.9673508

How do you order from this site? Ive never heard of it before, and when i try to hit the preorder button it keeps on telling me there is nothing in the cart

>> No.9673554

For just $27.49 you can get an AP replica from Spirit Halloween lol

>> No.9673559
File: 852 KB, 3344x2509, AEF3B13C-42BB-4223-9679-CDD52DE91A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9673561
File: 71 KB, 800x311, daiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like those Daiso Halloween lashes, which do seem odd at that angle.

>> No.9673641

Where is BtSSB in comparison to quality vs. AP these days? I used to understand it that AP was generally above BtSSB generally, but I feel like AP has had some quality slips lately.

>> No.9673663

It's pretty much just a rehash of their bunny ballerina print. Such a sad fate for ETC.

>> No.9673709

>Because the more you age the less valuable you are to society
I don't know what society you live in where all the major contributions to science and engineering were made by teenagers. Looking pretty and young is nice and people want to have sex with you more, but saying it's valuable to society is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.9673714

They've rehashed things for as long as I can remember. The only sad thing about current ETC is the lack of skirts.

>> No.9673718


Japanese girls are jealous and catty, and everyone is fucking obsessed with youth to the point where they have creepy fetishising of various symbols ofyouth over there. I honestly wouldn't take the opinions of gossipy aunties to be seriously.

>> No.9673746

Seconding. Turning 27 and still "valuable" to society.

This exactly. They're fucked up in their heads.

>> No.9673756

One of my Baby JSKs, released this year, had a ton of loose threads, and the print placement on the straps was off compared to the stock image.

>> No.9673769

I'm extremely nonChristian, so I just don't wear them. They're fine for others.

>> No.9673772

What was the country of manufacture, out of curiosity?

>> No.9673780

Do you have pictures?

>> No.9673797

t. Christmascake.

>> No.9673801

Why must ageplayers,littles and sissies ruin the fashion?
Everytime I see one of them use the lolita fashion/sweetlolita/... tag I want to strangle them with my waist ties.
Your kink isn't kawaii it's degeneracy and absolutely disgusting.
I fucking hate them

>> No.9673803 [DELETED] 

>using christmas cake unironically

>> No.9673804

Does anyone know how long I Do Declare is going to be traveling instead of sending out blouse orders?

>> No.9673810


>t. bitter thot who peaked in high school/ early college

>> No.9673813

The collab with Haenuli? IIRC the entire series ships in late November.

>> No.9673820

>using christmas cake unironically
Reminder we're all getting old and wrinkly at some point, your face won't stay young forever and so will your body. If your youth and looks are your only good traits you may want to start being less vapid

>> No.9673823

welp, better find a big foot alternative

>> No.9673865

What are you going to do when you get old? Is life going to be over because you start getting wrinkles?

>> No.9673871
File: 1.86 MB, 1398x1136, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 10.49.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really weird seeing this odd grey being described as bright green. I really like this colourway but now I can't shake the feeling it might be too green when it arrives.

>> No.9673898

I don't know but I want to go back to when that cancer wasn't everywhere. I can't post anything in the tags anymore without littles following me. Why they can't keep that shit to themselves is beyond me... no one wants to see your retarded ass in a onsie.

>> No.9673910

I recently had to "dump" a friend when I found out she's into hardcore ageplay. I knew something was up when she was sending me posts on instagram "you'd like this dress anon!" and all the tags were ddlg etc, when I found out my intuition was right I was horrified because I found out she also has a young toddler. I don't even know if a kid can be safe being raised by someone who sexualizes children being raped/incest.
Would it be wrong to call CPS?

>> No.9673911

Holy fuck I love this, why is it listed as green though? Is someone at AATP colourblind?

>> No.9673919

anyone else find it annoying when people make a huge stink about leaving lolita? just fucking go already.

>> No.9673941

Good, more girls like her need to quit. If you don't have thick enough skin and can't handle the "rules" then it's not the fashion for you.

>> No.9673942

Yes, it would be wrong unless you have other reasons to suspect your former friend is abusing her child. Most adults are perfectly capable of keeping their sex life away from their children, and for the most part someone's kinks they like to engage in with their partner have little bearing on what they'd be interested in "for real." Lots of people have a rape fetish but don't actually want to get raped/rape someone, for instance.

