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9662454 No.9662454 [Reply] [Original]

Just a thread to discuss maid cafes and experiences.
>Currently working at a maid cafe?
>What makes a maid cafe good/ bad?
>What's with the rising trend of mixing idols and maids together?

>> No.9662559
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Pretty much all of the conventions in my country have started having maid cafes, but they all have really weird themes.

>> No.9662838

I'm part of a local maid club but they only do two cons a year, one of which I can never get to. Most disorganized bunch of tweens I've ever seen. There's no uniform, they're for-profit so most cons don't allow them, they have two technical 'brands' one of which is just performances of weird vampire shows, and then an actual maid cafe where people are served but only get a choice between a couple desserts. Not to mention the owner lives a thousand miles away and is always complaining about money issues, and the 'star performer' is a bipolar nutjob who throws a tantrum if things don't go her way. I don't know how other clubs work but this one is just awful. Apparently some people who have worked at cons didn't get paid, either. Hard to believe this thing has been around for a good few years.

No idea what the deal is with idols but it seems like it's probably just a marketing scheme since Love Live is so popular right now.

>> No.9662955

So what do you even do at a maid cafe? Is it true you have to call the patrons Master? sorry for ignorance, but I wanna educate myself on it because I hate presuming something is fetishy when it's not.

>> No.9663042

Anon above you, we aren't allowed to use Master because of that reason but we refer to patrons as guests and use sir and ma'am. Part of what attracts me personally to maid cafes is the cute kind of lowkey fet so I wish we could use those terms.

>> No.9663051

At my maid cafe we called our patrons "goshujinsama", which can be roughly translated as "master" in English. I think that a lot of Western maid cafes go wrong when they stick with "master"- goshujinsama is more honorific whereas "master" sounds weird and fetish-y....

>> No.9663061

How is calling patrons master fetishy? It's all in their own head if someone thinks that...

>> No.9663068

Maid cafe co-owner and co-operator of 8 years coming out of lurk, here to answer any questions those of you might have

apparently our convention never told their attendees we had ended the year before previous and now people are complaining lul

>> No.9663099

My local one seems to have had a drama meltdown, which is fine by me lol

>> No.9663101

which one is this?

>> No.9663103

Master has long been associated with BDSM especially in western culture, it's been that way for years?

Like anon above you said, goshujinsama has more of an honorific vibe and sounds less fetishy. Hearing a bunch of white girls say it would probably be kinda cringy though. Maybe just because I live in the south and people's accents make anything Japanese sound weeby as fuck.

>> No.9663106

I went to a maid cafe at AKon. There were maybe 2 cute girls. We got the qt maid but she switched out because another maid's family was sitting at our table.
People blatantly disobeyed the no photos rules, and the maids were awkward at conversation. The food was bad, but I think that's because of con rules. The dancing was awkward and not well practiced.
My dream would be to start my own maid cafe, but I don't think it would be well received in the US, due to fetishist connotations.

>> No.9663124
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What would you say are some of the key elements to getting into a maid cafe? I have always loved the aesthetic, and I have been fairly successful in restaurant and retail work and some minor acting shit, so I hope I would fit the part well. Im not super idol kawaii but with makeup I look sort of moonface cute. I was thinking of auditioning for/signing up for some smaller shittier ones and then trying to get into bigger ones. I don't care about money, for me it's a fun volunteering gig that lets me live out a little bit of the fantasy of the "meido" and making people happy...

>> No.9663125

I would love to start or be involved in a real cafe, but I think it would have to be themed first and then work in the cutesy dootsey maid elements. Like a cat cafe with also maids, or something.

>> No.9663129

meian half there maids walked out.

>> No.9663134

>restaurant and retail work
>minor acting

Sounds like someone I'd hire for a maid, anon. Actually a great deal of the work relied on customer service skills, and self-confidence. Our best maids were those who weren't intimidated by other people, and who were constantly polite and professional. Also decent grooming and personal hygiene.

anon that sounds like a grand idea! I'd totally go to a cat cafe with meidos lol

>> No.9663166

Definitely customer service skills. Being comfortable around guests, and confident in your ability/skills is key. Also loving the job is a huge plus.
Having a decent looking cohesive outfit with the other maids is good, but also letting each maids personality shine through with accessories or color schemes.

>> No.9663208

Anyone ever went to a maid cafe outside a con before? I was in HK and got a chance to check out one of them

>> No.9663250

What is everyone's thoughts on maid personalities? I think everyone likes the default, which is the cute friendly maid girl who wants to serve you well and take cute photos. But, there are other types that I have seen at some cafes based on common real/anime personality types. Sometimes girls take it too far, on the other hand.

What would be the ideal maid for you? These are some of the common ones:

>the kiddo
short, cute, and excitable
really gets into the table games
a little clumsy but not in an annoying way
fond of heart hand gestures and plushies

>the srs maid
tall and aloof
kind and personable but not in your business
elegant and graceful mannerisms and clothing
excellent table service and generally tending to your needs

>the tsun tsun
not an extreme version, but she's a little sassy
"I added some extra strawberries, but not because i have to...!"
warms up to you over the course of service
tries to be prim like aloof maid but looks a little silly in a cute way

> the shy one
no stutter, but she speaks softly
glasses are +++
genuinely touched when you say nice things
she can be hesitant in songs and games but gains confidence and accomplishes it

> the idol maid
wei wei pon wei pon wei wei

>> No.9663259

>the tomboy
“I don’t normally wear dresses, but this is kind of cute, huh?”
Friendly, but in an almost brotherly way
Not the best dancer, but has great energy
Turns into a tomato when complimented

Knowledgeable on a lot of subjects, loves talking about common nerdy interests
Zettai ryoukai
Fantastic at trivia

Flirtier than the other maids
Very easy to make laugh
Fond of winking
Performs a k-pop song
(For a 21+ cafe) The best at cocktail mixing, hands down


>> No.9663394

I worked two different con's cafés ... Typically really cringy honestly. I feel like not a lot of them are ran by people who have a grasp of maid cafes. I could summarize them to, "wear a dress and give people food".

One con required you have a dress, Andi think at least an apron (if you weren't a Butler of course). Because of that, everyone is a mismatched mess. Otherwise, I liked working that one. Other one you were required to imitate a characters persona. Nothing about it was maid cafe like in the slightest. Could have at the very least called it a Cosplay Cafe. Head maid was a rude bitch who refuses to listen to critique or improve cafe so she retuinely loses all of her veteran maids.

Maid cafes tend to go the idol route because real maid cafes are pretty much a branch of the idol industry anyway? You preform and serve (primarily male) guests.. but with a maid theme? Generally they go hand in hand

>> No.9663396

I personally tend to prefer the cafes that go the idol route because it's more genuine to what maid cafes are supposed to be.

My other gripe with American cafes is the inevitable fact that there's always at least that one person who wants to be center of attention but not actually work, and they usually aren't very cute either

>> No.9663433

Seconding a cat cafe with at least cute uniforms. It’s a bit of a bummer to go to one of those and have to stare at literal cat ladies as hosts.

>> No.9663436

half? thought it was only 1 what went down?

>> No.9663438

are you one of those (many) cafes that hire based on race, or do you try to get a wide variety of attractive looking maids?

If you pick ugly girls who are just good at the job you've failed.

>> No.9663444
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so some kind of the two mixed together

>> No.9663484

Dutch poster hello!

I think maid cafes in The Netherlands work a bit different from overseas. We don't really stick to popular themes as the events and years go by. Most of the cafe's have their own theme and they stick to it while attending an event.

What makes a cafe good over here, i think, is proper communication with the events and the staff of your own cafe and the general atmosphere. The popular cafes we have are great, not as fancy as in asia or america but the maids are cheerful and friendly. Service is good and they do their best to provide you with good food.

The maids are usually pretty good, I mean it's generally known that only pretty cute girls get to be maids and if you're less attractive they'll let you ...well just apply and do nothing. It's sad but it happens and maids should be attracting customers.
The ones that are hired usually do a good job though, I haven't met any bad or rude maids yet!