>> No.9673958

Its only wrong in that CPS isn't actually going to help.

As someone who was a victim of their dad's pedophilia - I hate to say this but there's probably nothing you can do.

>> No.9673976

Honestly ive always loved btssb/aatp quality over AP. Then again most of my pieces have been from 2005-2015 after 2015 ive switched mostly to IW which have pretty amazing quality on their own, however i dont have anything to compare currwnt btssb to current ap. Not digging the cheap lightweight chiffon in every other print.

>> No.9673979

Who the fuck is she and why would anyone care?

>> No.9673981

There is literally no fucking way I’m listening to 12 minutes of that.

Also HD is not for everyone and she should look into doing something about that nose and/or lens.

>> No.9674007

Same. I’ve completely abandoned the sweet lolita tag and check the lolita fashion tag less and less, but some of them have started creeping into brand tags, too. Imposing their fetish on unwilling onlookers seems to be a big part of the fun for them and that makes me so angry.

I honestly miss the misguided Chobits cosplayers and badly dressed goths. I’d even take Emilie Autumn back if it meant Melanie Martinez would fall down a mineshaft. We still had sissies back then, but it was easier to remove them because nobody was going around crying about kinkshaming or transphobia. Now ddlg is mainstream enough that it has seeped its way into the catcalls I get on the street.

>> No.9674023

Something needs to be done, even if it's just in our niche part of the internet. Let them label us bigots and bitches and kinkshamers or whatever will make them sleep better at night, this shit needs to be eradicated. Is there any way to report these people and have their content removed for inappropriate sexual content or depending on the nature of the post, stolen content? If there's any way to remove them from our space, we should at least try.

At the risk of sounding like a hipster, I miss the days when lolita was less popular. There were sissies back then too of course but nobody coddled them in the name of acceptance, they were a source of entertainment if nothing else.

>> No.9674026

You are seriously overreacting. I have a sibling incest fetish but I feel no attraction to any of my siblings ever, that would be disgusting. People who like watching lesbian porn also aren't lesbians most of the time. A fetish is just a fetish. Sage for gross OT.

>> No.9674028

The worst thing they can do is label people who don't want them in the community bigots. Who cares? They can go cry to their disgusting "daddy".
Labeling people bigots, shamers, ___-phobic used to hold weight, now it pretty much means "anyone who doesn't like something I do". people need to get over their fear of being labeled as such because it's meaningless. Sissies, pedos, and assorted sociopaths have figured out they can latch on to social justice to manipulate people's opinions and cry about how it's "problematic" when someone doesn't like it. they poison every community they try this crap in and there is absolutely no benefit to tolerating them.

>> No.9674034

I hate that people think Tiara equals Hime Lolita. Of course they give of some princess aesthetic, but wearing some tacky plastic/prom Tiara doesn’t make your outfit Hime Lolita. I am so done with all those girls that think adding a Tiara to an already mediocre/bad Sweet Lolita coord is what makes it Hime. Please do more research and get a proper tiara.

>> No.9674041

>sibling incest fetish
>sexual orientation

Did you seriously just equate these two things

>> No.9674043

FYI the actual boiling pits of SJW rage on tumblr and so on want ddlgs and so on to burn in hellfire too. No feminists/progressives/leftists of any kind think child fetishism is something civilization should tolerate.

>> No.9674049

And yet they're still prevalent and only becoming more visible, with people crying about "bigotry" and "kinkshaming" whenever they're called out on their bullshit. Not condoning it isn't enough, they need to be actively thrown out of communities and kept out before any actual change happens.

>> No.9674050

Anon, I'm a gothic lolita whose only piece of durable and nice jewelry is a rosary I bought in a cathedral gift shop on holiday 6 years ago. Please recommend me cathedrals.

>> No.9674051

No, I agree entirely, but understand that child fetishists are co-opting words and concepts from actually legitimate movements (except “kinkshaming”, I’ve literally never heard anyone but pedophiles use that unironically).

DDLG fetishism needs to die in the hottest of fires of course, but we can cleanse our community while being on the lookout for actual bigotry.