What makes a cafe bad is bad management and just lots of internal and external drama?

There's a few cafes that tried and failed and a cafe that tried, failed but still exists. It attracts a lot of drama, service is bad bc cute maids have severe social anxiety or just cannot handle restaurant type work or are fighting with the owner and the owner involves rest of the staff in drama. Going to that cafe at a con is kind of... Uncomfortable because the maids are clearly uncomfortable when you speak to them and it's just a mess.

> Good service
> Pretty good looking maids
> Decent training
> Having a clear theme for your own cafe
Leads to a successful cafe

> Drama
> Bad management
> Shitty training
leads to a bad cafe :D

>> No.9663612

I dont know just haerd someone saying half left. There sites taken half of them off too.

>> No.9663734

I like a combo of the tsun tsun and the kiddo. Grumpy and tsun but mischievous and easily excitable. Moody in a childish way, but easily won over. Definitely a bad loser when it comes to games.

Also (ironically) really feeling the need for more mature, onee-chan types. I've never seen a "the anime mom" type but that would be a blessing.

>> No.9663741

>> the idol maid
>wei wei pon wei pon wei wei
I chuckled

>> No.9663823

I'd honestly love to work at one, even at just a con, to see what it's like, but I have no idea how to go about that...

>> No.9663907

I’m >>9663124 and I’ve done some research. Most con cafes have applications for volunteers and or paid workers. You may need a resume of relevant skills, and you may or may not need to provide your own outfit. You will also want nice photos in normal clothes and maid clothes if possible, so they can see what you look like.

>> No.9663938

Hell, I'd take that over sloppy ass leggings and a shitty hipster print tshirt. I get that they've got to clean kitty litter and stuff, but damn even a cute apron would go a long way with that.

>> No.9664043

The "kiddo" type is ideal to me. I think the best maid is friendly and bubbly and cute without being cringy. As a maid I really try not to cross the line from kawaii/moe to cringe by using it as an accent rather than a personality. I also generally don't say "goshujin-sama" or "master" but instead try to treat customers with respect and put a lot of attention into their interests and conversations, so they get the service without the awkwardness.

Pretty maids are a sign of a good cafe. Pretty much all young women can be attractive as long as they are well groomed and aren't fatties. Plus you can wear tons of makeup and a wig and nobody cares. Race doesn't matter as long as everybody looks polished, but I think asian girls are generally more interested in maid cafes so you end up with more of them.

Idols and maid cafes are pretty closely tied in Japan, especially with maids like Hitomi and her performing group. It's also nice to have performances by talent or the maids themselves at a cafe. It's a nice break from work for me, and I think the customers like having a new activity.

Does anyone have advice as to what to do if you get a dead/boring customer? Like people who don't want to play games or chat, serial smartphone users, or unhappy boyfriends who got dragged along and refuse to have fun.

>> No.9664062

Generally speaking, for a dead customer i give them what they really want. If they’re shy or kinda grumpy I’ll play with it a little bit but if the response is very poor just respect their space. Give the same quality service, be cute, etc.

Everyone likes to be treated well and respected, so just address them directly and thank them for coming by!

>> No.9664826
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Pic related is probably what I'd choose for a cat cafe uniform if we were going full maid mode. Otherwise something like red dress, white apron, and a little frilly bow on top with no extra stuff. Tights, red shoes.

I think it would be wise for any maid cafe to include some weeb options, for the weebs that will be a somewhat important customer base, and then american-styled options that are still nice.

I think a pop-up cafe would be a little cheaper and easier, but it might be hard to find locations. You'd need a truck/mobile kitchen, another vehicle with tables etc unless the venue provides them.