>> No.9674062

I've tried reporting an actual post on Insta of someone ramming a dildo up their vag and it got back to me that they didn't find anything report worthy. There was a heavy filter on it though

>> No.9674065

Reading comprehension

>> No.9674107
File: 171 KB, 1300x957, 1491510965717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently found many of my IG followers have those tags, and now I feel insecure about sharing the fashion, specially sweet Lolita. I really like old prints like Magical Etoile or Sweet Cream House, but I feel I should not share it or wear it to avoid these people getting inspiration. I have hid my sweet pics, and now I only keep "mature" looking ones, with dark lipstick and natural colors...
i just feels like I am letting myself get robbed.
But I don't want these child molesters to get inpired.

>thinking too hard?

>> No.9674110

>implyting ageplay is not dangerous
>regressive pedos convince their partners to pretend to be children as a previous step to entering into the spiral of sexual abuse and becoming active molesters
>women can also be active molesters, independently of parterns' choices

>> No.9674112

similar feels on both IG and tumblr. one particular incident where a photo of me was reblogged to several of those creepy sissification blogs... the idea of someone fantasizing about me being an androgynous dude dressed up in frills squicks me out.

can't complain too much since i posted it in the first place but i hate that these people involve others in their little... forays. they even had pics of normal underage girls shown in the context of young boys being sissified. fetishists need to chill.

>> No.9674115

Pretty sure you can file a DMCA claim on that to have it removed from their blogs. If one blog does it and is reported for it several times, it'll be removed entirely eventually.

>> No.9674164

Guys Devilinspired just called a black girl "africa lolita" what the FUCK

>> No.9674169

how is being african offensive?

>> No.9674198

Its not pedophilia as long as you don't fuck kids, right?

As long as you don't fuck your siblings that makes it ok?

Quit justifying your clearly mentally ill ass.

>> No.9674199

She's not african

>> No.9674205

She looks worse on camera than in pics. I hope she uses the money she gets selling Lolita to fix her mouth.

I don’t really think she is known enough for anyone to care if she left. Bye!

>> No.9674211

Just make your account private like all the good lolitas

>> No.9674225

but then, how to get to know the other Lolitas?

>> No.9674256

Which teaparties are worth going to in 2018 in Europe?

>> No.9674282
File: 2.14 MB, 1406x1442, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 22.11.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have no idea. There's no image for the ivory either, I'm trying to figure out if they made a mix up?

At least the sax is partly sax, the navy is actually mostly navy and the black does have black in it. Green is just baffling though.

>> No.9674294

Block them

>> No.9674296

Comment on things

>> No.9674317

There are none announced yet

>> No.9674320
File: 224 KB, 500x600, 99d0427a-4c97-523b-bd62-b117aca9e991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could just be one of those cases where they say FUCK IT and slap a colorway name on a dress

like with this, according to AP it's "mint"

>> No.9674322

I can see that

>> No.9674330


Wowww I always thought that was sax.

To be fair though, mint has always had some confusion between being blue, green or in-between.

>> No.9674335

Ageplay behaviour on non-ageplay apps and sites is a very interesting dynamic to me. Scoping out the community has taught me a few things, like the fact that most ageplayers don't view lolitas as people. To an ageplayer with no concept of what lolita fashion requires, lolita is a costume and the person wearing it doesn't matter. Some ageplayers do understand what lolita fashion is, but again, it doesn't matter, since a picture is just a picture and the person in it doesn't matter, they feel a desire to have or be the person in the photo and that's enough to lay a claim on it.
It's pretty gross and goes against what the kink community has tried so hard to maintain (clear consent), though platitudes can apply here. Do not take it personally, you are not their kink- your 'costume' is their kink, and they're people who are too stupid to follow simple rules.

>> No.9674364

You talk like a SJW

>> No.9674394

This. Admit your fetish is fucked up at least you absolute degenerate.
I have a thing for tentacle pron and even though i would never want it to happen irl or want to fug an octopus/squid/... it's still pretty fucking weird.

Honestly I wish they would die already,they have a need to shove their disgusting fetish in everyone's face,pollute the kawaii,lolita,...tags,...
They're cancer

>> No.9674450

I didn't see a skincare thread so I thought I would ask here: has anyone tried any products from deciem? I tried a couple of things from their hylamide line that they sell in cvs and really liked them, but the rest of their products are really daunting.

>> No.9674451

He already admitted its gross and disgusting. Its weird but that doesn't mean its real. You don't want to actually have sex with sea animals in real life so why assume people with other fetishes are somehow more dangerous? The problem is people using real lolitas for their fetish without consent.

>> No.9674490

I've bought The Ordinary products from them.

>> No.9674503

I think its more dangerous because my dad had "thoughts" before he acted on them. Much like most fetishists who have some desire to pray on someone else. How long until you need it to be real? That's my worry.

But like I said. There's nothing you can do about it. People are always going to do evil things. You can't rid the world of bad. But you can hate people for being the disgusting assholes they are.

>> No.9674504

Videos like this just make me laugh. Who was this person? Were they ever even a lolita? Goodbye, I guess.

>> No.9674536

And feeding the beast is allowing these ageplay freaks and lolicon weaboo from persisting and normalizing this crap through memes
Yes I'm salty for they taking sweet Lolita the wrong way

>> No.9674549

By ivory do you mean the beige x ivory that’s shown on the sack OP? That one was in the fashion show a few weeks ago and it’s definitely a beige/brown colour. I hope the green is more grey but the print closeup image looks pretty green to me so who knows? I know AP is pretty weird with their colour names but is BABY/AATP the same?

>> No.9674574

It will never be normalized if people like you and me express our disgust for it.

>> No.9674645

nayrt but thank god. I'm gonna kinkshame them for fucking ever no matter how much they cry about it. Their kink is gross. And them associating it with sweet lolita,fairy kei,...makes me and several other people hate them.
Make #sweetlolita great again. We need to purge these disgusting degenerates.

>> No.9674656

Really? Because a lot of feminist journalist and activists people followon twitter are being revealed as paedophiles or are actively advocating for it as a sexual preference rather than a crime.

>> No.9674662

I know someone who is like that. He used to be a lawyer and tried to play devils advocate about it. He doesn't bother arguing with me about it any more because quote "I have bias since I'm a victim of it" even tho I'm never looking for revenge against my dad - I just want all pedos to suffer.

The fact that people think a pedo ring in a pizza parlor is far fetched is so enraging. People act like its not even happening and refuse to talk about the subject cause its considered taboo.

>> No.9674667

>I'm gonna kinkshame them for fucking ever no matter how much they cry about it.
Seriously not trying to samefag all over the place but I'm on mobile and its hard to see posts under the text box.
I'm right there with you.
Any time someone comes to their defense I bring up my story and shame the fuck out of them. I've seen what it does to children first hand. Those people deserve the death penalty, not 6 months of jail and then a label where they can freely roam to terrorize innocent people.

>> No.9674671

I'm here for you senpai, those which I specifically remember to have good gift shops at the top of my head are:
St Michael & St Gudula in Brussels, Saint Bavo's in Ghent, Admont monastery, Vierzenheiligen at Bad Staffelstein, Strasbourg cathedral as well as Ebrach cathedral for their cheap rosetta window umbrellas, St Mark cathedral in Venice. Can't remember more currently, but Notre Dame, Saint Chapelle and Sacre Coeur had big shops but not to my liking.

>> No.9674675

I'm never going to learn these word filters am I

>> No.9674681

>tfw have a "friend" into ddlg
i hate it so much but she's really nice and don't bring it up randomly or associate it with lolita (that she wears,because of me,i hate myself)
Whenever I heard the word "daddy" i get shivers of disgust. I want out. But now I can't backpedal. Ugh. Fuck it, I would rather hear she was into furry.

>> No.9674682

Actually the using of lolita tags with their fetish becomes more common because you keep using words like ageplay, sissy, ddlg on lolita fashion websites. I don't give a fuck though, otherwise I'd say agepl*y or something. I've never had any problems, I only tag in Japanese.

>> No.9674691

I've never had problems on Insta other than brodudes hitting on me and I just block them. I rarely tag my stuff tho.
I'm not sure about tumblr but I know its definitely more of any issue there because reblogging is so easy and they have dumb sjw protection there too.