>> No.9666788
File: 718 KB, 648x1182, larme maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'd go with a larme-ish style maid cat cafe that also serves as a gin and absinthe bar in the evening hours that has a wall-to-wall window looking into the cats private play area (which you can go into for a high price)

>> No.9667004

As a furry, the low quality cat accessories pain me. If you don’t want to look like a cringe cosplayer look at fursuit tail tutorials and have a look at kittensplaypen (while it’s a kitty play shop, it’s got some quality accessories) to make your stuff look like you didn’t get it off eBay for a fiver

>> No.9667014

What I've personally noticed at Dutch maid cafés is that they emphasize "we're a maidcafé! we're cute! you should be happy you're here since we're CUTE GIRLS!", yet the service is awful.

Tables don't get cleaned whilst maids are just standing around. Maids don't ask for permission to take a photo of something that belongs to you. There is no interest in the customer, like maids are supposed to show. It's too messy.

It is forgotten by many that they're working at a maid-CAFÉ. That requires proper management of the place, the tables, the food, the serving. It's not just wearing a dress, or behaving in a cute manner for your boss; it requires positivity, livelihood, and respect for the customers. For when I visited multiple times, I only once had a good experience, which was with a maid that showed genuine interest in me and allowed me to talk about myself and my life. Sadly that maid left due to, you guessed it drama, like many others.

I could go on and on about experiences, yet the bottom line is that maid-café owners should give maids a short training in being a maid, beside the restaurant training. So: how to act around customers, how to make them feel welcome, what do you do in such a situation, etc. Because the way it's looking now, they're just a ill-constructed cafés with mediocre serving and cute uniforms.

Expensive as heck too.

>> No.9667030

If I ever went to a maid cafe where they were wearing furry tails I would run away so fast lol

>> No.9667487

Just a warning about kittensplaypen, their customer service sucks and they are VERY slow with shipping. You can get super cute cat ears from other places too: thekittencollection on etsy makes cute ears, and I have a couple really cute pairs from a shop called hoshiikins, but I don't know how that shop works anymore as it's been so long since I've bought from them. KPP took 10 months before finally shipping out my order, and every time I messaged them to see what was up they told me it would be 'soon'...

>> No.9667497

ive been to at home cafe in akiba but i basically was cringing the whole time because someone on the bench table next to us was clearly there a lot because he had a book of all the maid polariods theyve taken.

>> No.9667638
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Serious maid. But then...

I'm still waiting for a maid/butler cafe a la Swallowtail where it's more of a classy, quiet, elegant affair where they treat you like royalty. Which I think would go over better in the US than your standard kawaii meido kyun kyun cafe.

>> No.9668050
File: 106 KB, 612x700, IMG_6112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as there's no bodyline thread anymore, I figured this would be the best place to ask - I'm buying this bodyline maid outfit - anyone have any experience with this particular costume?

I'm looking for bust advice as I'm right at the max listed - 98 cm. Waist I'm good - like 4 cm under the max. But I know sometimes bodylines measurements are not entirely accurate.

>> No.9668355

sauce for those aprons

>> No.9668470

I mean, they aren’t exactly supposed to be fancy. Neko-maid cafes in japan usually don’t go overboard. The fur is nice and soft but th accessories are not hyper realistic. It’s still trying to pull the innocent child / moe vibe.

That said buy cheap shit, look like cheap shit. I just don’t think spending 50 bucks on ears and tail works for a business bottom line

>> No.9668479

I think serious maid cafes would definitely have the best draw in a nice upper middle class area where folks are fond of pretending to be rich and really like downtown abbey.

Compared to moe type cafe which isn’t as widely appealing in the US and mostly only ever works as pop up or con cafes.

I would fork out some serious dough for a western Swallowtail experience though. Doorman, semiprivate searing areas, very nice decor and cutlery, demure pretty maids in ankle length dresses and handsome butlers that are good at conversation.

Full tea and dessert menu, French and western classic options, party seating available...

Jeez. I just picture you approach the entrance and the doors swing wide...

“My lady, we have been awaiting your arrival. Please, allow me to lead you to your private table.”

>extends gloved hand

>> No.9668555


kittensplaypenshop took over a year and a half and they didnt even start my order and i cancelled. the accessories they resell are super expensive, like 4 times the price you would pay if you got it off aliexpress. don't go to them. theyre slow in general and also slow with their customer service, and their quality went downhill from 2-3 years ago. lots of people have ears that look like walmart quality now

>> No.9668622

Id see if you can id the material. Generally you should be 4cm under the max to fit comfortably, but if it’s a stretchy fabric you can cheat a little without your bonkers looking like stuffed sausages.