>> No.9674693

In what way are you guys friends?

I always cut contact with people when I find out shit like that.

>> No.9674752

>a lot

Who all, exactly? Take your >generalizations back to /r9k/.

>> No.9674757

Death penalty too good for these people. Let them rot in jail for the rest of their lives, no parole.

>> No.9674763

Prisons are already too full.

>> No.9674799
File: 64 KB, 762x643, C5JgiJeW8AAcsjJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but there's a definite trend toward articles sympathizing with pedophiles, and it's ALWAYS very liberal progressive outlets publishing them. I am very liberal myself, and think it's disgusting and shameful. Supposedly when gay rights first began getting traction, NAMBLA tried attaching themselves to that movement and were told to GTFO.
Pay attention, you'll notice it, especially if it keeps happening more and more like it has been.

>> No.9674808

I don’t know that anyone on the actual left would call Salon “progressive”. Liberal maybe in the sense that liberals are disgusting centrists who make excuses for antisocial atrocity. I apologize if I didn’t make it clear, I’m talking about The Left, i.e. left socialists, communists, progressives, etc. Disgusting groups like radfems are often mistakenly lumped in with us as well as the pedophilia apologists, and I feel the need to clarify. Forget prison, Hell’s too good a fate for such.

>> No.9674809

God that makes me ill. The worst part is that I know for a fact that there are people out there who make fake twitter accounts that will auto reply to accounts who are for this shit to make it seem like there are a ton of people on board with the movement.
That blog was probably made up just to paint a nice picture of pedos.

>> No.9674810

Well, we can fix that by releasing nonviolent drug offenders. If anyone deserves to be locked up for life, it's pedophiles.

>> No.9674815
File: 49 KB, 542x693, DECA76EC-C26A-40E8-B724-7893741D1F2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, before you get defensive, if you didn’t know there was farther left than “liberal” don’t worry about it; it’s a common mistake in dialogue between lefties and those who don’t yet know they’re lefties because the only mainstream thing that sort of lines up is called “librul” by those who hate justice. If that’s the case, sup comrade.

>> No.9674820

Of course and I'm right there with you except its not gonna happen.

>> No.9674909

Can you guys take it to /pol/? This is the lolita general in case you forgot.

>> No.9674915

Get the pedos out of the fashion then.

I wish it wasn't relevant but it is.

>> No.9674920

Honestly ive been a lolita for years and ive never had the misfortune to communicate with a pedo, the only place i see it constantly talked about is cgl. like i know there are ddlg blogs reblogging stuff but whatever, its easy to solve.

>> No.9674959
File: 731 KB, 605x631, stefonkneepuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this as a worrying trend as well, anon. That Stefonknee character tried to pass off as a lolita, amongst a million other things. They are clearly a creepy sissy fetishist, likely pedophile, and literal ageplay lifestyler that roleplays being 8 years old, yet they wrongly hide as a victim behind the banner of LGBT.

Just remember most people are fucking sane. Articles like this and this person were met with incredible backlash.

>> No.9674984

You're on a site where pedos hang out. You know that right?

>> No.9675248

Just because it hasn't happened to you it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
If we don't prepared, there may come a time when Lolita could lose its meaning and be worn by pedos, or like some normies have started to think, say that you are the pedo, but is ok because freedom

>> No.9675262

There are several girls in my comm who decribe their own style as hime but not a single one has actually produced a decent hime coord. Mostly they’re wearing cheap plastic children’s birthday tiaras with regular sweet and a snooty attitude or declare that because a classic skirt has a crown in the print somewhere, they can wear it with a frumpy vintage blouse and ballet flats and it's magically hime. Only one of them has ever attempted the hair but that was a wig that lasted maybe one meetup and was then never seen again. At this point “my personal style is hime lolita” has become code for “I’m a clueless ita” in my comm.

>> No.9675279

That's never going to happen, because despite what Tumblr tells you, ddlg is less accepted mainstream than Lolita. And I'm talking actual ddlg, not the weebhit nymphet fashion trends and tshirts that say daddy on them, I'm talking binkieprincess tier stuff. Most normal people outside of the internet have no idea what ddlg is, they just think Lolita is weird because to normies, anything outside of the norm is automatically a weird fetish.