If it doesn’t work out, just resell it. You only lose on shipping.

Oh and one more thing- are you measuring your bust and holding your breath or breathing naturally? You’re gonna want room for your lungs, if you aren’t.

>> No.9668646
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if it's anything like any of their other maid dresses, the fabric is stiff and is probably going to be close to their cosplay seifuku (definitely thick/kinda meh 'uniform' polyester) or a thinner, somewhat softer 'cotton-y' polyester.

I have 5 different styles of maid dress from them and they are all about the same in terms of fabric. my heart apron dress is the best, fabric wise. it's smooth and cotton-like, whereas all the others are rougher and feel more like bodyline quality seifuku (aka definitely a costume and not amazing, but better than typical western quality costumes or cheap china shit) but they are NOT stretchy at all. One of my dresses I was one cm under the max measurements listed for the bust and gave it a shot anyway. it's quite form-fitting, but not to the point it's uncomfortable or unable to be zipped up. It doesn't look bad, and the apron covers the chest anyway, so you couldn't really tell. The sizes have all been fairly accurate for my maid dresses, maybe give or take a cm, but nothing drastic. You could always wear a sportsbra or minimizing bra if it ends up being a bit too small though.

>> No.9668655

I should mention also that the 'quite-formfitting' doesn't mean I'm squished into it or anything and there is a tiny bit of space so I don't look like a sausage, but there isn't a ton of room. Breathing and moving and all that stuff is comfortable, but I can't wear certain bras with it.

Sadly, it was the last size left (s) and I really wanted the damn dress. I usually wear a M or L in bodyline dresses.

>> No.9668746

It’s not this dress and those sleeves look loose... but I would be wary of their sleeves. I really loved one of their maid costume but was worried it would be too short length and was planning on getting an L... but they only had medium in stock, so I bought it anyway.
However my only issue with it fitting was the arm holes. I’ve never had an issue with brand OPs or blouses (maybe because they have elastic or some sort of stretch) and I never considered myself having big arms but without any stretch it was annoying/horrible moving my arms. I also had a similar problem with one of body lines cutsews though.

>> No.9669564


Exactly. I would be very uncomfortable in the moe type maid cafe or an anime butler cafe, but yeah, give me that ridiculous pretentious white glove "my lady" experience with decor, seating, and food to match and just take all my money.

Although with Swallowtail, the idea is that you're a rich lady returning home, so they wouldn't mention "your private table." They just ignore the fact that the other customers are there entirely and pretend it's just you coming home for tea/dinner before you're off to your painting lessons/riding lessons/a ball/party/whatever.

>> No.9669574

Oh, I didn’t even think of that. Classy.

I guess it depends how private you can actually make the seating, though.

>> No.9670029
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As shown in the picture, kind of a mixed bag, really.

That's one of my number one peeves at more pricey establishments honestly. If I'm paying more than $30 a person, I'm going to be pissed if you put me at a tiny, tiny, tiny little two top table where I am within literal arm's reach of the table next to me. This has actually happened to me at one of of the more expensive restaurants in my city and I was not pleased.

I'd prefer all curtained booths and nooks for somewhere like Swallowtail, but space is at a premium in eateries so whacha gonna do, gotta have some tables. Just as long as they aren't packed in there.

>> No.9670073

This reminds me of some of the nicer Korean places I've eaten at, where there is lots of space and there are private dining areas covered by pull out curtains and other items with traditional seating that makes it feel like it's really just you in the place.

>> No.9672618

Please post links to cute and non trash maid uniforms.

I really wanna expand my current collection

>> No.9672811
File: 68 KB, 300x400, milky ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you've heard of Milky Ange, but they make some really cute maid uniforms. I will warn you that they're very expensive though, on par with lolita brand prices.

>I've been drooling over this brand for like eight years now