Lolita will never lose its meaning, and normies will never like us. Ever. If you're dying for normie acceptance, please find a new fashion.

The pearlclurching, doomsdaying aboit ddlg and ageplayers destroying the integrity of the fashion is annoying, get over yourselves, ignore them, make your profiles private, whatever.

>> No.9675282 [DELETED] 

You're right? It's not pedophilia if you aren't fucking kids or consuming child porn. And anon's incest fetish affects literally no one as long as they aren't forcing it on others. Don't even bring up the "grooming" argument bc bad people will do bad things. Most people are completely capable of having "taboo" sexual interests without acting on them or hurting others. We are all adults here, right? We're capable of behaving like ones.

>> No.9675293

I mostly agree with you, but in my area enough people know what ddlg is that I get ddlg-themed comments practically every time I wear sweet outside.
>hey baby girl, you looking for a daddy?
Like that. It's part of the reason I'm starting to phase sweet out of my wardrobe and going more classic. I'm weak, I know.

Maybe my area is just more degenerate in general, though, because this idea that lolita fashion wearers are evil temptresses who encourage pedophilia is something I've been hearing since 2009. Like I distinctly remember the first time someone matter-of-factly told me this in high school, and I've heard it multiple times after from many people, including from my own family. I've been refuting this for years so now seeing people post pictures of themselves in AP flashing their adult diapers is extremely distressing because it pretty much destroys any progress I might have made. Now people can point to any ageplayer in the lolitafashion tag and say "See! That's what I've been thinking all along! It really is pedobait!"

>> No.9675353
File: 249 KB, 1846x631, lacemarket shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure where else to post, but I can't stop laughing at this

>> No.9675373

That's Alice and the pirates first print ever, I wonder why it's so unpopular

>> No.9675377

Holy shit this is genius

>> No.9675378

> including from my own family.

this, exactly.
My mom keeps asking me to stop promoting the abuse of minors, that "such fashion" is very dangerous. And I get that.

I don't care about normies wanting to be friends, or accepting me-

I prefer the grin of an old lady asking me who is getting married, or where is my lamb, or if Halloween still continues, rather than people thnking I am promoting child abuse, because the fashion is associated with people flashing ther diapers.

It was hard before to explain the term Lolita. But when people see the tags abused.
Let's not be naive here. Being on the internet, using IG, is used by everyone in our generation. That is the gateway for everyone to know the fashion, and if we don't protect it

>"See! That's what I've been thinking all along! It really is pedobait!"

>> No.9675407

Is wunderwelt.fleur any good for buying straight from taobao? The SS I used in the past has gone under and I'm otherwise stupidly inexperienced with anything chinese.
Any suggestions for an ausfag?

>> No.9675460

Can anyone give me any advice as to how long I should wait before filing a paypal claim on a seller? I recently purchased an item off of LM and the seller messaged me a day after I messaged her my info and let her know I was ready to pay. She said she'd send me my tracking number once she sent it, but it's been a while and I haven't gotten anything from her. I've messaged her a few times since asking what's up but they are still all marked as 'unread' according to LM... and... I'm just getting upset now. Sadly, it was a dream item of mine I don't see often in good condition and I'm getting pissed at the seller for being a flake.. but how long should I wait? I understand people get busy and shit, but when You're taking someone's money, you should at least make some sort of effort to let them know.... This is the first bad experience I've had buying secondhand. I've had people unable to ship when they originally specified, but they always message me to keep me updated.

>> No.9675461

Guess someone told them something because they edited the caption. They still have the hashtag though

>> No.9675476

If the messages haven't been read but you have paid, maybe try to email them on the email they gave for PayPal? They might be having issues with LM.

>> No.9675480

>I'm weak, I know.
You're not - you're responding accordingly to assholes. I hope you get less comments and I hope you can still wear sweet or other styles at least out of sight of assholes on the street.

>> No.9675487

I did pay, and I'll try that, thanks!

>> No.9675503
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x2560, 17-10-31-09-08-33-313_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for self posting, but the chubby thread is gone and I really wanted to thank the anon who encouraged me to try a sack dress and tips on how to wear it.

So thank you, anon wherever you may be! This is now my favorite and most comfiest dress. More sack dresses are in my future.

>> No.9675515

You look cute but I hope you're ready to get torn to shreds

>> No.9675524

It's a full set, she looks fine. If anything I'd only nitpick more Lolita styled shoes and do something with her hair.

>> No.9675526

You replied directly to her, why are you speaking about her as if you were talking to someone else?

>> No.9675531

they probably clicked the wrong thread. quit grasping for drama.

>> No.9675535

How is that drama you fucking over reacting mong?

>> No.9675540

Been lurking here long enough to know to take it in stride. Just wanted to thank the anon ultimately. Thank you, though.

I agree, I was unsure if the dress would work so I didn't get shoes to match it yet so just went with something that kind of matches that I already had. I know the full coord is pretty "meh", and the shoes aren't helping. Will be ordering better shoes.

>> No.9675603

This makes me want the OP now ugh

>> No.9675620
File: 575 KB, 1426x1839, IMG_20171031_102009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who think there are not r9k fags here who rp

>> No.9675627

wow youre mad

>> No.9675658

>Ageplayers sticking their noses where they don't belong is stupid and gross, and you're right to feel bad, but it's not a personal attack.
>S-s-s-social justice!!!1!!

Sure, Jan.

>> No.9675659

the frog was us but the other three are still you guys i think

>> No.9675717

The rhetoric and wording though

>> No.9675796

I actually like the shoes with this, it gives the whole thing a touch of classic? I'd only nitpick hair and makeup, but since you only wanted to show, it's ok, I doubt you'd wear your hair like this when normally wearing this dress.

>> No.9675810

>nayrt but that’s exactly what my hair looks like when I brush it, even right after getting a trim
Any tips? Normally I either braid it or wear a wig, but I’d like to be able to wear it down sometimes without being a frizzmonster. All the oils and other products I’ve tried either don’t make a difference or weigh it down too much.
Seriously, I could put a sticker over her face and send this picture to my mom and she’d believe it was me. Hair twins.

>> No.9675834

How is it possible that Buyee has such shit customer service but Tenso's is fine? They are the same company, aren't they?

>> No.9675851

I love the look of them but am terrified of buying a piece with them because I'm not christian/catholic/etc

>> No.9675923

...anon, correct me if I'm misunderstanding, but you don't look chubby at all.
what exactly was keeping you from trying sack dresses? is there a huge difference in your bust and underbust measurement or something? this flatters you, width and height-wise

>> No.9675931
File: 2.22 MB, 1474x992, tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is nearing bump limit but...
how do you gulls store your TF bonnets? I want to make sure to maintain the shape and protect the details. got this one secondhand and it's kind of slumped from: shipping, previous owner's poor storage, or both. I adjusted the shape by hand and I've got it lying flat on its face so that gravity can assist...but the only space I have for it to lie flat is under my bed, which saddens me. I'd like to display it/be able to see it so I'm definitely open to tips and suggestions from other OTT-ers

>> No.9675936

Use either a straightener or a curling iron

>> No.9675943

Does anyone use Accio Tokyo for their SS? Their website got a makeover recently, and since then I'm not able to log in and anytime I try to reset my password, it says "there is no user with that email." I have an order pending of over $100 worth of stuff from Mercari. I emailed them and am waiting for a reply. If my order is lost, I'm going to lose my shit.

>> No.9675975

Maybe a wall shelf would help? I don't wear bonnets but I have some of my accessories displayed on a wall shelf.

>> No.9676061

AP's cutsew dresses are super adorable but I'm on the larger side so I'm wondering how well they can stretch. I heard they are pretty comfy.

Would it be worth buying a cheap one to try on with a 100cm bust or save my money?

>> No.9676086

Got a skirt in navy. I really hope it doesn't get delayed. I'm also really excited to see what the gray colorway looks like.

>> No.9676087

Is that all you know how to reply with? A meme from 2009?

>> No.9676088

I'd try it. Some of them do stretch a lot. I am 91 cm and the major problem I have with them is them being short (which isn't a huge problem since they're usually under JSKs). Also, wide shoulders can make some of them iffy. Still, it wouldn't hurt to get a cheap one that might be known for stretching a lot.

>> No.9676091

>worn under JSK
Whoops. I didn't realize you >>9676061
had said dresses and not just cutsews. My bad. I'd still go for it.

>> No.9676196
File: 69 KB, 960x539, 23131875_299262733906756_7883228889560635008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck AP is doing a Holy Lantern preorder AGAIN?

>> No.9676197

Learn to read
7/12/17 to 7/17/17

>> No.9676206

thanks for getting us hyped for nothing

>> No.9676207

Where did you even find that banner?

>> No.9676249

I am very bottom heavy - bigger thighs / hips / stomach and normally only fit into fully shirred brand dresses, even then BTSSB is a bit tight on me. I always heard/saw horror stories about chubby/overweight people not getting along with sack dresses so I always had reservations. Not anymore, though!

>> No.9676254 [DELETED] 

I read it the european way instead of the murifat way that's it
In any case AP became so shit it's saddening

>> No.9676259 [DELETED] 

Also hyped? You have poor taste. This hot topic sack has been replicated to death and everyone and their mom has it.

>> No.9676266

AP is milking it like crazy wouldnt even be surprised if they did one again. This hot topic sack has been replicated many times and everyone and their mom has it

>> No.9676274

Hot topic literally replicated the tights.

>> No.9676286

I was gonna say, but it's Halloween.

Could see AP do a orange colorway in the near future when they want a re-release in Sept/Oct. Maybe next year...

>> No.9676303

I hope they re-release it again, I want the pink jsk. I'll find it one day.

>> No.9676312

I just bought the white one but I really want a pink one... Someday we'll both have these.

>> No.9676322

I feel like HL should just be eternally up for MTO or something. How many times has this been rereleased and MTO'd and how many special sets has it gotten? I'd seriously like to know.

>> No.9676366

Is me, sorry I meant to reply to >>9675515

>> No.9676367


A box. Keeps the dust off and keeps the shape intact. If you want to display it, I'd suggest looking for a transparent box like the ones used to display figma, it'll be sturdy enough that you can pop that on a shelf and stack things on top/under it (make sure you have a way to get it out to actually wear, though). Most of the TF bonnets are hard enough that you can stand them up to display their front, but you can probably DIY a foam bump covered in scrap fabric for it lean on if it doesn't stand up nicely.

I've seen people just leave them on a shelf, normally I assume those get frequent use, or the owners staged the photo to show their bonnets.

>> No.9676372


I mentioned this before. Shoulder width. Nothing can really fix a dress that's too tight across the shoulders or the sleeves start partway down your arms instead of at the top.

100cm bust will fit, especially if you go for the newer releases after 2010, and yes, they are comfy. But you might want to avoid the empire waist ones if you're big-busted and more than 155cm tall, the waistline will end up going straight across the middle of your boobs, which is not a good look.

Length is another issue as well. I had one that fit fine but needs to be worn with visible shorts underneath.

>> No.9676386

I'm 100cm and I wearing them all the time. Just be aware they tend to be short and like the other anon said don't get empire waist ones or the ones like the fancy hospital cutsew dress. You'll regret it.

>> No.9676393

you tell me, you over reacting mong

>> No.9676395
File: 344 KB, 997x997, 1362.1L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm thinking of making a tea + Lolita zine. Can you guys help me think of funny puns for the title?

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.9676507

Ha. You took my insult because you lack originality like most typical worthless gulls.

>> No.9676651

Wunderwelt fleur isn't a SS. They only resale direct from brands like a shop front. Try loki doki doki taobao shopping service, taobaoring, or spreenow

>> No.9676654

Ntayrt but taobaoring told me no for pre orders. Do those other SS do them?

>> No.9677005

the arthur one was an actual lolita sorry guys, i was just bothered that the other thread got deleted from crossborders talking about working out and wanting lolita gf

>> No.9677103 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 722x768, 1456239278744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a lolita gf?

im not a fetish fag, i like your style and you look like cutie patooties.

>> No.9677845

Thats obviously not the post they were talking about.

>> No.9678874

Not a pun, but you could just call it The T